barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-29 08:15:08

1.Questa o quella

Questa o quella per me pari sono

A quant"altre d"intorno mi vedo,

Del mio core l"impero non cedo

Meglio ad una che ad altre beltà

La costoro avvenenza è qual dono

Di que il fato ne infiora la vita

S"oggi questa mi torna gradita

Forse un" altra doman lo sarà.

La costanza tiranna del core

Detestiamo qual morbo crudele,

Sol chi vuole si serbi fedele;

Non v"ha amor se non v"è libertà.

De" i mariti geloso il furore,

Degli amanti le smanie derido,

Anco d"Argo i cent"occhi disfido

Se mi punge una qualche beltà


还有,最后一段是possente amor mi chiama 吧?

Possente amor mi chiama,

volar io deggio a lei;

il serto mio darei

per consolar quel cor.

il serto mio darei

per consolar quel cor.

Ah! sappia alfin chi l"ama,

conosca alfin chi sono,

apprenda ch"anco in trono

ha degli schiavi Amor.

Apprenda ch"anco in trono,

ch"anco in trono

ha degli schiavi

ha degli schiavi Amor.

Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita?

Come cangiò d"umor!

Come cangiò d"umor!

Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita?

Come cangiò d"umor!

Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita?

Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita?

Come cangiò d"umor!

Come cangiò d"umor!

Come cangiò d"umor!

Possente amor mi chiama,

volar io deggio a lei;

il serto mio darei

per consolar quel cor.

il serto mio darei

per consolar quel cor.

Ah! sappia alfin chi l"ama,

conosca alfin chi sono,

apprenda ch"anco in trono

ha degli schiavi Amor.

Apprenda ch"anco in trono

ch"anco in trono

ha degli schiavi

ha degli schiavi Amor.

Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita?

Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita?

Come cangiò d"umor!

Ha degli schiavi Amor.

Come cangiò d"umor!

Come cangiò d"umor!

Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita?

Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita?

Come cangiò d"umor!

Ha degli schiavi Amor.

Come cangiò d"umor!

Come cangiò d"umor!

Ha degli schiavi Amor.

Come cangiò d"umor!

Ha degli schiavi Amor.

Come cangiò d"umor!




2023-06-29 06:27:212


  1、该文档未能打印,首先要查看打印机数据线是否与电脑相连接。或者卸载原来安装的驱动/并清理痕迹,重新安装驱动。  2、打印的文档显示错误的时候,还是用原来的办法重启打印机和电脑,数据线端口换一个试一下。  3、如果电脑是脱机状态,有时候回提示文档无法打印。首先要考虑端口问题,打印机的端口打印机与电脑的端口有没有插好。  4、如果还是不行,打开电脑控制面板。  5、找到打印机并且双击打开。  6、右键,使用联机打印,点击就可以了。
2023-06-29 06:27:312


新概念英语是英国人编的 英语语法是相通的,不会混乱的,只是有些单词美式是这个,而英式却是那个,如:timetable(时间表,英式) schedule(时间表,美式) 如果你想能即发英音又能发美音,推荐你下个“有道词典”或点击参考资料“《牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第七版)》”的网站,这是一个全英网站,里面有单词发音,包括英式和美式 简单区分美音和英音:美音多卷舌而英音则没有 你是初学者,给你个建议: 英语并非一朝而就.要想提高英语要 1、多读,即增强语感. 2、多背,单词与语法熟练掌握. 3、多练,巩固知识,达到提高. 4、多听,强化英语的听觉与领悟. 如果我能帮到您,
2023-06-29 06:27:371


一个精子的发育成熟,经历了复杂的历程,大约需要3个月左右的时间。主要过程是在睾丸曲细精管内进行的,大致分为三个阶段: 1.精原细胞增殖分裂期:精子的最原始阶段称精原细胞,是产生精子的干细胞,位于曲细精管的生精上皮。最初,精原细胞以有丝分裂的形式增殖,1个分裂为2个,2个变成4个。经过6次分裂后,1个精原细胞增殖为64个,此时称为初级精母细胞。 2.精母细胞减数分裂为精子细胞:初级精母细胞继续分裂。不过这次是减数分裂,也就是一个初级精母细胞分裂为两个次级精母细胞,但是与精原细胞的增殖分裂不同,因为细胞核内染色体未发生复制。所以每个次级精母:细胞只携带原来染色体数目的一半,即23条染色体,其中包括一条性染色体。细胞体积也较初级精母细胞为小。紧接着这个过程,次级精母细胞又进行了一次成熟分裂,成为两个精细胞。结果,1个初级精母细胞分裂为4个精细胞,每个精细胞携带单倍数目的染色体。此时,一个精原细胞就变成了256个精细胞。 3.精子形成阶段:在上述细胞分裂的同时,精子细胞已逐渐移动接近曲细精管管腔。这时精子细胞仍在继续发育,只是不再进行分裂,但在形态上发生了复杂的变化而成为有头、有尾的精子,并进入管腔内。这时精子在睾丸内的发育过程就完成了,大约历时64天。在精子的形成过程当中,位于曲细精管上皮的支持细胞起了重要的支持、保护和营养的作用。支持细胞还分泌一种与雄激素特异结合的球蛋白,因而使曲细精管内雄激素浓度大大高于血中浓度,生精细胞在这种适宜的微环境中才得以分化成精子。 精子随后沿曲细精管进入附睾,在附睾头停留大约2—3周,才能发育为最终具有运动和受精能力的成熟精子。所以从一个精原细胞发育成为成熟的精子约需90天的时间。排出体外的方式主要有遗精和射精。
2023-06-29 06:27:462


楼主您好,该电影荷兰演员如下:主演: Koen van der Donk / Jos van der Donk / Maarten Spanjer / Saar Koningsberger / Joep Sertons / 斯蒂文·德·琼 / Dominique van Vliet / 维力奇·范·阿麦莱 / Peter Tuinman / Rense Westra
2023-06-29 06:28:131


