barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-07 08:12:05


1.动脉 Artery

2.越来越爱 Love you more and more

3.寂寞暴走 Lonesome Sprint

4.恒星 Shining Star

5.默默The Love Of Silence

6.最佳听众 The Best Listener

7.留下来 stay with me

8.孤单摩天轮 lonely ferris wheel

9.雨是眼泪 rain and tear

10.你应该被珍惜 cherish


动脉 - Artery

越来越爱- Love you more & more

寂寞暴走- Lonesome Sprint

恒星-Shining Star

默默-The Love Of Silence

最佳听众- The Best Listener

留下来-stay with me

孤单摩天轮-lonely ferris wheel

雨是眼泪- rain and tear







越来越爱Love you more & more

寂寞暴走Lonesome Sprint

恒星Shining Star

默默The Love Of Silence

最佳听众The Best Listener

留下来Stay with me

孤单摩天轮Lonely ferris wheel

雨是眼泪Rain and tear



动脉 - Artery

越来越爱- Love you more & more

寂寞暴走- Lonesome Sprint

恒星-Shining Star

默默-The Love Of Silence

最佳听众- The Best Listener

留下来-stay with me

孤单摩天轮-lonely ferris wheel

雨是眼泪- rain and tear



the love是什么意思

2023-07-07 03:28:113

The Love 是什么意思

2023-07-07 03:28:1913

The love 什么意思

爱 .
2023-07-07 03:28:422

the love是什么意思啊

2023-07-07 03:28:512

韩剧the love简介

你说的是《the lover》吧该剧为19禁成人喜剧,讲述了四对20~30代的情侣,以“共同生活”为主题,真实呈现男女时可能发生的各种状况的迷你剧故事[
2023-07-07 03:28:571

the love韩剧一共多少集

2023-07-07 03:29:056


meet 遇见,感到,碰到,满足的 the love 爱所以说我们可以把这个短句译作 遇见爱或是满足的爱望采纳
2023-07-07 03:29:191


一般指“爱”时不用加定冠词,所以“Things other than love”是对的. 但特指某种爱或者某个人的爱时就需要加定冠词,例如She was impressed by the love of a great mother(她被这伟大的母爱深深感动了).
2023-07-07 03:29:271

歌词是中有the love the love

the love the love爱的爱
2023-07-07 03:29:352


2023-07-07 03:30:071

这句英文语法有问题不?the 100th day of love.

the 100th day of being in love with you
2023-07-07 03:30:176

黑眼豆豆where is the love中文歌词

ti:Where is the love(中英)] [ar:Black Eyed Peas] [al:] [by:fyes] [offset:500] [00:10.22]What"s wrong with the world, mama? [00:11.65]这个世界究竟怎么了,妈妈? [00:11.67]People livin like they ain"t got no mamas [00:14.20]人们像生活在自己没有妈妈的世界 [00:14.22]I think the whole world"s addicted to the drama [00:16.78]我想整个世界都沉溺于戏剧中 [00:16.80]Only attracted to the things that"ll bring the trauma [00:19.38]只在意那些会带来伤害的事情 [00:19.40]Overseas ya we tryin to stop terrorism [00:21.70]对外我们都声称我们在尽力阻止恐怖主义 [00:21.72]But we still got terrorists here livin [00:24.46]但其实在我们生活的地方就充满了恐怖份子 [00:24.48]In the U.S.A, the big C.I.A [00:27.00]在美国,有臭名昭著的中情局 [00:27.01]The bloods & the crips, and the KKK [00:29.67]鲜血,盲流,和三K党 [00:29.69]But if you only got love for your own ways [00:32.13]但是如果你只用自己的方式去取得真爱 [00:32.15]Then you only leave space to discriminate [00:34.58]那么你就只能生活在一个充满歧视的狭隘的空间里 [00:34.60]To discriminate only generates hate [00:37.07]歧视只能带来仇恨 [00:37.09]And when you hate, then you"re bound to get irate [00:39.53]当你心怀憎恨时,你就变得抓狂 [00:39.55]Madness is what you demonstrate [00:42.21]你就表现得疯狂 [00:42.23]And that"s exactly how anger works and operates [00:44.68]而且那确实是愤怒产生和影响他人的方式 [00:44.70]Man ya gotta have love, this"ll set us straight [00:47.12]人啊,你必须要有真爱,爱把我们领到正路上 [00:47.14]Take control of your mind and meditate [00:49.39]控制你自己的思想和打算 [00:49.41]Let your soul gravitate, to the love ya"ll [00:51.20]让你的灵魂指引你怎样去爱 [00:51.22]Chorus- [03:14.21][02:02.56][00:51.28]People killin [03:15.51][02:04.12][00:52.80]人们相互残杀 [03:15.53][02:04.14][00:52.82]People dyin [03:16.77][02:05.46][00:54.00]人们走向死亡 [03:16.79][02:05.48][00:54.02]Children hurt and [03:17.85][02:06.62][00:55.18]就连孩子也受到伤害 [03:17.87][02:06.64][00:55.20]Women cryin [03:19.38][02:08.04][00:56.49]妇女在哭泣 [03:19.40][02:08.06][00:56.51]Will you practice what you preach [03:21.54][02:10.32][00:58.70]你会到处宣扬鼓吹 [03:21.56][02:10.34][00:58.72]Or would you turn the other cheek [03:24.13][02:12.76][01:01.28]还是会置之不理 [03:24.15][02:12.78][01:01.30]Father father father, help us [03:27.00][02:15.47][01:04.11]主啊主啊主啊,请帮助我们! [03:27.02][02:15.49][01:04.13]Send some guidance from above [03:29.40][02:18.00][01:06.52]在天堂指引我们吧 [03:29.42][02:18.01][01:06.54]These people got me got me questionin [03:32.51][02:21.29][01:09.71]所有这些让我不得不思考 [03:32.53][02:21.31][01:09.73]Where is the love?(love) [03:35.54][02:24.74][01:12.23]真爱究竟在哪里? [03:35.56][02:24.76][01:12.25]Where is the love?(the love) [03:37.51][02:26.87][01:14.61]真爱究竟在哪儿? [03:37.53][02:26.89][01:14.63]Where is the love?(the love) [03:40.16][02:29.25][01:17.82]真爱究竟在哪儿? [03:40.18][02:29.27][01:17.84]Where is the love, the love, my love [04:00.00][02:33.29][01:21.74]真爱究竟在哪儿啊~~~~~~ [01:21.76]it just ain"t the same [01:22.86]这是完全不同的(时代) [01:22.88]old ways have changed [01:24.34]沉旧的观念似乎早已经改变 [01:24.36]new days are strange, is world insane? [01:26.31]新时代,新世界都疯狂了吗 [01:26.33]if love and peace is so strong [01:28.05]如果爱和和平的力量是如此的强大 [01:28.07]why are there pieces of love that don"t belong [01:30.32]为什么那些爱的碎片仍然无法拼凑? [01:30.34]nations droppin bombs [01:31.88]国与国之间相互扔着炸弹 [01:31.90]chemical gasses fillin lungs of little ones [01:34.31]孩子们的肺里都充满了化学毒气 [01:34.33]with ongoin sufferin, as the youth die young [01:36.60]年轻人在痛苦中早早死去 [01:36.62]so ask yourself, is the lovin really gone [01:39.00]扪心自问,真爱是不是真的已经不存在了 [01:39.02]so I can ask myself, really what is going wrong [01:41.47]于是我问自己,这世界究竟是怎么了? [01:41.49]with this world that we livin in, people keep on givin in [01:44.28]在我们生活的这个地方,人们仍然不断 [01:44.30]makin wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends [01:46.78]做着错误的决定, 他们只关心自己的口袋 [01:46.80]not respectin eachother, deny thy brother [01:49.34]从不尊重他人 [01:49.36]a war is goin on but the reason"s under cover [01:51.82](我们正在面对一场真正的)战争,但是大家却不清楚原因 [01:51.84]the truth is kept secret, and swept under the rug [01:54.47]真相被隐藏了,就像是垃圾被扫到地毯下 [01:54.49]if you never know truth, then you never know love [01:56.82]如果你从来都不知道真相,那你将永远不明白真爱 [01:56.84]where"s the love ya"ll? (i don"t know) [01:59.55]where"s the truth ya"ll? (i don"t know) [02:01.74]and where"s the love ya"ll? Chorus [02:33.31]I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder [02:35.43]我感觉到世界的责任压在了我的肩膀上 [02:35.45]as I"m getting older, ya"ll people gets colder [02:38.04] 当我越来越老,人们变得越来越冷酷 [02:38.06]most of us only care about money makin [02:40.66]大多数的人只在乎怎样赚钱 [02:40.68]selfishness got us followin the wrong direction [02:43.14]自私将我们带向了错误的方向 [02:43.16]wrong information always shown by the media [02:45.61]媒体上总是播放着一些错误的信息 [02:45.63]negative images is the main criteria [02:48.21]负面的画面反而变成了主要的标准 [02:48.23]infecting the young minds faster than bacteria [02:50.65]它们腐蚀年轻人思想的速度比细菌还要快 [02:50.67]kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema [02:53.36]孩子们总是想要扮演电影里(负面的)角色 [02:53.38]whatever happened to the values of humanity? [02:55.83]人类的价值观究竟出了什么问题? [02:55.85]whatever happened to the fairness and equality [02:58.55]人们的公正心和人人平等的观念又究竟出了什么问题? [02:58.57]instead of spreading love we spreadin animosity [03:01.16]传达真爱被我们以散播仇恨而取而代之 [03:01.18]lack of understandin leading us away from unity [03:04.03]缺乏相互理解使得大家失去团结(和相互的信任) [03:04.05]that"s the reason why sometimes I"m feelin under [03:06.40]那就是为什么有时候我会觉得失意 [03:06.42]that"s the reason why sometimes I"m feelin down [03:09.03]那就是为什么有时候我会觉得难过 [03:09.05]It"s no wonder why sometimes I"m feelin under [03:11.65]毫无疑问这就是为什么有时我会觉得失意 [03:11.67]gotta keep my faith alive till love is found [03:13.94]我要坚持信念直到我找到真爱 [03:13.96]now ask yourself Chorus till end
2023-07-07 03:30:342

