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2023-06-29 07:52:03
TAG: ick ticklish






adj.(指人)怕痒的; 需要小心处理的; 难对付的; 棘手的;






This presented a ticklish etiquette problem.





痒的的英语翻译 痒的用英语怎么说

2023-06-29 02:48:083


tickly英 ["tikli]美 ["tikli]adj. tickle的变形;= ticklish[网络短语]Tickly 炎灰沫,后朋克tickly throat 喉咙痒Tickly Sweater 好痒的毛衣
2023-06-29 02:48:241

难对付的 英语怎么说?

难对付的 heavy in hand2.formidable3.ticklish4.intractable5.hard to difficult to deal with
2023-06-29 02:48:355

脚掌的英语翻译 脚掌用英语怎么说

sole 脚掌
2023-06-29 02:49:103

我喜欢你(桑德尔·斯托达德·沃伯格创 *** 情诗歌)详细资料大全

美国诗歌《I like you》 这是美国桑德尔·斯托达德·沃伯格写的一首诗,符合广大年轻人的口味,讲出了恋爱时恋人间的那种朦胧甜美有苦涩的感情。和的情诗《总想爱的潇洒》有异曲同工之妙。 基本介绍 中文名 :我喜欢你 外文名 :I like you 诗 :美国桑德尔·斯托达德·沃伯格 汪国真 :总想爱的潇洒 甜美有苦涩 :Sandol Stoddard Warburg 异曲同工 :总想爱的潇洒 英语原文,汉语翻译, 英语原文 I Like You (by Sandol Stoddard Warburg) I like you and I know why. I like you because you are a good person to like. I like you because when I tell you something special, you know it"s special And you remember it a long, long time. You say, "Remember when you told me something special?" And both of us remember When I think something is important you think it"s important too We have good ideas When I say something funny, you laugh I think I"m funny and you think I"m funny too Hah-hah! I like you because you know where I"m ticklish And you don"t tickle me there except just a little tiny bit sometimes But if you do, then I know where to tickle you too You know how to be silly That"s why I like you Boy are you ever silly I never met anybody sillier than me till I met you I like you because you know when it"s time to s being silly Maybe day after tomorrow Maybe never Too late, it"s a quarter past silly! Sometimes we don"t say a word We snurkle under fences We spy secret places If I am a goofus on the roofus hollering my head off You are one too If I pretend I am drowning, you pretend you are saving me If I am getting ready to pop a paper bag, then you are getting ready to jump HOORAY! That"s because you really like me You really like me, don"t you? And I really like you back And you like me back and I like you back And that"s the way we keep on going every day If you go away, then I go away too or if I stay home, you send me a postcard You don"t just say "Well see you around sometime, bye" I like you a lot because of that If I go away, I send you a postcard too And I like you because if we go away together And if we are in Grand Central Station And if I get lost Then you are the one that is yelling for me And I like you because when I am feeling sad You don"t always cheer me up right away Sometimes it is better to be sad You can"t stand the others being so googly and gaggly every single minute You want to think about things It takes time I like you because if I am mad at you Then you are mad at me too It"s awful when the other person isn"t They are so nice and hoo-hoo you could just about punch them in the nose I like you because if I think I am going to throw up then you are really sorry You don"t just pretend you are busy looking at the birdies and all that You say, maybe it was something you ate You say, the same thing happened to me one time And the same thing did If you find o four-leaf clovers, you give me one If I find four, I give you o If we only find three, we keep on looking Sometimes we have good luck, and sometimes we don"t If I break my arm, and if you break your arm too Then it"s fun to have a broken arm I tell you about mine, you tell me about yours We are both sorry We write our names and draw pictures We show everybody and they wish they had a broken arm too I like you because I don"t know why but Everything that happens is nicer with you I can"t remember when I didn"t like you It must have been lonesome then I like you because because because I forget why I like you but I do So many reasons On the 4th of July I like you because it"s the 4th of July On the fifth of July, I like you too If you and I had some drums and some horns and some horses If we had some hats and some flags and some fire engines We could be a HOLIDAY We could be a CELEBRATION We could be a WHOLE PARADE See what I mean? Even if it was the 999th of July Even if it was August Even if it was way down at the bottom of November Even if it was no place particular in January I would go on choosing you And you would go on choosing me Over and over again That"s how it would happen every time I don"t know why I guess I don"t know why I really like you Why do I like you I guess I just like you I guess I just like you because I like you. 汉语翻译 我喜欢你 作者:[美] 桑德尔·斯托达德·沃伯格 我喜欢你 而且 知道为什么 我喜欢你 因为 你是个好人 讨人喜欢 我喜欢你 因为 如果我告诉你一件特别的事 你就知道它很特别 而且 你会记住它 很久 很久 而你 如果有特别的事情要告诉我 也会叮嘱我记住它 于是 我们两个都会记住这些事 我认为重要的事情 你也会觉得重要 我们总是有好主意 我说句有趣的话 你就哈哈大笑 这让我觉得自己很有趣 我喜欢你 因为 你知道我哪里最怕痒 而且你很少去碰那些地方 除了偶尔那么几次 但是如果你来呵我的痒 我也知道怎么反击 救命 你知道怎样犯傻 这就是我喜欢你的地方 伙计 你犯过傻吗 我从没见过比自己更傻的傻瓜 直到遇见你 我喜欢你 因为 你知道该在什么时候收起傻气 或许就在以后 或许永远没有那么一天 喔 太晚了 早过了犯傻的时候 我们总是一起到处游荡 有时我们安静的 躲在篱笆后面 窥探秘密地方 如果我爬到屋顶上 肆无忌惮地大声喊叫 你也会跟我一起喊叫 如果我假装溺水 你就会假装来救我 如果我作势要弄爆一个纸袋 那么你就会准备随时被吓一跳 那是因为 你真的喜欢我 你真的喜欢我 对不对 那我也真的喜欢你 你把真心给我 我也把真心给你 每天 不停地 我们就这样 喜欢来喜欢去 如果你要离开 那我也随你去 或者 要是我留在家里 你就会寄卡片给我 你不会只说一声 那么回头见 就离开 就因为这样 我非常非常喜欢你 如果我要离开 同样也会寄卡片给你 我喜欢你 还因为 如果我们结伴旅行 如果我们在中央车站 如果我走失了 那么那个大声喊我名字的人一定是你 嘿 你在哪儿 我在这儿 我喜欢你 还因为 在我难过的时候 你不会总是立刻劝我开心起来 有时候难过反倒更好些 你受不了其他人一刻不停地 上窜下跳 又吵又闹 你想安静地思考 这需要时间 我喜欢你 因为 如果我对你发脾气 你也会对我发脾气 最糟糕的就是对方从不对你说 呸 那些人总是一副和蔼可亲的样子 哼 简直让你想一拳打在他们的鼻子上 我喜欢你 因为 如果我觉得不舒服 你会真的替我担心 而不会假装自己正在忙着看小鸟什么的 你说 可能是你吃坏了东西 你说 我以前也有过一次同样的经历 而且你确实有过同样的经历 如果你找到了两棵幸运草 就会送一棵给我 如果我找到了四棵 也会送两棵给你 如果我们一共只找到了三棵 那么我就会继续寻找下去 有些时候我们很走运 也有些时候我们不走运 如果我折了胳膊 而你也折了胳膊 那么折了胳膊也成了件有趣的事 我把自己的遭遇讲给你听 你也把你的遭遇讲给我听 我们一起为彼此难过 我们在彼此的石膏上签名 画画 我们把这些给其他人看 让他们也恨不得折了胳膊 我喜欢你 因为 不知为什么 和你在一起 无论什么事都变得更有趣 我都不记得什么时候不喜欢过你 那时我肯定很孤单 我喜欢你 因为 因为 因为 我忘了自己为什么喜欢你 但 我确实喜欢你 原因太多了 在7月4日 我喜欢你 因为这天是7月4日 到了7月5日 我还是喜欢你 如果我们有大鼓 喇叭和高头大马 如果我们有漂亮的帽子 彩旗和消防车 我们就可以过个有趣的节日 也可以弄个热闹的庆典 我们可以来个大旅行 你明白我的意思吗 就算到了 7月的 第999天 就算到了8月 就算一直到11月的尽头 就算到了来年1月的某一天 我也会一直选择你 而你也会一直选择我 一次又一次 永不改变 每一次都是这样 我也不知道为什么 我好像真的不知道自己为什么喜欢你 为什么喜欢你呢 我想 我只是喜欢你 我想 我就是喜欢你 因为 我喜欢你
2023-06-29 02:49:341


