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2023-07-06 22:56:11
TAG: 美国
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



  更新时间:05年2月13日 I****.net/王涵涵

  NPD chart公布了截止到1月29日全美畅销PC游戏排行榜,HL2,Sim 2和WOW仍然是榜单的三甲:

  1 Half-Life 2 Vivendi Universal $50 半条命2

  2 The Sims 2 Electronic Arts $45模拟人生2

  3 World Of Warcraft Vivendi Universal $49魔兽

  4 Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Atari $31 过山车大亨3

  5 The Sims Deluxe Electronic Arts $18虚拟人生2夜生活

  6 MS Zoo Tycoon 2 Microsoft $35动物园大亨2

  7 Lord of the Rings: Battle For Middle Earth Electronic Arts $43

  8 MS Flight Simulator 2004: Century Of Flight Microsoft $27

  9 Halo: Combat Evolved Microsoft $29

  10 Call Of Duty Activision $30





  1. 《星球大战:战火中的帝国》(Star Wars: Empire at War - LucasArts)

  2. 《魔兽世界》(World of Warcraft - Vivendi Universal)

  3. 《帝国时代3》(Age of Empires III - Microsoft)

  4. 《虚拟人生2》(The Sims 2 - Electronic Arts)

  5. 《文明4》(Civilization IV - 2K Games)

  6. 《战地风云2》(Battlefield 2 - Electronic Arts)

  7. 《虚拟人生2夜生活》(The Sims 2 Nightlife - Electronic Arts)

  8. 《使命召唤2》(Call of Duty 2 - Activision)

  9. 《动物园大亨2》(Zoo Tycoon 2 - Microsoft)

  10. 《激战》(Guild Wars - NCSoft)

  11. 《哈利波特与火焰杯》(Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire - Electronic Arts)

  12. 《动物园大亨:完整收藏版》(Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection - Microsoft)

  13. 《过山车大亨3》(RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 - Atari)

  14. 《虚拟人身:完整收藏版》(The Sims Complete Collection - Electronic Arts)

  15. 《虚拟人生2大学城》(The Sims 2: University - Electronic Arts)

  16. 《虚拟人生豪华版》(The Sims Deluxe - Electronic Arts)

  17. 《战地风云2特种部队》(Battlefield 2 Special Forces - Electronic Arts)

  18. 《电影梦工厂》(The Movies - Activision)

  19. 《F.E.A.R.》(- Vivendi Universal)

  20. 《Doom 3》(- Activision)








star war是什么意思

2023-07-06 17:23:352

里根总统的“Star War”(“星球大战”)计划

星球大战计划也就是反弹道导弹防御系统之战略防御计划,简称星球大战(Strategic Defense Initiative, 亦称 Star Wars Program,简称SDI)1985年1月4日由美国政府立项开发,定名为:反弹道导弹防御系统的战略防御计划,计划于1994年开始部署,于20世纪90年代宣布中止。这项计划于1984年由美国总统R.里根批准实施。按照计划,从1984年财政年度到1989年财政年度将用 250亿美元来研究先进的反弹道导弹系统的关键技术和验证可能的方案,以便到90年代初决定是否和如何发展这种系统。这个计划的目标是建立一个多层次、多手段的反弹道导弹的综合防御系统。这个系统针对弹道式导弹弹道的助推段、末助推段、中段和再入段分四层拦截。主要的武器是天基定向能武器(如氟化氢化学激光器、核能、X射线激光器、带天基反射镜的准分子激光器、中性粒子束武器)和动能武器(非核拦截弹和超高速电磁炮等)。这种反弹道导弹的综合防御系统是继阿波罗登月工程后又一项重大的系统工程,以各种手段攻击敌方的外太空的外太空洲际战略导弹和航天器,以防止敌对国家对美国及其盟国发动的核打击。其核心内容是:以各种手段攻击敌方的外太空的外太空洲际战略导弹和航天器,以防止敌对国家对美国及其盟国发动的核打击。其技术手段包括在外太空和地面部署高能定向武器(如微波、激光、高能粒子束、电磁动能武器等)或常规打击武器,在敌方战略导弹来袭的各个阶段进行多层次的拦截。美国的许多盟国,包括英国、意大利、联邦德国、以色列、日本等,也在美国的要求下不同程度地参与了这项计划。不过根据中情局解密文件曝光 “星球大战”计划是个骗局,其真正目的只是美国政府为了拖垮苏联而采取的一种宣传手段。中情局曾经年组织了一批前苏联问题专家,根据当时的国际形势,推出了一份预测性报告,认为当时的苏联已经没有实力部署自己的导弹系统来反制美国的空基导弹防御系统,“星球大战”将使苏联陷入进退两难的境地。如果他们要跟上美国导弹防御计划的步伐,每年就要拿出数十亿美元用于军备采购,那么,其工业现代化的计划就会被拖后腿从而使苏联的经济搞不上去,国内局势出现动荡。而事实也正是如此。
2023-07-06 17:23:431

星球 英语单词拼写

2023-07-06 17:23:5211


其实可以用/help查询,先列出一些比较常用的好了。/whois (+ID) 查目前这个玩家在干嘛/stats (+ID) 查某玩家的资料料(主要是战绩及Disconnect记录)/me (+字句) 显示的字体以黄色出现,比较醒目。/ignore (+ID) 封人给讨厌的人一个大叉叉。/time 显示当前时间/whereis + name 显示此人所在频道/whois + name 显示此人所在频道(与国际连通时可显示对方ip)/who + game"s name 显示在此游戏中的人/stats + name 显示此人的战绩/away + 一句话 别人和你私聊时会出现这句话/status 显示当前有多少人在战网/team create + name 建立name组织 ( /team create + 你的名 + 你要建立的队名 )/team info (+ID) 显示组织名单/team list 显示所有已建队的队名/team add + name 邀请某人加入/team join + 组织名 加入组织/team del + name 删除组织/help team 显示所有team命令/m或/w + name 和某人私聊alt + q 退出星际alt + n 复制人名alt + v 可知道玩家join and left的状况。/m 加对方的名字 加你想讲的话 (可以和正在里面玩游戏的人说话) 基本命令/help 此命令用来得到当前所有可用命令的列表,与/help命令等效的命令还有/help all。如果想得到某个可用命令的详细介绍,则可以使用/help [命令名],例如用/help set命令就能得到set命令的使用方法。/msg(等效命令有/m,/w和/whisper) 此命令用来向指定的用户发送消息,用法为/msg [用户名] [消息内容]。例如用/msg hotfox Hello!将给用户hotfox发送一条消息,内容为Hello!。为简便起见,多用/w命令代替/msg 命令使用。/stats 此命令用来查询指定玩家的战绩。用法是/stats [用户名]。附带说一下,战网表示战绩的方法是用“-”符号相连的三个数字,例如24-5-2,这表示24胜,5负,2次断线。/assess 此命令用于估算当你与指定的玩家进行积分赛以后,你的积分的变动情况。用法为/assess [用户名]。或者也可以使用/assess [游戏类型] [用户名1] [用户名2]来估算两个用户在对战指定的游戏以后分数变化情况,其中游戏类型可以是sexp(表示BroodWar《母巢之战》)或者StarCraft(表示《星际争霸》)。不过使用该命令的前提条件是用来估算的两个玩家必须 都有积分(Rating)。/who 此命令主要用来得到当前服务器上玩家的状况。/who local命令可以返回当前服务器上的所有玩家列表;/who games不但可以得到玩家列表,而且在用户名后面都会注明该用户使用的游戏类型,例如[SEXP]表示该玩家用的BroodWar,[STAR]则表示他用的StarCraft;而/who [频道名称]可以得知该频道中目前有哪些玩家在线;/who [游戏名称]则可以知道在所指定的游戏中都有哪些玩家。/whereis(等效命令有/whois) 这个命令用来查询某个玩家当前所处的位置(在哪个聊天室里面或者在哪个游戏里面)。用法很简单:/whereis [用户名]。/watch 这个命令用于跟踪你所指定的用户,当他(他们)进入战网或者退出站网的时候,战网会自动发消息给你。同时当你进入战网的时候,战网也会自动告诉你watch列表中有哪些用户当前正在战网上。这条命令的用法是:/watch [用户名]。而使用不加参数的/watch命令将会列出你的watch列表。/unwatch 这个命令作用是用来从你的watch列表中去掉指定用户的。用法是/unwatch [用户名]。/away 这个命令用来设置外出留言,用法是/away [外出信息]。例如/away for lunch,那么当任何人用/msg命令给你发送消息时,战网会自动回复他:xxx(你的用户名) is away for lunch。取消外出状态的方法是使用不带参数的/away命令。/dnd 该命令用来设置自己成为“请勿打扰”(Do Not Disturb)状态,用法是/dnd [请勿打扰信息]。例如/dnd Call him after 1:00p,那么当别人用/msg 命令给你发送消息时,战网会自动回复他:xxx(你的用户名) is currently in DND mode.Call him after 1:00p。取消DND状态的方法是使用不带参数的/dnd命令。/ignore(等效命令有/squelsh) 该命令用来设定自己的讨厌者名单。用法为/ignore [用户名]。例如/ignore hotfox,这样hotfox就被加入到你的讨厌者名单中,他不论发送公开消息或用/msg发送私人消息,你都不会收到。同时你也不能发送消息给他。再使用一次/ignore hotfox将会把hotfox从你的讨厌者名单中去掉。而使用不带参数的/ignore命令则能用来查看自己的讨厌者名单。/status 直接使用该命令即可得到当前战网服务器上的玩家数目,频道数目和游戏数目。/time 直接使用该命令就可得到当前服务器时间。/allops 直接用此命令得到当前正在战网上的管理员列表。/commune 此命令用来向所有正在战网上的管理员发出求助信息。用法是/commune [求助信息]。 所有跟组队相关的命令都是/team命令的子项。想拉上几个志同道合的人成立一个战队的话,你就需要仔细看看下面这些命令了。当你真正掌握这些命令以后,人们可就要改称你为队长啦。:)/team list 这条命令用来列出当前战网上注册的战队列表。/team info 这条命令用来得到指定的战队或者战队成员的信息。用法为/team info [战队名]或者/team info [战队成员名]。如果直接使用/team info将会返回你自己所在战队的信息。/team create 这条命令用来创建(注册)一个战队。用法为:/team create [战队简称] [战队名]。其中战队简称似乎没有任何用处,战队名就是所创建的战队名称。/team leader命令(战队队长才能使用) 这条命令用来指定你的队伍中的某一个成员成为本队队长,同时自己丧失队长的权限。当使用/team create命令创建一个战队的时候,创建者自动成为队长。/team add(战队队长才能使用) 这条命令用来邀请别人加入你的战队。使用方法是/team add [用户名]。只有对方收到邀请才能够使用/team join命令加入你的战队。/team join 当收到某个战队队长的邀请(/team add命令)以后,你就可以使用/team join [战队名]加入到那个战队中去。加入以后你就成为该队队员。/team del(战队队长才能使用) 从你的队伍中去掉某个队员或者取消以前发出的邀请。用法是/team del [用户名]。/team seturl(战队队长才能使用) 设置你的战队的主页地址。用法为:/team seturl [主页地址]。这个信息将会在/team info命令中显示出来。 /team setemail(战队队长才能使用) 设置你的战队的电子邮件地址。用法为:/team setemail [电子邮件地址]。这个信息也将会在/team info命令中显示出来。/team setdesc(战队队长才能使用) 设置战队的描述信息。用法为:/team setdesc [描述信息]。这个信息也是/team info命令中显示出的战队信息中的一项。/teamgame 当你在某一个游戏的选择种族的时候,你可以使用/teamgame命令。这时这个游戏就成为了TeamLadder-Game(战队积分赛),也就是不同战队之间进行积分赛。这时所有加入这个游戏的人必须都是某个战队的成员才行。 如果你有幸成为某个战网的管理员,你就要学学下面的几个命令了。当你真正掌握这些命令以后,人们可就要改称你为网管啦。/admin 使用/admin [远程管理密码]这个命令以后,你会发现你的用户名前面的图标变了,成了一个大喇叭,这时你就可以使用管理员的命令了。再使用一次/admin [远程管理密码]你就又恢复成普通用户身份。这个管理员密码就是在设置FSGS战网服务器时设定的密码。/kick 这个命令我不说恐怕你也知道,就是踢人啦。只要你用kick [用户名],这个指定的用户就“嗖”的一声从服务器上消失了。/ban 这个命令就更厉害了,除了将指定的用户踢出服务器以外,还会禁止该用户再次进入服务器。使用方法是/ban [用户名]。/announce 这个命令用来进行战网广播。用法是/announce [广播消息]。利用这个命令可以同时对战网上的所有人发送信息。/setmotd 这个命令用来设置MOTD(Message of The Day)信息,也就是当每一个用户刚一进入战网服务器就能看到的那个青色的信息。用法是/setmotd [MOTD信息]。只能在单人模式中使用power overwhelming =无敌operation CWAL=快速建筑生产show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限game over man =立即游戏失败noglues =敌人无法施行魔法staying alive =任务无法完成there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务whats mine is mine =矿产无限breathe deep =瓦斯无限something for nothing =打开所有可生产的选项black sheep wall =地图全开medieval man =单位无限生产modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力跳关:输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter再打入你想选择的关卡名称特技:Terran:Stim Packs = 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力)LockDown = 锁定机械系敌人ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾)Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷Scanner Sweep = 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位)Def. Matrix =方阵护盾Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮Cloaking field = 隐形(Air)P.Cloaking =隐形(Earth)Protoss:Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴Hallucination =幻象0002(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象)Recall =唤回部队Stasis Field = 凝滞场(冻结战场~~~)忽略有效兵力Zerg: Infestation = 群袭SpawnBroodling = 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫Dark Swarm =群集(掩护)Plague =疫病(严重损伤)但不会死 Consume = 把自军部队吸引energy+50 Ensnare = 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite = 寄生侦察虫
2023-07-06 17:24:242

