barriers / 阅读 / 详情

He always_uff08comeuff09home lateI want two_uff08glassuff09of wat

2023-07-07 00:04:49

He always comes_(come)home late.


I want two glasses_(glass)of water.






你好,外贸中LATE COME 是货主在船舶截关期前,向船公司申请延迟递交装船申请(放行条即盖海关放行章的装货单)的叫法. 一般不用交纳费用. LATE COME申请能否得到批准取决于该班船是否准时到达港口或者取决于船公司在不影响装船时间所允许的范围内。希望对你有所帮助!
2023-07-06 20:13:462

late. come. go哪个是元辅e的单词?

2023-07-06 20:13:552


2023-07-06 20:14:021

come close late三个那个不同类的词

2023-07-06 20:14:101


late for schooluff0e
2023-07-06 20:14:194


2023-07-06 20:14:561


2023-07-06 20:15:058


2023-07-06 20:15:362

英语:NANCY,因为台风关系,我们无法按时提到货柜,请问能否安排“SI LATE COME”给我们?

we cannot get the goods shelves due to the typhoon. could you arrange a"late come" ? we"re much concerned that we may be not able to give you the SI on time. thanks!
2023-07-06 20:15:542


2023-07-06 20:16:001


late, to be late for sthbe late forbe latecome latebe five minutes late; 迟到5分钟He is never late for work. 他上班从不迟到。玛丽可不像是迟到的人,她经常是准时准点的。It"s unlike Mary to be late; she"s usually on time. 你上班将要迟到了,我已经给你打过两次电话了。Boy: You will be late to work!I have called you twice!我不知跟你说过多少次不要迟到。Seventy times have I told you not to be late.
2023-07-06 20:16:0810

S/O中cy open/cy closing/Customs release voucher cut off是什么意思,谢谢

cy open,是可拖柜和交柜的截止日期,CY就是container yard,也就是堆场cy closing,是码头的截期,也就是重柜还码头的截止时间,过了这个时间则无法赶上船期,不过可以向船公司申请LATECOMEcustoms release voucher:是指海关放行条,那么其cut off是指船代的截关期,超过船代截关期的,船代将不予以装船
2023-07-06 20:16:321

初三英语。晚到为什么是come later 而不是come late 还是我错了?

come later 意思是晚些来,come late是晚到
2023-07-06 20:16:391


2023-07-06 20:16:475

Come late to的用法?

be late for 是因什么而迟到
2023-07-06 20:17:012

come late和be late

come late to与be late for实际上指的是come late和be late 都是迟到的意思只不过后面跟的搭配不同而已.没有什么其他的区别.
2023-07-06 20:17:091


