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求英格兰队歌《top of the world》的歌词!

2023-07-07 01:21:05

Top Of The World


Such a feelin"s comin" over me

There is wonder in most everything I see

Not a cloud in the sky

Got the sun in my eyes

And I won"t be surprised if it"s a dream

Everything I want the world to be

Is now coming true especially for me

And the reason is clear

It"s because you are here

You"re the nearest thing to heaven that I"ve seen

I"m on the top of the world lookin" down on creation

And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I"ve found ever since you"ve been around

Your love"s put me at the top of the world

Something in the wind has learned my name

And it"s tellin" me that things are not the same

In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze

There"s a pleasin" sense of happiness for me

There is only one wish on my mind

When this day is through I hope that I will find

That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me

All I need will be mine if you are here

I"m on the top of the world lookin" down on creation

And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I"ve found ever since you"ve been around

Your love"s put me at the top of the world


the touch 中文歌词

I wake up to a rainy morning, face a dreary day醒来,在阴雨连绵的早上,迎来了沉闷的一天I turn the shower on and wash my blues away沐浴,冲刷掉一身的忧郁You wrap a towel around me with a smile that leaves no doubt你不带疑虑地微笑用浴巾裹住我And suddenly it dawns on me what life is all about这一刻,生命的全部意义涌上心头It"s the touch of your heart; it"s a promise of a brand new startThe intervention of love from heaven above那是心之感触,是对新开始一段来自上天的爱之旨意的承诺It"s the magic of you, what a touch of your heart can do心之感触,即是你的魔力I can rise to the stars by the touch of your heart心之感触,让我升至星辰I see your arms before me even when you"re gone甚至你离开的时候,我都能感受到你双臂在身前环抱着我I hear you voice inside me, hear it call like the sun倾听你的声音在我心中荡漾,如同太阳般招唤着我I feel you wrapped around me like a warm and sweet embrace回味你如同甜蜜、温暖拥抱般围绕着我And everywhere I look I see reflections of your face视线之所及,都是你面容‘Cause baby, you alone epitomise all that life can beAnd once again I realise you"re everything to me因为,你一人便胜于生活的全部,我再一次意识到,你是我的一切It"s the touch of your heart; it"s a promise of a brand new startThe intervention of love from heaven above那是心之感触,是对新开始一段来自上天的爱之旨意的承诺It"s the magic of you, what a touch of your heart can do心之感触,即是你的魔力I can rise to the stars by the touch of your heart心之感触,让我升至星辰I can rise to the stars by the touch of your heart心之感触,让我升至星辰
2023-07-06 23:28:292

the touch中文歌词翻译

2023-07-06 23:28:384

touch 怎么读

ta chi
2023-07-06 23:28:473

The Touch《触动》变形金刚动画歌词

一部洋溢英雄主义的电影,一首正义必战胜邪恶之歌。这是1986年上映的《变形金刚》动画电影(Transformers The Movie)的插曲,美国歌手斯坦布什刚强演绎。八十年代的旋律,八十年代的歌手,酷酷的硬摇滚。每一个变形金刚迷都会熟悉其中那句经典歌词“You"ve got the touch. You"ve got the power”!You"ve got the touch. You"ve got the power. YeahAfter all is said and done you"ve never walked, you"ve never runYou"re a winnerYou"ve got the moves, you know the streets Break the rules, take the heat. You"re nobody"s foolYou"re at your best when the going gets rough You"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough(Chorus)You"ve got the touch. You"ve got the power When all hell"s breaking loose you"ll be riding the eye of the storm You got the heart. You got the motion You know that when things get too tough. You"ve got the touch You never bend, you never breakYou seem to know just what it takes. You"re a fighterIt"s in the blood, it"s in the willIt"s in the mighty hands of steel when you"re standing your ground and you never get hit when your back"s to the wall Gonna fight to the end and you"re taking it all(Chorus)You"re fighting fire with fire. You know you got the touchYou"re at your best when the road gets rough You"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough You"ve got the touch. You"ve got the power (Repeat)参考译文你燃起动力。你发动力量。说过一切,做过一切你从不曾退缩,你从不曾逃脱。你是赢家 你寻得突破,你知晓道路。冲破规则,斗志昂扬。你不会被任何人愚弄 当前进变得艰难,你全力以赴。你面临考验,永无止境(副歌)你燃起动力。你发动力量。当地狱之门放逐邪恶,你驾驭在风暴核心你燃起斗志。你付诸行动。当一切变得艰难,你明了。你燃起动力 你从不屈服。你从不被压垮。你仿佛知道事所必然。你是一名斗士 它已溶入生命,它已化作意志,它握在那强有力的钢铁般的手中 当你屹立在你的阵地,当陷入绝境,你从不曾被打倒 一定会坚持战斗到最后,并且赢得所有 (副歌) 你硬碰硬。你知道你该燃起动力 当路途变得艰难,你全力以赴。你面临考验,永无止境 你燃起动力。你发动力量(重复)
2023-07-06 23:28:541

求玛丽亚·亚瑞唐多唱的“The Touch ”的歌词

2010单曲《The Touch》 玛丽亚·亚瑞唐多(Maria Arredondo) 视频 Thousand NightsA thousand nights later memories lingerThe good the bad...I can touch them with my fingerA thousand nights later I only got meNo problem, no complaints; It"s the way it should beLife was fast, It was freeGuess I"ve been luckyCause I"m still here...But some friends are goneHas it really been that long?The memories are still so beautifulWhen life"s been unkindThose friends are on my mindNothing"s been greater here,Nothing"s been greater hereA thousand nights laterFor some of them it"s such a lonely thingHaven"t seen the future or luck life can bringTheir body dies while their soul defies to liveHaven"t given all they"d like to giveLife is cruel, It is kindWhy is God calling them before their time?But some friends are goneHas it really been that long?The memories are still so beautifulWhen life"s been unkindThose friends are on my mindNothing"s been greater here,Nothing"s been greater hereA thousand nights laterCan you see me from the sky?Do you caress me when I cry?Cause I know you"re still with me for all eternityBut friends are goneHas it really been that long?The memories are still so beautifulWhen life"s been unkindThose friends are on my mindNothing"s been greater here,Nothing"s been greater hereA thousand nights laterNothing feels greater here, Nothing feels greater hereA thousand nights later
2023-07-06 23:29:001

The Touch的歌词~

那是心之感触,是对新开始一段来自上天的爱之旨意的承诺 It"s the magic of you, what a touch of your heart can do 心之感触,即是你的魔力 I
2023-07-06 23:29:082


