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to be or not to be是什么意思?

2023-07-06 22:56:39
TAG: be to not



莎士比亚曾经说过:“to be or not to be”后面一句是什么?连起来是什么意思?

莎士比亚这句话的下一句是 "that is the question",连起来意思是:生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题。这句话来自莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的经典独白,表达了主角哈姆雷特内心的矛盾和挣扎,他不知道应该选择生存还是选择死亡,这个问题一直困扰着他。
2023-07-06 17:26:551

to be or not to be的中文意思是什么?

to be or not to be的中文意思是生存还是毁灭
2023-07-06 17:27:351

to be or not to be是什么意思?

1、TO BE OR NOT TO BE 的意思是:生存还是毁灭(朱生豪译本),该句话出自《哈姆雷特》(英-莎士比亚)中的经典独白(第三幕第一场)。2、"TO BE OR NOT TO BE"大致可以翻成以下几种:(1)生存还是毁灭;(2)为父报仇还是就此作罢;(3)卫护真理,还是忍气吞声,卑贱地活着等。扩展资料:TO BE OR NOT TO BE该句话的原文部分内容及汉语翻译:1、《哈姆雷特》(英-莎士比亚)中的经典独白(第三幕第一场):To be, or not to be, that is a question:Whether it"s nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them. To die — to sleep,No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to, "Tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish"d. To die, to sleep;To sleep, perchance to dream — ay, there"s the rub:For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,Must give us pause. There"s the respectThat makes calamity of so long life.For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,Th" oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely,The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay,The insolence of office, and the spurnsThat patient merit of th" unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus makeWith a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,To grunt and sweat under a weary life,But that the dread of something after death,The undiscover"d country from whose bournNo traveller returns, puzzles the will,And makes us rather bear those ills we haveThan fly to others that we know not of?Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great picth and momentWith this regard their currents turn awryAnd lose the name of action.2、译文(朱生豪译本)生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;默然忍受命运暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫个干净,这两种行为,哪一种更加高尚?死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;嗯,阻碍就在这儿:因为当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊以后,在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。人们甘心久困于患难之中,也就是为了这个缘故;谁愿意忍受人世的鞭挞和讥嘲、压迫者的凌辱、傲慢者的冷眼、被轻蔑的爱情的惨痛、法律的迁延、官吏的横暴和费尽辛勤所换来的小人的鄙视,要是他只要用一柄小小的刀子,就可以清算他自己的一生?谁愿意负着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下呻吟流汗,倘不是因为惧怕不可知的死后,惧怕那从来不曾有一个旅人回来过的神秘之国,是它迷惑了我们的意志,使我们宁愿忍受目前的折磨,不敢向我们所不知道的痛苦飞去?这样,重重的顾虑使我们全变成了懦夫,决心的赤热的光彩,被审慎的思维盖上了一层灰色,伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。参考资料:百度百科_TO BE OR NOT TO BE (独白)
2023-07-06 17:27:502

to be or not to be有几种翻译

你好!To be or not to be, that"s a question “生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。这是《哈姆雷特》中hamlet的经典独白。 上面是最原始的翻译。不过,有能人列举了几十种用法和含义如下,仅供参考!1.To be or not to be is a problem.生存还是毁灭这是一个问题.2."To be or not to be" is a question.生存还是灭亡, 这是一个问题.3.Office Romance-to be or not to be?红叶传奇所打败的是日本哪一队?4.To be or not to be is the question.应该是网速问题,我这里网页打开慢.5.To be or not to be is the question.难得的机会自然不能错过.只是太小了.6.To be or not to be,that"s a question.生存还是毁灭,那是个值得思考的问题.7.To be or not to be,that"s a question.前半段是笑着看.后半段哭了.本人男的.8.To be or not to be that is a question!生存还是死亡,这是一个值得思考的问题!9.To be or not to be,This is a question...论坛是自由的...有问题反馈在内务区.10.To be or Not to be ,that is Problem!看吧…骑不骑真的是一个问题.11.To be or not to be,--that is question.生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题.12.To be or not to be,that is a question.生存还是毁灭,这是个值得思考的问题.13.To be or not to be,that"s the question.一个系列的,速度很快,只是一个幸福.14.To be or not to be that is the question.生存还是毁灭,这是必须考虑的问题.15.To be or not to be.This is the question!16.“To be or not to be,that is not the question.生存还是死亡,这不是一个值得思考的问题.17.Hamlet:To be or not to be?This is a question.哈姆雷特说:生存还是毁灭?这是一个问题.18.We are always making choices.To be or not to be?我们总是面临许多选择,选择这样还是选择那样?)19.Fancy Stuff versus Solid Science:To be or Not to be 花骚的东西对决扎实的科学:我究竟该何去何从?20.To be or not to be " was the fatal decision for Hamlet.对于哈姆雷特," 是活下去,还是选择死亡"是一个重大的决定.21.Shakespeare said :To be or not to be that"s a question!莎士比亚说:生存还是毁灭,这是个值得思考的问题!22.To be or not to be " was the fatal decision for Hamlet.对于哈姆雷特来说," 是活下去,还是选择死亡"是一个重大的决定.23.To be or not to be ,shat is a question.生存还是死亡,这是一个值得思考的问题.24.To be or not to be,no one is able to provide an ultimate answer!默默的祈祷所有受灾的朋友都能平平安安,活着就是最大的财富!25.2B or not 2B,that is a To be or not to be,that is a question.是不是2B,这是个疑问,是或不是,这是个问题.(我也不大懂这句的真正意思,你们知道了告诉我哈)26.This question is almost as classical as Hamlet"s “To be or not to be….我们这一疑问几乎是像哈姆雷特台词一样的经典“生存还是死亡….”27.To be or not to be,(To have or to go on to rent a house,)this is a problem!评论:实际上您应该说:“买房还是租房,这是一个问题.”28."To Be or not to Be" is full of philosophy,demonstrating a dilectical relationship between life and death.那段“生存还是毁灭”的著名独白极富哲理性,引发的亦是关于生死的思辨.29.“To Be or Not to Be”.Outside the Bible,these six words are the most famous in all the literature of the world.“生存还是毁灭.”如果把《圣经》除外,这六个字便是整个世界文学中最有名的六个字了.30.In reading Shakespeare,you must have come across the line “To be or not to be—that is the question” by Hamlet in Hamlet.生存还是毁灭,那是问题所在.选自《哈姆雷特》第三幕第一场,是《哈姆雷特》中最为脍炙人口的独白之一.以上来源于作业帮的 tqjaovsd
2023-07-06 17:28:191

to be or not to be深层含义是什么?

