barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-06 17:21:24
TAG: si do 日语

ZARD - あなたと共に生きてゆく




★ VAN制作

阳だまりの中で 手をつないで歩いた

いつもと同じ街并 今日は辉いて见える

最近 涙もろい母には これから

心配かけたくないわ 见守って 优しく


小さな幸せ 抱きしめ 切ない 痛みさえも



今は谁よりも 心强い 爱して 伤つくこと

おびえてた日はもう远い 静かに时は流れ

孤独に泣いてた日々 あなたと出会った

女としての幸せ 初めて知ったの私

不安に揺れることも 眠れぬ夜もある

最高のステージにして 人生の记念日


小さな梦を抱きしめて 确かな爱 信じて



今は何も迷わないわ 旅立つ遥かな道

二人なら 仱暝饯à椁欷


二人なら 仱暝饯à椁欷


★ VAN制作






What do you have for summer?根据实际回答问题

2023-07-06 15:09:545


2023-07-06 15:10:112

有首歌里面歌词是baby i know,男生唱的,抒情歌,不是英文

是不是东方神起的CRAZY LOVE?
2023-07-06 15:10:192


duohai fan
2023-07-06 15:10:287


  一个人练英语口语怎么练最有效?大多数人在下定决心搞定英语口语时,难免会遇到以下种种情况,诸如:没有童鞋一起陪练,更没有外国朋友,英语语言环境也相对缺失,又没有很多时间,白天要上学或上班,没有时间去参加什么培训班,英语角等等,更不用说出国了。面对这样的状况,我们如何利用现有的资源练好口语呢?办法总比问题多!我为大家整理了英语口语经典120句,背完这些你的英语口语就差不多了!    英语口语常用120个句型汇总   1. I see. 我明白了。   2. I quit! 我不干了!   3. Let go! 放手!   4. Me too. 我也是。   5. My god! 天哪!   6. No way! 不行!   7. Come on. 来吧。   8. Hold on. 等一等。   9. I agree。 我同意。   10. Not bad. 还不错。   11. Not yet. 还没。   12. See you. 再见。   13. Shut up! 闭嘴!   14. So long. 再见。   15. Why not? 好呀!   16. Allow me. 让我来。   17. Be quiet! 安静点!   18. Cheer up! 振作起来!   19. Good job! 做得好!   20. Have fun! 玩得开心!   21. How much? 多少钱?   22. I"m full. 我饱了。   23. I"m home. 我回来了。   24. I"m lost. 我迷路了。   25. My treat. 我请客。   26. So do I. 我也一样。   27. This way。 这边请。   28. After you. 您先。   29. Bless you! 祝福你!   30. Follow me. 跟我来。   31. Forget it! 休想!   32. Good luck! 祝好运!   33. I decline! 我拒绝!   34. I promise. 我保证。   35. Of course! 当然了!   36. Slow down! 慢点!   37. Take care! 保重!   38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。   39. Try again. 再试试。   40. Watch out! 当心。   41. What"s up? 有什么事吗?   42. Be careful! 注意!   43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!   44. Don"t move! 不许动!   45. Guess what? 猜猜看?   46. I doubt it 我怀疑。   47. I think so. 我也这么想   48. I"m single. 我是单身贵族。   49. Keep it up! 坚持下去!   50. Let me see.让我想想   51. Never mind.不要紧。   52. No problem! 没问题!   53. That"s all! 就这样!   54. Time is up. 时间快到了。   55. What"s new? 有什么新鲜事吗?   56. Count me on 算上我。   57. Don"t worry. 别担心。   58. Feel better? 好点了吗?   59. I love you! 我爱你!   60. I"m his fan。 我是他的影迷。   61. Is it yours? 这是你的吗?   62. That"s neat. 这很好。   63. Are you sure? 你肯定吗?   64. Do l have to 非做不可吗?   65. He is my age. 他和我同岁。   66. Here you are. 给你。   67. No one knows . 没有人知道。   68. Take it easy. 别紧张。   69. What a pity! 太遗憾了!   70. Any thing else? 还要别的吗?   71. To be careful! 一定要小心!   72. Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗?   73. Help yourself. 别客气。   74. I"m on a diet. 我在节食。   75. Keep in Touch. 保持联络。   76. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。   77. Who"s calling? 是哪一位?   78. You did right. 你做得对。   79. You set me up! 你出卖我!   80. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?   81. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!   82. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。   83. Give me a hand! 帮帮我!   84. How"s it going? 怎么样?   85. I have no idea. 我没有头绪。   86. I just made it! 我做到了!   87. I"ll see to it 我会留意的。   88. I"m in a hurry! 我在赶时间!   89. It"s her field. 这是她的本行。   90. It"s up to you. 由你决定。   91. Just wonderful! 简直太棒了!   92. What about you? 你呢?   93. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。   94. You"re welcome. 不客气。   95. Any day will do. 哪一天都行。   96. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!   97. Congratulations! 祝贺你!   98. T can"t help it. 我情不自禁。   99. I don"t mean it. 我不是故意的。   100. I"ll fix you Up. 我会帮你打点的   101. It sounds great!. 听起来很不错。   102. It"s a fine day。 今天是个好天。   103. So far,So good. 目前还不错。   104. What time is it? 几点了?   105. You can make it! 你能做到!   106. Control yourself! 克制一下!   107. He came by train. 他乘火车来。   108. He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床。   109. He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。   110. How"s everything? 一切还好吧?   111. I have no choice. 我别无选择。   112. I like ice-cream. 我喜欢吃冰淇淋。   113. I love this game. 我钟爱这项运动。   114. I"ll try my best. 我尽力而为。   115. I"m On your side. 我全力支持你。   116. Long time no see! 好久不见!   117. No pain,no gain. 不劳无获。   118. Well,it depends 噢,这得看情况。   119. We"re all for it. 我们全都同意。   120. What a good deal! 真便宜!   