看您百度消息 这里不让发表
2023-07-06 23:29:343


touch的意思是:碰触;接触;联系。读音:英[tu028ctu0283],美[tu028ctu0283]。释义:vt.触摸;感动;吃;喝;触及。vi.接触;联系。n.触觉;接触;修饰;少许;痕迹。变形:过去式touched,过去分词touched,现在分词touching,第三人称单数touches,复数touches。短语:man"s touch男士的风格。in touch with sb与某人保持联系。to the touch摸上去的感觉。touch的例句1、The body was cold to the touch.这具尸体摸上去是冰冷的。2、She recoiled from his touch.她躲开他的触摸。3、I didn"t touch your precious car!我没碰你那辆宝贝车!4、I forbid anyone to touch that clock.我不准任何人碰那台钟。5、He reached out his hand to touch her.他伸出手去摸她。
2023-07-06 23:30:011


TOUCH,几乎可以称之为领袖之歌。最早登场是在1986年大电影中,擎天柱最后一次踏上战场,单挑一群霸天虎。之后在热破打开领导模块变身成为补天士时再次响起,并一直持续到影片结束。在变形金刚第三季中,擎天柱两次复活,用的也是这首歌。You"ve got the touch. You"ve got the power. YeahAfter all is said and done you"ve never walked, you"ve never runYou"re a winnerYou"ve got the moves, you know the streets Break the rules, take the heat. You"re nobody"s foolYou"re at your best when the going gets rough You"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough(Chorus)You"ve got the touch. You"ve got the power When all hell"s breaking loose you"ll be riding the eye of the storm You got the heart. You got the motion You know that when things get too tough. You"ve got the touch You never bend, you never breakYou seem to know just what it takes. You"re a fighterIt"s in the blood, it"s in the willIt"s in the mighty hands of steel when you"re standing your ground and you never get hit when your back"s to the wall Gonna fight to the end and you"re taking it all(Chorus)You"re fighting fire with fire. You know you got the touchYou"re at your best when the road gets rough You"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough You"ve got the touch. You"ve got the power (Repeat)参考译文你燃起动力。你发动力量。说过一切,做过一切你从不曾退缩,你从不曾逃脱。你是赢家 你寻得突破,你知晓道路。冲破规则,斗志昂扬。你不会被任何人愚弄 当前进变得艰难,你全力以赴。你面临考验,永无止境(副歌)你燃起动力。你发动力量。当地狱之门放逐邪恶,你驾驭在风暴核心你燃起斗志。你付诸行动。当一切变得艰难,你明了。你燃起动力 你从不屈服。你从不被压垮。你仿佛知道事所必然。你是一名斗士 它已溶入生命,它已化作意志,它握在那强有力的钢铁般的手中 当你屹立在你的阵地,当陷入绝境,你从不曾被打倒 一定会坚持战斗到最后,并且赢得所有 (副歌) 你硬碰硬。你知道你该燃起动力 当路途变得艰难,你全力以赴。你面临考验,永无止境 你燃起动力。你发动力量(重复)
2023-07-06 23:30:241


2023-07-06 23:30:312


touchvt.1. 接触,碰到2. 触摸She lightly touched his forehead.她轻轻地摸了摸他的前额。3. (常与否定词连用)碰;乱动Don"t touch the exhibits.不要碰展览品。4. (常与否定词连用)达到,比得上Few students in our school can touch him in music.在音乐方面,我们学校很少有学生能与他相比。5. 触动,感动I was touched beyond words.我感动莫名。6. 用轻巧的笔法勾画出[(+in)]7. 【书】涉及,关系到They did not touch this topic in their talk.他们在会谈中没有触及这个问题。8. 使接触9. 停泊10. 使轻度受害;影响The rain touched the crops.这场雨使庄稼受害。vi.1. 接触,碰到They sat so close that their heads nearly touched.他们坐得那么近,头都差不多碰到一起了。2. 触摸3. 与...有关,涉及[(+on/upon)]4. 接近,近手[(+on)]5. (简略地)论及,提到[(+on/upon)]In his talk he touched on/upon the state of affairs in Latin America.谈话中他提到了拉丁美洲的局势。6. 靠岸[(+at)]Our ship is to touch at Hongkong tomorrow morning.我们的船将于明天上午停靠香港。n.1. 触觉[U]2. 触感[S]3. 触,碰[S1]It will break at a touch.那东西一碰就破。4. 接触,联系[U]Let"s stay in touch.我们保持联络。5. 格调,风格;特点[S]6. 装点;润色[C]He"s added a few finishing touches to his novel.他给小说作了最后润色。7. 特长,才能[S]He has a touch with birds.他擅长养鸟。8. 少许,一点[S][(+of)]The young man recited his poems with a touch of pride.那个青年带点骄傲地朗诵他的诗作。9. 【橄】【足】边线以外地区[U]
2023-07-06 23:30:393

When you say nothing at all 歌词意思有什么特殊意思吗

2023-07-06 23:30:462

how is touch and feel?正确吗

Yes, that is correct.
2023-07-06 23:30:545

求一首女声英文歌,很慢,很柔,嗓音淳厚,开始的歌词是from the touch for me大概是这个歌词,我不确定

2023-07-06 23:31:084


2023-07-06 23:31:292


2023-07-06 23:31:372

一首英文歌 中间有几句歌词 没听清楚 大概是from the touch..but my heart..if you...crash...

好像是 maria arredondo的burning,试着听一下吧。
2023-07-06 23:31:443


歌手:Backstreet Boys 专辑:《Millennium》发行时间:2014-06-23《No One Else Comes Close》歌词 - Joe[欧美]When we turn out the lightsThe two of us alone togetherSomething just not rightBut girl you know that I"d neverever let another"s touch come between the two of usCause no one else could never take your placeNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come closeAnd when I wake up toThe touch of your head on my shoulderYou"re my dream come trueOh girl you know I"ll always treasureEvery kiss everyday love you girl in every wayNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come close
2023-07-06 23:31:591