to be or not to be深层含义是生存还是毁灭。to be or not to be例句:To be,or not to be& that is the question(活着还是死亡,这是问题)。这是出自莎士比亚的著名悲剧《哈姆雷特》中的句子,意思是“生存还是毁灭”。哈姆雷特面对杀父仇人——自己的母亲河叔叔时的两难选择。当人生中第一次读到英国伟大的剧作家莎士比亚的戏剧代表作《哈姆雷》特的台词时,生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫清。这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?死了,睡着了,什么都完了,要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。to be or not to be的例句:If the banks fail to engineer satisfactory loopholes to protect their profitable broker-dealer operations,they will then face a daunting choice – to be or not to be a bank holding company。中文翻译:如果这两家银行找不出法律的空子,保住赚钱的经纪交易业务,它们未来将面临一个无奈的选择&保留,还是放弃银行控股公司的身份。
2023-07-06 17:28:311


TO BE OR NOT TO BE 解释为生存还是毁灭(朱生豪译本)——《哈姆雷特》(英-莎士比亚)中的经典独白(第三幕第一场)。中文名TO BE OR NOT TO BE作者莎士比亚出自哈姆雷特释义生存还是毁灭(朱生豪译本)
2023-07-06 17:28:472

英语To be or not to be怎么翻译?

1: “生存还是毁灭”(英语:To be, or not to be)是莎士比亚的一出戏剧《哈姆雷特》第三幕第一场,哈姆雷特王子一段句白的第一句;很多人也会用这句来指整段句白。它是世界文学中常见被引用的一句 整句的全文 是:To be or not to be, that is the question。 2: To be or not to be 语法应该很简单了
2023-07-06 17:29:093

To be or not to be是什么意思?

这个是莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的名句,全句是 To be, or not to be - that is the question 意思是说 活着还是死去,这是一个问题。 附相关章节: Hamlet"s endurance has reached the breaking point. His father has been murdered. His mother, who he loves dearly, has married her dead husband"s brother. Moreover his sweetheart, Ophelia, has been acting very strangely. He senses that she does not love him any more. Now, he"s all alone. The world that he knew is shattered. His black mood of despair is deepened by his inability to act - to do something to change the situation. Now he ponders whether to continue living - or to take his own life. Hamlet: To be, or not to be - that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die - to sleep - No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d. To die - to sleep. To sleep - perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death - The undiscover"d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns - puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action.
2023-07-06 17:29:172

to be or not to be出自哪里

出自莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》。这是莎士比亚四大悲剧之一《哈姆莱特》中主人公哈姆莱特最著名的独白,出现在第三幕第一场,反映了他在重压之下的烦恼与失望、苦闷与彷徨。这段独白是哈姆雷特王子发现母亲和叔叔害死了自己的父亲,并发现两人早有奸情之后的。此时的他痛苦、疑惑,对人生充满怀疑,觉得人活着没有意义,自杀更好,可又对死亡很恐惧,不知人死后会不会下地狱,又向往着光明美好的生活。所以他非常犹豫,思考着是该存还该灭。这句话的原文语境是:“To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer .The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? ”“To be, or not to be”翻译的争议较大,除了最常见的上述一种,还有“生存还是死亡”、“活着还是不活”、“反抗还是不反抗”、“采取行动还是不采取行动”、“自杀还是不自杀”等等。但我们都可以体会出主人翁犹豫不决、彷徨阴郁的状态。哈姆雷特体现了作者人文主义理想的典型形象。剧作通过描写他与现实之间的不可调和的矛盾,和他在复仇过程中的犹豫、忧伤苦闷及其惨遭失败的悲剧结局,深刻地体现出人文主义者要求冲破封建势力束缚的强烈愿望,同时也揭示出英国早期资产阶级的局限性。正是哈姆雷特的这种人文主义理想与现实的不可调和的矛盾导致了他人生悲剧的必然。性格决定命运,哈姆雷特优柔寡断的性格导致他最终落入仇人的布下的圈套,复仇虽如愿以偿,但也葬送了身边美好的人和事,这就是性格的悲剧。而这句经典的独白,就是他性格最好的写真。
2023-07-06 17:29:551

to be or not to be?

30个例句,不怕你不懂1. To be or not to be is a problem.生存还是毁灭这是一个问题.2. To be or not to be,is a question.生存还是灭亡,这是一个问题。3. Office Romance-to be or not to be?红叶传奇所打败的是日本哪一队?4. To be or not to be is the question.应该是网速问题,我这里网页打开慢。5. To be or not to be is the question.难得的机会自然不能错过。只是太小了。6. To be or not to be,that"s a question.生存还是毁灭,那是个值得思考的问题.7. To be or not to be,that"s a question.前半段是笑着看.后半段哭了.本人男的.8. To be or not to be that is a question!生存还是死亡,这是一个值得思考的问题!9. To be or not to be,This is a question.不会的...论坛是自由的...有问题反馈在内务区。10. To be or Not to be , that is Problem!!看吧…骑不骑真的是一个问题。11. To be or not to be,--that is question.生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。12. To be or not to be, that is a question.生存还是毁灭,这是个值得思考的问题。13. To be or not to be,that"s the question.一个系列的,速度很快,只是一个幸福.14. To be or not to be that is the question.生存还是毁灭,这是必须考虑的问题。15. To be or not to be.This is the question!16. “To be or not to be,that is not the question.生存还是死亡,这不是一个值得思考的问题。17. Hamlet: To be or not to be? This is a question.哈姆雷特说:生存还是毁灭?这是一个问题。18. We are always making choices. To be or not to be??我们总是面临许多选择,选择这样还是选择那样?)19. Fancy Stuff versus Solid Science: To be or Not to be ?花骚的东西对决扎实的科学:我究竟该何去何从?20. To be or not to be " was the fatal decision for Hamlet.对于哈姆雷特," 是活下去,还是选择死亡"是一个重大的决定.21. Shakespeare said :To be or not to be that"s a question!莎士比亚说:生存还是毁灭,这是个值得思考的问题!22. To be or not to be " was the fatal decision for Hamlet.对于哈姆雷特来说," 是活下去,还是选择死亡"是一个重大的决定.23. To be or not to be ,shat is a question.................生存还是死亡,这是一个值得思考的问题。。。。。。24. To be or not to be, no one is able to provide an ultimate answer!默默的祈祷所有受灾的朋友都能平平安安,活着就是最大的财富!25. 2B or not 2B, that is a ? To be or not to be, that is a question.是不是2B,这是个疑问,是或不是,这是个问题。(我也不大懂这句的真正意思,你们知道了告诉我哈)26. This question is almost as classical as Hamlet"s “To be or not to be….我们这一疑问几乎是像哈姆雷特台词一样的经典“生存还是死亡…。”27. To be or not to be,(To have or to go on to rent a house,)this is a problem!评论:实际上您应该说:“买房还是租房,这是一个问题。”28. "To Be or not to Be" is full of philosophy, demonstrating a dilectical relationship between life and death.那段“生存还是毁灭”的著名独白极富哲理性,引发的亦是关于生死的思辨。29. “To Be or Not to Be”. Outside the Bible, these six words are the most famous in all the literature of the world.“生存还是毁灭。”如果把《圣经》除外,这六个字便是整个世界文学中最有名的六个字了。30. In reading Shakespeare, you must have come across the line “To be or not to be—that is the question” by Hamlet in Hamlet.生存还是毁灭,那是问题所在。选自《哈姆雷特》第三幕第一场,是《哈姆雷特》中最为脍炙人口的独白之一。
2023-07-06 17:30:081

