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2023-07-06 23:08:19




exhibition,展览。exhibition读作,美[eksibi∫n]英[eksi"bi∫n]。These drawings will form the basis of the exhibition。这些画作将成为展览的基本部分。The co-op sells the art work at exhibitions。合作社在展览会上出售艺术品。Five large pieces of the wall are currently on exhibition。那堵墙的五块大碎片目前在展览。The exhibition contains nothing that is worthy of remark。这次展览没有任何值得看的东西。The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work。展览增进了人们对她作品的兴趣。The line-up for the exhibition is about 2 hours long, but it"s really worth the wait。看展览要排两小时队,但是等待是值得的。展览是展示实物、图片,以供观览、欣赏,陈列物品工人观赏。展览著作权法术语,指公开陈列的美术作品、摄影作品的原件或者是复印件。展览会既是信息,通讯和娱乐的综合,也是唯一的在面对面沟通中充分挖掘五官感觉的营销媒介。20世纪尽管出现高速的电子通讯方式,展览会,作为临时的市场,仍然是最专业、有效的销售工具。
2023-07-06 18:04:261


展览英文是:exhibition。读音:英[u02cceksu026au02c8bu026au0283n],美[u02cceksu026au02c8bu026au0283n]。释义:n.展览,显示;展览会;展览品。例句:An unknown painter is holding an exhibition in the city.一个不知名的画家正在这个城市举办画展。复数:exhibitions。读音:picture exhibition图画展。exhibition hall展览大厅。at exhibition在展览会上。during exhibition展览期间。exhibition的用法exhibition多指“展览,展览会”,指某物处于对外开放,可以让人参观的状态,或指将众多物品放在某一特定场所,形成一定规模的展览,从而达到推销某物或使人加深对其了解的目的。exhibition还可指“表现,显示”。on exhibition的意思是“展出中”,在句中可作主语或表语,此时exhibition前不可有冠词。
2023-07-06 18:04:351

展览品的英语翻译 展览品用英语怎么说

2023-07-06 18:04:543


2023-07-06 18:05:091


exhibition是名词,意思是展览,显示;展览会;展览品。词汇辨析:exhibition一般指较正规的展览会。exhibit多指个人或团体陈列的展览品,规模可大可小。show指艺术品、农产品、工业品或商品等的任何形式的公开展览。exposition多指大型博览会或国际博览会。fair侧重指为促销商品而举办的展览会或商品交易会。display指展销会,商店橱窗或柜台上的陈列品。词汇搭配:attend exhibition出席展览会。close exhibition结束展览。give exhibition举办展览会。have exhibition举办展览会。hold exhibition举办展览会。open exhibition开始展览。organize exhibition主办展览会。put exhibition举行展览会。run exhibition举办展览会。stage exhibition举行展览会。例句:1、There will be an exhibition of the development of automobile industry in our country next week.下星期将举办一个关于我国汽车工业发展的展览。2、They came from afar to see the exhibition.他们从远处赶来参观这个展览会。3、The quiz was a good opportunity for the exhibition of his knowledge.这次测验是他显示知识的好机会。4、Such an exhibition of rudeness is absolutely unacceptable.这样无礼的表现是绝对不能接受的。5、Who have visited the exhibition?谁已经参观了展览会?6、Could you tell me the number of Exhibition Center?你能否告诉我展览中心的电话号吗?7、These two exhibitions with the cooperation of China International Exhibition Center.这两个展览都是和中国国际展览中心合作的。
2023-07-06 18:05:291


  会展是指会议、展览、大型活动等集体性的商业或非商业活动的简称。特定主题的会展是指围绕特定主题集合多人在特定时空的集聚交流活动。那么你知道会展的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    会展的英语单词1:   Exhibition   会展的英语单词2:   Exposition   会展的英语例句:   你的艺术作品还是在公共的地方会展嘛?   Your works are still being exhibited in public places!   这个会展大厅也是及其巨大的。   An exhibition hall is also huge.   在会展和会展的启动和管理阶段,时间是最宝贵的资源。   Time is the most precious resource in starting and managing meetings and expos.   建成国际食品会展经贸中心。   Construct a international foodstuff promotion and exhibition trade center.   你知道么,南宁国际会展中心是南宁市的一个标志性建筑,造型像朵花。   You know, Nanning International Exhibition Center, which looks like a flower, is the landmark of Nanning.   本届动漫节设立了会展、论坛、大赛、活动四大板块的40多项活动。   The current festival conducted more than40 activities in four categories, namely exhibitions, forums, competitions and events.   以上的人流管理 措施 将应用于往后在会展中心举行的文娱活动。   These measures will also be implemented for future entertainment events.   会展中心有活动隔断,它可以根据会议或展览会的需要来分隔场地。   A convention center has air walls to divide the space to fit the need of the meeting or the exhibit.   综合性会展中心是一种公共设施,它可以在同一大厅内举办会议和展览会。   A comprehensive convention center is a public assembly facility that is designed to host meetings and exhibits under one roof.   会展旅游是一种高利润、高产出的旅游项目。   MICE tourism is a tourism item of high profit and yield.   近在咫尺的香港成了义乌会展的好榜样。   Hong Kong set a fantastic example for the development of Yiwu exhibition trade.   体育、媒体、会展、演艺等行业要取得突破性进展;   Industries such as sports, media, exhibitions and the performing arts shall make some breakthroughs in their growths.   中国会展业的迅猛发展已促进了会展设施,装备和技术的现代化。   The tremendous development of China"s exhibition industry has promoted the modernization of exhibition facility, equipment and technology.   广东的会展高等 教育 现状滞后于会展业发展态势。   The current provision of higher education for exhibition in Guangdong is lagging behind the trend of the exhibition industry.   当晚在长隆国际会展中心,协会举行了盛大的第二届理事会就职典礼仪式。   In the evening, 2nd board of directors Inaugural Ceremony was held in Chime Long Hotel"s convention center.   中部崛起战略背景下长沙会展旅游品牌发展研究   The Research on the Development of MICE Tourism Brand in Changsha Based on the “ Rise of Mid-China ” Strategy   大连星海会展中心多功能厅大跨楼板隔振设计试验研究   Experimental study on isolation design for the large-span floor of a multi-purpose hall of Dalian Xinghai Convention and Exhibition Center
2023-07-06 18:06:241


going around an exhibition hall. visiting a show
2023-07-06 18:06:343


2023-07-06 18:06:422


问题一:展示英文单词怎么写? exhibit, show, display,present 问题二:展览用英语用英语怎么说 展览 [zhǎn lǎn] 基本翻译 show to put on display to exhibit exhibition 网络释义 展览:on show/view|on display|aus-liegen 展览:Exhibitions 展览费:Exhibition fees|exhibition expenses 问题三:展览的英文单词怎么拼 exhibition (去看展览,go to exhibition)on show (展览,陈列) ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~ 采纳哦 问题四:展览馆用英语怎么说 exhibition building 展览馆 双语例句: The Study on the Evolvement of Exhibition Building"s Architectural Function and Its Design Theory in Modern 现代展览建筑功能演变及设计理论研究 Exploration research on time and space idea of four dimensional space in exhibition building 展馆建筑四维空间的时空理念探索研究 问题五:会展策划与管理专业 的英文单词怎么写 Exhibition Planning and Management
2023-07-06 18:06:491