楼主您好,该剧相关简介如下:导演: 斯蒂文·德·琼 / Marc Willard编剧: Hotze de Roos / Jean Ummels主演: Koen van der Donk / Jos van der Donk / Maarten Spanjer / Saar Koningsberger / Joep Sertons / 斯蒂文·德·琼 / Dominique van Vliet / 维力奇·范·阿麦莱 / Peter Tuinman / Rense Westra类型: 喜剧 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 荷兰语言: 荷兰语 / Eastern Frisian上映日期: 2003-06-25(荷兰)片长: 100分钟又名: 小船长 / Skippers / Kameleon 1变色龙号船长的剧情 · · · · · ·Two young boy twins receive a boat of their own by a stroke of luck. It turns out to be very fast and they use their boat to help out their friends.以下剧情简介是我从荷兰语自己翻译的,翻得不好的地方请见谅(荷兰语原文的剧情简介在下面):Hielke 和Sietse Klinkhamer是一对待人友善的双胞胎铁匠,和他们的妻子住在弗里斯兰(荷兰西北部的一个省)海滨安静的一个名叫Lenten的地方。他们每天都要和朋友,还有名叫Esther 的邻家女孩经历很多的冒险,他们实际上只有一个终极的愿望:拥有一艘自己的船!有一次碰巧有一个pusher坠落在他们父亲的铁匠铺的后面,这两位年轻人从中看到了希望。他们的梦想终于变为了现实:他们拥有了自己的船!此时更好的是,村庄迎来了一场暴雨,而医生几近陷入一场严重的事故中……Hielke en Sietse Klinkhamer zijn een vrolijke eeneiige tweeling van de vriendelijke dorpssmid en zijn vrouw, wonend in het rustige plaatsje Lenten aan de kust van Friesland. Ze beleven elke dag veel avonturen met al hun vriendjes, en het nieuwe buurmeisje genaamd Esther dat later bij hen intrekt, maar eigenlijk hebben ze slechts één grote wens: een boot. Wanneer er toevallig een opduwer crasht vlak achter de smederij van hun vader zien de jongens hun kans schoon. Hun droom komt uit want ze hebben nu een eigen boot! Het wordt allemaal nog mooier als het dorp geteisterd wordt door een zware storm die er onder andere voor weet te zorgen dat de dokter een rampzalig ongeluk met zijn auto krijgt waarbij hij bijna verongelukt. Hielke & Sietse weten hem echter van de dood te redden en als dank krijgen ze het autowrak van de dokter cadeau. De motor monteren ze in hun nieuwe aanwinst, en zo ontstaat er vanaf die dag, een snelle speedboot die gedoopt wordt met zijn naam "Kameleon". Onze twee helden kunnen meteen aan de slag als er een duo criminele nozems uit de grote stad inwoners komen terroriseren.
2023-06-29 06:28:201


正常 很简单的回答
2023-06-29 06:28:297


楼主您好,该电影荷兰演员如下:主演: Koen van der Donk / Jos van der Donk / Maarten Spanjer / Saar Koningsberger / Joep Sertons / 斯蒂文·德·琼 / Dominique van Vliet / 维力奇·范·阿麦莱 / Peter Tuinman / Rense Westra
2023-06-29 06:28:541


Dark Paradise - Lana Del ReyAll my friends tell me I should move onI"m lying in the ocean, singing your songAhhh, that"s how you sang itLoving you forever, can"t be wrongEven though you"re not here, won"t move onAhhh, that"s how we played itAnd there"s no remedy for memory of facesLike a melody, it won"t leave my headYour soul is haunting me and telling meThat everything is fineBut I wish I was deadEverytime I close my eyesIt"s like a dark paradiseNo one compares to youI"m scared that you won"t be waiting on the other sideEverytime I close my eyesIt"s like a dark paradiseNo one compares to youI"m scared that you won"t be waiting on the other sideAll my friends ask me why I stay strongTell "em when you find true love it lives onAhhh, that"s why I stay hereAnd there"s no remedy for memory of facesLike a melody, it won"t leave my headYour soul is haunting me and telling meThat everything is fineBut I wish I was deadEverytime I close my eyesIt"s like a dark paradiseNo one compares to youI"m scared that you won"t be waiting on the other side
2023-06-29 06:29:021

Never Let You Go 歌词

歌名:Never Let You Go歌手:卫兰专辑:My Love作/词/编︰Robert Lay @ On Your MarkThe rain, just never seems to bringthe joy, I feel the sameeverlasting pain of my loss remainsMy heart, can"t seem to learn to partthe hold you left your mark all thatI dreamed of now it seems so starkNo I told myself won"t hold my breathA part of me was dyingthere is nothing left for me to do now,but give inIf you gave me one chance to tell youhow i was feelingI would sing to you and tell youI won"t live my life without youIf you gave me one chance to tell youhow i was feelingI would hold your hand and look in your eyes,and you know I"d never let you goThe way, you left me on the trainI don"t know what to sayI remember everything that dayI can"t believe we"d never dancejust need one more chanceto share the sunset our one last romanceNo I told myself won"t hold my breathA part of me was dyingthere is nothing left for me to do now,but give inIf you gave me one chance to tell youhow i was feelingI would sing to you and tell youI won"t live my life without youIf you gave me one chance to tell youhow i was feelingI would hold your hand and look in your eyes,and you know I"d never let you goIf you gave me one chance to tell youhow i was feelingI would sing to you and tell youI won"t live my life without youIf you gave me one chance to tell youhow i was feelingI would hold your hand and look in your eyes,and you know I"d never let you goBy:Serto_Ming~*
2023-06-29 06:29:091

一首英文歌曲第一句every day when night 是什么名字 跪求 !