to be or not to be是什么意思?

to be or not to be译:1.生存还是毁灭2.你逃我也逃3.继续还是放弃To be or not to be, that"s a question“生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。”这句话是《哈姆雷特》中 丹麦王子的经典独白。这句话反映出当时他的痛苦、疑惑,对人生充满怀疑,觉得人活着没有意义,自杀更好,可又对死亡很恐惧,不知人死后会不会下地狱。所以在这段独白里,他非常犹豫,思考着“生存还是毁灭”(To be, or not to be),是应该“默然忍受命运暴虐的毒箭" ( suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune), 也就是活着,忍受生老病死和人世的不公;还是"挺身反抗人世无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们清扫" (to take arms against a sea of troubles,。扩展资料:造句如下:1.To be or not to be is a problem.生存还是毁灭这是一个问题.2.To be or not to be,is a question.生存还是灭亡,这是一个问题.3.Office Romance-to be or not to be?红叶传奇所打败的是日本哪一队?4.To be or not to be is the question.应该是网速问题,我这里网页打开慢.5.To be or not to be is the question.难得的机会自然不能错过.只是太小了.6.To be or not to be,that"s a question.生存还是毁灭,那是个值得思考的问题.7.To be or not to be,that"s a question.前半段是笑着看.后半段哭了.本人男的.8.To be or not to be that is a question!生存还是死亡,这是一个值得思考的问题!9.To be or not to be,This is a question...论坛是自由的...有问题反馈在内务区.10.To be or Not to be ,that is Problem!看吧…骑不骑真的是一个问题.
2023-07-06 17:30:171

to be or not to be 是什么意思?

2023-07-06 17:30:302

请问,to be or not to be 出自哪里?

哦,这个是莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的名句,全句是 To be, or not to be - that is the question 意思是说 活着还是死去,这是一个问题。 附相关章节: Hamlet"s endurance has reached the breaking point. His father has been murdered. His mother, who he loves dearly, has married her dead husband"s brother. Moreover his sweetheart, Ophelia, has been acting very strangely. He senses that she does not love him any more. Now, he"s all alone. The world that he knew is shattered. His black mood of despair is deepened by his inability to act - to do something to change the situation. Now he ponders whether to continue living - or to take his own life. Hamlet: To be, or not to be - that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die - to sleep - No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d. To die - to sleep. To sleep - perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death - The undiscover"d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns - puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. 参考资料:
2023-07-06 17:30:392

莎士比亚说:“to be or not to be ,this is a question."的具体意思时什么?

To be or not to be, this is a uestion.要不要这样过日子?这是个问题。 ---许渊冲
2023-07-06 17:30:475

莎士比亚的“To be, or not to be,that is the question”的全文

Hamlet"s endurance has reached the breaking point. His father has been murdered. His mother, who he loves dearly, has married her dead husband"s brother. Moreover his sweetheart, Ophelia, has been acting very strangely. He senses that she does not love him any more. Now, he"s all alone. The world that he knew is shattered. His black mood of despair is deepened by his inability to act - to do something to change the situation. Now he ponders whether to continue living - or to take his own life. Hamlet: To be, or not to be - that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die - to sleep - No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d. To die - to sleep. To sleep - perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death - The undiscover"d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns - puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action.
2023-07-06 17:31:112

to be or not to be的例句有哪些?

to be or not to be生存还是毁灭;你逃我也逃;继续还是放弃例句1.If the banks fail to engineer satisfactory loopholes to protect their profitable broker-dealer operations, they will then face a daunting choice – to be or not to be a bank holding company.如果这两家银行找不出法律的空子,保住赚钱的经纪交易业务,它们未来将面临一个无奈的选择&保留,还是放弃银行控股公司的身份。2.For example, Listing14 shows a query to be or not to be with the focus on the non-filler term not.例如,清单14显示的一个查询to be or not to be只关注于非辅助词not。
2023-07-06 17:31:241

to be or not to be分析

2023-07-06 17:31:331

to be or not to be is a question是什么意思?