Michael Joseph Jackson), is the world"s popular culture and symbolic figures in the world have a very high visibility and great influence, known as the King of Pop.He is a great music all-rounder, in the lyricist, composer, scene production, arrangement, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments regarded as having a remarkable achievement, he and Elvis Presley, the Beatles and said the history of pop music"s greatest immortal symbol, and its success has exceeded the latter two. Long maintained his personal record number of countries and regions, sales records, on several occasions by the world"s heads of government in many countries a high standard hospitality, the United States Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, President Clinton invited him to enter three consecutive White House to be commended for their contribution. He created the modern MV, single "Thriller" music video for the world"s first modern MV,Known in the history of "the greatest music video," an unprecedented increase in MTV"s position in the modern music industry. He combines the black and white rock and roll, rhythm and blues MJ unique music style, high-pitched and sometimes anger, sometimes mellow Smart sound and unprecedented high standard of music, video, large-scale concerts invariably caused a great sensation around the world. Authoritative agency commented: If there is no MJ, the development of popular music for at least 20 years of delay, MV delay the emergence of at least 50 years. He holds the world"s No. 1 selling album "Thriller", sold more than 110 million [4] Zhang, its genuine album has sold more than 794 million worldwideZhang, was loaded, "Guinness Book of World Records." He is a musical in the history of the first outside the United States sold 100 million records on the artist. His magic is more like a dance is to follow the example of countless stars. In 2006, the Guinness Book of World Records issued a new certificate: The world"s most successful artist in history! One who supports the world"s 39 Charity Relief Fund, maintained the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records personal charity is the world"s personal charitable donations on behalf of most artists. Spielberg appreciation to Michael Jackson: "He is the world"s last one according to its own life, innocent people."Michael"s name was his mother according to his grandmother to take the recommendations of the.Michael in the nine brothers and sisters, ranked No. 7 in the six brothers, ranked No. 5.Janet Jackson (Michael"s younger sister) is also a superstar.Michael at age 5 for the first time on stage, singing the "Climb Every Mountain"The Jackson 5 for the first time the band debut the place called "Mr. Lucky"s" bar, J5 members of one U.S. dollars per person to obtain the contract.Michael likes to kid sister LaToya"s quilt spider hidden.Tatum O"Neal was Michael"s first love.Michael is very ticklish.Michael was nicknamed "Smelly"Michael donated the Disney Adventure Park.Michael most like to play Disneyland was "Pirates of the Caribbean.""Come Together" is Michael"s favorite Beatles (Beatles), one of the band songs.Michael was elected to a Mickey Mouse painting called "Mickey Mouse art" publication.November 20, 1984, Michael in the Hollywood "Walk of Fame" on the help earn.In 1992, Michael West African village in Gabon, Ivory Coast, was labeled "King Sani" (Al-Thani Wang, Sani - Saturn).The Royal Hotel in the Walt Disney World, there are a deluxe suite with Michael Jackson named.Michael"s autobiography, "Moonwalk" ( "Moonwalk") then is the United States and Britain best-selling book titles.Cuff & armbandIts meaning is: "Bearing in mind that all children on the planet and the suffering of the victims.""The world that no one should suffer, especially our children." He often went to visit some orphanages or refugee children, in his visits to orphanages and hospitals around the world, even more than the time he stood on the stage longer. He saw many children suffered torture. He said he would always wear, until the children of the world is no longer suffering.Has published 468 songs, most tracks have been issued a sweeping national music charts, the impact of various chart. His concert will be the largest in world history, attracting the most viewers.
2023-06-29 02:49:548


2014 Transcendence 超验骇客-------------Groupie (as Olivia Dudley)2014 Dumbbells 哑铃--------------Heather (as Olivia Dudley)2013 Monster Machine (Video short) ----------------Terror Twin2012 Chernobyl Diaries 切尔诺贝利日记-------------Natalie2012 The Dictator 独裁者---------------Nurse Svetlana (uncredited)2011 Ticklish Cage (Short) ------------Vegas Hooker (as Olivia Dudley)2011 Chillerama 惊叫大电影----------Nurse Unger / Laura (segments Wadzilla and Zom-B-Movie) (as Olivia Dudley)2011/I Birds of a Feather ----------Reality Girl #5 (as Olivia Dudley)2010 Stork (Video short) ---------------Mendoza"s Girl2010 Birds of a Feather (TV Movie) ----------Reality Girl #5 (as Olivia Dudley)2009 Hector Quince: Author (Short) (as Olivia Dudley)2008 Remembering Phil ---------------Susie"s Girlfriend (as Olivia Dudley)2007 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story 永不止步:戴维·寇克斯的故事---------------Pot Smoker (uncredited)2007 Anna Nicole -----------------Dancer (as Olivia Dudley)参考
2023-06-29 02:50:101


2023-06-29 02:50:257


maker英 [u02c8meu026aku0259(r)] 美 [u02c8meu026aku0259r] n.制造商;制造者;生产者;制订者;上帝
2023-06-29 02:50:552

phonetic symbols是什么意思

phonetic symbols 音标phonetic[英][fu0259u02c8netu026ak][美][fu0259u02c8nu025btu026ak]adj.语音的; 语音学的; 音形一致的; 表示语音的; 例句:1.Google transliteration lets me send updates to my japanese speaking friends simply by typing the phonetic words. 我还能通过Google Transliteration向我讲日语的朋友发送更新材料,我要做的只是简单地敲些单词即可。2.It is a ticklish task, since mandarin characters can have both phonetic and descriptive meanings. 这是一项棘手的任务,因为汉字既有语音含义,又有描述性含义。
2023-06-29 02:51:081


2023-06-29 02:51:164


2023-06-29 02:52:131

Pretty Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Girl歌手:Eddie Cochran专辑:The Eddie Cochran StoryJarvis Feat Ludacris - Pretty Girlyeah disturing the peace heres another onejarvis atl luda auntie ev what up untouchablesthis one goes out to all the pretty girls all over the worldand if youre a pretty girl and you know it this songs for you(jarvis)aye pretty girl (aye pretty girl)so whats your name (so whats your name)i like the way that you walking i dig your frame (so i)wanna go wanna go i wanna go with you (and i)wanna conversate girl can i talk to yougirl where you from (girl where you from)and what you domust be a model looking as bad as you do (whats up)with me and you planning a rondevousgirl its whatever so whats good with you(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(jarvis)girl yous a beast (girl yous a beast) a 23 (a 23)that means you worth 2 tens plus a three (and i)aint never seen that in my neighborhood (shawty)you got me going like i knew you would (knew you would)you got me under your spell feels like im locked in a jailand i dont wanna get out i never knew being locked up could feel so good(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(ludacris)haha now listen here she got the face of an angel and the girl is so flythat her eyes stay twinkling like she stole em out the skyi love her ta switch her hips cause everytime she walks byi see her big ol" onion booty and it makes me wanna cryand shes so adventerous sweeter then licoricehey pretty girl come here are you ticklish tickle this tickle me like tickle me elmoi asked her if she got down on the first date and she said hell noshe said to take it slow and it take mo" for you to please mei said good cause i dont want it if its that easy tease me like a stripperbite me like a snicker she shines like the north star and ima big dipperim quick to pick her upper like bountybut her wetness never drown me skin soft like fabric soft downyand i always keep her smiling cause mostly shes my silly girlbut really shes my pretty pretty pretty my pretty girl luda(16x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(16x)
2023-06-29 02:52:221


I Like You(by Sandol Stoddard Warburg)I like you and I know why.I like you because you are a good person to like.I like you because when I tell you something special, you know it"s specialAnd you remember it a long, long time.You say, Remember when you told me something special?And both of us rememberWhen I think something is importantyou think it"s important tooWe have good ideasWhen I say something funny, you laughI think I"m funny and you think I"m funny tooHah-hah!I like you because you know where I"m ticklishAnd you don"t tickle me there except just a little tiny bit sometimesBut if you do, then I know where to tickle you tooYou know how to be sillyThat"s why I like youBoy are you ever sillyI never met anybody sillier than me till I met youI like you because you know when it"s time to stop being sillyMaybe day after tomorrowMaybe neverToo late, it"s a quarter past silly!Sometimes we don"t say a wordWe snurkle under fencesWe spy secret placesIf I am a goofus on the roofus hollering my head offYou are one tooIf I pretend I am drowning, you pretend you are saving meIf I am getting ready to pop a paper bag,then you are getting ready to jumpHOORAY!That"s because you really like meYou really like me, don"t you?And I really like you backAnd you like me back and I like you backAnd that"s the way we keep on going every dayIf you go away, then I go away tooor if I stay home, you send me a postcardYou don"t just say Well see you around sometime, byeI like you a lot because of thatIf I go away, I send you a postcard tooAnd I like you because if we go away togetherAnd if we are in Grand Central StationAnd if I get lostThen you are the one that is yelling for meAnd I like you because when I am feeling sadYou don"t always cheer me up right awaySometimes it is better to be sadYou can"t stand the others being so googly and gaggly every single minuteYou want to think about thingsIt takes timeI like you because if I am mad at youThen you are mad at me tooIt"s awful when the other person isn"tThey are so nice and hoo-hoo you could just about punch them in the noseI like you because if I think I am going to throw upthen you are really sorryYou don"t just pretend you are busy looking at the birdies and all thatYou say, maybe it was something you ateYou say, the same thing happened to me one timeAnd the same thing didIf you find two four-leaf clovers, you give me oneIf I find four, I give you twoIf we only find three, we keep on lookingSometimes we have good luck, and sometimes we don"tIf I break my arm, and if you break your arm tooThen it"s fun to have a broken armI tell you about mine, you tell me about yoursWe are both sorryWe write our names and draw picturesWe show everybody and they wish they had a broken arm tooI like you because I don"t know why butEverything that happens is nicer with youI can"t remember when I didn"t like youIt must have been lonesome thenI like you because because becauseI forget why I like you but I doSo many reasonsOn the 4th of July I like you because it"s the 4th of JulyOn the fifth of July, I like you tooIf you and I had some drums and some horns and some horsesIf we had some hats and some flags and some fire enginesWe could be a HOLIDAYWe could be a CELEBRATIONWe could be a WHOLE PARADESee what I mean?Even if it was the 999th of JulyEven if it was AugustEven if it was way down at the bottom of NovemberEven if it was no place particular in JanuaryI would go on choosing youAnd you would go on choosing meOver and over againThat"s how it would happen every timeI don"t know whyI guess I don"t know why I really like youWhy do I like youI guess I just like youI guess I just like you because I like you.
2023-06-29 02:52:321


