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2023-06-29 07:27:03
TAG: 英文


  Labour Contract


  Legal Representative:

  Position: President

  Address: Post code:


  Name: Gender:

  Address: Nationality:

  ID Card No.:

  Date of Birth:

  Education Degree:

  This Contract is signed on a mutuality voluntary basis by and between the following Employer and Employee in accordance with the Labour Law of People"s Republic of China."

  1.Term of the Contract:

  The term of this contract is for _____ years and shall commence on

  _____,_____, and shall continue until _____,_____, unless earlier terminated pursuant to this Contract. The Employee shall undergo a probationary period of ___months.

  2.Job Description:

  The Employer agrees to employ Mr./Ms.________(name) as ________(job title) in ________Department, located in ________(office location and city).

  3. Remuneration of Labour

  a.The salary of the Employee shall bemonthly paid by the Employer in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of P.R.C. It shall be paid by legal tender and not less than the standard minimum salary in Tianjin.

  b. The salary of the Employee is RMB$______ per month in the probationary period and RMB$ _____ after the probationary period.

  c. If the delay or default of salary takes place, the Employer shall pay the economic compensation except the salary itself in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

  4.Working Hours & Rest & Vocation

  a.The normal working hours of the Employee shall be eight hours each day, excluding meals and rest for an average of five days per week, for an average of forty hours per week.

  b.The Employee is entitled to all legal holidays and other paid leaves of absence in accordance with the laws and regulations of the PRC and the company "s work rules.

  c. The Employer may extend working hours due to the requirements of its

  production or business after consultation with the trade union and the Employee ,but the extended working hour for a day shall generally not exceed one hour; If such extension is called for due to special reasons, the extended hours shall not exceed three hours a day. However, the total extension in a month shall not exceed thirty-six hours.

  5.Social Security & Welfare

  a.The Employer will pay for all mandatory social security programs such pension insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance of the Employee according to the relevant government and city regulations.

  b.During the period of the Contract, the Employee"s welfare shall be implemented accordance with the laws and relevant regulations of P.R.C.

  6.Working Protection & Working Conditions

  a.The Employer should provide the Employee with occupational safety and health conditions conforming to the provisions of the State and necessary articles of labor protection to guarantee the safety and health during the working process.

  b.The Employer should provide the Employee with safety education and technique training; The Employee to be engaged in specialized operations should receive specialized training and acquire qualifications for such special operations.

  c. The Employee should strictly abide by the rules of safe operation in the process of their work.

  7.Labour Discipline

  a.The Employer may draft bylaws and labour disciplines of the Company, According to which, the Employer shall have the right to give rewards or take disciplinary actions to the Employee; b.The Employee shall comply with the management directions of the Employer and obey the bylaws and labour disciplines of the Employer.

  c.The Employee shall undertake the obligation to keep and not to disclose the trade secret for the Employer during the period of this Contract; This obligation of confidentiality shall survive the termination of this Contract for a period of two (2) years.

  8.Termination, Modification, Renew and Discharge of the Contract

  a. The relevant clauses of the Contract may be modified by the parties:

  i.The specific clause is required to be modified by the parties through


  ii.Due to the force majeure, the Contract can not be executed;

  iii.The relevant laws and regulations have been modified or abolished by the time of signing the Contract.

  b.The Contract may be automatically terminated:

  i) This Contract is not renewed at the expiration of this Contract;

  ii) The Employer is legally announced to be bankruptcy, dismissed, or canceled;

  iii)The death of the Employee occurs;

  iv) The force majeure takes place;

  v)The conditions of termination agreed in the Contract by the parties arise.

  c.The Contract may be renewed at the expiration through consultation by the parties with the fulfillment of the procedure within 15 days to the expiration;

  d. The Contract may be discharged through consultation by the parties;

  e.The Contract may be discharged by the Employer with immediate effect and the Employee will not be compensated:

  i.The Employee does not meet the job requirements during the probationaryperiod;

  ii.The Employee seriously violates disciplines or bylaws of the Employer;

  iii.The Employee seriously neglects his duty, engages in malpractice for selfish ends and brings significant loss to the Employer;

  iv.The Employee is being punished by physical labour for its misfeasance

  v.The Employee is being charged with criminal offences:

  f.The Contract may be terminated by the Employer by giving notice in written form 30(thirty) days in advance:

  i.The Employee fails ill or is injured to (other than due to work) and after completion of medical treatment, is not able to perform his previous function or any other function the Employer assigns to him;

  ii.The Employee does not show satisfactory performance and after training and adjusting measures is still not able to perform satisfactorily;

  iii.The circumstances have materially changed from the date this Contract was signed to the extent that it is impossible to execute the Contract provided, however, that the parties cannot reach an agreement to amend the contract to reflect the changed circumstances.

  iv.The Employer is being consolidated in the legal consolidation period on the brink of bankruptcy or the situation of business is seriously in trouble, under such condition, it is required to reduce the emplouee.(in legal procedure)

  g.The Employee shall not be dismissed :

  i. The Contract has neither expired nor conformed to 8.d,8.e,8.f,8.g;

  ii.The Employee is ill with occupational disease or injured due to work and has been authenticated fully or partly disabled by the Labour Authentication Commission in Baodi County, Tianjin.

  iii. The Employee is ill or injured (other than due to work) and is within the period of medical leave provided for by applicable PRC law and regulations and Company policy;

  iv.The Employee is woman who is pregnant, on maternity leave, or nursing a baby under one year of age; or

  iii.The applicable PRC laws and regulations otherwise prohibit the termination of this Contract.

  h.The Contract may be dicharged by the Employee by giving notice in written form 30(thirty) days in advance. However, the Employee may inform the Employer to discharge the Contract at random under the following occasions:

  i.The Employee is still in the probationary period;

  ii.The Employer force the Employee to work by violence, duress or illegal restriction to physical freedom;

  iii. The Employer does not pay the remuneration of the Employee accordance with the relevant clause in the Contract;

  iv.The Employer violates the relevant regulations of State or Tianjin for its terrible safe and health condition, which is harmful to the Employee"s health.

  I.The Contract can not be terminated by the Employee before the expiration if not conforming to 8.d, 8.h,

  j. The Employer shall pay the economic compensation to the Employer if the Contract is terminated conforming to 8.d,8.f,8.h.i-8.h.iv. Additional fee for medical allowance should be paid to the Employee if the Contract is terminated conforming to 8.f.i.

  9.Breach Liabilities

  a. Due to either party"s fault, if breaching the Contract, that party shall undertake the breach liability according to the extent to the performance of the Contract; if the parties both breach the Contract, they shall undertake its separate liability according to the concrete situation.

  b. Due to either party"s fault, if breaching the Contract to damage the other party. The damage should be compensated by the faulty party accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of PRC.

  c.Due to the force majeure, causing the non-performance or the damages to either party, the other party may not undertake the breach liability;

  c.The Employee wants to resign and has received training provided by the Employer, the Employee shall compensate for the training cost. The method of compensation should be fixed according to the relevant company regulations as follows:

  The Employee shall compensate RMB_______ within ___year(s) in the Company if the Contract is terminated by the Employee at his cause;

  The Employee shall compensate RMB_______ within ___year(s) in the Company if the Contract is terminated by the Employee at his cause;

  The Employee shall compensate RMB_______ within ___year(s) in the Company if the Contract is terminated by the Employee at his cause;

  10.Labor Disputes

  Where a labor dispute between the parties takes place during the performance of this Contract, the parties concerned may seek for a settlement through consultation; or either party may apply to the labor dispute mediation committee of their unit for mediation; if the mediation fails and one of the parties requests for arbitration, that party may apply to the labor dispute arbitration committee for arbitration. Either party may also directly apply to the labor dispute arbitration committee for arbitration within 60 days starting from the date of the occurrence of a labor dispute. If one of the parties is not satisfied with the adjudication of arbitration, the party may bring the case to a people"s court within 15 days of the date of receiving the ruling of arbitration

  11.The verification of this Contract shall be made in Baodi Labour Bureau, Tianjin within 30 days after being signed by the parties.

  Employer: (official stamp) Employee:

  Representative :

  Address: Address:

  Date: July ,2003

  It"s verified herein that the Contract conforms to the relevant laws and regulations through examination and review.





英 [ u02c8mju:tu0283uu0259l ] 美 [ u02c8mjutu0283uu0259l ]adj.共有的; 共同的; 相互的; 彼此的1.It"s plain that he adores his daughter, and the feeling is mutual.明摆着他很喜欢自己的女儿,而且女儿也喜欢他。2.He left the company by mutual consent last September.去年9月,经双方同意,他离开了公司。3.The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilised behaviour.整个活动中双方频频指责对方粗野。
2023-06-28 22:29:401


adj. 相互的; 共同的; 共有的; 彼此的;
2023-06-28 22:30:112

什么是亲密关系 ?

在定义亲密关系之前,我们先需要对关系加以定义。心理学家Kelly(1983)认为,关系是指二个人彼此能互相影响对方,并且互相依赖。也就是说,只有当两个人之间互相影响与依赖的时候,我们才能认定他们之间存在着关系。Levinger和Snoek(1972)在这个解释的基础上提出了一个互赖模型(Model of interdependence),并用它来说明随着互赖关系的增加,关系变化的特点。他们以两个人之间关系发展阶段为例把人们之间的关系分为四种:一是两个人互相不知道对方的存在,彼此无任何关系,称为零接触(Zero contact);二是知晓(Awareness):一个人知道另一个人的信息,但未发生任何直接接触;三是表面接触(Surface contact):两个人开始互动,如借谈话或书信来往;四是共同关系(Mutuality):两个人的依赖程度增加。在共同关系中,当两个人的互赖性很大时,我们把这种关系称为亲密关系(Close relationship),亲密关系的特点有三个:一是两人有长时间频繁互动;二是在这种关系中包含着许多不同种类的活动或事件,共享很多共同的活动及兴趣;三是两个人相互影响力很大。
2023-06-28 22:30:231


弗瑞斯特·玛氏的管理风格是这家公司的根基。今天,他的想法已经正式成为该公司的管理哲学,称为玛氏公司的五大原则,这些原则写在一本手册上,所有玛氏公司的办公室都有这本手册。此外,这本册子也被译成好几种不同的语言,以供海外的办公室与工厂使用。这五大原则是:品质(quality)、责任(responsibility)、互利(mutuality)、效率(efficiency),和自由(freedom)。品质:“顾客至上”是我们的信念;保持高质量是我们的工作;令产品物有所值是我们的目标。责任: 作为个人,我们要求每一个人各尽所能;作为同事,我们支持其他同事各尽其责。互惠: 互惠就是分享利益;可以分享的利益才会持久。效率: 我们充分利用一切资源,绝不浪费;务求人尽其材,物尽其用。自主: 我们需要独立自主来塑造我们的未来;我们需要利润来保持独立自主。品质第一个原则最重要,它是这么说的:“顾客就是我们的老板,品质是我们该做的事,而物超所值的产品则是我们的目标。”品质控制对于公司而言非常重要。弗瑞斯特·玛氏定期检查工厂与办公室,因为他相信整洁的环境有助于效率的提升,不仅如此,他也期望员工保持高度的整洁。举个例子,一家在纽泽西的海科斯顿市(Hackettstown)生产M&Ms的工厂,地板每45分钟要彻底擦洗一次。另一个例子是,每一条士力架上面,要不多不少地摆上15颗花生米,而且巧克力外皮要维持平滑状态。玛氏公司也是糖果业中第一家在产品包装上标示食用期限的厂商,如果产品到期以后仍未售出,公司将禁止零售商继续出售,以保持产品的新鲜度。此外,“本大叔的米”的每一粒米都用激光束检查过。凡此种种,是因为他们认为,“品质,就是代表我们向顾客做出的保证,我们的牌子不会让他们失望——不管购买几次,绝不会让顾客失望”。整个玛氏公司的营运都围绕着一个中心思想,即品质,因为他们认为品质来自“毫不懈怠地重视生产过程中的每个细节”。玛氏公司对于原料的品质非常重视,它甚至成立一个部门(信息服务部)来监测每一种农作物的收成情形,不管是可可还是花生,并提供公司有关长期供应战略的建议。事实上,玛氏公司的工程师想出了种种方法来预测农产品的收成,时至今日,此一部门甚至租借卫星以监控气候状态,并聘请最顶尖的统计学家,计算气候对农产品的影响。这些都是为了维持玛氏公司产品的品质,并让公司与消费者双方都获益,而这就是第三个原则,即互利或双赢。责任第二个原则指出:“从个人而言,我们要求自己要负起全部的责任;从同事的角度而言,我们支持别人的任务。”这项原则在公司组织结构的特质中就可以明白看出,因为所有员工都被当成独立的个体,而且每一个员工也同时都是别人的工作伙伴。高层的管理阶层并没有好听的头衔,而且,公司的老板到现在都还继续打卡上班。在这家公司,员工的地位都一样,每一个人都只叫名字,只开“非开不可”的会,并认为很炫的简报只是浪费时间。而且,管理阶层没有秘书,也没有大办公室;每个人都自己接电话,自己复印,没有主管配车,必要时使用公务车。为进一步落实责任的概念,薪水与产品连动:如果利润增加,薪水就上扬;反之,如果利润下降,薪水就会缩水。互利第三个原则是互利或双赢,其意为“互利就是利益的互享;唯有利益互享,公司才能永远存在”。玛氏公司希望让所有的人都得到好处,不管是同僚,消费者,或整个社会。例如,他们提供给科威特的商人冷藏用的糖果棒展示柜,让这些商店得以长时间展示玛氏公司的产品,而不用担心糖果棒会溶化,而其他竞争品牌的产品就只能放在一般冰箱里。这样的做法让店家与玛氏公司都获益,因为双方都能赚钱。这个原则也在公司所执行的质量管理中表露无遗。消费者对于玛氏产品的品质有信心,而玛氏公司也持续拥有忠实的顾客群。此外,玛氏公司也开设了几个信息窗口,为宠物主人提供相关信息,例如“我的宠物店”(My Pet Stop)提供了有关宠物照顾的信息。甚至整个社会都获益,因为玛氏公司也发动了一些募款的活动。效率第四个原则,提倡效率,“我们充分利用资源,不浪费任何东西,而且只求做到最好。”在玛氏公司,效率主要来自生产上的自给自足,所有资源都在其掌控之中。此外,工厂机器都是24小时全天候运作,而且没有通过品质检验的产品都会被丢回去重新搅拌,不浪费任何东西。有关弗瑞斯特·玛氏提升效率的一个例子是,他想方设法在“本大叔的米”生产过程中的每一个环节引入效率这个概念,尚未加工之前的谷壳被当作燃料,以提供工厂的部分电力,他甚至想办法将灰烬卖给发电厂与钢铁厂。根据该公司所发布的信息,工厂循环利用了53%的加工米生产过程中所使用过的水。员工的桌面也要保持整洁,因为他相信这是提高工作效率的不二法门。自由最后一个原则是自主。玛氏公司相信:“我们需要自主来建设我们的未来;我们需要利润来确保我们的自主 。”这个原则可以从公司如何对待员工中看出。玛氏公司的员工享有很多自由,而公司的部门则拥有自由决策权。只有当部门犯了严重错误时,高层管理人员才会介入。事实上,弗瑞斯特·玛氏经常让员工自由完成工作——一种自由放任式的管理风格,因为他比较在乎帝国的建立,而不是实际的管理。更广泛地说,该公司高度隐秘的特质,也使得他们可以享有更多自由,因为他不需对任何股东负责。而这也可以让那些有长期获益的投资计划得以推行,而非让那种追求短期利润的投资来左右公司的前途。或许因为如此,玛氏公司从来没有负过债。
2023-06-28 22:30:301

