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2023-06-29 07:54:19

Being half of a couple can be difficult, even if you"re head-over-heels in love. Communicating with your honey can get touchy, because both of you have different thoughts, opinions, emotions and histories. Check out this list and see what common communication mistakes most couples make, so you can eliminate them from your own relationship.


1. Assuming that more communication is the solution.


Believe it or not, there is such thing as too much communication. Have you ever discussed or argued your point so much that you start saying everything that comes to mind? Sometimes those things that come to mind aren"t the best to come from your mouth… But this happens because you"re talking so much that you"re saying things just to hold your own in the conversation. This is how you know you"re communicating too much. Sometimes you need to keep things to yourself, and while this doesn"t mean hiding things from your partner, it means picking your words carefully and saying just what needs to be said to resolve the issue at hand.


2. Expecting your partner to read your mind.


You don"t want to communicate too much, but you also don"t want to bite your tongue and expect your partner to know what you"re thinking. If you"re waiting for someone to read your mind, you"re never going to feel like an equal in the relationship. You need to say what you"re thinking and feeling, just make sure your partner understands that these are your emotions and opinions, not something you"re forcing on them.


3. Giving in without saying what you think.


Don"t roll over and give up everything you"re thinking just to resolve the problem at hand. Your partner can"t win every time, and you need to make sure you"re letting your feelings be known and getting what you need from the relationship, too. If you never say what you think because you"re trying to keep the peace, you"ll find that over time you"re actually holding a grudge and resenting your partner because you"re unhappy in the relationship.


4. Harping on hopeless issues.


It"s easy to bring up fights from the past, or nag your partner for things in their history, or things they believe or do differently from you. This is always a bad choice, though. It changes nothing, and it makes you look like you"re never going to let anything go. Be the type of person who can get over a fight when it"s resolved, and not bring it up in each fight that follows. “Live in the moment” sounds like silly advice when you"re in the middle of an argument, but it"s something that needs to be done so you"re not prolonging every fight you have.


5. Not understanding what is really being said.


Some couples find it helpful to summarize each others" points. Sounds like something you"d do for a high school paper, right? It"s actually a really good way to make sure you understand each other! After your partner shares their thoughts, summarize by saying “It sounds like you"re happy with X, but need Y to change to feel like the relationship is moving forward.” Your partner can then clarify if needed. If you got it right, then you can start explaining your thoughts on the issue.


6. Thinking about your rebuttal instead of listening.


It"s ok to admit — most of us go into a fight knowing what points we want to make, how we want the other person to feel, and what we want for “winning”. This is a bad attitude to have, though, because any discussion should have at least two sides to be fair. But when you know exactly what you want to say, you often think about that instead of listening to what the other person is saying. Don"t just focus on the first few words your partner says — listen to their whole statement, take a moment to absorb it, and then think about what you want to say in a return.


7. Not considering the other"s point of view.


Everyone is different, and you know your partner intimately. You know how they think about things, how certain words or situations make them feel. Don"t forget all of this just to win an argument. Take your partner"s feelings, opinions and background into consideration when you communicate. You can sidestep a lot of fights and hurt feelings by being considerate this way.




问题一:台阶用英语怎么写 台阶 step,stair 关联词条: sidestep ,pedestal sit box steps step bench terraces 例句:参观的人成千上万,把台阶踩得不像样子了。 The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors. 他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮。 He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps. 小心那个台阶! Mind that step! 问题二:台阶用英语怎么说? flight of steps 问题三:台阶的英语翻译 台阶用英语怎么说 台阶 step,stair 关联词条:sidestep ,pedestal sit box steps step bench terraces例句:参观的人成千上万,把台阶踩得不像样子了。The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors.他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮。He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps.小心那个台阶!Mind that step! 问题四:台阶的英语怎么写 steep 问题五:加工台阶用英语怎么说 阶梯:Ladder 名词 1.ladder 2.stairs flight 楼梯:Staircase 名词 1.stair 2.staircase 3.stairs 4.stairway Step 也可以做台阶的结实
2023-06-29 02:56:541

闪避的英语翻译 闪避用英语怎么说

闪避dodge; evade; duck; sidestep; hedge我现在不能回答你,”他闪避道。 "I can"t give you an answer now," he hedged.
2023-06-29 02:57:021


拳击俱乐部是一款内容十分丰富的模拟经营游戏,主角也有许多技能可以学习,今天深空高玩带来一篇拳击俱乐部力量技能一览,一起来看看吧。内容一览:第一行:英文名称第二行:英文介绍第三行:中文名称第四行:中文介绍SluggerTactic based on brute force. High damageand energy consumption, moderate chances to hit the target. Your arm strikeshit harder.巨炮基于蛮力的战术.高伤害高消耗,命中率一般,你的拳击技能更强了.Boxing punchReplaces: punchDeals strength-dependent damage.拳击正拳替代:正拳伤害值基于力量属性.Knee crushReplaces: lowkickHits harder, consumes a bit more energy. Debuffsa target for stamina and agility.断腿替代:下踢更难连击,消耗更多的能量.降低敌人耐力与敏捷属性的效果更持久.Powerful uppercutReplaces: uppercutHits even harder, consumes more energy. Debuffsa target for stamina.强力上勾拳替代:上勾拳更难连击,消耗更多的能量.给予目标降低耐力的减益效果.HardboneBlock modifier. If active, any strike thatyou block temporary reduces enemy agility by 20%.坚骨格挡修正.如果生效,你成功格挡掉攻击的敌人将暂时降低20%敏捷.HookReplaces: high punchHard to hit, but deals massive damage tothe opponent.勾拳替代:上拳难以命中,但是会给对手造成大量伤害.CloselineReplaces: cross punchDeals lots of strength-dependent damage.近线战术替代:交叉拳伤害更依赖力量属性.Beef hammerStrike modifier. If active, all strikesdealt by you have additional chance of reducing opponent"s stamina.牛肉锤攻击修正.如果生效,你所有的攻击都有额外的几率削弱敌人的耐力属性.ElblowDebuffing strike. Causes disorientation. Greatlyreduces opponent"s agility.厄尔尼诺减益攻击,使之迷惑,大大降低对手的敏捷属性.Triple punchStrike modifier. If active, causes ”boxingpunches” to be delivered in series more often and reduces their energyconsumption.三连拳攻击修正.如果生效,使”拳击正拳”连续发动,减少它们的能量消耗.Counter-crossCounterattack. Can be delivered fromdefense state. Will reduce opponent"s energy level on hit.交叉迎击反击技,可以在防御时发动,反击时将降低对手的能量等级.Power blockReplace: blockIf opponent"s attack is successfullyblocked, your strength will grow temporarily.强力格挡如果成功格挡对手的攻击,会暂时增加你的力量属性.Muscle memory ⅡYou won"t lose strength below 8.力量专精Ⅱ力量属性不会跌到8以下.DiehardIf you get knocked out, there is achancefor you to regain 30% of your energy pool after getting up.顽固份子如果被击倒,你起身后有几率恢复30%能量.Tormentor strikesStrike modifier. If active, everysuccessful strike delivered by you decreases opponent"s agility.痛苦之击攻击修正,如果生效,每一次成功的进攻都会降低对手的敏捷属性.Some motivation ⅡWhen he looks at you, you can make one morerepletion! You gain 15%more strength from training.力量训练Ⅱ当他看着你的时候,你可以再练一次!从训练中获得的力量增加15%ExhausterStrike modifier. If active, all yourstrikes deal more damage to your opponent"s energy.真空能量攻击修正,如果生效,你所有的攻击都将降低对手的能量.SidestepReplaces: dodgeYour opponent will waste additional energywhen trying to hit you while you do “sidestep”.回避替代:闪避当你回避掉试图攻击你的招数时,对手将会消耗更多的能量.Iron skullReplaces: hardboneIf active, any strike blocked by youtemporarily reduces enemy agility by 30%.铁骨替代:坚骨如果生效, 你成功格挡掉攻击的敌人将暂时降低30%敏捷.BoxerIncreases the chance of all boxingabilities(boxing punch, boxing hook, counter cross, boxing jab series) to hitthe target.拳击手增加所有拳击能力的命中率(包括拳击正拳,拳击勾拳,交叉迎击,拳击刺拳连击).Boxing jab seriesReplaces: high punchSeries of strikes, dealing a fair amount ofdamage and increasing accuracy of follow-up strikes.拳击刺拳连击替代:上拳连续的攻击,大量的伤害以及增加后续攻击的命中率.Strength focusGives you one additional ability slot to use in combat.力量焦点增加一个战斗技能槽.Wreck"emStrike modifier. If active, all yourstrikes that miss the target only cost half energy.能量毁灭攻击修正.如果生效,你所有的攻击如果未命中,那么只消耗一半的能量.Muscle memory ⅢYou won"t lose strength below 13.力量专精Ⅲ力量属性不会跌到13以下.Some motivation ⅢWhen he looks at you, you can make one morerepletion! You gain 15%more strength from training.力量训练Ⅲ当他看着你的时候,你可以再练一次!从训练中获得的力量增加15%BerserkerIf you have 30% or less health, you deal30% more damage.狂战士如果你的血量低于30%(含),你的伤害增加30%Ruthless aggressionYou can not use any defensive abilities,blocks, dodges or counterattacks. You deal 20% more damage.残忍侵略你不能使用任何防御能力,格挡,闪避或反击.你的伤害增加20%.ThunderboltWhen successful, this strike takes away 30%of your opponent"s energy.雷霆一击如果攻击成功,会消耗对手30%的能量.拳击俱乐部(Punch Club)集成黑拳DLC豪华中文破解版v1.32
2023-06-29 02:57:091


