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可以把highway to hell mp3 发我吗?

2023-06-29 08:09:52
TAG: highway
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AC/DC 的Highway to hell
2023-06-29 05:33:384

highway to hell的弦调是什么?怎么调啊?好像不是标准弦调啊

2023-06-29 05:34:001


2023-06-29 05:34:061


死神来了有4部 你所说的是哪部哦
2023-06-29 05:34:163


2023-06-29 05:34:254


2023-06-29 05:34:337


AC/DC是澳大利亚最成功,最著名的摇滚乐队。 乐队在1973年12月在澳大利亚的悉尼由节奏吉他手马尔科姆和他的同胞兄弟,乐队的主音吉他手安格斯领军组成。乐队在世界范围内共售出了1亿5千万张专辑成为世界最为成功的硬摇滚乐队之一。1980年发行的专辑回到黑暗(back in black)在全球售出了4千2百万张,而仅在美国就达到了2千1百万的销量,创下历史上第2大专辑销售纪录。乐队有两个截然不同的主唱,歌迷们也倾向与把乐队分成“邦·斯科特时代(1973年—80年)”和“布赖恩·约翰逊时代(1980年—现在)”。虽然外界一般都认为AC/DC是把硬摇滚和重金属音乐结合起来的先锋,但乐队成员却喜欢称呼他们自己的音乐为摇滚乐。他们的音乐是基于节奏布鲁斯的主音和节奏吉他而变形的更高水平。目前,AC/DC正在他们新的录音棚里制作新专辑,但是直到2006年的5月,也透露任何新的发行信息。在2005年采访的布赖恩·约翰逊时候,他确切的说到了乐队目前还无法确定新的专辑将会在何时何地制作和完工。同年,有消息宣称新的专辑很可能是张双唱片专辑。在2006年4月美国杂志“吉他手 Guitarist“的采访中,马尔科姆·扬说:“乐队目前正在录制和编写下张让人充满期待的专辑的素材。现在的阵容布赖恩·约翰逊(Brian Johnson) — 主唱(1980年—现在) 安格斯·扬(Angus Young) — 吉他(1973年—现在) 马尔科姆·扬(Malcolm Young) — 吉他(1973年—现在) 克里夫·威廉姆斯(Cliff Williams) — 贝斯(1977年—现在) 菲尔·路德(Phil Rudd) — 鼓和打击乐器(1975年—1983年,1994年—现在) 前成员邦·斯科特(Bon Scott) — 主唱(1973年—1980年) 戴夫·埃文斯(Dave Evans) — 主唱(1973年) 科林·伯格斯(Colin Burgess) — 鼓和打击乐器(1973年—1974年) 罗布·贝利 二世(Rob Bailey II) — 贝斯(1973年—1974年) 诺尔·泰勒(Noel Taylor) — 鼓和打击乐器(1974年) 拉里·范·克瑞德特(Larry van Kriedt) — 贝斯,萨克斯管(1973年—1975年) 彼得·克拉克(Peter Clack) — 鼓和打击乐器(1974年—1975年) 马克·埃文斯(Mark Evans) — 贝斯(1974年—1977年) 西蒙·赖特(Simon Wright) — 鼓和打击乐器(1984年—1989年) 克里斯·斯莱德(Chris Slade) — 鼓和打击乐器(1989年—1994年) 作品列表--------------------------------------------------------------------------------澳大利亚1975年2月 — High Voltage 1975年12月 — T.N.T. 1976年9月 — Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 1977年3月 — Let There Be Rock 1978年6月 — Powerage 1978年11月 — If You Want Blood You"ve Got It 1979年11月 — Highway to Hell 1980年8月 — Back in Black 1980年11月 — For Those About to Rock (We Salute You) 1983年8月 — Flick of the Switch 1985年6月 — Fly on the Wall 1986年6月 — Who Made Who 1988年1月 — Blow Up Your Video 1990年9月 — The Razor"s Edge 1992年10月 — Live 1992年11月 — Live: 2 CD Collector"s Edition 1995年9月 — Ballbreaker 1995年11月 — AC/DC Volume 1 — 六CD大盒装 1995年11月 — AC/DC Volume 2 — 五CD大盒装 1997年11月 — Bonfire — 四CD 大盒装 1999年2月 — Boom Box — 十五CD大盒装 2000年2月 — Stiff Upper Lip 2001年1月 — Stiff Upper Lip — 澳大利亚巡回演唱会版本 — 二CD大盒装 2001年1月 — AC/DC Box Set — 十七CD大盒装 欧洲和美国1976年5月 — High Voltage 1976年12月 — Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap(欧洲的发售而已) 1977年10月 — Let There Be Rock 1978年5月 — Powerage 1978年10月 — If You Want Blood You"ve Got It 1979年8月 — Highway to Hell 1980年7月 — Back in Black 1981年4月 — Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap(美国发售) 1981年11月 — For Those About to Rock We Salute You 1983年8月 — Flick of the Switch 1984年8月 — "74 Jailbreak 1985年7月 — Fly on the Wall 1986年5月 — Who Made Who(声带向斯蒂芬·金电影火魔战车) 1988年2月 — Blow Up Your Video 1990年10月 — The Razor"s Edge 1992年10月 — Live(如一个双和一个单专辑被发售) 1992年 — Live: Collector"s Edition 1995年9月 — Ballbreaker 1997年12月 — Bonfire(大盒装向已故邦·斯科特致敬) 2000年2月 — Stiff Upper Lip 新的专辑Strap It On 关于AC/DC新的专辑有过一些谣言和思索。 书1982年 — AC/DC by Malcolm Dome Proteus 1982年 — AC/DC-Hell Ain"t No Bad Place To Be by Richard Bunton 1986年 — AC/DC (Monsters of Metal) by Tim Holmes Ballantine 1991年 — AC/DC Shock To The System by Mark Putterford 1996年 — AC/DC: The World"s Heaviest Rock by Martin Huxley 2001年 — AC/DC: The Definitive History by Malcolm Dome。被再版1995年,2001年。 2003年 — Highway to Hell: The Life and Times of AC/DC Legend Bon Scott by Clinton Walker。被再版1994年—1995年,1997年,2002年—2003年。 2005年 — AC/DC: Two Sides to Every Glory: The Complete Biography by Paul Stenning
2023-06-29 05:35:481

highway to hell ac dc的 歌曲链接可以放到空间的
2023-06-29 05:35:561

玛丽莲.曼森 有一首歌中文叫通往地狱的大门,这首歌的中文叫什么?他的歌最激情的是那些???

你说的是,highway to hell把???
2023-06-29 05:36:163

有谁知道有关一部男主角叫Trevor Reznik(崔佛 雷斯尼克)电影

克里斯蒂安·贝尔主演的机械师是2004年的《The Machinist》,在风行网上可以看
2023-06-29 05:36:242

highway to hell 类似这样的歌 类型的歌曲 车里听的! 有麻烦告诉我歌名!!谢谢

1、Concrete Blonde——Joey 女主唱的嗓音给人桀骜不驯的感觉,我很喜欢2、98度——Because Of You第一次是在《奋斗》中“陆涛”的奥迪中听的,呵呵3、Crazy Loop——Crazy Loop (Mm-ma-ma)是哪个小国家的DJ,我忘记了,但这个DJ是我挺过的最适合车载的音乐4、Joel Hanson——Traveling Light歌如其名,有种轻装旅行的感觉~5、Michael Learns To Rock——Blue Night应该是很熟悉的旋律,但节奏适合车载6、the police——Every Breath You Take跟一楼推荐一样,鼓点节奏就像滚滚向前的车轮声7、Masazumi Ozawa——Attraction天下足球主题曲,电吉他很棒,以前玩跑跑卡丁车就听这个,呵呵8、Michael Jackson——One Day In Your Life节奏不错,顺便纪念大师……9、Bryan Adams——summer of "69这个老摇滚男人大家都不陌生,这是我听过的他的第一首歌,印象太深刻了,节奏稍微快些10、《every breath you take》(the police)11、《i still haven`t found what i am looking for》(u2)
2023-06-29 05:36:461