相关度/相关性 英语怎么说

2023-06-28 22:30:432


mutualism[英]["mju:tu0283u028au0259lu026azu0259m][美]["mju:tu0283u028arlu026azu0259m]n.互惠共生; 互助论,互利共生; 共栖; 网络互助论; 协同作用; 互利共生;
2023-06-28 22:30:512


in common的意思是共有的;共同的。common作形容词,本身就是公共的,共同的,in common就是in的介词短语,表示处于某种状态。What do we all have in common?我们有什么共同点吗?common的基本意思是“普遍的”“共有的”“共同的”,主要指因许多人〔物〕所共同具有或使用而常见,引申可表示“一般的”“平常的”,指普通、无特别之处,有时含有低劣粗俗之意。common的近义词mutual读音:英[u02c8mjuu02d0tu0283uu0259l],美[u02c8mjuu02d0tu0283uu0259l]。释义:adj. 相互的;彼此的;共有的;共同的;(保险公司、建筑协会等)互助的;亲密的;<电><电子>互相的。n. 互助公司;互助基金;共同的朋友。例句:We must pull together for mutual interest.我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。副词:mutually名词:mutuality短语:mutual aid〔assistance〕彼此的帮助mutual benefit〔interests〕相互的利润mutual defence〔enemies, friends〕共同的防御〔敌人,朋友〕
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  勒温格(G u2022Levinger)等人认为,关系的发展有三个阶段:第一是单向注意阶段,对方没有互动。第二是表面接触阶段,双方有初步的、浅层的互动,但是还没有相互卷入,也就是说没有走进彼此的私我领域。一般的泛泛之交就停留在这一阶段。第三是相互卷入(mutuality)阶段,双方向对方开放自我,分享信息和感情,这是友谊发展的阶段。  阿特曼(I u2022Altman)等人提出了社会渗透理论(social penetration theory)来解释关系发展的过程。他们认为人际交往主要有两个维度:一是交往的广度,即交往或交换的范围;二是交往的深度,即交往的亲密水平。关系发展的过程是由较窄范围内的表层交往,向较广范围的密切交往发展。人们根据对交换成本和回报的计算来决定是否增加对关系的投入。阿特曼等认为,良好的人际关系的发展,一般经过四个阶段:定向阶段、情感探索阶段、情感交流阶段、稳定交往阶段。  1、定向阶段。在人际交往中,人们对交往的对象具有很高的选择性。进入一个交往场合时,人们往往会选择性地注意某些人,而对另外一些人视而不见,或者知识礼貌性地打个招呼。对于注意到的对象,人们会进行初步的沟通,谈谈无关紧要的话题,这些活动,就是定向阶段的任务。在这个阶段,人们只有很表层的自我表露,例如谈谈自己的职业、工作、对最近发生的新闻事件的看法等等。  2、情感探索阶段。如果在定向阶段双方有好感,产生了继续交往的兴趣,那么就可能有进一步的自我表露,例如工作中的体验、感受等,并开始探索在哪些方面双方可以进行更深的交往。这是,双方有一定程度的情感卷入,但是还不会涉及私密性的领域。双方的交往还会受到角色规范、社会礼仪等方面的制约,比较正式。  3、情感交流阶段。如果在情感探索阶段双方能够谈得来,建立了基本的信任感,就可能发展到情感交流的阶段,彼此有比较深的情感卷入,谈论一些相对私人性的问题,例如相互诉说工作、生活中的烦恼,讨论家庭中的情况等。这时,双方的关系已经超越了正式规范的限制,比较放松,比较自由自在,如果有不同意见也能够坦率相告,没有多少拘束。  4、稳定交往阶段。情感交流如果能够在一段时间内顺利进行,人们就有可能进入更加密切的阶段,双方成为亲密朋友,可以分享各自的生活空间、情感、财物等,自我表露更深更广,相互关心也更多。一般来说,能够达到这种境界的关系相当少,这也就是人们常说的“人生得一知己,千古知音最难觅”。  还有一些研究讨论了关系退化的原因。综合起来,导致关系的亲密程度减弱的原因主要有:(1)空间上的分离,交往的一方迁徙到别的地方,虽然分离的双方可以通过书信、电话、电子邮件等形式保持联系,但是最现代的通讯工具也取代不了面对面交往;(2)新朋友代替了老朋友;(3)逐渐不喜欢对方行为上或人格上的某些特点,一方面,个人的喜好标准可能发生变化,另一方面,交往中可能发现对方的一些新的特点,而这些特点恰恰是另一方不喜欢的;(4)交换回报水平的变化,即一方没有按照另一方所期望的水平给予回报;(5)妒忌或批评;(6)对与第三方的关系不能容忍,在亲密关系中,这一点比较突出,因为亲密关系,尤其是异性之间的亲密关系往往有一定程度的排他性;(7)泄密,即将良人之间的秘密透露给其他的人;(8)对方需要时不主动帮忙;(9)没表现出信任、积极肯定、情感支持等行为;(10)一方的“喜好标准”发生了改变。
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亲密是什么意思?? 亲密可以是亲人也可以是朋友恋人 就是彼此之间关心、依赖、在一起可以很自然的表达自己的言行举止 简单点来说意思就是,想着对方,在一起彼此会很开心 会告诉一些跟别人不能说的事情亲密的意思 亲密可以是亲人也可以是朋友恋人 就是彼此之间关心、依赖、在一起可以很自然的表达自己的言行举止 什么是最亲密的人? 你最信任的人。 和他你不必设防,彼此都能以诚相待。 这样的人,无论他是谁,他就是你最亲密的人。 通常,他是你相伴终生的人。 满意请采纳 qq会员上的亲密号是什么意思 就是和你号最相似的号 亲密是什么意思 就是你觉得跟对方则那么样都无所谓,对方会包容你的一切,你也可以包容对方的一切, 亲密的意思是什么 棱释: 1. 亲近密切。 2. 指亲近密切的人。 网路另解: 亲了之后才密切。 (具体的你可以在百度百科或百度词典上搜索) 余额宝亲密付是什么 支付宝钱包正式推出8.3版,本次版本更新最大的亮点功能就是“亲密付”的功能。 使用者开通之后,可以为爱人、子女、父母等开通亲密付。对于新功能“亲密付”,每位使用者可以系结3个人开通亲密付。具体操作流程是:扣款时,系统会首先选择使用者系结的信用卡,如果超额,再选择余额、借记卡和余额宝,扣款发生后,开通人会实时收到简讯提醒。亲密付支援的最高额度是20000元。 【亲密付,类似信用卡的副卡】 什么是亲密行为 对于保守的来说,身体的抚摸就是亲密行为,对于开放的来说,爱爱是亲密行为 亲密关系的定义是什么? 亲密关系的定义 在定义亲密关系之前,我们先需要对关系加以定义。心理学家Kelly(1983)认为,关系是指二个人彼此能互相影响对方,并且互相依赖。也就是说,只有当两个人之间互相影响与依赖的时候,我们才能认定他们之间存在着关系。Levinger和Snoek(1972)在这个解释的基础上提出了一个互赖模型(Model of interdependence),并用它来说明随着互赖关系的增加,关系变化的特点。他们以两个人之间关系发展阶段为例把人们之间的关系分为四种:一是两个人互相不知道对方的存在,彼此无任何关系,称为零接触(Zero contact);二是知晓(Awareness):一个人知道另一个人的资讯,但未发生任何直接接触;三是表面接触(Surface contact):两个人开始互动,如借谈话或书信来往;四是共同关系(Mutuality):两个人的依赖程度增加。在共同关系中,当两个人的互赖性很大时,我们把这种关系称为亲密关系(Close relationship),亲密关系的特点有三个:一是两人有长时间频繁互动;二是在这种关系中包含着许多不同种类的活动或事件,共享很多共同的活动及兴趣;三是两个人相互影响力很大。 亲密感是什么 亲密,指(感情、关系等)亲近密切。“亲密”这个词指的是彼此完全敞开的状态;这个词来源于拉丁语,原意是指“内心深处”。亲密感,就是当我们与对方分享经历时,我们感到完整、充实,同处于一个频率。表现为彼此之间关心、依赖、在一起可以很自然的表达自己的言行举止。
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息息相关 近义词

