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i learned to help others写篇作文要有翻译

2023-07-06 16:58:55

You take the left foot into the door, you looked around the hall, the sound can be heard without end stops, you seea young mother was sitting in the passenger seat and, hands are holding a crying baby, as the end of volume andtone, as if whispering, arms holding, is the only treasure in the world. The sun through the dust fall in her browncurls, shadows scattered on the ground, outline their detailed outline. Suddenly, you feel like crying.

You think of your dear mother, morning do you favorite chicken, you think of him to dress when you carefully, you think of her quarrel with you when you think of her anger, when washing clothes back, you think you have a view you as the only treasure. You can be good for the world and willful neglect her, you can take her to your connivance aside dismissive, you can also back to other SMS phone but forgot her worry, you can also like now toput everything into the community to the free heart for life and all the burden of losing give her. Of course you can go to the outside after twenty years may scenery lichen homecoming for her BMW LV package, but the whole worldnow, you just because she is your mother she love you dare to think so, and this is the only reason she became so humble.



2023-06-29 10:03:581


形容词dismissive英[du026asu02c8mu026asu026av]美[du026asu02c8mu026asu026av]adj.拒绝的; 轻蔑的,鄙视的; [例句]Mr Jones was dismissive of the report, saying it was riddled with inaccuracies.琼斯先生对报告不屑一顾,称其中充斥着谬误。[其他]形近词: transmissiveadmissiveemissive
2023-06-29 10:04:271


forget +to do 表示忘记要做什么事情而forget +doing则表示忘记做了什么事,第一个是选A的第二个么dismissive 是轻蔑的,鄙视的意思,是不是选C啊?我不怎么确定。
2023-06-29 10:04:343


I wanted to do when I grow up volunteers to protect animals.Now,there is animal life and dismissive.Often say that a dog is man"s best friend,but often those who like small animals were shouted at her cute appearance to.No one is really goSo to humans a better day,I want to be a to treat small animals around.People around me love animals,make the world better!
2023-06-29 10:04:422


人们在幼年时,在与父母互动中会形成一种情感上、心理上联结的固定模式,而这种模式也会在我们成年之后影响我们在亲密关系中与伴侣的互动,它也被称为“依恋”模式(attachment)。拥有不同成长经历的人可能发展出不同的依恋模式。 心理学家Kim Bartholomew在前人的基础上,根据人们在关系中程度“焦虑”和“回避”程度,将成人的依恋模式进行分类。其中,焦虑程度高(即高焦虑)的人总是害怕对方会离开自己或不重视自己,而低焦虑的人则不会有这样的担心;而高回避的人容易对彼此间的亲密感到不适,而低回避的人,则乐于亲近他人。 根据以上标准,人们的依恋类型被分为:安全型、痴迷型、疏离型及恐惧型(Secure,Preoccupied, Dismissive, and Fearful)。 安全型(低焦虑、低回避):既不担心被抛弃,也乐于亲密,与伴侣相互独立又相互依赖 痴迷型(高焦虑、低回避):总是很担心被抛弃、渴望亲密,十分依赖伴侣 疏离型(低焦虑、高回避):难以信任和依赖他人,对亲密感到不适,追求独立 恐惧型(高焦虑、高回避):担心被抛弃,但又对亲密感到不适,既想要依赖又希望独立 对痴迷型、疏离型及恐惧型的人而言,亲密关系都会在某种程度上让他们感到不安,这也就不奇怪,这三类依恋模式都被学者们认为是“非安全型”的。 今天我们就来了解下“恐惧型依恋”。 恐惧型依恋只是一种称呼,它用来形容某种表现的一个名词,并不是对人格做价值判断,所以以下内容仅仅指向某段时间内的某种行为倾向,而不是个人长期的特质。一、恐惧型依恋人群会一直处于“靠近—离开”的状态。 当遇到想接近的人时,会将注意力放在对方身上,并逐渐靠近。但是一旦真的有可能接触,意识到对方可能关注自己,反而会立刻产生深深的压力感,为了逃避这种感受,会选择冷漠推开,推开以后又苦恼不应该这么做,又再次靠近,再推开,陷入挣扎之中。二、负面运作模式。对事件的预期,并使用认知解释——心理学中也称作“运作模式”。负面运作模式也可以理解为——“习惯性负面预期,然后进行消极认知,并完成自我实现预言”,也就是说,在面对不确定事物时,本能的、条件反射似的先产生负面情绪,然后用认知去解释,寻找最坏的结果并促使其发生。三、习得性无助。 不认为自己具有吸引对方的魅力,觉得自己不值得被爱。认为别人对自己的爱是需要条件的。想获得对方的青睐,自己必须付出很多,表现的很出众才行。 这种过度寻求保证的表现行为会让对方感到不适,并且自己也会在犹豫和怀疑中提前抽身离开。随着多次对这种亲密关系的无助感进行强化,最终变成了习得性无助,习惯性使自己进入无力状态。四、低表达性。很少描述自己的感受和需要,习惯以敷衍和若无其事掩饰自己内心的不安,如在社交工具中会不断的删除已输入的内容,最后放弃沟通,给人留下迟钝或者防御的印象。即使当面谈话,也不会主动将话题引入深处,只会流于表面,谈一些自以为安全的话题,所以与他们交流平淡、浅薄、毫无乐趣。发生冲突时,其并不是通过心平气和的沟通来解决问题,相反,会用疏远来表达不满,而这种疏远对亲密关系又极具破坏性。恐惧型依恋与一个人内心隐秘的“羞耻感”有很大的关系。因此,如果你是恐惧型依恋的人,想要做出改变,那么如何应对羞耻感是十分关键的一步。 你可以通过改变对过去的叙述来改变自己对过去的看法,减少自己所感受到的羞耻。 比如,你可以回顾儿时的经历(可以是文字记录也可以在脑海中回忆),试着不去将父母忽视和冷漠看作是自己的错,找到并赋予这段经历其他可能的原因——可能是当时家庭条件不允许等等。 你可以试着去释放和表达那些被羞耻感所压抑的情绪。 比如,当对方不接自己电话的时候,你可以尝试着先对自己说出当下的感受——“ta没接我电话,这让我感到很担心/害怕”,而不是急忙压抑感受而疏远对方。 其次,自己要好好爱自己。照顾好自己的身体和情绪,是自己对自己负责的表现,也是维持良好恋爱、夫妻关系的基础。没有一个人的原生家庭是完美无缺的,我们需要做的是积极面对,爱自己,才能爱身边的每个人。 最后,要清楚真正的安全感是自己给予自己的,不是他人给予的。对方的承诺只能给你暂时的安全感。学会接受自己的一切,接受生活中的一切。相信依靠自己能够解决生活中的所有问题。你只有对自己有信心,才能降低恐惧感,才能体会到切切实实的安全感。
2023-06-29 10:04:511


  你有没有过这样惊慌的经历:你好友的母亲不幸去世,她正沉浸在撕心裂肺的痛苦之中,你却不知道如何去安慰她?   Breathe. It will be okay。   深呼吸,你能行的。   1. Not so good u2013 “God will never give you more than you can handle。”   不要说:“上帝不会让你承受更多苦难。”   Even if the person has a faith system that includes God, this phrase has the tacit implication that if you canu2019t handle things, you must not have enough faith, youu2019re a bad Christian, etc。   如果这个人对上帝有着很坚定的信仰,这句话就有了隐藏的含义:也就是说如果你处理不好这件事,你肯定是没有坚定的信仰,不是虔诚的基督徒等等。   Better u2013 “This must be so hard for you。”   不如说:“我知道你肯定非常难受。”   2. Not so good u2013 “Iu2019m sure itu2019s all for the best。”   不要说:“我想这一切可能是最好的结果。”   Ack! Try really hard not to say this! Right now, the grieving person doesnu2019t see that anything is for the best except to have her loved one back。   我的天,千万别说这句话!这个沉浸在悲痛中的人并不觉得一切是好结果,除非她的至亲能够复活。   Better u2013 “Itu2019s hard to understand why these things happen。”   不如说:“真不知道为什么会发生这样的事情。”   3. Not so good u2013 Saying nothing at all。   不要:什么都不说。   This is actually one of the worst things that can happen to a grieving person: having people ignore his pain. If youu2019re not sure what to say, or are uncertain that the person wants to talk about it, itu2019s okay to say just that。   周围的人忽视他的伤痛,这对伤痛的人来说可能是最坏的事情之一了。如果你不知道去说些什么,或者不确定他是否愿意聊这件事,那就直接说出来吧。   Better u2013 “Iu2019m not sure what to say but I want you to know Iu2019m here for you。”   不如说:“我不知道该说些什么,你只要知道我一直都在你身边。”   4. Not so good u2013 “Heu2019s in a better place” or “Just be happy he isnu2019t in pain anymore。”   不要说:“他去了更好的地方” 或 “开心点,他不再痛苦了。”   These things are always so well-intentioned, but ouch! The place the griever wants him to be is with her, no matter how much pain he was in or how difficult the caregiving was。   这些话的初衷的确是好的,但是悲痛者还是希望至亲就在自己身边,无论至亲有着什么样的痛苦或者无论照顾起来是多么的麻烦。   Better u2013 “You must miss him terribly。”   不如说:“你肯定十分想念他。”   5. Not so good u2013 “I know exactly how you feel。”   不要说:“我完全知道你的感受。”   This is very tempting to say, but be careful: Even if you have experienced a loss, each person has their own unique path to travel so you canu2019t know exactly how he feels。   我们总会说这句话,但是记住,即使你也失去过亲人,但每个人的生命旅途不一样,所以你并不可能完全知道别人的感受。   Better u2013 “I canu2019t begin to understand how you feel”   不如说:“我没法真正体会你现在的感受。”   6. Not so good u2013 “Youu2019ll feel better soon。”   不要说:“你马上就会好的。”   This is a presumptive thing to say and itu2019s more for your benefit than your friendu2019s. You wanther to feel better because you hate to see her suffer. Make sure you donu2019t dismiss her grief。   这是个假设句,实际上是从你的角度出发而非你的朋友,因为你不想再看到自己的朋友沉浸在痛苦之中,这样你自己也会好过点。但是别忘了你并没有减轻她的伤痛。   Better u2013 “Iu2019ll be here for as long as you need me。”   不如说:“只要你需要我,我就会一直在这里。”   7. Not so good u2013 “You should _________。”   不要说:“你应该....。。”   Each person has her own unique path of grief to follow so it isnu2019t helpful or comforting to make suggestions as to how she should grieve or suggest that she do certain activities to help her feel better。   每个人有着自己处理痛苦的办法,所以不要给她意见,不要告诉她如何哀悼或应该去做些什么减轻痛苦,这毫无用处。   Better u2013 “Do what you need to do to grieve u2013 Iu2019ll support you however I can”   不如说:“用你自己的方式去哀悼,我会尽我所能支持你。”   8. Not so good u2013 “She wouldnu2019t have wanted you to be sad。”   不要说:“她也不愿意看到你这么伤心。”   Guilt alert! Saying this, even if itu2019s true, may make the person feel like they “shouldnu2019t” be sad and that they arenu2019t handling the loss “right。”   小心!这句话可能会引起对方的罪恶感。即使这句话是真的,也只会让别人觉得他们不应该悲伤,他们处理悲伤的方式不对。   Better u2013 “I can see that you are really sad and miss her so much。”   不如说:“我知道你很难过,也十分想念她。”   9. Not so good u2013 “Just stay busy and youu2019ll be okay。”   不要说:“让自己忙起来,你马上就好起来了。”   This is dismissive of the personu2019s feelings, no matter how good the intention. It is okay to say what worked for you when you experienced grief, but make sure itu2019s not in the form of a command。   这是对别人感受的一种无视,无论你初衷有多好,当别人悲伤时说这些的确有点用,但记住不要用命令的口吻。   Better u2013 “When I was grieving, staying busy was helpful for me, but that may or may not be what works best for you。”   不如说:“当我难过的时候,让自己忙起来是个好办法,但是我不知道对你是否适用。”   10. Not so good u2013 “Itu2019s time for you to get yourself together。”   不要说:“是时候让自己振作起来了。”   Each personu2019s path of grief is unique. Maybe it isnu2019t time for her to get herself together yet。   每个人哀悼的方式都不一样,所以也许现在并不是让她收拾感情振作起来的时候。”   Better u2013 “It looks like this is a rough day for you. How about if I bring some dinner over at 6:00?”   不如说:“我知道你今天过得很痛苦,我晚上6点给你带点晚饭过来吧?”   11. Not so good u2013 “Let me know if I can help。”   不要说:“如果需要我帮忙就说。”   In many instances, the grieving person either doesnu2019t know what help she needs or itu2019s too hard to ask for help. Making specific suggestions and then asking her if it would be okay is much more concrete and useful。   在很多情况下,悲痛的人并不知道她需要什么帮助,或者对她而言寻求帮助很难。给一些具体的建议,问问她这样行不行,也许会更加实际有效。   Better u2013 “I think itu2019s garbage day. Is it okay if I take your garbage out for you?”   不如说:“今天是扔垃圾的日子,我帮你把垃圾倒了吧。”   Stick with the “better” things to say to your grieving friend and youu2019ll not only feel good yourself, but youu2019ll help her heal as well。   记住那些应该说的话,去安慰你悲痛中的朋友,不仅你自己会感觉更好,你也会帮助她走出伤痛。
2023-06-29 10:04:581


