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Barn Burning的中文版

2023-05-19 15:50:30

请问有没有Barn Burning的中文版


Passion is sweet强烈的感情是甜蜜的

Love makes weak而爱使我们脆弱

You said you cherished freedom so你说你珍惜你的自由

You refuse to let it go所以你拒绝丢失它

Follow your fate跟随你的命运

Love and hate不管是爱还是憎恨

Never fail to seize the day, 紧紧抓住那一天

But dont give yourself away .不要给你自己离开的机会

Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临

And your all alone你所有的孤独也降临

In your deepest sleep what在你沉沉的睡眠之中

Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什么

My skin"s still burning from your touch我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈燃烧

Oh I just can"t get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足

Said I wouldn"t ask for much我说我不要求很多

But your eyes are dangerous但是你的眼睛太危险

Oh the thought keep spinning in my head因此我在头脑里继续编织世界

Can we drop this masquerade我们能沉迷于这个化装舞会吗/我们能不能脱下虚伪的妆容

I can"t predict where it ends我不能预测它什么时候结束

If your the rock I"ll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它

Trapped in a crowd大家被困在这里

The music is loud音乐的声音很大

I said I love my freedom to我说我也爱我的自由

Now I"m not sure I do现在我却不能确信我是否真的如此

All eyes on you所有的目光注视着你

Rings so true光环是那么的真实

Better quit while you"re ahead当你的思想都离开时

Now I"m not so sure I am现在我更不确信我是否真的如此

Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临

And your all alone你所有的孤独也降临

In your deepest sleep what在你沉沉的睡眠之中

Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什么

My skin"s still burning from your touch我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈燃烧

Oh I just can"t get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足

Said I wouldn"t ask for much我说我不要求很多

But your eyes are dangerous但是你的眼睛太危险

Oh the thought keep spinning in my head因此我在头脑里继续编织世界

Can we drop this masquerade我们能沉迷于这个化装舞会吗 /我们能不能脱下虚伪的妆容

I can"t predict where it ends我不能预测它什么时候结束

If your the rock I"ll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它

My soul my heart我的灵魂, 我的心

If you"re near if you"re far如果你靠近或远离

My life my love我的生活, 我的爱

You can have it all....ooohaaaah.你便能拥有全部

Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临

And your all alone你所有的孤独也降临

In your deepest sleep what在你沉沉的睡眠之中

Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什么

My skin"s still burning from your touch我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈燃烧

Oh I just can"t get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足

Said I wouldn"t ask for much我说我不要求很多

But your eyes are dangerous但是你的眼睛太危险

Oh the thought keep spinning in my head因此我在头脑里继续编织世界

Can we drop this masquerade我们能沉迷于这个化装舞会吗 /我们能不能脱下虚伪的妆容

I can"t predict where it ends我不能预测它什么时候结束

If your the rock I"ll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它

If your the rock I"ll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

没离开过 林志炫 这个好像高潮部分类似



2023-01-02 15:37:471


差以毫厘,失之千里”,从这句俗语中我们可以认为毫、厘是最小的长度单位。   但随着人类对宏观世界认识的不断扩大,对微观世界的认识也在不断深入,小单位越来越小,大单位越来越大,它们广泛应用于天文学中。天文学中把最小的长度单位定为埃,最大的长度单位定为光年。天文学规定:   1埃=10 -8厘米   但是随着科学技术的不断发展,又出现了比埃还小的长度单位,叫做atto-meter,1个atto-meter相当于1厘米的1。0*10 16.   即使这样,atto-meter还不能算最小。1979年,在广州粒子物理讨论会上,美国麻省理工学院陈敏先生报告了由丁肇中先生领导的,我国高能研究所参加的马克捷小组的科研成果,他们利用当时世界上能量最大的正负电子加速器,通过实验,认为电子和重电子之间的尺度小于1个atto-meter。当然,随着科技的发展,更小的长度单位还会不断发现。 另外,顺便提一下,世界上最小的面积单位是“shed",它是1956年在原子物理上首先使用的。1个shed是1平方厘米的1.0*10 -48.核反应的截面单位称作“barn",1个barn为1个shed的10 24倍,即1个barn相当于平方厘米的1.0*10 -24,1个微中子反应的面积是1平方厘米的1*10 -43,它是1个shed的10 5倍。   度量时间最小的单位我们平时认为是秒,其实比秒更小的间位称作“那诺秒”,它是1960年开始使用的,1个那诺秒为1.0*10 9秒。要知道它小到什么程度,我们可以把它和光速来进行一下比较,光1秒钟可行299792.458公里,在1个那诺秒的时间里,光线只能得30厘米。   度量时间的最小单位是那诺秒,那么最长的单位是什么呢?它是印度教纪年上的“卡巴尔”。一个卡巴尔相当于43。2亿年,形象地说,太阳以银河为中心绕一周,通常称作1宇宙年,它约为22500万年,只相当于1卡尔巴的1/19。
2023-01-02 15:37:544


