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用80年代法国的一个DJ创作的一个曲子 大多在足球的背景 是叫什么?

2023-06-29 08:19:48

  法兰西电子乐坛的领军人物,吕多维克-纳瓦赫(又名圣日尔曼)的混合爵士乐(fusions of jazz),非洲式节奏(African rhythms),和舞点节拍乐(dance beats)为他在世界上赢得了巨大声誉。圣日尔曼的第二张专辑《游客》更是在世界范围内大热,并使“法式触觉”运动成功立足于世界音乐版图。



  在家制作的House音乐当吕多维克刚开始从事DJ行业时,让他声名大噪的其实是house音乐。九十年代早期,他将自己锁在他母亲位于凡尔赛的一栋房子的工作室里,远离尘世,潜心创作:转盘式的whizzkid与house被创新的混合在一起,达到了一种精妙的混合音效。从1991年开始,吕多维克将自己的作品以各式各样的艺名推出。他用过的名字包括:Sub System, Deepside (吕多维克将这个艺名用在他和好友盖伊-莱布勒共同制作的专辑中). 在那之后,他开始使用一系列新的艺名,像:Modus Vivendi, Soofle (一个与夏兹合作的二重唱) 以及DS。但无论他藏在什么样的名字后面,他作品的风格却从不曾改变——他的电子混合音效总是在不断寻找着新的灵感和优势,浸透着来自底特律的情径音乐(ambient),纽约的车库音乐(garage)以及芝加哥house节拍精华的影响。在经历了一段不断改换艺名的时期后,吕多维克最终选择了“圣日尔曼”。并在1993年 用圣日尔曼的名字推出了他个人的第一首单曲“法国Trax”。这个新艺名巧妙的将吕多维克家乡的名字(圣日尔曼—昂莱)与圣日尔曼伯爵(法国路易十五时期的一个宫廷人物,因为其漏洞百出的谎言臭名昭著)结合在了一起。

  《大道》Boulevard圣日尔曼通过他的第一张专辑《大道》在法国电子乐坛的萌芽阶段就站稳了脚跟。该专辑于1995年7月推出,是劳伦-伽尼尔的独立公司F.Communications出品。这张精妙的混音专辑一经推出,不仅在法国的爵士乐坛引起了骚动,同时也在电子乐坛大红大紫。《大道》将爵士乐和电子节拍之间的界限彻底打破。实际上,《大道》在世界范围内都应起了巨大反响。即使是在电子乐的心脏地带—美国也是一样。这张专辑的总销量达到了令人惊愕的二十万张。被一致推选为英国年度最佳舞曲专辑。《大道》甚至获得了英国舞曲大奖的提名,同时获提名的还有迈克尔-杰克逊!继其专辑在排行榜上的巨大成功之后,圣日尔曼首次在1995年12月,在著名的雷恩国际音乐交流节上进行了现场表演。在他的声名在电子乐界与日俱增的同时,来自世界各地的邀请雪片般的向他飞来。圣日尔曼的混音作品涵盖了很多艺人的作品,范围极广,包括比约克(1995),法国当代作曲家皮埃尔-亨利(1997),以及Cape Verdean star Boy Ge Mendes (1998)

  音乐巡演地奇怪的是,在圣日尔曼的名字在电子乐坛上越来越响亮时,他因为自己音乐而花在工作室的时间却越来越少。除了他的混音工作之外,这位法国的混音大师在之后的五年时间内一直没有推出《大道》的后续作品。吕多维克对自己逐渐响亮的名声很是不安,也为自己的音乐被单纯的定位在电子乐范围之内而感到困扰。他曾一度有过放弃圣日尔曼这个艺名,甚至是音乐事业的念头。在一次突然的重大变化之后,吕多维克明白了他的音乐中缺乏的是混合音乐的元素。这给他之后的事业发展带来了启发。迫切地希望与其他艺人合作,共同开拓音乐的新疆界的圣日尔曼,决定与以制作电子乐闻名的F.Com公司解约,改签有着传奇爵士乐美名的蓝调节拍(Blue Note)公司。这为他的音乐生涯带来了转机。他的混和音乐优势在与一些像塞内加尔巨星伊德里沙-迪奥普和牙买加吉他手欧内斯特-朗哥宁等真正的音乐家合作中得到了淋漓尽致的发挥。当圣日尔曼的第二张名为《游客》的专辑在2000年4月上市后,这位法国混音大师用他无与伦比的house爵士、瑞格舞曲和非洲节拍混音掀起了世界性的风暴。事实证明,《游客》的销售成绩比《大道》还要成功,在成功的推出名为《蔷薇红》的单曲之后,《游客》的销量如火箭般蹿升,在法国范围内冲破到了二十五万张大关。但这对世界范围内的销售成绩来说还算不上什么。《游客》由2000年9月在全球范围内发行,截至2001年夏季,其销量已升至一百五十万张!继《游客》取得令人惊异的成功之后,圣日尔曼被源自世界各地的音乐会邀请函所淹没。他将2000年后半年的绝大部分时间都花在了巡游世界上。2000年10月20日在伦敦结束了他的欧洲巡演之后,这位世界级的转盘之王于11月9日,巴黎的奥林匹亚完成了他最后一站的完美表演。圣日尔曼将会在2001年4月6日,再次回到奥林匹亚进行表演。这将是他在前往征服美国,亚洲和新西兰舞池之前的最后一次表演。与此同时,乐评家们的好评也如潮水般涌向圣日尔曼。2001年2月17日,圣日尔曼同时获得了萨呢类别的“音乐胜利”奖提名。这位混音奇才最终带着“年度最佳爵士新人奖”,“最佳电子专辑”和“年度最佳现场表演”三项大奖离开。圣日尔曼在2001年整个夏天的日程都排得满满的,在欧洲的各大顶级音乐赛事上表演,其中包括尼斯爵士音乐节,瑞士帕里奥音乐节,"Les Vieilles Charrues"音乐节 以及 the里昂的Fourvière音乐节。 2002年8月底,圣日尔曼在伦敦海德公园结束了他260个场演出中的最后一场。在他的第二张专辑《游客》发行之后的两年,其销量仅在法国就达到了六十万张,在世界范围内更高达两百万张。 2002年9月

  在18世纪法国国王路易十五的宫廷中曾经出现过一个叫圣日尔曼的令人惊奇的人物, 他自称已有好几百岁. 而在21世纪初的今天, 我们所要谈论的这个人也同样不同寻常, 不过他只有30岁,而且他既不是个骗子也不是贵族, 而是一个艺术家. 他就是吕多维克 纳瓦赫, 又名圣日尔曼. 作为”法国触觉”这种产于法国的新型电子乐的先驱, 吕多维克已经毫无疑问地成为国际音乐界备受尊重的名人. 没有吕多维克, ‘笨蛋朋克"(Daft Punk)和 ‘空气与迪米特里"(Air and Dimitri")这些来自巴黎的组合可能还在法国的那些穷乡僻壤里表演呢.

  他于1995年7月发行的专辑 ‘大道" 已经售出超过20万张,成为一代经典。该专辑当选了“英国年度专辑”,并获得了“伦敦舞曲大奖”的提名,与他同获该提名的还有歌手Goldie, d"Angelo及迈克尔-杰克逊等艺人。对于一个“怪异的小个儿法国艺人”来说,在英国能够取得如此成绩,已经是很不错的了。从那之后,我们的英雄吕多又通过他的电子混音版《Cape Verdean Boy Ge Mendes》,《综合》和《历史性的皮埃尔-亨利》使自己盛名远播。

  但是吕多维克并不看重荣誉,奖金和其他学院奖项。对他这个保守而又沉默寡言的巴黎郊区居民来说,再没有比呆在自己的工作室里玩弄他的样碟和乐器更惬意的了。那还是早在1991年,他创作出了他的招牌音乐---混合音乐(fusion music)。这是一种融合了在techno中加入爵士、蓝调、情径音乐,house以及dub混音的音乐。这并不是简单草率的商业化的音效拼图,而是一种经过长期酝酿的,成熟的混合,一种集电子设备和乐器,传统和现代音乐之大成的音乐。