2023-06-29 02:57:271


try to do sthtry hard to do sth do one"s besttry one"s best
2023-06-29 02:57:3614


2023-06-29 02:57:581


  物竞天择,适者生存,这一点就算是在我们的 英语 作文 中也是适用的。下面是我给大家整理的关于竞争的英语 范文 ,供大家参阅!   有关竞争的英语作文篇1   Cooperation and Competition   Which is more important in life, cooperating with others, or selecting competition? The answer may vary from person to person. For many people, to work with other people can increase working efficiency. They can also improve their ability of communication through the teamwork. However, large numbers of people do not agree. They like working alone and competing with others. In my opinion, I think cooperation is more important than competition in modern life.   It is true that the modern society is a highly competitive society, but it also needs social cooperation. It helps bring individual abilities into full play and makes up for each otheru2019s inadequacy. As an old saying goes, “Two heads are better than one.” Cooperation is especially necessary because we can not achieve anything if there are only competition and no cooperation in many cases. So if we are good at cooperating, we will be able to figure out a way to success more easily.   What about the competition? Competition helps enhance individual abilities. It makes people creative. Without competition, people would create nothing. They would feel satisfied with their present condition. Competition is beneficial to the society to discover best use of talents. However, it has some disadvantages.   Competition easily causes deterioration of interpersonal relationship. It makes people more selfish and narrow. Also many people   feel pressure under competition and do not know what to do.   Apart from these, cooperation and competition are both essential to people. They are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his or her future life. But I prefer cooperation to competition in daily life.   有关竞争的英语作文篇2   Competition   Eric   In recent years, competition has become more and more important in our life. Competition fills with learning, business and sport. Competition has been an indispensable thing that is full of in modern society.   As a student who will become the main force in the future, we must have competition spirit. Competition makes us work hard and improve work effect, if firms are not competitive they should not survive, so do people. Competition is important to an athlete, too. Competition can be motivation that make we do something better.   But the other important thing is how to improve our competition spirit. In my opinion, we should learn more knowledge and know more other things which can expand our field of vision. Taking part in contest and competition are effective ways. To firms, they should product more goods in limited time and expense little stuff, in a word, reduce the costing.   有关竞争的英语作文篇3   There has been a heated debate on the relationship between competition and cooperation in the modern society where severe competition and harmonious cooperation surround us. Numerous people argue that competition is the mainstream in this society, and everyone should be competitive. Nevertheless, a considerable number of individuals claim that the advantages of cooperation incredibly outweigh the benefits acquired from competition, and therefore, cooperation is the major point supposed to bear in mind. As far as I am concerned, both competition and cooperation are essential and significant in our daily life and social progress.   The reason why I hold that both competition and cooperation exert positive influence can be justified in the following illustration. On one hand, competition engenders the impetus triggering every improvement in human society. Driven by the impulse of pursuing the excellence, each individual is forced by the pressure of competition, attempting to be the best. Without competition, they would be content with their current possession. In this case, their present condition, even the present human society, will stay still and no improvement will be achieved. In spite of the strong desire to success and be the best, the significance of cooperation arises from the impossibility to complete everything alone in the current society. It is inconceivable for an individual to live without the assistance from others. Every single person needs to cooperate with others to survive in the modern days, to conquer stumbling blocks, to complete integrated tasks, or to achieve higher expectations, all of which are not able to be conducted by mere competition.   All the illustrations above can warrant the point that both competition and cooperation are indispensable. Although there is no perfect and universal recipe to the relationship in modern society, the public commitment of the necessity of the balance between competition and cooperation may be the first step towards the right direction. Consequently, it is high time that it must be recognized that competition enhances individuals capability while cooperation combines all ability to overpower any obstacles.   关于竞争 英语写作 过渡句型   1)To prevent this phenomenon/trend from worsening/running wide/To guide the matter/situation to the best advantage, it is necessary/important tou201eu201e(可用于分析建议类、原因分析类等 议论文 )   2)In the face ofu201eu201esome people take the position thatu201eu201e/some people come to believe thatu201eu201e, to which I can"t attach/add my consent.(可用于批驳分析类议论文)   或:In the face ofu201eu201epeople retain/take/show/assume different attitudes/position s/standpoints.(可用于各抒己见类议论文)   或:In the face ofu201eu201emany people have come up withu201eu201e(可用于对比分析类议论文和知识性 说明文 等)   3)But many people feel puzzled about/perplexed at/over whelmed withu201eu201e(the changes/situation), so this essay is intended tou201eu201e(可用于批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)   4)Although lots of people follow the fashion/trend, I still set my heart onu201eu201e(可用于理由陈述类议论文)   5)To get a sense of howu201eu201ewe must turn first to causes for it/to what benefit(harm/problems/difference)it has brought to our society.(可用于分析建议和原因分析类议论文)   6)This is a(n)favorable/unfavorable/unhealthy/essential/marked/grateful change/tendency/situation, but factors/causes/reasons for it are not hard to find(或but its appearance/existence derives from a variety of factors)。(用于原因分析类议论文)   7)The progress/improvement/change(s)inu201eu201eis(are)really tremendous/remarkable/prodigious/marvelous, so it is necessary to understand(see)what it(they)illustrate(s)/prove(s)/account(s)for.(用于原因分析类议论文和知识性说明文)   8)A comparison between these changes may be a good way to learn more aboutu201eu201e(可用于对比说明文)   9)More insight/inspiration/truth/thought can be deduced from these changes.(可用于知识性说明文)   10)This situation/phenomenon/trend/tendency is rather distressing/disturb ing/depressing/heart-rending, for the opposite of it is just in line with our wishes/just what is to be expected.(可用于分析建议、批驳分析和原因分析等议论文)   11)In that case, however, I prefer tou201eu201erather thanu201eu201e(用于理由陈述、比较分析、批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)   12)This is what we are unwilling to see, so some way must be found out tou201eu201e(可用于分析建议、对比分析、批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)   13)Fortunately, however, more and more people come/begin to realize thatu201eu201e(可用于分析建议、对比分析和各抒己见类议论文)   14)Unfortunately, things have worsened/come/developed to the point whereu201eu201e(用于分析建议、原因分析、批驳分析、各抒己见类议论文和知识性说明文)   15)But have you ever stopped to think what/how/whyu201eu201e?(可用于除理由陈述之外的各种议论文和知识性说明文)   16)If we take a further/colder/closer look at this problem/matter, however, more secrets/grounds/chances/ways will be found out foru201eu201e   (e.g.u201eu201eputting it right/taking action against it/improving it)(可用于分析建议、对比分析、原因分析等议论文和知识性说明文)   17)But this(dis)agreement ceases to exist as soon asu201eu201e(用于各抒己见、批驳分析、对比分析等议论文和对比说明文)   18)A further/deeper analysis/study/exposure ofu201eu201e/A further comparison betweenu201eu201ecan reveal more aboutu201eu201e/can show us more ways tou201eu201e(how tou201eu201e)可用于分析建议、原因分析、对比分析、批驳分析等议论文和对比说明文及知识性说明文)   19)If you push the analysis/study/argument/comparison/exposure further, you will see thatu201eu201e(用于分析建议、对比分析、批驳分析、各抒己见类议论文和对比说明文及知识性说明文)   20)The same is true of many cases in life.(用于举例说明文)   21)Now, let"s see what would happen tou201eu201ein this case/light(或in different conditions/circumstances)。(用于分析建议类议论文和对比说明文)   22)Perhaps, it is ideal/high/ripe time for us to tackle/handle/answer/take up the question in no half-hearted manner.(用于分析建议、原因分析类议论文和知识性说明文)   23)To be frank, I have turned the question over and over in my mind, but found no reason to sidestep it;so here are my ways tou201eu201e/my reasons foru201eu201e(用于理由陈述类议论文和知识性说明文)   24)I was once cursed/perplexed/seized with this question, but I have forged/made my own way out of it.(用于知识性说明文)   25)People from different backgrounds, however, put different interpretations on the same thing.(用于各抒己见类议论文和展开式界说性说明文)   26)But different people hold completely different views as to its nature.(用于各抒己见类议论文和界说性说明文)   27)If/When adopted to account for/define/exposeu201eu201e, it can come in different meanings.(用于具体定义说明文)   28)If it is intended foru201eu201e, however, the divergence of outlook on it ceases to continue while a new meaning to it begins to stand out.(用于归纳性定义说明文)
2023-06-29 02:58:051