息息相关 相关的近义词痛痒相关 一脉相连血肉相连休戚相关休戚与共唇亡齿寒息息相通息息相关_词语解释_词典【拼音】:[xī xī xiāng guān]【释义】:息:呼吸时进出的气。呼吸也相互关联。形容彼此的关系非常密切。
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德芙是玛氏(Mars)公司在中国推出的系列产品,企业文化五大原则是:品质(quality)、责任(responsibility)、互利(mutuality)、效率(efficiency),和自由(freedom)。1、品质:“顾客至上”的信念;保持高质量的工作;令产品物有所值的目标。2、责任: 作为个人要求每一个人各尽所能;作为同事支持其他同事各尽其责。3、互惠: 互惠就是分享利益,可以分享的利益才会持久。4、效率: 充分利用一切资源,绝不浪费,务求人尽其材,物尽其用。5、自主: 需要独立自主来塑造我们的未来,需要利润来保持独立自主。扩展资料:玛氏公司的企业文化,自弗瑞斯特·玛氏的时代到现在,似乎没有太大改变,倒是国外的据点,则与美国当地的企业文化有一些出入。海外部门由相同阶层的主管全权负责,国外的经理可以提倡其自身的当地文化,但基本的管理原则还是大同小异。海外部门并不特别强调是美国公司,而且也聘用了很多当地人。此外,除了玛氏家族有时会到世界各地去视察海外部门之外,通常不会有来自美国总公司的监督者。而除了这些视察之外,海外部门全部由当地的经理全权负责,包括有关创新以及经营等。参考资料:百度百科----玛氏公司
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罗尔斯正义理论的基本理念   〔摘要〕 罗尔斯的正义理论由两种基本成分构成:一种是两个正义原则,另外一种是正义理论的基本理念。两个正义原则处于理论体系的顶端,而支撑两个正义原则的东西则是正义的基本理念。罗尔斯在不同的著作中讨论了许多基本理念,但是最重要的理念有三个,即关于人的理念、关于善的理念以及关于社会的理念。   〔关键词〕 罗尔斯;正义;自由主义   〔中图分类号〕B712 〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号〕1000-4769(2008)04-0059-07   〔基金项目〕(注:教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目(06JJD720008))   〔作者简介〕(注:姚大志,吉林大学哲学基础理论研究中心暨哲学社会学院教授,博士,吉林长春130012。)      1971年,罗尔斯发表了他的巨著《正义论》,此书在全世界产生了巨大的反响,并由此引起了政治哲学在当代的复兴。《正义论》是一个精致的理论大厦,全书包括3个部分9章共87节,其中的每一环节都显示出作者的精心安排。一方面,这种宏大而精致的正义理论表现为一种环环相扣、逻辑严密的体系,从而具有很强的说服力;另一方面,这种逻辑上一致的理论体系拥有一种美感,从而能吸引人们的高度关注。   罗尔斯的宏大理论体系由两种基本成分构成:一种是正义的两个原则,其第一个正义原则是平等的自由原则,第二个原则包括两个部分,即公平的机会平等原则和差别原则;另外一种是正义理论的基本理念,这些基本理念被看作是众所周知的,它们存在于民主社会的公共政治文化之中,这些基本理念也被视为是经过深思熟虑的,它们之间相互和谐一致,处于有序的状态。无论是在西方还是在国内,研究者对罗尔斯的两个正义原则给予了高度的关注,而正义理论的基本理念则往往被忽视。   在罗尔斯的正义理论中,两个正义原则处于理论体系的顶端,而支撑两个正义原则的东西则是这些正义理论的基本理念。罗尔斯在不同的著作中讨论了许多基本理念,如政治正义的理念、基本结构的理念、公平合作体系的理念、原初状态的理念、合理选择的理念、公共证明的理念、反思平衡的理念、建构主义的理念、公共理性的理念等等,但是最重要的理念有三个,即关于人的理念、关于善的理念以及关于社会的理念。   一、人的理念   罗尔斯正义理论的目的是确立他的两个正义原则。那么罗尔斯有什么理由来证明他的两个正义原则应该是支配社会的正义原则?从罗尔斯的契约论观点看,对正义原则的最好证明就是人们的一致选择。为了达到这种一致同意的证明,为了证明人们会一致选择他的两个正义原则而非其他的正义原则(如功利主义原则),罗尔斯提出了一些理念来支持这种证明,例如原初状态和无知之幕的假设,以及最大最小化规则的使用,但是在最深的层面上,人们之所以一致选择两个正义原则,是因为这种选择表达了人的本性。   人们选择什么作为正义原则是表达了他们自己的本性,这意味着罗尔斯对正义原则的证明植根于他的人性理论之中。那么对于罗尔斯,什么是人的本性?   罗尔斯是当代自由主义的代表,而自由主义的传统来自英国。英国政治思想家(如霍布斯和洛克)通常把人理解为利己主义的,人的基本动机是追求快乐和避免痛苦。当然人是在理性指导下来追求自我利益的,这也就是合理的自利。后来的功利主义虽然抛弃了古典自由主义的契约论,但是却继承了这种人性观。可能与反对功利主义有关,罗尔斯一反传统,没有承袭古典自由主义的人性观念,而是接受了康德的观点,主张“人的本性是一种自由和平等的理性存在物”(1)。   康德的观点与英国自由主义者的观点是非常不同的。在认识论上,英国自由主义者是经验主义的,而康德是理性主义的。在伦理学上,英国自由主义者是快乐主义的或目的论的,而康德则是义务论的。在人性方面,英国自由主义者强调的是欲望,康德则强调的是理性。英国自由主义者是从个人主义来理解人的,而康德则把人理解为人类共同体的一个平等成员。   更深入一点说,罗尔斯所说的人是“自由的和平等的、理性的和合理的”(2)。这样,我们可以从四个方面来理解罗尔斯关于人的理念。   第一,人是自由的。人是自由的,意味着人不为自然偶然性和社会任意性所影响,不受需要和欲望所决定,人应该只服从自己的法则。人是自由的,意味着人不受任何客观必然性的支配,不为外在对象所统治,人具有自由选择的能力。对于罗尔斯,不仅我们拥有选择的自由,而且我们选择什么充分地表达了我们是什么和我们能够成为什么的愿望。选择自由与人的本性是联结在一起的。从政治哲学说,我们是自由地选择了正义的原则;从人性说,我们对正义原则的自由选择是表现了我们作为自由人的本质。罗尔斯效仿康德,将契约论建立在关于人的理念之上,而原初状态不过是“这种本体自我理解世界的一个观察点”。(3)   对于康德的道德哲学,自由与自律紧密相关。自由强调了对道德法则的自主选择,自律则强调了对道德法则的自愿服从。同样,对于罗尔斯,正义原则本质上是“本体自我”面对各种可能性而自由选择的结果。人的自由确保了正义原则的选择性,这对罗尔斯具有双重意义。首先,对正义原则的选择既是出自人作为平等的理性存在物的自由选择,即出自人的本性的选择。就此而言,正义原则也是康德意义上的绝对命令。其次,只有正义原则是选择的,人才能自觉地服从它们,才能在对它们的服从中同时显示出人是自由的道德主体。这也就是康德所谓自由意志和服从道德规律的意志,完全是一个东西。   第二,人是平等的。罗尔斯的平等是指道德人格的平等。在罗尔斯看来,人是从事社会合作的,人应该成为完全的、正式的终生社会合作的平等成员。要成为社会合作的平等成员,人就必须具备两种道德能力:一种是拥有正义感的能力,另一种是拥有善观念的能力。这种自由平等人的理念表明,人能够参与社会生活并在其中扮演某种角色,也能够在社会合作中履行和遵守各种权利和义务。(4)   如果说自由与自律相关,那么平等则与“人是目的”相关。人是平等的,体现了康德道德形而上学的一个基本原则:人是目的,而绝不能被当作手段。罗尔斯试图以两个正义原则来建立一种秩序良好的社会,这个社会的基本结构确定了人们相互平等和互惠的制度。在他看来,这实质上就是正义原则通过社会基本结构表明了人们希望互相不把对方当作手段、而只当作自在的目的来对待的愿望。罗尔斯坚决反对功利主义,其中一个最重要的理由是功利主义将人们既当作目的又当作手段来对待。“人是目的”为罗尔斯的正义论确定了一种绝对的价值标准,社会基本制度的价值和人的行为的价值都完全取决于它们同这一绝对价值的关系。任何东西只要违反了“人是目的”这个原则,都将变得毫无价值。   第三,人是合理的(rational)。合理的观念在罗尔斯的正义理论中有三个层面的意义,即人性、原初状态和人的现实生活。在人性的层面,人是合理的,意味着人是自利的,每个人都追求自己的利益。在原初状态的层面,人是合理的,表现为在选择正义原则时遵守最大最小化规则,也就是在选择时考虑各种原则的最坏结果,并从这些最坏结果中选择出一种最好结果的原则。在现实生活的层面,人是合理的,表现为选择人生计划的合理性,它既包括简单的计算原则(有效性原则、蕴含原则和更大可能性原则),也包括审慎的合理性。   第四,人是理性的(reasonable)。罗尔斯经常把“合理的”和“理性的”对比起来加以使用,同时又承认把两者区别开来是非常困难的。(5)如果说罗尔斯用“合理的”来强调人的自利,人对自己利益的关心,那么他用“理性的”来强调人们之间的“相互性”和“互惠性”,人对别人利益的尊重。如果说罗尔斯用“合理的”来表达人对利益的追求,合理性归根结底是追求自己利益的合理性,那么他用“理性的”来体现人对正义的尊重,理性使人们在追求自己利益时服从正义的约束。从契约论的观点看,人是理性的,意味着他应该选择或接受公平的合作条款,并且当预期别人能够接受和履行这些条款的时候,他自己应该承诺履行它们,即使履行这些条款会使自己的利益受到损害。因此,罗尔斯“把‘理性的"理解为包含着道德感的道德观念,而‘合理的"则不是这样的道德观念。”(6)      二、善的理念   人的理念与善的理念密切相关,人追求善。所谓善,就是人们所想望的东西,或者说是人们追求的目的。伦理学上有目的论和义务论之分。对于目的论,善具有优先性。对于义务论,正当优先于善。   罗尔斯属于义务论者。毫无疑问,他也像其他义务论者一样主张正当优先于善。但是罗尔斯的理论更为复杂。在罗尔斯的正义理论中,存在着两种善观念,一种是所谓“善的弱理论”(thin theory of the good),一种是所谓“善的强理论”(full theory of the good)。   在“善的弱理论”中,罗尔斯提出了基本善的观念。《正义论》对基本善的规定是极其简略的,即权利和自由、机会和权力、收入和财富以及自我价值感。(7)在《作为公平的正义》中,罗尔斯扩展了基本善的概念:(8)   (1)基本的权利和自由:思想自由、良心自由和其他自由。对于两种道德能力的全面发展和充分使用,这些权利和自由是必需的本质性制度条件。   (2)在拥有各种各样机会的背景条件下的移居自由和职业选择自由,这些机会允许追求各种目标,也允许修正和改变它们。   (3)拥有权威和责任的官职和职位之权力和特权。   (4)收入和财富,它们被理解为达到众多目标通常所需要的适用于各种目的之手段(具有一种交换价值),而无论这些目标是什么。   (5)自尊的社会基础,它们被理解为基本制度的组成部分,而对于公民是否能够强烈地感觉到他们自身的价值,并且是否能够带着自信来推进他们的目标,它们通常是极其重要的。   善是人所追求的东西。罗尔斯把某些善称为“基本的”,其意义是什么?或者说基本善对人而言意味着什么?在《正义论》中,罗尔斯对基本善的意义给予了解释:第一,基本善是一个理性的人所想望的东西,无论他还想望其他什么东西;第二,不管一个人的具体合理计划是什么,他总是希望得到更多而非更少的基本善。(9)罗尔斯的两种解释都存在着严重的问题。第一种解释强调基本善是所有人都需要的东西,而无论他们的人生计划是什么。一般而言,这是正确的。但是如果一个人具有一种不同的人生计划,那么他的基本善内容可能就非常不同。他非常可能从罗尔斯的基本善清单中除去某些东西(如权力),而把另外某些东西(如宗教信仰)添加进去。第二种解释强调人们总是希望得到更多而非更少的基本善。这是一个错误的假定。在罗尔斯所谓秩序良好的社会中,更多的自由和权利意味着什么?虽然有些人总是希望获得更多的权力、收入和财富,但是显然也有人会满足于某种水平的权力、收入和财富。对于这些人来说,他们对基本善的需要被满足之后,更多的基本善就没有意义了。   罗尔斯后来意识到这些解释存在着问题,于是在《作为公平的正义》中对基本善的意义重新进行了解释。首先,基本善是从关于人的政治观念来看而为人所需要的东西,而从关于人的政治观念来看,人作为公民是社会的合作成员,而不是同规范无关的纯粹人类(human beings)。其次,基本善是公民作为自由和平等的人度过整个人生所需要的东西,而不是单纯理性欲望的对象。(10)前者强调基本善是人作为公民或社会成员所需要的东西,而不是作为生物学上的人所需要的东西。后者强调基本善是整个人生所需要的东西,而不是某一时刻理性欲望的对象,而在《正义论》中,罗尔斯则将善定义为“理性欲望的满足”。(11)   澄清基本善的意义之后,我们面临着另外一个问题:基本善在正义理论中的功能。按照义务论伦理学的传统,正当优先于善。在原初状态中,需要解决的是正当(正义)问题,而不是善的问题,从而不必谈善。如果这样,罗尔斯为什么要在原初状态中引入基本善的观念?在罗尔斯关于两个正义原则的证明中,基本善的观念具有两种作用。   第一,基本善为当事人在原初状态中选择正义原则提供了必要的动机。契约论的精髓是选择,原初状态为选择提供了理想的条件。在原初状态中,人们处于无知之幕的后面,任何有关个人以及社会的特殊信息都被排除了。在这种处境下,选择的合理性何在?在论证中,罗尔斯使用了最大最小化规则,而使用这种规则的前提条件是人们应该知道自己最关切的东西是什么,自己维护的东西是什么。基本善为人们提供了合理的偏爱,为达成一致提供了起码的动机,为选择提供了合理性。(12)   第二,基本善为区分谁是最不利者提供了指标。两个正义原则中最复杂的是差别原则,要实行差别原则,必须首先区分出谁是最不利者。谁是最不利者呢?如何区分更有利者和更不利者?罗尔斯认为,应该根据对“基本善”所分享的份额来识别谁是最不利者。在这种意义上,差别原则所适用的不平等是指公民在整个人生过程中对基本善的期望方面(人生前景)的差别。为此,罗尔斯在《正义论》以及其他著作中为基本善开列了清单,而根据这份清单,我们就能够识别出谁是最不利者。(13)但是在评价人们是否拥有某些基本善的时候,存在着非常大的困难。因此罗尔斯又提出,一方面为了使事情得到简化,另一方面在秩序良好的社会里,所有公民之平等的基本权利、自由和公平的机会都得到了保证,所以,最不利者是指拥有最低收入和财富的阶层。也就是说,可以用收入和财富作为指标来区分最不利者。   在识别出最不利者并建立了有利于他们的正义背景制度之后,具体的分配是按照“合法期望”和“资格”(entitlements)来进行的,而这些期望和资格是由社会合作体制的公共规则来加以规定的。罗尔斯一再强调,脱离对合作体制加以规定的公共规则,就不存在任何合法期望的标准或资格的标准。在作为公平的正义中,合法期望和资格永远以这些规则为基础。这样,在这些规则能为社会基本结构所满足的情况下,并在所有合法期望和资格都被兑现的情况下,所产生的分配必是正义的,无论它是什么样的。在这种正义的分配中,个人做什么依赖于这些规则和协议规定他们对什么拥有资格,个人对什么拥有资格也依赖于他们做什么。   按照罗尔斯的思想,在确立正义原则之前,我们应该尽量少谈善,所以基本善的观念被称为“弱理论”。当正义原则建立之后,我们就可以更多地谈论善了,可以更充分地阐明关于善的一系列问题,如善的定义、人格善和行为善、善与道德价值、善与正义等等,这就是“善的强理论”。这种“强理论”的实质是用正义原则去规定善和其他道德概念,去说明人的整个道德生活。   罗尔斯给善下了一个三阶段的形式定义:“1.当且仅当在已知人们使用X的特定目的或意图的条件下,A具有人们能合理地要求于一个X的性质时,A是一个善X;2.当且仅当在已知K的境况、能力和生活计划,因而考虑到他使用X的意图或其他因素的条件下,A具有K能合理地要求于一个X的那些性质时,A对于K是一个善X;3.同2一样,但补充一个条件,即K的生活计划或该计划中与目前境况有关的那部分本身就是合理的”。(14)   这个关于善的三阶段形式定义需要加以实质性的解释。罗尔斯第一阶段的定义表明,“善(好)”和“恶(坏)”等词语通常是用来提供建议、劝告、表扬、赞美等等,它们代表了对人、人的行为和事物的某种评价。所以,“某物是好的”或“某人是善的”这类命题意味着某物或某人具有合理地要求于那种事物和那个人的那些性质。用传统道德哲学的语言说,第一阶段的定义实质上是:善就是理性欲望的满足。   善表示对人或事物的评价。但是,在罗尔斯看来,评价的标准是因事而异的,要求于物的标准不同于要求于人的标准,对此人的要求也不同于对其他人的要求。如果说第一阶段的定义实际上是“善是理性欲望的对象”,那么对于不同的人,其理性欲望的对象也是不同的。因为人们所欲望的东西不同,善也就不同。而且,一个人可以有许多欲望,这些欲望也可能是相互冲突的。鉴于这种情况,罗尔斯提出了第二阶段善的定义,将理性欲望同人的生活计划(目的系统)联系起来,对“善(好)”又加了一层限制,即:只有与生活计划相一致的理性欲望之对象才是“善(好)的”。   但是,这个第二阶段的定义仍然是不完善的。例如,一个人选择积聚金钱作为他的生活计划,为完成这一计划,他想利用计算机从银行盗窃金钱。这种行为对他的生活计划来说是合理的,但它却绝不能被认为是“善的”。这个例子揭示,仅仅将理性欲望同个人生活计划联系起来是不够的。要想给出关于善的完整定义,还必须解决生活计划本身的合理性问题。只有一个人的生活计划本身是合理的,与这个计划相关的理性欲望才能是“善的”。罗尔斯认为,合理的生活计划是关于善的定义的基础,因为它建立起一种基本观点,使同一个具体个人相关的所有价值判断得以形成并获得连贯性。      三、社会的理念   除了关于人和善的理念之外,第三个重要理念是社会。对于传统的自由主义者,人是关注的核心,一般很少谈论社会。如诺奇克就认为社会什么也不是,既不是实体,也没有生命。罗尔斯对社会的理解与传统自由主义不同,他赋予社会以更为重要的意义。   首先,罗尔斯把社会看作一个公平的合作体系。社会作为一个公平合作体系的理念有三个本质特征:(a)社会合作是由公众所承认的规则和程序来指导的,而从事合作的人们则用这些规则和程序来适当地调节他们的行为;(b)这种合作的理念包含了公平的合作条款的观念,这种公平的合作条款体现了互惠性(reciprocity)和相互性(mutuality),即所有人都按照公众承认的规则所要求的那样尽其职责,并依照公众同意的标准所规定的那样获取利益;(c)这种合作的理念也包含了每一参与者之合理利益或善的理念,这种合理利益的理念规定了,从那些从事合作的人们的观点看,他们所一直积极寻求的到底是什么。(15)   人的理念与社会理念紧密相连。罗尔斯将社会视为一个公平的合作体系,人就是自由平等的合作成员。如果社会是一个合作体系,那么它就不能是奴隶制的和封建制的,而只能是立宪民主社会。合作要有规则,规则应该体现互惠性。罗尔斯认为,互惠性位于“无私”(impartiality)和“相互利用”(mutual advantage)之间,前者是利他主义的,后者则意味着依据其优势处境来获得其利益,而两者都与正义无关。(16)罗尔斯一再重申,差别原则体现了互惠性,而这种互惠性产生于合作体系之内。社会合作与每个人追求自己的利益是相容的,而人们追求的利益就是善,其中最重要的是基本善。   