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2023-06-28 19:37:09
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Easter Island has long been the subject of curiosity and speculation. How and why did its inhabitants carve and transport the massive statues which surround the island? What remains of this culture today, and what lessons can we learn from their legacy? This page is a resource for information on the Internet about Easter Island, also known as "Rapa Nui" and "Isla de Pascua".

Easter Island is over 2,000 miles from the nearest population center, (Tahiti and Chile), making it one of the most isolated places on Earth. A triangle of volcanic rock in the South Pacific - it is best known for the giant stone monoliths, known as Moai, that dot the coastline. The early settlers called the island "Te Pito O Te Henua" (Navel of The World). Admiral Roggeveen, who came upon the island on Easter Day in 1722, named it Easter Island. Today, the land, people and language are all referred to locally as Rapa Nui.

There has been much controversy and confusion concerning the origins of the Easter Islanders. Thor Heyerdahl proposed that the people who built the statues were of Peruvian descent, due to a similarity between Rapa Nui and Incan stonework. Some have suggested that Easter Island is the remnant of a lost continent, or the result of an extra-terrestrial influence . Archaeological evidence, however, indicates discovery of the island by Polynesians at about 400 AD - led, according to legend, by Hotu Matua. Upon their arrival, an impressive and enigmatic culture began to develop. In addition to the statues, the islanders possessed the Rongorongo script; the only written language in Oceania. The island is also home to many petroglyphs (rock carvings), as well as traditional wood carvings, tapa (barkcloth) crafts, tattooing, string figures, dance and music.

The population of Easter Island reached its peak at perhaps more than 10,000, far exceeding the capabilities of the small island"s ecosystem. Resources became scarce, and the once lush palm forests were destroyed - cleared for agriculture and moving the massive stone Moai. In this regard, Easter Island has become, for many, a metaphor for ecological disaster.

Thereafter, a thriving and advanced social order began to decline into bloody civil war and, evidently, cannibalism. Eventually, all of the Moai standing along the coast were torn down by the islanders themselves. All of the statues now erected around the island are the result of recent archaeological efforts.

Contacts with western "civilization" proved even more disastrous for the island population which, through slavery and disease, had decreased to approximately 110 by the turn of the century. Following the annexation by Chile in 1888, however, it has risen to more than 2,000, with other Rapanui living in Chile, Tahiti and North America. Despite a growing Chilean presence, the island"s Polynesian identity is still quite strong .

Easter Island today, remains one of the most unique places you will ever encounter; an open air museum showcasing a fascinating, but unfortunately lost, culture. The Rapanui are among the friendliest people you will ever meet, and the landscape is truly amazing - with its volcanic craters, lava formations, beaches, brilliant blue water, and archaeological sites .


Easter Island (Rapa Nui: Rapa Nui, Spanish: Isla de Pascua) is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeasternmost point of the Polynesian triangle. A special territory of Chile that was annexed in 1888, Easter Island is famous for its 887 extant monumental statues, called moai, created by the early Rapanui people. It is a World Heritage Site (as determined by UNESCO) with much of the island protected within Rapa Nui National Park. In recent times the island has served as a warning of the cultural and environmental dangers of overexploitation. Ethnographers and archaeologists also blame diseases carried by European colonizers and slave raiding of the 1860s for devastating the local peoples.

Easter Island is claimed to be the most remote inhabited island in the world.

The name "Easter Island" was given by the island"s first recorded European visitor, the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, who encountered it on Easter Sunday 1722, while searching for Davis or David"s island. Roggeveen named it Paasch-Eyland (18th century Dutch for "Easter Island"). The island"s official Spanish name, Isla de Pascua, also means "Easter Island".



2023-06-28 18:35:554


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2023-06-28 18:36:221


长的:The Sound of Music" is an impressive musical that stands above other films of the genre because of interesting characters, top-notch direction, and a truly inspired screenplay. Julie Andrews (Oscar-nominated) stars as the young nun who leaves the convent to become the governess to a large family. She is instantly at odds with the children"s father (Christopher Plummer), but they soon fall in love and get married. However, evil forces lurk overhead as the Nazis invade their homeland of Austria. Somewhat based on a true story, "The Sound of Music" is one of those rare musicals that works because there is a sense of fear and drama in the film"s final act. This makes the film believable and none of the musical numbers take away from the story or the film"s direction. The story in the film is an adaptation of the real life story of Maria and the rest of the Van Trapp Family, who became a quite popular singing group in the "40s and "50s. Their tale of meeting and marrying, of facing Nazi aggression during the Anschluss or annexation of Austria by Hitler"s Third Reich, was first published as an autobiography, then adapted by Rodgers and Hammerstein for a successful Broadway musical, and ultimately turned into the feature film. In the beginning Maria was applying to become a nun, but her irrepressible nature and predilection to burst into song at a moments notice made her Mother Abess decide perhaps she should try being a governess, and find out more about herself first. She is placed in charge of the seven Von Trapp children, whose mother has died and are being kept under some military boot camp existence by their father, who is a retired naval officer. The joyful Maria quickly changes things and brings music into the house and hearts of the children, and bringing life and love into the home. This is all under the umbrella of impending Nazi occupation, which is vocally and publicly opposed by Captain Von Trapp, played by Christopher Plummer
2023-06-28 18:36:314