托福口语素材 揭穿七大的“假真相”   1. 企鹅伴侣厮守终生   几年前,《快乐的大脚》等多部以企鹅为题材的电影热映,令这种憨态可掬的可爱动物风靡全球。与此同时,“企鹅伴侣厮守终生”的说法也在年轻人尤其是小情侣间流传开来。尽管这个说法很动听,但它并不是事实。目前大约有18个企鹅物种,它们的交配习性在本质上相似。交配季期间,它们会与选定的伴侣厮守在一起。但当下一个交配季来临时,它们会再次选择合适的配偶,不论对方是不是自己的“旧爱”。对于筑巢的企鹅来说,交配季时还会上演肥皂剧戏码。例如阿德利公企鹅会筑好巢穴接受母企鹅检查,如果公企鹅之前的配偶来到了,“旧爱”可能会将“新欢”赶出巢穴。   2. 梵高割下整只耳朵   据史料记载,荷兰著名画家文森特u2022梵高曾割掉耳朵,后在法国瓦兹河饮弹自杀。但需要澄清的是,梵高割掉的不是整只耳朵,而是一部分耳垂。至于梵高割耳事件,有几个不同的版本。有人说他是割下耳朵洗净放在信封里,送给一名妓女;有人说他是在得知自己经济和情感的支柱——弟弟——即将结婚的消息后,精神崩溃割掉耳朵;还有人认为是梵高与好友、同样赫赫有名的画家高更争执时,被高更用剑砍掉了耳朵。   3. 拿破仑是个矮子   在心理学上有一个概念,被称为“拿破仑情结”,也叫作“矮个子症候群”。简单来说,就是矮个子比高个子更有暴力倾向。不难看出,身材矮小已成为贴在拿破仑身上最醒目的标签之一。人们普遍认为拿破仑是个矮子,这一看法源于他临终时测得的身高为5英尺2英寸(约合1.57米),但这是法国旧度量制度测量的结果,按照现在的单位换算,拿破仑的身高接近5英尺7英寸(约合1.7米),在他所处的年代这属于平均身高。那么,拿破仑为何被称作“小士兵”(Le Petit Caporel)?这是对他的爱称,而非取笑。   4. 富兰克林建议选火鸡当美国国鸟   本杰明u2022富兰克林发明了避雷针,是一名杰出的发明家,也是美国著名政治家。有历史故事称,富兰克林不满意白头鹰作为美国国鸟,他建议选用火鸡。这其实是误读。在富兰克林写给女儿的一封信中,他讥讽一个私人军事组织将白头鹰用于印章,但他嘲笑的是印章上的白头鹰看起来像火鸡,而不是说火鸡更适合做美国国鸟。   5. 人只有五种感觉   古希腊哲学家亚里士多德认为,人有五种感觉:视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉。直至今日,这种说法仍得到主流科学家们的认同,因为这五种感觉能被检测出来。人还有其他的感觉吗。当然,疼痛、饥饿、口渴、冷热等等都是人的感觉,但不是通过前面五个“官”感知,而是地地道道、没有清晰位置或表现的感觉,这些感觉多达10至20种。   6. 乔治u2022华盛顿有一口木质假牙   提起乔治u2022华盛顿,绝大多数人会马上联想到三件事:他是美国首任总统,他小时候砍倒了一棵樱桃树以及他有一口木质假牙。其中,至少有一件事不是真的,虽然华盛顿的牙口确实不好,但他的假牙不是木头做的。曾任美国加州大学洛杉矶牙科学院院长的里德尔u2022索格内斯德深入研究了华盛顿的假牙。他宣称,华盛顿配过多副假牙,有铅制的、象牙的,也有使用人的、牛的以及其他动物的牙齿,但没有当时流行的木质假牙。而且,华盛顿的牙齿并不是全部脱落,到总统就职典礼时,除假牙外,他还有一颗真牙能够承担咀嚼工作。   7. 爱因斯坦学习成绩差   经常有学生考砸了,就拿出“爱因斯坦小时候学习成绩也不好”的说辞为自己辩解。但事实上,爱因斯坦上学时一直在班级里成绩拔尖,他十几岁时就掌握了微积分。至于爱因斯坦为何会落下一个“坏学生”的名声,这与他的言行有关。爱因斯坦成绩好,但并不循规蹈矩、对老师的话言听计从,他遇事喜欢自己思考、提出自己的见解,也因此经常顶撞老师。   将你口译的内容对比下面的原文翻译   1. Penguins Mate for Life   During the mid-2000s, films like "Happy Feet" made penguins all the rage, and young lovers went around spouting off facts like "penguins mate for life." While the idea is sweet, it"s not exactly true.Penguins usually stick with their partners through the mating season, but when it"s time to mate again, they choose whomever is convenient, not necessarily their old flame.   2. Vincent Van Gogh Cut Off His Entire Ear   This is not entirely true. It was not his entire ear - just the tip of the lobe - and some say he didn"t even do it. Van Gogh lived with artist Paul Gauguin, who had quite a violent temper, and many believe Gauguin actually did the cutting.Either way, Van Gogh did reportedly send the tip to a prostitute.   3. Napoleon Bonaparte was Short   Everyone knows Napoleon Bonaparte was a tiny man - after all, his nickname was "le Petit Corporal." His reputation for being short even inspired the phenomenon known as the "Napoleon complex."In reality, Napoleon stood around 5 feet and 7 inches tall, which was very average back in the day. Many believe his nickname was meant as a term of endearment, not a reference to his height.   4. Ben Franklin Preferred a Turkey to a Bald Eagle   The bald eagle is certainly a well-known representation of America, but legend has it that if Ben Franklin had his way, a turkey would have been much better. In reality, Franklin wrote a letter to his daughter mocking the eagle symbol used in a seal by the Society of the Cincinnati, a private military group.He said it looked like a turkey and may as well be one.   5. You Have Five Senses   If you remember learning about the senses in elementary school, you know humans possess five: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. Most scientists agree, however, that you have more like 10-20 senses, including pain, hunger, thirst, temperature, and more.   6. George Washington had Wooden Teeth   George Washington is known for three things: being the first president, chopping down a cherry tree, and having wooden teeth. At least one of these is certainly not true. While Washington did have bad teeth, his dentures were not wooden.   7. Einstein was a Bad Student   If you ever made bad grades and pulled the old "Albert Einstein used to make bad grades" card with your parents or teachers, you are lucky you got away with it. In reality, Einstein was at the top of his class and mastered calculus when he was barely a teenager.The reputation he developed for being a bad student had more to do with his behavior. He liked to talk back to his teachers.
2023-07-06 15:10:421


