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2023-06-28 19:39:30
TAG: 英文


Sydney, located on the southeast coast of Australia, is the capital of New South Wales and the largest and most populous city in Australia. Sydney has a highly developed financial, manufacturing and tourism industry. Among them, the world"s top multinational enterprises and the headquarters of domestic and foreign financial institutions are rooted in Sydney.

Sydney is also home to the Australian Stock Exchange, the Reserve Bank of Australia and the 20th Century Fox Studio in the United States. Sydney is also the host city of many important international sports events. It has hosted the Commonwealth Games in 1938, the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000 and the World Cup Rugby in 2003.










达令港(Darling Harbour)又译情人港。位于悉尼市中心的西北部,距中央火车站2公里并和唐人街相连。它不仅是悉尼最缤纷的旅游和购物中心,也是举行重大会议和庆典的场所。达令港的名字取于新南威尔士州第七任总督芮福·达令。


邦迪海滩的名字来自于原居民的语言bondi,意思是海水拍岸的声浪。邦迪海滩(读音:"BOND-eye" with a long i 听起来象“邦待”)长达1公里,虽然只是个沙滩滨海小镇,却是澳洲具历史的冲浪运动中心,是澳洲传统冲浪救生训练基地。




1、Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. It is the largest country in Oceania. It is on the east of the Pacific Ocean. It is near the India ocean in the West. There are many islands in the vicinity. It is about 7 million 692 thousand square kilometers, the population is about 19 million 200 thousand. About 74.2% of the British and Irish descendants. In 1788, the first British immigrants arrived in Australia.



2、The climate is warm all the year round, and most of the population is concentrated in the southeast coast.The capital is Canberra, Sydney is the largest city.


3、Australia is rich in natural resources and well-developed tourism, and a large number of tourists come here every year.


4、Sydney has a subtropical humid climate with annual rainfall. The weather in Sydney is regulated by the adjacent ocean, so the inland western urban area is slightly more continental.


5、Sydney is known as the World Museum of living fossils. According to statistics, there are more than 650 kinds of birds in Sydney, of which about 450 are unique to Sydney.



Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales, located on the east coast of Australia. With a metropolitan population of over 4 million people, it is the most populous city in the country.

Built around Sydney Harbour, which is sometimes considered one of the most beautiful harbours in the world, Sydney is known in Australia as the "Harbour City" and the harbour itself as well as structures on its shores such as the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge are globally recognised icons of the city. Sydney is a major domestic and international tourist destination, notable for its climate, famous beaches, culture, cuisine, renowned landmarks and modern architecture. Tourists also boast Sydney"s fine cousine as one of the most distinctive and revolutionary culinary arts in the world, exhibiting french culinary styles and specializing in fresh seafood.

Sydney significantly raised its global profile in recent years as the host city of the 2000 Olympics. It is a "Beta" global city exerting significant regional, national, and international influence.



2023-06-28 18:47:3611


harbour的英音是[u02c8hɑu02d0bu0259(r)],美音是[u02c8hɑu02d0rbu0259r]。harbour的意思是港湾;港口;窝藏,庇护;怀有,心怀;包含;藏有。含有harbour的双语例句1、Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour.港湾里停泊着几条船。2、The hotel looks out over the harbour.从这家旅馆朝外看可俯视港湾。3、She began to harbour doubts about the decision.她开始对这个决定产生怀疑。4、The town is notable for its ancient harbour.这座小镇因其古老的港口而出名。5、The ship slipped into the harbour at night.船在夜间悄然进港。6、He steered the boat into the harbour.他把船开进港。
2023-06-28 18:47:581


英 ["hɑ:bu0259(r)]n.海港,港口;港湾;避难所;藏身处vt.&vi.隐匿;怀着;包含,聚藏;藏有na.“harbor“的变体;英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰。
2023-06-28 18:48:241


