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2023-06-29 07:41:18
TAG: ick

Tohoshinki---Purple line(中文+日文+罗马拼音)

中文&罗马拼音by 亚南希

now I see this way

It"s looks like purple lice

Gotta introduce myself


(hu ra re ko to sa e de ki na i te ji bin an ki to ra wa re te)


(mi u go ki hi to tsu to re nai to ki mo a ru)



Rollin" wanna touch myself


(ki se ki wo ne ga I tte e tte mo)


(ji bun bo ko ko ro tsu yo ku cha su su me na i)

Rollin" wanna touch myself


自己的心却无法变得更强 right now

Purple line let me set on my world(my world)

谁も歩いたことない this way

(da re mo a ru I ta ko to na i) this way


(Yu me wo e ga I te I ki hou wo sag a shi tsu zu ke te ru)

Purple line let me set on my world(my world)

谁也走不开 this way


自分らしいmy progression

(ji bun ra shi I ) my progression


(tsu yo I ki mo chi wo mo tte ko e te me se ru)

情热のpurple line

(jyo ne tsu no) purple line

做我自己 my progression


热情的purple line

切れ直たびに心が制御の方にたってしまうけど 逃げたいさ

(ki re na o ta bi ne ko ko ro ga se i gyo no hou ni ta tte shi ma u ke do ni ge ta i sa)

仆が成长し 早くだめのが手だと

(bo ku ga sei chou shi ha ya ku da me no ga te da to)

自分に闻かせながら乗り越えてゆけ right now

(ji bun ni ki ka se na ga ra no ri ko e te yu ke) right now

即使每次也明了控制住内心的方法 依然无处可逃

我成长时 即使开始时我的徒劳

听从自己的心意去超越 right now

Purple line let me set on my world(my world)

谁も歩いたことない this way

(dare mo a ru I ta ko to na i) this way


(Yu me wo e ga I te I ki hou wo sag a shi tsu zu ke te ru)

愿いこめて my progression

Purple line let me set on my world(my world)

谁也走不开 this way


虔诚祈愿 my progression


(ke shi te shi me na I te ko e te mi se ru)

冥冥のpurple line

(mei mei no) purple line


冥冥中的purple line


(I ma no ko no shun kan mo mu ne ni ki za mi na ga ra ei ga no you ni to ki wo e ko u)


(ki nou yo ri mo ka chi a ru I ma he shin ka no to ge ru yo kan I me ji te)

如今也把这个瞬间刻在心中 描绘这电影般的时刻


Yo check it


(u shi na tte shi ma u you na ko no kan ga e hou)

You must be lovin" the way


You must be lovin" the way

进めなきゃだめさ let me 强い自分の

(su su me na kya da me sa) let me tsu you I ji bun no

Such a things that you do keepa walkin like that want you a call 决め(ki me)

仆らのパス飞ばせ show you must be tweak

(bo ku ra no pa su to ba se) show you must be tweak

若是前进也于事无补 let me 用那个坚强的我的(力量)

Such a things that you do keepa walkin like that want you a call 我决定

飞驰在我们的道路上 show you must be tweak

This time wanna black n white

光と暗がsouth n north this like

(hi ka ri to ku rag a) south n north this like

全力!(zen lyo ku)

This time wanna black n white

光明和黑暗 south n north this like


进めるように避け口つけてる my soul

(su su me ru you ni sa ke ku chi tsu ke te ru) my soul

为了前进而到达逃逸路口的my soul

You gatta purple like that (like that)

My time is still going on

Purple line let me set on my world(my world)

谁も歩いたことない this way

(da re mo a ru I ta ko to na i) this way


(Yu me wo e ga I te I ki hou wo sag a shi tsu zu ke te ru)

Purple line let me set on my world(my world)

谁也走不开 this way


自分らしいmy progression

(ji bun ra shi I ) my progression


(tsu yo I ki mo chi wo mo tte ko e te me se ru)

做我自己 my progression






break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick baby try now

break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick baby try now


Who"s that man? His code name"s X.

When I "bang bang bang" and He said

"Nobody can control me" 「dare moko wasenai sono kara kuri」

Max & U-Know:

tell me tell me reason why 「shoko imasu」 mission file


party"s on 「dewa」 eye to eye 「bare naiyouni nukedasouyo」 uh


「donna risuku demo」 OK I"m OK I"m OK, honey

「nankasosoru」 crazy enemy

「kitto doku」 in secret in secret yes big money 「minaifuri」

Max & Xiah: everybody


I love only you girl 「sono teni tadori tsuke tara 」

「dai te hoshii yo kanji te」 ready break it break a trick


break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick baby try now


Access like a stolen kiss We deep deep deep install

Anyone can control X 「kido usuru dake demo u」 success

alright alright underworld 「neeki wo miru」 virtual mind

「pa rareru ni naru」second life 「kiko ete iruno wa」 our the third yeah


「konna re berunara」 OK I"m OK I"m OK, honey

「kitto subete ga」 my destiny

「mou katasai teku」 right now 「sou」 dirty play dirty magic 「tanoshi mouyo」

Max & Xiah:everybody


I love only you girl 「deae ta kimi gairukara」

I can surely baby 「shinji te」 ready break it break a trick


break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick baby try now


「mou sukoshi dake nemura sete amu ga yobu made」 time out tonight

my girl 「kimi no mune no naka de yume wo mi te oko sanaide」 oh don"t disturb


I love only you girl 「sono teni tadori tsuke tara」

「dai te hoshii yo kanji te」 ready break it break a trick

I love only you girl 「deae ta kimi gairukara」

I can surely baby 「shinji te」 ready break it break a trick

ready break it break a TRICK


break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick baby try on

break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick baby try on

Who"s that man? His code name is X.

When I "bang bang bang" and He said

「Nobody can control me」 谁も壊せないそのカラクリ

tell me tell me reason why 证拠隠灭の mission file

party"s on では eye to eye バレないように抜け出そうよ uh

どんなリスクでも OK I"m OK I"m OK, honey

なんかそそる crazy enemy

きっと动く in secret in secret yes big money

见ないふり everybody

I love only you girl その手に たどり着けたら

抱いて欲しいよ 感じて ready break it break a trick

break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick baby try on

Access like a stolen kiss We deep deep deep install

Anyone can control X 起动するだけでもう success

alright alright underworld ねぇ君を见る virtual mind

パラレルになる2nd life 聴こえているのは our the 3rd yeah

こんなレベルなら OK I"m OK I"m OK, honey

きっとすべてが my destiny

もう片付いてく right now そう dirty play dirty magic

楽しもうよ everybody

I love only you girl 出会えた 君がいるから

I can surely baby 信じて ready break it break a trick

break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick break a trick now

break a trick break a trick baby try on

もう少しだけ眠らせて アラームが呼ぶまで time out tonight

my girl 君の胸の中で 梦を见て 起こさないで oh don"t disturb

I love only you girl その手に たどり着けたら

抱いて欲しいよ 感じて ready break it break a trick

I love only you girl 出会えた 君がいるから

I can surely baby 信じて ready break it break a trick

ready break it break a TRICK



比赛最后时刻,大通中心响起了灰熊队主场的加油口号“Whoop that trick(揍他们)!”,对此,库里说道:“这就是季后赛的乐趣之一,主场球迷可以随心所欲地享受他们想要的庆祝方式。”5月14日,季后赛次轮G6比赛中,勇士以110-96击败灰熊,总比分4-2淘汰对手,晋级西部决赛。赛后,勇士球员斯蒂芬-库里接受了媒体采访。勇士输给灰熊39分NBA季后赛勇士对阵灰熊的系列赛第五场比赛已经结束,全场比赛勇士95-134输给灰熊39分,比赛中一度落后来到55分之多。第四节比赛暂停时段,灰熊主场主持人带领全场观众高呼口号并挥起毛巾“Whoopthattrick!Whoopthattrick!(揍他们!)”,格林和库里也随之开怀大笑,格林还跟随全场球迷一同挥动毛巾翩翩起舞。
2023-06-29 00:49:431

Whoop That Trick (H&F Amended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Whoop That Trick (H&F Amended Album Version)歌手:Djay专辑:Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture Hustle & FlowWhoop That Trick - Djayz
2023-06-29 00:49:581