2023-07-06 15:11:095


八年级上册的期末复习题1: "How are you? "I feel tired. "______ ?" "I have a cold"A. What"s the matter B. What"s the wrong C. What"s trouble D. See the doctor2. It _____her three weeks to study lessons.A. Spends B. cost C. waste D. takes3. We should help poor people _____housework.A. to does B. do ` C: doing D. done4. We have to listen to the teacher_____ carefully.A. after class B. after work C. before school D. during class5. Students should keep good habit, Don" t depend____ parents. Stand all by them-selves.A. on B. in C. for D. about6. The two students_____ late yesterday. A. are all B. were all C. are both D. were both7. What often makes you______ ? A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to laugh8.______ does he swim? He swims twice a week.A. How long B. How soon C. How old D. How often9.She usually starts the day____ breakfast. A. on B. at C. to D. with10.You shouldn"t eat______ for 24 hours.A. everything B. nothing C. Anything D. something11. He is not ______ young ______ me.A. so. that B. as .so C. so, as D. /,than12. The word "milk" is_____ A. countable B_ uncountable C. indent D. smoothie13."I"m sorry, I am late.." "_____ "A. That"s good B. It doesn"t matter C.,Thank you D. Here you are14.Did you see _____ people? A. some. B. any C. a little D. little 15.____was the weather? A. What B: How C. When D, Why16._____my next day _____ , I didn"t" t want to go there ..A: On; on; on B. On; off, for C. On, of; for D. In; of, 17. Was there _____water in the cup? No, there wasn"t_____A. some, some B. any, any. C: some, any D. any, some18. _____ the end of the day, science teacher was very happy.A. On B. In C. About D. At29. They had a good time _____the school trip. A. in B. to y C. on . ` D. at20. _____ he see his friend last week? A. Was B; Did . C: Does D. Do二.完形填空(15分)One morning Mr. Green is driving around the county and 1 a small bookshop. When he sees an old man 2 the side of the road, he stops his car and says to the old man, " Excuse me, I want 3 to the Sun Bookshop. Do you know it? "" Yes," the old man answers, "I 4 you the way. " He 5 Mr. Green "s car, and they drive about twelve miles. 6 they come to a small house, the old man says, " Stop here. " Mr. Green stops and 7 the house. "But this isn"t the 8, " he says to the old man." Right,” the old man answers ."this is my house ,and now I"ll show you the 9 to the book-shop. Turn around and go back nine miles. 10 You"ll see the bookshop."1. A. look for B. looking for C. finding D. find2. A. on B. in C. at D. by3. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go4. A. be going to show B. show C. will show D. am showing5. A. is getting in B. getting on C. gets into D. gets on6. A. While B. When C. Before D. After7. A. looks at B. looks for C. sees D. watches8. A. shop B. hotel C. sun D. bookshop9. A. street B. street C. way D. ways10. A. For B. As C.Thank D.On三.阅读理解(20分)(A)阅读选择正确答案Most children like watching TV. It"s very interesting. By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course ,they can also learn over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily on TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can"t see anything over the radio. TV helps to open children"s eyes. It helps to open their minds , too. They learn newer and better ways of doing things. Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are always busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late. They can" t have a good rest. How about you, my young friend?( )1. A few children go to bed late because they ______ A. are busy with their lessons B. do their homework C. watch TV D. listen to the radio( )2. Children can"t see anything ______ A. in the radio B. on the radio C. on TV D. by watching TV( )3. TV helps to open children"s ______ A. eyes and minds B. minds C. eyes or minds D. eyes( ) 4. Why do many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening? Because ______A. TV is not good B. they don"t like watching TV C. they have no time D. they want to play football( )5. Children can study better and more easily on TV because ______A. they like to watch TV B: they can hear at the same timeC. they can watch at the same time D. they can hear and watch at the same time (B)阅读并回答问题Two friends are going through the forest(森林), one friend says to the other, "If any beast(野兽) comes out from behind the trees, I will stay with you and help you. " The other friend says, " I will help you too, if any beast comes near you. " After a little time there is a great noise , and a big bear(熊) comes out from behind the trees, At once one of the friends runs and gets up in a tree. The other friend is fat; he can not get up in a tree. He lies down at the foot of the tree. He says to himself, "The bear will think I am dead. "The bear comes near him; it puts its nose down and smells(闻) him. It thinks the man is dead, so it goes away. The other friend comes down from the tree, and says," What did the bear say to you when it put its mouth so near to your ear?” The friend answers," the bear said, "if a friend runs away from you when you need his help most, he is not a real friend. " "6. Where are the two friends?7. What does the thin friend do when a big bear comes out?8. What does the bear think after it smells the fat man?9. Are they real friends?10. What friends are real ones?四.根据要求转换句型(20分)1.He has breakfast at school. (变为否定句)2.They often go to see a film. (对划线部分提问)3.Mike does his homework on Saturday.(变为一般疑问句)4.I have a sore back. (对划线部分提问)5. He is playing basketball now: ( 用every afternoon改写句子)_______________________________6: It takes him three days to mend the subway. (同义句)7. The tourists are going sightseeing (对划线部分提问)8.She began to learn English in 1998. (变为一般疑问句) 9. He often goes home on foot. (对划线部分提问)10. Jack usually watches TV on Sunday. (对划线部分提问)五.用所给词的适当形式填空(15分)1.He is _______(good) at English than me.2. We ________(watch) TV tomorrow evening.3. Look! A boy ______(play) football there.4.Jim is ________(athletic)than his brother.5.He helped Susan_______(buy ) a new bicycle.6.My sister enjoy_________(sing) all the time.7.Ann runs as________(fast) as Linda.8.I ________(bear) in 1995.9.John is __________(tall) in our class.10. They _______(get) there at 5:00 yesterday.六.写作(10分)Peter 感冒了,今天和明天不能上学,请你以他的名义给Smith 老师写一封请假条。参考答案:一、1-5 ADBDA 6-10 CADDC 11-15 CBBBB 16-20 BBDCB二、1-5 BADCD 6-10 BADCC三、1-5 CBACD6.In the forest. 7.He gets up in a tree.8.It thinks he is dead. 9.No, they aren"t.10.The friends who help each other.四.句型转换(20)1.He doesn"t have breakfast at school.2.How often do they go to see a film?3.Does Mike do his homework on Saturday?4.What"s wrong with you?5.He plays basketball every afternoon.6.He spends three days mending the subway.7.Who are going sightseeing.8.Did she begin to learn English in 1998? 9.How does he go home?10.What does Jack usually do on Sunday?五.适当形式填空(15分)1.better 2.are playing 4.more athletic 5.buy6.singing 8.was born 9.the tallest 10.got六.写作.(10分)
2023-07-06 15:11:363

到菲律宾巴拉望, 请教前往岛上各区的交通攻略?