2023-06-29 06:29:151

歌名:TenderHeart 歌手:LionelRichie 专辑:RENAISSANCEEverynightandeverydaymyheartfeelsthepain整日整夜我的心感觉到疼痛 IwakeuptothethoughtofyouandIcallyourname我在呼喊着你的名字中醒来 Nooneevermademefeelthewayyoudo没人相你会让我有这种感觉 NothinginthisworldIwouldn"tdoforyou世界上任何时我都能为你做 ButnowI"vegottoletgo但现在我必须走了 Wedon"tstandachance我们没有机会 Inthiswildromance,mytenderheart在这荒凉的浪漫,我温柔的心 Maybeit"swisertowalkawayandloveagain或许它是再一次聪明的走像爱河 Withmytenderheart.带着我温柔的心 Wedon"tstandachance我们没有机会 Inthiswildromance,ohithurtssobad在这荒凉的浪漫里,它疼的很厉害 KnowingthatI"mnottheoneyouwant我知道我不是你唯一想要的 Ican"tholdontomytenderheart我不能坚持住我温柔的心 IneverthoughtI"dbetheonewhowouldplaythefool我永远不想做这傻瓜 ButIknowlovecanfeelsogoodandcanbesocruel但我知道爱能让我感觉好些和残酷 It"scleartomethewritingisonthewall它让我清楚的写在墙上 It"scleartomethatyoudon"treallylovemeatall它让我清楚你不是真的爱我 AndIcan"tgoonthisway我不能走上这条路 Wedon"tstandachance我们没机会
2023-06-29 06:29:331

tender heart 歌词 翻译成中文~

2023-06-29 06:29:402


楼主您好,该剧相关信息如下:导演: 斯蒂文·德·琼 / Marc Willard编剧: Hotze de Roos / Jean Ummels主演: Koen van der Donk / Jos van der Donk / Maarten Spanjer / Saar Koningsberger / Joep Sertons / 斯蒂文·德·琼 / Dominique van Vliet / 维力奇·范·阿麦莱 / Peter Tuinman / Rense Westra类型: 喜剧 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 荷兰语言: 荷兰语 / Eastern Frisian上映日期: 2003-06-25(荷兰)片长: 100分钟又名: 小船长 / Skippers / Kameleon 1变色龙号船长的剧情简介 · · · · · ·  Two young boy twins receive a boat of their own by a stroke of luck. It turns out to be very fast and they use their boat to help out their friends.
2023-06-29 06:29:481


2023-06-29 06:28:068

芭比之珍珠公主《light up the world》歌词

Hey, hey, hey, you and meKeep on dancing in the darkIt"s been tearing me apartNever knowing what we areHey, hey, hey, you and meKeep on trying to play it coolNow it"s time to make a moveAnd that"s what I"m gonna doLay it all downGot something to sayLay it all downThrow your doubt awayDo or die nowStep onto the plateBlow the door wide open likeUp, up and awayLet"s light up the world toni-i-ightYou got to give up the bark and bi-i-iteI know that we got the love all ri-i-ightCome on and li-li-light it upLight it up tonightHey, hey, hey, you and meTurn it up ten thousand wattsTell me why we"ve got to stopI just want to let it rockHey, hey, hey, you and meKeep on staring at the roadWe don"t know where to goStep back, let me take controlLay it all downGot something to sayLay it all downThrow your doubt awayDo or die nowStep onto the plateBlow the door wide open likeUp, up and awayLet"s light up the world toni-i-ightYou got to give up the bark and bi-i-iteI know that we got the love all ri-i-ightCome on and li-li-light it upLight it up tonightLet"s light up the world toni-i-ightYou got to give up the bark and bi-i-iteI know that we got the love all ri-i-ightCome on and li-li-light it upLight it up tonight.
2023-06-29 06:28:082


2023-06-29 06:28:114


2023-06-29 06:28:121

exiftool gui 软件怎么安装

2023-06-29 06:28:131

Turn Up The Radio 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Up The Radio歌手:Autograph专辑:Sign In PleaseTurn it up!Yeah!I"m working hard, you"re working tooWe do it every dayFor every minute I have to workI need a minute of playDay in day out all week longThings go better with rockThe only time I turn it downIs when I"m sleepin it offTurn up the radioI need the music, gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some moreNow listen!I wanna shake, I wanna danceSo count it off a"one two threeI feel the beat, I"m in a tranceNo better place to beDaytime nightime, anytimeThings go better with rockI"m goin" twenty four hours a dayI can"t seem to stopTurn up the radioI need the music, gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI need the music, gimmie some more(Yeah!)Turn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some more(Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!)Turn up the radio(Come on!)I need the music, gimmie some more(Everybody)Turn up the radio(Turn it up!)I wanna feel it got to gimmie some more(Whoooooooooooooooooooo!)Turn up the radio(Turn it up!)I need the music, gimmie some more(Gimmie some more)Turn up the radio(Whew! Come on)I wanna feel it got to gimmie some more(Gimmie all you got!)Turn up the radio
2023-06-29 06:28:151


2023-06-29 06:28:193


dogs [du0252gz,dɑgz; du0252gz]n. 狗(dog的复数);瘦狗类v. 紧紧跟踪;追猎;紧随(dog的第三人称单数)n. (Dogs)人名;(德)多格斯
2023-06-29 06:28:211


2023-06-29 06:28:222

Set It On Fire 歌词

歌曲名:《Set It On Fire》歌手:My Darkest Days所属专辑:《My Darkest Days》发行时间:2010-09-21发行公司:环球唱片流派:摇滚歌词:I wish my girlfriend was more like youI lose my mind with the way you movethe way you throw your hair aroundyou got a smile that knocks me downyou don"t waste time, you tell the truthYeah that"s what you do (when the world)the world comes crashing downwhen you come aroundyou set it on fireYou take my world and turn it upturn it up, turn it upyeah the way you move you burn it upburn it upand you set it on fireLet it burn, let it burnI wish my girlfriend laughed like youand got my jokes just like you doI don"t want to give you the run aroundI"m holding on to what we"ve foundyou pull me in deeper with the way you moveYeah that"s what you do (when the)world comes crashing downYou set it on fireThe world comes crashing downyou take my world and turn it upburn it up, you set it on fireLet it burn, let it burn, you set it on fire歌曲:
2023-06-29 06:28:222