老电影 应该是美国的 科幻片 里面的外星人长得很奇葩 像圆圆的垃圾桶

额,star war么,中文应该是星球大战
2023-07-06 17:24:462


2023-07-06 17:24:551


2023-07-06 17:25:021


星球大战:《星球大战》(英文:Star Wars),中文可简称星战,是美国导演/制作人乔治·卢卡斯所制作拍摄的一系列科幻电影。《星球大战》三部曲,首部星球大战的人物及故事是参照越南战争还有日本导演黑泽明的《战国英豪》所创作而成。1990年代末开始他拍摄了最初的三部曲之前的故事。同时他把最初的三部曲改为六部系列。2015年的《星球大战7》开始,迪士尼每年的暑期都将上映一部《星球大战》电影,这其中,新系列的《星战》每隔一年上映一部。而中间的那一年则将上映插曲电影。
2023-07-06 17:25:1211


汉堡王由大成集团旗下的家城公司取得台湾代理权,于1990年在台湾成立第一家门市。虽汉堡王为全球连锁速食店,但由于台湾汉堡王展店十分谨慎,分店数38家,分布于基隆(5店)、台北(21店)、桃园(3店)、新竹(2店)、台南(7店),店数暂居台湾速食连锁店第四位。2007年8月,大成集团表示旗下代理汉堡王(BURGER KING)美式速食连锁店的子公司家城将切割独立,转移至盛威投资公司。报载因美方对亚洲市场兴趣浓厚,美国汉堡王总公司有意一改代理授权的做法,改为直接入股,扩大与大成合作,除加速台湾汉堡王拓点,因美方在北京已有8家据点,双方更有意一同进军中国。台湾汉堡王更规划5年内,在台总店数能达到100家。台湾汉堡王行销策略与麦当劳或肯德基不同,主打对象为成年顾客,从其套餐赠送的玩具即可察觉不同。有别于麦当劳、肯德基的凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)、军曹(Keroro)可爱路线,汉堡王多与电影合作,赠送例如星球大战(Star War)、辛普森家庭(The Simpson"s)等较受成人喜爱的主题玩具。台湾汉堡王的长期促销为周一华堡买一送一,只需上网打印优惠卷,即可享受优惠。 汉堡王在中国的石家庄、包头、呼和浩特、北京、武汉、天津、上海、南京、合肥、西安、沈阳、长春、广州、深圳、杭州、常州、福州、厦门、泉州、珠海、中山、成都、大连、鞍山、昆明、哈尔滨、烟台、惠州、东莞、安康、海口、长沙、宁波、佛山、延安、绍兴、无锡、苏州、中山、贵阳、郑州、安阳、乌鲁木齐、青岛、营口都有分店。时至今日,汉堡王在中国大陆有69家分店。2012年6月1日在无锡开设了一家分店;2013年5月,在大连开设了一家分店;2013年7月在华中最大城市武汉开设中国中部地区第一家门店,2013年8月3日在成都开设中国西南地区首家门店;2013年8月在山东烟台开设首家分店。全球第二大餐饮公司——汉堡王(BurgerKing)05年6月在上海开出其在华的第一家店,店址位于上海静安区南京西路。汉堡王董事会主席兼首席执行官布伦纳曼坦陈,前些年没有涉足中国餐饮市场是公司战略上的失误,但即便是晚了10年或者20年,汉堡王仍然要来。事实上,早在2003年前后,汉堡王就有意进入中国。他们委托了一家国际咨询公司先期对中国市场进行了调研。汉堡王更近距离地触摸中国,是在布伦纳曼2004年8月加盟之后。这位曾担任美国大陆航空公司CEO以及普华永道咨询公司掌门人的经理人上任之初,就把目光投向中国。在他的概念中,“中国市场很大,而且日新月异,我们把这里作为一个非常重要的市场。”准备妥当后,布伦纳曼选择从上海登陆中国。半年前,汉堡王上海餐饮有限公司成立,这是汉堡王集团设在中国的独资公司。从此,汉堡王进入中国的步伐获得实质性加速,6月27日,其首家中国餐厅正式开门纳客。汉堡王中国首家餐厅店面不大,分为上下两层,店内装潢与其它快餐店没有太大区别。让顾客感觉新鲜的是它的食品。除了汉堡王最为拿手的皇堡三明治、薯条和洋葱圈之外,顾客还能品尝到融合了各种中国元素的产品,比如添加了四川麻辣酱的皇堡辣三明治、炫辣鸡腿汉堡、嫩烤鸡腿堡以及中式五香口味的辣鸡翅等。“这些产品是汉堡王专为中国市场推出的。”德舒特介绍说,在前期的市场调研中,汉堡王对菜单改了又改,很多产品都是为中国客人量身定做的。据布伦纳曼介绍,这些进行了本土化改造的产品占到了汉堡王食品总量的50%以上。“本土化”是汉堡王中国生意经中最为核心的理念。除了产品贴近中国顾客口味之外,汉堡王在原料供应、物流体系以及管理团队等方面都在有意融入中国。“我们的员工都是本地招聘的”,德舒特指着店内正在忙碌的职员说。在拓展中国市场的路径上,汉堡王也决意走出中国特色,让更多的中国投资者帮助其开疆拓土。相对于麦当劳、肯德基进入中国多年之后才谨慎开展特许经营的做法,汉堡王似乎不愿等待太长时间。布伦纳曼透露,汉堡王年内将在国内开出10家左右的直营餐厅,之后将采用特许加盟的方式加速扩张。对于刚刚进入中国的汉堡王而言,能否复制其在国外的成功,是个未知数。不过布伦纳曼很有信心,他说,中国的餐饮市场还刚刚起步,我们有了盈利的把握才会进入这个市场。汉堡王计划未来5-7年在中国开1000家餐厅。2013年汉堡王正式进驻河北省会石家庄市,至今,石家庄已经有三家汉堡王开业。沈阳汉堡王旗舰店已于2013年5月26日在沈阳大悦城火热登场,与沈阳星摩尔餐厅,沈阳新世界餐厅一起构成了沈阳汉堡王“三驾马车”。同时,标志着自2005年6月进入中国后,该品牌在内地市场发展的又一里程碑。福州汉堡王餐厅于2013年8月28日在福州市晋安区五四北路泰禾广场开业。这是汉堡王中国在福州开设的第一间餐厅,也是汉堡王在福州的旗舰餐厅,福建省将成为汉堡王华南地区重点开发市场。汉堡王进入乌鲁木齐首家餐厅于2014年1月16日正式在时代广场开业。2015年6月19日在营口万达广场开设首家分店 。停止供货2014年7月30日汉堡王美国宣布,该公司全面停止向美国福喜集团中国子公司的采购。 此外,在日本的各美军基地内,一直设有数间汉堡王分店。在美军基地的开放日,一般民众都可进入购买。由于美军基地内分店并不受日本市场撤出影响,2001年至2007年间,美军基地也就成了日本唯一可以购买汉堡王的地方,不少人在美军基地开放日专程赶去品尝。6月28日新宿分店开幕时,数以百计食客自日本各地赶来品尝,轮侯时间长达两小时以上,可见汉堡王在日本人气之高。
2023-07-06 17:30:311