  任何文章的结尾都是非常重要的组成部分,结尾处的总结和留白做好才能让读者留下深刻的印象,在考试中才能得到高分,在英语的四六级考试写作当中也是如此。下面我为大家带来了2022年全国大学生英语四六级考试写作部分万能结尾,一起来看看吧! 1.解决问题    模套1(偏向解决):    By and large, _______(总结). On the micro level, I believe it is every individual"s duty to take actions. Since my own voice is too weak to be heard, I hope we can call on the public to take this responsibility. Only through concerted steps can we expect to handle the issue properly.    模套2(偏向解决):    Taking into account all the above factors, I personally maintain that _______(总结). Immediate ways for solving the problems/advocating the phenomenon remain elusive. However, public recognition of the necessity will represent the first step in finding effective measures.   模套3(偏向解决):    To sum up, _____(总结). The fundamental way in which the government addresses the problem/advocate this phenomenon is to raise the public awareness. The mass media should also join in the efforts in educating the citizens. Only through concerted steps can our society have more peace and harmony.    模套4(偏向解决):    As has been noted above, _____(总结). Parents should offer proper advice to their children to form appropriate outlook of the world. The measures may not guarantee ultimate success, but the eventual pay-off could be well worth the effort.   模套5(偏向解决):   Needless to say, _________. It is imperative to instill in the young a sense of awareness. In the meantime, a psychological boost is affordable to develop compassionate responses to the issue and strong values are needed to turn our rote knowledge into practice.    2.展望未来   模套6(偏向展望):    To sum up, ________(总结). The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities. We should do our utmost to advocate/curb this social phenomenon. Only in this way can our society become a more harmonious place for us to live in.    模套7(偏向展望):    In conclusion, _______. I strongly agree that we should strive to look at the issue through skeptical eyes. There are no panaceas or prescriptions for solving the problem/advocating the phenomenon – only alternate ways of coping with it. I would be hard-pressed to imagine a worthier end.    模套8(偏向展望):    Needless to say, _________. Time is right for us to take actions, and it needs the joint efforts of the whole community. We do, in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility.    模套9(偏向展望):    Admittedly, ensuring sustainable development will require a certain level of arduous efforts on the part of all people. Since we have a common interest in seeing this endeavor succeed, my intuition is that our own participation would overcome whatever obstacles that might stand in the way of success.    3.双刃剑   模套10(双刃剑):    To sum up, _______ is just like a double-edged sword. We might bear in mind that it can exert both positive and negative influences on our society. However, we can avoid those undesirable effects, when making full use of it.    模套11(双刃剑):    Based on my personal experience, I can safely draw a conclusion that ______ is a double-edged sword. Whether it is a boon or a bane will be discussed for a number of years to come. However, one should make sensible use of technology, being a master rather than a slave of it.    模套12(双刃剑):    To sum up, _________ is like a double-edged sword. In face of this phenomenon, we should be prudent. Given the levels of intelligence and discretion imbued in people, I am sure that most of them will be able to sidestep the potential drawbacks, while taking advantage of all its merits.    模套13(双刃剑):    In the final analysis, ______ would amount to a double-edged sword. While it would serve as an important catalyst to inspire us to great achievements, at the same time it could impede our progress in action. The optimal approach, in my view, is a balanced one which takes advantage of its benefits, while avoiding potential drawbacks. 英语四六级考试内容分值占比   1、听力理解部分: 分值比例为35%;其中听力对话15%,听力短文20%。听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括选择题型的短文理解和复合式听写。    2、阅读理解部分: 分值比例为35%;其中仔细阅读部分25%,快速阅读部分10%。仔细阅读部分分为:a)选择题型的篇章阅读理解;b)篇章层次的词汇理解或短句问答。快速阅读理解部分测试的是浏览阅读和查读能力。    3、完型填空部分: 分值比例为10%。完型填空部分采用单项选择题型,改错部分的要求是辨认错误并改正。    4、写作和翻译部分: 分值比例为20%;其中写作部分15%,翻译部分5%。写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等,翻译部分测试的是句子、短语或常用表达层次上的中译英能力。   英语四六级考试合格标准是什么   大学英语四六级满分710分,默认的及格分425分。   根据教育部规定六级考试不设置及格线,四级425分以上可以报考六级,所以大家普遍认为四六级的合格线为425分。   英语四六级的总分为710分。报名时间CET全国英语四六级考试的考试时间为:每年6月份、12月份(每年时间略有不同)。   有的学校也规定英语四级过425分之后才能颁发毕业证。但现在有的学校已取消了四级成绩与学位证挂钩。对于招聘企业来说,分数越高自然更受青睐。
2023-06-29 02:58:121


2023-06-29 02:58:201

抖音比比安慕希是什么歌 抖音比比安慕希是什么梗 比比安慕希原版音乐歌词

抖音比比安慕希是什么歌 抖音比比安慕希是什么梗 比比安慕希原版音乐歌词。比比安慕希是最近抖音上爆火的一种模板,那么其中的比比安慕希是什么歌,原版音乐歌词唱的是什么呢?接下来就让我们一起了解一下吧。抖音比比安慕希是什么歌1.比比安慕希是什么歌“比比安慕希”其实是“Beep beep I"m a sheep”这句歌词的谐音,这首歌的名字就叫Beep Beep I"m a Sheep,其实早在2017年就已经在网络上走红,演唱者是LilDeuceDeuce、TomSka以及BlackGryph0n。2.比比安慕希原歌词Beep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepYeah now some of you might be wonderingHow exactly does one beep beep like a sheepTake it awayGabeStep oneThrow your hands upThen point them too the floorStep twoHere"s what to doNow get down on all foursStep threeJust bounce aroundIt"s easy follow meStep fourGo crazy nowAnd beep beep like a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beepYou"ve got toYou"ve got toBeep beepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beepYou"ve got toYou"ve got toBeep beepI said beep beep like a sheepYeah so you know how to beep beep like a sheepI seeBut is that all you can doStep oneThrow your hands upAnd point them to the skyStep twoDrop to the floorAnd move from side to sideStep threeJust bounce aroundCome on I"ll show you howStep fourGo crazy nowAnd meow meow like a cowMeow meow I"m a cowI said meow meow I"m a cowMeow meow I"m a cowI said meow meow I"m a cowMeow meow I"m a cowI said meow meow I"m a cowMeow meow I"m a cowI said meow meow I"m a cowBeep beepYou"ve got toYou"ve got toBeep beepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beepYou"ve got toYou"ve got toBeep beepI said beep beep like a sheepBeep beep
2023-06-29 02:58:261