按照罗尔斯的观点,正是这个公平的合作体系观念规定了立宪民主政体的基本政治哲学问题,而这个问题也就是正义理论试图加以回答的:就规定公民之间进行合作的公平条款而言,而这些公民被视为自由的和平等的、理性的和合理的、世代相继的和持续终生的、正式的和完全的合作成员,最可接受的正义观念是什么?   其次,罗尔斯所构想的社会是一种秩序良好的社会。罗尔斯用秩序良好的社会来表达三样东西:第一,秩序良好的社会是这样一种社会,在这种社会中,每一个人都接受,并且知道所有其他的人也都接受相同的政治正义观念(以及相同的政治正义原则);第二,公众认为,或者有充分的理由相信,社会的基本结构――即它的主要政治制度和社会制度以及它们结合成为一种合作体系的方式――能满足这些正义原则;第三,公民具有一种通常情况下起作用的正义感,也就是说,这种正义感能够使他们理解和应用为公众所承认的正义原则,而且对大多数人来说,这种正义感还能够使他们根据其社会位置而采取相应的行动。(17)   社会是一个合作体系,社会成员之间的合作应该具有规则,而且其规则应该是正义的。如果一个社会是由正义原则所指导的,那么这个社会就是秩序良好的。所谓秩序良好的社会也就是由正义原则所调节的社会。当然,完全的秩序良好社会只是一种理想,任何一个现实社会离这种理想还非常遥远。但是,罗尔斯认为,秩序良好社会的理念为我们评价正义观念提供了一条重要的标准,即如果一种正义观念不能得到公民的相互承认并用于作为公平合作体系的社会,那么这种正义观念就肯定存在着严重的缺陷。   最后,罗尔斯把社会称为“社会联合的社会联合”。关于社会的本性,罗尔斯的理解与古典自由主义者是不同的。罗尔斯将古典自由主义的社会称为“私人社会”(private society),它有两个特征。第一,组成社会的人们都有自己的私人目的,一切活动都出于自利的动机,而这些目的或者是相互冲突的,或者是相互无关的。第二,制度本身不具有任何价值,公共活动不是被看作善,而是被视为一种必要的负担。这种“私人社会”成为古典契约论的基础,而社会契约在这里不过是实现个人目的的工具。(18)   罗尔斯认为,这种“私人社会”的基本问题是没有看到人类的社会本性。罗尔斯主张,社会是人们生存活动和文化发展的前提条件,人们在共同体中共同生活而获得需要和兴趣。合作不仅对每个人都有利,而且合作本身就是一种善,一种价值。在合作中,具有不同能力的人共同实现了天赋才能的互补,从而每个人都不可能单独实现的潜力在共同体中实现了。这种从“家庭”到“社团”等诸如此类的共同体被罗尔斯称为“社会联合”(social union),而一个社会就是“社会联合”的“社会联合”。(19)在罗尔斯看来,如果这种“社会联合的社会联合”是一个秩序良好的社会,那么它就实现了个人与社会的统一,正义与善的统一。   现在我们可以看出这些基本理念与罗尔斯的两个正义原则之间的关系了:人的理念为两个正义原则提供了人性基础,在这种意义上人们在原初状态中选择两个正义原则不过是表现了人的本性而已;善的理念为人们在原初状态中选择两个正义原则提供了必需的动机,同时也为区分“最不利者”提供了标准;社会的理念为两个正义原则提供了背景条件,而正义原则正是用来调整这种社会的。一方面,我们承认,这些基本理念从不同的侧面支持了罗尔斯的正义理论,但是另一方面,我们也应该看到,这些基本理念也给罗尔斯的正义理论带来一些非常麻烦的问题。   首先,人的理念表达了关于人性的看法,罗尔斯的目的是用人性观念来支持他的正义理论。但是,这种人性观念不仅不能支持他的正义理论,反而会削弱他的正义理论。罗尔斯的人性观念或者是一种形而上学的假设,或者是一种关于实际人性的描述。如果他的人性观念是一种形而上学的假设,从而把正义理论建立在形而上学的基础之上,那么这是罗尔斯始终、特别是后期极力避免的。如果他的人性观念是一种关于实际人性的描述,那么人们在关于什么是人性的问题上则是有争议的,从而他无法用人性观念来支持其正义理论。罗尔斯不应该把他的正义理论钩挂在他的人性观念上面,而他的正义原则也无需以人性观念为基础。   其次,基本善的理念为在原初状态中选择正义原则提供了动机,为区分“最不利者”提供了标准,而所谓的基本善是指自由和权利、机会和权力、收入和财富等等。罗尔斯假定,这些基本善是所有人都需要的,并且人们都想要更多而非更少的基本善,无论其合理的生活计划是什么。这引起了所谓的“内格尔―史华慈批评”。(20)他们指出,罗尔斯的基本善不是中立性的,而是个人主义的和自由主义的;罗尔斯在原初状态中用基本善取代每个人所拥有的特殊善观念,这是不公平的,因为在每个人追求自己特殊善观念的过程中,基本善的价值是不一样的。如果基本善不是中立的,那么它们就无法对两个正义原则提供罗尔斯所希望提供的那种支持。   最后,从个人的角度看,社会是一个“公平的合作体系”或者“社会联合的社会联合”;从正义的角度看,社会是一个“秩序良好的社会”。“秩序良好的社会”体现了罗尔斯的社会理想,也表达了他的两个正义原则与理想社会之间的关系,并试图以此证明,由两个正义原则所调节的社会是稳定的,能够长治久安。但是,罗尔斯只是说,“秩序良好的社会”是由正义原则所调节的社会,他并没有排除这种可能性,即这种社会是由其他的正义原则所调节的。而且,罗尔斯也承认,在原初状态中,当事人面对的是一份正义原则的清单,其中包括功利主义、至善主义、直觉主义以及罗尔斯的两个正义原则。我们假设,我们所面对的是一个由至善主义所调节的社会,这个社会符合罗尔斯关于“秩序良好的社会”的所有规定,这样,这种“秩序良好的社会”支持的不是罗尔斯的两个正义原则,而是至善主义。
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当老公外遇后怎么处理   当老公外遇后怎么处理,男人出轨并不意味着完全的背叛,作为妻子首先要保持理智,就算结局不太好,也不至于太难堪,下面介绍当老公外遇后怎么处理。   当老公外遇后怎么处理1   我和老公结婚马上就八年了,我怎么也没想到,我们居然也会经历七年之痒,并且差一点婚姻就彻底破裂了!   当初和老公恋爱了一年多,在双方家长的催促下结婚,结婚后老公对我并没有变化,依旧是千依百顺,几乎从来不会对我发脾气,两个人稍微有点争执时,他也会克制自己的情绪,安抚好我立马就要爆发的脾气。对待家庭,他更是负责上心,家里一些琐碎的小事,例如我父母过生日、过节的礼物,他都事无巨细。   我从小性格就比较强势,和老公结婚后更是如此,他每个月的工资全部由我管理,出去聚餐或约朋友都要给我报备,但他没有一次嫌过我烦,处处体贴我、让着我。   就是这样一个好男人,不知道什么时候开始,我情绪上头时会跟我对着干,我拒绝他周末出门时会忽视我直接走人,不再关心我工作是否辛苦,也不跟我分享他的想法。或许外人眼里,我们并没有变化,但是我知道他没有以前爱我了!   我每次想找他谈谈,他总是敷衍的说太累了想休息,不愿跟我谈,本来就对他已经很不满意了,他这样的态度我更是抑制不住心里的怒火,对他大吼大叫。前几次,他还会装装样子哄我,后来居然直接跟我对着吵起来,甚至还会摔东西!   那天,我们不欢而散,之后他完全忽略我的存在,跟我冷战了近一个月!那一个月来,我严重失眠,我完全不知道为什么这个以前对我温柔、顺从的男人会变成这个样子!   去年年底时,他出差一个星期,我偷偷跟着他,居然发现他并不是出差,而是去了另一个城市和一个女人见面,两个人还异常亲密的去了酒店!我打电话给他,他拒接,我心如死灰,确定他就是出轨了。   我当场抓奸,带着老公回了父母家,叫来了所有亲人,当面对质,让他给我和孩子一个交代。我原本以为,双方父母和亲人都在,他怎么都应该感到愧疚吧,谁知他居然当着大家的面逼我:“要么就离婚,要么就这样过,你自己选”!   大家都劝我,忍一时,他们会好好劝他的。如果他回头,我愿意原谅他,可我怎么也没想到,没过几天,他就搬走,声称要跟我分居!我一气之下提出离婚,我以为他会拒绝,谁知他立刻答应了,并且给我寄来了离婚协议!   我还爱他,我真的不想离婚,更不希望我的孩子从小就失去爸爸!我拒签离婚协议,要求他回家,他却把我的全部联系方式拉黑。没过一个月,第三者上门逼我签离婚协议,说我老公已经答应娶她了,让我乖乖滚蛋!   我愤怒,可是却完全没有办法赶走这个女人!我的婚姻真的已经走到了尽头!    解答    1、Discovery(发现)   根据雪琴与老公原生家庭对二人的影响,以及成长环境的影响,由导师介入,带领雪琴发现自己和老公在婚姻中的缺陷,帮助雪琴真正理解和学会关注老公的情绪需求、价值需求等等。    2、Repair(修复)   找到雪琴自身问题后,修复好自己内心对婚姻关系的缺陷,并引导老公改善亲密关系状态,主动一起解决问题,修复关系,从假性亲密关系里恢复为真正的`亲密。    3、Empowerment(赋予)   由导师带领雪琴审视自己的亲密关系,并通过摒弃有碍亲密关系发展的因素,赋予雪琴善于解决婚姻问题、引导伴侣投入关系以及维护婚姻长期发展的能力,让雪琴真正拥有导师化解婚姻危机和维系婚姻关系的力量!    4、Alternatives(备案)   经过这次第三者插足的婚姻危机,雪琴意识到自己不仅是缺乏经营亲密关系的能力,更没有正确的方式面对关系,在导师的指导下,教雪琴通过新的方式理解、认识、接纳他人(不限伴侣),并与对方建立起深层连接。    5、Mutuality(互益)   专家导师指导的最终意义并非只是帮助雪琴分离第三者、挽回老公和修复婚姻关系,而是帮助雪琴和老公学会在亲密关系中,在注重彼此情感连接的基础上,建立起充分深层无法剥离的双方互益的关系,使得雪琴夫妻获得全新的关系支撑点。   当老公外遇后怎么处理2    一:不必吵   不必歇斯底里地跟男人吵个没完没了。这个时候不是比谁的声音大,谁的声音小。你若还想跟他过,吵只会使得你们的沟通无法继续进行下去。你若不想跟他过了,何必吵呢?不如留最后的尊严给自己,跟他这样的人吵,你嫌丢身份。既然爱情和责任都已经不在了,那么不妨早就分了好。    二:想好再谈   做什么事情都要留有余地。自己想好这件事情的应对之策,看老公对待这件事情的态度,如果老公确实有悔过之心,并且对你开始疼爱有加,那么你可以适度考虑下这件事情的变相处理。比如让老公写保证书,让老公断了跟那个外遇对象所有的联系,并乘机把老公的经济大权要过来。    三:跟对方的父母沟通下   就老公这件事情,你可以给对方的父母沟通下,告诉他们家里现在出了什么情况。让对方知道你们的现状和你将要做的决定。你不吵不闹,遇事沉着冷静。即使这件事情结束离婚,将来对方也知道问题都是他们自己的儿子造成的,不会把错误归于你。即使将来他的儿子过不好,大家也都会怀念你的好。或者对方父母会给儿子施加压力,会促使你们之间的结合。    四:让男人自动出门   既然男人犯了错,那就让男人学会自己担当。家里的财产分割没有他的份,孩子也没有他的份。从此他愿意往哪里就往哪里去。给男人施加点压力,让他知道做错事情要付出代价的。   这样的话就会让他知道老婆不是那么软弱可欺的。只有自己强大,才能让对方感觉到害怕。当一个老婆如果让男人感觉到害怕的时候,男人反而会变得老实起来。因为这种人天生就是贱骨头,你若不管,他将放荡,你若管,他将内敛。    男人外遇的主要原因    1、感情得不到满足是首因   以为男人偷吃都是为了性,这一说法该打住了,只有8%的男人说欲求不满是他们出轨的主要原因,而48%男人认为感情上得不到满足,是他们出轨的首要原因。“   我们的文化总是认为,男人用下半身说话。”纽曼说:“但其实男人也是一种感情动物,他们希望自己得到妻子的赞赏,也想要女人们明白他们为了做好一切而付出的努力。”问题在于,男人不像女人,他们很少说出这些感受,所以当你的丈夫需要得到一点肯定的时候,你也许未必能察觉到。    2、有过出轨经历的好朋友会推波助澜   出轨的男人中,77%拥有一个同样有外遇的好朋友。与那些会偷吃的朋友混在一起,会使男人觉得这种不忠是一件正常、顺理成章的事。他的潜意识告诉自己:我的朋友是个好人,只是碰巧背叛了他老婆,大概再好男人也难免出轨。   你很难禁止你的丈夫与“馋嘴先生”来往,纽曼说,但你可以建议他们去一些诱惑较少的地方消磨时间,比如去做运动、去餐馆吃饭而不是去酒吧或舞厅。另一种策略:跟那些和你价值观相近的幸福家庭交朋友,建立社交圈——这将创造出一种保护婚姻的环境。   女性朋友如果遇到了老公出轨的情况,一味地自闭难受是解决不了问题的,你可以向自己的闺蜜倾诉,找到解决问题的方法才是最重要的。
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   一、英语 :third year of middle school   二、双语例句:   1   作为初三的学生,我们已经习惯了天天完成大量的家庭作业。   As students in Grade 3, we have been used to do much homework.   2   父亲是在我读初三时离开我的,而那一夜已永远铭刻在了我的脑海里。   Father left me when I was in Junior Three and that night has been engraved in my mind forever.   3   我从初三就开始这样了我早驾轻就熟了。   I"ve done it since Ninth grade. I"m good at it.   4   初二的学生比初三的多,但比初一的学生少。   There are more students in Junior Two than in Junior Three, but less than in Junior One.   5   还记得初三时你们经历了多少快乐与悲伤吗?   Still remember how many laughter and tears you experienced through Junior 3?   6   新学期开始了。初三啦!我们也要换老师了。我们非常期待我们的行英语老师。   The new term begins. Grade! We are looking for new teacher. We are looking forward to our line English teacher.   7   在初三年级,对平等性的知觉开始显著下降,而冲突性则开始显著增加。   In the third grade, student-parent relationship"s mutuality begin to decline significantly, conflict begin to increase significantly.   8   本文深入研究了个性化教育思想,总结了本人在初三化学教学中进行个性化教育的实践。   From the study of the thoughts on the individualized education deeply, this paper generalizes the practice of individualized education in my experience of teaching chemistry in the ninth grade.   9   假定完成了明天的考试,紧张而劳累的初三生活就宣告完毕啦!   Today completed graduation exam, my tension and strain grade life is going to end.   10   此项目起初三年内,几乎所有的合同价值都会知晓。   Almost all of the contract values would be known within the first three years of the project.   11   他叫海旋,我们上初三。   He called the sea-spin, our last three days.   12   起初三个人只是在口头上谈。   At first, the three men just talked.   13   马上就要进入初三了,对于我来说这是我第一个人生重要的关卡,所以我希望能考个好高中。   Will get into a beginning right away three, say this for me is I the first people living an important toll-gate, so I hope to take the entrance examination of a good senior high school.   14   目的了解合肥市初三学生肺功能及其影响因素。   Objective To explore the lung function and its influencing factors of 9th grade students in Hefei city.   15   北京市西城区2000-2008年初三学生HBsAg和ALT异常情况分析   Analysis of Condition of Students in Grade Three with HBsAg and ALT Abnormality in 2000-2008 in Xicheng District in Beijing 初三用英语怎么说
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1989年进入中国,其标志一直的dove。德芙巧克力标志设计由DOVE字母变形而成,简单的几个字母“DOVE”,展开来就是“DO YOU LOVE ME—-你爱我吗”。1995年成为中国版块巧克力领导品牌,“牛奶香浓,丝般感受”成为其经典广告语。德芙,是世界最大宠物食品和休闲食品制造商美国跨国食品公司玛氏(Mars)公司在中国推出的系列产品。玛氏公司与中国的联系可以追溯到七十年代,从那时起,我们便开始在中国采购原材料用于生产糖果和宠物食品。玛氏中国巧克力工厂于1993年在北京正式成立。经过十年的成长与发展,我们成功的开发和生产出德芙、M&M"s、彩虹糖等多个品牌、多种系列的巧克力和糖果产品。1995年公司又投资建立了宠物食品工厂,生产宝路狗粮和伟嘉猫粮。如今,玛氏中国以其众多的国际知名品牌,如德芙(DOVE)、M&M"s、士力架(SNICKERS)、彩虹糖(SKITTLES)、宝路; (PEDIGREE)、伟嘉; (WHISKAS),在市场上树立起自己的形象。扩展资料弗瑞斯特·玛氏的管理风格是这家公司的根基。今天,他的想法已经正式成为该公司的管理哲学,称为玛氏公司的五大原则,这些原则写在一本手册上,所有玛氏公司的办公室都有这本手册。这五大原则是:品质(quality)、责任(responsibility)、互利(mutuality)、效率(efficiency),和自由(freedom)。1、品质:“顾客至上”是我们的信念;保持高质量是我们的工作;令产品物有所值是我们的目标。2、责任: 作为个人,我们要求每一个人各尽所能;作为同事,我们支持其他同事各尽其责。3、互惠: 互惠就是分享利益;可以分享的利益才会持久。4、效率: 我们充分利用一切资源,绝不浪费;务求人尽其材,物尽其用。5、自主: 我们需要独立自主来塑造我们的未来;我们需要利润来保持独立自主。参考资料来源:百度百科——德芙