《星球大战》(Star Wars),中文可简称星战。《星球大战》三部曲,首部星球大战的人物及故事是参照越南战争还有日本导演黑泽明的《战国英豪》所创作而成。1990年代末开始他拍摄了最初的三部曲之前的故事。并且与此同时他将最初的三部曲改为了六部曲系列。其中正传有:星球大战4:新希望,星球大战5:帝国反击战,星球大战6:绝地归来,星球大战7:原力觉醒,星球大战8:最后的绝地武士,前传有:星球大战前传1:幽灵的威胁,星球大战前传2:克隆人的进攻,星球大战前传3:西斯的复仇外传有:星球大战外传:侠盗一号还有游侠索洛:星球大战外传《Star war》系列对于电影行业的意义那是相当的重大。1977年上映的星球大战系列首部影片还获得奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳剧本等多个重量级提名。
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2023-07-06 17:33:3715


2023-07-06 17:34:499


橡皮果实——就是我们的主角路飞啦。还用说吗?就是靠无与伦比的拉伸性和弹性来进攻和防御。橡皮——枪! 分裂果实——小丑“巴基”。身体能随意分裂合并。最有趣的是身体被拿掉后成了一头身的小人,好可爱! 滑溜溜果实——金刚棒亚比达。本来是个肥婆,吃了这个果实居然变成大美女!可以消去一切摩擦! 悄悄话果实——少女阿碧斯,可以和任何动物说话,理解他们的语言,找千年龙是就是这个能力。 镰刀果实——镰刀艾力克,手指甲尖的像镰刀,卷起的风犹如镰刀一般利,最后被娜美推下了海。 烟雾果实——海军总部大佐:白猎 史莫卡大佐。烟雾也是武器! 爆炸果实——Mr.5。身上的任何部分都能爆炸。 公斤果实——Ms. Valentine。可以任意控制自己的体重。 蜡烛果实——Mr.3。身体可以如蜡油般融化和凝结 吞吞果实——瓦尔波,磁鼓王国国王/布里基克海贼团团长。吞噬一切。 牛牛果实——多尔顿,磁鼓王国守备队队长。动物系,变身为野牛。 人人果实——蓝鼻子驯鹿东尼·东尼·乔巴。动物系,变身为人。 沙之果实——Mr.0/沙.克罗克达尔,王下七武海之一。变成沙,制造干旱、沙暴…… 花花果实——Ms. All Sunday妮歌·鲁宾。能使任何地方象花朵盛开般长出手来。 模仿果实——Mr.2人妖 彭·格列。可以变成触摸过的任何人的样子。 火焰果实——路飞的哥哥艾斯。身体产生火焰! 飞鸟果实——雪花石膏王国最强战士隼之比尔。动物系,变身为隼。 快斩果实——Mr.1。全身都是刀刃。 荆棘果实——Ms. Double Finger。随时随地长出致命的尖刺。 鼹鼠果实——Miss Merry Christmas。动物系,变身为鼹鼠,有尖爪、善挖地洞。 犬犬果实——Mr.4的枪拉萨。变成了状似腊肠狗的枪,还会感冒哦。伟大航道真是无奇不有呢。连无机物也可以“吃”恶魔果实。 犬犬果实——雪花石膏王国护卫队副队长卓加。动物系,变身为胡狼。 监牢果实——海军总部上校 黑槛 堤娜。穿过身体的任何东西都被锁链锁住。 弹簧果实——海盗“鬣狗”比拿美。身体的任何部分都能变成弹簧。 马马果实——“空之骑士”甘·福尔的搭档皮耶尔。作为一只鸟吃了马马果实而能变身为“天马”???[238话] 响雷果实——在Skypiea自称神的艾涅尔的能力。响雷果实是恶魔果实最强系——“自然果实”的一种。 迟钝果实——Foxy海盗团的银狐霍斯。迟钝光线 冰冻果实——“自然果实”的一种。海军三大将之一的青雉的能力。[319话] 门门果实——CP9成员之一,布鲁诺的能力。身体碰触到的地方就会成为一道门。任何墙壁都无法阻挠的盗贼技![343话] 猫猫果实——CP9成员之一,鲁兹的能力。肉食动物系,经过锻炼更为强大[349话] 象象果实——CP9首领的劒,有象象能力之劒.能发出大象力量般威力[400话] 野狼果实——CP9成员之一,加布拉的能力。经过锻炼拥有强大狼型力量[401话] 牛牛果实——CP9成员之一,卡库的能力。拥有变长颈鹿力量的人[401话] 泡泡果实——CP9成员之一,卡利法的能力。能成为全身出泡沫的肥皂人[408话] 黑暗果实——黑胡子的能力。食用后能随意使出可怕黑暗能力,黑洞[441话] 复活果实——布鲁克的能力。食用后能死去复活的神奇能力[443话] 影影果实——七武海之一月光莫利亚的能力..可以随意撕去别人的影子,并加以操控,失去影子者在阳光下会灰飞烟灭〔462话〕 碎裂果实——海军贝里古德上校的能力。身体各个部位都可以像葡萄一样分成数个圆形果实状, 又可以在紧凑在一起变成各种体形的非常有意思的能力。〔426话〕 锈锈果实——海军修恩上校的能力。碰到的金属可以被他腐蚀。是把佐罗的宝刀[雪走]废掉的元凶。〔426话〕 车轮果实——海军夏林格尔上校的能力。可以把身体的各部位变成车轮,高速回转。攻击力非常高。〔426话〕 软糖果实——前任海军后海贼的加斯帕迪的能力。可以把身体的各个部位变成软糖,也可以变坚硬。怕粉类 肉球果实——七武海之一,巴索罗缪·大熊。能弹开一切东西,包括生物的疲倦同痛苦,空气也可以弹开做成光速走动的效果 甜甜果实——七武海之一,海贼女帝波雅。汉库克的能力,可以将任何对其美貌产生邪念的人变成石头。 闪闪果实——海军本部大将黄猿的能力,能够发射各种射线,还能造出光剑!(STAR WAR?!)并能以光速进行移动和攻击。 蛇蛇果实——“戈耳贡三姐妹”二皇女波雅。桑达索尼亚,三皇女波雅。玛莉格尔德能力,前者是巨蟒型,后者是眼镜王蛇型,能够变身为蛇。
2023-07-06 17:35:061


回答晚了,全删掉了 - -
2023-07-06 17:35:227


2023-07-06 17:35:496

Space War

697. Some countries have been developing technologies of space war.   一些国家一直在开发空间战技术。   698. In fact, space war has not been too far from us.   实际上,空间战已经离我们不太遥远了。   699. Space war is based on computers, satellites, telecommunications, missiles, etc.   空间战是以计算机,卫星,远程通信,导弹等为基础的。   700. Nuclear proliferations have speeded space war.   核扩散使空间战进程加快了速度。   701. Theoretically, the space must be digitized.   从理论上讲,必须使太空数字化。   702. Space corps will be a new branch of the armed forces.   空间部队将是一个新兵种。   703. Most of its weapons and equipment are being developed.   其大部分武器装备正在研制。   704. Space forces should support the air force in the “space littoral”。   空间部队应该在“空间前沿”支援空军作战。   705. Space corps should be composed of space-to-space, space-to-ground and ground-to-space units.   空间部队应该有空间对空间,空间对地面,地面对空间部队组成。   706. Active combat in space and from space will be no longer unusual.   在空间主动作战和从空间主动作战将司空见惯。   707. The units will be able to conduct a space ambush against any satellites in orbit.   这些部队有能力对任何轨道卫星实施空间伏击。   708. The equipment enables soldiers to communicate worldwide by voice and data.   他们的装备能够使战士在世界范围进行话语通信和数字通信。   709. Soldiers can collect intelligence and compute data at any time.   士兵能及时收集情报,计算数据。   710. All communications devices are completely secure and unjammable.   所有通信器材十分安全,不会受到干扰。   711. Soldiers can tap directly into spaceborne reconnaissance assets and “sense” any part of the world.   战士们可以敲击键盘直接与太空的侦察装置连接,“了解”世界上任何一个地方的情况。   712. They can disable ballistic and cruise missiles at any time from seconds after launch to seconds before impact.   在敌人弹道导弹和巡航导弹发射后的几秒钟到击中目标前的几秒钟这一段时间内,他们能够将其摧毁。   713. Space weapons can electronically hijack a cruise missile in flight and redirect it.   空间武器能用电子手段劫持飞行中的巡航导弹,并使其改变袭击目标。   714. Fighting space wars must be supported by many different weapons systems.   打空间战必须有多种不同武器系统作支撑。   715. “Star Wars”, TMD and NMD belong to a part of the future space war.   “星球大战”,战区防御系统,国家防御系统都属于未来空间战的一部分。   Words and Expressions单词和短语   unjammable a. /7Qn5dVAmEbl/ 不受干扰的   littoral n. /5lItErEl/ 沿岸地区   orbit n. /5C:bIt/ 轨道   electronically ad. /7Ilek5trCnIkElI/ 电子地;用电子手段   hijack vt. /5haIdVAk/ 抢劫;劫持   redirect vt. /7ri:dI5rekt/ 使改变方向;使改变航向
2023-07-06 17:36:031