The love韩剧在哪儿能看???

2023-07-07 03:30:412

一个男生唱的英文歌曲,里面有一句好像是 the love love love。请问是哪首

不知道是不是这首,不过这是男声的,伴奏也不是轻音乐啊Keep On Giving Me Love 歌手:Whitesnake 专辑:Snakebite Keep On Giving Me LoveWhitesnakeSnakebiteOh, you told me you were burned by holy waterAnd the priest forgot the wordsHe was trying to sayIt seems your best friendIs your own reflectionAnd no promise of loveIs gonna make you wanna stayI don"t mindYou can think it over slowAnd tell me what you findI"m marking timeIf you got love to giveBaby, I don"t mindKeep on giving me lovingKeep on giving me lovingKeep on giving me lovingKeep on giving me loveYou got fox eyesThey burn like a sunriseYou got a walk that makes a mans" blood turn to wineYou bought and sold meFor you loverAs long as you feed me good, baby, I don"t mindI don"t mindYou can think it over slowAnd tell me what you findI"m marking timeIf you got love to giveBaby, I don"t mindKeep on giving me lovingKeep on giving me lovingKeep on giving me lovingKeep on giving me loveSo you told me you were burned by holy waterAnd the priest forgot the wordsHe was trying to sayIt seems your best friendIs your own reflectionAnd no promise of loveIs gonna make you wanna stayI don"t mindYou can think it over slowAnd tell me what you findI"m marking timeIf you got love to giveBaby, I don"t mindKeep on giving me lovingKeep on giving me lovingKeep on giving me lovingKeep on giving me love
2023-07-07 03:30:481