2023-06-29 05:37:141


一、前言相比前作EN700,我更认为EN700 BASS是一款全新的产品,虽然与着前作有着相同的外观,但无论从音质还是用料,亦或者是做工上,都有着翻天覆地般的进化。二、包装及配件简约的白夹黑纸盒设计,未拆包装时并未感觉到有多么抢眼的设计,但打开包装后,首先映入眼帘的骚红色耳机和堪称“买包送耳机”的皮质收纳包瞬间让人眼前一亮。虽然是人造皮的材质,但手感堪比真皮,大小适中,非常便于携带。铜雀的副件堪称良心,大中小三种尺寸的哥伦比亚套,以及同样尺寸的均衡塞,不但收纳在一块黑卡纸上,同时还标注上声音的变化。三、外观新款的EN700外壳直接采用五轴精雕一体化成型,氧化后喷砂处理,细腻程度堪比最新款的iPhone后壳,改进后的腔体线条更适宜耳朵的轮廓,耳挂去掉了可变钢丝,更换为成型软套管。无处不在的精心设计和独具匠心的改造,大大的提升了佩戴体验。升级版的线材采用了八股无氧铜混编线,无切断的套管分线技术,以及200D的凯夫拉防断拉丝,保证了信号的高质量传输,以及强悍的耐用度。四、声音叨叨了半天的外观和设计,还是步入正题,最重要的声音部分。最近有很多人在关心这个问题,到底BASS版的铜雀相比上一版到底有多大的提升;我对此的回答是,新生。相比较称之为BASS版,我更愿意称之为新铜雀,新版不仅仅是加强了低频,整体的调音思路都截然不同;低频整体能量感还是不错的,有下潜,但更偏向于弹性,属于比较均衡健康的低频。中频方面在人声的表现上出乎意料,声带的抖动感和颗粒感都很清晰,而非那些干瘪的,乏味的中频。虽说感情上的勾勒并非强项,但饱满的人声很大程度上弥补了这个缺点,在人声方面是偏于中性的,既偏男声,也并非女毒,这使得塞子的适应面大大提升,在配合哥伦比亚套的情况下,完全没有刺耳的齿音出现,人声的整体在表现一些口水歌以及人声流行时更趋于完美。高频的表现最值得赞扬。顺滑的同时又具有充沛的能量感,鲜明的线条感,完全没有恼人的毛刺感。高频的延展度相当不错,但泛音的表现较为一般,不过考虑到铜雀的价位,实在难以让人把它当做一条千元以下的耳机。声场方面偏向于横向的椭圆形,厅堂感并非很强,横向声场大大强于纵向声场,解析度居于中等,乐器能够有结相感。总体来说可圈可点。声音综述:新版铜雀在整体定位上偏于均衡,并未有明显的流行向调音,在听一些器乐独奏、轻音乐,摇滚乐上表现都可圈可点,最大的亮点在于中频和高频的表现上,人声的厚度和充沛的高频能量都让这条售价仅为629元的耳机增光添色不少。五、综述铜戈的新版铜雀性价比非常高,无论你是个刚入烧的萌新,还是个想尝鲜的老烧,相信EN700 BASS都不会让你失望。舒适的佩戴,出色的外观,性价比颇高的声音表现,都是你选择它的理由。∣用心·分享·聆听·态度∣Earphones & Chatting耳机与杂谈不止谈耳机合作请联系微信
2023-06-29 05:37:344


老友记第一季台词   老友记是我看得第二部美剧,第一季的时候到11集才GET到笑点,然后就一发不可收拾地追完了所有。下面是老友记第一季经典台词,一起来欣赏下吧。   老友记第一季台词【一】   1. I made a fool of myself.   2. I bet you 20 bucks I can get her to have breakfast with me?   3. Iu2019ll take care of it. 我会搞定的   4. Part of me thinks the kidu2019s right. 一方面我觉得这孩子没错but another part of me thinksu2026u2026(选自拯救大兵瑞恩)   5. I would like to propose a toast.(英美电影宴会婚礼场景经典句型;提议为什么事情举杯祝福时用:)   6. Now you tell me sheu2019s not a knock-out! 你该不会说她不是个美人儿吧!   7. Just follow my lead. 听我指挥好了。   8. I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配)   9. We have to cut our trip short! 我们不得不中断旅行.(cut sth short打断话语;中断某事;)   10. How did it go with Ceria?和Ceria怎么样了?   11. The more I worried about it, the more I couldnu2019t sleep.(the moreu2026u2026the moreu2026u2026越什么u2026u2026就什么u2026u2026;多学点这样的句型举一反三不论对口语还是写作都有帮助)   12. The judging stuff has taken a lot out of me.(take a lot out of sb=making sb tired)   13. Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为u2026u2026喝彩/赞叹的意思)   14. Nice save!好扑救!/打圆场避免失态(来源于足球)   15. Letu2019s make a deal!我们做笔交易吧。   16. Iu2019m all yours!我全听你的   17. The worst part isu2026u2026最糟糕的是   18. What if I had the guts to quit my job.(have the guts有种,有勇气)   19. I asked around. Word is, he deals primarily in arms. (Ocean Eleven)   20. Thanks, man! Iu2019m not really into sports.!/ Iu2019m really not into guys.我不太喜欢体育   21. I don”t give a/an damn / f*k / shoot / assu2026 表示不在乎.   老友记第一季台词【二】   1. Do not rush/push me. 别催我   2. Thatu2019s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在   3. Lucky me! 我真走运/幸运!(诺丁山里面出现)   4. Too bad we must return them. 很不幸,我们必须退还它们。(too bad开头来描述一件糟糕的事情)   5. I think I should give it a shot/go!我觉得应该尝试一下!   6. Man, you scared the shoot/crap out of me!你把我吓坏了! Beat the crap out of sb(crap等于shoot,不过要稍微文雅一些;)   7. Weu2019re more than happy to give you recommendations.(more han happy等于非常高兴)   8. You did it!你做到了!(或者还可以说I made it! 口语中要注意make, do等小词的"运用)   9. weu2019ve talked about the relationship and stuff.(And stuff诸如此类)   10. Iu2019m with you 我同意你的观点   11. Rachel, Can you pass me the TV guide? 能把电视报递给我吗?(非常实用的口语句型,叫别人递东西可以引用)   12. (If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略)   13. What is with that guy? 那个家伙到底怎么了?   14. I was/will be there for you.我支持(过)你!(还记得老友记主题曲最后一句吗)   15. Howu2019s it going?/ how are you doing?你好   16. Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for   17. I have no idea what you have said不知道你在说什么(I donu2019t have the slightest ideau2026u2026)“我不知道”不要总说I donu2019t know,太土了,可以说I have no idea或者I donu2019t have a clueu2026u2026   18. Why donu2019t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢   19. Not that I know of. 据我所知没有   20. Take my word for it. 相信我   21. You do the math.你自己来算一下   22. My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。   23. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用)   24. Hereu2019s to a lousy Christmas!(hereu2019s tou2026u2026为u2026u2026而干杯)   25. Let me put it this way, weu2019re having sex whether youu2019re here or not. (主要是前半句中put的用法,这里put等于say;极其标准的口语说法)   26. Be good!/be a man/be cool! 要听话/像个男人的样子/冷静点   27. My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵)   28. You fall for it every time. 你每次都要上当   29. That was close!/close one 好险   30. Call it even. 扯平了   31. Storage rooms give me creeps. 储藏室让我全身冒鸡皮疙瘩。   32. Itu2019s not like (I did this on purpose).并不是u2026u2026(又是典型的绕弯子式美国思维了!这句话还可以换成Not that I did this on purpose)   33. Plus, Iu2019m gonna take you out a lot for free dinner. (plus除此之外)   34. Letu2019s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( getu2026u2026rolling的用法)   35. Not that itu2019s your business, but we did go out. (倒不是u2026u2026不过u2026u2026典型的绕弯子式美国思维模式)   36. To hell with that bitch! 让那婊子见鬼去吧!(咒骂别人的时候,to hell with)   37. This party stinks/ sucks! (sth sucks意思是什么事情很糟糕)   38. Good for you!你真不错/好!(老友记中极其常见的赞扬.表扬句型) ;
2023-06-29 05:41:371


2023-06-29 05:41:513


2023-06-29 05:41:581

求train的 save the day歌词中文翻译

保存一天列车保存一天列车通过pevy简太多的肉眼十磅我也′T乘公共汽车因为她开车西瓜的口红,和太多她把牛奶的微笑和一个棘手的触摸街头智慧的,像考特尼的爱可以′T得到足够的好莱坞的故事名人,可以让她感觉像他们′都有朋友的方式没有最好的朋友,但她也′疯狂的长大了教授的懒惰所有六个孩子离开镇上似乎没有人想在他们的周围但她′酷像苏打可以坐′冰总是命令寿司,只吃米饭关于J Lo就像他们是最好的朋友′会谈我认为她爱我,但这完全取决于嘿,宝贝,我也′想成为你的超人我只想做你的男人和我′将超,宝贝你′会站在阳光′我会站在这里′′雨吧你救了我,我会保存一天我有一个甜美的演出′拉肯在现金和卡拉OK我让人去′当我唱这些动作我摇到左边,然后我摇它的权利什么′不爱的人,我′M今晚我拉stylie与纽约装饰把我的裤子太低它′就像我′要′游泳了我有Coppertone潭,就像在墨西哥嗯,不是现在,我去的时候,是的嘿,宝贝,我也′想成为你的超人我只想做你的男人和我′将超,宝贝你′会站在阳光′我会站在这里′′雨吧你救了我,我会保存一天你救了我,我会保存一天我知道你也′看我像个电影明星它可以′帮助多,我也′T没有车但你′是我最喜欢的事情,到目前为止这′要计数的东西嘿,宝贝,我也′想成为你的超人我只想做你的男人和我′将超,宝贝你救了我,我会保存一天嘿,宝贝,我也′想成为你的超人我只想做你的男人和我′将超,宝贝你′会站在阳光′我会站在这里′′雨吧你救了我,我会保存一天你救了我,我会保存一天你救了我,我会保存一天你救了我,我会保存一天你救了我,我会保存一天[ 1 ]
2023-06-29 05:42:172