三国志10PK版 游戏运行问题

改 xp 吧,可能系统不兼容
2023-07-06 17:36:483


The lines touching me most in the book is ‘My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are goanna get." ? ?Yes, life is full of uncertainty & puzzle. For someone, they wish to have the power to forecast future. Because they can be well prepare for the opportunities and challenges and even know the lucky numbers of lottery beforehand. ? But for me, I don"t want to have such ‘ability" at all. Life is a mystery and everyone has his own way. I enjoy the surprise of receiving gift from my clas *** ates on my birthday and running into an old friend on the street in another city, etc. There are so many amazing incidents in my life which can"t be happen if I have the power to forecast the future. ? To Forrest Gump, who was born with intellectual disturbance and muscle problem in his leg, he never imagined that he could bee a famous American football player, a war hero and even a millionaire. Forrest won dignity and respect though his strive and perseverance. ?I believe I can make a better life for those I love though my own effort. Have a little faith for your life. Let"s enjoy our life everyday with dignity, honesty, braveness and love just like Forrest Gump! ? 整部电影最让我感触最深的一句话就是“生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出乎你的意料。” ? 是的,生活充满了不确定性和难题。对一些人来说,他们希望自己拥有预测未来的能力。因为他们可以为迎接机遇和挑战做足充分准备,甚至可以提前知道彩票的幸运数字。 ? 但对于我来说,我实在不希望拥有这样的“能力”。生活本就神秘莫测,每个人都有他自己的道路。生日时收到同学送来的礼物或是在另外一个城市遇到老朋友时的惊喜都让我十分地享受。在我的生活中有许多令人惊喜的小插曲,假如我有预测未来的能力,它们就都不会发生了。 ? 对阿甘来说,他出生时有智力障碍和腿部的肌肉问题,他从没想到过自己竟然能够成为橄榄球运动员、战争英雄和百万富翁。他通过自己的努力奋斗和不屈不挠赢得了尊严和别人的尊重。 ? 我相信我能通过自己的努力让我爱的人们过上更好的生活。让我们对自己的生活有一些信心,让我们就像阿甘一样,在尊严、诚实、勇气和爱中,享受每一天的生活!2.70阿甘正传观后感?英文阿甘正传;Finishwatchingthisfilm,a;ForrestGumpwhoisunfortun;Inthecontentionofthebest;Inthefilm,ForrestGumpisa;阿甘正传Finish?watching?this?film,?and?I"m?enjoying.?Which,?like?Forrest?Gump?in?the?running?when?the?scenery?is?really?cultivate?people"s?hearts.?Many?languages,?like?the?film?as?thought-provoking?motto.?Told?colorful?content.?Many?of?the?practice?of?some?humorous?Forrest?Gump.?In?the?humorous?atmosphere,?but?also?appreciate?the?Forrest?Gump?of?Jennifer?affectionate,?and?the?other?people?moving.?In?short?this?is?a?separate?people?appreciate?a?good?filmForrest?Gump?who?is?unfortunately?to?be?born?with?a?lower?IQ?and?the?muscle?problem,?usually,?people?always?think?this?kind?of?person?can"t?be?successful?in?doing?anything.?But,?instead,?this?unlucky?man?has?achieved?lots?of?incredible?success,?he?is?a?football?star,?a?war?hero,?and?later?a?millionaire!In?the?contention?of?the?best?picture?of?the?67th?Oscar?Award?in?1995,?film?<Forrest?Gump>?Have?got?six?Grand?Prixes?,?such?as?the?best?picture?,?the?best?actor?,?the?best?achievement?in?directing?,?adapting?drama?,?the?best?achievement?in?film?editing?and?the?best?visual?effect?bestly?,etc.?at?one?blow?.?The?film?was?passed?to?a?intellectual?disturbance?person?the?description?of?life?has?reflected?every?aspect?of?U.S.A."s?life,?important?incident?of?social?political?life?make?and?represent?to?these?decades?such?as?U.S.A.?from?one?unique?angle.In?the?film,?Forrest?Gump?is?a?very?pure?image,?but?Jenny?has?bee?the?degenerate?symbol?.?To?all?that?story,?since?beginning?all?behave?with?a?kind?of?tender?feeling?and?well-meaning?attitude?after?all?for?the?film,?having?even?joined?poesy?position,?this?makes?the?film?seem?soft?and?have?no?injury.?The?film?advocates?to?traditional?moral?concept?and?embodiment.?Make?film?apt?to?accept?by?people,?director?superb?lay?out?skill?and?film?application?of?language?make?the?film?very?attractive?too.?Success?with?mercial?for?film?content?of?the?film?has?given?security,?and?the?treatment?on?director"s?art?makes?the?film?more?excellent,?this?is?reason?that?the?film?succeeds.?It?was?the?box-office?hits?the?most?in?that?year?to?bee?U.S.A.?in?<?Forrest?Gump>.希望对你有所帮助???还望采纳~~
2023-07-06 17:37:121


2023-07-06 17:37:191


《六宗罪> 很好看的
2023-07-06 17:37:308


  正如《阿甘正传》中所说“生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出乎你的意料。”我相信我能通过自己的努力让我爱的人们过上更好的生活。我为大家整理了阿甘正传的英语观后感,一起来阅读吧!   【第1篇】   The lines touching me most in the book is u2018My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are goanna get.u2019   Yes, life is full of uncertainty & puzzle. For someone, they wish to have the power to forecast future. Because they can be well prepare for the opportunities and challenges and even know the lucky numbers of lottery beforehand. But for me, I donu2019t want to have such u2018abilityu2019 at all. Life is a mystery and everyone has his own way. I enjoy the surprise of receiving gift from my classmates on my birthday and running into an old friend on the street in another city, etc. There are so many amazing incidents in my life which canu2019t be happen if I have the power to forecast the future.   To Forrest Gump, who was born with intellectual disturbance and muscle problem in his leg, he never imagined that he could become a famous American football player, a war hero and even a millionaire. Forrest won dignity and respect though his strive and perseverance.   I believe I can make a better life for those I love though my own effort. Have a little faith for your life. Letu2019s enjoy our life everyday with dignity, honesty, braveness and love just like Forrest Gump!   【第2篇】   Life is like a box of chocoles   —— 《Forrest Gump》   "Mom always said life is just like a box of chocoles. You"ll never know what you gonna get."   Ever find the grind of life getting you down? Is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under? If so, there is a movie out there that can replenish your energy and refresh your outlook. Passionate and magical, Forrest Gump is a tonic for the weary of spirit. For those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead.   Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can"t be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!   In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A."s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston novel of the same name of Groom since.   Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one"s word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol. And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director"s art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.   Tom Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film. He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. This second movie emperor"s money already whom he obtained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .   【第3篇】   When I first saw this movie I didn"t appreciate it like I do now. Because I was so young that I didn"t get the main idea when I first saw it. Just recently I saw the movie again. What an amazing and moving story. That movie teaches you so much about life and the meaning of it. That life isn"t as bad as most people feel. Forrest Gump, the innocent man can impact so many lives with his innocence. The meaning of the movie to me is that everyone needs to have a better outlook on life. That we need to appreciate more of the little things and not let the big things hold us back. Although life may throw us trials and tribulations like a box of chocolates, we just have to bite into it and get through it even if we don"t like it. I just love this movie. And anyone who hasn"t seen it or who thinks that don"t like it I seriously suggest seeing it or seeing it again. It truly is amazingu2026   【第4篇】   Life is like a box of chocolates   -----The review of Forrest Gump   Forrest Gump is a famous film which won a high reputation , itu2019s tell us a story of a low IQ boyu2019s unexpected and legendary life. In the film, Forrestu2019s IQ only had 75 lower than normal people, but he graduated from the university,participated in the Vietnam War, took part in Table Tennis Competition in China as diplomatic envoy, became a millionaire...   “If God intended everybody to be the same, he"d have given us all braces on our legs. “ God is so fair. Forrest met lots of accidents and every accident fortunately achieve him. I think nothing is predestined except death. Just like Gump"s mother did not know that she will be his mother,just like Forrest did not know that God gave him only 75 IQ,just like Lt. Dan Taylor did not know he had to endure the pain of losing legs...   Tom Hanks who played Forrest Gump said “our destiny is only defined by how we deal with the chance element to our life.” When we face our life,maybe we should have this preparation---“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you"re going to get.”   【第5篇】   Forrest Gump is so unique because of the character Forrest Gump himself,who has a low IQ of only 75.I love that Forrest doesn"t lose his innocence and purity throughout the movie,or maybe he just can"t but either way,this shows you don"t need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful.It is just a movie,so maybe it doesn"t work like that in reality.What that simply means is that the acting and story of this film was incredibly touching on a real level.And in my definition that"s what a good movie should be able to do.
2023-07-06 17:37:572