All day long I can hear people talking out loud

All day long I can hear people talking out loud 每一天耳边都是萦绕着人群嘈杂声... But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd (the crowd) 但是,当你靠近拥抱住我时 淹没了吵杂的人群 Try as they may they can never define 他们再怎么试着去解释 都永都远无法 理解(这种感觉)附:Boyzone - When You Say Nothing At AllIt"s amazing how you can speak right to my heart 真令人惊异 你可以一语说中我的心事 Without saying a word, you can light up the dark 不需要任何语言 你能成为黑暗中的光明 Try as I may I could never explain 试着解释我无法解释的 What I hear when you don"t say a thing 你不说话时我依然能明白 The smile on your face lets me know that you need me 你脸上的笑容告诉我你需要我 There"s a truth in your eyes saying you"ll never leave me 在你眼中有一份真诚告诉我你永远不会离开我 The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me when ever I fall 你轻触的手在说当我摔到你会把我接住 You say it best..when you say nothing at all 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 All day long I can hear people talking out loud 每一天我听到人群大声谈论 But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd (the crowd) 但是你近距离的拥抱 淹没了吵杂的人群 Try as they may they can never define 试着解释 却永远无法定义 What"s been said between your heart and mine 那些我们心的悄悄话 (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 The smile on your face 你脸上的笑容 The truth in your eyes 你眼中有一份真诚 The touch of your hand 你轻触的手 Let"s me know that you need me.. 让我知道你需要我.. (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 The smile on your face 你脸上的笑容 The truth in your eyes 你眼中有一份真诚 The touch of your hand 你轻触的手 Let"s me know that you need me.. 让我知道你需要我.. (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚..
2023-07-06 23:32:081

touch the ground怎么读?

2023-07-06 23:32:164


背景音乐:Star Sky歌手:Two Steps From Hell所属专辑:Battlecry歌词:Here we are我们在此地Riding the sky翱翔于天际Painting the night with sun绘夜空以晨旭You and I, Mirrors of light你和我 交相辉映Twin flames of fire如两团火焰Lit in another time and place闪亮在彼时彼地I knew your name我曾知你生名I knew your face也曾忆你音容Your love and grace与你爱和魅力Past and present now embrace过往与现在汇聚Worlds collide in inner space世界激荡于内心Unstoppable, the song we play我们奏响的歌 永不停息(chorus)(合唱)Burn the page for me忘记我的过去I cannot erase the time of sleep沉睡时光我无法抹去I cannot be loved so set me free我不能被爱 所以放我自由I cannot deliver your love我不能接受你的爱Or caress your soul so也无法抚慰你(的灵魂) 那turn that page for me就让过往逝去I cannot embrace the touch that you give我不能接受你的拥抱I cannot find solice in your words也找不到安慰的话语I cannot deliver you your love我不能回应你的爱意or caress your soul也不能抚慰你(的灵魂)Age to age年复一年I feel the call我感到那呼唤Memory of future dreams未来梦想的记忆You and I, riding the sky你和我 相依比翼Keeping the fire bright让火焰永不熄From another time and place在彼时彼地I know your name我知你生名I know your face将你容颜记Your touch and grace和你的怀抱和魅力All of time can not erase时间也无法抹去What our hearts remember stays我们记得要留在哪里Forever on a song we play永远留在 我们的那首歌里(chorus)(合唱)Burn the page for me忘记我的过去I cannot erase the time of sleep沉睡时光我无法抹去I cannot be loved so set me free我不能被爱 所以放我自由I cannot deliver your love我不能接受你的爱Or caress your soul so也无法抚慰你(的灵魂) 那turn that page for me就让过往逝去I cannot embrace the touch that you give我不能接受你的拥抱I cannot find solice in your words也找不到安慰的话语I cannot deliver you your love我不能回应你的爱意or caress your soul也不能抚慰你(的灵魂)
2023-07-06 23:32:441