2023-06-29 10:05:075


1. "I know, right?" “我知道,对吧?” Popular among eager-to-please 20-somethings, this phrase sounds innocuous but is actually pretty awkward. "It asks a question that the other person may not know whether or not to answer. Since you"re asking them to affirm something they just said, using this can make the other person in the conversation confused, and it can make you look like you don"t know what to say," explains Winfrey. Opt for a simple "Oh, yeah" or just receptive silence instead, she advises. 这句话在急于取悦别人的20多岁的人中很流行,它听起来无伤大雅但是实际上非常尴尬。Winfrey解释说“它附带的问题让其他人不知道回答还是不回答。你让他们确认他们刚刚说的东西,用这句话会让谈话中的其他人感到困惑,而且这也会显得你似乎不知道该说什么。” 2. "You"ll be fine." “你会没事的” Maybe the person you say this to really will be fine, but chances are he or she will think you"re a bonehead. "When something bad happens to someone we care about, we want to make them feel better. We want to make the situation better, so we tell them, "You"ll be fine." Unfortunately, this is dismissive and sends a clear message that you aren"t interested in listening to them. Even if this isn"t at all what you want to say, this is your message when you use these words," argues Winfrey. According to her, saying nothing is better than using this aggravating phrase. 也许听你讲这句话的人确实会没事,但是可能情况是:他或她会觉得你是个傻瓜。Winfrey认为“当有什么不好的事情发生在我们关心的人身上时,我们想让他们感觉好一点。我们想让情况变得好一点,所以我们告诉他们,‘你会没事的"。不幸的是,这句话很冷漠,它清晰的传达出一种信息,你没兴趣听他们诉说。即使这不是你想表达的意思,但是你使用这句话时,你传达出的就是这种意思”。她还表示,不说话也比说这个令人恼怒的话要好。 3. "I think you should..." “我认为你应该...” What could be wrong with a little well-meant advice? Plenty, contends Winfrey. "If someone comes to you and asks, "What do you think I should do about this?" it"s fine to give them advice. Otherwise, just don"t. Offering advice when it wasn"t requested makes you sound pompous, or at least like you enjoy appearing to be clever," she warns, suggesting guilty parties listen harder and ask better questions instead. 小小的善意的建议能有什么错呢?Winfrey认为大错特错。Winfrey警告说“如果有人问你,‘关于这个你认为我应该做些什么呢?"那么给他们提些建议没有问题。否则,不要提建议。别人没有要求你直接提建议会显得你很自大,或者至少显得你喜欢显摆自己很聪明”,她建议说错话而有罪恶感的人们努力倾听,用问问题来更好的替代。 4."I"m not judging you, but..." “我不是在评论你,但是...” Sorry, but yes you are. As soon as you say this you"re being doubly annoying. It"s clear to anyone even half awake that you are, in fact, being judgmental and, to add insult to injury, you"re pretending that you"re not. Quit it! 抱歉,但是你就是。只要你说这句话,毋庸置疑,你会让人很厌烦。对于所有人甚至是半清醒的人都是显而易见的,实际上,你就是在评论他们,假装你没有更是雪上加霜。不要用这个句子了! "The very fact that you are thinking in terms of judging means that you are making some sort of judgment about them in your own head. And this isn"t good for you or for them," writes Winfrey. If you"re guilty of saying this regularly, you might be guilty of being a little too judgmental of others. Try to tame that tendency "by thinking up reasons why the other person"s actions might make sense, and speak to them from that place of understanding," suggests Winfrey. Winfrey写道“事实上,judging(评论)的意思是在自己脑海中对他们做出某种判断。这个对你或他们来说都不好”。如果你对经常说这句话感到愧疚,那么你也可能对有点太武断的评断他人感到愧疚。Winfrey建议“通过思考为什么其他人的行为有意义,并且从你理解的地方开始同他们交谈。”来改变这种陋习。5. Big words 不常用或不熟悉的词 Here"s a bonus fifth mistake that doesn"t come from WiseBread but definitely bears repeating in this context. If you"re a fan of using big words to demonstrate the breadth of your vocabulary and the brilliance of your thinking, be warned: Studies show that using fancy words when simple ones will do is a sure-fire way to end up looking dumb. So before you get out the thesaurus in an attempt to impress, remember that simplicity and clarity are generally a better signal of mastery than flowery language. 这附加的第五个错误不是出自于WiseBread,但是觉得有必要在这篇文章中重复一下。如果你喜欢通过说大家都不熟悉或不常用的词来展示你词汇的广度以及你才华横溢,小心了:研究表明,当简单的词汇就能表达你的意思时,使用华丽的辞藻毫无疑问会显得你很愚蠢。所以,在你抛开同义词典尝试给别人留下印象前,记住简洁、清晰明了的说法比华丽的辞藻更能表明你精通一门语言。
2023-06-29 10:05:211


柏拉图经典英文语录   引言:真正爱的人没有什么爱得多爱得少的,他是把自己整个儿都给他所爱的人。接下来我给各位读者分享一些柏拉图经典英文语录,欢迎大家阅读。   1、把你的脸迎朝阳光,那就不会有阴影。   Turn your face toward the sun, that there will be no shadow.   2、不进行仔细考虑安排的生活,不值得一活。   Without careful consideration arrangement of life, is not worth living.   3、决定一个人心情的,不是在于环境,而在于心境。   Decided to one"s mood, is not the environment, but in the state of mind.   4、你不求回报的伟大,注定我们悲剧的结局。   You thanked the great, destined we the catastrophe of a tragedy.   5、我宣布,强权就是公理,正义就是强者的利益。   I announced that might is right, justice is the interests of the strong.   6、为着品德而去眷恋一个人,总是一件很美的事。   For character and to love a person, always a beautiful thing.   7、善就是灵魂的和谐。善包含智慧勇敢节制正义。   Good is the soul of harmony. Good justice contains wisdom brave moderation.   8、人们只在梦中生活,唯有哲人挣扎着要觉醒过来。   People living in a dream, only only man struggling to awakening.   9、爱既不是智慧也不是美,而是对智慧和美的欲望。   Love is neither intelligent nor beautiful, but for wisdom and desire.   10、若爱,请深爱;若不爱,请弃之;不要暧昧,伤人伤己。   If love, please love deeply; If not, please abandon; Don"t ambiguity, cuts hurt yourself.   11、第一财富是健康,第二财富是美丽,第三财富是财产。   The first wealth is health, the second wealth is beautiful, wealth is the third property.   12、衡量一个人的价值就看他拥有权力时的所作所为。   Measure the value of a person see when he has the power of doing.   13、我想要化作夜晚,这样我才能用数千只的.眼睛看着你入睡。   I want to last night, so I can watch you fall asleep with thousands of eyes.   14、既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,不会再回来。   Since love, why not export, some things lost, don"t do that again.   15、在爱情的一瞬间,人们享受的生活乐趣比常年累月的更多。   At the moment of love, people enjoy life more than themselves.   16、真正的爱就要把疯狂的或是近于淫荡的东西赶得远远的。   True love is crazy or near a lascivious thing far away.   17、因爱而受苦,那就爱得多一点吧。为爱而死,便是为爱而生。   Suffering from love, love a little more. Die for love, for love is born.   18、只有驱遣人以高尚的方式相爱的那种爱神才美丽,才值得颂扬。   Only way but a person with lofty love of that kind of love is beautiful, worthy of praise.   19、如果不幸福、不快乐,唯有放手;如果舍不得、放不下,是为痛苦。   If not happiness, not happy, only to let go; If loathe to give up, can not let go, for the pain.   20、时间带走一切,长年累月会把你的名字、外貌、性格、命运都改变。   Time take away everything, long will put your name, appearance, character, fate change.   21、如果命运这样注定,如果我有一百只眼睛,一百只眼睛都会看着你。   If fate doomed, so if I have one hundred eyes, one hundred eyes will look at you.   22、我不仅要爱的肉眼认识我的肉身,我要你的灵眼认识我的灵魂。   I should not only know my flesh to the naked eye of love, I want you to eyes to know the spirit of my soul.   23、大凡不亲手挣钱的人,往往不贪财;亲手赚钱的人才有一文想两文。   "A people who do not have to earn money, often not greedy; Have people with money to two.   24、如果你有俩块面包,你应当用其中一块面包去换一朵水仙花。   If you have two pieces of bread, you should use one piece of bread to change a daffodil.   25、智者说话,是因为他们有话要说;愚者说话,则是因为他们想说。   Wise men talk because they have something to say; Fools, because they want to say.   26、你看着星么,我的星星?我愿为天空,得以无数的眼看你。   You look at a star, my star? I would like to the sky, to numerous to see you.   27、征服自己需要更大的勇气,其胜利也是所有胜利中最光荣的胜利。   Conquer you need more courage, victory is the most glorious victory all victory.   28、有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。   The place which the ideal is in, the hell maybe a heaven. The place which hope is in, the pain may becomes happiness.   29、孩子害怕黑暗,情有可原;人生真正的悲剧,是成人害怕光明。   The child afraid of the dark, understandable; The real tragedy of life is an adult is afraid of the light.   30、分手的时候到了,我去死,你们去活,谁的去路好,唯有神知道。   It"s time to break up, I go to dead, you go to work, who is good way, only god knows.   31、真正的恋爱婚姻,无论形式如何简便,总之是神圣的婚姻。   True love marriage, no matter what form is simple, in short, the sacred marriage.   32、人是一切事的尺度,是存在者之存在,不存在者之不存在的尺度。   Man is the measure of all things is the existence of existence, there is no scale of does not exist.   33、被人爱和爱别人是同样的幸福,而且一旦得到它,就够受用一辈子。   To be loved and love others is the same happiness, and once you get it, just dree with for the rest of your life.   34、纸上求爱,这也许是最有趣的求爱方式。因为这是最能持久的。   Paper, this is perhaps the most interesting way of courtship. Because this is the most lasting.   35、用物质来供奉的爱情,当你停止给予的时候,它就很快消灭了。   Use material to sacrifice of love, when you stop giving it quickly eliminated.   36、不管情感是哭是笑,是爱是憎,您想去问个明白,那实在是徒劳无益的。   Regardless of the emotion is laugh, cry is love is hate, you want to go to ask questions, it was in vain.   37、女人的自然本质有多少不如我们男人的地方,就有多少优越于我们的地方。   Woman"s natural essence, how many not equal to us men, there is much superior to us.   38、好人之所以好是因为他是有智慧的,坏人之所以坏是因为人是愚蠢的。   Good people are good because he is the wise, the bad guys are bad because man is stupid.   39、当爱情轻敲肩膀时,连平日对诗情画意都不屑一顾的男人,都会变成诗人。   When love tap shoulder, even dismissive of poetic daily man, will become a poet. ;
2023-06-29 10:06:061


2023-06-29 10:06:201


2023-06-29 10:06:303


Unity is strength Read "father and son", in ductive This summer, conveniently pick pi ck on the shelf Jian, but don"t want to dig out a "Aesop Said, "a book is controlled in both Chinese and English, in one by one N ot very familiar with the sentence, I feel v ery More. With a double, book turned ove r to a chapter, is the father And son ", the story is this: a The farmer"s son often fight with each other. He repeatedly to longly p ersuade them, though He convinced, still t o no avail. He thinks that Should be educa tion, they in fact was called son To take a bundle of sticks. Stick to, He put the whole bundle of sticks up to them, let them Brok en. Tooth and nail to sons one by one Can "t break it. Then he untied the bales Sticks, gave them each a root. They all milli Easil y sticks to fold into two paragraphs. At this time, The farmer said: "children, you will be like sticks , unite as one, together, will not Will was conquered by the enemy. Yo u don"t fight each other Sue, it is easy to b reak by the enemy. "This reason Thing tha t unity is invincible force Quantity, and the infighting is to wear himself. Thus, in a lon g time ago, people Have understand the g reat unity. At first, I The story of this book is very dismissive, but Later, after my obs ervation, I slowly changed The original int ention. In August, I went to friend"s home, her family Have an ant workshop, I love d oes not last Interpretation of the hand. Lo ok carefully, there are a few shallow , the winding tunnels, through the blue Gel loo ks, very have administrative levels feeling . However, Only three ant in the slow wor k. Back to the Home, I also bought a ant h ome, number The number, about 10 ant. t hought Want to have a few months there will be a kind of in a friend"s house The ta o. Unexpectedly, when the night in the pa st, the second day In the micro warm mor ning light, there is a long before Friends of the tunnel has been formed. A few ants a re In hard work. They lined up, one Only i n the head, the rest a few order in Pass to dig under the gel. An ant seriously Respon sible for their own time tunnel, very unity Consistent. That moment, I immediately u nderstand. A friend Tunnel shallow water s, because only three Ants, and each of th em for personal gain, dug themselves The tao. There is no helping each other. And t he day of my house Ant, unity, joint effort s, we in together A true endeavour, it is m ore than a day A friend of the tunnel. This is the power of unity The amount! Therefo re, unity is strength, we must Junction is c onsistent, for greater glory.
2023-06-29 10:06:493