标记为黄色的天赋是有负面效果的,谨慎选择 绿色部分为修正部分名称效果获得条件all skills up获得额外2个技能点达到等级3anaconda增加10%劈砍类武器伤害arrow recoveR射箭后20%几率恢复1支箭矢back stabbeR可使用匕首,短剑发动背刺bigger and betteR增加1点属性点达到等级5bully对减速,残疾,击倒的敌军造成额外50%伤害comeback kid当敌军的箭矢带来死亡时,若受伤之前的血量大于一点,则将保留最后一点血courageous恐惧免疫,但无法脱离战斗。与escapist不能共存demon使用近战武器几率点燃敌军,但减少25%冰霜抗性element affinity当站在相同元素位面时降低吟唱所需的1个行动点element rangeR射出的箭矢带有魔法元素伤害,伤害值取决于与敌人的距离escapist可在敌军身旁脱离战斗与courageous不能共存far out maN魔法与卷轴射程均增加2米.five star dinneR食物效果加倍glass cannonAP恢复加大至两倍,血量下降50%(包括lone wolf所增加的血量)达到等级5guerilla潜行时增加2倍伤害headstrong增加20%冰封,眩晕,石化,击退抗性ice king使用近战武器几率冰封敌军,但减少25%火焰抗性know it all降低所有人对你的态度20点,增加一点智力.Leech当站在血上时,伤势缓慢恢复light steppeR增加2点积极度,更易发现陷阱和秘藏lighting rod眩晕免疫lone wolf无法招募同伴,但血量增加80%,获得2点额外恢复效果,增加最大行动点数,升级时获得额外技能点morning persoN复活满血my precious无论你受到攻击还是施展攻击,你的装备将有50%几率不会受到磨损opportunitist近战范围内的敌人试图脱离近战范围的时候获得一次额外的普攻pack mule增加负重pet paL可与动物对话picture of health增加5%*基础护甲值的总血量politcian增加2点魅力,减少1点智慧quickdraw减少1点使用远程武器时的AP消耗scientist在锻造,加工时获得1点增益sidestep增加额外10%闪避几率sidewinder消除夹击的护甲惩罚(护甲惩罚:近战范围内有多名敌人时扣护甲)speedcreepeR可以正常速度在潜行下行进stand your ground击退免疫stench降低所有人对你的态度25点,降低敌军仇恨Swift foots增加20%移动速度thick skiN增加5+基础护甲值*2 点护甲volumable mage沉默免疫walk it off降低1个回合所有影响(无论增益减益)的持续时间weather the storm增加10%*基础护甲值的魔法抗性weatherprooF免疫环境影响what a rush当血量跌至30%以下时,恢复与最大行动点数增加2点zombie从毒液中获取到治愈,从治疗中获得伤害
2023-06-29 02:58:441


2023-06-29 02:58:536


最佳答案进到游戏时左点OPTIONS,看到conrols时按左选项键就会出现ATTACK(攻击)按左选项键出现???时就按数点键3(你喜欢用那个数字都行)游戏时你按3就能开枪了。ATTACK 攻击NEXT WEAPON 下一武器 WALK FORWARD 步行前进BACKPEDAL 倒退TURN LEFT 左转TURN RIGHT 右转SIDESTEP 台阶LOOK DOWN 视角往下CENTER VIEW 中心视角MOUSE LOOK 鼠标视角KEYBOARD LOOK 键盘视角UP/JUMP 向上/跳DOWN/CROUCH 向下/蹲INVENTORY 清查USE ITEM 使用物品DROP ITEM 扔掉物品PREV ITEM 上一项目NEXT ITEM 下一项目要想保存进度进到游戏时点GAME,这时你会见到save game(保存进度),Ioad game是你想从玩的保存进度
2023-06-29 02:59:401


2023-06-29 02:59:5110

door closer什么意思

door closer[英][du0254: u02c8klu0259uzu0259][美][du0254r u02c8klozu025a]闭门器; 网络门关闭器; 门掣,门气鼓; 门气鼓;
2023-06-29 03:00:292

英语作文we were the only family .… 的翻译

2023-06-29 03:00:513


2023-06-29 03:01:041


问题一:台阶用英语怎么写 台阶 step,stair 关联词条: sidestep ,pedestal sit box steps step bench terraces 例句:参观的人成千上万,把台阶踩得不像样子了。 The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors. 他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮。 He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps. 小心那个台阶! Mind that step! 问题二:台阶的英语怎么写 steep 问题三:台阶用英语怎么说? flight of steps 问题四:阶梯这个词用英语怎么说? 阶梯 ladder 书是人类进步的阶梯Books are the ladders for us to climb high. stairs: n. 楼梯 书是人类进步的阶梯Books are the mankind"s progressive stairs. ladder: [ "l?d? ] n. 梯子 例句与用法: 1. Hard work is often a ladder to success. 发奋工作常是通向成功的阶梯。 2. The ladder has eight rungs. 这梯子有八级。 stairs 例句与用法: 1. The old woman fell down a flight of stairs. 那位老太太从一段楼梯上摔了下来。 2. Could you help me up the stairs? 你能扶我上楼梯吗? 3. Your heart beat will quicken when you run up the stairs. 跑上楼梯时,心跳会加速。 4. They rushed up the stairs. 他们冲到楼上。 5. He ra罚 down the stairs. 他跑下楼梯。 问题五:踏步用英语怎么说 Stepping 问题六:“阶梯价格”用英语怎么说 “阶梯价格” Ladder price “阶梯价格” Ladder price
2023-06-29 03:01:271


问题一:台阶用英语怎么写 台阶 step,stair 关联词条: sidestep ,pedestal sit box steps step bench terraces 例句:参观的人成千上万,把台阶踩得不像样子了。 The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors. 他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮。 He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps. 小心那个台阶! Mind that step! 问题二:台阶用英语怎么说? flight of steps 问题三:台阶的英语翻译 台阶用英语怎么说 台阶 step,stair 关联词条:sidestep ,pedestal sit box steps step bench terraces例句:参观的人成千上万,把台阶踩得不像样子了。The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors.他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮。He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps.小心那个台阶!Mind that step! 问题四:台阶的英语怎么写 steep 问题五:加工台阶用英语怎么说 阶梯:Ladder 名词 1.ladder 2.stairs flight 楼梯:Staircase 名词 1.stair 2.staircase 3.stairs 4.stairway Step 也可以做台阶的结实
2023-06-29 03:01:341


台阶 step,stair 关联词条:sidestep ,pedestal sit box steps step bench terraces例句:参观的人成千上万,把台阶踩得不像样子了。The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors.他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮。He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps.小心那个台阶!Mind that step!
2023-06-29 03:01:432

台阶的英语翻译 台阶用英语怎么说

台阶 step,stair 关联词条:sidestep ,pedestal sit box steps step bench terraces例句:参观的人成千上万,把台阶踩得不像样子了。The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors.他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮。He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps.小心那个台阶!Mind that step!
2023-06-29 03:01:521