2023-06-29 05:42:2810

coming home 歌词翻译

谁唱的?Comin" Home-City&ColourWell I"ve been down to Georgia,I"ve seen the streets in the west,I"ve driven down the 90,Oh hell, I"ve seen America"s best.I"ve been through the Rockies,Hell, I"ve seen Saskatoon,I"ve driven down the Highway 1Just hopin" that I"d see you soon.Cuz I"m comin" homeI"m comin" home (x6)Well I"ve never been to Alaska,But I can tell you this;I"ve been to Lincoln, NebraskaAnd hell you know it ain"t worth shit.I"ve been through Nova Scotia,Sydney to Halifax,But I"ll never take any picturesCuz I"ll know I"ll just be right back.Cuz I"m comin" homeI"m comin" home (x6)Well I"ve seen a palace in London,I"ve seen a castle in Wales,But I"d rather wake up beside youAnd breathe that old familiar smell.I never thought you could leave me,I figured I was the one,But I understand your sadness,So I guess I should just hold my tongue.But I"m comin" homeI"m comin" home (x6)I know that we"re taking chances,You told me life was a risk,I just have one last question;Will it be my heartOr will it be his?Comin" home,I"m comin" home (x6)Scorpions Coming Home LyricsSend "Coming Home" Ringtone to your CellTranslation in progress. Please wait...Every moring when I wake up yawningI"m still far awayTrucks still rolling through the early morningTo the place we playBoy you"r home, you"re dreaming, don"t you knowThe tour"s still far awayBoy you"r home, you"re dreaming, don"t you knowYou"re having just a breakDream we"re going out on stage, it feels likeComing home againDream we"re going out on stage, it feels likeComing home againDream we"re going out on stage, it feels like ...Year after year out on the roadIt"s great to be here to see you allI know, for me it is likeComing homeDay after day out on the roadThere"s no place too far that we wouldn"t goWe go wherever you likeTo rock"n rollJump on the seats, put your hands in the airGive me a shout, let me hear you"re out thereThe wilder you scream for some more rock"n rollThe higher we"ll goYear after year out on the roadIt"s great to be here to rock you allI know, for me it is likeComing homeLike coming home ..."Coming Home"A father waits upon a sonA mother prays for his returnI just called to seeIf you still have a place for meWe know that like took us apartBut you"re still within my heartI go to sleep and feel your spirit next to meI"ll make it home againI pray you"ll fall in love againJust say you"ll entertain the possibilityI learned enough from my mistakesLearned from all I didn"t sayWon"t you wait for meIt may be long to get me thereIt feels like I"ve been everywhereBut someday I"ll be coming homeRound and round the world will spinOh, the circle never endsSo you know that I"ll be coming homeWe fight to stay aliveBut somebody"s got to dieIt"s so strange to meA new year, a new enemyAnother soldier gone to warAnother story told beforeNow it"s told againIt seems the wars will never endBut we"ll make it home againBack where we belong againWe"re holding on to whenWe used to dare to dreamWe pray we live to seeAnother day in historyYes we still believeIt may be long to get me thereIt feels like I"ve been everywhereBut someday I"ll be coming homeRound and round the world will spinOh, the circle never endsSo you know that I"ll be coming homeI"m coming, I"m coming, I"m coming?You know that I"ll be coming homeIt may be long to get me thereIt feels like I"ve been everywhereBut someday I"ll be coming homeRound and round the world will spinOh, the circle never endsSo you know that I"ll be coming home
2023-06-29 05:42:542

求The rode to hell的歌词

slowly bleeding, watch the vortex feedinglike a swirling vulture on your faceevery hour the unseen rays devouryour screaming eyes cry out but they are blindfather, forgive me my sinsgive me the nails, i"ll hammer them inthe road to hell is full of good intentionssay farewell, we may never meet againthe road to hell is full of good intentionsget on the left-hand highway with no sinister regretsbrave new world of secret fantasythat hovers just beyond your bloody graspclose enough to thrill, the danger of the killprice for failure of your willfather, forgive us our sins"cause we"re all the junkies who never can winthe road to hell is full of good intentionssay farewell, we may never meet againthe road to hell is full of good intentionsdown the left-hand highway with no sinister regretsfather, forgive me my sinsgive me the nails, i"ll hammer them inthe road to hell is full of good intentionsparody of hope is the one that i must killwe all have to live with our family inventionsdown the left-hand highway with no sinister regretsthe road to hell is full of good intentionssay farewell, we may never meet againthe road to hell is full of good intentionsdown the left-hand highway with no sinister regretshttp:
2023-06-29 05:43:023

Highway To Hell 歌词

歌曲名:Highway To Hell歌手:New Duncan Imperials&Tiny Tim w专辑:Live In ChicagoArtist: Marilyn MansonTitle: Highway To HellLivin" easy lovin" freeseason ticket on a one way rideaskin" nothin" leave me betakin" everything in my stridedon"t need reason, don"t need rhymeain"t nothing I"d rather dogoin" down party timemy friends they gonna be there tooCHORUSI"m on the highway to hellon the Highway to HellHighway to HellI"m on the Highway to HellNo stop signs speed limitnobody"s gonna slow me downlike a wheel gonna spin itnobody"s gonna mess me aroundhey Satan pay my duesplayin in arockin bandhey Mama look at meI"m on my way to the promised landCHORUS (2x)I"m on the Highway to HellHighway to HellI"m on the Highway to HellHighway to Hellon the Highway to HellI"m on the Highway to HellHighway to HellHighway to HellHighway to HellHighway to HellHighway to HellHighway to HellHighway to HellHighway to HellHighway to HellHighway to HellHighway to Hell
2023-06-29 05:43:161

歌词we like hotel hotel hotel

歌曲名:Hotel California歌手:Eagles专辑:The Complete Greatest HitsHotel CaliforniaEaglesOn a dark desert highway,cool wind in my hairWarm smell of colitas,rising up through the airUp ahead in the distance,I saw a shimmering lightMy head grew heavy andmy sight grew dimI had to stop for the nightThere she stood in the doorway;I heard the mission bellAnd I was thinking to myself,"This could be Heaven orthis could be Hell"Then she lit up a candleand she showed me the wayThere were voices down the corridor,I thought I heard them say...Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely placeSuch a lovely faceSuch a lovely facePlenty of room at the Hotel CaliforniaAny time of year, you can find it hereHer mind is Tiffany-twisted,she got the Mercedes bendsShe got a lot of pretty, pretty boys,that she calls friendsHow they dance in the courtyard,sweet summer sweat.Some dance to remember,some dance to forgetSo I called up the Captain,"Please bring me my wine"He said,"We haven"t hadthat spirit here since nineteen sixty nine"And still those voices are callingfrom far away,Wake you up in the middle of the nightJust to hear them say...Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely placeSuch a lovely faceThey livin" it up at the Hotel CaliforniaWhat a nice surprise, bring your alibisMirrors on the ceiling,The pink champagne on iceAnd she said "We are alljust prisoners here, of our own device"And in the master"s chambers,They gathered for the feastThe stab it with their steely knives,But they just can"t kill the beastLast thing I remember, I wasRunning for the doorI had to find the passage backTo the place I was before"Relax,"said the night man,We are programmed to receive.You can checkout any time you like,but you can never leave
2023-06-29 05:43:481