  当吕多维克在为一个老年黑人蓝调歌手(就像是现在著名的阿拉巴马蓝调,在1995年刚出现时,曾出现了一大批模仿者---比如说,莫比(Moby)的最新作品)录制歌样时,他严谨挑剔的态度就像是赖汀-霍普金斯(Lightnin" Hopkins)一个忠实歌迷一样,或者说是黑人音乐的崇拜者。 吕多维克是听着鲍勃-玛黎(Bob Marley),亲密的人(Toots),梅陀思(Maytals),以及迈尔斯-戴维斯(Miles Davis),库尔(Koo),和帮派(the Gang)的歌长大的。

  他进入音乐圈纯属巧合。早期,我们的“卧室作曲家”的梦想是进入体育界。在青春期时,吕多维克对帆船,帆板运动,滑雪的巨大热情被一次意外事故所打碎。因此,他只得改行成为了一个电脑迷,并以DJ的身份偶尔参加了一些聚会。同他的好友盖伊-莱布勒一起,吕多维克创作了他的第一首歌曲《次系统》(Sub System)。即使是在那时候,他首要关心的便是如何使自己的音乐同别人的区别开来。“那时候,几乎所有的人都将techno的节奏做成每分钟150拍(150 bpm),这几乎成了一成不变的规律。因此,我开始试着将一切都做得更缓慢些…”

  他以一系列不同的艺名推出了几张单曲碟(EP)。他用过的艺名有:Deep Side, Soofle, Modus Vivendi, LN"s, Nuages, D.S。但他很快就放弃了单纯的techno风格,转而投向更忧郁,更给人以感官美感的音乐形式。从那时起,一个新兴的亮点便加入了区别于巴黎风格的纽约/芝加哥/底特律轴心。

  然而,吕多维克从不为自己的音乐被贴上哪个类型的商标而烦恼。即使他觉得techno已经受到了产业输出的支配和影响,受到一些煽动家和乐评人的左右,但吕多维克也不会为此烦恼。他将他所有的精力都投入到了实现他自己的梦想之中。他的梦想就是,录制更多的与其他音乐家合作的曲目,像1995年雷恩国际音乐节以及第二年的“布尔戈斯之春”音乐节上所做的一样。他为他的音乐添入了爵士乐的成分。圣日尔曼在他的第一张专辑《大道》之后, 他将全部的精力都投入到了圣日尔曼项目中,由帕斯卡尔-欧瑟担任乐队中的小号手,埃杜瓦德-拉伯任萨克斯手和笛手,亚历山德赫-德斯黑担当键盘手,而鼓手则是由埃德蒙多-卡尼罗所担任的。“我算不上是个音乐家”吕多谦虚地说:“我只是善于摆弄鼠标而已。在《大道》这张专辑之后,我其实想过要放弃音乐事业。我觉得自己似乎全都弄错了:由我这么个白人来做house音乐实在是……”

  今天,在受合同问题影响而停滞了五年之后,别名圣日尔曼的吕多维克-纳瓦赫,带着他最新的打着爵士旗号的蓝调专辑又回来了。这张专辑定于4月8日正式上市。吕多对这张专辑守口如瓶,仅透露说:“专辑里只有四首纯house风格的曲子。这张专辑是我风格的延续,贯穿着电子设备所制作的音乐和音乐人们的心血,兼有现场版和我们自己制作的样歌。” 牙买加吉他手欧内斯特-朗哥宁和打击乐手伊德里沙-迪奥普均在该专辑中有精彩的客串表演。

  在等待这张专辑时,重温吕多维克的一些老歌,如:《我妈妈说》(My mama said),《走得如此寂寞》(Walk so lonely)或是《前奏》(Prelusion),你就会意识到吕多维克的音乐已经超越了时尚和潮流的范畴。这一定与他的名字有一定关系,圣日尔曼这个名字永远不会过时。




由来自迈阿密的Mike Ezay,Pretti Sly,Penny ,Rude Boi (对映右图从左到右)组成的R&B组合。签约Jive Records  2002年,以Deep Side出道,并发行同名专辑Deep Side。  之后和Jive Records解除合约,签约Island Def JaM。   专辑  2002: Deep Side   2008: Git Fresh  专辑名称:Git Fresh  歌手姓名:Git Fresh  发行日期:2008.01  专辑流派:R&B  专辑介绍:(Promo CDS)更名后在新公司的首张大碟  专辑歌曲:  01. Booty Music  02. Blow Me a Kiss  03. Freaky Girl  04. My Mercedes  05. Cheater  06. Ain"t no Way  07. This Right Here  08. Bubble Bath  09. Wet  10. Miss A (Miss Anonymous)  11. Your Daddy  12. Take your Pants Off  13. Hush Hush (Feat. R. Kelly)  14. Don"t Tell me Its Over  15. What I Need    单曲  2006: "Let"s Make Love" (featuring R. Kelly)   2006: "Lovely"   2007: "What I Need"   2008: "Booty Music"   2009: "Swag Up"   单曲介绍:Booty Music  歌手姓名:Git Fresh  发行日期:2008.05  专辑流派:R&B  专辑介绍:Promo CDS  曲目列表:  Git Fresh-Booty Music (Clean)   Git Fresh-Booty Music (Dirty)   Git Fresh-Booty Music (Instrumental)  Git Fresh - Booty Music (official remix)  Git Fresh - Booty Music (Part.2) Feat Ace  Git Fresh - Booty Music (Remix) (Feat.H.B.Monte & Chingy)类似这类问题 你可以去百度百科里查询 输入关键词就OK拉~
2023-06-29 07:05:381

deepside 组合成立于哪年

成立bu 了解 2002年,deepside出道 想要更了解 百度百科 贴吧
2023-06-29 07:05:452


When it be going like that boom boom girl i want to put you all up in my room Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off I wanna put you all up against that wall Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk Lets get to it get to it get to it get to it Kinda crunk and im on this scene a look back and thats my xxxx plus I had a shot of that quick Patron. Now im in my boxers like botron Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk And lets do it lets do it lets do it lets do it Baby thats the way I like it thats the way you like it thats the way we like it making love to booty music Go Leo its your birtday Go Virgo its your Birthday, Go Pisces its your birthday making love to booty music Girl I feel all in my bones trying to keep up with that tempo Do it all night till your back gets sore till we just cant take it no more Girl your xxx like OH MY GOD make it clap back till you give me applause sounded like clap clap clap clap clap clap mhmm when i get in them drawers. Got you hair in tangles their wrapped around your anckles im gripping on your handles im hitting on different angles like 10, 5 cent 10 cent dolla 10, 5 cent 10 cent dolla 10, 5 cent 10 cent dolla Now let me see you pop it pop it Thats the way I like it thats the way you like it thats the way we like it making love to booty music Go Aries its your birthday Go Libra its your birtday Go Scorpio its your birthday making love to booty music Now dont stop get it get it pop that coochie let me hit it I wanna rock I wanna rock let me get a lil bit of that donkey right Now dont stop get it get it let me put some stank up in it I wanna rock I wanna rock lemme get a lil bit of that donkey right Does anyone out there wanna let me get a lil bit of that donkey right? Oooohh Oooohh baby thats the way I like it thats the way you like it thats the we we like it thats the way you like it thats the we we like it making love to booty music Go Taurus its your birthday Go Capricorn its your birthday Go Aquarius its your birthday making love to booty music Thats the way you like it thats the we we like it making love to booty music Go Taurus its your birthday Go Gemini its your birthday Go Sag its your birthday
2023-06-29 07:05:522

求一首英文歌,歌词有just do it do it do it。。。 知道的高手请指点一下!

2023-06-29 07:06:018

DEEPSIDE 是什么意思???

2023-06-29 07:06:264

deepside中文版歌词:“你说你不在想我 你说你不在爱我” 歌名叫什么啊神人们???

