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当句子中有there be句型时,又遇到要填动词,是用原型还是不定式,如果只有be动词,那动词又要怎么变?

2023-07-06 23:09:01
TAG: be here er the re th he

There be + sth + 地点状语

  There is a flower in the bottle. 瓶里有一朵花。   There is some money in the purse. 钱包里有些钱。

There be + no + n. + in doing sth

  1.其中名词为表“利弊”、“用途”的抽象名词,如:   There is no good in going. 去没有什么好处。   There is no harm in doing that. 那样做并无害处。   2.其中名词为表“价值”、“意义”的抽象名词,如:   There is no sense in waiting here. 在这里等候下去毫无意义。   There is no disgrace in failing once. 一旦失败也不丢脸。   (注:此结构中的介词可以省略,如:There is no use asking her—she doesn"t know anything.)

There is + no + doing something

  1.其中的动词(do)多为“转述”或“认知”等意义的动词,如:tell, say, know等,其后一般跟疑问句,如when,what等。   There is no saying what may happen. 很难说会发生什么事。   There is no telling when he will return. 说不清他何时回来。   There is no knowing when we shall meet again. 不知何时我们能再相会。   2.其他动词,其意义相当灵活。   There is no mistaking what ought to be done. 应该做什么是清楚的。   There is no denying the fact. 事实无可否认。   There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史的车轮不能倒转。   There is no getting along with him. 他很难相处。   Once she starts talking, there is no stopping her. 一旦她打开话匣子,就说个没完。   There is no joking with him. 和他不能开玩笑。

There is + no + Action Noun

  1.此结构的含义相当于It"s impossible /unnecessary to do something。   There is no hurry about it. 没有必要这么急匆匆的。   There is no question of his honesty. 他的诚实是勿庸置疑的。   2.有时,在此结构中的Action Noun被动名词形式所取代,其意义不变。:   There is no escape from the evident.   There is no escaping the fact.   两句都表示:无法逃(躲)避…… 但是,有时也存在意义上的区别,   A.There is no doubt at all about it.   B.There is no doubting her virtue.   句A为“存在句”,意即:对于此事不存在任何的疑问。 句B则是不表“存在”的一种惯用结构,意即:她的贞操勿庸置疑。   3.以上三种结构除用于陈述句外,尚可见于疑问句。如:   Is there any use in discussing the matter further? 这种事再讨论下去有何益处?   Is there any hurry about it? 这事需要匆忙吗?   此惯用结构中的be有时可与情态动词连用,其语气更趋委婉。如:   There could be no mistaking where he had come from. 他从哪里来是相当清楚的。   此结构中的no也不是一成不变的,它可被其他形式所取代。如:   There isn"t any getting away from it. 要从它那里逃脱是不可能的。   There was never believing half of what he said. 他的话连一半也不信。   There"s never any predicting what they will do next. 无法料及他们下一步将会干什么

编辑本段There be结构中的be动词的确定

  1. there be 结构中的谓语动词be在人称和数上应与其后的主语保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is,是复数时用are。如:   There is a flower in the bottle. 瓶里有一朵花。   There is some money in the purse. 钱包里有些钱。   2. 若句子中有几个并列的主语时,be的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。如:   There is a boy, a girl and two women in the house.   房子里有一个男孩,一个女孩和两个妇女。   There are ten students and a teacher in the office. 办公室里有十个学生和一个教师。   3. 另外,在陈述句中为了强调地点,也可将介词短语提置句首。如:   In the tree there are five birds. 树上有五只鸟。

编辑本段There be 结构的句型转换


  there be的否定式通常在be后加not构成(在口语中be时常与not缩写在一起)。如果句中有some,一般要变成any。如:   There are some children in the picture. →There aren"t any children in the picture.


  把be提到there前,首字母大写,句末用问号即可。其肯定答语是Yes, there is / are;否定答语为No, there isn"t / aren"t。如:   —Are there two cats in the tree?   —Yes, there are. (No, there aren"t.)