第五篇 工作,机会和运气 1.前途远大 have the world before one 你们的前途都很远大,但仍需努力工作 You all have the world before you .But you"ll still need to work hard. 2.好险 a narrow squeak 昨晚好险哪。老板同一个女职员在办公室里动手动脚的,差点让他的妻子给撞上了。 The boss had a narrow squeak last night in his office: his spooning with a girl clerk was almost found our by his wife. 3.手气好 have the Midas touch 王先生的手气特别好,干什么都挣钱。 Mr. Wang has the Midas touch: everything he does turns to gold. (此语源自希腊神话。据说神给一个叫Midas的人一种特殊的力量,任何东西只要被他的手一碰就会变成黄金.后来,Midas touch便用来喻指“有发财的运气或技能”了) 4.走运be on the gravy train 这几年他一直很走运 He"s been on the gravy train these years. 5让人给骗了be ripped off 我又被那个家伙给骗了 I was ripped off again by that guy. 6.不入虎穴焉得虎子 Nothing venture ,nothing have. 7.白费力气plough the air. 你再劝他也只是白费力气 Any attempt tot let him change will only be ploughing the air. 8.命好lead a charmed life 他的命真好。爸爸是政府高级官员,妈妈是公司的总经理,自己通过了托福考试并获得美国一所大学的奖学金。 His father is a senior government official, his mother is the general manager of a large company and he himself had passed the TOFEL test and got a scholarship from an American university. He must have been leading a charmful life! 9.倒霉get in the neck 在家里,如果孩子们打架被父母发现了,倒霉的总是年龄大的孩子。 In the family, if the kicks-up are found out by the parents , it"s always the oldest of the children who"ll get in the neck. 10.背黑锅hold the bag 在任何的情况下,我从没有让任何人为我背黑锅 Under no circumstances have I made anyone hold the bag for me. 11. 有利可图的事an angle 无利可图的事,那家伙是从来不会干的 That guy never does anything unless there"s an angle in it. 12.吃苦头burn one"s fingers 以前,我为了帮那个家伙吃了一些苦头 I burned my fingers in helping that guy before. 13.被开除be sacked 他因为玩忽职守被开除了 He got sacked for falling asleep at the switch. 14.因祸得福a blessing in disguise 他遭遇车祸反而因祸得福了:住院时和一个漂亮的护士相爱了 He had an accident and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise: a pretty nurse fell in lover with him during his stay in the hospital. 15.一举成名be vaulted to fame 老张就是个一夜成功,一举成名的典型例证 Lao Zhang was vaulted to fame, a classic example of overnight success. 16.千载难逢 once in a blue moon 这可是个千载难逢的好机会阿 This is a chance once in a blue moon. 17.十拿九稳it"s dollar to buttons 他肯定能通过这次的考试,这是十拿九稳的了 I bet he will pass the exam. Its dollars to buttons. 18.没门!No way! 19.好日子不多了one"s days are numbered 他意识到自己好日子没几天了,不禁感到一阵凄凉和恐慌。 He felt a rush of chilled feeling of anxiety when he realized that his days were numbered. 20.有点玄乎 a bit iffy 依我看,他们的成功有点玄乎 As far as I can see, their success is a bit iffy.21.走上坡路be on the up grade 走上坡路比走下坡路要难得多 It"s much more difficult to be on the up grade than on the down grade. 22.受某人恩宠be in somebody"s grace 他们家的孩子都很受人恩宠 Every child in his family is in good graces of other people. 23.开门红get off to a flying start 我们公司一成立就来了个开门红:在开业后的第一周就得到了三笔大宗订单 Our company got off to a flying start when it opened to business: we got three big orders during the first week of opening. 24.跟白给的一样便宜 be a steal/be for a song 这部车他只花了300美元,跟白拣的一样。 He spent only 300 dollars in the car, which was simply a steal. 25.坐失良机miss the boat 他说他为错过那样好的机会而感到非常遗憾 He said that he was very much regretted about having missed the boat. 26.一帆风顺pan out 你不能期望事情总是一帆风顺的呀! You can"t always expect things to pan out each time, can you? 27.碰钉子get the cheese 他没想到在那个公司会碰钉子 He didn"t expect to get the cheese in that company. 28.在火葬场工作work as a funeral furnisher 老李已经在火葬场工作了二十多年了 Lao Li"s been working as a funeral furnisher for more than 20 years. 29.吊儿郎当play around 我可不喜欢让我的孩子整天吊儿郎当的,一点正经事都不干。 I don"t want my children to play around all day and do nothing useful. 30.棘手的问题a ticklish question 面对那些棘手的问题他也显得束手无策了。 He seemed to be at his wits end before those ticklish questions. 31.难办的事sticky business 他发现这件事特别难办,同意不好,不同意也不好 He found it a sticky business: he could neither agree nor disagree. 32.稳扎稳打play for safety 在这种情况下,我们应该稳扎稳打,切勿操之过急 Under such circumstances we should play for safety against making haste. 33.干苦差事hold the baby 为什么把这个苦差事留给我一个人干? Why should I be left holding the baby alone? 34.饭碗儿one"s bread and butter 我不能放弃教书,那是我的饭碗 I can"t give up teaching, for it"s my bread and butter. 35.忙得不可开交 have one"s hands full 王燕白天上班,下班后还要照顾家里,简直是忙得不可开交。 Wang Yan has her hands full with working full time during the day and taking care of the family the rest of the time. 36.没那回事 nothing of the sort! 别听他们胡说八道,根本就没那回事。 Don"t be fooled by their babbling. Nothing of the sort!
2023-06-29 02:52:551


2023-06-29 02:53:021

谁知道“AND SAY WE MUST COME BACK”这句歌词是哪首歌的?

忽明又忽灭星光闪烁在黑夜好象微弱的讯号找一个了解自己的soulis must be the sign of true love that l"ve been lookingfor the defintion of true love knocjing at my doorcuz your touch got my heart risin"like an escalatorcuttin"side to side,front to back,like across fadercuz your love baby got me all shook upgot me flying high girl whenever we hook upso can i get a chance to have a word with you"cuz i"d like to get achance to come and chill with you..holla..有意无意的出现你的表情很明显故意拉开了距离我只想想看明白等你把心放进来就是这一刻现在为什么在人群中只看到你的风采什么都快的年代我的恋爱要慢慢慢来(rap)tell me baby what you need a gentleman is what i bei"ll lace you with a diamond ring,make the ear go bling blingtrip all across the world just because of you my girljust to let the others see everything you mean to meyour style it was a dream, under covers make ya screambut in the end girl it just can"t becaaues in the words of jay-z i love dem girls girls girls把心放进来如果你要谈恋爱什么都快的时代只有爱要慢慢来等你把心当进来填满我心中的空白你的笑话很精彩你的表情很可爱就算老天不安排我们找到彼此的存在(rap)yo elva,the things that you saymake me wanna stop the world for youthe things that you do makes any playa want to stay true, ya heard hpllaevery momenr now,let me show you howwhere this love can lead,all i am all i bei"ll put a nice smile on your pretty facehald you tight to my cheest wiht my warm embracetake yo hand make ya see make ya understandat the end of the night you"ll be calling me your manno worries girl l ain"t about to play no games with youdamn l"m about to have a child with you
2023-06-29 02:53:112

