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2023-07-06 17:20:33
TAG: 翻译 歌词

Tina Arena---The Flame (圣火)

(Written by John Foreman)

Is this the hope of the world in my hands


I"ll take this moment, to be all that I can


Look to you to see the future


Stronger and free

更强 更快


Today we will show who we are


We are the earth


And we"re together again


My friends, will you show us the way

亲爱的朋友 你就是那个为我们引路的人

We travel on, guided by the flame


The fire within makes you reach out to the goal

让我们确信 目标终能实现

You redefine the best, by stretching the soul

充分伸展你的心灵 你就能证明自己是最棒的

A world in need of inspiration

And looks to you and me


Repeat Chorus (重复合唱)

Since ancient times we"ve come together

很早很早以前 我们就站在了一起

In the light of the flame

在阳光下 我们站在一起

To stand for all the world to see


People reaching out to greatness

And all we can be


Today we will show who we are


We are the earth

Together again

Today you will show who you are


The best on earth, and you bring the world together again

你是地球上最出色的 朋友,是你将世界连在了一起

My friends, you have shown us the way


Look to your heart

You will find the flame


You will find the flame



Dare to dream-敢于梦想(2000年悉尼奥运会闭幕式歌曲)

I am my own believer


in my heart the reason


I will follow the light from within


I"m not afraid of weakness


I"m gonna taste the sweetness


of the power not to give in


I will see it through


I believe this is my moment of truth


Dare to dream


Dare to fly


Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky


Dare to reach


Dare to rise


Find the strength to set my spirit free


Dare to dream


I will go the distance


Embrace resistance


I will lay my soul on the line


when the wait is over


And the hunger has spoken


If I give my all I will shine


I will see it through


I believe, this is my moment of truth


Dare to dream


Dare to fly


Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky


Dare to reach


Dare to rise


Find the strength to set my spirit free


Dare to dream


And the heart will shine like the sun


A million voices together as one


I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe


Dare to dream


Dare to fly


Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky


Dare to reach


Dare to rise


Find the strength to set my spirit free


Dare to dream


Dare to fly


Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky


Dare to reach


Dare to rise


Find the strength to set my spirit free


Find the strength to do what I believe


Dare to dream


Dare to dream



求welcome to forever整首歌的歌词中文翻译

  我对歌词的理解,与上面几位与偏差。   Three years or a lifetime   Three words that just might have come too soon   Three hours from somewhere   I might have ended up with you   三载或一辈子   或许来得太匆忙的三个词   源自某处的三个小时   可能产生我和你在一起的结果   Hold me like a river   Hold me like a string tied to a balloon   You get what you"re given   At any moment, a moment of truth   像彭湃的大河般地拥抱我   像绑在线上的气球搂着我   馈赠予你的,你会得到的   在任何时刻,真理的时刻   All my life, I"m traveling light   Been living in a sky   I"ll float, I"ll fade, I"ll carry away   "Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes   我的一生都是轻装出行   曾经生活在空中的楼阁   我漂浮、消失、忘形   直到你使我脚踏实地,偶尔还关心我   I"m sorry for leaving   I"m sorry for all, I could not do   You knew it was coming   Maybe in some ways, I did too   The keys by the bedside   And bags in the hall   离开你,我向你道歉   以及所有我的无能为力   你已意识到即将来临的结果   也许在某方面,我也意识到   钥匙放在床头边   行李放在大厅里   "Cause all my life, I"m traveling light   Been living in a sky   I"ll float, I"ll fade, I"ll carry away   "Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes   因为我的一生都是轻装出行   曾经生活在空中的楼阁   我漂浮、消失、忘形   直到你使我脚踏实地,偶尔还关心我   I"m searching for something   In the ether of this mess   Riding above these missing pieces   Leaves me weightless   我在寻找一些总结   发生这糟糕情况后   这些疑团重重之上   使我失重地漂浮着   All my life, I"m traveling light   Been living in a sky   I"ll float, I"ll fade, I"ll carry away   "Til you pull me down and you think of me   我的一生都是轻装出行   曾经生活在空中的楼阁   我漂浮、消失、忘形   直到你使我脚踏实地,偶尔还关心我   All my life, I"m traveling light   Been living in a sky   I"ll float, I"ll fade, I"ll carry away   "Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes, sometimes   我的一生都是轻装出行   曾经生活在空中的楼阁   我漂浮、消失、忘形   直到你使我脚踏实地,偶尔还关心我 ,偶尔   【英语牛人团】
2023-07-06 15:19:451


满意度研究中有一个非常重要的分支叫做关键时刻(Moment Of Truth)研究,在以人为主的服务中经常使用该技术作满意度研究。上世纪八十年代,北欧航空卡尔森总裁提出:平均每位顾客接受其公司服务的过程中,会与五位服务人员接触;平均每次接触的短短15秒内,就决定整个公司在顾客心中的印象。故定义:与顾客接触的每一个时间点即为关键时刻,它是从人员的A (Appearance) 外表、B (Behavior) 行为、C (Communication) 沟通等三方面来着手。这三方面给人的第一印象所占的比例分别为外表52%、行为33%、沟通15%,是影响顾客忠诚度及满意度的重要因素。MOT管理是技术管理,Management of Technology 的缩写。通常是指在技术行业当中所作的管理工作,用于计划、开发和实现技术能力,完成组织战略和运营目标。用于计划、开发和实现技术能力,完成组织战略和运营目标。技术管理通常是指在技术行业当中所作的管理工作,管理者一般具有较高的技术水平,同时带领着自己所管理的团队完成某项技术任务。技术管理的实际操作当中,强调的是管理者对所领导的团队的技术分配,技术指向和技术监察。管理者用自己所掌握的技术知识和能力来提高整个团队的效率,继而完成技术任务。技术管理是技术和管理的融合,是较高知识容量的高深行业。
2023-07-06 15:20:401

the first moment of truth和the second moment of truth 是什么意思

the first moment of truth 第一紧要关头the second moment of truth 第二紧要关头
2023-07-06 15:20:482


是在酒店业中的MOT关键时刻意度研究中有一个非常重要的分支叫做关键时刻(Moment Of Truth)研究,在以人为主的服务中经常使用该技术作满意度研究。   上世纪八十年代,北欧航空卡尔森总裁提出:平均每位顾客接受其公司服务的过程中,会与五位服务人员接触;在平均每次接触的短短15秒内,就决定了整个公司在乘客心中的印象。故定义:与顾客接触的每一个时间点即为关键时刻,它是从人员的A(Appearance)外表、B(Behavior)行为、C(Communication)沟通三方面来着手。这三方面给人的第一印象所占的比例分别为外表52%、行为33%、沟通15%,是影响顾客忠诚度及满意度的重要因素。因此,推动MOT可有以下的预期效益:   1.服务质量标准化:提升服务水平、减少服务纠纷。   2.训练优质员工:经由完整的MOT训练让员工发自内心关怀顾客并提升事情处理能力。   3.强化人际关系:藉由服务过程,员工对顾客做好个人营销,可扩展个人人际关系。   4.提升工作效率:协助第一线员工在第一时间内对顾客做好完整的答复及应对。   要想获得良好的MOT,公司必须在组织架构上进行调整,传统的、等级森严的公司结构将为结构扁平所代替,在以顾客为导向的公司里,权力相对分散。原来位于金字塔底部、只能无条件服从的员工也将被授予责任。 MOT研究方法   MOT研究常用PZB期望认知模式,此模式所发展的五个服务质量构面被用来比较认知与期望间的差距,并衡量服务质量,依重要性排序说明如下:   1.可靠性(reliability):可靠并正确地执行已承诺的服务之能力。意谓着每一次均能准时的、一致的、无失误的完成服务工作。是企业营销无形服务时的核心利益要素,可以提高整体外部营销效果并增加内部生产力和效率〔1〕。   2.回应性(responsiveness):协助顾客与提供立即服务之意愿。让顾客等待会造成不必要之负面认知;当服务失败发生时,秉持着专业精神,迅速地响应并恢复服务,则可造成非常正面的质量认知。   3.确实性(assurance):员工的知识、礼貌,以及传达信任与信心的能力。包括执行服务的能力、对顾客应有的礼貌与尊重、与顾客有效地沟通以及时时考虑顾客之最佳利益的态度;给人一种保证、训练有素、专业的印象。   4.关怀性(empathy):以同理心提升顾客个人化关心之能力。包括平易近人、敏感度高以及尽力地了解顾客的需要。   5.有形性(tangibility):实际看得到的设施、设备、员工…等外在沟通数据。周遭实体的状态是对顾客表示关心的外显证明。此构面也牵涉到服务提供中其它顾客所建立的部份。 《MOT关键时刻--全球最具影响力的服务培训课程》MOT(Moment of Truth)是服务界最具震撼力与影响力的管理概念与行为模式。正是借助它,斯堪迪纳维亚航空公司(现北欧航空公司)成为服务经济时代的领跑者,摆脱了巨额亏损的困境,创造了奇迹,取得了连续20年赢利的骄人成绩。这样的业绩完全得益于斯坎迪维亚航空公司员工认识到:在一年中,与每一位乘客的接触中,包含了上千万个 “Moment of Truth关键时刻”,如果每一个MOT都是正面的,那么,你的客户就会更加忠诚,为你创造源源不断的利润了。
2023-07-06 15:20:571


MOT(Moment of Truth)——关键时刻。MOT是一个关键指标,是对客户导向的具体衡量,因为对客户而言,他只会记住那些关键时刻——MOT。MOT研究概念。满意度研究中有一个非常重要的分支叫做关键时刻(Moment Of Truth)研究,在以人为主的服务中经常使用该技术作满意度研究。上世纪八十年代,北欧航空卡尔森总裁提出:平均每位顾客接受其公司服务的过程中,会与五位服务人员接触;在平均每次接触的短短15秒内,就决定了整个公司在乘客心中的印象。故定义:与顾客接触的每一个时间点即为关键时刻,它是从人员的A(Appearance)外表、B(Behavior)行为、C(Communication)沟通三方面来着手。这三方面给人的第一印象所占的比例分别为外表52%、行为33%、沟通15%,是影响顾客忠诚度及满意度的重要因素。因此,推动MOT可有以下的预期效益:服务质量标准化:提升服务水平、减少服务纠纷。训练优质员工:经由完整的MOT训练让员工发自内心关怀顾客并提升事情处理能力。强化人际关系:藉由服务过程,员工对顾客做好个人营销,可扩展个人人际关系。提升工作效率:协助第一线员工在第一时间内对顾客做好完整的答复及应对。要想获得良好的MOT,公司必须在组织架构上进行调整,传统的、等级森严的公司结构将为结构扁平所代替,在以顾客为导向的公司里,权力相对分散。原来位于金字塔底部、只能无条件服从的员工也将被授予责任。
2023-07-06 15:21:071