bad romance的歌词是什么意思

歌词翻译不能很直接的给你,只能告诉你说,很多人的翻译都是不对的,因为他们的原歌词就不对,很多人都是根据自己听到的来猜原歌词的,这个应该是最正确的,不相信的话可以按照歌曲对照歌词看一看谁的更准确。我敢保证。如果我发现这个歌词有错误一定第一之间通知楼主。喔对了中间有一段法语,就更不会翻译了。法语大概的意思就似乎,我要你的坏,我要你的爱,跟高潮部分差不多的意思。Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah,Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah,rah rah-oo-la-la,Want your bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah,Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah,GaGa-oo-la-la,Want your bad romanceI want your uglyI want your diseaseI want your everythingAs long as its freeI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveI want you drama The touch of your hand I want your leather studded kiss in the sandAnd I want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveYou know that I want youAnd you know that I need youI want you badYour bad romanceI want your loveAnd I want your revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceI want your loveAll your love is revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh,Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh,Caught in a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh,Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh,Caught in a bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah,Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah,GaGa-oo-la-la,Want your bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah,Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah,GaGa-oo-la-la,Want your bad romanceI want your horror I want your design "Cuz youre a criminal As long as youre mine I want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveI want your psychoYour vertical stickWant you in my rear windowYour baby is sickI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your loveYou know that I want you(Cuz Im a free bitch baby)And you know that I need youI want your badYour bad romanceI want your loveAnd I want your revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceI want your loveAll your love is revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh,Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh,Caught in a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh,Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh,Caught in a bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah,Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah,GaGa-oo-la-la,Want your bad romanceRah-rah-ah-ah-ah,Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah,GaGa-oo-la-la,Want your bad romanceWalk walk fashion baby work it Move that bitch c-razy Walk walk fashion baby work it Move that bitch c-razy Walk walk passion baby work it Im a free bitch baby I want your loveAnd I want your revengeI want your loveI dont wanna be friends法语部分开始了。Je veux ton amour Et je veux ta revenge Je veux ton amour 法语部分结束。I dont wanna be friendsI dont wanna be friends(Caught in a bad romance)I dont wanna be friendsWant your bad romance(Caught in a bad romance)want your bad romanceI want your loveAnd I want your revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceI want your loveAll your love is revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh,Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh,Want your bad romance (Caught in a bad romance)Want your bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh,Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh,Want yout bad romance(Caught in a bad romance)Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah,Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah,GaGa-oo-la-la,Want your bad romance 另外这个歌曲的my一开始还有一段儿"Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh,Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh,Caught in a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh,Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh,Caught in a bad romance正常版歌曲里面好是没有的。关于这个mv的意义如下:理解第一种:首先这个是带有宗教色彩的 有点吸血鬼复活的感觉 (吸血鬼是从流泪造型的头饰 蝙蝠有感) 开始在都在棺材里 等待复活 复活后各种痛苦 抽搐等表情 后面就像GAGA自己描述那样 接受了洗礼 然后卖给黑手党 GAGA说 然而事情没那么简单 加上BD这个名字 我是认为最后爱上了黑手党 然后吸血鬼和人是被禁止产生爱情的 最后黑手党被火烧相当于爱情产生火花毁灭了自己 流泪造型再次出现 最后GAGA一个人躺在爱人的尸体旁边理解第二种:GaGa在裏面刚开始的身份不明,我觉得 (开始猜了,别骂我哦) 素颜很美的是可能真我的样子,可能被绑架了拿去改造(像Doll house) 所以有一开始从「棺材」出来目蒙面的样子.像「孵化」的人似的. 然后去「沐浴净身」时圆圆眼睛像小孩一样纯真.最后不情愿地被强灌迷汤了. 然后盛装送去供男人们观赏,只挣扎一会就因「药」失去自我了.尽显媚态,(回想浴室裸背画面可能曾质疑自我),最后坐上中间那男人大腿,众男按键下标,竞投GaGa. 水晶薕子那一幕更有被观赏意味(中世纪,欧美曾出现大量地下奴隶竞投) 然后观赏完毕,GaGa又被囚禁起来.在浴室和独处时还是在思考? 最后,打扮好去接受「得标者」的「宠幸」. 脱下熊袍子时,那男人一下子愣了(注意,不是惊艳,而是恐惧)先有一个镜头闪回她独处时,她做了一个枪弊的手势,回到脱袍子画面,我觉得那男的见到GaGa胸前火枪了 后来和一群红衣Dancer(由白衣转红衣),且GaGa露脸,GaGa成为Boss,和一开始GaGa像女皇般坐在众人中间一样. 结局的炭黑床上的GaGa应该代表这全首MⅤ都是变Boss前的回忆. 其实这种意义只有自己看才能参透,观法也没有给完整的什么意思。以上只是各位喜欢lady gaga的迷猜的。但是也差不多。这个mv主要也是讲的"七宗罪楼主不知道可以百度一下。下面这个是gaga自己对mv的简述和理解:我不得不承认,导演Francis Lawrence对mv的驾驭能力明显高于我。MV中,有一个场景是我被模特绑(河蟹)架了,我要洗漱我的罪(河蟹)行,他们给我灌伏特加,然后把我卖给俄罗斯的黑手党。然而事情没那么简单,为了增添时尚元素,我们增加了男性剃须刀片做成的太阳镜(看开始的镜头特写)0 0我知道这种行为对于女孩来说比较另类,从来也不会在家里这么玩剃须刀,她们可能会放在嘴上叼着。但我就想这么做,因为这才是我,这才是我的武(河蟹)器,这才是我的MONSTER,, 对于导演,我只能说他太棒了,他是一名出色的音乐录影带导演,也是优秀的电影大师。他拍摄的《I Am Legend》(我是传奇)非常好看,我是威尔史密斯的狂(河蟹)热粉丝,我知道他一定会把MV拍摄的很有特点,而且他也没让我失望。 我得说明,其实我也是这个mv的导演,但是想找到一个跟我志同道合、能够完全理解我的导演很难。这个mv是由我来设计整体的,包括里面的时装元素、如何拍摄等等。而Francis很配合我,我们合作的非常愉快。 最后,楼主有什么疑问可以去lady gaga叭,记住进入贴吧的时候lady和gaga中间不要打空格,不然会进错贴吧的。
2023-07-06 23:32:591

谁能翻译一下《out of touch》的歌词

这是我们知道的全部 用身体作为我们走 醒来时幻想 周围的全部不是我们看到的颜色 破冰的融化在太阳底下。还是 和时代的往往是一个了 我们的灵魂孤独 与灵魂对我很重要 去看看 你触摸 我的时间 但我从我的头当你不在身边 追求一些 找一个爱的地方气候寒冷 躁狂和昏昏欲睡的梦想 住在中间或两个极端之间 烟枪太烫 如果我们能冷静下来并没有使用他们这么多呢 我们的灵魂孤独 灵魂对我很重要 太多了
2023-07-06 23:33:183

you my you 谁能帮我翻译下歌词

Every Romeo has a Juliet每个罗密欧都有一个朱丽叶Wishful thinkers have their stars充满希望的人都有他们的星星Hopeless romantics each have a love song每个绝望的浪漫派也有自己的爱的赞曲Played on their guitars在他们的吉他上弹奏的爱的歌曲But you但是你You"re everything你是一切This foolish heart could ever define这颗愚蠢的心可以解释Every wish,每一个愿望 Every dream,每一个梦 Every prayer come true每一个成真的祈祷I feel so blessed to call you mine我是如此的感激你竟然属于我You"re my you, 你是我的你Even more甚至于No one else I"ll adore再也没有其他的人能让我热爱You"re my you你是我的你In my mind在我眼中Simply one of a kind简单的一种热爱You"re the one who never fails to brighten my day你永远能够明亮我的每一天My princess in every fairytale我童话世界里的公主You"re my mornin" "til night你是我的每一天所想Such a beautiful sight如此美丽的风景You"re my you你是我的你Your e1, 你的眼睛Your lips你的嘴唇The touch of your fingertips你指尖的触感Promise me you"ll never take them away请发誓,你永远不会让它们离开我For as long as I exist在我存在的每一天But you但是你You"re everything你是一切This foolish heart could ever define这颗愚蠢的心可以解释Every wish,每一个愿望 Every dream,每一个梦 Every prayer come true每一个成真的祈祷I feel so blessed to call you mine我是如此的感激你竟然属于我You"re my you, 你是我的你Even more甚至于No one else I"ll adore再也没有其他的人能让我热爱You"re my you你是我的你In my mind在我眼中Simply one of a kind简单的一种热爱You"re the one who never fails to brighten my day你永远能够明亮我的每一天My princess in every fairytale我童话世界里的公主You"re my mornin" "til night你是我的每一天所想Such a beautiful sight如此美丽的风景You"re the heat of the fire in a cold winter"s night你是寒冷冬夜里的那一簇火的热度You"re a raindrop in June, 你是炎热六月里的那一滴甘露You"re the sun你是太阳You"re the one,你是那一个 You"re my you 属于我的你
2023-07-06 23:33:252