菲律宾的巴拉望有三个主要旅游区:普林塞萨港(或公主港)Puerto Princesa 艾尔尼多(或爱妮岛)Elni do 科隆岛Coron 普林塞萨港(或公主港)Puerto Princesa 有国际航线的机场 台湾有班次直航 往Elni do 有陆路连接 可以坐巴士/van 前往 车程约5小时 往Coron 需要坐船每星期三和六有航班出发 航程15小时 往马尼拉 飞机:飞行时间为1h 20m 坐船:航程7.5小时 艾尔尼多(或爱妮岛)Elni do 有机场 只有从马尼拉的班机 飞行时间为1小时15分 往 Puerto Princesa 可坐巴士/Van 车程约5小时 往Coron有渡轮 分快船和慢船 快船:航程3~3.5小时 一天一班 慢船:6小时 科隆岛Coron 有机场 有往马尼拉和长滩岛的班次 往返马尼拉 船:每星期两班 航程15小时 飞机:不是每天有航班 飞行时间为1小时 往Elni do有渡轮 分快船和慢船 快船:航程3~3.5小时 一天一班 慢船:6小时 往Puerto Princesa 坐船 每星期三和六有航班出发 航程15小时 参考: backpackers/forum/showthread?t=1940272
2023-07-06 15:11:441

一个男生经常对你说一些什么Do you like玩游戏是什么意思

《森林》是一款偏硬核的沙盒生存类游戏,其开发商Endnight Games早在2014年就发行了游戏的抢先测试版本,虽然当时游戏整体相当简陋、BUG颇多,但是凭借其独特的玩法和故事背景,《森林》逐渐在喜欢生存类游戏和独立游戏的玩家圈内有了一定的知名度。
2023-07-06 15:11:542

do you like 玩游戏 是 什么意思

Do you like what you see?你喜欢你看到的东西吗?by van Darkholme
2023-07-06 15:12:033


do you like want you see
2023-07-06 15:12:405


2023-07-06 15:12:532


2023-07-06 15:13:001


there is boats swanssome boys and girls are swinning there are
2023-07-06 15:13:084

Laat Me Vrij 歌词

歌曲名:Laat Me Vrij歌手:Andre Hazes专辑:StrijdlustigSongs Title:Laat Me VrijArtist:X!nkoveral spelen ze de baasal die wetten vind ik zo dwaaser zijn regels, overtreed ze nietik vind dat hypocrietje mag niet doen wat je wilik hou me niet meer stilDit leven is van mij,zeg me niet steeds wat ik moet doenDit leven is van mij,ik volg jemaar laat me vrijal die regels maken mij moewat is dit voor gedoegooi je mening in de strijddraag je naam met waardigheidals je wil kan je alles aanen al je zorgen kan je verslaanDit leven is van mij,zeg me niet steeds wat ik moet doenDit leven is van mij,ik volg jemaar laat me vrij(laat me vrij)Dit leven is van mij,zeg me niet steeds wat ik moet doenDit leven is van mij,ik volg jemaar laat me vrijik hoop dat je het nu wel weetdat je het nooit vergeeten dat je zal verstaanwaar alles is misgegaanDit leven is van mij,zeg me niet steeds wat ik moet doenDit leven is van mij,ik volg jemaar laat me vrijDit leven is van mij,zeg me niet steeds wat ik moet doen(laat me vrij)Dit leven is van mij,ik volg jemaar laat me vrij.
2023-07-06 15:13:151


Real Name: Kim-Lian van der Meij Profile: Dutch (25% Indonesian) singer & presenter of a TV show for kids born on October 1, 1980. 荷兰( 25 %印度尼西亚)生于80年10月1号, Beverwijk 是荷兰音乐剧演员,主持人和歌手词曲作者。 Kim-Lian comes from a musical family. Both her parents were professional dancers, her mother even could be found on the dancefloor when she was pregnant. Kim-Lian won in her childhood different dance contests and joined regularly a lip-synch show. When she was 6 and 11 she joined the Dutch program "The Mini Playbackshow" (a lip-synch contest on national TV). When she turned 16 she was signed at several castings and model agencies. Very quickly she was asked for little roles in Dutch TV-programs such as Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden, Kees & Co and more. After doing a screening at the channel Veronica she was a presenter of Calltv. From 2001 till 2002 she presented Puzzeltijd (Puzzletime). After she quit Puzzeltijd there was a silence around Kim-Lian. But since 2003 she was asked to present the Kids Top 20 for the children network Jetix. This TV-program was viewed by 200.000 children every week. For this program she won the highest award in Holland for a children program: the Gouden Stuiver (The Golden Nickel). Kim-Lian 的音乐说是纯正的摇滚风格可能谁都不会信,有点类似 Avril 的那流行摇滚曲风,歌曲里有抒情也有少年摇滚在里面,甚至加上了电子舞曲的元素让整张专辑变得更加好听,Kim-Lian 是荷兰人,那里似乎很少有出名的歌手,Kim-Lian 对荷兰人来说就更加珍贵了! 她和她的乐团到目前共创作了2张专辑,除了2006年发行的《Just Do It》,就是2004年5月发行的<Balance>,当时专辑封面的她染了一头鲜红的短发,眨看之下以为 Lindsay Lohan呢,真的有点像,但仅限於第一张的封面,其实她和 Llindsay 的相貌还是有一定差距的.总之第一张的成绩还是不错,英国许多音乐节目都曾邀请她参与.而她的《Balance》在亚洲也有发行,在新加坡,马来西亚等地都曾登上过排行榜 《Just Do It》这张专辑与第一张的风格大致相同,依然采用流行摇滚舞曲相结合的方式演绎,很适合女孩子听.值得一提的是她的嗓音,在高音区域很有爆发力,不过唱摇滚似乎有点力不从心!推荐本专辑几首优秀佳作,你们可以多听听,真的很好听很好听:<Anywhere i go> <Stronger> <Road to heaven> <Should"ve kissed you> <In vain>,另外专辑特别收录了<Road to heaven>的 Remix 舞曲版! 生活其实有很多种,Kim-Lian 的声音中带著令人振奋的庞克元素,当听到 Kim-Lian 的歌时,你幻想著的会是一种热力四射的生活。她的歌很难找, 也是一个很棒的歌手~ 官网:
2023-07-06 15:13:331

Do you like 玩♂游戏

2023-07-06 15:13:482

What are the best outdoor activities to do in Vancouver?