感想,理解,启示,感受分别是指什么意思??? 感想:对事物的想法和感受的总和 理解:对事物的认知,包括研发的和理性的 启示:事物给人的启发 感受:事物对人的感染, 感想与感受是近义词,感想是名词,感受可以是动词,也可以是名词 你好 感想是指读了一段话后自己会想到什么,比如,学会了……想到生活中…… 理解是对一段话的分析,解释作者为什么这样写,比如,这段话生动形象地写出了……表达了作者……之情,或者,作者借……,间接写出……,表达了…… 启示是指由文章所得到的领悟,比如,启示:我们要乐于助人 感受是体会,但与感想不同,不用写出想到什么,只用写自己体会到,比如,浓浓的亲情 启示,启事分别是什么意思? 启事,是指公开声明某事的文字。多刊登出来。启示,开导启发。 XO和VSOP分别是指什么意思? 白兰地的招牌和标记都有它的不同含义。你的这瓶人头马,应该是法国干邑产的(Remy Martin VSOP 干邑人头马20年陈白兰地)。 如: V O: 10年成熟 , V S O: 15年成熟, V S O P: 20年成熟, X O: Nepoleon(拿破仑)40年成熟, Extra: 70年成熟。 还有一些标记的意义是: E:特级, F:精美, V:充分, O:陈年, S:高级, P:浅色, X:特醇, C:干邑。(法国西南部的一个小镇,根据法国的法律规定只有干邑市的一个法定区内生产的白兰地, XO是代表顶级的最上乘的白兰地,还有VSOP,VS,VO级。在白兰地里XO和VSOP都是代表这种系列的酒,它的原浆酒的陈酿期,比如说XO,就是原浆酒的陈酿期是12---50年甚至更长,而VSOP呢就是陈酿期是5年到10年,XO是在白兰地中表示“特陈”的意思 E代表ESPECIAL (特别的) F代表FINE (好) V代表VERY (很好) O代表OLD (老的) S代表SUPERIOR (上好的) P代表PALE (淡色而苍老) X代表EXTRA (格外的)。 天,地,玄,黄,分别是指什么意思 “天地玄黄”一句出自于《易经》。天 《易经》上说:“形而上谓之道,形而下谓之器”。天地宇宙未生之前,是混沌状态的,现代物理学称为大爆炸以前的那个超密度无限塌缩的粒子,中国文化叫太极。150亿年以前,这个超密度的粒子瞬间产生大爆炸,形成了现在的物质宇宙,其中有形的物质凝集成星体,就是地;无形的空间扩展开来形成了太空,就是天。《易经》说:轻清者上升为天,阴浊者下降为地。不是既形象又具体吗?但这是物理的天地,物质世界的天地。在《易经》文化里面属于形而下的“器世间”,也就是物质世界。形而上是非物质的道的世间,那不是我们现有的智力能够讨论的,所以孔子说:“六合之外存而不论”。“存”是承认它确实存在,“不论”是暂且不讨论,因为我们的智慧不够,一说就吵架,何苦呢! 对智慧高的人讲真话,形而上是天,形而下是地。对智慧不够的人只能说浅话:太空是天,地球是地。同样都是天地两个字,深人有深解,浅人有浅说,各得其所。 玄 在颜色上指的是深蓝近于黑的颜色,叫玄。在意义上来说,指的是高远、高深莫测,叫玄。肉眼可见的天的颜色是蓝色的,怎么说是黑色呢?天的蓝色,是由于光的衍射现象,太阳光中红、橙、黄、绿这些颜色的光波长较长,可以发生衍射射到地面上。而蓝、靛、紫这些颜色的光波长较短,只能在各种空气中的杂质间来回发射,所以天空看起来是蓝色的。但是现在的宇航员到了太空中一看,黑漆漆的一片,只有恒星放射出点点微光,确实是黑色的,所以从颜色上说天玄是对的。此外天道高远,像老子说的,形而上的天道的理体,玄之又玄,深不可测,是我们现有的智慧不能理解的。这是形而上的天道高深莫测,所以叫天玄。 地黄 也有两重意思。我们中国的文化特别是传统文化,确切地说,指的是先秦以前的文化,即夏商周三代,特别是周代的文化。上古时期,夏商周都在黄河流域立国、建都,中国的传统文化,如果再缩小范围,应该说是黄河流域的文化。黄河是母亲河,从昆仑山(约古宗列盆地)发源,汇集于星宿海,过矶石山,经九曲十八弯,从西北高原流下来,同时带下来黄土形成了冲击性平原。那水的颜色是黄的、土的颜色也是黄的,农作物黍、稷都是黄的,所以说地黄。 另一重的含义,宇宙中的天体,包括地球在内,都是大爆炸的产物,在初始状态都是炽热的物质。地球就将其温度凝聚在地核的岩浆之内,并借助太阳不断地补充。有温度才可能有生命现象,在色谱分析上,玄色是冷色,黄色是暖色。地黄也是赞叹温暖的大地有长养和哺育作用,所以中国人又把大地尊称为“母亲”。天道高远,地道深邃,黄也代表地道的深邃。迷信的人说:“人死了以后归于黄泉,过了奈何桥就是黄泉道了”。话虽不可信,其意无非是指那个不为活人所知的另一个深邃的世界。 可见,要弄明白“天地玄黄”四个字,可不是容易的事情。 CY open 和 CY closing 分别是指什么意思 CY OPEN: 开港日,即重柜可以还回船公司码头的时间,如果提前还柜会产生仓租和柜租费用--------------只有仓租不会再有柜租 CY CLOSING:截关时间,重柜还码头的截止时间,过了这个时间则无法赶上船期,不过可以向船公司申请LATECOME 纠正下 ALTIA-YU@HOTMAIL.COM CY open 整柜开仓时间 CY closing 那就是收仓时间 理解“旋律”“立意”分别是什么意思。 旋律是音乐的基本要素。通常指若干 经过 而形成的有组织、节奏的序列。按一定的 、时值和音量构成的、具有逻辑因素的单 进行的。 可以表达“打定主意”和“命题意思”两种含义并在不同语境中使用。 在 中, 占有极重的分量。一件作品能不能成为传世佳作,往往就决定在 上。 理解与迁就分别是什么意思 互相理解①凑近、靠近 标准答案(虽然冉冉也不明白为什么是①,但标准答案即是)!
2023-07-06 20:17:161

come late __________school

2023-07-06 20:17:375

come close late. 哪个不同类

come close late. 哪个不同类come是不同的,come是动词,其他为形容词
2023-07-06 20:17:581


2023-07-06 20:18:097


您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:……迟到 翻译:be late;arrive late;come late 知识补充: 一班迟到be late for work 迟到者latecomer 迟到延迟retard 迟到了Late;Delay 别迟到Don"t be late;do not be late 迟到小姐Little Miss Late 约会迟到Late for my Date Lite 迟到原因Anexplanationoftardiness 迟到愈合delayed union 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.
2023-07-06 20:19:111