勇士惨败灰熊,分差高达39分分   勇士惨败灰熊,分差高达39分分,大比分差距让第四节提前成为垃圾时间,双方都尽遣替补,最终灰熊队以134-95获胜。双方系列赛的第6场将回到旧金山进行。勇士惨败灰熊,分差高达39分分。   勇士惨败灰熊,分差高达39分分1   勇士大比分3-1领先,这次前往孟菲斯迎来G5的较量,都以为他们可以终结系列赛的悬念。没想到的是,这次勇士全场都被灰熊按在地上摩擦,一度落后高达55分,好在最后一节替补球员缩小一些分差。最终,勇士95-134惨败灰熊,大比分变成3-2。   这场比赛勇士明显没有准备好,或许是有些轻敌,没有匹配上对手的强度,最终导致全面处于被动当中,自己接连不断失去的同时,还无法防住对手的进攻,比分也就一步步被拉开。当比赛进行到第三节5分01秒到时候,勇士就提前缴械投降,比赛也就此进入垃圾时间,好在替补球员争气,缩小一些分差,要不然都要奔着58分惨案去了。   惨败39分也是科尔执教勇士以来,他们在季后赛输球的最大分差,此前为30分。这真的是一场耻辱一败,如同没有准备好一样,就这样还能去争夺总冠军吗?西决当中的太阳有着更加完整的体系,可不能再这么松懈了。唯一值得利好的就是,勇士核心成员并没有受到太多的影响。   当第三节大比分落后的情况下,镜头给到库里时,只见他满脸郁闷,肯定搞不懂为何会落后这么多。可在比赛结束之后,他也看开了,神态轻松,甚至还有一些笑容,看来已经释然,毕竟球队还握有优势。赛后库里也是说道:“所有事情,我对一切都感到失望。”这次他出战25分钟,10投4中,三分8中3,罚球4中3,得到14分3板4助。   汤普森则还是一脸茫然,这次他的手感找回来一些,出战25分钟,12投7中,三分6中3,罚球2中2,得到19分3篮板,可正负值却高达-45,追平德拉蒙德(2019年对阵雄鹿G1)并列季后赛单场最低。赛后也是直言:“这太糟糕了,太尴尬了。”   格林这边倒是找打了乐子,灰熊主场播放着《Whoopthattrick(痛揍他们)》这首歌,他挥着毛巾加入到了灰熊球迷的欢呼之中。而在比赛结束之后,他还哼唱着这首歌,采访中说道:“你要从中吸取教训,然后让它成为过去。”   本场比赛格林4投2中,得到5分7篮板5助攻。   勇士惨败灰熊,分差高达39分分2   NBA季后赛继续进行,孟菲斯灰熊队主场反弹挽救赛点。琼斯得到21分和9次助攻,杰克逊和贝恩都得到21分,他们率队前三节就确立大比分优势,灰熊队在西部半决赛第五战主场以134-95大胜金州勇士队。灰熊队把总比分追至2-3,双方系列赛的第6场将回到旧金山进行。   灰熊队的琼斯得到21分和9次助攻,杰克逊得到21分和8个篮板,贝恩得到21分,布鲁克斯得到12分、4个篮板和4次助攻,克拉克得到11分和7个篮板,威廉姆斯得到11分,梅尔顿得到10分和4次助攻,亚当斯得到7分和13个篮板。勇士队的汤普森得到19分,库明加得到17分,库里得到14分和4次助攻,李和穆迪各得到10分。   回到主场的灰熊队先发制人,杰克逊独取7分率队以10-5领先。汤普森跳投命中,两队各得几分,布鲁克斯突破得手,首节还有6分50秒时灰熊队以18-11领先7分。   汤普森进攻犯规,琼斯三分命中,库里外线开火还击2个三分球,他率队连追8分,首节还有3分10秒时勇士队追至23-24。威廉姆斯还击4分稳住局势,汤普森三分回应,梅尔顿突然开火连进两个三分球,灰熊队以9-0的小高潮结束首节,他们以38-28领先10分。   第二节开始后两队交替得分,克拉克独取4分,杰克逊也贡献3分,他们率队打出9-0的攻击波,灰熊队以53-36领先。维金斯三分止血,普尔也命中三分,勇士队把差距缩小到11分。   这之后勇士队再次进攻失准,连续投篮打铁,梅尔顿独取4分率队打出14-0的.进攻高潮,半场前1分45秒时灰熊队以71-46领先25分。库里三分暂时止血,贝恩又拿4分,琼斯也跳投命中,灰熊队以77-50领先27分进入半场休息。   灰熊队的杰克逊上半场得到13分和7个篮板,贝恩得到13分,琼斯得到12分和7次助攻,克拉克得到11分和4个篮板,梅尔顿得到10分;勇士队的汤普森得到17分,库里得到14分和4次助攻。   贝恩和琼斯各中三分,他们率队连得8分开始第三节,灰熊队以85-50领先35分。汤普森和别利察追回5分,琼斯打3分成功,贝恩和布鲁克斯又各中三分,灰熊队把优势拉开到39分。勇士队暂停后进攻仍无起色,他们不断投篮打铁,琼斯和杰克逊各中三分率队又拿8分,灰熊队以103-56领先。   勇士队这时换下汤普森、库里等主力,穆迪投中三分,可灰熊队攻势不减,杰克逊又中三分,布鲁克斯突破得手,他们领先49分。勇士队再叫暂停,库明加突破得分,威廉姆斯投中2个三分球,一人独取7分,J-安德森右翼三分中的结束第三节,勇士队以67-119落后。   大比分差距让第四节提前成为垃圾时间,双方都尽遣替补,最终灰熊队以134-95获胜。   勇士队首发阵容:库里、汤普森、库明加、维金斯、格林   灰熊队首发阵容:琼斯、贝恩、布鲁克斯、杰克逊、亚当斯   勇士惨败灰熊,分差高达39分分3   5月12日,NBA季后赛结束了一场焦点战,灰熊主场39分优势大胜勇士,将系列赛大比分扳成2-3,接下来如果可以在客场取得胜利,灰熊将可以回到主场进行抢七大战。   今天的比赛中,灰熊全面爆发,他们上半场领先27分,三节领先52分,最多领先55分,两节多的时间比赛就进入到了垃圾时间,灰熊最终将比分定格在了134-95,送给勇士一场耻辱性惨败。   这场比赛之前,库里接受采访的时候被问到比赛计划,当时库里放豪言,称:“痛揍他们,搞死他们(Whoop that trick),这就是我们的计划。”   没想到赛前的豪言有多么盛气凌人,比赛结束之后就被打脸打得有多响。勇士最多的时候落后55分,如果不是末节灰熊的替补们表现一般,这场比赛的分差不可能是40分以内。而库里赛前豪言痛揍灰熊,结果被对手彻底打花,这样的言论和临场表现,令人非常失望。   如果单看球员们赛后的表现,还以为勇士是赢球的一方,因为此役表现极差的追梦格林在赛后接受采访后,追梦哼唱着“痛揍他们(Whoop that trick)”离开。   同时现场的画面,追梦格林与灰熊的球迷们一起挥舞着毛巾,就像勇士是胜利的一方。这也就难怪赛后有不少的球迷怒斥,称这是一场假球,勇士全队表现低迷,输掉这场比赛,让晋级悬念有所保留,但最为重要的是可以将系列赛带回到主场,到了主场,门票收入、周边产品的收入,包括季后赛收视率的提升,都是有保障的。   当然这也只是球迷们的猜测,不过联想到勇士的大溃败令人意外,同时赛后勇士球员们的表现也令人很失望,这样的一场惨败,是所有勇士球迷们不希望看到的。   当然在系列赛大比分上,勇士依旧3-2领先灰熊,他们有晋级的优势,接下来还是回到主场,只要赢球就可以晋级到西决。当然,勇士一旦G6继续输球的话,那么所有的优势都将化为乌有,因为灰熊常规赛战绩更好,所以真的拖入到抢七大战,灰熊是有主场优势的。所以,眼下对于勇士来说,就是尽快调整,争取在14日的G6主场取得胜利。
2023-06-29 00:50:041


2023-06-29 00:50:112

2023-06-29 00:50:2110


一句话评论Everybody gotta have a dream.The music will inspire them. The dream will unite them. This summer get crunk.《川流熙攘》告诉我们,皮条客也怀有美国梦。——华盛顿时报绝望让人们重新掌控了自己的生活,影片的成功之处便在于对此的深刻理解。——迈阿密先驱 “这是一个孟菲斯的故事,一部关于想方设法创作音乐的电影,”影片编导克雷格·布鲁尔说,“音乐是我们共同的爱好和语言,我们将我们的痛苦、我们的奋争都融入了音乐。”《川流熙攘》在圣丹斯电影节获得了观众奖和摄影奖,奥斯卡的最佳歌曲奖也被其纳入名下。制片人约翰·辛格顿说:“Hip-hop音乐现在已经成为了流行文化的一部分,其所占据的地位与鼎盛时期的摇滚乐不相上下,克雷格了解这个世界,特别是孟菲斯的Hip-hop。”布鲁尔说拍摄本片的灵感源于自己的生活,由于父亲意外去世,布鲁尔开始思考在前方等待自己的死亡:“他从不吸烟饮酒,但49岁时,血栓结束了他的生命。如果你是独生子,而且你的父亲在49岁时突然离开人世,你将不得不想到自己的生命终点。当时我27岁,我感到自己的人生已经过了一半。”与此同时,布鲁尔正在孟菲斯为一部影片物色拍摄地点,一位皮条客缠住了他,皮条客嘟嘟囔囔、不屈不挠,想方设法推销妓女,甚至还打算把自己的车卖给布鲁尔。布鲁尔产生了一个想法,如果一个皮条客遇到了自己正在面临的生命危机,意识到人生仅剩一半,他会突然恍然大悟,尝试做一些有创造力的工作,那会是什么呢?在孟菲斯,那意味着Hip-hop音乐。泰伦斯·霍华德在片中扮演了皮条客迪杰,霍华德必须设身处地的体会迪杰的处境,他说:“对于像迪杰这样的人,所作的一切就是为了生存,克雷格曾经告诉我,迪杰没有你那么聪明,如果你在他的处境,肯定做法会完全不同,你要记住,迪杰就是迪杰。”为了了解孟菲斯街头皮条客的生活,霍华德和孟菲斯说唱组合Three 6 Mafia的朱西·J(Juicy J)曾经相处过一段时间,“J告诉我如果处在迪杰的境遇,情感或者同情是根本不可能产生的,”霍华德说,“我知道如果要成为迪杰那样的人,就必须泯灭良心,因为只有这样才能生存下来。”在长达两年半的筹备阶段,霍华德总共接触了123名皮条客和78名妓女,其间曾同4名皮条客一起生活。霍华德认为迪杰的故事能让每个人都产生共鸣,尽管人们的身份、地位和境遇各不相同,但都在和迪杰一样努力试图让自己过得更好,有更多的希望,如果不再有热切的企盼,生命的火焰也即将熄灭。导演布鲁尔认为自己和迪杰一样,为了拍摄那些低成本的独立影片而四处游说,当他初到好莱坞时,发现自己必须学会花言巧语。《川流熙攘》中并没有种族内涵,布鲁尔早就想到有人会对此提出置疑,为什么由一个白人讲述这个故事?“这个故事不是关于黑人与白人,我写的是我了解的世界,我试图将迪杰塑造为一个很复杂的角色,但并不想赞扬他的生活方式。我希望观众看到迪杰的人性,而且不忽视他的种种缺点,”布鲁尔说。布鲁尔在2000年就完成了本片剧本,制片人斯蒂芬妮·阿莱恩(Stephanie Allain)很早就加入了进来,布鲁尔回忆说:“在3年的时间里,我曾想放弃,但她不允许,她给了我去洛衫矶的机票,有时还要替我付房租。”阿莱恩拿着剧本辗转于好莱坞,甚至为了影片最终能够拍摄而不惜卖掉自己的房子,她对布鲁尔说:“对于两万美元的拍摄投入来说,你的第一部电影《The Poor & Hungry》是部佳作,让我们看看40万美元会是什么效果。”10多年前,阿莱恩曾帮助约翰·辛格顿拍摄《街坊的男孩子们》,她不知道现在已经执导热门影片《速度与激情2》的辛格顿是否会对《川流熙攘》感兴趣。看过剧本之后,辛格顿欣喜若狂:“它和我看过的所有剧本都有所不同,我喜欢这种大胆创新,后来我看了克雷格拍摄的第一部影片,我想,《川流熙攘》的导演应该就是他了。”辛格顿用了1年时间来寻找投资方,后来决定由自己出资拍摄。 导演布鲁尔从一开始就决定由泰伦斯·霍华德来扮演迪杰,而不是起用著名的说唱歌手。布鲁尔深信这位从未独自撑起整部戏的男演员能够深刻领会人物的内心。为了扮演好迪杰,霍华德必须将自己完全沉浸在Crunk音乐里。Crunk是说唱音乐的一种类型,出自美国南方和孟菲斯。制片人辛格顿说:“我相信泰伦斯能演好迪杰皮条客的身份,但说唱是另外一回事,我必须确定他能担此重任。我和泰伦斯飞到孟菲斯,将他介绍给说唱组合Three 6 Mafia的朱西·J和保罗,泰伦斯录了一首歌,结果令人出乎意料,效果相当不错,我终于松了一口气,看来泰伦斯有足够的实力来演绎这个人物。”安东尼·安德森在片中扮演迪杰的朋友凯,众所周知,安德森是个“抢戏”能手,为了让他扮演好这个角色,导演布鲁尔曾特意提醒他一定要记住,凯不是个演员,是情形搞笑而不是人物搞笑。另外值得一提的是,两位著名音乐人也在本片中抛头露面,分别是拥有多白金唱片销售记录的著名说唱歌手卢达·克里斯和孟菲斯传奇音乐家艾莎克·海兹(Isaac Hayes)。作为影片中的重要背景,孟菲斯曾是摇滚乐的发源地,但随着岁月的流逝,孟菲斯在乐坛的影响已经日渐式微,在本片中,来自孟菲斯的声音将再度激荡,其中迪杰的两首歌曲《Hustle & Flow》和《Whoop That Trick》就是由孟菲斯Crunk说唱歌手Al Kapone创作的。之前曾在约翰·辛格顿的《写诗的贾斯廷斯》和《速度与激情2》中担任音乐总监的保罗·斯图尔特(Paul Stewart)说:“Crunk音乐是美国南方Hip-hop音乐的细小分支,它是一种非常具有活力的舞曲,有点好斗,表现了街头生活,是南方文化的真实体现。美国的南方音乐具有着独特风味,从猫王到摇滚和蓝调,这种风味源于这里独特的音乐发展史。”对斯图尔特来说,这次展示Crunk乐的机会是难以抗拒的,因为Crunk音乐被划归主流音乐之外,而且有时被视作最底层的音乐。Crunk音乐让绝望和绝境中的人们得到释放,就像朋克摇滚一样。这部影片无疑让Crunk音乐的魅力得以充分体现。影片全片都在孟菲斯拍摄,导演克雷格·布鲁尔说他对孟菲斯爱恨交织,这城市在电影中已经变成了至关重要的角色。在整个拍摄过程中,片中迪杰住所附近场景的拍摄给布鲁尔留下了深刻印象,他说:“当我们在此拍摄时,每个人都在提醒我,你在令人担忧的街区拍摄,要小心点。不过什么都没发生,我们得到的只有爱。有几百人拖着椅子来观看我们的拍摄,当我们要求安静时,周围的邻居全都关上了窗子,这意味着他们要忍受高温,是这些人帮助我们完成了拍摄。”
2023-06-29 00:50:451