FM static moment of truth 的歌词

Moment of Truth 歌词 Here we are, in the best years of our lives.With no way of knowing, when the whee"ll stop spinning cause we don"tknow where we"re going...and here we are, on the best day of our lives.And it"s a go, lets make it last, so cheers you all to that, "cause this moment"s never comin" backI used to know her brother, but I neverknew I loved her, "till the day she laid hereyes on me. Now I"m jumpin" up and down, she"s the only one around, and she meansevery little thing to meI"ve got your picture in my wallet, and yourPhone number to call it, and I miss you more,Whenever I think about you,. I"ve gotyour mixed tape in my Walkman, been solong since we"ve been talkin" and in a fewmore days, we"ll both hook up, forever and everAnd here I am, on the west coast of American and I"ve been tryin" to think for weeks ofall the ways to ask you, And nowI"ve brought you to the place, Where I"ve poured my heart out, a million times, for a millionreasons, To offer it to youI used to know her brother, but I neverknew I loved her, "till the day she laid hereyes on me. Now I"m jumpin" up and down, she"s the only one around, and she meansevery little thing to meI"ve got your picture in my wallet, and yourPhone number to call it, and I miss you more,Whenever I think about you,. I"ve gotyour mixed tape in my Walkman, been solong since we"ve been talkin" and in a fewmore days, we"ll both hook up, forever and everI used to know her brother, but I neverknew I loved her, "till the day she laid hereyes on me. Now I"m jumpin" up and down, she"s the only one around, and she meansevery little thing to meI"ve got your picture in my wallet, and yourPhone number to call it, and I miss you more,Whenever I think about you,. I"ve gotyour mixed tape in my Walkman, been solong since we"ve been talkin" and in a fewmore days, we"ll both hook up, forever and ever
2023-07-06 15:21:141

美国真心话大冒险《The Moment of Truth》主持人问的问题是什么?

放假无事,等待《Prison break》的日子比较辛苦,试着看了看《The moment of true》—真心话大冒险,该片网上有人不屑为“无聊的节目”,属“真人秀”的一种,参赛选手必须在全国(美国)人民及自己的亲友团面前如实回答二十一个问题,这二十一个问题是事先已经在测谎仪的监视下回答过了的,假如该选手能够在现场诚实的回答这二十一个问题,就能赢得50万美元,问题分几个阶段,回答正确得越多,奖金就越高。让人奇怪的是,目前没有人能够捧走50万美元的大奖,最多拿到的也就是10至20万美元。 在金钱的鼓舞下,参赛选手们兴致昂扬,近乎无耻的在所有人面前坦承着自己曾经的丑事和心底的阴暗面,亲友们的愕然和震惊,观众的哗然,都止不住他们争夺奖金的步伐,许多的秘密伤害到了自己的亲人、情人、朋友,但他们义无反顾,欲壑难填。 有意思的是,我喜欢看那些亲友们受到震骇的表情,人真是不可思议的动物,表面一套,背地里一套,无数的隐私在聚光灯下被放大,无数的秘密被公开,尽管回答只是简单的“yes”或“no”,但那些尖锐的、一针见血的、直接得近乎残酷的问题,让他的亲朋好友们倍感惊骇,伤痛,甚至绝望,很多选手下台之后,恋人们分道扬镳,亲人们心有芥蒂,从此生活面目全非。我怀疑自己是在体验一种“真实的、残酷的快感”,我也在为那些亲人们感到痛心,也在为那些恋人感到悲伤,人的自私和贪婪,无情的拆穿了一层又一层的温情面纱,但是,假若没有人去揭发这些真相,在没有其他外因的情况下,很有可能这些真实的想法只是永远在不见天日的阴暗角落偶尔闪烁着微弱之光,永远也不会有其他人知晓,永远也不会造成像现在这样深重、赤裸又堂而皇之的伤害。也许就应该那样!但是,现在…… 记忆犹深的是一名风度翩翩的男选手带来了他一心想要再续前缘的前女友为其助阵加油,而主持人不但通过提问将他放浪形骸的私生活公诸天下,还无比尖刻的问出:你是否在与前女友交往的过程中在外偷欢,对其不忠这个问题,勉强镇定自若的男子面露尴尬笑容,女友立刻当众泪湿眼眶,哽咽着说:我得出去了,这太令人难堪了!而该男子的一句“yes”更令她羞愤难当,最后“带着羞辱黯然离开”。 不过,另一方面,本人倒是觉得美国人的面皮太“薄”了,其中很多的问题,比如“你是否觉得你的父亲是不可信任的人”,“你是否觉得自己的女友是最有魅力的人”,“你是否对自己男友身上的某部分感到不满意”,“你是否曾经未经允许偷偷查阅过男友的电脑”……,等等,我觉得选手们当众表现出来的难堪和亲友们的震撼有些过于其实了,难道,这也是东西方文化的差异?或者说,只有真正把自己摆在那样耀眼的水银灯下了,任是谁也会觉得坦露了这些真相是心中有愧的。网上有人估计说,这样的节目在中国是办不下去的,只要脸皮够厚,完全的承认事实就行了,而脸皮厚的人比比皆是。我看完整整第二季全六集,没有一个人是能“厚颜无耻”到最后的,亲友们羞愧难当,一半劝阻一半恳求,“go home,go。”选手们已不敢再继续对其造成伤害,明智的人就该拿了钱离开。也有一名女选手最后失去了奖金,因为一个她自己也不知道是谎言的谎言—主持人问道:你是否后悔过与现在丈夫的复合?该选手犹豫再三,终于语气肯定的回答道“no,no!”,但是测谎仪冷冰冰的声音告知天下“The answer is false”,她的丈夫尴尬无比,她则泪流满面,分辨着说“不是这样的,我也不知道为什么会这样,我很抱歉……”在她心底,难道真的感到后悔过,而她自己竟不知道?我感到很好奇的是,不知道这个测谎仪究竟测试得准确与否? 遗憾的是,只有人人影视翻译了该剧的第二季,其他家没有翻译,我在个google上搜索了半天也不找不到其他的几季,对这部我深感兴趣的剧集,只能望而兴叹,犹自惋惜了!
2023-07-06 15:21:222

美国真心话大冒险《The Moment of Truth》主持人问的问题是什么

节目中间,主持人会问参赛者一些问题。在上节目之前,组织者已经安排参赛者戴着测谎仪回答过精心准备的50道题了。在节目中问的问题,就是从那50道题里抽出来的。《The moment of truth》—真心话大冒险,该片网上有人不屑为“无聊的节目”,属“真人秀”的一种,参赛选手必须在全国(美国)人民及自己的亲友团面前如实回答二十一个问题,这二十一个问题是事先已经在测谎仪的监视下回答过了的,但是选手不知道测谎仪测谎的结果。假如该选手能够在现场诚实的回答这二十一个问题,就能赢得50万美元,问题分几个阶段,回答正确得越多,奖金就越高。出现过拿走50万美元的情况:Melanie William,回答最后一道问题“你是否相信你父亲在成年后仍与未成年人发生性关系”,她回答“是”,拿走了50万美元。看起来只用说21句真话,就能50万美元,似乎是最好拿的钱。事实上正好相反。节目进行到现在,只有第二季第五期拿下20万。其他大多数最多拿到10万美元。
2023-07-06 15:21:292

开头是比邻的来电铃声然后就是英文歌曲 求曲名

The Edge of Glory - Lady GaGaThere"s no reason you and me should be aloneTonight" yeah babe Tonight" yeah babeI got the reason that you who take me home tonightI need a man that thinks it right when it"s so wrong"Tonight yeah babe" Tonight yeah babe"Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonightIt"s time to feel the rush"To push the dangerousI"m gonna run back to" to the edge with youWhere we can both fall in loveI"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment of truth"I"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment with you"I"m on the edge The edgeI"m on the edge of gloryAnd I"m hanging on a moment with youI"m on the edge with youAnother shot" before we kiss the other side"Tonight" yeah babe Tonight" yeah babeI"m on the edge of something final we call life tonightAlright" alrightPull out your shade "cause I"ll be dancing in the flamesTonight" yeah babe Tonight" yeah babeIt is the Heart the burden of my name" alright" alrightIt"s time to feel the rushTo push the dangerousI"m gonna run back to" to the edge with youWhere we can both fall in loveI"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment of truth"I"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment with you"I"m on the edge The edge~I"m on the edge of gloryAnd I"m hanging on a moment with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment of truth"I"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment with you"I"m on the edge The edge~I"m on the edge of gloryAnd I"m hanging on a moment with youI"m on the edge with you~~~~I"m on the edge with you~~~~I"m on the edge with you~~~~
2023-07-06 15:21:371

Something Good 歌词

歌曲名:Something Good歌手:Maria And The Captain专辑:Musical LoveSOMETHING GOODMaria and the CaptainThe Sound of music OSTPerhaps I had a wicked childhoodPerhaps I had a miserable youthBut somwhere in my wicked, miserable pastThere must have been a moment of truthFor here you are, standing there, loving meWhether or not you shouldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodNothing comes from nothingNothing ever couldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodFor here you are, standing there, loving meWhether or not you shouldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodNothing comes from nothingNothing ever couldSo somewhere in my youthOr childhoodI must have done something . . .Something good
2023-07-06 15:21:551

Goo Goo Dolls的《Iris》 歌词

歌曲名:Iris歌手:Goo Goo Dolls专辑:City Of Angels: Music From The Motion PictureAnd I"d give up forever to touch youCuz I know that you feel me somehowYou"re the closest to heaven that I"ll ever beAnd I don"t want to go home right nowAnd all I can taste is this momentAnd all I can breathe is your lifeCuz sooner or later it"s overI just don"t want to miss you tonightAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd you can"t fight the tears that ain"t comingOr the moment of truth in your liesWhen everything feels like the moviesYeah, you"d bleed just to know you"re aliveAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amSoloAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd I don"t want the world to see meCuz I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I am
2023-07-06 15:22:021