2023-06-28 18:49:024


2023-06-28 18:49:281

bay 是海湾,harbour 是海港。有什么区别呀

All harbours are in bay,but not all bays are harbour。
2023-06-28 18:49:363


2023-06-28 18:49:443


port, dock, harbour 在做“ 港口、 海港” 解释时的区别是: port 表示大范围的 (港口:水上具有可供船只装卸货物的设施的地方) harbour (harbor) 表示小范围的 (海港,港口:一块有足够深度为船只提供安全停泊口岸的水域
2023-06-28 18:50:052


1.答案:B. 2. 1)harbour是可数名词,排除CD; 根据句意,如果用many,后面必须是but而不是and,排除A. 2)楼主要分清这两者的区别: no harbours and few people 没有避难所而且也没有人(两者同时出现) no harbours or few people 没有避难所或者没有人(两者中只出现其一) 3)再如:no air and no water 既没有空气也没有水 no air or no water 没有空气或者没有水
2023-06-28 18:50:231

翻译harbour misconceptions

供参考就指按这两个字harbour 可以是动词misconceptions 就是宾语意思是心存(有著)误解harbour 一般指港口﹐码头但作为动词可以理解为‘包含"﹐‘怀有"等的意思
2023-06-28 18:50:311


harbour,也可以写成harbor,直译过来是“港口,藏匿,”等意思。在生物学上常用的意思相当于“携带,传送,运输,传播”比如这句话“Insect symbiotic bacteria harbour viral pathogens for transovarial transmission”,这其中的harbour就可以理解为“携带并传播”
2023-06-28 18:50:381

harbour nature bridge哪个不同?

2023-06-28 18:50:452

harbor 和harbour都是海港的意思,但有什么不同么?还是像gary和grey一样仅仅是拼写不同啊?

只是拼写不同的,别的意思都相同. 这个事我们以前学习的 回答完毕 希望可以帮助你呵呵
2023-06-28 18:50:541


port 单指港湾、港口harbour 除了港湾,港口,还作动词,有 庇护 的意思,另外怀着的意思
2023-06-28 18:51:011


2023-06-28 18:53:061

bay 是海湾,harbour 是海港。有什么区别呀

2023-06-28 18:53:142


You can"t force myself like to do something
2023-06-28 18:53:233

bay strait harbour 区别是什么呢

2023-06-28 18:53:361

harbour在港口 用什么介词

2023-06-28 18:53:451


翻译如下维多利亚港Victoria Harbor例句香港维多利亚港是位于香港的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的海港。Victoria Harbour is the harbour between the Kowloon Peninsula and the Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong, China.
2023-06-28 18:53:532


(袒护或掩护) shield; harbour; cover up
2023-06-28 18:54:002


harbour,英语单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词时意为海港,港口; 作动词时意为心怀,怀有(尤指反面想法或感情);为……提供住所(或动物栖息地);为……提供庇护 短语搭配: Harbour Road港湾道; Collins Harbour科林斯湾; Granite Harbour格兰纳特港 扩展资料   He had jumped overboard in New York harbor and swum to shore.   他在纽约港跳下船,游上了岸。   A village"s entire beach and harbor can be fouled by a single rotting whale   一只腐烂的.死鲸就足以弄脏一个村子的整片海滩和港口。   The Harbor was replete with boats   港口里满是船只。   The harbor was full of pleasure craft.   港口满是游艇。
2023-06-28 18:54:061

英语Portland Harbour什么意思?

Portland Harbour [地名] [英国] 波特兰港
2023-06-28 18:54:143


2023-06-28 18:54:363

hong kong harbour怎么翻译

2023-06-28 18:55:224

harbour bridge怎么读

哈博尔 布瑞挤
2023-06-28 18:55:554


2023-06-28 18:56:043

harbour bridge是什么意思

英文:Harbour Bridge中文:港湾大桥很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-06-28 18:56:122