En Dag Tilbage-Nik & Jay you were my everything 这2首是我最喜欢的 你可以试试
2023-06-29 00:51:003

十万火急求歌词“show me how to do that true"(音)歌名

Katie Melua - Just Like HeavenShow me how you do that trick The one that makes me scream he said The one that makes me laugh he said And threw his arms around my neck Show me how you do it And I promise you I promise that I"ll run away with you I"ll run away with you Spinning on that dizzy edge I kissed his face and kissed his head And dreamed of all the different ways I had To make him glow Why are you so far away? he said Why won"t you ever know that I"m in love with you That I"m in love with you You, soft and only You,lost and lonely You, strange as angels Dancing in the deepest oceans Twisting in the water You"re just like a dream You"re just like a dream Daylight licked me into shape I must have been asleep for days And moving lips to breathe his name I opened up my eyes And found myself alone alone Alone above a raging sea That stole the only boy I loved And drowned him deep inside of me You, soft and only You, lost and lonely You, just like heaven You, soft and only You, lost and lonely You, just like heaven
2023-06-29 00:51:261


open up 创建 修建He opened up a bookstore.
2023-06-29 00:51:458


n.诡计, 骗局, 恶作剧, 窍门, 诀窍vt.欺骗, 哄骗
2023-06-29 00:52:133


2023-06-29 00:52:204

trick是什么意思 解析trick一词的含义?

作动词时,trick可以表示“欺骗、哄骗、玩弄”,例如:“He tricked me into believing that he was my friend.”(他哄骗我相信他是我的朋友。)“Don"t let him trick you into doing something you don"t want to do.”(不要让他欺骗你做你不想做的事。)trick一词在英语中有多种含义,可以作名词也可以作动词。在不同的语境下,其含义也有所不同。trick一词在英语中有多种含义,可以作名词也可以作动词。在不同的语境下,其含义也有所不同。此外,trick还可以表示“愚弄、嘲弄、戏弄”,例如:“He tricked me by pretending to be someone else.”(他假装是别人来愚弄我。)“The kids tricked their teacher by hiding his chalk.”(孩子们把老师的粉笔藏起来来戏弄他。)trick一词在英语中有多种含义,可以作名词也可以作动词。在不同的语境下,其含义也有所不同。
2023-06-29 00:52:271

2023-06-29 00:52:351

trick or treat的翻译是什么?

trick or treat译为不给糖就捣蛋,万圣节快乐用英语表达为Happy Halloween。重点词汇解释:1、trickn. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮vi. 哄骗;戏弄adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有诀窍的双语例句:He shows me card tricks.他向我表演纸牌戏法。2、treatvt. 治疗;对待;探讨;视为vi. 探讨;请客;协商n. 请客;款待双语例句:Doctors treated her with aspirin.医生用阿斯匹林给她治疗。treat的用法:treat可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。用作名词的意思是乐趣,愉快的事,指不常得到或意料之外的事,常用单数形式,与a连用。treat的基本意思是以某种态度对待某人。引申为款待,请客,处置,谈判,讨论,医治。作医治的意思时,可说treat sth,也可说treat sbfor sth。treat的基本意思是以某种态度对待某人。引申为款待,请客,处置,谈判,讨论,医治。作对待(某人时,用作及物动词,接名词,代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。
2023-06-29 00:52:571

英语try this simple trick怎么翻译?

try this simple trick试试这个简单的小窍门
2023-06-29 00:53:445

万圣节英语日记丨Trick or treat!10月31日我们一起去捣蛋吧!