  【贾翠花】-花家第一首改编歌曲《booty music》  哦 哦 哦 哦  夜色有一点浓郁,你偷吻着我眼睛。  拥抱着你的身体,我们的爱情在旅行。  耳边低音的密语,每句话都很清晰。  不再想、不再问、不回忆、爱继续。  身边熟睡的你,陌生竟犹豫不定。  纸上残留的香气,还有你迷人气息。  指尖弥漫的雾气,不能压郁的神情。  看着你、望着你、抱着你、回不去.  baby, that‘s the way i like it (hey)  that‘s the way you like it (hey)  that‘s the way we like it  makin love to booty music  再放手、不回头、不勉强、不挽留、让你走、更自由。  makin love to booty music  在转角的路口,遗失你熟悉眼眸。  时间仿佛在倒流,记忆瞬间在游斗。  让我们再次的放纵,填补心底的缺口。  我愿意一辈子就这样走下去。  不会再想起,你所有的关于你,  我学着去忘记,所有所有的过去。  你说你不再想我、你说你不再爱我、你说你不再见我、故事也就这个结果。  baby, that‘s the way i like it (hey)  that‘s the way you like it (hey)  that‘s the way we like it  makin love to booty music  再放手、不回头、不勉强、不挽留、让你走、更自由。  makin love to booty music  that‘s the way i like it (hey)  that‘s the way you like it (hey)  that‘s the way we like it  makin love to booty music  再放手、不回头、不勉强、不挽留、让你走、更自由。  makin love to booty music  that‘s the way i like it (hey)  that‘s the way you like it (hey)  that‘s the way we like it  makin love to booty music  最后 哦 哦 哦哦  that‘s the way i like it (hey)  that‘s the way you like it (hey)  that‘s the way we like it  makin love to booty music  再放手、不回头、不勉强、不挽留、让你走、更自由。  makin love to booty music  嘿 嘿 哦 哦  that‘s the way i like it (hey)  that‘s the way you like it (hey)  that‘s the way we like it  makin love to booty music  再放手、不回头、不勉强、不挽留、让你走、更自由。  makin love to booty music  that‘s the way i like it (hey)  that‘s the way you like it (hey)  that‘s the way we like it  makin love to booty music  最后哦 哦 嗯 哦
2023-06-29 07:06:331

deepside What I Need 中文歌词

What I NeedDeep Side(注:本文乃斑竹自己翻译的,如有不足之处,欢迎指正,转载请告知)She aint for me, You the one I need她不是我的,你才是我需要的女孩She was a model chick, pretty thick, in them jeans她穿着牛仔裤,苗条的模特般的身材,Walking out the store on 25th, excuse me.从25号商店里走出,打扰一下Can I tell you what my name is?我可以告诉你我的名字吗?You looking like the kind a girl I wanna get with.你长得很像我想要的那种女孩She asked me what kind of car I drive.她问我坐的是什么车I said the V12我说是V12The all white with the chrome and keep it detailed.是全白的铬合金V12,并且详细的说明And i thought that she was the one for me我想她一定就是我的她To please her I started actin" differently为了取悦她我开始举动异常But when i met you,但是当我看到你时I felt like i could be myself我觉得我可以成为我自己You, showed me lovin" like nobody else你,和别人不一样的展现给我爱情You, I never had to ask for nothin"你没有要求我什么You, with her it seemed like it was always somethin"你和她在一起却毫不起眼Now another choice i should of made,现在我该下个决定Should of been with you what can I say.我说要和你在一起So would you be with me?那么你会和我在一起吗?Ill be yours eternally我会永远是你的She may have what I want也许她有我想要的But your the one I need但你是我所需要的人She may look like the girls in the video也许她像电视上的女孩一样美丽But your the one for me但是你才是我的她I used to think that she was so fly我曾经觉得她是如此的可爱伶俐But if you ask why,但是如果你问我原因Really couldnt tell you why真的无法说出为什么And its so clear to see而且这很容易就可以知道She aint for me, cause your the one I need她不是我的,因为你才是我需要的女孩You told me before, I didnt listen你曾经跟我说过,我那时没听Shes said she would be playing around, I didnt pay attention你说她会和其他人鬼混,我没有注意I tried to make it look that we were doing fine,我试着想让我和她看起来如此合拍I didnt wanna tell myself, I wasted so much time我不想告诉自己说,我浪费了太多时间在她身上Now another choice i should of made,现在我该下个决定Should of been with you what can I say.我说要和你在一起So would you be with me?那么你会和我在一起吗?Ill be yours eternally我会永远是你的She may have what I want也许她有我想要的But your the one I need但你是我所需要的人She may look like the girls in the video也许她像电视上的女孩一样美丽But your the one for me但是你才是我的她I used to think that she was so fly我曾经觉得她是如此的可爱伶俐But if you ask why,但是如果你问我原因Really couldnt tell you why真的无法说出为什么And its so clear to see而且这很容易就可以知道She aint for me, cause your the one I need她不是我的,因为你才是我需要的女孩From the bottom of my heart,从我心深处I will make a change, i swear i wont put no one before you this time我会改变,这次我发誓我不会把任何人放在你之前I wanna make a brand new start我想要重新开始So please dont walk away所以请不要转身走开Im not in love with her, an what really matters is you我爱的不是她,我真正爱的人是你its you, its you.是你,是你She may have what I want也许她有我想要的But girl your what I need但是你才识我需要的女孩This girl is not for me她不是我的她Your the one I need你才是我的她She may have what I want也许她有我想要的But your the one I need但你是我所需要的人She may look like the girls in the video也许她像电视上的女孩一样美丽But your the one for me但是你才是我的她I used to think that she was so fly我曾经觉得她是如此的可爱伶俐But if you ask why,但是如果你问我原因Really couldnt tell you why真的无法说出为什么And its so clear to see而且这很容易就可以知道She aint for me, cause your the one I need她不是我的,因为你才是我需要的女孩She may have what I want也许她有我想要的But your the one I need但你是我所需要的人She may look like the girls in the video也许她像电视上的女孩一样美丽But your the one for me但是你才是我的她I used to think that she was so fly我曾经觉得她是如此的可爱伶俐But if you ask why,但是如果你问我原因Really couldnt tell you why真的无法说出为什么And its so clear to see而且这很容易就可以知道She aint for me, cause your the one I need她不是我的,因为你才是我需要的女孩
2023-06-29 07:06:401

歌词中有best way we like it 是什么 啊

2023-06-29 07:06:484

Look Into My Eyes-- Deepside Deejays 求歌词!

是不是这一个??歌词是我自己翻的。。。有问题的话告诉我吧。。不正确的地方,见谅Look Into my EyesCome look into my eyes来看著我,注视著我‘Cause all I need is love我只需要你的爱Ooo, how many days多少个日夜I found myself away我漂泊不定And now I need to stay现在我需要留在你身边Ooo, I know this face.看到你的脸I know how does it feel内心按捺不住的想念When rain is on your skin你身上的雨珠Ooo, how much I feel仿佛落在心间I know how much I tried我曾经努力过多次To be just you and I做真实的你我Ooo, now this is real.现在一切回归原本Come look into my eyes注视我的眼睛It"s just me and you, baby现在只有你我You know, this is the Deepside拥抱我发自内心的热情And if you wanna go deepGo Deepside!如果你愿意探索我Wherever you go,Wherever you are无论你在何方I feel you so close我感觉你就在我身边Even when you"re so far.纵使你离我如此遥远Whenever you need me,无论何时你需要我I"ll be there, I will我会出现在你左右You know it"s real你知道,How much I feel.我的感觉都是真的Come look into my eyes来看著我,注视著我‘Cause all I need is love我只需要你的爱Ooo, how many days多少个日夜I found myself away我漂泊不定And now I need to stay现在我需要留在你身边Ooo, I know this face.看到你的脸I know how does it feel内心按捺不住的想念When rain is on your skin你身上的雨珠Ooo, how much I feel仿佛落在心间I know how much I tried我曾经努力过多次To be just you and I做真实的你我Ooo, now this is real.现在一切回归原本(x2)Wherever you go,Wherever you are无论你在何方I feel you so close我感觉你就在我身边Even when you"re so far.纵使你离我如此遥远Whenever you need me,无论何时你需要我I"ll be there, I will我会出现在你左右You know it"s real你知道,How much I feel.我的感觉都是真的(x4)
2023-06-29 07:07:061