看歌词理解就是鬼歌Hotel California The Eagles on a dark desert highway,行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上, cool wind in my hair.凉风吹过我的头发。 warm smell of colitas,温馨的大麻香, rising up through the air.弥漫在空气中。 up ahead in the distance,抬头遥望远方, i saw a shimmering light.我看到微弱的灯光。 my head grew heavy my sight grew dim.我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊。 i had 2 stop 4 the night.我不得不停下来过夜。 there she stood in the doorway;她站在门口那儿招呼我 i heard the mission bell.我听到远处教堂的钟声。 and i was thinking 2 myself,我在心里对自己说 "this could b heaven or this could b hell".这里可能是天堂也可能是地狱。 then she lit up a candle,然后她点燃了蜡烛, and she showed me the way.给我引路。 there were voices down the corridor.沿着走廊传来阵阵说话声。 i thought i heard them say...我想我听到他们在说…… welcome to the hotel california!欢迎来到加州旅馆! such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方! such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!! plenty of room at the hotel california!加州旅馆有充足的房间! any time of year,u can find it here!一年的任何时候,你都能在这找到房间。 her mind is tiffany-twisted,她的心为珠宝所扭曲, she got the mercedes bends.她拥有豪华奔驰车。 she got a lot of pretty,pretty boys.她有许多漂亮的小伙子。 that she calls friends.她称之为朋友。 how they dance in the courtyard,他们在庭院里翩翩起舞, sweet summer sweat.夏日的香汗伶俐。 some dance to remember!有些舞是为了回忆! some dance to forget!而有些舞是为了忘却! so i called up the captain,于是我叫来领班, "please bring me my wine."请给我来些酒。 he said"we haven t had that spirit here,他说我们这不供应列酒 since nineteen sixty nine."从1969年起。 and still those voices are calling from far away.远处仍然传来他们的话语。 wake u up in the middle of the night.在半夜把你吵醒。 just 2 hear them say...只听到他们在说…… welcome to the hotel california!欢迎到加州旅馆来! such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方! such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容! they livin it up at the hotel california.他们在加州旅馆尽情狂欢。 what a nice surprise,好得令人吃惊, bring your alibis.使你有来到这的借口。 mirrors on the ceiling,天花板上镶嵌着的镜子, the pink champagne on ice.冰镇着的粉色香槟 and she said"we are all just prisoners here-她说我们都是这的囚徒 -of our own device".但是是我们自愿的。 and in the master s chambers.在主人的卧房里。 they gathered 4 the feast.他们为宴会聚在一起。 they stabbed it with their steely knives.他们彼此间用钢刀相互砍杀。 but they just can t kill the beast.但他们甚至不能杀死野兽! last thing i remember,我所记得的最后一件事 i was running 4 the door.是我跑向门口。 i had 2 find the passage back,我必须找到来时的路, to the place i was before.回到我过去的地方。 "relax",said the night man,守夜人说放宽心, "we are programmed to receive.我们只是照常接待 u can checkout any time u like.你想什么时候结帐都可以。 but u can never leave!"但你永远无法离去。 而且据说那个旅馆是真实存在的特别那句“你永远无法离去”太恐怖
2023-06-29 05:43:551

Leaving (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving (Live)歌手:Anne Clark专辑:RsvpLeavin"Natalie ColeLeavin"They say that LOVE is a two way streetBut you can"t prove that by meLately it seems that I"m heading down on lonely one lane highwayWell it"s the same old, same oldlike I haven"t been here a thousand times beforeBut this time it"s differentCuz this time I"m not taking it anymoreHey, I"m leaving( hey ) This time it"s for goodYou should have treated me the way you said you wouldHey, I"m leaving( hey ) You can"t make me stayI"m tired of being hurtHurt ain"t no good anywayNow I know it"s gonna be hard on youOnce it hits you that I"m goneAnd all those pretty things that you bought for meYou can keep "em Cuz they don"t make up for the damage that you"ve doneOh you"ll be alright, you"ll be fineIt just won"t be todayAnd as for me, I"m doing better alreadyBut, What a hell of a price to pay!Hey, hey I"m leaving andThis time it"s for goodUh Oh, You never treated me the way you said you wouldHey, hey I"m leaving babyAnd You can"t make me stayI"m tired of being hurtHurt ain"t no good, hurt ain"t no good anywayHurt me soIt"s 4 o"clock in the morningSet to goAnd my bag is packed, I"m ready to goDon"t know what I was thinking butI should have left you long time agoHurt me soAnd thou it hurts me babySet to go, nothing"s gonna make me stayAnd I"m tired, tired of hurt anywayLove ain"t supposed to hurtThat"s rightYou gotta know your wordsAnd I finally believe I"m worth a lotYou"re not the first and you probably won"t be the lastIt hurts so much insideYou"re not the one to blameAnd I"m trying not to blame myselfTill I get over the shameYou don"t knowTake a good lookYou know you"re never coming backNo NeverHey, this time it"s for good( hey ) You never treated me the way you said you wouldAnd I"m leaving, babyBye Bye
2023-06-29 05:44:021


hotel california the eagles on a dark desert highway,行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上, cool wind in my hair.凉风吹过我的头发. warm smell of colitas,温馨的大麻香, rising up through the air.弥漫在空气中. up ahead in the distance,抬头遥望远方, i saw a shimmering light.我看到微弱的灯光. my head grew heavy my sight grew dim.我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊. i had 2 stop 4 the night.我不得不停下来过夜. there she stood in the doorway;她站在门口那儿招呼我 i heard the mission bell.我听到远处教堂的钟声. and i was thinking 2 myself,我在心里对自己说 "this could b heaven or this could b hell".这里可能是天堂也可能是地狱. then she lit up a candle,然后她点燃了蜡烛, and she showed me the way.给我引路. there were voices down the corridor.沿着走廊传来阵阵说话声. i thought i heard them say...我想我听到他们在说…… welcome to the hotel california!欢迎来到加州旅馆! such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方! such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!! plenty of room at the hotel california!加州旅馆有充足的房间! any time of year,u can find it here!一年的任何时候,你都能在这找到房间. her mind is tiffany-twisted,她的心为珠宝所扭曲, she got the mercedes bends.她拥有豪华奔驰车. she got a lot of pretty,pretty boys.她有许多漂亮的小伙子. that she calls friends.她称之为朋友. how they dance in the courtyard,他们在庭院里翩翩起舞, sweet summer sweat.夏日的香汗伶俐. some dance to remember!有些舞是为了回忆! some dance to forget!而有些舞是为了忘却! so i called up the captain,于是我叫来领班, "please bring me my wine."请给我来些酒. he said"we haven"t had that spirit here,他说我们这不供应列酒 since nineteen sixty nine."从1969年起. and still those voices are calling from far away.远处仍然传来他们的话语. wake u up in the middle of the night.在半夜把你吵醒. just 2 hear them say...只听到他们在说…… welcome to the hotel california!欢迎到加州旅馆来! such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方! such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容! they livin" it up at the hotel california.他们在加州旅馆尽情狂欢. what a nice surprise,好得令人吃惊, bring your alibis.使你有来到这的借口. mirrors on the ceiling,天花板上镶嵌着的镜子, the pink champagne on ice.冰镇着的粉色香槟 and she said"we are all just prisoners here-她说我们都是这的囚徒 -of our own device".但是是我们自愿的. and in the master"s chambers.在主人的卧房里. they gathered 4 the feast.他们为宴会聚在一起. they stabbed it with their steely knives.他们彼此间用钢刀相互砍杀. but they just can"t kill the beast.但他们甚至不能杀死野兽! last thing i remember,我所记得的最后一件事 i was running 4 the door.是我跑向门口. i had 2 find the passage back,我必须找到来时的路, to the place i was before.回到我过去的地方. "relax",said the night man,守夜人说放宽心, "we are programmed to receive.我们只是照常接待 u can checkout any time u like.你想什么时候结帐都可以. but u can never leave!"但你永远无法离去! hotel california-the eagles参考资料:百度MP3歌词搜索
2023-06-29 05:44:082