2023-01-02 15:38:093


stable 稳定的;稳定;马厩;安定barn 谷仓;牲口棚;仓库;车库
2023-01-02 15:38:211


bu zhi dao
2023-01-02 15:38:277

请问有哪位高手知道barn red是什么颜色?

2023-01-02 15:38:574


barn megaparsec的中文翻译_barn megaparsec谷仓百万秒差距
2023-01-02 15:39:151


谷仓 [ gǔ cāng ] 生词本基本释义[ gǔ cāng ]1.贮藏粮食的木制或水泥制库。2.一个提供其它地区大部分食物、生产谷物的典型农业区。
2023-01-02 15:39:213


2023-01-02 15:39:416

老友记里有句台词里barn raising scene 表达 是什么意思?下边补充说明里有整句台词

2023-01-02 15:40:062

barn raising scene in Witness.怎么翻译?raising在这里什么意思?Witness什么意思?

这句话是电影《目击者》中的一句话译为: 在现场目睹了谷仓建起来的情景raising 原意为“升起”,这里译为“建起”Witness 见证,目睹
2023-01-02 15:40:194

Elworth"s barn burned down,but they saved what cattle--- were in the barn。谁能帮我详细的解释一下

同意这样的翻译 , 原句中 what 是关系形容词,相当于冠词the. 又如:I"ll give you what help I can.
2023-01-02 15:40:343

tie的意思《音乐之声》里有句话,Have you tied the barn?...

2023-01-02 15:40:461

cow barn什么意思及同义词

cow barn 牛棚n. a barn for cows; cowbarn, cowshed, cowhouse, byre
2023-01-02 15:40:521


2023-01-02 15:40:582


你要找的是reborn吗?reborn[ˌri:ˈbɔ:n]adj.再生的,复活的; 更新的,复兴的; 希望采纳哦!
2023-01-02 15:41:182

Are you raised in the barm?

Are you raised in the barn? 你是不是乡下长大的啊? 这句话是形容一个人没教养, 但是是比较开玩笑的语气. 比如说有人坐没坐像, 你就可以对他说这一句. Barn 原指谷仓. 我翻成乡下比较能跟中文的意思结合. 老美常用 barn 或是 backyard 来形容一个人没有教养或是没有文化, 像是那天在电视上听到一句, "No backyard language in my house." 就是说, 在我的家里不准讲粗话.
2023-01-02 15:41:271