一首英文歌,歌词好像有this is cool

IrisAnd I"d give up forever to touch you我愿永远放弃接近你Cause I know that you feel me somehow我知道你能感受到我的存在You"re the closest thing to heaven that I"ll ever be你高在天堂 而我将去地狱And I don"t want to go home right now我不想现在回家And all I can taste is this moment此时我愿意体味And all I can breathe is your life我能呼吸的是你的生命Cause sooner or later it"s over迟早将会过去I just don"t want to miss you tonight只是今晚我不想再失去你And I don"t want the world to see me我不想让整个世界看到我Cause I don"t think that they"d understand我想他们不理解我When everything"s made to be broken当一切都将逝去I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁And you can"t fight the tears that ain"t coming不必抗争,不起易落泪的你Or the moment of truth in your lies谎话被揭穿时When everything feels like the movies当一切都如电影般Yeah you bleed just to know your alive你用鲜血证明你的存在And I don"t want the world to see me我不想让整个世界看到我Cause I don"t think that they"d understand我想他们不理解我When everything"s made to be broken当一切都将逝去I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁And I don"t want the world to see me我不想让整个世界看到我Cause I don"t think that they"d understand我想他们不理解我When everything"s made to be broken当一切都将逝去I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁And I don"t want the world to see me我不想让整个世界看到我Cause I don"t think that they"d understand我想他们不理解我When everything"s made to be broken当一切都将逝去I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁I just want you to know who I am我只想让你知道我是谁
2023-07-06 15:22:091

Something Good 歌词

歌曲名:Something Good歌手:Ugk (Underground Kingz)专辑:Best Of UgkSOMETHING GOODMaria and the CaptainThe Sound of music OSTPerhaps I had a wicked childhoodPerhaps I had a miserable youthBut somwhere in my wicked, miserable pastThere must have been a moment of truthFor here you are, standing there, loving meWhether or not you shouldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodNothing comes from nothingNothing ever couldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodFor here you are, standing there, loving meWhether or not you shouldSo somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something goodNothing comes from nothingNothing ever couldSo somewhere in my youthOr childhoodI must have done something . . .Something good
2023-07-06 15:22:161


I found a note with your name 在你的那本日记中And a picture of us 珍藏着我们往昔的影像Even though it was framed 尽管这是回忆设置的陷阱And covered in dust 封面覆盖着灰尘It"s the map in my mind that sends me on my way 但我藏在心中的地图指引着前进的道路They say it"s never too late 言此已为时过晚To stop being afraid 停滞乃是恐惧使然And there is no one else here 既然没有其他人So why should I wait? 还有什么可等待?And in the blink of an eye the past begins to fade 往昔已在转瞬之间消退So have you ever been caught in a sea of despair? 曾经的您是否沉溺于绝望的大海中?And your moment of truth 及所谓真理的时刻Is the day that you say “I"m not scared” 那天你为自己壮胆Put your hands in the air 把双手举向空中If you hear me out there 若你听见我的呼唤I"ve been looking for you day and night 每日每夜我都在注视着你Shine a light in the dark 暗夜里把光芒投射在你身上Let me see where you are 让我知悉你身处何方‘Cause I"m not gonna leave you behind 我不会离你而去If I told you that you"re not alone 若你回应我你不孤独And I show you this is where you belong 我会证明这是本该属于你的地方Put your hands in the air 就请再一次One more time 把手举向空中I"ve seen a million miles 身隔千里之遥Met a million faces 遇见无数面孔Took all I knew 使我深知To reach all these places 每抵达这些地方And I"d do it again 我就会再次祈祷If it brings me back to you 但愿能把我送至你的怀抱So have you ever been caught in a sea of despair? 曾经的您是否沉溺于绝望的大海中?And your moment of truth 及所谓真理的时刻Is the day that you say “I"m not scared” 那天你为自己壮胆Put your hands in the air 把双手举向空中If you hear me out there 若你听见我的呼唤I"ve been looking for you day and night 每日每夜我都在注视着你Shine a light in the dark 暗夜里把光芒投射在你身上Let me see where you are 让我知悉你身处何方‘Cause I"m not gonna leave you behind 我不会离你而去If I told you that you"re not alone 若你回应我你不孤独And I show you this is where you belong 我会证明这是本该属于你的地方Put your hands in the air 就请再一次One more time 把手举向空中Put your hands in the air 把双手举向空中Put your hands in the air 就把双手举向空中If you hear me out there 若你听见我的呼唤I"ve been looking for you day and night 每日每夜我都在注视着你Shine a light in the dark 暗夜里把光芒投射在你身上Let me see where you are 让我知悉你身处何方‘Cause I"m not gonna leave you behind 我不会离你而去If I told you that you"re not alone 若你回应我你不孤独And I show you this is where you belong 我会证明这是本该属于你的地方Put your hands in the air 就请再一次One more time 把手举向空中Put your hands in the air 就请再一次One more time 把手举向空中
2023-07-06 15:22:221


[ti:The Time Of Our Lives][ar:Il Divo & Toni Braxton][al:Voices From The FIFA World Cup][by:van][offset:500][00:00.00]Il Divo & Toni Braxton - The Time Of Our Lives[00:09.99]Official Song, FIFA World Cup Germany 2006[00:11.99][00:13.99][00:15.99]There was a dream[00:19.93]Long time ago[00:24.18]There was a dream[00:28.12]Destined to grow[00:31.66][00:32.21]Hacerse pasion[00:36.28]Con fuego abrazar[00:39.81]El deseo de dar sin fin[00:44.21]El deseo de ganar[00:48.38][00:48.84]For a lifetime[00:51.13]Of heartbreaks[00:52.90]That brought us here today[00:58.25]We will go all the way[01:01.43]And, it feels like we"re having[01:07.19]The time of our lives[01:10.44]Let"s light the fire, find the plain[01:14.54]Let"s come together as one in the same[01:18.85]"Cause it feels like we"re having[01:23.27]The time of our lives[01:26.68]We"ll find the glory in the game[01:30.70]All that we are, for all that we are[01:38.29]For the time of our lives[01:43.77][01:47.13]Hoy es el dia[01:50.92]Es la pasion de triunfar[01:55.51]Para hacer realidad el destino[01:59.34]que sonabamos conseguir[02:03.55]Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui[02:10.93]Y llegare hasta el final (Heaven knows...)[02:14.38]"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our lives[02:23.29]Juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el major[02:31.67]"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our lives[02:39.63]Hasta la gloria, junto a ti,[02:43.39]Llego el momento de la verdad[02:50.33]El momento llego[02:58.27][03:09.23]Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...[03:15.80][03:18.55]"Cause it feels like we"re having[03:24.55]The time of our lives[03:27.81]Juntos, unidos, triunfara[03:32.11]Nuestro deseo de ser el mejor[03:36.06]"Cause it feels like we"re having[03:40.65]The time of our lives[03:44.02]Hasta la gloria, junto a ti,[03:47.81]El momento llego[03:51.73]El momento llego (Oh!...)[04:00.07]We"ll find the glory (Find the glory...)[04:02.65]In the end (In the end...)[04:04.03]For all that we are[04:05.95]For everything that we wanna be and all that we are[04:10.64]For the time of our lives[04:19.35]For the time of our lives...[04:29.04]Oh...[04:34.93][04:36.49][04:37.89][04:39.14][04:40.46]END
2023-07-06 15:22:374

Ronan Keating的《Iris》 歌词

歌曲名:Iris歌手:Ronan Keating专辑:Iris《Iris》Ronan KeatingAnd I"d give up forever to touch youCause I know that you feel me somehowYou"re the closest to heaven that I"ll ever beAnd I don"t want to go home right nowAnd all I can taste is this momentAnd all I can breathe is your lifeCause sooner or later it"s overI just don"t want to miss you tonightAnd I don"t want the world to see meCause I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd you can"t fight the tears that ain"t comingOr the moment of truth in your liesWhen everything seems like the moviesYeah you bleed just to know you"re aliveAnd I don"t want the world to see meCause I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd I don"t want the world to see meCause I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd I don"t want the world to see meCause I don"t think that they"d understandWhen everything"s made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I am
2023-07-06 15:22:511

ghost of a chance 歌词

歌曲名:ghost of a chance歌手:Rush专辑:Roll The BonesLike a million little doorwaysAll the choices we madeAll the stages we passed throughAll the roles we playedFor so many different directionsOur separate paths might hve turnedWith every door that we openedEvery bridge that we burnedRushSomehow we find each otherThrough all that masqueradeSomehow we found each otherAnd somehow we have stayedIn a state of graceI DON"T BELIEVE IN DESTINYOR THE GUIDING HAND OF FATEI DON"T BELIEVE IN FOREVEROR LOVE AS A MYSTICAL STATEOR ANGELS WATCHING FROM ABOVEBUT I BELIEVE THERE"S A GHOST OF A CHANCETO FIND SOMEONE TO LOVEAND MAKE IT LASTLike a million little crossroadsThrough the backstreets of youthEach time we turn a new cornerA tiny moment of truthFor so many different connectionsOur separate paths might have madeWith every door that we openedEvery game we played
2023-07-06 15:22:581

Courtney Jaye的traveling light 歌词翻译

Traveling Light演唱:Courtney JayeThree years or a lifetime三年阅遍半生Three words that just might have come too soon也许那三个字终究还是来的太快Three hours from somewhere从哪里来的这三个钟头I might have ended up with you我也许就要和你说拜拜Hold me like a river我在你手中像条喜欢乱跑的小河Hold me like a string tied to a balloon我在你手中像只总找机会飞走的气球You get what you"re given你得到了本该付出的东西At any moment, a moment of truth那条真理此刻最终现身All my life, I"m traveling light我原来就是雨后那道彩虹Been living in a sky悠悠地挂在天上I"ll float, I"ll fade up, I"ll carry away我飘啊飘,摇啊摇,最后消失不见"Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes直到你粗鲁地把我拽下来I"m sorry for leaving抱歉我不得不离开I"m sorry for all, I could not do抱歉我给了你难堪的过去,其实我一直都不想You knew it was coming你知道这天终究要来Maybe in some ways, I did too可能我有时候也过分了吧The keys by the bedside你把钥匙丢在我床头And bags in the hall你把包包收好放在客厅"Cause all my life, I"m traveling light因为我就是那道彩虹Been living in a sky悠悠地挂在天上I"ll float, I"ll fade up, I"ll carry away我飘啊飘,摇啊摇,最后消失不见"Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes直到你粗鲁地把我拽下来I"m searching for something我一直在寻找In the ether of this mess在这出闹剧的尾声Riding above these missing pieces我把回忆的碎片洒落一地Leaves me weightless好让自己轻松点All my life, I"m traveling light我原来就是雨后那道彩虹Been living in a sky悠悠地挂在天上I"ll float, I"ll fade up, I"ll carry away我飘啊飘,摇啊摇,最后消失不见"Til you pull me down and you think of me直到你粗鲁地把我拉下来All my life, I"m traveling light我原来就是雨后那道彩虹Been living in a sky悠悠地挂在天上I"ll float, I"ll fade up, I"ll carry away我飘啊飘,摇啊摇,最后消失不见"Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes, sometimes直到你粗鲁地把我拽下来
2023-07-06 15:23:051

电影 《天使之城》一首很好听的插曲

angel 嘿嘿嘿嘿~
2023-07-06 15:23:122

急求Lady Gaga的新歌《The Edge of Glory》的歌词及翻译!