海运到加拿大一般主要是到温哥华,多伦多,蒙特利尔,卡尔加里,埃德蒙顿,温哥华和多伦的华人定居是最多的,一般到多伦多都会在温哥华中转,因为顺路也必须经过那里以我们安排的广州南沙港/深圳蛇口港的直航船为例大概是30天左右,还分快船和慢船,快船一般是20天出头,价格具体要看货量,可以走整柜也可以走拼箱,普货都可以走,我们还能走带雪种的冰箱、食品原料、带小电池的产品,我们是船东合约价客户,相当于船东的VIP,价格不会受市场波动的影响,而且保证不甩柜,时效有保障,主要港口都是实力派的报关和清关行,一切高效畅通无阻!0001 货入仓后全都就都是我们操作,你在家里等这收货就可以 0001海运到加拿大一般主要是到温哥华,多伦多,蒙特利尔,卡尔加里,埃德蒙顿,温哥华和多伦的华人定居是最多的,一般到多伦多都会在温哥华中转,因为顺路也必须经过那里以我们安排的广州南沙港/深圳蛇口港的直航船为例大概是30天左右,还分快船和慢船,快船一般是20天出头,价格具体要看货量,可以走整柜也可以走拼箱,普货都可以走,我们还能走带雪种的冰箱、食品原料、带小电池的产品,我们是船东合约价客户,相当于船东的VIP,价格不会受市场波动的影响,而且保证不甩柜,时效有保障,主要港口都是实力派的报关和清关行,一切高效畅通无阻!0001 货入仓后全都就都是我们操作,你在家里等这收货就可以 0001
2023-06-28 18:56:236

ports and harbours的区别

port终点在有人建设过后的设施的意思 n. 1.港[C][U] 2.港市,口岸[C] 3.机场,航空站[C] 4.避风港,避难场所[C] harbour 偏向天然港 n.[C][U] 1.港湾,海港 2.避难所,躲藏处,避风港 两个都加起来更全面,说明港口及有天然优势也有后天建设
2023-06-28 18:57:501

harbor criminal

动词要作主语的时候怎么办?就用动词的“非谓语形式”,因为它不是谓语!= = 什么是动词的非谓语形式?有3种:v-ing、v-ed、不定式(to do).(至于选用哪个,这里不罗嗦) 再看原句:已经有谓语了(is an an offence).句子一般只需一个谓语,除非有连词连接多个谓语(and啊、but那些),所以harbour不是谓语!→用非谓语形式!这里用Harbouring或To harbour都可以! 至于criminals是harbour的“逻辑宾语”(逻辑上是harbour的宾语= =不是句子的宾语) 最后,句子的主语是Harbouring criminals这一行为,因此is不可以用are!因为criminals不是句子的主语,只是主语的一部分.
2023-06-28 18:57:561


harbour的意思是港口。名词n.(海)港;港口;港湾;躲避处;避风港。动词vt.庇护;藏匿;心怀;怀有;使入港停泊;一、辅助记忆1.搭配词criminal 、 terrorist、hopes、suspicions、doubts、ambitions、egrets、vessel。2.补充『短语』to harbour a grudge against sb.对某人心怀怨恨。二、双语例句1. They neared the harbour.他们向港口驶近。2. I helmed out of the harbour.我把船驶离了港口。3. He had jumped overboard in New York harbour and swum to shore.他在纽约港跳下船,游上了岸。4. an attractive, glassed-in restaurant with a view of the harbour一家有玻璃墙的漂亮港景餐馆。5. as we slid into the calm waters of Cowes Harbour当我们缓缓驶入考斯港平静的水域时。
2023-06-28 18:58:151


harbour :一般用词,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。port:多指人工港口,还可指有港口的市。wharf:指船只停泊装卸货物的码头。pier :专指与海岸成直角形而突出的码头,可供旅客,货物上下船或供人散步用。seaport :指港埠。dock:码头,船坞。主要是用于船舶修理。jetty:突堤,栈桥,登岸码头。
2023-06-28 18:58:432

"harbor" Vs "harbour" 它们有什麼分别?