As an language model, I do not have personal experiences, but here are some popular outdoor activities to do in Vancouver:1. Hiking in the mountns - Vancouver is surrounded by mountns with some of the best hiking trls. Grouse Grind, Stawamus Chief, and Lynn Canyon are some popular ones.2. Cycling around Stanley Park - Stanley Park is a vast park with numerous scenic cycling paths, beautiful beaches and dining options.3. Kayaking in False Creek - Rent a kayak or join a tour to explore the beautiful waters and enjoy spectacular views of the city.4. Skiing and snowboarding in local mountns - Vancouver is home to spectacular ski resorts like Whistler Blackcomb and Cypress Mountn that attract ski enthusiasts throughout the year.5. Beachcombing and swimming- Kitsilano Beach, English Bay, and Spanish Banks offer beautiful sandy beaches, where visitors can sunbathe, swim, and enjoy water sports.6. Island hopping - There are several islands off the coast of Vancouver, such as Bowen Island and Galiano Island, which can be accessed by ferry and offer unique experiences.
2023-07-06 15:13:562

介绍下Do As Infinity这里有他们的简介~他们是由制作人大度亮组成的团体,从出道为《2000年之恋》作主题曲dear friend到后来的专辑都相当受欢迎,后来经历了其中一名成员脱离团体到现在的解散,现在只剩主唱伴都美子活跃于幕前,今年还发行她的个人专辑
2023-07-06 15:14:043


Two persons: Victor Van Dort (man)Victoria Everglot (woman)Victor - First Name, Van Dort - SurnameVictoria - First Name, Everglot - Surname
2023-07-06 15:14:113

But I Do Love You (Ian Van Da 歌词

歌曲名:But I Do Love You (Ian Van Da歌手:LeAnn Rimes专辑:But I Do Love You - Remixes - EPBut I Do Love YouLeAnn RimesI dont like to be alone in the nightAnd I dont like to hear Im wrong when Im rightAnd I dont like to have the rain on my shoeBut I do love you, but I do love youI dont like to see the sky painted grayAnd I dont like when nothings going my wayAnd I dont like to be the one with the bluesBut I do love you, but I do love youLove everything about the way youre loving meThe way you lay your headUpon my shoulder when you sleepAnd I love to kiss you in the rainI love everything you do, oh I doI dont like to turn the radio onJust to find I missed my favorite songAnd I dont like to be the last with the newsBut I do love you, but I do love youLove everything about the way youre loving meThe way you lay your headUpon my shoulder when you sleepAnd I love to kiss you in the rainI love everything you do, oh I doAnd I dont like to be alone in the nightAnd I dont like to hear Im wrong when Im rightAnd I dont like to have the rain on my shoesBut I do love you but I do love youBut I do love you but I do love youby lune
2023-07-06 15:14:191

“making do without the minivan”的文章范译

2023-07-06 15:14:283

It was late on a snowing night. Doctor Van was driving fast to the hospital to do an operation ...

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:D小题4:B小题5:C 试题分析:这篇短文中着急的父亲因为担心自己的孩子,急切的想看到他。就抢了去救自己儿子命的医生的车,从而耽误了治疗自己儿子的时间,让自己的孩子失去生命。小题1:根据第一段It was late on a snowing night. 描述,可知选B。小题2:根据短文最后一段Only then did Van know that the man was the father of that badly hurt person!描述,可知选D。小题3:根据短文最后一段Only then did Van know that the man was the father of that badly hurt person!及上文描述,可知选D,因为他很担心自己的儿子,急切的想看到他。小题4:根据The man was strong and tall while Doctor Van was not.描述,可知选B。小题5:这篇短文中着急的父亲抢了去救自己儿子命的医生的车,从而耽误了治疗自己儿子的时间,让自己的孩子失去生命。告诉我们太担心不一定有帮助。故选C。点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。
2023-07-06 15:14:461

Rock Steady (Feat Dozi) 歌词

歌曲名:Rock Steady (Feat Dozi)歌手:Irene Van Wyk专辑:Rock Steady安室奈美恵 - ROCK STEADY作词:Michico/MURO作曲:Michico/MURONo matter what they sayしっかりして荷物をまとめて街を抜け出すWe gonna show‘em that we can do it离れられる筈がないって事解ってもらうにはこれしかないI"m sorry mama行く当てもない頼る人もいない余计に燃えるBaby 以外は何もない二度と戻らない覚悟をして全てを舍ててエスケープWe"ll be okay爱の为に yeahOoo la la la,,,,,,,Let"s goDarlin" are you ready to rock steadyはなれないで rock steady真っ逆さまに落ちてく二人これじゃまるでパンジージャンプOh,get rockoh,get steadyYou never know,babyこの先がどうなるかわからないけれど止まれないI believe so you believewe can make it work, be alrightどのくらい本気なのって事试されているからこれしかないI"m sorry mamaOoo la la la,,,,,,,Let"s goDarlin" are you ready to rcck steadyはなれないで rock steady真っ逆さまに落ちてく二人これじゃまるでバンジージャンプOh,get rockoh,get steady向き合うシートゆっくりーとー动き出すトレインスピード上げてもっと远くへ何度もコールを涙で无视して邪魔されないようにエスケープWe"ll be okay爱の为に yeahOoo la la la,,,,,,,Darlin" are you ready to rock steadyはなれないで rock steady真っ逆さまに落ちてく二人これじゃまるでバンジージャンプOh,get rockoh,get steady
2023-07-06 15:14:531

shape of you里van the man什么意思

“VAN THE MAN” had its roots in the highly successful Sydney wine bar circuit of the 1970"s. “Hogan & The Becketts” (the backbone of Van the Man) played all the hits through the 80"s and 90"s, with Van Morrison being one of the favourites. In 1999 “Van the Man” was formed and started its career with a bang, being invited to perform at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. According to Richard Jinman of “The Age” ….. “sound right … oh yes! Van the Man do the business。。。。。。。。这个已经解释的很清楚了 网页链接参与过2000年悉尼奥运会演唱的音乐bank
2023-07-06 15:15:027

do you has or have

2023-07-06 15:15:162

有一首歌歌词里含Do you love me这句歌词。是什么歌?