急急 大哥大姐帮我翻译成英语 谢谢你们 分都给你们

West by rights Elizabeth and reaches the union is a perfect match, the day makes a pair of marriage affinity which supposes, should not have too many winding is only then right. But two people have the respective weakness in the disposition: Elizabeth is a middle class young lady, has received the secondary education, is a gentleman"s daughter. In his/her the father parent gentleman is especially young when sought after pretty married this in wife, the result is the regret greatly especially, therefore had to use the expression which teased and from thought did not hurt the essentials the joke regulated one"s life. Also therefore, what he started to daughter"s marital view to adopt is lets matters drift the manner. Also according to having accomplished her to freedom of marriage yearning, is facing the mother to want him to marry to MR.COLLINS, she did not agree firmly. But compares the home capacity with the upper crust to be low, the relatives and friends have not educated, acts like a fool frequently in the public area, causes her to feel ashamed from ashamedly, has laid the foundation in such environment for her disposition"s in prejudice; But west reaches the disposition to be introverted, does not like with the stranger speaking. In addition his family background rich and powerful family, has the large amount wealth, will give the human unavoidably by the arrogant impression. Periphery reaches hopes always disdains the superficial interpersonal relationship, until he ran into Li Qi only then truly to change his way, certainly he was not only takes the money with the status person, was only his individuality makes to cause to so, if he has not run into the human who he liked truly, his individuality had the possibility like this to continue, could such he be very painful? Two people just started when contacts, to each other"s impression is not good. But along with contact increase, gradually beautiful and lovable moves by Elizabeth, particularly her smart brains and humorous have attracted him deeply, although he thought that the Elizabeth family background did not calculate noblly, looked down upon her family and recognized that oneself proposed to Elizabeth, already reduced the request, has violated own will, the reason, even violated the personality to do. He thought the status mean and lacks the money wealth Elizabeth certainly will express to his such status son of upper-class family loves acceptance which Italy will be wild with joy. But when he “from thought that definitely will obtain a satisfactory answer,u2026On when the face actually reveals the manner which is sure of success, actually has aroused Elizabeth"s hate, and absolute refusal his proposing, but also be relentless accuses him arrogant impolite. Here has displayed love regarding the marital lofty significance: Even if is again rich, is again handsome, if occupies a commanding position even “arrogant” by one kind when the posture treats another side, that both are very difficult to have love, will not have love again not to have the marriage. West afterward reached realized gradually his insufficiency, he has accepted Elizabeth"s accusation, and corrected the shortcoming which one were proud arrogant. Moreover bravely steps forward west reaching, after having solved Lydia and Wickham “the marital crisis”, also has won Elizabeth"s respect, and has accepted “repented” west gradually reaching, between two people have had the sincere sentiment finally, and has formed the content marriage affinity finally. Their marriage is not only the rational choice also has the deep emotional basis. Elizabeth own on is manifesting the marital true value and the time pursue. Elizabeth different manner which several times proposes successively to reaching west. In fact reflection female to right and so on personality independent peace pursues. Elizabeth intelligent quick-witted, has the courage and wisdom, far-seeing, has the very strong self-respect and is good at pondering the question. This enables her to have the opinion in love question, and because of obtains happiness. She does not look like younger sister Li Yaping facing the emotion for a while to flush the movement to decide that maintained personhood"s dignity has manifested the thought and the rational strength; Especially what is worth admiring is she insisted that the male and female both sides" sincere sentiment is concludes ideal marital the cornerstone, opposed that for the property, the money and the status marries. This was in at that time the woman has no right the status to treat as the marriage the only way out the society has extremely the progressive significance.
2023-06-29 10:06:584


1、你是我的生命,我爱你。 You are my life, I love you. 2、没有爱情的人生叫受罪。 Without love life is suffering. 3、发号施令爱情中是行不通的。 Call the shots in love doesn"t work. 4、爱情献出了一切,却依然富有。 Love gave everything, but still rich. 5、一切真正的爱情的基础都是互敬。 The foundation of all true love is mutual respect. 6、爱情创造平等,但不追求平等。 Love to create equality, but not the pursuit of equality. 7、爱情是任何阶层的人不期而遇的月台。 Love is the people of any unexpected platform. 8、爱情是温柔的,却又像荆棘一样刺人。 Love is gentle, is like thorns thorns. 9、踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近一点吗? Stood on tiptoe, we can a bit closer to happiness? 10、爱是生命的火焰,没有它,一切都将变成黑夜。 Love is the flame of life, without it, everything will become the night. 11、爱情本身就是生命。它不会死亡,只会迁徙。 Love is life in itself. It won"t die, it will only migration. 12、突如其来的爱情却需要最长久的时间才能治愈。 The sudden love takes the long time to heal. 13、为着品德而去眷恋一个情人,总是一种很美的事。 For character and to care for a lover, always a beautiful thing. 14、爱神奏出无声旋律,远比乐器奏出的悦耳动听。 God played silent melody, is far less than the sweet instruments played. 15、爱情是自由自在的,而自由自在的爱情是最真切的。 Love is free, but free love is the most real. 16、爱绝不是感情上的消遣,而是一种精神上的鼓励。 Love is not emotional pastime, but a spiritual encouragement. 17、不是不想爱,不是不去爱,怕只怕,爱也是有中伤害! Not don"t want to love, not not to love, be afraid is, love is hurt! 18、爱情的意义在于帮助对方提高,同时也提高自己。 The meaning of love is to help each other improve, at the same time to improve yourself. 19、真正的爱情是建立在两个自由人的彼此了解和认识上。 True love is built on two free to meet and understand each other. 20、一见钟情是唯一真诚的爱情;稍有犹豫便就不然了。 It was love at first sight is the only true love; A slight hesitation is otherwise. 21、一个人要死要活想得到你,这不是爱情,而是占有欲。 A person to death to live for you, this is not love, but acquisitiveness. 22、没有初恋的人生是不完整的,没有痛苦的爱情是不深刻的。 No love life is incomplete, no pain of love is not deep. 23、爱的欢乐寓于爱之中,享受爱情比唤起爱更加令人幸福。 The joy of love in a love, enjoy love than love is more happiness. 24、爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦,真诚的爱情永不是走一条平坦的道路的。 Love is a sweet pain and sincere love never did run smooth. 25、爱,原来是没有名字的,在相遇之前等待的,就是它的名字。 Love, originally is no name, waiting before meeting, that"s the name of it. 26、只有驱遣人以高尚的方式相爱的那种爱神才是美,才值得颂扬。 Only way but a person with lofty love of that kind of love is beautiful, worthy of praise. 27、纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 28、你别看我一心想征服整个世界,可我自己却先被爱情征服了。 You don"t look at me just wanted to conquer the whole world, but I myself but they had been conquered by love. 29、爱情应该是以忘我为前提的,并要为自己所爱的对象谋求幸福。 Love should be based on the Pmise of ecstasy, and the object seek happiness for their love. 30、这是一条友谊的规律:一旦疑心从前门走进,爱情就会从后门溜走。 This is a law of friendship: once a suspect from the front door into the, love will slip through the back door. 31、爱情会给优伤的眼睛里注进生命,使苍白的面孔泛起玫瑰色的红润。 Love can give optimal injury eyes note into the life, make the white face of rosy hair. 32、当爱情轻敲肩膀时,连平日对诗情画意都不屑一顾的男人,都会变成诗人。 When love tap shoulder, even dismissive of poetic daily man, will become a poet. 33、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。 Those who once thought not forget for a moment in the process of things as we never forget, was forgotten by us. 34、不幸的爱情,往往像可靠的债务人的一张到期不付的借票,会加你私钱的。 Unfortunate love, often as a maturing of the debtor and reliable don"t pay the ticket, will you private money. 35、初恋是最美好的恋情,你风华正茂,她妩媚妖娆,整个世界都是你们的。 First love is the most beautiful and good relationship, you are young, her charming enchanting, the whole world is yours. 36、有时候希望灵魂能够像一朵烟花,能够明亮温暖地在夜空中停留一刻再坠落。 Sometimes want to souls can like fireworks, able to stay in the night sky bright warm moment to fall again. 37、我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。 I know this world someone is waiting for me, but I don"t know who I am waiting for, for this, I feel happy every day. 38、让一个人了解自己太多的话,就会成为自己致命的弱点,而让自己变得脆弱。 Let a man know yourself too much, will be his fatal weakness, and allow yourself to become fragile. 39、去“爱”你绝对熟悉的某人或某物是不可能的。爱总是被引向那些隐藏着秘密的地方。 Go to "love" you definitely familiar with someone or something is impossible. Love is always to those who hides a secret place.
2023-06-29 10:07:231


傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice ", a novel a pleasure to behold, a beautiful and moving story. The article describes a number of daughters Bo Nate story. Ji-an eldest daughter, gentle kind-hearted, beautiful Keren, Bentley and rich kids at first sight, but at the crucial moment has brought a twist. Second daughter, Elizabeth, Qingli intelligent, ambitious, assertive, consistent with the property of the nobility million youth met Darcy. Can be as arrogant Darcy eccentric, Elizabeth for his prejudice are serious, they love but refuse to recognize the obvious, but also continue to hurt each other with words, but fortunately dispelled the last mistake, married lovers. Reading this novel, I have benefited greatly. In our people, there are many very modest, but there are some arrogant people. These arrogant people who sometimes annoying, they have eyes in the head long, others are dismissive. Indeed, the arrogance is a shortcoming in the environment to develop a character. Chinese children from an early age by their parents as holding掌上明珠typical "little emperors." If so has been from small to large养尊处优, how could it not arrogant? So I think that we should not be arrogant people who have prejudices, but the more soul-searching myself, to see if they have not arrogant, after their own things to learn to no longer allow parents to worry about, tired. As the book said: "Heart of pride in everyone. As long as we have so a little bit of strength, they will feel especially great. But pride and vanity while the same meaning, but in real terms in different kinds of self-pride is a feeling, Vanity will need to involve other people overestimate their own, so people have a pride without vanity, which is justifiable. 可以适当删减~~~翻译如下~~《傲慢与偏见》,一部值得细细品味的小说,一个美丽动人的故事。 文中描述了柏纳特一家几个女儿的故事。大女儿姬安,温柔善良,美丽可人,与富家子弟宾利一见倾心,却在关键时刻发生了波折。二女儿伊丽莎白,聪慧清丽,有志气,有主见,与家产万贯的贵族青年达西相识。可因为达西高傲孤僻,伊丽莎白对他存有严重的偏见,两人明明相爱却不肯承认,还不断地用言语刺痛对方,幸好最后误会冰释,有情人终成眷属。 看了这本小说,我受益匪浅。在我们这些人中,有许多很谦虚,但也有一些傲慢的人。这些傲慢的人有时的确令人讨厌,他们把眼睛长在头上,对其他人都不屑一顾。的确,傲慢是一种缺点,一种在环境下养成的性格。我们中国的孩子,从小就被父母视为掌上明珠捧着,典型的“小皇帝”。要是从小到大一直这么养尊处优,怎么会不傲慢呢?因此,我觉得我们不应该对傲慢的人产生偏见,而是该多反省自己,看看自己有没有傲慢,以后自己的事也要学会自己做,不再让父母操心,劳累了。 正如书中所说:“骄傲之心人皆有之。只要我们拥有那么一点点长处,就会觉得自己特别了不起。但其中的骄傲和虚荣虽含义相同,却实质不同,骄傲是种自我感觉,虚荣则需要牵扯到别人高估自己,所以,一个人拥有不含虚荣心的骄傲,这也是无可非议的。” 《朝花夕拾》 i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happiness in his heart . 《潘德尔的巫师》 17th century English related witchcraft superstition is extremelyserious, many everybody because are accused but to suffer in vain forthe sorcerer the fatal disaster. This small story is Zhan Nite abouther whole family pitiful bitter experience narration. Zhan Niespecially told this story the time is in 1634, at that time her onlythen 9 years old, because are actually accused to imprison for thesorceress in the Lancaster castle jail. Before this her maternalgrandmother, the mother and elder brother are all treated as thesorcerer to execute. 圣诞欢歌英文读后感This story represents a very original forces, the boss is very stingy done in a Christmas dream, then he changed his views and see how to use their money to help others, charity! I hate that mean the original owner, since he has so much money, but not always help others. Although money is very important, to live in this world money is totally unacceptable and if the money can live a life on, let the world, more people happy, they should spend the money to, because it values. Fortunately, the boss wake up later, the others will be happy to know the truth themselves happy to help a disabled child, for their family and their assistants together after a happy Christmas!
2023-06-29 10:07:331