Love of my life
2023-07-07 03:30:564

歌曲|黑眼豆豆的where is love 的完整歌词

i don"t know)where"s the truth ya"ll? (i don"t know)and where"s the love ya"ll?Where is the Love?People killinPeople dyinChildren hurt andWomen cryinWill you practice what you preachOr would you turn the other cheekFather father father, help usSend some guidance from aboveThese people got me got me questioninWhere is the love?(love)Where is the love?(the love)Where is the love?(the love)Where is the love, the love, my loveI feel the weight of the world on my shoulderas I"m getting older, ya"ll people gets coldermost of us only care about money makinselfishness got us followin the wrong directionwrong information always shown by the medianegative images is the main criteriainfecting the young minds faster than bacteriakids wanna act like what they see in the cinemawhatever happened to the values of humanity?whatever happened to the fairness and equalityinstead of spreading love we spreadin animositylack of understandin leading us away from unitythat"s the reason why sometimes I"m feelin underthat"s the reason why sometimes I"m feelin downIt"s no wonder why sometimes I"m feelin undergotta keep my faith alive till love is found (now ask yourself)People killin人们相互残杀People dyin人们走向死亡Children hurt and就连孩子也受到伤害Women cryin妇女在哭泣Will you practice what you preach你会到处宣扬鼓吹Or would you turn the other cheek还是会置之不理Father father father, help us主啊主啊主啊,请帮助我们!Send some guidance from above在天堂指引我们吧These people got me got me questionin所有这些让我不得不思考Where is the love?(love)真爱究竟在哪里?Where is the love?(the love)真爱究竟在哪儿?Where is the love?(the love)真爱究竟在哪儿?Where is the love, the love, my love真爱究竟在哪儿啊~~~~这个世界究竟怎么了,妈妈?人们像生活在自己没有妈妈的世界我想整个世界都沉溺于戏剧中只在意那些会带来伤害的事情对外我们都声称我们在尽力阻止恐怖主义但其实在我们生活的地方就充满了恐怖份子在美国,有臭名昭著的中情局鲜血,盲流,和三K党但是如果你只用自己的方式去取得真爱那么你就只能生活在一个充满歧视的狭隘的空间里歧视只能带来仇恨当你心怀憎恨时,你就变得抓狂你就表现得疯狂而且那确实是愤怒产生和影响他人的方式人啊,你必须要有真爱,爱把我们领到正路上控制你自己的思想和打算让你的灵魂指引你怎样去爱这是完全不同的(时代)沉旧的观念似乎早已经改变新时代,新世界都疯狂了吗如果爱和和平的力量是如此的强大为什么那些爱的碎片仍然无法拼凑?国与国之间相互扔着炸弹孩子们的肺里都充满了化学毒气年轻人在痛苦中早早死去扪心自问,真爱是不是真的已经不存在了于是我问自己,这世界究竟是怎么了?在我们生活的这个地方,人们仍然不断做着错误的决定, 他们只关心自己的口袋从不尊重他人(我们正在面对一场真正的)战争,但是大家却不清楚原因真相被隐藏了,就像是垃圾被扫到地毯下如果你从来都不知道真相,那你将永远不明白真爱我感觉到世界的责任压在了我的肩膀上当我越来越老,人们变得越来越冷酷大多数的人只在乎怎样赚钱自私将我们带向了错误的方向媒体上总是播放着一些错误的信息负面的画面反而变成了主要的标准它们腐蚀年轻人思想的速度比细菌还要快孩子们总是想要扮演电影里(负面的)角色人类的价值观究竟出了什么问题?人们的公正心和人人平等的观念又究竟出了什么问题?传达真爱被我们以散播仇恨而取而代之缺乏相互理解使得大家失去团结(和相互的信任)那就是为什么有时候我会觉得失意那就是为什么有时候我会觉得难过毫无疑问这就是为什么有时我会觉得失意我要坚持信念直到我找到真爱
2023-07-07 03:32:111

2023-07-07 03:32:201

帮忙找下Love vibration - the Quiett的韩语歌词谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

Love Vibration - (The Quiett) L O V E is what we feelin′ this time [verse1] Oh, , Lover [hook1] Baby it′s love, love thang The love vibration, the love vibration (x2) [hook2] Here comes, The Quiett Critickal P We make the love vibe, and talk about L.O.V.E. (x2) Here comes [verse2] everything alright babe feelin′ Baby girl, just tell me how you feel 1 1 (repeat hook1,2) [bridge] L O V E is what we feelin′ this time beautiful rhymes (x2) (repeat hook1 x2) (repeat bridge)满意请采纳
2023-07-07 03:32:271

because you loved me的歌词翻译

  Because You Loved Me 因为你爱我  For all those times you stood by me 为了无数次你的支持,  For all the truth that you made me see 为了所有你让我明白的真理,  For all the joy you brought to my life 为了你带给我的无穷欢乐,  For all the wrong that you made right 为了你更正的所有错误,  For every dream you made come true 为了你使之成真的每一个梦想,  For all the love I found in you 为了你给我的全部的爱  I"ll be forever thankful baby 我将永远心存感激。  You"re the one who held me up 让我振作起来的你,  Never let me fall 对我永不放弃。  You"re the one who saw me through 你伴我度过  Through it all 这一切的一切。  You were my strength when I was weak 当我虚弱无力时,你就是我的力量之源;  You were my voice when I couldn"t speak 当我缄默不语时,你就是我的口舌代言;  You were my eyes when I couldn"t see 当我视而不见时,你就是我的明亮双眼;  You saw the best there was in me 你发现了最好的我,  Lifted me up when I couldn"t reach 当我无力攀登时,你把我托起。  You gave me faith "coz you believed 你对我坚贞不渝,  I"m everything I am 因为你相信我就是我。  Because you loved me 因为你爱我。  You gave me wings and made me fly 你给我双翅,让我可以展翅高飞。  You touched my hand I could touch the sky 你拉我的手,让我可以碰触天空。  I lost my faith, you gave it back to me 我灰心之时,你帮我重拾信心。  You said no star was out of reach 你说没有做不到的事情。  You stood by me and I stood tall 有你的支持,我就有了勇气。  I had your love I had it all 有了你的爱,便有了一切,  I"m grateful for each day you gave me 衷心感谢你给我的每一天。  Maybe I don"t know that much 也许除此之外我所知不多,  But I know this much is true 但我对你的爱,我深信不疑,  I was blessed because I was loved by you 被你所爱是上天眷顾。  You were my strength when I was weak 当我虚弱无力时,你就是我的力量之源;  You were my voice when I couldn"t speak 当我缄默不语时,你就是我的口舌代言;  You were my eyes when I couldn"t see 当我视而不见时,你就是我的明亮双眼;  You saw the best there was in me 你发现了最好的我,  Lifted me up when I couldn"t reach 当我无力攀登时,你把我托起。  You gave me faith "coz you believed 你对我坚贞不渝,  I"m everything I am 因为你相信我就是我。  Because you loved me 因为你爱我。  You were always there for me 你总是在那儿守侯着我,  The tender wind that carried me 像一阵轻风,将我托起。  A light in the dark shining your love into my life 你的爱就如黑暗中闪耀的光芒,  You"ve been my inspiration 你就是我生活的激情。  Through the lies you were the truth 你让所有的谎言都不存在。  My world is a better place because of you 因为有你,我的世界更美好。
2023-07-07 03:32:491

求一首英文歌,歌词everybody got something love to do and what makes the world go around for you

