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2023-06-29 07:52:30
TAG: stai ait ione oner






Such is the fluidity of new wealth, and today"s credit markets, that fortunes and properties can be lost before the stationer has even finished engraving the plate.




2023-06-29 02:50:287


单词:stationer。解析:本题考查的是单词,平时要牢记单词。stationer一、含义:n. 文具商;文具店;<古>出版商;书商。二、用法:stationer,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“文具店;文具商”。短语搭配:Blackart stationer魔法文具店。Stationer Shop文具店。stationer company伦敦出版业公会。He went into a stationer"s to buy a ruler.他到文具店买了把尺子。记忆单词方法:1、读音记忆。根据字母组合、读音规则进行记忆,会读一个单词,便会拼写出来。外来语:中文中有许多词来自英语,这些词的发音近似英语。如: tank坦克, jeep吉普车,coffee咖啡。2、歌诀记忆。如:new新的;门[n]前 一只鹅[e],曲颈向天歌,借问哪里去,直奔小山坡[w]。区分am、are、is的用法:我用am, 你用are, is用于他, 她,它,以上主语是单数,一个以上是复数,复数主语用are。我用have,你用have, has用于他,她,它,以上主语是单数,复数主语用have。
2023-06-29 02:51:011

文具 文具店 文具用品 英文怎么说

文具Stationery文具店Stationery shop文具用品Article of stationery
2023-06-29 02:52:294


  文具指常用的一些现代文具:签字笔、水笔、钢笔、铅笔、圆珠笔等。那么你知道文具用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习文具的英语知识吧。    文具英语说法   stationery   writing materials    文具的相关 短语   文具店 stationer"s ; Stationery Store ; Stationery shop   文具架 stationery rack ; folder   文具商 stationer ; ster ; stineer ; statifirstr   文具王国 The Stationery Kingdom   创意文具 Stationery ; School Supplies ;   文具名称 Stationery Name   文具系列 stationery series box ;Office Supplies   书房文具 Stationery   文具的英语例句   1. You can buy ready-printed forms for wills at stationery shops.   你可以在文具店买到已印好的遗嘱单。   2. Is there a stationer"s near here?   这附近有没有文具店?   3. She works in the stationery department of a big store.   她在一家大商店的文具部工作.   4. Do you carry stationery?   你们有文具出售 吗 ?   5. The poor stationer was at the mercy of those from whom he borrowed money.   这可怜的文具商被他的债主们捏在了手心.   6. If you step across to the shop, you will be able to buy the stationery you need.   你要是到附近那家商店去一下, 就能买到你需要的文具.   7. I walk to go to buy a rule into the stationery shop.   我走进文具店去买一把尺子.   8. She has bought paper, pens, and other such stationery.   她买了纸 、 笔以及诸如此类的文具.   9. There was something very comfortable in having plenty of stationery.   文具一多,心里自会觉得踏实.   10. I had heard of him from my stationer -- Snagsby of Cook"s Court.   我是从文具店老板 -- 库克大院的斯纳斯比那边知道这个人的.   11. Your writing materials are in the top drawer of your desk.   你的书写文具在你书桌的最上面的抽屉里.   12. He"s been helping himself to my stationery.   他未经许可一直用我的文具.   13. You don"t need to pull out your stationery.   你不用拿出文具.   14. The law - stationer"s establishment is, in Guster"s eyes, a Temple of plenty and splendour.   在嘉斯德尔看来,法律文具店, 简直是人间天堂.   15. Are you going to buy some exercise books and school things?   你是去买练习本和文具 吗 ?   常用文具英语词汇   圆珠笔:ballpoint pen   荧光笔:highlighter   橡皮:eraser   转笔刀:pencil sharpener   订书机:stapler   拔书钉钳:staple remover   曲别针:paper clip   图钉:thumb tack   活页夹:clamp binder   胶棒:glue stick   书档:bookends   涂改液:correction fluid   报事贴:post-it   计算器:calculator 猜你喜欢: 1. 铅笔盒用英语怎样说 2. 铅笔盒的英语怎么写 3. 文具的英语单词 4. 尺子的英文是什么 5. 尺子英语怎么说
2023-06-29 02:52:351

英语题:We are going to _______ to buy some rulers.

2023-06-29 02:52:555


你的问题提得不伦不类,是指同词义类还是派生词类,只能按这两种理解回答如下:【同义词】  fixed,immobile,immovable,aptotic,settled,staid,steadfast【派生词】  1、以 state 为词根:stationer 文具店、stationery 文具、stationmaster 站长、statism 中央集权下的经济统制,statist 统计学者、statistic 统计的、statistica l统计学的、statitron 静电加速器,等等  2、以-ary 为后缀:boundary 界限,bacillary 杆菌状的,elementary, 初步的,military军事的,adversary 敌手,dictionary 词典,granary 谷仓,等等
2023-06-29 02:53:081


新概念英语第59-60课内容详解(第一册)   导语:虽然现在不是很流行写纸质的信,但大家以前都写过信吧,下面我分享有关写信的英语课文,欢迎阅读!   Lesson 59 Is that all?就这些吗?   Listen to the tape then answer this question.Does the lady buy any chalk?   听录音,然后回答问题。这位女士有没有买粉笔?   LADY: I want some envelopes please.   女 士:请给我拿几个信封。   STATIONER: Do you want the large size, or the small size?   售货员:您要大号的还是小号的?   LADY: The large size please.   女 士:请拿大号的。   LADY: Do you have any writing-paper?   女 士:您有信纸吗?   Stationer: Yes, we do.   售货员:有。   Stationer: I don"t have any small pads.. I only have large ones. Do you want a pad?   售货员:我没有小本的.信纸,只有大本的。您要一本吗?   LADY: Yes, please.   女 士:好,请拿一本。   LADY: And I want some black ink and some glue.   女 士:我还想要黑色墨水和胶水 。   Stationer: A bottle of ink and a bottle of glue.   售货员:黑色墨水和胶水。   LADY: And I want a large box of chalk, too.   女 士:我还要一大盒粉笔。   Stationer: I only have small boxes. Do you want one?   售货员:我只有小盒的。您要一盒吗?   LADY: No, thank you.   女 士:不了,谢谢。   Stationer: Is that all?   售货员:就要这些吗?   LADY: That"s all, thank you.   女 士:就这些,谢谢。   Stationer: What else do you want?   售货员:您还要什么吗?   LADY: I want my change.   女 士:我要找的零钱。   New Word and expressions生词和短语   envelope   n. 信封   writing paper   信纸   shop assistant   售货员   size   n. 尺寸,尺码,大小   pad   n. 信纸簿   glue   n. 胶水   chalk   n. 粉笔   change   n. 零钱,找给的钱   Notes on the text课文注释   1 Do you want the large size or the small size?   这句话是选择疑问句,前的size读升调,后者读降调。   2 I only have large ones.   句中的ones指pads。   3 What else do you want?您还要什么吗?其中的What else ...?可以看作是表示疑问的一个短语意思是:“还有什么吗?”   Lesson 60 What"s the time?几点钟?   Lesson 59-60 自学导读First things first   课文详注 Further notes on the text   1.writing paper, 信纸。   paper意为"纸"、"纸张"时是不可数名词,一张纸应是 a sheet of paper或 a piece of paper。类似的名词还有:glue(a bottle of glue一瓶胶水);chalk(a box/piece of chalk一盒/支粉笔);ink (a bottle of ink一瓶墨水)。   2.I only have small boxes. 我只有小盒的。   boxes后省略了 of chalk。   3.Do you want one? 您要一盒吗?   one代替 one small box of chalk。   4.What else do you want? 您还要什么吗?   What elseu2026? 可以看成是表示疑问的一个句式,意思是"还有什么u2026u2026吗?"else常接在疑问代词、不定代词及疑问副词后面,表示"此外"、"别的"、"其他的"。又如:   Who else is from New York?   还有谁是从纽约来的?   When else shall we meet again?   什么其他的时间我们再见面?   What else did he say?   他还说了些什么?   语法 Grammar in use   完全动词 have(1)   完全动词have的意思相当于"拥有"、"具有",其疑问句、肯定句及否定句形式分别如下:   Do you/we/they have any...?   你(们)/我们/他(她)们有一些u2026u2026吗?   Yes,I /we/they have some...   是的,我/我们/他(她们)有一些u2026u2026   No,I /we/they do not/donu2019t have any...   不,我/我们/他(她)们没有一些u2026u2026   have当"拥有"讲时,可用于所有的一般时态,却不能用于进行时态(is having, are having等)。   词汇学习 Word study   1.change n.   (1)找头;零钱:   Here is your change.   这是你的零头。   I have no change about me.   我身边没有零钱。   (2)变化;转换:   Roast beef is a welcome change from the usual tasteless food.   烤牛肉与平素无味的饭菜比起来实在是一种让人欣喜的变化。   Let"s go to a French restaurant for a change.   咱们去家法国餐馆吧,换换口味。   2.size n.   (1)(衣服、鞋、帽等的)尺码,号:   What size does she want?   她想要几号的?   This blouse is your size.   这件衬衣是你这号尺码的。   (2)(尺寸、体积、规模、身材等的)大小;(数量)多少:   There are houses of all sizes in that town.   那个镇上有着大大小小各式房子。   We have chosen some boys all of the same size.   我们选出了一些个头一般高的男孩子。 ;
2023-06-29 02:53:151


station的读音是:英["ste??n]。station的读音是:英["ste??n]。station的意思是n.站;火车站;电视台;社会地位;牧羊场;驻地;岗位;v.驻扎;安置。station【近义词】rank等级。一、详尽释义点此查看station的详细内容n.(名词)车站,站,台,局,所,署岗位,(飞机的)编队位置电视台,广播电台,电视频道,电台频率驻地,基地驻地人员身份,地位,职位静止状态大牧场军港,航空站,机场v.(动词)派驻,驻扎,部署安排,安置停泊,站立在某处配备,配置二、英英释义Noun:a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose;"he started looking for a gas station""the train pulled into the station"proper or designated social situation;"he overstepped his place""the responsibilities of a man in his station""married above her station"(nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for dutythe position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand;"a soldier manned the entrance post""a sentry station"the frequency assigned to a broadcasting stationVerb:assign to a station三、词典解释1.火车站Astation is a building by a railway line where trains stop so that people can get on or off.station什么意思e.g. Ingrid went with him to the railwaystation to see him off...英格丽德和他一起去火车站送他。e.g. Businessmen stream into one of Tokyo"s main train stations.商人不断涌进东京的一个主要火车站。2.(公共汽车)站A busstation is a building, usually in a town or city, where buses stop, usually for a while, so that people can get on or off.3.广播电台(或电视台)If you talk about a particular radio or televisionstation, you are referring to the programmes broadcast by a particular radio or television company.e.g. independent local radiostation...独立的地方电台e.g. It claims to be the most popular televisionstation in the UK.它自称是英国最受欢迎的电视台。4.安置,派驻(士兵或官员);使驻扎If soldiers or officialsare stationed in a place, they are sent there to do a job or to work for a period of time.e.g. Reports from the capital, Lome, say troops are stationed on the streets...来自首都洛美的报道称,部队驻扎在大街上。e.g. I was stationed there just after the war.战争刚结束,我就被派驻到那里。5.(常指为某一特定目的)在…守候If youstation yourself somewhere, you go there and wait, usually for a particular purpose.station的意思e.g. The musicians stationed themselves quickly on either side of the stairs...乐师们很快就静候在了楼梯的两边。e.g. He stationed himself at the door.他在门口守候着。6. see also: fire station;gas station;petrol station;police station;power station;service station;space station;way station四、例句Don"t forget to drop by at the gas station.别忘了到煤气站去看看。He was walking up and down the station platform.他在火车站的月台上走来走去。Can you tell me the way to the railway station?你能告诉我往火车站的路怎么走吗?Which TV station is the programme on?这个节目在哪家电视台播放?He has ideas above his station.他的思想超越了自己的地位。He"s returning to his army station.他准备回驻地。One of the warships was out of station.有一艘军舰未在其编队位置。Guards were stationed around the prison.卫兵派驻在监狱四周。You must station some additional men on the island in case of trouble.你们必须再派一些士兵驻扎在岛上以防出乱子。You should station a guard at the gate.你应该在门口设置一个警卫员。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The railway station is some distance from the village.火车站离这个村相当远。It was very decent of you to drive me to the station.你开车送我到火车站,你实在是太好了。I want to ascertain what time the train arrives, so that I may get to the station in time to meet my friend.我查清火车到达的时间,以便我准时到火车站去接我的朋友。At the station, we were met by one of our friends living in London.在车站,我们的一位在伦敦生活的朋友前来接我们。They arrived at the station twenty minutes before the train was due.他们在火车到达前20分钟来到车站。The train stopped frequently at lonely little stations, which resulted in a sleepless night.火车不时在孤寂的小站停下来,这使我一夜难眠。This is one of the busiest underground stations in Beijing.这是北京最忙碌的地铁站之一。The train will arrive at Victoria Station at ten.列车将在10点到达维多利亚火车站。The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.这家电台开放线路,听众可打电话参加各种问题的讨论。That"s sensible.你不作声地去警察局,那是明智的。We"ll build an electric station next year.我们明年将建一个发电站。The power station is serviced by road transport.这座发电站是通过公路运送燃料的。The astronauts in an earth space station circle the globe many times a day.地球太空站里的宇航员每天要绕地球转许多圈。After a long journey, we got to a petrol station at last.一场长途跋涉后,我们终于赶到了加油站。They have built three nuclear power stations this year.他们今年建造了三座核电站。She married beneath her station.她嫁给了一个地位比她低的人。The minister was of a lowly station but had worked hard to make himself a man of position.那位部长出身寒微,靠勤奋努力终于成了一个颇有地位的人。They made a survey of the event by interviewing people in all stations of life.他们通过会见社会各阶层人士,对该事件作了全面的调查。The guard remained at his station all night long.那卫兵整夜坚守在岗位上。The army was at action stations as ordered.军队按命令全部进入了战斗位置。Thomas could be a credit to the school in any station of life.托马斯不论在哪个岗位上,都能为校争光。用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.The police will station a man on the opposite side of the road where he can watch the bank.警方将派一个人守在马路对面监视这家银行。He stationed the troops on a hill.他把部队驻扎在小山上。1The regiment is at present stationed in Northern Ireland.该团目前正驻扎在北爱尔兰。During most of my time in the army I was stationed in Germany.我在军中的大部分时间都被派驻德国。Guards were stationed round the prison.监狱周围布置了看守。Powerful troops were stationed round the capital.首都周围驻扎着强大的部队。Policemen were stationed at strategic points round the football ground in case of crowd trouble.警察被派驻在足球场周围的重要位置,以防人群出现骚乱。六、经典引文It is their station to work.出自:DickensTroops were stationed at all the doors.出自:J. ReedA regiment was stationed in our town.出自:U. Holden七、词义辨析station,stop,terminal这些名词均可表示“站”之意。station普通用词,一般指火车站或汽车站。stop多指公共汽车站,尤指中途停车站。terminal指火车、公共汽车或飞机的终点(总)站。station的相关临近词stationary、static、stationer、stationing、stationVPN、station hub、station car、station peg、station log、station set、station yard点此查看更多关于station的详细信息
2023-06-29 02:53:291


2023-06-29 02:53:362


去新东方网站 应该有
2023-06-29 02:53:443

我开个文具店,名字叫“我的文具店”我想问下翻译为英文是不是 my stationer’s 谢谢!