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人际关系阶段勒温格(G u2022Levinger)等人认为,关系的发展有三个阶段:第一是单向注意阶段,对方没有互动。第二是表面接触阶段,双方有初步的、浅层的互动,但是还没有相互卷入,也就是说没有走进彼此的私我领域。一般的泛泛之交就停留在这一阶段。第三是相互卷入(mutuality)阶段,双方向对方开放自我,分享信息和感情,这是友谊发展的阶段。
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1、不管未来有多长久,请珍惜相聚的每一刻;不管多少个春夏秋冬,我们是永远的朋友。 No matter how long the future lasts, please cherish every moment together; no matter how many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we are forever friends. 2、友情的纯朴,千百年不变;心中的至诚,一辈子挂牵;一声问候,平平淡淡,却含真情万千;一种祝福,情真意切,愿幸福平安。 The simplicity of friendship is unchanged for thousands of years; the sincerity of heart is concerned for a lifetime; a greeting is plain and insipid, but contains thousands of true feelings; a kind of blessing, sincere feelings, wish happiness and peace. 3、相知是天意,相识是人意,相加便是友谊,有情便有意,我们能聚在一起,因为心有灵犀。 Knowing each other is the will of heaven, knowing each other is the will of man, adding up is friendship, affection is intentional, we can get together, because the heart has a soul. 4、家是避风的港湾,朋友是鼓风的海岸。家遮挡了苦雨风霜,朋友送来艳阳里一瓣心香。无家透心凉,有友透心亮。 Home is the harbor of shelter, friends are the coast of wind. Home sheltered the bitter rain and frost, friends sent a heart fragrance in the sun. Homeless and cool, friends and bright. 5、我再怎么忙,也不能忘记朋友之间的深情!祝你夏日清凉,心似蓝天,花样美丽,一生幸福! How busy I am, I can"t fet the friendship beeen friends! May you have a cool summer, a blue sky, beautiful patterns and a happy life! 6、风是透明的,雨是滴答的,云是流动的,歌是自由的,爱是用心的,恋是疯狂的,天是永恒的,你是难忘的。 Wind is transparent, rain is ticking, clouds are mobile, songs are free, love is intentional, love is crazy, the sky is eternal, you are unfettable. 7、珍重的友情总是一点一滴凝聚起来的,它包含了许多欢笑温馨浪漫,许多记忆。 Precious friendship is always condensed bit by bit. It contains many laughters, warmth and romance, and many memories. 8、再多的问候,再多的礼物,再多的拥抱,也抵不过我心底对你最真的祝福:朋友,照顾好自己,祝你快乐! More greetings, more gifts, more hugs, but also can not withstand my heartfelt best wishes for you: friends, take good care of yourself, I wish you happiness! 9、我们不常拥有新年,却常拥有新的一天,愿你每一年、每一天都充满着幸福与喜悦! We often have a new year, but often have a new day, I wish you every year, every day is full of happiness and joy! 10、累了,领悟并领悟停歇,迷了,换个角度,冷了,就给自我一个拥抱。 Tired, understand and understand pause, lost, change the angle, cold, give yourself a hug. 11、空中点点闪烁的银光环绕着缤纷的梦想,祝福你,双手合十许下的心愿,都一一实现在眼前。 The glittering silver light in the sky surrounds the colorful dreams. Blessing you, your wishes are fulfilled one by one with your hands together. 12、相识系于缘,相知系于诚,一个真正的朋友不论在身何处,总时时付出关和爱,愿你新春快乐! Acquaintance depends on fate, acquaintance depends on sincerity. A true friend, no matter where he is, always pays attention and love. Wish you a happy New Year! 13、每天都是新的;笑容每天都是真的;问候每天都是纯的;祝福每句都是深的;愿你开心幸福快乐! Every day is new; *** iles are real everyday; greetings are pure everyday; blessings are deep; wish you happiness! 14、风吹风止,拂不去友谊的见证;雨落雨停,洗不掉相伴的印痕;花开花谢,褪不去青春的年华。朋友,祝你幸福美满! When the wind blows, the witness of friendship cannot be blown away; when the rain stops, the acpanying marks cannot be washed away; when the flowers blossom and fade, the youth cannot fade away. Friends, wish you happiness! 15、对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福似潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世。 Thoughts of you are like *** oke, and wishes for you are like a rippling brook that lasts a lifetime. 16、朋友是梦相互惦念,朋友是金永远灿烂;朋友是缘一世相牵,朋友是路越走越走宽;朋友是福吉祥无边。 Friends are dreams that miss each other, friends are golden forever brilliant; friends are bound by fate for a lifetime, friends are the road wider and wider; friends are lucky and boundless. 17、听到你升职的消息,我好高兴,恭喜你,鸿图大展,步步高升!芝麻开花节节高。希望你:今天更比昨天好,一天更比一天高! I"m so glad to hear about your promotion. Congratulations, you have made great progress. Sesame has a high flowering season. Hope you: Today is better than yesterday, and every day is higher! 18、日给你温暖,月给你温馨,星给你浪漫,风给你清爽,雨给你滋润,雪给你完美,霜给你晶莹,我给你祝福! Days give you warmth, months give you warmth, stars give you romance, wind gives you refreshing, rain gives you moisture, snow gives you perfection, frost gives you crystal, I give you blessings! 19、人生总有一个镜头叫做相遇,人生总有一个故事叫做相守,人生就是一出戏,现在,邀请你做主角,和我演对手戏。 There is always a scene in life called encounter. There is always a story in life called mutuality. Life is a play. Now, invite you to be the protagonist and play the opposite part with me. 20、你是一个让我值得尊敬的好朋友,在将来的日子里,相信你会取得重大的成绩。 You are a good friend who makes me worthy of respect. In the future, I believe you will achieve great results. 21、茫茫人海,你是我惟一不能放弃的牵挂,也是我最无法释怀的无奈,无论你走到天涯海角,我都会祝福你! The vast sea of people, you are the only concern I can not give up, but also the most unfettable helplessness, whether you go to the ends of the world, I will bless you! 22、秋天,淡淡的季节,淡淡的思念无限蔓延。你听到了吗?来之秋天最真诚的祝福。 Autumn, light season, light thoughts spread infinitely. Did you hear that? Best wishes for the ing autumn. 23、郁闷是微尘,轻飘飘无处不在,忽略却如常生活;快乐是空气,静悄悄如影随形,没有就不能呼吸。亲爱的朋友,快乐工作,健康生活! Depression is dust, floating everywhere, neglected as usual life; happiness is the air, quiet as shadow, can not breathe without it. Dear friends, happy work, healthy life! 24、很荣幸过去的一年里能在您的领导下工作和学习,祝您在新的一年里健康如意,马到成功! It"s a great honor to work and study under your leadership in the past year. I wish you good health and success in the new year. 25、当你早上开机时,能见到我对你的祝福,一朵心中的玫瑰,为你带来一天的好运。 When you turn on in the morning, you can see my blessing to you, a rose in your heart, bring you good luck for the day. 26、开一瓶啤酒让你解愁,泡一杯茶水为你减压,送一份祝福给我亲爱的朋友,愿你:心想事成,日子乐悠悠! Open a bottle of beer to relieve your worries, brew a cup of tea to relieve your stress, and send a blessing to my dear friends. May you have a happy life when you want to. 27、朋友不必很多,知心就好;牵挂不必很多,动情就好;不想说的太多,只是让你知道:认识你真好! Friends don"t have to be many, just be confident; care need not be many, just be emotional; don"t want to say too much, just let you know: it"s good to know you! 28、与你同行,回想起我们曾拥有过的共同理想;与你分手,憧憬着我们重逢时的狂欢。 Walking with you, recalling the mon ideals we had, breaking up with you and looking forward to the revelry of our reunion. 29、我要把一切喜讯变成奶油,所有祝福柔成巧克力,所有快乐做成蛋糕答谢你,然后说声圣诞快乐! I want to turn all the good news into butter, all the blessings into chocolate, all the happiness into cakes to thank you, and then say Merry Christmas! 30、社会是一部书,让我们刻苦地去攻读它,去领会它的深切含意,再去续写它的新篇。 Society is a book. Let"s study it hard, understand its profound meaning, and continue to write its new chapter. 31、不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我;不管相逢在什么时候,我们是永远的朋友。 No matter how far the future is, you have me on the way to grow up; no matter when we meet, we are forever friends. 32、天涯海角送祝福,风一缕,雨一线,缕缕线线是思念;说千句,道万声,句句声声是关心。祝你每一天都过得开心。 Blessing from the ends of the earth, wind, rain, and thread are thoughts; saying a thousand words, saying a thousand words, saying a thousand words, saying a sentence is concerned. I wish you a happy day. 33、轻声问候、真挚祝福,愿快乐常伴你左右,愿你拥有满怀的欢欣、丰收的希望,洋溢在这新的一年。 With gentle greetings and sincere wishes, may happiness always be with you. May you have full of joy and hope for a bumper harvest and be filled with joy in this new year. 34、生命,从小溪的流淌中获得;青春,在飞流的倾泻中闪光;存在的价值,于大河的奔流中呈现。 Life is acquired from the flow of a stream; youth shines in the flow of a torrent; the value of existence is presented in the flow of a great river. 35、小舟在青春的港口起航,我们暂时分手,满载着理想和追求。重新相聚在何时?将在那丰收的时候! The boat set sail in the port of youth. We broke up temporarily, full of ideals and pursuits. When will we reunite? It will be harvest time! 36、见到你很开心,星空里万颗星,有一颗是我心,想我时看星星,失眠时数星星,许愿时等流星,好朋友天天要开心。 It"s a pleasure to see you. There are thousands of stars in the sky, one of them is my heart. When I miss you, I see stars. When I"m sleepless, I wait for meteors. My good friends are happy every day. 37、世界太拥挤,心里太空虚。城市的喧闹,始终不属于自己。想到你,心里就会充实。愿我最好的朋友幸福平安,快乐每一天! The world is too crowded and the space in my heart is empty. The noise of the city always does not belong to itself. Think of you, my heart will be enriched. May my best friend be happy, safe and happy every day! 38、送你一第好运短信:收到的人会好运连连,阅读的人会心想事成,储存的人会爱情甜蜜,转发的人会年年发财,删除的人会一生事如意。 Send you a good luck text message: the person you receive will be lucky, the reader will think, the person you store will be sweet, the person you forward will make a fortune every year, and the person you delete will have a good life. 39、让这缠绵的诗句,敲响幸福的钟声。愿你俩永浴爱河,白头偕老! Let this lingering poem ring the bell of happiness. May you o always be in love and grow old together!
2023-06-28 22:34:241