【 #日记# 导语】每年的10月31日,是西方传统的“鬼节”—万圣节。不过这一天的气氛却远不像它的名称那样让人听上去就“毛骨悚然”。每当万圣节到来,孩子们都会迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着一盏“杰克灯”走家窜户,向大人们索要节日的礼物。万圣节最广为人知的象征也正是这样——奇异的“杰克灯”和“不请吃就捣乱”的恶作剧。 无 准备了十篇关于万圣节的英语日记,供大家参考。 篇一   Look forward to a long time of Halloween has finally come. School organization each class to do a pumpkin lights, my class pumpkin looks small and exquisite, some also with eerie. Its strange eyes, mouth greatly, like to eat the rest of us. Then suddenly dark, we put the shiny pumpkins in the central lighting we. (at that time didn"t turn on the light)  Then we launched a thrilling "spirits" game. I bring the flow of blood mask, began to scream like a ghost. I and a "potato" soil lay in ambush behind a girl, I patted the girl"s shoulder, but "soil potato people" learn to sneer at the ghost. The girl turned to quivering, we toghter screamed, the girl turned pale with fright, burying his face in his "ah" fly away, and we are delighted to snigger in cold place, grateful to successfully scared away a girl ah. Yang, on the other hand, the teacher is wearing a cloak, which pupils who she put on the head, who once caught, other ghosts will be to help the "the devil" throw the bad guy in the gate, and sent two "protect the devil who" hold the "prison", don"t let him come in again.   Playing playing, do not know from where comes out of a "team" to candy to the teacher or a classmate to candy, and team is more and more big, the circulation in preparatory department. I ask students to join this, and said he"d thought for candy to others. The team took the "magic" with this group of our "small magic" relentlessly broke into a classroom, "led the magic" shouted 1: "slogan!" The "little magic" then cry loudly together: "give... give me sugar! Give me sugar!..." The scene is spectacular: the teacher threw a handful of sweets in the middle of the classroom, all set "the little demon", crowded a crowded, push, push, rob"s rob. Eventually I grabbed a milk sugar, not to have to leave somewhat despondently. Back in the class, I counted the harvest tonight, well, very good, that had a grain of sugar, please.   It"s a pity that a happy moment is always so short, happy Halloween is coming to an end.   盼望以久的万圣节终于来临。学校组织每个班做一个南瓜灯,我班的南瓜灯看似小巧玲珑,其中也带着一些阴森恐怖。它的眼睛奇形怪状的,嘴巴张的大大,像似要吃掉我们一样。一转眼就夜幕降临,我们把闪闪发亮的南瓜灯摆在中央来照明我们。(当时没开灯)   接着我们就展开了一场惊心动魄的“鬼抓人”游戏。我带上那流着鲜血的面具,开始像鬼一样的尖叫起来。我和一位“土薯人”埋伏在一位女生后面,我拍了拍那个女生的肩膀,而“土薯人”却学着鬼的冷笑。这个女生颤颤巍巍地转过脸来,我们一齐尖叫起来,这个女生吓得脸色发白,“啊”的一声捂住脸飞似的逃走了,而我们却幸灾乐祸地在冷处暗笑,庆幸自己成功地吓走了一位女生呵。另一方面,杨老师正披着一件披风,哪位同学上来她就把谁头蒙上,谁一但被抓住,其他的鬼魂也会来帮助这个“大魔头”一起把这个不幸的家伙扔在门外,并派两名“护魔鬼卫”守住这个“监狱”,不让他再次进来。   玩着玩着,不知从什么地方冒出了一个“要糖队”,专门向老师或同学要糖果,而且阵容越来越大,在小学部中循环。我叫同学都去加入这一行列,并说要想法向别人讨糖果吃。这个队的“领魔”带着我们这群“小魔”毫不留情地闯入一个教室,“领魔”高喊一声:“口号!”“小魔”们便一起高声呐喊起来:“给我糖!给我糖!给……”这个场面真是壮观:老师把一把糖果扔在教室中间,所有“小魔”一拥而上,挤的挤,推的推,抢的抢。最终我抢到了一颗牛奶糖,没抢到的只好灰溜溜地离开了。回到班级里,我数了数今夜的收获,嗯,非常好,一共得了十五粒糖。   可惜快乐的时光总是那么短暂,愉快的万圣节结束了。 篇二   October is a carnival season, on October 4, this day, we went to the hangzhou paradise Halloween, there absolutely.  Standing at the gate of the Halloween carnival area, there is a huge and horrible skeleton, ten meters high, is spectacular. Carnival in many entertainment facilities, among them, the most exciting belongs to the "gouhun the train".   "Gouhun train" is a 880 meters of train track, is very magnificent. Before my mother and I came to the team, the team has seven columns, more than three hundred individuals, we stood in line for an hour and a half, it"s our turn at last. We are on the car, fasten the safety belt, ready to go. The train started moving slowly climbed the 40 m high slope. In the above, I see the carnival area many entertainment facilities, and the green trees. "Boom -" the train rushing down from the "slope", I feel like I"m floating up. Then, train and to turn over two fall at fast speed, the screams. After 5 minutes, the train into the station, I dizzy the car underground, the heart also jumped on the "beat", went to play with other projects. Next, we also play speed, turntable, hell ghost ship such as fun and exciting project.   Carnival zone often have "devil parade", those who wear very terrorist. Sometimes, a zombie walk from behind, voldemort standing on high become warped wobbled, and even a alien walked leisurely manner with long legs... It"s diversity. I still and they trick-or-treaters!   Happy day to end soon, the beautiful sunset quietly.   十月是一个狂欢的季节,在十月四日这一天,我们去了杭州乐园万圣节,那里绝对狂欢。   站在万圣节狂欢区门口,有一个巨大的、恐怖的骷髅,足有10米高,可壮观了。狂欢区里的娱乐设施很多,其中,最刺激的就属“勾魂列车”了。   “勾魂列车”有一条长达880米的列车轨道,十分雄壮。我和妈妈来到队伍前,那队伍有7列,三百多个人,我们排了一个半小时的队,终于轮到我们了。我们上了车,系了安全带,准备出发。列车开动了,缓缓地爬上了40米高的“坡”。在上面,我看到狂欢区的许多娱乐设施,和那绿油油的树木。“轰——”列车从“坡”上冲下来,我感觉自己飘起来了。接着,列车又以飞快的速度翻了两个跟头,尖叫声此起彼伏。5分钟后,列车进了站,我晕头转向地下了车,心还在“怦怦”地跳,就去玩别的项目了。接下来,我们还玩了生死时速、地狱转盘、幽灵船等好玩又刺激的项目。   狂欢区里经常有“魔鬼大巡游”,那些人都穿得很恐怖。有时,一个僵尸从背后走过,魔王踩着高翘摇摇晃晃,甚至长着长腿的外星人慢悠悠地走来走去……真是千姿百态。我还和他们合了影呢!   快乐的一天很快结束了,美丽的夕阳悄悄。 篇三   Afternoon I will direct all what I think Halloween can use props from the school. A class I was desperately trying to write my homework, to be able to a blunt go to sm school! God"s love for me, I really put all my homework has been finished in school! We put on a variety of masks, wear colorful clothes, go to the school to participate in the activities.  When you get there, the foreign language teacher came in, like a ghost, he was dressed in white clothes, covered with white powder on her face. Foreign language teacher came like a beast and frighten us around shot. Foreign language teacher see we scare "ha ha" laugh. Foreign language teacher also put the dishes for us. When I was to see with relish, foreign language teacher ran behind me shouted "ah..." Scared me pale.   In the afternoon, the foreign language teacher introduced to us two people, one is Emily, and she dress up like a little witch. And there"s a white than, he dressed up like a little doctor in our. They took out a big bag of sugar, spilled the, candy like rain falling down, we rushed to grab candy at lightning speed.   How time flies, then suddenly after school, the dress with pockets, I thought to myself, it"s Halloween be elated.   下午我就直接把我自认为万圣节能用得上的道具全部带来了学校。一下课我就拼命地写作业,为的就是能够一放学就冲去sm!上帝对我厚爱有加,我果然把全部作业都在学校完成了!我们戴上各式各样的面具,穿上五彩缤纷的衣裳,去学校参加活动。   到了那里,外语老师像幽灵一样地走进来,他穿着洁白无瑕的衣裳,脸上涂着白粉。外语老师像野兽一样地扑来,吓得我们四处乱蹿。外语老师见我们吓成这样不禁“哈哈”大笑。外语老师还放碟子给我们看。我正看得津津有味时,外语老师跑到我身后大叫一声“啊……”吓得我面无人色。   到了下午,外语老师给我们介绍了两个人,一个是米丽,她打扮得像个小巫婆。还有一个是白比,他打扮得像个小博士。他俩拿出一大袋糖,洒了儿把,糖果像雨点一样地落下来,我们以闪电般地速度冲过去抢糖。   时光过得真快,一转眼就放学了,看着装得满满的口袋,我心想:这可是心花怒放的万圣节啊。 篇四   Every November 1 is the western traditional "ghost festival" -- Halloween. Halloween is on October 31. Often called Halloween. But the mood of the day far don"t let a person sounds like its name is "creeps". When Halloween came, the children can"t wait to wear colorful costumes, wearing strange masks, carrying a lamp that "jack-o-lanterns" go home channeling households and adults for holiday gifts. The most visible symbol of Halloween is what both - fantastic "jack light" and "performing magic or candies" prank.  "Jack light" looks very cute, very simple also. Will be hollowed pumpkin, and then on the outside to the smiling eyes and a big mouth, and then in the melon with a candle, lit it, people in the far away place to see the smiling face of materials. This is the children"s favorite plaything.   Halloween concentrates primarily on the table, however, you should be ready to food to serve those who come to rock the boat "kid", even more in this special holiday table something up for you. Don"t let your guests think you oh!   A year the most "haunted" night, all kinds of monsters, pirates, alien visitors and witches are set off. Before the Christian era, the celtics at a ceremony in summer not grateful to god and the grace of the sun. At the time of Nostradamus lit and sorcery to ward off evil monster is said to be wandering around. The Romans later with nuts and apples to celebrate the harvest festival on October 31, amalgamation with Celtic. In the middle ages, people put on the animal model of clothes, put on scary masks to on Halloween drive away the ghost in the dark night. Although later Christian replaces the Celtic and Roman religion, the custom of the early still preserved. Now, the children with serious psychological wear various costumes and masks for Halloween party, the ball often hung on the wall around the paper covering the witches, black cats, ghosts and skeletons, out of the window and the door was hanging grin crack mouth or repulsive-looking pumpkin lanterns. The children also hanging often try to bite the apple.   每年的11月01日是西方传统的“鬼节”——万圣节。10月31日是万圣节前夕.通常叫做万圣节前夜.不过这一天的气氛却远不像它的名称那样让人听上去就“毛骨悚然”。每当万圣节到来,孩子们都会迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着一盏“杰克灯”走家窜户,向大人们索要节日的礼物。万圣节最广为人知的象征也正是这两样——奇异的“杰克灯”和“表演魔术或者给糖果”的恶作剧。   “杰克灯”的样子十分可爱,做法也极为简单。将南瓜掏空,然后在外面刻上笑眯眯的眼睛和大嘴巴,再在瓜中插上一支蜡烛,把它点燃,人们在很远的地方便能看到这张憨态可掬的笑脸。这可是孩子们最喜欢的玩物了。   然而万圣节的重头戏还是在餐桌上,你既要准备好美食来招待那些前来捣乱的“小鬼”,更要在这个特别的节日为你的餐桌装扮一番。千万不要让你的客人们小瞧了你哦!   一年中最“闹鬼”这天夜里,各种妖魔鬼怪、海盗、外星来客和巫婆们纷纷出动。在*纪元以前,凯尔特人在夏未举行仪式感激上苍和太阳的恩惠。当时的占卜者点燃并施巫术以驱赶据说在四周游荡的妖魔怪。后来罗马人用果仁和苹果来庆祝的丰收节与凯尔特人的10月31日溶合了。在中世纪,人们穿上动物造型的服饰、戴上可怕的面具是想在万圣节前夜驱赶黑夜中的鬼怪。尽管后来*教代替了凯尔特和罗马的宗教活动,早期的习俗还是保留下来了。现在,孩子们带着开玩笑的心理穿戴上各种服饰和面具参加万圣节舞会,这些舞会四周的墙上往往悬挂着用纸糊的巫婆、黑猫、鬼怪和尸骨,窗前和门口则吊着龇牙裂嘴或是面目可憎的南瓜灯笼。孩子们还常常试图咬住悬挂着的苹果。 篇五   Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints" Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly.  Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o"-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern".   The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags.   Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young.   万圣节是一个秋天的节日,美国人每年都要庆祝。它的意思是“神圣的夜晚”,是每年10月31日万圣节前的晚上。然而,这不是一个真正的宗教节日,而主要是孩子们的节日。   每年秋天,当蔬菜准备吃的,孩子们选择大型橙色的南瓜。然后他们把脸里面的南瓜,把燃烧的蜡烛。好像有一个人看的南瓜!这些灯被称为南瓜灯,这意味着“杰克的灯笼”。   孩子们还戴上奇怪的面具和可怕的万圣节服装每一个。有些孩子把脸看起来像怪物。然后,他们提着盒子或袋子挨家挨户。每次他们来到一个新房子,他们说,“不给糖就捣蛋!金钱或吃!“把提着箱子或袋子。   不仅孩子,但大多数成年人也喜欢万圣节前夕和万圣节派对,因为在这一天,他们可以把自己伪装成人士或鬼作为他们的想象力将引导他们。这让他们满意的年轻。 篇六   Halloween always falls on 31 October. It"s a holiday for children. On that day, children always wear fancy clothes and masks. And then, they go from house to house to say “Trick or Treat”, so that people will treat them with candies. If they don"t receive any candies, they"ll play a trick on people. But sometimes if the people are going out, when the children come, they"ll put the candies in a carved pumpkin lanterns. Children will take the candies themselves. All of the children enjoy this holiday very much.  万圣节总是在10月31日。这是一个属于孩子们的节日。在那天,孩子们总是穿奇装异服而且带上面具。然后,他们会挨家挨户地说“不招待就使坏”,所以人们都会用糖果招待他们。如果他们不接受糖果,他们就会对人们恶作剧。但有时,如果人们外出了,而孩子们来了,他们会把糖果放在雕刻好的南瓜灯笼里。孩子们会自己拿糖果。所有的孩子都很享受这个节日。 篇七   Halloween is on the last day of October, it is very popular in the western country. On that day, people will dress in the horrible style, especially for the kids, they will knock from door to door. If people don"t give them the candy, the children will play tricks on them. But in China, more and more young people like to follow this trend, they will play the roles and find some fun. As for me, I"d like to join some activities on the Halloween. My friends always have some funny costumes, so I will borrow one from them. Then we dress together, when night comes, we will come to join the party. We sing and dance. It is such a fun night. Before the midnight, we will get together and take some drinks. We talk about the happy hour. I like these activities.  万圣节在10月的最后一天,它在西方国家很受欢迎。在那一天,人们会穿着恐怖风格的服装,尤其是孩子们,他们会挨家挨户敲门。如果人们不给他们糖果,孩子们就会捉弄他们。但在中国,越来越多的年轻人喜欢追随这个潮流,他们会扮演角色,找到乐趣。至于我,我喜欢在万圣节参加一些活动。我的朋友总是有一些有趣的服装,所以我会借一件。然后我们一起打扮,夜幕降临时,我们将会来参加聚会。我们唱歌跳舞。这是一个有趣的夜晚。在午夜之前,我们会聚在一起,喝饮料。我们谈论快乐的时光。我喜欢这些活动。 篇八   One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.  Well, Irish children made Jack"s lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o"-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern."   The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children"s fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.   Halloween is a western festival. It"s on Oct.31th. It"s a happy
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trick or treat系e句野 意思系"不请客就捣乱" .dictionary .yahoo/ ml?s=trick-or-treat 字典解释 Trick-or-treating is done in costume and is one of the main traditions of Halloween. It has bee socially required if one lives in a neighborhood with children to purchase candy in preparation for trick-or-treaters. Note. The children bring along the trick-or-treating bags. 不请客就捣乱(Trick-or-treat) 万圣节前夜的主要活动是「不请客就捣乱」(Trick-or-treat)。小孩装扮成各种恐怖样子,逐门逐户按响邻居的门钟,大叫:"Trick or Treat!"(意即不请客就捣乱),主人家(可能同样穿着恐怖服装)便会派出一些糖果、朱古力或是小礼物。部分家庭甚至使用声音特效和制烟机器营造恐怖气氛。小孩一晚取得的糖果往往以袋计,整袋整袋的搬回家。 联合国儿童基金会的「Trick-or-Treat 计划」在美国、加拿大和墨西哥很普遍。计划于1950年推出,筹款小钱箱通过学校分发予小孩,让小孩讨糖果时顺通收集捐款。据估计,推出以来已筹得超过1.19亿美元。 Trick or Treat。 当人们打开大门时,小孩们齐声大喊“Trick or treat!”。 然后,大人们会把早已准备好的糖果拿出来,分送给小孩们,不然他们便会对不给他们糖果的人做一个恶作剧,通常都没有人会不送糖果的。 所有的小孩,都会在今晚打扮成鬼怪,出外玩“Trick or treat”游戏。 这句英文是 Trick or Treat? 即是"我向你施法术抑或你请我吃糖果?" 系trick or treat trick即系整(古)咁解 n.[C] 1. 诡计;骗局;谋略;花招 He got into the castle by a trick. 他耍了个花招混进了城堡。 2. 恶作剧 3. 轻率愚蠢的行为 That was a rotten trick! 那样做太轻率了! 4. 习惯 癖好[(+of)] He has a trick of repeating himself. 他有重复自己话的习惯。 5. 窍门 招数 手法 Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。 6. 戏法 把戏;特技 妙计 No one understood how I did the card trick. 谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。 Magici often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 魔术师常常变从帽子抓出兔子的戏法。 7. (桥牌)一圈 vt. 1. 哄骗[O] They tricked me into making a mistake. 他们骗我犯错。 2. 装饰 打扮[(+out/up/off)] She tricked herself up for the banquet. 她打扮整齐去赴宴会。 vi. 1. 哄骗 2. 恶作剧;戏弄[(+with)] a.[Z][B] 1. 有诀窍的;特技的;魔术的 trick photography 特技摄影 a trick box 魔术箱 2. 欺诈的 3. (骨头等)似快要折断的 脆弱的 而treat就系优待既意思 vt. 1. 对待;看待 把...看作[O][(+as/like)] Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. 不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。 She treated me all right. 她对我还不错。 2. 处理;为...涂上保护层 This substance must be treated with acid. 这材料得用酸来处理。 3. 探讨;论述 The book treats some political problems. 该书论述某些政治问题。 4. 医疗 治疗[(+for)] The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。 5. 款待 请(客)[(+to)] We"ll treat you to dinner. 我们请你吃饭。 vi. 1. 探讨;论述[(+of/about)] This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。 2. 谈判 协商[(+for/with)] 3. 请客 I"ll treat today. 今天我作东请客。 n.[C] 1. 请客 It"s my treat. 我请客。 2. 难得的乐事 It"s a great treat for them to go to the theater. 他们去看戏真是乐事。 For dessert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat. 饭后甜点我们吃鲜草莓--真是难得的享受。 trick or treat加埋就系 (你一系就俾糖我 唔系就会俾我吓) 咁既意思 系halloweenU00020bb6阵 d细路会一齐去敲人地度门 跟住问trick or treat? d人多数都会俾糖佢地嫁! 希望帮到你啦!!! 参考: Yahoo! 字典 Trick-or-Treating 欺骗或对待 欺骗或对待发起于英国,当贫寒为食物在万灵日会乞求。 叫化子会接受特别款待以交换用死者的祷告。 及时, 孩子在淘气夜开始「乞求」为款待。 避免把戏, 款待是和被给孩子。 Trick or Treat 即系问人俾糖定系被人玩 如果唔俾糖,人地就会玩你 "TRICK OR TREAT" 意思是:不给糖便捣蛋! 在问人万圣节拿糖时会说这句英文 如屋主不给 便会作弄他 方法有各式各样^.^ 参考: ~自己~^~^~ Trick or Treat <不请吃就捣蛋> (指万圣节孩子 们挨家逐户要 糖果等礼物 如 不遂愿便恶作 剧一番的风俗。) 参考: My mind " trick or treat " it me if you don"t treat people a sweet then you will be tricked by him. haha Trick or Treat 如果唔Treat (请) 糖 就 trick (恶作据)你 trick or treat 2006-10-30 21:49:25 补充: Trick-or-treating also known as guising is an activity for children on Halloween in which they proceed from house to house asking for treats such as candy with the question "Trick or treat?" Trick-or-treating is done in costume and is one of the main traditions of Halloween. 2006-10-30 21:50:06 补充: It has bee socially required if one lives in a neighborhood with children to purchase candy in preparation for trick-or-treaters. The National Confectioners Association reported in 2005 that 80 percent of *** s in America planned to give out candy to trick-or-treaters 2006-10-30 21:50:57 补充: [1] and that 93 percent of children planned to go trick-or-treating.[2]The activity is popular in the United States 2006-10-30 21:51:22 补充: Ireland and Canada and due to culture importation in recent years has started to occur in Australia and New Zealand (although it has been observed in these countries for many years) including in many parts of Europe and in the Saudi Aramco camps of Dhahran and Ras Tanura in Saudi Arabia. 2006-10-30 21:51:31 补充: The most significant growth — and resistance — is in the United Kingdom where the police have threatened to prosecute parents of children who allow their children to carry out the "prank" element.[3][4]
2023-06-29 00:54:111

