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who has the造句

2023-07-07 00:56:47

who has the造句

who has the book?

Who has the english version?


Who has the key? 谁有钥匙?



From the table above, who has the best chance in the 2012 Olympics?根据上面的表格可知,谁在2012年奥运会上有最好的机会?

He is not the only one who has the idea in mind. 不仅他一个人有这种想法。

Who has the brain and money to stage this smash-and-grab? 谁有脑力和财力策划这场砸了就抢的案子?

Who has the authority to make decisions? 谁有权做决定?



The Who谁人例句:1The WHO recommendation has no legal status. 世界卫生组织的建议不具备法律效应。2They encore with a superlative version of The Who"s "The Kids Are Alright". 他们加演了谁人乐队的《真是不赖的小伙子》,非常精彩。3My mom was the one who mediated between Zelda and her mom. 我妈妈充当了泽尔达和她妈妈之间的调解人。
2023-07-06 22:33:181


The Who - QQ音乐 - 千万正版音乐海量无损曲库新歌热歌天天畅听的...Converse也曾为The who乐队推出一款乐队合作鞋款。 谁乐队由4人于1963年组成,核心人物是...QQ音乐ue63c如何评价The Who(谁人乐队)? - 知乎回答时间: 2020年09月24日最佳答案:但是他的鼓点非常紧凑迅猛,是the who最独一无二的部分,也为乐队增添了不少光彩,
2023-07-06 22:33:252

The who是什么风格的乐队?

是啊,是比较偏流行的Hard rock
2023-07-06 22:33:336

the who应该翻译成什么意思?

the 加形容词 表一类人 如 the old 老人 the blind 盲人
2023-07-06 22:33:501

求The Who乐队的资料

乐队介绍:在60年代的英国乐坛以“甲壳虫”乐队 为发端的摇滚乐新时代里可谓群雄并起,争 奇斗艳。除了“甲壳虫”和“滚石”乐队, 最有个性,也最引人争议的就是“谁人”乐 队(The Who)了。 “谁人”乐队于1964年在伦敦成立,它 的4位成员是:罗杰·达尔特瑞(Roger Da- ltery)主唱;约翰·恩特维斯托(John E- ntwistle),贝司手;凯思·莫恩(Keith Moon)鼓手;彼得·汤谢德(Peter Towns- hend)则是乐队的核心人物,是吉它演奏家 和词曲作家。 在乐队生涯的数年中,经理人换了数届, 乐队名称也相应换了数次,而乐队成员却始 终如一,配合默契。在两位经理人凯特伯兰 特和克里斯坦普的先锋创意下,乐队正式定 为“The Who”,逐渐确立了“布兰顿之声” (A Sonic Brighton)的音乐风格,以音色 异常嘈杂喧嚣的个性特征立于乐坛。 1965年,乐队凭藉一曲《I can"t Exp- lain》登上了英国流行歌曲排行榜,之后的 几张专辑《My generation》,《The Who"s Sell Out》以及《Magic Bus》都取得了成 功。The Who 对摇滚乐所作的最重要的贡献 在于他们创作并主演的摇滚歌剧《Tommy》, 它开创了流行艺术更为广泛的领域。当1967 年这部歌剧在纽约上演时,立即引起了人们 的关注。 在以后的蒙特利尔摇滚艺术节上, 它可谓出尽风头。 70年代,The Who 作品不断问世,但在 专辑《Who Are You》推出仅1个月后,凯思 莫恩由于服用过量麻醉剂身亡,这给乐队蒙 上了难以消减的哀伤。乐队难以重振昔日雄 风,在1982年最后一次大规模的巡回演出后, 乐队成员各奔东西,离开了这个曾带给他们 辛酸和荣耀的团体。
2023-07-06 22:33:584

一首英文歌 歌词是NO踹赛斯....还有一个who are you....是什么歌?坐等大神

应该是战歌。。德国二战的战歌。纳粹德国党卫军第一装甲师战歌.名字叫《the mass》
2023-07-06 22:34:052

Don Jose was a wealthy Cuban landowner who emigrated to Mexico in 1959

2023-07-06 22:34:152

THE WHO 我愿意在我变老前死去 是哪首歌的歌词?