精液由精子与精浆液组成,精浆液的主要成分为水,约占90%以上,其它成分有脂肪、蛋白质颗粒、色素颗粒、磷脂小体、胺类(有胆碱、精胺、精胺素)、游离氨基酸(含量变化很大,正常人精液射出后4-6小时内氨基酸总量在1.25克/100m1)、无机盐(有钙25mg/dl、镁14mg/dl、钾89mg/dl、锌14mg/dl)、酶类(主要含酸性磷酸酶、乳酸脱氢酶、透明质酸酶)、糖类(主要为果糖224mg/100ml)。这些成分与血浆的成分大同小异,只是来源、存在形式与作用不同。精子是男性成熟的生殖细胞,在精巢中形成。 人类成熟精子形似蝌蚪,长约60微米,由含亲代遗传物质的头和具有运动功能的尾所组成,分头、颈、中、尾四部分。我另收集有精子运动图(69.1k),很美丽的,值得一看。 在透射电子显微镜下可见整个精子由细胞膜包裹着,头部有一个顶体和结构致密的细胞核。核中主要成分为脱氧核糖核蛋白(DNP),许多不育病人精子中DNP量虽正常,但是其化学组成异常。核内常有大小不等、形状不规则的核泡,可能是染色质浓聚的缺陷所致, 对受精并无影响。 顶体是覆盖头前端2/3的帽状结构。顶体是一种特化的溶酶体,外包以单位膜,紧包细胞膜的那层为顶体外膜,贴近核膜的那层为顶体内膜。内外膜之间的狭窄腔隙中含有顶体物,其中含有多种水解酶和糖蛋白,如透明质酸酶、唾液酸苷酶、酸性磷酸酶、顶体素,β-天冬氨酰-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖胺-氨基水解酶、ATP酶、放射冠穿透酶等,总称为顶体酶,使精子在女性生殖道内获能并出现顶体反应,其中以透明质酸酶与顶体素在受精过程中所起作用最大。顶体反应是精子和卵子结合必不可少的条件,在受精过程中顶体中的酶有助于精子穿透卵子的外壳。透明质酸酶能溶解卵泡细胞之间的基质。顶体素是一种以酶原的形式存在的类胰蛋白酶。当发生顶体反应时,顶体素原被激活成有活性的顶体素并释放,并与其他物质一起,参与了精子穿过透明带的机制,以完成精卵结合,达到受精的目的。顶体后环是顶体尾侧细胞质局部浓缩特化成一薄层环状的致密带,紧贴于细胞膜下,表现为环状增厚,这一环状带在光镜下是"核后帽"。受精时,此环的细胞膜首先与卵膜融合。有些不育病人,顶体后环可见缺口。 核后环在顶体后环的尾缘,细胞膜与核膜紧密相贴,构成一环状线,称核后环。核后环尾侧,细胞又与核膜分离,核膜在此处形成一下垂的皱褶,伸延到颈段,在核膜皱褶上有一些小孔。皱褶返回至核底部成为植入窝的衬垫,植入窝是核后极上一浅窝,与颈段小头相嵌合,因而可增强头与尾的连接,使剧烈的尾部运动产生的力不致于造成头尾分离。 从顶部开始有由原纤维合成的轴丝直达尾部,它的结构和其他细胞的鞭毛及纤毛很相似。中央有二条原纤维,周围围以九对原纤维。中部除原纤维外还有四周连接成为螺旋状的线粒体构成的鞘,中部的线粒体是精子能量的中央供应站。尾部的轴丝为一个直接位于细胞膜下,由原纤维构成的鞘包裹,尾部的运动是由肌球蛋白纤维类似的蛋白质纤维收缩所致。严重的精子无力症或死精子症的病人,精子中可有纤维鞘缺失或其他缺陷。 通常是用光学显微镜观察精子的形态,因此必须将精液做成涂片,进行染色。一般采用巴氏染色法:取精液一滴(约0.1毫升)于清洁玻片上,推成薄片(若精液中精子数较少的,应先将精液离心沉淀,取其沉淀物推成均匀薄片)。置室温或37℃烘箱中使之干燥,然后用95%的酒精进行固定处理后,再用苏木精、橘黄及EA36等染料进行染色。通过染色使精子头前部染为淡紫红色,有核的头后部染为深紫色,体及尾部为淡紫红色。若无条件进行以上特殊染色法,也可用一般革兰氏染液染色,精子头部染为紫红色,尾及其他部分淡红色。 在光学显微镜下正常精子可粗分为头、体、尾三部,头部呈扁平卵圆形,正面观呈卵圆形,侧面观呈梨形,长约4~5μm。尾长约55μm,近头端较粗 ,直径约1μm,末端较细约0.1μm,尾部长而弯曲。但正常精子头部亦可以有生理变异,而成为大头、小头、圆头及尖头,幼稚型精子有小头、头部有附加帽、体部有附加物等之分,衰老型精子有头部胞浆出现黑点、头部全部着色、头部不着色等。 畸形精子包括头、体、尾的形态变异,或头体混合畸形。头部畸形有巨大头、头部核和胞浆倒转,蘑菇样头、双头;体部畸形有体大而粗、楔形、三角形等;尾部畸形有粗尾、粗短而分叉尾及双尾;头体混合畸形有头体增大、核畸形变长及头体混合变长等。 精巢中生有精原细胞,每个精原细胞都含有与体细胞内数目相同的染色体。 一部分精原细胞略微增大,染色体进行复制,精原细胞成为初级精母细胞。初级精母细胞经过两次连续的细胞分裂,才成为成熟的精子。 第一次分裂开始不久,初级精母细胞中的同源染色体(配对的一条来自父方,一条来自母方的,形状和大小一般都相同的两条染色体)两两配对,即联会。随后在光学显微镜下可以清楚看到,每个染色体都含有两个染色单体,由一个着丝点连接着。这样,每一对同源染色体含有四个染色单体,这叫做四分体。 随后各个四分体都排列在细胞中央,各由着丝点附着在纺锤丝上。由于附着在着丝点上的纺锤丝不断地收缩变短,不久四分体平分为二(联会的同源染色体彼此分开),各受所附着的纺锤丝的牵引,分别向细胞的两极移动。接着,细胞分裂开来,一个初级精母细胞分裂成两个次级精母细胞。这样,次级精母细胞中染色体的数目只有初级精母细胞的一半(每个染色体仍含有两个染色单体,着丝点仍然是一个)。这是精子形成过程中的第一次分裂,在这次细胞分裂过程中,染色体的数目减少了一半。 第一次分裂以后,紧接着就进行第二次分裂。这时候两个次级精母细胞中每个染色体的着丝点分裂为二,两个染色单体完全分开,各有一个着丝点。这样,两个染色单体就成为两个染色体了。由于纺锤丝的牵动,两个染色体分别向细胞的两极移动。接着细胞分裂开来,两个次级精母细胞分裂成四个细胞(精子细胞)。精子细胞只含有数目减少一半的染色体。