东方神起trick歌词 罗马音译

Tohoshinki---Purple line(中文+日文+罗马拼音) 中文&罗马拼音by 亚南希 now I see this way It"s looks like purple lice Gotta introduce myself 振られ事さえできないって自分安危捕らわれて (hu ra re ko to sa e de ki na i te ji bin an ki to ra wa re te) 身动きひとつ取れない时もある (mi u go ki hi to tsu to re nai to ki mo a ru) 自身的安危无法抗拒 有时身体一丝也无法动弹 Rollin" wanna touch myself 奇迹を愿っていっても (ki se ki wo ne ga I tte e tte mo) 自分の心が强くなくちゃ进めない (ji bun bo ko ko ro tsu yo ku cha su su me na i) Rollin" wanna touch myself 虽然期愿奇迹 自己的心却无法变得更强 right now Purple line let me set on my world(my world) 谁も歩いたことない this way (da re mo a ru I ta ko to na i) this way 梦を描いていき方を探し続けてる (Yu me wo e ga I te I ki hou wo sag a shi tsu zu ke te ru) Purple line let me set on my world(my world) 谁也走不开 this way 伴着梦想继续寻找生活真缔 自分らしいmy progression (ji bun ra shi I ) my progression 强い気持ちを持って超えてみせる (tsu yo I ki mo chi wo mo tte ko e te me se ru) 情热のpurple line (jyo ne tsu no) purple line 做我自己 my progression 抱着坚强的信念去超越 热情的purple line 切れ直たびに心が制御の方にたってしまうけど 逃げたいさ (ki re na o ta bi ne ko ko ro ga se i gyo no hou ni ta tte shi ma u ke do ni ge ta i sa) 仆が成长し 早くだめのが手だと (bo ku ga sei chou shi ha ya ku da me no ga te da to) 自分に闻かせながら乗り越えてゆけ right now (ji bun ni ki ka se na ga ra no ri ko e te yu ke) right now 即使每次也明了控制住内心的方法 依然无处可逃 我成长时 即使开始时我的徒劳 听从自己的心意去超越 right now Purple line let me set on my world(my world) 谁も歩いたことない this way (dare mo a ru I ta ko to na i) this way 梦を描いていき方を探し続けてる (Yu me wo e ga I te I ki hou wo sag a shi tsu zu ke te ru) 愿いこめて my progression Purple line let me set on my world(my world) 谁也走不开 this way 伴着梦想继续寻找生活真缔 虔诚祈愿 my progression けして缔めないて超えてみせる (ke shi te shi me na I te ko e te mi se ru) 冥冥のpurple line (mei mei no) purple line 绝不放弃地去超越 冥冥中的purple line 今のこの瞬间も胸に刻みながら映画のようにときを描こう (I ma no ko no shun kan mo mu ne ni ki za mi na ga ra ei ga no you ni to ki wo e ko u) 昨日よりも価値ある今へ进化を遂げる予感イメジして (ki nou yo ri mo ka chi a ru I ma he shin ka no to ge ru yo kan I me ji te) 如今也把这个瞬间刻在心中 描绘这电影般的时刻 有种昨天终究会向更有意义的现在进步的预感 Yo check it 失ってしまうようなこの考え方 (u shi na tte shi ma u you na ko no kan ga e hou) You must be lovin" the way 仿佛要失去的想法 You must be lovin" the way 进めなきゃだめさ let me 强い自分の (su su me na kya da me sa) let me tsu you I ji bun no Such a things that you do keepa walkin like that want you a call 决め(ki me) 仆らのパス飞ばせ show you must be tweak (bo ku ra no pa su to ba se) show you must be tweak 若是前进也于事无补 let me 用那个坚强的我的(力量) Such a things that you do keepa walkin like that want you a call 我决定 飞驰在我们的道路上 show you must be tweak This time wanna black n white 光と暗がsouth n north this like (hi ka ri to ku rag a) south n north this like 全力!(zen lyo ku) This time wanna black n white 光明和黑暗 south n north this like 用尽全力! 进めるように避け口つけてる my soul (su su me ru you ni sa ke ku chi tsu ke te ru) my soul 为了前进而到达逃逸路口的my soul You gatta purple like that (like that) My time is still going on Purple line let me set on my world(my world) 谁も歩いたことない this way (da re mo a ru I ta ko to na i) this way 梦を描いていき方を探し続けてる (Yu me wo e ga I te I ki hou wo sag a shi tsu zu ke te ru) Purple line let me set on my world(my world) 谁也走不开 this way 伴着梦想继续寻找生活真缔 自分らしいmy progression (ji bun ra shi I ) my progression 强い気持ちを持って超えてみせる (tsu yo I ki mo chi wo mo tte ko e te me se ru) 做我自己 my progression 抱着坚强的信念去超越
2023-06-29 00:54:193

a hat trick中文翻译

To celebrate a hat trick 我是在庆祝帽子戏法啊 Kpnsmann was the only player to hit ( score ) a hat trick in world cup final 克林斯曼是世界杯决赛中唯一上演帽子戏法的球员。 Watching maurizio ganz scoring a hat trick in his first derby in coppa itapa simply priceless ! ! 毛里济奥?冈茨在意大利杯赛首度迎来自己的德比大战时便上演帽子戏法,真是难能可贵! ! ! Hurst , the only footballer to score a hat trick in a world cup final , was a member of the england team that beat germany 4 - 2 at wembley in 1966 在世界杯足球赛决赛中惟一一位连进三球的人是英国队的赫斯特, 1966年英国队和德国队在温布利的比赛中,前者以四比二击败后者。 Lausanne , switzerland , june 25 , 2005 ? defending champions brazil will be hoping to plete a hat trick of victories in the opening weekend of the 2005 world grand prix prepminary round when they play hosts and fellow unbeaten side japan on sunday 20050625瑞士洛桑, 2005世界大奖赛周末开幕式分组预选循环赛上卫冕冠军巴西将有望完成帽子戏法连胜三场,她们作为主队将对阵同样未尝交手的 日本 队。
2023-06-29 00:54:251

tricks 和hoax 的区别

hoax /hu0259u028aks/ N-COUNT A hoax is a trick in which someone tells people a lie, for example that there is a bomb somewhere when there is not, or that a picture is genuine when it is not. 谎报例:He denied making the hoax call but was convicted after a short trial.他否认打过谎报电话,但经过一番短暂的审讯之后他被判有罪。trick /tru026ak/ (tricking,tricked,tricks)N-COUNT A trick is an action that is intended to fool or deceive someone. 捉弄; 诡计例:We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me.我们正耍弄着一个人,因为他一直烦扰我。
2023-06-29 00:54:331

that did the trick.

回答如下要和前半句连起来看主干是It was the telephone that did the trick.强调句正是这通电话起的作用Did the trick表示did exactly what is needed起了作用,产生了效果
2023-06-29 00:54:401

用with a trick造句

he made her happy with a trick
2023-06-29 00:54:483

推荐RAP歌曲 越多越好

1tym<hot ddeukeo>艾弗森<last night>
2023-06-29 00:55:298

求有节奏的 RAP 要好听的 想街舞伴奏那种 拒绝跑堂狗

akon的smack that 挺适合
2023-06-29 00:55:453


  trick有诡计;花招;把戏;诀窍等意思,那么你知道trick的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习trick的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    trick的用法   trick的用法1:trick的基本意思是“戏法”“花样”,引申用于贬义可指“不道德的手段,诡计,花招,骗术”; 也可用于中性或褒义表示“诀窍,技巧”。   trick的用法2:trick还可表示“特殊习惯,毛病”“(纸牌游戏的)一圈,一墩”。   trick的用法3:trick用作动词的基本意思是“欺骗”,多指不怀好意地用欺诈或阴谋手段使人相信不实之事或为某人去做某事。   trick的用法4:trick是及物动词,接表示人的名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。   trick的用法5:trick还可作“打扮,装饰”解,常与out连用。    trick的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   be up to one"s old tricks   not〔never〕 miss a trick   用作动词 (v.)   trick into (v.+prep.)   trick out (v.+adv.)   trick out of (v.+adv.+prep.)   trick的词汇辨析   cheat,deceive,trick,fool   这些动词均含有“欺骗”之意。   cheat 普通用词,指用蒙蔽他人的手段取得所需之物,尤多指在赢利的买卖中欺骗人。   deceive 最普通用词,指用虚假外表使人信以为真,或蓄意歪曲事实,或造成错误印象使人上当受骗。   trick 指用阴谋诡计等骗得信任或得到所需之物。   fool 指把别人当傻瓜,愚弄欺骗别人。    trick的用法例句   1. I don"t think Mr Cavanagh would get far with that trick.   我想卡瓦纳先生的那套把戏玩不了多久。   2. She is the victim of a big con trick.   她是一场大骗局的受害者。   3. Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armor.   情歌哄骗我们去相信有勇救美人的英雄。   4. Sometimes a few choice words will do the trick.   有时说几句尖酸刻薄的话就有人听了。   5. It"s an old trick but it just might work.   这是个老掉牙的把戏了,不过也许会有用。   6. They will stoop to every low-down trick.   他们什么卑劣的手段都使得出来。   7. Inhalations of menthol may do the trick.   吸入薄荷醇或许可以起到作用。   8. I scored a hat-trick against Arsenal.   我在和阿森纳队的比赛中上演了帽子戏法。   9. The trick boomeranged, though.   然而这个花招竟害了自己。   10. That"s a cute trick.   这是个设计巧妙的骗局。   11. Mia realised her trick had rebounded on her.   米娅意识到她的把戏反而害了自己。   12. to score a hat-trick   上演帽子戏法   13. What a dirty, low-down trick!   多么肮脏、卑劣的伎俩!   14. The trick is done simply by sleight of hand.   变这个戏法全凭手法敏捷。   15. That was a sneaky trick!   这种把戏可不够光明正大! 猜你喜欢: 1. fun的短语有哪些 2. astonish的短语 3. miss的短语有哪些 4. cheat的短语 5. book的用法和短语例句 6. fool的短语有哪些
2023-06-29 00:55:521