既然新旧也可以 咁比晒我果d歌名你啦 希望你钟意 AC/DC – TNT Airbourne - Too much too young too fast Atreyu – Bleeding mascara Avenged Sevenfold – Beast and the harlot Avenged Sevenfold – Seize the Day Black Sabbath – Electric funeral Black Sabbath – Iron Man Bon Jovi – Its my life Joan Jett – I love rock and roll Nirvana – Heart shaped box Papa Roach – Forever Paramore – Crush Crush Crush Rolling Stones - Paint It Black The Offspring - Hit That Wolfmother - Love Train Breaking Benjamin-Blow Me Away Bring Me The Horizon - Pray For Plagues Bruce Springsteen-Radio nowhere Dir and Grey - Clever Sleazoid Disturbed-I"m Alive Goldfinger – Superman Good Charlotte-Wondering Guns "n Roses-Sweet Child o" Mine Hot Action Cop -Why Judy Jimmy Hendrix-Voodoo Child Judas Priest - Turbo-Lover Kiss - Dr. Love Korn-Freak on a Leash Led Zeppelin-Stairway To Heaven Linkin Park-Points of Authority 2008-08-29 12:07:29 补充: Linking Park-Numb Paramore-Misery Business Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name Of Rise Against - Under The Knife Saliva-Spy Hunter Slipknot-Before i fet Slipknot-Wait and Bleed Steve Vai-For The Love Of God 2008-08-29 12:08:55 补充: Survivor-Burning Heart System Of A Down – Boom The Who-515 U2 & Greenday-The Saints are ing U2-Vertigo Van Halen-Aint talkin" "bout love Van Halen-Unchained ACDC-Back in black 2008-08-29 12:09:15 补充: Aero *** ith - Walk This Way Avenged Sevenfold-Blinded in Chains Billy Talent-Red flag Bullet for My Valentine – Suffocating Children Of Bodom - Trashed lost & strungout Children Of Bodom-Children Of Decadence Coheed and Cambria-Wele Home Creed - Six Feet from the Edge Deep Purple-Highway Star 2008-08-29 12:09:38 补充: Dragonforce-Starfire Drist-Decontrol Fear before the march of flames-The Li *** on Girls Oh the Li *** on Girls Good Charlotte-Falling Away Iron Maiden-2 Minutes To Midnight Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast Jerry C-Canon Jimi Hendrix-Fire Joe Satriani-Surfing with the alien 2008-08-29 12:09:49 补充: Megadeth-Hangar 18 Metallica-Master Of Puppets Nirvana-Smells Like Teen Spirit Nonpoint - Bullet With a Name Opeth-Patterns in the Ivy P.O.D - Youth Of The Nation P.O.D-Boom Papa Roach-Last Resort Pearl Jam and Neil Young - Keep on Rockin" In The Free World (Live) 2008-08-29 12:10:02 补充: Poison - Talk Dirty To Me Queens of the Stone age-No one knows Race Against the Machine-D-Generation X Rammstein-Buck Dich Rise Against-The good left undone Scorpions - No one like you 2008-08-29 12:10:15 补充: Slipknot-Scream Sum41-Pieces System of a Down- Chop Suey Tenacious D-Tribute The Black Mages - The Decisive Battle The Offspring-All I Want The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated Trivium - We Are The Fire An Endless Sporadic – Impulse Chuck Berry-Johnny B.Goode 2008-08-29 12:10:39 补充: Dimmu Bir-Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse Dragonforce-My Spirit will Go on Dragonforce-Through The Fire And Flames Eric Johnson -Cliffs of Dover Joe Satriani-Crushing Day Killswitch Engage - Holy Diver Killswith Engage-My Curse Lamb Of God-Again We Rise Motorhead-Ace of Spades 2008-08-29 12:10:48 补充: Rhapsody-Emerald Sword Rhapsody-Rain Of a Thousand Flames Steve Ouimette - Devil Went Down To Geia Steve Vai-Hell outta here Tenacious D-Beezleboss Tenacious D-The Metal The Sword-Freya Van Halen-Eruption alter Bridge-Metalingus Behemoth-Zos Kia Cultus Breaking Benjamin-Diary of Jane 2008-08-29 12:10:59 补充: Buckethead-Jordan Deep Purple-Smoke on the Water Deep Purple-Speed king Detlok – Thunderhorse Disturbed-Prayer DragonForce-Operation Ground and Pound 2008-08-29 12:11:47 补充: Linkin Park-Breaking The Habit Megadeth-Symphony of Destruction Metallica-Fade To Black Muse-Knights of Cydonia My Chemical Romance-Thank you for the Venom Nickelback-Rockstar Opeth-Blackwater Park Pantera - Cowboys from hell Queen-Another one bites the dust 2008-08-29 12:11:53 补充: Rammstein-Amerika Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow ((Hey Oh)) Reverend Horton Heat-Psychobilly Freakout Saliva-Survival of the Sickest Slade - Cum On Feel The Noise The Black Mages-Skies Above The Outline – Shotgun Three Days Grace-Animal I Have Bee Uverworld - Rush 2008-08-29 12:12:12 补充: 因为太多歌 所以要分几次 sor rock歌牙... fall out boy啲歌唔错...Thanks For The MemoriesThe Carpal Tunnel Of Love呢2只我好钟意...之后仲有佢地翻唱mic jak嘅beat it..但系我都系钟意听mi jack果个多啲xd! The Beatles正到样爆啦!! 好似啲yesterday咁呀help!咁呀~~ The Click Five 我比较钟意jenny同埋Empty Coldplay就yellow...Viva La Vida...Violet Hill咁罗 The Cranberries - Zombie Evanescenceos 只bring me to life... 最最最重要就系green day喇!! 佢只只都咁好听...咁我建意你可以听住Basket Case Minority wake me up when september ends同埋holiday Micheal Jackson...就...beat itmy chemical romance....仲有oasis咁我介绍咁多先啦~
2023-06-29 05:44:151

Road To Hell 歌词

歌曲名:Road To Hell歌手:Bruce Dickinson专辑:Accident Of BirthSlowly bleeding, watch the vortex feedingLike a swirling vulture on your faceEvery hour the unseen rays devourYour screaming eyes cry out but they are blindFather, forgive me my sinsGive me the nails, Ill hammer them inThe road to hell is full of good intentionsSay farewell, we may never meet againThe road to hell is full of good intentionsGet on the left-hand highway with no sinister regretsBrave new world of secret fantasyThat hovers just beyond your bloody graspClose enough to thrill, the danger of the killPrice for failure of your willFather, forgive us our sinsCause were all the junkies who never can winThe road to hell is full of good intentionsSay farewell, we may never meet againThe road to hell is full of good intentionsDown the left-hand highway with no sinister regretsFather, forgive me my sinsGive me the nails, Ill hammer them inThe road to hell is full of good intentionsParody of hope is the one that I must killWe all have to live with our family inventionsDown the left-hand highway with no sinister regretsThe road to hell is full of good intentionsSay farewell, we may never meet againThe road to hell is full of good intentions
2023-06-29 05:44:221

谁能告诉我加洲旅馆的歌词 附带中文最好

On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell" Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say... Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place Such a lovely face Plenty of room at the Hotel California Any time of year, you can find it here 月黑大漠路迢迢,风高凛冽客思归, 人倦眼乏昏欲睡,闻香忽见灯火碎, 但见有女娉婷立,耳畔钟声如乐起, 天堂地狱两相忘,浑然不似在人间, 秉烛引路过画廊,人声嘈杂迎客至: 加州客栈诚待客,虚位以侯游子回,
2023-06-29 05:44:568


2023-06-29 05:36:541


2023-06-29 05:36:541


现在配合JLENS和PAC-3很容易以低成本提供持续的广域的巡航导弹防护,本身拦截器的巡航导弹防御能力已经在各种测试中证明很多回了。 Minuteman是ICBM等级的,目前除了GBI没有拦截器有这样的性能。未来的SM-3也就是提供有限的能力,这还要看未来的Flight III DDG-51的AMDR和战斗系统(或者什么其它方案,虽然现在看海军首选是DDG-51升级)有什么能力
2023-06-29 05:37:023


2023-06-29 05:37:103


russia是俄罗斯。russia是俄罗斯,俄罗斯联邦(俄:Российская Федерация,英:Russian Federation),又称俄罗斯(俄:Россия,英文Russia)、俄联邦、俄国。俄罗斯横跨欧亚大陆。邻国西北面有挪威、芬兰,西面有爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、波兰、白俄罗斯,西南面是乌克兰,南面有格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆、哈萨克斯坦,东南面有中国、蒙古和朝鲜。russia简介俄罗斯自然资源十分丰富,种类多,储量大,自给程度高。森林覆盖面积广泛,居世界第一位。木材蓄积量居世界第一位。天然气已探明蕴藏量占世界探明储量的25%,居世界第一位。石油探明储量占世界探明储量的9%。煤蕴藏量居世界第五位。铁、镍、锡蕴藏量居世界第一位。黄金储量居世界第三位。铀蕴藏量居世界第七位。
2023-06-29 05:37:111


记忆单词 hamper 的方法有很多,以下是一些常用的记忆技巧:分解记忆法:把 hamper 拆分成 ham 和 per 两部分,然后将 ham 与 hamster(仓鼠)联想,per 与 person(人)联想,再想象一个仓鼠爬进了一个人的身体里,就形成了 hamper 这个词。联想记忆法:将 hamper 联想成“阻碍、束缚、妨碍”的意思,然后想象一个人在做事情时,被一堆东西包围住了,阻碍了他的行动,就形成了 hamper 这个词。图像记忆法:将 hamper 想象成一个篮子,里面装满了衣服、毛巾等物品,看起来很乱很乱,就像被“阻碍、束缚、妨碍”了一样。反复诵读法:多次重复读写 hamper 这个单词,并且将它与其他单词、句子一起练习,加深记忆。词根记忆法:hamper 这个单词的词根是 hamper-,它在拉丁语中的意思是“钩子、困境、麻烦”。可以结合词根的意思,想象一个人被钩住了,无法前进,就形成了 hamper 这个词的意思。以上是一些常用的单词记忆技巧,记忆单词还需要根据自己的习惯和喜好选择适合自己的方法,并且坚持练习,不断提高记忆能力。
2023-06-29 05:37:171