至此,减数分裂完成。精子细胞经过变形,形成精子。 调节睾丸生精功能的垂体激素主要是由腺垂体分泌的黄体生成素(LH)和卵泡刺激素(FSH)。LH主要作用于睾丸间质细胞,而FSH主要作用于生精细胞和支持细胞,因此就存在垂体-间质细胞轴和垂体-曲细精管轴两种调节机制。 LH又叫间质细胞刺激素(ICSH)。这是因为,由垂体分泌的LH经血液循环到达睾丸后,与间质细胞膜上的LH受体相结合,从而引发间质细胞合成睾酮。睾酮经分泌入血液循环后,主要从三个方面起作用:一是直接与靶器官的睾酮受体结合,促进蛋白质合成;二是经52-还原酶作用而转化为双氢睾酮;三是经芳香化酶作用而转化为雌激素。另外还有其他一些作用途径。如果垂体分泌LH不足,则睾丸间质细胞萎缩,睾酮合成减少。反之,血液中的睾酮和雌激素水平可反馈性地控制腺垂体分泌LH的能力和下丘脑分泌GnRH的能力。 FSH作用于生精细胞和支持细胞,可启动生精过程;FSH可刺激支持细胞分泌ABP,ABP可与睾酮和双氢睾酮结合,从而提高二者在睾丸微环境中的局部浓度,有利于生精过程;另外,FSH还可使支持细胞中的睾丸酮经芳香化酶的作用而转变为雌二醇,雌激素可能对睾酮的分泌有反馈调节作用,使睾酮分泌控制在一定水平。直接注射睾酮并不能反馈性控制FSH的分泌,反馈性控制FSH主要是靠睾丸分泌的抑制素(inhibin),抑制素可使垂体失去对下丘脑分泌的GnRH的反应性,从而反馈性地抑制垂体FSH的分泌。 支持细胞和间质细胞均在睾丸内,它们对精子的生成具有重要作用。支持细胞又名保育细胞,即sertoei细胞,呈锥体形,底部较宽,有规律地排列在睾丸曲细精管的基底膜上,细胞上端伸向管腔的中心部。这种细胞不分裂、不增殖,它们的细胞顶部和侧壁形成许多凹陷,其中镶嵌着生精细胞。支持细胞的主要作用即是支持、营养和保护生精细胞,利于它们由精原细胞顺利地分化为精子。此外,相邻的支持细胞基部侧突相接,两侧细胞膜形成紧密连接,这种紧密连接位于精原细胞上方,起到屏障作用,因此称为血睾屏障,可阻止间质内的一些大分子物质穿过曲细精管上皮细胞之间的间隙而进入管腔。 间质细胞即leydig细胞,位于睾丸间质内,成群或单个存在。这种细胞主要是在青春期后由睾丸间质内成纤维细胞逐渐演化而成,并随着年龄的增加而数目逐渐下降。间质细胞的主要功能是分泌雄性激素,包括睾丸酮、双氢睾酮以及雄甾二酮、去氢异雄酮等。这些激素对维持雄性第二特征、促进附属性腺的发育,以及对促进精子的发育和成熟都具有不可或缺的作用。间质细胞的功能主要受垂体分泌的黄体生成素(LH)的调节,并易受温度、放射线和药物的影响。 由此可见,支持细胞和间质细胞不论是对精子的发生还是对精子的成熟都具有重要作用,应努力保护它们的正常形状和功能,这对精子获得正常生殖功能是十分必要的。 精子运动 有几种类型的精子运动,但最常见的有两种,一种是直接朝前运动,精子实际上是朝前游动;第二种运动是摆动,精子只摆动尾,却不前进。附睾精子和射精精子的运动类型是不同的。射精液不同组分中的精子,其运动类型也不一样。由于精子的运动速度在射精液的最初一部分中比较高,所以常用射精液富含精子的开始一部分进行人工受精。当精子遇到附睾液、精浆、宫颈粘液、子宫内膜液、输卵管液和腹腔液等的离子微环境变化和生物物理状态变化时,精子运动类型也有着变化。在有输卵管粘液和卵泡液的情况下,精子运动速度加快。前列腺分泌液和精囊腺分泌液之间的最适比例关系对精子的活力和运动也有影响。精囊腺分泌液含有几种对精子运动和活力有损伤作用的成分;而前列腺分泌液则刺激精子运动。把激肽或激肽释放酶与精液样品混在一起,可改善精子的运动能力。有规律地把激肽释放酶连续给精子少的病人服用几个月,可增加精液的精子数,并改善精子的活力。任何一次射入女性生殖道的几亿精子只有不到100个精子能运行到受精部位。 精子鞭毛以一种协调顺序反复传播正弦波。这样,以鞭毛内产生的能量来调节精子的运动。鞭毛有解剖学上纵行排列的收缩蛋白质、粗大纤维和与它相关联的微丝及微管。因此为了克服诸如宫颈粘液这样的粘性腔液的阻力,久需要有这样的推动力。精子细胞为了有效地向前运动,必须使运动波达到协调,并作为发育过程中的一个结果保持下来。 关于精子尾运动的三维空间模型,有许多相互矛盾之处,这可能是因为拍下来的照片基本上都是二维结构。但是,共识认为,在一平面上有一个主要的波状运动从基部传到尖端,该平面相当于精子头的宽面;附加在这个运动波上的一个旋转成分引起一种螺旋形运动。但是还不清楚这一旋动成分是顺时针方向还是反时针方向的。 当从基部向尖端看时,人精子头与头的凝集常向反时针方向转动,也就是与轴丝外周纤维的小臂方向相反。如果轴丝以某种方式传导一个收缩脉冲的话,那么这一冲动将会沿同一方向通过这条轴丝。 精子内有在肌肉收缩中起重要作用的三磷酸腺苷和三磷酸腺苷酶(ATP酶),它们在生能反应和精子运动之间建立了联系。就象ATP在肌纤维收缩时提供大量能量一样,ATP的分解为精子纤维收缩提供大量所需的能量。精子消耗的ATP,可以通过果糖酵解生能反应和呼吸作用得到补充。 代谢过程产生能量(ATP是其最终形式)传给能够把化学位能转变为机械动能的结构。这种能量供应,部分由介质的底物代谢得到补充,部分由原位代谢途径产生,其中包括三磷酸腺苷酶。鞭毛运动的启动,似乎部分是通过第二信使环一磷酸腺苷(cAMP)和环一磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)依靠内分泌控制的。但是,在一连串反应中,主要靠钙离子激活的蛋白质复合体来启动鞭毛运动。 精子质膜的生物电性质,连同神经化学调节作用和特殊的离子转移酶系统,即Na+、K+的激活依赖于镁离子的ATP酶,可能与运动波的协调作用和精子细胞的运动速度有因果关系。精子的运动速度也可能受到鞭毛运动频率变化的影响。
2023-06-29 06:28:281