这句话选自莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》Hamlet中主人公哈姆雷特的一段独白,原文是To be or not to be, that is the question.所谓一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特,对于这句话的理解和翻译,每个版本都不同。你说的这个版本应该是朱生豪先生的译本。更多译文参考如下:朱生豪译:生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。(朱译以“值得考虑的”译出表示强调的定冠词the,一则注意到了很多学者所忽略的the,二则贴合哈姆雷特的性格。哈姆雷特是一个喜欢沉思、思考大于行动的人,他脑子里总是在考虑一些问题,而不轻易去行动。但“生存还是毁灭”译得不够准确。)孙大雨译:是生存还是消亡,问题的所在。梁实秋译:死后是存在,还是不存在——这是问题。卞之琳译:活下去还是不活:这是问题。方 平译:活着好,还是了却此生好,这是个难题啊。(在哈姆雷特看来,无论活着还是死了,都不好。他想的不是哪种更好的问题,而是哪种更不坏的问题。)张 沛译:生还是死?问题就在这里。傅 浩译:死不死呢——真(他妈的)成问题。华泉坤译:继续向罪恶斗争还是就此罢休,这是个值得考虑的问题。另外,原文的 to be or not to be, 我了解到的其实有两种理解,一个是如朱生豪先生说的生与死,另一种是哈姆雷特在内心挣扎复仇与否。其实这两种都是立足在死或是不死的基础上考虑问题,不过这儿的死并不是自杀,而是奋起反抗而死还是隐忍退缩而活。
2023-07-06 17:31:511

to be or not to be是莎士比亚哪篇里的?

《王子复仇记》就是《哈姆雷特》里的,原文是:To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether "tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep;No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to, "tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish"d. To die, to sleep;To sleep: perchance to dream: aye, there"s the rub;For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,Must give us pause: there"s the respectThat makes calamity of so long life;For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,The oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely,The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay,The insolence of office, and the spurnsThat patient merit of the unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus makeWith a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,To grunt and sweat under a weary life,But that the dread of something after death,The undiscover"d country from whose bournNo traveler returns, puzzles the will,And makes us rather bear those ills we haveThan fly to others that we know not of?Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great pitch and momentWith this regard their currents turn awryAnd lose the name of action.翻译为生存或毁灭, 这是个必答之问题:是否应默默的忍受坎苛命运之无情打击,还是应与深如大海之无涯苦难奋然为敌,并将其克服。此二抉择, 就竟是哪个较崇高?死即睡眠, 它不过如此!倘若一眠能了结心灵之苦楚与肉体之百患,那么, 此结局是可盼的!死去, 睡去...但在睡眠中可能有梦, 啊, 这就是个阻碍:当我们摆脱了此垂死之皮囊,在死之长眠中会有何梦来临?它令我们踌躇,使我们心甘情愿的承受长年之灾,否则谁肯容忍人间之百般折磨,如暴君之政、骄者之傲、失恋之痛、法章之慢、贪官之侮、或庸民之辱,假如他能简单的一刃了之?还有谁会肯去做牛做马, 终生疲於操劳,默默的忍受其苦其难, 而不远走高飞, 飘於渺茫之境,倘若他不是因恐惧身后之事而使他犹豫不前?此境乃无人知晓之邦, 自古无返者。所以,「理智」能使我们成为懦夫,而「顾虑」能使我们本来辉煌之心志变得黯然无光, 像个病夫。再之, 这些更能坏大事, 乱大谋, 使它们失去魄力。
2023-07-06 17:31:581

帮翻译哈姆雷特中经典对白“to be or not to be..”全文

Hamlet  SCENE I. Elsinore. The Castle  [Enter Hamlet.]  Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question:  Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer  The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune  Or to take arms against a sea of troubles  And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep-  No more; and by a sleep to say we end  The heartache and the thousand natural shocks  That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation  Devoutly to be wish"d. To die- to sleep.  To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub!  For in that sleep of death what dreams may come  When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,  Must give us pause. There"s the respect  That makes calamity of so long life.  For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,  Th" oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely,  The pangs of despis"d love, the law"s delay,  The insolence of office, and the spurns  That patient merit of th" unworthy takes,  When he himself might his quietus make  With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear,  To grunt and sweat under a weary life,  But that the dread of something after death-  The undiscover"d country, from whose bourn  No traveller returns- puzzles the will,  And makes us rather bear those ills we have  Than fly to others that we know not of?  Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,  And thus the native hue of resolution  Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought,  And enterprises of great pith and moment  With this regard their currents turn awry  And lose the name of action.
2023-07-06 17:32:061