Deep side的歌词及翻译

deepside 的caught up中英文歌词 我是这样的人 以我的方式行事 多年靠我的职业养活自己 每一个走进走出我生活的情人 我听到爱的心声,留下了眼泪 但没有真正在乎过 直到我遇到这个女孩,她扭转了局面 她让我惊讶 我从没想过我会被打败 我不能理解为什么我会这样 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我不知道这是什么 但她让我疯狂 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我失去了控制 这个女孩抓住了我的心 让我走,宝贝 Now listen 听着 我的妈妈告诉我 小心你对别人做了什么,因为因果命运会在你左右 同样的老调调 但我十分确定 这不会发生在我的身上 因为我知道如何把它放下 但是我错了 这个女孩很难驾驭 她向我证明了 她的身体如此的紧 白天我带着闪光灯到处寻找她 我的家人说这个女孩约束住了我的风格 我不理解 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我不知道这是什么 但她让我疯狂 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我失去了控制 这个女孩抓住了我的心 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我失去了控制 这个女孩抓住了我的心 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我不知道这是什么 但她让我疯狂 我想我喜欢它,宝贝 噢不,噢不 这个女孩很难驾驭 她向我证明了 Yeah, yeah, yeah, suga 我的家人说这个女孩正在约束了我的风格 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我不知道这是什么 但她让我疯狂 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我失去了控制 这个女孩抓住了我的心 我如此入迷 I′m the kind of brotha Who been doin′it my way Gettin′ my bread for years in my career And every lover in and out my life I hear love and left the tears Without a care Until I met this girl who turned the tables around She caught me by surprise I never thought I′d be the one breaking down I cant figure it out why I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I don′t know what it is But it seems shes got me twisted I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I′m losin′ control This girls got a hold on me Let me go baby Now listen My momma told me Be careful who you do cuz karma comes back around Same old song But I was so sure That it wouldnt happen to me Cuz I know how to put it down But I was so wrong This girl was mean She really turned me out Her body was so tight I′m lookin′ for her in the daytime with a flashlight My homies say this girl is crampin′ my style And I can′t figure it out but I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I don′t know what it is But it seems shes got me twisted I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I′m losin′ control This girls got a hold on me I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I′m losin′ control This girls got a hold on me I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I don′t know what it is But it seems shes got me twisted And I think I like it baby Oh nooo, oh no Ooh, yeaah, oh my This girl was mean She really turned me out Yeah, yeah, yeah, suga My homies say this girl is crampin′ my style I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I don′t know what it is But it seems shes got me twisted I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I′m losin′ control This girls got a hold on me I′m so Caught up 怎么觉得好像不是这个= =记得采纳啊
2023-06-29 07:07:141


booty music-deep side
2023-06-29 07:07:223

谁能给deepside 的caught up中英文歌词

deepside 的caught up中英文歌词我是这样的人 以我的方式行事 多年靠我的职业养活自己 每一个走进走出我生活的情人 我听到爱的心声,留下了眼泪 但没有真正在乎过直到我遇到这个女孩,她扭转了局面 她让我惊讶 我从没想过我会被打败 我不能理解为什么我会这样 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我不知道这是什么 但她让我疯狂 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我失去了控制 这个女孩抓住了我的心 让我走,宝贝 Now listen 听着 我的妈妈告诉我 小心你对别人做了什么,因为因果命运会在你左右 同样的老调调 但我十分确定 这不会发生在我的身上 因为我知道如何把它放下 但是我错了 这个女孩很难驾驭 她向我证明了 她的身体如此的紧 白天我带着闪光灯到处寻找她 我的家人说这个女孩约束住了我的风格 我不理解 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我不知道这是什么 但她让我疯狂 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我失去了控制 这个女孩抓住了我的心 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我失去了控制 这个女孩抓住了我的心 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我不知道这是什么 但她让我疯狂 我想我喜欢它,宝贝 噢不,噢不 这个女孩很难驾驭 她向我证明了 Yeah, yeah, yeah, suga 我的家人说这个女孩正在约束了我的风格 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我不知道这是什么 但她让我疯狂 我如此入迷 让我感受它 我失去了控制 这个女孩抓住了我的心 我如此入迷 I′m the kind of brotha Who been doin′it my way Gettin′ my bread for years in my career And every lover in and out my life I hear love and left the tears Without a care Until I met this girl who turned the tables around She caught me by surprise I never thought I′d be the one breaking down I cant figure it out why I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I don′t know what it is But it seems shes got me twisted I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I′m losin′ control This girls got a hold on me Let me go baby Now listen My momma told me Be careful who you do cuz karma comes back around Same old song But I was so sure That it wouldnt happen to me Cuz I know how to put it down But I was so wrong This girl was mean She really turned me out Her body was so tight I′m lookin′ for her in the daytime with a flashlight My homies say this girl is crampin′ my style And I can′t figure it out but I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I don′t know what it is But it seems shes got me twisted I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I′m losin′ control This girls got a hold on me I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I′m losin′ control This girls got a hold on me I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I don′t know what it is But it seems shes got me twisted And I think I like it baby Oh nooo, oh no Ooh, yeaah, oh my This girl was mean She really turned me out Yeah, yeah, yeah, suga My homies say this girl is crampin′ my style I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I don′t know what it is But it seems shes got me twisted I′m so Caught up Got me feelin′ it Caught up I′m losin′ control This girls got a hold on me I′m so Caught up
2023-06-29 07:07:491

还有类似Deepside - Booty Music 这样的歌吗?没事也听听,蛮给力的

mama marija 感觉挺好听的···
2023-06-29 07:07:562


Deepside - Booty Music 歌词:When the beat goin like that (boom boom)Girl, I wanna put you up in my roomI wanna put you up against that wall [? ]Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off (clothes off)Everybody don"t like it slow (it slow)Consider me one of them folkLet"s get to it (get to it)Do it (do it)Get to it (get to it)Get to itKinda crunk and I"m off this sceneHave a blast and that"s my shitOnce I had a shot of that good PetroneI"m all in my boxers like Bobby Jones [? ] (Bobby Jones)Everybody don"t like it slow (it slow)Consider me one of them folkAnd let"s do it (do it)Do it (do it)Let"s do it (do it)Let"s do itBaby, that"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Leo! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Virgo! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Pisces! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty musicI feel it all in my bonesTryna keep up with that tempoMake it all night til your back gets soreTil we just can take it no moreLook at that xxx like "Oh my god"We clap back til you give me applauseAnd I"m like...When I get in them drawersGet your hair in tanglesI wrap it on my anklesI"m grippin on your handlesI"m gettin on different anglesLike ten, five cent, ten cent, dollarTen, five cent, ten cent, dollarTen, five cent, ten cent, dollarLet me see you pop it (pop it)That"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Aries! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Libra! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Scorpio! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty musicDon"t stop, get it, get itPop that coochie, let me hit itI wanna rock, I wanna rockLet me get a little bit of that bumpy ride [? ]Don"t stop, get it, get itLet me put some stank up in itI wanna rock, I wanna rockLet me get a little bit of that bumpy ride [? ]Does anybody out there wannaLet me get a little bit of that bumpy ride [? ]Baby, that"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Cancer! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Capricorn! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Aquarius! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty musicThat"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Taurus! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Gemini! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Sag! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty music
2023-06-29 07:08:131