dog[英][du0252ɡ] [美][du0254ɡ, dɑɡ] 生词本简明释义n.公狗;(尤用于形容词后)家伙;[机械学]夹头;不受欢迎的人vt.跟踪;紧随;追猎;[机械学]用夹具(或抓具等)固定adv.彻底地;极度地;完全地,非常,十分[用于组合]复数:dogs第三人称单数:dogs过去式:dogged过去分词:dogged现在分词:dogging易混淆的单词:doGDOG以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT狗;犬A dog is a very common four-legged animal that is often kept by people as a pet or to guard or hunt. There are many different breeds of dog.Outside, a dog was barking...外面,一只狗在叫。The dog growled again...狗又在狂吠。The British are renowned as a nation of dog lovers.英国人以爱犬而闻名。
2023-06-29 06:28:281

Turn Up The Radio 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Up The Radio歌手:Phillips& Craig And Dean专辑:Favorite Songs Of AllTurn it up!Yeah!I"m working hard, you"re working tooWe do it every dayFor every minute I have to workI need a minute of playDay in day out all week longThings go better with rockThe only time I turn it downIs when I"m sleepin it offTurn up the radioI need the music, gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some moreNow listen!I wanna shake, I wanna danceSo count it off a"one two threeI feel the beat, I"m in a tranceNo better place to beDaytime nightime, anytimeThings go better with rockI"m goin" twenty four hours a dayI can"t seem to stopTurn up the radioI need the music, gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI need the music, gimmie some more(Yeah!)Turn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some more(Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!)Turn up the radio(Come on!)I need the music, gimmie some more(Everybody)Turn up the radio(Turn it up!)I wanna feel it got to gimmie some more(Whoooooooooooooooooooo!)Turn up the radio(Turn it up!)I need the music, gimmie some more(Gimmie some more)Turn up the radio(Whew! Come on)I wanna feel it got to gimmie some more(Gimmie all you got!)Turn up the radio
2023-06-29 06:28:291


锤子按照功能分为除锈、奶头锤、机械、羊角锤、检验锤、扁尾检验锤、八角锤、德式八角锤、起钉锤。使用大锤时应注意以下几点:(1)锤头与把柄连接必须牢固,凡是锤头与锤柄松动,锤柄有劈裂和裂纹的绝对不能使用。锤头与锤柄在安装孔的加楔,以金属楔为好,楔子的长度不要大于安装孔深的 2/3。(2)为了在击打时有一定的弹性,把柄的中间靠顶部的地方要比末端稍狭窄。(3)使用大锤时,必须注意前后、左右、上下,在大锤运动范围内严禁站人,不许用大锤与小锤互打。(4)锤头不准淬火,不准有裂纹和毛刺,发现飞边卷刺应及时修整。羊角锤既可敲击、锤打,又可以起拔钉子,但对较大的工件锤打就不应使用羊角锤。钉钉子时,锤头应平击钉帽,使钉子垂直进入木料,起拔钉子时,宜在羊角处垫上木块,增强起拔力,不应把羊角锤当撬具使用,应注意锤击面的平整完好,以防钉子飞出或锤子滑脱伤人。
2023-06-29 06:28:312

2023-06-29 06:28:341

turn up 这个词组是什么意思?

2023-06-29 06:28:362


2023-06-29 06:28:362

歌词中好像是 turn it up up up ,party...是什么歌呢

Partyaholic - Kaci Battaglia
2023-06-29 06:28:432

佳能快门检查软件eos count 乱码是什么意思?