My stationery shop
2023-06-29 02:54:018


某某人的 意思
2023-06-29 02:54:185


名词所有格的构成 表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 "s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men"s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作 // a mile"s distance 一英里的距离 // a stone"s throw 一步之遥 // the moon"s light 月光 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“"”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程 // five minutes" walk 五分钟路程 // two miles" distance 两英里的距离 2. 用名词所有格表示处所 肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺 // a barber"s理发店 // a doctor"s诊所 // my sister"s我姐姐的家 // stationer"s文具店 // Chaplin"s卓别林的家 名词所有格用来表示所有关系,一般用"s和of来表示名词的所有格。与所有格相对,不带"s词尾的是名词普通格。在学习名词所有格时,要掌握以下内容。 1."s所有格用法 单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加"s(以s结尾的只需加")构成所有格,主要用于有生命的东西。例如: Have you read Robert Browning"s poems?你读过罗伯特·勃郎宁的诗吗? It"s made from mare"s,cow"s or ewe"s milk.它是用马奶、牛奶或者羊奶制成的。 但也可用于表示时间、城市、地域、团体、机构等非生命的事物。例如: We accepted the invitation without a moment"s hesitation.我们一点也没有犹豫就接受了邀请。 New York"s population is much larger than Washington"s,though it is not the capital city.纽约的人口比华盛顿多得多,虽然它并不是首都城市。 They are holding conferences to discuss the Europe"s future.他们正召开各种会议来讨论欧洲的前景。 We heartily applauded the delegation"s successful visit.我们热烈欢呼代表团访问成功。 Professor Smith is teaching at Yale"s Department of Literature.史密斯教授在耶鲁大学文学系任教。 在某些习惯用语中,尽管是表示无生命的名词,也需要"s的所有格。例如: The driver escaped the death by a hair"s breadth.那个司机这回真是九死一生。 Now you may sing to your heart"s content.你现在可以尽情地唱了。 另外,for friendship"s sake(为了友情),at a stone"s throw(一箭之远), at one"s finger"s tip(手头上有),at arm"s length(保持距离),at one"s wits"end(黔驴技穷)等都属此类。 2.of所有格用法 凡不能加"s的名词,都可以与of构成短语,来表示所有关系。例如: Does anyone know the title of the novel?有谁知道这部小说的名字? There is a tall maple tree at the end of the road.在这条路的尽头有一棵高高的枫树。 如果名词后面有一个较长定语,尽管名词表示有生命的东西,也可以用这种所有格形式。例如: Did you listen to the speech of the President Clinton over the radio?你听了克林顿总统的广播讲话了吗? They have the supportofthe people ofthe developing countries.他们得到发展中国家人民的支持。 3.双重所有格 所谓“双重所有格(double genitive)”,是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格,即“of+名词所有格”。双重所有格有以下几个特征: 1) “of+名词所有格”中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。因此,我们可以说:a play ofShakespeare"s(莎士比亚的一个戏剧), a friend of my wife"s(我妻子的一个朋友),但却不能说a funnel of the ship"s或 a leg of a table"s,而且该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的。比如我们可以说,a friend of the doctor"s(这位医生的一个朋友),a novel of the writer"s(那位作者的一部小说),而不能说a friend of a doctor"s或 a novel of a writer"s。 2)除了修饰的原因外,用双重所有格主要是由于被修饰词有排他性的限定词(determiner),如冠词、某些不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、数词等。比如我们不能说 an our old acquaintance,而必须说an old acquaintance of ours(我们的一个老相识);不能说many their books,正确的说法是 many book of theirs(他们的许多书)。再如: This demand oftheirs is quite ridiculous.他们的这个要求非常可笑。 “This foolish wife of mine thinks I"m a great artist,” said he.“我那愚蠢的老婆以为我是个大艺术家,”他说道。 3)注意区别下列四种表达方式含义的差别: one of my brother"s friends(明确表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother"s(暗示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother(对我兄弟有好感的人) my brother"s friend(我兄弟唯一的一个朋友或刚谈及的那一个朋友) 4.特殊所有格 若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数。例如: The woman dressed in blue is Mary and Alice"s mother.那个穿蓝衣服的妇女是玛丽和爱丽丝的母亲。 You should find what the difference between Mr. Smith"s and Mr.Black"s cars is.你应当发现史密斯先生与布莱克先生的汽车的不同之处。
2023-06-29 02:54:504


名词所有格 名词所有格的构成 表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 "s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格.例如:men"s room 男厕所 Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作 a mile"s distance 一英里的距离 a stone"s throw 一步之遥 the moon"s light 月光 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“"”来构成所有格.例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程 five minutes" walk 五分钟路程 two miles" distance 两英里的距离 2. 用名词所有格表示处所 肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s .类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺 a barber"s理发店 a doctor"s诊所 my sister"s我姐姐的家 stationer"s文具店 Chaplin"s卓别林的家 名词所有格用来表示所有关系,一般用"s和of来表示名词的所有格.与所有格相对,不带"s词尾的是名词普通格.在学习名词所有格时,要掌握以下内容. 1."s所有格用法 单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加"s(以s结尾的只需加")构成所有格,主要用于有生命的东西.例如: Have you read Robert Browning"s poems?你读过罗伯特·勃郎宁的诗吗? It"s made from mare"s,cow"s or ewe"s milk.它是用马奶、牛奶或者羊奶制成的. 但也可用于表示时间、城市、地域、团体、机构等非生命的事物.例如: We accepted the invitation without a moment"s hesitation.我们一点也没有犹豫就接受了邀请. New York"s population is much larger than Washington"s,though it is not the capital city.纽约的人口比华盛顿多得多,虽然它并不是首都城市. They are holding conferences to discuss the Europe"s future.他们正召开各种会议来讨论欧洲的前景. We heartily applauded the delegation"s successful visit.我们热烈欢呼代表团访问成功. Professor Smith is teaching at Yale"s Department of Literature.史密斯教授在耶鲁大学文学系任教. 在某些习惯用语中,尽管是表示无生命的名词,也需要"s的所有格.例如: The driver escaped the death by a hair"s breadth.那个司机这回真是九死一生. Now you may sing to your heart"s content.你现在可以尽情地唱了. 另外,for friendship"s sake(为了友情),at a stone"s throw(一箭之远), at one"sue80b finger"s tip(手头上有),at arm"s length(保持距离),at one"s wits"end(黔驴技穷)等都属此类. 2.of所有格用法 凡不能加"s的名词,都可以与of构成短语,来表示所有关系.例如: Does anyone know the title of the novel?有谁知道这部小说的名字? There is a tall maple tree at the end of the road.在这条路的尽头有一棵高高的枫树. 如果名词后面有一个较长定语,尽管名词表示有生命的东西,也可以用这种所有格形式.例如: Did you listen to the speech of the President Clinton over the radio?你听了克林顿总统的广播讲话了吗? They have the supportofthe people ofthe developing countries.他们得到发展中国家人民的支持. 3.双重所有格 所谓“双重所有格(double genitive)”,是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格,即“of+名词所有格”.双重所有格有以下几个特征: 1) “of+名词所有格”中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物.因此,我们可以说:a play ofue80bShakespeare"s(莎士比亚的一个戏剧), a friend of my wife"s(我妻子的一个朋友),但却不能说a funnel of the ship"s或 a leg of a table"s,而且该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的.比如我们可以说,a friend of the doctor"s(这位医生的一个朋友),a novel of the writer"s(那位作者的一部小说),而不能说a friend of a doctor"s或 a novel of a writer"s. 2)除了修饰的原因外,用双重所有格主要是由于被修饰词有排他性的限定词(determiner),如冠词、某些不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、数词等.比如我们不能说 an our old acquaintance,而必须说an old acquaintance of ours(我们的一个老相识);不能说many their books,正确的说法是 many book of theirs(他们的许多书).再如: This demand oftheirs is quite ridiculous.他们的这个要求非常可笑. ue80b “This foolish wife of mine thinks I"m a great artist,” said he.“我那愚蠢的老婆以为我是个大艺术家,”他说道. 3)注意区别下列四种表达方式含义的差别: one of my brother"s friends(明确表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother"s(暗示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother(对我兄弟有好感的人) my brother"s friend(我兄弟唯一的一个朋友或刚谈及的那一个朋友) 4.特殊所有格 若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数.例如: The woman dressed in blue is Mary and Alice"s mother.那个穿蓝衣服的妇女是玛丽和爱丽丝的母亲. You should find what the difference between Mr. Smith"s and Mr.Black"s cars is.你应当发现史密斯先生与布莱克先生的汽车的不同之处. 双重所有格 双重所有格 物主代词不可与 a, an, this, that, these, those, some, any, several, no, each, every, such, another, which等词一起前置,修饰一个名词,而必须用双重所有格. 公式为: a, an, this, that +名词+of +名词性物主代词.如: a friend of mine. each brother of his. 1.双重所有格是由非生物的所有格(即of+名词)与生物的所有格(如mother"s, Tom"s等)共同构成的. 2.双重所有格的形式可为名词+of+名词的所有格,其中of后面的生物的所有格之后的名词被省略;也可为名词+of+所有代名词. Tom, Mike, and Mary were clas *** ates of Stephen"s. 汤姆,迈克和玛丽是史迪文的同学. 在生物的所有格Stephen"s之后,省略了名词clas *** ates, 生物的所有格所代表的同学的数量超过此文提到过的三人. Mr. Green and Mr. Brown are neighbors of mine. 格林先生和布朗先生是我的邻居. of之后的所有代名词=所有形容词my+名词neighbors,它所代表的邻居的数量超过此文提到过的两人. 3.双重所有格多由a, an, this, that, these, those, any, some, each, every, many, more, most, either, neither, no, much, another, several, enough, such, one, two等冠词、指示形容词、不定形容词、数量词或疑问形容词which+名词+of+名词的所有格或所有代名词构成. He is a teacher of my sister"s. 他是我妹妹的一位老师. A friend of hers has gone to London. 她的一位朋友去了伦敦. This tool of his is useful. 他的这个工具很有用. It"s no business of yours. 这不关你的事. That great idea of David"s brought us a lot of trouble. 戴维的那个好主意给我们带来了很多麻烦. Which novel of Dicken"s are you reading? 你在读狄更斯的哪一本小说? 4.如果双重所有格中of前面的名词是portrait, picture, printing, statue, photograph等时,是指有关的人所收藏的肖像或照片等,而不是他本人的肖像或照片. This is a portrait of Mr. White"s. 这是怀特先生的一幅画像. 本句指怀特先生所收藏的一幅画像. This is a portrait of Mr. White. 这是怀特先生的一幅画像. 本句指画中画的是怀特先生.代名词的所有格 1.代名词的所有格表示代名词的所有. 2.人称代名词的所有格有my, our, your, his, her, its, their. 3.代名词的所有格必须放在名词之前,人称和数要与所有者的人称和数一致. She gave her stamps to me. 她把她的邮票送给我了. 4.当所有者是男性单数,拟人化的阳性或泛指一般人时,代名词的所有格用his. John is talking to his daughter. 约翰正在同他女儿谈话. The sun is shining in all his splendid beauty. 太阳发出灿烂的光芒. If a person breaks the law, his behavior should be condemned. 如果一个人违反了法律,他的行为就应受到谴责. 5.所有者是女性单数或拟人化的阴性,如国家、城市、船舶、飞机、月亮、地球、春天、大自然、和平、希望等以及部分动物时,代名词的所有格用her. Jane had her hair dressed yesterday. 珍昨天去做头发了. The moon shines her rays on all. 月光照耀在所有人身上. 6.所有者为一个动物、一件东西或婴儿时,代名词的所有格用its. The baby is sucking its finger. 这婴儿正在吮吸他的手指. 7.所有者为复数的人、动物或东西时,代名词的所有格用their. I"m not used to driving cars with their steering wheels at the right. 我不习惯于驾驶方向盘在右边的汽车. 8.复合人称代名词的所有格为my own, our own, your own, his own, her own, its own, their own, one"s own. 9.复合人称代名词的所有格用来加强人称代名词的所有格的语气. We have our own books. 我们有我们自己的书. 1.0复合人称代名词的所有格可以与of连用,位于被修饰的名词之后,表示所有关系. The word has a distinct meaning of its own. 这个字有它自己特殊的意思. 【有不会的可以再问我】
2023-06-29 02:55:281


i have a ruler
2023-06-29 02:55:374

英语高手进 st?ti ?ner 这个单词又是什么意思?

stationer 文具商,文具店
2023-06-29 02:57:141

st( )ti( )ner中间的括号填什么?一个括号一个字母

stationer n. 文具商, 文具店
2023-06-29 02:57:211


a stationer"s 指:文具店。
2023-06-29 02:57:373

At the stationer’s.什么意思?

2023-06-29 02:57:443


Where were you yesterday afternoon?Did you have a nice time?Did you get any bread at the baker"s?Did you get any apple at the greengrocer"s?Did you get beef steak at the butcher"s?Did you fet any pen at the stationer"s?Was it a waste of time?不知道对不对~参考一下吧~希望采纳~~~
2023-06-29 02:57:512

英语: I went to ( ) to buy a ruler and a rubber.