Everybody(Ingrid Michaelson)we are falling down again tonight今晚我们再次陷入困境in this world it"s hard to get it right在这个世界上,有些事情真的难以让人理解trying to make your heart feel like to be loved尽力的使你的心灵感到爱的滋润吧what it needs is love love love我们所需要的就是爱,爱,爱Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人也想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦happy is the heart that still feels pain心灵快乐,然而却依然感到伤痛darkness strains and light will come again黑暗消逝,光明就将再次来临so open up your chest and let it in所以敞开你的心扉接受它吧just let love love love begain就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦oh everybody knows the love, everybody holds the love哦,每个人都明白爱,每个人都拥有爱everybody folds for love每个人都为爱屈服everybody feels with love, everybody steals ith love每个人都感受爱,每个人都偷偷爱everybody heals with love每个人都因为爱而治愈oh oh oh oh,just let the love love love begin哦,哦,哦,哦,让我们能开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, just let the love love love beagin哦,哦,哦,就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, just let the love love love beagin哦,哦,哦就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love (everybody knows the love)每个人,每个人都想爱(每个人都明白爱)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (everybody holds the love)每个人,每个人都想被爱(每个人都拥有爱)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (everybody folds for love)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦(每个人都为爱屈服)Everybody, everybody wants to love (everybody feels with love)每个人,每个人都想爱(每个人都感受爱)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (everybody steals with love)每个人,每个人都想被爱(每个人都偷偷爱)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (everybody heals with love)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦(每个人都为爱而治愈)Everybody, everybody wants to love (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想爱(哦,每个人)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想被爱(哦,每个人)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (oh everybody)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦(哦 每个人)Everybody, everybody wants to love (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想爱(哦 每个人)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想被爱(哦,每个人)Everybody(后街男孩)Everybody.每一个人啊Rock your body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock your body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Alright!Oh my god we"re back again.哇!我们终于回来了 !Brothers,sisters,everybody sing.大家快跟我们一起唱 .We"re gonna bring the flavor show U how.我们会教你们如何去唱 .I"ve gotta question for U.不过得你们得先回答一些问题 :You"d better answer now.最好就现在 .Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I the only one?我们是不是你们的唯一 ?Yeah...当然Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I everything youneed我们是不是你最期待的团体You"d better rock your body now.你最好现在开始摇摆你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Alright!Now throw Ur hands up in the air.把你的手向上举 .And wave"em around like U just don"t care.不要在乎其他人只要自在地摆动 .If you wanna party let me hear U yell.把梦尽情玩乐就让我听到你们吆喝 ."Cause we"ve got it goin" on again.因为我们又要再次造成震撼 .Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I the only one?我们是不是你们的唯一 ?Yeah...当然Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I everything U need?我们是不是你们最期待的团体You‘d better rock U body now.你们最好跟着摆动你们的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Alright!So everybody,everywhere.就是现在,每一个人,无论你在哪一个方位Don"t be afraid,don"t have no fear.不要害怕,无须恐惧Gonna tell the world, make it understand.大声告诉全世界,让全世界知道As long as there"ll be music we"ll be coming back again.有音乐的地方,后街男孩又回来了Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!自己听听,二选一吧
2023-07-07 03:33:161

tainted love歌词

Sometimes I feel I"ve got to? Run away,I"ve got to? get away from the pain you drive in the heart of meThe love we share Seems to go nowhere, and I"ve lost my light, Now I toss and turn, I can"t sleep at night,Once I"ve ran to you,(I ran)Now I run from you, This tainted love you given, I give you all a boy could give you, take my tears, and that"s not nearly all, Tainted Love, Tainted love, Now I know I"ve got to? Run away, I"ve got to? Get away, Y" Don"t really want anymore from me to make? Things right, Y" need someone? to hold you tight D"ja think Love is to pray,But I"m sorry I don"t pray that way, Once I"ve ran to you, [ From: ](I ran) Now I run from you, This tainted love you given, I give you all a boy could give you, take my tears and that"s not nearly all, Tainted love, Tainted love, Don"t touch me please, I can not stand the way you tease, I love you though you hurt me so,And now I"m gonna pack my things and go! Touch me baby tainted love, Touch me baby tainted love, Touch me baby tainted love, Touch me baby tainted love! Once I"ve ran to you! (I ran) Now I run from you! This tainted love you"ve given! I give you all a boy could give you! take my tears and that"s not nearly all! Tainted love, Tainted love, Tainted love, Tainted love.
2023-07-07 03:33:362

谁知道loving you的歌词

不知你说的哪个Loving You,这里有许多,你看看
2023-07-07 03:33:549

求Justin Bieberl-Overboard的中英文歌词。

Justin Bieber : Overboard贾斯汀比伯: 溺水It feels like we"ve been out at sea 感觉我们已经不在海上So back and forth that"s how its seems 那感觉好像来来回回地Whoa一种惊叹的语气- -无实意and when I want to talk 当我想说话时you say to me 你告诉我That if its meant to be, it will be 如果它感觉是这样的,那么它就是这样的(这句怪怪的…大家看看)So crazy in this thing we call love 这个我们称她为爱的东西是多么的让人着迷啊The love that we got that we just cant give up 我们一旦开始了爱就无法停止了I"m reaching out for you 我为你伸出手tell me out here in the water(你)到水里来对我说(斟酌下…)and I(这里本来是和上句连在一起的,但是我觉得应该分开翻译吧)我——I"m overboard and I need your love 我溺水了 我需要你的爱Pull me up 快把我拉起来吧I cant swim on my own 我自己一个人不能游动Its to much 这太多了(什么太多了- -)Feels like I"m drowning without your love 没有了你的爱我感觉就像在溺水一样So throw yourself out to me 那么快把你自己投给我吧!(某j曰:快投入我的怀抱吧!shawty!)My life saver 我的救星Life saver 救星Oh life saver My life saver Life saver Oh life saver oh wow (重复)Never understand you when you say 当你这么说的时候我并不理解Wanting me to met you half way. 要我在见你的途中离开Felt like I was doing my part 感觉上我好像在做我分内的事Get bringing your coming up short 很快的把你拉上来(这个句子大家再斟酌下)Funny how these thing change 这些改变是多么的有趣啊Cause now I see 因为现在我看到了——So crazy in this love we call love 这个我们称她为爱的东西是多么的让人着迷啊and now that we got it we just can"t give up 我们一旦开始了爱就无法停止了I"m reaching out for ya 我为你伸出手Got me out here in the water and I (你)到水里来找我(麻烦大家再看下)I"m overboard and I need your love 我溺水了 我需要你的爱Pull me up 快把我拉起来吧I cant swim on my own 我自己一个人不能游动Its to much 这太多了(什么太多了- -)Feels like I"m drowning without your love 没有了你的爱我感觉就像在溺水一样So throw yourself out to me 那么快把你自己投给我吧!(某j曰:快投入我的怀抱吧!shawty!)My life saver 我的救星It"s supposed to be some give and take I know. 这被认为是相互迁就Your only taking and not given any more 你只是说话So what will I do? (So what will I do?) 我要做什么?Cause I still love you. (Still love you Baby) 因为我仍然还爱着你You"re the only one who can save me 你是那个唯一可以拯救我的人I"m overboard and I need your love 我溺水了 我需要你的爱Pull me up 快把我拉起来吧I cant swim on my own 我自己一个人不能游动Its to much 这太多了(什么太多了- -)Feels like I"m drowning without your love 没有了你的爱我感觉就像在溺水一样So throw yourself out to me 那么快把你自己投给我吧!(某j曰:快投入我的怀抱吧!shawty!)My life saver 我的救星Life saver 救星Oh life saver My life saver Life saver (Its crazy, crazy crazy, yeah) Life saver Oh life saver Oh life saver Oh life saver Oh life saver重复Yeah耶- -(无实意)
2023-07-07 03:34:212