UG2里的need for speed歌词谁有

2023-06-29 00:55:592

求东方神起RAINBOW 歌词

2023-06-29 00:56:062

Holly Valance的《Whoop》 歌词

歌曲名:Whoop歌手:Holly Valance专辑:FootprintsUh...Uh...So here we are boy I can tell by just your look you"re hookedYou wanna get with me I think you have mistook the timeThe time is not now, not tomorrow, no whyDon"t want another here"s whyYou"re like a broken record play another tune babyAhhh...Those creepy lines never get me in the groove babyAhhh...You"re just a whooping it upWhoop... Whooping it upI, I don"t, I don"t need a man to have funYou"re just a whooping it upWhoop... Whooping it upI, I don"t, I don"t need a man to have funI admire your resistance but I am not the catchAnd that"s exactly how it is that"s where it is atI am in the music with my girls yeah it"s our timeWe"ll be rocking all nightYou"re like a broken record play another tune babyAhhh...Those creepy lines never get me in the groove babyAhhh...You"re just a whooping it upWhoop... Whooping it upI, I don"t, I don"t need a man to have funYou"re just a whooping it upWhoop... Whooping it upI, I don"t, I don"t need a man to have funUh...Uh...Uh...Uh...You"re like a broken record play another tune babyAhhh...Those creepy lines never get me in the groove babyAhhh...You"re just a whooping it upWhoop... Whooping it upI, I don"t, I don"t need a man to have funYou"re just a whooping it upWhoop... Whooping it upI, I don"t, I don"t need a man to have funYou"re just a whooping it upWhoop... Whooping it upI, I don"t, I don"t need a man to have funYou"re just a whooping it upWhoop... Whooping it upI, I don"t, I don"t need a man to have fun
2023-06-29 00:56:131


trick的过去式为“tricked”【trick】n.花招,诡计;撬门,技巧;戏法,恶作剧v.欺骗,哄骗adj.骗人的,使人产生错觉的;虚弱的【短语】do the trick 获得成功trick or treat 不招待就使坏hat trick 帽子戏法【例句】(1)The was a nasty little trick.这是个可恶的小骗局。(2)I"m surprised you fell for that trick.我感到惊奇,你竟然中了那个诡计。
2023-06-29 00:56:501

Sam really felt very happy. When he arrived at his seat in the classroom that morning, he found

He found an invitation on his desk.He was going to buy a sleeping bag with his savings.To make fun of him.Because she knew that Sam"s family had little money and she hated to see him spend his savings on something he would never use.I would tell Sam the truth and ask my friends not to make fun of him any more.
2023-06-29 00:57:162

that do the trick

That does the trick.那样问题就解决了.
2023-06-29 00:57:551

pimento trick是什么意思?

pimentoKK: []DJ: []n.1. 【西】红色柿子椒2. 多香果trickKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 诡计;骗局;谋略;花招He got into the castle by a trick.他耍了个花招混进了城堡。2. 恶作剧3. 轻率愚蠢的行为That was a rotten trick!那样做太轻率了!4. 习惯,癖好[(+of)]He has a trick of repeating himself.他有重复自己话的习惯。5. 窍门,招数,手法Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language.每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。6. 戏法,把戏;特技,妙计No one understood how I did the card trick.谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat.魔术师常常变从帽子抓出兔子的戏法。7. (桥牌)一圈vt.1. 哄骗[O]They tricked me into making a mistake.他们骗我犯错。2. 装饰,打扮[(+out/up/off)]She tricked herself up for the banquet.她打扮整齐去赴宴会。vi.1. 哄骗2. 恶作剧;戏弄[(+with)]a.[Z][B]1. 有诀窍的;特技的;魔术的trick photography特技摄影a trick box魔术箱2. 欺诈的3. (骨头等)似快要折断的,脆弱的
2023-06-29 00:58:101

trick and treat什么意思

招待和捣蛋 常用在万圣节的时候 不给糖果就捣蛋! 希望可以帮到您!
2023-06-29 00:58:202

Magic Trick 歌词

歌曲名:Magic Trick歌手:Ohio Players专辑:Best OfMagic Trick - M.Wardfrom the album 《Post-War》People come, people goSometimes without goodbyeSometimes without helloShe"s got one magic trickJust one and that"s itOoh...She disappearsIt"s like, now you see her, now you don"tYou think you"re gonna get to know her nowWell you won"tShe"s got one magic trickJust one and that"s itOoh... Ooh...She disappearsAah...Aah...It"s like, easy come, easy goSometimes without goodbyeSometimes without helloShe"s got one magic trickJust one and that"s itOoh...She disappearsOoh...And that"s it
2023-06-29 00:58:271

get that far是什么意思

get that far走那么远 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1If you can get that far. 如果你能撑那么久的话。
2023-06-29 00:58:351

歌词里有just like that,只有几遍,那首歌很热血。

歌曲名:just like that专辑:Set Your Body Free 歌手:DannyBut didn"t feel likeFunny tonightI got the feeling that tonight can get physicalYou"ve got me going just like thatI"m on my wayI"m on my wayI"m knocking on your doorSo are you readyAre you readyHit the dancefloorYou shook your handWith a bottle of red wineYou"re ready to flo-owYou"ve got me just like thatGet around get around"till we freakin" it out"till we movin" it downYou"ve got me just like thatGet around get aroundGirl you freakin" it outKeep on movin" aroundYou"ve ot me just like thatLike thatYou"ve got me just like thatLike thatYou"ve got me just like thatYou pull my clothes offThe moment got criticalI guess it"s noClubbing tonightI"ve got the feeling that tonight can get physicalGirl you trick me just like thatYou nod your head You push me downI"m laying on your floorYou"ve got me just like thatGet around get around"till we freakin" it out"till we movin" it downYou"ve got me just like thatGet around get aroundGirl you freakin" it outKeep on movin" aroundYou"ve ot me just like thatLike thatLike thatYou"ve got me just like thatLike that (Like that )You"ve got me just like thatHe know what he deal withSuperfresh femmeAnd my sweat going chillyTo the track the Hip-HopAnd rock out sillyJust like thatI gittie gittie goOn my carAnd set free greenlightsHow shawty You"re"Cause tonight is the nightAnd she gots other plansAnd that I likeShe"s super freakAnd that"s my type HaNo I gotta own knowning in the go inTell my boss thatI"m coming back in the morningEverything"s gonnaWork out fineI-I-I know"Cause you shouted "Am I sure "Just like thatGet around get around ( Ooh Ooh)"till we freakin" it out"till we movin" it downYou"ve got me just like thatGet around get aroundGirl you freakin" it outKeep on movin" aroundYou"ve got me just like thatGet around Get around (Girl)"till we freakin" it out"till we movin" it downYou"ve got me just like thatGet around get aroundGirl you freakin" it outKeep on movin" aroundYou"ve got me just like thatLike thatLike thatYou"ve got me just like thatLike thatLike thatYou"ve got me just like thatYou"ve got me just like thatYou"ve got me just like that
2023-06-29 00:58:421

Oldest Trick In The Book 歌词

歌曲名:Oldest Trick In The Book歌手:Less Than Jake专辑:Greetings From Less Thank JakeOldest Trick In The Book - Less Than JakeI wonder where I"ll be at the end of the worldI wonder how I"ll get homeI wonder how it feels to be on top of the worldWith all the highs and lowsI wonder where I"ll be when the ceiling fallsI wonder if I"ll be stonedI wonder where they hear me past these four wallsAnd what you"ll write on my headstoneIs it true,what doesn"t kill you really makes you stronger?Is it truewhat"s good for you makes you live longer?Who wants to live longer?I"ll change the world before I goAll I knowI"ll change the world before I goThat"s all I knowI wonder where I"ll be at the end of the worldI wonder how I"ll goI wonder if there"ll ever be an end to the warAnd will my friends come homeI wonder if I"ll ever be able to learnAll the things I"m taughtI wonder if they"ll give me all the credit I"ve earnedIt seems it"s all I"ve got"Cause if it"s true what doesn"t killyou really makes you strongerThen it"s true what"s good foryou makes you live longerWho wants to live longer?I"ll change the world before I goAll I knowI"ll change the world before I goThat"s all I knowYou pick yourself upbut you"re still on the floorYou"re feeling betterbut you can"t find the cureIt"s sad to say, but I"m pretty sureThe oldest trick in the book doesn"t work anymoreAll I knowI"ll change the world before I goAll I knowGonna change the world before I goI"ll change the world before I go (before I go)All I know (I"ll change the world)Gonna change the world before I goThat"s all I knowYeah, that"s all I know-End-
2023-06-29 00:59:071

one-trick pony nelly furtado 歌词

Lyrics to One-Trick Pony :I am not a one-trick ponyI am not a one-trick ponyI really feel nothing can hold meI really feel no one can own meNobody can control meNobody can conform meNobody can disown meNobody can ignore meSo slow downOne-trick ponyI am not a one-trick ponyI am not a one-trick ponyFor you i will not danceFor you i will not pranceAnd where I was lastI"ll never be atAnd After thatI"ve already passedSo slow downAnd hear this soundOne-trick ponyYeah, you do it for a priceI can see it in your eyesSee that role was never minecause i don"t want to stand in lineSee how that one-trick story goesIf she weren"t on time you"d never knowcause a one-tick pony steals the showSo back downTo the groundAnd chill outGirl, you better shape up, girl, you better shape upYeah, you better shape upYeah, just keep your chin upNo half half ass(She"s coming undone, she"s coming undone)One-trick pony Ride ride ride
2023-06-29 00:59:141


each had a written charter that set forth its form of government and the rights of the colonists.这里set forth的主语不就是that前面的名词a writtern charter么。。。前面用了had,所以这里就像1楼说的set是过去式。本来定语从句that就是修饰前面的一个名词。而在GMAT语法中,定语从句就算是用which引导的,99%也只修饰逗号前面的名词,而不会修饰逗号前面的整个句子。例如:The coat is very expensive, which costs me 1000 yuan. 这种非限定性定语从句,从句逗号隔开的两个句子如果单拿出来会分别是两个句意完整的独立句子;但如果是限定性主句和从句分开则不是完整的句子。例如:The coat is a birthday present which my mother sends.
2023-06-29 00:59:223