  ①提问句子的主语(包括主语前的修饰语)时,句型一律用"what is + 地点介词短语?"(无论主语是单数还是复数都用is)。如:   There are some birds in the tree. →What"s in the tree?   ②就there be后面的地点状语进行提问时,句型用"where is / are + 主语?"如:   There is a car in the street. →Where is the car?   ③提问可数名词(主语)前的数量时,用how many,句型结构为"how many + 复数名词 + are there + 其它?"(主语无论是单数还是复数,be通常要用are)。



  当there be后面的名词时单数或不可数名词时be用is,当后面是可数名词复数时,be用are。   “there be...”句型是存在句的常用基本结构,there在句中处于主语位置,起形式主语的作用,真正的主语是随后的名词词组。其谓语动词通常是be的各种时、体等形式。如:   There is ice on the lake. 湖上有冰。   There were three students in the classroom then. 当时教室有三个学生。   There has never been anybody like you. 从来还没有像你这样的人。   There will be snow on high ground.在高地上将会有雪。   除此之外, there be句型还有一些特殊的结构:   1. there + 情态助动词 + be表示 “预见”、“可能”、“必然”或“过去习惯存在”等。如:   There might be some desserts if you wait a bit. 如果你等一会儿,可能会有甜点。   There ought to have been someone on duty all the time. 本来应该有人全天值班。   There shall be no more wars. 再也不会打仗了。   也可以用there + 某些半助动词 + be(很少使用完成体形式),如:be going to, be certain to, be sure to, be likely to, have to be等。   There is going to be a rain. 要下雨了。   There"s likely to be an interview.可能会有一场面试。   There has to be a mistake. 必定有错。   2. 在正式文体中,某些表示存在、发生、出现、坐落等意义的不及物动词也可以与there连用,如:appear, seem, come, remain, exist, live, stand, lie, arise, enter, follow, occur, rise, grow, happen, belong, arrive, fly, flash, sail, pass, run, spring up, emerge等。如:   There exist many ancient temples in the country. 那个国家有很多古老的寺庙。   There lies a small village in the mountain.山里有个小村子。   Once upon a time, there lived an old queer man in the city. 从前,城里住着个怪老头。   There remains nothing more to be done. 没有什么别的事可做了。   There followed the first world war. 接着就是第一次世界大战。   There flashed through his mind the image of a heroic fighter.他的头脑中闪过英雄战士的形象。   There sprang up a wild gale.突然刮起一阵狂风。   偶尔也能见到there后接及物动词:   There struck me a sudden idea. 突然我有了一个主意。   如果句中的地点状语前移就可以省略there。 如:   Behind the house (there) is a small river.   3. there + 不定式to be 或there + being形式,称为非限定存在句,可以作主语、宾语、介词补足成分。   1) 作主语   There being a railway station in the town is a great advantage. 镇上有个火车站,真方便呀!   “there to be+NP”作主语时,通常用for作引导词:    For there to be a mistake in a computer"s arithmetic is impossible. 计算机计算错误是不可能的。   It was seldom for there to be no late comers. 新来者很少没有迟到的。   2) 作宾语   The committee anticipated there being less debate in the second discussion. 委员会期望在第二次讨论中争议能少一些。   We expect there to be no objections. 我们希望不会有人反对。   I"d prefer there to be more cooperation. 我希望有更多的合作。   3) 作介词补足成分   介词是for, 用there to be形式;介词不是for,则用there being形式。   What"s the chance of there being an election this year?今年进行选举的可能性有多大?   We have no objection to there being a meeting here. 在这儿举行会议,我们不反对。   Jill is waiting for there to be a big party.吉尔等着举行一次盛大的晚会。   此外,there + being形式还可以用作状语分句,形成独立主格结构:   There being no further discussion, the chairman stood up and left the meeting-room.没有可讨论的了,主席站了起来,离开了会议室。   There having been no rain,the stream was dry. 一直没有下雨,小溪都干涸了



There is a boy swimming in the river.


There is one thing to do.





to be no.1是什么意思?

to be no.1可以翻译为:去成为第一名。
2023-07-06 17:53:192

tobe No.1是什么意思

2023-07-06 17:53:364

To be NO.1是什么意思?