2023-06-29 06:28:052


1.Questa o quellaQuesta o quella per me pari sono A quant"altre d"intorno mi vedo, Del mio core l"impero non cedo Meglio ad una che ad altre beltà La costoro avvenenza è qual dono Di que il fato ne infiora la vita S"oggi questa mi torna gradita Forse un" altra doman lo sarà. La costanza tiranna del core Detestiamo qual morbo crudele, Sol chi vuole si serbi fedele; Non v"ha amor se non v"è libertà. De" i mariti geloso il furore, Degli amanti le smanie derido, Anco d"Argo i cent"occhi disfido Se mi punge una qualche beltà 听出来好难,这个是我找的,第二个我目前还没找到,你先看这个吧。还有,最后一段是possente amor mi chiama 吧?Possente amor mi chiama, volar io deggio a lei; il serto mio darei per consolar quel cor. il serto mio darei per consolar quel cor. Ah! sappia alfin chi l"ama, conosca alfin chi sono, apprenda ch"anco in trono ha degli schiavi Amor. Apprenda ch"anco in trono, ch"anco in trono ha degli schiavi ha degli schiavi Amor. Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita? Come cangiò d"umor! Come cangiò d"umor! Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita? Come cangiò d"umor! Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita? Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita? Come cangiò d"umor! Come cangiò d"umor! Come cangiò d"umor! Possente amor mi chiama, volar io deggio a lei; il serto mio darei per consolar quel cor. il serto mio darei per consolar quel cor. Ah! sappia alfin chi l"ama, conosca alfin chi sono, apprenda ch"anco in trono ha degli schiavi Amor. Apprenda ch"anco in trono ch"anco in trono ha degli schiavi ha degli schiavi Amor. Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita? Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita? Come cangiò d"umor! Ha degli schiavi Amor. Come cangiò d"umor! Come cangiò d"umor! Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita? Oh! Qual pensier or l"agita? Come cangiò d"umor! Ha degli schiavi Amor. Come cangiò d"umor! Come cangiò d"umor! Ha degli schiavi Amor. Come cangiò d"umor! Ha degli schiavi Amor. Come cangiò d"umor! Amor!
2023-06-29 06:28:031

turn up sth/trun sth up有区别吗?没的话up是副词还是介词或还是sth的宾补

turn up sth/turn sth up意思上没有区别,其中up 是副词。如果sth.是名词,放中间或后面都可以,如果sth是代词则只能放中间。如:turn the radio up =turn up the radio,turn it up
2023-06-29 06:28:002

求一首英文歌,女声唱的,很劲爆,刚开头是说唱,歌词有一句大概是i s

Don"t Push Me
2023-06-29 06:27:532


2023-06-29 06:27:476


2023-06-29 06:27:423


Dog. 发音应该是o
2023-06-29 06:27:392


工具/原料Exiftooleosinfo方法/步骤首先介绍尼康的快门查询,尼康的快门信息直接保存在exif信息里。所以你可以用相机照一张照片,将其复制到电脑上。这里用到一个工具Exiftool,但是由于这个工具是命令行工具,所以使用起来不方便要下载一个Exiftool GUI配合使用,将这两个下载放在一起(有的Exiftool GUI里面直接添加了Exiftool)运行Exiftool GUI用Exiftool GUI打开图片文件夹,然后直接点击要查看的图片。然后在右边有个maker标签。找到shutter count,这一项记录的就是快门次数。还有一种更简单的方法,就是在联网环境在线查看。很多网站提供类似服务,比如图虫。上传文件之后,就可以看到诸如快门次数的信息。但是佳能相机就没有把信息写到exif里面。需要连接电脑相机,之后用相应软件去读取快门信息。比如eosinfo等类似软件软件安装之后,连接相机。然后可以读取快门次数了。不过提醒,不要盲目相信软件检测,这里只是参考数据。重要的是找可信赖的商家而不是贪图便宜。那么再解释一下快门数意味着什么。快门有使用寿命,而且在长时间使用之后快门并不至于不能用,但是其精确曝光能力会下降。相当于性能折损,在几万次使用之后则有可能失效损坏。当然快门和光圈都是可以维修更换的。但是一点,我们并不追求快门数,但这个体现了相机的使用情况。
2023-06-29 06:27:371

火影的歌曲里有首歌词有everybody hands up的那首叫什么

Hero"s 。e back疾风4传 作词 nobadyknows 作曲 DJ MITSU 歌 nobadyknows ,hero"s 。e back&word=wma, x◎s獭伲s獭伲dчuno╚b_dчv瞍庭
2023-06-29 06:27:342

10-feet的《hammer ska》 歌词

歌曲名:hammer ska歌手:10-feet专辑:ORICON 2010年9月度hammer ska10-FEET作词:TAKUMA作曲:TAKUMABe brave Be brave この一瞬だけ どうか勇気を与えておくれBe brave Be brave この一瞬だけ 运命を変える勇気をくれBe brave Be brave この一瞬だけ どうか勇気を与えておくれBe brave Be brave この时の果て 今日が昔话になるまでThe courage to knowingly step forward thatand the pain and sadness with it.There are as many minds as people.So respect is born, and then conflict it born.The boring world,the even more boring me from the time we"re born it"s not fair.I don"t want to get hurt so I don"t believe anyone.Don"t be stupid!Hammer! Bring a hammer! Hammer! Bring one!Smash it up! Bring one! Hammer! You are dismissed!What do you mean“from the start”!?Hey! What do you mean“start over”!?Excuse me? Shouldn"t I come back!?Hey! What is“from tomorrow”!?I have to start all over? What do you mean do it all over?What? I don"t need to come anymore?Hey! What is“from tomorrow”!?The courage to knowingly step forward thatand the pain and sadness with it.There are as many minds as people.So respect is born, and then conflict it born.The boring world,the even more boring me from the time we"re born it"s not fair.I don"t want to get hurt so I don"t believe anyone.Don"t be stupid!Hammer! Bring a hammer! Hammer! Bring one!Smash it up! Bring one! Hammer! You are dismissed!What do you mean“from the start”!?Hey! What do you mean“start over”!?Excuse me? Shouldn"t I come back!?Hey! What is“from tomorrow”!?I have to start all over? What do you mean do it all over?What? I don"t need to come anymore?Hey! What is“from tomorrow”!?Be brave Be brave この一瞬だけ どうか勇気を与えておくれBe brave Be brave この一瞬だけ 运命を変える勇気をくれBe brave Be brave Be brave Be brave どうか勇気を与えておくれBe brave Be brave Just bet you life!Speak one word and your life will change!What do you mean“from the start”!?Hey! What do you mean“start over”!?Excuse me? Shouldn"t I come back!?Hey! What is“from tomorrow”!?I have to start all over? What do you mean do it all over?What? I don"t need to come anymore?Hey! What is“from tomorrow”!?What do you mean“from the start”!?Hey! What do you mean“start over”!?Excuse me? Shouldn"t I come back!?Hey! What is“from tomorrow”!?I have to start all over? What do you mean do it all over?What? I don"t need to come anymore?Hey! What is“from tomorrow”!?
2023-06-29 06:27:341