  细细品味一部作品以后,大家一定收获不少吧,不妨坐下来好好写写观后感吧。那么观后感到底应该怎么写呢?以下是我整理的英语电影观后感(精选5篇),希望能够帮助到大家。   英语电影观后感 篇1   And drive he does as Michael Bay translates the Transformers world of animation and toys to the big screen.   But before I get ahead of myself I have to admit I never watched even a single episode growing up. I had just hit high school and I wasnt interested. So there wasnt any real baggage involved either side of the coin.   Yet there I sat in the first public screening anywhere on the planet (June 12th in Sydney, Australia, with Michael Bay introducing it) and it just overwhelmed me and everyone else! There was never a dull moment, the script flowed easily, the acting was first-rate and the seamlessneof the CGI and live action was taken to another level.   Its going to be the hit of the summer and was better than any of the big third installment trilogies I have just also seen. And I love each of those franchises.   Congratulations on a movie that not only met expectations but exceeded them.   英语电影观后感 篇2   Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling.   The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends.   The central story arc concerns Harrys struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harrys parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.   英语电影观后感 篇3   To be honest, Ive never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person cant be successful in doing anything.   But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!   Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, ,he also manages to retain that innocence through some very difficult times.   I love Forrest that he doesnt lose his purity through the movie, or maybe he just cant ,but either way, this shows us dont need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful.   It is just a movie, so maybe it doesnt work like that in reality.A simply means is that the acting and story of this film got a high level like the real .   And in my definition thats what a good movie should be able to do.   英语电影观后感 篇4   Today, we watched a movie, the name of this movie was called:The day after tomorrow.What this movie speaks BE:A world happened to become cold affairs in the world,What to broadcast it is an etc.   The region temperature nasty play in New York to descend in the movie, is almost each to descend more than ten degree.The sky still descends terrible hail, also having more afraid of of   Tornado, city in New York became to break city for an instant after being cut through by tornado, making the whole city become more without results one.   This really lets the person touch eyes shocking, make the persons heart cant fall calm once in a very long while, although exaggerate very in the movie, but we now not just so:world become warm...   So ask the classmates to rise from the do-it-yourself, environmental protection, make our environments more beautiful!   英语电影观后感 篇5   I watched a film in computer, the film is named .   Although this is a ty// film, but deeply touched my heart. Only sticking to dream can we realize to it. I remember when cancy gave up Harvard, she and her mother have such a conversation:   Mother: Cancy, you cant do this, you are giving up your dream!   Cancy: No, mom, Im giving up your dream!   See here, I understand why this movie will have so much resonance. I feel like Cancy, the parent holding her give up hers dream, but never thought about whether her wants.   I admire Cancy, when she faces her mother love things, but she doesn"t like to it, she has the courage to refuse it.   A dream for many people, the word may indeed just a dream, only to survive in the heart, never thought I could go for, only too much because they can not cast aside, after the failure of total fear nothing. Indeed, the cruel reality can really frustrate a persons enthusiasm. Yes, I still want to give it ago, the same as Cancy.   The film also does make my mind suddenly had a big change, I began to call upon their past, are beginning to understand the way the future. It must be my own. The need to pursue the dream of the cost, I must learn to give up a lot of other things.   Thinking many times, each time hit my heart. Touched me the most is that race credits Cancy, the mother arrived at the scene that period. I think, no more than the support of parents had more power to.
2023-07-06 17:38:041

有哪些能转换的单词? 至少两个.如ton( 吨 )not( 没有 )

趣味英语嘛. level -->level moor 沼泽-->room 房屋 mum沉默 tool 工具-->loot 抢劫;赃物 dog 狗-->god 上帝 evil 邪恶的-->live 居住 ten 十-->net 网 doom 厄运-->mood 心情 part 部分-->trap 陷阱 deer 鹿-->reed 芦苇 step 步-->pets 宠物 (复数) nap 打盹-->pan 平底锅 time 时间-->emit 散发,排放 meet 相遇-->teem 充满 mug 缸子-->gum 口香糖 tops 顶(复数)-->spot 地点 wolf 狼-->flow 流动,涌出 pool 水池-->loop 环状物 raw 生的,不完美的-->war 战争 rats 鼠(复数)-->star 星星 are 是-->era 时代 pot 锅,壶-->top 顶部 平时再总结发现吧,上面有的也是我能想到的,比如evil 邪恶的-->live 居住. 新年快乐!
2023-07-06 17:38:151


2023-07-06 17:38:234


插曲1:《HAPPY DAYS THEME》 --歌手:Truett Pratt& Jerry McClain 插曲2:《TURN THE BEAT AROUND (LOVE TO HEAR PERCUSSION)》--歌手:Vicki Sue Robinson插曲3:《HOT STUFF》--歌手:Donna Summer插曲4:《ROCK THE BOAT》--歌手:The Hues Corporation插曲5:《DON"T LEAVE ME THIS WAY》--歌手:Thelma Houston插曲6:《starman》--歌手: david bowie(种土豆时的插曲)插曲7:《WATERLOO》-- 歌手:ABBA插曲8:《LOVE TRAIN》-- 歌手:The O"Jays片尾曲:《I Will Survive》--歌手:Gloria Gaynor
2023-07-06 17:38:311


可以理解为省略了动词passiert geschehen erschient 之类的
2023-07-06 17:38:592


I think that Einstein in science has been able to achieve such good success is the result of his tireless efforts. Einstein"s devotion to science and peace, the spirit of love I felt tribute. In my real life, there are some such examples. "Atypical pneumonia" during the白衣天使throwing a lot of family, fought in the "atypical pneumonia" in the front line, they are dedicated to the cause as well as the "SARS" patient care, this does not reproduce the spirit of Einstein is it? Because of this, I also thought of themselves, want to raise the reading level, it is necessary to have the spirit of Einstein"s tenacity. Taking advantage of the word, not reading a typo, do not drop the word, the word read much more time to think about this carefully, so as to put my reading level, reading more, knowledge will be enriched, it is the accumulation of more, I can Einstein as to call for peace as the! By reading this book, I benefited from, I would like to Einstein, as the spirit of perseverance in the face of learning.
2023-07-06 17:39:073


星球大战:X战机英文原名:Star Wars: X-Wing游戏类型:STG制作发行:Lucas Arts出品日期:1993年星球大战:前线2英文原名:Star Wars: Battle Front II游戏类型:FPS/TPS制作发行:Lucas Arts、Pandemic Studios出品日期:2005年星球大战:新希望英文原名:Star Wars: A New Hope出版商及出版时间不详星球大战:帝国反击战英文原名:Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back出版商及出版时间不详星球大战:前线英文原名:Star Wars: Battle Front游戏类型:FPS/TPS制作发行:Lucas Arts、Pandemic Studios出品日期:2004年星球大战前线:叛变的军团英文原名:Star Wars Battlefront : Renegade Squadron游戏类型:TPS制作发行:Lucas Arts、Rebellion出品日期:2007年星球大战前线:精英舰队英文原名:Star Wars Battlefront : Elite Squadron游戏类型:TPS制作发行:Lucas Arts、Savage出品日期:2009年乐高星球大战2:原创三部曲英文原名:LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy制作发行:Edios出品日期:2006年乐高星球大战3:克隆战争英文原名:LEGO Star Wars III:The Clone Wars制作发行:Edios出品日期:2011年星球大战原力释放:终极西斯版英文原名:Star Wars The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition游戏类型:ACT制作发行:Lucas Arts、Aspyr出品日期:2009年星球大战:原力释放2英文原名:Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2游戏类型:ACT制作发行:Lucas Arts出品日期:2010年星球大战:克隆战争 共和国英雄英文原名:Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes游戏类型:ACT制作发行:Lucas Arts出品日期:2009年星球大战:战火帝国( Empire at War) 堕落之军英文原名:Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption游戏类型:RTS制作发行:Lucas Arts、Petroglyph出品日期:2006年星球大战前传3:西斯 的复仇英文原名:Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith游戏类型:ACT制作发行:Lucas Arts出品日期:2005年星球大战:致命联盟英文原名:Star Wars Lethal Alliance游戏类型:ACT制作发行:UBISOFT出品日期:2006年星球大战前传2:克隆人的进攻英文原名:Star Wars: Episode 2:Attack of the Clones游戏类型:ACT制行发行:Lucas Arts出品日期:2002年星球大战前传1:纳布之战英文原名:Star Wars: Episode I Battle for Naboo游戏类型:STG制作发行:Factor 5、LucasArts出品日期:2001年星球大战:侠盗中队2英文原名:Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader游戏类型:STG制作发行:Factor 5、LucasArts出品日期: 2001年星球大战:侠盗中队3英文原名:Star Wars Rogue Squadron III:Rebel Strike游戏类型:STG制作发行:Factor 5、LucasArts出品日期: 2003年星球大战:尤达的故事英文原名:Star Wars: Yoda Stories with Behind the Magic Vehicles Special Edition制作发行:Lucas Arts出品日期: 1997年星球大战:尤达的挑战Star Wars:Yoda"s Challenge - Early Learning Activity Center制作发行:Lucas Arts出品日期: 1999年星球大战:钛战机英文原名:Star Wars: Tie Fighter制作发行:Lucas Arts游戏类型:STG出品日期: 1994年
2023-07-06 17:39:281