Bleach Brothers的《Side Step》 歌词

歌曲名:Side Step歌手:Bleach Brothers专辑:Side Step (Clean)Robin Thicke - SidestepOhhhh BabyCome on baby, Come on nowSidestepHey, Don"t you sidestep my loveHuhThey say it aint about your car and your houseOr the money you make and how it all goes downI think that its about keepin ones you love nearThat"s why im on the hop thinking you should be hereMaybe I should hurry up get by your sideFollow you around just be on your timeOr maybe I should just leave you behindMaybe Im keeping you from a chance at a better lifeOhThen I call you and I come out and tell you straight upBaby I, I need your loveAnd you go sidestep, Pull me aroundPut out your hand, Put me on down and IWanna know why, why you don"t need my loveThen you go sidestep, Swing me aroundPut out your hand, Put me on down and IWanna know why, why you aint in no hurry for my loveOhHmmmYou aint in no hurryBabyThat makes me worryOn the telephone telling me tired of being aloneBut we staying up allnightTalking about I aint doing rightBaby come onOh and when I open up and straight up tell youBabyA man needs love tooThen you go sidestepSpin me around, Put out your handPut me on down and I, Wonder why you aintAint in no hurry for my loveCome on nowOhHey babySidestepHeyCome on babyCome on NowHey Sidestep HeyDon"t you sidestep my loveCome on baby uhI drop everything and cancel my plans, uhAnd I come to you hat in my handHoping we can find a new way to understand babeAnd maybe we can be a better woman and manCome on nowOh I need you cause you"re my best friendBut I can"t believe it, here we go againWhen you go sidestepPull me around, Put out your handPut me on down and I, Wanna know whyWhy you don"t need my loveThen you go sidestepSwing me around, Put out your handPut me on down and I, Wanna know whyWhy you don"t need my loveOoohhSidestepSwing it around, Put out your handPut me on down and I, Wonder why you aintAint in no hurry for my loveCome on babyYeah all rightOh Sidestep huhCome on babyCome on nowSidestep heySwing it around, Pull it on downCome onDon"t you sidestep my loveCome on babySidestepHey Sidestep my lovePull me around, Open your heart babyDon"t you sidestep meSidestep my loveCome on nowCome on babyWhooooooo, aahh
2023-06-29 03:01:591


2023-06-29 03:02:097


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: off-tackle是什么意思呢? 解析: A formation A字阵式 air attack 传球进攻 back-up 线后防守的队员back field 守卫队员 back judge 防守对后方的裁判员 backman 后方 backs play 卫线战术 ball carrier 持球前进的队员 blind pass 跨下向后传球 blocked kick 被阻挡的踢球 brush blocking 轻快挡开对方 catch a high ball 拾高球 chain 链尺 close dribble 并列运球 close game with long forward passes 长传密集进攻打法 corner post 角杆 crawling 爬行传球 cross over 交叉步躲闪突进 cup-defense 杯形防守 grounding ball 压球触地 half back 飞扑传球 half-way line 中线 helmet 头盔 helping the runner 助攻犯规 hide-out play 偷袭 high kick 踢高球 hurdling 跨越过人 inplete pass 传球失误 in-charge 守卫队员从对方内侧抢球 inside tackle内侧抢球 interlocked interference 联合阻碍 inter-rocked 坚持护球 in touch 球越过球门线 kick-of information 开球阵式 knee pad 护膝 last down 最后一次进攻 lateral pass play 侧向传球战术 left end 左边锋 left guard 左内锋 left tackle 左内边锋 lie on the ball 卧压球 lineman 卫线动员 line out 界外球 line out play 争界外球 loose head 自由前锋 march 持续进攻 mark 接球地点 marking 标志线 dangerous zone 危险区 diamond defense formation 菱形防守阵式 dive pass 飞身传球 double wing back 双边卫队形 down 进攻分段 down-the-middle thrust 中路突破 drop goal 碰球入门 drop kick 踢落地球 dummy 人形帆布袋 dummy pass 假传球 face guard 面罩 first down 第一次进攻 first quarter 第一节 five man line defense formation 5人防守阵式 five-yard line 5码线 float 阻止持球队员包抄 fly 飞传 flying block 鱼跃阻挡 flying half 飞锋 flying tackle 鱼跃擒抱动作 flying wedge 楔形强攻战术 for point 追加分 forward man 前卫 forward pass play 向前传球战术 four point stance 4点姿势 fourth down 第4次进攻 front row 前排 full back 殿卫 gridirom 橄榄球场 safety-man 安全队员 scrimmage 争球 scrimmage line 争球线 scrum half 传锋 secondary defense 第2防线 second down 第2进攻 second row 中排 seven men line box defense 7人箱形防线 seven men line diamond defense 7人菱形防线 short punt 短传球 shoulder pad 护肩 shove pass 进间转身向后传球 sidestep 侧步 single wingback formation 单边防守阵式 slant 突破防线 sleeper 乘虚进攻 *** ash 强行突破 snap 向后投球 spin kick 踢旋转球 stand off 接锋 standing pass 原地传球 statue of liberty 自由女神式传球 straight tackling 正面阻挡 T formation T字阵式 tackler 阻挡球员 tackling 阻挡 tail back 尾后卫 ten-yard line 十码线 third down 第3次进攻 mouse-trap 陷进战术 off guard 内侧抢球 offset 双方同时犯规 on side 在位 one armed catch 单手接球 out of play 暂停 pad 护具 padded jersy 衬软垫的运动衫 pass behind line 线后短传 piling up 故意压人 plunge 突破防线 punt kick 踢脱手球 quarter 小节 quarterback 四分卫 quick kick 快踢 ready for play 准备开始 receiveing team 防守队 recover 重新接球 regular formation 基本队形 retreating tactic 撤退战术 return kick 回踢 reverse play 回转进攻 right guard 右后卫 right tackle 右内边锋 right wing 右边锋 rocked leg 争球时勾腿 roll out 四分卫突破战术 rush tackle 冲抱 safety 安全得分 third row 后排 tight scrummage 对等争球 touch 持球触人 touch down 持球触地 touchdown passing 向前传球越过对方球门线 touchdown running 举球越过对方球门线 touch-in-goal 得分区 touch-in-goal line 得分区线 touch kick 踢向边线 tripple wing back formation 三边卫进攻阵式 try 进攻权,持球触地得分 try getter (持球触地)得分手 enty yards chain 20码链尺 o-yard line 两码线 V formation V字阵式 war dance 赛前舞(预祝胜利) wing back 边卫 yard line 码线
2023-06-29 03:02:551


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2023-06-29 03:04:272


2023-06-29 03:04:341


A formation A字阵式 air attack 传球进攻 back-up 线后防守的队员 back field 守卫队员 back judge 防守对后方的裁判员 backman 后方 backs play 卫线战术 ball carrier 持球前进的队员 blind pass 跨下向后传球 blocked kick 被阻挡的踢球 brush blocking 轻快挡开对方 catch a high ball 拾高球 chain 链尺 close dribble 并列运球 close game with long forward passes 长传密集进攻打法 corner post 角杆 crawling 爬行传球 cross over 交叉步躲闪突进 cup-defense 杯形防守 grounding ball 压球触地 half back 飞扑传球 half-way line 中线 helmet 头盔 helping the runner 助攻犯规 hide-out play 偷袭 high kick 踢高球 hurdling 跨越过人 incomplete pass 传球失误 in-charge 守卫队员从对方内侧抢球 inside tackle内侧抢球 interlocked interference 联合阻碍 inter-rocked 坚持护球 in touch 球越过球门线 kick-of information 开球阵式 knee pad 护膝 last down 最后一次进攻 lateral pass play 侧向传球战术 left end 左边锋 left guard 左内锋 left tackle 左内边锋 lie on the ball 卧压球 lineman 卫线动员 line out 界外球 line out play 争界外球 loose head 自由前锋 march 持续进攻 mark 接球地点 marking 标志线 dangerous zone 危险区 diamond defense formation 菱形防守阵式 dive pass 飞身传球 double wing back 双边卫队形 down 进攻分段 down-the-middle thrust 中路突破 drop goal 碰球入门 drop kick 踢落地球 dummy 人形帆布袋 dummy pass 假传球 face guard 面罩 first down 第一次进攻 first quarter 第一节 five man line defense formation 5人防守阵式 five-yard line 5码线 float 阻止持球队员包抄 fly 飞传 flying block 鱼跃阻挡 flying half 飞锋 flying tackle 鱼跃擒抱动作 flying wedge 楔形强攻战术 for point 追加分 forward man 前卫 forward pass play 向前传球战术 four point stance 4点姿势 fourth down 第4次进攻 front row 前排 full back 殿卫 gridirom 橄榄球场 safety-man 安全队员 scrimmage 争球 scrimmage line 争球线 scrum half 传锋 secondary defense 第2防线 second down 第2进攻 second row 中排 seven men line box defense 7人箱形防线 seven men line diamond defense 7人菱形防线 short punt 短传球 shoulder pad 护肩 shove pass 进间转身向后传球 sidestep 侧步 single wingback formation 单边防守阵式 slant 突破防线 sleeper 乘虚进攻 smash 强行突破 snap 向后投球 spin kick 踢旋转球 stand off 接锋 standing pass 原地传球 statue of liberty 自由女神式传球 straight tackling 正面阻挡 T formation T字阵式 tackler 阻挡球员 tackling 阻挡 tail back 尾后卫 ten-yard line 十码线 third down 第3次进攻 mouse-trap 陷进战术 off guard 内侧抢球 offset 双方同时犯规 on side 在位 one armed catch 单手接球 out of play 暂停 pad 护具 padded jersy 衬软垫的运动衫 pass behind line 线后短传 piling up 故意压人 plunge 突破防线 punt kick 踢脱手球 quarter 小节 quarterback 四分卫 quick kick 快踢 ready for play 准备开始 receiveing team 防守队 recover 重新接球 regular formation 基本队形 retreating tactic 撤退战术 return kick 回踢 reverse play 回转进攻 right guard 右后卫 right tackle 右内边锋 right wing 右边锋 rocked leg 争球时勾腿 roll out 四分卫突破战术 rush tackle 冲抱 safety 安全得分 third row 后排 tight scrummage 对等争球 touch 持球触人 touch down 持球触地 touchdown passing 向前传球越过对方球门线 touchdown running 举球越过对方球门线 touch-in-goal 得分区 touch-in-goal line 得分区线 touch kick 踢向边线 tripple wing back formation 三边卫进攻阵式 try 进攻权,持球触地得分 try getter (持球触地)得分手 twenty yards chain 20码链尺 two-yard line 两码线 V formation V字阵式 war dance 赛前舞(预祝胜利) wing back 边卫 yard line 码线
2023-06-29 03:04:441