Stand Up [Featuring Trick Daddy, Lil Jon & Lil Wayne] (Explicit Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Stand Up [Featuring Trick Daddy, Lil Jon & Lil Wayne] (Explicit Album Version)歌手:T.I.专辑:Urban LegendKeana Texeira - Stand UpWill you stand up for meCan you be strong for meWil your love help me see it throughBoy I"m counting on youLike a dream coming trueWhen you stand up for meI stand up for youDid you just make a promiseIs that what I"ve just heardI hope you"re being honestCan you be your wordsI"ve never had a reasonTo ever trust beforeSo baby don"t be teasingOpen up that doorBaby, stand up for meBe strong for meWith your love I can see it throughBoy I"m counting on youLike a dream coming trueWhen you stand up for meI stand up for youMy man is strong and gentleIt"s in the way he movesA certain sentimentalRhythm in his groovesI hear my one and onlyHe whispers on the phoneYou know I"m never lonelyNo, I"m not aloneStand up for meBe strong for meWith your love I can see it throughBoy I"m counting on youLike a dream coming trueWhen you stand up for meI stand up for youI want a man whoCan see it throughI wanna be close to youYou know I"m buildingA life from loveThat we never knewWill you stand up for meBe strong for meWith your love I can see it throughBoy I"m counting on youLike a dream coming trueWhen you stand up for meI stand up for youStand up for meStand up for youBe strong, babyWe could see it throughStand up for meStand up for youBe strong, babyWe could see it throughBaby,stand up for meBe strong for meWith your love I can see it throughThanks for Havana"s help! Sweet as!(Listened by YoYo, Corrected by Havana)Keana Texeira - Stand Up
2023-06-29 00:59:281

Living Proof 歌词

歌曲名:Living Proof歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:The Essential Bruce SpringsteenBad Meets Evil - Living ProofWe bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonThis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thundering"01"s the year where I fell from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itNow I"m freefallin", my career is gone into re-callin"Regardless of who"s fault I was speedballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall doubled back and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n*gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on meCause I done cried Mary J. Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decidedTo put that bottle down and pick up my Todd BridgesThe writing"s on the wallSince n*ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-ZSuddenly everybody calls like "I"m just checking on you dog"While I just throw up this message on the stall..When them bottles stop poppin" and them dollars start stoppingDo what you did to get it and don"t stopI made a promise to my momma, I"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters don"t stopI"m living proof n*gga, it"s pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayIt"s the Worldwide American way, I"m living proof n*ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is goneWell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onYou just gone sit there and take it or make "em suck itTell em where to shove it straight upYou gon" make love to the world or you gon" f*ck itThe last time that life kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assMan what a catastrophe it"d be for me to be a b*tch ass pussyAnd not open a can of whoop ass, did ya piss ants whoop meWill be the day I say I ate poop, shit, the day thatI don"t straight shoot, I"ll drop outta my anti-women hate groupSay I"m a sissy fagot, record it play it backAnd put it on straight loop, you haters look like you ate a grape fruitYou see me climbing back on that wagon got my swagger backI was dragging, hop back on it, grab the reigns on that bastardAnd came back on "em without remorse manMan of course I"m a one trick ponyCause I"ll be screaming on these whores "til I"m hoarse!Nah I ain"t fading yet, I"d rather stay and rep, I mighta made a dentBut I find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextSo I don"t stay in debt me broke, you might as well cut the embryoOut my momma and play catchWith the baby with AKs with baby bayonetsI"ma get rich or I"ma die tryingThat"s why its either kill or be killed, so call me suicide homicide RyanThere"s a bomb inside my head, I"m a live wireI am on the edge, teetering on it like I tore the iron micGet on a nut like a tyre iron, I have no desire stoppingSo why would I drop and roll, that"s how much on fire I amRappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by ‘emMan I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?Cause tribulations I have triumphed b*tch I"m fired upSo it"s time for me to slit your f*cking lighter, light the sky up
2023-06-29 00:59:361

Living Proof 歌词

歌曲名:Living Proof歌手:pinmonkey专辑:Big Shiny CarsEminem feat. Royce Da 5"9"" - Living ProofDon"t stopdon"t stopYeah, Bad and Evil is (BACK)we bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonthis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thunderingoh once again where I fail from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itnow I"m freefallin"my career is gone and the weed callin"regardless of who"s fault I was b-ballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall double backed and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n-gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on mecause I done cried Mary J Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decided to put that bottle down and pick up my tie bridgesthe writings on the wall since n-ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-Zsuddenly everybody calls"like I"m just checking on you dog"while I throw up this message on the starwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is gonewell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onyou just gone sit there and take it or make em suck ittell em where to shove it straight up (?)f-ck it,the last time the light kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assman what a catastrophy it"d be for me to be a bitch ass p-ssyand not open a can of whoop assdid ya piss ass whoop me will be the day I say I aint poopshit, the day that I dont straight shootI"ll drop out of my anti-women hate groupsay I"m a sissy faggot, record it play it back and put it on straight loopyou haters look like you ate a grape fruityou see me climbing back on that wagongot my swagga back I was dragging, hop back on itgrab the reigns on that bastard and came back on emwithout remorse manman of course I"m a one trick ponycause I"ll be screaming on these horns till I"m hoarse!when them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaNah I aint fading yetI"d rather stay and rapI mighta made a deckI find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextso I dont stay in debtme brokeyou might aswell cut the embryo out my momma and play catch with the babywith AK"s with baby bayonet"sI"ma get rich or I"mma die tryingthats why its either kill or be killedso call me suicide homocide RyanTheres a bomb inside my headI"ma live wire, I am on the edgeteetering on it like I tore the iron mikeget on a nut like a tyre ironI have no desire stopping so why would I drop and rollthats how much Im flying higher(?)rappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by "emman I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?cause tribulations I have triumphed bitch I"m fired upso it"s time for me to slit your f-cking lighter, light the sky upwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-gga
2023-06-29 00:59:431

Living Proof 歌词

歌曲名:Living Proof歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:Bruce Springsteen In Concert - Mtv UnpluggedEminem feat. Royce Da 5"9"" - Living ProofDon"t stopdon"t stopYeah, Bad and Evil is (BACK)we bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonthis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thunderingoh once again where I fail from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itnow I"m freefallin"my career is gone and the weed callin"regardless of who"s fault I was b-ballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall double backed and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n-gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on mecause I done cried Mary J Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decided to put that bottle down and pick up my tie bridgesthe writings on the wall since n-ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-Zsuddenly everybody calls"like I"m just checking on you dog"while I throw up this message on the starwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is gonewell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onyou just gone sit there and take it or make em suck ittell em where to shove it straight up (?)f-ck it,the last time the light kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assman what a catastrophy it"d be for me to be a bitch ass p-ssyand not open a can of whoop assdid ya piss ass whoop me will be the day I say I aint poopshit, the day that I dont straight shootI"ll drop out of my anti-women hate groupsay I"m a sissy faggot, record it play it back and put it on straight loopyou haters look like you ate a grape fruityou see me climbing back on that wagongot my swagga back I was dragging, hop back on itgrab the reigns on that bastard and came back on emwithout remorse manman of course I"m a one trick ponycause I"ll be screaming on these horns till I"m hoarse!when them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaNah I aint fading yetI"d rather stay and rapI mighta made a deckI find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextso I dont stay in debtme brokeyou might aswell cut the embryo out my momma and play catch with the babywith AK"s with baby bayonet"sI"ma get rich or I"mma die tryingthats why its either kill or be killedso call me suicide homocide RyanTheres a bomb inside my headI"ma live wire, I am on the edgeteetering on it like I tore the iron mikeget on a nut like a tyre ironI have no desire stopping so why would I drop and rollthats how much Im flying higher(?)rappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by "emman I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?cause tribulations I have triumphed bitch I"m fired upso it"s time for me to slit your f-cking lighter, light the sky upwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-gga
2023-06-29 01:00:061


歌手Petey Pablo 歌名 Show me the money 歌词This is definitely the wickedest thing I ever hear in my life[Chorus]:Show off that body you gotYou got the dance flo so hotYou working that, You trickin thatYou trickin that... like a plot[Verse 1]Aint nobody do it like I do itWhen I do it (do it)Y"all gotta do itBreak it down(Break it down)Put your back into itMan yall ain"t ready for this shit I"m doing(Get Up!)Get UpPut your drinks downDon"t want yall sloshing your drinks outAll over that(that, that) cheap blouseThere ain"t but a swallow in it anyhow(Still me) Still MeHow ya change da sound to other one I hadJust swat it out(Switch!)Kept something in da background cause u love da songBut u can do it wit da background(Yep!)Come on lil" mama work it for me, Make a playa wanna spend sum money(Come on!)I don"t really like spending money but you can doWhat you do and do it well imma( Come on!)[Chorus x2]:Show off that body you gotYou got the dance flo so hotYou working that, You trickin thatYou trickin that... like a plot[Verse 2]She look good(She look good), everythingNothing in dem, her ?No silicone, No lypo, No bo-tox, No tummy tuckDat natural, the day she was when her mama brought her in this worldGood looking mamaDat good, dat hot to defMake a athlete lose his breathBut having the dude got asthmaGet your little pump sizeYou going to need a couple squirtsCause you falling out (For real!)Lil punk gonna cry from a Richter scaleThey highest number you can go is 12Shawty shake it like hellTo be shame of her selfYall created good rock to bail that well(Look at her!)Breaking it down, riding dis beat like(Wow!)Pop da jail, Man I got her down[Chorus x2]:Show off that body you gotYou got the dance flo so hotYou working that, You trickin thatYou trickin that... like a plotThis is definitely the wickedest thing I ever hear in my life...........
2023-06-29 01:00:131

Living Proof 歌词

歌曲名:Living Proof歌手:Statements Quintet专辑:The Cat"s PyjamasBad Meets Evil - Living ProofWe bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonThis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thundering"01"s the year where I fell from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itNow I"m freefallin", my career is gone into re-callin"Regardless of who"s fault I was speedballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall doubled back and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n*gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on meCause I done cried Mary J. Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decidedTo put that bottle down and pick up my Todd BridgesThe writing"s on the wallSince n*ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-ZSuddenly everybody calls like "I"m just checking on you dog"While I just throw up this message on the stall..When them bottles stop poppin" and them dollars start stoppingDo what you did to get it and don"t stopI made a promise to my momma, I"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters don"t stopI"m living proof n*gga, it"s pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayIt"s the Worldwide American way, I"m living proof n*ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is goneWell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onYou just gone sit there and take it or make "em suck itTell em where to shove it straight upYou gon" make love to the world or you gon" f*ck itThe last time that life kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assMan what a catastrophe it"d be for me to be a b*tch ass pussyAnd not open a can of whoop ass, did ya piss ants whoop meWill be the day I say I ate poop, shit, the day thatI don"t straight shoot, I"ll drop outta my anti-women hate groupSay I"m a sissy fagot, record it play it backAnd put it on straight loop, you haters look like you ate a grape fruitYou see me climbing back on that wagon got my swagger backI was dragging, hop back on it, grab the reigns on that bastardAnd came back on "em without remorse manMan of course I"m a one trick ponyCause I"ll be screaming on these whores "til I"m hoarse!Nah I ain"t fading yet, I"d rather stay and rep, I mighta made a dentBut I find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextSo I don"t stay in debt me broke, you might as well cut the embryoOut my momma and play catchWith the baby with AKs with baby bayonetsI"ma get rich or I"ma die tryingThat"s why its either kill or be killed, so call me suicide homicide RyanThere"s a bomb inside my head, I"m a live wireI am on the edge, teetering on it like I tore the iron micGet on a nut like a tyre iron, I have no desire stoppingSo why would I drop and roll, that"s how much on fire I amRappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by ‘emMan I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?Cause tribulations I have triumphed b*tch I"m fired upSo it"s time for me to slit your f*cking lighter, light the sky up
2023-06-29 01:00:261