to be ,or not to be 这段的断句

to be or not to be“To Be or Not to Be”from Hamletby ShakespeareHam. To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d. To die- to sleep. To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th" oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despis"d love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th" unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death- The undiscover"d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns- puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. To be or not to be 莎翁作品中的六字名言“To be or not to be”. Outside the Bible, these six words are the most famous in all the literature of the world. They were spoken by Hamlet when he was thinking aloud, and they are the most famous words in Shakespeare because Hamlet was speaking not only for himself but also for every thinking man and woman. To be or not to be, to live or not to live, to live richly and abundantly and eagerly, or to live dully and meanly and scarcely. A philosopher once wanted to know whether he was alive or not, which is a good question for everyone to put to himself occasionally. He answered it by saying: "I think, therefore am."But the best definition of existence ever saw did another philosopher who said: "To be is to be in relations." If this true, then the more relations a living thing has, the more it is alive. To live abundantly means simply to increase the range and intensity of our relations. Unfortunately we are so constituted that we get to love our routine. But apart from our regular occupation how much are we alive? If you are interest-ed only in your regular occupation, you are alive only to that extent. So far as other things are concerned--poetry and prose, music, pictures, sports, unselfish friendships, politics, international affairs--you are dead.Contrariwise, it is true that every time you acquire a new interest--even more, a new accomplishment--you increase your power of life. No one who is deeply interested in a large variety of subjects can remain un-happy, the real pessimist is the person who has lost interest.Bacon said that a man dies as often as he loses a friend. But we gain new life by contacts, new friends. What is supremely true of living objects is only less true of ideas, which are also alive. Where your thoughts are, there will your live be also. If your thoughts are confined only to your business, only to your physical welfare, only to the narrow circle of the town in which you live, then you live in a narrow cir-conscribed life. But if you are interested in what is going on in China, then you are living in China~ if you"re interested in the characters of a good novel, then you are living with those highly interesting people, if you listen intently to fine music, you are away from your immediate surroundings and living in a world of passion and imagination.To be or not to be--to live intensely and richly, merely to exist, that depends on ourselves. Let widen and intensify our relations. While we live, let live!六字名言威廉·里昂·费尔浦斯“是活还是不活。”如果把《圣经》除外,这六个字便是整个世界文学中最有名的六个字了。这六个字是哈姆雷特一次喃喃自语时说的,而这六个字也就成了莎士比亚作品中最有名的几个字了,因为这里哈姆雷特不仅道出了他自己的心声,同时也代表了一切有思想的男男女女。是活还是不活——是要生活还是不要生活,是要生活得丰满充实,兴致勃勃,还是只是活得枯燥委琐,贫乏无味。一位哲人一次曾想弄清他自己是否是在活着,这个问题我们每个人也大可不时地问问我们自己。这位哲学家对此的答案是: “我思故我在。”但是关于生存我所见过的一条最好的定义却是另一位哲学家下的:“生活即是联系。”如果这话不假的话,那么一个有生命者的联系越多,它也就越有生气。所谓要活得丰富充实也即是要扩大和加强我们的各种联系。不幸的是,我们往往会因为天性不够丰厚而容易陷入自己的陈规旧套。试问除去我们的日常工作,我们的真正生活又有多少?如果你只是对你的日常工作才有兴趣,那你的生趣也就很有限了。至于在其它事物方面一比如诗歌、散文、音乐、美术、体育、无私的友谊、政治与国际事务,等等——你只是死人一个。但反过来说,每当你获得一种新的兴趣——甚至一项新的造诣——你就增长了你的生活本领。一个能对许许多多事物都深感兴趣的人是不可能总不愉快的,真正的悲观者只能是那些丧失兴趣的人。培根曾讲过,一个人失去朋友即是死亡。但是凭着交往,凭着新朋,我们就能获得再生。这条对于活人可谓千真万确的道理在一定程度上也完全适用于人的思想,它们也都是活的。你的思想所在,你的生命便也在那里。如果你的思想不出你的业务范围,不出你的物质利益,不出你所在城镇的狭隘圈子,那么你的一生便也只是多方受着局限的狭隘的一生。但是如果你对当前中国那里所发生的种种感到兴趣,那么你便可说也活在中国;如果你对一本佳妙小说中的人物感到兴趣,你便是活在一批极有趣的人们中间;如果你能全神贯注地听点好的音乐,你就会超脱出你的周围环境而活在一个充满激情与想象的神奇世界之中。是活还是不活——活得热烈活得丰富,还是只是简单存在,这就全在我们自己。但愿我们都能不断阔展和增强我们的各种联系。只要一天我们活着,就要一天是在活着。
2023-07-06 17:32:141

谁能给我莎士比亚的名句“to be ,or not to be"的那段?

lshy5186朋友,你好。以下是我找到的三段莎士比亚名作《哈姆雷特》(又译作《哈姆莱特》)中丹麦王子的经典独白。其中第一段就是他最著名的“生存还是毁灭?”(即你提问当中所说到的“to be ,or not to be。”那一段,我给你找到了中英文对照的版本。以下是这三段经典独白:哈姆雷特独白(1)生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。究竟哪样更高贵,去忍受那狂暴的命运无情的摧残 还是挺身去反抗那无边的烦恼,把它扫一个干净。去死,去睡就结束了,如果睡眠能结束我们心灵的创伤和肉体所承受的千百种痛苦,那真是生存求之不得的天大的好事。去死,去睡,去睡,也许会做梦!唉,这就麻烦了,即使摆脱了这尘世 可在这死的睡眠里又会做些什么梦呢?真得想一想,就这点顾虑使人受着终身的折磨,谁甘心忍受那鞭打和嘲弄,受人压迫,受尽侮蔑和轻视,忍受那失恋的痛苦,法庭的拖延,衙门的横征暴敛,默默无闻的劳碌却只换来多少凌辱。但他自己只要用把尖刀就能解脱了。谁也不甘心,呻吟、流汗拖着这残生,可是对死后又感觉到恐惧,又从来没有任何人从死亡的国土里回来,因此动摇了,宁愿忍受着目前的苦难 而不愿投奔向另一种苦难。顾虑就使我们都变成了懦夫,使得那果断的本色蒙上了一层思虑的惨白的容颜,本来可以做出伟大的事业,由于思虑就化为乌有了,丧失了行动的能力。Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d. To die- to sleep. To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th" oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despis"d love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th" unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death- The undiscover"d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns- puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. 哈姆雷特独白[2]哈姆雷特:念台词要念地跟我一样,很顺当的从舌尖上吐出来。有许多演员他们爱直着嗓子喊,那我宁可找个叫街的来。哦,不。千万不要这样地用手在空中乱劈一气,要做的自然些,即使感情激动爆发,甚至在狂风般的冲动里,你们都一定要懂得有节制,做到雍容大方。哦,我最讨厌有些个人戴着假头发在台上乱叫乱嚷,龇牙咧嘴的做戏,把观众的耳朵都震聋了,而这些观众大多数什么也不懂就喜欢看个热闹劲,这种演戏的该打,演戏火上加油一定要避免。伶人甲:殿下尽管放心。哈姆雷特:可也别太温了,一定要非常细心的来掌握你自己。要用动作配合话,用话配合动作。特别注意一点,千万别超出生活的分寸,因为过分了就违背了演戏的意义,演戏,不论过去或是现在,都像是一面镜子用它来反映人生,显示出什么是善的什么是恶的,显示出时代和社会的形象和印记。演得太过火了,虽然能叫外行人发笑,可只能叫明眼人痛心,这种行家的看法,你们一定要比满座看得更重。哦,我看到过一些演员演戏,也听到过别人捧过他们,说句不好听的话,他们说话简直不像人在说话,他们走路也不像人在走路,大摇大摆地乱吼乱叫,简直就像是什么笨手艺人捏出来的,而且捏得那样子的叫人恶心。伶人乙:我相信我们已经把这一点改正了。哈姆雷特:哦?要彻底改正。那些演丑角的,我只许他们念剧本上的词,他们往往爱自己先笑,逗的少数没有头脑的观众也哄笑一番,全不管那时候戏里正好有紧要的问题要大家注意,这太可恶了,同时也说明这些傻瓜可鄙的用意,去准备吧。哈姆雷特与母亲[3]哈姆雷特:母亲,有什么事情?王后:哈姆雷特,你把你父亲大大得罪了哈姆雷特:母亲,你把我父亲大大的得罪了王后:好了,好了,你的回答真是瞎扯哈姆雷特:得了得了,你的问话别有居心王后:怎么了,哈姆雷特哈姆雷特:什么又怎么了王后:你忘了是我_哈姆雷特:我没有忘,没有!你是皇后,你丈夫弟弟的妻子。我真但愿你不是我的母亲。王后:好,我去叫会说话的跟你说 哈姆雷特:来来,你坐下来,你不许动。我要在你面前竖一面镜子叫你看一看你的内心的最深处。(哈姆雷特早就疑心幕布后面有耳朵,他一剑刺了进去)王后:救命,救命(波洛纽斯:救命,救命~)哈姆雷特:什么?耗子,死吧,我叫你死王后:啊~哈姆雷特:死吧王后:你干了什么了?(可他不知道是波洛纽斯老头,谁叫他多管闲事,自己找上门来,这下不仅没有了耳朵,连命也搭上了,活该!)王后:哦~好一桩鲁莽血腥的行为哈姆雷特:血腥的行为?好母亲,这跟杀死一位国王再嫁给他的兄弟一样狠了王后:杀死国王?哈姆雷特:对,母亲,正是这句话(不管母亲怎么哭个不停,哈姆雷特决心要伤透她的心)哈姆雷特:别老拧着你的手,你坐下来,让我拧拧你的心,我一定拧,只消你的心不是石头做成的王后:到底什么事,你敢这么粗声粗气的哈姆雷特:干的好事啊,你沾污了贤惠的美德,把贞操变成伪善,从真诚的爱情的熔岩上夺去了玫瑰色的光彩画上道伤痕,把婚约都变成了赌鬼的誓言王后:到底什么事哈姆雷特:请你看看这幅画像,你再看这一幅。这就是他们兄弟俩的画像。这一幅面貌是多么的风采啊,一对叱咤风云的眼睛,那体态不活象一位英勇的神灵刚刚落到摩天山顶,这副十全十美的仪表仿佛天神特为选出来向全世界恭推这样一位完人--这就是你的丈夫。你再看这一个--你现在的丈夫像颗烂谷子就会危害他的同胞,你看看这绝不是爱情啊。像你这样岁数情欲该不是太旺,该驯服了,该理智了,而什么样的理智会叫你这么挑的,是什么魔鬼迷了你的心呢?羞耻啊,你不感到羞耻么?如果半老女人还要思春,那少女何必再讲贞操呢?王后:哦,哈姆雷特,别说了,你使我看清我自己的灵魂,看见里面许多黑点,洗都洗不干净哈姆雷特:嘿,在床上淋漓的臭汗里过日子,整个儿糜烂呐!守着肮脏的猪圈无休止的淫乱王后:哦,哈姆雷特,别再说了,这些话就像一把把尖刀,别说了,好哈姆雷特哈姆雷特:一个凶犯,一个恶棍--奴才,不及你先夫万分之一的奴才,一个窃国盗位的扒手,从衣服架子上偷下了王冠装进了他自己的腰包王后:别说了哈姆雷特:一个耍无赖的--国王
2023-07-06 17:32:391