展览 [zhǎn lǎn]基本翻译showto put on displayto exhibitexhibition网络释义展览:on show/view|on display|aus-liegen展览:Exhibitions展览费:Exhibition fees|exhibition expenses
2023-07-06 18:06:591


国外没有会展经济与管理这个说法,一般都是EVENT MANAGEMENT.也可以说MICE.即MICE,即Meetings(会议)、Incentives(奖励旅游)、Conferencing/Conventions(大型企业会议)、Exhibitions/Exposition(活动展览)和Event(节事活动)的第一个字母大写组成,是会展的英文缩写。
2023-07-06 18:07:171


世博会(World"s Fair)的起源是中世纪欧洲商人定期的市集,市集起初只牵涉到经济贸易,到19世纪,商界在欧洲地位提升,市集的规模渐渐扩大,商品交易的种类和参予的人员愈来愈多,影响范围愈来愈大,从经济到生活艺术到生活理想哲学……到19世纪20年代,这种具规模的大型市集便称为博览会(Expositions)。第一届世界博览会是在1851年于英国伦敦举行,当时英国国势全世界最盛,英国便希望透过一个大型的展览,去显示其国力。英国人自豪地把这次大型市集会称为“伟大的博览会”(Great Exhibition)。在展出的约10万件展品中,蒸汽机、农业机械、织布机等推动工业革命的机械引人瞩目;而这些当时崭新的展品,会后便成为两个博物馆的展品作为博览会的展品基础:包括在1852年成立的维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆,和1853年成立的坎星顿科学技术博物馆。初时的世博会多以大众化的综合博览为主题,例如庆祝某个国家成立百周年、法国大革命100年纪念等。到了近代,随着科技的进步,举办世界博览会亦趋向专业博览模式,去探讨新科技和生活的关系。而且,世界博览会的主题,多数以当时的科技成果,来配合当时社会气象的需求。例如在两次世界大战和冷战期间的世博会,多数博览会的中心思想是“和平”、“建设明天”;到了接近21世纪,环境保育的议题亦成为了当时的世博会上关注的焦点。世界博览会没有规定多少年才可以举办一次,不过,正式提出申办要求不得早于设想中的世界博览会开幕日子的前9年。基本上需要由申办的国家向国际展览局递交世界博览会申请书,提出举办时间和具体主题内容,由国际展览局于成员国大会上透过投票表决。当申办国成功申请后,便由该主办国作统筹,别国亦可以透过邀请参予世界博览会,以达至不同的国家可以在世博会这个大平台,去相互交流文化、科技,为全世界明天的进步出力。而主办世界博览会的国家/城市亦会高度重视这项大事,因为这是展示国家富强的一个指标。A brief history of the World"s FairFurther information: List of world"s fairs World"s Fairs originated in the French tradition of national exhibitions, a tradition that culminated with the French Industrial Exposition of 1844 held in Paris. It was soon followed by other national exhibitions in continental Europe, and finally came to London where the first real international exhibition was held.Since their inception in 1851, the character of world expositions has evolved. Three eras can be distinguished:[citation needed] the era of industrialization, the era of cultural exchange, and the era of nation branding.[original research?][edit] Industrialization (1851–1938)The first era could be called the era of "industrialization" and covered, roughly, the period from 1800 to 1950. In these days, world expositions were especially focused on trade and famous for the display of technological inventions and advancements. World expositions were the platform where the state of the art in science and technology from around the world was brought together. The world expositions of 1851 London, 1889 Paris, World"s Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893, 1900 Paris, 1904 St. Louis and 1915 San Francisco exhibitions can be called landmarks in this respect.[citation needed] Inventions such as the telephone were first presented during this era. An important part of the Expo"s current image stems from this first era.[edit] Cultural exchange (1939–1991)The 1939 New York World"s Fair and the 1949 Stockholm World"s Fair represented a departure from the original focus of the expositions. From then on, Expos became more strongly based on a specific theme of cultural significance, and began to address issues of humankind. They became more future oriented and "utopian" in scope. Technology and inventions remained important, but no longer as the principal subjects of the Expo. Tomorrow"s World (New York, 1939) and Sports (Stockholm, 1949) are examples of these "new" themes. Cross-cultural dialogue and the exchange of solutions became defining elements of the expos. The dominant Expo of this era arguably remains Montreal"s 1967 Expo67. At Expo 2000 in Hannover, a program called "Projects Around the World" brought together sustainable initiatives and solutions from all over the globe. Expo 2005 of Aichi was probably the most thematic Expo to date.[edit] Nation branding (1992–present)From Expo "92 in Seville onwards, countries started to use the world expo more widely and more strongly as a platform to improve their national images through their pavilions. Finland, Japan, Canada, France and Spain are cases in point. A large study by Tjaco Walvis called "Expo 2000 Hanover in Numbers" showed that improving national image was the primary participation goal for 73% of the countries at Expo 2000. In a world where a strong national image is a key asset, pavilions became advertising campaigns, and the Expo a vehicle for "nation branding". Apart from cultural and symbolic reasons, organizing countries (and the cities and regions hosting them) also utilize the world exposition to brand themselves. According to branding expert Wally Olins, Spain used Expo "92 and the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona in the same year to underline its new position as a modern and democratic country and present itself as a prominent member of the European Union and the global community.Today"s world expositions embody elements of all three eras. They present new inventions, facilitate cultural exchange based on a theme, and are used for city, region and nation branding.参考资料:“维基百科”之“World"s Fair”
2023-07-06 18:07:241

这几个英语spectacle;irrational 、 exhibition 怎么读?

2023-07-06 18:07:442


世界园艺博览会World Horticultural Exposition The International Horticultural Exhibitions held before have rarely found so manyparticipants.
2023-07-06 18:07:522


They date back to the times when large-scale markets were regularly held in cities which, because they were located at major route intersections, attracted visitors and brought prosperity. Crowds of people, some of whom had travelled great distances, would visit these markets, stay at the site, and exchange a wide variety of articles. These events thus provided a forum for expressing and evaluating ideas and for demonstrating and comparing skills.
2023-07-06 18:08:102

大侠帮忙翻译~permanent exhibitions and changing exhibitions~~

Permanent Exhibitions Changing Exhibitions 常设展览更改展览
2023-07-06 18:08:184


2023-07-06 18:08:298


会展旅游是借助举办会议、研讨、论坛等会务活动以及各种展览而开展的旅游形式,是一种商务旅游形式。它有广义和狭义之分。广义:会展旅游是以会议和展览为目的的旅游,包括会议旅游和展览旅游等各种出于工作需要的旅游和奖励旅游。狭义:为会议和展览活动的举办提供展会场馆之外的、且与旅游业相关的服务,并从中获取一定收益的经济活动。 国内外许多学者对会展旅游也作出了各种界定,但仍未有统一的内涵。如以研究事件旅游而闻名的学者盖茨(GETZ)就认为,展览会、博览会、会议等商贸及会展事件是会展业(MEETINGINDUSTRY)的最主要的组成部分。同时,有许多学者主张将会展旅游概念泛化。本文所讨论的会展旅游对应发达国家所指M、I、C、E细分事件旅游市场的概念,即Meetings(会议)、Incentives(奖励旅游)、Conventions(大会),Exhibitions(展览),并包括节日庆典和体育赛事为主题的节事(Events)在内的旅游形式。
2023-07-06 18:08:472


3) The exhibitions cover the total area of over 20,000 square meters. Exhibition再大一般就是一个 The exhibition covers a total area of over 20,000 square meters.
2023-07-06 18:09:411