My Generation the Who
2023-07-06 22:34:511

抖音上面一首who are you叫什么歌

The Who - Who Are YouWho are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?I woke up in a Soho doorwayA policeman knew my nameHe said "You can go sleep at home tonightIf you can get up and walk away"I staggered back to the undergroundAnd the breeze blew back my hairI remember throwin" punches aroundAnd preachin" from my chairchorus:Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)"Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I took the tube back out of townBack to the Rollin" PinI felt a little like a dying clownWith a streak of Rin Tin TinI stretched back and I hiccuppedAnd looked back on my busy dayEleven hours in the Tin PanGod, there"s got to be another wayWell, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)"Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)The Who - Who are you?
2023-07-06 22:34:591


中英对照世卫组织是联合国系统内卫生问题的指导和协调机构。它负责对全球卫生事务提供领导,拟定卫生研究议程,制定规范和标准,阐明以证据为基础的政策方案,向各国提供技术支持,以及监测和评估卫生趋势。二十一世纪中,卫生是一项共同责任,涉及到公平获得基本保健和集体防范跨越国界的威胁。About WHOIntroductory brochure on WHO [pdf 1.24Mb]WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.In the 21st century, health is a shared responsibility, involving equitable access to essential care and collective defence against transnational threats.The WHO agendaA six-point agenda to improve public healthThe role of WHO in public healthThe Organization"s core functionsGovernance of WHOWorld Health Assembly, Executive Board and ConstitutionHistory of WHOOrigin of WHO and historical resourcesPeople and officesThe Organization"s structure and presenceResources and planningBudget, fund sources and expenditures世卫组织的议程世卫组织在日益复杂和迅速变化的局势中运作。公共卫生行动的界限已经模糊,延及至能够影响卫生机会与结果的其他部门。世卫组织通过一个六项目议程来应对这些挑战。这六个项目涉及两项卫生目标,两项战略需要,以及两个业务办法。世卫组织的总体绩效将根据其工作对妇女健康和非洲卫生保健的影响来衡量。“我希望我的领导工作,能以我们对这两组人群的健康方面的工作影响来判断:妇女和非洲人民。”– 世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍博士妇女健康和非洲卫生保健1. 促进发展过去十年中,卫生作为社会经济进步的重要推动因素,受到了前所未有的重视,获得的资源比以往任何时候都多。然而,贫困继续造成健康不佳,而健康不佳又使许多人群深陷贫困之中。卫生发展以公平这一道德原则为指导:不得以不公平的理由,包括那些基于经济或社会的理由,拒绝提供拯救生命或促进健康的干预措施。坚持这一原则可以确保以卫生发展为目标的世卫组织活动优先重视在穷困、处境不利或弱势群体中取得卫生结果。实现卫生相关千年发展目标、预防和治疗慢性病,以及处理被忽视的热带病是卫生和发展议程的基础。2. 促进卫生安全对卫生安全威胁的共同脆弱性要求采取集体行动。国际卫生安全的最大威胁之一源于新出现疾病和有流行倾向疾病的暴发。这些暴发正日益增多,迅速城市化、环境管理不善、食品生产和贸易的方式,以及抗菌素使用和误用的方式等都是促发因素。2007年6月经修订的《国际卫生条例》生效后,世界集体防范疾病暴发的能力将得到加强。3. 加强卫生系统要将改善健康作为一项减贫战略,就必须让穷困和难以获得服务的人群能够获得卫生服务。但是世界许多地区的卫生系统做不到这一点,所以世卫组织必须将加强卫生系统作为一项首要重点。这方面涉及到的领域包括提供数量充足并经过适当培训的工作人员,提供充足的资金,收集重要统计资料的适当系统,和获得适当技术,包括基本药物。4. 利用研究、信息和证据证据能够为确定重点、制定战略和衡量成果提供依据。世卫组织通过与重要专家进行协商产生具有权威性的卫生信息,以便制定规范和标准,阐明以证据为基础的政策方案并监测全球卫生状况的发展。5. 加强伙伴关系世卫组织开展工作时得到许多伙伴的支持与合作,其中包括联合国各机构和其它国际组织、捐助方、民间社会以及私立部门。世卫组织利用证据的战略力量鼓励伙伴们在国家内部实施规划,以便使它们的活动与最佳技术准则和做法,以及与各国确定的重点相一致。6. 改善绩效世卫组织参与目前正在进行的改革,目的在于改善它在国际层面以及在国家内部的效率和效益。世卫组织的目标是确保其最雄厚的资产,也即其工作人员,能够在一个有动力和有报偿的环境中开展工作。世卫组织编制预算和筹划活动时采用以成果为基础的管理办法,用明确的预期成果来衡量国家、区域和国际各级的绩效。The WHO agendaWHO operates in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing landscape. The boundaries of public health action have become blurred, extending into other sectors that influence health opportunities and outcomes. WHO responds to these challenges using a six-point agenda. The six points address two health objectives, two strategic needs, and two operational approaches. The overall performance of WHO will be measured by the impact of its work on women"s health and health in Africa."I want my leadership to be judged by the impact of our work on the health of two populations: women and the people of Africa."Dr Margaret Chan, Director-GeneralMore on women"s health and health in Africa1. Promoting developmentDuring the past decade, health