sidestep 回避问题
2023-06-29 03:04:523

Brass In Pocket 歌词

歌曲名:Brass In Pocket歌手:Kelis专辑:Just Like Heaven - Music From The Motion PictureBrass in Pocketby Chrissie Hynde e James Honeyman Scottgot brass in pocketgot bottle i"m gonna use itintention i feel inventivegonna make you, make you, make you noticegot motion restrained emotionbeen driving detroit leaningno reason just seems so pleasinggonna make you, make you, make you noticegonna use my armsgonna use my legsgonna use my stylegonna use my sidestepgonna use my fingersgonna use my, my, my imagination"cause i gonna make you seethere"s no one else hereno one like mei"m special so speciali gotta have some of your attention give it to megot rhythm i can"t miss a beatgot new skank it"s so reetgot something i"m winking at yougonna make you, make you, make you noticegonna use my armsgonna use my legsgonna use my stylegonna use my sidestepgonna use my fingersgonna use my, my, my imagination"cause i gonna make you seethere"s no one else hereno one like mei"m special, so speciali gotta have some of your attentiongive it to me"cause i gonna make you seethere"s nobody else hereno one like mei"m special, so speciali gotta have some of your attentiongive it to meedit morrison tsai
2023-06-29 03:05:101

Brass In Pocket 歌词

歌曲名:Brass In Pocket歌手:Marti Pellow专辑:Between The CoversBrass in Pocketby Chrissie Hynde e James Honeyman Scottgot brass in pocketgot bottle i"m gonna use itintention i feel inventivegonna make you, make you, make you noticegot motion restrained emotionbeen driving detroit leaningno reason just seems so pleasinggonna make you, make you, make you noticegonna use my armsgonna use my legsgonna use my stylegonna use my sidestepgonna use my fingersgonna use my, my, my imagination"cause i gonna make you seethere"s no one else hereno one like mei"m special so speciali gotta have some of your attention give it to megot rhythm i can"t miss a beatgot new skank it"s so reetgot something i"m winking at yougonna make you, make you, make you noticegonna use my armsgonna use my legsgonna use my stylegonna use my sidestepgonna use my fingersgonna use my, my, my imagination"cause i gonna make you seethere"s no one else hereno one like mei"m special, so speciali gotta have some of your attentiongive it to me"cause i gonna make you seethere"s nobody else hereno one like mei"m special, so speciali gotta have some of your attentiongive it to meedit morrison tsai
2023-06-29 03:05:171


2023-06-29 03:05:241


2023-06-29 03:05:311


Got brass in pocketGot bottle i"m gonna use itIntention i feel inventiveGonna make you, make you, make you noticeGot motion restrained emotionBeen driving detroit leaningNo reason just seems so pleasingGonna make you, make you, make you noticeGonna use my armsGonna use my legsGonna use my styleGonna use my sidestepGonna use my fingersGonna use my, my, my imaginationcause i gonna make you seeThere"s nobody else hereNo one like meI"m special so specialI gotta have some of your attention give it to meGot rhythm i can"t miss a beatGot new skank it"s so reetGot something i"m winking at youGonna make you, make you, make you noticeGonna use my armsGonna use my legsGonna use my styleGonna use my sidestepGonna use my fingersGonna use my, my, my imaginationcause i gonna make you seeThere"s nobody else hereNo one like meI"m special, so specialI gotta have some of your attentionGive it to mecause i gonna make you seeThere"s nobody else hereNo one like meI"m special, so specialI gotta have some of your attentionGive it to meanybody well
2023-06-29 03:05:381


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2023-06-29 03:06:041


这首歌就叫做Beep Beep I"m a Sheep这首歌是LilDeuceDeuce TomSka/BlackGryph0n唱的“Beep Beep I"m a Sheep”Beep beep I"m a sheep歌词介绍Beep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepYeah now some of you might be wonderingHow exactly does one beep beep like a sheepTake it awayGabeStep oneThrow your hands upThen point them too the floorStep twoHere"s what to doNow get down on all foursStep threeJust bounce aroundIt"s easy follow meStep fourGo crazy nowAnd beep beep like a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beep I"m a sheepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beepYou"ve got toYou"ve got toBeep beepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beepYou"ve got toYou"ve got toBeep beepI said beep beep like a sheepYeah so you know how to beep beep like a sheepI seeBut is that all you can doStep oneThrow your hands upAnd point them to the skyStep twoDrop to the floorAnd move from side to sideStep threeJust bounce aroundCome on I"ll show you howStep fourGo crazy nowAnd meow meow like a cowMeow meow I"m a cowI said meow meow I"m a cowMeow meow I"m a cowI said meow meow I"m a cowMeow meow I"m a cowI said meow meow I"m a cowMeow meow I"m a cowI said meow meow I"m a cowBeep beepYou"ve got toYou"ve got toBeep beepI said beep beep I"m a sheepBeep beepYou"ve got toYou"ve got toBeep beepI said beep beep like a sheepBeep beep
2023-06-29 03:06:121

《Microsoft Office Access2003》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Microsoft Office Access 2003 Step by Step》(Online Training Solutions)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: j3nd书名:Microsoft Office Access 2003 Step by Step作者:Online Training Solutions出版社:Microsoft Pr出版年份:2003-9页数:320内容简介:This practical, hands-on tutorial expertly builds your skills with Microsoft Office Access 2003 one step at a time! With STEP BY STEP, you work at your own pace through easy-Hey, you know your way around a database so now dig into Access 2003 and really put your information to work! This supremely organized reference packs hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds all in concise, fast-answer format. It s all muscle and no fluff. Discover the best and fastest ways to perform everyday tasks, and challenge yourself to new levels of Access mastery! Build on what you already know about Access and quickly dive into what s new Design your database the way the experts do and sidestep common mistakes Import data from spreadsheets, text files, databases, and other sources Write simple to sophisticated queries to manipulate data Learn advanced techniques for building forms and reports Develop PivotTable and PivotChart dynamic views Tap the power of Microsoft SQL Server with Access projects and views, functions, and stored procedures Implement database security features Deliver dynamic data on the Web with data access pages and XML Use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and script to automate your applications and Web pages CD features: Complete eBook in PDF format Insider Extras including fully functional sample databases, VBA code, and sample web pages Catalog of Access resources with links to third-party tools and demos Microsoft resources and demos, including Insider s Guide to Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 eBook Microsoft Computer Dictionary, Fifth Edition, eBook 10,000+ entries
2023-06-29 03:06:201

谁有the dark ride歌词啊?