2023-07-06 18:09:526


hold常用释义英美释义hold 例句1. 博物馆举办的活动既有免费入场的,也有凭票入场的。The museum holds both free and ticketed events.
2023-07-06 18:10:3510


会展业是集商品展示交易、经济技术合作、科学文化交流为一体,兼具信息咨询、招商引资、交通运输、城市建设、商业贸易、旅游服务等多功能的一种新兴产业。通过会展活动,能带动巨大的物流、人流、资金流、信息流,提升城市品位和知名度,进而推动经济和社会的发展。会展旅游正是在会议、展览、展销会、交易会、博览会等举办的前提下,延伸到旅游业的产物。 国内外许多学者对会展旅游也作出了各种界定,但目前仍未有统一的内涵。如以研究事件旅游而闻名的学者盖茨(GETZ)就认为,展览会、博览会、会议等商贸及会展事件是会展业(MEETINGINDUSTRY)的最主要的组成部分。同时,有许多学者主张将会展旅游概念泛化。本文所讨论的会展旅游对应发达国家所指M、I、C、E细分事件旅游市场的概念,即Meetings(会议)、Incentices(奖励旅游)、Conventions(大会),Exhibitions(展览),并包括节日庆典和体育赛事为主题的节事(Events)在内的旅游形式。即会展旅游是指借助举办的各种类型的会议、展览会、博览会、交易会、招商会、文化体育、科技交流等活动,吸引游客前来洽谈贸易,观光旅游,进行技术合作、信息沟通和文化交流,并带动交通、旅游、商贸等多项相关产业发展的一种旅游活动。
2023-07-06 18:11:191

overseas exhibition中文翻译

Overseas exhibitions organised by the hong kong trade development council 香港贸易发展局所举办的海外展览会 Ii overseas exhibitions 二海外展会 For our overseas exhibition package , we " ll provide exhibition hall , transportation facipties and manpower 你可以考虑我们的海外展览套餐,我们会提供展览场地、运输服务及人手。 Organizing domestic and overseas exhibitions and seminars , co - sponsor for exhibition and seminars under government , agency for domestic and overseas exhibitions and seminars and co - hold exhibitions and seminars 组织国内外会议展览,承办政府交办的会议展览,代理国内外会议展览,合作举办会议展览。 We now have a high - capbre manageiral team made up of professional , young people with excellent education backgrounds , therefore , we are very experienced in organizing , managing and coordinating overseas exhibitions 我公司是一支拥有专业化,年轻化、高学历、高素质的管理团队,同时也拥有丰富的国外展会组织与管理协调经验。 In the past almost 30 years , nieco has organized several thousand enterprises to attend about 100 globally - renown overseas exhibitions all around the world , and has estabpshed close business ties with large exhibiting organizations overseas 20多年来,北方国际展览有限公司先后组织国内数千家企业参加了世界各地近百个国际知名展览会,与海外的大型办展机构建立了紧密的业务联系。 Sino machinery international exhibition co . , ltd . is a professional exhibition pany engaged in deapng with internationally known exhibitions and extended services in global market , i . e . international business activities including organization of large overseas exhibition , consultation for international exhibitions , overseas business survey , tutoring for visa apppcation , design and estabpshment of exhibition platform , expanding overseas market and etc 中机天佑国际展览有限公司是一家致力于全球市场,专业代理国际知名展览会及延伸服务的专业展览公司,主要从事大型境外展览组织、国际展会咨询、出国商务考察、出国签证辅导、展台设计搭建、海外市场推广等国际商务活动。
2023-07-06 18:11:261


Full Title:The world Exposition Shanghai China 2010Short Title: Expo 2010 Shanghai ChinaThe expositionThe ExpoType:A Registered International Exhibition to Bureau International des ExpositionsTime:From May 1, 2010 to October 31, 2010Theme:Better City , Better Life World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future. With a long civilisation, China favours international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international community"s support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the world"s people place on China"s future development. So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition. Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution. Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations, developed or less developed, and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world, focusing on the theme "Better City, Better Life." For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilisation to the full extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings. Expo 2010 Shanghai China will centre on innovation and interaction. Innovation is the soul, while cultural interaction is an important mission of the World Expositions. In the new era, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will contribute to human-centred development, scientific and technological innovation, cultural diversity and win-win cooperation for a better future, thus composing a melody with the key notes of highlighting innovation and interaction in the new century. Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. On the one hand, we shall endeavour to attract about 200 nations and international organisations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad, ensuring the widest possible participation in the history of the World Expositions. On the other hand, we will put Expo 2010 Shanghai China in a global perspective and do our best to encourage the participation and gain the understanding and support of various countries and peoples, in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of people from all over the world. In addition, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues. Before the conclusion of the Exposition, a "Shanghai Declaration" will be issued. This declaration, hopefully a milestone in the history of the World Expositions, will epitomise the insights to be offered by the participants and embody people"s ideas for future cooperation and development and extensive common aspirations, thereby leaving a rich spiritual legacy of urban development to people throughout the world. The Chinese Government will go to great lengths to make Expo 2010 Shanghai China a special event that carries on traditions and opens a new vista into the future. Our motto is: "Keeping in mind the next 60 years" development while preparing for the six months" Exposition." We count on the continuing attention, support and participation of all the peace-loving countries.
2023-07-06 18:11:343


exhibition读英[u02cceksu026au02c8bu026au0283n]、美[u02cceksu026au02c8bu026au0283n]双语例句:1、The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work.这个展览表明她的创作有几个新动向。2、The exhibition contains some of his best work to date.The exhibition tells the fascinating story of the steam age.展览讲述了蒸汽时代引人入胜的故事。这个展览有他迄今为止一些最好的作品。3、The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their work.这次展览为当地艺术家提供了展示自己作品的机会。4、The latest computers will be on show at the exhibition.The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work.展览增进了人们对她作品的兴趣。最新型的计算机将在展览会上展出。5、The exhibition is structured around the themes of work and leisure.展览是围绕工作与休闲的主题来布置的。6、Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions.我们的出口商在国际贸易展览会上代表我们的国家参展。
2023-07-06 18:12:291


问题一:参加展会用英语怎么说 参加展会 To participate in the exhibition 问题二:参加展会 英语怎么说? take part in the exhibitionparticipate in the exhibition engage in the exhibition 问题三:参加展会 英语怎么说 参加展会 Trade Fair; [例句]这是我第一次在香港甚至中国作为参展人员参加展会。 It was my first time to attend and be an exhibitor in HongKong as well as in Mainland China. 问题四:”参加展会” 用英语怎么说 参加展会”的英文翻译_百度翻译 参加展会” Attend exhibition exhibition_百度翻译 exhibition 英[?eks??b??n] 美[??ks??b???n] n. 陈列,展览; 展览品,陈列品; 表明; [法] (证据等的) 提出; [例句]He responded in champion"s style by treating the fans to an exhibition of power and speed. 他向崇拜者展示了他的力量和速度,表现得颇有冠军风范。 [其他] 复数:exhibitions 问题五:在展览会上用英文怎么说 At the exhibition 问题六:参加展览会用英语应该怎样说 这样说 Join an exhibition Attend a show
2023-07-06 18:12:561