Pretty Girl (Mono) 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Girl (Mono)歌手:Eddie Cochran专辑:Eddie CochranJarvis Feat Ludacris - Pretty Girlyeah disturing the peace heres another onejarvis atl luda auntie ev what up untouchablesthis one goes out to all the pretty girls all over the worldand if youre a pretty girl and you know it this songs for you(jarvis)aye pretty girl (aye pretty girl)so whats your name (so whats your name)i like the way that you walking i dig your frame (so i)wanna go wanna go i wanna go with you (and i)wanna conversate girl can i talk to yougirl where you from (girl where you from)and what you domust be a model looking as bad as you do (whats up)with me and you planning a rondevousgirl its whatever so whats good with you(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(jarvis)girl yous a beast (girl yous a beast) a 23 (a 23)that means you worth 2 tens plus a three (and i)aint never seen that in my neighborhood (shawty)you got me going like i knew you would (knew you would)you got me under your spell feels like im locked in a jailand i dont wanna get out i never knew being locked up could feel so good(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(ludacris)haha now listen here she got the face of an angel and the girl is so flythat her eyes stay twinkling like she stole em out the skyi love her ta switch her hips cause everytime she walks byi see her big ol" onion booty and it makes me wanna cryand shes so adventerous sweeter then licoricehey pretty girl come here are you ticklish tickle this tickle me like tickle me elmoi asked her if she got down on the first date and she said hell noshe said to take it slow and it take mo" for you to please mei said good cause i dont want it if its that easy tease me like a stripperbite me like a snicker she shines like the north star and ima big dipperim quick to pick her upper like bountybut her wetness never drown me skin soft like fabric soft downyand i always keep her smiling cause mostly shes my silly girlbut really shes my pretty pretty pretty my pretty girl luda(16x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(16x)
2023-06-29 02:53:291

Pretty Girl (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Girl (Lp Version)歌手:Bobby Short专辑:Bobby Short On The East SideJarvis Feat Ludacris - Pretty Girlyeah disturing the peace heres another onejarvis atl luda auntie ev what up untouchablesthis one goes out to all the pretty girls all over the worldand if youre a pretty girl and you know it this songs for you(jarvis)aye pretty girl (aye pretty girl)so whats your name (so whats your name)i like the way that you walking i dig your frame (so i)wanna go wanna go i wanna go with you (and i)wanna conversate girl can i talk to yougirl where you from (girl where you from)and what you domust be a model looking as bad as you do (whats up)with me and you planning a rondevousgirl its whatever so whats good with you(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(jarvis)girl yous a beast (girl yous a beast) a 23 (a 23)that means you worth 2 tens plus a three (and i)aint never seen that in my neighborhood (shawty)you got me going like i knew you would (knew you would)you got me under your spell feels like im locked in a jailand i dont wanna get out i never knew being locked up could feel so good(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(ludacris)haha now listen here she got the face of an angel and the girl is so flythat her eyes stay twinkling like she stole em out the skyi love her ta switch her hips cause everytime she walks byi see her big ol" onion booty and it makes me wanna cryand shes so adventerous sweeter then licoricehey pretty girl come here are you ticklish tickle this tickle me like tickle me elmoi asked her if she got down on the first date and she said hell noshe said to take it slow and it take mo" for you to please mei said good cause i dont want it if its that easy tease me like a stripperbite me like a snicker she shines like the north star and ima big dipperim quick to pick her upper like bountybut her wetness never drown me skin soft like fabric soft downyand i always keep her smiling cause mostly shes my silly girlbut really shes my pretty pretty pretty my pretty girl luda(16x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(16x)
2023-06-29 02:53:371

Pretty Girls 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Girls歌手:Hot Chocolate专辑:A S, B S And RaritiesJarvis Feat Ludacris - Pretty Girlyeah disturing the peace heres another onejarvis atl luda auntie ev what up untouchablesthis one goes out to all the pretty girls all over the worldand if youre a pretty girl and you know it this songs for you(jarvis)aye pretty girl (aye pretty girl)so whats your name (so whats your name)i like the way that you walking i dig your frame (so i)wanna go wanna go i wanna go with you (and i)wanna conversate girl can i talk to yougirl where you from (girl where you from)and what you domust be a model looking as bad as you do (whats up)with me and you planning a rondevousgirl its whatever so whats good with you(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(jarvis)girl yous a beast (girl yous a beast) a 23 (a 23)that means you worth 2 tens plus a three (and i)aint never seen that in my neighborhood (shawty)you got me going like i knew you would (knew you would)you got me under your spell feels like im locked in a jailand i dont wanna get out i never knew being locked up could feel so good(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(ludacris)haha now listen here she got the face of an angel and the girl is so flythat her eyes stay twinkling like she stole em out the skyi love her ta switch her hips cause everytime she walks byi see her big ol" onion booty and it makes me wanna cryand shes so adventerous sweeter then licoricehey pretty girl come here are you ticklish tickle this tickle me like tickle me elmoi asked her if she got down on the first date and she said hell noshe said to take it slow and it take mo" for you to please mei said good cause i dont want it if its that easy tease me like a stripperbite me like a snicker she shines like the north star and ima big dipperim quick to pick her upper like bountybut her wetness never drown me skin soft like fabric soft downyand i always keep her smiling cause mostly shes my silly girlbut really shes my pretty pretty pretty my pretty girl luda(16x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(16x)
2023-06-29 02:53:451

歌词中出现“什么a pretty girl,pretty pretty pretty gl”是开头

网友采纳Jarvis Feat Ludacris - Pretty Girlyeah disturing the peace heres another onejarvis atl luda auntie ev what up untouchablesthis one goes out to all the pretty girls all over the worldand if youre a pretty girl and you know it this songs for you(jarvis)aye pretty girl (aye pretty girl)so whats your name (so whats your name)i like the way that you walking i dig your frame (so i)wanna go wanna go i wanna go with you (and i)wanna conversate girl can i talk to yougirl where you from (girl where you from)and what you domust be a model looking as bad as you do (whats up)with me and you planning a rondevousgirl its whatever so whats good with you(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(jarvis)girl yous a beast (girl yous a beast) a 23 (a 23)that means you worth 2 tens plus a three (and i)aint never seen that in my neighborhood (shawty)you got me going like i knew you would (knew you would)you got me under your spell feels like im locked in a jailand i dont wanna get out i never knew being locked up could feel so good(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(ludacris)haha now listen here she got the face of an angel and the girl is so flythat her eyes stay twinkling like she stole em out the skyi love her ta switch her hips cause everytime she walks byi see her big ol" onion booty and it makes me wanna cryand shes so adventerous sweeter then licoricehey pretty girl come here are you ticklish tickle this tickle me like tickle me elmoi asked her if she got down on the first date and she said hell noshe said to take it slow and it take mo" for you to please mei said good cause i dont want it if its that easy tease me like a stripperbite me like a snicker she shines like the north star and ima big dipperim quick to pick her upper like bountybut her wetness never drown me skin soft like fabric soft downyand i always keep her smiling cause mostly shes my silly girlbut really shes my pretty pretty pretty my pretty girl luda(16x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(16x)
2023-06-29 02:53:531