2023-06-29 02:58:001

i went to buy

xxer"s是某某店的意思,如barber"s(理发店),grocer"s(食品店),此为文具店 文具店是可数名词的,不加s就加冠词a
2023-06-29 02:58:091

we were什么the station erp s什麽monday

we were at the stationer"s on Monday. They were in Australia in September.
2023-06-29 02:58:161


The stationer"s didn"t have writing paper.
2023-06-29 02:58:331


situation 情况、局面satisfied 满意schooling 教育submarine 潜水艇暂时想到这几个
2023-06-29 02:58:422


从语法角度讲是有这种用法的。imagine sb doing sth: doing sth做宾补成分,也就是宾语sb的补充说明的成分。imagine sb"s doing sth.把某人做某事,看作想象的宾语。权威资料的话,很难讲诶。山东实验中学的啊。大门很漂亮的。
2023-06-29 02:58:492


名词所有格。表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加"s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men"s room 男厕所Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作a mile"s distance 一英里的距离a stone"s throw 一步之遥但如果该名词是以-s或-es结尾,则只在该名词后加“ " ”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程five minutes" walk 五分钟路程two miles" distance 两英里的距离扩展资料:所有格写法:全部写法:所有格的写法一般是用“"s“和“of”表示。一般写法:一般常用:“"s”表示表示处所:肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺a barber"s理发店a doctor"s诊所my sister"s我姐姐的家stationer"s文具店Chaplin"s卓别林的家名词所有格用来表示所有关系,一般用"s和of来表示名词的所有格。与所有格相对,不带"s词尾的是名词普通格。在学习名词所有格时,要掌握以下内容。
2023-06-29 02:59:031


主格(nominative case;casus nominativus)是指名词的语法的格。 主格通常表示动词的主语。在拉丁语和古英语中都有。 现在的英语中仍然存在于与宾格相反的主格代名词: I(宾格为me)、we(宾格为us)、he(宾格为him)、she(宾格为her)以及they(宾格为them)。 古英语的用法包括ye(宾格为you)以及单数第二人称代词thou(宾格为thee)。宾格(accusative case;casus accusativus)表示一个动词直接宾语的名词或一个前置词的宾语。例如,名词词尾变化较少的英语,在少数一些代词中存在宾格(例如,whom是who的宾格形式;him是he的宾格形式)。但是英文的名词中,主格和宾格形式完全一致,没有任何变化,因此必须通过“SVO”的结构,区分主语和宾语。举例: 英文: The hunter kills the tiger. The tiger kills the hunter. 此二句中,谁是主语,谁是宾语,完全是由语序的正反区别的(和汉语一样)。因此这两句的主宾相反是因为语序相反造成的。注意:who/whom和he/him在英语中不仅仅是主格和宾格的关系,也是主格和与格的关系(例如:I gave him the present.等等),在古英语中,有很明显的区分:him是与格,hine是宾格。这个双重性使得很多英语学生没有意识到英语中宾格和与格的不同。名词所有格的构成表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 "s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men"s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作 // a mile"s distance 一英里的距离 // a stone"s throw 一步之遥 // the moon"s light 月光但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“"”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程 // five minutes" walk 五分钟路程 // two miles" distance 两英里的距离2. 用名词所有格表示处所肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺 // a barber"s理发店 // a doctor"s诊所 // my sister"s我姐姐的家 // stationer"s文具店 // Chaplin"s卓别林的家名词所有格用来表示所有关系,一般用"s和of来表示名词的所有格。与所有格相对,不带"s词尾的是名词普通格。在学习名词所有格时,要掌握以下内容。1."s所有格用法单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加"s(以s结尾的只需加")构成所有格,主要用于有生命的东西。例如:Have you read Robert Browning"s poems?你读过罗伯特·勃郎宁的诗吗?It"s made from mare"s,cow"s or ewe"s milk.它是用马奶、牛奶或者羊奶制成的。但也可用于表示时间、城市、地域、团体、机构等非生命的事物。例如:We accepted the invitation without a moment"s hesitation.我们一点也没有犹豫就接受了邀请。New York"s population is much larger than Washington"s,though it is not the capital city.纽约的人口比华盛顿多得多,虽然它并不是首都城市。They are holding conferences to discuss the Europe"s future.他们正召开各种会议来讨论欧洲的前景。We heartily applauded the delegation"s successful visit.我们热烈欢呼代表团访问成功。Professor Smith is teaching at Yale"s Department of Literature.史密斯教授在耶鲁大学文学系任教。在某些习惯用语中,尽管是表示无生命的名词,也需要"s的所有格。例如:The driver escaped the death by a hair"s breadth.那个司机这回真是九死一生。Now you may sing to your heart"s content.你现在可以尽情地唱了。另外,for friendship"s sake(为了友情),at a stone"s throw(一箭之远), at one"s? finger"s tip(手头上有),at arm"s length(保持距离),at one"s wits"end(黔驴技穷)等都属此类。2.of所有格用法凡不能加"s的名词,都可以与of构成短语,来表示所有关系。例如:Does anyone know the title of the novel?有谁知道这部小说的名字?There is a tall maple tree at the end of the road.在这条路的尽头有一棵高高的枫树。如果名词后面有一个较长定语,尽管名词表示有生命的东西,也可以用这种所有格形式。例如:Did you listen to the speech of the President Clinton over the radio?你听了克林顿总统的广播讲话了吗?They have the supportofthe people ofthe developing countries.他们得到发展中国家人民的支持。3.双重所有格所谓“双重所有格(double genitive)”,是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格,即“of+名词所有格”。双重所有格有以下几个特征:1) “of+名词所有格”中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。因此,我们可以说:a play of?Shakespeare"s(莎士比亚的一个戏剧), a friend of my wife"s(我妻子的一个朋友),但却不能说a funnel of the ship"s或 a leg of a table"s,而且该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的。比如我们可以说,a friend of the doctor"s(这位医生的一个朋友),a novel of the writer"s(那位作者的一部小说),而不能说a friend of a doctor"s或 a novel of a writer"s。2)除了修饰的原因外,用双重所有格主要是由于被修饰词有排他性的限定词(determiner),如冠词、某些不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、数词等。比如我们不能说 an our old acquaintance,而必须说an old acquaintance of ours(我们的一个老相识);不能说many their books,正确的说法是 many book of theirs(他们的许多书)。再如:This demand oftheirs is quite ridiculous.他们的这个要求非常可笑。? “This foolish wife of mine thinks I"m a great artist,” said he.“我那愚蠢的老婆以为我是个大艺术家,”他说道。3)注意区别下列四种表达方式含义的差别:one of my brother"s friends(明确表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友)a friend of my brother"s(暗示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友)a friend of my brother(对我兄弟有好感的人)my brother"s friend(我兄弟唯一的一个朋友或刚谈及的那一个朋友)4.特殊所有格若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数。例如:The woman dressed in blue is Mary and Alice"s mother.那个穿蓝衣服的妇女是玛丽和爱丽丝的母亲。You should find what the difference between Mr. Smith"s and Mr.Black"s cars is.你应当发现史密斯先生与布莱克先生的汽车的不同之处。基数词英语中数词主要分为基数词和序数词两类。基数词 : 表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下:(1).从1--10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.(2).从 11--19 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen.这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。(3).从 21--99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six(4).百位数 个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and.101 a hundred and one 320 three hundred and twenty 648 six hundred and forty-eight(5).千位数以上 从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号“,”。从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后添加 thousand,第二个“,”前面的数字后添加 million,第三个“,”前的数字后添加 billion。然后一节一节分别表示,两个逗号之间最大的数为百位数形式。2,648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight16,250,064 sixteen million two hundred and fifty thousand sixty-four5,237,166,234 five billion,two hundred and thirty-seven million,one hundred and sixty-six thousand,two hundred and thirty-four(6).基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百、成千上万,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。There are hundreds of people in the hall. 大厅里有数以百计的人。Thousands and thousands of people come to visit the Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses every day. 每天有成千上万的人来参观秦兵马涌博物馆。They went to the theatre in twos and threes. 他们三三两两地来到了剧院。(7).表示人的不确切岁数或年代,用几十的复数形式表示。He became a professor in his thirties. 他三十多岁时成为了教授。She died of lung cancer in forties. 她四十来岁时死于肺癌。It was in the 1960s. 那是在二十世纪六十年代。(8).基数词的句法功能基数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语。The two happily opened the box. 两个人高兴地打开了盒子。(作主语)I need three altogether. 我总共需要三个。(作宾语)Four students are playing volleyball outside. 四个学生在外面打排球。(作定语)We are sixteen. 我们是16个人。(作表语)They three tried to finish the task before sunset. 他们三个人尽力想在日落前完成任务。(作同位语)这是一些基数词的写法:0 nought;zero;O1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three30 thirty32 thirty-two40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety100 one hundred101 one hundred and one156 one hundred and fifty-six192 one hundred and ninty-two200 two hundred300 three hundred400 four hundred500 five hundred600 six hundred700 seven hundred800 eight hundred900 nine hundred1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred2,000 two thousand2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two38,000 thirty-eight thousand45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred8,000,000 eight million47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion)1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion)6,000,000,000,000 six million milliond
2023-06-29 02:59:101


stationery 英 [u02c8steu026au0283u0259nri] 美 [u02c8steu026au0283u0259neri] n.文具; 办公用品; 信纸,信封; 文房四宝
2023-06-29 02:59:202


名词所有格的构成 表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 "s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men"s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作 // a mile"s distance 一英里的距离 // a stone"s throw 一步之遥 // the moon"s light 月光 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“"”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程 // five minutes" walk 五分钟路程 // two miles" distance 两英里的距离 2. 用名词所有格表示处所 肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺 // a barber"s理发店 // a doctor"s诊所 // my sister"s我姐姐的家 // stationer"s文具店 // Chaplin"s卓别林的家 名词所有格用来表示所有关系,一般用"s和of来表示名词的所有格。与所有格相对,不带"s词尾的是名词普通格。在学习名词所有格时,要掌握以下内容。 1."s所有格用法 单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加"s(以s结尾的只需加")构成所有格,主要用于有生命的东西。例如: Have you read Robert Browning"s poems?你读过罗伯特·勃郎宁的诗吗? It"s made from mare"s,cow"s or ewe"s milk.它是用马奶、牛奶或者羊奶制成的。 但也可用于表示时间、城市、地域、团体、机构等非生命的事物。例如: We accepted the invitation without a moment"s hesitation.我们一点也没有犹豫就接受了邀请。 New York"s population is much larger than Washington"s,though it is not the capital city.纽约的人口比华盛顿多得多,虽然它并不是首都城市。 They are holding conferences to discuss the Europe"s future.他们正召开各种会议来讨论欧洲的前景。 We heartily applauded the delegation"s successful visit.我们热烈欢呼代表团访问成功。 Professor Smith is teaching at Yale"s Department of Literature.史密斯教授在耶鲁大学文学系任教。 在某些习惯用语中,尽管是表示无生命的名词,也需要"s的所有格。例如: The driver escaped the death by a hair"s breadth.那个司机这回真是九死一生。 Now you may sing to your heart"s content.你现在可以尽情地唱了。 另外,for friendship"s sake(为了友情),at a stone"s throw(一箭之远), at one"s finger"s tip(手头上有),at arm"s length(保持距离),at one"s wits"end(黔驴技穷)等都属此类。 2.of所有格用法 凡不能加"s的名词,都可以与of构成短语,来表示所有关系。例如: Does anyone know the title of the novel?有谁知道这部小说的名字? There is a tall maple tree at the end of the road.在这条路的尽头有一棵高高的枫树。 如果名词后面有一个较长定语,尽管名词表示有生命的东西,也可以用这种所有格形式。例如: Did you listen to the speech of the President Clinton over the radio?你听了克林顿总统的广播讲话了吗? They have the supportofthe people ofthe developing countries.他们得到发展中国家人民的支持。 3.双重所有格 所谓“双重所有格(double genitive)”,是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格,即“of+名词所有格”。双重所有格有以下几个特征: 1) “of+名词所有格”中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。因此,我们可以说:a play of Shakespeare"s(莎士比亚的一个戏剧), a friend of my wife"s(我妻子的一个朋友),但却不能说a funnel of the ship"s或 a leg of a table"s,而且该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的。比如我们可以说,a friend of the doctor"s(这位医生的一个朋友),a novel of the writer"s(那位作者的一部小说),而不能说a friend of a doctor"s或 a novel of a writer"s。 2)除了修饰的原因外,用双重所有格主要是由于被修饰词有排他性的限定词(determiner),如冠词、某些不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、数词等。比如我们不能说 an our old acquaintance,而必须说an old acquaintance of ours(我们的一个老相识);不能说many their books,正确的说法是 many book of theirs(他们的许多书)。再如: This demand oftheirs is quite ridiculous.他们的这个要求非常可笑。 “This foolish wife of mine thinks I"m a great artist,” said he.“我那愚蠢的老婆以为我是个大艺术家,”他说道。 3)注意区别下列四种表达方式含义的差别: one of my brother"s friends(明确表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother"s(暗示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother(对我兄弟有好感的人) my brother"s friend(我兄弟唯一的一个朋友或刚谈及的那一个朋友) 4.特殊所有格 若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数。例如: The woman dressed in blue is Mary and Alice"s mother.那个穿蓝衣服的妇女是玛丽和爱丽丝的母亲。 You should find what the difference between Mr. Smith"s and Mr.Black"s cars is.你应当发现史密斯先生与布莱克先生的汽车的不同之处。
2023-06-29 02:59:381