急求一篇英语新闻体育的 最好是简单一点的 一分钟左右 然后帮我翻译下呗

2023-06-29 10:07:422


Ignorance is not innocence but sin. 无知并非纯真,而是罪恶。 Time is a bird for ever on the the reading of a book! 有多少人由一本书的阅读而开始其人生的新时代呀! If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him. 如果一个人倾其所有以求学问,那么这些学问是没有人能拿走的。 Books are treasure banks storing your conversation .Do not tell me of the people you associate as huxley 下定决心,果断行动,并承担后果。在这世界上犹豫不决成就不了任何事。 -托马斯赫胥黎 he that knoes, but wisdom lingers. -a.tennyson 知识来了,智慧却迟迟不前。 -丁尼生 knowledge is one thing, virtue is another. -john newman 知识是一回事,美德是另一回事。 -约翰纽曼 learning does not stop as long as a man lives, unless his learning power atrophies because he does not use it. -robert hutchins 人只要活着,学习就不改停下来,除非学习能力因不学而萎缩。 -罗伯特胡钦斯 learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back. -chinese proverb 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 -中国谚语 learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. -confucius 学而不思则盲,思而不学则怠。 -孔子 英文名言解释大全 英语名言警句带翻译经典 1、生活是复杂的。 life is complicated。 2、珍惜生命就要珍惜今天。 cherish life to cherish today。 3、父子不信,则家道不睦。 father and son do not believe, it brings one another。 4、青山遮不住,毕竟东流去。 castle not cover, after all, to the east。 5、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。 the ideal book is the key to wisdom。 6、意志薄弱的人不可能真诚。 a weak willed person can not be sincere。 7、胜利属于最坚忍的人。 victory belongs to the most persevering。 8、生命是惟一的财富。 life is the only fortune。 9、抱负是高尚行为发展的萌牙。 ambition is a noble act of the development of tooth。 10、学而时习之,不亦说乎? isn"t it a pleasure to study, learn and? 11、未知生,焉知死? known, how can you know death? 12、为学读书,须是耐烦。 to learn to read, to be patient。 13、浪费生命是做人的最大悲剧。 waste of life is the greatest tragedy of life。 14、无父无君,是禽兽也。 it is not ethical, animals。 15、志当存高远。 you have to aim high。 16、私心胜者,可以灭公。 selfishness winner, you can eliminate the public。 17、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。 prime not again, day difficult morning。 18、亲人不睦家必败。 family discord will fail。 19、孝子之至,莫大乎尊亲。 the son to, energy-saving。 20、努力为生,还要努力为死。 to live and work hard to die。 21、生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。 birth, death is also a male ghost。 22、宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空。 would rather not head empty purse。 23、首孝弟,次谨信。 the first filial piety, the letter of credit。 24、有生命,那里便有希望。 there is life, there is hope。 25、家贫出孝子,国乱识忠臣。 gupin a dutiful son, in general a mess。 26、慈孝之心,人皆有之。 kindness and filial piety of the heart, people have the。 27、百日莫空过,青春不再来。 no more than one hundred days, the youth will not come。 28、内睦者,家道昌。 in the mu family, chang。 29、不轻诺,诺必果。 not light snow, promise will fruit。 30、生于忧患而死于安乐。 born in misery and die of happiness。 英语名言警句带翻译精选 1、世界上还有些国家更重要的,那便是人类的良心。 some countries in the world is more important, it is human conscience。 2、德性就是知识或:美德即知识,愚昧是罪恶之源。 virtue is knowledge or: virtue is knowledge, but is the source of evil。 3、要成功,不要与马赛跑,要骑在马上,马上成功。 to succeed, don"t with horses, is riding a horse, and instant success。 4、玫瑰花的刺,是攀摘的人的嗔恨,是她自己的慰乐。 the rose thorn, is picking the hatreds, climbing is her own comfort。 5、不要努力成为一个成功者,要努力成为一个有价值的人。 don"t try to become a winner, and strive to become a man of value。 6、一个人的绝对自由是疯狂,一个国家的绝对自由是混乱。 a person"s absolute freedom is crazy, the absolute freedom of a country is chaos。 7、真正的幸福就是:成为完全客观,从而体现自己的抱负。 true happiness is: to be totally objective, so as to reflect their own ambitions。 8、人人都谈及幸福,但真正理解幸福的人少而又少。 everyone is talking about happiness, but really understand the happy people less and less。 9、成功者不是比你聪明,只是在最短的时间采取最大的行动。 a winner is not smarter than you, just the biggest action in the shortest time。 10、最有效的教育方法不是告诉人们答案,而是向他们提问。 the most effective education method isn"t tell people the answer, but ask them。 11、世间的任何事物,追求时候的兴致总要比享用时候的兴致浓烈。 anything in the world, the pursuit of time interest than to enjoy strong interest。 12、第一财富是健康,第二财富是美丽,第三财富是财产。 the first wealth is health, the second wealth is beautiful, wealth is the third property。 13、只要有一双真诚的眼睛陪我哭泣,就值得我为生命受苦。 as long as there is a pair of sincere eyes cry with me, deserve me to suffer hardship for life。 14、当爱情轻敲肩膀时,连平日对诗情画意都不屑一顾的男人,都会变成诗人。 when love tap shoulder, even dismissive of poetic daily man, will become a poet。 15、苦和甜来自外界,坚强则来自内心,来自一个的人自我努力。 bitter and the sweet come from the outside world, strength comes from within, from a self effort。 16、独立思考和独立判断的一般能力,应当始终放在首位。 independent thinking and independent judgment of general ability, should always be in the first place。 17、成功者,做别人不愿意做的事情,别人不敢做的事情,做不到的事情。 winners do what others don"t want to do, others can"t do, can"t do something。 18、若无某种大胆放肆的猜想,一般是不可能有知识的进展的。 without some sort of bold and wild guess, is generally impossible to have the progress of knowledge。 19、女人的自然本质有多少不如我们男人的地方,就有多少优越于我们的地方。 woman"s natural essence, how many not equal to us men, there is much superior to us。 20、没有什么比健康更快乐的了,虽然他们在生病之前并不曾觉得那是最大的快乐。 nothing is more happy than health, although they did not think of that before illness is the biggest happiness。 21、我们应该尽量使孩子们开始听到的一些故事必定是有道德影响的最好的一课。 we should try to make the children began to hear some of the stories have a moral influence must be one of the best lessons。 英文名言警句大全 1、Truth and roses have thorns about them. 真理和玫瑰,身旁都有刺。 2、The brave and the gaming. 亚麻远离火苗,青年远离赌博。 27、The sun never repents of the good he does,nor does he ever demand a recompence. 太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。 28、The sting of a reproach,is the truth of it. 指责带给你刺痛,正是它的忠实之处。 29、Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher. 美德和幸福犹如母女。 30、TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. 行善者,人人铭记之。 31、It's the easiest thing in the e. 行行出状元。 46、A stitch in time saves nine. 防微杜渐。 47、Diamond cuts diamond. 强中更有强中手。 48、The early bird catches the orroe thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for. 要得到真正的快乐,我们只需拥有三样东西:有想做的事,有值得爱的人,有美丽的梦。 67、Faith little acorns groe ething. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. ——J. Barrymore 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。——巴里摩尔 78、If there . 智慧来自经验。 82、If you don"t aim high you e a man of value. —— A. Einstein 不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。——爱因斯坦 海明威英文名言 1.The the title epitaph also can shoe keen,is a persons youth intrinsic mark。在这个世界上,欲望并非痛苦,他可以使感觉变得敏锐,是一个人的青春的内在标志。 8.bstone)恕我不能站起来。海明威(墓碑上刻) 11.In t the springs that fed it。我懂了一个道理:永远不要倒空我的创作之井,但当创作之井还有一些水的时候应该停止,然后让夜晚补给它的泉水自行将其注满。 16.Although the love betething for each other。You mon - they are truer than if they had really happened。好书都有一个共同点它们都比真实事件还真实。 23.Strong than others,is not noble;stronger than before,is the true nobility。比别人强,并不算高贵;比以前的自己强,才是真实的高贵。 24.Each person is not an island,a person must be the innocence。所有邪恶的事一开始都是纯洁的。 29.No,its easy to say it back。不过话得说回来,没有一桩事是容易的。 30.The ego is the God e it?只要你不计较得失,人生还有什么不能想法子克服? 35.Noe our most strong place。生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。 39.Better than others,not noble,the true nobility should be better than the past。优于别人,并不高贵,真正的高贵应该是优于过去的自己。 40.It is extremely easy to do nothing in the daytime,but at night it is another thing。在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事了。 41.There is no failure,only。没有失败,只有战死。 42.If you are lucky enough to have lived in paris,paris e。只要不计较得失,人生便没有什么不能克服的。 45.paranoia is a strange thing。paranoid people are bound to believe that they are right,and restraint,to maintain the right idea,is the most can contribute to this self thinking and integrity of vieeone to talk with him openly。A man may be very brave,but he may be very lonely。每一个人都需要有人和他开诚布公地谈心。一个人尽管能够十分英勇,但他也可能十分孤独。 50.The majestic iceberg outdoor because he was only 1/8,is on the surface of the water。The bottom part of the iceberg accounted for 7/8 of the whole iceberg。冰山户外之雄伟壮观,是正因他只有八分之一在水面上。水底的部分占整座冰山的八分之七。 51.e it?只要你不计较得失,人生还有什么不能想法子克服的?
2023-06-29 10:07:491

Commercial Executive是什么意思

Commercial Executive商务1.Boeing Commercial Airplanes chief executive Scott Carson was alsodismissive, characterising Bombardier"s CSeries launch as a "bold move" .波音商用机首席执行官ScottCarson同样不是很看好这个项目,对庞巴迪的C系列评价为一次“大胆举动”。2.She is currently interviewing for a commercial bank"s rotational trainingprogram to be a country-level chief executive.目前她正在接受一家商业银行轮流培训项目的面试,希望能成为一名全国级别的主管。
2023-06-29 10:07:561

一篇I want to be a volunteer的80词英语作文

.I want to be a volunteer I want to be a volunteer, because I think it"s very happy. I"ll volunteer for children. I"ll going to teach children who have trouble in reading. And I want to be a teacher and I love children and reading, so it is important for me. And I believe everyone can happy. I will work hard for my dream. And being a volunteer is great. 这个作文字数符合,可以参考下~~~
2023-06-29 10:08:346


on is stricken old and white. For the earl
2023-06-29 10:09:092

那位大侠 帮我翻译一下 谢谢

2023-06-29 10:09:163


并非所有的假期被视为愉快的场合。有时去度假,是一件值得害怕的。部分的变化也可能是从已知的常规,去的地方是不确定的期望是什么,或你会发现。有些人觉得这是一个令人兴奋的新经验;人面对与恐惧。阅读下面的帐户。一个新的地方去度假,你的感受是什么?如果,孤零零地矗立在后面的家门口,,汤姆让自己哭眼泪,他们的愤怒的泪水。他看着他的告别花园,炸开了锅,他不得不离开 - 离开它,彼得。他们计划花时间在这里愉快地这些假期。镇花园小,作为一项规则,多头的花园是没有例外的规则,有一块菜地和草图和一个花床和一个粗略的补丁后挡板。在这最后的苹果树增长大,但口径很小的水果,因此这两个男孩一直被允许爬上自由。这些节日,他们将在其分支机构建立了一个树屋。汤姆凝视,然后转身进了屋。当他经过的楼梯口,他叫了起来。 “再见,彼得!”是一个呱呱叫答案。他走了出去,前面的门口,他的母亲在等待着他的手提箱。他把他的手吧,但郎格太太紧紧抓住片刻的情况下,声称了他的注意。 “你知道,汤姆,”她说,“它是不是很好的为你赶到远离这样避免麻疹,但它是不为我们好或者。你父亲和我会想念你,并因此将彼得。彼得是不有一个很好的时间,无论如何,麻疹。“ “我并没有说你有一个很好的时间没有我,”汤姆说。 “我说的是 - ”“嘘!”他的母亲低声说,过去他在公路和汽车等,该名男子在驱动轮。她给汤姆的情况下,然后俯在他身上,把他的领带来掩盖他的衣领按钮,让她的嘴唇在一英寸,他的耳朵。 “汤姆,亲爱汤姆 - ”她低声说,试图为他准备在未来几个星期内,“记住,你是一个游客,也尝试了 - 哦,我能说什么? - 尝试为好。”她吻了他,给了他一副不屑一顾的汽车推向然后跟着他到了它。汤姆,过去他夫人看着龙的驱动程序。 “给我的爱对Gwen,”她说,“告诉她,艾伦,我们非常感谢你俩在如此短的时间内采取汤姆。这是非常善良的你,不是吗,汤姆?” “非常的好,”汤姆恨恨地重复。 “有这么小的一个房间里,”郎格太太说,“当有疾病。” ,“艾伦说:”我们很高兴帮助。他发动了引擎。汤姆摇下车窗对他的母亲旁边。 “再见!” “喂,汤姆!”她的嘴唇颤抖着。
2023-06-29 10:09:231


灵魂伴侣: soul mateSoul Mate -灵犀 Soul Mate:性情相投的人, 心心相印的伙伴(尤指异性伙伴)
2023-06-29 10:09:311