Closer To The Edge I don"t remember the moment, I tried to forget 我不记得那个时刻了,我试着去忘记I lost myself, is it better not said我迷失了自我,这还是不要说的好Now I"m closer to the edge 现在我更接近边缘了It was a thousand to one 这是集千成一的And a million to two time to go down in Flames 还有一百万至两次落下到火焰之中and im taking you Closer to the edge 我带你接近边缘地带No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会再相见No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会再相见NO NO NO NO Can you imagine a time when the truth ran free 你能想象真理奔向自由的那一刻吗The birth of us all and the death of a dream 我们所有人的诞辰和理想的死亡Closer to the edge 更接近到边缘This never ending story 这是没有结尾的故事Paid for with pride and faith 用骄傲与信念来偿还We all fall short of glory 我们都失败了,缺少了份荣誉LOST IN THE SUN 在阳光只中迷失No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会在次相见No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会在次相见NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I will never forget 我永远都不会忘记NO NO I will never regret 我永远都不感到遗憾NO NO I WILL LIVE MY LIFE 我会活好自己每一天NO NO NO NO I will never forget 我永远都不会忘记NO NO I will never regret 我永远都不会忘记NO NO WILL LIVE MY LIFE 过好自己的人生No, I"m not saying I"m sorry 不,我不会说对不起One day maybe we"ll meet again 也许有一天我们会在次相见No, I"m not saying 不,我不会说I"m sorry One day maybe we"ll meet again 我很对不起也许我们会再相见NO NO NO NO Closer to the edge Closer to the edge 更接近到边缘NO NO NO NOCloser to the edge Closer to the edge 更接近到边缘NO NO NO NO Closer to the edge更接近到边缘
2023-07-06 15:23:311

求世界杯主题曲The Time Of Our Lives 的歌词.

曲名:生命之颠 歌手:il divo toni braxton 专辑:2006世界杯主题曲 there was a dream a long time a ago there was a dream destined to grow into a passion a fire within a will to give everything a desire to win for the lifetime of heartbreakes that brought us here today we"ll go all the way It feels like we"re having the time of our lives Let there be sunshine let it rain Let"s come together as one and the same Cause it feels like we?re having the time of our lives We"ll find the glory in the end For all that we are For all that we are For the time of our lives This is the moment This is our chance To do what we love and to be What we"re ment to be for the lifetime of heartbreakes that brought us here today we"ll go all the way It feels like we"re having the time of our lives And I"ll never forget For as long as I live 生命之巅 这里有一个梦想 在很久很久以前 这里有一个梦想 不停的向热情蔓延 胸中充满烈火 世界万物都拥有信念 一个愿望就是胜利 为了今天不会带给我们 一生难以忍受的悲伤和失望 我们将一直努力 感觉我们已经拥有了生命之颠 到处都是阳光和雨露 让我们团结成为一体 因为感觉告诉我们 我们已经拥有了生命之颠 我们在最后拥有的最高的荣誉 为了所有的人 为了所有的人 为了我们的生命之颠 就是这片刻 这是我们的机会 去做我们想做的事 那些我们希望的事 为了今天不会带给我们 一生难以忍受的悲伤和失望 我们将一直努力 感觉我们已经拥有了生命之颠 我永远不会忘记 永远不会
2023-07-06 15:23:393


There was a dream Long time ago There was a dream Destined to grow 曾经有一个梦想 很久很久以前 曾经有一个梦想 注定会成长 Hacerse pasion Con fuego abrazar El deseo de dar sin fin El deseo de ganar (西班牙语) 再来一点激情吧 拥抱火焰 梦想没有边界 梦想是用来拼搏实现的 For the lifetime Of progress That runs here today Will go all the way 因为进步的人生 已经推进到了今日 而且将继续 Hey They feels like we"ve having The time of our lives Let"s light the fire, find the pain Let"s come together as one inside "Cause it feels like we"ve having The time of our lives We"ll find the glory All that we are, for all that we are For the time of our lives 嘿,这就好像我们正在享有我们生命中的时光 让我们点燃火光,找到痛楚 让我们一起汇聚成一体 因为这就好像我们正享有生命中的时光 我们会找寻到自己所有的荣耀 我们拥有的一切 我们生命中的时光 Hoy es el dia Es la ocasion de triunfar Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui Y llegare hasta el final (Heaven knows...) 今天是一个胜利的好时机 为了实现我们梦中的梦想 一个奋斗的人生将我们带到了这里 我们将继续走到最后(天堂知道) "Cause it feels like we"ve having the time of our lives Juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el major "Cause it feels like we"ve having the time of our lives juanto la gloria, junto a mi, La hora llego de la verdad El momento llego 因为这就好像我们正拥有生命中的时光 一起,团结,努力把我们的梦想实现到最完美 因为这就好像我们正拥有生命中的时光 和荣耀一起,和我一起 真相在这一刻被我们找到 Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar... 我觉不会忘记 "Cause it feels like we"ve having ("cause it we"re having...) The time of our lives Juntos, unidos, triunfara (juntos, unidos, triunfara...) Nuestro deseo de ser el mejor "Cause it feels like we"ve having ("cause it we"re having...) The time of our lives junto a la gloria, junto a mi, La hora llego El momento llego (Oh!...) 因为这就好像我们正拥有生命中的时光 一起,团结,努力把我们的梦想实现到最完美 因为这就好像我们正拥有生命中的时光 和荣耀一起,和我一起 真相在这一刻被我们找到 We"ll find the glory (Find the glory...) we"ll be there (In the end...) For all that we are For everything that we wanna be and all that we are For the time of our lives For the time of our lives... Oh... 我们将找寻到荣耀 我们会在那里(最后) 为了我们 为了我们想要成为的和我们已经拥有的 为了我们生命中的时光 为了我们生命中的时光
2023-07-06 15:23:553

Just A Moment 歌词

歌曲名:Just A Moment歌手:Nas Featuring Quan专辑:Street"S Disciplefrom:stantarks(feat. Quan)(Verse 1: Quan)Can we please have a moment of silence?That"s for my niggaz doin" years in confinementAnd for my soldiers who passed over, no longer livingThat couldn"t run whenever the reaper came to get "emCan we please pour out some liquor?Symobolizin", let"s take in time to consider thatThough our thugs ain"t here, the love is hereAnd we gon" rep "til slugs kill us hereThis for my dawgs stuck in the struggle tryin" to gainSmokin" trauma, sniffin" Ra while sellin" cocaineTrapped in the game, not knowin" how to stop and get byTo live it alive, so instead they live it to dieCan we please have a moment of peace?For every G that fell for his flag in the streetsBloodin" and thuggin", folkin" and lokin"Crypin" and creepin", Latin and kingin"Or just for poor righteous teachin"(Chorus: Quan sings)As days goes and nights fallFor the rest of our life we"ll miss y"allAnd even though life must go on, we"ll still mournWhile wishin" y"all were home(Chorus)(Verse 2: Nas)Yeah, and can we have another moment of silence?For brothers who died from black-on-black violenceFrom here to the Dark Continent were rebels sell diamondsTo clients allover the world, got little Black girls dyin"And can we please pour some more liquors?For Will, Bokeem, Bar, Pappy -- my niggazHere"s another Warrior Song from Nasty and QuanIt"s to him I pass the baton to carry this onStreet"s Disciple, salute to those who"s gone with bulletsAnd I promise through rhymin" Quan gon" rep his life to the fullestAnd can we please have a moment of truth?For soldiers and troops away with helmets and bootsAnd families back home who pray they make it home safeHopin" that they don"t get hit with a stray or missilesThis is just a moment to let you all know that we miss youMommy I"m still here, wishin" I was there with youLet"s take "em home(Chorus)(Verse 3: Quan)And can we please have a moment to mourn?For Pac, Biggie and Pun "cause through us they live onJam Master Jay, Freaky Ty and AlliyahBig L and Left Eye, when we die we wish to see yaCan we please have a moment for children?Who got raped or murdered, or trapped in the systemWho never knew their father, never learned to dreamBut was guided by drug dealers, killers and crack fiendsFor single mothers that"s forced to play mom and dadBustin" her ass to give her kids shit she never hadFor my niggaz in the pen hopin" rhymes"ll get "em signedSo when released, they can say bye to a life of crimeFor very mother that held a son in the street bleedin"Cryin" a song of sorow to dark and deep for speakin"Just a moment outside the day to day struggleTo let the ones we really care about know that we love "em(Chorus)
2023-07-06 15:24:091