either Tom or Lily will win the gameHe is the best one even if he is quite youngwe shoule help each othereveryone likes those who is politeeveryone prefer the polite
2023-06-28 22:34:326


2023-06-28 22:35:0415


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One of my friend is XX.She likes icecream very much.She usually eats five icecreams in KFC .She also like many kinds of food with much sugar and fat,so she is geting fater and fater.For example:cake,potato chips,seeets and so on.Another friend of mine is XXX.He has healthy diet.He likes vagetable,beef,and fruit.His favorite fruit are apple and washmalen.
2023-06-28 22:36:133


懂英语的应该看得出来,这是我翻译的。请见下。甲方 :祥和福文化有限公司( 用人单位 ) 乙方: ( 员工 )Party A: Xiang He Fu Culture Co., Ltd (Employer) Party B: (Employee)根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《深圳经济特区劳动合同条例》及其他有关法律法规的规定 , 甲乙双方本着平等自愿、协商一致的原则 , 达成如下协议 :This Contract is signed on a mutuality voluntary basis by and between Party A and Party B in accordance with the Labor Law of People"s Republic of China as well as the Labor Law of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.甲方根据生产 ( 工作 ) 需要 , 聘用乙方在本公司从事 工作( 工种 ) 。Party A hereby employs Party B to work in its company with the job of .( 一 ) 合同期限 A. Term of the Contract:甲乙双方选择以下第 种形式确定本合同期限。Both parties select the form to decide the term of this labor contract.1 、固定期限 年 , 合同期从 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。1. Fixed term of years commencing on mm/dd/yyyy and terminating on mm/dd/yyyy.2 、无固定期限 , 合同期从 年 月 日起。2. Flexible term commencing on mm/dd/yyyy.3 、完成一定的工作为期限 , 从 年 月 日起至 ( 工作 ) 完成止。3. Taking the completion of a specific amount of work as a term, commencing on mm/dd/yyyy till the work is completed.( 二 ) 试用期限B. Probation period试用期为 个月。 ( 试用期包括在合同期内 )The probation period is months (being included in the term of contract)( 三 )工作时间 C. Working Hours标准工时制 , 即乙方每日工作 8 小时 , 每周工作 40 小时。Party B"s standard work hours shall be eight hours per day, forty hours per week. 如属法律、行政法规规定的其他情形延长工作时间 , 不受上款规定限制。The extension of work hours shall not be subjected to the restriction above under the circumstances stipulated by law and administration regulation.( 四 )工资待遇D. Remuneration ( 一 ) 乙方试用期工资 元 / 月 ; 试用期满乙方起点工资为 元 / 月。甲方可按依法制定的或集体合同约定的工资分配制度调整乙方工资。但甲方支付给乙方的工资不得低于市政府公布的当年度最低工资标准。A. During the probation period, Party B"s monthly salary is yuan. After that, the monthly salary is yuan. Party A can adjust Party B"s salary according to legal contract or collective contract. However, the salary shall not be lower than the minimum salary standard as stipulated by Government. ( 二 ) 甲方每月 日 , 或每月 日、 日为发薪日。B. The payment of salary shall be made by Party A on the day or the day every month.( 三 ) 甲方安排加班加点的 , 按《劳动法》第四十四条规定支付工资报酬。C. In case of the extension of work hours by Party A, the salary shall be paid according to the Article 44 of Labor Law.( 四 ) 乙方患病或非因工负伤期间的工资按有关规定执行。D. Remuneration will be in accordance with the related regulation when Party B is receiving medical treatment for diseases or injuries within the prescribed period of time ( 五 ) 乙方在工作时间内 , 按国家规定履行国家和社会义务时 , 工资照发。E. During work hours, Party B fulfills its national and social obligation. The salary shall be paid.合同期满 , 甲、乙双方同意延续劳动关系的 , 在合同期满前三十日内双方重新订立劳动合同。If both parties agree to continue the labor relationship, both parties shall sign new labor contract 30 days prior to the expiration
2023-06-28 22:36:234


我知道的:X战记 原画集xxxholic 人设叛逆的鲁鲁修 同人画册+人物动画设定叛逆的鲁鲁修 原画集TSUBASA翼 2009年最新官方画集TSUBASA翼 完结纪念画集+完结后CLAMP感想小鸠 动画化画集+资料CLAMP辉煌二十年纪念画集 作品赏析+部分图片+创作经历CLAMP人物设定 (具体不明)CLAMP周刊(日文货,现在购买不到,我是在2008年买到的,不容易) 原创小漫画+创作感想+制作人体会本人实在北京图书大厦买到的货,都是当时新出的,具体现在能买到的不多了,估计只有近几年的了小鸠、TSUBASA翼、clamp辉煌二十年应该能买到的
2023-06-28 22:36:512


2023-06-28 22:37:113


2023-06-28 22:37:181

中文的英文怎么写 中文的英文如何写

1、中文的英文表达形式可以用Chinese和Chinese language,也有人使用Mandarin,而Mandarin的含义实际是指普通话。2、He practiced Guanxi, a Chinese term that conveys trust and mutuality.他运用“关系”,一个传达信任和互利的中文名词。
2023-06-28 22:37:251


1、中文的英文表达形式可以用Chinese和Chinese language,也有人使用Mandarin,而Mandarin的含义实际是指普通话。2、He practiced Guanxi, a Chinese term that conveys trust and mutuality.他运用“关系”,一个传达信任和互利的中文名词。
2023-06-28 22:37:311


We all need friends.Friendship is one of the bright part of humanity,and therefore only with a bright and open heart can you gain true friendship.However,this is not what I am talking about.I will talk about why friends are important to me. We can make a simple list about that - the reasons that I need friends 1.With friends I can do things never possible on myself 2.Some friends are better than you in something and you can learn from them. 3.Friends will be an important social asset when I enter the society. 4.When you get depressed being with some friends are always better than being along. 5.I just like to be with friends,otherwise I feel lonely. Your can list many others,but in a word,friends can help you,so can you them,that is the great thing about friendship.For example,when I have got to do something I cannot do myself,I go to my friend and do it with their help.The same thing happens when you are trying to do something you are not good at,when your friends can show their talents.Furthermore,when you are emotionally depressed,your friends can ease the depression and bring some lightness to your life.All these things are great. However,friendship is not about simply taking from others and involves always mutuality and sharing.If you are happy not only when you are helped but also when you help others,then you have understood the true meaning of friendship.,8,1why do you need important to you.,2,a boring subject. I guess it must be made by a bored teacher!,2,One of my friend is XX.She likes icecream very much.She usually eats five icecreams in KFC .She also like many kinds of food with much sugar and fat,so she is geting fater and fater.For example:cake,p...,1,用英文写写需要朋友的原因.急用, why do you need firend make a list of reasons why firends are important to you. 用列表的方式,简单写多个原因。 像1.2 .
2023-06-28 22:37:451

中文的英文怎么写 中文的英文如何写

1、中文的英文表达形式可以用Chinese和Chinese language,也有人使用Mandarin,而Mandarin的含义实际是指普通话。 2、He practiced Guanxi, a Chinese term that conveys trust and mutuality.他运用“关系”,一个传达信任和互利的中文名词。
2023-06-28 22:37:521


是让全世界都能够品尝到口感更好的巧克力,丝般爽滑,还有那个Do you love me 的故事你听说过吧
2023-06-28 22:38:135


亲密关系(Intimate Relationship)属于人际关系的一种,如字面意思,它比普通的关系要更加亲密,两人之间的关系更近、彼此界限更模糊。亲密关系并非单指两性之间的关系,夫妻、恋人、密友、亲子关系都符合亲密关系的范畴,文章接下来讲述的是成人间的亲密关系。亲密关系如何影响日常?心理研究(BenAri &Lavee,2007、Marston et al.,1998)表明亲密关系和普通关系存在着六个层次的明显差异,分别是:了解(knowledge)、关心(care)、相互依赖性(interdependence)、相互一致性(mutuality)、信任(trust)和承诺(commitment)。了解和关心:亲密关系中,对彼此有私人的广泛的了解,知晓彼此喜好、个人经历、弱点等,由衷的关心记挂对方。相互一致性:接纳对方,认为彼此是天造地设的一对,而不是各自分离的个体,会用“我们”代替“我”。信任:相信对方会带来幸福而不会带来伤害,期待彼此的尊重和友好相处。承诺:承诺感情的永久性,并为此投入大量时间、精力、财力来维护。相互依赖性:双方彼此需要、互相影响,一方的行为会影响另一方的行为目标和行动能力。“亲密伴侣的相互依赖性是指他们彼此需要的程度和影响对方的程度,这种相互依赖是频繁的(经常影响彼此)、强烈的(彼此都有显著的影响)、多样的(以多种不同的方式影响彼此)和持久的(彼此影响的时间很长)。人际关系变得相互依赖时,一方的行为在影响自己的同时也会影响对方(Berscheid et al.,2004)。”个人认为,相互依赖性在日常生活中表现的最明显,也是区别于其他关系,亲密关系最特别的特征。亲密关系是归属的需要马斯洛需求层次理论人本主义心理学家马斯洛把人的需要分为五个层次,亲密关系处于第三个层次—情感和归属的需要,它是第四层次尊重和第五层次自我实现的必要基石。行成良好的亲密关系对自我发展非常重要,人只有拥有健康的亲密关系,才可能进一步发展,进一步发挥潜能实现自我,真正成为自己想成为的人。好的亲密关系可以满足人的归属需要,保持生活朝着有条不紊的方向行进。有调查表明,处在持久而良好的亲密关系里(例如稳定的婚姻)的人们,要比没有亲密关系或糟糕亲密关系中的人们身心方面更为健康。拿王小波和李银河的爱情举例,他们共同走过了二十多年,在李银河的支持下,王小波辞去教职安心写作,创作出了多部极其优秀的作品,李银河自己的研究和写作也得到了业界的认可和赞誉。王小波和李银河王小波写给李银河:“一想到你,我这张丑脸上就泛起微笑。”李银河提起王小波:“我的生命因为有他的相依相伴而充满了一种柔柔的、浓浓的陶醉感。”他们俩在亲密关系中彼此支持,成就了自我,也成就了对方。亲密关系的建立和维护亲密关系的建立有很多种方式,两个人如何相爱、两个朋友如何交心的过程因人而异,可能是一见钟情,也可能是日久生情,更可能是介于两者之间。
2023-06-28 22:38:481