秦始皇(公元前259~前210年),首位完成中国统一的秦王朝的开国皇帝。后人称之为“千古一帝”。 姓嬴,名政。汉族,秦庄襄王之子,出生于赵国(今河北省邯郸市),故氏赵(先秦时期,姓氏并未统一,男子称氏,女子称姓,故秦始皇叫赵政)。公元前247年,即秦始皇13时岁即王位,公元前238年,即秦始皇21岁时在故都雍城举行了成人加冕仪式,从此正式登基“亲理朝政”,39岁终于完成了统一中国的历史大业,称帝。前247年,秦王政即位,因年幼朝政由太后和相国吕不韦及嫪毐掌管。前238年(秦王政九年),秦王政亲理朝政,除掉吕、嫪等人,重用李斯、尉缭,自公元前230年至前221年,先后灭韩、赵、魏、楚、燕、齐六国,完成了统一全国的大业,建立了中国历史上第一个统一的、多民族的、专制主义中央集权制国家——秦朝定都咸阳。秦王政自认为自己的功劳胜过之前的三皇五帝,给自己起名“皇帝”。一生中有功也有过,与汉武帝并称为“秦皇武”。 兵马俑多用模塑结合的方法制成,先用陶模作出初胎,再覆盖一层细泥进行加工刻划加彩,有的是先烧后接,有的是先接再烧,火候均匀、色泽单纯、硬度很高。秦始皇兵马俑整体风格浑厚,健美、洗练。如果仔细观察,脸型、发型、体态、神韵均有差异,从中可以看出秦兵来自不同的地区,有不同的民族,人物性格也不尽相同。陶马双耳竖立,有的张嘴嘶鸣,有的闭嘴静立。所有这些秦始皇兵马俑都富有感人的艺术魅力。 秦始皇陵位于距西安市30多千米的临潼县城以东的骊山脚下。据史书记载:秦始皇 嬴政从13岁即位时就开始营建陵园,由丞相李斯主持规划设计,大将章邯监工,修筑时间长达38年,工程之浩大、气魄之宏伟,创历代封建统治者奢侈厚葬之先例。当时,秦朝总人口约2000万,而筑陵劳役达72万之多。修陵家用土,取自今陵园以南2000米的三刘村到县采石场部之间,有高5~25米的多级黄土崖。修陵园所用大量石料取自渭河北的仲山、峻峨山,全靠人力运至临潼,工程十分艰难。工程量之大可想而知,仲山,峻峨山下死尸成片,侧面显示了整个工程的残酷。它还是“世界八大奇迹”之一呢! 秦始皇陵土陵冢高43米,底边周长1700余米,筑有内外两重夯土城垣,象征都城的皇城和宫城。内城略呈方形,周长3890米,除北面开两门外,其余三面各开一门。外城为长方 形,周长6294米,四面各开一门。陵冢位置在陵园南部。 秦始皇兵马俑坑是秦始皇陵的陪葬坑,位于陵园东侧l 500米处。昔日,这里是一片坟地,当地农民在掘墓时曾发现有像人一样的东西。1974年3月,在陵东的西杨村村民抗旱打 井时,在陵墓以东三里的下和村和五垃村之间,发现规模宏大的秦始皇陵兵马俑坑,经考古工作者的发掘,才揭开了埋葬于地下的2000多年前的秦俑宝藏。 秦始皇兵马俑陪葬坑坐西向东,三坑呈品字形排列。最早发现的是一号俑坑,呈长方形,东西长230米,南北宽62米,深约5米,总面积14260平方米,四面有斜坡门道,左右两侧又各有一个兵马俑坑,现称二号坑和三号坑。 秦始皇兵马俑陪葬坑,是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。俑坑布局合理,结构奇特,在深5米左右的坑底,每隔3米架起一道东西向的承重墙,兵马俑排列在墙间空档的过洞中。 在一号坑中已发掘出武士俑500余件,战车6乘,驾车马24匹,还有青铜剑、吴钩、矛、箭、弩机、铜戟等实战用的青铜兵器和铁器。俑坑东端有210个与人等高的陶武士俑,面部神态、服式、发型各不相同,个个栩栩如生,形态逼真,排成三列横队,每列70人,其中除3个领队身着销甲外,其余均穿短褐,腿扎裹腿,线履系带,免盔束发,挽弓挎箭,手执弩机,似待命出发的前锋部队。其后,是6000个铠甲俑组成的主体部队,个个手执3米左右长矛、戈、戟等长兵器,同35乘驷马战车间隔在11条东西向的过洞里,排成38路纵队。南北两侧和两端,各有一列武士俑,似为卫队,以防侧尾受袭。这支队伍阵容齐整,装备完备,威风凛凛,气壮山河,是秦始皇当年浩荡大军的艺术再现,具有强烈的艺术感染力。 二号坑位于一号坑的东北侧和三号坑的东侧,呈曲尺形方阵,东西长96米,南北宽为84米,总面积约为6000平方米。坑内建筑与一号坑相同,但布阵更为复杂,兵种更为齐全,是3个坑中最为壮观的军阵。二号坑建有1.7万平方米的陈列大厅,是目前我国规模最大、功能最齐全的现代化遗址陈列厅。秦兵马俑博物馆官长袁仲一解释说:“一来,为的是更好地保护文物,二来,因为把整个军阵全部清出地面,起码需要5~7年的功夫。这样做的好处是游客既可以参观到二号坑局部的风采,有可以亲眼看到二号坑的挖掘工作。” 据初步推算,二号坑有陶俑陶马1300多件,战车80余辆,青铜兵器数万件,其中将军俑、鞍马俑、跪姿射俑为首次发现。二号坑东、西两端各有4个斜坡门道,北边有2个斜坡门道,俑坑坐西面东,正门在东边。坑内布局分为4个单元。 第一单元,位于俑坑东端,四周长廊有立式弩兵俑60个,阵心由八路面东的160个蹲跪式弩兵俑组成。弩兵采取阵中张阵的编列,立、跪起伏轮番射击,以弥弩张缓慢之虞。 第二个单元,位于俑坑的右侧,由64乘战车组成方阵(车系木质,仅留遗迹)。每列8乘,共有8列。车前驾有真马大小的陶马4匹。每车后一字排列兵俑3个,中为御手拉马辔,另两个分别立于车左和车右,手持长柄兵器。 第三单元,位于中部,由19辆战车,264个步兵俑和8个骑士俑组成长方形阵,共分3列。每匹马前立骑士俑一个,一手牵马缰,一手作拉弓状。每乘车后除三名车士外,还配有8~36个步兵俑。 第四单元,位于军阵左侧,108个骑士俑和180匹陶鞍马俑排成11列横队,组成长方形骑兵阵。其中第1、3列为战车6辆。每匹马前,立胡服骑士俑一个,右手牵马,左手拉弓。 三号坑在一号坑西端25米处,面积约为520平方米,呈凹字形。门前有一乘战车,内有武士俑68个。从3号坑的布局看,似为总指挥部,统帅左、右、中三军,只是没有建成而已。 