一首外国歌,很老了,就是以前迪吧经常放的,开头就是:我…oh oh oh oh ,我…oh oh

heyoh 是不是这个?
2023-07-06 23:33:333


美国。牛排 西式菜肴。用精牛肉切成大厚片煎炸而成。有时也指为做这种菜肴而切好的厚牛肉片。在西餐厅吃饭,饭菜有很多讲究。通常点牛排,或是在高级一点的餐厅点牛肉汉堡,服务生都会这样问你How do you like it cooked? 回答的方式也有几种:全熟是 well done,七分熟是medium well,五分熟是medium,四分熟是medium rare,三分熟是 rare。直观的理解牛排的熟度可以做如下解释。Very rare steak:牛排内部为血红色而且温度不高。一分熟牛排(rare):牛排内部为血红色且内部各处保持一定温度(高于very rare steak)。三分熟牛排(medium rare):内部为桃红且带有相当热度。五分熟牛排(medium):牛排内部为粉红且夹杂着浅灰和综褐色,整个牛排都很烫。七分熟牛排(medium well):牛排内部主要为浅灰综褐色,夹杂着粉红色。全熟牛排(well done):牛排内部为褐色。按温度划分Very rare steak:120°一分熟牛排(rare):125°三分熟牛排(medium rare):130-135°五分熟牛排(medium):140-145°七分熟牛排(medium well):150-155°全熟牛排(well done):160°按触觉划分(这个英文翻译比较困难,请自己理解)Very rare steak:feels soft and squishy一分熟牛排(rare):soft to the touch三分熟牛排(medium rare):yields gently to the touch五分熟牛排(medium):yields only slightly to the touch, beginning to firm up七分熟牛排(medium well):firm to the touch全熟牛排(well done):hard to the touch
2023-07-06 23:33:561


打错字了吧,应该是 炙手可热【解释】:手摸上去感到热得烫人。比喻势大,气焰盛,使人不敢接近。【出自】:唐·杜甫《丽人行》:“炙手可热势绝伦,慎莫近前丞相嗔。”【示例】:~握大权,待郎充犬吠篱边。 ◎清·陈忱《水浒后传》第一回【近义词】:烜赫一时、望而生畏、敬而远之【反义词】:平易近人、和蔼可亲【语法】:兼语式;作谓语、定语;含贬义
2023-07-06 23:34:124


2023-07-06 23:34:201


2023-07-06 23:34:2810

it s not good bey 的歌词

it"s not good byelaura pausiniand what if i never kiss your lips againor feel the touch of your sweet embracehow would i ever go onwithout you there"s no place to belongwell, someday love is gonna lead you back to mebut "till it does i"ll have an empty heartso i"ll just have to believesomewhere out there you"re thinking of meuntil the day i let you gountil we say our next helloit"s not good-bye"til i see you againi"ll be right here rememberin" whenand if time is on our sidethere"ll be no tears to cryon down the roadthere is one thing i can"t denyit"s not good-byeyou"d think i"d be strong enough to make it throughand rise above when the rain falls downbut it"s so hard to be strongwhen you"ve been missin" somebody so longit"s just a matter of time i"m surebut time takes time and i can"t hold onso won"t you try as hard as you canto put my broken heart together againuntil the day i let you gountil we say our next helloit"s not good-bye"til i see you againi"ll be right here rememberin" whenand if time is on our sidethere"ll be no tears to cryon down the roadthere is one thing i can"t denyit"s not good-byeuntil the day i let you gountil we say our next helloit"s not good-bye"til i see you againi"ll be right here rememberin" whenand if time is on our sidethere"ll be no tears to cryon down the roadthere is one thing i can"t denyit"s not goodbye是这个吧翻译:现在,如果我从来没有亲吻你的嘴唇再次 或感受到淡淡的甜你的怀抱。 怎样,我会永远继续下去吗? 如果没有你有没有地方属于 总有一天,好爱,是要带领你回到我的, 但直到它离开,有一个空洞的心。 因此,我将不得不相信有些地方在那里你考虑我 直到一天,我让你去, 直到我们说我们下次你好它不再见。 直到我看见你再次 我会在这里的记忆是什么时候。 如果时间是站在我们这一边 将不会有眼泪,哭了就下来道 有一件事我不能否认它不再见 你认为我会坚强足以令它通过 与崛起时,作以上表示雨中摔倒。 但抯所以要争取成为强大的时候,你已经失踪有人这么久 这只是个时间问题,我敢肯定, 以及时间需时,我不能忍着点, 所以不会你尝试努力,你可以 把我破碎的心一起再次? 直到一天,我让你去, 直到我们说我们下次你好它不再见。 直到我看见你再次 我会在这里的记忆是什么时候。 如果时间是站在我们这一边 将不会有眼泪,哭了就下来道 有一件事我不能否认它不再见 这不是不再见… … 。 直到一天,我会让你去, 直到我们说我们下次你好它不再见。 直到我看见你再次 我会在这里的记忆是什么时候。 如果时间是站在我们这一边 将不会有眼泪,哭了就下来道 我也不能否认的,而不是再见 这不是再见 直到我看见你 我会在这里的记忆,当 时间是站在我们这一边 没有更多的眼泪,哭了 我和斜面否认 这不是再见 再见 没有更多的眼泪,哭了 是的,这不是再见。
2023-07-06 23:34:491

the touch歌词

Maria arredondo唱的I wake up to a rainy morning, face a dreary day醒来,在阴雨连绵的早上,迎来了沉闷的一天I turn the shower on and wash my blues away沐浴,冲刷掉一身的忧郁You wrap a towel around me with a smile that leaves no doubt你不带疑虑地微笑用浴巾裹住我And suddenly it dawns on me what life is all about这一刻,生命的全部意义涌上心头It"s the touch of your heart; it"s a promise of a brand new startThe intervention of love from heaven above那是心之感触,是对新开始一段来自上天的爱之旨意的承诺It"s the magic of you, what a touch of your heart can do心之感触,即是你的魔力I can rise to the stars by the touch of your heart心之感触,让我升至星辰I see your arms before me even when you"re gone甚至你离开的时候,我都能感受到你双臂在身前环抱着我I hear you voice inside me, hear it call like the sun倾听你的声音在我心中荡漾,如同太阳般招唤着我I feel you wrapped around me like a warm and sweet embrace回味你如同甜蜜、温暖拥抱般围绕着我And everywhere I look I see reflections of your face视线之所及,都是你面容‘Cause baby, you alone epitomise all that life can beAnd once again I realise you"re everything to me因为,你一人便胜于生活的全部,我再一次意识到,你是我的一切It"s the touch of your heart; it"s a promise of a brand new startThe intervention of love from heaven above那是心之感触,是对新开始一段来自上天的爱之旨意的承诺It"s the magic of you, what a touch of your heart can do心之感触,即是你的魔力I can rise to the stars by the touch of your heart心之感触,让我升至星辰I can rise to the stars by the touch of your heart心之感触,让我升至星辰参考资料:
2023-07-06 23:35:082