请哪位大神帮忙翻译一下这段英语,可以中文化一点,谢谢啦 坎坷的经验,但它变得更好(以前的评论删除)。请允许我校订这篇评论。经理到场了,应付我妻子的晚餐。他非常专业,彬彬有礼。公平地说,我认为这可能是侥幸,我们只是经历了一次糟糕的经历。我们会再试一次,再复习一遍。我把这段经历修改为4位明星,在他和经理谈话后,在他真诚的回应之后。谢谢你,康纳。 请大神帮忙翻译一下这段英语,中文化一点,谢谢啦 我不能相信我从来没有审查洛杉矶长廊,因为我一直在那里。这个地方与当地盛传,有好吃的东西,工作人员是有帮助的,可能没有一个更好的人,在城市的这一部分看的位置。后面有免费wifi和充足的桌子空间。电源插座的情况可以更好,但不是工作对接的明星从审查。 我偏爱的义大利苏打加利福尼亚BLT。哦,万一你想逃避网路,有一个“书店”在后面,你可以抓住溢位书青苹果便宜。 请哪位帮忙翻译一下这段英语,中文化一点,谢谢啦 It"s a nice place to see presence of Lord Krishna in different forms. Here it"s nice to have Chandan as prasadam. We can get fresh butter also as Prasadam. It"s very auspicious place for first meal for children, for wedding for new couples they celebrate many events Janmashthami, Vikuntha Ekaadasi, specially Onam and many more.<br />It"s well connected with Cochin and Thrissur junction by road and train. 请哪位大神帮忙翻译一下这段英语,中文化一点,谢谢了u0505 After receiving a gift certificate from my work I came here to elements yesterday afternoon! I was super excited because this was my first massage ever. The place was really clean and the staff was super friendly . I got a 90minute massage by Mitchell and he was the bomb. I"m super ticklish and it didn"t bother me at all. Definitely will be remending this place and hopefully going back soon ! 在收到我工作的礼券之后,我昨天下午来到了这里。 我非常兴奋,因为这是我第一次 *** 。 这个地方非常干净,工作人员非常友好。 我得到了米切尔90分钟的 *** ,他是炸弹。 我超级痒,根本没有打扰我。 肯定会推荐这个地方,希望很快回来! 请哪位帮忙翻译一下这段英语,万分感谢 Wholly tacos! ?Soooo good. ?I walked in to this place thinking it"d be like the taquerias around town and I"d sit in a have lunch. ?It"s actually part market part taco bar with some tables. ?I was caught off guard and felt a little awkward. ?There"s no chip and salsa bar, it"s just a window you order from and some tables. ?I went ahead and ordered my tacos to go, 2 chorizo and 2 asada, then was given a tag to take to front register. ?It didn"t take long for them to prepare the tacos and I was on my way. ?I left thinking it was a weird experience and I probably wouldn"t go back. ?Then I got to work and ate my taco"s. ?Oh y goodness! ?Finding taco"s that good in Northern California isn"t easy! ?I"ll definitely be back! They were overloaded with yumminess and included in my to go box was the traditional lime and radish...but also grilled onion and grilled jalapeno! ?mmmmmm. I think I could 全是炸玉米饼! ?很好。 “我走进这个地方,以为它会像城里的小斑蜥,我会坐在一起吃午饭。 它实际上是部分市场部分塔科酒吧与一些表。 我被吓了一跳,觉得有些尴尬。 ?没有晶片和莎莎酒吧,它只是一个视窗,你从一些桌子和订单。 ?我去了,点了炸玉米饼去,2个香肠和2个asada,然后拿了一个标签拿到前面登记。 ?他们准备炸玉米饼并不需要很长时间,我正在路上。 我还以为这是一个奇怪的经历,我可能不会回去。 然后,我开始工作,吃了我的炸玉米饼。 噢,天啊! 在加利福尼亚州北部找到那种好的炸玉米饼是不容易的! 我一定会回来的 他们超负荷与yumminess和包括在我去箱子是传统的石灰和萝卜...还烤洋葱,烤墨西哥胡椒!?MMMMMM。 我想我可以 希望哪位大神帮忙翻译一下这段,能通顺一些。谢谢啦 我们的布宜诺斯艾利斯之旅是我们的第一次,也是出乎意料的,并且在到达之前没有太多时间看攻略。我们选择这个作为首次旅程之一,这样好找准方向。 我们的导游Ezekiel太棒了。 在那3到4个小时,我们好像是跟一个好朋友或家人在一起。 离开时我们带走的不仅是对这个城市的感觉,更有对阿根廷的历史、政治和文化的更深的欣赏。 怎么推荐布宜诺斯艾利斯脚踏车的那帮家伙都不算过分。 跪求哪位大师可以帮忙翻译一下这段英语,谢谢! The air"s capacity of absorbing the water vapor rises up with the increasing of its temperature . 请哪位大神帮忙翻译一下 Went in yesterday to check out the shop and my time there did not disappoint. Everyone was friendly and weling. I ended up getting a new mod and the guys who helped me (sorry I fot his name) was great. Very helpful and had all the answers. Will be ing back for sure. 在昨天去检查了商店,我的时间没有让人失望。 每个人都很友善和欢迎。 我结束了一个新的MOD和那些帮助我的人(对不起,我忘了他的名字)是伟大的。 非常有帮助,并有所有的答案。 肯定会回来的。 哪位大神帮忙翻译一下这句韩语谢啦 O2面膜洁面乳。 uc624ud22c:O2(O o) 帮忙翻译一下这段英语 星光不可能是英雄团队/星光不像英雄团队
2023-06-29 02:54:121


I jump into the water,what is my job?The answer is "waiter"我跳进水里,我的工作是什么?答案是:服务员(把i 放到water 里,就构成了单词“water”
2023-06-29 02:54:216


2023-06-29 02:54:472


are后可加名词,形容词,副词, 代词,动词的现在分词或过去分词。例句:Are you vegetarian?你只吃素食吗?Sales are booming.销售量在激增。扩展资料  Are you aware these notes are counterfeit?  你觉察到这些钞票是伪造的吗?  Are you ticklish?  你怕痒吗?  We are very sad to hear that you are leaving.  听说你要走了,我们十分难过。  Here are two records that are bubbling under.  这两张唱片将会走红。
2023-06-29 02:54:541


因为工作场合得到一张礼券,我昨天下午来到了这里。 我非常兴奋,因为这是我第一次按摩。 这个地方非常干净,工作人员非常友好。 我享受了米切尔90分钟的按摩服务,他很厉害。 我很怕痒,但这次却毫无影响。 肯定会推荐这个地方,希望能很快再来!顺便说句:这个element的用法没搞懂,有知道的人请指点。
2023-06-29 02:55:142

Pretty Girl (Version 2, Guitar Solo) 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Girl (Version 2, Guitar Solo)歌手:Eddie Cochran专辑:The Eddie Cochran StoryJarvis Feat Ludacris - Pretty Girlyeah disturing the peace heres another onejarvis atl luda auntie ev what up untouchablesthis one goes out to all the pretty girls all over the worldand if youre a pretty girl and you know it this songs for you(jarvis)aye pretty girl (aye pretty girl)so whats your name (so whats your name)i like the way that you walking i dig your frame (so i)wanna go wanna go i wanna go with you (and i)wanna conversate girl can i talk to yougirl where you from (girl where you from)and what you domust be a model looking as bad as you do (whats up)with me and you planning a rondevousgirl its whatever so whats good with you(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(jarvis)girl yous a beast (girl yous a beast) a 23 (a 23)that means you worth 2 tens plus a three (and i)aint never seen that in my neighborhood (shawty)you got me going like i knew you would (knew you would)you got me under your spell feels like im locked in a jailand i dont wanna get out i never knew being locked up could feel so good(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(ludacris)haha now listen here she got the face of an angel and the girl is so flythat her eyes stay twinkling like she stole em out the skyi love her ta switch her hips cause everytime she walks byi see her big ol" onion booty and it makes me wanna cryand shes so adventerous sweeter then licoricehey pretty girl come here are you ticklish tickle this tickle me like tickle me elmoi asked her if she got down on the first date and she said hell noshe said to take it slow and it take mo" for you to please mei said good cause i dont want it if its that easy tease me like a stripperbite me like a snicker she shines like the north star and ima big dipperim quick to pick her upper like bountybut her wetness never drown me skin soft like fabric soft downyand i always keep her smiling cause mostly shes my silly girlbut really shes my pretty pretty pretty my pretty girl luda(16x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(16x)
2023-06-29 02:55:211

Pretty Girl (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Girl (Album Version)歌手:Vincent Vincent And The Villains专辑:Gospel BombsJarvis Feat Ludacris - Pretty Girlyeah disturing the peace heres another onejarvis atl luda auntie ev what up untouchablesthis one goes out to all the pretty girls all over the worldand if youre a pretty girl and you know it this songs for you(jarvis)aye pretty girl (aye pretty girl)so whats your name (so whats your name)i like the way that you walking i dig your frame (so i)wanna go wanna go i wanna go with you (and i)wanna conversate girl can i talk to yougirl where you from (girl where you from)and what you domust be a model looking as bad as you do (whats up)with me and you planning a rondevousgirl its whatever so whats good with you(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(jarvis)girl yous a beast (girl yous a beast) a 23 (a 23)that means you worth 2 tens plus a three (and i)aint never seen that in my neighborhood (shawty)you got me going like i knew you would (knew you would)you got me under your spell feels like im locked in a jailand i dont wanna get out i never knew being locked up could feel so good(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(ludacris)haha now listen here she got the face of an angel and the girl is so flythat her eyes stay twinkling like she stole em out the skyi love her ta switch her hips cause everytime she walks byi see her big ol" onion booty and it makes me wanna cryand shes so adventerous sweeter then licoricehey pretty girl come here are you ticklish tickle this tickle me like tickle me elmoi asked her if she got down on the first date and she said hell noshe said to take it slow and it take mo" for you to please mei said good cause i dont want it if its that easy tease me like a stripperbite me like a snicker she shines like the north star and ima big dipperim quick to pick her upper like bountybut her wetness never drown me skin soft like fabric soft downyand i always keep her smiling cause mostly shes my silly girlbut really shes my pretty pretty pretty my pretty girl luda(16x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(16x)
2023-06-29 02:55:271

good night,my fair fellow 用于什么人之间?