2023-06-29 06:27:336


2023-06-29 06:27:322


2023-06-29 06:27:324

求bigbang的f**t it罗马拼音歌词

2023-06-29 06:27:271


支持细胞和间质细胞均在睾丸内,它们对精子的生成具有重要作用。支持细胞又名保育细胞,即sertoei细胞,呈锥体形,底部较宽,有规律地排列在睾丸曲细精管的基底膜上,细胞上端伸向管腔的中心部。这种细胞不分裂、不增殖,它们的细胞顶部和侧壁形成许多凹陷,其中镶嵌着生精细胞。支持细胞的主要作用即是支持、营养和保护生精细胞,利于它们由精原细胞顺利地分化为精子。此外,相邻的支持细胞基部侧突相接,两侧细胞膜形成紧密连接,这种紧密连接位于精原细胞上方,起到屏障作用,因此称为血睾屏障,可阻止间质内的一些大分子物质穿过曲细精管上皮细胞之间的间隙而进入管腔。间质细胞即leydig细胞,位于睾丸间质内,成群或单个存在。这种细胞主要是在青春期后由睾丸间质内成纤维细胞逐渐演化而成,并随着年龄的增加而数目逐渐下降。间质细胞的主要功能是分泌雄性激素,包括睾丸酮、双氢睾酮以及雄甾二酮、去氢异雄酮等。这些激素对维持雄性第二特征、促进附属性腺的发育,以及对促进精子的发育和成熟都具有不可或缺的作用。间质细胞的功能主要受垂体分泌的黄体生成素(LH)的调节,并易受温度、放射线和药物的影响。由此可见,支持细胞和间质细胞不论是对精子的发生还是对精子的成熟都具有重要作用,应努力保护它们的正常形状和功能,这对精子获得正常生殖功能是十分必要的。 赞
2023-06-29 06:27:251


  你知道狗的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    狗的英文是什么: dog   狗的英文是什么例句:   1. Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.   狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。   2. With a snarl, the second dog made a dive for his heel.   伴着一声嗥叫,第二只狗扑向了他的脚后跟。   3. As soon as he got inside, the dog shook himself.   他一进来,狗就开始摇头摆尾。   4. They were more concerned about the dogs" welfare than a clean getaway.   他们更加关心那些狗的安危,而非自己如何干净利落地脱身。   5. The policeman smiled at her. "Pretty dog."— "Oh well, thank you."   警察冲她笑了笑,“这狗真漂亮。”——“哦,谢谢。”   6. You left the latch off the gate and the dog escaped.   你没把门闩插上,所以狗跑了。   7. This is an ineffective method of controlling your dog.   用这种方法控制你的狗不起作用。   8. The dogs continued to paw and claw frantically at the chain mesh.   那些狗继续用爪子疯狂地抓铁丝网。   9. Andrew went rigid when he saw a dog, any dog, anywhere.   安德鲁过去只要看见狗,无论在哪里,无论什么狗,都会吓得一动不动。   10. They think that any legislation that involved putting down dogs was wrong.   他们认为任何涉及捕杀狗的立法都是错误的。   11. Don"tforget that all dogs need a supply of fresh water to drink.   不要忘记所有的狗都需要喝新鲜的水。   12. Any dog bite, no matter how small, needs immediate medical attention.   被狗咬后,不管伤口多小,都必须立即就医。   13. The dogs are always rubbing against the wall and making dirty marks.   那些狗老是往墙上蹭,留下了斑斑污迹。   14. The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers.   英国人喜欢把自己说成是一个爱狗的民族。   15. Dogs were also associated with healing in the ancient world.   在古代,狗也与治病有关。
2023-06-29 06:27:241

hannah montana的《Spotlight》 歌词

歌曲名:Spotlight歌手:hannah montana专辑:Hannah Montana: The MovieHannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) - SpotlightSo, may I have your attention?Look in my directionHere you"ll see the sun never saysNo, we don"t have to worryNever in a hurryOne by one the stars go to bedAnd I step into the spotlight againCan"t help myself I got to bewhere the lights are shinning down on meI wanna feel the sunSo turn that walk into a runGonna bring the party when I comeSing out if you wanna have some funAnd into the spotlight we will goFollow me cause baby life"s a showAnd into the spotlight you will seeIt"s the only place to beOh, music"s like a magnetThe best thing on the planetIt"s pulling us together againSo, let"s cause a commotionSound waves on the oceanWake the moon and grab your best friendLet"s step into the spotlight againCan"t help myself I got to bewhere the lights are shinning down on meI wanna feel the sunSo turn that walk into a runGonna bring the party when I comeSing out if you wanna have some funAnd into the spotlight we will goFollow me cause baby life"s a showAnd into the spotlight you will seeIt"s the only place to be(Turn it up)If your downhearted(Let the music)Get us startedGot to let it go once in a while(Turn it up)There"s nothing to it(When it"s done)We"ll just redo itMight as well have fun have fun in this lifeCan"t help myself I got to bewhere the lights are shinning down on meI wanna feel the sunSo turn that walk into a runGonna bring the party when I comeSing out if you wanna have some funCan"t help myself I got to bewhere the lights are shinning down on meI wanna feel the sunSo turn that walk into a runGonna bring the party when I comeSing out if you wanna have some funAnd into the spotlight we will goFollow me cause baby life"s a showAnd into the spotlight you will seeIt"s the only place to beInto the spotlight you will seeIt"s the only place for me
2023-06-29 06:27:201

收集好听的歌曲,快的,慢的,劲舞上的,总之好听就行,尤其是滨崎步 有一首听振奋人心歌!悬赏100,等

2023-06-29 06:27:179