Sam Levine的《The Touch》 歌词

歌曲名:The Touch歌手:Sam Levine专辑:Great SaxYou got the touch你燃起动力You got the power你发动力量YeahAfter all is said and done毕竟说过,做过You"ve never walked, you"ve never run,你从不曾退缩,你从不曾逃脱You"re a winner你是胜利者You got the moves, you know the streets拨开迷雾,你看清道路Break the rules, take the heat冲破羁绊,斗志昂扬You"re nobody"s fool你怎能被邪恶所愚弄You"re at your best when when the goin" gets rough当前进变得艰难,你显示出你的非凡You"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough你已突破考验,但是仍然有限You got the touch你燃起动力You got the power你发动力量When all hell"s breakin" loose当地狱之门放逐邪恶肆虐开战You"ll be riding the eye of the storm你义无返顾,在如暴风雨般炮火的核心You got the heart你燃起斗志You got the motion你付诸行动You know that when things get too tough当一切变得艰难的时候,你明寮You got the touch你燃起动力You never bend, you never break你从不屈服 你从不放弃You seem to know just what it takes你仿佛知道什么带来正义You"re a fighter你是一名斗士It"s in the blood, it"s in the will它已溶入生命,它已化作意志It"s in the mighty hands of steel它握在那强有力的钢铁的手里When you"re standin" your ground当你屹立在你的阵地And you never get hit when your back"s to the wall当陷入绝境,你从不曾被打倒Gonna fight to the end and you"re takin" it all坚持战斗到最后,并且赢得所有You got the touch你激活动力You got the power你发动力量When all hell"s breakin" loose当地狱之门放逐邪恶肆虐开战You"ll be riding the eye of the storm你义无返顾,在如暴风雨般炮火的核心You got the heart你燃起斗志You got the motion你付诸行动You know that when things get too tough当一切变得艰难的时候,你明寮You got the touch你燃起动力You"re fightin" fire with fire你战斗不息You know you got the touch你知道你该燃起动力You"re at your best when when the road gets rough当前路变得艰难,你显示出你的不凡You"ve been put to the test, but it"s never enough你已突破考验,但是仍然有限You got the touch你燃起动力You got the power你发动力量YeahYou got the touch你燃起动力You got the power你发动力量Christine & Duncan Studio
2023-07-06 23:35:151

"the touch of"是什么意思

touch [简明英汉词典][tQtF]n.触, 触觉, 接触, 联系, 轻触, 碰, 缺点, 格调vt.接触, 触摸, 触及, 达到, 涉及, 点缀, 使接触, 感动vi.触摸, 接近, 涉及, 提到题中的touch是名词自己看着翻译吧。我不大确定啊
2023-07-06 23:35:292


touch可以解释为碰触,接触的意思,也可以表示联系,如keep in touch。touch作动词时译为触摸、碰、接触、触及、移动、碰到、打(人)、使受伤。作名词时译为触觉、触感、触摸、触、碰、触摸时的感觉。touch强调导致或产生感觉的原因或因此而获得了解的行为。可用于人身体部位接触物体,也可用于使用某种工具而引起其他感觉(如听觉等)。还可指非物质的接触,依据上下文可活译为“够得着”“涉及”、“影响到”、“毗邻”等。touch 还可译为“吃”、“喝”、“比得来”,这时多用于否定结构。touch引申可指“伤害,损坏”,指一般的损伤,其后一般跟表示自信、荣誉等一类的词。短语搭配Touch Screen 触摸屏 ; 触屏 ; 触控屏幕 ; 触控萤幕。iPod touch 第四代 ; 第五代 ; 苹果皮 ; 第六代。touch out 触杀 ; 触手出界 ; 而需要三垒手触杀 ; 三垒手触杀。The Touch 天脉传奇 ; 抚摸 ; 接触 ; 天脉传奇专辑。Soft Touch 黑色磨砂特别版 ; 软耳根子的人 ; 轻触式。Force Touch 压力触控 ; 压感触控 ; 力感触控 ; 压力触控感应。
2023-07-06 23:36:521


I shall not frequent your society long, natty ! 纳蒂啊,看来我们的友谊是长不了啦! Ben pump sides with natty . 本邦普站在纳蒂一边。 With natty bumppo the difficulty bees crucial . 处理纳蒂班波这个角色,困难到了极点。 It is impossible, however, to trick natty out in other colours than his famipar ones, 可是费尽心机也不能使纳蒂摆脱本色。 The touch of the past stirs a strange anguish, in the reader as in natty bumppo . 旧梦重温,读者和纳蒂班波一样,都感到一种难以言状的凄楚。 But at the end huck, pke natty bumppo, must get away from civipzation if he is to save himself . 然而到了最后,象纳蒂邦波一样,赫克如要拯救自己,必须离开文明社会。 With natty bumppo the difficulty bees crucial 处理纳蒂?班波这个角色,困难到了极点。 He " s natty dread , she is the best one in the flowerman pany 是natty dread ,是男人花公司的头牌 The touch of the past stirs a strange anguish , in the reader as in natty bumppo 旧梦重温,读者和纳蒂?班波一样,都感到一种难以言状的凄楚。 His cap was a dainty thing , his closebuttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty , and so were his pantaloons 他的帽子很精致,蓝色的上衣扣得紧紧的,又新又整洁,他的裤子也是一样。
2023-07-06 23:38:461

求《Broken vow》的歌词中文翻译

中文歌词 破碎的誓言 告诉我她的名字我想知道她是否有闭月羞花的美貌还有,你要去哪里我想见她 我想知道 为何我们走到了尽头 请再告诉我我想让你告诉我是谁让我多年来的信念破灭 是谁在夜里陪在你身边 而让我独守空房要知道我曾是你的一切 我会让你走 我会让你自由地飞 我何苦追问你离开的原因 我会让你走 现在我懂得 如何去把握 而非苦守着破碎的誓言 告诉我你想听我说些什么不要再在我面前掩饰忧伤让我感动 你曾承诺给我永远 亦或者,一切一直都是幻影
2023-07-06 23:39:063


touchKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 接触,碰到2. 触摸She lightly touched his forehead.她轻轻地摸了摸他的前额。3. (常与否定词连用)碰;乱动Don"t touch the exhibits.不要碰展览品。4. (常与否定词连用)达到,比得上Few students in our school can touch him in music.在音乐方面,我们学校很少有学生能与他相比。5. 触动,感动I was touched beyond words.我感动莫名。6. 用轻巧的笔法勾画出[(+in)]7. 【书】涉及,关系到They did not touch this topic in their talk.他们在会谈中没有触及这个问题。8. 使接触9. 停泊10. 使轻度受害;影响The rain touched the crops.这场雨使庄稼受害。vi.1. 接触,碰到They sat so close that their heads nearly touched.他们坐得那么近,头都差不多碰到一起了。2. 触摸3. 与...有关,涉及[(+on/upon)]4. 接近,近手[(+on)]5. (简略地)论及,提到[(+on/upon)]In his talk he touched on/upon the state of affairs in Latin America.谈话中他提到了拉丁美洲的局势。6. 靠岸[(+at)]Our ship is to touch at Hongkong tomorrow morning.我们的船将于明天上午停靠香港。n.1. 触觉[U]2. 触感[S]3. 触,碰[S1]It will break at a touch.那东西一碰就破。4. 接触,联系[U]Let"s stay in touch.我们保持联络。5. 格调,风格;特点[S]6. 装点;润色[C]He"s added a few finishing touches to his novel.他给小说作了最后润色。7. 特长,才能[S]He has a touch with birds.他擅长养鸟。8. 少许,一点[S][(+of)]The young man recited his poems with a touch of pride.那个青年带点骄傲地朗诵他的诗作。9. 【橄】【足】边线以外地区[U]
2023-07-06 23:39:502

Out Of Touch 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Touch歌手:Daryl Hall & John Oates专辑:Pure... AmericaShake it up is all that we knowUsing the bodies up as we goI"m waking up to fantasyThe shates all around aren"t the colors we used to seeBroken ice still melts in the sunAnd times that are broken can often be one againWe"re soul aloneAnd soul really matters to meTake a look aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundOh,Oh-Oh-Oh,Oh-Oh-OhReaching out for something to holdLooking for a love where the climate is coldManic moves and drowsy dreamsOr living in the middle between the two extremesSmoking guns hot to the touchWould cool down if we didn"t use them so much,yeahWe"re soul aloneAnd soul really matters to meToo muchYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundOh,Oh-Oh-Oh,Oh-Oh-OhWoo-Woo-Woo-Woo-Oh,Oh-Oh-Oh,Oh-Oh-Oh-Out of Touch-Wow!You"re out of touchI"m out of timeBut i"m out of my head when you"re not around (Hey,when you"re not around)You"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not around (Hey!Woo-)You"re out of touchI"m out of time (We"re soul alone)Na-na-na-na-na,hey,when you"re not around (Na-na-na)You"re out of touchI"m out of timeBut i"m out of my head when you"re not around (Out of touch! Out of time! Out of touch! Out of time!)You"re out of touchWe smoking guns hot to the touch (touch)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of timeYeah,na-na-na (Na-na-na)You"re out of touchI"m out of time(Out of touch! Out of time! Out of touch! Out of time!)But i"m out of my head when you"re not around
2023-07-06 23:39:571

Out Of Touch 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Touch歌手:Daryl Hall & John Oates专辑:Discover Daryl Hall & John Oates歌词:Shake it up is all that we knowUsing the bodies up as we goI"m waking up to fantasyThe shates all around aren"t the colors we used to seeBroken ice still melts in the sunAnd times that are broken can often be one againWe"re soul aloneAnd soul really matters to meTake a look aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundOh,Oh-Oh-Oh,Oh-Oh-OhReaching out for something to holdLooking for a love where the climate is coldManic moves and drowsy dreamsOr living in the middle between the two extremesSmoking guns hot to the touchWould cool down if we didn"t use them so much,yeahWe"re soul aloneAnd soul really matters to meToo muchYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundOh,Oh-Oh-Oh,Oh-Oh-OhWoo-Woo-Woo-Woo-Oh,Oh-Oh-Oh,Oh-Oh-Oh-Out of Touch-Wow!You"re out of touchI"m out of timeBut i"m out of my head when you"re not around (Hey,when you"re not around)You"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not around (Hey!Woo-)You"re out of touchI"m out of time (We"re soul alone)Na-na-na-na-na,hey,when you"re not around (Na-na-na)You"re out of touchI"m out of timeBut i"m out of my head when you"re not around (Out of touch! Out of time! Out of touch! Out of time!)You"re out of touchWe smoking guns hot to the touch (touch)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of timeYeah,na-na-na (Na-na-na)You"re out of touchI"m out of time(Out of touch! Out of time! Out of touch! Out of time!)But i"m out of my head when you"re not around
2023-07-06 23:40:052

I Ve Got Love 歌词

歌曲名:I Ve Got Love歌手:Matt Monro专辑:The Rare MonroDJ DoveI"VE GOT LOVEI"ve got the love i needThe touch of irresistable desireI got not enough of plans and dreamsThat brings me happyness of lifeSo-I"ve got the love i needThe touch of irresistable desireI got not enough of plans and dreamsThat make me lucky like a star!(music+rap)I"ve got the love i needThe touch of irresistable desireI got not enough of plans and dreamsThat brings me happyness of lifeSo-I"ve got the love i needThe touch of irresistable desireI got not enough of plans and dreamsThat make me lucky like a star!I"ve got the love i needThe touch of irresistable desireI got not enough of plans and dreamsThat brings me happyness of lifeSo-I"ve got the love i needThe touch of irresistable desireI got not enough of plans and dreamsThat make me lucky like a star!(music+rap)
2023-07-06 23:40:121

with out saying a word,you can light up my world的歌名是什么??

只找到了这首歌:when you say nothing at all 这是歌词:有一句是:Without saying a word, you can light up the dark 不知道是不是你要的那首中英文都给你找来了It"s amazing how you can speak right to my heart 真令人惊异 你可以一语说中我的心事 Without saying a word, you can light up the dark 不需要任何语言 你能成为黑暗中的光明 Try as I may I could never explain 试着解释我无法解释的 What I hear when you don"t say a thing 你不说话时我依然能明白 The smile on your face lets me know that you need me 你脸上的笑容告诉我你需要我 There"s a truth in your eyes saying you"ll never leave me 在你眼中有一份真诚告诉我你永远不会离开我 The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me when ever I fall 你轻触的手在说当我摔到你会把我接住 You say it best..when you say nothing at all when you say nothing at all 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 All day long I can hear people talking out loud 每一天我听到人群大声谈论 But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd (the crowd) 但是你近距离的拥抱 淹没了吵杂的人群 Try as they may they can never define 试着解释 却永远无法定义 What"s been said between your heart and mine 那些我们心的悄悄话 (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 The smile on your face 你脸上的笑容 The truth in your eyes 你眼中有一份真诚 The touch of your hand 你轻触的手 Let"s me know that you need me.. 让我知道你需要我.. (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 The smile on your face 你脸上的笑容 The truth in your eyes 你眼中有一份真诚 The touch of your hand 你轻触的手 Let"s me know that you need me.. 让我知道你需要我.. (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚
2023-07-06 23:40:191