2023-07-07 03:34:434

A Little Love(世上只有Demo)的歌词翻译

greatest as yousmallest as meyou show me what is deep as seaa little lovea little kissa little hearta little giveall of little somethingthese are memoriesyou make me crymake me smilemake me feel the love is tureyou always stand by my sidei don"t want to say goodbyeyou make me crymake me smilemake me feel the joy of loverkissing youthank you for all the loveyou always gave to meoh i love yougreatest as yousmallest as meyou show me what is deep as seaa little lovea little kissa little hearta little giveall of little somethingthese are memoriesyou make me crymake me smilemake me feel the love is tureyou always stand by my sidei don"t want to say goodbyeyou make me crymake me smilemake me feel the joy of loverkissing youthank you for all the loveyou always gave to meoh i love youyes i dohow you always domake me crymake me smilemake me feel the love is tureyou always stand by my sidei don"t want to say goodbyeyou make me crymake me smilemake me feel the joy of loverkissing youthank you for all the loveyou always gave to meoh i love youto be with youoh i love you 中文版译:伟大的你 最小的为我 您能告诉我什么是海深 一点爱,小吻 一个小小的拥抱,小礼物 所有的小事情是我们的记忆 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我觉得爱情是真正的 你总是站在我身边 我不想说再见 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我感到喜悦的爱 亲吻你哦 感谢你所有的爱你,总是给我 噢我爱你 伟大的你 最小的为我 您能告诉我什么是海深 一点爱,小吻 一个小小的拥抱,小礼物 所有的小事情是我们的记忆 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我觉得爱情是真正的 你总是站在我身边 我不想说再见 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我感到喜悦的爱 亲吻你哦 感谢你所有的爱你,总是给我 噢我爱你 是我 我总是这样 让我哭 让我的微笑 让我觉得爱情是真正的 你总是站在我身边 我不想说再见 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我感到喜悦的爱 亲吻你哦 感谢你所有的爱你,总是给我 噢我爱你 要与你,噢我爱你
2023-07-07 03:35:243


2023-07-07 03:35:3515

i just cant stop loving you 翻译一下是Michael的

2023-07-07 03:36:095


2023-07-07 03:36:256


2023-07-07 03:36:405


2023-07-07 03:37:3614

"I wonder how I wonder why"那首歌曲叫什么?

Lemon Tree 正确答案
2023-07-07 03:38:098

What is the love?

2023-07-07 03:39:131


这首歌的名字叫做 Everybody 是Ingrid Michaelson演唱歌曲 附歌词Everybody - Ingrid MichaelsonWe have fallen down again tonight我们今夜再次遭遇坎坷In this world it"s hard to get it right在这世上总是难于正途抉择Trying to make your heart fit like a glove致力于追随心声What it needs is love, love, love所需要的就是爱,爱,爱Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱Oh-oh oh Oh-oh ohEverybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱Oh-oh oh Oh-ohohHappy is the heart that still feels pain快乐是因为心仍能感受到痛苦Darkness drains and light will come again阴霾散尽耀光将再临Swing open your chest and let it in让这光芒洒进你张开的怀抱Just let the love, love, love begin让这爱,爱,爱意苏醒Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱Oh-oh oh Oh-oh ohEverybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oheverybody knows the love你我都知晓爱情Everybody holds the love每个人都拥有爱意Everybody folds for love你我皆为爱情倾倒Everybody feels the love每个人都能感受爱意Everybody steals the love众生为爱争夺Everybody heals with love众生为爱所愈Oh-oh-oh-ohJust let the love, love love begin让这爱,爱,爱意苏醒Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱Oh-oh oh Oh-oh ohEverybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱Oh-oh oh Oh-oh ohEverybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱(Oh everybody)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱(Oh everybody)Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oh(Just let the love, love love begin让这爱,爱,爱意苏醒)Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人都想去爱(Oh everybody)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人亦想被爱(Oh everybody)Oh-oh oh Oh-oh oh
2023-07-07 03:39:191

歌词里有everybody in the rule

歌名:《Everybody》(《每个人》)歌手:Ingrid Michaelson(演唱)歌词:we are falling down again tonight今晚我们再次陷入困境in this world it"s hard to get it right在这个世界上,有些事情真的难以让人理解trying to make your heart feel like to be loved尽力的使你的心灵感到爱的滋润吧what it needs is love love love我们所需要的就是爱,爱,爱Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人也想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦happy is the heart that still feels pain心灵快乐,然而却依然感到伤痛darkness strains and light will come again黑暗消逝,光明就将再次来临so open up your chest and let it in所以敞开你的心扉接受它吧just let love love love begain就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦oh everybody knows the love, everybody holds the love哦,每个人都明白爱,每个人都拥有爱everybody folds for love每个人都为爱屈服everybody feels with love, everybody steals ith love每个人都感受爱,每个人都偷偷爱everybody heals with love每个人都因为爱而治愈oh oh oh oh,just let the love love love begin哦,哦,哦,哦,让我们能开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, just let the love love love beagin哦,哦,哦,就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, eve .
2023-07-07 03:39:391

英语作文80词 LOVE

My VacationLast summer I went Beijing on vacation. The weather was sunny and hot. We visited the Great Wall on the first day. There were many people on the Great Wall. The next day, we visited the Palace Museum and Tian"an Men Square. We took many photos there. We also visited some other interesting places in Beijng. We visited some Beijing Hutongs , too. We had great fun there. I hope to go there again.
2023-07-07 03:40:452