星球大战:原力释放 已经出到2了~
2023-07-06 17:39:422


其实可以用/help查询,先列出一些比较常用的好了。/whois (+ID) 查目前这个玩家在干嘛/stats (+ID) 查某玩家的资料料(主要是战绩及Disconnect记录)/me (+字句) 显示的字体以黄色出现,比较醒目。/ignore (+ID) 封人给讨厌的人一个大叉叉。/time 显示当前时间/whereis + name 显示此人所在频道/whois + name 显示此人所在频道(与国际连通时可显示对方ip)/who + game"s name 显示在此游戏中的人/stats + name 显示此人的战绩/away + 一句话 别人和你私聊时会出现这句话/status 显示当前有多少人在战网/team create + name 建立name组织 ( /team create + 你的名 + 你要建立的队名 )/team info (+ID) 显示组织名单/team list 显示所有已建队的队名/team add + name 邀请某人加入/team join + 组织名 加入组织/team del + name 删除组织/help team 显示所有team命令/m或/w + name 和某人私聊alt + q 退出星际alt + n 复制人名alt + v 可知道玩家join and left的状况。/m 加对方的名字 加你想讲的话 (可以和正在里面玩游戏的人说话) 基本命令/help 此命令用来得到当前所有可用命令的列表,与/help命令等效的命令还有/help all。如果想得到某个可用命令的详细介绍,则可以使用/help [命令名],例如用/help set命令就能得到set命令的使用方法。/msg(等效命令有/m,/w和/whisper) 此命令用来向指定的用户发送消息,用法为/msg [用户名] [消息内容]。例如用/msg hotfox Hello!将给用户hotfox发送一条消息,内容为Hello!。为简便起见,多用/w命令代替/msg 命令使用。/stats 此命令用来查询指定玩家的战绩。用法是/stats [用户名]。附带说一下,战网表示战绩的方法是用“-”符号相连的三个数字,例如24-5-2,这表示24胜,5负,2次断线。/assess 此命令用于估算当你与指定的玩家进行积分赛以后,你的积分的变动情况。用法为/assess [用户名]。或者也可以使用/assess [游戏类型] [用户名1] [用户名2]来估算两个用户在对战指定的游戏以后分数变化情况,其中游戏类型可以是sexp(表示BroodWar《母巢之战》)或者StarCraft(表示《星际争霸》)。不过使用该命令的前提条件是用来估算的两个玩家必须 都有积分(Rating)。/who 此命令主要用来得到当前服务器上玩家的状况。/who local命令可以返回当前服务器上的所有玩家列表;/who games不但可以得到玩家列表,而且在用户名后面都会注明该用户使用的游戏类型,例如[SEXP]表示该玩家用的BroodWar,[STAR]则表示他用的StarCraft;而/who [频道名称]可以得知该频道中目前有哪些玩家在线;/who [游戏名称]则可以知道在所指定的游戏中都有哪些玩家。/whereis(等效命令有/whois) 这个命令用来查询某个玩家当前所处的位置(在哪个聊天室里面或者在哪个游戏里面)。用法很简单:/whereis [用户名]。/watch 这个命令用于跟踪你所指定的用户,当他(他们)进入战网或者退出站网的时候,战网会自动发消息给你。同时当你进入战网的时候,战网也会自动告诉你watch列表中有哪些用户当前正在战网上。这条命令的用法是:/watch [用户名]。而使用不加参数的/watch命令将会列出你的watch列表。/unwatch 这个命令作用是用来从你的watch列表中去掉指定用户的。用法是/unwatch [用户名]。/away 这个命令用来设置外出留言,用法是/away [外出信息]。例如/away for lunch,那么当任何人用/msg命令给你发送消息时,战网会自动回复他:xxx(你的用户名) is away for lunch。取消外出状态的方法是使用不带参数的/away命令。/dnd 该命令用来设置自己成为“请勿打扰”(Do Not Disturb)状态,用法是/dnd [请勿打扰信息]。例如/dnd Call him after 1:00p,那么当别人用/msg 命令给你发送消息时,战网会自动回复他:xxx(你的用户名) is currently in DND mode.Call him after 1:00p。取消DND状态的方法是使用不带参数的/dnd命令。/ignore(等效命令有/squelsh) 该命令用来设定自己的讨厌者名单。用法为/ignore [用户名]。例如/ignore hotfox,这样hotfox就被加入到你的讨厌者名单中,他不论发送公开消息或用/msg发送私人消息,你都不会收到。同时你也不能发送消息给他。再使用一次/ignore hotfox将会把hotfox从你的讨厌者名单中去掉。而使用不带参数的/ignore命令则能用来查看自己的讨厌者名单。/status 直接使用该命令即可得到当前战网服务器上的玩家数目,频道数目和游戏数目。/time 直接使用该命令就可得到当前服务器时间。/allops 直接用此命令得到当前正在战网上的管理员列表。/commune 此命令用来向所有正在战网上的管理员发出求助信息。用法是/commune [求助信息]。 所有跟组队相关的命令都是/team命令的子项。想拉上几个志同道合的人成立一个战队的话,你就需要仔细看看下面这些命令了。当你真正掌握这些命令以后,人们可就要改称你为队长啦。:)/team list 这条命令用来列出当前战网上注册的战队列表。/team info 这条命令用来得到指定的战队或者战队成员的信息。用法为/team info [战队名]或者/team info [战队成员名]。如果直接使用/team info将会返回你自己所在战队的信息。/team create 这条命令用来创建(注册)一个战队。用法为:/team create [战队简称] [战队名]。其中战队简称似乎没有任何用处,战队名就是所创建的战队名称。/team leader命令(战队队长才能使用) 这条命令用来指定你的队伍中的某一个成员成为本队队长,同时自己丧失队长的权限。当使用/team create命令创建一个战队的时候,创建者自动成为队长。/team add(战队队长才能使用) 这条命令用来邀请别人加入你的战队。使用方法是/team add [用户名]。只有对方收到邀请才能够使用/team join命令加入你的战队。/team join 当收到某个战队队长的邀请(/team add命令)以后,你就可以使用/team join [战队名]加入到那个战队中去。加入以后你就成为该队队员。/team del(战队队长才能使用) 从你的队伍中去掉某个队员或者取消以前发出的邀请。用法是/team del [用户名]。/team seturl(战队队长才能使用) 设置你的战队的主页地址。用法为:/team seturl [主页地址]。这个信息将会在/team info命令中显示出来。 /team setemail(战队队长才能使用) 设置你的战队的电子邮件地址。用法为:/team setemail [电子邮件地址]。这个信息也将会在/team info命令中显示出来。/team setdesc(战队队长才能使用) 设置战队的描述信息。用法为:/team setdesc [描述信息]。这个信息也是/team info命令中显示出的战队信息中的一项。/teamgame 当你在某一个游戏的选择种族的时候,你可以使用/teamgame命令。这时这个游戏就成为了TeamLadder-Game(战队积分赛),也就是不同战队之间进行积分赛。这时所有加入这个游戏的人必须都是某个战队的成员才行。 如果你有幸成为某个战网的管理员,你就要学学下面的几个命令了。当你真正掌握这些命令以后,人们可就要改称你为网管啦。/admin 使用/admin [远程管理密码]这个命令以后,你会发现你的用户名前面的图标变了,成了一个大喇叭,这时你就可以使用管理员的命令了。再使用一次/admin [远程管理密码]你就又恢复成普通用户身份。这个管理员密码就是在设置FSGS战网服务器时设定的密码。/kick 这个命令我不说恐怕你也知道,就是踢人啦。只要你用kick [用户名],这个指定的用户就“嗖”的一声从服务器上消失了。/ban 这个命令就更厉害了,除了将指定的用户踢出服务器以外,还会禁止该用户再次进入服务器。使用方法是/ban [用户名]。/announce 这个命令用来进行战网广播。用法是/announce [广播消息]。利用这个命令可以同时对战网上的所有人发送信息。/setmotd 这个命令用来设置MOTD(Message of The Day)信息,也就是当每一个用户刚一进入战网服务器就能看到的那个青色的信息。用法是/setmotd [MOTD信息]。只能在单人模式中使用power overwhelming =无敌operation CWAL=快速建筑生产show me the money =10,000 单位的矿物和高能瓦斯the gathering = psionic stuff 法力能量无限game over man =立即游戏失败noglues =敌人无法施行魔法staying alive =任务无法完成there is no cow level =完成目前所执行的任务whats mine is mine =矿产无限breathe deep =瓦斯无限something for nothing =打开所有可生产的选项black sheep wall =地图全开medieval man =单位无限生产modify the phase variance =拥有生产所有建筑物的能力war aint what it used to be =关闭战争迷雾food for thought =拥有在补给限制下无限制造单位的能力跳关:输入 ophelia 然后按下 enter再打入你想选择的关卡名称特技:Terran:Stim Packs = 损10 Damage的兴奋剂(可以增加攻击力和机动力)LockDown = 锁定机械系敌人ShockWave = 震动波(损敌我的energy, 和神族的电浆护盾)Spider Mines =蜘蛛诡雷Scanner Sweep = 范围扫瞄器(暴露隐形单位)Def. Matrix =方阵护盾Irradiate 放射线(对虫族的所有部队及神族的地面部队有效)固定目标范围YaMaTo Gun = 大和巨炮Cloaking field = 隐形(Air)P.Cloaking =隐形(Earth)Protoss:Psionic Storm = 迷幻风暴Hallucination =幻象0002(产生与指定目标相同的两个幻象)Recall =唤回部队Stasis Field = 凝滞场(冻结战场~~~)忽略有效兵力Zerg: Infestation = 群袭SpawnBroodling = 体外伏寄(专对地面部队的必杀寄生虫)还会残留两只小虫Dark Swarm =群集(掩护)Plague =疫病(严重损伤)但不会死 Consume = 把自军部队吸引energy+50 Ensnare = 陷诱(异光黏液)暴露隐形单位 Parasite = 寄生侦察虫
2023-07-06 17:39:501

The new Star War episode is i (难以置信的)?

2023-07-06 17:40:042


百度百科自己 搜索 恶魔果实 血继限界 忍术 匣武器 地狱指环 彭格列指环 海之指环 西蒙指环 瞳术 等等等等...... 顺便佩服下 LS哪个 SB = = 拜托最起码把最新的更新出来 比如 凤凰果实 马尔科 动物系 幻兽型
2023-07-06 17:40:112

海贼王里 到底有多少个恶魔果实啊??? 都有神么能力???