四号坑有坑无俑,只有回填的泥土。 从2个坑的布局和阵法看,二号坑阵式复杂,兵种齐全,是对阵的中坚力量。这种编组方法在兵书上叫作“大阵包小阵,大营包小营,偶落钩连,折曲相对。”《孙膑兵法》说:“在骑与战者,分为三,一在于右,一在于左,易则多其车,险则多其骑,反则广其弩”,三者有机结合,才能百战不殆。二号坑是这位古代军事家的理论图解。 从秦俑坑出土兵器的刻记年号看,兵马俑从葬坑是秦始皇统一中国前后修建的。秦始皇凭借他“挥剑决浮云”、“大略驾群才”的能力,灭六国,统天下。兵马俑反映了秦王朝兵强马壮、叱咤风云的气势。秦始皇死后,秦二世胡亥继位,继续大修阿房宫和弛道,赋税徭役比以前更为繁重,从而引起农民大起义。在这种形式下,三号坑中途终断,四号坑未及放兵马俑,就匆匆填死了。发掘中发现有火焚痕迹,可能与楚霸王入关火烧阿房宫有关系。 1961年,中华人民共和国国务院将秦始皇陵定为全国文物重点保护单位。1987年,秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》。在兵马俑一号坑址上建成的拱形展厅,设立了“秦始皇陵兵马俑博物馆”,向中外广大旅游者开放。2007年5月8日,西安市秦始皇兵马俑博物馆经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。 沧海桑田,雄壮的兵马俑军阵曾沉寂千年。二十世纪的今天,在一代又一代考古工作者的不懈探索中,古老的兵马俑焕发出了新的生命,走向了新的辉煌。兵马俑共计8000余件,规模十分宏大。 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆坐落在距西安37千米的临潼县城东,南倚骊山,北临渭水,气势宏伟,是全国重点的文物保护单位。 解放前夕,焦家村农民又挖出两个跪首的瓦人,象泥塑的菩萨,信佛的农民特地盖了个土地庙供奉。1974年,西杨村的社员打井时,发现一个圆口形的陶器。再挖下去,实际是个“瓦盆爷”,立在陶俑的上身,农民认为挖不出水,又是这个“瓦盆爷”作怪,又要把它吊起来。水保员赶到临潼博物馆,请他们来鉴别。他们也不懂,就把它运到博物馆暂存,还把碎片进行粘补,花了两个多月又修复了三个陶俑,但没有向上级汇报。有个新闻工作者发现这件事,写了《内参》,建议国家文物局注意这一情况,此事,得到党和国家领导人的重视。随后,由陕西省组织考古发掘队开赴现场,经过几年的开拓,石破天惊!发掘出了秦始皇兵马俑,揭开了考古史上新的一页。 1974年,在秦始皇帝陵东发现三个大型陪葬的兵马俑坑,并相继进行发掘和建馆保护。三个坑成品字形,总面积22780平方米,坑内置放与真人马一般大小的陶俑陶马共约7400余件。三个坑分别定名为一、二、三号兵马俑坑。 一号坑最大,坑深5米,面积14260平方米,坑内有6000余陶人陶马,井然有序地排列成环形方阵。坑东端有三列横排武士俑,手执弓弩类远射兵器,似为前锋部队,其后是6000铠甲俑组成的主体部队,手执矛、戈戟等长兵器,同35乘驷马战车在11个过洞里排列成38路纵队。南北两翼的后卫部队。 二号兵马俑坑平面呈曲尺形,面积6000平方米,是一坐西朝东,由骑兵、步兵、弩兵和战车混合编组的大型军阵。大致可分为弩兵俑方阵,驷马战车方阵,车步、骑兵俑混合长方阵,骑兵俑方阵四个相对独立的单元。共有陶俑陶马1300余件,战车80多辆,并有大量金属兵器。 三号兵马俑坑平面呈凹字形,面积约520平方米,它与一、二号坑是一个有机的整体,似为统师三军的指挥部,出土68个陶俑和4 马1 车。 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆上是中国最大的古代军事博物馆。俑阵经发掘对外开放后便轰动世界。1978年,前法国总理希拉克参观后说:"世界上有了七大奇迹,秦俑的发现,可以说是八大奇迹了。不看金字塔,不算到埃及,不看秦俑,不算到中国。"从此秦俑被誉为世界第八大奇迹"。 1974年在陕西省临潼县西杨村发现一处地下建筑及陶俑,其位于秦始皇陵园东侧1千米处。这就是震动了世界,被称为“世界第八大奇迹”的秦陵兵马俑。 秦陵兵马俑共有3个兵马俑坑,呈品字形排列。一号坑为步兵部队,东西长230米,南北宽62米,深约5米,面积为14220米,是一位农民打井时挖出的。2二号坑呈曲尺形,面积为5000米2,它是由骑兵、战车和步兵(包括弩兵)组成的多兵种特殊部队。三号坑呈凹字形,面积为520米2,似为统帅一、二号坑的指挥机关。三个坑共有7000余件陶俑、100余乘战车、400余匹陶马和数十万件兵器。 秦兵马俑场面宏大,威风凛凛,队列整齐,展现了秦军的编制、武器的装备和古代战争的阵法。秦兵马俑皆仿真人、真马制成。陶俑身高1.75米~1.95米,多按秦军将士的形象塑造,体格魁伟,体态匀称。陶俑又按兵种的不同分为步兵俑、骑兵俑、车兵俑、弓弩手、将军俑等。步兵俑身着战袍,背挎弓箭;骑兵俑大多一手执疆绳,一手持弓箭,身着短甲、紧口裤,足蹬长统马靴,准备随时上马拚杀;车兵俑有驭手和军士两种,驭手居中,驾驭着战车,军士分列战车两列,保护驭手;弓弩手张弓搭箭,凝视前方,或在立姿,或在跪姿;将军俑神态自若,表现出临阵不惊的大将风度。陶马高1.5米,长2米,体形健硕,肌肉丰满,昂首伫立,鬃毛分飞,表情机警敏捷,匹匹都像是奔驰战场的骏马。这些都显示了秦始皇威震四海、统一六国的雄伟军容,表现了极高的造型艺术,是世界上独一无二的文化艺术宝库。 1961年,中华人民共和国国务院将秦始皇陵定为全国文物重点保护单位。1987年,秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》。在兵马俑一号坑址上建成的拱形展厅,设立了“秦始皇陵兵马俑博物馆”,向中外广大旅游者开放。
2023-06-28 18:36:503