歌词 i see you everyday dream me

歌手:Backstreet Boys 专辑:《Millennium》发行时间:2014-06-23《No One Else Comes Close》歌词 - Joe[欧美]When we turn out the lightsThe two of us alone togetherSomething just not rightBut girl you know that I"d neverever let another"s touch come between the two of usCause no one else could never take your placeNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come closeAnd when I wake up toThe touch of your head on my shoulderYou"re my dream come trueOh girl you know I"ll always treasureEvery kiss everyday love you girl in every wayNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come close
2023-07-06 23:40:261

Out Of Touch 歌词

歌曲名:Out Of Touch歌手:Lucinda Williams专辑:EssenceShake it up is all that we knowUsing the bodies up as we goI"m waking up to fantasyThe shates all around aren"t the colors we used to seeBroken ice still melts in the sunAnd times that are broken can often be one againWe"re soul aloneAnd soul really matters to meTake a look aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundOh,Oh-Oh-Oh,Oh-Oh-OhReaching out for something to holdLooking for a love where the climate is coldManic moves and drowsy dreamsOr living in the middle between the two extremesSmoking guns hot to the touchWould cool down if we didn"t use them so much,yeahWe"re soul aloneAnd soul really matters to meToo muchYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundOh,Oh-Oh-Oh,Oh-Oh-OhWoo-Woo-Woo-Woo-Oh,Oh-Oh-Oh,Oh-Oh-Oh-Out of Touch-Wow!You"re out of touchI"m out of timeBut i"m out of my head when you"re not around (Hey,when you"re not around)You"re out of touchI"m out of time (time)But i"m out of my head when you"re not around (Hey!Woo-)You"re out of touchI"m out of time (We"re soul alone)Na-na-na-na-na,hey,when you"re not around (Na-na-na)You"re out of touchI"m out of timeBut i"m out of my head when you"re not around (Out of touch! Out of time! Out of touch! Out of time!)You"re out of touchWe smoking guns hot to the touch (touch)But i"m out of my head when you"re not aroundYou"re out of touchI"m out of timeYeah,na-na-na (Na-na-na)You"re out of touchI"m out of time(Out of touch! Out of time! Out of touch! Out of time!)But i"m out of my head when you"re not around
2023-07-06 23:40:351

i felt the touch of something bright and friendly

突然,我觉得接触到的事物是明亮和友善的 (touch of 没这个词组 touch 是接触 碰到的意思)
2023-07-06 23:40:421

歌词是such a feelings coming over me是什么曲子

Top of the world 世界之巅
2023-07-06 23:41:012


《can"t help falling in love》《情不自禁爱上你》(F4)
2023-07-06 23:41:082


Touch of My Hand播放歌手:Britney SpearsI"m not ashamed of the things that I dreamI found myself flirting with the verge of obsceneInto the unknown, I will be boldI;m going to places I can be out of controlAnd I don"t want to explain tonightAll the things I"ve tried to hideI shut myself out from the world so Ican draw the blinds and I"ll teach myself to flyI Love myself, it"s not a sinI can"t control what"s happenin"Chorus"Cause I just discoveredImaginations taking overAnother day without a loverThe more I come to understandThe touch of my handFrom the small of my back and the arch of my feetLately I"ve been noticin" the beautiful meI"m all in my skin and I"m not gonna waitI"m into myself, I"m almost rusispeAnd I don"t want to explain tonightAll the things I"ve tried to hideI shut myself out from the world so Ican draw the blinds and I"ll teach myself to flyChorus"Cause I just discoveredImaginations taking overAnother day without a loverThe more I come to understandThe touch of my handAnd my body is mineThere"s a rythm divineI won"t be left behindI"m already hereChorus x2"Cause I just discoveredImaginations taking overAnother day without a loverThe more I come to understandThe touch of my hand"Cause I just discoveredImaginations taking overAnother day without a loverThe more I come to understandThe touch of my hand
2023-07-06 23:41:151

To Touch 歌词,求翻译、

去百度找英语在线翻译器 希望能帮助你
2023-07-06 23:41:222

d开头的英文名字中文歌 男生唱的欢快型

No One Else Comes Close - JoeWhen we turn out the lights当我们关掉灯光The two of us alone together当世界仅存你我Something just not right也许这已是错But girl you know that I"d never但我的姑娘你知道ever let another"s touch come between the two of us我不会让别人靠近你我的身旁Cause no one else could never take your place因为没有人能够取代你No one else comes close to you不会有人走近你No one makes me feel the way you do没有人能让我感到你的方向You"re so special girl to me你是我特别的女孩And you"ll always be eternally你是我永爱姑娘Every time I hold you near每一次我靠近你的身旁You always say the words I love to hear你总会一句我最爱听的话Girl with just a touch you can do so much一个给我许多灵感的姑娘No one else come close不会有人走进你And when I wake up to每次当我醒来The touch of your head on my shoulder感受到你的头在我的肩上You"re my dream come true是你使我的美梦成真Oh girl you know I"ll always treasure哦姑娘,你知道我会将你终生珍藏Every kiss everyday love you girl in every way每一天给你的爱是我的一个吻And I always will cause in my eyes我将始终这样,因为你在我的眼里No one else comes close to you不会有人走近你No one makes me feel the way you do没有人能让我感到你的方向You"re so special girl to me你是我特别的女孩And you"ll always be eternally你是我永爱姑娘Every time I hold you near每一次我靠近你的身旁You always say the words I love to hear你总会一句我最爱听的话Girl with just a touch you can do so much一个给我许多灵感的姑娘No one else comes close to you不会有人走近你No one makes me feel the way you do没有人能让我感到你的方向You"re so special girl to me你是我特别的女孩And you"ll always be eternally你是我永爱姑娘Every time I hold you near每一次我靠近你的身旁You always say the words I love to hear你总会一句我最爱听的话Girl with just a touch you can do so much一个给我许多灵感的姑娘No one else come close不会有人走进你No one else come close不会有人走进你
2023-07-06 23:42:311

英语Let’s stay in touch怎么翻译?

2023-07-06 23:42:409