<DO YOU LOVE ME>2NE1D.O.Y.O.U.L.O.V.E.M.ED.O.Y.O.U.L.O.V.E.M.ED.O.Y.O.U.L.O.V.E.M.ED.O.Y.O.U.L.O.V.E.DO YOU?Do you love me?Do you love me?Do you love me like the way I love you babe?Do you love me?Do you love me?Do you love me like the way I love you babe?uc608uac10uc774 ub531 ub9deuc544ub4e4uc5c8uc5b4 ub110 ub9ccub0acub358 uccabub0a0ubd80ud130uc544ubb34ub3c4 uac00uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6uc5c8ub358 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 uc0acub85cuc7a1uc558uc5b4ub09c uc6d4 ud654 uc218 ubaa9 uae08 ud1a0 uc77c uadf8ub300ub9cc uc0dduac01ud574uc544uce68 uc810uc2ec uc800ub141 uc0c8ubcbd uc628uc885uc77c uc560ud0c0uac8cuacb0ub860uc740 uacb0uad6d L O V E is What I sayub09c ub108ub780 ubc14ub2e4uc5d0 ud479 ube60uc9c4 uac83 uac19uc560ub098 ud63cuc790ub9ccuc758 ucc29uac01uc77cuae4cub10c ub098uc640 uac19ub2e4 ubbffuace0 uc2f6uc5b4ub204uad6cub3c4 ud5e4uc544ub9b4 uc21c uc5c6uc9c0ub9ccub108uc5d0uac8c ubb3buace0 uc2f6uc5b4D.O.Y.O.U.L.O.V.E.DO YOU?Do you love me?Do you love me?Do you love me like the way I love you babe?Do you love me?Do you love me?Do you love me like the way I love you babe?uae30ub9c9ud78c uc6b0ub9acuc758 ub9ccub0a8uc774 ubed4ud55c ucc29uac01uc740 uc544ub2c8uaca0uc8e0uaf49 ub9c9ud78c ub2f5ub2f5ud55c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744ud754ub4e4uc5b4uc918uc694 ROCK N ROLLub110 ucca8 ubcf8 uc21cuac04ubd80ud130 uc774ubbf8 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc740 K.Ouc544ubb34ub9ac uba4buc9c4 ub204uac00 ub0a0 uc6d0ud55cub300ub3c4 I SAY NOub10c ub098uc758 ub9d8uc758 uc5f4uc1e0ub108uc5d0uac8cub9cc ub0a0 uc5f4uac8cuc774ubc88uc774 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc0acub791uc774uc57c ub0a0 ub5a0ub098uac00uc9c0ub9c8ub098 ud63cuc790ub9ccuc758 ucc29uac01uc77cuae4cub10c ub098uc640 uac19ub2e4 ubbffuace0 uc2f6uc5b4ub204uad6cub3c4 ud5e4uc544ub9b4 uc21c uc5c6uc9c0ub9ccub108uc5d0uac8c ubb3buace0 uc2f6uc5b4D.O.Y.O.U.L.O.V.E.M.ED.O.Y.O.U.L.O.V.E.M.ED.O.Y.O.U.L.O.V.E.M.ED.O.Y.O.UDo you love me?uc0b6uc758 ub05duae4cuc9c0 uac19uc774 ud560 uc218 uc788uc744 uac83 uac19uc544uc6b0uc8fc ub05duae4cuc9c0 ud568uaed8 ud574 uc190uc744 ub193uc9c0ub9c8uc0b6uc758 ub05duae4cuc9c0 uac19uc774 ud560 uc218 uc788uc744 uac83 uac19uc544uc6b0uc8fc ub05duae4cuc9c0 ud568uaed8 ud574 uc190uc744 ub193uc9c0ub9c8Do you love me?Do you love me?Do you love me?Do you love me like the way I love you babe?Do you love me?Do you love me?Do you love me like the way I love you babe?
2023-07-06 15:15:243

how do you do the恰当回答

问题是 你觉得梵高的画怎么样? 答案A 你认为呢 B 是的,我很爱他们 C他们很棒 A是所答非所问 B回答YES明显不恰当 C正确的答案
2023-07-06 15:15:391

ludwig van beethoven怎么读

ludwig van beethoven贝多芬双语例句1.I"m Ludwig van Beethoven, and I need your help.我是路丁。凡。贝多芬,我需要你的帮助。2.Do you know the name Ludwig van Beethoven?您认识这个名字路丁。凡。贝多芬吗?3.Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, on December 16, 1770.路德维希·范·贝多芬1770年12月l6日出生在德国波恩。4.Beethoven (Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770-1827), was the great composer of Germany.路德维希·凡·贝多芬(ludwigvanBeethoven1770-1827),是德国伟大的作曲家。5.Beethoven (Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770—1827), was the great composer of Germany.路德维希·凡·贝多芬(ludwig van Beethoven 1770-1827),是德国伟大的作曲家。
2023-07-06 15:15:461

Ludwig van Beethoven是什么意思

  Ludwig van Beethoven  [释义]贝多芬;  [网络]路德维希·凡·贝多芬; 路德维希·范·贝多芬;  [例句]Do you know the name Ludwig van Beethoven?  您认识这个名字路丁.凡.贝多芬吗?
2023-07-06 15:15:532

哪里有《Rip Van Winkle》的英文内容的总结?

以下内容可以参考:)~~ RIP VAN WINKLE is a famous tale written by Washington Erving,telling about a story in which an old man named Rip drank some beverage and fell into asleep for 20 years.After that,he returned to the villege where he came from,and found everything changed.People talked about revolution and election,and he has no idea of what that meaned.There have been many comments on this tale saying that it shows Erving"sattitude againstthe American revolution,and his approving of the past.On reading it the second time,it occured to me that Erving only showed his bewilderment:comming out of the oppressed life,people were at a loss about what they should do. There is strong resemblence between Rip Van Winkle and the American people,Dame Van Winkle and the English government.Before revolution,Rip was a meek man who"would rather die on a penney than work for a pound",who had good relationships with the villegers.He lived a peaceful life except for the existence of Dame Van Winkle,his termagant wife who would taught him lessons in every possible way.The American people was also trying to live a peaceful life and the rule of the British government made it impossible.The Americans suffered the oppression for a long time.
2023-07-06 15:16:001