金环骑士会(Knights of The Golden Circle)是什么组织

The Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) was a secret society originally founded to promote Southern interests and prepare the way for annexation of a "golden circle" of territories in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean which would be placed under the domination of North American slaveholders. During the American Civil War, Southern sympathizers in the North, known as Copperheads, were accused of belonging to the Knights of the Golden Circle. By 1863, membership in organizations influenced by it came to include many citizens and active politicians north of the Ohio River.
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2023-06-28 18:37:065

急求关于长颈族的英语资料,我都找不到,帮帮忙 感激不尽~~

Long-necked tribe is from the north of Thailand"s border with Burma is a national minority Kalun family (Karen) is a Badong (Padaung) family consists of, only in Mae Hong Shunzhen see.In fact, "a woman" and the length of the neck of ordinary people and no two, but their collarbone and shoulder for copper ring compression and sink.Mae Hong ShunzhenMae Hong Shunzhen (Mae Hong Sung), a population of less than 30000 people in the town of Chiang Mai, by turn, but to a girlTo all 737 aircraft, so many tourists.A family is living in the village is the shuttle, leaving Mei Hongshun and about 30 km.Mei Hongshun Thai in mean the misty Town, the elevation 3000 meters mountain town, the night air is fresh, cool such as water, quiet poem, so some people will she called the wind song.Mae Hong Son house in 1965, and Chiang Mai highway connected with the outside world after the completion of a link, before it seems only a river through the two.Kalun family is originally a minority in Burma mountainous area, always live in the dense forests in the deep mountains, to provide for oneself and family farming, women have always maintained at the neck sleeve copper rings custom.Some people say that the long-necked tribe woman dressed like this is to make them look like a dragon, the dragon was Vatidae who regarded as the father of the universe.Others say such a bizarre dress is to scare away in the woods and turn to go hungry tiger.Some people say Keyang family man is deliberately put their wife"s neck to get long, so as not to let them be enemy tribe abducted.Long-necked tribeThere is a saying, this attire is the legacy of male chauvinism, because man is only required to be removed a copper ring, we can immediately be an easy job to kill his wife.But most people think that this is wrong.Now Vatidae who lives in a matriarchal society, no one to explore the origin of the custom, because people have been mainly regard it as a beautiful and wealth.It is for this reason, Vatidae who continue in the little girl at the age of 5 as they began wearing copper collar.However, there is another side of the story, according to the legend, the previous residents angered the gods, sent the tiger to eat a woman.So they decided to all girls wearing copper neck ring for self-defence.However, there are legends, these Kalun who lived in eastern Burma, to farm for a living, stand aloof from worldly success.But outsiders to the area"s natural resources to the annexation of war.The man goes out to fight, the woman took the precious metal products casting gold, silver or copper ring, worn around the neck or foot, this custom has been handed down.Each long-necked tribe woman know how to use herbs to cleaning the neck, they have only a few times the neck of the copper ring down, that is to get married, Kiko and died.Usually they do not easily let outsiders see remove copper rings as, even as close as Zhang long-necked tribeHusband is no exception.While historians and folklorists to "a female" winding copper ring this custom source of public opinions are divergent.But one thing people have reached a consensus: "a woman" perpetuated the reason is money.Since 10 years ago to escape home after the war, hundreds of Badong tribal members have been in northern Thailand and Burma at the junction of the refugee camp life.Although they are illegal immigrants, but because of the unique charm of the tourism value, and be able to gain a foothold in Thailand, days than other tribes refugees have had a much better.Giraffe girl engaged in all kinds of souvenirs, they are totally dependent on tourism survival.National customsAccording to their custom girl at the age of 5 will be in the neck and limbs a copper ring with 1 kg of copper rings, ten years old start each year in the neck with a, has been to until the age of twenty-five.Long-necked tribe think woman neck longer is more beautiful, so they from the age of five, the ring only to add, not to take, must wear lifetime.When going to bed in the evening just take down behind the vertical rings, and other ring is not removed, the several day washes a bath, a few people help each other, with a cloth in the ring and neck rub.Many books written because the ring support slowly the elongated neck, is actually wrong, in fact the length of the neck and without too much change, the role of ring is the shoulders down by gravity, is a long neck.So when they need to see a doctor and had to temporarily remove when their necks will retract, but unlike some books say will die.Once the wear rings, these women is a lifetime on the yoke, because their neck muscles will become very fragile, leaving the copper coil neck has the risk of breaking.They believe that human ancestors, man is the dragon, the woman is Phoenix, dragon and Phoenix are the most noble and supreme, what the world people to pursue the Dragon do chicken.Long-necked tribe in the past is the cause of most superstitions and customs and to get the long neck.Now in addition to custom, mostly because of Livelihood -- to attract visitors.Long-necked tribe in Mae Hong Son this place has 3 villages, one of the largest 200 people.Their culture is completely the same, so only one can be.From Chiang Mai to Mae Hong Son by more than 100 B, 7-9 hours.Plane 800 much B, half an hour.Go to the Mae Hong Son day and can absolutely, the car must be at least 3 days.The plane is equivalent to buying time for travel abroad, the people are also cost-effective.For thousands of years, a daughter, when she was 5 years old when in skeletal development, their neck on the copper ring, at the beginning of three to five, and then every period increases, until a few dozen copper ring, the neck vertebrae to pull a deformity of variable length.Since 10 years ago to escape home after the war, hundreds of Badong tribal members have been in northern Thailand and Burma at the junction of the refugee camp life.Although they are illegal immigrants, but because of the unique charm of the tourism value, and be able to gain a foothold in Thailand, days than other tribes refugees have had a much better.Giraffe girl engaged in all kinds of souvenirs, they are totally dependent on tourism survival.A nation in eastern Burma for centuries.In 1948 they were if the nation of aggression and oppression, had to flee to the foreign land.At present although they lived in northern Thailand in the refugee camps, but still try to maintain the national language and traditions.Let a woman in the neck wearing copper collar is a typical custom long-necked tribe.The process is not complicated.The girl accepted a few hours after the massage, have proficiency in the people around her neck on bronze, copper section up to 1.5 cm in diameter.The ceremony is completed, the girl"s family to please the village a lively celebration.A few months later, the girl always wears the copper ring, waiting for the neck to change.When the neck adapted to these copper ring, then put them into a tight copper collar, and to add a few.A woman can wear 25 copper collar, weight between 5 kg to 10 kg.The copper collar can use the clavicle and the support of the elongated neck, until the girl up to puberty, physical stereotypes.A woman considered the practice perfectly acceptable."In the beginning, is pain and heavy, but in the end can adapt."Vatidae who Mo Bo said, "the most bitter is in the heat of the day, hot hot copper ring."This time we have to dip in the river, in order to cool the copper ring.If you do not do so, even if the weather cools down, sun was baking hot copper ring will spread to the whole body of a heat wave.Some people say that the long-necked tribe woman dressed like this is to make them look like a dragon, the dragon was Vatidae who regarded as the father of the universe.Others say such a bizarre dress is to scare away in the woods and turn to go hungry tiger.Some people say Keyang family man is deliberately put their wife"s neck to get long, so as not to let them be enemy tribe abducted.Long-necked tribeThere is a saying, this attire is the legacy of male chauvinism, because man is only required to be removed a copper ring, we can immediately be an easy job to kill his wife.But most people think that this is wrong.Now Vatidae who lives in a matriarchal society, no one to explore the origin of the custom, because people have been mainly regard it as a beautiful and wealth.It is for this reason, Vatidae who continue in the little girl at the age of 5 as they began wearing copper collar.However, there is another side of the story, according to the legend, the previous residents angered the gods, sent the tiger to eat a woman.So they decided to all girls wearing copper neck ring for self-defence.However, there are legends, these Kalun who lived in eastern Burma, to farm for a living, stand aloof from worldly success.But outsiders to the area"s natural resources to the annexation of war.The man goes out to fight, the woman took the precious metal products casting gold, silver or copper ring, worn around the neck or foot, this custom has been handed down.Each long-necked tribe woman know how to use herbs to cleaning the neck, they have only a few times the neck of the copper ring down, that is to get married, Kiko and died.Usually they do not easily let outsiders see remove copper rings as, even as close as Zhang long-necked tribe
2023-06-28 18:37:291


2023-06-28 18:37:496


我与奥运 奥运是窗口,我是守望者。 这是一扇极大的窗,被擦得明亮。透过它,看到的是世界。这里每天都在变,这里每天都有新兴事物在更替。只有我,这个忠诚的守望者,每天都在关注它,希望更多地了解它。 奥运是路口,我是行人。 每天路过这里的人很多,有亚洲人、有欧洲人,有老人、有孩子。这儿是交通要塞,连接着五湖四海的朋友。我只是路过这里的亿万人之一,穿过它,到另一个世界去。 奥运是圣地,我是志愿者。 这是片圣洁的土地,自始至终都有圣火在旁边陪伴。正因为这样,我自愿为它付出,我要尽我的力量让这片土地更加洁净,让更多人了解它,也像我一样愿意献身于它。我还要给来这里的人予以帮助,让他们享受这片圣地的快乐。 奥运是平台,我是主人。 它为我们搭起了平台,让世界了解我们;它为我们建造了桥梁,让我们与世界更好地沟通。这个平台可以让我们尽情展现自己。我是这里的主人,我为是这里的主人自豪。我要尽地主之谊,让来客感受到热情与欢乐。 I and Olympic Games Olympic Games is window, I keep watch. This is a maximum window, had been rubbed bright. Through it, those that see are worlds. Here, it is changing every day, here burgeoning thing is being replaced. Have only me, this loyalty keep watch, it is paying attention to it every day, hopes to know it more. Olympic Games is crossing, I am pedestrian. There are many persons who pass here every day, there is Asian, have European, there is old person, have child. Here is traffic fort, joins the friend of all corners of the country. I pass the one of persons of hundreds of millions of here merely, cross it, go to another world. Olympic Games is Holy Land, I am volunteer. This is the land with pure flat, has holy fire from start to finish to accompany in side. Just because it is so, I pay out voluntarily for it, I will let my strength, let this slice of land more clean, let more ones know it, is also willing to devote oneself to it as me. I still help to the person who comes to here, let them enjoy the happiness of this slice of Holy Land. Olympic Games is platform, I am host. It has put up platform for us , lets world know us; It has built bridge for us , lets us and world link up better. This platform may let us display self wantonly. I am the host of here, I am proud to be the host of here. I will let the friendship of landlord, let guest experience enthusiasm and happiness
2023-06-28 18:38:102