宾格是什么什么的 主格是指某个人 基数词是表示数目
2023-06-29 03:00:041


  是指英语的吗?  什么是名词所有格呢?  格是名词的语法范畴之一。它是名词和代词的一种变化形式,在句中表示与其它词的关系。名词有三个格:主格、宾格和所有格。在英语中有些名词可以加“"s”来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格,如:a teacher"s book。  它有两种不同的形式: 在名词尾加"s 和of+名词结构。  下面我们来具体看看,名词所有格的使用情况。  一、在名词尾加"s 。  首先,名词的所有格形式主要用于人、国家或动物:  Lucy"s hat, the cat"s tail  然而,它也可以用于下列场合:  1. 表示船只及其部件的所属关系:  the ship"s bell船上的钟  the yacht"s mast游艇的桅杆  2. 表示属于飞机、火车、汽车以及其他车辆或飞行器及其部件的所属关系,虽然of+名词结构用在这些场合较为稳妥:  a glider"s wings/the wings of a glider滑翔机的机翼  the train"s heating system/the heating system of the train火车的供暖系统  3. 表示时间:  a week"s holiday一周的休假  today"s paper今天的报纸  tomorrow"s weather明天的天气  in two years" time两年的时间之内  ten minutes" break十分钟休息  two hours" delay两小时的耽搁  也可以用a ten-minute break,a two-hour delay:  We have ten minutes"break/a ten-minute break.  我们有十分钟的休息时间。  4. 用于钱+ worth结构中:  £l"s worth of stamps面值一英镑的邮票  ten dollars"worth of ice-cream值十美元的冰淇淋  5. 用于for+名词的所有格形式+sake结构中:  for heaven"s sake看在老天爷的面上  for goodness"sake看在上帝的份上  6. 用于下列说法中:  a stone"s throw 投石之遥(很近)  journey"s end路程尽头  the water"s edge水边  7. 可以说 a winter"s day 或a winter day(一个冬日)及asummer"s day或a summer day(一个夏日);但是,不可以用spring(春季)和autumn(秋季)当所有格形式,除非把它们人格化:Autumn"s return(秋天的来到)。  8. 一些特定的名词用其所有格形式时,可省去后面的名词。  a/the baker"s/butcher"s/chemist"s/florist"s的意思是面包师/屠夫/药剂师/花匠的店铺。同样,a/the house agent"s/travelagent"s是房产经纪公司/旅行社的意思,而the dentist"s/doctor"s/vet"s是牙科诊所/医生诊所/兽医诊所的意思。  You can buy it at the chemist"s.  这个你可以在药房里买到。  He"s going to the dentist"s.  他去牙科诊所了。  一些商业家的名称也可以这样用:  Sotheby"s索斯比拍卖行  Claridge"s克拉里奇商店  一些有名气的商场等的店号就用姓氏+所有格形式,但有时把一撇(")都省略了:  Foyles福叶尔商店  Harrods哈洛德百货公司  有时人名也可以这样用,以表示某某人的家:  We had lunch at Bill"s.我们在比尔家吃了午饭。  We met at Ann"s.我们是在安家里遇见的。  二、of+名词结构,表示所属关系:  1. 当表示拥有者的名词由短语或从句修饰时用of+名词结构:  The boys ran about,obeying the directions of a man with a whistle.  男孩子们按带哨子的男人的指示四处奔跑。  I took the advice of a couple I met on the train_and_hired a car.  我听从了在火车上遇见的一对夫妇的建议,租了一辆小汽车。  2. 除了上述A中所列的名词外,无生命的拥有者也要用of+名词结构表示:  the walls of the town城市的城墙  the roof of the church教堂的屋顶  the keys of the car小汽车的钥匙  然而名词1+of+名词2常常可以用名词2+名词1来代替:  the town walls城市的城墙  the church roof教堂的屋顶  the car keys 小汽车的钥匙  这时第一个名词变成了一种形容词,不用复数形式:  the roofs of the church=the church roofs教堂的屋顶。  但名词+of+名词结构不能都用这种方法来代替,在没有把握的情况下最好还是用of结构。
2023-06-29 03:00:111


Lesson58 P-116A1. She usually drinks tea in the morning, but this morning, she is drinking coffee.2. They usually play in the garden in the afternoon, but this afternoon, they are playing in the park.3. He usually washes the dishes at night, but tonight he is washing clothes.B1. What does she usually do in the morning? She usually drinks tea in the morning.What is she doing this morning? She is drinking coffee.2. What do they usually do in the afternoon? They usually play in the garden in the afternoon.What are they doing this afternoon? They are swimming in the river.3. What do you usually do , in the evening? I usually cook a meal in the evening.What are you doing this evening? I am reading a book this evening.4. What do you usually do at night? We usually watch television at night.What are you doing tonight? We are listening to the stereo tonight.Lesson 60 P-120A1.I don"t have any grapes, but I have some peaches. 2.I don"t have any tomatoes, but I have some potatoes. 3.I don"t have any mince, but I have some steak. 4.I don"t have any glue, but I have some ink. 5.I don"t have any envelopes, but I have some writing paper.B1. I don"t have any honey, but I have some jam.2. Penny and I don"t have any beans, but we have some potatoes.3. Penny and Sam don"t have any wine, but they have some beer.4. Sam and I don"t have any bread, but we have some biscuits.5. Sam and Penny don"t have any grapes, but they have some bananas.6. I don"t have any mince, but I have some steak.7. The children don"t have any butter, but they have some eggs.8. I don"t have any lettuces, but I have some cabbages.9. Penny and I don"t have any beans, but we have some peas.Lesson62 P-124A1. He has a cold.2. He can"t go to work.3. He is not well.4. He feels ill.5. He must see a doctor.6. He does not like doctors.B1. What"s the matter with Elizabeth?Does she have an earache?No, she doesn"t have an earache.She has a headache. So she must take an aspirin.2. What"s the matter with George?Does he have a headache?No, he doesn"t have a headache.He has an earache. So he must see a doctor.3. What"s the matter with Jim?Does he have a stomach ache?No, he doesn"t have a stomach ache.He has a tooth ache. So he must see a dentist.4. What"s the matter with Jane?Does she have a toothache? No, she doesn"t have a toothache.. She has a stomach ache. So she must take some medicine.5. What"s the matter with Sam?Does he have a stomach ache?No, he doesn"t have a stomach ache.He has a temperature. So he must go to bed.6. What"s the matter with Dave?Does he have a headache?No, he doesn"t have a headache.He has flu. So he must stay in bed.7. What"s the matter with Jimmy?Does he have a headache?No, he doesn"t have a headache.He has measles. So we must call the doctor.8. What"s the matter with Susan?Does she have an earache?No, she doesn"t have an earache.She has mumps. So we must call the doctor.Lesson 64 P-128A1. Jimmy is better now but he mustn"t get up yet.2. Jimmy has a cold and he must stay in bed.3. Jimmy can get up for two hours each day.4. Jimmy often reads in bed.5. Jimmy listens to the stereo, too.6. Jimmy doesn"t feel ill now.B1. Don"t take any aspirins! You mustn"t take any aspirins!2. Don"t take this medicine! You mustn"t take this medicine!3. Don"t call the doctor! You mustn"t call the doctor!4. Don"t play with matches! You mustn"t play with matches!5. Don"t talk in the library! You mustn"t talk in the library!6. Don"t make a noise! You mustn"t make a noise!7. Don"t drive so quickly! You mustn"t drive so quickly!8. Don"t lean out of the window! You mustn"t lean out of the window!9. Don"t break that vase! You mustn"t break that vase!Lesson 66 P-132A1. I am going to see him at ten o"clock.2. It often rains in November.3. Where do you come from? I come from France.4. I always go to work in the morning.5. What"s the climate like in your country?6. It"s cold in winter and hot in summer.B 1. She must go to the library at quarter past one.2. Sam and I must see the dentist at quarter to four.3. I must type this letter at two o" clock2.00.4. Sam and Penny must see the boss at half past one.5. George must take his medicine at quarter past three.6. Sophie must arrive in London at half past two.7. You must catch the bus at half past three.8. I must arrive there at three o"clock.9. They must come home at quarter past two.10. I must meet Sam at quarter to two.11. He must telephone me at quarter to three. Lesson 68 P-136A1. I was at church on Sunday.2. I was at the office on Monday.3. My son was at school on Tuesday.4. My wife was at the butcher"s on Wednesday.5. She was at the grocer"s on Thursday.6. My daughter was in the country on Friday.7. I was at home on Saturday.B1. When was Tom at the hairdresser"s? He was at the hairdresser"s on Thursday.2. When was Mrs. Jones at the butcher"s? She was at the butcher"s on Wednesday.3. When was he at home? He was at home on Sunday.4. When was Penny at the baker"s? She was at the baker"s on Friday.5. When was Mrs. Williams at the grocer"s? She was at the grocer"s on Monday.6. When was Nicola at the office? She was at the office on Tuesday.Lesson 70 P-140A1. We were at the stationer"s on Monday.2. We were there at four o"clock.3. They were in Australia in September.4. They were there in spring.5. On November 25th, they were in Canada.6. They were there in 1990.B1. Where were you and Susan on March 23rd.We were at the office on March 23rd.2. Where were Sam and Penny in 1986?They were in India in 1986.3. Where were you and Penny in Saturday?We were at the baker"s on Saturday.4. Where were Sam and Penny in 1993?They were in Canada in 1993.5. Where were you and Penny in August?We were in Austria in August.6. Where were Sam and Penny on May 25th?They were at home on May 25th.7. Where were you and Penny in December?We were in Finland in December.8. Where were you and Sam on February 22nd?We were at school on February 22nd.
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小学英语新概念第77篇the sun答案