on the subject of是什么意思

2023-06-29 10:09:483


勇敢的心 braveheart资料一:Unfortunately, I have yet to find a film of quite this caliber again. Braveheart contains elements of Romance (several heart- wrenching and warming instances), Epic/Action (spectacular scenes), Mystery (can take a few viewings to put it all together), History (albeit romanticised) and of course Drama (perfectly unravelled). This level of uncompromised multi-tasking allows the film to move you to laugh and cry, love and hate or even to think and be taught. I"m trying to avoid the clichés of glowing reviews (almost as bad as entirely negative ones) - but this is one of the few movies that I feel deserves one.The witty banter between friends/foes/lovers/relatives is, in my opinion, flawless and aids the film"s claim as a true classic. The soundtrack is similarly top-notch and encapsulates and refracts the patriotic theme during several key moments. The political sub-plot and gorgeous scenery also serve as refreshers during otherwise heavy areas of the story. Perhaps Braveheart"s only flaw (but if you share my sentiments it"s actually a bonus) is its length so you"ll want to prepare a comfy seat and maybe even two pots of tea (complete with cosies!).I suppose it"s also relevant to touch on the historic inaccuracies as I expect this is what people might dislike most about this film. However, "History is written by those who have hanged heroes"; also, the overall sketchiness of such periods coupled with the right of artistic license are enough for me to personally dismiss such thoughts. On that note, I hope you also enjoy what, to me, is the greatest film created (so far). 资料二:The movie begins in the small town of Elerslie, Scotland. William lives with his father, who is not named in the film, and his older brother Malcolm. William"s father and older brother are called to a meeting a few miles from their home where they find the entire nobility of Scotland hanging. Malcolm and his father then go to a battle between the British and their clan, both die tragically. At the funeral William meets his uncle Argyle who fought in the battle with Malcolm and his father. He takes him away to live with him. The scene then cuts to an adult William on his horse. William later runs into a girl he knew before he went to live with Argyle, her name, Murron, we discover that Lords have the right to sleep with brides on their wedding night, so William marries Murron in secret. Murron is the assaulted by a British guard, the guard is killed by William, a fight ensues, and eventually Murron is killed by the lord. This enrages Wallace who then build himself a fine army entering city"s and killing all Englishman within. Wallace prepares to move on to Sterling where he prepared for his greatest battle yet, in the forest he realises that he must find a way to beat the heavy cavalry from the ground, he decided to create spears twice as long as men. These were used in the battle to kill the entire heavy cavalry raised at the last minute to kill the on coming horses. Eventually Wallace reaches York, the most important military city he gains control. Williams final battle at Falkirk ends in his betrayal by two nobles, whom he later kills. William is betrayed by the leper father of Robert the Bruce, is captured and refuses to bow down as a loyal subject of the king Edward I, Longshanks. Therefore, instead of mere beheading William Wallace is subject to being Hung, hung within an inch of death. Drawn, being stretched by his ankles and wrists and then having his insides shown to him before he died. Then Quartered, he was beheaded and his head was put on the London Bridge his body was torn into for pieces one sent to each corner of Britain as a warning to the citizens. After Wallace"s death we see Robert the Bruce led the battle of Bannockburn the last battle for Scotland"s freedom.资料三:In 14th Century Scotland, William Wallace leads his people in a rebellion against the tyranny of the English King, who has given English nobility the "Prima Nocta".. a right to take all new brides for the first night. The Scots are none too pleased with the brutal English invaders, but they lack leadership to fight back. Wallace creates a legend of himself, with his courageous defence of his people and attacks on the English.——————————————————————人工智能 artificial intelligence A.I 资料一:In the not-so-far future the polar ice caps have melted and the resulting raise of the ocean waters has drowned all the coastal cities of the world. Withdrawn to the interior of the continents, the human race keeps advancing, reaching to the point of creating realistic robots (called mechas) to serve him. One of the mecha-producing companies builds David, an artificial kid which is the first to have real feelings, especially a never-ending love for his "mother", Monica. Monica is the woman who adopted him as a substitute for her real son, who remains in cryo-stasis, stricken by an incurable disease. David is living happily with Monica and her husband, but when their real son returns home after a cure is discovered, his life changes dramatically. A futuristic adaptation of the tale of Pinocchio, with David being the "fake" boy who desperately wants to become "real".资料二:The "literalists" are clearly not happy with A.I. So now is a good time to recall that "2001: A Space Odyssey" was greeted upon release with derision, confusion, dismissive reviews, public consternation, and, oh yeah, some thought it was an absolute masterpiece. Beyond the monolithic influence of that film (think of Han Solo"s jump to lightspeed, etc.), the symbols of "2001" -- TO THIS VERY DAY -- cannot be decoded using anything but the most personal, interpretive language. The obelisks, the message of the obelisks, the Star Child, Cosmonaut Dave"s "room", HAL-9000"s true motivation – all these things remain in our collective subconscious as indelible images that refuse to be concretely defined between or among viewers. WHAT CAUSES THIS CONFLICT OF PERCEPTION? IS IT INTENTIONAL? Again and again, Kubrick"s films take us to a No-Man"s Land of narrative and moral ambiguity, stranding us, forcing us to make decisions, demanding interpretation (or we can judge the surface, walk away, hate the film). To my perception, Kubrick is the only, true "Brechtian" film director. The device Brecht proposed is "Alienation Effect", or put simply, Leading the audience down two, divergent paths at once. My favorite example is "Barry Lyndon". Being the adventures of a young man, handsome, virtuous, well-meaning, ambitious, full of promise. Yet in every scene, the camera "pulls-back" revealing Barry (but never to himself) to be womanizing, self-absorbed, criminally inclined, socially inept, not very bright, morally bankrupt, and at last, a broken shell of a man. Or let"s consider "Strangelove": Did Kubrick really create a headbanger, slapstick comedy about nuclear proliferation, mass destruction, and military/political incompetence? The real question is "Who else could have?" Well, that"s my take on Kubrick"s artistic sensibility, and, without daring to presume Spielberg"s motivation, it"s what drew them both to "A.I." Pinocchio, the Blue Fairy, cuddly Teddy Bears on one hand, but on the other hand – social institutions are faltering forever -- parenthood, childhood, science, industry, sexuality -- all distorted beyond repair. And Humans, the ultimate A.I. protagonist, seem blissed-out, in denial, more interested in creating "Davids", "Darlenes" and "Gigolo Joes" than in rising water levels and the imminent threat of extinction. Therefore, I believe A.I. is getting precisely the response all Kubrick films "INITIALLY" get. Spielberg"s reputation and career can withstand anything that public perception might bring to his films, but I keep thinking that A.I. is the riskiest moment of his artistic life.
2023-06-29 10:09:551


being confrontational or aggressive. Listen to their perspective and try to find a compromise that works for both of you.2. Set boundaries: If your roommate"s behavior is bothering you, it"s important to set boundaries. Let them know what you"re comfortable with and what you"re not. For example, if you don"t like it when they play loud music late at night, ask them to turn it down or use headphones.3. Be respectful: It"s important to be respectful of your roommate"s feelings and needs. Avoid making personal attacks or being dismissive of their concerns. Instead, try to find common ground and work together to find a solution.4. Seek mediation: If you"re unable to resolve the conflict on your own, consider seeking mediation. Many universities offer mediation services for roommate conflicts. A mediator can help facilitate a conversation between you and your roommate and help you find a solution that works for both of you.5. Know when to escalate: If the conflict is serious or if your roommate"s behavior is causing harm, it may be necessar
2023-06-29 10:10:022


disapproving的意思是不满的,反对的;不赞成(disapprove的现在分词)。一、近义词和反义词1、近义词:unfavorable;unfavourable。2、反义词:favorable;favourable。二、联想词disapproval:不赞同,反对;disapprove:不赞成;approving:满意的;dismissive:轻视的,轻蔑的,鄙视的;resentful:感到愤恨的,表示愤恨的,憎恨的;displeasure:不快,不悦,生气;approve:批准;judgmental:审判的。三、英语例句1、I made it clear right from the outset that I disapproved.从一开始我就明确地说我不赞成。2、They were conscious that he disapproved.他们意识到他不赞成。3、People disapprove of the company he keeps.人们不赞成他与那些人交往。4、Animal conservationists disapprove of experimenting on animals.动物保护主义者不赞成用动物做试验。5、She disapproves of unmarried couples living together.她反对未婚男女同居。
2023-06-29 10:10:211


人们在幼年时,在与父母互动中会形成一种情感上、心理上联结的固定模式,而这种模式也会在我们成年之后影响我们在亲密关系中与伴侣的互动,它也被称为“依恋”模式(attachment)。拥有不同成长经历的人可能发展出不同的依恋模式。 心理学家Kim Bartholomew在前人的基础上,根据人们在关系中程度“焦虑”和“回避”程度,将成人的依恋模式进行分类。其中,焦虑程度高(即高焦虑)的人总是害怕对方会离开自己或不重视自己,而低焦虑的人则不会有这样的担心;而高回避的人容易对彼此间的亲密感到不适,而低回避的人,则乐于亲近他人。 根据以上标准,人们的依恋类型被分为:安全型、痴迷型、疏离型及恐惧型(Secure,Preoccupied, Dismissive, and Fearful)。 安全型(低焦虑、低回避):既不担心被抛弃,也乐于亲密,与伴侣相互独立又相互依赖 痴迷型(高焦虑、低回避):总是很担心被抛弃、渴望亲密,十分依赖伴侣 疏离型(低焦虑、高回避):难以信任和依赖他人,对亲密感到不适,追求独立 恐惧型(高焦虑、高回避):担心被抛弃,但又对亲密感到不适,既想要依赖又希望独立 对痴迷型、疏离型及恐惧型的人而言,亲密关系都会在某种程度上让他们感到不安,这也就不奇怪,这三类依恋模式都被学者们认为是“非安全型”的。 今天我们就来了解下“恐惧型依恋”。 恐惧型依恋只是一种称呼,它用来形容某种表现的一个名词,并不是对人格做价值判断,所以以下内容仅仅指向某段时间内的某种行为倾向,而不是个人长期的特质。一、恐惧型依恋人群会一直处于“靠近—离开”的状态。 当遇到想接近的人时,会将注意力放在对方身上,并逐渐靠近。但是一旦真的有可能接触,意识到对方可能关注自己,反而会立刻产生深深的压力感,为了逃避这种感受,会选择冷漠推开,推开以后又苦恼不应该这么做,又再次靠近,再推开,陷入挣扎之中。二、负面运作模式。对事件的预期,并使用认知解释——心理学中也称作“运作模式”。负面运作模式也可以理解为——“习惯性负面预期,然后进行消极认知,并完成自我实现预言”,也就是说,在面对不确定事物时,本能的、条件反射似的先产生负面情绪,然后用认知去解释,寻找最坏的结果并促使其发生。三、习得性无助。 不认为自己具有吸引对方的魅力,觉得自己不值得被爱。认为别人对自己的爱是需要条件的。想获得对方的青睐,自己必须付出很多,表现的很出众才行。 这种过度寻求保证的表现行为会让对方感到不适,并且自己也会在犹豫和怀疑中提前抽身离开。随着多次对这种亲密关系的无助感进行强化,最终变成了习得性无助,习惯性使自己进入无力状态。四、低表达性。很少描述自己的感受和需要,习惯以敷衍和若无其事掩饰自己内心的不安,如在社交工具中会不断的删除已输入的内容,最后放弃沟通,给人留下迟钝或者防御的印象。即使当面谈话,也不会主动将话题引入深处,只会流于表面,谈一些自以为安全的话题,所以与他们交流平淡、浅薄、毫无乐趣。发生冲突时,其并不是通过心平气和的沟通来解决问题,相反,会用疏远来表达不满,而这种疏远对亲密关系又极具破坏性。恐惧型依恋与一个人内心隐秘的“羞耻感”有很大的关系。因此,如果你是恐惧型依恋的人,想要做出改变,那么如何应对羞耻感是十分关键的一步。 你可以通过改变对过去的叙述来改变自己对过去的看法,减少自己所感受到的羞耻。 比如,你可以回顾儿时的经历(可以是文字记录也可以在脑海中回忆),试着不去将父母忽视和冷漠看作是自己的错,找到并赋予这段经历其他可能的原因——可能是当时家庭条件不允许等等。 你可以试着去释放和表达那些被羞耻感所压抑的情绪。 比如,当对方不接自己电话的时候,你可以尝试着先对自己说出当下的感受——“ta没接我电话,这让我感到很担心/害怕”,而不是急忙压抑感受而疏远对方。 其次,自己要好好爱自己。照顾好自己的身体和情绪,是自己对自己负责的表现,也是维持良好恋爱、夫妻关系的基础。没有一个人的原生家庭是完美无缺的,我们需要做的是积极面对,爱自己,才能爱身边的每个人。 最后,要清楚真正的安全感是自己给予自己的,不是他人给予的。对方的承诺只能给你暂时的安全感。学会接受自己的一切,接受生活中的一切。相信依靠自己能够解决生活中的所有问题。你只有对自己有信心,才能降低恐惧感,才能体会到切切实实的安全感。
2023-06-29 10:10:461


2023-06-29 10:10:541


accept criticism and learn from it in a constructive way.The ability to accept and learn from constructive criticism is an important skill that can benefit both personal and professional growth. To achieve this, it"s essential to cultivate a mindset of openness and humility that allows us to listen to feedback without defensiveness or anger.One strategy for accepting criticism constructively is to actively seek out feedback from others and encourage them to give their honest opinions. It"s important to remember that criticism is not a personal attack, but rather an opportunity to improve upon our strengths and weaknesses.Another important tip is to focus on the specific behaviors or actions that warrant criticism rather than taking it as a reflection on our character or personality. This allows us to better understand the root cause of the issue and take steps towards correcting it in a meaningful way.It"s also crucial to approach criticism with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Rather than becoming defensive or dismissive, we can use criticism as a tool for self-improvement and growth. By acknowledging our mistakes and shortcomings, we can develop greater self-awareness and work towards becoming a better version of ourselves.Finally, remember to show gratitude and appreciation towards those who offer constructive criticism. It takes courage and empathy to provide feedback in a thoughtful and constructive way, and acknowledging this can help build stronger relationships and foster a culture of growth and improvement.
2023-06-29 10:11:011