”参加展会” 用英语怎么说

参加展会”的英文翻译_百度翻译参加展会”Attend exhibition" exhibition_百度翻译exhibition 英[u02cceksu026au02c8bu026au0283n] 美[u02ccu025bksu0259u02c8bu026au0283u0259n] n. 陈列,展览; 展览品,陈列品; 表明; [法] (证据等的) 提出; [例句]He responded in champion"s style by treating the fans to an exhibition of power and speed.他向崇拜者展示了他的力量和速度,表现得颇有冠军风范。[其他] 复数:exhibitions
2023-07-06 18:13:121


问题一:去艺术馆看展览 用英文怎么说 an exhibition; an exposition; a display; a show; a showing 问题二:展览馆用英语怎么说 exhibition building 展览馆 双语例句: The Study on the Evolvement of Exhibition Building"s Architectural Function and Its Design Theory in Modern 现代展览建筑功能演变及设计理论研究 Exploration research on time and space idea of four dimensional space in exhibition building 展馆建筑四维空间的时空理念探索研究 问题三:"我们去看画展吧"用英语怎么说 Let"s go to the exhibition of .......(此次填你要去的画展的名字) 问题四:看戏,看电影,看展览,观光英文怎么说 theatergoing . see a movie/go to a movie Look at the exhibition Touri *** /go sightseeing 问题五:观看许多有趣的展览的英文 观看许多有趣的展览 英文: Watch a lot of interesting exhibitions.
2023-07-06 18:13:181


问题一:展厅 英语怎么说 比较大的话用exhibition hall 小一点的话用show room就可以 问题二:产品展示厅英文怎么说? 标准格式:exhibition of products. 最简洁格式:Exhibition 问题三:产品展示厅英文怎么说? showroom 问题四:欢迎光临我们展厅用英语怎么说 Wele to our exhibition hall. 问题五:展览用英语用英语怎么说 展览 [zhǎn lǎn] 基本翻译 show to put on display to exhibit exhibition 网络释义 展览:on show/view|on display|aus-liegen 展览:Exhibitions 展览费:Exhibition fees|exhibition expenses 问题六:展厅销售的英文怎么说 展厅销售_ 翻译结果: showrooms 问题七:展览馆用英语怎么说 exhibition building 展览馆 双语例句: The Study on the Evolvement of Exhibition Building"s Architectural Function and Its Design Theory in Modern 现代展览建筑功能演变及设计理论研究 Exploration research on time and space idea of four dimensional space in exhibition building 展馆建筑四维空间的时空理念探索研究 问题八:展览馆用英语怎么说 exhibition building exhibition hall 问题九:展览用英语怎么说? put on display;exhibit;show;exhibition 问题十:展示厅用英语怎么说 展示厅 [网络] showroom; show room; Showrooms; My Showroom; [例句]我走了过去,在展示厅找到了两名销售人员。 I walked over and found two sale *** en in the showroom.
2023-07-06 18:13:251


问题一:你不能碰展览品英语怎么翻译 It is not allowed to touch the units displayed. 问题二:英语作文一件展览品 That one day, I must go to the Luohu young people palace school English. Has been on vacation from school, past 10:00 I move toward station there to go by car, joy scenery middle school that station is left over me also to have several male in there also in and so on vehicles. as soon as 238 automobiles e, two men rush immediately. I slowly ground, because I do not like with others snatching the position. Behind two men push behind me. Front that two men said to the driver: “here may not need to throw the coin On our body does not have the pocket money, how to manage”I was thinking at that time: Is how so bothersome! 238 are originally throws the coin! Also spoke that many idle talk.”I in middle am pushed by the around two people have not gasped for breath. Suddenly, has a hand to flee in my pants pocket to want to steal the thing, I thought immediately they are a group, they are the pickpockets. I put out a hand immediately that pickpocket"s hand which hits my pants pocket, he receives immediately. At that time, frightens me half dead. The driver knew that they are a group, therefore the driver is called them to walk loudly, front two pickpockets are willing to walk. I am pushed finally, as soon as I board judgment looking at I who the entire vehicle"s people use curiously to feel sorry. After I sit down, has an aunt to ask me: “what did you have a moment ago by the pickpocket were stolen away”I said: “not.”I put out a moment ago in the pants pocket wristwatch whi......>> 问题三:去艺术馆看展览 用英文怎么说 an exhibition; an exposition; a display; a show; a showing 问题四:”参加展会” 用英语怎么说 参加展会”的英文翻译_百度翻译 参加展会” Attend exhibition exhibition_百度翻译 exhibition 英[?eks??b??n] 美[??ks??b???n] n. 陈列,展览; 展览品,陈列品; 表明; [法] (证据等的) 提出; [例句]He responded in champion"s style by treating the fans to an exhibition of power and speed. 他向崇拜者展示了他的力量和速度,表现得颇有冠军风范。 [其他] 复数:exhibitions 问题五:闲人免进,请勿触摸展品用英语怎么说 闲人免进,请勿触摸展品 Do not touch exhibits 问题六:因为那里有很多科技展品用英语怎么翻译 Because there are a lot of science and technology exhibits.因为那里有很多科技展品。 问题七:参观者请勿触摸展览品的翻译是:什么意思 参观者请勿触摸展览品 Visitors do not touch the exhibits
2023-07-06 18:13:431