harbor 是美式的,harbour是英式的,意思没有区别。
2023-06-28 18:58:501


2023-06-28 18:58:571

Darling Harbour 歌词

歌曲名:Darling Harbour歌手:Silverstein专辑:Rescue≡卐 Silverstein - Darling Habour 卐≡album: Rescuereleased on April 26, 2011In a lighthouse by the seaAt the 33rd degreeYou"ll make me feel so special and freeBut there"s something in the airTurning stutters into staresI"ll look into your blue eyes and say(Darling) Don"t throw it all away(Darling) I"m here to make you stay with meIn this sun I look so paleNorthern skin so thin and frailBut I try to close my eyesWhen everything starts fadingWhen I wake up from this dreamShivering under cold sheetsTen thousand miles awayI"ll wish I was on King Street(Darling) Don"t throw it all away(Darling) I"m here to make you stay with meNewly risen, how brightly you shineSomething seems to give inside my heartWhen you"re nearbyAll I"ve given to you is vacant eyesI don"t understand, I can"t figure it outI can"t figure itOn a park bench by the streetAt the 43rd degreeI"ll sit and watch the snowfall and thinkIf these walls could tell the taleAn excuse to no availWould you ever begin to forgive me againTo forgive me now?(Darling) Don"t throw it all away(Darling) I"m here to make you stay with me(Stay with me, Don"t throw it all away)(Darling) Don"t throw it all awayI don"t understand, I don"t understand(Darling) I"m here to make you stay with meI can"t figure it out, I can"t figure it
2023-06-28 18:59:041


港(みなと) mi na to →米那拖或者是英语harbour的外来语 ハーバー ha~ba~ →哈~吧~
2023-06-28 18:59:111


港业航运(HARBOUR)成立于2002年,并于2004年1月6日马来西亚证券交易所主板上市。港业航运(HARBOUR)旗下分公司有:Harbour- Link (M) Sdn. Bhd. (222555-H);Harbour Agencies (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd. (461102-P);Eastern Soldar Engineering & Const. Sdn. Bhd. (153971-K);Harbour-Link Navigation Sdn. Bhd. (678560-);Harbour-Link Lines Sdn.Bhd. (738254-T)。目前,港业航运(HARBOUR)拥有员工776人。
2023-06-28 18:59:321