请给我留言 Answers to written exercisesLesson 54A1 The sun sets late.Does the sun set late The sun doesn"t set late.2 He likes ice cream.Does he like ice cream He doesn"t like ice cream.3 Mrs. Jones wants a biscuit.Does she want a biscuit She doesn"t want a biscuit.4 Jim comes from England.Does Jim come from England He doesn"t come from England.B1 Where does he come from Is he AustralianYes. He"s Australian. He comes from Australia.2 Where does he come from Is he AustrianYes. He"s Austrian. He comes from Austria.3 Where does he come from Is he CanadianYes. He"s Canadian. He comes from Canada.4 Where do they come from Are they ChineseYes. They"re Chinese. They come from China.5 Where does he come from Is he FinnishYes. He"s Finnish. He comes from Finland.6 Where does she come from Is she IndianYes. She"s Indian. She comes from India.7 Where do they come from Are they JapaneseYes. They are Japanese. They come from Japan.8 Where do they come from Are they NigerianYes. They"re Nigerian. They come from Nigeria.9 Where does she come from Is she TurkishYes. She"s Turkish. She comes from Turkey.10 Where does she come from Is she KoreanYes She"s Korean. She comes from Korea.Lesson 56A1 The children go to school in the morning.2 Their father takes them to school.3 Mrs. Sawyer stays at home.4 She does the housework.5 She always eats her lunch at noon.B1 What does she do in the morning She always makes the bed in the morning.2 What does he do in the morning He always shaves in the morning.3 What do they do in the evening They sometimes listen to the stereo in the evening.4 What does he do every day He always cleans the blackboard every day.5 What do they do at night They always go to bed early at night.6 What does she do every day She usually washes the dishes every day.7 What do they do in the afternoon They usually type some letters in the afternoon.8 What does it do every day It usually drinks some milk every day.9 What do they do in the evening They sometimes watch television in the evening.10 What does she do at noon She always eats her lunch at noon.11 What does he do in the evening He often reads his newspaper in the evening.Lesson 58A1 She usually drinks tea in the morning, but this morning, she is drinking coffee.2 They usually play in the garden in the afternoon, but this afternoon, they are playing in the park.3 He usually washes the dishes at night, but tonight he is washing clothes.B1 What does she usually do in the morning She usually drinks tea in the morning.What is she doing this morning She is drinking coffee.2 What do they usually do in the afternoon They usually play in the garden in the afternoon.What are they doing this afternoon They are swimming in the river.3 What do you usually do in the evening I usually cook a meal in the evening.What are you doing this evening I am reading a book this evening.4 What do you usually do at night We usually watch television at night.What are you doing tonight We are listening to the stereo tonight.Lesson 60A1 I don"t have any grapes, but I have some peaches.2 I don"t have any tomatoes, but I have some potatoes.3 I don"t have any mince, but I have some steak.4 I don"t have any glue, but I have some ink.5 I don"t have any envelopes, but I have some writing paper.B1 I don"t have any honey, but I have some Jam.2 Penny and I don"t have any beaus, but we have some potatoes.3 Penny and Sam don"t have any wine, but they have some beer.4 Sam and I don"t have any bread, but we have some biscuits.5 Sam and Penny don"t have any grapes, but they have some bananas.6 I don"t have any mince, but I have some steak.7 The children don"t have any butter, but they have some eggs.8 I don"t have any lettuces, but I have some cabbages.9 Penny and I don"t have any beans, but we have some peas.Lesson 62A1 He has a cold.2 He can"t go to work.3 He is not well.4 He feels ill.5 He must see a doctor.6 He does not like doctors.B1 What"s the matter with ElizabethDoes she have an earacheNo, she doesn"t have an earache.She has a headache. So she must take an aspirin.2 What"s the matter with GeorgeDoes he have a headacheNo, he doesn"t have a headache.He has an earache. So he must see a doctor.3 What"s the matter with JimDoes he have a stomach acheNo, he doesn"t have a stomach ache.He has a tooth ache. So he must see a dentist.4 What"s the matter with JaneDoes she have a toothacheNo, she doesn"t have a toothache.She has a stomach ache. So she must take some medicine.5 What"s the matter with SamDoes he have a stomach acheNo, he doesn"t have a stomach ache.He has a temperature. So he must go to bed.6 What"s the matter with DaveDoes he have a headacheNo, he doesn"t have a headache.He has flu. So he must stay in bed.7 What"s the matter with JimmyDoes he have a headacheNo, he doesn"t have a headache.He has measles. So we must call the doctor.8 What"s the matter with SusanDoes she have an earacheNo, she doesn"t have an earache.She has mumps. So we must call the doctor.Lesson 64A1 Jimmy is better now but he mustn"t get up yet.2 Jimmy has a cold and he must stay in bed.3 Jimmy can get up for two hours each day.4 Jimmy often reads in bed.5 Jimmy listens to the stereo, too.6 Jimmy doesn"t feel ill now.B1 Don"t take any aspirins! You mustn"t take any aspirins!2 Don"t take this medicine! You mustn"t take this medicine!3 Don"t call the doctor! You mustn"t call the doctor!4 Don"t play with matches! You mustn"t play with matches!5 Don"t talk in the library! You mustn"t talk in the library!6 Don"t make a noise! You mustn"t make a noise!7 Don"t drive so quickly! You mustn"t drive so quickly!8 Don"t lean out of the window! You mustn"t lean out of the window!9 Don"t break that vase! You mustn"t break that vase!Lesson 66A1 I am going to see him at ten o"clock.2 It often rains in November.3 Where do you come from I come from France.4 I always go to work in the morning.5 What"s the climate like in your country6 It"s cold in winter and hot in summer.B1 She must go to the library at 1.15.2 Sam and I must see the dentist at 3.45.3 I must type this letter at 2.00.4 Sam and Penny must see the boss at 1.30.5 George must take his medicine at 3.15.6 Sophie must arrive in London at 2.30.7 You must catch the bus at 3.30.8 I must arrive there at 3.00.9 They must come home at 2.15.10 I must meet Sam at 1.45.11 He must telephone me at 2.45.Lesson 68A1 I was at church on Sunday.2 I was at the office on Monday.3 My son was at school on Tuesday.4 My wife was at the butcher"s on Wednesday.5 She was at the grocer"s on Thursday.6 My daughter was in the country on Friday.7 I was at home on Saturday.B1 When was Tom at the hairdresser"s He was at the hairdresser"s on Thursday.2 When was Mrs. Jones at the butcher"s She was at the butcher"s on Wednesday.3 When was he at home He was at home on Sunday.4 When was Penny at the baker"s She was at the baker"s on Friday.5 When was Mrs. Williams at the grocer"s She was at the grocer"s on Monday.6 When was Nicola at the office She was at the office on Tuesday.Lesson 70A1 We were at the stationer"s on Monday.2 We were there at four o"clock.3 They were in Australia in September.4 They were there in spring.5 On November 25th, they were in Canada.6 They were there in 1990.B1 Where were you and Susan on March 23rdWe were at the office on March 23rd.2 Where were Sam and Penny in 1986They were in India in 1986.3 Where were you and Penny on SaturdayWe were at the baker"s on Saturday.4 Where were Sam and Penny in 1993They were in Canada in 1993.5 Where were you and Penny in AugustWe were in Austria in August.6 Where were Sam and Penny on May 25thThey were at home on May 25th.7 Where were you and Penny in DecemberWe were in Finland in December.8 Where were you and Sam on February 22ndWe were at school on February 22nd.Lesson 72A1 It is raining now. It rained yesterday.2 It is snowing now. It snowed yesterday.3 He is boiling some eggs. He boiled some yesterday.4 We are enjoying our lunch. We enjoyed it yesterday, too.B1 What did they do yesterday They cleaned their shoes yesterday.2 What did he do last night He opened the box last night.3 What did they do this morning They sharpened their pencils this morning.4 What did she do this evening She turned on the television this evening.5 What did she do last night She listened to the radio last night.6 What did she do yesterday morning She boiled an egg yesterday morning.7 What did they do yesterday afternoon They played a game yesterday afternoon.8 What did he do in the morning the day before yesterday He stayed in bed in the morning the day before yesterday.9 What did she do yesterday evening She telephoned her husband yesterday evening.10 What did she do the night before last She called the doctor the night before last.Lesson 74A1 He read the phrase slowly.2 He worked lazily.3 He cut himself badly.4 He worked carefully.5 The door opened suddenly.B(sample sentences)1 He does not know me very well.2 She worked very hard.3 She smiled pleasantly.4 The bus went hurriedly.5 He shaved slowly.6 She drank a glass of water thirstily.7 He greeted me warmly.8 We enjoyed ourselves very much.Lesson 76A1 She met her friends yesterday.2 They drank some milk yesterday.3 He swam in the river yesterday.4 She took him to school yesterday.5 He cut himself yesterday.B1 When did you walk across the park I walked across the park last week.2 When did you wash your hands I washed my hands a minute ago.3 When did you work in an office I worked in an office the year before last.4 When did you ask a question I asked a question five minutes ago.5 When did you type those letters I typed those letters a month ago.6 When did you watch television I watched television every day this week.7 When did you talk to the shop assistant I talked to the shop assistant last month.8 When did you thank your father I thanked my father an hour ago.9 When did you dust the cupboard I dusted the cupboard three days ago.10 When did you paint that bookcase I painted that bookcase the year before last.11 When did you want a car like that one I wanted a car like that one a year ago.12 When did you greet her I greeted her a minute ago.Lesson 78A1 She buys a new car every year. She bought a new car last year.2 She airs the room every day. She aired it this morning.3 He often loses his pen. He lost his pen this morning.4 She always listens to the news. She listened to the news yesterday.5 She empties this basket every day. She emptied it yesterday.B1 I painted the room in 1996.2 She met him on 5th November.3 They arrived a quarter to eleven.4 He lost his pen on Saturday.Lesson 80A1 I haven"t got much butter.2 You haven"t got many envelopes.3 We haven"t got much milk.4 She hasn"t got many biscuits.5 They haven"t got much stationery.B1 They need a lot of bread. They haven"t got much.They must go to the baker"s to get some bread.2 She needs a lot of eggs. She hasn"t got many.She must go to the grocer"s to get some eggs.3 They need a lot of magazines. They haven"t got many.They must go to the newsagent"s to get some magazines.4 I need a lot of beef. I haven"t got much.I must go to the butcher"s to get some beef.5 She needs a lot of butter. She hasn"t got much.She must go to the grocer"s to get some butter.6 They need a lot of bananas. They haven"t got many.They must go to the greengrocer"s to get some bananas.7 He needs a lot of medicine. He hasn"t got much.He must go to the chemist"s to get some medicine.Lesson 82A1 They ate a meal at a restaurant.2 We went for a holiday last month.3 Eat a biscuit.4 You enjoyed yourself.5 They are eating their lunch.6 I drank a glass of milk.B1 They are going to have breakfast.2 They are having lunch.3 He must have tea.4 They had dinner.5 They must have a meal.6 He is going to have a swim.7 He is having a bath.8 He had a haircut.9 They are having a lesson.10 They had a party.11 They must have a holiday.12 They are going to have a good time.Lesson 84A1 I"ve already had some.2 I"ve already had one.3 I"ve already had one.4 I"ve already had some.5 I"ve already had one.6 I"ve already had one.7 I"ve already had some.B1 He hasn"t had any beans. He"s just had some peas.2 They haven"t had any tea. They"ve just had some coffee.3 I haven"t had any apples. I"ve just had some peaches.4 I haven"t had any cabbage. I"ve just had some lettuce.5 She hasn"t had any beer. She"s just had some wine.6 He hasn"t had any lamb. He"s just had some beef.7 They haven"t had any tea. They"ve just had some milk.8 She hasn"t had any meat. She"s just had some vegetables.9 I haven"t had any chicken. I"ve just had some steak.10 They haven"t had any bananas. They"ve just had some oranges.Lesson 86A1 She has just boiled an egg.3 She has never been to China, but he was there in 1992.4 He has already painted that bookcase.7 He has just dusted the cupboard.B1 I"ve already cleaned my shoes. I cleaned my shoes last night.2 I"ve already opened the window. I opened the window an hour ago.3 I"ve already sharpened my pencil. I sharpened my pencil a minute ago.4 I"ve already turned on the television. I turned on the television ten minutes ago.5 I"ve already boiled the milk. I boiled the milk yesterday morning.6 I"ve already emptied the basket. I emptied the basket yesterday.7 I"ve already asked a question. I asked the question two minutes ago.8 I"ve already typed that letter. I typed that letter this morning.9 I"ve already washed my hands. I washed my hands five minutes ago.10 I"ve already walked across the park. I walked across the park an hour ago.11 I"ve already painted that bookcase. I painted that bookcase a year ago.12 I"ve already dusted the cupboard. I dusted the cupboard this afternoon.Lesson 88A1 Did he find his pen a minute ago He didn"t find his pen a minute ago.2 Did he get a new television last week He didn"t get a new television last week.3 Did you hear the news on the radio We didn"t hear the news on the radio.4 Did they leave this morning They didn"t leave this morning.5 Did he lose his umbrella yesterd
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2023-06-29 03:00:433

用at或at the 填空 因为我不会填所以告诉我为什么填什么介词之类的帮忙解释一下呗,如介词是什么词

1 at the greengrocer"s, 2 at school, 3 at the stationer"s(在文具店), 4 at the hairdresser"s, 5 at home, 6 on the dairy (farm), 7 at the grocer"s 8 at the butcher"s, 9 in the office, 10 at the baker"s 11 in church, 12 on the weekend. 1 介词, 我在家, I am at home, 这个在/at就是介词;2 动词, 我吃饭, I am eating, 这个吃/eat就是动词;3 冠词, a, an, the三个, I am a girl, 我是个女孩, 这个个/a就是不定冠词, on the weekend, 在周末, 里面的the就是定冠词, 特指. the rich, 富人, the是定冠词.4 be, 过去式有was/were. I was a worker, 我曾经是名工人. was就是be的过去式, 用于过去时中. 多看看语法书吧, 尤其是多看例句培养语感, 不然你的英语提高起来很慢. good luck.
2023-06-29 03:00:501


肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺a barber"s理发店a doctor"s诊所my sister"s我姐姐的家stationer"s文具店Chaplin"s卓别林的家名词所有格用来表示所有关系,一般用"s和of来表示名词的所有格。与所有格相对,不带"s词尾的是名词普通格。在学习名词所有格时,要掌握以下内容。
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2023-06-29 03:02:063

Me is your mom修改病句?

I am your mother. 英语人称代词及其用法1. his (物主代词)2.her (物主代词)3.Lucy"s (所有格) (物主代词)5.her parent (主语)6.children my (复数、物主代词)7.its (物主代词)8.are (be 动词复数) (宾格)10.Ann"s our (所有格、物主代词)人称代词:一、人称代词的宾格有:me(我)、him(他)、her(她)、it(它)、us(我们)、you(你、你们)、them(他们、她们、它们)。二、人称代词的宾格在句中作宾语,往往用在动词或介词后面。例:1.Listen to me,Dad.2.Peter is sitting behind me.3.Let me got here now.4.Give me an orange,please.三、you既是"你"或"你们"的主格,又是它们的宾格;her既是"她"的所有格,又是它的宾格。我们可以根据它们在句子中的位置来判断它们属于主格、所有格还是宾格。四、and是一个我们常用来连接两个词的连接词。它虽然与介词with有同样的意思,但它的前后可以是人称代词的主语,也可以是人称代词的宾格,而with只能跟人称代词的宾格。如:You and I are going to school.You are going to school with me.五、人称代词的主格和宾格单数形式:I-me,you-you,he-him,she-her,it-it(共5对)复数形式:we-us,you-you,they-them(共3对)六、人称代词在句中的作用1)主格作主语。如:I am Chinese.我是中国人。2)宾格作宾语,放在及物动词或介词之后,有时还可以在口语中用作表语。如:①I don"t know her.我不认识她。(动词宾语)②What"s wrong with it?它怎么了?(介词宾语)③-Open the door,please.It"s me.请开门,是我。(表语)七、人称代词并列用法的排列顺序1)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为:第二人称->第三人称->第一人称即:you and I;he/she/itandI;you,he/she/it and I2)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为:第一人称->第二人称->第三人称即:we and you;you and they;we,you and they为帮助同学们理解和掌握英语人称代词,请记住下面的口诀:人称代词分主/宾,只有八对要区分。你(们)、它主/宾同一形,其余主/宾须分清。谓语之前主格填,动/介之后宾格跟,口语运用最灵活,表语也可用宾格。人称代词并列现,注意顺序礼貌见,二一、三一、二三一,第一人称最谦虚,若把错误责任担,第一人称须当先。你问的题目还牵涉到物主代词的问题:用来表示某人或某物属于"谁的"的代词叫做物主代词。 形容词性物主代词有:my(我的),your(你的、你们的),our(我们的),his(他的),her(她的),its(它的),their(他们 的)。 形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,常放在名词前面作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或物是"谁的"。1. 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只能用作定语,后面必须跟名词。例如:Is that your bike? 那是你的自行车吗?2. 如果名词前用了形容词性物主代词,就不能再用冠词(a, an, the)、指示代词(this, that, these, those)等修饰词了。例如:这是他的书桌。误:This is his a desk.正:This is his desk.3. 与形容词一起修饰名词时,形容词性物主代词要放在形容词的前面。如:his English books他的英语书,their Chinese friends他们的中国朋友。4. 汉语中经常会出现"我妈妈","你们老师"等这样的语言现象,虽然代词用的是"我"、"你们",但实际意义仍是"我的"、"你们的",所以在英译时,注意要用形容词性物主代词"my","your"。例如:你妈妈在家吗?误:Is you mother at home?正:Is your mother at home?5. it"s与its读音相同,he"s与his读音相似,但使用时需注意它们的区别(it"s和he"s分别是it is和he is的缩略形式,但its 和his 却是形容词性物主代词) 。例如:It"s a bird. Its name is Polly. 它是一只鸟。它的名字叫波利。He"s a student. His mother is a teacher. 他是一名学生。他妈妈是一位教师。还有名词所有格的问题:名词所有格的构成表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 "s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men"s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作 // a mile"s distance 一英里的距离 // a stone"s throw 一步之遥 // the moon"s light 月光但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“"”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程 // five minutes" walk 五分钟路程 // two miles" distance 两英里的距离2. 用名词所有格表示处所肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺 // a barber"s理发店 // a doctor"s诊所 // my sister"s我姐姐的家 // stationer"s文具店 // Chaplin"s卓别林的家
2023-06-29 03:02:131