has achieved unprecedented prominence as a key driver of socioeconomic progress, and more resources than ever are being invested in health. Yet poverty continues to contribute to poor health, and poor health anchors large populations in poverty. Health development is directed by the ethical principle of equity: Access to life-saving or health-promoting interventions should not be denied for unfair reasons, including those with economic or social roots. Commitment to this principle ensures that WHO activities aimed at health development give priority to health outcomes in poor, disadvantaged or vulnerable groups. Attainment of the health-related Millennium Development Goals, preventing and treating chronic diseases and addressing the neglected tropical diseases are the cornerstones of the health and development agenda.2. Fostering health securityShared vulnerability to health security threats demands collective action. One of the greatest threats to international health security arises from outbreaks of emerging and epidemic-prone diseases. Such outbreaks are occurring in increasing numbers, fuelled by such factors as rapid urbanization, environmental mismanagement, the way food is produced and traded, and the way antibiotics are used and misused. The world"s ability to defend itself collectively against outbreaks has been strengthened since June 2007, when the revised International Health Regulations came into force.3. Strengthening health systemsFor health improvement to operate as a poverty-reduction strategy, health services must reach poor and underserved populations. Health systems in many parts of the world are unable to do so, making the strengthening of health systems a high priority for WHO. Areas being addressed include the provision of adequate numbers of appropriately trained staff, sufficient financing, suitable systems for collecting vital statistics, and access to appropriate technology including essential drugs.4. Harnessing research, information and evidenceEvidence provides the foundation for setting priorities, defining strategies, and measuring results. WHO generates authoritative health information, in consultation with leading experts, to set norms and standards, articulate evidence-based policy options and monitor the evolving global heath situation.5. Enhancing partnershipsWHO carries out its work with the support and collaboration of many partners, including UN agencies and other international organizations, donors, civil society and the private sector. WHO uses the strategic power of evidence to encourage partners implementing programmes within countries to align their activities with best technical guidelines and practices, as well as with the priorities established by countries.6. Improving performanceWHO participates in ongoing reforms aimed at improving its efficiency and effectiveness, both at the international level and within countries. WHO aims to ensure that its strongest asset - its staff - works in an environment that is motivating and rewarding. WHO plans its budget and activities through results-based management, with clear expected results to measure performance at country, regional and international levels.世卫组织的历史1945年,当外交官们举行会议成立联合国时,他们讨论的事情之一就是建立一个全球卫生组织。世卫组织的组织法于1948年4月7日生效 - 这个日子便是我们现在每年庆祝的世界卫生日。History of WHOWhen diplomats met to form the United Nations in 1945, one of the things they discussed was setting up a global health organization.WHO"s Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World Health Day.
2023-07-06 22:35:171


nick carter的个人专辑中的do i have to cry for you。如果你看过mv的话就知道。这歌最适合弹唱
2023-07-06 22:35:254