Brief Introduction of the Museum ?Shaanxi History Museum, which located in the northwest of the Dayan Pagoda of ancient city Xi"an, is the first huge state museum with modern facilities in China, and given the reputation of "bright pearl of ancient city, treasure house of China." Conformed to last wish of former Primer Minister Zhou Enlai, Shaanxi History Museum was built from 1983, and was finished on June 20th, 1991 and open to the public. The museum has an area of 65,000 square meters, building place 55,600 square meters, cultural relics storerooms of 8,000 square meters, exhibition halls of 11,000 square meters with a collection of 370000 pieces of relics. The museum is an architecture of Tang style, "Hall in center, storied buildings in corners", elegant and dignified, magnificent scale, bination of traditional architecture and modern science, which pletely embodied folk tradition, local feature, and epoch spirit. Shaanxi is the imperial capital since ancient times, and more than 13 feudal dynasties built their capitals there in history including Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang. The province is rich in cultural relics. With the pletion of Shaanxi History Museum, it collected over 370,000 precious relics which were unearthed in Shaanxi Province, large quantities, full categories, high grade. The bronze wares, pottery figures, and mural paintings in Tang tombs and so on, are all wonderful artistic treasures. ? Since the open of the museum, it held on the rules of bination of collecting, conservation, propagandizing, education, and scientific research, exerted the advantage of many historical relics, and conducted relics displays of various styles. Those all posted the rich meaning of relics from different degrees, and displayed the rich cultural achievements of China. Simultaneously, the relics were exhibited over-seas in the cities of Japan, France, United States, United Kingdom, Germany and other countries and regions. ? With best display, excellent order, high quality service, elegant surrounding, and special charm, the museum attracted tourists home and abroad. After the opening, the museum accepted thousands of tourists and became the important window to propagandize excellent culture, carry out patrioti *** instruction, and international exchange. Along with the marching step of times, Shaanxi History Museum met the 21st century, with newer visage, vitality and energy, make greater achievements for constructions of socialist material and spiritual civilization. The Shaanxi History Museum collects the mural paintings from about 20 Tang tombs. The area is about 1,000 square meters, which is the NO.1 in China. The way of conservation of mural paintings in different areas is adopted ,that is to take off mural paintings about 0.5-1 cm in thickness from the tombs, and to protect them. For well protection of these mural paintings , the government built a modern mural paintings storeroom while building the Shaanxi History Museum. The mural paintings were all kept in the cabis controlled by electron. In the storeroom, non-ultraviolet radiation light was adopted, and the humidity was controlled by central air-conditioner. In the whole year, temperature of the storeroom is about 18 to 20 centigrade, the humidity was 55% to 60%. These are all advantages to keep and protect the mural paintings. Simultaneously, it is convenient for research and opening to the public. Recently, to meet the need of tourists, under the premise of safety, after consultation of many aspects, the museum was opened to the public in afternoons on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tourist groups and individual tourist must makes reservation with Ticket Section before visit. The ticket price is RMB 150.00. The amount of visitors once should be not over 20. Visiting time is 40 minutes. No photos, no touch. When visiting, the tourists must keep a distance off 1 meter from the mural paintings. You can visit national treasures, 10 first-level mural paintings, which includes Polo Game, Hunting and Outing and Guest Envoy unearthed from the tomb of Prince Zhanghuai , Palaces , Ceremonial Scene and Maids of Honor unearthed from the tomb of prince Yide . Since its part-time opening, the storeroom has accepted many leaders and foreign presidents and governors, experts, scholars, people of same occupation and oversea tourists. The amount of visitors in every year is more than 4,000. After his visit, Clinton, former president of USA, said: "mural paintings in the Tang tombs are in the same value with the Qin Pottery Warriors and Horses." Are you interested the real mural paintings in the Tang tombs 1,300 years before? Wele you! Shaanxi History Museum is a prehensive museum, which has 375,600 cultural relics, large quantities, full categories, high grade, in excellent order. These all provide precious materials for scientific research systematically and pletely. All these relics are mainly excavations, secondly works handed from ancient times, and can be divided into stoneware, bone ware, bronze ware, pottery warrior, pottery ware, Tang tri-colored pottery, jade article, copper mirror, brick tile, other building material, gold & silver ware, mural painting, royal seal, calligraphy & painting, paper money and others. Among them, first class are 762 articles, second class are2,242 articles, third class are 4,205 articles. Time span of historical relics is over 1,000,000 years, from Lantian Apeman of 1,000,000 years ago to the Opium War of 1840. There are also large quantities of modern relics, folk relics. These all reflected lives of different ages and people of different classes from the degrees of culture, art, science and so on, and are the significant base for research of ancient history, art development, scientific development of China. The relics of Shaanxi History Museum are best characterized and representative in Shang & Zhou bronze wares, pottery warriors of past dynasties, Tang gold & silver wares, mural paintings in Tang tombs, which reflected the prosperity and development of Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang dynasties and are well-known all over the world. Exhibition Room 1 The total area of the Monograph Exhibition Hall, which is situated to the west of the Main Exhibition Hall, is about 2,500 square metres. It was used to show the monograph exhibitions. The exhibitions that have been held here include "The Exhibition of the Shaanxi Bronze Treasures" and "Exhibition of the pottery Selects of Shaanxi province in the past Dynasties", etc. At present "Exhibition of the Rare Gems of the New Archaeological Discoveries in Shaanxi" is being exhibited. This hall presents visitors with the new advances in research into cultural relics and archaeological excavations in Shaanxi Province. The Museum is preparing to build the "Tang Tomb Frescoes Exhibition Centre", with unique features embodying the protection, display and scientific research of the Tang Tomb Frescoes and showing a historical picture of Tang society. Exhibition Room 2 The relics in this exhibition room are the brief summery of the civilization development of the Western Han dynasty and the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern dynasties in the Shaanxi province. The magnificent city site of the capital Changan, the papermaking technology and confrontation of the Northern and Southern powers are all presented here. Exhibition Room 3 This exhibition room are divided into two parts: The Sui and Tang dynasties; The Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing dynasties. The magnificent capital city Changan, The brilliant gold and silver wares of the Tang dynasty, the geous pottery figures of the Tang dynasty and the pottery figures and porcelains of the Song, Yuan, Ming dynasties all revealed the important role of the Shaanxi province in the development of the ancient history. Subject Exhibition The total area of the Monograph Exhibition Hall, which is situated to the west of the Main Exhibition Hall, is about 2,500 square metres. It was used to show the monograph exhibitions. The exhibitions that have been held here include "The Exhibition of the Shaanxi Bronze Treasures" and "Exhibition of the pottery Selects of Shaanxi province in the past Dynasties", etc. At present "Exhibition of the Rare Gems of the New Archaeological Discoveries in Shaanxi" is being exhibited. This hall presents visitors with the new advances in research into cultural relics and archaeological excavations in Shaanxi Province. The Museum is preparing to build the "Tang Tomb Frescoes Exhibition Centre", with unique features embodying the protection, display and scientific research of the Tang Tomb Frescoes and showing a historical picture of Tang society. East Exhibition Located to the east of the Main Exhibition Hall, the Eastern Exhibition Hall has a floor space of 2,500 square metres and several temporary exhibitions from China and other countries have been shown here. These include "The Exhibition as Selected Cultural Relics from Zhaoling", "The Exhibition of the Original Murals from the Tang Mausoleums", "Exhibition of Cultural Relics from the Tomb of princess Chenguo of the State of Liao", "The Exhibition of the Women"s Dresses and personal Adornments of the Tang Dynasty", "Gold and Silver Treasures of Tang", etc. The abundant content, distinctive design and useful information included here help to produce an influential display system at home and abroad.
2023-07-06 18:14:101


问题一:博物馆用英文怎么写? Museum 问题二:博物馆用英语怎么说 museum 英 [mju?zi:?m] 美 [mju?zi?m] n. 博物馆 复数: museums 例句 For months Malcolm had wanted to visit the Parisian art museums. 几个月来马尔科姆一直想参观巴黎的艺术博物馆。 问题三:博物馆用英语怎么说? 5分 museum [mju(:)5ziEm] n. 博物馆 问题四:博物馆用英文怎么读? museum 问题五:博物馆的英语 museum;repository museum英[mju?zi:?m] 美[mju?zi?m] n.博物馆 名词复数:museums repository 英[r?"p?z?tr?] 美[r??pz??t?ri, -?tori] n.仓库;贮藏室;博物馆;亲信 名词复数:repositories 问题六:参观博物馆用英文怎么说 visit museum 问题七:博物馆的英语怎么说 博物馆 Museum 博物馆 Museum 问题八:参观博物馆的英语怎么说 参观博物馆 1.visit a museum 2.going to the museums 3.trip to a museum 这三个都可以 望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-06 18:14:183