Van Darkholme 是一个怎样的人

以下是Van Darkholme 简介节选:My name is Van Darkholme and thank you for visiting my website. I was born in Vietnam and currently, I am living in San Francisco. English is my third language so please pardon my grammar. I am now working as a director and performer for two other Here"s a little something about me:As of 7-05-2009, 100% profit from this website will go to At Kiva you can give out small loans ($25) to individuals in undeveloped countries. People get these loans to run small businesses etc. I"ve been doing this since Nov 2008 and people do pay me back. I just use the money to lend out to other people again and again. My goal is to lend out to 100 people this year. That"s why 100% profit from will go toward my Kiva goal. You can check out my progress on my lender I know you all think it"s funny/bizarre doing some good with p@rn. I think you all can relate to "doing the best you can with what you got." :)My life consist of working on my bondage art, going to the gym, restaurants with friends, having small dinner parties, riding my Triumph Bonneville motorcycle, working in my garden, watching a lot of junk TV, the usual boring stuffs.
2023-07-06 15:16:071


由于中国文化对越南及一些东南亚国家的影响,他们的姓名大多具有与之对应的固定汉字,这时从英文转译成汉语是相当困难的。如在越语中mao,可以是汉字的毛、茅、冒、帽、卯、茂、貌、旄、耄、昂等字,但是在英文中都是mao。译者为此尽了很多的努力,请教过一些越语研究人员,但是难免仍有了疏忽不妥之处。因此特列出此译名对照表(不包括其他国家的译名),以兹查证。第一章ho chi minh 胡志明 trie dinh 赵定ab nha 恩鹅  lu han 卢汉le tuong duc 黎襄翼  vu thong tjoen 武统善boi thi oa 贝氏娃  nguyen xinh thuy 阮永瑞nguyen van vi 阮文伟 capiain lan 麟上尉tran tro 陈助  ho thong minh 胡通明duong van minh 杨文明  le duan 黎笋tran van don 陈文敦  phan boi chao 潘佩珠vu nguyen giap 武元甲  nho dinh diem 吴庭艳hai 海 tseng tse sheng 曾泽生bao bai 保大 vu hong khanh 武鸿卿trinh the minh 郑世明  nguyen van hnh 阮文馨hien 贤  captain giai 佳上尉tran thien khiem 陈善谦  le ngoc chan 黎玉振le van kim 黎文金  ly chen hou 李震厚第二章phong 防 prince bao loc 宝禄亲王madame 龙夫人  le thi xuan 黎氏春tran thi nga 陈氏素蛾  vu van mau 武文牡ngo dinh nho 吴庭懦  tran chanh thanh 陈文诚ngo dinh jin 吴庭谨  vu nhoc cac 武玉阁vu thi quye 武氏娟 tran kim tuyen 陈金宣phan quang dan 潘光诞  pham van thonh 范文桶nhuyen van tho 阮文寿第三章pham khac minh 范克明  toan 算ngo trung hieu 吴重孝  le vinh tri 黎咏知luc 力 thuy 水ly 里  tran cong que 陈公桂pham van dong 范文同第四章guang duc 广德 lieu duyen 了缘nguyen thi nguyet mai 陈氏月梅 nguyen ngoc thu 阮玉书tinh duyen 静缘  thich tri guang 释智光tinh chan 静真 nhuyen khanh 阮庆nguyen dinh thuan 阮廷淳 nguyen cao ky 阮高其huy 辉 nguyen van thieu 阮文绍ton that dinh 孙室订第五章thuc 淑  can 勤tran van huong 陈文香  ta van van 谢文远dinh 定  ngan 银kounsi 贡席  pholmi 奔米simong 锡芒king sri savang vatihanna 西萨旺·威萨那第六章mgiuem thi kieu 阮氏娇 nguyen nhoc thi 阮玉诗cong 公  tao 泰phan nghiem ngat 潘俨屹  ta van thanh 谢文清quach thung duc 郭从德 heng samrin 韩桑林o tuyet 坞雪 chau thanh thuoc 朱成铄phan thi can 潘氏瑾  ha ngoc luong 何玉良thanad sinsuk 他纳·信戎 phan hy vinh 潘熙荣nguyen lac hoa 阮洛和第七章lieutenant general lon nol 良诺中将vu dinh chieu 武廷昭 giang 江nguyen van tan 阮文新  sacvcma 赛邬玛dan 民 do thi tinh 杜氏情nhung 绒 doyiela 多依拉duc hoan 德焕第八章ton duc thang 孙德胜 hoang thi van 黄氏云lanh than an 郎粲安  ly 李giahvun 嘉雯 nguyen van phuc 阮文福do van dinh 杜文迁 chan hoa man 甄化满phan quy nhon 潘贵言 pol plt 波尔布特nguyen cao minh 阮高明 souvannalay 苏汶南力jean mguyen 简阮 hung vu 熊武chue ying mao 周荫茂 nhuyen hau khanh 阮厚卿phonemany chanpraseuth 奈玛尼·坎帕拉索
2023-07-06 15:17:021


2023-07-06 15:17:177

do you like van♂ 游戏

2023-07-06 15:17:344


解答:Do you like van game?你喜欢玩权利的游戏吗?
2023-07-06 15:17:411

You Know How I Do [Live From Bamboozle] 歌词

歌曲名:You Know How I Do [Live From Bamboozle]歌手:Taking Back Sunday专辑:Live From Bamboozle 2009you know how i doSo sick, so sick of being tired.And oh so tired of being sick.We"re both such magnifacent liars.So crush me baby, I"m all ears.So obviously desperate,so desperatly obvious.I"ll give in one more timeand feed you stupid lines all about"cleaning up my act..."We won"t stand for hazy eyes anymore.We won"t stand for hazy eyes anymore.We won"t stand for hazy eyes anymore.We won"t stand for hazy eyes anymore.So sick, so sick of being tired.And oh so tired of being sick.Willing and ready toprove the worst of everything you said about.So obviously desperate, so desperatly obvious.So good at setting bad examples.Listen, chic, I"ve had all I can handle.We won"t stand for hazy eyes anymore.We won"t stand for hazy eyes anymore.We won"t stand for hazy eyes anymore.We won"t stand for hazy eyes anymore.Think of all the fun you had.The finest line divides a night wellspent from a waste of time.Think of all the days you spent alonewith just your T.V. setand......"I can barely smile"Think of all the fun you had.The finest line divides a night wellspent from a waste of time.Think of all the days you spent alonewith just your T.V. set and......"I can barely smile"Let"s go...He"s smoked out in the back of the van,says he"s held up with holding on and on and on.He"s smoked out in the back of the van,says he"s held up with holding on and on and on.
2023-07-06 15:17:481

Toi van yeu anh do越南语翻译成中文什么意思?