歌词just do it do it do it just do it不是Deepside - Booty Music

Deepside - Booty Music下载听听是这首么?打字不易,如满意,望采纳。
2023-06-29 07:08:312


谁知道这首英文歌叫什么名字 Everything I do) I do it for you Bryan Adams 一切都是为了你 电影"罗宾汉侠盗王子"主题曲 布莱恩亚当斯 Look into my eyes You will see what you mean to me Search your heart, search your soul And when you find me there You"ll search no more Don"t tell me it"s not worth trying for You can"t tell me it"s not worth dying for You know it"s true Everything I do, I do it for you Look into your heart You will find there"s nothing there to hide Take me as I am, take my life I would give it all I would sacrifice Don"t tell me it"s not worth fighting for I can"t help it, there"s nothing I want more You know it"s true Everything I do, I do it for you. There"s no love like your love And no other could give more love There"s nowhere unless you"re there All the time, all the way Oh! You can"t tell me it"s not worth trying for I can"t help it, there"s nothing I want more I would fight for you, I"d die for you You know it"s true Everything I do, I do it for you 看着我的眼睛 你会了解,你对我的意义 探索你的内心、你的灵魂 当你发现了我 你再也毋需寻觅 别说那不值得努力 别说那不值得拼死以求 你晓得那是真的 我所做的一切,都是为了你 直视你的内心 你会发现毋需隐瞒什么 接纳我、我的人生 我愿意牺牲所有 别说不值得为它奋斗 我无法自拔,别无所求 你晓得那是真的 我所做的一切,都是为了你 没有别的爱像你的一样 没有人能付出更多的爱 除非你出现 永远都是如此 噢!别告诉我那不值得努力 我无法自拔,别无所求 我愿为你奋斗,为你死 你晓得那是真的 我所做的一切,都是为了你 这是一首罗马尼亚语歌 Ce Frumoasa E Iubirea --Giulia GOD IS GIRL``````````当年很流行`中文名叫上帝是女孩 ARASH最新之作Broken Angel Deepside Booty Music 试听:v.youku./v_show/id_XNDYyNTMzNDQ=. 下载 Alizee - La Isla Bonita :v.youku./v_show/id_XMjU3NTE3NDIw. Flo rida的whistle,是个美国的嘻哈歌手,还是个肌肉大摩= =,中文名译为佛洛*里达!不是佛罗里达= =",还有justin timberlake的Suit Tie,前40多秒很难听,后面就是JT唱了,觉得不错,至于前40多秒,lz先跳过直接听后面吧,QQ音乐里面的英文歌排行榜几乎都挺好的,lz慢慢听哈
2023-06-29 07:08:381


deep side - booty music
2023-06-29 07:08:464


2023-06-29 07:08:558

有首英文歌前一段时间挺火的不知道叫什么其中有一句是什么you can。。后面这个词不会读连续重复的~

Deepside - Booty Music现在Deepside乐队已改成了Git Fresh试听:下载:
2023-06-29 07:09:102


2023-06-29 07:09:196


do something --briney spears(迅雷可以下)
2023-06-29 07:10:1615

“你说你不在想我,你说你不再爱我,你说你不再见我” 是哪首歌曲里的,女的唱的

2023-06-29 07:10:437

Never be Alone(孤单止步)的歌词

歌曲名称:Never Be Alone歌手:Shawn Mendes语言:英语所属专辑:Handwritten (Deluxe)发行时间:2015-04-14歌曲时长:3分35歌词:I promise that one day I"ll be aroundI"ll keep you safeI"ll keep you soundRight now it"s pretty crazyAnd I don"t know how to stop or slow it downHeyI know there are some things we need to talk aboutAnd I can"t stayJust let me hold you for a little longer nowTake a piece of my heartAnd make it all your ownSo when we are apartYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneWhen you miss me close your eyesI may be far but never goneWhen you fall asleep tonightJust remember that we lay under the same starsAnd heyI know there are some things we need to talk aboutAnd I can"t stayJust let me hold you for a little longer nowAnd take a piece of my heartAnd make it all your ownSo when we are apartYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be aloneAnd take a piece of my heartAnd make it all your ownSo when we are apartYou"ll never be aloneYou"ll never be alone
2023-06-29 07:11:202


2023-06-29 07:11:335


贾斯丁伯的baby 还有fairy burning
2023-06-29 07:11:498

跪求像why would i ever 、 deepside 一样节奏感强、旋律好听的歌
2023-06-29 07:12:054


2023-06-29 07:12:1412


开头:堀江由衣——樱第一首:Booty music-- Deep side。个别特制:DOTA蛋疼集锦25集中背景音乐 deepside 的booty music,dota蛋疼集锦13背景音乐 Young for you,breakin it down。插曲是booty music ,片头同上《Dota》的早期世界观是建立在《魔兽争霸3:冰封王座》的基础上的,因此与现在暴雪公司的《魔兽世界》的背景设定有一定的联系,但由于版本更迭又略有不同。整个地图中地形名费伍德森林,费伍德森林是网络游戏《魔兽世界》中的游戏地图,位于卡利姆多境内的一片森林。这片由森林和草场构成的繁荣动荡的土地曾经由卡尔多雷掌管,并曾经处于半神塞纳留斯的保护下。燃烧军团的铁蹄践踏了这片土地,没有被毁灭的树木和生物则被恶魔的暴行永远的诅咒着 。王者之心2点击试玩
2023-06-29 07:12:361


可以 听听许嵩的
2023-06-29 07:12:442

Git fresh(Deep side)的详细资料?

由Pretti Sly,Penny ,Rude Boi ,Mike Ezay组成的R&B组合。签约Jive Records   2002年,以deepside出道,并发行同名专辑   专辑名称:Deep Side   歌手姓名:Deep Side   发行日期:2002.07.23   专辑流派:R&B   现在为 Git Fresh,08年1月改名。   他们改名后的处女同名专辑Git Fresh在08年8月26号发行,有Akon和R.Kelly等大牌参与制作。   脍炙人口的曲目有Blow Me A Kiss ,your daddy,Don"t Tell Me It"s Over等等。   出道简历: 当几个男孩仍然是青少年时候,在各方个城市歌唱和表演才华显示。 ,当Rude Boi, Mike Ezay, Penny在一所高中综艺节目舞台上的演出时,发被他们的经理乔纳森赖特发现,Deep Side的超级巨星的光芒在那时已经形成了。 以他们中的几个人长大地社区而命名为Deep Side,花了两年时间在实验室锻炼了各种表演技能,包括歌曲和舞蹈。 这是在这一时期,赖特老朋友,传奇制作人Tony Bongiovi ,同意推出Deep Side。 此外,他们邀请了很多著名的歌手包括Destiny"s Child,Ashanti, Ying Yang Twins和各种其他人参与专辑制作。 首先在R. Kelly的生日宴会上表演晚上。   2006年2月,和3月,与Jive Records签订的合同并发行专辑出道。 离开 Jive Records,签约Def Jam公司。2008年 ,名称改为由Git Fresh,发行单曲Booty Music。   单曲名称:Booty Music    歌手姓名:Git Fresh    发行日期:2008.05    专辑流派:R&B    专辑介绍:这个是Promo CDS的代表作品   Deepside(10张)  2002:   专辑名称:deepside   专辑曲目:   A-Kats   Blow me a kiss   Consequences   Cowboy   Crazy   Faithful   Freeze   Fantasizin   Hot Friends   I Ain"t Stupid   Is Love   Knock, Knock   Nasty Rumor   Shook Deepside组合的生活照片(20张)   Tired Of You   You"re My Baby   单曲曲目:   Hell Yeah   Tired Of You   I"m Hot   I"m Just Fine   Knock, Knock   Is Love   Let"s Make Love   Lovely   Mah Chick   Satisfaction   All For You   Basketball   Candy   Deep In Your Coochie   I Ain"t Neva   Like A Pimp    More & More Deepside组合参加户外活动(11张)   Naked   Play It   So Fly   Yum Yum   Booty Music   don"t tell me it s over
2023-06-29 07:13:131

Booty Luv的《Deepside》 歌词

歌曲名:Deepside歌手:Booty Luv专辑:2008年十二月热搜歌七Booty MusicGit FreshWhen the beat goin like that (boom boom)Girl, I wanna put you up in my roomI wanna put you up against that wallThrow you on the bed and take your clothes off (clothes off)Everybody don"t like it slow (it slow)Consider me one of them folkLet"s get to it (get to it)Do it (do it)Get to it (get to it)Get to itKinda crunk and I"m off this sceneHave a blast and that"s my shitOnce I had a shot of that good PetroneI"m all in my boxers like Bobby JonesEverybody don"t like it slow (it slow)Consider me one of them folkAnd let"s do it (do it)Do it (do it)Let"s do it (do it)Let"s do itBaby, that"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Leo! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Virgo! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Pisces! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty musicI feel it all in my bonesTryna keep up with that tempoMake it all night til your back gets soreTil we just can take it no moreLook at that xxx like "Oh my god"We clap back til you give me applauseAnd I"m like...When I get in them drawersGet your hair in tanglesI wrap it on my anklesI"m grippin on your handlesI"m gettin on different anglesLike ten, five cent, ten cent, dollarTen, five cent, ten cent, dollarTen, five cent, ten cent, dollarLet me see you pop it (pop it)That"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Aries! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Libra! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Scorpio! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty musicDon"t stop, get it, get itPop that coochie, let me hit itI wanna rock, I wanna rockLet me get a little bit of that bumpy rideDon"t stop, get it, get itLet me put some stank up in itI wanna rock, I wanna rockLet me get a little bit of that bumpy rideDoes anybody out there wannaLet me get a little bit of that bumpy rideBaby, that"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Cancer! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Capricorn! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Aquarius! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty musicThat"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Taurus! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Gemini! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Sag! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty music
2023-06-29 07:13:201

求 deepside —— Booty music-战利品之歌 1000Kbps以上正版无损+中英歌词

2023-06-29 07:13:283

求deepside——Booty music-战利品之歌无损单曲,要深度正版无损+中英歌词,谢谢

2023-06-29 07:13:372

谁能给我 Deepside - Blow Me A Kiss 的歌词。谢谢了~

2023-06-29 07:13:551

Deepside Deejays《Never be alone 》的歌词

2023-06-29 07:14:032

Deepside Booty Music 歌词谁知道啊..