1、那首情歌有关风月、却无关你我。 That love song is about wind and moon, but not about you and me. 2、你随便的一说,我却认真的难过。 You casually say, but I am seriously sad. 3、有一种感觉比失恋还有痛苦,那就是自作自受。 There is a feeling more painful than lovelorn, that is self inflicted. 4、世上的事,只要肯用心去学,没有一件是太晚的。 Nothing in the world is too late as long as you are willing to learn with your heart. 5、沉默不是不说话,只是不想说话。 Silence is not silence, just don"t want to talk. 6、哭过,放弃过,但别忘记你曾经拥有过。 Cry, give up, but don"t forget you once had. 7、我想活的很酷,爱不了你了,我就去爱别人。 I want to live a cool life. If I can"t love you, I will love others. 8、我用了我所有的力气想念一个人,那个人却从来不会为我停留。 I miss a person with all my strength, but that person never stays for me. 9、那些奋不顾身去爱的人,到了最后都成了别人的爱人。 Those who are desperate to love become others" lovers in the end. 10、世上最可怕的事莫过于,把你推入地狱的人,曾把你带上天堂。 The most terrible thing in the world is that the person who pushed you into hell took you to heaven. 11、你不尝试着做些能力之外的事情,就永远无法成长。 You can never grow unless you try to do something beyond your ability. 12、简单的灵魂,是质朴;简单的内涵,是本真;简单的归依,是智慧。 The simple soul is simple; the simple connotation is the essence; the simple return is wisdom. 13、你我注定共度荆棘路,余生坎坷分开走。 You and I are destined to spend the thorny road together, and walk separately in the rest of my life. 14、我不想一个人失眠,因为我真的很怕。 I don"t want to lose sleep alone, because I"m really afraid. 15、人生,需要有一些时刻,慢下来,静下来。告诉自己,活着,真好。 Life, need to have some time, slow down, quiet down. Tell yourself, it"s good to be alive. 16、他刚才的愉快仿佛成了泄了气的气球,垂头丧气的回家了。 His pleasure just now seemed to be a balloon that was out of breath and went home dejectedly. 17、当我已经不能离开你的时候,你已经离开我。 When I can"t leave you, you have left me. 18、摇曳在笔尖的舞姿、是聚光灯下最浓烈的一抹艳红。 Swaying in the nib dance, is the most intense red under the spotlight. 19、有些故事不需要讲给别人听,有些悲伤不是谁都会懂。 Some stories don"t need to be told to others. Some sorrows are not understood by everyone. 20、我紧张得心跳加速,好像心里有个小球跳来跳去。 I was so nervous that my heart beat faster, as if there was a little ball in my heart. 21、我有什么可寂寞的,我的灵魂里自有我的热闹。 I have what can be lonely, my soul has my own lively. 22、你永远都不明白那种撕心裂肺的感觉有多痛。 You never know how painful it is to feel. 23、假设没法遗忘他,就不要遗忘好了。真正的遗忘,是不需求起劲的。 If you can"t forget him, don"t forget him. The real forgetting needs no effort. 24、看着别人笑了自己也就笑了,明明就不快乐,却莫名的被牵引着。 Looking at others smile, they also smile, clearly not happy, but inexplicably pulled. 25、你是谁朝思暮想的笔尖少年、在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌。 Who are you, the pen tip youth who yearns for day and night, turning into a song in the desolate road of juecheng. 26、当你知道迷惑时,并不可怜,当你不知道迷惑时,才是最可怜的。 When you know confusion, it is not pitiful, when you do not know confusion, it is the most pitiful. 27、尽量原谅每一个谎言,生活中谁没有过谎言。 Forgive every lie as much as possible, who has not been lying in life. 28、微笑是盛开在人们脸上的一朵美丽的花,时时刻刻散发着迷人的芬芳。 Smile is a beautiful flower in full bloom on people"s faces, which exudes charming fragrance all the time. 29、回忆是件很累的事情,就像失眠时怎么躺都不对的样子。 Memory is a very tired thing, just like how to lie down when insomnia is not right. 30、当我们失去了一些东西时,才能得到另外一些东西。 When we lose something, we get something else. 31、感谢你改变了我之后不屑一顾的走开,让我现在如此坚强。 Thank you for changing me after dismissive go away, let me now so strong. 32、愿你精致到老,眼里是太阳,笑里是坦荡,对得起初心,守得住永心。 May you be delicate to the old, the sun in your eyes, magnanimous in your smile, right at the beginning of your heart, and keep your heart forever. 33、难过的不是情人节没人过,而是明明有爱人却还是自己过。 Sad is not Valentine"s day no one, but clearly have a lover but still own. 34、如今的我们,天各一方,愿莫失莫忘。 Today, we are in different parts of the world. 35、希望你一生没有软肋,不像我,别人提到你,我就输得一塌糊涂。 I hope you have no weakness in your life. Unlike me, when others mention you, I will lose in a mess. 36、不管脚步有多慢都不要紧,只要你在走,总会看到进步。 No matter how slow the pace is, as long as you are walking, you will always see progress. 37、与其你去排斥它已成的事实,你不如去接受它,这个叫做认命。 Instead of rejecting the fact that it has become, you"d better accept it. This is called accepting life. 38、不是除了你,我就没人要了。只是除了你,我谁都不想要。 No, I don"t have anyone else except you. It"s just that I don"t want anyone but you. 39、近朱者赤,近我者红橙黄绿青蓝紫。 If you are near red, you will be red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. 40、世界就两件事:一件是拿事儿把时间填满,另一件是拿感觉把心填满。 There are two things in the world: one is to fill the time with things, the other is to fill the heart with feelings. 41、我就是我,一开心就疯疯癫癫,不开心就安安分分。 I am me, a happy on the madness, not happy on the safe points. 42、一场失恋就像剪坏烫坏的头发,安慰只是让人温暖的废话。 A lovelorn is just like cutting the scalded hair, comfort is just warm nonsense. 43、喜欢你的人,要你的现在。爱你的人,会给你未来。 Those who like you want your present. People who love you will give you the future. 44、人的一切痛苦,本质上都是对自己的无能的愤怒。 All human suffering is essentially anger at one"s own incompetence. 45、最初倔强固执霸道骄傲不服输的满腔热血,早已被时光磨破。 At first, he was stubborn, obstinate and arrogant. He was full of blood, which had been worn by time. 46、错过的年华在寂寞里开出斑斓的花,却荒芜了轮回的春夏。 Missed love in the lonely out of colorful flowers, but barren reincarnation of spring and summer. 47、就在那一瞬间,我仿佛听见了全世界崩溃的声音。 In that moment, I seemed to hear the world collapse. 48、性命的悲伤,总有一泊泪水缘于深爱,你是我今生无法泅渡的沧海。 The sadness of life, there is always a pool of tears due to deep love, you are my life can not swim across the sea. 49、你希望掌握永恒,那你必须控制现在。 If you want to master eternity, you must control the present. 50、我愿意让我的那些与青春,与温暖有关的回忆里都是你的影子。 I would like to let my memories related to youth and warmth be your shadow.
2023-06-29 10:11:261

Being a Global Citizen 4 - 懂你英语 流利说 Level7 Unit3 Part1

But despite all of this momentum, we face some huge challenges. See, you might be thinking to yourself, how can we possibly persuade world leaders to sustain a focus on global issues? Indeed, the powerful American politician Tip O"Neill once said, "All politics is local." That"s what always got politicians elected: to seek, gain and hold onto power through the pursuit of local or at very best national interests. I experienced this for the first time when I was 21 years old. I took a meeting with a then-Australian Foreign Minister who shall remain nameless -- [Alexander Downer] (Laughter) And behind closed doors, I shared with him my passion to end extreme poverty. I said, "Minister -- Australia has this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals. We can do this." And he paused, looked down on me with cold, dismissive eyes, and he said, "Hugh, no one gives a funk about foreign aid." Except he didn"t use the word "funk." He went on. He said we need to look after our own backyard first. This is, I believe, outdated, even dangerous thinking. Or as my late grandfather would say, complete BS. Parochialism offers this false dichotomy because it pits the poor in one country against the poor in another. It pretends we can isolate ourselves and our nations from one another. The whole world is our backyard, and we ignore it at our peril. See, look what happened when we ignored Rwanda, when we ignore Syria, when we ignore climate change. Political leaders ought to give a "funk" because the impact of climate change and extreme poverty comes right to our shore. Now, global citizens -- they understand this. We live in a time that favors the global citizen, in an age where every single voice can be heard. See, do you remember when the Millennium Development Goals were signed back in the year 2000? The most we could do in those days was fire off a letter and wait for the next election. There was no social media. Today, billions of citizens have more tools, more access to information, more capacity to influence than ever before. Both the problems and the tools to solve them are right before us. The world has changed, and those of us who look beyond our borders are on the right side of history. So where are we? So we run this amazing festival, we"ve scored some big policy wins, and citizens are signing up all over the world. But have we achieved our mission? No. We have such a long way to go. But this is the opportunity that I see. The concept of global citizenship, self-evident in its logic but until now impractical in many ways, has coincided with this particular moment in which we are privileged to live. We, as global citizens, now have a unique opportunity to accelerate large-scale positive change around the world. So in the months and years ahead, global citizens will hold world leaders accountable to ensure that the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development are tracked and implemented. Global citizens will partner with the world"s leading NGOs to end diseases like polio and malaria. Global citizens will sign up in every corner of this globe, increasing the frequency, quality and impact of their actions. These dreams are within reach. Imagine an army of millions growing into tens of millions, connected, informed, engaged and unwilling to take no for an answer. Over all these years, I"ve tried to reconnect with Sonny Boy. Sadly, I"ve been unable to. We met long before social media, and his address has now been relocated by the authorities, as often happens with slums. I"d love to sit down with him, wherever he is, and share with him how much the time I spent on Smoky Mountain inspired me. Thanks to him and so many others, I came to understand the importance of being part of a movement of people -- the kids willing to look up from their screens and out to the world, the global citizens. Global citizens who stand together, who ask the question "Why?," who reject the naysayers, and embrace the amazing possibilities of the world we share. I"m a global citizen. Are you? Thank you.
2023-06-29 10:11:331


你好!大的big 英[bu026ag] 美[bu026aɡ] adj. 大的; 重要的; (计划) 庞大的; 大方的; adv. 大量地; 成功地; 夸大地; 宽宏大量地; n. 大亨; 大公司; [例句]Australia"s a big country澳大利亚是个幅员辽阔的国家。
2023-06-29 10:12:132

书虫 读后感

书虫之傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice ", a novel a pleasure to behold, a beautiful and moving story. The article describes a number of daughters Bo Nate story. Ji-an eldest daughter, gentle kind-hearted, beautiful Keren, Bentley and rich kids at first sight, but at the crucial moment has brought a twist. Second daughter, Elizabeth, Qingli intelligent, ambitious, assertive, consistent with the property of the nobility million youth met Darcy. Can be as arrogant Darcy eccentric, Elizabeth for his prejudice are serious, they love but refuse to recognize the obvious, but also continue to hurt each other with words, but fortunately dispelled the last mistake, married lovers. Reading this novel, I have benefited greatly. In our people, there are many very modest, but there are some arrogant people. These arrogant people who sometimes annoying, they have eyes in the head long, others are dismissive. Indeed, the arrogance is a shortcoming in the environment to develop a character. Chinese children from an early age by their parents as holding掌上明珠typical "little emperors." If so has been from small to large养尊处优, how could it not arrogant? So I think that we should not be arrogant people who have prejudices, but the more soul-searching myself, to see if they have not arrogant, after their own things to learn to no longer allow parents to worry about, tired. As the book said: "Heart of pride in everyone. As long as we have so a little bit of strength, they will feel especially great. But pride and vanity while the same meaning, but in real terms in different kinds of self-pride is a feeling, Vanity will need to involve other people overestimate their own, so people have a pride without vanity, which is justifiable. 可以适当删减~~~翻译如下~~《傲慢与偏见》,一部值得细细品味的小说,一个美丽动人的故事。 文中描述了柏纳特一家几个女儿的故事。大女儿姬安,温柔善良,美丽可人,与富家子弟宾利一见倾心,却在关键时刻发生了波折。二女儿伊丽莎白,聪慧清丽,有志气,有主见,与家产万贯的贵族青年达西相识。可因为达西高傲孤僻,伊丽莎白对他存有严重的偏见,两人明明相爱却不肯承认,还不断地用言语刺痛对方,幸好最后误会冰释,有情人终成眷属。 看了这本小说,我受益匪浅。在我们这些人中,有许多很谦虚,但也有一些傲慢的人。这些傲慢的人有时的确令人讨厌,他们把眼睛长在头上,对其他人都不屑一顾。的确,傲慢是一种缺点,一种在环境下养成的性格。我们中国的孩子,从小就被父母视为掌上明珠捧着,典型的“小皇帝”。要是从小到大一直这么养尊处优,怎么会不傲慢呢?因此,我觉得我们不应该对傲慢的人产生偏见,而是该多反省自己,看看自己有没有傲慢,以后自己的事也要学会自己做,不再让父母操心,劳累了。 正如书中所说:“骄傲之心人皆有之。只要我们拥有那么一点点长处,就会觉得自己特别了不起。但其中的骄傲和虚荣虽含义相同,却实质不同,骄傲是种自我感觉,虚荣则需要牵扯到别人高估自己,所以,一个人拥有不含虚荣心的骄傲,这也是无可非议的。”
2023-06-29 10:12:221

Nas的《America》 歌词

歌曲名:America歌手:Nas专辑:NasNas - AmericaIf all I saw was gangstersComing up as a youngsterPussy and money the only language I clung taClaim ta, unrolled myself up to become oneAin"t ya happy I chose rapI"m amongst thaStreets deceivingCan"t believe my achievementsCultural strataPersona"s that of a non-neederBecause I don"t need nada except for Prada beaverFor cold winters, tattoos got my summer"s sleevelessTo my g"s on the flee from the coppersStiff bodies on freeze in funeral parlorsFrom the slums I come up a phoenixCaked up, tryna take what I"m eatingCame up a dismissive kidYou lucky if you allowed to witness thisSavvy mouthWild, hardlyA man"s manWho woulda knew the beach houses and wild partiesJezebel"s and Stella McCartney"sFor years, all thatHow could I not be deadThis old GermanSaid I was a thug with a notty headLooked at my Benz and called that a Nazi sledWith a face like he wonder where I got my breadProbably all these stones he seeFrom my shows overseasFrom crime to rhymeMy stories is I"m from the home of the thievesBlessedThe lord is a g, he gotta beWho"s the God of suckers and snitchesThe economyLipstick from Marilyn MonroeBlew a death kiss to Fidel CastroHe"d want me to spit thisOnly the strong surviveNas bear witnessThe hypocrisy is all I can seeWhite cop acquitted for murderBlack cop cop a pleaThat type of shit make me stop and thinkWe in chronic need of a second look of the law booksAnd the whole race dichotomyToo many rappers, athletes, and actorsBut not enough niggas in NASAWho give you the latest dances, trends, and fashionBut when it comes to residuals, they look past usWoven into the fabric, they can"t stand usEven in white tee"s, blue jeans, and red bandanasAssassinationsDiplomatic relationsKilled indigenous peopleBuilt a new nationInvoluntary laborTook a knife split a woman navalTook her premature babyLet her man see you rape herIf I could travel to the 1700"sI"d push a wheelbarrow full of dynamiteThrough your covenantLove to sit in on the SenateAnd tell the whole governmentY"all don"t treat women fairShe read about herself in the bibleBelieving she the reason sin is hereYou played her, with an apronLike bring me my dinner, dearShe the nigger hereAin"t we in the free worldDeath penalty in Texas kill young boys and girlsBarbarity, I"m in the double-R casuallyBugging how I made it out the hood, dazzle meHow far we really from third world savageryWhen the empire fall, imagine how crazy that"ll be
2023-06-29 10:12:291