More Than A Feeling (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:More Than A Feeling (Album Version)歌手:The Moog Cookbook专辑:Ye Olde Space Bande Plays The Classic Rock Hits『More Than a Feeling』vocal. ロイ(铃村健一)抱きしめたら目を闭じるなんて君もその気なんじゃない?it"s the moment of truthit"s more than a feeling恋が始まるんだからarranged by キポリスト冷めてるような 君の视线に何回もヘコむよだけど君だって 隙见せるの罪じゃない君といれば いつもふたりで笑ってられるよつまらないジョーク そのためにあるんだよね軽(かる)めに好きだなんて 信じてくれないよね でもそうでもなきゃ言えないよ 损(そん)な性格(せいかく)タイプ今の気持ち信じなよ本当は动揺(どうよう)してんだけどやめちゃもったいないね贫相(ひんそう)なボディで攻めろ!繋がる手と手の间に伝わる感覚嘘じゃないはず だって濡れてる瞳おでこに2回のキスで 始まる恋の魔法だから揺れてる君の心 きっともう离さないいつの间にか 傍にいないなんて君もあり得ないんじゃない?it"s the moment of truthIt"s more than a feeling覚悟决めていいんじゃない?昨日の占星术で 今日决めちゃえって出てたからスケジュール明けちゃって朝まで ふたり络まって抱きしめたら目を闭じるなんて君もその気なんじゃない?it"s the moment of truthIt"s more than a feeling今の気持ち信じなよ本当は动揺してんだけどやめちゃもったいないね贫相なボディで攻めろ!by 溯曈End
2023-07-06 15:24:271


The Edge of Glory - Lady GaGaThere"s no reason you and me should be aloneTonight" yeah babe Tonight" yeah babeI got the reason that you who take me home tonightI need a man that thinks it right when it"s so wrong"Tonight yeah babe" Tonight yeah babe"Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonightIt"s time to feel the rush"To push the dangerousI"m gonna run back to" to the edge with youWhere we can both fall in loveI"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment of truth"I"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment with you"I"m on the edge The edgeI"m on the edge of gloryAnd I"m hanging on a moment with youI"m on the edge with youAnother shot" before we kiss the other side"Tonight" yeah babe Tonight" yeah babeI"m on the edge of something final we call life tonightAlright" alrightPull out your shade "cause I"ll be dancing in the flamesTonight" yeah babe Tonight" yeah babeIt is the Heart the burden of my name" alright" alrightIt"s time to feel the rushTo push the dangerousI"m gonna run back to" to the edge with youWhere we can both fall in loveI"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment of truth"I"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment with you"I"m on the edge The edge~I"m on the edge of gloryAnd I"m hanging on a moment with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge with youI"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment of truth"I"m on the edge of glory"And I"m hanging on a moment with you"I"m on the edge The edge~I"m on the edge of gloryAnd I"m hanging on a moment with youI"m on the edge with you~~~~I"m on the edge with you~~~~I"m on the edge with you~~~~
2023-07-06 15:24:341

The Edge of glory中英对照歌词

There ain"t a reason you and me should be alone没有什么是你我应该孤独的理由Tonight, yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的Tonight, yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的 I got a reason that you-hoo should take me home tonight我有一个今晚你应该带我回家的理由I need a man that thinks it"s right when it"s so wrong当这件事情是错误的时候,我需要有人赞成它是对的Tonight yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的Tonight yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight我们知道这里就是那条我们今晚彼此拥有的界限(我汗,这句真吱别人!) It"s time to feel the rush是时候享受下冲刺的感觉了To push the dangerous把危险晾在一边I"m gonna run back to, to the edge with you我想要跑回到,回到边缘之处与你同在Where we can both fall o"er in love那个我们可以沉浸爱海的地方 I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘And I"m hanging on a moment of truth我会坚持真理Out on the edge of glory在荣誉的边缘之外And I"m hanging on a moment with you我会坚持与你同在I"m on the edge我就站在边缘之处The edge x6边缘I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘And I"m hanging on a moment with you我会坚持与你同在I"m on the edge with you我与你一同站在边缘Another shot, before we kiss the other side在我们亲吻对方另一侧之前,再感应一次(翻译的有点牵强)Tonight, yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的Tonight, yeah babe今晚,对,亲爱的 I"m on the edge of something final we call life tonight今晚我就站在那个我们最后称为生活的边缘Alright, alright是的,是的Pull out your shades cause I"ll be dancing in the flames抽离你的身影,因为我将在火焰中起舞Tonight, yeah babe今晚,是的,亲爱的Tonight, yeah babe今晚,是的,亲爱的It isn"t hell if everybody knows my name tonight今晚这里不是地狱,人们都将知道我的大名Alright, alright是的,是的It"s time to feel the rush是时候享受冲刺的感觉To push the dangerous把危险晾在一边I"m gonna run back to, to the edge with you我要跑回到,回到边缘之处与你同在Where we can both fall o"er in love那个我们可以沉浸爱海的地方I"m on the edge of glory我就站在荣誉的边缘And i"m hanging on a moment of truth我一定会坚持真理Out on the edge of glory在荣誉的边缘之外And i"m hanging on a moment with you我会坚持与你同在I"m on the edge我就站在边缘the edge(6x)边缘I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘 And i"m hanging on a moment with you我坚持与你同在 I"m on the edge with you与你共同站在边缘之处 I"m on the edge with you与你共同站在边缘之处I"m on the edge with you 与你共同站在边缘之处I"m on the edge of glory与你共同站在边缘之处And i"m hanging on a moment of truth我会坚持真理I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘And i"m hanging on a moment with you我坚持与你同在I"m on the edge 我就站在边缘之处the edge(6x)边缘I"m on the edge of glory我就站在荣誉的边缘And i"m hanging on a moment with you我坚持与你同在I"m on the edge with you与你共同站在边缘之处With you(4x)与你一起
2023-07-06 15:24:411


You change the sound of my name 你叫我名字的时候声音都变了A moment of truth that I saw in youΓ face 那一刻我从你脸上了解了真相It hurts inside, a moment this vile 那一刻,心很痛That you brought alive All the roads lead back to you 所有的路都将我带回到你的身边Give me something to return to In your heart 什么能让我再次占有你的心I fear nothing but to leave here Without you for life 我只怕离开后我的生命里再也没有了你We were left in this world for each other 在这个世界上,我们为了彼此而存在But I can"t run from the fate 但是我无法从命运里逃脱I"ve been fighting for so long 我挣扎了很久很久You made me who I am Until the dawn of time I have... 是你让我了解了我自己直到我的黎明到来...walked alone 独自徘徊You tie up a storm When all hope was lost 是你结束了一场暴风雨当所有的希望都已破灭But time revolves I have to let go 但是时光流转我只能放开手让你走One never meant to be 这决非我的本意Give me something to return to in your heart 什么能让我再次占有你的心I fear nothing but to leave here Without you for l 我只怕离开后生命里再也没有了你.
2023-07-06 15:24:492

曼联 荣耀之歌的歌词

There ain"t no reason you and me should be alone我们没有任何理由在今夜享用孤独Tonight, yeah baby今晚! 对!宝贝!Tonight, yeah baby对!就今晚!宝贝!I"ve got a reason that you who should take me home tonight (tonight)我有一个理由,今夜你应该带我寻觅我的归宿(今夜)I need a man that thinks it right when it"s so wrong当我犯错时,我需要一个人认为我是对的Tonight, yeah baby今晚! 对!宝贝!Tonight, yeah baby对!就今晚!宝贝!Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight (tonight)在今夜这个分界,我们将属于彼此(今夜)It"s time to feel the rush是时候感到急促了To brush the dangerous从脑海中擦去危险I"m gonna run back to, to the edge with you我要回到我的归宿,和你站在边缘Where we can both fall far in love在那遥远的,我能与你相爱的归宿I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘上And I"m hanging on a moment of truth等待真实诞生的时刻I‘m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘上And I"m hanging on a moment with you此刻我和你共同等待I"m on the edge (The edge)我站在荣誉的边缘上The edge (The edge)截图边缘上The edge (The edge)边缘上The edge边缘上I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘上And I"m hanging on a moment with you此刻我和你共同等待I"m on the edge with you我和你站在边缘上Another shot, before we kiss the other side在下一次尝试之前,让我们亲吻对方Tonight, yeah baby今晚!对!宝贝!Tonight, yeah baby对!就今晚!宝贝!I"m on the edge of something final we call life tonight今夜,我站在所谓人生的边缘上All right, all right很好,很好Put on your shades "cause I"ll be dancing in the flames带上你的遮阳帽吧,我将在这荣誉的火焰中起舞Tonight, yeah baby今晚!对!宝贝!Tonight, yeah baby对!就今晚!宝贝!It doesn"t hurt if everybody knows my name tonight今夜,不会在意是否人人都知晓我的名字All right, all right没事,没事It"s time to feel the rush是时候感到急促了To brush the dangerous在脑海中擦去危险I"m gonna run back to, to the edge with you我要回到我的归宿,和你站在边缘Where we can both fall far in love在那遥远的,我能与你相爱的归宿I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘上And I"m hanging on a moment of truth等待真实诞生的时刻I‘m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘上And I"m hanging on a moment with you此刻我和你共同等待I"m on the edge (The edge)我站在荣誉的边缘上The edge (The edge)边缘上The edge (The edge)边缘上The edge边缘上I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘上And I"m hanging on a moment with you此刻我和你共同等待I"m on the edge with you我和你站在边缘上I"m on the edge with you我和你站在边缘上I"m on the edge with you我和你站在边缘上I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘上And I"m hanging on a moment of truth等待真实诞生的时刻I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘上And I"m hanging on a moment with you此刻我和你共同等待I"m on the edge (the edge)我站在荣誉的边缘上The edge (The edge)边缘上The edge (The Edge)边缘上The edge边缘上I"m on the edge of glory我站在荣誉的边缘上And I"m hanging on a moment with you此刻我和你共同等待I"m on the edge with you我和你站在边缘上With you和你With you和你With you和你With you和你I"m on the edge with you我和你站在边缘上With you和你With you和你With you和你With you和你I"m on the edge with you我和你站在边缘上With you和你With you和你With you和你With you和你I"m on the edge with you我和你站在边缘上With you和你With you和你With you和你With you和你
2023-07-06 15:25:091

Time Of Our Lives (Original Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Time Of Our Lives (Original Version)歌手:Spear Of Destiny专辑:Time Of Our Lives - The Best Of Spear Of DestinyTIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end)Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...(And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we areFor one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives
2023-07-06 15:25:351

Time Of Our Lives (Original Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Time Of Our Lives (Original Version)歌手:Spear Of Destiny专辑:OutlandTIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end)Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...(And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we areFor one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives
2023-07-06 15:25:421

The time of our lives 歌词

歌曲名:The time of our lives歌手:Il Divo专辑:圣杯之歌 Voices From The Fifa World CupTIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end) Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)荷兰,加油!Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar... (And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we are For one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our livesFIFA world cup Germany 2006
2023-07-06 15:25:531