When it be going like that boom boom, 当我听到嘣嘣的声音, girl i want to put you all up in my room. 女孩,我想把你在我房间抱起。 I wanna put you all up against that wall. 我想把你抵住墙。 Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off. 把你扔到床上和把你的衣服脱掉。 Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk. Lets get to it, 每个人都不喜欢干这事慢吞吞的,我也是。 get to it, 做吧 get to it, 做吧 get to it. 做吧 Kinda crunk and im on this scene a look back and thats my xxxx plus I had a shot of that quick Patron. (好黄噢!)这是Crunk的乐风,我回头一看那是我的xxx,我搞定了我的赞助人。 Now im in my boxers like botron. 现在我像Botron一样穿着拳击底裤 Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk. And lets do it, 谁都不喜欢干这事慢吞吞的,我们做吧。 lets do it, 做吧 lets do it,做吧 lets do it. 做吧Baby thats the way I like it, 宝贝,这是我喜欢的方式, thats the way you like it, 这是你喜欢的方式, thats the way we like it, 这都是我们喜欢的方式, making love to booty music. 在战利品音乐中XX。 Go Leo its your birtday, 狮子座,是你的生日, Go Virgo its your Birthday, 处女座,是你的生日, Go Pisces its your birthday making love to booty music. 双鱼座,是你的生日,在战利品音乐中XX。 Girl I feel all in my bones trying to keep up with that tempo. 女孩,我感到全身的骨头都在跟着这种节奏。 Do it all night till your back gets sore till we just cant take it no more. 做整个晚上直到你的背部疼痛,我们都无法再继续。 Girl your xxx like "OH MY GOD!" make it clap back till you give me 直到你不停地喊着“噢,我的上帝” applause sounded like clap clap clap clap clap clap mhmm when i get in them drawers. 欢呼我像“啪啪啪啪啪” ,当我进入时。 Got you hair in tangles their wrapped around your anckles, 你的头发凌乱地缠着你, im gripping on your handles, 我紧紧地抱住你, im hitting on different angles like 我用不同的角度 10, 5 cent, 10 cent dolla,10美分,5美分钱 10, 5 cent, 10 cent, dolla,10美分,5美分钱 10, 5 cent, 10 cent, dolla.10美分,5美分钱 Now let me see you pop it, 让我看你的涌出来的。 pop it. 涌出来的 Thats the way I like it, 这是我喜欢的方式, thats the way you like it, 这是你喜欢的方式, thats the way we like it, 这是我们大家都喜欢的方式, making love to booty music. 在战利品音乐中XX。 Go Aries its your birthday, 白羊座,是你的生日, Go Libra its your birtday, 天平座,是你的生日, Go Scorpio its your birthday making love to booty music. 天蝎座,是你的生日,在战利品音乐中XX。 Now dont stop get it, 现在别停止, get it, 继续吧, pop that coochie let me hit it. 告诉我要继续, I wanna rock, 我想摇动 I wanna rock let me get a lil bit of that donkey right. 我想要摇动让我进对位置, Now dont stop get it, 现在别停止 get it, 继续吧, let me put some stank up in it, 让我放些xx进去, I wanna rock, 我想摇动 I wanna rock, 我想摇动 lemme get a lil bit of that donkey right. 我想要摇动让我进对位置, Does anyone out there wanna let me get a lil bit of that donkey right? 每个人都想我放对位置? Oooohh Oooohh, 噢噢, baby thats the way I like it, 宝贝,这是我喜欢的方式, thats the way you like it, 这是你喜欢的方式, thats the we we like it, 这是我们都喜欢的方式, making love to booty music. 在战利品中XX。 Go Taurus its your birthday, 金牛座,是你的生日, Go Capricorn its your birthday, 摩羯座,是你的生日, Go Aquarius its your birthday, 水瓶座,是你的生日, making love to booty music. 在战利品音乐中XX。 Thats the way you like it, 这是你喜欢的方式, thats the we we like it, 这是我们都喜欢的方式, making love to booty music. 在战利品音乐中XX, Go Taurus its your birthday. 金牛座,是你的生日, Go Gemini its your birthday, 双子座,是你的生日, Go Sag its your birthday, 射手座,是你的生日, making love to booty music. 在战利品音乐中XX。
2023-06-29 07:14:112


我其他的倒是有一些 不过这个没有
2023-06-29 07:14:214

what i need deepside 歌词翻译

2023-06-29 07:14:282


2023-06-29 07:14:352

酒吧里常放的一首歌,中间有歌词是who kiss that girl

who kiss that girl
2023-06-29 07:14:554


2023-06-29 07:15:035

Deepside Deejays的In my heart歌词翻译

In My Heart - Deepside Deejays在我心中If you need the kind of love I need如果你也需要我所需要的那种爱Stay here请留下来Yes! Tell this to the world是的 告诉整个世界And spread it out! Ouh让话语传播出去!I know I"m dreaming我知道自己只是在做梦I got a feeling我有一种感觉That everything is gonna be alright所有事都会变得无比美好My heart is beating我的心在砰砰地跳I love this feeling我爱着这种感觉I"m here with you我在这里 和你一起I see life through your eyes从你的眼中我看到生命的跳动[Pre-Chorus]You know that time will never be a friend你知道时光它从来都不是一个好朋友So live this one until the end所以好好的活着直到生命最后一刻I"m gonna be the same until I die我至死都不会变You know why而你知道为什么[Chorus x2]Cause I see love因为我看到爱Na na na na na na na那那那那Nothing"s gonna change my heart没什么能改变我的本心And I see love我看到爱Na na na na na na na呐呐Forever in my heart永远在我心中Tell this to the world! Yes是的 告诉整个世界[Pre-Chorus][Chorus x2]Ay eh ay eh ay eh ay eh ay eh ay eh [x4]Love is the same爱是不变的But I know your name但我知道你的名字And we will never ever be apart我们永远都不会分离Love is the same爱是永恒的But you know your name而我知道你的名字And I will always keep you in my heart.我也会永远把你放在心中-----------芊芊11/24/2015手打翻译 如满意望采纳o(∩_∩)o
2023-06-29 07:15:161


making love out of nothing at all-air supply的?
2023-06-29 07:15:243


2023-06-29 07:15:321

一首英文歌,歌词里有一句是重复四次“do it”

2023-06-29 07:15:404

喜欢杰克逊的歌迷们 这段视讯中第10分钟的歌曲叫什么名字啊?