2023-07-06 17:54:0511


成为第一名的意思。To be NO.1是成为第一的意思。be to表示将来时间,表示“按计划、安排(要做某事)”。表示“命令”。表示“职责”表示“目的”。表示“用途”。例句:The group was considered to be a risk to national security.这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的危险分子。Standards aren"t what they used to be.现在的'行为标准和过去不一样了。What is to be done about this problem?该如何处理这个问题?
2023-07-06 17:54:271


To be NO.1是成为第一的意思。 be to 表示将来时间, 表示“按计划、安排(要做某事)”。表示“命令”。 表示“职责” 表示“目的”。 表示“用途”。表示“命中注定”。To be NO.1的用法:(1)Are you really smart or you have to be no.1?你是真聪明还是非第一名不可?(2)Fortune revealed a few reasons why Google continues to be No.1.《财富》杂志列举了一系列谷歌持续成为最佳就业公司的原因。(3)If I play a good tournament here, I am going to have chances to continue to be No.1 for more time.如果我能在这里赢下大满贯,我将会在世界第一待更长的时间。鸿星尔克品牌文化:TO BE No.1(迈向第一)大灾大难前,民族品牌彰显担当,鸿星尔克纵使亏损也要倾囊相助,这就是大义。鸿星尔克实业有限公司创立于2000年6月,总部位于厦门。目前已发展为集研发、生产、销售为一体,员工近3万人的大型运动服饰企业。但近几年经营业绩直线下滑,2020年亏损2.2亿元。品牌文化:TOBENo.1(迈向第一),倡导坚韧、拼搏的奋斗精神,敢为天下先、勇争第一的决心和勇气。它代表着不屈服,对成功的渴望和追求;它倡高层次、高境界的精神超越和延伸。今天,他做到了。纵使净利润倒数第一,但捐款毫不含糊,排名正数第一。
2023-07-06 17:54:401

TO BE NO.1是什么意思?

2B 你第一
2023-07-06 17:54:548

To Be No.1 中文怎么说?

To Be(土逼) No.1
2023-07-06 17:55:282

to be no.1怎么解释

2023-07-06 17:55:351

TO BE NO.1!是什么意思?

To【two(2)】 be【B】 No.1就是2B No.1
2023-07-06 17:55:444

鸿星尔克的广告语:to be NO.1是不是2 B NO.1的意思?

人家广告语你们别瞎说好吗,怎么能叫2B NO1,应该是土逼NO1,让你穿了更土的鞋
2023-07-06 17:56:135

scorpions的to be no.1歌词

歌手/乐队: ScorpionsTo Be No.1 歌词 Give me a jobThe one I havn"t gotDon"t write me off at anytimeDon"t ever leave me unsatisfiedI don"t wanna come in a secondI just wanna comeDon"t wanna be the last in lineDon"t wanna be just left behindAnd in the evening when I come homeIt is time to throw my dog a boneThat"s when I wear my shirt that saysIn capital letters In capital lettersIsn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to)Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s a superstar, wunderbar, out of touch too much)Don"t tell me I"m smallAn inch too shortI might not be your size but I"m sure greatAnd definitely underpaidSo give me a jobThe one I haven"t gotDon"t tell me I"m too poor to join the clubTo hang out with the big shotsAnd in the evening when I come homeIt is time to give my dog a boneThat"s when I wear my shirt that saysIn capital letters In capital lettersIsn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow, got no Monica to go to)Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s a V.I.P. wannabe, all he ever wants is)Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number oneIsn"t it fun fun fun yeah to be number one(He"s a V.I.P. wannabe all he ever wants is)To be number oneAnd in the evening when I come homeIt is time to throw my dog a boneThat"s when I wear my shirt that saysIn capital letters In capital lettersIsn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to)Isn"t it fun fun fun yeah to be number one(He"s a superstar, wunderbar, out of touch too much)Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number oneIsn"t it fun fun fun fun to be number oneTo be number one(Fun, fun, fun)To be number oneTo be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to)To be number oneTo be number one(He"s a superstar, wunderbar, out of touch too much)To be number oneTo be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to)Yeah
2023-07-06 17:56:291