no end of a good fellow的意思: 十分和气的人,和蔼可亲者 no end of a good fellow的例句:He seemed to be at his wits end before those ticklish questions观对那些棘手的问题他也显得束手无策了A person who is imperious and tries to gloss over his fault is Bound to suffer in the end专横跋扈,文过饰非的人到头来总是要吃亏的Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off-whoever started the trouble should end it解铃还需系铃人All good things come to an end.一切美好的事物都有终结的时候(天下没有不散的筵席)。Things rashly taken end as ill草率从事没有好结果
2023-06-29 02:55:341

Pretty Girl (Mono) 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Girl (Mono)歌手:Eddie Cochran专辑:Somethin ElseJarvis Feat Ludacris - Pretty Girlyeah disturing the peace heres another onejarvis atl luda auntie ev what up untouchablesthis one goes out to all the pretty girls all over the worldand if youre a pretty girl and you know it this songs for you(jarvis)aye pretty girl (aye pretty girl)so whats your name (so whats your name)i like the way that you walking i dig your frame (so i)wanna go wanna go i wanna go with you (and i)wanna conversate girl can i talk to yougirl where you from (girl where you from)and what you domust be a model looking as bad as you do (whats up)with me and you planning a rondevousgirl its whatever so whats good with you(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(jarvis)girl yous a beast (girl yous a beast) a 23 (a 23)that means you worth 2 tens plus a three (and i)aint never seen that in my neighborhood (shawty)you got me going like i knew you would (knew you would)you got me under your spell feels like im locked in a jailand i dont wanna get out i never knew being locked up could feel so good(chrous)shes got the confidence that you would only see on an angela body that looks good to me from every anglei wanna get her all alone hope she lets me take her homei only get down like that because(8x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(8x)(ludacris)haha now listen here she got the face of an angel and the girl is so flythat her eyes stay twinkling like she stole em out the skyi love her ta switch her hips cause everytime she walks byi see her big ol" onion booty and it makes me wanna cryand shes so adventerous sweeter then licoricehey pretty girl come here are you ticklish tickle this tickle me like tickle me elmoi asked her if she got down on the first date and she said hell noshe said to take it slow and it take mo" for you to please mei said good cause i dont want it if its that easy tease me like a stripperbite me like a snicker she shines like the north star and ima big dipperim quick to pick her upper like bountybut her wetness never drown me skin soft like fabric soft downyand i always keep her smiling cause mostly shes my silly girlbut really shes my pretty pretty pretty my pretty girl luda(16x)shes a pretty pretty pretty pretty girl(16x)
2023-06-29 02:55:411


2023-06-29 02:55:4913


2023-06-29 02:56:132

My first friend Dviad was __________(难对付的)when he was young.

2023-06-29 02:56:215

Apple Watch在哪里?

启动苹果手机6s和apple watch的handoff的方法是:1、打开iPhone【设置】>【通用】>【Handoff与建议的应用】之下的两个开关。2、打开Apple Watch软件【我的手表】>【通用】>【启用Hand off】。3、打开iPhone的蓝牙或WiFi,与Apple Watch保持连接。当在手表上开启某App时(一般是自带应用,第三方很多不能Handoff),打开手机屏幕,在锁屏界面的左下角如果出现相应App的图标,就说明该应该从手表上Handoff到手机上了。只要在锁屏界面向上划动左下角的图标,就能在手机上开启该应用。
2023-06-29 02:47:501

如何使用simulink coder编译的代码

Simulink的代码生成是靠RTW完成的,RTW生成代码的过程大致分为4步:模型分析、由TLC生成C代码、生成联编文件、生成可执行程序。 除了第一步之外,其它几步都可以进行定向设置,以生成所需的目标代码,尤其是tlc文件的选择,最为重要。
2023-06-29 02:47:511


2023-06-29 02:47:511

parisienne walkways什么意思

parisienne walkways巴黎走道双语对照词典结果:百科释义Parisienne Walkways是来自英伦群岛的著名吉他大师Gary Moore(盖瑞·摩尔)于1979年发行的单曲。该歌曲在1979年4月进入了英国十大单曲。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-06-29 02:47:542


2023-06-29 02:47:571


2023-06-29 02:47:592

求一部电影 记得点剧情...

2023-06-29 02:47:593


悦动建议用铂金的火花塞,建议用NGK6809 或者NGK5787(合资的)或者用博世的。不用特意用铱金的,也不用特意买双铂金的,因为车的定位在那里,没有必要,超过3万公里也都开始进入衰减状态,想保持好状况 就4万公里准时换
2023-06-29 02:48:001