2023-06-29 05:37:232


2023-06-29 05:37:274


Wet The Bed——Chris BrownHear the sound of your body drip, drip, dripAs I kiss both sides of lip, lipI am afraid to tell if that means I"m deep up in your ocean yeahGirl I drink ya down seeping on your body all nightI just wanna take your legs & wrap around, girl you"re coming right nowMy head to ya chest feeling your heart beat girlSwimming all in your sea, and you"re sweating all over me,Dreaming forward don"t you runI don"t want to be a minuteman babyYou"re just like a storm raining on me girl your soaking wetI"m gon" kiss it right, yeah, I"m gon" lick all nightGirl when I"m inside, yeah girl you heard what I said,I"m gonna make you wet the bed,Yeah yeah yeah yeah,I"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m a put your legs behind your head,When I make you wet the bed, yeah yeah.You don"t know what ya in for, bout to get inside yo mentalBend yo back like it"s limbo, I"m a make you feel like a nimfoTonight your mindAnytime you want it, I"m a ready & willing to give it,I said looking at your body you go to trembling,Flip it around let me get it from the sideAnd can I visit all those spots ya like, your naked back is sexy, lips, booty & thighsI don"t want to be a minuteman babyYou"re just like a storm raining on me girl your soaking wetI"m gon" kiss it right, yeah yeah, I"m gon" lick all night, yeah yeahGirl when I"m inside, yeah girl you heard what I said,I"m gon" make you wet the bedYeah yeah yeah yeah,I"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m a put your legs behind your head,When I make you wet the bed, yeah yeah.I"m a make your body wetter than ever, we"ll get togetherYou can tell her, as soon as I approach youWhen you"re feeling up tight, get it right,Don"t fight lighten up like Sammy SaucerWomen call me the supa soaker and I"m a soak ya bed to defHow long can you hold your breath, asthma attacking,Waking up wondering what happenend Making me high like Toni BraxtonYou came tonight, you wanna break my back inTwo what you wanna do, look at you with ya birthday suitThe forecast says it cloudy tonight, & I"m a have yo body likeI"m gon" kiss it right, yeah yeah, I"m gon" lick all night, yeah yeahGirl when I"m inside, yeah girl you heard what I said,I"m gon" make you wet the bedYeah yeah yeah yeah,I"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m a put your legs behind your head,When I make you wet the bed, yeah yeah.Hear the sound of your body drip, drip, dripAs I kiss both sides of lip, lipHear the sound of your body drip, drip, dripAs I kiss both sides of lip, lip
2023-06-29 05:37:301

season 的歌词

[00:11.46]abote:[00:26.02]naa oboeteruka[00:28.28]do you do you remember[00:31.60]oretachi hajimete deattaanoharunohi[00:37.57]sakuranopinkuga tokinonagareirodori[00:42.66]+jiro:[00:43.26]subetegamaatarashii nioini michiteitayouna[00:48.97]jiro:[00:49.21]mitsumearumeni teretayounaaisatsu[00:55.37]mesenhazushite miagetasora[01:00.99]hikoukikumoga massugumiraini[01:05.78]shishido:[01:06.02]naa oboeteruka[01:08.31]do you do you remember[01:11.91]minnade honkide tatakattanoanonatsunohi[01:17.59]yakefukutaiyou fukamarukiginomidori[01:22.10]+oshitari:[01:23.03]mainichigenkaiwokoushinshi omaetokisotta[01:29.02]oshitari:tsunagaruha-to hitotsuninarutamashi[01:35.50]egaowokazaru nitainoase[01:41.29]kiramekuegao mabushiiyokimiga[01:45.49]all:[01:46.00]iroiroarune ikirutte mainichigakinouninaru[01:51.61]dakedo kimitomukaeyou atarashiiashita[01:57.79]otonaninaru sukoshizutsu keikenwotsumitatanete[02:05.77]shirennorikoerutabini tsuyokunarukizuna[02:09.31]ima omaenitsutaetaikotoba[02:14.45]wakarikitterukotoba[02:18.04]soreha...[02:34.21]hiyoshi:[02:46.09]nee oboeteruka[02:49.07]do you do you remember[02:51.84]ikenga awazuni butsukattaanoakinohi[02:57.27]hotettakarada ku-rudaunsaserukaze[03:02.74]+gakuto:[03:03.06]sabishikuhitohiraochihagamau sepianafuri-zu[03:09.02]gakuto:[03:09.45]kennakumu-do itatakirenaikuuki[03:14.62]pyuasugirukara shikatanaine[03:21.15]kenkashiyouyo dattenakamadaze[03:25.66]ootori:[03:25.92]nee oboeteruka[03:28.21]do you do you remember[03:31.84]zasetsuwokanjite ochikondaanofuyunohi[03:38.75]itetsukumachinami nanimoiwanaizearuita[03:42.66]+kabaji:[03:43.08]tonarinoomaenotaiondakega kasukananukumori[03:48.92]kabaji:[03:49.14]yarikirenaine nakuhodojyanaikedosa[03:55.07]kounatokiniha damattamama[04:01.07]ha-tocyokketsu soredesubeteokke-[04:05.70]all:[04:06.03]iroiroarune ikirutte mainichigakinouninaru[04:14.26]dakedo kimitomukaeyou atarashiiashita[04:17.81]otonaninaru sukoshizutsu keikenwotsumitatanete[04:25.63]shirennorikoerutabini tsuyokunarukizuna[04:29.09]ima omaenitsutaetaikotoba[04:34.51]wakarikitterukotoba[04:38.08]soreha...[04:42.46]soshite futatabiharu kisetsuhameguru...
2023-06-29 05:37:341