2023-06-28 22:38:573


2023-06-28 22:39:252


  河南景点英语导游词 范文 1:The joy garden   Century joy garden is a national 4 a level scenic area, covers an area of 660 mu, a total investment of 680 million yuan, is the collection for the train culture and feel joy for the integration of cultural theme park at Walt Disney, zhengzhou city government key engineering construction projects. It has 50 "Disney" project, the liger hill circus, polar ocean world animal performance, moyu anime castle, train culture in different periods, different region amorous feelings of exotic flowers and trees six themes amusement, 120 yuan six themes play a ticket, men, women, and children happy!   Here is the challenge of youth park: the giant ferris wheel is as high as 120 meters, 888 meters of the old mine roller coaster, synchronous running in rotation mode and the pendulum way crazy big pendulum, built in the mysterious pyramid cimc high-tech in one of the 4 d cinema, demon peak, rafting, surfing, sky flying, pirate ship, rotating tulips, fly over the amazon... Breathtaking peak, endless happiness!   Here is the children"s fantasy land: the magic castle, merry-go-round, tribal storms, bungee jumping frog, happy little bee, imbalances in the cabin, the Orient express, chasing a chariot... Give the child a childhood dream!   Here is the middle-aged parent-child paradise: accompanied by family and children experience the merry-go-round, London eye, bumper cars, stamping... Let the middle-aged man to regain his childhood fun, let children grow up in the fun!   Here is the elderly leisure paradise: rich cultural, train more than 10 different models of steam, diesel and electric locomotives, VR and soong ching ling train train driving a memorable various locomotive, a solution of the old man"s love train. Six station exotic, 80 mu of joy lake blue waves reflected, is a good place for old people entertainment!   With Russia amorous feelings to stand in the park, the ancient Egyptian civilization rainforests of South America, industrial London stand, stand, Arab castles stand, the Dutch customs station, the cowboys of the west station seven station, and displays different s representative of locomotive and car. Two old steam locomotive traction train carrying tourists enjoy amorous feelings of national scenic area, swimming in six theme amusement, let visitors to experience the "travel by train, a day to play around the world".   河南景点英语导游词范文2:DaXiangGuo temple   Walk to fault DaXiangGuo temple is located in kaifeng city center, is China"s famous Buddhism the monastery. One thousand years, many magical legend and drama, novel embarassment, the well-known Chinese and foreign, are more "xianggong" phase shiva, and deep thousand-arm xiaojin hill"s story, make it more legendary.   Xiangguo temple has a long history and is one of the famous ancient buddhist centre in our country. This is wei ling gentleman childe mowgli letter so curtilage. Beiqi article followers in tianbao six years (555) the beginning create temple, known as the founding of the temple, after the destroyed by fire. Tang Changan first year (701 years), monk hui cloud to mutuality, excuse here, namely the collect alms, purchase adding. When start digging out of the temple of beiqi and founding of old brand, so the remains of the founding of the temple, the first year of Tang Yanhe (712), li Dan Andrea dittis acceded to the throne to commemorate him by phase king when the emperor, hence qin tin temple was renamed "xiangguo temple", the founding and autograph "DaXiangGuo temple" plaques.   Tang and song dynasty was the heyday xiangguo temple two generations. Especially in the northern song dynasty period, xiangguo temple, amended frequently, become the nation"s largest buddhist temple, the temple covers an area of 500 mu, 64 temple, law school, a monk of more than 1000 people, the construction of the magnificent magnificent, is called "jinbi reflect, clouds capacity loss". At the same time, xiangguo temple presided by the emperor had given closure. The emperor ferial XunXing ready and thanks to jinshi, prayer, title also held here. So xiangguo temple, also known as "the royal temple". After the northern song dynasty perish, xiangguo temple was severely damaged, after each generation is aggravating, repeatedly when the tide. Xiangguo temple"s main building is now in the qing dynasty relics, layout rigorous, temple worship, tall and spacious, towering spectacular, it deserves to be prestigious temple pagoda.   In the tang and song dynasty when the large scale, only two Wu can accommodate ten thousand people. Ming, before the temple still in possession of a large number of rare treasure, such as tang dynasty paintings SAN wu daoxuan, plastic Santa Yang Hui big literary giant su shi"s handwriting, etc., the sum of the northern song dynasty is a cultural and art treasure house of be worthy of the name. Classic novels (water margin) depicted in lu pour xiaojin hill, coach met Lin lu, brilliant story, they occur in xiangguo temple garden. Qing reconstruction xiangguo temple scale is far inferior to the tang and song dynasty, the basic pattern, surviving on a central axis, from south to north, in turn, has a (great), stone floor, two temple main hall (Ursa major), in a glass house, house of the scriptures. The temple was built in the front yard on the clock tower.   Main hall of building, double-hipped roof tower, the top cover with yellow and green glazed tile, the temple and the platform to environmental protection, white stone column and comparative and bright, colorful yi. The central star anise coloured glaze temple, commonly known as Luo Handian Gao Ting stood and veranda and thus on all sides, roof glazed tile, Angle hang wind chimes, chic modelling, the world is rare. Inside there is a statue of all thousands of hands and eyes of kannon, about 7 meters high, gold, is the qing emperor qianlong years craftsmen carved with a big tree ginkgo tree, beautiful, wonderful artical excelling nature. Inside there are 12 arhats, copper, forms and lifelike.   Scriptures temple for qing dynasty architecture, majestic tall, imposing manner. The vertical ridges pick Angle place is decorated with coloured glaze of the lion, and the plane back, the wind bell, such as play chimes, very sweet. Clock tower in the JuZhong about 4 meters high, weighing more than ten thousand jins, cast in thirty-three years qing qianlong (1768). It is said that when clear autumn frosty day strike hit the bell, the sound travels farthest, so "xiangguo frost clock" famous, become one of kaifeng eight sights.   河南景点英语导游词范文3:Flower state college   Northern song dynasty put flat four years (1067), the famous writer, calligrapher huang tingjian ye county commandant. Had to spend state college in Fan Gong remains. Political: Fan Gong bamboo waterside pavilion, drifting to a guest star. Shenli should not do from now on, grass trees in one hundred. (" valley, poem note buried with flowers, miscellaneous topic ")   Now spend state college, rebuild after repairing, the total area of 4.47 hectares, construction area of 3000 square meters, building college construction is state college within the main body, is courtyard of five to four, then more national rare cabinet and delicate paichi, top bridge, features largely in the academy. The west side of the academy as binary one Fan Gong shrine. Fan Gong temple north for the new four into celebrity pavilion, the research and then have three eyes well - Fan Gong well, the whole architectural style of the qing dynasty north building. Buried with flowers on the east side academy, next to the opinion of the best preserved for a period of the Ming dynasty ancient earth walls. Layout for the nanshan north water, chau south by the cliffs of the distinctive rockery, text, and see a new world. See a rockery to the north and south isolation, chau bayhood size within three island, the island reappearance fan4 zhong4 yan ren the year with the people in the pleasure of the prize kiosks and chrysanthemum, etc. Buried with flowers fan zhongyan hometown construction adopts the qing dynasty jiangnan garden style. Making flower state college form the perfect one of the typical Chinese college gardens.   Flower state college qingli periods is northern song dynasty years, the spring breeze hall 10451 year when fan zhongyan was created, for GongYu, school, September 15, 1046, he wrote in this eternal masterpiece "the yueyang tower". Now spring breeze fan zhongyan seed Fan Wentong hall door hung on both sides of the autograph of the sorrow and the sorrow of the world, before the world of joy but joy "couplets. Temple temple for college students, from master first set 5 meters high, 3.5 meters wide gold portrait of Confucius, the temple before 4.5 meters wide, 16 meters long joytv, construction area of 116.6 square meters, the academy landmark buildings. Van Wen Zhenggong shrine is the Ming dynasty jiaqing years opinion built in memory of fan zhongyan, the people of existing buildings in the qing dynasty. The door hanging over 29 generations Sun Fanwen pass by topic "fan Wen Zhenggong shrine" plaques.   Celebrity pavilion is built in memory of ancient and modern opinion record historical celebrities, construction area of 480.7 square meters, for the imitation of the qing dynasty architecture. Front yard first and wing for the Yao Xueyin museum, the museum displays have Yao Xueyin office appliance, writing script work and life, and then the backyard first set medical sage and wing zhang zhongjing, history science, such as iron Xuan suiyang "hall of fame. Buried with flowers by Xie Jiang in 1039 as a year when create, by fan zhongyan after built into the academy gardens, chrysanthemum, TingXie, taihu lakeshore ornament, the island"s planting flowers and trees, flower named state college by buried with flowers, reconstruction of buried with flowers for the qing dynasty suzhou garden style. Lake island to size the whole lake into the water, states a pay-off for natural streams, east of north have marble boat "boat", the water in the middle fan booth to wind pavilion "month". Nanbei lake, the water surface 3778 square meters. Buried with flowers to admire the rock garden in south of stone columns, stone mainly to appreciate. To admire the rock garden north for five mountains rockery, text books, and gallery, Fan Ting, see a new world, forming a perfect garden landscape.
2023-06-28 22:39:311

河南旅游景点介绍产品英语 河南景点英文名称

用英语介绍河南The Zhoukou city is located southeast Henan Province, governs Sichuanto collect the area, an item of city and Huaiyang, Luyi, Fugou, ShenQiu, Taikang, Dancheng, Xihua, business water 8 counties, the nationalterritory total area 11,900 square kilometers, the cultivated area11.7 million Chinese acres, the total population 10.06 million people,the cultivated area, the total population occupy entire province 2nd. The population 2001 end, the Zhoukou total population is 10.477million people year after year, agricultural population 9.409 millionpeople, non- agricultural population 1.068 million people. Thepopulation year birth rate is 11.05 ‰, the mortality rate is 5.71‰, the natural rate of growth is 8.34 ‰. The Zhoukou labor forceresources is rich, the surplus labor force reaches 4 million people Landform: Zhoukou is the Huang He and Huai He plain, the topographynorthwest high, southeast is low, the natural slope is 1/5000-1/7000.The altitude above sea level is 35.5-64.3 meters. Approximatelycollects the area take Sichuan to Taikang as, line west sea pulls outhighly is 50 - 64.3 meters, the natural slope is 1/5000-1/6000; LineEast China Sea pulls out highly is 35.5-50 meters, the natural slopeis 1/6000-1/7000. East east line Dancheng, east the Shen earthenmound, southeast area, middle Xiangcheng, south the altitude above sealevel are many below 40 meters, topography low-lying easywaterlogging. Special product 1. Yellow gourd The academic name for the Elizabeth thick skin melon, goldenyellow acquires fame because of the luster for the yellow gourd. Theyellow gourd has a fine external appearance, color bright, fragrancerich, the content many kinds of vitamins and the high sugar, the juicemulti- tastes beautiful, sweet are clear 2. Jujube Xihua County Tian Kouxiang is situated at the Huanghe River flooded area to be intimate, Tian Kouxiang jujube variety by ash jujube, chicken heart jujube primarily.The ash jujube is called the dried ripe fruit, the fruit medium size, assumes the oval cone-shape brown, the peel red, the fruit pulp is thick, the nature is crisp, the juice few tastes are sweet, nucleus small tall and slender, the quality superior suits specially processes, the fine fresh food, the system do the variety.Chicken heart jujube, also is called the small jujube, the fruit to be small, assumes the chicken heart shape thinly, the peel, in the fruit pulp thick, the compact nature is thin, the taste extremely sweet nucleus is small, is the fine system does the variety.The field mouth dried ripe fruit by the reputation is "the field mouthdried ripe fruit, the world is best". The jujube fruit is the famousnutritious high quality goods, the nutrition is rich, does the jujubeto contain sugar 50% - 87%.介绍河南的英语作文写作思路:根据题目要求,以介绍河南作为主题,先介绍河南所处地理位置,然后描写河南为何叫做河南,最后河南展开具体描写。Henan Province is a province of the great motherland, located in the central plain of the motherland, is one of the main birthplaces of Chinese civilization.河南省是伟大祖国的一个省,位于祖国中部平原上,是中华文明的主要发源地之一。Henan Province was called Yuzhou in ancient times, also known as "Zhongzhou" and "Zhongyuan".河南省古称豫州,又叫“中州”、“中原”。Henan Province is a major hub connecting the East, West, North and South Railway Transportation of the motherland.河南省是连接祖国东西南北铁路交通的大枢纽。It is rich in wheat and is a famous "big granary" in China.这里盛产小麦,是中国著名的“大粮仓”。Yin Ruins, located on the shore of Huan River in Anyang, Henan Province, is the earliest ancient capital site in China.座落在河南省安阳洹水之滨的殷墟,是中国迄今为止发现最早的古都遗址。Outstanding figures and contemporary heroes in the history of Henan Province add luster to his hometown.河南省历史上的杰出人物和当代英雄,更为家乡增添了光彩。Henan, I am proud of you! I"m proud of you!河南,我为你骄傲!为你自豪!河南景点英语导游词3篇河南景点英语导游词 范文 1:The joy garden Century joy garden is a national 4 a level scenic area, covers an area of 660 mu, a total investment of 680 million yuan, is the collection for the train culture and feel joy for the integration of cultural theme park at Walt Disney, zhengzhou city government key engineering construction projects. It has 50 "Disney" project, the liger hill circus, polar ocean world animal performance, moyu anime castle, train culture in different periods, different region amorous feelings of exotic flowers and trees six themes amusement, 120 yuan six themes play a ticket, men, women, and children happy! Here is the challenge of youth park: the giant ferris wheel is as high as 120 meters, 888 meters of the old mine roller coaster, synchronous running in rotation mode and the pendulum way crazy big pendulum, built in the mysterious pyramid cimc high-tech in one of the 4 d cinema, demon peak, rafting, surfing, sky flying, pirate ship, rotating tulips, fly over the amazon... Breathtaking peak, endless happiness! Here is the children"s fantasy land: the magic castle, merry-go-round, tribal storms, bungee jumping frog, happy little bee, imbalances in the cabin, the Orient express, chasing a chariot... Give the child a childhood dream! Here is the middle-aged parent-child paradise: accompanied by family and children experience the merry-go-round, London eye, bumper cars, stamping... Let the middle-aged man to regain his childhood fun, let children grow up in the fun! Here is the elderly leisure paradise: rich cultural, train more than 10 different models of steam, diesel and electric locomotives, VR and soong ching ling train train driving a memorable various locomotive, a solution of the old man"s love train. Six station exotic, 80 mu of joy lake blue waves reflected, is a good place for old people entertainment! With Russia amorous feelings to stand in the park, the ancient Egyptian civilization rainforests of South America, industrial London stand, stand, Arab castles stand, the Dutch customs station, the cowboys of the west station seven station, and displays different s representative of locomotive and car. Two old steam locomotive traction train carrying tourists enjoy amorous feelings of national scenic area, swimming in six theme amusement, let visitors to experience the "travel by train, a day to play around the world". 河南景点英语导游词范文2:DaXiangGuo temple Walk to fault DaXiangGuo temple is located in kaifeng city center, is China"s famous Buddhism the monastery. One thousand years, many magical legend and drama, novel embarassment, the well-known Chinese and foreign, are more "xianggong" phase shiva, and deep thousand-arm xiaojin hill"s story, make it more legendary. Xiangguo temple has a long history and is one of the famous ancient buddhist centre in our country. This is wei ling gentleman childe mowgli letter so curtilage. Beiqi article followers in tianbao six years (555) the beginning create temple, known as the founding of the temple, after the destroyed by fire. Tang Changan first year (701 years), monk hui cloud to mutuality, excuse here, namely the collect alms, purchase adding. When start digging out of the temple of beiqi and founding of old brand, so the remains of the founding of the temple, the first year of Tang Yanhe (712), li Dan Andrea dittis acceded to the throne to commemorate him by phase king when the emperor, hence qin tin temple was renamed "xiangguo temple", the founding and autograph "DaXiangGuo temple" plaques. Tang and song dynasty was the heyday xiangguo temple two generations. Especially in the northern song dynasty period, xiangguo temple, amended frequently, become the nation"s largest buddhist temple, the temple covers an area of 500 mu, 64 temple, law school, a monk of more than 1000 people, the construction of the magnificent magnificent, is called "jinbi reflect, clouds capacity loss". At the same time, xiangguo temple presided by the emperor had given closure. The emperor ferial XunXing ready and thanks to jinshi, prayer, title also held here. So xiangguo temple, also known as "the royal temple". After the northern song dynasty perish, xiangguo temple was severely damaged, after each generation is aggravating, repeatedly when the tide. Xiangguo temple"s main building is now in the qing dynasty relics, layout rigorous, temple worship, tall and spacious, towering spectacular, it deserves to be prestigious temple pagoda. In the tang and song dynasty when the large scale, only two Wu can accommodate ten thousand people. Ming, before the temple still in possession of a large number of rare treasure, such as tang dynasty paintings SAN wu daoxuan, plastic Santa Yang Hui big literary giant su shi"s handwriting, etc., the sum of the northern song dynasty is a cultural and art treasure house of be worthy of the name. Classic novels (water margin) depicted in lu pour xiaojin hill, coach met Lin lu, brilliant story, they occur in xiangguo temple garden. Qing reconstruction xiangguo temple scale is far inferior to the tang and song dynasty, the basic pattern, surviving on a central axis, from south to north, in turn, has a (great), stone floor, two temple main hall (Ursa major), in a glass house, house of the scriptures. The temple was built in the front yard on the clock tower. Main hall of building, double-hipped roof tower, the top cover with yellow and green glazed tile, the temple and the platform to environmental protection, white stone column and comparative and bright, colorful yi. The central star anise coloured glaze temple, commonly known as Luo Handian Gao Ting stood and veranda and thus on all sides, roof glazed tile, Angle hang wind chimes, chic modelling, the world is rare. Inside there is a statue of all thousands of hands and eyes of kannon, about 7 meters high, gold, is the qing emperor qianlong years craftsmen carved with a big tree ginkgo tree, beautiful, wonderful artical excelling nature. Inside there are 12 arhats, copper, forms and lifelike. Scriptu
2023-06-28 22:39:381