told each other stories中为什么each other不用所有格 劳烦大家啦O(∩_∩)O

名词所有格 名词所有格的构成 表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 "s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men"s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作 // a mile"s distance 一英里的距离 // a stone"s throw 一步之遥 // the moon"s light 月光 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“"”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程 // five minutes" walk 五分钟路程 // two miles" distance 两英里的距离 2. 用名词所有格表示处所 肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺 // a barber"s理发店 // a doctor"s诊所 // my sister"s我姐姐的家 // stationer"s文具店 // Chaplin"s卓别林的家 名词所有格用来表示所有关系,一般用"s和of来表示名词的所有格。与所有格相对,不带"s词尾的是名词普通格。在学习名词所有格时,要掌握以下内容。 1."s所有格用法 单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加"s(以s结尾的只需加")构成所有格,主要用于有生命的东西。例如: Have you read Robert Browning"s poems?你读过罗伯特·勃郎宁的诗吗? It"s made from mare"s,cow"s or ewe"s milk.它是用马奶、牛奶或者羊奶制成的。 但也可用于表示时间、城市、地域、团体、机构等非生命的事物。例如: We accepted the invitation without a moment"s hesitation.我们一点也没有犹豫就接受了邀请。 New York"s population is much larger than Washington"s,though it is not the capital city.纽约的人口比华盛顿多得多,虽然它并不是首都城市。 They are holding conferences to discuss the Europe"s future.他们正召开各种会议来讨论欧洲的前景。 We heartily applauded the delegation"s successful visit.我们热烈欢呼代表团访问成功。 Professor Smith is teaching at Yale"s Department of Literature.史密斯教授在耶鲁大学文学系任教。 在某些习惯用语中,尽管是表示无生命的名词,也需要"s的所有格。例如: The driver escaped the death by a hair"s breadth.那个司机这回真是九死一生。 Now you may sing to your heart"s content.你现在可以尽情地唱了。 另外,for friendship"s sake(为了友情),at a stone"s throw(一箭之远), at one"s? finger"s tip(手头上有),at arm"s length(保持距离),at one"s wits"end(黔驴技穷)等都属此类。 2.of所有格用法 凡不能加"s的名词,都可以与of构成短语,来表示所有关系。例如: Does anyone know the title of the novel?有谁知道这部小说的名字? There is a tall maple tree at the end of the road.在这条路的尽头有一棵高高的枫树。 如果名词后面有一个较长定语,尽管名词表示有生命的东西,也可以用这种所有格形式。例如: Did you listen to the speech of the President Clinton over the radio?你听了克林顿总统的广播讲话了吗? They have the supportofthe people ofthe developing countries.他们得到发展中国家人民的支持。 3.双重所有格 所谓“双重所有格(double genitive)”,是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格,即“of+名词所有格”。双重所有格有以下几个特征: 1) “of+名词所有格”中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。因此,我们可以说:a play of?Shakespeare"s(莎士比亚的一个戏剧), a friend of my wife"s(我妻子的一个朋友),但却不能说a funnel of the ship"s或 a leg of a table"s,而且该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的。比如我们可以说,a friend of the doctor"s(这位医生的一个朋友),a novel of the writer"s(那位作者的一部小说),而不能说a friend of a doctor"s或 a novel of a writer"s。 2)除了修饰的原因外,用双重所有格主要是由于被修饰词有排他性的限定词(determiner),如冠词、某些不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、数词等。比如我们不能说 an our old acquaintance,而必须说an old acquaintance of ours(我们的一个老相识);不能说many their books,正确的说法是 many book of theirs(他们的许多书)。再如: This demand oftheirs is quite ridiculous.他们的这个要求非常可笑。 ? “This foolish wife of mine thinks I"m a great artist,” said he.“我那愚蠢的老婆以为我是个大艺术家,”他说道。 3)注意区别下列四种表达方式含义的差别: one of my brother"s friends(明确表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother"s(暗示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother(对我兄弟有好感的人) my brother"s friend(我兄弟唯一的一个朋友或刚谈及的那一个朋友) 4.特殊所有格 若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数。例如: The woman dressed in blue is Mary and Alice"s mother.那个穿蓝衣服的妇女是玛丽和爱丽丝的母亲。 You should find what the difference between Mr. Smith"s and Mr.Black"s cars is.你应当发现史密斯先生与布莱克先生的汽车的不同之处。 双重所有格 双重所有格 物主代词不可与 a, an, this, that, these, those, some, any, several, no, each, every, such, another, which等词一起前置,修饰一个名词,而必须用双重所有格。 公式为: a, an, this, that +名词+of +名词性物主代词。如: a friend of mine. each brother of his. 1.双重所有格是由非生物的所有格(即of+名词)与生物的所有格(如mother"s, Tom"s等)共同构成的。 2.双重所有格的形式可为名词+of+名词的所有格,其中of后面的生物的所有格之后的名词被省略;也可为名词+of+所有代名词。 Tom, Mike, and Mary were classmates of Stephen"s. 汤姆,迈克和玛丽是史迪文的同学。 在生物的所有格Stephen"s之后,省略了名词classmates, 生物的所有格所代表的同学的数量超过此文提到过的三人。 Mr. Green and Mr. Brown are neighbors of mine. 格林先生和布朗先生是我的邻居。 of之后的所有代名词=所有形容词my+名词neighbors,它所代表的邻居的数量超过此文提到过的两人。 3.双重所有格多由a, an, this, that, these, those, any, some, each, every, many, more, most, either, neither, no, much, another, several, enough, such, one, two等冠词、指示形容词、不定形容词、数量词或疑问形容词which+名词+of+名词的所有格或所有代名词构成。 He is a teacher of my sister"s. 他是我妹妹的一位老师。 A friend of hers has gone to London. 她的一位朋友去了伦敦。 This tool of his is useful. 他的这个工具很有用。 It"s no business of yours. 这不关你的事。 That great idea of David"s brought us a lot of trouble. 戴维的那个好主意给我们带来了很多麻烦。 Which novel of Dicken"s are you reading? 你在读狄更斯的哪一本小说? 4.如果双重所有格中of前面的名词是portrait, picture, printing, statue, photograph等时,是指有关的人所收藏的肖像或照片等,而不是他本人的肖像或照片。 This is a portrait of Mr. White"s. 这是怀特先生的一幅画像。 本句指怀特先生所收藏的一幅画像。 This is a portrait of Mr. White. 这是怀特先生的一幅画像。 本句指画中画的是怀特先生。代名词的所有格 1.代名词的所有格表示代名词的所有。 2.人称代名词的所有格有my, our, your, his, her, its, their。 3.代名词的所有格必须放在名词之前,人称和数要与所有者的人称和数一致。 She gave her stamps to me. 她把她的邮票送给我了。 4.当所有者是男性单数,拟人化的阳性或泛指一般人时,代名词的所有格用his。 John is talking to his daughter. 约翰正在同他女儿谈话。 The sun is shining in all his splendid beauty. 太阳发出灿烂的光芒。 If a person breaks the law, his behavior should be condemned. 如果一个人违反了法律,他的行为就应受到谴责。 5.所有者是女性单数或拟人化的阴性,如国家、城市、船舶、飞机、月亮、地球、春天、大自然、和平、希望等以及部分动物时,代名词的所有格用her。 Jane had her hair dressed yesterday. 珍昨天去做头发了。 The moon shines her rays on all. 月光照耀在所有人身上。 6.所有者为一个动物、一件东西或婴儿时,代名词的所有格用its。 The baby is sucking its finger. 这婴儿正在吮吸他的手指。 7.所有者为复数的人、动物或东西时,代名词的所有格用their。 I"m not used to driving cars with their steering wheels at the right. 我不习惯于驾驶方向盘在右边的汽车。 8.复合人称代名词的所有格为my own, our own, your own, his own, her own, its own, their own, one"s own。 9.复合人称代名词的所有格用来加强人称代名词的所有格的语气。 We have our own books. 我们有我们自己的书。 1.0复合人称代名词的所有格可以与of连用,位于被修饰的名词之后,表示所有关系。 The word has a distinct meaning of its own. 这个字有它自己特殊的意思。
2023-06-29 03:02:212


名词的用法 1."s所有格用法 单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加"s(以s结尾的只需加")构成所有格,主要用于有生命的东西。2.of所有格用法 凡不能加"s的名词,都可以与of构成短语,来表示所有关系。3.双重所有格 所谓“双重所有格”,是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格,即“of+名词所有格”。双重所有格有以下几个特征: 1) “of+名词所有格”中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。而且该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的。 2)除了修饰的原因外,用双重所有格主要是由于被修饰词有排他性的限定词,如冠词、某些不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、数词等。3)注意区别下列四种表达方式含义的差别: one of my brother"s friends(明确表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother"s(暗示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother(对我兄弟有好感的人) my brother"s friend(我兄弟唯一的一个朋友或刚谈及的那一个朋友) 4.特殊所有格 若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数。
2023-06-29 03:02:291


名词所有格的构成 表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 "s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men"s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作 // a mile"s distance 一英里的距离 // a stone"s throw 一步之遥 // the moon"s light 月光 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“"”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程 // five minutes" walk 五分钟路程 // two miles" distance 两英里的距离 2. 用名词所有格表示处所 肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺 // a barber"s理发店 // a doctor"s诊所 // my sister"s我姐姐的家 // stationer"s文具店 // Chaplin"s卓别林的家
2023-06-29 03:02:372


1.两位数先说“几十”,再说“几”。中间加连字符号“-”。例如:24 twenty-four 86 eighty-six2.基数词变序数词口诀英语中基数词变为序数词时,一般在基数词后加词尾-th,但有几个词变化特殊,只要记住下面这个口诀,这些问题即可迎刃而解。 一、二、三,单独记;八去t,九除e, ve要用f替,整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie;要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序,th最后加上去。 解析口诀:one→first, two→second, three→third这三个词变化特殊,要单独记;eight→eighth, nine→ninth, 八去t,九去e后再加-th; five→fifth, twelve→twelfth,五、十二把ve换成f再加-th;twenty→twentieth, thirty→thirtieth... 整十先把词尾y改为ie再加-th。两位数时则十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词,如:twenty-first。 3.名词所有格 名词所有格的构成 表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 "s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men"s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作 // a mile"s distance 一英里的距离 // a stone"s throw 一步之遥 // the moon"s light 月光 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“"”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程 // five minutes" walk 五分钟路程 // two miles" distance 两英里的距离 2. 用名词所有格表示处所 肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺 // a barber"s理发店 // a doctor"s诊所 // my sister"s我姐姐的家 // stationer"s文具店 // Chaplin"s卓别林的家 名词所有格用来表示所有关系,一般用"s和of来表示名词的所有格。与所有格相对,不带"s词尾的是名词普通格。在学习名词所有格时,要掌握以下内容。 1."s所有格用法 单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加"s(以s结尾的只需加")构成所有格,主要用于有生命的东西。例如: Have you read Robert Browning"s poems?你读过罗伯特·勃郎宁的诗吗? It"s made from mare"s,cow"s or ewe"s milk.它是用马奶、牛奶或者羊奶制成的。 但也可用于表示时间、城市、地域、团体、机构等非生命的事物。例如: We accepted the invitation without a moment"s hesitation.我们一点也没有犹豫就接受了邀请。 New York"s population is much larger than Washington"s,though it is not the capital city.纽约的人口比华盛顿多得多,虽然它并不是首都城市。 They are holding conferences to discuss the Europe"s future.他们正召开各种会议来讨论欧洲的前景。 We heartily applauded the delegation"s successful visit.我们热烈欢呼代表团访问成功。 Professor Smith is teaching at Yale"s Department of Literature.史密斯教授在耶鲁大学文学系任教。 在某些习惯用语中,尽管是表示无生命的名词,也需要"s的所有格。例如: The driver escaped the death by a hair"s breadth.那个司机这回真是九死一生。 Now you may sing to your heart"s content.你现在可以尽情地唱了。 另外,for friendship"s sake(为了友情),at a stone"s throw(一箭之远), at one"s finger"s tip(手头上有),at arm"s length(保持距离),at one"s wits"end(黔驴技穷)等都属此类。 2.of所有格用法 凡不能加"s的名词,都可以与of构成短语,来表示所有关系。例如: Does anyone know the title of the novel?有谁知道这部小说的名字? There is a tall maple tree at the end of the road.在这条路的尽头有一棵高高的枫树。 如果名词后面有一个较长定语,尽管名词表示有生命的东西,也可以用这种所有格形式。例如: Did you listen to the speech of the President Clinton over the radio?你听了克林顿总统的广播讲话了吗? They have the supportofthe people ofthe developing countries.他们得到发展中国家人民的支持。 3.双重所有格 所谓“双重所有格(double genitive)”,是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格,即“of+名词所有格”。双重所有格有以下几个特征: 1) “of+名词所有格”中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。因此,我们可以说:a play ofShakespeare"s(莎士比亚的一个戏剧), a friend of my wife"s(我妻子的一个朋友),但却不能说a funnel of the ship"s或 a leg of a table"s,而且该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的。比如我们可以说,a friend of the doctor"s(这位医生的一个朋友),a novel of the writer"s(那位作者的一部小说),而不能说a friend of a doctor"s或 a novel of a writer"s。 2)除了修饰的原因外,用双重所有格主要是由于被修饰词有排他性的限定词(determiner),如冠词、某些不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、数词等。比如我们不能说 an our old acquaintance,而必须说an old acquaintance of ours(我们的一个老相识);不能说many their books,正确的说法是 many books of theirs(他们的许多书)。再如: This demand oftheirs is quite ridiculous.他们的这个要求非常可笑。 “This foolish wife of mine thinks I"m a great artist,” said he.“我那愚蠢的老婆以为我是个大艺术家,”他说道。 3)注意区别下列四种表达方式含义的差别: one of my brother"s friends(明确表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother"s(暗示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother(对我兄弟有好感的人) my brother"s friend(我兄弟唯一的一个朋友或刚谈及的那一个朋友) 4.特殊所有格 若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数。例如: The woman dressed in blue is Mary and Alice"s mother.那个穿蓝衣服的妇女是玛丽和爱丽丝的母亲。 You should find what the difference between Mr. Smith"s and Mr.Black"s cars is.你应当发现史密斯先生与布莱克先生的汽车的不同之处。 4.1)年份用基数词,日期用序数词。例如: 1988年5月1日可以写作 May 1(st),1988,读作May the first,nineteen eighty-eight;也可以写作 1(st)May,1988,读作the first of May,nineteen eighty-eight 2)英语年份的读法:一般先读前两位数,再读后两位数。例如: 1983→nineteen eighty-three1700→seventeen hundred 1870→eighteen seventy1601→sixteen a one或sixteen hundred and one 965→nine sixty-five 或nine six five 注意. ①日期可全用阿拉伯数字,但是英国人和美国人的写法不同。英国人先写日子,美国人则先写月份。 例如: 6,8,1988=1988年8月6日(英国)=1988年6月8日(美国) ②年份的后面不用year(年),但有时前面有用year的, 如in the year 1949(读作in the year nineteen forty-nine)。 ③公元前的年份后面加 B.C.(采用before Christ的第一个字母,意思是公元前)。 如221. B.C. 可读作two twenty-one B.C. (公元前221年)。公元后的年份一般在后面加A. D.(拉丁语Anno Domini的第一个字母,in the year of the Lord,意思是公元)。有时也有把A. D.加在前面的,如A. D. 1949(=1949.A. D.)。 3)年代用年份的阿拉伯数字加-"s 或-s表示。例如: 十八世纪三十年代→1730"s/1730sthe seventeen thirties 二十世纪六十年代→1960"s/1960sthe nineteen sixties 八十年代初期→the early eighties九十年代末期→the late nineties 二十世纪六十年代中期→the mid 1960"s (1960s)/the mid nineteen sixties
2023-06-29 03:02:461