Past world exhibitionsThe first world fair took place in London in 1851. It showcased industrial products and crafts and resembled a funfair. It was at the 1867 World Fair in Paris that the participating countries began presenting their technological achievements and new products in national pavilions.However, world exhibitions have changed direction over the years and now spotlight global problems and forward-looking solutions. Their main aim is to provide and share information in the areas of technology, research, business, communication, culture and entertainment.Since 1928, world exhibitions have been officially registered with and recognised by the Bureau International des Expositions (B.I.E.), which has its headquarters in Paris. B.I.E."s members, which include Germany, decide where the events are to be held. The 2012 EXPO has been awarded to the Korean city of Yeosu; the 2015 event will be hosted by Milan.The world exhibitions of the past ten years:EXPO 2008 Zaragoza, Spain(International exposition)Duration: 14 June - 14 September 2008Theme: Water and sustainable developmentParticipants: 105Visitors: 5.5 millionArea: 25 hawww.expo2008-deutschland.deEXPO 2005 Aichi, Japan(International exposition)Zeitraum: 25 March - 25 September 2005Theme: Nature"s wisdomParticipants: 121Visitors: 22 millionArea: 173 hawww.expo2005-deutschland.deEXPO 2000 Hanover, Germany(Universal exposition)Duration: 1 June - 31 October 2000Theme: Humankind – Nature – TechnologyParticipants: 155Visitors: 18 millionArea: 160 hahttp://dp.expo2000.dewww.expo2000.deEXPO "98 Lisbon, Portugal(International exposition)Duration: 22 May - 30 September 1998Theme: The oceans, a heritage for the futureParticipants: 155Visitors: 10 millionArea: 50 haFrom the first World Expo held in London in 1851, the world expos have been held successively for many years. After the 1933 World Expo Chicago has set up its theme, the following expos also began to have their special themes.Time Host Country Theme1851 London Britain ---1853 New York America ---1855 Paris France ---1862 London Britain ---1867 Paris France ---1873 Vienna Austria ---1876 Philadelphia America ---1878 Paris France ---1889 Paris France ---1893 Chicago America ---1900 Paris France ---1904 St. Louis America ---1915 San Francisco America ---1915 Panama Panama ---1926 Philadelphia America ---1930 Liege Belgium ---1933-1934 Chicago America A Century Progress1935 Brussel Belgium Peace Through Competition1937 Paris France Arts and Technics in Modern Life1939-1940 New York America Building the World of Tommorrow1958 Brussels Belgium Evaluation of the World for a More Human World1962 Seattle America Man in the Space Age1964-1965 New York America Peace Through Understanding1967 Montreal Canada Man and His World Land1970 Osaka Japan Progress and Harmony for Harmony for Mankind1975 Okinawa Japan The Sea We Would Like to See1982 Knoxville America Energy Turns the World1984 New Orleans America The Worlds of Rivers-Fresh Water as a Source of Life1985 Tsukuba Japan Living and Environment Household Science and Technology for Human Beings1986 Vancouver Canada World in Motion-Would in Touch1988 Brisbane Australia Leisure in the Age of Technology1990 Osaka Japan Human Beings and Nature1992 Sevilla Spain Age of Discovery1992 Genova Italy Christopher Columbus-the Ship and the Sea1993 Taehung Korea A New Path Forward1998 Lisbon Portugal Oceans-A Heritage for the Future2000 Hannover Germany Humankind, Nature, Technology and Development2005 Aichi Japan Nature"s Wisdom2010 Shanghai China Better City, Better Life
2023-07-06 18:14:391


在展览会上 At the Exhibition; [例句]这家合作社在展览会上销售艺术品。The co-op sells the art work at exhibitions.
2023-07-06 18:14:461


2023-07-06 18:14:531


museum读音为英[mju"ziu02d0u0259m],美[mju"ziu02d0u0259m]。museum解析如下:一、读音英式发音:[mjuu02d0u02c8ziu02d0u0259m]美式发音:[mjuu02c8ziu0259m]二、释义n. 博物馆三、词形变化复数:museums四、常用短语art museum:艺术博物馆natural history museum:自然历史博物馆science museum:科学博物馆五、用法museum指珍藏历史、文学或艺术方面物品的“博物馆”。 museum是可数名词,用作专有名词时,须加定冠词the。 六、例句The museum has many immemorial cultural relics.该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。The museum displays the specimen of ancient Chinese porcelain.这个博物馆展出中国古瓷器标本。Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum.这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。We found a Picasso in the museum.我们在展览馆发现了一张毕加索画的画。Every year the museum organizes 10 temporary exhibitions.这个展览馆每年举行十次短期展览。
2023-07-06 18:15:001


世博会(World"s Fair)的起源是中世纪欧洲商人定期的市集,市集起初只牵涉到经济贸易,到19世纪,商界在欧洲地位提升,市集的规模渐渐扩大,商品交易的种类和参予的人员愈来愈多,影响范围愈来愈大,从经济到生活艺术到生活理想哲学……到19世纪20年代,这种具规模的大型市集便称为博览会(Expositions)。第一届世界博览会是在1851年于英国伦敦举行,当时英国国势全世界最盛,英国便希望透过一个大型的展览,去显示其国力。英国人自豪地把这次大型市集会称为“伟大的博览会”(Great Exhibition)。在展出的约10万件展品中,蒸汽机、农业机械、织布机等推动工业革命的机械引人瞩目;而这些当时崭新的展品,会后便成为两个博物馆的展品作为博览会的展品基础:包括在1852年成立的维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆,和1853年成立的坎星顿科学技术博物馆。初时的世博会多以大众化的综合博览为主题,例如庆祝某个国家成立百周年、法国大革命100年纪念等。到了近代,随着科技的进步,举办世界博览会亦趋向专业博览模式,去探讨新科技和生活的关系。而且,世界博览会的主题,多数以当时的科技成果,来配合当时社会气象的需求。例如在两次世界大战和冷战期间的世博会,多数博览会的中心思想是“和平”、“建设明天”;到了接近21世纪,环境保育的议题亦成为了当时的世博会上关注的焦点。世界博览会没有规定多少年才可以举办一次,不过,正式提出申办要求不得早于设想中的世界博览会开幕日子的前9年。基本上需要由申办的国家向国际展览局递交世界博览会申请书,提出举办时间和具体主题内容,由国际展览局于成员国大会上透过投票表决。当申办国成功申请后,便由该主办国作统筹,别国亦可以透过邀请参予世界博览会,以达至不同的国家可以在世博会这个大平台,去相互交流文化、科技,为全世界明天的进步出力。而主办世界博览会的国家/城市亦会高度重视这项大事,因为这是展示国家富强的一个指标。A brief history of the World"s FairFurther information: List of world"s fairs World"s Fairs originated in the French tradition of national exhibitions, a tradition that culminated with the French Industrial Exposition of 1844 held in Paris. It was soon followed by other national exhibitions in continental Europe, and finally came to London where the first real international exhibition was held.Since their inception in 1851, the character of world expositions has evolved. Three eras can be distinguished:[citation needed] the era of industrialization, the era of cultural exchange, and the era of nation branding.[original research?][edit] Industrialization (1851–1938)The first era could be called the era of "industrialization" and covered, roughly, the period from 1800 to 1950. In these days, world expositions were especially focused on trade and famous for the display of technological inventions and advancements. World expositions were the platform where the state of the art in science and technology from around the world was brought together. The world expositions of 1851 London, 1889 Paris, World"s Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893, 1900 Paris, 1904 St. Louis and 1915 San Francisco exhibitions can be called landmarks in this respect.[citation needed] Inventions such as the telephone were first presented during this era. An important part of the Expo"s current image stems from this first era.[edit] Cultural exchange (1939–1991)The 1939 New York World"s Fair and the 1949 Stockholm World"s Fair represented a departure from the original focus of the expositions. From then on, Expos became more strongly based on a specific theme of cultural significance, and began to address issues of humankind. They became more future oriented and "utopian" in scope. Technology and inventions remained important, but no longer as the principal subjects of the Expo. Tomorrow"s World (New York, 1939) and Sports (Stockholm, 1949) are examples of these "new" themes. Cross-cultural dialogue and the exchange of solutions became defining elements of the expos. The dominant Expo of this era arguably remains Montreal"s 1967 Expo67. At Expo 2000 in Hannover, a program called "Projects Around the World" brought together sustainable initiatives and solutions from all over the globe. Expo 2005 of Aichi was probably the most thematic Expo to date.[edit] Nation branding (1992–present)From Expo "92 in Seville onwards, countries started to use the world expo more widely and more strongly as a platform to improve their national images through their pavilions. Finland, Japan, Canada, France and Spain are cases in point. A large study by Tjaco Walvis called "Expo 2000 Hanover in Numbers" showed that improving national image was the primary participation goal for 73% of the countries at Expo 2000. In a world where a strong national image is a key asset, pavilions became advertising campaigns, and the Expo a vehicle for "nation branding". Apart from cultural and symbolic reasons, organizing countries (and the cities and regions hosting them) also utilize the world exposition to brand themselves. According to branding expert Wally Olins, Spain used Expo "92 and the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona in the same year to underline its new position as a modern and democratic country and present itself as a prominent member of the European Union and the global community.Today"s world expositions embody elements of all three eras. They present new inventions, facilitate cultural exchange based on a theme, and are used for city, region and nation branding.
2023-07-06 18:15:301