  不是自己写的,希望可以帮到楼主  中文:《音乐之声》取材于1938年发生在奥地利的一个真实故事:见习修女玛丽亚是个性格开朗,热情奔放的姑娘。她爱唱歌、爱跳舞,还十分喜爱大自然的清新、宁静和美丽。只要修道院的门开着,她就常在苍翠的群山间象云雀一样歌唱,在洁净的小溪边和潺潺的流水合唱。  修道院院长觉得玛丽亚不适应这种与尘寰隔绝的生活,该放它到外面看看。就这样,她来到萨尔茨堡当上了前奥地利帝国海军退役军官冯.特拉普家7个孩子的家庭教师。冯.特拉普是个心地善良的爱国者,他在服役期间功勋卓著,几年前,不幸死了心爱的妻子,现在心灰意冷。家里没有歌声,没有笑声,也不许人家提到他的妻子。他爱自己的孩子,但是并不了解他们,老是象指挥水兵一样管理着他们。  玛丽亚穿着不合身的旧衣服,戴着顶破旧的帽子,拎着手提箱、挟着吉它离开了修道院。她一路放声高歌、蹦蹦跳跳、莽莽撞撞,一口气闯进了上校家。上校见她这付模样,对她能否做家庭教师表示怀疑;而上校管教孩子们的做法也令她大为惊讶:只要他的哨声一响,孩子们就从各自的房间里以最快的速度奔跑出来,排好队,按水兵操练的要求报出自己的姓名。  孩子们生性活泼可爱,各有各的性格、爱好和理想。他们不愿意过这种严加管束的生活,总设法捉弄历届的家庭教师,使他们呆不下去。对玛丽亚自然也不例外:一会儿出其不意把蛤蟆放在她的口袋里;一会儿趁她不备将松球放在她的座位上。但玛丽亚自己就具有孩子般的性格,她能理解孩子们在成长过程中的所作所为。她引导他们,关心他们,帮助他们,赢得了他们的信任,很快就成了他们的知心朋友,建立了深厚的感情。  她在上校离家去维也纳期间,用窗帘布给孩子们做了游戏服,带他们去野餐、郊游、爬树和划船;教他们唱歌,从“多,来,米”学起,直到排练歌曲。于是这个家庭平添了笑语、欢乐和生气,充满了音乐之声。当上校带着准备与他结婚的男爵夫人回来时,家中呆板、冰冷的空气完全变了,他的“水兵们”已被训练成了一? 有素养的家庭合唱队。这激起了上校对生活的热爱,换回了失去的幸福,也唤起了他对玛丽亚的爱情。  男爵夫人知难而退,玛丽亚和特拉普上校终于结成了美满的伴侣。  这时正是三十年代希特勒吞并奥地利的前夕,纳粹分子早已嗅出了上校家浓郁的自由奥地利气味。在萨尔茨堡举行奥地利民谣节的当天,上校和玛丽亚蜜月归来,同时柏林来电,命令上校参加纳粹的海军,并把他和全家置于严密监视之下。  借着参加民谣节的机会,特拉普家庭合唱队在奥地利同胞面前奉献出他们心底里的歌,并在朋友们和修女们的协助下,全家逃出了多难的祖国,留下了绕梁不绝、回肠荡气的对祖国眷恋的爱情之歌:  雪绒花,雪绒花,清晨醒来看见它。一朵朵,小白花,洁白而无暇。开不败的小白花,点缀祖国大地幸福无涯。影片清新有致,细腻感人,雅俗共赏。既有幽默的情趣,又有深沉凝重的感情。  英文:"The Sound of Music," drawn in 1938 took place in Austria, a true story: trainee nun Maria is a cheerful, passionate girl. She loved to sing, love to dance, but also very much loved nature, fresh, quiet and beautiful. As long as the monastery door open, she was often in the green mountains in the same as the skylark singing, in the clean stream and the gurgling of the water a small chorus.  Abbot think that Maria not meet with the mortal life of this isolated life, which put it to the outside to look at. In this way, she came to Salzburg when the former Austrian Empire on the retired Navy officer Feng. Trapp family seven children, tutor. Feng. Trapp is a good-hearted patriot, during his meritorious service in a few years ago, unfortunately, dead man"s beloved wife, now disheartened. Home, there is no singing, no laughter, but also allowed people referred to his wife. He loved his children, but do not know them, are always the same as the command and management of their sailors.  Maria wore old clothes do not fit, wearing a shabby top hat, carrying a suitcase, hanging out guitar left the monastery. She burst into singing along, bouncing and vivacious, luxuriant collision collision, breath broke into the home of Colonel. Colonel see her pay for the appearance of her family of teachers expressed doubts about whether to do; while Colonel disciplining children practice also She was shocked: as long as the sound of his whistle, the children from their rooms with the fastest the speed of running out, lined up, according to the requirements of sailors drilling report their own name.  Children naturally lively and lovely, each have their own personality, hobbies and ideals. They do not want such a strict control over the lives of families in general trying to make fun of the previous teachers to enable them to stay do not go on. Maria is no exception to the: a moment by surprise the toad in her pocket; a moment while she was not prepared to loose the ball on her seat. But Maria himself with a child-like character, she can understand the kids grow up doing. Her guide them, care for them and help them win their trust, soon become their intimate friend, has established deep feelings.  She left home to Vienna during the Colonel, with curtains to make the game the kids clothes, take them to the picnic, picnic, climbing, and boating; teach them to sing, from "many years, the rice" learning effect, until the rehearsal songs. So the family adding to the laughter, joy and anger, full of The Sound of Music. When the colonel and his marriage with Baroness ready to come back home, stiff, cold air totally changed, and his "sailors who" has been trained into a? A chorus of family literacy. This provoked a love of life on the proof-reading, in exchange for the loss of happiness, they have also sparked his love for Maria.  Baroness quit, Maria and the Trapp finally formed a wonderful companion.  It is the thirties when the eve of Hitler"s annexation of Austria, the Nazis have already smell the freedom of the Austrian Colonel strong smell of home. Folk Festival, held in Salzburg, Austria the day honeymoon Colonel and Maria return, while in Berlin calls, orders Colonel participate in the Nazi navy, and took him and his family placed under close surveillance.  Through participating in the Folk Festival the opportunity Trapp Family Choir in front of compatriots in Austria, have dedicated their heart songs, and friends and sisters with the assistance of the family escaped a number of difficult country, leaving a proudly not be extinguished, soul-stirring nostalgic love of the motherland Song:  Edelweiss, Edelweiss, early morning waking up to see it. A blossoming, and small white flowers, white and no time. Small white flowers opening unbeaten, dotted motherland happiness knows no boundaries. Film has caused a fresh, delicate and moving, and widely appealing. Both humorous fun, another deep and solemn feelings.
2023-06-28 18:38:241