every one is NO1
2023-07-06 17:56:362

to be no. 1的歌词

Give me a jobThe one I havn"t gotDon"t write me off at anytimeDon"t ever leave me unsatisfiedI don"t wanna come in a secondI just wanna comeDon"t wanna be the last in lineDon"t wanna be just left behindAnd in the evening when I come homeIt is time to throw my dog a boneThat"s when I wear my shirt that saysIn capital letters In capital lettersIsn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to)Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s a superstar, wunderbar, out of touch too much)Don"t tell me I"m smallAn inch too shortI might not be your size but I"m sure greatAnd definitely underpaidSo give me a jobThe one I haven"t gotDon"t tell me I"m too poor to join the clubTo hang out with the big shotsAnd in the evening when I come homeIt is time to give my dog a boneThat"s when I wear my shirt that saysIn capital letters In capital lettersIsn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow, got no Monica to go to)Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s a V.I.P. wannabe, all he ever wants is)Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number oneIsn"t it fun fun fun yeah to be number one(He"s a V.I.P. wannabe all he ever wants is)To be number oneAnd in the evening when I come homeIt is time to throw my dog a boneThat"s when I wear my shirt that saysIn capital letters In capital lettersIsn"t it fun fun fun to be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to)Isn"t it fun fun fun yeah to be number one(He"s a superstar, wunderbar, out of touch too much)Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number oneIsn"t it fun fun fun fun to be number oneTo be number one(Fun, fun, fun)To be number oneTo be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to)To be number oneTo be number one(He"s a superstar, wunderbar, out of touch too much)To be number oneTo be number one(He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to)Yeah
2023-07-06 17:56:431

鸿星尔克的广告词“To be No.1”出自哪首歌

2023-07-06 17:56:532

粤语带有to be No1是哪一首

歌曲:理想与和平(live91)歌手:谭咏麟作词:林振强作曲:GiorgioMoroder/EduardoBennatoGiannaNannini/TomWhitlock滴汗面孔铺满着热情愿望摘取心里面的星不分疆土国界绿草今天作证人活着为了理想为和平Tobenumberone飞奔采晚星虽比拼合作踢走冷冰不必分西东只知彼此眼睛当中有个梦名叫做和平(叫做和平)盛会令心窝靠近共鸣歌星飘向四方八面致敬不分疆土国界共将漆黑战胜人活着为了理想为和平To be number one飞奔采晚星虽比拼合作踢走冷冰不必分西东只知彼此眼睛当中有个梦名叫做和平(叫做和平)To be number one要飞奔采晚星追踪某个梦名叫做和平To be number one好的必取胜齐鸣和平歌你与我
2023-07-06 17:57:011

to be no1 那音乐叫什么 ?

2023-07-06 17:57:102

有一首英文歌 这个外国女人声音特别性感 只记得重复有一句是 to be no.1 有朋友知道

= =
2023-07-06 17:57:183

求音乐:英文歌to be no 1

2023-07-06 17:57:252

为什么"连鸿星尔克也说"two" b No.1(2b第一)什么意思呢?

是“To be NO.1吧”?成为第一
2023-07-06 17:57:543

“TO BE No.1”怎么读

2023-07-06 17:58:072

to no.1是什么歌

to no.1是1990意大利世界杯主题歌的英文版。此歌曲意大利版名为意大利之夏。在此次世界杯联邦德国国家足球队最终夺冠,金球奖由意大利的斯基拉奇获得。该歌曲由GiorgioMoroder、GiannaNannini演唱,乔吉奥莫罗德尔作曲。to be no.1来源1990意大利世界杯一共有英、意两种语言版本的官方会歌,其中意语版的名字叫意大利之夏Unestate italiana,是由来自意大利的一男一女两位歌手Edoardo Bennato & Gianna Nannini共同演唱。而英文版本则叫力争as,To Be Number One,是由一男二女三人乐队The Giorgio Moroder"Project所演唱,乐队成员包括来自波士顿的主唱Joe Milner,来自纽约的伴唱歌手Molly Ruffalo和来自旧金山的另一位伴唱歌手Paula Nichols。
2023-07-06 17:58:151


NO1中文意思有两方面的含义,将NO1看作no one时,NO1的意思为“没有人”,这里可以看作是人们为了方便交流而将相应的英文进行了简写;NO1看作number one时,NO1则表示“第一名、头号人或事物、最重要/最好的人或事物”等含义,此时NO1应该写作NO.1。所以说,NO1既可以表示“没有人”之意,还可以表示“第一名”等意思。将NO1看作no one,即用其表示“没有人”的意思时,我们可联想英语当中的流行缩略语进行理解。这种缩略表达方式形式简单明了,能够提升人们的交流沟通效率,还能够丰富英语的表达形式。而将NO1看作number one时,这一表述包含有多方面的意思。其中,最常用的意思是“第一(名)”,比如,鸿星尔克的广告宣传语就是to be No.1。除此以外,这一单词不同情境当中还衍生出了不同意思。比如,在look out for number one当中有“自我”之意,在number one fan当中有“头号人物”之意,而do number one则委婉地表达“小便”之意。2
2023-07-06 17:58:511

李宁、安踏、特步、To be NO.1、匹克、贵人鸟?