喜欢杰克逊的歌迷们 这段视讯中第10分钟的歌曲叫什么名字啊? black or white 听一次就知道了 嘿嘿 一齐支援他吧! 永远的巨星! 请问这个迈克尔.杰克逊的视讯 9分26秒的歌曲叫什么名字 晕 你可以真会查点 26秒之前是 Black or White 后面是 give in to me 惩罚我 我想你找的肯定是那首 give in to me 视讯送上 :tudou./programs/view/-lNzXNzl7pA/ 这个视讯里的歌,叫什么名字~杰克逊的~~无知了 black or white 模仿迈克尔杰克逊的天才视讯中的歌曲叫什么名字? 模仿的天才,太多了,不知是哪个? 一般模仿迈的大概就那么几个歌! billie jean 比利珍 dangerous 危险 smooth criminal 犯罪高手 thriller 颤栗 beat it 避开 希望能帮到你! 这段视讯19分钟的歌叫什么名字 跪求! 歌手deepside 歌名booty music 杰克逊的歌曲 《Got To Be There》 Release Date: January 24, 1972 US Pop Albums #14, US Black Albums #3, UK Albums #37 1. Ain"t No Sunshine 2. I Wanna Be Where You Are 3. Girl Don"t Take Your Love From Me 4. In Our Small Way 5. Got To Be There 6. Rockin" Robin 7. Wings Of My Love 8. Maria (You Were The Only One) 9. Love Is Here And Now You"re Gone 《Ben》 Release Date: August 4th, 1972 US Pop Albums #5, UK Albums #17 1. Greatest Show On Earth 2. People Make The World Go "Round 3. We"ve Got A Good Thing Going 4. Everybody"s Somebody"s Fool 5. My Girl 6. What Goes Around Comes Around 7. In Our Small Way 8. Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-Day 9. You Can Cry On My Shoulder 《Music & Me》 Release Date: April 13, 1973 US Pop Albums #92, US Black Albums #24 1. With A Child"s Heart 2. Up Again 3. All The Things You Are 4. Happy (Love Theme From "Lady Sings The Blues") 5. Too Young 6. Doggin" Around 7. Johnny Raven 8. Euphoria 9. Morning Glow 10. Music And Me 《Forever, Michael》 Release Date: January 16, 1975 US Pop Albums # 101, US Black Albums #10 1. We"re Almost There 2. Take Me Back 3. One Day In Your Life 4. Cinderella Stay A While 5. We"ve Got Forever 6. Just A Little Bit Of You 7. You Are There 8. Dapper-Dan 9. Dear Michael 10. I"ll Come To You 《The Best Of Michael Jackson》 Release Date: August 28, 1975 US Pop Albums #156, US Black Albums #44 1. Got To Be There 2. Ben 3. With A Child"s Heart 4. Happy (Love Theme From "The Lady Sings The Blues") 5. One Day In Your Life 6. I Wanna Be Where You Are 7. Rockin" Robin 8. We"re Almost There 9. Morning Glow 10. Music And Me 《Off The Wall》 Release Date: August 1979 US Pop Albums #3, US Black Albums #1 (16 Weeks), UK Albums #5 1. Don"t S "Til You Get Enough 2. Rock With You 3. Working Day And Night 4. Get On The Floor 5. Off The Wall 6. Girlfriend 7. She"s Out Of My Life 8. I Can"t Help It 9. It"s The Falling In Love 10. Burn This Disco Out 《One Day In Your Life》 Release Date: March 25, 1981 US Pop Albums #144, US Black Albums #41 1. One Day In Your Life 2. Don"t Say Goodbye Again 3. You"re My Best Friend, My Love 4. Take Me Back 5. We"ve Got Forever 6. It"s Too Late To Change The Time 7. You Are There 8. Dear Michael 9. I"ll Come Home To You 10. Make Tonight All Mine 《Thriller》 Release Date: December 1, 1982 US Pop Albums #1 (37 Weeks), US Black Albums #1, UK Albums #1 (8 Weeks) 1. Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 2. Baby Be Mine 3. The Girl Is Mine (with Paul McCartney) 4. Thriller 5. Beat It 6. Billie Jean 7. Human Nature 8. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 9. The Lady In My Life 《Farewell My Summer Love》 Release Date: May 1984 US Pop Albums #46, US Black Albums #31 1. Don"t Let It Get You Down 2. You"ve Really Got A Hold On Me 3. Melodie 4. Touch The One You Love 5. Girl You"re So Together 6. Farewell My Summer Love 7. Call On Me 8. Here I Am (Come And Take Me) 9. To Make My Father Proud, To Make My Mother Smile 《Bad》 Release Date: August 31, 1987 US Pop Albums #1 (6 Weeks), US Black Albums #1 (18 Weeks), UK Albums #1 (5 Weeks) 1. Bad 2. The Way You Make Me Feel 3. Speed Demon 4. Liberian Girl 5. Just Good Friends 6. Another Part Of Me 7. Man In The Mirror 8. I Just Can"t S Loving You 9. Dirty Diana 10. Smooth Criminal 11. Leave Me Alone 《Dangerous》 Release Date: November 26, 1991 US Pop Albums #1 (6 Weeks), US Black Albums (4 Weeks), UK Albums #1 1. Jam 2. Why You Wanna Trip On Me 3. In The Closet 4. She Drives Me Wild 5. Remember The Time 6. Can"t Let Her Get Away 7. Heal The World 8. Black Or White 9. Who Is It 10. Keep The Faith 11. Give In To Me 12. Will You Be There 13. Gone Too Soon 14. Dangerous 《HIStory: Past, Present, and Future Book I 》 Release Date: June 20, 1995 US Pop Albums #1 (2 Weeks), US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #1 (2 Weeks), UK Albums #1 Disc 1 1. Billie Jean 2. The Way You Make Me Feel 3. Black Or White 4. Rock With You 5. She"s Out Of My Life 6. Bad 7. I Just Can"t S Loving You 8. Man In The Mirror 9. Thriller 10. Beat It 11. The Girl Is Mine 12. Remember The Time 13. Don"t S "Til You Get Enough 14. Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 15. Heal The World Disc 2 1. Scream 2. They Don"t Care About Us 3. Stranger In Moscow 4. This Time Around 5. Earth Song 6. D.S. 7. Money 8. Come Together 9. You Are Not Alone 10. Childhood 11. Tabloid Junkie 12. 2 Bad 13. HIStory 14. Little Susie 15. Smile 《Blood On The Dance Floor: HIStory In The Mix》 Release Date: May 20, 1997 US Pop Albums #24, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #12, UK Albums #1 (2 weeks) 1. Blood On The Dance Floor 2. Morphine 3. Superfly Sister 4. Ghosts 5. Is This Scary 6. Scream Louder (Flyte Tyme Remix) 7. Money (Fly Island Radio Edit) 8. 2 Bad (Refugee Camp Mix) 9. Stranger In Moscow (Tee"s In-House CLub Mix) 10. This Time Around (D.M. Radio Mix) 11. Earth Song (Hani"s Club Experience) 12. You Are Not Alone (Classic Club Mix) 13. HIStory (Tony Moran"s HIStory Lesson) 《Invincible》 Release Date: October 30, 2001 US Pop Albums #1, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #1 (4 Weeks), UK Albums #1 1. Unbreakable 2. Heartbreaker 3. Invincible 4. Break Of Dawn 5. Heaven Can Wait 6. You Rock My World 7. Butterflies 8. Speechless 9. 2000 Watts 10. You Are My Life 11. Privacy 12. Don"t Walk Away 13. Cry 14. The Lost Children 15. Whatever Happens 16. Threatened 《Greatest Hits - HIStory Volume I 》 Release Date: November 15, 2001 US Pop Albums #85, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums N/A, UK Albums #15 1. Billie Jean 2. The Way You Make Me Feel 3. Black Or White 4. Rock With You 5. She"s Out Of My Life 6. Bad 7. I Just Can"t S Loving You 8. Man In The Mirror 9. Thriller 10. Beat It 11. The Girl Is Mine 12. Remember The Time 13. Don"t S "Til You Get Enough 14. Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 15. Heal The World 《Number Ones》 Release Date: November 18, 2003 US Pop Albums #13, US R&B/Hip-Hop Albums #6, UK Albums #1 1. Don"t S "Til You Get Enough 2. Rock With You 3. Billie Jean 4. Beat It 5. Thriller 6. I Just Can"t S Loving You 7. Bad 8. Smooth Criminal 9. The Way You Make Me Feel 10. Man In The Mirror 11. Dirty Diana 12. Black Or White 13. You Are Not Alone 14. Earth Song 15. You Rock My World 16. Break Of Dawn 17. One More Chance 18. Ben (Live) 《The Ultimate Collection》 Release Date: November 16, 2004 (USA) Disc 1 1. I Want You Back 2. ABC 3. I"ll Be There 4. Got To Be There 5. I Wanna Be Where You Are 6. Ben 7. Dancing Machine 8. Enjoy Yourself 9. Ease On Down The Road 10. You Can"t Win 11. Shake A Body 12. Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) 13. Don"t S "Til You Get Enough 14. Rock With You 15. Off The Wall 16. She"s Out Of My Life 17. Sunset Driver 18. Lovely One 19. This Place Hotel Disc 2 1. Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 2. The Girl Is Mine 3. Thriller 4. Beat It 5. Billie Jean 6. P. Y. T. (Pretty Young Thing) 7. Someone In The Dark 8. State Of Shock 9. Scared Of The Moon 10. We Are The World 11. We Are Here To Change The World Disc 3 1. Bad 2. The Way You Make Me Feel 3. Man In The Mirror 4. I Just Can"t S Loving You 5. Dirty Diana 6. Smooth Criminal 7. Cheater 8. Dangerous 9. Monkey Business 10. Jam 11. Remember The Time 12. Black Or White 13. Who Is It 14. Someone Put Your Hand Out Disc 4 1. You Are Not Alone 2. Stranger In Moscow 3. Childhood (Theme From "Free Willy 2") 4. On The Line 5. Blood On The Dance Floor 6. Fall Again 7. In The Back 8. Unbreakable 9. You Rock My World 10. Butterflies 11. Beautiful Girl 12. The Way You Love Me 13. We"ve Had Enough Disc 5: Bucharest Live DVD 1. Jam 2. Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 3. Human Nature 4. Smooth Criminal 5. I Just Can"t S Loving You 6. She"s Out Of My Life 7. I Want You Back 8. I"ll Be There 9. Thriller 10. Billie Jean 11. Working Day And Night 12. Beat It 13. Will You Be There 14. Black Or White 15. Heal The World 16. Man In The Mirror 《The Essential Michael Jackson》 Realease Date: July 19.2005 UK RnB Albums #2, UK Albums #1 Disc 1 1. I Want You Back 2. ABC 3. The Love You Save 4. Got To Be There 5. Rockin"Robin 6. Ben 7. Enjoy Yourself 8. Blame On The Boogie 9. Shake Your Body(Down To The Ground) 10.Don"t S "Til You Get Enough 11.Rock With You 12.Off The Wall 13.She"s Out Of My Life 14.Can You Feel It 15.The Girl Is Mine 16.Billie Jean 17.Beat It 18.Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 19.Human Nature 20.P.Y.T(Pretty Young Thing) 21.Thriller Disc 2 1. Bad 2. I Just Can"t S Loving You 3. Leave Me Alone 4. The Way You Make Me Feel 5. Man In The Mirror 6. Dirty Diana 7. Another Part Of Me 8. Smooth Criminal 9. Black Or White 10.Heal The World 11.Remember The Time 12.In The Closet 13.Who Is It 14.Will You Be There 15.Dangerous 16.You Are Not Alone 17.You Rock My World 求这段视讯7分多钟~8分钟的歌叫什么名字 Tip of Your Tongue-Robyn Newman 迈克杰克逊鬼屋视讯里面的歌叫什么名字 这个是MJ的专辑HIStory的宣传片的一个版本——Brace Yourself,背景音乐是著名的《布兰诗歌》的一段:《O Fortuna》 我不知道你说的是哪个,里面镜头太多了,2分钟左右的有好几个呢! 我猜你指的是Billie Jean吧? 或者是Beat it? 不过前者可能性比较大,更有名。是不是独舞的时候戴帽子的那首?就是BJ。 情书第2季24期里迈克杰克逊的歌叫什么名字 TN1说的没错 曲名叫Billie Jean 专辑:Thriller 发行日期:1982年12月1日 美国流行专辑榜:#1 (37周),美国黑人专辑榜:#1,英国专辑榜:#1 (8周) 这张专辑全球狂销,全部经典,Beat It你肯定更熟悉 1. Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 2. Baby Be Mine 3. The Girl Is Mine (with Paul McCartney) 4. Thriller 5. Beat It 6. Billie Jean 7. Human Nature 8. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 9. The Lady In My Life 迈克尔杰克逊和乔丹合作的歌曲叫什么名字? 《JAM》 乔丹客串MV而已啦!歌词如下 Jam Nation to nation all the world must get together face the problems that we see. 全世界所有的国家必须团结起来面对我们所看到的问题 Then maybe somehow we can work it out. 然后可能在某种程度上我们能解决这些问题 I asked my neighbor for a favor. 我请求我的邻居帮个忙 She said later. 她却说要等会儿 What has e of all the people? 所有的人都怎么了? Have we lost love of what it"s about? 我们失去了爱的意义吗? I have to find my peace 我不得不寻找我的安宁 cuz no one seems to let me be false prophets cry of doom. 因为似乎没有人想让我错误的对未来抱悲观态度 What are the possibilites? 可能性是什么? I told my brother there"ll be problem, times and tears for fears. 我告诉过我的兄弟这样会有恐惧的问题、时间和眼泪 But we must live each day like it"s the last. 但是我们必须把每天都当作最后的机会 Go with it. Go with it .来吧,来吧 Jam, 自由高歌 it ain"t too much stuff. 没有太多 It ain"t too much 没有太多 It ain"t too much 没有太多东西 for me to jam 可以限制我的歌唱 it ain"t too much stuff. 没有太多 It ain"t 没有太多 Don"t you 你不认为这样吗? It ain"t too much for me to 没有太多东西可以限制住我 The world keeps changing, 这个世界总是在变化 rear ranging minds and thoughts predictions fly of doom. 改变了原有持有悲观的预想观点和思维 The baby boom has e of age. 婴儿潮的生人都已成年 We"ll work it out. 我们会解决它 I told my brother, don"t kyou ask me for no favors. 我告诉我的兄弟,你不要再请求我不给你帮助 I"m conditioned by the system 我被这个系统所影响 Don"t you preach to me. 你不要对我说教 Don"t scream and shout. 不要尖叫和叫嚷
2023-06-29 07:15:471