2023-07-06 17:40:205

Fallen Star 歌词

歌曲名:Fallen Star歌手:Dreamtale专辑:Beyond RealityFallen StarDreamtaleBeyond RealityFallen Star - 《Beyond Reality》dreamtleGazing (at) the skyOn a clear winter"s nightMoonlight lighting the path for meHigh in the skyA star seems to flyA falling star, it will be my guideMaiden is dancingEnchanting the manBut in the end, who"s in command?With his sword of mightAnd his love by his sideHe is ready to face the worldFollow the starIt will lead you so farFollow the lightLighting the nightStar is falling downWhen it reaches the groundI"ll be there to take my tollWith my star-wrought swordI shall honour my Lord- But remember where it came fromBut there, where the star fellA beautiful maiden was dancing and singingStories tell that she descended from the HeavensWith the star...But then came that timeThe time of (a) great fightCries of war rang throughout the whole landWar tears apartIt will sunder the heartBut in the end, love will prevailAnswer the callBut it will take its tollFollow the lightShining so brightStar is falling downWhen it reaches the groundI"ll be there to take my tollWith my star-wrought swordI shall honour my Lord- But remember where it came fromStar is falling downWhen it reaches the groundI"ll be there to take my tollWith my star-wrought swordI shall honour my Lord- But remember where it came from
2023-07-06 17:40:351


<墨西哥往事> <日落大道>
2023-07-06 17:40:435

谁能帮我写一个英文作文 电影概括 约50字

电影:阿甘正传电影概括 Forrest Gump who is born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can"t be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success. He is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire! In his life there is one defining element: his love for Jenny. She is never far from his thoughts, no matter what he"s doing or where he is.
2023-07-06 17:41:001


《阿甘正传》观后感To be honest, this is the first time I ever write a review of a movie. And this beginning is a tough one—with an Oscar winner as its subject, surrounding which there is considerably controversy over the values it has questioned, the thoughts it tried to implicitly convey, and the art of the movie itself. The following discussion will go on as a dissection of this movie into several aspects. This dissection is, however, necessarily incomprehensive, and I would just try to make it a original review in the eyes of a busy, yet inspirational student of science who, from time to time, glances at the palace of arts with admiration and, more importantly, love.Forrest Gump> Film review Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can"t be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire! In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film <Forrest Gump> Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A."s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel"s taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol . Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one"s word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director"s art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>. Tom · Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film. He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. This second movie emperor"s money already whom he obtained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .
2023-07-06 17:41:181

【阿甘正传】英文简介 急球昂

Forrest Gump sitting on a bench ,talk to the passer-by with the endless waiting for the bus. He tells the story of his life---Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the back problem . Usually people always think the kind of person can"t be successful in doing anything . But ,instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible successes ,he is a football star , a war hero , and later a millionaire!觉着满意请采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-06 17:41:262

exo的所有歌曲 只要歌名
2023-07-06 17:41:368

2023-07-06 17:42:113


Yes! so crazy right now 耶!实在是太疯狂了 Most incredibly 太难以置信了 It"s your girl b 那是你的女孩 It"s your boy young 那是你的男孩 History in the makin 创造历史吧 Part 2 I look and stare so deep in your eyes 我深深地凝视着你的瞳孔 I touch on you more and more every time 每一次我越来越多地提及到你 When you leave I"m beggin you not to go 当你离开时我准备随你而去发现你没走 Call your name two, three times in a row 两次叫你的名字,又陆续再第三次叫你 Such a funny thing for me to try to explain 我尝试着向你表白这般有趣的事情 How I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame 我感受到,是我的骄傲造成的错 Yeah, cause I know I don"t understand 耶,因为我知道我不理解你 Just how your love can do what no on else can 你的爱已没有什么可以给予的了 Got me lookin so crazy right now 只有让你的爱给予我,多么疯狂 Your love"s got me lookin so crazy right now 你给予我你的爱,看我变得多么疯狂 (Your love) (你的爱) Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"s 你抚摸我时,看我变得多么疯狂 Got me lookin so crazy right now 看我变得多么疯狂 (Your touch) (你的触摸) Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"s 给我希望,告诉我现在给我一个吻 Lookin so crazy your love"s got me lookin 你给我爱,看起来多么疯狂 Got me lookin so crazy your love 给我你的爱,哦看起来多么疯狂 When I talk to my friends so quietly 当我悄悄的告诉我朋友时 "Who he think he is?" Look at what you"ve done to me “他以为他自己是谁啊?”看着无论你对我做了什么 Tennis shoes don"t even need to buy a new dress 网球鞋甚至不需要搭配新裙子 You ain"t there, ain"t nobody else to impress 你并不在这里,也就没有人能够铭刻在我记忆中 It"s the way that you know what I thought I knew 这样才能让你知道我所想,我所知 It"s the beat that my heart skips when I"m with you 当我与你在一起时, 我的心不停地敲打着,不停地跳动着 Yeah, but I still don"t understand 耶,但我仍旧不明白 Just how your love can do what no on else can 你的爱已没有什么可以给予的了 Got me lookin so crazy right now 只有让你的爱给予我,多么疯狂 Your love"s got me lookin so crazy right now 你给予我你的爱,看我变得多么疯狂 (Your love) (你的爱) Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"s 你抚摸我时,看我变得多么疯狂 Got me lookin so crazy right now 看我变得多么疯狂 (Your touch) (你的触摸) Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"s 给我希望,告诉我现在给我一个吻 Lookin so crazy your love"s got me lookin 你给我爱,看起来多么疯狂 Got me lookin so crazy your love 给我你的爱,哦看起来多么疯狂 I"m warmed up now 我感到越来越温暖 Let"s go 一起走吧 Young hova (不懂) Ya"ll know when the flow is loco 你知道当..(不懂) Young b and the r-o-c uh oh O-g, big homie像家庭一样舒适自在 The one and only 唯一的 Stick boney but the pockets are fat like tony Soprano the roc handle Like van exel I shake phonies man, you can"t get next to A genuine article, I do not sing tho I sling though , if anything I bling yo Star like ringo 星星像戒指 War like a green berret 战士像初级童军 You"re crazy bring your whole set 带着你的所有,一起疯狂 Jay-Z in the range 在这范围内 Crazy and deranged 痴迷与疯狂 They can"t figure him out 他们捉摸不透他 They"re like "hey is he insane?" 他们总说“他是不是疯子?” Yes sir I"m cut from a different cloth 是的先生,我就是与众不同 My texture is the best fur, I"m chinchilla 我的特征在于这最好的皮毛,(怪怪的)我是金色金吉拉 I"ve been ill of the chain smokers 我已成为一个生病的被束缚的吸烟者 How you think I go the name hova 你如何理解我的名字 I"ve been reala" 我已准备好 The game"s over 游戏已结束 Fall back young ever since 自始至终我总是退却 I made you change over to platinum 我让你变得富有 The game"s been a wrap 直到游戏消失后 One Got me looking so crazy, my baby 我看起来多么疯狂,我的宝贝 I"m not myself lately 迟些后我将不是我自己 I"m foolish, I don"t do this 我是个傻瓜,我不会这样做 I"ve been played myself 我会自己玩 Baby I don"t care 宝贝我不介意 Cuz your love got the best of me 因为你给我你最好的爱 And baby you"re making a fool of me 因为你的爱让我变成了一个傻瓜 You got me sprung and I don"t care who sees 你给我春光,我不在意我是谁 Cuz baby you got me so crazy 因为你让我疯狂 Got me lookin so crazy right now 现在我看起来多么疯狂 Your love"s got me lookin so crazy right now 给我你的爱,我看起来多么疯狂 (Your love (你的爱) Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"s 当你抚摸我时我是多么疯狂 Got me lookin so crazy right now 让我看起来多么疯狂 (Your touch) Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"s 给我希望,告诉我你会给我一个吻 Got me hoping you save me right now 我希望你拯救我 Lookin so crazy your love"s got me lookin 你给予我爱,让我看起来多么疯狂 got me lookin so crazy your love 你的爱让我看起来多么疯狂 (Repeat to end)
2023-07-06 17:42:271


姓名:李俊基Lee Jun Ki 生日:1982年4月17日 身高:178cm 体重:63kg 宗教信仰:天主教 爱好:跆拳道,唱歌跳舞,看电影 学历:汉城艺术大学,电影专业(现在汉城艺大休学中) 喜欢的食物:烧酒和咖啡 家庭成员:爸爸,妈妈,还有一个妹妹 出道:2001年SO-BASIC广告模特 电影:日韩合拍电影《维纳斯宾馆》,韩国2004年12月上映的《芭蕾舞学院》,2005年12月29日上映的《王的男人》 电视剧:日韩合拍电视剧《星的声音》,2004年KBS2短剧《我怎么办》,2005年12月14日上映的剧集《MY GIRL》。 广告:iAudio MP3广告,某品牌纸巾广告,KFC广告 MV参与:CLAZZIQUAI的《SWEETY》,姜成勋的《珍惜的故事》。
2023-07-06 17:42:355

求一张很早以前war3的RPG地图,名字叫做starcrat rpg 1~3players

你应该去U9里查一下~你还记得那张地图名字里一两个字吗 ?你说的着张图我好像没完过 !看来我学识浅薄呀
2023-07-06 17:42:481

Tiny Masters Of Today的《Ghost Star》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghost Star歌手:Tiny Masters Of Today专辑:SkeletonsSiobhan Donaghy - GhostsFull mug my friends certainly familiarAh, hear that glitch say search the orbsTree-ann said it his seize the circusRam"s wool that cause way a cricusFull mug my friends certainly familiarWarmy funny Anna say say maluskaSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahPhwoar so spirit smother me inAh, hear that glitch fought and oughtFuel full fat her glass of milkWarm sitting here, sitting in bedSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahFull mug my friends certainly familiarAh, hear that glitch say search the orbsSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeah
2023-07-06 17:42:551