2023-07-07 03:41:0514

搜一首中文歌 有一句是英文歌词是 oh my love 是什么歌

搜一首中文歌 有一句是英文歌词是 oh my love 是什么歌 歌曲:crystal plane 歌手:张瑶 crystal plane oh my love 起飞的时候很困难 但还是努力的冲向天空 带着从不曾有的勇敢 crystal plane oh my love 飞起来就坠入云中 感觉象是迷了路 有些忐忑有些不安 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我安慰 不到终点你不能换乘别的航班 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我答案 从此以后每个起点终点 我都会陪你一站又一站 crystal plane oh my love 起飞的时候很困难 但还是努力的冲向天空 带着从不曾有的勇敢 crystal plane oh my love 飞起来就坠入云中 感觉象是迷了路 有些忐忑有些不安 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我安慰 不到终点你不能换乘别的航班 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我答案 从此以后每个起点终点 我都会陪你一站又一站 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我安慰 不到终点你不能换乘别的航班 也许总觉得相识得太晚 所以总担心这段路太短 oh crystal plane 给我答案 从此以后每个起点终点 我都会陪你一站又一站 搜一首英文歌,有句歌词是 And oh my love Westlife---my love 有一句英文歌词叫baby love的是什么歌 Frankie Valli唱的can"t take my eyes off you I love you baby,and if it"s quite all right, I need you baby to warm a lonely night. I love you baby.Trust in me when I say Oh pretty baby,don"t let me down I pray. Oh pretty baby,now that I found you,stay. And let me love you, oh baby let me love you, You"re just too good to be true. Can"t take my eyes off you. You"d be like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. At long last love has arrived. And I thank God I"m alive. You"re just too good to be true. I Can"t take my eyes off you. I love you baby,and if it"s quite all right, I need you baby to warm a lonely night. I love you baby.Trust in me when I say I love you baby,and if it"s quite all right, I need you baby to warm a lonely night. I love you baby.Trust in me when I say I love you baby,and if it"s quite all right, I need you baby to warm a lonely night. I love you baby.Trust in me when I say I love you baby,and if it"s quite all right, I need you baby to warm a lonely night. I love you baby.Trust in me when I say (music) the end 一首英文歌里有一句是it s my love的,这是什么歌 Bon jovi - It"s My Life 英文歌词you oh my love是什么歌 Good Enough - Little Mix I am the time that you left in the dust I am the future you lost in the past Seems like I never e hate With no receipt, I disappear You stole the love that I saved for myself And I watched you give it to somebody else But these scars no longer I hide I found the light you shut inside Couldn"t love me if you tried Am I still not good enough? Am I still not worth that much? I"m sorry for the way my life turned out Sorry for the *** ile I"m wearing now Guess I"m still not good enough Does it burn? Knowing I used all the pain Does it hurt? Knowing you blew to my flame Don"t look back Don"t need your regrets Think are you let my love behind Couldn"t change me if you tried Am I still not good enough? Am I still not worth that much? I"m sorry for the way my life turned out Sorry for the *** ile I"m wearing now Guess I"m still not good enough Raise your cups "Cause I know my worth Those words you made I called you waiting nothing, yeah Your love worth it And I never win You want the best So sorry that"s clearly not me This is all I can be Am I still not good enough? Am I still not worth that much? I"m sorry for the way my life turned out Sorry for the *** ile I"m wearing now Guess I"m still not good enough 有一首英文歌的歌词是 oh oh oh my soul 是什么歌 啊 是10000 reasons 今年的格莱美最佳福音歌曲 歌词是oh my love是什么歌(英文歌) Oh My Love John Lennon Oh my love 4 the first time in my life.噢,我的爱,在我生命中第一次。 My eyes are wide open.我的眼睛睁大了。 Oh my love 4 the first time in my life.噢,我的爱,在我生命中第一次。 My eyes can see.我的眼睛能看见了。 l see the wind,I see the trees.我看见风,我看见树。 Everything is clear in my heart.我心如明镜。 I see the clouds,I see the sky.我看见云彩,我看见天空。 Everything is clear in owe world.感到我的世界如此明晰。 Oh my love 4 the first time in my life.噢,我的爱,在我生命中第一次。 My mind is wide open.我的意识开放了。 Oh my love 4 the first time in my life.噢,我的爱,在我生命中第一次。 My mind can feel.我的意识有感觉了。 I feel sorrow,I feel dreams.我感觉到悲伤,我感觉到梦幻。 Everything is clear in my heart.我心如明镜。 I feel life,I feel love.我感觉到生活,我感觉到受。 Everything is clear in owe world.感到我的世界如此明晰。 一首英文歌,有一句歌词好像是:l will you all my love…请问是什么英文歌? l will you all my love 这句话的语法就不对吧...will后面缺一个动词... 如果是I will send you all my love,那就是SEALED WITH A KISS -- Brian Hyland 如果是I"ll bring you all my love,那就是Paradise--Da Buzz 如果还有其他,那我就知道了...... 望采纳~~ 求一首英文歌,有一句歌词是make love to 什么 beautiful 歌名叫:make it work 我想你说的是这首吧,一直唱 WE GOT MAKE IT WORK 有一首英文歌词里有一句是安得爸理啊是什么歌 小小 播放 歌手:容祖儿 语言:粤语 所属专辑: 小小 - 容祖儿 词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 回忆像个说书的人 用充满乡音的口吻 跳过水坑 绕过小村 等相遇的缘分 你用泥巴捏一座城 说将来要娶我进门 转多少身 过几次门 虚掷青春
2023-07-07 03:41:271

Pirate Love 歌词

歌曲名:Pirate Love歌手:The Chelsea Smiles专辑:Nowhere Ride Epfuture lovea couple of yearsand i"m gonna know your nameit"s like i waited for ya foreverand i know this might sound insanebut it wont be long"til we"re gonna take this upi"m talking about our future loveyou"re so far awaymaybe you"re right next doorgot me picturing your face againsomething worth waiting fori put all the others behind methey don"t live upi know what i wantwhat i need to the tbaby if they asked mei would say i don"t even know ur nameand if they asked medoes it changeno, it don"t change a thingcuz there"s something about the way you"ll love methere"s just something about the way you"ll know methat i cant explain enoughthere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovewalking hand in handdon"t have a second takei can picture what you"re wearingand a kiss i can almost tastethe thought of all the ways we"ll meet for the very first timei can see the place, feel the love..first sightbaby if they asked mei would say i don"t even know ur nameand if they asked medoes it change?no, it don"t change a thingcuz there"s something about the way you"ll love methere"s just something about the way you"ll know methat i cant explain enoughthere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future loveoh nothe minute u pull up next to mewe standing there like destinywhen it feels like you"re fightingjust to breathe that"s when u knowthe minute i pull up next to yousuddenly i don"t know what to doeverything inside you says that i"m the onebaby if they asked mei would say i don"t even know ur nameand if they asked medoes it change?no, it don"t change a thingcuz there"s something about the way you"ll love methere"s just something about the way you"ll know methat i cant explain enoughbaby if they asked mei would say i don"t even know ur nameand if they asked medoes it change?no, it don"t change a thingcuz there"s something about the way you"ll love methere"s just something about the way you"ll know methat i cant explain enoughthere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future lovethere"s just something about ourfuture love future love future love
2023-07-07 03:41:411

baby i love you and i`ll never let you go.

1st Ladi - Never Be Replaced 试听下载: I love you and i"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你 我永远都不会让你离开我But if I have to boy I think that you should know 但是如果有一天不得不离开 我希望你能知道All the love we make can never be erase 我们的爱永远都不会被抹去And i promise you that you will never be replaced 我向你保证 永远都没有人可以取代你Baby I love you and I"ll never let you go 宝贝我爱你 我永远都不会让你离开我But if I have to boy I think that you should know 但是如果有一天不得不离开 我希望你能知道All the love we make can never be erase 我们的爱永远都不会被抹去And i promise you that you will never be replaced 我向你保证 永远没有人能取代你I love you yes i do 我爱你 是的 我真的爱你I"ll be with you as long as you want me too 不管多长时间 我都会永远陪在你身边 只要你希望 Until the end of time 直到时间的尽头From the day I met you I know we"ve be together 从我见到你的那天起我知道我们注定要在一起And now I know I wanna be with you forever 现在 我知道 我想要和你永远在一起I wanna marry you and i wanna have your kids我想和你结婚 我想有我们的孩子 Thinking never compare to feel enough to kisses 想象的感觉永远都无法和亲吻的感觉相比I can say i"m truly happy to the same我可以说 我一样开心 You"ve made me think I"ll die and live my life hesitate你使我意识到我总有一天会死去 我的生活踌躇不前 There"s never been no doubt in my mind 我从来没有过这么坚定不移的觉得That i"ll regret ever having you by my side如果没有你在我身边 我会多么遗憾 But if the day come that i"ll have to let you go但是 如果真的到了那一天 我只能放你走 I think that something I should probably let you know 我想有些事情 我应该让你知道With everything that i spent with you 那些和你一起度过的每一件事Then i will miss you cuz i"m happy that i have you at all我会想念你 因为我很开心 我毕竟曾经拥有过你 I feel for you yes i do我感觉着你的感觉 I"ll be with you as long as you want me to不管多长时间 我都会陪在你身边 只要你希望 Until the end of time 直到时间的尽头
2023-07-07 03:42:121