2023-07-06 15:17:564

minimalnl trvanlivost do是什么意思

抱歉,你写的不对,应该错了。do 英[du] 美[du] aux. 构成疑问句和否定句; 代替动词; 用于加强语气; vt. 做; 干; 进行; 从事; vi. 表现; 进展; 引起; 行过; [例句]There were three more things to do before countdown.开始倒计时之前还有3件事要做。[其他] 第三人称单数:does 复数:dos 现在分词:doing 过去式:did过去分词:done
2023-07-06 15:18:031


2023-07-06 15:18:132

兄贵说的do you like 玩游戏什么意思

2023-07-06 15:18:226

do you like 玩游戏 是 什么意思

2023-07-06 15:18:511

do you like 玩游戏 是 什么意思

2023-07-06 15:18:582

Do you like 玩♂游戏

当他对你说这话时,你应该鼓起你的肌肉对他说:“Ass♂We♂Can”请问你是在哪里看到的? 意思是:do you like 玩♂游戏? 这是一句来自新日暮里摔♂跤手的方言 你以为这就完了吗?/ 传说,有一个地方,叫新日暮里,与青♂青♂草♂原、常盘♂台、名列四大哲学之首,那是一个美丽的浮空岛屿,他四面环海,草原上遍布着...hello, do you like play game 你好,你喜欢玩游戏吗你应该摆出van样站姿,用磁性的声音对他说一句fa♂q
2023-07-06 15:19:514


意思是 哲♂学 ,有兴趣的可以自己去了解一下我也不太清楚
2023-07-06 15:20:071

what van we do about global warming文章?

2023-07-06 15:20:151

fu manchu的《boogie van》 歌词

歌曲名:boogie van歌手:fu manchu专辑:king of the roadBreak - One NineGot your boots onGearjammer setBoogey Van so farHow do you read me?Three"s and Eight"s highSome kind of joyrideDouble-nickel right byFu ManchuIn here - everything I needStyle - built for speedMother Trucker runnin" lowFour wheels - overflowOthers passin" byStill movin" down the lineSo say~ the written wordTwo down - now the ThirdThe greatest thing I"ve seenDo y"all know what I mean?Meeting Twenty was the planMe and my Boogey VanLike most - Chevys coast to coastPeople start to rideDream machine burnin" widesLayin" a furious yard It smokes awful farHighback chair is lowRollin" faster off they goTires roll flare to flareCustom shine everywhereOne-fifty I don"t careHalf-way cross the landMe and my Boogey VanMovin" on down the lineHere we go one more time
2023-07-06 15:20:221

do you like what you see?

Do you like what you see?你喜欢你所看见的吗?
2023-07-06 15:20:362

Revolver [Paul Van Dyk Dub] 歌词

歌曲名:Revolver [Paul Van Dyk Dub]歌手:Madonna专辑:RevolverMadonna Ft. Lil Wayne - RevolverMy Love"S A RevolverMy Love"S A RevolverOops I Guess I Shot YaMy Finger"S On The TriggerI Had A Bullet With Your Name On ItClick ClickI"m A Sex PistolMy Love Should Be IllegalReal Deal BabyI"m No CounterfeitClick ClickLine "Em UpKnock "Em DownMy Looks Can KillE-O-E-OMy Body"S Fully LoadedAnd I Got More AmmoLine "Em UpKnock "Em DownMy Looks Can KillE-O-E-OYou"re An Accessory To Murder CauseMy Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?I Let It Bang BangYou Been Hit By A Small CriminalA Bad Girl I Gotcha Crying To Your Momma SayingI Can"T Believe It, I Seen Your Type Bring A Knife Into A Gun FightGot Caught Up In A Bad Fight And I Think I Made Him Mad Right???Line "Em UpKnock "Em DownMy Looks Can KillE-O-E-OMy Body"S Fully LoadedAnd I Got More AmmoLine "Em UpKnock "Em DownMy Looks Can KillE-O-E-OYou"re An Accessory To A Murder CauseMy Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?I Let It Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangMirror Mirror On The WallWho"s The Baddest Of Them AllI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot Them Up And Watch Them Fall(Lil Wayne)Bang ,The Shooter Name Is WayneThe Victim Didn"t ComplainShe Just Screamed "Shoot Again"I Gave Her Extra RoundsMy Barrell Wwist AroundI Am MR. Shoot "Em DownI Leave Hearts On The GroundMy Love Is A WeaponAnd Yes I Use It WellThen I Let The Rose PetalsCover Up The Bullet ShellI Never Shoot And TellI Only Shoot To KillAnd That Vest Ain"t Gonna Help YaEven if It"s Made of SteelMy Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?My Love"S A RevolverMy Sex Is A KillerDo You Wanna Die Happy?Do You Wanna Die Happy?I Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot Them Up And Watch Them FallI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot "Em Bang BangI Shoot Them Up And Watch Them Fall
2023-07-06 15:20:451

ian van dahl的《Satisfy Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Satisfy Me歌手:ian van dahl专辑:aceYou always know just what to doYou satisfy meYou always know just what to sayYou satisfy meBefore you I was blindYou opened up my mindAnd now with you it feels so rightYou satisfy meAnd now with you I feel so safeYou satisfy meAnd from now on you"ll be mineUntil the end of timeDon"t need no wordsTo know that you"re mineI see your faceYou make me smileWhen I"m with you I feel so highDon"t need no wordsTo know that you"re mineI see your faceYou make me smileWhen I"m with you I feel so highYou"ll always be the only oneYou satisfy meYou"ll always be the only one I loveYou satisfy meBefore you I was blindYou opened up my mindAnd everyday I want you moreYou satisfy meAnd every night I need your toughYou satisfy meFrom now on you"ll be mineUntil the end of timeDon"t need no wordsTo know that you"re mineI see your face you make me smileWhen I am with you I feel so highDon"t need no wordsTo know that you"re mineI see your face you make me smileWhen I am with you I feel so high
2023-07-06 15:21:041