Time Of Our Lives 歌词

歌曲名:Time Of Our Lives歌手:Marcia Hines专辑:Time Of Our LivesTIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end)Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...(And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we areFor one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives
2023-07-06 15:26:011

Time Of Our Lives 歌词

歌曲名:Time Of Our Lives歌手:Bonnie Raitt专辑:Silver LiningTIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growFor a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayHacerse pasion (To become passion)We"ll go all the wayCon fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)Hey they feel like having the time of our livesEl deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)We"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final Heaven knows(and I"ll keep on till the end)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)For time of our lives"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar..."Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we are.For one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives
2023-07-06 15:26:551

The Time Of Our Lives 歌词

歌曲名:The Time Of Our Lives歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:The Essential Disc 2TIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end) Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)荷兰,加油!Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar... (And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we are For one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our livesFIFA world cup Germany 2006
2023-07-06 15:27:141

The time of our lives 歌词

歌曲名:The time of our lives歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:Voices 2006德国世界杯国际足联官方专辑TIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end) Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)荷兰,加油!Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar... (And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we are For one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our livesFIFA world cup Germany 2006
2023-07-06 15:27:211

Time Of Our Lives (Club Mixes) 歌词

歌曲名:Time Of Our Lives (Club Mixes)歌手:Marcia Hines专辑:Time Of Our LivesTIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end)Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...(And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we areFor one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives
2023-07-06 15:27:291

Time Of Our Lives [Atjazz Love Soul Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:Time Of Our Lives [Atjazz Love Soul Remix]歌手:Santos专辑:Time Of Our LivesTIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end)Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...(And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we areFor one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives
2023-07-06 15:27:361

Time Of Our Lives (Atjazz Astro Dub) 歌词

歌曲名:Time Of Our Lives (Atjazz Astro Dub)歌手:Santos专辑:Time Of Our LivesTIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton & Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe"ll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet"s light the fire find the plainLet"s go together as one inside"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesWe"ll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I"ll keep on till the end)Heaven knows"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...(And now I will never ever forget it...)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)"Cause it feels like we"re having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We"ll find the glory we"ll be thereFor all that we areFor one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives
2023-07-06 15:27:431

写一篇关于沙龙(salon service)的英文文章。

My working place was Located in the heart of XXXX, XXXX Is the place to go for the ultimate pampering treatments. All services are administered by licensed professionals only. The company was established in 1999 with only 6 spaces at the beginning. After a decade of continuous efforts, we are able to make it one of the largest salons in Burwood. We are now developing various styles to satisfy contemporary youths need. We are targeting mainly on young people and becoming the indicator of latest hair styles on sophisticated trend. We at XXXX are committed to excellence in the art of hairdressing. We are passionately delicate to providing clients with the highest level of skills and products in an enjoyable friendly salon environment. Types of organizational customers Internal customers who use products or service provided by the organization and belong to the organization. External customers who use products or services or services provided by the organization but come from outside the organization Direct customers who deal directly with an organization. Indirect customers who use an organization"s product or service but have no direct involvement with the organization. I will need to research and access the needs of my entire customer, both inside and outside the organization. When planning, I will need to take into account the quality, costs and delivery times agreed with my customer There are five common customer service research techniques used in the workplace to gather customer service related data. These are: 1. Direct observation 2. Survey questionnaires 3. Interviews 4. Focus groups, and 5. Case studies. I will use these techniques to gather information about what my customer needs, as well as how they perceive whether me and my team are meeting those needs. Meeting customer needs Delivering great service relies on meeting customer"s needs. Let"s look at how we can use the information we have about customers and their needs to develop a service plan. The service objectives the first step in planning is to determine my goals or objectives. The customer service objective will determine the level of customer service to be delivered. There are four level of service: 1. Basic 2. Expected 3. Desired 4. Sensational While we might like to aim for "sensational" service all the time, we know that service at this level comes with a cost, for example staff training and additional resources The cycle of service The definition of "moment of truth" is : "an episode in which a customer comes into contact with an aspect of the organization, however remote, thereby has an opportunity to form an impression." A moment of truth of truth can be a face-to-face contact, a telephone contact or an electronic contact. The important point about a moment of truth is that it is a critical factor in building the relationship between customers and organizations. Moments of truth allow the customer to make a judgment about the quality of customer service offered by an organization and therefore develop a personal view of what they think about the organization. A moment of truth with" basic" customer service can therefore color a customer"s view of the whole organization. Customers don"t consciously look for moments of truth—what they want is to have their needs met. You can meet these needs by going through a whole process from beginning to end –a cycle of service. Start Moment of truth Moment of truth Finish Moment of truth Cycle of service example Let"s relate the cycle of service to the simple example of going to the movies. The cycle begins at some identifiable point of customer experience, such as seeing an advertisement for the film or talking to a friend who recommends it. What does the customer experience? Arriving at the theatre, finding a parking place, standing in line to buy tickets, and waiting in line to enter the theatre are just some of them. As I trace the experiences of the customer such as visiting the rest room, standing in line for refreshments, and searching for a seat, you begin to realize that the experience of visiting a cinema includes much more than just sitting in a seat watching a movie. We can say that each part of the customer"s experience is a moment of truth for the organization. Each point on the cycle of service has an impact on the customer---not just the final service of seeing a movie. If the movie itself is enjoyable but the place is dirty, parking is a problem, the theatre is located in a dangerous neighborhood, or noisy patrons interfere with the enjoyment of the other customers, the theatre will be perceived as having a service quality problem. The customer came to the theatre to see a movie but also experienced some less desirable things. Some customers will complain about the dirt and the noisy patrons, but other customers will simply never return to that cinema. For each experience the customer has in the cycle of service, the customer consciously or unconsciously rates the experience as satisfactory, unsatisfactory or superior. This assessment will determine whether the customer will use the service again or choose to go elsewhere. Taking a holistic approach to interactions with customers, we can help to deliver customer service that will meet or exceed customers" needs. Managing service problems You can also use the cycle of service to help you identify problems matching service delivery to customers" needs, and to develop options for improved service. Focus first on what customer needs may not be being met during the interaction, and then on what your team can do to meet those needs. Generally problems are related to: * Lack of flexibility in service delivery * Need for training of staff * Lack of communication among team members * Lack of communication from management * No clear direction or collaborative goal setting * Ignoring customer feedback. All of these problems are within your control, at least to some degree. What is customer service? Customer service is a simple concept. It is where an organization or supplier meets the needs of a customer as efficiently and courteously as possible. Excellent customer service keeps your customers satisfied and happy to give you repeat business. Experts agree that the key steps to delivering quality customer service are: Determining customer needs Meeting customer needs Monitoring service and solving problems. There are six steps to creating a strategy for good customer service: 1. Identify your customers. 2. Determine the customers" needs and expectations. 3. Develop a plan to provide service that meets or exceeds customers" expectations. 4. Implement the plan. 5. Establish an evaluation program. 6. Evaluate progress and continue to improve the strategy. There are five steps to providing excellent customer service: 1. Treat your customers with respect. 2. Listen to your customers 3. Work with your customers to determine their needs. 4. Meet the needs of your customers. 5. Provide your customer with a friendly atmosphere. Customer service is only as good as the customers say it is. And customers only rate service as ‘good" if their needs are being met. Follow these steps and you will develop loyal customers who are more likely to come back. This approach will also establish ongoing business relationships. Features that make up customer service Dimension Description Access Approachability, ease of contact Responsibility Willingness to keep customers happy and provide prompt service Courtesy Politeness, respect, consideration, friendliness Reliability Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately Security Freedom from danger, risk or doubt Communication Keeping customers informed, in a language they can understand; listening to customer Understanding Making an effort to know customers and their needs Tangibles Appearance of physical facilities equipment, personnel and communication Credibility Trustworthiness, believability, honesty of service provider Competence Possession of the required skills and knowledge to perform the service There is an assumption that organizations know who their customers are. Yet this may not be as obvious as we first believe.求采纳
2023-07-06 15:28:331

2006德国世界杯主题曲The time of our lives歌词有不同语言

2023-07-06 15:28:403


sensor 即传感器,是用来感应一定的信号。 在一些高智能化的机器中,sensor 有着很重要的作用,通过sensor 来达到机器的自动化控制, 机器中常用的sensore 有touch sonsor ,光感sensor以及磁感sensor 等。
2023-07-06 15:23:481


法律主观:公务接待就餐标准及规格:应当供应家常菜,不得提供高档菜肴和用野生保护动物制作的菜肴;接待对象在10人以内的,陪餐人数不得超过3人;不得以任何名义赠送礼金、有价证券、纪念品和土特产品;其他。法律客观:《党政机关国内公务接待管理规定》第十条 接待对象应当按照规定标准自行用餐。确因工作需要,接待单位可以安排工作餐一次,并严格控制陪餐人数。接待对象在10人以内的,陪餐人数不得超过3人;超过10人的,不得超过接待对象人数的三分之一。 工作餐应当供应家常菜,不得提供鱼翅、燕窝等高档菜肴和用野生保护动物制作的菜肴,不得提供香烟和高档酒水,不得使用私人会所、高消费餐饮场所。
2023-07-06 15:23:511