Mr Jones是什么意思

Mr Jones琼斯先生双语例句1Mr Jones was dismissive of the report, saying it was riddled with inaccuracies.琼斯先生对报告不屑一顾,称其中充斥着谬误。2Mr Kelly posted his resignation letter to Mr Jones in the internal mail box.凯利先生把辞职信寄到了琼斯先生的内部邮箱里。
2023-06-29 10:12:371


world"s smallest violinA notional violin that plays tragic music for the afflicted; used in dismissive responses to oversensitive complaining. 幽默
2023-06-29 10:13:002

以 volunteers wanted为题英语作文80词

I wanted to do when I grow up volunteers to protect animals.Now, there is animal life and dismissive.Often say that a dog is man"s best friend, but often those who like small animals were shouted at her cute appearance to.No one is really goSo to humans a better day, I want to be a to treat small animals around.People around me love animals, make the world better!
2023-06-29 10:13:091


2023-06-29 10:13:162

letter of award是什么意思

letter of award封奖双语对照例句:1.My son"s reaction to the letter was somewhat indifferent. A few of his friendswere dismissive of the award. 我儿子并不认真把这封信当回事。他的几个朋友也都不看重这个奖状。
2023-06-29 10:13:351

一周用英语单词怎么写 有关一周用英语单词怎么写

1、一周的英文:one week2、参考例句:Saturday is the seventh day in a week.?星期六是一周的第七天。The weeks washing.一周洗的衣服They attend school five days a week.他们一周上学5天。Hold a week-long broadcast exhibition of TV plays举办为期一周的电视剧展播He quitted Paris after a week.他一周后离开了巴黎。A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周I was twenty-one on my last birthday我已经过二十一周岁了。The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall after a week on the beach我们在沙滩待了一周之后,对日光浴已兴致大减Reviewer was dismissive,and the play closed within a week.由於评论界持否定态度,该剧上演不到一周便停止了He visits his grandpapa every two weeks.他每隔一周就去探望他祖父一次。
2023-06-29 10:13:411


2023-06-29 10:13:482


书虫之傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice ", a novel a pleasure to behold, a beautiful and moving story. The article describes a number of daughters Bo Nate story. Ji-an eldest daughter, gentle kind-hearted, beautiful Keren, Bentley and rich kids at first sight, but at the crucial moment has brought a twist. Second daughter, Elizabeth, Qingli intelligent, ambitious, assertive, consistent with the property of the nobility million youth met Darcy. Can be as arrogant Darcy eccentric, Elizabeth for his prejudice are serious, they love but refuse to recognize the obvious, but also continue to hurt each other with words, but fortunately dispelled the last mistake, married lovers. Reading this novel, I have benefited greatly. In our people, there are many very modest, but there are some arrogant people. These arrogant people who sometimes annoying, they have eyes in the head long, others are dismissive. Indeed, the arrogance is a shortcoming in the environment to develop a character. Chinese children from an early age by their parents as holding掌上明珠typical "little emperors." If so has been from small to large养尊处优, how could it not arrogant? So I think that we should not be arrogant people who have prejudices, but the more soul-searching myself, to see if they have not arrogant, after their own things to learn to no longer allow parents to worry about, tired. As the book said: "Heart of pride in everyone. As long as we have so a little bit of strength, they will feel especially great. But pride and vanity while the same meaning, but in real terms in different kinds of self-pride is a feeling, Vanity will need to involve other people overestimate their own, so people have a pride without vanity, which is justifiable. 可以适当删减~~~翻译如下~~《傲慢与偏见》,一部值得细细品味的小说,一个美丽动人的故事。 文中描述了柏纳特一家几个女儿的故事。大女儿姬安,温柔善良,美丽可人,与富家子弟宾利一见倾心,却在关键时刻发生了波折。二女儿伊丽莎白,聪慧清丽,有志气,有主见,与家产万贯的贵族青年达西相识。可因为达西高傲孤僻,伊丽莎白对他存有严重的偏见,两人明明相爱却不肯承认,还不断地用言语刺痛对方,幸好最后误会冰释,有情人终成眷属。 看了这本小说,我受益匪浅。在我们这些人中,有许多很谦虚,但也有一些傲慢的人。这些傲慢的人有时的确令人讨厌,他们把眼睛长在头上,对其他人都不屑一顾。的确,傲慢是一种缺点,一种在环境下养成的性格。我们中国的孩子,从小就被父母视为掌上明珠捧着,典型的“小皇帝”。要是从小到大一直这么养尊处优,怎么会不傲慢呢?因此,我觉得我们不应该对傲慢的人产生偏见,而是该多反省自己,看看自己有没有傲慢,以后自己的事也要学会自己做,不再让父母操心,劳累了。 正如书中所说:“骄傲之心人皆有之。只要我们拥有那么一点点长处,就会觉得自己特别了不起。但其中的骄傲和虚荣虽含义相同,却实质不同,骄傲是种自我感觉,虚荣则需要牵扯到别人高估自己,所以,一个人拥有不含虚荣心的骄傲,这也是无可非议的。”
2023-06-29 10:13:594


词汇选项   下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。   1.We are sure that he will get over his illness .   A. certain   B. aware   C. happy   D. determined   2. The policemen acted quickly because lives were at stake.   A. in despair   B. in danger   C. in misery   D. in pain   3 If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air is often the cause.   A. start   B. begin   C.happen   D.visit   4.The ice is not thick enough to bear the weight of a tank.   A.suffer   B.accept   C.receive   5.A small number of firms have ceased trading.   A. completed   B. finished   C. fulfilled   D.stopped   6.She was sent a box of chocolates along with a letter saying she was fired.   A. killed   B. shot   C. dismissed   D. murdered   7.The mountains look glorious at sunrise.   A.inviting   B. magnificent   C.appealing   D.pleasing   8 It seems highly unlikely that she will pass the exam.   Avery   B. completely   C usually   D. mostly   9 Their parents once lived under very severe comditions.   A.sound   B.hard   C.strict   D.tight   10.Michael is now merely a good friend.   A.largely   B.barely   C.just   D.rarely   11.Have you talked to her lately?   A.lastly   B.finally   C.shortly   D.recently   12. While we don"t agree, we continue to be friends.   A.Because   B.Where   C.Although   D.Whatever   13.You should take into consideration the fact that we have been very busy recently.   A. thought   B. account   C. mind   D. brain   14. You must shine your shoes.   A.polish   B.clear   C.wash   D.mend   15. The policeman worte down all the particulars of the accident.   A.secrets   B.details   C.benefits   D.words   答案:   1.A 2.B 3. C 4.D 5.D   6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C   11.D 12. C 13.B 14.A 15.B 第2部分:阅读判断(第1~7题,每题1分,共7分)   下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。   Osteoporosis and Men   Mention the word osteoporosis in the manly world of testosterone, professional basketball and the XFL, and you "re likely to get a wave of the hand and a dismissive "That "s a woman "s disease." Not so. More than 2 million American men have been found to have the thinning bones and skeletal weakness of osteoporosis, and an additional 3 million are at an increased risk of developing them.   It"s true that osteoporosis strikes women with much greater frequency than men - in some studies as much as four to six times as often. But that"s no reason to brush it off as "their" disease. It"s a mere stroke of gender luck that men"s bones tend to grow larger, stronger and denser. Also paying dividends are those spots that boys (and, increasingly, girls) play as children - running up and down basketball courts, soccer and baseball fields. As it happens, physical activity is one of the more important ways to increase bone density and protect bone health.   But even the most active men cannot ignore certain facts of life. All of us build up our bones during the first three decades of life, typically reaching peak bone mass in the early 30s. Around the age of 35, we begin gradually to lose some of this bone mass. Women ultimately give up between 30%. Though mass loss in men is lower, it still makes us vulnerable to back pains and bone fractures. In fact, this year alone American men will suffer as many as half a million osteoporosis-related breaks, mostly in the spine, hip and wrist. These are not only painful; thousands die each year from fracture-related complications.   For many of us, however, there"s still time. Of all the side effects of aging, osteoporosis is one of the more preventable, through diet, exercise and changes in lifestyle. The two key nutritional substances for bone health are calcium, which makes bones stronger, and vitamin D, which helps the body absorb the calcium.   Exercising is also important, with emphasis on weight-bearing activities in which bones and muscles work against gravity. Lifting weights and working out on resistance machines can help preserve bone density.   Be careful about what"s in your medicine cabinet. Prolonged use of some medications, such as steroids, can weaken your bones. Smoking and drinking are both bad for bones, as is prolonged weightlessness, for anybody who plans to work on the space station.   1 Men are justified in thinking that osteoporosis is a woman"s disease.   A Right   B Wrong   C Not mentioned   2 Most women also think that osteoporosis is a woman"s disease.   A Right   B Wrong   C Not mentioned   3 The kind of sport that boys often play as children is good for the build-up of their bones.   A Right   B Wrong   C Not mentioned   4 You are prone to bone breaks if you suffer from osteoporosis.   A Right   B Wrong   C Not mentioned   5 In general, men and women reach peak bone mass at the age of 35.   A Right   B Wrong   C Not mentioned   6 Exercising is an important way to protect bone health.   A Right   B Wrong   C Not mentioned   7 Weight loss is also bad for your bones.   A Right   B Wrong   C Not mentioned   答案:1. B  2. C  3. A  4. A 5. B 6. A  7. c  第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第1~8题,每题1分,共8分)   阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试 任务:(1)第1-4题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2-5段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5-8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。   English and English Community   1 There is no doubt that English is a useful language.The people who speak English today make up the largest speech community in the world with the exception of speakers of Chinese.   2 A speech community is similar to other kinds of communities.The people who make up the community share a common language.Often they live side by side, as they do in a neighborhood (街坊),a village,or a city.More often they form a whole country.National boundaries,however,are not always the same as the boundaries of a speech community.A speech community is any group of people who speak the same language no matter where they happen to live.   3 We may say that anyone who speaks English belongs to the English speech community.For convenience(方便),we may divide the speakers into two groups: one in which the speakers use English as their native language, the other in which the speakers 1earn English as a second language for the purpose of education,commerce,and so on.   4 Learning a second language extends one"s vision and expands the mind.The history and literature of a second language record the real and fictional(虚构的)lives of people and their culture;a knowledge of them adds to our ability to understand and to feel as they feel.Learning English as a second language provides another means of communication through which the window of the entire English speech community becomes a part of our heritage.   23 Paragraph 1___________ .   24 Paragraph 2___________ .   25 Paragraph 3___________ .   26 Paragraph 4___________ .   A Threat Posed by English   B Definition of a Speech Community   C Benefits of Learning a Second Language   D Advantages of Learning Chinese   E Two Groups of the English Speech Community   F A Widely Used Language   27 Overall there are more speakers of Chinese than of ___________   28 The boundaries of a speech community may be different from ___________ .   29 People who live in different places may belong to ___________ .   30 Many people learn English as ___________ .   A a second language   B the same language   C the same speech community   D any other language   E national boundaries   F a part of one"s heritage   答案: F B E C D E C A 阅读理解   阅读下面短文,短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个选项。   Heat and Health   Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world.Although hot weather just makes most people hot,it can cause medical problems-and death.   Health experts say that since the year 1900,extremely hot weather has killed more people in the United States than any other natural event.One year-the unusually hot summer of 1980-heat caused about 1,700 deaths in the United States.In 1995,more than 600 people died in a similar heat wave in one city-Chicago.   To measure extreme heat,govemment weather experts have developed the Mean Heat Index.It measures the average of how hot it is felt all day on an extremely hot day.Experts say it is the total heat of a hot day or several hot days that can affect health.Several hot days are considered a heat wave.Experts say heat waves often become deadly when the nighttime temperature does not drop much from the highest daytime temperature.   The most common medical problem caused by hot weather is heat stress.Usually,it also is the least severe.For most peoople,the only result of heat stress is muscle pain.The pain is a warning that the body is becoming too hot.Doctors say drinking water will help the pain disappear after the body again has the right amounts of water and salt.For some people,however,the result is much more serious.   For example,doctors say some people face a greatly increased danger from heat stress.These people have a weak or damaged heart,high blood pressure,or other problems of the blood system.Severe heat can help cause a heart attack or stroke.Health experts say this is the most common cause of death linked to hot weather.   1.How many people died from heat in Chicago in 1995?   A.About 1700.   B.Nearly 1900.   C.Around 1100.   D.Over 600.   2.What can people learn from the Mean Heat Index?   A.The average temperature of an extremely hot day.   B.The highest temperature of an extremely hot day.   C.The lowest temperature of an extremely hot day.   D.The nighttime temperature of an extremely hot day.   3.A heat wave is a period of time during which   A.the weather is much better than usual.   B.the nights are much longer than usual.   C.the weather is much hotter than usual.   D.the days are much longer than usual.   4.Muscle pain in hot weather means that your body needs   A.more exercise.   B.more water.   C.less oxygen.   D.less sugar.   5.For people who are in extremely poor health,heat can be   A.deadly.   B.painful.   C.helpful.   D.stressful.   答案:  D A C B A 第5部分:补全短文(第46~50题,每题2分,共10分)   阅读下面的短文,文章中有5处空白,文章后面有6组文字,请根据文章的内容选择5组文字,将其分别放回文章原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。   The Roadrunner   The roadrunner (走雀) lives in the desert zone of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. _____(1) People gave it its name because they usually see it running across a road, but of course, it spends more time among the plants of the desert than it does on roads.   The roadrunner is quite a large bird - about 45 centimeters long and 25 centimeters high. _____(2) It holds its head straight out in front and its tail sticks straight out in back. It takes long steps and can run 30 kilometers an hour.   It eats an amazing variety of food. Although it eats plants once in a while, it is mostly a meat eater. Most of its diet is insects, but it also catches birds, mice, and other small animals. It is even brave enough to catch snakes and black widow spiders (蜘蛛).   _____(3) When he finds one, he gives her presents - a snake to eat or a tiny branch of a tree to use in building a nest. Then they build their nest, the female lays eggs, and they raise their young.   _____(4) One couple in Arizona feeds a pair of roadrunners that come once at a time every day and make a noise outside the window. If someone doesn"t give the bird a piece of hamburger immediately, the bird knocks on the window with its beak (喙). Roadrunners are not shy.   _____(5) They will stand on a chair or table and watch television, and they seem really interested in what is happening on the program.   A Roadrunners can also become friendly with people   B People laugh when it runs because it looks so funny   C It is a bird, but it can only fly about as much as a chicken can   D In early spring, the bird doesn"t eat anything   E Another couple feeds a pair of roadrunners that go right into the house   F In the spring, a male roadrunner begins looking for a female as a mate.   答案:1. C  2. B  3. F  4. A  5. E
2023-06-29 10:14:061