Parisienne Walkways的中文意思是什么

2023-06-29 02:48:001

起亚K2 1.4用什么火花塞最好

2023-06-29 02:47:444


2023-06-29 02:47:441


雷蒙德克鲁兹Raymond Cruz
2023-06-29 02:47:444


2023-06-29 02:47:403

one piece的所有片头曲和片尾曲的名字

  ※OP01 WE ARE!※ 001-047,279-283(主角合唱)  财富 名誉 权力  曾经拥有世界上的一切的男人  海贼王 哥鲁多·罗杰  他在临刑前的一句话  让全世界的人们趋之若骛奔向大海  我的财宝吗  想要的话可以全部给你  去找吧 我把世界上的一切都放在那里  于是男子汉们都涌向伟大航路去追寻梦想  大海贼时代来临了  收集仅有的梦  去探讨搜寻的东西  ONE PIECE  指南针停滞在原位  迎着烈日掌舵前行  骄傲的琢磨着宝藏的地图  确实不再是传说  个人的雾  乘载着谁的旋律  如果想象得到的话就再好不过了!  收集仅有的梦  去探讨搜寻的东西  口袋里的硬币,还有  You wanna be my Friend?  We are, We are on the cruise!We are!  始终相信能经得起任何考验  一直并肩领导  如果这次相会,一定会秉烛夜谈  相会后的事情和将来的事情  无论何时,何人遇到困境  都是倾诉的好时机  自我意识过甚!  甩掉漆黑的夜!  然而对于宝箱的兴趣还不大  口袋里的硬币,还有  You wanna be my Friend?  We are, We are on the cruise!We are!  收集仅有的梦  去探讨搜寻的东西  口袋里的硬币,还有  You wanna be my Friend?  We are, We are on the cruise!We are!  We are! We are!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※OP02 Believe!※ 048-115  世代传承的意志 时代的浪潮 人的梦想  这些都是无法阻挡的  只要人们继续追求自由的解答  这一切都将永不停止  我只相信着未来 就算有人笑我也无所谓  奔驰的热情让你更耀眼  虽然好刺眼 但我仍要继续凝视  有种美学的感觉  I"m really really stuck on you!  不同于任何人梦想的背影  追,不停的追  高潮迭起直到到手为止  Believe In Wonderland!  那个别人都看不见的梦  抓,努力去抓  我会一路跟随 热切的心情  我不一定要合乎逻辑  那些一成不变的日子  朝天堂前进  Believe In Wonderland!  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※OP03 ビカリヘ※ 116-168  世界吗  没错  去追求自由  这个能够选择的世界就在你的面前无限延伸着  未完成的梦想就是引导你们前进的方向  去超越吧  在信念的旗帜的带领下  我刚刚启程去寻找  伴随着飞溅的浪花  永不停息地奔向世界  心中的热情驱使着我 坚持到最后一刻  追寻那从未见过的曙光  夏日的太阳 鼓励心灵的风帆  开辟通往新世界的航海图  乘风破浪 冲出绝望  向水平线的那一端前进  我刚刚启程去寻找  伴随着飞溅的浪花  永不停息地奔向世界  心中的热情驱使着我 坚持到最后一刻  追寻那从未见过的曙光  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※OP04 BON VOYAGE!※ 169-206  知道吗?在大海的尽头  有一个巨大的宝藏  将它拿到手的人就能成为海贼王  是不是很令人兴奋?  从未听说过的冒险在等待着我们  一路顺风 鼓起那一点点的勇气  已经可以依稀看见那未来的征途  最初大家描绘的那些零乱的地平线  现在已经可以在一架望远镜中看到  那正在困扰你心灵的迷惑的命运之罗盘  却可以让一切顺畅地继续  一路顺风  将羁绊和过去全部丢弃  尽管如此我们还是应该尽情地笑  请不要吝惜那为了梦想而流下的泪水  它在我生命中最为珍贵  已经可以依稀看见那未来的征途了  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※OP05 心的地图※ 207-263  不要怕,来吧,我们一起向前迈进  太阳永在我们心中  我们手牵手传递力量  紧紧抓住那希望  我们乘风破浪,齐心协力  向那振奋人心的地方疾速前航,信号已经响起  现在正是起航的时候,收起船锚  迎着那七色彩风,驶向冒险之海  虽然前路坎坷  但那里有珍贵的宝藏  即使前路凶险,无论何时  我都会保护着你  不要怕,来吧,我们一起向前迈进  太阳永在我们心中  暴风雨来了,我们肩并肩  遥望前方的希望  集起梦的碎片  就能成为迈向未来的航海图  让我们在同一面旗帜下  紧紧抓住那希望  我们是一条心的好伙伴  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※OP06 全新世界※ 264-278  向前冲 向前冲  向天空高高扬起旗帜  跨越无边无际的大海探求其中神秘  寻找大家从未见过的  世界奇迹  怀着跃动的心情 随心所欲  向前进  沿着追梦之人留下的足迹  就算是暴风雨的夜晚  只要齐心协力  就定能冲破险峻  无论何时  向前冲 向前冲  向天空高高扬起旗帜  虽然也会流下不愿示人的泪水  追赶着 追赶着  指示梦想的罗盘  直率的眼神  我们不会止步  Around the world  Start me up  向前冲 向前冲  冲得比谁都前  若无法逃脱  就紧紧抓住明天  追赶着 追赶着  如今在眼中映出的一切  铭刻在纯洁的心中  Brand new world  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※OP07 疯狂彩虹※ 284-325  Darling Darling  蔚蓝色的大海上浮动的云彩  沾湿了迷茫的明天  黄昏来临前也要尽情欢笑  用希望在小小的心灵中  刻下梦想的咒文  疯狂的梦幻之星!!  耀眼的梦幻之星!!  七色的音符奏出加速的预感  疯狂的梦幻之星!!  不一起来吗?  我们堕天使在释放梦想  Darling Darling  疯狂的梦幻之星!!  我是一颗疯狂的梦幻之星!!  疯狂的梦幻之星!!  耀眼的梦幻之星!!  蔚蓝色的大海将叠上怎样的色彩?  疯狂的梦幻之星!!  耀眼的梦幻之星!!  将眼中的悲伤化去  送你一根温暖的羽毛  不可思议的堕天使来自心底的歌唱  Darling Darling  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※OP08 Jungle P※ 326-  漫历世间汪洋  高声呐喊  怀着畅快的心情吹响出发的号角  避开命运安排的航线  我们向着天空与海洋的分界点  扬帆起航  在黑暗的大海深渊 展开令人屏息的冒险  单凭想像不就很令人期待吗?  漫历世间汪洋  高声呐喊  怀着畅快的心情吹响出发的号角  真想永远牢印  那出航时的心情  那样就能无所畏惧  如今无法抑制那高昂的情绪 踏上旅途吧  每个腼腆的内心都铭刻下冒险的旋律  分享着那宝藏般的喜悦  高声畅笑  在狂欢的喜宴中将它们放飞  随风飘扬  Life is "Adventurous"  Be aware it"s "Dangerous"  Who"s gonna be "One of us"  And a trip goes on because  We da pirate of the "Mass"  To the West To the East  Gotta find my way, Sail away  All the way to "One Piece"  将梦想填入空荡的胸膛  展翅高飞  当舒畅的风填满你的内心  勇往直前  分享着那宝藏般的喜悦  高声畅笑  在狂欢的喜宴中将它们放飞  随风飘扬  ※ED01 Memories※ 001-030  小时候找到的宝藏图  总是浮现在脑海中  永远在寻找奇迹之地  不输给远方的某人  这一次  还是没有捉住梦想  如果世界能够改变  对于一无所知的我  带我走吧  为了重拾童年的回忆  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED02 Run!Run!Run!※ 031-063  因为传递不了满怀的心情  所以要紧紧握着你的手  就算是一个人我也要出发  再怎么远也请你一直看着我  今天早上我一直在想  为什么如此的投入呢  什么时候开始  心里老盘旋着这些话  因为想抓住开始起跑的心  我自己也只有跟着走了  我也想拥抱开始起飞的梦想  如果是和你一起 我就可以向前冲  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED03 私がいるよ※ 064-073  有我在 啊,这首温柔的歌  为我们俩人而传递  海浪拍打小小的沙堡  抬头看着流动的云 哭泣的笑容  尽管这世上时光流转  放心依靠着我  不要忘了信任的感觉  有我在 啊,心爱的人  我会一直抱着你  有我在  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED04 しようちのすけ※ 074-081  这世界是如此辽阔 或许宝藏就在某个地方  就像天文学的概率  光凭偶然和运气 是什么都得不到的  所以  无论谁想阻止我 或是在背后嘲笑我  船还会照样前进  别管他  变傻吧抛弃智慧 任性而为  远大的梦想是没有界限的  野心  变傻吧抛弃智慧 我要奋战  远方的大海一定是最棒的天堂  只要用尽全力  不管是多远的水平线  都能渐渐接近  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED05 Before Dawn※ 082-094  这个不夜城  趁着现在打个小盹  昨天之前到今天  似乎有一些改变  一定能够重新开始  因为不再是一个人  只要你陪在我身边  我就觉得自己能变坚强  究竟能到达什么地方  通往未来的路  在远方闪耀着光辉包围着这个世界  在黎明之前  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED06 Fish※ 095-106  就像小时候想像的探险家一样  义无反顾地朝梦想的尽头前进  如果化身为手心里的水珠滴落  沙粒和时间  将会让我明白,我是为它而存在的  让我们用最快的速度  不停地向前游  直到那无人知晓的未知  揭开神秘面纱的那一天  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED07 君がいるから※ 107-118  我总是想和你说话  但是却连一半也说不出口  我就在你的身边  每当梦想相互传达时都会闪耀出光芒  你悄悄地送给我的笑容  令我非常的高兴也很温柔  Glory Gliry You"re my Shine  这个眼泪也因为有你而变成了勇气  我好想变得更坚强  好想跟你互相分享  一定可以到达我们的目的地的  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED08 Shining Ray※ 119-132  要往哪里走 才能找到更加美好的明天  举起船舵 奇迹的地图就会在胸中展开  向着天空 寻找梦想 虽然也会迷路  但和你相遇绝对不会是梦想  寻找一个完美的自己  只要有一点点勇气 就能得到很大的收获  愿望如今已成为了誓言  Shining Ray! Find you pure brand new way  憧憬着未来的发展  现在 让所有的想法迎风飞舞  Shining Ray! Find you pure brand new way  A never ending journey to be together  无论到哪里都会一直追逐 Shining Ray  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED09 Free Will※ 133-156  继续朝着没有尽头的天空前进  现在开始描述似曾相识的未来  有时自己也可能会失败  但是总会出现温暖的彼方  值得骄傲的 我自己拥有的地方  仿佛有什么在轻推我的背  在漫天的星空下  无法忘怀  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED10 Faith※ 157-168  虽然那充满泪水的日子已经远去  但仍想请你不要忘记  那些与你分担烦恼和痛苦的伙伴们  都还在这里  我们坚定不移的信念  一定能将梦想实现  那谁都渴求的永恒的光辉  我们也一定能紧握在手中  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED11 A to Z※ 169-181  一如既往 全力向前  A TO Z  奋勇冲出  几度的忧烦 不断的跌倒  只要能够到达顶峰就无怨无悔  在那朝阳升起的大海彼岸  肯定会有些什么  光耀夺目的太阳啊 变得越来越耀眼  Ah~ Where did you bow 又跌倒了几次  没有关系 因为我们  现在确实在为了明天的目标而努力  Say Smile!  回到你朋友中去……  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED12 Tsuki to Taiyou※ 182-195  孤独的时候 只想大声地呼喊  彷徨的时候 总是凝望着夜空  往事如月光一般转瞬即逝  虽然总使人静静淡忘 但我却一点一滴铭记于心  就这样在记忆中铸成不变的誓言  在无数个放飞梦想的夜晚  漂泊中平凡的旅人们啊  啊 既便旅途遥遥无期  也一定会鼓起勇气前行吧  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED13 Dreamship※ 196-206  快步向伟大的彼方前进  先让我们追逐梦想和誓言  那洋溢而出的所有答案都在这里  奔跑吧 开始奔跑  永不停息地沿那广阔无边的道路向前  我们生气勃勃  不服输 绝不服输  再大的峭壁都能毫不畏惧地跨过  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED14 未来航海※ 207-230  向着橙色的遥远地平线  今日的风拂过  渡过黎明之海  夜不能寐 眼中只有明日  这等热情 任谁也无法阻挠  希望也好 传说也罢  虽然经历万千  总之背负一切 微笑就好  无论何时我们都拥有梦想  力争上游  高高伸出双臂  无论何时都永存心中  拥抱那太阳  一定能到达  那个地方  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED15 永久指针※ 231-245  紧紧抓住梦的碎片  我们追逐着不变的目标  漂浮在那憧憬的天空中  精疲力竭之时仍紧握罗盘  不断地追寻着梦想  何时才能到达梦的彼岸  就这样尽快成熟起来  抬头仰望浩瀚的天空  直到永久 永久  儿时梦的故事  追忆已忘却的那模糊不清的年代  至今也不曾熄灭胸中的火种  向那熟悉的万里晴空  寄托朋友和孩子的思念  越过时代的变迁  直到永久 永久  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED16 Dear friends※ 246-255  那一天 憧憬着梦想的我们  坚信着彼此的信念  跨过波涛汹涌的大海  比任何人都要勇敢  虽说充满着遐想  即便你离开这条船  去了不同的世界  最后定能开怀畅笑  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED17 明日终将到来※ 256-263  欲传达之事总是难以言谕  迷惘着 探索着 走过一生  此刻 仿佛寻到一线光明  若能追赶而上  渐行渐远的未来就不再是梦  多少次 多少次  蓦然驻足  交织着笑颜与泪水  无论暗夜多么深邃  美好的明日也终将到来  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ※ED18 冒险世界※ 264-278  面对重重障碍更加勇敢面对  此刻怀着高涨的力量大步向前冲  无所畏惧 哪怕抛弃一切  最后定能绽开笑颜  用双手把握第一 目标自由自在的Wonderland  看啊 看那微弱的光芒照耀着明日之路 孤注一掷开创时代  永远充满力量Let"s go 若要获得荣耀  一定就算此刻 无所畏惧 终能和同伴一起赢得  来吧 向着广阔的世界大步奔跑  怀着未知的力量飞向空中  没有畏惧 不再迷惘 纵然路途艰难  最后面对重重障碍定能更加勇敢面对  此刻怀着高涨的力量大步向前冲  无所畏惧 哪怕抛弃一切  也要勇往直前  奔向明天  歌词有些不全,这里附上全部歌曲名称:  OP1:《ウィーアー!(WE ARE!)》(1话~47话) 作词:藤林圣子;作曲:田中公平;编曲:根岸贵幸;歌手:きただにひろし(Hiroshi Kitadani,北谷洋 )  OP2:《Believe》(48话~115话) 作词:谷穗チロル; 作曲、编曲:GROOVE SURFERS; 歌手:Folder5  OP3:《ヒカリヘ(向著阳光)》(116话~168话) 作词、作曲:田中明仁; 编曲、歌手:ザ·ベイビースターズ(The Babystars)  OP4:《BON VOYAGE!(一路顺风!)》(169话~206话) 作词:PANINARO 30;作曲·编曲:KOHSUKE OSHIMA;歌手:BON-BON BLANCO OP5:《ココロのちず Kokoro no Chizu(心之航海图)》(207话~263话) 作词:MIZUE;作曲:渡边和纪;编曲:米光亮;歌手:BOYSTYLE  OP6:《BRAND NEW WORLD(崭新的世界)》(264话~278话) 作词:吉田安英; 作曲:吉田安英&IKUMA; 编曲:IKUMA; 歌手:D-51  OP7:《ウィーアー!(WE ARE!)》(279话~283话) 作词:藤林圣子; 作曲:田中公平; 编曲:根岸贵幸; 歌手:草帽海贼团(7人)  OP8:《Crazy Rainbow(疯狂彩虹)》(284话~325话) 作词:TAKESHI/森元康介; 作曲:森元康介 ;编曲:CHOKKAKU; 歌手:Tackey and Tsubasa  OP9:《Jungle P》(326话~372话) 作词:5050; 作曲:5050; 编曲:5050&K-Muto; 歌手:5050 OP10:《WE ARE!》 (373话~394话) 作词:藤林圣子; 作曲:田中公平; 编曲:AKIRA; 歌手:东方神起  OP11:《Share The World》(395话~425话) 作词:H.U.B;作曲:Kenichi Maeyamada;编曲:AKIRA;歌:东方神起  OP12:《风をさがして(Search the Wind,寻找风)》(426话~458话) 歌手:矢口真里 (ヘキサゴンファミリー)  OP13:《One Day》(459话~至今) 作词:野畑 慎;作曲:内藤晴久;歌手:The Rootless  片尾曲:  ED1:《Memories》(1话~30话) 作词:Maki Otsuki ; 作曲、编曲:森纯太; 歌手:Maki Otsuki  ED2:《RUN! RUN! RUN!》(31话~63话) 作词:Maki Otsuki; 作曲、编曲:MORI JUNTA; 歌:Maki Otsuki  ED3:《Watashi ga Iru Yo(私がいるよ ,I"m Right Here!)》(64话~73话) 作词:西村ちさと; 作曲:TOMATO CUBE&山内薰; 歌手:TOMATO CUBE ED4:《Shōchi no suke(しょうちのすけ ,That"s a fact!)》 (74话~81话) 作词:秋元康; 作曲、编曲:百石元; 歌手:Suitei Shojo  ED5:《BEFORE DAWN(黎明之前)》(82话~94话) 作词:さとうみかこ; 作曲、编曲:佐藤宣彦; 歌手:AI-SACHI  ED6:《fish》(95话~106话) 作词、作曲:石田匠; 编曲:The Kaleidoscope&今井裕; 歌手:The Kaleidoscope  ED7:《GLORY -Kimi ga Iru Kara-(GLORY-君がいるから-,因为有你)》(107话~118话) 作词:渡边なつみ; 作曲:菊池一仁; 编曲:KEN HARADA; 歌手:Takako Uehara  ED8:《Shining ray(闪亮的光线)》(119话~132话) 作词、作曲:yasu; 编曲、歌:Janne Da Arc(ジャンヌダルク)  ED9:《Free Will(自由意志)》(133话~156话) 作词·作曲·编曲·歌:Ruppina  ED10:《faith(信念)》(157话~168话) 作词:工藤舞; 作曲:安田史生; 歌手:Ruppina  ED11:《A to Z》(169话~181话) 作词:SOTARO; 作曲、编曲、歌:ZZ ED12:《Moon and Sun(月と太阳,月与太阳)》(182话~195话) 作词、作曲:泷川润; 编曲:家原正树; 歌手:Shela  ED13:《DREAMSHIP(梦想之船)》(196话~206话) 作词:イクタ☆アイコ; 作曲:ACKO; 编曲:TEXAS TAXIS; 歌手:Aiko Ikuta  ED14:《Mirai Kōkai (未来航海 ,Future Voyage) 》(207话~230话) 作词:森元康介&田形美喜子; 作曲:森元康介; 编曲:CHOKKAKU; 歌手:Tackey & Tsubasa  ED15:《Eternal Pose (エターナルポーズ, Etānaru Pōzu,永久指针)》(231话~245话) 作词:エイジアエンジニア; 作曲:U.S.B 2.0 ; 编曲:YANAGIMAN; 歌手:Asia Engineer (エイジアエンジニア)  ED16:《Dear friends(挚友)》(246话~255话) 作词、作曲:江畑兵卫; 编曲、歌手:TRIPLANE  ED17:《Asu wa Kuru Kara(明日は来るから,Because Tomorrow Will Come)》256话~263话) 作词:妹尾武&小山内舞; 作曲:妹尾武; 编曲:K-Muto; 歌手:东方神起  ED18:《ADVENTURE WORLD(冒险世界)》(264话~278话) 作词:Hyoutan,BA-k,Sir-Yang,Marky;作曲:Hyoutan,Naohisa Taniguchi a.k.a,Tony Gu
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2023-06-29 02:47:322