barn door是什么意思及用法

2023-01-02 15:41:331


巴尼特[人名] [英格兰人姓氏]
2023-01-02 15:41:391

求《Barn burning》的译文
2023-01-02 15:41:452


好笑的英语笑话故事   你知道学些笑话的好处么?当第一次见面的"时候,总是有不知道该说什么的尴尬,这时候你就需要一些笑话,来缓解一下气氛呢,这里我为你收集整理了好笑的英语笑话故事,希望能对你有所帮助哈!   好笑的英语笑话故事一:The Foreman"s Position 陪审团主席   A judge in a small city was hearing a drunk-driving case and the defendant1, who had both a record and a reputation for driving under the influence, demanded a jury trial. It was nearly 4 p. m. and getting a jury would take time, so the judge called a recess2 and went out in the hall looking to impanel anyone available for jury duty. He found a dozen lawyers in the main lobby and told them that they were a jury.   The lawyers thought this would be a novel experience and so followed the judge back to the courtroom. The trial was over in about 10 minutes and it was very clear that the defendant was guilty. The jury went into the jury-room, the judge started getting ready to go home, and everyone waited.   After nearly three hours, the judge was totally out of patience and sent the bailiff into the jury-room to see what was holding up the verdict. When the bailiff returned, the judge said, "Well have they got a verdict yet?"   The bailiff shook his head and said, "Verdict? Hell, they"re still doing nominating speeches for the foreman"s position!"   在一个小城市,一位法官正在审理一起酒后驾车案件。被告不仅有过酒后驾车的记录,而且声誉也不是太好,现在只是缺少一个陪审团作出裁决。因为已经接近下午四点,找个陪审团来会耽误很多时间。因此,法官宣布休庭后,就到外面随便挑选了一些人来充当陪审团。刚一出门,他就发现大 厅刚好有12个律师,便请求他们充当陪审团。   听了法官的话,这些律师们认为这将会是一次新奇的经历,因此,便跟随法官回到了法庭。不到10分钟,案子就已接近尾声,因为被告明显是有罪的。陪审团回到陪审室进行商议,法官就等着宣布结果,马上回家。每个人都在等待着最后的判决。   大概过了3个小时,法官已经彻底失去了耐心,便派法警去看看判决为什么耽误了这么久。当法警回来后,法官问他:“怎么样?他们是否作出了最后的判决?”   法警摇摇头说:“判决?天啊,他们为了推选陪审团主席,还在进行演讲呢!”   好笑的英语笑话故事二:The Lawyer"s Death Certificate   A defending attorney was cross examining a coroner.   The attorney asks, "Before you signed the death certificate had you taken the man"s pulse?"   The coroner says, "No."   The attorney then asks, "Did you listen for a heart beat?"   "No."   "So when you signed the death certificate you had not taken any steps to make sure the man was dead, had you?"   The coroner, now tired of the brow beating says, "Well, let me put it this way. The man"s brain was sitting in a jar on my desk, but for all I know he could be out there practicing law somewhere."   好笑的英语笑话故事三:sleep in the barn   A police chief, a fire chief, and a city manager were traveling together by car to a municipal management conference in a distant city. Their car broke down in a rural area, and they were forced to seek shelter for the night at a nearby farmhouse. The farmer welcomed them in, but cautioned them that there were only two spare beds, and that one of them would have to sleep in the barn with the farm animals. After a short conference, the police chief agreed to take the barn. Shortly after retiring, a knock was heard on the door of the farmhouse. The party inside answered to find the police chief standing there, complaining that he could not sleep.   There were pigs in the barn, he said, and he was reminded of the days when everyone called him a pig. The fire chief then volunteered to exchange with the police chief. A short time later, another knock was heard at the door. The fire chief complained that the cows in the barn reminded him of Mrs. O"Leary"s cow that started the Chicago fire, and that every time he started to go to sleep, he started to have a fireman"s worst nightmare, that of burning to death. The city attorney, in desperation for sleep, then agreed to sleep in the barn. This seemed like a good idea until a few minutes later, when another knock was heard at the door. When the occupants answered the door, there stood the very indignant cows and pigs. ;
2023-01-02 15:41:591


牲口棚的意思是喂养家畜的建筑物或建筑物的一部分,如马厩、牛棚。词语牲口棚在新英汉词典中的解释:牲口棚 [shēng kou péng]1. stock barn; livestock shed; stable 词语牲口棚在专业词典中的解释:农业科学barn词语牲口棚网络解释(网络词汇,网络热词):网络解释barn把桥的两边封闭再加个屋顶,入口像农场里常见的干草房或者牲口棚(Barn)的门,并与干草房一样漆成红色,马就自觉地过桥了。帕克县最多的时候有50座廊桥,由于种种原因,现在减少到31座。
2023-01-02 15:42:091

the barnnet是原创么?