你的天定命运观是什么? 强者为尊 弱肉强食 中国人不以成败论英雄 西方的准则就以成败论英雄
2023-06-28 18:38:332


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2023-06-28 18:38:513


在不考虑柯西序列的情况下: .结果为 0.000…,也就是后面的 0 无限循环。这两个数目在这里是无限循环小数,小数点后五位之后还会一直填上 0,始终无法找到最后一位来填上 1。1.000… - 0.999… = 0.000… = 0,故 1 = 0.999… 。这假设了 0.999… 没有“最后的9”、这些无限循环小数的小数点后的位数为可列的(可以由第一个数位一个位一个位数下去而于有限次数到任一个数位)(这已得出 0.999… 没有“最后的9”)、 1.000… - 0.999… 的结果存在小数表示式。运算结果将没有“最后的1”,所以1与0.999…没有差值。 另外一种证明更加适用于其它循环小数。当一个小数乘以10时,其数字不变,但小数点向右移了一位。因此10 × 0.999…等于9.999…,它比原来的数大9。考虑从9.999…减去0.999…。我们可以一位一位地减;在小数点后的每一位,结果都是9 - 9,也就是0。但末尾的零并不能改变一个数,所以相差精确地是9。最后一个步骤用到了代数。设0.999… = c,则10c u2212 c = 9,也就是9c = 9。等式两端除以9,便得证:c = 1。用一系列方程来表示,就是c=0.999...10c=9.999...10c-c=9.999...-0.999...9c=9c=10.999...=1以上两个证明中的位数操作的正确性,并不需要盲目相信,也无需视为公理;它是从小数和所表示的数之间的基本关系得出的。这个关系,可以用几个等价的方法来表示,已经规定了0.999…和1.000…都表示相同的数。 由于0.999…的问题并不影响数学的正式发展,因此我们可以暂缓进行研究,直到证明了实数分析的标准定理为止。其中一个要求,是要刻划所有能表示成小数的实数的特征,由一个可选择的符号、构成整数部分的有限个数字、一个小数点,以及构成小数部分的一系列数字组成。为了讨论0.999…的目的,我们可以把整数部分概括为b0,并可以忽略负号,这样小数展开式就具有如下的形式:小数部分与整数部分不一样,整数部分只能有有限个数字,而小数部分则可以有无穷多个数字。这一点是至关重要的。这是一个进位制,所以500中的5是50中的5的十倍,而0.05中的5则是0.5中的5的十分之一。 也许小数展开式最常见的发展,是把它们定义为无穷级数的和。一般地:对于0.999...来说,我们可以使用等比级数的有力的收敛定理:如果|r|<1,则由于0.999...是公比为 的等比级数的和,应用以上定理,很快就可以得出证明了: ,这个证明(实际上是10等于9.999...)早在1770年就在瑞士数学家莱昂哈德·欧拉的作品《Elements of Algebra》(《代数的要素》)中出现了。等比级数的和本身,是一个比欧拉还要早的结果。一个典型的18世纪的推导用到了逐项的操作,类似于以上的代数证明。直到1811年,Bonnycastle的教科书《An Introduction to Algebra》(《代数的介绍》)依然使用这种等比级数的方法来证明对0.999...使用的策略是正当的。在19世纪,这种随随便便的求和方法遭到了反对,这样便导致了现今仍然占有支配地位的定义:一个无穷级数的和定义为数列的部分和的极限。该定理的一个对应的证明,明确地把这个数列计算出来了;这可以在任何一本以证明为基础的微积分或数学分析的教科书中找到。对于数列(x0,x1,x2,...)来说,如果当n增大时,距离|xu2212xn|变得任意地小,那么这个数列就具有极限x。0.999...=1的表述,可以用极限的概念来阐释和证明:最后一个步骤— —通常由实数的阿基米德原理来证实。这个以极限为基础的对0.999...的看法,有时会用比较引人注意但不太精确的话语来表达。例如,在1846年的美国教科书《大学算术》(《The University Arithmetic》)中有这么一句:“0.999+,到无穷远处等于1,这是因为每加上一个9,都会使它的值更加接近于1”(.999+,continued to infinity =1, because every annexation of a 9 brings the value closer to 1);在1895年的美国教科书《Arithmetic for Schools》(《学校算术》)中也有:“...如果有非常多的9,那么1和0.99999...的差就小得难以想像了”(“...when a large number of 9s is taken, the difference between 1 and .99999... becomes inconceivably small”)。这种启发式的教学法,常常被学生们误解为0.999...本身就小于1。 参见:区间套以上的级数定义,是一个用小数展开式来定义实数的简单的方法。还有一种补充的方法,是相反的过程:对于一个给定的实数,定义一个小数展开式。如果知道一个实数x位于闭区间[0,10]内(也就是说,这个实数大于或等于0,而小于或等于10),我们就可以想象把这个区间分成十个部分,只在端点处相重叠:[0,1]、[1,2]、[2,3],依此类推,直到[9,10]。实数x一定是属于这十个区间的一个;如果它属于[2,3],我们就把数字“2”记录下来,并把这个区间再细分成十个子区间:[2,2.1]、[2.1,2.2]、...、[2.8,2.9]、[2.9,3]。把这个过程一直继续下去,我们便得到了一个无穷的区间套序列,由无穷个数字b0、b1、b2、b3、...来标示,并记在这种形式中,1=1.000...而且1=0.999...的事实,反映了1既位于[0,1],又位于[1,2],所以我们在寻找它的数字时,可以选择任意一个子区间。为了保证这种记法没有滥用“=”号,我们需要一种办法来为每一个小数重新构造一个唯一的实数。这可以用极限来实现,但是还有其它的方法。一个简单的选择,是区间套定理,它保证只要给出了一个长度趋近于零的闭区间套序列,那么这些区间套的交集就正好是一个实数。这样,b0.b1b2b3...便定义为包含在所有的区间[b0,b0+1]、[b0.b1,b0.b1+0.1],依此类推的唯一的实数。而0.999...就是位于所有的区间[0,1]、[0.9,1]、[0.99,1]、[0.99...9,1](对于任意有限个9)的唯一的实数。由于1是所有这些区间的公共元素,因此0.999…=1。区间套定理通常是建立在一个更加基本的实数特征之上的:最小上界的存在。为了直接利用这些事物,我们可以把b0.b1b2b3...定义为集合{b0,b0.b1,b0.b1b2,...}的最小上界。然后我们就可以证明,这种定义(或区间套的定义)与划分的过程是一致的,又一次证明了0.999...=1。汤姆·阿波斯托尔得出结论:一个实数可以有两种不同的小数表示法,仅仅是两个不同的实数集合可以有相同的最小上界的一个反映。("The fact that a real number might have two different decimal representations is merely a reflection of the fact that two different sets of real numbers can have the same supremum.") 有些方法用公理集合论明确把实数定义为一定的建立在有理数上的结构。自然数──0、1、2、3,依此类推──从零开始并继续增加,这样每一个自然数都有一个后继者。我们可以把自然数的概念延伸到负数,得出所有的整数,并可以进一步延伸到比例,得出所有的有理数。这些记数系统伴随着加法、减法、乘法和除法的算术。更加微妙地,它们还包括排序,这样一个数就可以与另一个进行比较,并发现是大于、小于,还是等于。从有理数到实数的一步,是一个很大的延伸。至少有两种常见的方法来达到这一步,它们都在1872年出版:戴德金分割,以及柯西序列。直接用到这些结构的0.999...=1的证明,现时已经无法在实数分析的教科书中找到了;最近几个年代的趋势,是使用公理化的分析。即使提供了这样的一个结构,它也通常被用来证明实数的公理,从而为以上的证明提供证据。然而,有些作者表达了从一个结构开始才是逻辑上更恰当的想法,这样得出的证明就更加完备了。 在戴德金分割的方法中,每一个实数x定义为所有小于x的有理数所组成的无穷集合。比如说,实数1就是所有小于1的有理数的集合。每一个正的小数展开式很容易决定了一个戴德金分割:小于某个展开阶段的有理数的集合。所以实数0.999...是有理数r的集合,使得使得r<0,或r<0.9,或r<0.99,或r小于其它具有 形式的数。0.999...的每一个元素都小于1,因此它是实数1的一个子集。反过来,1有一个元素是有理数 ,其中 , 。但我们有 ,所以 也是0.999...的一个元素。由于0.999...和1包含相同的有理数,因此它们是相同的集合:0.999...=1。把实数定义为戴德金分割,首先由数学家戴德金(Richard Dedekind)在1872年出版。以上把每一个小数展开式分配一个实数的方法,应归于弗雷德·里奇曼在《Mathematics Magazine》(《数学杂志》)上发表的一篇名为“Is 0.999...=1?”(“0.999...=1吗?”)的演讲稿,主要是为大学的数学教师,尤其是初级/高级程度,以及他们的学生而作。里奇曼注意到,在有理数的任何一个稠密子集中取戴德金分割,都得到相同的结果;特别地,他用到了十进分数(分母为10的幂的分数),这样便更快得出证明了:“所以,我们看到,在实数的传统定义中,方程0.9*=1在一开始就建立了。”把这个步骤再作进一步的修改,便得到了另外一个结构,里奇曼对这个结构更感兴趣;参见以下的“其它记数系统”。 更多资料:柯西序列另外一种构造实数的方法,间接地用到了有理数的排序。首先,x和y之间的距离定义为绝对值|xu2212y|,其中绝对值|z|定义为z和u2212z的最大值,因此总是非负的。这样实数便被定义为关于这个距离的具有柯西序列性质的有理数序列。也就是说,每一个实数都是一个柯西收敛的数列(x0,x1,x2,...)。这是一个从自然数到有理数的映射,使得对于任何正有理数δ,总存在一个N,使得对于所有的m、n>N,都有|xmu2212xn|≤δ。(两项之间的距离变得比任何正的有理数都要小。) 如果(xn)和(yn)是两个柯西数列,那么如果数列(xnu2212yn)有极限0,这两个数列便定义为相等的。把小数b0.b1b2b3...拆开来,便得到了一个有理数序列,它是柯西序列;这个序列对应的实数被定义为这个小数的值。所以,在这种形式中,我们的任务就是要证明,有理数序列有极限0。对于n=0、1、2、...,考虑数列的第n项,我们需要证明这个极限是大家都明白的;一个可能的证明,是在数列的极限的定义中,对于ε=a/b>0,我们可以取N=b。所以,这又一次证明了0.999...=1。把实数定义为柯西序列,首先由爱德华·海涅(Eduard Heine)和格奥尔格·康托尔(Georg Cantor)独立发表,也是在1872年。以上的小数展开式的方法,包括0.999...=1的证明,则主要是得自Griffiths和Hilton在1970年的作品《A comprehensive textbook of classical mathematics: A contemporary interpretation》(《一本经典数学的综合教科书:一个当代的阐释》)。这本书是特别为了以当代的眼光回顾一些熟悉的数学概念而作的。 0.999...=1的证明,立刻可以进行两种推广。首先,对于每一个非零的有限小数(也就是说,从某一位开始全是零),都存在另外一个与其相等的数,从某一位开始全是9。例如,0.24999...等于0.25,就像我们考虑的特殊情况。这些数正好是十进分数,而且是稠密的。其次,一个类似的定理可以应用到任何一个底数或进位制。例如,在二进制中,0.111...等于1;而在三进制中,0.222...等于1。实数分析的教科书很有可能略过0.999...的特殊情况,而从一开始就介绍这两种推广的一种或两种。1的其它表示法也出现在非整数进位制中。例如,在黄金进制中,两个标准的表示法就是1.000...和0.101010...,此外还有无穷多种含有相邻的1的表示法。一般地,对于几乎所有的1和2之间的q,在q进制中都有无穷多个1的展开式。而另一方面,依然存在不可数个q(包括所有大于1的实数),使得在q进制中只有一种1的展开式,除了显然的1.000...。这个结果首先由保罗·埃尔德什、Miklos Horváth和István Joó在大约1990年获得。1998年,Vilmos Komornik和Paola Loreti确定了具有这种性质的最小的进位制──Komornik-Loreti常数q=1.787231650...。在这个进位制中,1=0.11010011001011010010110011010011...;其数字由图厄-摩斯数列给出,不是循环小数。一个更加深远的推广,提到了最一般的进位制。在这些进位制中,一个数也有多种表示法,在某种意义上来说难度甚至更大。例如:在平衡三进制系统中,1/2=0.111...=1.111...。在阶乘进位制系统中,1=1.000...=0.1234...。Marko Petkovu0161ek证明了这种歧义是使用进位制的必然结果:对于任何一个把所有实数命名的系统,总有无穷多个实数有多种表示法,而这些实数所组成的集合又是稠密的。他把这个证明称为“一个指导性的基本点集拓扑学的练习”:它包含了把进位制的集合视为斯通空间,并注意到它们的实数表示法可以由连续函数给出。
2023-06-28 18:38:581