deepside - booty music歌词:When the beat goin like that (boom boom)Girl, I wanna put you up in my roomI wanna put you up against that wallThrow you on the bed and take your clothes off (clothes off)Everybody don"t like it slow (it slow)Consider me one of them folkLet"s get to it (get to it)Do it (do it)Get to it (get to it)Get to itKinda crunk and I"m off this sceneHave a blast and that"s my shitOnce I had a shot of that good PetroneI"m all in my boxers like Bobby JonesEverybody don"t like it slow (it slow)Consider me one of them folkAnd let"s do it (do it)Do it (do it)Let"s do it (do it)Let"s do itBaby, that"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Leo! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Virgo! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Pisces! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty musicI feel it all in my bonesTryna keep up with that tempoMake it all night til your back gets soreTil we just can take it no moreLook at that xxx like "Oh my god"We clap back til you give me applauseAnd I"m like...When I get in them drawersGet your hair in tanglesI wrap it on my anklesI"m grippin on your handlesI"m gettin on different anglesLike ten, five cent, ten cent, dollarTen, five cent, ten cent, dollarTen, five cent, ten cent, dollarLet me see you pop it (pop it)That"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Aries! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Libra! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Scorpio! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty musicDon"t stop, get it, get itPop that coochie, let me hit itI wanna rock, I wanna rockLet me get a little bit of that bumpy rideDon"t stop, get it, get itLet me put some stank up in itI wanna rock, I wanna rockLet me get a little bit of that bumpy rideDoes anybody out there wannaLet me get a little bit of that bumpy rideBaby, that"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Cancer! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Capricorn! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Aquarius! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty musicThat"s the way I like it (hey)That"s the way you like it (hey)That"s the way we like itMakin love to booty musicGo Taurus! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Gemini! It"s your birthday (hey)Go Sag! It"s your birthdayMakin love to booty music参考资料:FROM KUGOU
2023-06-29 07:15:551


到最后别关 到最后用什么歌都会说的
2023-06-29 07:16:165

Booty music的音译中文词

不踢谬zei 克~~中间那个字你自己找中文字去吧,暂时还没发现中国字里面哪个可以发出那个音
2023-06-29 07:16:303


beat it
2023-06-29 07:16:5412