there are many displays in theirs
2023-07-06 18:15:374


The Canton Fair (Chinese: 广交会) is a trade fair held in the spring and autumn seasons each year since the spring of 1957 in Guangzhou, China. Its full name since 2007 is the Chinese Import and Export Commodities Fair (中国进出口商品交易会) renamed from Chinese Export Commodities Fair (中国出口商品交易会) [1]. It is the largest trade fair in China . Among China"s largest trade fairs, it has the largest assortment of products, the highest attendance, and the largest number of business deals made at the fair. Like many trade fairs it has several traditions and functions as a comprehensive event of international importance.The 101st session in spring 2007 saw a very large rise of business with African companies. More than 16,200 buyers were from African nations, an increase of 73% from the August 2006 fair.Fifty trading delegations, being composed of thousands of China"s best foreign trade corporations (enterprises), take part in the Fair, including foreign trade companies, factories, scientific research institutions, foreign invested enterprises, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, private enterprises, etc. The 101st fair saw 314 different companies from 36 countries.FunctionsThe fair leans to export trade, though import business is also done here. Apart from the above-mentioned, various types of business activities such as economic and technical cooperations and exchanges, commodity inspection, insurance, transportation, advertising, consultation, etc. are also carried out in flexible ways.
2023-07-06 18:15:572

求高手英文翻译~高分悬赏~~急急急!!! 英翻中~~

2023-07-06 18:16:141


Introduction Under the management of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department the Hong Kong Heritage Museum has been designed to provide prehensive exhibitions on history art and culture. A highly visitor-oriented museum the Hong Kong Heritage Museum will offer a diverse range of dynamic and interactive exhibitions and programmes to engage visitors in enjoyable and educational experiences as they appreciate the valuable artefacts on display. Hong Kong Heritage Museum (Traditional Chinese: 中国香港文化博物馆) is a museum of history art and culture in Sha Tin Hong Kong by the Shing Mun River. The museum was built by the Regional Council and opened on December 16 2000. It is currently managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong Government. The building was designed by the Hong Kong Architectural Services Department. The six permanent exhibits and the original temporary exhibits were designed by Canadian design firm Reich+Petch (with Lord Cultural Services). Contents [hide] 1 Features 2 Branch museums 3 Trport 4 Gallery 5 See also 6 External links [edit] Features The Museum has been designed to provide prehensive exhibitions on history art and culture. The Museum offers a diverse range of dynamic and interactive exhibitions and programmes to engage visitors in enjoyable and educational experiences as they appreciate the valuable artefacts on display. It also houses a cafe and museum shop. There are six permanent exhibition galleries for the display of the museum"s collections and six thematic galleries for temporary exhibitions. Permanent galleries include: New Territories Heritage Hall Children"s Discovery Gallery Cantonese Opera Heritage Hall T.T.Tsui Gallery of Chinese Art displaying artifacts from the former Tsui Museum of Art Chao Shao-an Gallery Other than gallaries the museum has a theatre for various performing arts and talks. [edit] Branch museums The museum runs three branch museums: Hong Kong Railway Museum (Tai Po) Sam Tung Uk Museum (in a former Hakka walled village Tsuen Wan) Sheung Yiu Folk Museum (in a former Hakka village Sai Kung) [edit] Trport The museum is served by numerous bus lines. It is also reachable by KCR: East Rail: 15-minute walk from either Tai Wai or Sha Tin station Ma On Shan Rail: 5-minute walk across the river from Che Kung Temple station
2023-07-06 18:16:221


  Shanghai Science and Technology Museum (Chinese: 上海科技馆) is a large museum in Pudong, Shanghai, close to Century Park, the largest park of the city.  The museum covers an area of 68,000 square meters, a floor space of 98,000 square meters and an exhibition space of 65,500 square meters with planned visiting flow of 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 visitors per year and investment of RMB 1.755 billion Yuan. As of July 2010 the museum will have attracted over 23,000,000 visitors making it one of China"s most successful modern museums.  Shanghai Science & Technology Museum opened to the public on December 18, 2001. The original design of the museum and it"s core exhibits was managed by Shanghai based high tech and multimedia firm Creative Star Digital. The construction of the museum cost 3.75 billion RMB, and now features over 14 interactive multimedia exhibits open to the public.  Exhibitions  The museum incorporates an IMAX theatre, and as of 2006 there are 12 main exhibits open to the public, including "Spectrum of Life", "World of Robots" and "Information Era".  1. Cradle of Designers: The Masterpieces of Design Area displays great achievements in design. Includes a CAD-classroom.  2. Animal Hall: A hall with animal models, including a platypus, a beluga whale, a bearded vulture, a few lions, and a badger.  3. A large greenhouse with live turtles, plants, and lots of models, including a cave with bats. It also has a hall of live fish. Species include koi, golden carp, and Chinese paddlefish.  4. An IMAX Theatre and IMAX Dome Theatre.  Hours of Operation  The museum is open from 9:00 AM to 5:15 PM. It is closed Mondays (except holidays).  Transportation  The museum is served by the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum station on Shanghai Metro Line 2. It is not within walking distance from Century Park station on the same line, that requires navigation around the large Century Park area qwe.  Appearance in popular media  Kung Fu Dunk starring Jay Chou has many scenes filmed from here.  Chandni Chowk to China, an indian film starring Akshay Kumar has been filmed here  Shanghai"s Expo 2010 video has several promotional scenes shot on location here.  The museum served as the pitstop for leg 10 of The Amazing Race 16.
2023-07-06 18:16:301