2023-06-28 18:59:474

关于We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning的语序问题

2023-06-28 18:59:542

介绍澳大利亚主要城市的概况 英文的

Sydney is the Australian new Naweiershizhou capital, the Australian biggest city and the harbor. Enters mainland 20 kilometer Jackson port both banks in Tasman Sea, has is 1,150 meter hard bridge span continually harbor. Area 1,735 square kilometers. The population was 4,198,543 people (in 2003) the population density is each square kilometer 345.7 people. In Sydney is the Australian population densest place, each square kilometer has 4,023 people. Sydney (Sydney) is the State of new South Wales, is also the capital of Australia"s largest city, covering an area of 2400 square kilometers, is located in the low around Jackson Bay is on the used qiuzhi at that time the British Home Secretary Viscount Sydney. 200 years ago, here is a wasteland, after two centuries of exploitation and management, it has become one of Australia"s most bustling modern and international cities, "New York" in the southern hemisphere. Sydney scenery 1788 British exile of criminals to this, the British in Australia of the earliest point in the colony. The country"s largest economic center. Residents are mostly engaged in the service sector and industry have oil refining, chemical, textile, clothing, food processing, aircraft, automotive and shipbuilding industries, etc. Railway and highway network linking the Mainland. Harbour water depth, the device is good. The main output of wool, wheat, flour, meat, textiles, etc. Regular sea and air routes in the UK, the US, New Zealand and other countries. A country founded the oldest University of Sydney (1850) and Australia Museum (1836). There are bathing in the East. The large green area and garden. Sydney is located on the southeast coast of Australia, where the pleasant weather, beautiful environment, beautiful scenery, Chardonnay, Yi, summer is hot, not cold in winter, with heavy rainfall, sunshine,. Sydney"s annual precipitation is about 1200 mm in summer (December-February) with an average temperature of 21 ° c, in winter (June-August) with an average temperature of 12 degrees centigrade. Sydney is the State capital of new South Wales, Australia"s largest and oldest city, is also an increasingly internationalized metropolis, the 2000 Sydney Olympic games make the Sydney international prestige and popularity ever. The broad sense of the so-called big Sydney Sydney, Sydney City and nearby 44 small cities, 12000 square kilometers with a population of around 420 million. As an administrative division of the Sydney City area only 6 kilometers, resident population less than 2 million people. A Sydney began in 1788 to Philip, led by Captain of the first British settlers landed in Sydney to start. Sydney city is officially founded in 1842, on 20 July. After World War II, large numbers of Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Australia, the influx of its preferred Habitat is often in Sydney. Sydney immigrants by the population most in Italy, followed by the Lebanese, Turkish, Greek, Chinese, and Vietnamese. In the last 20 years, Chinese residents a substantial increase in the Sydney region of ethnic Chinese population in about 40 million. Sydney Opera House in Sydney sightseeing places and many more famous Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge, the rocks, Circular Quay, Port Macquarie Plaza, lover (also known as: Darling Harbour), museums, art galleries, as well as large national park, etc. However, the most worthy of going to Sydney or beach. Sydney"s beaches, there are a number of styles. Compared to the famous Bondi Beach and Manly beach included, Coogee Beach, Bay Beach, Watson, Rose Bay, Double Bay, Nielsen Balmoral Park, etc.The new logo of the Sydney Australia Sydney is the largest city, is the commercial, trade, finance, tourism and culture. Sydney in Australia holds an important position in the national economy, its GDP amongst the 30 percent. Service is the subject of economic, financial and insurance industries represented amongst the industry output accounted for 44 percent, real estate, 41 per cent account for 38% of wholesale trade, accounting for 36 percent of restaurant and entertainment, manufacturing accounted for 35 per cent, construction accounted for 34%, retail trade accounted for 32 per cent. The Reserve Bank of Australia and Australia stock exchanges are in Sydney, Australia 39 53 Bank at the Bank"s headquarters in Sydney, the largest 100 companies, and three quarters in Sydney has established a corporate headquarters or branch offices. Access to Australia"s international business that you want to visit Sydney, while most of the world"s leading multinational companies with branch offices in Sydney or offices. Sydney is an international metropolis, infrastructure improvement, the transportation is convenient and quick. Sydney Airport is one of Australia"s main airport, currently has 37 international flights departing flights per week 420 vehicles, return flight 230 vehicles. Sydney is not only the railway access to all parts of the country, in the city there are Metro and light rail trains and ferry boat, which can alleviate traffic pressure can also be city sightseeing. Public transport is not very expensive, but Sydney taxi cost from the airport to the central train station is less than 10 km journey takes approximately 10 dollars. Sydney is Australia important national and regional communications services. National Satellite System Administration Centre is located in Sydney. Tasmania, South Australia connect coaxial cable and fiber optic cables from Sydney, the country"s largest three commercial television stations headquarters (7, 9 and 10 sets) located in Sydney, 2 State-run TV ABC and SBS also in Sydney. In 1972, in China and Australia, officially established diplomatic relations in 1979 after 3 month Consulate in Sydney. New South Wales, Sydney Harbour Bridge at present with-China"s Guangdong Province and is friendly, the Guangdong Province in Sydney"s lover port construction with national characteristics of the building in China – Chinese garden to the table. The geographical location of Sydney Sydney is located 150 ° 53 " East longitude, latitude 33 ° 55 " (150 ° 53 " E, 33 ° 55 " S) is located on the southeast coast of Australia is Australia"s new South Wales, is also the capital of the country"s most populous city in the metropolitan area population of more than 420 million (2006) [1]. Sydney Central one is located on the South Bank of the upper reaches of the Creek. Sydney is located in the Eastern Pacific and West of the blue coast between basin. Sydney has world"s largest natural harbour-Jackson port (the Port Jackson), and more than 70 Harbour and beaches, including the famous beach of Bang Dai (Bondi Beach). Sydney"s urban area covers 1,687 sq km (651 sq mi), comparable with the greater London area. Sydney metropolitan area (Sydney Statistical Office) in occupies 12,145 km2 (4,689 square miles), its effective range is national parks and other land. Sydney occupies two geographical areas-Cumberland Valley (Cumberland Plain) and Constantinople than plateau (Hornsby Plateau). Cumberland Valley is a relatively flat, with some fluctuations, lying to the West and South of the Port Jackson. Constantinople than plateau to the North of the Harbour, 200 m above sea level at high altitude (656 ft), is cutting trees in the Valley. Sydney is the oldest region is located on the flat areas. Constantinople than Northern plateau, called due to the steep terrain, developed, and has been uninhabited backwater. And to the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 1932, the plateau and the city, has developed rapidly. Sydney has been Cumberland in 1945-1964. At present, the Sydney metropolitan area has no duct municipal administrative body whose services have been changed will be producing a local government area management. Local government area is equipped with the Electoral Council, responsible for new South Wales to delegate responsibilities. Sydney City range from the central business district and some neighboring city, in recent years through within and adjacent to the local government area (such as South Sydney) with extended area. Sydney City Mayor from Sydney and parliamentary leadership. Sometimes, Sydney Lord Mayor of the city is considered. The following are the syndey 38 local government area: Ashfield   Auburn   Bankstown   Blacktown   Botany Bay   Burwood   Camden   Campbelltown   Canada Bay   Canterbury   fairfield   The Hills   Holroyd   Hornsby   hunter"s Hill   Hurstville   Kogarah   Ku-ring-gai   Lane Cove   Leichhardt   Liverpool   Manly   Maryville   Mosman   North Sydney   Parramatta   Penrith   Pittwater   Randwick   Rockdale   Ryde   Strathfield   Sutherland   Sydney (City)   Warringah   Waverley   Willoughby   WoollahraAbove is Australia"s urban Sydney"s partial surveys. hoped that you may accept.
2023-06-28 19:00:041