2023-01-02 15:42:231

pottery barn 什么意思

2023-01-02 15:42:293

the horse raced past the barn fell 分析这个句子

2023-01-02 15:42:412

the barn right是什么意思

the barn right 全部释义和例句>>谷仓右边“ Burned down a barn at the right choice ranch ”烧毁“正确抉择大农场”的谷仓
2023-01-02 15:43:001


barn是仓库;靶;大车库;空荡荡的大建筑的意思。双语例句1、The chances of seeing wild barn owls in Britain are virtually nil.在英国想要看到野生的仓鸮几乎是不可能的。2、On the shooting range he could not hit a barn door.射击场上又大又好打的目标他居然一个也射不中。3、Dad demolished an old shed in back of his barn.父亲拆掉了仓库后面的一个旧棚。4、At the time of the murder he appears to have been lying low in a barn.凶杀案发生时,他似乎一直躲藏在谷仓里。5、The modern landscape, where barn conversions harbour computer hardware.改建的各仓存放计算机硬件的现代之景。6、The old bam rapidly fell into decay.老谷仓很快破败。7、The ban floor was covered in straw.谷仓的地上撒满了稻草。8、A great barn of a pub.一家大谷仓似的空落落的酒馆。9、The barn was heaped with grain.仓里堆满了粮食。10、The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in.谷仓的顶让我担忧,因为它终究会塌下来。Barnbarn英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“谷仓;畜棚;车库;靶(核反应截面单位)”,作动词时意为“把…贮存入仓”。
2023-01-02 15:43:171


barn 翻译: 名词 1.仓房 2.牲口棚 3.(公共汽车、卡车等的)车库 4.简陋的大建筑物。1 The hay barn is on fire.干草仓着火了。2 Their barn is flooded by the water.他们的车库被水淹了。3 This barn of a private garden covers a large area.这个私人花园的占地面积很广。4 It is a hay barn.这是一个干草仓。5 A barn adjoins the farmhouse.一座谷仓紧靠着农舍。
2023-01-02 15:43:331


barn英 [bɑːn] 美 [bɑrn] n.(用于存放谷物、干草、稻草或安顿家畜的)仓库n.【物理】(尤用于粒子物理学)靶(恩)
2023-01-02 15:43:501


2023-01-02 15:43:564


barnhub是汉堡;是现代西式快餐中的主要食物。barnhub这个名字起源于德国西北城市汉堡,今日的汉堡是德国最为繁忙的港口,在19世纪中叶的时候,居住在那里的人们喜欢把牛排捣碎成一定形状,这种吃法可能被当时的大量德国移民传到了美洲。最早的汉堡包主要由两片小圆面包夹一块牛肉饼组成,现代汉堡中除夹传统的牛肉饼外,再夹入番茄片、洋葱、蔬菜、酸黄瓜等食物,就可以同时吃到主副食。这种食物食用方便、风味可口、营养全面,现在已经成为畅销世界的方便主食之一。扩展资料:汉堡作为德国最为繁忙的港口,在19世纪中叶的时候,居住在那里的人们喜欢把牛排捣碎成一定形状,这种吃法可能被当时的大量德国移民传到了美洲。1836年,一道以“汉堡牛排”命名的菜出现在美国人的菜单上;当时Hamburg steak的做法与今天的概念已经很接近了,就是用碎牛肉和洋葱与胡椒粉拌在一起。到了20世纪晚期,美国人对Hamburg steak的做法进行了改良,然后开车把它送进了快餐店,这就是今天招人喜爱的hamburger的起源。参考资料来源:百度百科-汉堡
2023-01-02 15:44:141

pottery barn 怎么读

Pottery barn 网络 陶瓷大库房; [例句]I was registered at Pottery Barn when I got married.当我结婚的时候我在“陶瓷大谷仓”注册的。
2023-01-02 15:44:251

barn owl是什么意思

barn owl谷仓猫头鹰
2023-01-02 15:44:313

Are you raised in the barm?什么意思

Are you raised in the barn? 你是不是乡下长大的啊? 这句话是形容一个人没教养, 但是是比较开玩笑的语气. 比如说有人坐没坐像, 你就可以对他说这一句. Barn 原指谷仓. 我翻成乡下比较能跟中文的意思结合. 老美常用 barn 或是 backyard 来形容一个人没有教养或是没有文化, 像是那天在电视上听到一句, "No backyard language in my house." 就是说, 在我的家里不准讲粗话.
2023-01-02 15:44:421