仓鼠是仓鼠亚科动物的总称。共七属十八种,主要分布于亚洲,少数分布于欧洲,其中中国有三属八种。除分布在中亚的小仓鼠外,其他种类的仓鼠两颊皆有颊囊,从臼齿侧延伸到肩部。可以用来临时储存或搬运食物回洞储藏,故名仓鼠,又称腮鼠、搬仓鼠。仓鼠有一对不断生长的门牙,三对臼齿,齿型为:1 0 0 3,成交错排列的三棱体。臼齿具齿根,或不具齿根而终生能生长。由日本为研究牙齿首先引进,后作为宠物饲养,继而推广到全球。   该科各种类动物基本都属中小型鼠类。体长在5~28厘米之间,体重在30~1000克。体型短粗。尾短,一般不超过身长的一半,部分品种不超过后腿长度的一半,甚至基本看不到。主要食物为植物种子,喜食坚果,亦食植物嫩茎或叶,偶尔也吃小虫。多数不冬眠,冬天靠储存食物生活。少数品种在天气寒冷情况下会进入不太活跃的准冬眠状态。   仓鼠主要在夜间活动,视力差,只能模糊辨形,颜色只能分辨黑白。毛色繁杂。   仓鼠部分品种因为和人亲近,已成为近年流行的宠物,如叙利亚仓鼠、加卡利亚仓鼠、坎贝尔侏儒仓鼠、罗伯罗夫仓鼠,倭仓鼠等。 Hamster hamster subfamily are animals in general. A total of seven genera and eighteen species, mainly distributed in Asia, ethnic distribution in Europe, of which China has three genera and eight species. In addition to distribution in the Central Asian small hamster, the other species of hamster cheek pouch from both, molar side extends to the shoulder. Can temporarily storage or handling food back to the cave storage, named hamsters, also known as hamster, move in hamsters.Hamster has a pair of continuously growing incisors, three molar, tooth type : 1003, into a staggered triangular body. Molar teeth with root, or not the root and lifelong growth. Study on the introduction of the first by the Japanese for the teeth, as pets, so as to promote to the world. The division of various kinds of animals are of small rodents. The length of the body in 5 ~ 28 cm, weight 30 to 1000 grams. Chunky body. The tail is short, generally not more than the length of the half, partial breed is less than half the length of the hind legs, and even can"t see. The main food for eating nuts, seeds, feed on plant stems or leaves, occasionally eat Xiao Chong. Most do not hibernate in winter by storing food for life. A few species in cold weather conditions will enter the less active quasi state of hibernation. Hamster is mainly nocturnal, poor eyesight, only fuzzy resolution shape, color can tell black from white. Hair color is complicated. Hamster partial breed because and close, have become popular in recent years pets, such as Syria hamsters, Phodopus hamster, Campbell"s dwarf hamster, rob Luo Fu the hamster, the hamster.每年产多胎。每胎产1—20仔。寿命为2年到近3年。(每年4—10月繁殖,年产4—5窝,每窝4—8仔)   他们的寿命很短,平均二年左右, 公仓鼠在1个半月的时候性成熟,母仓鼠在2个月的时候性成熟。 当然不同品种的仓鼠会有寿命的长短也有少许不同。   相对来说罗博夫斯基仓鼠的寿命最长,为3-3.5年。仓鼠是夜行性动物,日间是睡觉,晚上才活动。他们通常到晚上7点至10点(部分0点~4点)才是最活跃。所以饲主要给鼠鼠日间好好休息,晚上才和鼠鼠玩。任意改变夜行性动物的习惯容易会引起短寿。 为什么仓鼠总躲起来? 因为仓鼠原居于沙漠地带的洞穴之中,白天他们会躲在洞子中睡觉,以避开野兽的攻击。他们躲在黑暗处是他们的本能,他们认为黑暗才有安全感。但仓鼠与人相处得久了,警觉性会低一点,也会改变他们的野外本能,在任何地方都能呼呼大睡。   仓鼠栖息于荒漠等地带。夜行性。善于挖掘洞穴。喜欢把食物藏在腮的两边,然后再走到安全的地方吐出来,所以得仓鼠之名。门齿会不停的生长,所以它们的上下门齿必须不断的啃些硬的东西来磨牙,一方面避免门齿长得太长,妨碍咀嚼,一方面保持门牙的锐利。以杂草种子,以及昆虫等为食。   仓鼠是独居动物,不同于群居型动物。仓鼠是独行侠,领地意识极强,特别是雌性仓鼠。只有在繁殖季节到来时,仓鼠们才会成对交配。但是仓鼠的夫妻生活只有交配时短短的几分钟,之后他们就各奔东西了。鼠妈妈会独立承担照顾孩子的责任,20天左右孩子们就会被母鼠强行驱逐开始独立生活。   仓鼠长像奇特,小巧玲珑,活泼灵敏,十分逗人喜爱,而且无异味,具有玩赏价值,适宜做宠物在室内饲养,因此在我国各地被视为宠物。The annual production of multiple births. Each embryo produces 1 to 20 pups. Life span of 2 years to nearly 3 years. ( annual 4, October breeding, with an annual output of 4 - 5 4 - 8 per nest nest, Aberdeen) their life is very short, an average of two years, male hamsters in 1 and a half months when sexual maturation of the female hamster in 2 months when the sexual maturation. Of course, different species of hamster will have the length of life, also have a little different. Relatively speaking Luo Bofu Pinsky hamsters have the longest life, 3-3.5.Hamsters are nocturnal and daytime sleep, evening activities. They are usually at 7 to 10 (part of 0 ~ 4 ) is the most active. Therefore, feeding mainly to the hamster daytime rest, evening and pets to play. Any changes in nocturnal habits easily cause short life. Why hamster always hide? Because the original desert hamster in the cave, the day they would hide in the cave to sleep, to avoid the beast attack. Syria ( golden hamster rat )They hide in the dark is their instinct, they think that the dark have a sense of security. But the hamster to get along with people for a long time, alert is a bit lower, will also change their wild instinct, in any place can sleep. Hamster inhabits the desert areas. Nocturnal. Be good at mining cave. Like hiding their food in the cheeks on both sides, and then go to a safe place to spit it out, so the hamsters. Incisors will not stop growing, so their upper and lower incisors must constantly gnaw a hard thing to molar, hand to avoid incisor length too long, hampered mastication, one hand to keep the sharp incisors. To weed seeds, and insects for food. Hamsters are solitary animals, unlike social creatures. Hamsters are loners, territory consciousness is very strong, especially in female hamsters. Only in the breeding season, hamsters will pair mating. But the hamster married life only when mating with just a few minutes, after which they each rush thing. Mother mouse will bear the responsibility of looking after children, about 20 days the children will be forcibly evicted females began to live independently. Hamster looks strange, little and dainty, lively sensitive, very cute, and no smell, have play value, suitable as a pet kept indoors, so in our country to be kept as pets.
2023-06-29 05:37:373

求帝国时代3亚洲王朝中俄罗斯和法国所有士兵的中英对照表或者 单个国家的无限人口补丁(protoy)

Dim <PopulationCount>1</PopulationCount> <Unit id ="284" name ="Settler"> 拓荒者 <Unit id ="285" name ="Pikeman"> 长矛兵 <Unit id ="286" name ="Musketeer"> 火枪兵 <Unit id ="302" name ="Rodelero"> 兰多武士 <Unit id ="303" name ="Crossbowman"> 弩兵 <Unit id ="306" name ="Halberdier"> 戟兵 <Unit id ="311" name ="Priest"> 牧师 <Unit id ="312" name ="Skirmisher"> 长枪兵 <Unit id ="315" name ="FishingBoat"> 渔船 <Unit id ="319" name ="Longbowman"> 长弓兵 <Unit id ="334" name ="Cossack"> 哥萨克骑兵 <Unit id ="335" name ="Strelet"> 俄国长枪兵 <Unit id ="340" name ="Janissary"> 鄂图曼火枪兵 <Unit id ="342" name ="Minuteman"> 民兵 <Unit id ="346" name ="Ruyter"> 荷兰枪骑兵 <Unit id ="347" name ="Cacadore"> 葡萄牙长枪兵 <Unit id ="379" name ="Coureur"> 森林酷民 <Unit id ="404" name ="Missionary"> 传教士 <Unit id ="424" name ="Surgeon"> 军医 <Unit id ="425" name ="Imam"> 萨满 <Unit id ="517" name ="CoureurCree"> 克里森林酷民 <Unit id ="704" name ="xpTomahawk"> 掷斧兵 <Unit id ="721" name ="SettlerNative"> 原住民拓荒者 <Unit id ="725" name ="xpMedicineMan"> 巫医 <Unit id ="881" name ="Pilgrim"> 清教徒 <Unit id ="896" name ="ypYumi"> 弓箭足轻 <Unit id ="898" name ="ypAshigaru"> 铁炮足轻 <Unit id ="906" name ="ypRajput"> 拉吉普特兵 <Unit id ="909" name ="ypChuKoNu"> 连弩兵 <Unit id ="910" name ="ypArquebusier"> 轻铳兵 <Unit id ="911" name ="ypQiangPikeman"> 大枪兵 <Unit id ="912" name ="ypChangdao"> 长刀兵 <Unit id ="913" name ="ypSteppeRider"> 游旗 <Unit id ="914" name ="ypKeshik"> 怯薛 <Unit id ="916" name ="ypHandMortar"> 虎蹲炮 <Unit id ="928" name ="ypSettlerAsian"> 亚洲拓荒者 <Unit id ="946" name ="ypSepoy"> 南印度火枪兵 <Unit id ="961" name ="ypNatMercGurkha"> 廓尔喀兵 Dim <PopulationCount>2</PopulationCount> <Unit id ="304" name ="Uhlan"> 德国骑兵 <Unit id ="307" name ="CavalryArcher"> 弓骑兵 <Unit id ="308" name ="Hussar"> 轻骑兵 <Unit id ="313" name ="Grenadier"> 投弹兵 <Unit id ="314" name ="Dragoon"> 龙骑兵 <Unit id ="344" name ="Dopplesoldner"> 丹麦武士 <Unit id ="351" name ="Oprichnik"> 俄国骑兵 <Unit id ="352" name ="Lancer"> 矛骑兵 <Unit id ="366" name ="MercLandsknecht"> 拜恩兵 <Unit id ="367" name ="MercSwissPikeman"> 瑞士兵 <Unit id ="372" name ="MercHighlander"> 高地兵 <Unit id ="385" name ="MercManchu"> 满洲兵 <Unit id ="387" name ="MercJaeger"> 黑森兵 <Unit id ="510" name ="SettlerWagon"> 拓荒者马车 <Unit id ="516" name ="AbusGun"> 阿巴斯炮 Dim <PopulationCount>3</PopulationCount> <Unit id ="320" name ="Cuirassier"> 胸甲骑兵 <Unit id ="339" name ="Spahi"> 鄂图曼重骑兵 <Unit id ="350" name ="WarWagon"> 德国战车 <Unit id ="383" name ="MercStradiot"> 巴尔干骑兵 <Unit id ="384" name ="MercBlackRider"> 黑骑士 <Unit id ="388" name ="MercHackapell"> 刀骑兵 <Unit id ="767" name ="xpDogSoldier"> 狼骑兵 Dim <PopulationCount>4</PopulationCount> <Unit id ="309" name ="Culverin"> 长重炮 <Unit id ="318" name ="Mortar"> 迫击炮 <Unit id ="345" name ="OrganGun"> 管炮 <Unit id ="382" name ="MercMameluke"> 马穆鲁克 <Unit id ="386" name ="MercRonin"> 浪人 <Unit id ="711" name ="xpLightCannon"> 轻型加农炮 <Unit id ="774" name ="xpGatlingGun"> 加特林机枪 Dim <PopulationCount>5</PopulationCount> <Unit id ="310" name ="Falconet"> 鹰炮 Dim <PopulationCount>7</PopulationCount> <Unit id ="305" name ="Cannon"> 重型加农炮 <Unit id ="341" name ="GreatBombard"> 鄂图曼重型火炮
2023-06-29 05:36:483