sydney darling harbour是什么意思

sydney darling harbour悉尼达令港harbour[英]["hɑ:bu0259(r)][美][u02c8hɑrbu025a]n.海港,港口; 港湾; 避难所; 藏身处; vt.&vi.隐匿; 怀着; 包含,聚藏; 藏有; na.“harbor“的变体; 例句:1.The sheltered harbour provided a favourable spot for rest and trade with china"sinterior. 这个避风港提供了休息和与中国内地进行贸易的有利场所。
2023-06-28 19:00:121


2023-06-28 19:00:181

Harbour love 歌词

歌曲名:Harbour love歌手:林子祥专辑:20 Greatest HitsWhen love calls your nameAnd whispers you"re the oneWhen all you"ve ever dreamedDances like stars around your heartAnd finally I hold the chanceTo give you all my loveSo whats keeping meAway from holding youI"m ready to believeBe strong enoughGive everything I amAnd trust in loveMy arms long to reach for youThe way I feel I wish you knewI"m ready now, I"m ready to believeOoh, I"m ready for loveOnly once, you will findA love that is so trueAnd the way I think of youYou can"t imagine how beautiful it feelsI must find a way to speakThis secret I hold nearIts these wordsYou need to hearI"m ready to believeBe strong enoughGive everything I amAnd trust in loveMy arms long to reach for youThe way I feel I wish you knewI"m ready now, Im ready to believeOohI know with you I could stay foreverSailing into graceHere all things are possibleThere"s no time or spaceWhen I feel you nearI"m ready to believeBe strong enoughGive everything I amAnd trust in loveMy arms long to reach for youThe way I feel I wish you knewI"m ready now, I"m ready to believe
2023-06-28 19:00:251

请问Harbour Bridge是澳大利亚的哪座桥?谢谢.