2023-07-06 17:58:593

秃 be no1

to be No.1表示目的 还没第一呢 be No.1表示状态 已经第一啦
2023-07-06 17:59:051

two b no.1 中文翻译

连鸿星尔克也说"two" b No.1(2b第一)你不知道吗?
2023-07-06 17:59:146


本身并没有实际意思。根据查询相关公开信息显示,兔beno.1是今年的谐音梗,原本是鸿星尔克的广告词:TO BE NO1.因为今年是兔年,所以被网友们改成了兔beno.1。卯兔,十二生肖之一,地支的第四位。兔外表温顺可爱,天真活泼、自由好动,平静顺从,落落大方,认真细致,一丝不苟,卯时玉兔月亮的光辉还未隐退。
2023-07-06 17:59:271


<迈向第一> < to first >
2023-07-06 17:59:512


2023-07-06 18:00:051


2023-07-06 18:00:1510

(不二 ,我要做你心中的NO.1)用英文怎么说

Not the 2nd, I need to be your 1st.
2023-07-06 18:00:404


win the first place或者get first
2023-07-06 18:00:5414

请问一般在英语句子中都会有TO BE 这个到底是什么意思啊?谢谢!

to be是从动词不定式to do过来的,就是把do换成be。在英语中有2个常见的逻辑主干:1、”主-谓-宾“结构:英语中只有行为动词(动作)才能作谓语,后面可以跟”宾语“,所以,do是行为动词的代表;2、”主-系-表“结构:英语中表示存在的be动词(状态)是不能作谓语的,仅起连接作用(连接动词,联系动词/系动词),后面只能跟描述主语状态的”表语“,所以,be就是系动词的代表。由于一个句子只能有一个谓语动词,当出现2个动词连用的时候就违背了”语法规则“,一般需要在这2个连续动词中间加个to(把后面的动词变成”非谓语动词“),所有不带to的情况理论上讲都是错的,但有些情况下也被大家视为省略(如help to do也经常写成help do)。to连接的2个动词其实是有”前后关系“的:to前面的动作先发生,to后面的动作后发生。这就是为什么to do这个不定式经常表示”即将发生的动作“(这个”即将“就是相对于前面的动词而言的)。
2023-07-06 18:01:226

to be或not to be的区别是什么?

2023-07-06 18:01:394


2023-07-06 18:02:092

to be No.1什么意思/翻译

2023-07-06 18:03:391


2023-07-06 18:03:527

TOBENO1是什么意思 是谁的广告语是什么牌子

1、To be NO.1是成为第一的意思。 be to 表示将来时间, 表示按计划、安排(要做某事)”。表示命令”。 表示职责” 表示目的”。 表示用途”。表示命中注定”。 2、To be NO.1的用法 (1)Are you really smart or you have to be no.1? 你是真聪明还是非第一名不可? (2)Fortune revealed a few reasons why Google continues to be No.1. 《财富》杂志列举了一系列谷歌持续成为最佳就业公司的原因。 (3)If I play a good tournament here, I am going to have chances to continue to be No.1 for more time. 如果我能在这里赢下大满贯,我将会在世界第一待更长的时间。 3、tobeno1是谁的广告语?是什么牌子?鸿星尔克广告词原版是TO BE No.1 迈向第一”提倡的是一种坚韧、拼搏的.斗争精力,是敢为天下先、勇争第一的决心和勇气。它代表了不屈从于平淡的鸿星尔克人对胜利、对冠军的盼望和寻求,同时也体现一种不息的寻求和兴旺的斗志与决心,它将企业理念及花费者心理有机地融为一体,提倡的是一种高层次高境界的精力超出和延长。 ①追求时尚,引领全球 to be No. 1 鸿星尔克! ②行动让潜能无限!Action makes ones potential limitless. ③I 自恋狂,I 时尚范,I 酷跑族,I 捍卫者。I I I u2026u2026 鸿星尔克,to be No. 1! ④鸿星尔克倡导年轻、时尚、阳光”的生活方式,致力于洞察市场需求、聆听消费者心声,以犀利的眼光、唯美的艺术气息、敏锐的时尚触感、进取而不乖张的表现方式,来顺应潮流变化,提高消费者体验。
2023-07-06 18:04:111