你是谁?谁?谁?谁?谁?×4我在索和区的门道醒来警察知道我的名字他说"你今晚可以在家睡觉,只要你站的起来走的动" 我挣扎著回到地铁站微风拂过我的头发我记得有对周围一顿乱打厅椅子讲道
2023-07-06 22:35:321

Who的《christmas》 歌词

歌名:《Christmas》歌手:The Who所属专辑:《Tommy 2003 2Cd Deluxe Sacddisc 1 Of 2》发行时间:1970-01-01 流派:流行 发行公司:环球唱片歌词:Father:Did you ever see the faces of childrenThey get so excited.Waking up on christmas morningHours before the winter sun"s ignited.They believe in dreams and all they meanIncluding heavens generosity.Peeping round the doorTo see what parcels are for freeIn curiosity.And Tommy doesn"t know what day it is.Doesn"t know who Jesus was or what praying is.How can he be saved?From the eternal grave.Surrounded by his friends he sits so silently,And unaware of everything.Playing poxy pin ballPicks his nose and smiles andPokes his tongue at everything.I believe in loveBut how can men who"ve never seenLight be enlightened.Only if he"s curedWill his spirits future level ever heighten.And Tommy doesn"t know what day it is.Doesn"t know who Jesus was or what praying is.How can he be saved?From the eternal grave.Tommy can you hear me?Tommy can you hear me?Tommy can you hear me?How can he be saved?Tommy:See me, feel meTouch me, heal me.See me, feel meTouch me, heal me!Tommy can you hear me?Tommy can you hear me?Tommy can you hear me?How can he be saved?
2023-07-06 22:35:392


2023-07-06 22:35:461

定语从句who whose whom which 的区别是什么

2023-07-06 22:36:122

歌词 who are you 日本

9095.你去听听是这个吗? 如果不是你在看看这个 Stay with me
2023-07-06 22:36:2013

whose 和whom的区别 要怎么用

2023-07-06 22:36:433


2023-07-06 22:37:041


2023-07-06 22:37:111

请问句子中这个who 修饰percent 吗?

省略了people,who 修饰people.双重指代。百分之二到三的人,构成了精英阶层。准确的说who及后面的成分作定语。
2023-07-06 22:37:193


2023-07-06 22:37:274


2023-07-06 22:37:401


2023-07-06 22:37:492


Slamdog Millionaire is a story depicts the life of an 18-year old orphan boy who once lived on the slams of India. Jamal Malik, who worked as an errand boy to a call center industry got the chance to play to a multi-million game show - the Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Jamal luckily answered the questions and finally went through the game. Before reaching the 20-Million rupee question, Jamal was arrested and was placed to an interrogation because the host accused him cheating. Jamal then told the police why he was able to answer the question even though he was uneducated. He tells his story and his personal experiences on his being slum, about his brother, and his beloved Latika in every question这是比较详细又简洁的介绍,再简洁的话就第一句吧
2023-07-06 22:37:561


2023-07-06 22:38:154

who后一定用单三吗?比如who are you?who are your parents play with?

2023-07-06 22:38:221


2023-07-06 22:38:291


2023-07-06 22:38:373


2023-07-06 22:38:532


1、指代对象不同who和whom都只能指人,而whose通常指人,也可指物。例句:Theclassroomwhosedoorisbrokenwillsoonberepaired.门坏了的教室会很快得到维修。2、在从句中所作成分不同①who在从句中做主语。例句:TheboyswhoareplayingfootballarefromClassOne.在踢足球的男生们是一班的。②whom在定语从句中充当宾语,常可省略。例句:Mr.Liuistheperson(whom)youtalkedaboutonthebus.刘老师就是那个你在公交车上交谈的人。③whose在定语从句中做定语。例句:Hehasafriendwhosefatherisadoctor.他有个朋友的爸爸是医生。3、用法不同当关系代词指人且在从句中作宾语时,whom可以替换为who,而whose没有这个用法。例句:He asked whom(who)I"d told about his having been away 他问我把他曾离开的消息告诉过谁。
2023-07-06 22:39:031


2023-07-06 22:39:124


2023-07-06 22:39:211

有谁知道THE WHO这个摇滚乐队

2023-07-06 22:39:402

who are single single single这是什么歌?