  微笑,是一种快乐;微笑,是一种宽容;微笑,是一种鼓励;微笑,是一种幸福;微笑,是最美的语言。下面是我整理了关于微笑的英语演讲稿4篇,供你参考。   关于微笑的英语演讲稿篇一   What is a smile? Some people say that the expression is the heart. I think that smile is a heart, is a strong It is a detached charm; smile is a grace, it has a warm and friendly, with acceptance and caring, with tolerance and open-minded with a relaxed and optimistic. Therefore, in working and living in a smile treat everyone around them has become my greatest wish. I smiled through every day.   Every day, I smile, I love the education of students. Early in the morning, accompanied by sun, we are ushering in a group of group of students, they have lovely, and some naughty naughty, some clever, some wood satisfied, ... ..., no matter who, no matter what he is from the family, No matter how his performance, I smiled and treat each of them.   Mischievous and occasionally also to blame, because of deterioration and while the loss due to discipline, but the office really does not keep ideas and personal considerations, the children will really be you, bit by bit to see their progress, you will more to bloom broad smiles on their faces.   Normal years, no matter what kind of class, as a teacher, guides the efforts of the children"s mental and physical immersion in between the lines, so that high-spirited children from the passion straightforward, and so it goes, teachers and students do not stress and worry, so naturally, such a statement to the words to, so that the soul of the teachers and students mingled with the class as What is Education?   His seventeen years of education told me that education is a dynamic process of human spiritual encounter and dialogue. Education is looking forward to that education is in hand, education is the clarity, education is exciting, full of education with regards to the truth, education filled with smiling faces. The face of my students, I would like to smile every day.   Every day, I smile, to live together with my colleagues. People encounter is a margin of its own. Moreover, today, we have a common cause to come together, how can we not smile to cherish? Smile is the一泓spring water from the bottom of my heart, the soul of a tacit understanding friends, and strangers is to shorten the distance.   In November, I bid farewell to each other overnight partner, leaving the plants in the chest clear Xinzhuang Town primary school, went to a new collective --- a small aircraft to China. Lonely? Regret it?   When friends heard of the sorry and asked with concern, I always smile to tell you: all could hang good! School teachers and soon familiar, it"s a sincere heart to the smiling face of a sincere life, in the face of work: Every day, we smiled and talked about the cause of the school, the school"s development, all other schools; a smile on the shuttle classrooms, inter-office, even though every day seems to have endless things busy, but its music also fills the air with warmth! I am happy, I smile.   Every day, I smile to face itself. I think that there is no heart murmur smile flow, there will be no free and easy life. ,   Functions, regardless of how high or how inconspicuous impressive, I do not have the time ecstasy, nor dismissive of secretly laughing, I smiled frankly accepted the blessing of his companions.   I know that school is my lucky love, duty and destiny of the appointment is lucky, I have to smile thanks to all! Difficulty comes, I have discouraged, but also thought of retreat, but in the end I was the courage to meet the challenges of a smile, because I believe that with a smile the face of suffering, then tomorrow, if you will like the bright smile today. Nevertheless, every day, every day, I also can not own them smile?   Teachers with a sincere smile treatment of students, to treat themselves, to treat everyone around you, we will have a life unmatched beauty and free and easy. Let us hope that smiled torch, go together like a glorious tomorrow, let us smile, the life of a brilliant show shine. Dear teachers, please let a smile every day!   关于微笑的英语演讲稿篇二:微笑是一种亲切   There is a kindness called smile Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!   Today Iu2019d like to share my personal experience of happiness and bitterness of being an English teacher. I remember, five years ago, when I stood at the teacheru2019s desk for the first time, maybe because I was too young, maybe because I was too inexperienced, the students in my class paid no attention to me, didnu2019t behave themselves at all. I felt ashamed and helpless.   In order to save my face, I just criticized the students seriously whenever they talked in class or even moved a little. I thought sooner or later, they would listen to me.   Yes, I could control the class now, but the students and the atmosphere became strange. No, they were not listening to me. It was too quiet. The breathless silence urged me to consider the way I was teaching.   Then 1 August 2007, I got the chance to study the New Course of English. Until then could I realized that it was my frozen eyes that make the students flinch, it was my stiff face that trod out the enthusiasm in the childrenu2019s hearts. How to stimulate my class and show my warmth, so that they can enjoy their study in English? I had a deep thought.   Itu2019s smile. There is a kindness called smile. It is the most beautiful language in the world. It can make distance no distance. “Just awake the students with a smiling face!”I said to myself. The next day, when I stood on the stage with a smiling face, when I asked the questions with a smile, when I encouraged the children in a friendly way, the students were just shocked!   But I could find there was more happiness and excitement in their eyes!   Gradually, they got used to it, and participated in my teaching. As I predicted, that class became a lovely one. I was moved, and said“Thank you for listening, boys and girls!”   In the following days, I keep on working even harder. I prepare my lessons carefully. I use Flash, pictures, riddles, and interesting stories to make great efforts to help the students to learn more. But I will never forget one thing: smile, give them a smile, to give them strength, to let them feel happy, to make them confident. The children do enjoy the English lesson now, when they tell me the answers in great excitement, I can feel their gladness, and my smile is more sincerely than ever!   There is kindness called smile. From the childrenu2019s yearning eyes, I understand, it is smile that makes my students and I get closer, it is smile that fills the kindness to my English class, it is smile that shapes me popular English teacher finally. Thatu2019s all. Thank you very much!   关于微笑的英语演讲稿篇三:The power of a smile   Smile, and sometimes can be a life to retain power. "To retain the life of laughter," tells the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in the story, a huge smile to show her magic.   War, a number of German soldiers found guilty of a terrible mistake had been closed to general, including one soldier in particular would like to go out alive, but this possibility is too remote. He was informed of his life in the death of the ultimatum had been issued - and three months would be shot, so he does not pin any hope on the survival of the. Two weeks later, he calmed down.   He visited every day to face the smiling general, the generals began to ignore him, then, he has a little goodwill, and began to talk to him ... ... three months after the date on the blink of an eye later, shot By the time this is a very strange shot: General cite shot on the left hand, right hand to give back to the team that can be a continuation of the war.   His turn, he closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, this time, his generals to see, he slowly raised his right hand ... ...   This is the life-saving force, which is hard to imagine the magic! Every day to a general apology to smile, even from its own bottom line back to the original point of death, this not the great power of a smile?   If we are able to smile in the face of every person and every thing, the success or failure of honor in the face with a smile, a smile in the face of all with a smile of genuine spiritual insights better life, it would be very happy and well-being.   Jan-mouth, will be able to draw a beautiful arc, which is how simple things! However, we do every day to add a smile to my soul? Did not - did not test test, simply Poguanposhuai; job search is unsuccessful, they feel depressed; to buy lottery tickets with the first prize was only a figure on the stomp beat their chests ... ...   Strictly speaking, these trivial little too! But sometimes we do these things to worry all day, affecting many of the stem.   Smile is a force used to be a smile, a smile used to the things people will not be led by the nose, facial expression is not just a smile or a state of mind, it should be a smile from the heart. The story of the soldiers that if only the blunt expression, that the general will be more than just a pleasing.   So smile is a positive state of mind, you have a smile on other people, other people will also answer your smile.   Smile is in the hearts of the Yi Shuguang, the hearts of bright, full of hope. Smile is embedded in the heart of love, the magic of love. In the face of your life with a smile! We find that the world is so beautiful.   关于微笑的英语演讲稿篇四:Smile and the World Smiles With You   Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today I am very happy to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of “A Word has that Change the World——Smile and the World Smiles With You “. First, please look at my face. Do you know what Iu2019m doing?   Yes, quite right, Iu2019m smiling. I like smiling, because it makes me more confident and more popular. Donu2019t you think it important? Can you imagine a world without smiles? Can you bear seeing sad faces here and there? What a gloomy world it would without smiles!   Smile is so important of the world; it also can change the world! Smile and the world smiles with you!   Do you still remember the smiles from someone in your mind? Whatu2019s your feeling about that? The majority of people are trying to pursue happiness through their lifetime, but what is the root of happiness? I take the strong position that one of the secrets is smile. Smile makes the world go around.   Itu2019s easier to make new friends through charming and friendly smiles. Smile always creates a good impression. Maybe we cannot remember someoneu2019s name after meeting each other for the first time; however, his 1   or her smile impressed us. But people sometimes overlook the importance of smiling since it is so simple. It seems that people are always in such a hurry for their own business that they complain a lot about the lack of happiness in life and some people even want to be Harry Porter to learn the magic spell of happiness.   Ladies and gentlemen, every one of us want to know exactly well what the spell actually is and the spell is can change the world. What is it? so simple and just at hand. Thatu2019s smile.   Smile is such a magic spell. It is a kind of emotional contact. It makes strangers becomes friends. It makes parents and children understand each other better and it makes the love between lovers deeper.   Smile is such a magic spell. Itu2019s also a kind of encouragement. It makes people feel warm in ice and snow. It gives thirsty people power to walk on in a dessert. It makes cowards become brave and it makes people see hope in desperate situations.   So please remember smile make your life brighter. Smile and the world smiles with you. Every time you smile you give yourself a perfect chance to enjoy life. Every time you smile, you bring the brilliant sunshine to the whole world around you as well as to yourself.   A smile is the common language of the world, is the perfect way to communicate. Smile to the world"s stability and peace is hard to imagine that role. A smile can change the world , can change the way we live and attitude.   So please smile, it will not only make your life happiness, will let others feel happy, still can let the whole world is filled with the taste of happiness!!!!!   My speech is over, thank you very much!
2023-06-29 10:14:131

“mr jones”怎么读?

mr jones读音:[u02c8mu026astu0259(r)] [du0292u0259unz],解释:琼斯先生。造句:1.A red-faced Mr Jones was led away by police一位涨红了脸的琼斯先生被警察带走了。2.Mr Kelly posted his resignation letter to Mr Jones in the internal mail box.凯利先生把辞职信寄到了琼斯先生的内部邮箱里。3.Mr Jones received loud support from his local community.琼斯先生获得了他所在社区民众的热烈支持。4.Two teenagers burgled the home of Mr Jones"s mother.两个少年闯进了琼斯先生的母亲家里行窃。5.The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code.因为琼斯先生不受一般的治安条例法规约束,所以专门设立了特别法庭。6.Mr Jones was dismissive of the report, saying it was riddled with inaccuracies.琼斯先生对报告不屑一顾,称其中充斥着谬误。
2023-06-29 10:14:211

thank you怎么读

2023-06-29 10:14:341

“thank you”怎么读?

Thank you
2023-06-29 10:14:531


2023-06-29 10:15:154


【成语释义】不屑:认为不值得;不愿意做或不愿意接受;一顾:看一下。不值得一看。指对某些事物或人看不起。 【成语出处】明 方孝儒《送吏部外郎龚彦佐序》:“夫禄之以天下而系马千驷,常人思以其身易之而不可得,而伊尹不屑一顾视焉。” 【感情色彩】贬义 【成语结构】动宾式成语 【成语用法】动宾式;作谓语、定语;含贬义,形容蔑视、轻视 【产生年代】古代成语 【近义词】不足挂齿嗤之以鼻 【近义词】刮目相看举足轻重 成语例句 我的眼光是一直线,只看前面的,两旁和后方,悍都然不屑一顾了。(清 曾朴《孽海花》第二十八回) 相关成语 善为说辞 一时一刻 以人废言 贵耳贱目 一饭之先 钻冰求酥 委曲求全 一知半解 一命呜呼 英语释义 will not spare a glance for; be not pleasing to look at; beneath contempt; 网络英语释义 1. Dismissive 2. pour scorn on 3. shrug off 4. disdain 双语例句 1. Foreign Office sources sniffed at reports that British troops might be sent. 外交部消息人士对有可能派出英国军队的报道不屑一顾。 来自《柯林斯例句》 2. They were sneeringly dismissive. 他们态度轻蔑,不屑一顾。 来自《柯林斯例句》 3. He scorns the "pot-luck" approach. 他对这种“碰运气”的.方法不屑一顾。 来自《柯林斯例句》 4. Her fellow teachers greeted her proposal with scorn. 别的老师对她的提议不屑一顾。 来自《《权威词典》》
2023-06-29 10:15:361