  港湾大桥(SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE)  在澳大利亚悉尼的杰克逊海港,有一座号称世界第一单孔拱桥的宏伟大桥,这就是著名的悉尼海港大桥。悉尼海港大桥是早期悉尼的代表建筑,它像一道横贯海湾的长虹,巍峨俊秀,气势磅礴,与举世闻名的悉尼歌剧院隔海相望,成为悉尼的象征。悉尼海港大桥,从"怀胎"到"出世",前后花费了100多年。在经过了40多年的酝酿之后,1857年,悉尼工程师彼得·翰德逊绘成了第一张设计图,其后经过反复修改,到1923年才根据督建铁路桥的总工程师卜莱费博士的蓝图进行招标,由英国一家工程公司中标承建。1924年悉尼海港大桥破土建造桥基,1932年3月19日竣工通车,历时8年多。  这座大桥整个工程的全部用钢量为5.28万吨,铆钉数是600万个,最大铆钉重量3.5公斤,用水泥9.5万立方米,桥塔、桥墩用花岗石1.7万立方米,建桥用油漆27.2万升,从这些数字足可见铁桥工程的雄伟浩大。在30年代的条件下,能在大海上凌空架桥,实为罕见。整个悉尼大桥桥身长度(包括引桥)1149米,从海面到桥面高58.5米,从海面到桥顶高达134米,万吨巨轮可以从桥下通过。桥面宽49米,可通行各种汽车,中间铺设有双轨铁路,两侧人行道各宽3米。原来还铺设有轨电车车轨两条,后因交通拥护把它拆除,划出8条汽车道。悉尼大桥的最大特点是拱架,其拱架跨度为503米,而且是单孔拱形,这是世界上少见的。大桥的钢架头搭在两个巨大的钢筋水泥桥墩上,桥墩高12米。两个桥墩上还各建有一座塔,塔高95米,全部用花岗岩建造。目前悉尼大桥的交通完全由电脑控制。桥上还有巡逻车巡逻,随时处理各种情况,使大桥始终保持畅通无阻。  无论乘飞机还是乘海轮到达悉尼,最先映入眼帘的就是这座全世界最宽的大铁桥。在斜阳的金晖中,拱桥映衬着变幻的夕阳,由金黄而姹紫,由姹紫而暗褐,海面上的桥影刚刚褪淡,立刻有闪亮起斑斓的光带。大桥钢架、栏杆上的璀璨的千万盏灯光,远望恍惚是在弓背和弓弦上镶嵌的无数钻石,在黑丝绒般的夜空下,仪态万千;再衬上波平如镜的海湾中五颜六色的霓虹灯倒影,平添几分神秘。桥上往来的车辆就像是一排排整队爬行的蚂蚁,十分壮观。每到晚上,只见桥的钢架和栏杆上,都亮起了电灯,这些灯在深黑的夜空下,在神秘的海湾中像星星一样眨着眼.澳大利亚人形容悉尼海港大桥的造型像一个"老式的大衣架",并把它誉为悉尼的象征。由于悉尼海港大桥和悉尼歌剧院相邻,人们将歌剧院和大桥联成一体欣赏时,雄伟和婀娜、深色和浅色、直线和曲线构成了一副反差强烈又协调一体的美丽图画,真是相映成辉。  今日的悉尼大桥,北端弯成一个大弧形,连接北上的高速公路,南端一直伸入悉尼市区。每当夜幕降临,大桥的钢架上就亮起了万盏灯火,远远望去,五彩缤纷,灿烂夺目。  你若有兴致可以登塔而上,欣赏一望无际的悉尼港美景。桥头堡有大桥博物馆(SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE PYLON LOOKOUT & EXHIBITION ),每日开放时间是(10:00-17:00)。
2023-06-28 19:00:321

new york harbour用in还是at

at 到纽约港用arrive at 到纽约用arrive in
2023-06-28 19:00:521


2023-06-28 19:01:001


2023-06-28 19:01:081


Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales, located on the east coast of Australia. With a metropolitan population of over 4 million people, it is the most populous city in the country. Built around Sydney Harbour, which is sometimes considered one of the most beautiful harbours in the world, Sydney is known in Australia as the "Harbour City" and the harbour itself as well as structures on its shores such as the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge are globally recognised icons of the city. Sydney is a major domestic and international tourist destination, notable for its climate, famous beaches, culture, cuisine, renowned landmarks and modern architecture. Tourists also boast Sydney"s fine cousine as one of the most distinctive and revolutionary culinary arts in the world, exhibiting french culinary styles and specializing in fresh seafood. Sydney significantly raised its global profile in recent years as the host city of the 2000 Olympics. It is a "Beta" global city exerting significant regional, national, and international influence.
2023-06-28 19:01:163

请问Harbour Bridge是澳大利亚的哪座桥?谢谢.