他总是上学迟到 英文翻译 两种写法?

He is always for school.
2023-07-06 20:19:1914

come late for the reading room还是come late to the

came late for
2023-07-06 20:19:573

翻译 我的妹妹昨天上学迟到了,因为她没有赶上公共汽车。

was late forthe bus
2023-07-06 20:20:044

He ofen comes to class--- a.lately be late c.late late 选哪个?讲解一下呗?

C 这个明显是需要副词来修饰动词come,所以只能从AC里选,但是lately意思是近来,不久前的意思,和句子明显不搭。late可以作副词,意为“晚、到很晚”。例如The workers in the south often go to work early and leave off late. 南下打工仔经常是早上工,晚下班。
2023-07-06 20:20:123


翻译如下:He was late due to heavy rain.
2023-07-06 20:20:3210


2023-07-06 20:20:593

副词能做状语吗 比如说 He came back home late 这里的谓语是come还是come back吖 这里的home不是宾语把

came back 是动词短语做及物动词的成分, home是它的宾语
2023-07-06 20:21:073


2023-07-06 20:21:239

Come late to的用法?

come late to与be late for实际上指的是come late和be late 都是迟到的意思只不过后面跟的搭配不同而已。没有什么其他的区别。
2023-07-06 20:22:141


come home late 晚回家; [例句]If I come home late I"ll catch it from my mother.如果我回家晚了,我妈妈会骂我。
2023-07-06 20:22:231

英语翻:原谅那个年轻人又一次迟到是不明智的.为什么for his being late again

2023-07-06 20:22:382


应该是:Did he come home late yesterday ?
2023-07-06 20:22:463


是Jojo的too little too late,歌词如下 JoJo - Too Little Too LateCome with me, stay the nightYou say the words but boy it don"t feel rightWhat do you expect me to say(You know it"s just too little too late)You take my hand, and you say you"ve changedBut boy you know your beggin don"t fool meBecause to you it"s just a game(You know it"s just too little too late)So let me on downCause time has made me strongI"m starting to move onI"m gonna say this nowYour chance has come and goneAnd you knowIt"s just too little too lateA little too wrongAnd I can"t waitBoy you know all the right things to say(You know it"s just too little too late)You say you dream of my faceBut you don"t like meYou just like the chaseTo be real, it doesn"t matter anyway(You know it"s just too little too late)I was young and in loveI gave you everything but it wasn"t enoughAnd now you wanna communicate(You know it"s just too little too late)Go find someone elseIn lettin you go, I"m lovin myselfYou gotta problemBut don"t come askin me for helpCause ya knowIt"s just too little too lateA little too wrongAnd I can"t waitBoy you know all the right things to say(You know it"s just too little too late)You say you dream of my faceBut you don"t like meYou just like the chaseTo be real, it doesn"t matter anyway(You know it"s just too little too late)I can love with all of my heart babyI know I have so much to give(I have so much to give)With a player like you, I don"t have a prayerThat"s the way to live, yeah ohIt"s just too little, too lateYeahIt"s just too little too lateA little too wrongAnd I can"t waitBoy you know all the right things to say(You know it"s just too little too late)You say you dream of my faceBut you don"t like meYou just like the chaseTo be real, it doesn"t matter anyway(You know it"s just too little too late)
2023-07-06 20:22:541

He came late ____ work.用to还是for?谢谢

He came late (for) late for:迟到于
2023-07-06 20:23:112

i come today late

2023-07-06 20:23:512

he is late too的同义句是什么?

he is late too.的同义句是:He is also late.
2023-07-06 20:23:583

how come you are late for school 为什么这样用

2023-07-06 20:24:051


2023-07-06 20:24:133

you can come ten minutes late

第一个LATE做表语(BE+形容词), 第二个LATE做ten minutes的补足成分,与ten minutes一起做时间状语.
2023-07-06 20:24:191

到很晚不回家 -----late 英语短语

din"t come home late
2023-07-06 20:24:294

Hurry up与 come on应怎样用?

hurry up 赶紧 快点come on 是个比较多用的词 有加油,快点的意思hurry up 比come on 更急切
2023-07-06 20:24:374

语法问题,望各位高人指教 them who 为什么不行? Tell them who are late to ccome to see me。

先行词 需要在从句中承担成分,本句中如果用 them做先行词,则后面的句子就会变成:them are late to come to see me根据初中所学的代词部分的知识,them 为宾格代词,不能做主语,只能做宾语,所以这个地方不能用 them
2023-07-06 20:24:452

could you tell me why you came late yesterday?