To be or not tobe是什么意思?

To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d. To die- to sleep. To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th" oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despis"d love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th" unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death- The undiscover"d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns- puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. 生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。究竟哪样更高贵,去忍受那狂暴的命运无情的摧残,还是挺身去反抗那无边的烦恼,把它扫一个干净。去死,去睡就结束了,如果睡眠能结束我们心灵的创伤和肉体所承受的千百种痛苦,那真是生存求之不得的天大的好事。去死,去睡,去睡,也许会做梦!唉,这就麻烦了,即使摆脱了这尘世可在这死的睡眠里又会做些什么梦呢?真得想一想,就这点顾虑使人受着终身的折磨,谁甘心忍受那鞭打和嘲弄,受人压迫,受尽侮蔑和轻视,忍受那失恋的痛苦,法庭的拖延,衙门的横征暴敛,默默无闻的劳碌却只换来多少凌辱。但他自己只要用把尖刀就能解脱了。谁也不甘心,呻吟、流汗拖着这残生,可是对死后又感觉到恐惧,又从来没有任何人从死亡的国土里回来,因此动摇了,宁愿忍受着目前的苦难而不愿投奔向另一种苦难。顾虑就使我们都变成了懦夫,使得那果断的本色蒙上了一层思虑的惨白的容颜,本来可以做出伟大的事业,由于思虑就化为乌有了,丧失了行动的能力
2023-07-06 17:32:491

to be or not to be the is questiong 什么意思

2023-07-06 17:33:129

To be or to be什么意思

2023-07-06 17:33:523

To be or not to be_这到底是什么意思啊?

2023-07-06 17:34:0214

to be or not to be 来自于什么地方?

这句话是莎士比亚的一句话, 出自《哈姆雷特》 意思是:“生存还是毁灭?”其实后面还有半句:"That is a qeustion" (这是个问题) 这句话是在文中这样由来的:他是其中丹麦王子的经典独白。王子面对父亲的猝然离世及母亲的改嫁,及叔父的篡位.他内心充满猜疑,矛盾,犹豫,痛苦.于是说出了这么一句话:TO BE OR NOT TO BE ,THAT IS A QEUSTION.(生存还是毁灭?这是个问题)
2023-07-06 17:34:271

tobe or not tobe,that is the question.

这句话的原文是:“to be, or not to be,that is the question. ”汉语中的“生存”和“生”乃至“生活”都没有英语中特指的这层意思,这些译文的前面应加上修饰语,才能精确地表达出原文的含义。因此,有人认为,可以把“to be”译为“苟且偷生”,把“not to be”译为“奋起抗争”。为了简练起见,将“To be, or not to be, that is the question”应该译为“偷生,还是抗争,这是个问题”。
2023-07-06 17:34:341

to be or not to be与to die or not to die的区别

生存还是毁灭“生存还是毁灭。”如果把《圣经》除外,这六个字便是整个世界To be, or not to be- that is the question: whether it
2023-07-06 17:34:434

To be are not to be是什么意思

To be, or not to be - that is the question 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题 莎士比亚 哈姆雷特中的名句
2023-07-06 17:34:522

“to be or not to be ,this is a question."是什么意思?