The Who - Who Are YouWho are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?I woke up in a Soho doorwayA policeman knew my nameHe said "You can go sleep at home tonightIf you can get up and walk away"I staggered back to the undergroundAnd the breeze blew back my hairI remember throwin" punches aroundAnd preachin" from my chairchorus:Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)"Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I took the tube back out of townBack to the Rollin" PinI felt a little like a dying clownWith a streak of Rin Tin TinI stretched back and I hiccuppedAnd looked back on my busy dayEleven hours in the Tin PanGod, there"s got to be another wayWell, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)"Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)The Who - Who are you?
2023-07-06 22:39:471

The Song Is Over 歌词

歌曲名:The Song Is Over歌手:The Who专辑:Who"S NextThe Song Is Over曲终人散The Who-谁人乐队歌词By:Linken JoeThe song is overIt"s all behind meI should have known itShe tried to find meOur love is overThey"re all ahead nowI"ve got to learn itI"ve got to sing outI"ll sing my song to the wide open spacesI"ll sing my heart out to the infinite seaI"ll sing my visions to the sky high mountainsI"ll sing my song to the free, to the freeI"ll sing my song to the wide open spacesI"ll sing my heart out to the infinite seaI"ll sing my visions to the sky high mountainsI"ll sing my song to the free, to the freeWhen I walked in through the doorThought it was me I was looking forShe was the first song I ever sangBut it stopped as soon as it beganOur love is overIt"s all behind meThey"re all ahead nowCan"t hope to find meI"ll sing my song to the wide open spacesI"ll sing my heart out to the infinite seaI"ll sing my visions to the sky high mountainsI"ll sing my song to the free, to the freeI"ll sing my song to the wide open spacesI"ll sing my heart out to the infinite seaI"ll sing my visions to the sky high mountainsI"ll sing my song to the free, to the freeThis song is overI"m left with only tearsI must rememberEven if it takes a million yearsThe song is overThe song is overSearchin" for a note, pure and easyPlaying so free, like a breath rippling by
2023-07-06 22:39:531

Who Are You 歌词

歌曲名:Who Are You歌手:The Who专辑:Then And Now!The Who - Who Are YouWho are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?I woke up in a Soho doorwayA policeman knew my nameHe said "You can go sleep at home tonightIf you can get up and walk away"I staggered back to the undergroundAnd the breeze blew back my hairI remember throwin" punches aroundAnd preachin" from my chairchorus:Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)"Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I took the tube back out of townBack to the Rollin" PinI felt a little like a dying clownWith a streak of Rin Tin TinI stretched back and I hiccuppedAnd looked back on my busy dayEleven hours in the Tin PanGod, there"s got to be another wayWell, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)"Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)The Who - Who are you?
2023-07-06 22:40:001