To be NO.1是成为第一的意思。 be to 表示将来时间, 表示“按计划、安排(要做某事)”。表示“命令”。 表示“职责” 表示“目的”。表示“用途”。 扩展资料   The group was considered to be a risk to national security.   这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的.危险分子。   Standards aren"t what they used to be.   现在的行为标准和过去不一样了。   What is to be done about this problem?   该如何处理这个问题?   Life was never going to be so free and easy again.   生活绝不会再那样无拘无束了。   At that time London was the place to be.   那时候伦敦是不可不去的地方。
2023-07-06 18:04:581

to be no.1翻译成中文是什么意思

土B NO.1,绝对正确答案
2023-07-06 18:05:096

鸿星尔克的主题曲《TO BE NO.1》原唱是谁?给点介绍?

歌手/乐队: Scorpions To Be No.1 歌词 Give me a job The one I havn"t got Don"t write me off at anytime Don"t ever leave me unsatisfied I don"t wanna come in a second I just wanna come Don"t wanna be the last in line Don"t wanna be just left behind And in the evening when I come home It is time to throw my dog a bone That"s when I wear my shirt that says In capital letters In capital letters Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one (He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to) Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one (He"s a superstar, wunderbar, out of touch too much) Don"t tell me I"m small An inch too short I might not be your size but I"m sure great And definitely underpaid So give me a job The one I haven"t got Don"t tell me I"m too poor to join the club To hang out with the big shots And in the evening when I come home It is time to give my dog a bone That"s when I wear my shirt that says In capital letters In capital letters Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one (He"s got no job, got no blow, got no Monica to go to) Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one (He"s a V.I.P. wannabe, all he ever wants is) Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one Isn"t it fun fun fun yeah to be number one (He"s a V.I.P. wannabe all he ever wants is) To be number one And in the evening when I come home It is time to throw my dog a bone That"s when I wear my shirt that says In capital letters In capital letters Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one (He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to) Isn"t it fun fun fun yeah to be number one (He"s a superstar, wunderbar, out of touch too much) Isn"t it fun fun fun to be number one Isn"t it fun fun fun fun to be number one To be number one (Fun, fun, fun) To be number one To be number one (He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to) To be number one To be number one (He"s a superstar, wunderbar, out of touch too much) To be number one To be number one (He"s got no job, got no blow got no Monica to go to) Yeah
2023-07-06 18:05:251

歌词里含有to be no.1的是beyond的哪首歌?

一楼说得对~~“Cos" we are to be NO.1”
2023-07-06 18:05:334

"成为第一"用英文怎么说? 如题~ be NO.1 准确吗?

To be No.1 你说的的那个是指:第一.体现不出成为这个意思~
2023-07-06 18:05:511


To be No.1 or to be nothing希望能帮到你
2023-07-06 18:06:004

求一首歌,高潮貌似是 to be the NO.1

2023-07-06 18:06:072


become NO.1
2023-07-06 18:06:156


skyeuff1ano 1
2023-07-06 18:06:303


I want to be the No. 1. 精锐兰溪。
2023-07-06 18:06:382

Two B No.1是什么意思

to be no.1争取第一
2023-07-06 18:06:452


2023-07-06 18:06:565

to be and no to be?这是一个问题

"to be or not to be"是莎士比亚四大悲剧之一<哈姆雷特>的主人翁哈姆雷特所说的一句意义极其复杂而深刻台词,根据剧本原有的剧情,"to be or not to be"大致可以翻成以下几种:1)生存还是毁灭 2)为父报仇还是就此作罢 3)卫护真理,还是忍气吞声,卑贱地活着 等.
2023-07-06 18:08:271