2023-07-06 15:23:513


《高效能人士的七个习惯》和《活出生命的意义》是我的2017年度之书,因为在我心情焦虑、非常迷茫的时候,这两本书引导我不断去寻找自己的原则和生活的意义,我也有不少正面积极的反馈。《精力管理》与《高效能人士的七个习惯》一脉相承,可以说是七个习惯的实践和引申版,从精力来源中的“体能”、“情感”、“思维”、“意志”四个维度训练“全情投入”的状态。 书本的书写结构为“总”——“分”——“总”+实践,结构和总结非常精辟,实践和案例部分也非常详尽,可以跟着实践和收集资料。 精力 指的是做事情的能力。 精力&时间管理的革命性突破: 管理精力,而非时间,才是高效表现的基础。 管理精力 要做好:建立仪式习惯(sop)、恢复积极精力(非常像HIIT间歇性锻炼) 一、核心思想 1、管理精力,而非时间 2、全情投入是:高效、健康、快乐的 3、像专业运动员那样管理精力 二、全情投入 四种精力源:体能、情感、思维、意志 钟摆式运动:精力储备会消耗、周期补充才能平衡消耗、突破舒适区 积极的仪式习惯 三、精力训练的步骤 1、按价值观来支配精力 2、正视现实:你是谁?收集数据评估 3、付诸行动 有技巧的精力管理,是高度表现、健康和幸福的基础。做好个人的经历管理,然胡才是调动、集中、投入和发展团队集体的精力。依靠对个人和团体的有效精力管理,我们才能实现全情投入。 全情投入: 需要身体活跃、情感联动、思维集中,并且大大超出个人短期利益的意志高度。它意味着你在早晨对工作充满期待,晚上高高兴兴地回家,能够在工作和私人生活之间画上清晰的界线。它意味着全心投入手头的事务,不管是应对工作挑战、管理团队、陪伴所爱之人,还是娱乐消遣。 这个状态实在太棒了,我在回想,有的时候自己全心投入在写文案的时候、在全心健身的时候、在全心全意旅游去享受的时候,自己的全身都是开放、高效、享受、不知疲倦的。 原则一:全情投入需要调动四种独立且相互关联的精力源:体能,情感,思维和意志 原则二:因为使用过度和使用不足都会削弱精力,必须不时更新精力以平衡消耗 原则三:为了提高能力,我们必须突破自己的惯常极限,模仿运动员进行系统训练。 原则四:积极的精力仪式习惯,即细致具体的精力管理方法,是全情投入、保持高效表现的诀窍。确保改变持久需要完成三个步骤:明确目标(goal,即理想中的自己),正视现实(reality,收集资料,实际中的自我),付诸行动(action缩小理想与实际中的自己的差距)。体能精力是生活最基本的精力源;体能精力通过央企和葡萄糖的化学作用获得;影响体能最关键的两项调节器是:呼吸和进食。 体能改进TO DO LIST: 1、延长呼吸时间有利于精力恢复(冥想有利于自律和聚集精力),每天早上花5-10分钟冥想 2、每天吃5~6顿低热量高营养的食物,能够为机体持续供应葡萄糖和必须的营养。 (1早餐选择升糖低的食物,比如全麦食物、蛋白质和低糖水果——苹果、草莓、梨子,并且早一点吃;210点休息时间可以吃一些见过、水果或者200卡的能量棒;3中午吃适当饱腹即可,5-6分饱;4下午可以吃一些坚果或酸奶;5晚餐少吃) 3、每天至少5杯250毫升的水,水是有效管理体力的关键要素。 4、大多数人需要每晚7-8小时的睡眠,方可正常运作早睡早起可以优化效能表现。 5、间歇训练比稳态训练在锻炼体力方面更有效,在体力恢复方面更高效。每周至少3次有氧+无氧结合运动 6、为了保持全情投入的状态,我们必须工作90-120分钟就休息15分钟左右。 7、睡前不要看简单的小说、玩手机和看电影,选择一些难度大的读物阅读,让自己精神。 体能精力是点燃情感技能和才华的燃料。为了发挥出最佳水平,我们必须调动积极愉悦的情感上喜悦,挑战、冒险和机遇。 情商的意义在于有技巧地管控情感以保持正面积极的精力,并最终为全情投入服务。 正面情感精力的关键因素是:自信、自控、社交技巧及共情,通俗来说,就是耐心、开放、信任和喜悦。若要调动情感肌肉塑造最佳表现,需要创造定期使用和间歇恢复的平衡。 当我们的情感肌肉虚弱,不能满足生活要求,比如缺乏自信或缺乏耐心,我们就必须通过一定的模式进行系统训练,使之拥有超出当前承受压力的能力,等待恢复和再生。 体能和情感精力密不可分。如果压力倍增而体能不足,我们会产生一种紧迫感,就是压力倍增,但是身体的燃料却日渐减少,产生焦虑、沮丧的情感。 情感管理TO DO LIST 1、保持正面沟通是有效管理的核心: 正面情感能有效的支配个人表现,也会影响团队。员工和顶头上司的关系比其他因素更能决定元的效率。员工的工作动力包括感受到主管或其他同事的关心、表扬和鼓励。 (给家人、朋友、同事、自己鼓励与表扬) 2、如何获得正面情感: 1所有能带来享受、满足和安全感的活动都能激发正面情感 对于自己来说,我的兴趣是:唱歌、跳舞、亲热、读书、摄影、看电影、博物馆参观、组织朋友定期聚会(要把这些爱好列为重视的仪式感,并将投入在它们身上的时间是为神圣不可侵犯)。 3、情绪回复的来源越丰富、月有内涵,越能补充自己的精力储备,恢复力越好。 4、让人际关系促进精力再生。 1维持健康的友谊能带来积极的情感经历及更新。 2在工作环境中至少交一位好朋友:付出与回报、倾诉与倾听、珍视他人与被他人同等珍视。 3在生活和成长方面结对成长、理财结对、工作导师等等。 5、“三明治”批评意见(家人、同事) 1真诚的对该员工表现给出正面评价 2以讨论而非宣讲的形式提出批评意见 3以鼓励的方式结尾 优化思维的关键包括思维准备、构建愿景、积极的自我暗示、高效的时间管理和创造力。 思维也需要平衡消耗和再生。保持专注于乐观的秘密在于间歇的变换思维频道,达到精力休息和再生效果。 身体锻炼可以助长认知能力。 乐观有助于精力恢复,提高创造力可以定期放空、切换思维、不断挑战开放、定期运动,培养专注力:锻炼达到、严格安排时间、安排大脑的周期性休息, 思维锻炼to do list: 1、上班途中思考一天的工作和挑战(列出任务TASK) 2、每天行进总结:自己今天有进步吗?成就事件是哪些?有什么可以做的更好? 3、每天日记和时间记录 4、每天早上进公司的15mins列出处理事项和清单。 任何能够点燃人类的精神的食物都有助于全情投入、出金最佳表现。意志精力的关键动力在于性格品质——一个人如果有自己的人生目标,他的勇气和信念,即使面对艰难和个人牺牲也会在所不惜。 建立自己的原则和信封的品质,并定下目标,一个一个对标去实践( 行动清单|构建品德 )参见富兰克林自传。 意志精力的来源是价值取向和超出个人利益的目标。 意志是有限的,会消耗精力。要把它用在利刃上。 《精力推荐》非常推荐了,第二部要介绍精力管理训练系统,我觉得还蛮实用的。
2023-07-06 15:23:541


街友们,大家好。今天的华人街小编带大家追溯历史,古代罗马帝国和我们中华帝国外交关系是怎样的呢,请看今天小编带来的编译文章:LE RELAZIONI DIPLOMATICHE SINO-ROMANE。古代的罗马帝国和古代的中华帝国直到今日仍然被认为是秩序,力量和智慧的永恒象征,这些无可争辩的价值观念在几百年来一直维系着东方以及西方的文明。许多历史和政治人物都受到了这两个帝国的各种成就和创造的启发,以建立或定义自己的国家和事业。罗马帝国和中华帝国所各自走过的道路,呈现出若干的相似之处:双方都是由多民族的联盟所构成的,都有一个稳固的国家,财政和军事机构,在艺术和科学方面高度发达,最后,双方都追随着各自的哲学―罗马帝国的坚忍的斯多葛哲学,而中华帝国的儒家思想―这些均规范了人们的行为,使他们拥有了高尚的道德和生活的操守准则。然而,罗马帝国和中华帝国之间也有若干的不同,比如经济制度,在西方是基于奴隶制的,而在远东则没有这个观念。而在东方,皇帝的概念是涉及到神性的,也就是说皇帝被认为是在地上的上帝,而在罗马帝国,国王是与元老院共同统治的,只有在他死后才有一个封圣的过程。此外,古罗马人不得不面对和征服比其更先进的人民,他们有许多技术和文化上的创新,这与中华帝国不同,它最初没有对外扩张,而是必须统一所有那些被中华各个民族所占领的领土,而且那些被征服的人民所掌握的技术程度等同于征服者,或者甚至还要更差。在共同的信仰之外,古罗马人是知道中国的存在的,他们将其称为“Serica”,字面上的意思就是“丝绸之国”。之所以有这个名字是由于丝绸是中国主要的出口产品,他们卖给通过丝绸之路而来采购这种珍贵的面料的罗马商人,这些商人再将它带到西方市场,销售给那些极为喜爱丝绸的贵妇和贵族们。丝绸是如此地被喜爱,以至于罗马帝国的元老院不得不颁布了许多的法律来禁止其使用,因为根据许多学者(如历史学家和作家老普里尼奥,Plinio il Vecchio)和元老院的元老们所称,丝绸是一个社会轻浮的象征,而且它不符合公众礼仪,因为它的轻薄,使它赢得了一个“透明服装"的绰号。此外,当时罗马帝国的人们普遍认为它是从树上长出来的。不过,这些都没有阻止这种织物的使用以及中华帝国和罗马帝国之间的贸易。两国之间的经济关系是如此的稳定,使得两个国家的使节也相互交往。跟据作家弗罗鲁斯(Floro)所记述,第一个到达罗马帝国控制下的领土的官方使节团可以追溯到公元97年,即在皇帝涅尔瓦(Nerva)统治的时期,该使节团是由一名战胜了匈奴的中国将军班超所派出的,由一位名叫甘英的中国使节所执行。尽管此举将使帕提亚帝国(Parti)非常的失望,因其希望避免这两个文明的接触,但他还是成功地完成了他的使命,并详细地描述了被中国人定义为叫“大秦”,也就是意为“伟大的中国”的罗马帝国,并能够使得另一位使节能在30年后带来关于中国领土的第一手的新闻。事实上,在一些罗马的文献中也提到,在奥古斯都(Augusto)取得对马克?安东尼(Marco Antonio)和埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉(Cleopatra)的胜利之后,有一位来自远东的使节抵达了罗马帝国的领土,他带来了一些礼物,其中就包括有上述的丝绸。古代中华帝国和罗马帝国的外交关系70年后,即公元166年,罗马人向丝绸之国派出了一个使节,号称是“安敦”遣使,这可能指的是皇帝安敦尼?庇护(Antonino Pio,死于161年),但也不排除可能是指皇帝马可?奥勒留(Marco Aurelio),因为当时在罗马帝国的国王有将他们的前任的名号拿来使用的传统。由于罗马帝国的海洋和陆地贸易已经扩展到了印度洋,使得这一使节团可以成行。它给中国的皇帝带来了许多来自罗马帝国领土的礼品,也为他的人民提供了一篇关于天文学上的论文。此外,在公元116年的时候,两个帝国差点就做到了直接接触,因为皇帝图拉真(Traiano)当年击败了帕提亚帝国,并占领了他们的首都泰西封(Ctesifonte)。而当时的中国人与帕提亚帝国有着军事同盟的关系,中国人的各个军营就驻扎在该城市的附近,当年帕提亚帝国就是要控制抵达近东的商业通道,竭尽全力试图避免双方彼此的接触,并最终成功地实现了他们的意图。事实上,当时的局面可能会对历史带来另一个后果,并将全面动摇当时世界的政治和军事平衡,不过,这种情况并没有出现,因为两个帝国的军队没有实现接触。两个帝国之间直接接触的梦想破灭了,因为皇帝哈德良(Adriano)开始了一个防御性的政策,将帝国的军团撤回到了位于叙利亚的古罗马界墙(Limes)处,而中国人则只是控制了在费尔干纳山谷(Ferghana)处的商业通道,而从帕提亚帝国撤出了。两个帝国未能做到接触并联手结盟,也是它们之后衰落的原因之一,同时也是罗马帝国灭亡的原因之一,因为那样本可以遏制来自亚洲的野蛮人的问题,比如匈奴,并维持住与东方的贸易,而这种贸易由于中亚日益紧张的,无法平息的局势,而日益地困难,并迫使罗马帝国最终永久关闭与远东国家所建立起来的经济关系,从而减少了国际贸易。如果当年在中华帝国和罗马帝国之间实现了直接的接触,那么历史会有一个不同的结局吗?(华人街网站编译:杨贤政先生,编辑:末代华侨,来源 图:网络,转载请注明意大利华人?街:huarenjie0039)
2023-07-06 15:23:571