你好,请教一下matlab coder相关问题 调用了曲线拟合函数lsqcurvefit不能被编译器编译,希望不吝赐教

我只是将读取数据改成随机生成20个,结果function quxiannihez=rand(20,1);aa=size(z,1);bb=0.001*aa;cc=0.001:0.001:bb;x=cc";y=z;g=@(a,x)(a(1).*sin(a(2).*x+a(3))+a(4));a0=[0.012,250,-2,511];a=lsqcurvefit(g,a0,x,y);picture=plot(x,y,"k.",x,g(a,x),"r");set(picture,"LineWidth",1.5); legend("原始数据","拟合数据");print(1,"-djpeg","C:UsersAdministratorDesktop拟合图像1.jpeg"); disp(a)结果只是有警告,拟合效果不是很好,循环400次后,只是说效果不好(早熟),但是有值。说明程序没有问题。Solver stopped prematurely.lsqcurvefit stopped because it exceeded the function evaluation limit,options.MaxFunEvals = 400 (the default value). -0.6868 -12.1817 28.8048 0.2286所以只可能是读取出错。看你的代码应该是下面第一种,我建议用第二种方法试一下(因为我不确定"M:M"是不是会智能到没有数字的时候结束,我一般都是指定从哪个单元格到哪个单元格),指明是第几个sheet。如果还不行,打开excel看看数据对不对。num = xlsread(filename,xlRange) num = xlsread(filename,sheet,xlRange)
2023-06-29 02:47:291