Living Proof 歌词

歌曲名:Living Proof歌手:Wishbone Ash专辑:The CollectionEminem feat. Royce Da 5"9"" - Living ProofDon"t stopdon"t stopYeah, Bad and Evil is (BACK)we bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonthis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thunderingoh once again where I fail from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itnow I"m freefallin"my career is gone and the weed callin"regardless of who"s fault I was b-ballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall double backed and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n-gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on mecause I done cried Mary J Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decided to put that bottle down and pick up my tie bridgesthe writings on the wall since n-ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-Zsuddenly everybody calls"like I"m just checking on you dog"while I throw up this message on the starwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is gonewell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onyou just gone sit there and take it or make em suck ittell em where to shove it straight up (?)f-ck it,the last time the light kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assman what a catastrophy it"d be for me to be a bitch ass p-ssyand not open a can of whoop assdid ya piss ass whoop me will be the day I say I aint poopshit, the day that I dont straight shootI"ll drop out of my anti-women hate groupsay I"m a sissy faggot, record it play it back and put it on straight loopyou haters look like you ate a grape fruityou see me climbing back on that wagongot my swagga back I was dragging, hop back on itgrab the reigns on that bastard and came back on emwithout remorse manman of course I"m a one trick ponycause I"ll be screaming on these horns till I"m hoarse!when them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaNah I aint fading yetI"d rather stay and rapI mighta made a deckI find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextso I dont stay in debtme brokeyou might aswell cut the embryo out my momma and play catch with the babywith AK"s with baby bayonet"sI"ma get rich or I"mma die tryingthats why its either kill or be killedso call me suicide homocide RyanTheres a bomb inside my headI"ma live wire, I am on the edgeteetering on it like I tore the iron mikeget on a nut like a tyre ironI have no desire stopping so why would I drop and rollthats how much Im flying higher(?)rappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by "emman I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?cause tribulations I have triumphed bitch I"m fired upso it"s time for me to slit your f-cking lighter, light the sky upwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-gga
2023-06-29 01:00:381

(The) Living Proof 歌词

歌曲名:(The) Living Proof歌手:Shooter Jennings专辑:Bad Magick - The Best Of Shooter Jennings & The 357"SEminem feat. Royce Da 5"9"" - Living ProofDon"t stopdon"t stopYeah, Bad and Evil is (BACK)we bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonthis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thunderingoh once again where I fail from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itnow I"m freefallin"my career is gone and the weed callin"regardless of who"s fault I was b-ballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall double backed and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n-gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on mecause I done cried Mary J Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decided to put that bottle down and pick up my tie bridgesthe writings on the wall since n-ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-Zsuddenly everybody calls"like I"m just checking on you dog"while I throw up this message on the starwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is gonewell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onyou just gone sit there and take it or make em suck ittell em where to shove it straight up (?)f-ck it,the last time the light kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assman what a catastrophy it"d be for me to be a bitch ass p-ssyand not open a can of whoop assdid ya piss ass whoop me will be the day I say I aint poopshit, the day that I dont straight shootI"ll drop out of my anti-women hate groupsay I"m a sissy faggot, record it play it back and put it on straight loopyou haters look like you ate a grape fruityou see me climbing back on that wagongot my swagga back I was dragging, hop back on itgrab the reigns on that bastard and came back on emwithout remorse manman of course I"m a one trick ponycause I"ll be screaming on these horns till I"m hoarse!when them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaNah I aint fading yetI"d rather stay and rapI mighta made a deckI find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextso I dont stay in debtme brokeyou might aswell cut the embryo out my momma and play catch with the babywith AK"s with baby bayonet"sI"ma get rich or I"mma die tryingthats why its either kill or be killedso call me suicide homocide RyanTheres a bomb inside my headI"ma live wire, I am on the edgeteetering on it like I tore the iron mikeget on a nut like a tyre ironI have no desire stopping so why would I drop and rollthats how much Im flying higher(?)rappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by "emman I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?cause tribulations I have triumphed bitch I"m fired upso it"s time for me to slit your f-cking lighter, light the sky upwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-gga
2023-06-29 01:01:031

one that在句中什么成分

这里有点错误,在one前面应该要有个the. The best trick is the one that makes everyone laugh. 最好的把戏就是可以把大家都逗乐的. one是代词,代trick.他同时它又是定语从句that makes everyone laugh.的先行词.that makes everyone laugh是one的定语
2023-06-29 01:01:241

He suggested that they ______ use a trick instead of fighting.

2023-06-29 01:01:301

求天王星的歌That’s my name 歌词 。

THAT"S MY NAME 歌手:Lil"Bowwow Uh, say Uh, uh, say (My name is) Say, bow wow wow Uh, uh, bow wow (Yeah) Uh, uh, Snoop Dogg (Bow wow) Yeah, uh, my name is, Hair nappy but I"m happy pocket full of doe From the C-O representin" So So The girls recognize in these niggas do to I"m the flyest they walkin" through junior high school So make room next to your little backstreet poster Cause Bow Wow"s here and its over; YA HEARD I"m this, I"m that, I"m all of the above And the big body shotgun ridin" on doves I"ve been seen with the baddest Heard with the best And I got it lock down from the east to the west Look at my eyes, ya know; I ain"t playin" That"s why all through the streets All hear, sayin" is, Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay Where my dogs at? Bark with my now Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay And my girls are runnin" where the love wherever the love is going down say, Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay Where my dogs at? Bark with my now Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay And all girls are runnin" where the love wherever the love is going down Now at the gates wide open It is I who they runnin" from Little with the ill, cross over like I resentin" to kay my way and I"m the first to rock First to drop, lice in the bezel of a G-shop Like B.I.G. and Pac, I"m hard to forget What makes it even worse, I"m just getting" started Yeah that"s me; that"s got your daughter in a frenzy Yeah that"s me; that"s got her arguing with her friends about Who? Gone, gimme when they see me Sayin", "Do you?" Sayin", "Oh! He the man!" Thirteen, game lock, don"t trick, all that and a bag of chips Hi! My name is, Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay Where my dogs at? Bark with my now Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay And my girls are runnin" where the love wherever the love is going down say, Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay Where my dogs at? Bark with my now Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay And all girls are runnin" where the love wherever the love is going down [Snoop Dogg] Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay Woof motherfucker that dog came to play Cal gone cal gone take me away I"m in the dirty dirty with my nephew J Dizzy, Izzy, boy we getting" busy With Lil" Bow Wizzy, this shit is off the hizzy I threw him like a Frisbee And, "Yeah, he came back." Like uh, boomerang, Dogg Pound game Hundred thousand dollar chains What"chu say J.D.? (J.D.: Bling, bling, money ain"t a thang!) Ya ask me again and Imma tell you the same I"m flippin" on these niggas while I"m trippin" on these niggas (trippin") Buck one, buck two, buck three, buck four You standin" on the wall, nigga busa (bus) But you can"t trusa, it"s good game And all my niggas represent yo bang Put it up, now click clack it up And all the niggas, bag it up Cause I wanna smack it up We do it to ya doggystyle (doggystyle) Big Bow Wow in yo mouth Bow wow, Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay Where my dogs at? Bark with my now Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay And my girls are runnin" where the love wherever the love is going down say, Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay Where my dogs at? Bark with my now Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay And all girls are runnin" where the love wherever the love is going down Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay Where my dogs at? Bark with my now Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay And my girls are runnin" where the love wherever the love is going down say, Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay Where my dogs at? Bark with my now Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay And all girls are runnin" where the love wherever the love is going down Uh, 言 Uh, uh, 言(我的名字是) 言, 弓哇哇 Uh, uh, 弓哇(呀) Uh, uh, Snoop Dogg (弓哇) 呀, uh, 我的名字是, 头发尿布但I"m 愉快口袋充分母鹿 从C-O representin" 一般 女孩认出在这些niggas 做 I"m flyest 他们walkin" 通过初中 如此让路在您的少许backstreet 海报旁边 导致弓Wow"s 这里和; YA 听见了 I"m 这, I"m, I"m 全部在上面 并且大身体猎枪ridin" 在鸠 I"ve 被看见与baddest 听见与最佳 并且我得到了它锁击倒从东部对西部 看我的眼睛, ya 知道; I ain"t playin" That"s 为什么所有通过街道 所有听见, sayin" 是, 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 在哪里我的狗在? 吠声与我现在 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 并且我的女孩是runnin" 那里爱 无论哪里爱去在言下, 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 在哪里我的狗在? 吠声与我现在 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 并且所有女孩是runnin" 那里爱 无论哪里爱下来 现在在门大开 这是我他们runnin" 从 少许以不适, 横渡喜欢 I resentin" 对凯我的方式和I"m 一对岩石 首先对下落, 虱子在刃角G 购物 象B.I.G. 和Pac, I"m 艰苦忘记 什么做它更坏, I"m 正义getting" 开始 呀that"s 我; that"s 得到了您的女儿在疯狂 呀that"s 我; that"s 得到了她争论与她的朋友 谁? 去, gimme 当他们看见我 Sayin", "Do you?" Sayin", "Oh! 他man!" 十三, 游戏锁, don"t 把戏, 所有那和袋子芯片 喂! 我的名字是, 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 在哪里我的狗在? 吠声与我现在 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 并且我的女孩是runnin" 那里爱 无论哪里爱去在言下, 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 在哪里我的狗在? 吠声与我现在 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 并且所有女孩是runnin" 那里爱 无论哪里爱下来 [ Snoop Dogg ] 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 狗来演奏的Woof motherfucker Cal 去的cal 去拿走我 I"m 在肮脏肮脏与我的侄子J 头昏眼花, Izzy, 男孩我们getting" 繁忙 与Lil" 鞠躬Wizzy, 这shit 是hizzy 我投掷了他象飞碟 并且, "Yeah, 他来了back." 象uh, 飞旋镖, Dogg 磅游戏 十万个美元链子 What"chu 言J.D.? (J.D.: Bling, bling, 金钱ain"tthang!) Ya 要求我再和Imma 告诉您同样 I"m flippin" 在这些niggas 当I"m trippin" 在这些niggas (trippin") 顽抗一, 大型装配架二, 大型装配架三, 大型装配架四 您standin" 在墙壁上, nigga busa (公共汽车) 但您can"t trusa, it"s 好游戏 并且所有我的niggas 代表yo 轰隆 投入它, 现在点击.叨它 并且所有niggas, 请求它 起因I 想要击响它 我们做它对ya doggystyle (doggystyle) 大弓哇在yo 嘴 弓哇, 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 在哪里我的狗在? 吠声与我现在 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 并且我的女孩是runnin" 那里爱 无论哪里爱去在言下, 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 在哪里我的狗在? 吠声与我现在 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 并且所有女孩是runnin" 那里爱 无论哪里爱下来 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 在哪里我的狗在? 吠声与我现在 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 并且我的女孩是runnin" 那里爱 无论哪里爱去在言下, 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 在哪里我的狗在? 吠声与我现在 弓哇哇yippie yo yippie yay 并且所有女孩是runnin" 那里爱 无论哪里爱下来 采纳哦
2023-06-29 01:01:372