SHENZHEN ART MUSEUM The predecessor of Shenzhen Art Museum is Shenzhen Exhibition Hall, one of the earliest exhibition institutions for artworks, which was established in 1976 and was renamed as Shenzhen Art Museum in 1987 under the approval of the municipal government after the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. The museum now has a floor space of 5500㎡, a building area of 2800㎡ and an area of 1200㎡ for the exhibition hall.30 years has passed since its establishment, Shenzhen Art Museum has been actively pushing forward art exchanges both at home and abroad through activities of multiple forms, taking advantages of the function of “a cultural window” of the Special Economic Zone and neighboring Hong Kong and Macao,. Since 2001, the museum has established its academic target as “pay close attention to contemporary urban native arts” and has been plotting Annual China Theme Exhibition on Contemporary Art and Theme Exhibition on Native Art of Shenzhen by which the museum has propelled the developments of the contemporary city art of China and native art of Shenzhen and shaped a fine image of city museum. The collection tenet of Shenzhen Art Museum is to conduct relevant collections with the active execution of the academic orientation of “pay close attention to contemporary urban and native arts” and based on such collections, put emphasis on the variety of sorts of the collections and conduct collections of other kinds of fine art works. In the future, the museum will continuously perfect the collections on the contemporary city art of China and native art of Shenzhen and strengthen the collection force of fine art works.Chinese paintings, 166 pieces of oil paintings, 17 pieces of sculptures and 1488 pieces of other sorts of collections. The classical collections of the museum are mainly characterized by contemporary art works and native art works. In particular, the collection of contemporary oil paintings has begun to take its shape. The contemporary oil paintings and the native art collections of Shenzhen has successively been sent to countries and places such as Malaysia, Macao and Schleswig Holstein of Germany for exchange exhibitions and received a wide attention.Since the establishment of academic orientation of “pay close attention to contemporary urban and native arts” in 2001, Shenzhen Art Museum has successively held a series of exhibitions firmly sticking to such orientation which has conducted academic cleaning to the contemporary art of China. Simultaneously through plotting and holding activities such as annual theme exhibitions, symposiums, Shenzhen Art Museum has deeply unearthed, discovered and organized the native art creations of Shenzhen, which has comprehensively and fully showed the rich creation achievements of the native painters of Shenzhen and enjoyed good comments of all social circles.In addition, the museum has held various exhibitions of masterpieces of celebrities in the field and such exhibitions have witnessed the succession and changes of the traditional art of China.In recent years, Shenzhen Art Museum has annually held 24 exhibitions and the number of audience is as high as some 50,000.The following contents are the important exhibitions held by Shenzhen Art Museum in recent years:Series of “Pay Close Attention to Contemporary Urban Art”Images on Ideas —— 2002 Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Oil PaintingsImage on Image —— 2003 Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Oil PaintingsInhabitation in Chengdu —— 2004 Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Oil PaintingsSky of Destiny —— 2005 Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Oil PaintingsSkin of Cities —— Exhibition of Research on Possibility of Images of Contemporary CitiesSeries of “Pay Close Attention to Native Arts”Abstraction of Shenzhen —— Joint Exhibition of Ten Artists of Shenzhen (2001)No Border for Traveler —— Joint Art Exhibition of Six Artists Coming to Shenzhen in Early Days (2002)Joint Exhibition of Watercolor Painters of Shenzhen (2002)Native Soil Complex and City Space —— Joint Exhibition of Xylograph Painters of Shenzhen (2003)Visual Zone —— 2004 Experimental Art Exhibition of Youth of Shenzhen (2004)Resplendence —— Exhibition of Art works of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (2004)Charming Shenzhen —— Celebration for 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and Image Works Exhibition of Painters of Shenzhen (2005)Disintegration —— 2005 Nomination Exhibition for Mid-aged and Young Oil Panting Painters of Shenzhen (2005)Series of Classics of CelebritiesArt Exhibition of Lin Fengmian (1997)Classics Exhibition of Fu Baoshi, a Contemporary Art Master (1998)Art Exhibition of Zhang Daqian (2001)Art Exhibition of Xu Beihong and Art Exhibition of Collections of Chinese Ancient Paintings by Xu Beihong (2002)Special Exhibition for Eighty Years Art Career Exhibition of Huang Yongyu —— Firenze in Eyes of Huang Yongyu (2004)Exhibition of Sketching Works of Li Keran (2005)Metaphysical and Empirical —— 2005 New Works Exhibition of Shi Hu (2005)War and Peace —— Exhibition of Works of Goya, a Art Master of Spain (2005)Exhibition of Works Donated by Hua Junwu (2005)Exhibition of Oil Paintings Donated by Kong Baiji (2005)InstitutionShenzhen Art Museum, with Song Yuming as the current chief librarian, has three divisions and one office. Generalizing and planning division is liable for the work such as exhibition planning, external propaganda, aesthetic education and file establishment and management; research & collection division is liable for work such as academic researches and arts collections; exhibition division is liable for work such as display and exhibition and administration office is liable for administration and management work of the museum.At present, the museum has 23 staff members in all, including 18 on the job, among whom 7 are business personnel.Exhibition Opening Time: from 9:00 a.m. to 5,00 p.m.Museum is closed to the public on Monday, and free of charge on Friday and open normally on holidays.Public Transportation: Take bus 3, 17, 360 and 320, and get off at the “Reservoir” station, then enter the West Lake Park and walk slowly to the destination as the direction board shows.
2023-07-06 18:16:361


2023-07-06 18:16:512


首先,应该写世博会的的情况。再写作为一个学生,我们应该做些什么。最后写一句祝愿世博会举办成功之类的话。As we all know the World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honour for China. As students, we should do something for the World Expo. Firstly, we should know more about the World Expo.Secondly ,studying English hard is more important, because millions of foreigners will visit Shanghai during 2010 World Expo. What"s more, we should learn to keep good manners.I wish that shanghai will hold a successful World Expo.
2023-07-06 18:16:584

荷兰馆 英语翻译

the Dutch PavilionVisitors to the Dutch Pavilion at the 2010 World Expo will enjoy 26 exhibitions by looking through the windows of 26 "small houses," The 5,000-square-meter pavilion, known as Happy Street, comprises 26 small elevated houses. The houses will line a 400-meter pedestrian street that curves in a figure of eight, a lucky number in China. The houses will be closed given the estimated 7 million visitors expected and the size of the buildings, One of the houses will host a small water purification station and visitors will be able to sample the purified water. The houses represent the innovation, culture and sustainability of Netherlands, The whole pavilion is an open structure, reflecting the country"s open-minded features. A large crown-shaped building in the pavilion will house a VIP lounge for business events, he said, adding that the pavilion will also feature tulips, windmills and clogs, which the country is famous for. 一条长约400米的8字形街道,26个独立的小型展馆沿街分布,这就是充满奇思妙想的荷兰馆将在上海世博会上展现的创意。在上海世博会荷兰政府总代表魏伟励(Walter van Weelden)看来,荷兰馆最与众不同之处当属它的开放性设计,“荷兰馆是一个开放式的展馆,没有前门和后门,而展馆本身就是一个展览。” 在以“快乐街”为主题的荷兰馆中,分布着一个个小型展馆,魏伟励说,漫步在“快乐街”上,参观者将经过一栋栋“小房子”,感受到从这些小型展馆传递出来的信息,那就是荷兰的创新,文化和持久性发展的理念,同时,也将体验到追求更美好生活所带来的快乐感。其中一个主要小型展馆的主题为水,参观者将会看到水被过滤的过程,并喝到由此产生的纯净水。而另一座皇冠型的建筑,则将作为贵宾室,在那里将举行一系列商务活动。 但是,荷兰方面预计荷兰馆将在上海世博会期间迎来700万游客,考虑到这一巨大的人流量和每个“小房子”的接待能力,荷兰决定让参观者通过窗户观看展览。(难免会有生词,你自己可以想办法替换一下,努力一下)
2023-07-06 18:17:061


2023-07-06 18:17:337

you should miss none of the exhibitions翻译?

2023-07-06 18:17:472


2023-07-06 18:18:113

P7 mice是什么?

2023-07-06 18:18:191