港湾大桥(SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE)在澳大利亚悉尼的杰克逊海港,有一座号称世界第一单孔拱桥的宏伟大桥,这就是著名的悉尼海港大桥。悉尼海港大桥是早期悉尼的代表建筑,它像一道横贯海湾的长虹,巍峨俊秀,气势磅礴,与举世闻名的悉尼歌剧院隔海相望,成为悉尼的象征。悉尼海港大桥,从"怀胎"到"出世",前后花费了100多年。在经过了40多年的酝酿之后,1857年,悉尼工程师彼得·翰德逊绘成了第一张设计图,其后经过反复修改,到1923年才根据督建铁路桥的总工程师卜莱费博士的蓝图进行招标,由英国一家工程公司中标承建。1924年悉尼海港大桥破土建造桥基,1932年3月19日竣工通车,历时8年多。 这座大桥整个工程的全部用钢量为5.28万吨,铆钉数是600万个,最大铆钉重量3.5公斤,用水泥9.5万立方米,桥塔、桥墩用花岗石1.7万立方米,建桥用油漆27.2万升,从这些数字足可见铁桥工程的雄伟浩大。在30年代的条件下,能在大海上凌空架桥,实为罕见。整个悉尼大桥桥身长度(包括引桥)1149米,从海面到桥面高58.5米,从海面到桥顶高达134米,万吨巨轮可以从桥下通过。桥面宽49米,可通行各种汽车,中间铺设有双轨铁路,两侧人行道各宽3米。原来还铺设有轨电车车轨两条,后因交通拥护把它拆除,划出8条汽车道。悉尼大桥的最大特点是拱架,其拱架跨度为503米,而且是单孔拱形,这是世界上少见的。大桥的钢架头搭在两个巨大的钢筋水泥桥墩上,桥墩高12米。两个桥墩上还各建有一座塔,塔高95米,全部用花岗岩建造。目前悉尼大桥的交通完全由电脑控制。桥上还有巡逻车巡逻,随时处理各种情况,使大桥始终保持畅通无阻。 无论乘飞机还是乘海轮到达悉尼,最先映入眼帘的就是这座全世界最宽的大铁桥。在斜阳的金晖中,拱桥映衬着变幻的夕阳,由金黄而姹紫,由姹紫而暗褐,海面上的桥影刚刚褪淡,立刻有闪亮起斑斓的光带。大桥钢架、栏杆上的璀璨的千万盏灯光,远望恍惚是在弓背和弓弦上镶嵌的无数钻石,在黑丝绒般的夜空下,仪态万千;再衬上波平如镜的海湾中五颜六色的霓虹灯倒影,平添几分神秘。桥上往来的车辆就像是一排排整队爬行的蚂蚁,十分壮观。每到晚上,只见桥的钢架和栏杆上,都亮起了电灯,这些灯在深黑的夜空下,在神秘的海湾中像星星一样眨着眼.澳大利亚人形容悉尼海港大桥的造型像一个"老式的大衣架",并把它誉为悉尼的象征。由于悉尼海港大桥和悉尼歌剧院相邻,人们将歌剧院和大桥联成一体欣赏时,雄伟和婀娜、深色和浅色、直线和曲线构成了一副反差强烈又协调一体的美丽图画,真是相映成辉。 今日的悉尼大桥,北端弯成一个大弧形,连接北上的高速公路,南端一直伸入悉尼市区。每当夜幕降临,大桥的钢架上就亮起了万盏灯火,远远望去,五彩缤纷,灿烂夺目。 你若有兴致可以登塔而上,欣赏一望无际的悉尼港美景。桥头堡有大桥博物馆(SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE PYLON LOOKOUT & EXHIBITION ),每日开放时间是(10:00-17:00)。
2023-06-28 19:01:341