Perhaps I was addicted to tha dark side Some where inside my childhood witnessed my heart die And even though we both came from the same places The money and the fame made us all change places How could it be through the misery That can"t get past the hard times Made a true friend afraid to ask, for currency But you could run to me when you need me, I"ll never leave I just needed someone to believe in, as you can see It"s a small thang through and true What could I do? Real homies help ya get through, And coming new, he"d do tha same thang if he could Cuz in the hood true homies make you feel good And happy times we be acting up call tha cops Bringing the cease to tha peace that was on my block It never stop, when my mama ask me will I change I tell her yeah, but it"s clear I"ll always be tha same Until the end of time [Chorus: RL] So take, these broken wings Use your hands to come and heal me once again (Until the end of time) So I can fly away, until the end of time Until the end of time Until the end of time Please Lord forgive me for my life of sin My hard stare seem to scare all my sister"s kids So you know I don"t hang around tha house much Diss all night money making got me outta touch, shit Ain"t flashed a smile in a long while An unexpected birth worst of the ghetto childs My attitude got me walking solo Ride out alone in my low-low Watching the whole world move in slow-mo For quiet times disappear to the ocean Smoking Ports think my thoughts Then it"s back to coasting Who can I trust in this cold world My phony homey had a baby by my own girl But I ain"t trippin I"m a player I ain"t sweating him I sex his sister, had her mo" good like a Mexican His next of kin No remorse it was meant to happen Besides rapping the only thing I did good was scrapping Until the end of time [Chorus x2] Now who"s to say if I was right or wrong? To live my life as an outlaw all along Remain strong in this planet full of playa haters They conversate but Death Row full of demonstrators And in tha end drinking henessy made all my enemies envy me So cold when I flow eliminating easily Falls to they knees, they plead for they right to breath While beggin me to keep the peace (haha) Well I can see close into achieve In times of danger don"t freeze time to be a g Follow my lead I supply everything you need An ounce of game and the trainin to make a g Remember me, as an outcast outlaw Another album out that"s what I"m about, more Gettin raw till the day I see my casket Buried as a g while tha whole world remembers me Until the end of time
2023-06-29 03:06:453

谁帮我翻译下这个脚本 读书没读好 唉!

这是一个游戏的脚本吧就是设置了一些对象的属性值。举例说吧,太多了有:人物名字=…… 自动攻击=…… 物体掉落速度=…… 移动速度=…… 智能雷击= ……
2023-06-29 03:06:531