2 you can buy them at postoffice.3 you can buy some at supermarket.4 you can buy some at shop.5 you can buy some at shop or supermarket.
2023-06-29 03:02:533

文具店 用英文怎么说

文具店的英语单词:stationery store
2023-06-29 03:03:034

日常生活中常见的机构组织的名称 (英语名称)

2023-06-29 03:03:424


一、 1、excuse(原谅) 2、me(我) 3、yes(是的) 4、is(动词现在时) 5、this(这) 6、your(你的,你们的)7、handbag(女用手提包) 8、pardon(原谅,请在说一遍) 9、it(它)10、thank you(感谢你) 11、very much(非常的) 12、pen(钢笔) 13、pencil(铅笔) 14、book(书) 15、watch(手表)(做动词时表示观看) 16、coat(大衣) 17、dress(连衣裙或套裙) 18、skirt(裙子) 19、shirt(衬衣) 20、car(小汽车) 21、house(房子) 二、 1、umbrella(伞) 2、please(请) 3、here(这里) 4、my(我的) 5、ticket(票) 6、number(号码) 7、sorry(对不起) 8、sir(先生) 9、cloakroom(衣帽存放出) 10、suit(一套衣服) 11、school(学校) 12、teacher(老师) 13、son(儿子) 14、daughter(女儿) 三、 1、mr(先生) 2、good(好) 3、morning(早晨) 4、miss(小姐) 5、new(新的) 6、student(学生) 7、french(法国人) 8、german(德国人) 9、nice(美好的) 10、meet(遇见) 11、japanese(日本人) 12、korean(韩国人) 13、chinese(中国人) 14、too(也) 15、make(产品的牌号) 四、 1、i(我) 2、name(名字) 3、what(什么) 4、nationality(国籍) 5、job(工作) 6、keyboard(电脑键盘) 7、operator(操作人员) 8、engineer(工程师) 9、policeman(警察) 10、policewoman(女警) 11、taxi driver(出租汽车司机) 12、air hostess(空中小姐) 13、postman(邮递员) 14、nurse(护士) 15、mechanic(机械师) 16、hairdresser(理发师) 17、housewife(家庭妇女) 18、milkman(送牛奶的人) 五、(9-10) 1、hello(喂) 2、hi(喂、嗨) 3、how(怎样) 4、today(今天) 5、well(身体好) 6、fine(美好的) 7、thanks(谢谢) 8、goodbye(再见) 9、see(见) 10、fat(胖的) 11、woman(女人) 12、thin(瘦的) 13、tall(高的) 14、short(矮的) 15、dirty(脏的) 16、clean(干净的) 17、hot(热的) 18、cold(冷的) 19、old(老的) 20、young(年轻的) 21、busy(忙的) 22、lazy(懒的) 六、(11-12) 1、whose(谁的) 2、blue(蓝色的) 3、perhaps(大概) 4、white(白色的) 5、catch(抓住) 6、father(父亲) 7、mother(母亲) 8、blouse(女衬衫) 9、sister(姐妹) 10、tie(领带) 11、brother(兄弟) 12、his/her(他/她的) 七、(13-14) 1、colour(颜色) 2、green(绿色) 3、come(来) 4、upstairs(楼上) 5、smart(时髦的、也代表聪明) 6、hat(帽子) 7、same(相同的) 8、lovely(可爱的、秀丽的) 9、case(箱子) 10、carpet(地毯) 11、dog(狗) 12、grey(灰色) 13、brown(棕色) 14、red(红色) 15、yellow(黄) 16、orange(橙色) 八、(15-16) 1、customs(海关) 2、officer(官员) 3、girl(女孩) 4、friend(朋友) 5、passport(护照)(pass/通过、port/港口) 6、tourist(旅行者) 7、these(这些this复数) 九、(17-18) 1、employee(雇员) 2、hard-working(勤奋的) 3、sales reps(推销员)(sales/销售) 4、man(男人) 5、office(办公室) 6、assistant(助手) 十、(19-20) 1、matter(事情) 2、children(孩子)(child的复数) 3、tired(累、疲乏) 4、boy(男孩) 5、thirsty(渴) 6、sit down(坐下) 7、right(可以) 8、ice cream(冰淇淋) 9、big(大的) 10、small(小的) 11、open(开着的) 12、shut(关着的) 13、light(轻的) 14、heavy(重的) 15、long(长的) 16、shoe(鞋子) 17、grandfather/mother(祖父/母) 十一、(21-22) 1、give(给) 2、one(一个) 3、which(哪一个) 4、empty(空的) 5、full(满的) 6、large(大的) 7、little(小的) 8、sharp(锋利的) 9、small(小的) 10、big(大的) 11、blunt(钝的) 12、box(盒子) 13、glass(杯子) 14、cup(茶杯) 15、bottle(瓶子) 16、tin(罐头) 17、knife(刀子) 18、fork(叉子) 19、spoon(勺子) 十二、(23-24) 1、on(在.....之上) 2、shelf(架子、搁板) 3、desk(课桌) 4、table(桌子) 5、plate(盘子) 6、cupboard(食厨) 7、cigarette(香烟) 8、television(电视机) 9、floor(地板) 10、dressing(梳妆台) 11、magazine(杂志) 12、bed(床) 13、newspaper(报纸) 14、stereo(立体声音响) 十三、(25-26) 1、mrs(夫人) 2、kitchen(厨房) 3、refrigerator(电冰箱) 4、right(右边) 5、electric(带电的、可通电的) 6、left(左边) 7、cooker(炉子) 8、middle(中间) 9、of(属于.....的) 10、room(房间) 11、cup(杯子) 12、where(在哪里) 13、in(在.....里) 十四、(27-28) 1、living room(客厅) 2、near(靠近) 3、window(窗户) 4、armchair(扶手椅) 5、door(门) 6、picture(图画) 7、wall(墙) 8、trousers(长裤) 十五、(29-30) 1、shut(关门) 2、bedroom(卧室) 3、untidy(乱,不整齐) 4、must(必须,应该) 5、open(打开) 6、air(使.....通风,换换空气) 7、put(放置) 8、clothes(衣服) 9、wardrobe(大衣柜) 10、dust(掸掉灰尘) 11、sweep(扫) 12、empty(倒空) 13、read(读) 14、sharpen(削尖) 15、put on(穿上) 16、take off(脱掉) 17、turn on(开(电灯)) 18、turn off(关(电灯)) 十六、(31-32) 1、garden(花园) 2、under(在...之下) 3、tree(树) 4、climb(爬、攀登) 5、who(谁) 6、run(跑) 7、grass(草、草地) 8、after(在....之后) 9、across(横过、穿过) 10、cat(猫) 11、type(打字) 12、letter(信) 13、basket(篮子) 14、eat(吃) 15、bone(骨头) 16、clean(清洗) 17、tooth(牙齿) 18、cook(做(饭)) 19、milk(牛奶) 20、meal(饭) 21、drink(喝) 22、tap((水)龙头) 十七、(33-34) 1、day(日子) 2、cloud(云) 3、sky(天空) 4、sun(太阳) 5、shine(照耀) 6、with(和.....在一起) 7、family(家庭) 8、walk(走路、步行) 9、over(跨越、在...之上) 10、bridge(桥) 11、boat(船) 12、river(河) 13、ship(轮船) 14、fly(飞) 15、aeroplane(飞机) 16、sleep(睡觉) 17、shave(刮脸) 18、cry(哭、喊) 19、wash(洗) 20、wait(等) 21、jump(跳) 十八、(35-36) 1、photograph(照片) 2、village(村庄) 3、valley(山谷) 4、between(在...之间) 5、hill(小山) 6、another(另一个) 7、wife(妻子) 8、along(沿着) 9、bank(河岸) 10、water(水) 11、swim(游泳) 12、building(大楼、建筑物) 13、park(公园) 14、into(进入) 15、beside(在...旁) 16、off(离开) 十九、(37-38) 1、work(工作) 2、hard(努力地) 3、make(做) 4、bookcase(书橱、书架) 5、hammer(锤子) 6、paint(上漆、涂) 7、pink(粉红色) 8、favourite(最喜欢的) 9、homework(作业) 10、listen(听) 11、dish(盘子、碟子) 二十、(39-40) 1、front(前面) 2、in front of(在.....之前) 3、careful(小心的、仔细的) 4、vase(花瓶) 5、drop(掉下) 6、flower(花) 7、show(给.....看) 8、send(送给) 9、take(带给) 二十一、(41-42) 1、cheese(乳酪、干酪) 2、bread(面包) 3、soap(肥皂) 4、chocolate(巧克力) 5、sugar(糖) 6、coffee(咖啡) 7、tea(茶) 8、tobacoo(烟草、烟丝) 9、bird(鸟) 10、any(一些)(否定句) 11、some(一些)(肯定句) 二十二、(43-44) 1、of course(当然) 2、kettle(水壶) 3、behind(在...后面) 4、teapot(茶壶) 5、now(现在、此刻) 6、find(找到) 7、boil(沸腾、开) 二十三、(45-46) 1、can(能够) 2、boss(老板) 3、minute(分) 4、ask(请求、要求) 5、handwriting(书写)(hand/手、writing/写) 6、terrible(糟糕的、可怕的) 7、lift(拿起、搬起、举起) 8、cake(饼、蛋糕) 9、biscuit(饼干) 二十四、(47-48) 1、like(喜欢、想要) 2、want(想) 3、fresh(新鲜) 4、egg(鸡蛋) 5、butter(黄油) 6、pure(纯净的) 7、honey(蜂蜜) 8、ripe(成熟的) 9、banana(香蕉) 10、jam(果酱) 11、sweet(甜的) 12、orange(橙) 13、scotch whisky(苏格兰威士忌) 14、choice(上等的、精选的) 15、apple(苹果) 16、wine(酒、果酒) 17、beer(啤酒) 18、blackboard(黑板) 二十五、(49-50) 1、butcher(卖肉的) 2、meat((食用)肉) 3、beef(牛肉) 4、lamb(羔羊肉) 5、husband(丈夫) 6、steak(牛排) 7、mince(肉馅) 8、chicken(鸡) 9、tell(告诉) 10、truth(实情) 11、either(也) 12、tomato(西红柿) 13、potato(土豆) 14、cabbage(卷心菜) 15、lettuce(莴苣) 16、pea(豌豆) 17、bean(豆角) 18、pear(梨) 19、grape(葡萄) 20、peach(桃) 二十六、(51-52) 1、climate(气候) 2、country(国家) 3、pleasant(宜人的) 4、weather(天气) 5、spring(春季) 6、windy(有风的) 7、warm(温暖的) 8、rain(下雨) 9、sometimes(有时) 10、summer(夏天) 11、autumn(秋天) 12、winter(冬天) 13、snow(下雪) 14、january(1月) 15、february(2月) 16、march(3月) 17、april(4月) 18、may(5月) 19、june(6月) 20、july(7月) 21、august(8月) 22、september(9月) 23、october(10月) 24、november(11月) 25、december(12月) 二十七、(53-54) 1、mild(温暖的、温和的) 2、always(总是) 3、north(北方) 4、east(东方) 5、wet(潮湿的) 6、west(西方) 7、south(南方) 8、season(季节) 9、best(最) 10、night(夜晚) 11、rise(升起) 12、early(早) 13、set((太阳)落下去) 14、late(晚、迟) 15、interesting(有趣的、有意思的) 16、subject(话题) 17、conversation(谈话) 二十八、(55-56) 1、live(住、生活) 2、stay(呆在、停留) 3、home(家) 4、housework(家务) 5、lunch(午饭) 6、afternoon(下午) 5、usually(通常) 6、together(一起) 7、evening(晚上) 8、arrive(到达) 9、night(夜间) 二十九、(57-58) 1、o"clock(点钟) 2、shop(商店) 3、moment(片刻、瞬间) 三十、(59-60) 1、envelope(信封) 2、writing paper(信纸) 3、shop assistant(售货员) 4、size(尺寸、尺码、大小) 5、pad(信笺薄) 6、glue(胶水) 7、chalk(粉笔) 8、change(零钱、找给的钱) 三十一、(61-62) 1、feel(感觉) 2、look(看) 3、must(必须) 4、call(叫、请) 5、doctor(医生) 6、telephone(电话) 7、remember(记得、记住) 8、mouth(嘴) 9、tongue(舌头) 10、bad(坏的、严重的) 11、cold(感冒) 12、news(消息) 13、headache(头痛) 14、aspirin(阿司匹林) 15、earache(耳痛) 16、toothache(牙痛) 17、dentist(牙医) 18、stomach ache(胃痛) 19、medicine(药) 20、temperature(温度) 21、flu(流行性感冒) 22、measles(麻疹) 23、mumps(鉰腺炎) 三十二、(63-64) 1、better(形容词well的比较级) 2、certainly(当然) 3、get up(起床) 4、yet(还、仍) 5、rich(油腻的) 6、food(食物) 7、remain(保持、继续) 8、play(玩) 9、match(火柴) 10、talk(谈话) 11、library(图书馆) 12、drive(开车) 13、so(如此地) 14、quickly(快地) 15、lean out of(身体深处) 16、break(打破) 17、noise(喧闹声) 三十三、(65-66) 1、key(钥匙) 2、baby(婴儿) 3、hear(听见) 4、enjoy(玩得快活) 5、yourself(你自己) 6、ourselves(我们自己) 7、myself(我自己) 8、themselves(他们自己) 9、himself(他自己) 10、herself(她自己) 三十四、(67-68) 1、greengrocer(蔬菜水果零售商) 2、absent(缺席的) 3、monday(星期一) 4、tuesday(星期二) 5、wednesday(星期三) 6、thursday(星期四) 7、firday(星期五) 8、saturday(星期六) 9、sunday(星期日) 10、keep(身体健康) 11、spend(度过) 12、weekend(周末(week/周末、end/末端)) 13、country(乡村、国家) 14、lucky(幸运的) 15、church(教堂) 16、dairy(乳品店) 17、baker(面包师父) 18、grocer(食品杂货商) 三十五、(69-70) 1、year(年) 2、race(比赛) 3、town(城镇) 4、crowd(人群) 5、stand(站立) 6、exciting(使人激动的) 7、just(正好、恰好) 8、finish(结尾、结束) 9、winner(获胜者) 10、behind(在...之后) 11、way(路途) 12、stationer(文具商) 三十六、(71-72) 1、awful(让人讨厌的、坏的) 2、telephone(打电话、电话) 3、time(次(数)) 4、answer(接(电话)) 5、last(最后的,前一次的) 6、phone(电话) 7、again(又一次的) 8、say(说) 三十七、(73-74) 1、week(周) 2、suddenly(突然地) 3、bus stop(公共汽车车站) 4、smile(微笑) 5、pleasantly(愉快地) 6、understand(懂、明白) 7、speak(讲、说) 8、pocket(衣袋) 9、phrasebook(短语手册、常用语手册) 10、phrase(短语) 11、slowly(缓慢地) 12、hurriedly(匆忙地) 13、cut(割、切) 14、thirstily(口渴地) 15、go(走) 16、greet(问候、打招呼)三十八、(75-76) 1、ago(以前) 2、buy(买) 3、pair(双、对) 4、fashion(流行) 5、uncomfortable(不舒服的) 6、wear(穿)三十九、(77-78) 1、appointment(预约、约会) 2、urgent(紧急的、急迫的) 3、till(直到...为止)四十、(79-80) 1、shopping(购物) 2、list(单子) 3、vegetable(蔬菜) 4、need(需要) 5、hope(希望) 6、thing(事情) 7、money(钱) 8、groceries(食品杂货) 9、fruit(水果) 10、stationery(文具) 11、newsagent(报刊零售人) 12、chemist(药剂师、化学家)四十一、(81-82) 1、bath(洗澡) 2、nearly(几乎、将近) 3、ready(准备好的、完好的) 4、dinner(正餐、晚餐) 5、restaurant(饭馆、餐馆) 6、roast(烤的) 7、breakfast(早饭) 8、haircut(理发) 9、party(聚会) 10、holiday(假日)四十二、(83-84) 1、mess(杂乱、凌乱) 2、pack(包装、打包、装箱) 3、suitcase(手提箱) 4、leave(离开) 5、already(已经) 四十三、(85-86) 1、paris(巴黎) 2、cinema(电影院) 3、film(电影) 4、beautiful(漂亮的) 5、city(城市) 6、never(从来没有) 7、ever(在任何时候)四十四、(87-88) 1、attendant(接待员) 2、bring(带来、送来) 3、garage(车库、汽车修理厂) 4、crash(碰撞) 5、lamp(灯杆) 6、repair(修理) 7、try(努力、设法)四十五、(89-90) 1、believe(相信、认为) 2、may(可以) 3、how long(多长) 4、since(自从) 5、why(为什么) 6、sell(卖、出售)(sold) 7、because(因为) 8、retire(退休) 9、cost(花费) 10、pound(英镑) 11、worth(值...钱) 12、penny(便士)四十六、(91-92) 1、still(还、仍旧) 2、move(搬家) 3、miss(想念、思念) 4、neighbour(邻居) 5、person(人) 6、people(人们) 7、poor(可怜的)四十七、(93-94) 1、pilot(飞行员) 2、return(返回) 3、new york(纽约) 4、tokyo(东京) 5、madrid(马德里) 6、fly(飞行)(flew/flown)四十八、(95-96) 1、return(往返) 2、train(火车) 3、platform(站台) 4、plenty(大量) 5、bar(酒吧) 6、station(车站、火车站) 7、porter(售票员) 8、catch(赶上)(caught) 9、miss(错过)四十九、(97-98) 1、leave(遗留) 2、describe(描述) 3、zip(拉链) 4、label(标签) 5、handle(提手、把手) 6、address(地址) 7、pence(penny的复数形式) 8、belong(属于)五十、(99-100) 1、ow(哎哟) 2、slip(滑倒) 3、fall(落下、跌倒) 4、downstairs(下楼) 5、hurt(伤、疼痛) 6、back(背) 7、stand up(起立、站起来) 8、help(帮助) 9、at once(立即) 10、sure(一定的、确信的) 11、x-ray(x光透视) 12、licence(执照)五十一、(101-102) 1、card(明信片) 2、youth(青年) 3、hostel(招待所、旅馆) 4、association(协会) 5、soon(不久) 6、write(写)(wrote/written)五十二、(103-104) 1、exam(考试) 2、pass(及格、通过) 3、mathematics(数学(maths缩写)) 4、question(问题) 5、easy(容易的) 6、enough(足够的) 7、paper(考卷) 8、fail(未及格、失败) 9、answer(回答) 10、mark(分数) 11、rest(其它的东西) 12、difficult(困难的) 13、hate(讨厌) 14、low(低) 15、cheer(振作) 16、guy(家伙、人) 17、top(上方、顶部) 18、clever(聪明的) 19、stupid(笨的) 20、cheap(便宜的) 21、expensive(贵的) 22、fresh(新鲜的) 23、stale(变馊的) 24、loud(大声的) 25、high(高的) 26、hard(硬的) 27、soft(软的) 28、sour(酸的)五十三、(105-106) 1、spell(拼写)(spelt) 2、intelligent(聪明的、有智慧的) 3、mistake(错误) 4、present(礼物) 5、dictionary(词典) 6、carry(携带) 7、correct(改正、纠正) 8、keep(保存、保留)五十四、(107-108) 1、madam(夫人、女士) 2、smart(漂亮的) 3、as well(同样) 4、suit(适于) 5、pretty(漂亮的)五十五、(109-110) 1、idea(主意) 2、a little(少许) 3、teaspoonful(一满茶匙) 4、less(较少的、little比较级) 5、a few(几个) 6、pity(遗憾) 7、instead(代替) 8、advice(建议、忠告) 9、most(最多的)(many,much的最高级) 10、least(最小的、最少的)(little的最高级) 11、best(最好的) (good的最高级) 12、worse(更坏的)(bad的比较级) 13、worst(最坏的)(bad的最高级)五十六、(111-112) 1、model(型号、式样) 2、afford(付得起(钱)) 3、deposit(预付定金) 4、instalment(分期付款) 5、price(价格) 6、millionaire(百万富翁) 五十七、(113-114) 1、conductor(售票员) 2、fare(车费、车票) 3、change(兑换(钱)) 4、note(纸币) 5、passenger(乘客) 6、none(没有任何东西) 7、neither(也不) 8、get off(下车) 9、tramp(流浪汉) 10、except(除...外)五十八、(115-116) 1、anyone(任何人) 2、knock(敲、打) 3、everything(一切事情) 4、quiet(安静的) 5、impossible(不可能的) 6、invite(邀请) 7、anything(任何东西) 8、nothing(什么也没有) 9、lemonade(柠檬水) 10、joke(开玩笑) 11、asleep(睡觉) 12、glasses(眼镜)五十九、(117-118) 1、dining room(饭厅) 2、coin(硬币) 3、mouth(嘴) 4、swallow(吞下) 5、later(后来) 6、toilet(厕所)六十、(119-120) 1、story(故事) 2、happen(发生) 3、thief(贼) 4、enter(进入) 5、dark(黑暗的) 6、torch(手电筒) 7、voice(声音) 8、parrot(鹦鹉)六十一、(121-122) 1、customer(顾客) 2、forget(忘记) 3、manager(经理) 4、serve(照应、服务、接待) 5、counter(柜台) 6、recognize(认出) 7、road(路)六十二、(123-124) 1、during(在...期间) 2、trip(旅行) 3、travel(旅行) 4、offer(提供) 5、job(工作) 6、guess(猜) 7、grow(长、让...生长)(grew/grown) 8、beard(胡子、落腮胡子) 9、kitten(小猫)六十三、(125-126) 1、water(浇水) 2、terribly(非常) 3、dry(干燥的、干的) 4、nuisance(讨厌的东西或人) 5、mean(意味着)(meant) 6、surprise(惊奇、意外的事) 7、immediately(立即地)六十四、(127-128) 1、famous(著名的) 2、actress(女演员) 3、at least(至少) 4、actor(男演员) 5、read(通过阅读得知)六十五、(129-130) 1、wave(招手) 2、track(跑道) 3、mile(英里) 4、overtake(从后面超越、超车)(overtook/overtaken) 5、speed limit(限速) 6、dream(做梦、思想不集中) 7、sign(标记、牌子) 8、driving licence(驾驶执照) 9、charge(罚款) 10、darling(亲爱的)六十六、(131-132) 1、egypt(埃及) 2、abroad(国外) 3、worry(担忧)六十七、(133-134) 1、reporter(记者) 2、sensational(爆炸性的、耸人听闻的) 3、mink coat(貂皮大衣)六十八、(135-136) 1、future(未来的) 2、get married(结婚) 3、hotel(饭店) 4、latest(最新的) 5、introduce(介绍)六十九、(137-138) 1、football(足球) 2、pool(赌注) 3、win(赢)(won) 4、world(世界) 5、poor(贫穷的) 6、depend(依靠)七十、(139-140) 1、extra(额外的) 2、overseas(海外的、国外的) 3、engineering(工程) 4、company(公司) 5、line(线路) 七十一、(141-142) 1、excited(兴奋的) 2、get on(登上) 3、middle-aged(中年的) 4、opposite(在...对面) 5、curiously(好奇的) 6、funny(可笑的、滑稽的) 7、powder(香粉) 8、compact(戴镜的化妆盒) 9、kindly(和蔼的) 10、ugly(丑陋的) 11、amused(有趣的) 12、embarrassed(尴尬的、窘迫的) 13、worried(担心、担忧) 14、regularly(经常地、定期地)七十二、(143-144) 1、surround(包围) 2、wood(树林) 3、beauty spot(风景点) 4、hundred(百) 5、city(城市) 6、through(穿过) 7、visitor(参观者、游客、来访者) 8、tidy(整齐的) 9、litter(杂乱
2023-06-29 03:03:491