Meet Me in the Barn 歌词

歌曲名:Meet Me in the Barn歌手:jason michael carroll专辑:NumbersJason Michael Carroll - Meet Me in the BarnShe was a real deal farmer"s daughter,Raised on corn bread, drank well water.The girl next door, but a little bit hotter,Than anything you ever saw.One Carolina night in the summer heat,At a bonfire party tucked back in the treesI was sittin" there sippin" on an ice cold beer,When she whispered in my ear:Meet me in the barn, way out in the pastureTurn off your headlights, park by the tractorSneak in the backdoor, so we don"t get caughtI"ll be there waitin" in the hayloft.With a kiss on my lips, no you don"t wanna missHoldin" me in your arms...Meet me in the barn.Yeah, we could"ve lit that big red barn on fireFrom a spark to a flame burnin" higher and higherEverything a country boy"s heart desiresWas in a little white cotton dress. (Oh yeah)She had lips that taste like watermelon wine,Sweet like the sugar on the honeysuckle vine,Rollin" around in hay bale bed,All because she said:Meet me in the barn, way out in the pastureTurn off your headlights, park by the tractorSneak in the backdoor, so we don"t get caughtI"ll be there waitin" in the hayloft.With a kiss on my lips, no you don"t wanna missHoldin" me in your arms...Meet me in the barn.I still think aboutThat sweet love we made.I close my eyesAnd I can hear her say:"Hey country boy, won"t you meet me in the barn?"Meet me in the barn, way out in the pastureTurn off your headlight, park by the tractorSneak in the backdoor, so we don"t get caughtI"ll be there waitin" in the hayloft.With a kiss on my lips, no you don"t wanna missHoldin" me in your arms...Meet me in the barn.Hey country boy, won"t you meet me in the barn?We"ll dance real close with the radio onHey country boy, won"t you meet me in the barn?Wanna spend all night in your arms
2023-01-02 15:44:471


2023-01-02 15:44:531

Are you raised in the barm?什么意思

2023-01-02 15:45:022


2023-01-02 15:45:104


barn. 条,棒;(门、窗等的)闩;障碍;酒吧间 vt. 闩(门等);阻碍,封锁;排除,去除 prep. 除…之外 berber[英]["bə][美]["bə]n.第二类开尔文函数;
2023-01-02 15:45:252


2023-01-02 15:45:343

While one storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn.翻译。另外

after another blasted huge drifts up是时间状语,【up】是副词,是起来,向上的意思。句意是:在另一个该死的大的水流之后,海上起了暴风雨,暴风雨冲击着房子和粮仓。against是介词,对抗的意思。
2023-01-02 15:45:451

acowisin the barn是什么意思?

a cow is in the barn一头牛在谷仓里
2023-01-02 15:45:511

Murder In The Red Barn 歌词

歌曲名:Murder In The Red Barn歌手:John Hammond专辑:Wicked GrinThere was a murder in the red barnMurder in the red barnThe trees are bending overThe cows are lying downThe autumn"s taking overYou can hear the buckshot houndsThe watchman said to Reba the loonWas it pale at ManzanitaOr Blind Bob the raccoon?Pin it on a drifterThey sleep beneath the bridgeOne plays the violinAnd sleeps inside a fridgeThere was a murder in the red barnA murder in the red barnSomeone"s crying in the woodsSomeone"s burying all his clothesNow Slam the Crank from WheezerSlept outside last night and frozeRoad kill has its seasonsJust like anythingIt"s possums in the autumnAnd it"s farm cats in the springThere was a murder in the red barnA murder in the red barnNow thou shalt not covet thy neighbor"s houseOr covet thy neighbor"s wifeBut for someMurder is the only door thru which they enter lifeNow they surrounded the houseThey smoke him outThey took him off in chainsThe sky turned black and bruisedAnd we had months of heavy rainsNow the raven"s nest in the rotted roofOf Chenoweth"s old placeAnd no one"s asking CalAbout that scar upon his face"Cause there"s nothin" strangeAbout an axe with bloodstains in the barnThere"s always some killin"You got to do around the farmA murder in the red barnMurder in the red barnNow the woods will never tellWhat sleeps beneath the treesOr what"s buried "neath a rockOr hiding in the leaves"Cause road kill has it"s seasonsJust like anythingIt"s possums in the autumnAnd it"s farm cats in the springA murder in the red barnA murder in the red barnNow a lady can"t do nothin"Without folks" tongues waggin"Is this blood on the treeOr is it autumn"s red blazeWhen the ground"s soft for diggin"ANd the rain will bring all this gloomThere"s nothing wrong with a ladyDrinking alone in her roomBut there was a murder in the red barnA murder in the red barn
2023-01-02 15:45:571