"The Sound of Music" is an impressive musical that stands above other films of the genre because of interesting characters, top-notch direction, and a truly inspired screenplay. Julie Andrews (Oscar-nominated) stars as the young nun who leaves the convent to become the governess to a large family. She is instantly at odds with the children"s father (Christopher Plummer), but they soon fall in love and get married. However, evil forces lurk overhead as the Nazis invade their homeland of Austria. Somewhat based on a true story, "The Sound of Music" is one of those rare musicals that works because there is a sense of fear and drama in the film"s final act. This makes the film believable and none of the musical numbers take away from the story or the film"s direction.The story in the film is an adaptation of the real life story of Maria and the rest of the Van Trapp Family, who became a quite popular singing group in the "40s and "50s. Their tale of meeting and marrying, of facing Nazi aggression during the Anschluss or annexation of Austria by Hitler"s Third Reich, was first published as an autobiography, then adapted by Rodgers and Hammerstein for a successful Broadway musical, and ultimately turned into the feature film. In the beginning Maria was applying to become a nun, but her irrepressible nature and predilection to burst into song at a moments notice made her Mother Abess decide perhaps she should try being a governess, and find out more about herself first. She is placed in charge of the seven Von Trapp children, whose mother has died and are being kept under some military boot camp existence by their father, who is a retired naval officer. The joyful Maria quickly changes things and brings music into the house and hearts of the children, and bringing life and love into the home. This is all under the umbrella of impending Nazi occupation, which is vocally and publicly opposed by Captain Von Trapp, played by Christopher Plummer.
2023-06-28 18:39:123


可以翻译为:Yu Fei dream, sigh for wonderful yan. Static love is long, live in the heart. As we grow older, we all know how. I also seek the Revelation of all Saints. The sun cold ember, said the dream crazy people. Black blood pool, withered wear loss. He who does not envy sheep is eaten by snakes. Two - legged sheep tree, near the autumn snake. Endless suffering, the punishment of fools. A shallow heart only knows. Fish raw, skin the day lilies. A silver blade in the back, a joy to kill. Nobody, fighting for the king. A blind horse is a dead horse. Sincere flicker, change shape shadow. She was brought from heaven to spawn Nightshade. Mother feeding sudden warm, all evil is not ancient. As the sun burns the heart, as drums beat. Heart like miscellaneous health, bright and quench swallow the Lord. The sense of sadism makes sense for you. The idea of violent desire, for your value.
2023-06-28 18:39:3211


正在给你写。请稍后十点左右给你发。 真是不好意思,我去洗了个澡,时间长了点。。。写完立马给你发到你的邮箱。610413916@qq.com这个是你的吧。 费了不少力气,单词数量应该差不多够2分钟左右,看你的实际速度,你可以稍微做一些删改。希望能够帮助你,也希望能赚到你给的分数。
2023-06-28 18:40:132

奥地利 英文简介

Austria Introduction Official name: Republic of AustriaCapital: ViennaPopulation: 8.1 millionCurrency: EuroOfficial language: GermanDate of independence, or formation date: 1918Date when current borders were established: 1919National day: Oct 26Vehicle country identifying code: ATime zone (hours plus or minus from GMT): +1International telephone dialling code: +43Internet country identifying code: .atLying in the heart of Europe, Austria is dominated by the Alps in the west, while fertile plains make up the east and north. A separate republic after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria was absorbed into Hitler"s Germany in 1938. It regained independence in 1955 after the departure of the last Soviet troops from the Allied Occupation Force. Its economy encompasses successful high-tech sectors, a tourist industry which attracts wealthier visitors, and a strong agricultural base. Having joined the EU in 1995, in 2002 it was one of 12 EU states to adopt the euro.Background: Once the center of power for the large Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria was reduced to a small republic after its defeat in World War I. Following annexation by Nazi Germany in 1938 and subsequent occupation by the victorious Allies in 1945, Austria"s status remained unclear for a decade. A State Treaty signed in 1955 ended the occupation, recognized Austria"s independence, and forbade unification with Germany. A constitutional law that same year declared the country"s "perpetual neutrality" as a condition for Soviet military withdrawal. Following the Soviet Union"s collapse in 1991 and Austria"s entry into the European Union in 1995, some Austrian"s have called into question this neutrality. A prosperous, democratic country, Austria entered the European Monetary Union in 1999.
2023-06-28 18:40:232