第二题:1、behind 2、stationer 3、finish 4、crowd 5、exciting 6、stand 7、just 8 、winer 9、town 10、race第一题:1 、C 2、B 3、B 4、C 5、C
2023-06-29 03:03:561


人称代词: 一、人称代词的宾格有:me(我)、him(他)、her(她)、it(它)、us(我们)、you(你、你们)、them(他们、她们、它们)。 二、人称代词的宾格在句中作宾语,往往用在动词或介词后面。 例:1.Listen to me,Dad. 2.Peter is sitting behind me. 3.Let me got here now. 4.Give me an orange,please. 三、you既是"你"或"你们"的主格,又是它们的宾格;her既是"她"的所有格,又是它的宾格。我们可以根据它们在句子中的位置来判断它们属于主格、所有格还是宾格。 四、and是一个我们常用来连接两个词的连接词。它虽然与介词with有同样的意思,但它的前后可以是人称代词的主语,也可以是人称代词的宾格,而with只能跟人称代词的宾格。 如:You and I are going to school. You are going to school with me. 五、人称代词的主格和宾格 单数形式:I-me,you-you,he-him,she-her,it-it(共5对) 复数形式:we-us,you-you,they-them(共3对) 六、人称代词在句中的作用 1)主格作主语。如: I am Chinese.我是中国人。 2)宾格作宾语,放在及物动词或介词之后,有时还可以在口语中用作表语。如: ①I don"t know her.我不认识她。(动词宾语) ②What"s wrong with it?它怎么了?(介词宾语) ③-Open the door,please. It"s me.请开门,是我。(表语) 七、人称代词并列用法的排列顺序 1)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为: 第二人称->第三人称->第一人称 即:you and I;he/she/itandI;you,he/she/it and I 2)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为: 第一人称->第二人称->第三人称 即:we and you;you and they;we,you and they 为帮助同学们理解和掌握英语人称代词,请记住下面的口诀: 人称代词分主/宾,只有八对要区分。 你(们)、它主/宾同一形,其余主/宾须分清。 谓语之前主格填,动/介之后宾格跟, 口语运用最灵活,表语也可用宾格。 人称代词并列现,注意顺序礼貌见, 二一、三一、二三一,第一人称最谦虚, 若把错误责任担,第一人称须当先。 你问的题目还牵涉到物主代词的问题: 用来表示某人或某物属于"谁的"的代词叫做物主代词。 形容词性物主代词有:my(我的),your(你的、你们的),our(我们的),his(他的),her(她的),its(它的),their(他们的)。 形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,常放在名词前面作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或物是"谁的"。 1. 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只能用作定语,后面必须跟名词。例如: Is that your bike? 那是你的自行车吗? 2. 如果名词前用了形容词性物主代词,就不能再用冠词(a, an, the)、指示代词(this, that, these, those)等修饰词了。例如: 这是他的书桌。 误:This is his a desk. 正:This is his desk. 3. 与形容词一起修饰名词时,形容词性物主代词要放在形容词的前面。如:his English books他的英语书,their Chinese friends他们的中国朋友。 4. 汉语中经常会出现"我妈妈","你们老师"等这样的语言现象,虽然代词用的是"我"、"你们",但实际意义仍是"我的"、"你们的",所以在英译时,注意要用形容词性物主代词"my","your"。例如: 你妈妈在家吗? 误:Is you mother at home? 正:Is your mother at home? 5. it"s与its读音相同,he"s与his读音相似,但使用时需注意它们的区别(it"s和he"s分别是it is和he is的缩略形式,但its 和his 却是形容词性物主代词) 。例如: It"s a bird. Its name is Polly. 它是一只鸟。它的名字叫波利。 He"s a student. His mother is a teacher. 他是一名学生。他妈妈是一位教师。 还有名词所有格的问题: 名词所有格的构成 表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 "s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。例如:men"s room 男厕所 // Chairman Mao"s works 毛主席著作 // a mile"s distance 一英里的距离 // a stone"s throw 一步之遥 // the moon"s light 月光 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加“"”来构成所有格。例如:3 hours" walk 三小时的路程 // five minutes" walk 五分钟路程 // two miles" distance 两英里的距离 2. 用名词所有格表示处所 肉铺叫a butcher"s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher"s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor"s裁缝铺 // a barber"s理发店 // a doctor"s诊所 // my sister"s我姐姐的家 // stationer"s文具店 // Chaplin"s卓别林的家
2023-06-29 03:04:057