5 Star Grave - Core Dead 歌词

I see you"ve found a box of my things -Infantries, tanks and smoldering airplane wings.These old pictures are cool. Tell me some storiesWas it like the old war movies?Sit down son. Let me fill you inWhere to begin? Let"s start with the endThis black and white photo don"t capture the skinFrom the flash of a gun to a soldier who"s doneTrust me grandsonThe war was in colorFrom shipyard to sea, From factory to skyFrom rivet to rifle, from boot camp to battle cryI wore the mask up high on a daylight runThat held my face in its clammy handCrawled over coconut logs and corpses in the coral sandWhere to begin? Let箂 start with the endThis black and white photo don"t capture the skinFrom the shock of a shell or the memory of smellIf red is for HellThe war was in colorI held the canvas bag over the railingThe dead released, with the ship still sailing,Out of our hands and into the swallowing seaI felt the crossfire stitching up soldiersInto a blanket of dead, and as the night grows colderIn a window back home, a Blue Star is traded for Gold.Where to begin? Let"s start with the endThis black and white photo don"t capture the skinWhen metal is churned. And bodies are burnedVictory earnedThe War was in colorNow I lay in my grave at age 21Long before you were bornBefore I bore a sonWhat good did it do?Well hopefully for youA world without warA life full of colorWhere to begin? Let"s start with the endThis black and white photo never captured my skinOnce it was torn from an enemy thornStraight through the coreThe war was in color
2023-07-06 17:43:021


  阿甘正传观后感英文1   Although jeny died,the code is consummate.their little child is clever and their will be happy.   I appriate and like the film very hand the film tells several stories clearly in limited time.the content is affluent and the tie of charactors is plex but clear.on the other hand ,we can get revelations from it.first,if you want to be happy,you must treat youself correctly.if you take your weakness seriously,it will be exaggerated and effect you in bad fact sometimes your weakness is just your luck.second,when you intend to try somehing ,do your best.if only you put your heart into it and don"t mind anything else,you will success.third,be an honest and genuine offer you kindness to others and in return you will get more.last,we should treasure what we own now,and express your life freely.   The film worthes our attention.   To be honest, this is the first time i ever write a review of a movie. and this beginning is a tough one—with an oscar winner as its subject, surrounding which there is considerably controversy over the values it has questioned, the thoughts it tried to implicitly convey, and the art of the movie itself.   The following discussion will go on as a dissection of this movie into several aspects. this dissection is, however, necessarily inprehensive, and i would just try to make it a original review in the eyes of a busy, yet inspirational student of science who, from time to time, glances at the palace of arts with admiration and, more importantly, love.   Forrest gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower iq and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can"t be successful in doing anything. but, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!   In the contention of the best picture of the 67th oscar award in 1995, filmhave got six grand prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . the film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of u.s.a."s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as u.s.a. from one unique angle.   film adapt winston · novel of the same name of groom since. only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. this undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel"s taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film bee one kind and idealize ethical symbol.   阿甘正传观后感英文2   Ever find the grind of life getting you down Is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under If so, there is a movie out there that can replenish your energy and refresh your outlook. Passionate and magical, Forrest Gump is a tonic for the weary of spirit. For those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead.   Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can"t be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!   In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A."s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston novel of the same name of Groom since.   Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one"s word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has bee the degenerate symbol. And write the great discrepancy originally in this.   To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy position, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too.   Success with mercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director"s art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to bee U.S.A. in.   Tom Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film. He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. This second movie emperor"s money already whom he obtained in succession looks like. Success of , make Tom Hanks bee one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers .   Life is like a box of chocolate.
2023-07-06 17:43:301

纳尼亚传奇2 结尾得 歌叫什么

Prince Caspian The Call Regina Spektor
2023-07-06 17:43:383

有谁知道碧昂斯的crazy in love的歌词?

  Yes! so crazy right now   耶!实在是太疯狂了   Most incredibly   太难以置信了   It"s your girl b   那是你的女孩   It"s your boy young   那是你的男孩   History in the makin   创造历史吧   Part 2   I look and stare so deep in your eyes   我深深地凝视着你的瞳孔   I touch on you more and more every time   每一次我越来越多地提及到你   When you leave I"m beggin you not to go   当你离开时我准备随你而去发现你没走   Call your name two, three times in a row   两次叫你的名字,又陆续再第三次叫你   Such a funny thing for me to try to explain   我尝试着向你表白这般有趣的事情   How I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame   我感受到,是我的骄傲造成的错   Yeah, cause I know I don"t understand   耶,因为我知道我不理解你   Just how your love can do what no on else can   你的爱已没有什么可以给予的了   Got me lookin so crazy right now   只有让你的爱给予我,多么疯狂   Your love"s got me lookin so crazy right now   你给予我你的爱,看我变得多么疯狂   (Your love)   (你的爱)   Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"s   你抚摸我时,看我变得多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy right now   看我变得多么疯狂   (Your touch)   (你的触摸)   Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"s   给我希望,告诉我现在给我一个吻   Lookin so crazy your love"s got me lookin   你给我爱,看起来多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy your love   给我你的爱,哦看起来多么疯狂   When I talk to my friends so quietly   当我悄悄的告诉我朋友时   "Who he think he is?" Look at what you"ve done to me   “他以为他自己是谁啊?”看着无论你对我做了什么   Tennis shoes don"t even need to buy a new dress   网球鞋甚至不需要搭配新裙子   You ain"t there, ain"t nobody else to impress   你并不在这里,也就没有人能够铭刻在我记忆中   It"s the way that you know what I thought I knew   这样才能让你知道我所想,我所知   It"s the beat that my heart skips when I"m with you   当我与你在一起时, 我的心不停地敲打着,不停地跳动着   Yeah, but I still don"t understand   耶,但我仍旧不明白   Just how your love can do what no on else can   你的爱已没有什么可以给予的了   Got me lookin so crazy right now   只有让你的爱给予我,多么疯狂   Your love"s got me lookin so crazy right now   你给予我你的爱,看我变得多么疯狂   (Your love)   (你的爱)   Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"s   你抚摸我时,看我变得多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy right now   看我变得多么疯狂   (Your touch)   (你的触摸)   Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"s   给我希望,告诉我现在给我一个吻   Lookin so crazy your love"s got me lookin   你给我爱,看起来多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy your love   给我你的爱,哦看起来多么疯狂   I"m warmed up now   我感到越来越温暖   Let"s go   一起走吧   Young hova   (不懂)   Ya"ll know when the flow is loco   你知道当..(不懂)   Young b and the r-o-c uh oh   O-g, big homie像家庭一样舒适自在   The one and only   唯一的   Stick boney but the pockets are fat like tony   Soprano the roc handle   Like van exel   I shake phonies man, you can"t get next to   A genuine article, I do not sing tho   I sling though , if anything I bling yo   Star like ringo   星星像戒指   War like a green berret   战士像初级童军   You"re crazy bring your whole set   带着你的所有,一起疯狂   Jay-Z in the range   在这范围内   Crazy and deranged   痴迷与疯狂   They can"t figure him out   他们捉摸不透他   They"re like "hey is he insane?"   他们总说“他是不是疯子?”   Yes sir I"m cut from a different cloth   是的先生,我就是与众不同   My texture is the best fur, I"m chinchilla   我的特征在于这最好的皮毛,(怪怪的)我是金色金吉拉   I"ve been ill of the chain smokers   我已成为一个生病的被束缚的吸烟者   How you think I go the name hova   你如何理解我的名字   I"ve been reala"   我已准备好   The game"s over   游戏已结束   Fall back young ever since   自始至终我总是退却   I made you change over to platinum   我让你变得富有   The game"s been a wrap   直到游戏消失后   One   Got me looking so crazy, my baby   我看起来多么疯狂,我的宝贝   I"m not myself lately   迟些后我将不是我自己   I"m foolish, I don"t do this   我是个傻瓜,我不会这样做   I"ve been played myself   我会自己玩   Baby I don"t care   宝贝我不介意   Cuz your love got the best of me   因为你给我你最好的爱   And baby you"re making a fool of me   因为你的爱让我变成了一个傻瓜   You got me sprung and I don"t care who sees   你给我春光,我不在意我是谁   Cuz baby you got me so crazy   因为你让我疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy right now   现在我看起来多么疯狂   Your love"s got me lookin so crazy right now   给我你的爱,我看起来多么疯狂   (Your love   (你的爱)   Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"s   当你抚摸我时我是多么疯狂   Got me lookin so crazy right now   让我看起来多么疯狂   (Your touch)   Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"s   给我希望,告诉我你会给我一个吻   Got me hoping you save me right now   我希望你拯救我   Lookin so crazy your love"s got me lookin   你给予我爱,让我看起来多么疯狂   got me lookin so crazy your love   你的爱让我看起来多么疯狂
2023-07-06 17:43:441


《阿甘正传》观后感:To be honest, Ive never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person cant be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, ,he also manages to retain that innocence through some very difficult times. I love Forrest that he doesnt lose his purity through the movie, or maybe he just cant ,but either way, this shows us dont need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful.It is just a movie, so maybe it doesnt work like that in reality.A simply means is that the acting and story of this film got a high level like the real . And in my definition thats what a good movie should be able to do.译文老实说,我以前从未在电影中见过像阿甘那样的人。阿甘不幸地天生智商较低,而且有肌肉问题,通常人们总是认为这种人做任何事情都不会成功。但是,相反,这个不幸的人取得了许多令人难以置信的成功,他是一个足球明星,一个战争英雄,后来成了百万富翁!阿甘不仅与他人分享他的纯真和纯洁,他还设法在一些非常困难的时期保持这种纯真。我喜欢福勒斯特,因为他没有在电影中失去他的纯洁,或者也许他就是不能,但不管怎样,这表明我们不需要邪恶或真正的智慧才能被认可或成功。这只是一部电影,所以在现实中可能不是这样的。一个简单的方法是这部电影的表演和故事达到了真实的高度。根据我的定义,这就是一部好电影应该能做到的。
2023-07-06 17:44:011


2023-07-06 17:44:443