rather than怎么用

2023-07-06 15:23:476


法律分析:根据相关规定,公务接待就餐标准为:厅局级干部及其随行人员工作餐费用标准每人每天不超过100元;处级及处以下人员工作餐费用标准每人每天不超过80元;在条件许可的情况下,提倡用自助餐。法律依据:《公务接待管理办法》第四条 接待标准 1、住宿标准。接待对象确需要安排住宿时,由办公室负责在定点宾馆(饭店)安排,省部级干部按有关规定报市有关部门;司局级干部可安排住单间;处级以下人员安排住标间。收费标准按照办公室与定点宾馆(饭店)签订的协议价格执行。费用一般由接待对象支付。2、工作餐标准。厅局级干部及其随行人员工作餐费用标准每人每天不超过100元;处级及处以下人员工作餐费用标准每人每天不超过80元;在条件许可的情况下,提倡用自助餐。3、宴请标准。公务接待中一般不安排宴请,确需宴请的,一般只安排一次,外地来访人员,原则上只接待到达或离去一餐。厅局级干部其及随行人员每人每餐不超过120元。处级及处以下人员每人每餐不超过80元。烟、酒、饮料等费用开支原则上不超过宴请标准的三分之一,且一般以青岛产品为主。确须提高宴请标准的须报主要领导批准。严格控制陪餐人数,陪餐人数原则上不超过客人人数的三分之一;如客人较多,可适当增加陪餐人员。宴请期间不安排司机就餐,每人每餐发工作餐补贴50元;确因工作需要安排工作餐的,不再另发补贴。
2023-07-06 15:23:441


维生素D3是脂溶性的,不溶于水,只能溶解在脂肪或脂肪溶剂中,在中性及碱性溶液中能耐高温和氧化。据实验,在130℃条件下加热90分钟,其生理流行性仍不被破坏,但在酸性条件下则逐渐分解破坏,一般食物烹调加式样过程中,不会损失,但脂肪酸败时可以引起维生素D3的破坏。 另外,维生素D3还可来自动物性食物,如肝类,尤其是由海产类的鱼肝中提炼的鱼肝油。维生素D3除存在于少数动物性食物之外,主要是皮肤中的7-脱氢胆固醇经紫外线照射后形成的,而7-脱氢胆醇则是由胆固醇转变生成的,所以有人叫它太阳维生素。 我们日常所需要的维生素D3,除食物供给一小部分外,主要通过日光照射可获得。如果服用制剂,可用维生素D3(爱维滴)滴剂每毫升含1200IU维生素D3),用于包括孕妇和婴幼儿等所有人群的维生素D3的日常补充。婴幼儿每天1-2滴(每滴含300IU维生素D3),孕妇、乳母可提高到2-3滴。成年人酌情调整剂量。
2023-07-06 15:23:421


2023-07-06 15:23:391

rather than和would rather的详细用法~!

rather than 用法小结rather than 是一个并列连词,用法比较复杂,现归纳如下: 1. rather than 与would 连用时,构成“would rather...than...”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。例如: She"d rather die than lose the children. 她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。 2. rather than 不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为“是……而不是……;与其……不如……”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。现分述如下: (1) 连接两个名词或代词 He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。 You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去要野营。 注意:rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。 (2) 连接两个形容词 The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。 (3) 连接两个介词(短语)或动名词 We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. 我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。 She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。 (4) 连接两个分句 We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。 (5) 连接两个不定式 I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。 注意:rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to, 如上句。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。如:Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。 (6) 连接两个动词 He ran rather than walked. 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。 注意:这里rather than 后用了walked,而没有用walk,表示客观事实,而不是主观愿望。如果换成walk,则作“宁愿……而不愿 ……”解。would rather的用法一、would rather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为"d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式 其否定形式是would rather not do sth。would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather。 “would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式,美国英语中多用had rather。would (had)在此决无“过去”之意,它是一个情态助动词,且无词性、时态变化。 例 Mr Li would rather not listen to rock music. 李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。 If you"d rather be alone, we"ll all leave here. 如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿。 He"d rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。 You would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. 今晚你最好呆在家中读点书。 二、如果在两者中进行取舍,表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……宁可……”的意思时,则可用would rather…than…或would…rather than…的句型 例 I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。 The children would walk there rather than take a bus. 孩子们宁愿步行去那里而不愿乘公共汽车。 请注意 1) would rather…than…/would…rather than…也可以颠倒为:rather than…would…。Would(rather)和than后都接不带to的动词不定式,若选用的动词相同,那么than 后的动词可以省略。 例 I would rather have noodles than rice. 我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。 He would rather drink wine than beer. 他喜欢喝红葡萄酒而不喜欢喝啤酒。 Rather than work in such bad condition, he would give up. 与其在这样差的条件下工作,他宁愿放弃。 2)使用would rather…than…句型时要注意“平行结构”,即在than 的前后要用两个同类的词或词组,如两个名词、两个不定式、两个介词短语等。 例 I would rather go to work by bike than by bus. 我宁愿骑自行车也不愿乘公共汽车去上班。 I would rather talk with his mother than with his father. 我宁愿和他妈说话而不愿和他爸说话。 三、在疑问句式中,would rather 与would rather…than…中的would要放在主语之前 例 Would you rather stay here or go home? 你愿意呆在这里,还是回家? Which would you rather have, apples or bananas? 你喜欢吃苹果还是香蕉? Would you rather read a novel than read a poem?你宁愿看小说而不愿朗读诗歌吗? 四、would rather+从句,是一个常用的虚拟语气句型 Would rather+从句,谓语一般用过去时来表示现在或将来。其意为“宁愿……,还是…… 好些”“一个人宁愿另一个人做某事”。引导从句的that常省略。在谈到过去的动作时,谓语则用过去完成时。 例 John wants to see me today. I would rather he came to tomorrow than today. 约翰今天想去看我。我宁愿他明天来看我而不是今天。(句中came不是表示过去而是表示将来) We"d rather he paid us the money tomorrow. 我们宁愿他明天付给我们那笔钱。 Don"t come tomorrow. I"d rather you came next weekend. 明天别来。我希望你下周末来。 请注意 1) 如果谈到过去的动作,也就是表示过去已经发生的事情在选择上不恰当。此时,主句一般为I had rather ,其(that)从句则用过去完成时。 例 Would rather you had not done that. 我真希望你没有做那件事。 2)如果只涉及主语本人而不涉及另一个人,则would rather之后不接that从句而接have done结构。 例 I would rather have gone to the theatre than stayed home night. 我真希望昨天晚上去看了戏而不是呆在家里。 He would rather be poor than have got money by dishonest methods. 他宁可穷也不愿意用不诚实的手段获取金钱。 Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does.亨利希望他的女朋友和他在一个部门工作。 五、would rather/sooner和prefer/would prefer的区别 would rather和would sooner之间一般没有区别,但经常接触到的是would rather。 例Tom would rather/sooner read than talk. 汤姆宁可读书而不愿谈天。 Tom prefers reading to talking.汤姆喜欢读书而不喜欢谈天。 请注意 1)would rather后跟不带to的不定式+than+不带 to的不定式,而prefer后跟动名词+to+动名词。有时prefer后面也可跟名词,而在would rather之后要求只带动词原形。 例 He prefers wine to beer.= He would rather drink wine than beer. 他喜欢喝红葡萄酒而不喜欢喝啤酒。 I prefer tennis to golf.= I"d rather play tennis than golf. 我喜欢打网球而不喜欢打高尔夫球。 2)某些 prefer+名词的情况不能用 would rather完全确切地表达出来:He prefers dogs to cats.(他喜欢狗而不喜欢猫。)和 He would rather have dogs than cats.(他宁可养狗而不愿养猫。)很明显,这两句的意思并不完全相同。 3) would rather+不带to的不定式有时可代替 would prefer+带 to的不定式。 例 I"d rather fly than go by sea.=I"d prefer to fly. 我宁愿乘飞机也不愿乘船。 这两个结构后面带名词时情况也一样: 例 —Would you like some gin? —I"d prefer a coffee.=I"d rather have coffee than gin. —您想喝点杜松子酒吗? —我想喝点咖啡。/我想喝点咖啡,不想喝杜松子酒。 4)would rather/sooner和would prefer后面都可跟完成式,但后者带to。 例 We went by sea but I"d rather have gone by air=I"d prefer to have gone by air. 我们是乘船去的,可我本想乘飞机去。(我愿意乘飞机去,可我的愿望未能实现。)这和 would like+不定式的完成式有点相似,would like+带to 的不定式的完成式也表示未能实现的愿望。
2023-07-06 15:23:381