选B 要用陈述句语序啊
2023-07-06 20:25:031

come to school late同义词组

Jane doesn"t often come to school late. come是动词原形,所以空格处应该有助动词. seldom与often是一对反义词.
2023-07-06 20:25:101

he come late, give him the message. A.should B.would

选 A 主句是祈使句,不要用would do 虚拟语气。 意思为 万一他来的话,请把这个信告诉他。还可以说 Were he to come late 或 If he came late
2023-07-06 20:25:171

come on ,momu3002you are late!

2023-07-06 20:25:285


2023-07-06 20:25:4711


2023-07-06 20:26:111


动词一些用法的形式归纳形式主要有(以do为代表):1 原形 do;2单三形式does;3 现在分词(或动名词)doing;4过去式did;5不定式 to do一、使用(带to)不定式:1、 It"s + adj + to do sth 做某事如何/怎样……例:It"s easy/difficult/important/necessary(for sb.) to do…. (对某人来说)做某事容易/困难/重要/必要……2、 It"s time + to do sth 做某事的时间到了/该做某事3、 It"s a good time + to do sth 现在是做某事的好时间4、 It"s the best time + to do sth 现在是做某事的最好时间5、 It" s one"s turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事以下注意“动词+动词 ”的搭配6、 want to do sth = would like to do sth 想要做某事 ( 2个)7、 like to do sth 想要做某事 8、 plan to do sth 计划/ 打算做某事9、 hope to do sth = wish to do sth 希望做某事 (2个)10、begin to do sth = start to do sth 开始做某事  (2个)11、go to do sth 去做某事 12、 learn to do sth学会做某事13 、teach sh to do sth 教某人做某事14、ask sb (not)to do sth 请/叫某人(别)做某事15、 tell sb (not)to do sth 叫/吩咐/告诉某人(别)做某事16、have no time to do sth 没有时间做某事17、get sb to do sth 让某人做某事18、hope sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事(wish则无此用法)19、take turn to do sth 轮流做某事20、remember to do sth 要记得做某事 (事情还没有做)21、forget to do sth 忘记做某事 (事情还没有做)22、help sb (to) do sth  帮助某人做某事(to常省略) 23 、be afraid/happy/glad… + to do sth 害怕/高兴/乐意……做某事24、happen to do sth碰巧发生某事 25、use sth to do sth使用某物做某事26、be sure to do sth务必/肯定/一定做某事 27、be free to do sth有空做某事 28、something to do(例:something to eat/drink 吃的东西,喝的东西)(这里的不定式作为后置定语,修饰something)29、have sth to do 有某事要做 30、be afaid to do sth.害怕做某事二、使用动词原形:1、Why not + do sth …? 为什么不做某事(=Why don"t you/we do sth….?) 2、have to do sth 不得不做某事3、had better do sth 最好做某事4、let sb do sth 让某人某事5、make sb. (not )do sth. 使/让某人(别)做某事5、情态动词(can/ could/must/would/may/should/might/had better/have to/(need)等)之后动词用原形6. see/watch/hear/feel sb do sth. 看到/听到/感觉到某人做过某事三、使用-ing 形式1、介词+ doing sth 如: What about doing sth = How about doing sth 做某事怎么样? be good at doing sth ,do well in doing sth 擅长于做某事It"s time for doing sth. Thank you for doing sth.take turn in doing sth 轮流做某事2、 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事3 go swimming/shopping/dancing/hiking/skating/skiing/climbing 去游泳/购物/跳舞/远足/滑冰/滑雪/爬山……(搭配较固定)4、 There be +名词+doing sth 有正在做某事的…… 如:There is a girl dancing in the room. 在房间里有一个正在跳舞的男孩。5、enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 6、finish doing sth 已完成做某事7、keep doing sth. 继续/持续做某事 8、keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事9、hate doing sth. 讨厌/憎恨做某事10、 feel like doing sth. 感觉想做某事11、give up doing sth. 放弃/停止做某事,戒掉……12、practice doing sth. 练习做……13、prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事(prefer to do sth宁愿做某事)14、 Would you mind (not) doing sth….?请你做……,好么?/你不介意做……吧? Would you mind one"s doing sth….? 某人做……你介意么?15、 hear/see/watch sb doing sth 听到/看到某人正在做某事16、remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事 (事情已经做过 )17、forget doing sth 忘记曾经做过某事 (事情已经做过)18、Doing sth is + 形容词… 做某事如何…… 例:Getting up early is good for health. 特别注意以上用法中A.既用ing也用动词不定式且意思差别不大: like doing sth./to do sth. 喜欢做某事 begin/start doing sth./to do sth. 开始做某事 B. 既用ing也用to动词不定式且意思不同: 1. remember doing sth. 记得做过某事remember to do sth. 记得做某事(未做) 2.see /watch/hear/feel sb doing 看到/听到/感觉到某人正在做某事(正在做) see/watch/hear/feel sb do sth. 看到/听到/感觉到某人做过某事 3. stop doing sth. 停止做(手头正做的)某事 stop to do sth. 停下来做(别的)某事 4. go on doing sth. 继续做(原来)的某事 go on to do sth. 