”to be or not to be,this is a question“的意思是活着还是死去,这是一个问题。1、”to be or not to be,this is a question“是莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的经典台词。2、在不同的情境下他有不同的解释:在是否恋爱上也可以这样用”to be or not to be,this is a question."这里的意思就是拒绝还是接受,这是一个问题。
2023-07-06 17:35:021


2023-07-06 17:35:175

“TO BE OR NOT TO BE”什么意思?有什么深层含义?

TO BE OR NOT TO BE 台词to be or not to be,这是《哈姆雷特》(莎士比亚)的经典台词.To be, or not to be- that is the question 汉文意思是:生存还是毁灭
2023-07-06 17:35:593

to be or not to be是什么意思?

2023-07-06 17:36:411

To be or not to be 是什么意思

出自莎士比亚:生存还是死亡,这是一个问题to be or not to be,it"s a question
2023-07-06 17:37:083

to be or not to be是什么意思?

2023-07-06 17:38:049

To be or not to be谁说的

"To be or not to be" 是哈姆雷特(Hamlet)这个角色在莎士比亚的同名悲剧中说的名言。在这个著名的独白中,哈姆雷特在思考生命的意义和死亡的本质,考虑自己是否应该继续活着或选择自杀。这句话已经成为了莎士比亚作品中最经典和最知名的台词之一。
2023-07-06 17:39:132

to be or not to be中文什么意思?

2023-07-06 17:39:351

to be or not to be深层含义是什么?

TO BE OR NOT TO BE 解释为生存还是毁灭。1、TO BE OR NOT TO BE 的意思是:生存还是毁灭(朱生豪译本),该句话出自《哈姆雷特》(英-莎士比亚)中的经典独白(第三幕第一场)。2、"TO BE OR NOT TO BE"大致可以翻成以下几种:(1)生存还是毁灭;(2)为父报仇还是就此作罢;(3)卫护真理,还是忍气吞声,卑贱地活着等作品风格莎士比亚最早的剧作是以当时常见的风格写成的。他采用标准的语言书写,常常不能根据角色和剧情的需要而自然释放。 诗文由扩展而定,有时含有精心的隐喻和巧妙构思,语言通常是华丽的,适合演员高声朗读而不是说话。一些评论家的观点认为,《泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯》中庄重的演说词,经常阻碍了情节,《维洛那二绅士》的台词则被评论为做作不自然。莎士比亚从传统风格转向他自己的特点。《理查三世》开幕时的独白开创了中世纪戏剧中的邪恶角色。同时,理查生动的充满自我意识的独白延续到莎士比亚成熟期剧作中的自言自语。没有单独一个剧本标志着从传统风格到自由风格的转换,莎士比亚的整个写作生涯中综合了这两种风格,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》可能是这种混合风格最好的诠释。
2023-07-06 17:40:291

to be or not to be是什么意思?

1、TO BE OR NOT TO BE 的意思是:生存还是毁灭(朱生豪译本),该句话出自《哈姆雷特》(英-莎士比亚)中的经典独白(第三幕第一场)。2、"TO BE OR NOT TO BE"大致可以翻成以下几种:(1)生存还是毁灭;(2)为父报仇还是就此作罢;(3)卫护真理,还是忍气吞声,卑贱地活着等。扩展资料:TO BE OR NOT TO BE该句话的原文部分内容及汉语翻译:1、《哈姆雷特》(英-莎士比亚)中的经典独白(第三幕第一场):To be, or not to be, that is a question:Whether it"s nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them. To die — to sleep,No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to, "Tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish"d. To die, to sleep;To sleep, perchance to dream — ay, there"s the rub:For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,Must give us pause. There"s the respectThat makes calamity of so long life.For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,Th" oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely,The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay,The insolence of office, and the spurnsThat patient merit of th" unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus makeWith a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,To grunt and sweat under a weary life,But that the dread of something after death,The undiscover"d country from whose bournNo traveller returns, puzzles the will,And makes us rather bear those ills we haveThan fly to others that we know not of?Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great picth and momentWith this regard their currents turn awryAnd lose the name of action.2、译文(朱生豪译本)生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;默然忍受命运暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫个干净,这两种行为,哪一种更加高尚?死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;嗯,阻碍就在这儿:因为当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊以后,在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。人们甘心久困于患难之中,也就是为了这个缘故;谁愿意忍受人世的鞭挞和讥嘲、压迫者的凌辱、傲慢者的冷眼、被轻蔑的爱情的惨痛、法律的迁延、官吏的横暴和费尽辛勤所换来的小人的鄙视,要是他只要用一柄小小的刀子,就可以清算他自己的一生?谁愿意负着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下呻吟流汗,倘不是因为惧怕不可知的死后,惧怕那从来不曾有一个旅人回来过的神秘之国,是它迷惑了我们的意志,使我们宁愿忍受目前的折磨,不敢向我们所不知道的痛苦飞去?这样,重重的顾虑使我们全变成了懦夫,决心的赤热的光彩,被审慎的思维盖上了一层灰色,伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。参考资料:百度百科_TO BE OR NOT TO BE (独白)
2023-07-06 17:41:261

To be or not to be是什么意思?

这个是莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的名句,全句是 To be, or not to be - that is the question 意思是说 活着还是死去,这是一个问题。 附相关章节: Hamlet"s endurance has reached the breaking point. His father has been murdered. His mother, who he loves dearly, has married her dead husband"s brother. Moreover his sweetheart, Ophelia, has been acting very strangely. He senses that she does not love him any more. Now, he"s all alone. The world that he knew is shattered. His black mood of despair is deepened by his inability to act - to do something to change the situation. Now he ponders whether to continue living - or to take his own life. Hamlet: To be, or not to be - that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die - to sleep - No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d. To die - to sleep. To sleep - perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death - The undiscover"d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns - puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action.
2023-07-06 17:41:471

to be or not to be是什么意思?