一天几颗花生就够了 为什么不给买饲料呢??
2023-06-29 05:36:445


Magicwandos - My Panties国内恐怕找不到。这是视频在youtube上的网址,你可以试一试。 给我个邮箱,我给你把视频发过去。
2023-06-29 05:36:384


2023-06-29 05:36:362


Hamsters are popular pets.People like them because they are quiet and clean,and they are cheaper and easier to take care of than rabbits or cats.Hamsters are small,but they are very cute and smart.They sleep all day,but sometimes they are noisy at night.Hamsters are interesting to watch.They love staying with people.
2023-06-29 05:36:364


俄罗斯联邦(俄语:Российская Федерация,英语:Russian Federation),简称俄罗斯(俄:Россия,英:Russia) 。是由22个自治共和国、46个州、9个边疆区、4个自治区、1个自治州、3个联邦直辖市组成的联邦共和立宪制国家。国旗为白、蓝、红三色
2023-06-29 05:36:361


rolling in the deep
2023-06-29 05:36:292


仓鼠分品种花色分类:  1)野生色,俗称三线(Djungarian Hamster)  眼睛为黑色,背部有明显的三条线  仓鼠中最普遍的种类,不咬人,个性温顺,价廉物美,适合初养者。 ]  2)银狐(Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster)  一般分为带野生色基因的银狐,就是背上黑色条纹比较明显的;和带紫仓基因的银狐,就是背上条纹不明显,甚至全白色的。银狐和银狐直接交配繁殖率极低  眼珠为黑色,毛色雪白,背部有黑色背线,深色和浅色都有,也有几乎无背线的  3)紫仓(Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster)  眼珠为黑色,背线为一条黑线,毛色为深灰带紫  4)冬白(三线 贾卡利亚 Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster):  冬天随着阳光的照射毛色会有一半野生三线色转变成白色,接近银狐色 ,冬白变色不是因为季节和气候,是光照,因为冬天光照时间短所以变色,人为控制光照时间就会变. 。  5)布丁(Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster)  眼睛为黑色,背上的条纹为橙色或金色的布丁颜色的称为黄布丁,毛色为乳白色的称为白布丁。布丁和银狐能繁殖出金狐,但看上去金狐和白布丁极为相似。  6)金狐  眼睛为黑色,毛色雪白,背部有一条黄色的背线  7)奶茶  特征:毛色象珍珠奶茶的颜色,眼睛呈黑色
2023-06-29 05:36:261


Hamsters are mammals which belong to the rodent family having large incisor teeth that are continually growing necessitating gnawing to prevent the teeth from overgrowing. The word "rodent" is derived from the latin word "rodere" which means "to gnaw".Hamsters form the Family Cricetidae which is broken down into different Genera (including Cricetulus, Phodopus and Calomyscus). Within each Genera are various species of hamster. There are many different species of hamsters throughout the world and most hamsters inhabit semi-desert areas where they live in burrows. These burrows consist of many tunnels and separate chambers including chambers where the hamster will store food and sleep. Hamsters are nocturnal, sleeping during the hot days and waking in the cooler evenings. They have very poor eyesight but a keen sense of smell and excellent hearing.Most species of hamsters have expandable cheek pouches in which they can carry food and bedding back to their burrow where they will store food. The word "hamster" comes from the German word "hamstern" which means "to hoard".Only a few hamster species are widely kept as pets but the hamster is the most popular of the smaller rodents kept as a pet in many countries today.
2023-06-29 05:36:191


你好,这是“白蛾蜡蝉”的若虫,成虫有两种,一种为白翅,一种为青翅。图片:白蛾蜡蝉,拉丁学名:Lawana imitata Melichar。同翅目,蛾蜡蝉科。别名白鸡、白翅蜡蝉、紫络蛾蜡蝉。[2] 白蛾蜡蝉具多食性,主要为害龙眼、芒果、黄皮、葡萄、荔枝、柑桔、木菠萝、番石榴、人面果、人心果、无花果、扁桃等果树和庭院花卉。成虫、若虫群集在较荫蔽的枝干、嫩梢、花穗、果梗上刺吸汁液,所排出的蜜露易诱发煤烟病,致使树势衰弱,受害严重时造成落果或品质变劣。[防治方法  (1)农业防治:结合果树地整形修剪,剪除无效枝、过密的枝叶和着卵枝梗,适当修剪被害枝,以减少引虫的产卵和为害。   (2)药剂防治:对越冬成虫、各代成虫羽化盛期和若虫盛孵期,及时挑治1-2次。有效的药剂品种有:80%敌敌畏乳油或90%晶体敌百虫800-1000倍液加0.2%洗衣粉,或15%8817乳油2000-2500倍液,或52.25%农地乐乳油1500-2000倍液,或2.5%溴氰菊酯(敌杀死)乳油2500-3000倍液,或50%马拉硫磷乳油600-800倍液,或30%双神乳油1000-2000倍液。   (3)人工防治:在若虫期,可用竹扫帚把若虫扫落,进行捕杀或放鸡啄食。   (4)生物防治:注意保护利用果园原有的天敌。[
2023-06-29 05:36:171

wet the bed是什么歌的歌词?

歌曲名:Wet the Bed(feat.Ludacris)歌手:Chris Brown专辑:F.A.M.E.(Deluxe Edition)Chris Brown Ft Ludacris - Wet The Bed( LyrIcs by lu8799533 @MaxRNB)MaxImal R&B - Your FIrst R&B Source!Hear the sound of your body drip, drip, dripAs I kiss both sides of lip, lipI am afraid to tell if that means I"m deep up in your ocean yeahGirl I drink ya down seeping on your body all nightI just wanna take your legs & wrap around, girl you"re coming right nowMy head to ya chest feeling your heart beat girlSwimming all in your sea, and you"re sweating all over me,Dreaming forward don"t you runI don"t want to be a minuteman babyYou"re just like a storm raining on me girl your soaking wetI"m gon" kiss it right, yeah, I"m gon" lick all nightGirl when I"m inside, yeah girl you heard what I said,I"m gonna make you wet the bed,Yeah yeah yeah yeah,I"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m a put your legs behind your head,When I make you wet the bed, yeah yeah.You don"t know what ya in for, bout to get inside yo mentalBend yo back like it"s limbo, I"m a make you feel like a nimfoTonight your mind (baby girl)Anytime you want it, I"m a ready & willing to give it,I said looking at your body you go to trembling,flip it around let me get it from the sideAnd can I visit all those spots ya like, your naked back is sexy, lips, booty & thighsI don"t want to be a minuteman babyYou"re just like a storm raining on me girl your soaking wetI"m gon" kiss it right, yeah yeah, I"m gon" lick all night, yeah yeahGirl when I"m inside, yeah girl you heard what I said,I"m gon" make you wet the bedYeah yeah yeah yeah,I"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m a put your legs behind your head,When I make you wet the bed, yeah yeah.I"m a make your body wetter than ever, we"ll get togetherYou can tell her, as soon as I approach youWhen you"re feeling up tight, get it right,Don"t fight lighten up like Sammy SaucerWomen call me the supa soaker and I"m a soak ya bed to defHow long can you hold your breath, asthma attacking,Waking up wondering what happenend Making me high like Toni BraxtonYou came tonight, you wanna break my back inTwo what you wanna do, look at you with ya birthday suitThe forecast says it cloudy tonight, & I"m a have yo body likeI"m gon" kiss it right, yeah yeah, I"m gon" lick all night, yeah yeahGirl when I"m inside, yeah girl you heard what I said,I"m gon" make you wet the bedYeah yeah yeah yeah,I"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m gonna make you wet the bed, yeah yeahI"m a put your legs behind your head,When I make you wet the bed, yeah yeah.Hear the sound of your body drip, drip, dripAs I kiss both sides of lip, lipHear the sound of your body drip, drip, dripAs I kiss both sides of lip, lip
2023-06-29 05:36:151