继续做(别的)某事四、时态(另述)词组1. advise2. enjoy watching English movies3. a good way to learn English4. talk about…with sb.5. enjoy oneself6. start a conversation7. take a deep breath 8. write down 9. try to remember10. place them in your bedroom11. say the English name for……12. find it easy to have a conversation in English13. make you shy14. welcome back15. give some advice16. why not17. write down your mstakes18. what else19. translate every word20. write email massages to each other21. help me with my homework22. ask for advice23. real English24. smiling always helpes25. everything you see26. leave my home at home27. invite the other classmates28. listen to some English music29. practice speaking English30. in order31. be good / bad for32. English around you 33. learn……from……34. for example35. send her a present 36. travel around the world37. go to the USA38. invite sb. to stay with me39. one day 40. the price of the ticket41. guess what42. take off43. land in Lodon44. a wonderful experience45. the first prize46. the holiday of your dreams47. what do you reckon48. enter a competition49. It sounds brilliant50. have ever been to 51. go abroad52. come true53. by plane54. different places55. Spring Festival56. western food57. Italian food58. more than59. sell out 60. at the end of ….61. the House of the Flying Daggers 62. in the seat63. be up to64. take a … to…65. show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb.66. 指给某人怎样做某事67. on business68. a list of …69. the correct form70. 在火星上71. on the moon / on Moon72. the latest news73. the latest news74. on the earth / on Earth75. billions of years76. go around the Sun77. none of them78. be called79. 200 billion stars80. a long way away81. go beyond the solar system82. an environment with air83. send us a message84. be up to85. a model of the space station86. Don"t panic!87. hear the latest news88. That"s why …89. have been to90. have gone to91. on business92. show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb.93. take … back94. millions of95. go around …96. none of 97. more than98. other planets99. in the universe100. go beyond the solar system101. arrive in/at / get to / reach102. next month103. how long104. get on / along with …105. the same things106. have/ give concerts107. hear of / about108. the Hope School109. a little / bit110. tell me more 111. Beijing International School112. an eight-year-old boy113. drop out of school114. have to115. take care of / look after116. get an education117. with the help of118. in the last 15 years119. raise money120. pay for …121. hear of / hear about122. because of / thanks to123. stop doing sth.124. several years ago125. wear glasses126. primary school127. the same best friends128. learn about Project Hope129. live next door130. move back to Guangzhou131. raise money from people at home and abroad132. a world organization133. improve health care in the world134. raise money for different projects135. pay a fair price for their work136. on earth137. play music138. play the violin139. not only…but also140. show / take …around141. at the age of142. hundreds of143. be famous for144. on holiday145. of course146. school orchestra147. hear of / hear about148. be born149. the capital of Austria150. western classical music151. your favourite classical composer152. pop music153. Beijing opera154. on earth155. go through / across156. the centre of European classical music157. the most famous family of musicians158. play music159. make him famous160. not only…but also161. show / take … around162. at the age of 163. hundreds of beautiful pieces of music164. in addition to165. practise after school166. get my message167. play the guitat168. move to169. his neighbourhood church170. part-time job171. lucky for him172. make records for him173. give a very successful concert174. belong to 初二的,一点点……
2023-07-06 20:26:222