love me like you do 像你一样爱我希望我的翻译可以帮得上你
2023-07-07 03:42:3912

owing to the deeply love for basketball 有什么语法错误?怎么修改

语法好像没有问题,但建议把deeply改为deep,因为love 是名词,应当用形容词修饰。
2023-07-07 03:43:205

曾轶可forever road英语歌词翻译

2023-07-07 03:43:364

love that lets go歌词的中文翻译

2023-07-07 03:43:543


love[lQv]n.爱, 热爱, 爱情, 爱好, 性爱, 情人, 零vt.爱, 热爱, 爱好, 爱慕vi.爱loveloveAHD:[l06v] D.J.[l(v]K.K.[l(v]n.(名词)A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.爱:对某人的一种深切,温柔,无法形容的喜爱或牵挂之情,比如由亲戚关系引起的,对有魅力的品质的发现所引起的,或一种潜伏的同一性引起的A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.情欲,爱欲:对愿意与之结为配偶的人的强烈地欲望和吸引力;性冲动和浪漫的情感Sexual passion.性欲Sexual intercourse.性交A love affair.风流韵事An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.嗜好:一种强烈的感情依赖,比如对一个宠物或珍贵的东西A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment.爱人,意中人:深切或强烈喜爱或吸引的对象;被爱者。经常用于昵称An expression of one"s affection:爱意:喜爱的表现:Send him my love.给予他我的爱意A strong predilection or enthusiasm:爱,狂热:强烈的偏袒或热情:a love of language.对语言的狂热The object of such an enthusiasm:爱的东西或人:这样一种狂热的对象:The outdoors is her greatest love.她最热心户外运动Love Mythology Eros or Cupid.Love 【神话】 爱神,丘比特Often Love Theology Charity.常作 Love 【神学】 慈善Love Christian Science God.Love 【基督教科学派】 上帝Sports A zero score in tennis.【体育运动】 网球中的零分v.(动词)loved,,及物动词)To have a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward (a person):爱,热爱,爱戴:对(某人)有一种深切,温柔,无法形容的喜爱和牵挂:We love our parents. I love my friends.我们爱我们的父母。我爱我的朋友To have a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward (a person).爱,抚爱:对(某人)有强烈的欲望和吸引力To have an intense emotional attachment to:爱,爱恋:对…有一种强烈的感情依赖:loves his house.依恋他和房子To embrace or caress.拥抱,爱抚To have sexual intercourse with.和…性交To like or desire enthusiastically:嗜好:狂热地喜欢或想得到:loves swimming.酷爱游泳Theology To have charity for.【神学】 对…的慈爱To thrive on; need:需要:依靠…生存;需要:The cactus loves hot, dry air.仙人掌需要干热的空气v.intr.(不及物动词)To experience deep affection or intense desire for another.爱:体验对某人的深切喜爱或强烈欲望for loveOut of compassion; with no thought for a reward:出于同情心;不求回报:She volunteers at the hospital for love.她出于爱心主动要求在医院工作for love or moneyUnder any circumstances. Usually used in negative sentences:在任何情况下。经常用在否定句中:I would not do that for love or money.在任何情况下我都不会这样做for the love ofFor the sake of; in consideration for:为了,出于:为了…的缘故;出于对……的考虑:did it all for the love of praise.这样做是为了得到赞扬no love lostNo affection; animosity:没有好感;敌意:There"s no love lost between them.他们之间只有敌意Middle English 中古英语 from Old English lufu * see leubh- 源自 古英语 lufu *参见 leubh- love, affection, devotion, fondness, infatuationThese nouns denote feelings of warm personal attachment or strong attraction to another person. 这些名词表示对另外一个人的温暖的个人依恋或强烈的吸引力。Love suggests a more intense feeling than that associated with the other words of this group: Love 比这类词中的相关词表明一种更强烈的感情:married for love. 为爱而结婚。Affection is a less ardent and more unvarying feeling of tender regard: Affection 不那么热烈,但多一点永恒不变的温柔感:parental affection. 父母的慈爱。Devotion is earnest, affectionate dedication; it implies a more selfless, often more abiding feeling than love : Devotion 表示热心的,充满情爱的奉献;它暗指比love 更无私,通常更执着的感情: The devotion of the aged couple is inspiring. 老人的挚爱是催人奋进的。Fondness is strong liking or affection: Fondness 是一种强烈的喜欢或喜爱:showed their fondness for their grandchildren by financing their education. 通过资助孙辈们的教育来表达对他们的喜爱。Infatuation is foolish or extravagant attraction, often of short duration: Infatuation 是一种愚蠢的爱或滥爱,通常持续的时间短:Their infatuation blinded them to the fundamental differences in their points of view. See also Synonyms at like 1他们之间的迷恋使他们看不到他们之间意见的根本分歧 参见同义词 like1love(来自古英语 lufu 喜欢,欲)loveadorebe fond ofcare forcherishfancyidolizelikeabhorenmityhatespite
2023-07-07 03:44:021

一首英文歌 歌里唱了do you love me ,baby nobody

2023-07-07 03:44:114

求狮子王中can you feel the love tonight的英文对唱版 MP3下载 和 歌词

i can see what"s happ"ningand they don"t have a cluethey"ll fall in love and here"s the bottom lineour trio"s down to twothe sweet caress of twilightthere"s magic everywhereand with a this romantic atmospheredisaster"s in the airchoruscan you feel the love tonightthe peace the evening bringsthe world, for once,in perfect harmonywith all its living thingsso many things to tell herbut how to make her seethe truth about my past?-impossible!she"d turn away from mehe"s holding back, he"s hidingbut what, i can"t decidewhy won"t he be the king iknow he isthe king isee inside?choruscan you feel the ove tonight?the peace the evening bringsthe world,for once,in perfect harmonywith all its living thingscan you feel the love tonightyou needn"t look too farstealing through the night"s uncertaintieslove is where they areand if he falls in lovee tonightit can be assumedhis carefree days with us are historyin short,our pal is doomed
2023-07-07 03:44:192

qq情侣个性签名 全英文 要翻译

你有多重要,只有我心里知道How important you are, but I know in my heart只有我心里知道,你有多重要Only I know, how important you are
2023-07-07 03:44:304