market practice是什么意思

2023-06-28 22:39:474


glasshouse big shed注意下面括号内的句子The development of the 【glasshouse big shed】farming factors to mutuality sensors collected and supervise and control system automatically,based on single chip processor AT89C52,the system can realize the monitoring and controlling of the 【glasshouse big shed】 light intensity,temperature,humidity and CO 2 density . 以 AT8 9C5 2单片机为核心 ,采用相应的传感器设计了一种【温室大棚】种植参数采集控制系统 ,该系统可实现【温室大棚】光照度、温度、湿度和 CO2 浓度等环境因子的自动监控
2023-06-28 22:40:071


Party: auspicious blessing Culture Co., Ltd. (the employer) B: (staff) According to "The People"s Republic of China Labor Law" and the "Labor Contract Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone" and other relevant laws and regulations, and B the two sides of equality, voluntariness, the principle of consensus, agree as follows: Party According to production (work) need to employ B in the companies engaged in work (jobs). (A) Duration of contract A and B both select the following forms to determine the first term of this contract. 1-year fixed-term, the contract period from date till date only. 2, no fixed term, the contract period from date onwards. 3, the completion of the work of a certain period, from the date until (work) completed only. (B) the trial period Probationary period of months. (The trial period included in the contract period) (C) working hours Standard working hours system, in which B work for 8 hours a day, working 40 hours a week. In the case of laws, administrative regulations and other circumstances to work longer hours, without an exemption shall restrictions. (D) wages (A) B trial period wages yuan / month; B probationary period starting salary of Yuan / month. Party may be established by law or collective wage contract B distribution system to adjust wages. However, Party A shall pay Party B"s wages lower than the city announced when the annual minimum wage. (B) Party A monthly day, or monthly day, day pay day. (C) Party arranged overtime, according to the "Labor Law" stipulates that 44th payment of wages in lieu. (D) Party B salary during illness or injury at work in accordance with relevant regulations. (V) B during working hours, according to state regulations to fulfill national and social obligations, are paid for. The contract expires, A, B two sides agreed to continue labor relations, and on the 30th prior to the expiration of the contract the two sides to re-enter into labor contracts. Questions added: Do not use the software translation. Thank you !!!!!!!!!
2023-06-28 22:40:172

ink test是什么意思及用法

2023-06-28 22:40:322


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2023-06-28 22:41:353


真丝衣物洗涤和保养 真丝表面光泽自然柔和,色泽均匀,手感平滑,沾水后略有硬感,用手将其紧握松开,表面皱较少,干燥的状态下摩擦会发出清脆的“丝鸣”声。穿真丝面料舒爽透气,可是许多人有一个同感,真丝面料的衣物穿时舒服,洗时难,难在哪儿?“易褪色,易变形”不好洗,下面为大家介绍一下真丝织物的洗涤方法: 真丝面料色牢度较差是丝绸织物的普遍缺点,所以容易脱色,特有的天然光泽也会受到影响。因此对于丝绸织物的洗涤有许多讲究,建议最好干洗。尽量不要水洗。 如果用洗衣机洗涤真丝面料衣物,容易出现“并丝”“起毛”“翻丝”现象。最好手洗,手洗时也要轻轻搓揉,脱水时不能直截放入洗衣机内,应装入网袋内或用一块不褪色的布包着,脱干,这样不会出现并丝和变形。(最好不要脱水甩干) 洗涤真丝织物选择洗涤原料也很关键,洗涤真丝织物时最好选择中性洗涤剂,不可用洗衣粉和碱性洗涤剂,中性洗涤剂不会伤害真丝纤维,洗涤真丝织物时水温不要过高,30摄氏度以下最好,同色泽的衣物可以在一起洗,如果色泽不一样一定要分开洗涤,因为真丝织物容易褪色,如果搭色是很难去掉的。 真丝织物洗后的凉、晒也很重要,洗后的真丝织物要在通风阴凉处凉干,不可在阳光下晒干,凉干后用全蒸气熨斗熨烫。如果污渍较多,不易水洗的真丝衣物最好那到专业干洗店去洗。香云纱面料衣物洗涤和保养香云纱又名薯茛纱,是一种20世纪四,五十年代流行与岭南的独特的夏季服装面料,由于该面料具有冰凉宜人,易洗快干,色深耐脏,不沾皮肤,轻薄而不易折皱,柔软而富有身骨的特点,特别受到青昧。据史书记载,早在永乐年间(约15世纪),我国就开始生产并出口薯茛纱。由于生产流程复杂:胚绸~精练~浸薯茛汁~晾晒~重复上述浸晒过程多遍~煮练~多次洗晒茛汁~再煮练~再多次洗晒茛汁~再煮~晒干~过泥~洗涤~晒干~摊雾~拉幅~整装。共需17道工序。因为其生产对于光照的特殊性要求,故而产量极低。在过去,香云纱一度曾比黄金还要贵重!所以普通老百姓不易结识它,只在电影中看到资本家有穿。也由于生产工艺的特殊性,布料上会出现少量的黑斑和漏白,该情况属正常现象。香云纱服装干洗最为理想,如果自己清洗,则需要手洗。同时不能用碱性较强的洗衣粉漂洗,而带有柔软剂的洗衣液则比较适合。30度以下或冷水手洗,可适量加入金纺洗衣液,在水中浸泡拍打后拎出在阴凉处阴干。(或加少许茶叶浸泡)略掉浮色属正常。瞬息即干,清体透凉,而且穿起来微有响声,故也称“响云纱”。后来逐渐取谐音而美其名为“香云纱”。是全天然的手工织物。刺绣面料的洗涤与保养 刺绣是一种文化,在中国有名的刺绣手法有14种:江苏的“苏绣”,上海的“颐绣”,湖北的“汉绣”,湖南的“湘绣”,广东的“粤绣”,江西的“夏绣”,福建的“闽绣”,山东的“鲁绣”,北京的“京绣”,河南的“纺绣”,四川的“蜀绣”,广西的“壮绣”,贵州的“汴绣”,新疆的“哈萨克刺绣”。我们延续了苏绣的手法,结合现代工业化生产,形成了手推绣的手法,使绣出来的花型生动,逼真。与我们改良过的传统款式结合一起,穿着既时尚又带有民族特色。 带有绣花的衣物洗涤时需注意,需拿到专业的干洗店干洗,切勿水洗!因为绣花线是天然植物“棉”制作出来的丝线,丝线遇水后会缩,使绣花部位缩水变型。英文:Silk washing clothes and maintenance Silk surface gloss natural and downy, the color and luster is even, feel smooth, slightly hard feeling after touching water, with the hand will hold to loosen, the surface wrinkled less, dry friction will be issued under the condition of the bell ringing sound "silk". Wear silk fabrics is comfortable breathe freely, but many people have a feel the same, real silk fabrics clothes wear comfortable, when washing where is difficult, difficult? "Easy fade, changeful form" bad for everybody below wash, introduce of silk fabric washing method: Silk fabric color fastness of silk fabric is poor, so easy to general faults, the special natural luster decolorizes also can be affected. Therefore, as for silk fabric washing has many exquisite, suggest best dry-clean. Try not to washing. If by washing machine silk fabrics clothings, easy to have "and" wire "cottony" "turn silk" phenomenon. Had better wash, wash should also and gently rub, dehydrated cannot directly into the washing machine 100pcs shall, within the load with a fadeless inside or the sacks, take off, so it does not appear dry and silk and deformation. (had better not spin dry) Washing silk fabrics choose the washing raw material also is critical when washing silk fabric, had better choose neuter scour, do not use washing powder and alkaline detergents, neuter scour catharsis silk fiber, wouldn"t hurt when silk fabric temperature not exorbitant, 30 degrees centigrade with colour and lustre, best clothing can together, if colour and lustre not wash as must separate catharsis, because silk fabric easy fade, if take look is difficult to remove. The cool after washing silk fabric, sun is also very important, the silk fabric after washing in ventilation, not in dry shade sunshine after dry, dry with full steam electric iron very hot. If besmirch is more, not easy washing silk clothings that best professional the laundry. XiangYunSha fabric washing clothes and maintenance XiangYunSha another name Gen yarn, potato is a kind of 20 century, the 1950s pop and four unique summer lingnan fabric, because the fabric is pleasant, washable with cold fast drying, color depth to bear or endure dirty, not touch and not easy, frivolous skin soft and rich wrinkles, the characteristics of the body, especially welcomed bone green ignorance. According to history records, early in the yongle (about 15 century), our country started to produce and export potato Gen yarn. Due to production process complex: embryo silken ~ refined ~ leaching Gen juice ~ drying potato bask in process repeats the leaching ~ ~ boiled over more practice ~ times washing Gen juice ~ cooked lian ~ you have washing Gen juice ~ cooked ~ dried ~ over mud ~ washing ~ dried ~ booth fog ~ pull picture ~ ready. Total need 17 procedure. Because of the particularity of its production requirements for illumination, therefore yield is extremely low. In the past, XiangYunSha than gold, once even precious! So ordinary people meet it, not only see in films capitalists have to wear. Also because of the particularity of the production process, the cloth will appear on a small amount of shading and leak white, this situation is a normal phenomenon. XiangYunSha garment dry-cleaned most ideal, if their cleaning, requires wash. Also cannot use alkaline strong detergent rinse, and has XiYiYe is more suitable for the softening. 30 degrees Celsius or cold water, can amount to join gold XiYiYe, spun after a flap in the shade with 2007. (or add a few tea soak) slightly off float color is a normal. Instant namely dry, clear body through cool, and wear to micro have sound, so also called "ring YunSha". Then gradually take homonym and beauty XiangYunSha "in the name of". Is all-natural homespun. Embroidery fabrics with maintenance of washing Embroidery is a kind of culture, in China famous inwrought gimmick, jiangsu 14 species of "suzhou, Shanghai" conclusion, "the" hubei embroider "han embroider", hunan, guangdong "xiang embroidery" of "yue embroidery", the "summer of jiangxi, fujian embroider" of "fujian, shandong embroider" of "lu embroider", Beijing"s "Beijing embroider", henan "spinning embroider", sichuan province ", "the" in guangxi zhuang embroider "mutuality, guizhou" in xinjiang, the embroider "" kazakhstan embroidery". We continued the suzhou gimmick, combining modern industrialized production, the hands push embroidery formed gimmick, make embroider the pattern vivid, lifelike come out. And we modified tradition design together, wearing stylish4 and with national characteristics. When washing clothes with embroidery, should pay attention to get professional cleaners dry cleaning, don"t wash! Because embroider line is natural plant "cotton" made in water, silk thread will shrink, make embroider parts shrink variant.
2023-06-28 22:41:531


加一个查询条件就行了,把pSql = pSql & TempKeyWord &" yn = 0 Order By Id Desc"改成pSql = pSql & TempKeyWord &" AND ClassId<>20 AND yn = 0 Order By Id Desc"或是pSql = pSql & TempKeyWord &" AND ClassId!=20 AND yn = 0 Order By Id Desc"
2023-06-28 22:42:002


对不起..我是来看楼上的................................不好意思..不过他也太NB了..“还有以信件方式向歌迷唱的歌曲“Stan”“there to sing the letter to the fans the song "Stan”这句有问题吧..?from a boy into a man从一个男孩变成了一个男人..虽然英语不太好..我觉得是不是有点语法错误 吧?..呃..简单看了一下...
2023-06-28 22:43:345