garage 不同读音如下,都正确:英 ["gærɑː(d)ʒ; -ɪdʒ; gə"rɑːʒ] 美 [ɡə"rɑʒ] n. 车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库vt. 把……送入车库;把(汽车)开进车库n. (阿拉伯)贾拉杰(人名)双语例句 1.My car towed his car to a garage. 我的车将他的车拖到了汽车修理厂。2.The garage floor was swilled down by father. 爸爸把车库地面用水冲洗干净了。
2023-01-02 15:46:022

While one storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn.翻译。另外

2023-01-02 15:46:162


2023-01-02 15:46:242

the horse raced past the barn fell 分析这个句子 怎么不是病句呢?这个句子分析下

the horse raced past the barn fell. 分析如下: 主语:the horse 谓语:raced past the barn fell :为介词短语.past 为介词. fell是:动词fall的过去分词,作定语修饰the barn. 整句话的意思是: “那匹马越过了倒塌了的马棚.”
2023-01-02 15:46:361

they saved what cattle ______ were in the barn A.that B.they C.there D.where

2023-01-02 15:46:414


2023-01-02 15:46:552


Wilbur is a rambunctious pig, the runt of his litter, who loves life, even that of Zuckerman"s barn. He sometimes feels lonely or fearful.Charlotte, is a spider who befriends Wilbur; she at first seems bloodthirsty due to her method of catching food.Fern Arable, daughter of John Arable and Mrs. Arable, is the courageous eight-year-old girl who saves Wilbur in the beginning of the novel.Templeton is a gluttonous rat who helps Charlotte and Wilbur only when offered food. He serves as a somewhat caustic, self-serving comic relief to the plot.Avery Arable is the brother of Fern. He appears briefly throughout the novel.Homer Zuckerman is Fern"s uncle who keeps Wilbur in his barn. He has a wife, Edith, and an assistant named Lurvy who helps out around the barn.Other animals living in Zuckerman"s barn with whom Wilbur converses are a disdainful lamb, a goose who is constantly sitting on her eggs, and an old sheep.Henry Fussy is a boy Fern"s age of whom Fern becomes very fond.Uncle is Wilbur"s rival at the fair, a large pig whom Charlotte doesn"t consider to be particularly refined.简介:这本书被R.J.帕拉西奥命名为《奇迹》,它讲述了一个名叫奥格斯特的小男孩,他只有一只眼睛,他想像普通人一样去shcool学习,它讲述了他在学校里做了什么。奥格斯特的父母很惊讶,因为他有一个妹妹叫维娅,她是一个健康的女孩,奥格斯特的妈妈说这个孩子真是个奇迹他每天上学,他做了生命中的每一个挑战,他从未放弃自己的生命,即使他生下来只有一只眼睛,他仍然在战斗,他在挑战自己。威尔伯是一只任性的猪,他那一窝的矮子,热爱生活,甚至是扎克曼的谷仓。他有时感到孤独或害怕。夏洛特,是一只和威尔伯交朋友的蜘蛛;起初,她似乎嗜血成性,因为她捕捉食物的方法。约翰·阿拉伯尔和阿拉伯尔夫人的女儿弗恩·阿拉伯尔是一个勇敢的八岁女孩,她在小说的开头救了威尔伯。邓普顿是一只贪吃的老鼠,只在夏洛特和威尔伯有食物时才帮助他们。他在情节中扮演了一个有点刻薄、自私的喜剧角色。艾弗里·阿拉布尔是弗恩的兄弟。他在整部小说中简短地出现。荷马·扎克曼是弗恩的叔叔,他把威尔伯关在他的谷仓里。他有一个妻子,伊迪丝,还有一个助手,名叫勒维,在谷仓周围帮忙。威尔伯与生活在扎克曼谷仓里的其他动物交谈的还有一只轻蔑的羔羊、一只经常坐在蛋上的鹅和一只老绵羊。亨利·福西是弗恩这个年龄的男孩,弗恩非常喜欢他。舅舅是威尔伯在集市上的对手,是一只大肥猪,夏洛特不认为他特别讲究。
2023-01-02 15:47:041