to be or not to be译:1.生存还是毁灭2.你逃我也逃3.继续还是放弃To be or not to be, that"s a question“生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。”这句话是《哈姆雷特》中 丹麦王子的经典独白。这句话反映出当时他的痛苦、疑惑,对人生充满怀疑,觉得人活着没有意义,自杀更好,可又对死亡很恐惧,不知人死后会不会下地狱。所以在这段独白里,他非常犹豫,思考着“生存还是毁灭”(To be, or not to be),是应该“默然忍受命运暴虐的毒箭" ( suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune), 也就是活着,忍受生老病死和人世的不公;还是"挺身反抗人世无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们清扫" (to take arms against a sea of troubles,。扩展资料:造句如下:1.To be or not to be is a problem.生存还是毁灭这是一个问题.2.To be or not to be,is a question.生存还是灭亡,这是一个问题.3.Office Romance-to be or not to be?红叶传奇所打败的是日本哪一队?4.To be or not to be is the question.应该是网速问题,我这里网页打开慢.5.To be or not to be is the question.难得的机会自然不能错过.只是太小了.6.To be or not to be,that"s a question.生存还是毁灭,那是个值得思考的问题.7.To be or not to be,that"s a question.前半段是笑着看.后半段哭了.本人男的.8.To be or not to be that is a question!生存还是死亡,这是一个值得思考的问题!9.To be or not to be,This is a question...论坛是自由的...有问题反馈在内务区.10.To be or Not to be ,that is Problem!看吧…骑不骑真的是一个问题.
2023-07-06 17:42:001

To be or not to be 是什么意思?

2023-07-06 17:42:351

怎样理解to be or not to be

2023-07-06 17:42:481

莎士比亚的To be or not to be原文是什么?

To be or not to be That is a question
2023-07-06 17:43:593

to be or not to be什么意思?

2023-07-06 17:44:071

to be or not to be什么意思?

1、TO BE OR NOT TO BE 的意思是:生存还是毁灭(朱生豪译本),该句话出自《哈姆雷特》(英-莎士比亚)中的经典独白(第三幕第一场)。2、"TO BE OR NOT TO BE"大致可以翻成以下几种:(1)生存还是毁灭;(2)为父报仇还是就此作罢;(3)卫护真理,还是忍气吞声,卑贱地活着等。扩展资料:TO BE OR NOT TO BE该句话的原文部分内容及汉语翻译:1、《哈姆雷特》(英-莎士比亚)中的经典独白(第三幕第一场):To be, or not to be, that is a question:Whether it"s nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them. To die — to sleep,No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to, "Tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish"d. To die, to sleep;To sleep, perchance to dream — ay, there"s the rub:For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,Must give us pause. There"s the respectThat makes calamity of so long life.For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,Th" oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely,The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay,The insolence of office, and the spurnsThat patient merit of th" unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus makeWith a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,To grunt and sweat under a weary life,But that the dread of something after death,The undiscover"d country from whose bournNo traveller returns, puzzles the will,And makes us rather bear those ills we haveThan fly to others that we know not of?Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great picth and momentWith this regard their currents turn awryAnd lose the name of action.2、译文(朱生豪译本)生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;默然忍受命运暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫个干净,这两种行为,哪一种更加高尚?死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;嗯,阻碍就在这儿:因为当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊以后,在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。人们甘心久困于患难之中,也就是为了这个缘故;谁愿意忍受人世的鞭挞和讥嘲、压迫者的凌辱、傲慢者的冷眼、被轻蔑的爱情的惨痛、法律的迁延、官吏的横暴和费尽辛勤所换来的小人的鄙视,要是他只要用一柄小小的刀子,就可以清算他自己的一生?谁愿意负着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下呻吟流汗,倘不是因为惧怕不可知的死后,惧怕那从来不曾有一个旅人回来过的神秘之国,是它迷惑了我们的意志,使我们宁愿忍受目前的折磨,不敢向我们所不知道的痛苦飞去?这样,重重的顾虑使我们全变成了懦夫,决心的赤热的光彩,被审慎的思维盖上了一层灰色,伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。参考资料:百度百科_TO BE OR NOT TO BE (独白)
2023-07-06 17:44:221

To be or not to be出自哪部作品

出自莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》。这是莎士比亚四大悲剧之一《哈姆莱特》中主人公哈姆莱特最著名的独白,出现在第三幕第一场,反映了他在重压之下的烦恼与失望、苦闷与彷徨。这段独白是哈姆雷特王子发现母亲和叔叔害死了自己的父亲,并发现两人早有奸情之后的。此时的他痛苦、疑惑,对人生充满怀疑,觉得人活着没有意义,自杀更好,可又对死亡很恐惧,不知人死后会不会下地狱,又向往着光明美好的生活。所以他非常犹豫,思考着是该存还该灭。这句话的原文语境是:“To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer .The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? ”“To be, or not to be”翻译的争议较大,除了最常见的上述一种,还有“生存还是死亡”、“活着还是不活”、“反抗还是不反抗”、“采取行动还是不采取行动”、“自杀还是不自杀”等等。但我们都可以体会出主人翁犹豫不决、彷徨阴郁的状态。哈姆雷特体现了作者人文主义理想的典型形象。剧作通过描写他与现实之间的不可调和的矛盾,和他在复仇过程中的犹豫、忧伤苦闷及其惨遭失败的悲剧结局,深刻地体现出人文主义者要求冲破封建势力束缚的强烈愿望,同时也揭示出英国早期资产阶级的局限性。正是哈姆雷特的这种人文主义理想与现实的不可调和的矛盾导致了他人生悲剧的必然。性格决定命运,哈姆雷特优柔寡断的性格导致他最终落入仇人的布下的圈套,复仇虽如愿以偿,但也葬送了身边美好的人和事,这就是性格的悲剧。而这句经典的独白,就是他性格最好的写真。
2023-07-06 17:44:361

be or not to be是什么意思?

to be or not to be生存还是毁灭;你逃我也逃;继续还是放弃例句1.If the banks fail to engineer satisfactory loopholes to protect their profitable broker-dealer operations, they will then face a daunting choice – to be or not to be a bank holding company.如果这两家银行找不出法律的空子,保住赚钱的经纪交易业务,它们未来将面临一个无奈的选择&保留,还是放弃银行控股公司的身份。2.For example, Listing14 shows a query to be or not to be with the focus on the non-filler term not.例如,清单14显示的一个查询to be or not to be只关注于非辅助词not。
2023-07-06 17:44:511

怎样理解to be or not to be

注意,原句是:that is the question,不是that is a question。今天看甄子丹的《大师兄》发现里面有这句
2023-07-06 17:45:0111