1995: 《Forgiven Not Forgotten》原谅,却未曾忘记曲目1 Erin Shore (Traditional Intro) (Instrumental)2 Forgiven Not Forgotten3 Heaven Knows4 Along With The Girls (Instrumental)5 Someday6 Runaway7 The Right Time8 The Minstrel Boy (Instrumental)9 Toss The Feathers (Instrumental)10 Love To Love You11 Secret Life12 Carraroe Jig (Instrumental)13 Closer14 Leave Me Alone15 Erin Shore (Instrumental)1997: 《Talk on Corners》街角闲谈 曲目1 Only When I Sleep2 When He"s Not Around3 Dreams4 What Can I Do (Mix)5 I Never Loved You Anyway6 So Young7 Don"t Say You Love Me8 Love Gives Love Takes9 Hopelessly Addicted10 Paddy McCarthy (Instrumental)11 Intimacy12 Queen Of Hollywood13 No Good For Me14 Little Wing2000: 《In Blue》蓝色忧郁曲目1 Breathless2 Give Me A Reason3 Somebody For Someone4 Say5 All The Love In The World6 Radio7 Irresistible8 One Night9 All In A Day10 At Your Side11 No More Cry12 Rain13 Give It All Up14 Hurt Before15 Rebel Heart2004: 《Borrowed Heaven》借来的天堂曲目1 Summer Sunshine2 Angel3 Hideaway4 Long Night5 Goodbye6 Time Enough For Tears7 Humdrum8 Even If9 Borrowed Heaven10 Confidence For Quiet11 Baby Be Brave12 Silver Strand13 Miracle(日版的专辑加赠的歌曲)2005: 《Home》家曲目1 My Lagan Love2 Spancill Hill3 Peggy Gordon4 Black Is The Colour5 Heart Like A Wheel6 Buachaill On Eirne7 Old Hag8 Moorlough Shore9 Old Town10 Dimming Of The Day11 Brid Og Ni Mhaille12 Haste to the Wedding 2001:《 Best of The Corrs》可儿家族精选集曲目1 Would You Be Happier2 So Young (K-Klass remix)3 Runaway4 Breathless5 Radio (unplugged)6 What Can I Do (Tin Tin Out remix)7 The Right Time8 I Never Loved You Anyway9 Irresistible10 Forgiven Not Forgotten11 Lough Erin Shore (unplugged)12 Only When I Sleep13 Love to Love You14 All the Love in the World (remix)14 All The Love In The World (Remix)15 Everybody Hurts (unplugged)16 Give Me a Reason17 Dreams18 Make You Mine19 Una Noche2006: 《Dreams: The Ultimate Corrs Collection 》可儿家族终极精选集曲目1 Goodbye [2006 Remix]2 Forgiven Not Forgotten3 Dreams [Tee"s Radio Mix]4 Radio (MTV Unplugged/Edit Version)5 When The Stars Go Blue (Featuring Bono)6 Only When I Sleep7 Breathless8 So Young (K-Klass Remix)9 Runaway10 Summer Sunshine11 What Can I Do (Tin Tin Out Remix)12 All I Have To Do Is Dream feat. Laurent Voulzy13 No Frontiers (MTV Unplugged Version)14 Angel15 Old Town16 Ruby Tuesday (Featuring Ron Wood) (Live In Dublin )17 Haste To The Wedding18 I Know My Love (featuring The Chieftains)19 Brid Og Ni Mhaille20 Toss The Feathers (Instrumental)2007: 《The Works 》曲目CD1 -01 Runaway02 Dreams03 What Can I Do04 Irresistible05 I Never Loved You Anyway06 Love to Love You07 Forgiven Not Forgotten08 Leave Me Alone09 Secret Life10 Right Time11 Heaven Knows12 Someday13 Closer14 When He"s Not Around15 Don"t Say You Love Me16 Love Gives Love Takes17 Hopelessly Addicted18 Erin Shore [Instrumental]CD2 -01 Breathless02 So Young03 Radio04 Give Me a Reason05 Only When I Sleep06 Intimacy07 Queen of Hollywood08 No Good for Me09 Little Wing10 All the Love in the World11 All in a Day12 At Your Side13 No More Cry14 Give It All Up15 Say16 One Night17 Rain18 Hurt Before19 Rebel HeartCD3 -01 Summer Sunshine02 Angel03 Long Night04 Old Town05 Heart Like a Wheel06 Black Is the Colour07 Haste to the Wedding08 No Frontiers09 Love in the Milky Way10 Looking in the Eyes of Love11 Somebody for Someone [Acoustic]12 No More Cry [Acoustic]13 At Your Side [Acoustic]14 When the Stars Go Blue - The Corrs,15 Dreams [Tee"s Radio Mix]16 So Young [K Klass Remix]17 What Can I Do [Tin Tin Out Remix]18 Radio [Unplugged Version]19 Goodbye [2006 Remix] 1997: 《The Corrs - Live 》1999: 《The Corrs Unplugged 》可儿家族不插电演唱会2002: 《 The Corrs, Live in Dublin》可儿家族都柏林演唱会2002; 英国女王伊丽莎白50周年纪念演唱会,完美翻唱了《the long and winding road》可儿家族合唱团是爱尔兰音乐史上最成功的一支家庭组合,成员由四位亲兄妹组成。他们是在身为乐师的父母指引下,携手走上了演艺之路,并以动人的歌声、良好的团体形象、独特的爱尔兰曲风红遍全球。本期节目将奉献一场可儿家族合唱团在伦敦皇家阿尔伯特大厅举办的演唱会。
2023-07-07 03:44:381


2023-07-07 03:45:412

推荐英文歌,类似 My love 的。

帝朵<Thank You >玛丽亚凯丽<Touch my body> 菲姬<Fergalicious><Pedestal><Finally><Big Girls Don"t Cry ><Clumsy >娜塔莎<How Do You><Unwritten><Pirate Bones ><When You Know You Know >娜塔莎<The One That Got Away ><Still Here> 碧昂斯<Check On It ><Listen> 菲丝特<1234>珍妮杰克逊《Enjoy》莎拉蔻曼《Come Together》麦当娜《4 Minutes》王若琳<Let"s start from here><For No Reas><I Love You>Era《The Mass》Noah《Years Time》贾斯汀《Where Is The Love?》亚瑟小子<Can U Handle It?>披头士<Hey jude>葛瑞盖斯<Say It Isn"t So><Skeletons><Listen to My Heart>葛瑞盖斯<Toosoon to Say Goodbye><Spirit in the Sky><Club Hoppin"> 耐特尔金科<Too Young><Quizas Quizas> 黎瑞恩<Close To You> 迈克尔杰克逊<You Are Not Alone>naby 《if》
2023-07-07 03:45:591