拉比唱who are u中文歌词

歌曲:Who Are You 歌手:Nabi所属专辑:Who Are Youthe who - who are you谁 —— 你是谁who are you?你是谁?who, who, who, who?谁,谁,谁,谁?who are you?你是谁?who, who, who, who?谁,谁,谁,谁?who are you?你是谁?who, who, who, who?谁,谁,谁,谁?who are you?你是谁?who, who, who, who?谁 谁 谁 谁?i woke up in a soho doorway我在办公室门口醒来a policeman knew my name警察知道我的名字he said "you can go sleep at home tonight他说:“今晚你可以回家睡觉if you can get up and walk away"如果你能站起来走路“i staggered back to the underground我摇晃着回到地下and the breeze blew back my hair微风吹拂我的头发i remember throwin" punches around我记得周围丢的冲床and preachin" from my chair和我椅子上的劝诫well, who are you? (who are you? who, who, who, who?)好吧,你是谁?(你是谁?谁,谁,谁,谁?)i really wanna know (who are you? who, who, who, who?)我确实想知道(你是谁?谁,谁,谁,谁?)tell me, who are you? (who are you? who, who, who, who?)告诉我,你是谁?(你是谁?谁,谁,谁,谁?)"cause i really wanna know (who are you? who, who, who, who?)因为我真的想知道(你是谁?谁,谁,谁,谁?)i took the tube back out of town我坐地铁回到了小镇back to the rollin" pin回到那一隅之地i felt a little like a dying clown我觉得有点像一个垂死的小丑with a streak of rin tin tin带着任丁丁的条纹i stretched back and i hiccupped我伸了个懒腰 打了个嗝and looked back on my busy day然后回顾我忙碌的一天eleven hours in the tin pan在锡盘中的十一小时god, there"s got to be another way上帝,有生活的其他方式well, who are you? (who are you? who, who, who, who?)好吧,你是谁?(你是谁?谁,谁,谁,谁?)i really wanna know (who are you? who, who, who, who?)我确实想知道(你是谁?谁,谁,谁,谁?)tell me, who are you? (who are you? who, who, who, who?)告诉我,你是谁?(你是谁?谁,谁,谁,谁?)"cause i really wanna know (who are you? who, who, who, who?)因为我真的想知道(你是谁?谁,谁,谁,谁?)the who - who are you?谁 —— 你是谁
2023-07-06 22:40:301

Who Are You 歌词

歌曲名:Who Are You歌手:Katie Noonan专辑:SkinScarlett Johansson - Who Are YouThey"re lining upTo mad dog your tilta whirl3 shots for a dollarWell win a real live dollAll the lies that you tellI believed them so wellTake them backTake them backTo your red houseFor that fearful leapInto the darkOh well I did my timeIn the jail of your armsNow Ophelia wants to knowWhere she should turnTell me what did you doWhat did you do the last time?Why don"t you do thatGo on aheadAnd take this the wrong wayTime"s not your friendDo you cryDo you prayDo you wish them awayOh you still leave nothingBut bones in the wayDid you bury the carnivalLions and allExcuse me whileI sharpen my nailsAnd just who are youwho are you this time?You look rather tiredAre you pretending to loveWell, I hear that it pays wellHow do your pistolAnd your Bible and your sleeping pills go?Are you still Jumping out of windowsIn expensive clothes?Well I fell in loveWith your sailor"s mouthAnd your wounded eyesYou better get down on the floorDon"t you know this is warTell me who are you this time?Tell me who are you this time?Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!
2023-07-06 22:40:372

Who Are You? (Who Am I?) 歌词

歌曲名:Who Are You? (Who Am I?)歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:SpeedwayThe Who - Who Are YouWho are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?Who are you?Who, who, who, who?I woke up in a Soho doorwayA policeman knew my nameHe said "You can go sleep at home tonightIf you can get up and walk away"I staggered back to the undergroundAnd the breeze blew back my hairI remember throwin" punches aroundAnd preachin" from my chairchorus:Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)"Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I took the tube back out of townBack to the Rollin" PinI felt a little like a dying clownWith a streak of Rin Tin TinI stretched back and I hiccuppedAnd looked back on my busy dayEleven hours in the Tin PanGod, there"s got to be another wayWell, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)"Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)The Who - Who are you?
2023-07-06 22:40:441


2023-07-06 22:40:521


2023-07-06 22:40:592

who 与whom有何不同,一般句首不是都用who吗

2023-07-06 22:41:171

who能做先行词吗 whom呢

2023-07-06 22:41:241


你是不是不清楚什么时候用who什么时候用whom啊。给你举个例子:1.Thisisthepersonwhomiknow.这里关系代词whom在从句里做宾语,所以用whom. 2.Thisisthepersonwhoithinkisthethief.这里关系代词who在句子ithink中做宾语,但是在isthethief部分充当主语,只有who可以既代表主语又作宾语,只能用who。3.因为who可以既代表主语又作宾语,所以在第一个例子中,可以用whom也可以用who.4.小诀窍:我刚开始做题的时候也总是错,但是一般情况下定从能用whom肯定也能有who,所以出现2个选项时就用who好了。
2023-07-06 22:41:321


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2023-07-06 22:41:471

who whom whose区别和用法,详细讲whose

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