少儿舞蹈基本功教案   教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据课程标准,教学大纲和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书。下面是我整理的少儿舞蹈基本功教案,欢迎大家分享。   少儿舞蹈基本功训练教案:    一 压腿   这是舞蹈基础训练中最为基本的训练内容,分别为压前、旁、后腿。压腿的练习有助于打开学生腿部关节的韧带。压腿时要注意腿部关节的直立,脚背向外打开绷直,并保持上半身的直立。向下压至上半身和腿部之间的没有缝隙。个别学生韧带太紧,在压腿的过程中不要苛求一定要压下去,保持正确的姿态,日积月累就可以拉长韧带,达到要求。特别注意的是胯部要端正。压旁腿和后腿 的时候学生最容易出胯和斜胯,需要及时矫正。在压旁腿时,同侧的手扶住把杆,另一只手臂紧贴在耳边,向腿上靠近并尽量向远处伸展,拉长旁腰。压后腿时,注意肩膀端平,颈部不要缩,撑住头部别掉下去,并向后伸展。   伴奏带:选用节奏感比较强的音乐   二 压肩   这是打开肩部韧带的练习。压肩时,双手臂伸直放在把杆上。两条腿之间的距离略等于肩宽。头部和脊柱都要放松,向下压时能够感觉到肩部韧带被拉长。   伴奏带:中速,节奏舒缓2/4   三 推脚背组合   脚背的好坏因人而异,大部分取决于先天因素,但也不能忽视后天的训练。在训练之前,从脚尖到整个大脚背都要活动开;训练时,双手扶把杆,挺胸抬头、收腹提臀,双脚并拢站好,先从单脚背训练开始。   1-2拍 单脚脚后跟抬起,五个脚趾紧扒地面   3-4拍 脚尖绷直,向墙内推,使整个脚背绷成月牙型   5-8拍 换另一只脚,动作相同   双脚背练习亦同。年龄小的学生在做此类训练中,注意力不集中,易低头去看自己和他人的动作 ,在做推脚背时,双脚容易打开,脚背推不起来,需要时刻提醒和规范动作。   四 把杆训练组合   少儿舞蹈培训与专业舞蹈训练有很大区别。在做把杆上的动作组合时,不可能像专业学员那样的强度和难度。除非是经过若干年业余训练,自身条件可以达到专业水平了才有能力做到难度和强度并举的动作组合。少年儿童活泼好动,喜爱好玩有趣的动作,这就要求教师在编排这类把杆上的动作组合时,注意结构简单易学,学生有能力做到。好玩好学,自然就会激发学生的学习兴趣,加之在教学中不断给予学生以适当的鼓励和赞许,学生接受的就快。   基本的把杆动作组合:   1 (双手/单手)扶把,一位脚擦地组合   2 (双手/单手)扶把,一位脚蹲组合   3 (双手/单手)扶把,一位脚划圈组合   4 五位脚,单手扶把 小踢腿组合   5 五位脚,单手扶把 移重心组合   6 (双手/单手)转腰组合   这些组合,适宜于少年儿童的身体素质和接受能力,随着学生各方面的不断进步,在此基础上加大难度,变换花样,达到舞蹈训练的要求。   五 踢后退   双手扶把杆小八字部站好,膝盖都要绷直,头抬起来平视前方。在踢后退的过程中,上半身保持不动,不要侧身回头,胯不能松,脚背和膝盖都要绷直。切忌身体前倾。如果在反复强调,学生还是做不到位的情况下,可以先单一的联系控后腿即双手扶把杆,把一条腿向后抬起来,纠正学生的姿态,然后再过度到踢后退。   六 劈腿跳   劈腿跳是为学习中间大跳做好准备的手扶把杆的跳跃组合。在做这一动作跳起来时要注意双脚同时一前一后打开。打开过程中,绷直脚背,伸直膝盖,跳跃越高,腿叉越开越好。着地时,双脚快速收拢,两脚并起来着地。   七 大踢腿   大踢腿是培养腿的力度和开度的训练。不论是前腿还是旁腿,都要保持上半身直立,中段夹紧,眼睛注视前方。踢腿的过程中,同样要注意脚背和膝盖的绷直。有许多学生在踢腿的时候,为了让腿部可以碰到身体,上半身极力向前够。这样做,颈部便往回缩,头向前探,双膝弯曲,非常难看。所以,在踢腿前要告诫她们,踢不高没有关系,最重要的是保持正确的姿态。在这一前提下,经过刻苦练习,腿会越踢越高,韧带越拉越长。在学生取得微小的进步时,要及时给予赞赏和鼓励。有些学生回家也经常自己练习,到课堂上教师可以明显的感到她的变化和提高,则更要适当的给予称赞,否则就会挫伤学生学习的积极性。除了身体和腿要注意外,两只手臂也不能忽视。在踢腿的过程中,一定要保证手臂端平,不能放松下来。   八 下腰   年龄偏小的学生腰的柔韧性不错,但是手脚都没有力量,支撑不住身体,常常是用头顶住地面下腰。教师都要给学生以适当的帮助,保护她们,纠正下腰的姿态,告诉她们用力的部位和下腰的方法。   双脚打开至肩宽,双臂向上伸直,五指打开,手心朝前。下腰时,上半身向后仰,头抬起来向后找自己的脚后跟,身体和手都向脚后跟靠齐并往里卷。下好以后,手臂和膝盖都尽力撑直,眼睛看脚后跟。   对年龄偏大,有一定基础的学生,让她们做甩腰训练,加大训练强度。结束后注意做回腰练习:双脚并拢蹲下来,双手抱住双膝,头埋下来。教师顺着脊柱给学生做按摩,保护她们的脊柱不受到伤害。   九 劈腿   有利于拉伸学生腿部韧带。在训练时,注意脚背不能松弛,我们可以按照这样的顺序训练:   1 左脚在前劈腿,双手抱住左脚,控1-2分钟,然后腿不动,身体向后仰。有基础的学生可以让右手撑住地面,左手抓住后腿控住。   2 左脚在前的竖叉不动,身体向右转的同时变胯,变为横叉。双脚背不要趴倒在地面,上半身和脚背都要立起来然后上半身趴倒在地面,双手臂向前伸展,趴胯1-2分钟。   3 横叉不动,再向右转,变为右脚在前的竖叉。重复动作1。   十 小跳组合   训练学生的弹跳能力,可以由简单的一二五位小跳,发展到相互交叉的综合性复合型小跳。小跳过程中,双膝直立,双脚背向外推开。着地时,脚尖先落,落地要轻,上半身不能前后摇晃。落地半蹲,上半身绷紧向下,臀部夹紧。   十一 舞蹈教学   根据学期开始时制定的教学目标,需要完成哪些舞蹈剧目和小的舞蹈组合,进行合理有序的安排。做到心中有数,循序渐进,按时保质完成计划。在教授舞蹈动作时,因为学生自身能力有限,接受和领悟能力不是很强,教师要有耐心,细致的讲解动作要领,告诉她们每一个动作手和脚要往哪里摆,眼睛看哪个方向。示范之后,要帮助学生摆好动作造型。每个课时保证2-3个新动作,复习上一课时的动作。   1 局部组合训练   比如手关节的训练——转指,培养四肢协调能力的训练等等,教师根据学生上课情况自己编排。   2 背肌   在课程结束之前,让学生趴在地面,双手臂向前伸直,手脚同时抬起,用腰和腹部作为支撑点,做背肌训练.每组10-20个,一般一至两组即可。   少儿舞蹈练习技巧   一名优秀的标准舞舞者,必然将对基本功精益求精地研磨贯穿于日常训练中。标准舞的基本元素可总结为:前进、后退、升、降和转。本文将就托尼·多克曼关于“前进、后退”的练习展开初步探讨,并分享笔者在学习和教学中总结出的一些行之有效的训练方法。   基本的前进后退练习   在基本的前进、后退练习中,我们通常用one、two、three、four进行动作分解。   前进时   one:感觉头部和尾椎分别向上下延伸使脊柱拉长,上身保持垂直,膝盖和脚踝自然放松,此时身体的重心会随之移动到主力脚的脚跟;   two:随着膝盖和脚踝的进一步折叠,重心向前滚动经过脚心、脚掌和脚尖,在超过脚尖时动力脚的脚掌贴地向前移动,在充分延伸后膝关节伸直,接触地板的位置也由脚掌变成脚跟;   three:是重心在两脚之间过渡的过程,在保持原动力脚膝盖相对直的同时,原主力脚的膝盖和脚踝也充分蹬直,将重心推至原动力脚,使之成为新主力脚;   four:随着重心在新主力脚上的继续滚动,带动新动力脚向前并拢。对于有一定基础的学员,可以强调,在这一步新动力脚主动向前以加快收脚。   后退时   one:与前进时的one一样保持上身垂直,膝盖、脚踝放松,让身体重心前移到脚掌;   two:进一步折叠膝盖和脚踝,让重心开始向后滚动(如果是双人练习,后退的人这一步不能过于主动,需要感觉到前进的人重心开始向前才能移动),在重心超过脚跟时移动脚向后延伸出脚;   three:原主力脚膝盖蹬直,将重心推至原动力脚,使之成为新主力脚,此时新主力脚为脚掌接触地板,膝盖和脚踝相对直;   four:重心在新主力脚上继续滚动,新主力脚脚跟逐渐落下,新动力脚向后并拢,身体成为one的预备状态。   另外,对于初级学员来说,脚踝力量的欠缺往往是制约进步的关键因素,因此要在教学中为他们增加针对性的`练习。方法是让学员用脚尖站立,每两拍完成一次前进或者后退,整个过程要求脚掌始终保持与地板的接触,以体会延伸出脚的感觉。   结合舞步的练习   前文详细剖析了基本的前进、后退练习的技术要领,并介绍了一种针对初级学员的脚踝力量练习。下文将介绍如何通过练习,将前进、后退的元素融合到标准舞的基本舞步中。   在华尔兹中,前进、后退可以在左右并换步(closedchange)中练习。除了一小节一换步的基本并换步,我们还引入了两种不同的练习方式。   第一种以四小节为一单元:第一小节为正常的左足并换步,第二小节在原地做一次升降练习;三、四小节为右足并换步和原地升降,之后反复循环。这一练习强化了上节中four和one的技术要领,同时兼有上身摆荡和反身动作的元素。   另一种练习也以四小节为一个单元:前两小节为一个延长的左足并换步,one和two不变,将原来的three延长为四拍完成,同时主力脚一侧的身体充分延伸,带动手臂向上延展;三、四小节为一个延长的右足并换步,之后反复循环。这一练习对学员的脚踝能力有较高要求,同时是很好的练习呼吸和肌肉延伸的方法,可让有一定基础的学员作为进阶练习。   在狐步中,前进后退练习可以在羽毛步(featherstep)和三直步(threestep)中练习,例如前进羽毛步、三直步、羽毛步,接后退羽毛步、三直步、羽毛步,然后反复循环。   在快步中,可结合锁步(lockstep)练习,如一个前进锁步,接一个右足常步(rightfootwalk)作为过渡,然后是后退锁步和左足常步。如此四小节一循环,节奏为SQQ,SS,SQQ,SS。   在探戈中,可以练习两常步(twowalks)接行进旁步(progressivesidestep),每两小节一循环,节奏是SS,QQS。   双人练习   不管是基本的前进、后退练习,还是结合舞步的练习,都可以同时由双人完成。双人练习的重点在于引导和跟随,以下将介绍几种合手练习的方法。   方法1:男士的双手张开,掌心向下,女士双手搭在男士的手背上。掌心向下可以使双方有意识地压肩,同时避免男士使用手臂强制女伴,而更多地注意发自后背的引导。   方法2:与第一种的基本相同,只是换成女士双手在下引导男士。这样可以使引导者和跟随者互相体会对方的角色和职责,避免女士完全地依赖男士。   方法3:双方身体接触,但手不接触。这一练习对男女双方的技术能力要求较高,可作为进阶练习。   在双人练习中,除了直进直退,还可以增加互相走对方外侧的练习,强化反身动作位置(CBMP)的感觉。   在音乐中起舞   学员的全部练习都应在音乐中完成。优美的音乐不仅能激发学员的的兴趣,减少单纯练习的枯燥感,更可以培养学员的艺术感觉,让脚法的运用、肌肉的延伸、呼吸的配合都自然地融入到音乐中。做到了这些,就能实现从迈步到舞蹈的一大飞跃。   一切力量皆来源于脚下。不论是职业舞者还是业余舞者,都需要从最根本的练习开始,倾听和感知身体的细微运动,追寻内在的质朴回归。 ;
2023-06-29 03:07:031

哪位大神有《Diary Of A Wimpy Kid 01》电子版书籍百度云盘下载

《Diary of a Wimpy Kid》(Jeff Kinney)百度网盘txt 最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:dd1u书名:Diary of a Wimpy Kid作者:Jeff Kinney豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:Harry N. Abrams出版年份:2009-1页数:224内容简介:Let"s face it: Greg Heffley will never change his wimpy ways. Somebody just needs to explain that to Greg"s father.You see, Frank Heffley actually thinks he can get his son to toughen up, and he enlists Greg in organized sports and other "manly" endeavors. Of course, Greg is able to easily sidestep his father"s efforts to change him. But when Greg"s dad threatens to send him to military academy, Greg realizes he has to shape up . . . or get shipped out.
2023-06-29 03:07:151