[勇敢的心英文观后感]Let us recall again the side to see the long process of history, how to create heroes, you will find from our own side, a life .There is a direct their shadow. First, the inheritance of childhood Wallace is not natural endowment from the hero, at best, is the future generations of civilians, although his father had led a The small protest, as compared to his later, many of immature, unsuccessful factor. His father was then the representative of the civilian population, he uprising, power lies not in its own class on free awareness and evaluation. Some Sense, he is in the conspiracy of hate and who are loyal to the feudal lords of the country against the conviction, not even defeat Opponents of intent, only to let him know that tyrant, civilians also have the courage to fight. England foot-long expansion annexation to the Scottish territorial ambitions, cloth snared all participants in the peace negotiation of the assassination of the Scottish your People, young retainers were not spared. With tears in his eyes. He finally knows what death is, it is meant losing familiar with the cordial, no longer has sufficient warmth. The film, his uncle put on his chin, said the sentence: "You truth your mother." The meaning of this statement is not as simple as literally, is only the appearance he sighs, only the sense of loneliness and fear Steep The Wallace declare: We are a, you still have to rely on close relatives.It was at that time Wallace explanation: He is one of the sentimental and weak heart.His uncle was a wise man, his brother died more than understanding the purpose and significance of protest. He has to learn Latin Wallace, Tell Wallace, learn how to use weapons, must first learn how to use the brain is more important to God through Latin understand where -- The truth was given to the people free. Young Wallace, of course, not completely understand this, he also constantly immersed in the native land of lost loved ones and seek grief Lane. In the dream his father and dialogue, his father said to him: "Heart is not detention, have the courage to pursue!" This undoubtedly is Health The earliest meaning of life Enlightenment. Wallace"s uncle with his travels in Europe, he grew up in the maturity only after it will inherit from two ancestors on the Po Your legacy: good sense and courage, with his search for life from the free.Second, the aspirations of lifeOthers audience to participate in the wedding and let him do not realize that, in his country under the rule of the transient beauty, never impossible Emerging from the shadow of torn. No girl could escape long legs invention of the power with the intention of attracting domestic and nobles in Scotland reassuring presence on the land development. Such a person may be deprived of Road privileges, no doubt makes a deeper civilians heavy oppression. White bride no time to put her husband"s embrace, it was rushed to the suppression of the British aristocracy. The groom in anger in the anti-intent Anti immediately by the sword on the neck-coercive. Bride inner scales choose his life, it Fukai swords hand, The ears of language, the wife finally let the vicious power by force, was forced to endure the pain of killing beloved cutter cut. At such times, the personal anger and resistance are so insignificant.
2023-06-28 18:40:301


问题一:请问夏威夷的英文怎么拼写 夏威夷--Hawaii 问题二:夏威夷英文简介 1.英文: Hawaii (Hawaii) is the largest island in the Hawaiian islands, and said, is located in the southernmost islands archipelago, have rich volcanic activities, volcanoes national park, the Chinese say again volcanic island. Island of Hawaii county. The main city have the branch with the west May 2008. In the central Pacific a state. By the Hawaiian islands. Total 1.67 million square kilometers. In 2000, the resident population 1,211,537 to Hawaii. Is the only half of the states. White but White, about one-third of the map, Hawaii, the Polynesian, Philippines, Chinese and Korean. The capital and largest city of Honolulu (Honolulu). About five centuries, the Polynesian from the south Pacific moved to this. In 1795 most islands were card beautiful ha ha, that I may build 1810 to conquer the kingdom of Hawaii. In 1893, the overthrow kingdoms built a republic. In 1898, American annexation bee a United States in 1959. Pacific Shanghai machinery and air transportation is very important strategic position. Main eight islands and more than 120 island, from southeast to northwest oblique tropic, across more than 2,400 from the wind, km northwest of Hawaii to the library ray island (not including midway island). The eight main tropic islands in the south, equivalent to narrow the Hawaiian islands, Hawaii, maui, card HuLa wei island, lanai island, molokai, oahu, love island, hao island. The island is huge fissure eruption of adjacent formation volcanic island. On the island of......>> 问题三:用英语怎样翻译美国夏威夷香檀山 如果是地址: Honol锭lu Hawaii USA 如果是文章: Honolulu, Hawaii of the USA 问题四:夏威夷的英文简介 15分 Hawaii: Introduction/History Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and in the middle of the Pacific Plate. In this map the major tectonic plates are each given a different color. The Pacific Plate is blue. Hawaii is a unique archipelago (island chain) formed from a geologic "hot spot" (see next section on Geology for details). It will always be changing over millions of years. Hawaii arises from the deep ocean floor of the North Pacific Ocean, right in the middle of the Pacific tectonic plate. Because of this, its mountain peaks are the highest on Earth - a total of close to 32,000 feet from bottom to top (rising from 18,000 feet below the surface of the ocean to about 14,000 feet above sea level). The Hawaiian island chain is posed of volcanoes in all stages - active erupting ones (sometimes making new acreage), dormant ones eroding away, and dead ones that may have subsided below the ocean. Hawaii is one of the most isolated of the islands on Earth - being over 3,000 miles from the closest continental land mass and 2,000 miles from the nearest island. The four main Hawaiian Islands. Today we know four main Hawaiian Islands - Kaui, Oahu, Maui, Hawaii. These formed about five million years ago or less. Originally the islands were devoid of any life forms. Ocean currents brought marine creatures, in the form of microscopic planktonic larvae, that settled and grew into the bottom dwellers (coral, seastars, sea cucumbers, etc.). Once the bo......>> 问题五:用英语怎么写去夏威夷旅游? we can seeing and hearing the nature sound, even touching and *** elling the fresh air. we should open our mouth and say hello,Hawaii, i"m right here . in there we"ll making our live various and colourful is an essential demand of our human-being. And visiting other places can satify this basic requirment to some extend mostly.
2023-06-28 18:40:481

laboon造句 laboonの例文 "laboon"是什麼意思

It"s correct, " said spokeswoman Corinne Laboon . By JAMES R . ROYER, R . BRUCE LaBOON and JIM C . KOLLAER The Laboon , a new ship missioned in March, homeports in Norfolk, Va. Father Laboon then appped for a mission in the 3rd Marine Division in April 1969. Carter, one of the coordinators of the Laboon "s missile strike team, said Wednesday. The destroyer USS Laboon , with 315 crew members, is scheduled to visit June 13 to 15. On 31 October 1980, Captain Laboon retired as Fleet Chaplain, U . S . Atlantic Fleet. No one on the Laboon knows the nature of the targets or exactly how far the missiles will travel. The USS Laboon , a guided missile destroyer, and hepcopters searched the waters, but found no survivors or debris. Occupation : Lawyer and partner, Liddell, Sapp, Zivley, Hill & LaBoon , a Houston law firm. It"s difficult to see laboon in a sentence. 用 laboon 造句挺难的 Fourteen of the missiles were fired from o Navy ships in the northern Persian Gulf, the destroyer Laboon and the cruiser Shiloh. The USS Laboon , an Arleigh Burke class destroyer, was launched in February 1993 and depvered to the Navy in December 1994. When the USS Laboon fired cruise missiles at Iraq this month, Navy women were for the first time involved in offensive bat. Whether their missiles killed camels or took out key Iraqi miptary positions, the sailors of the Laboon really don"t know. The USS Laboon , a guided missile destroyer, and hepcopters searched the waters but no survivors or debris had been found by Saturday. In the initial attack, 14 missiles were fired from o Navy ships in the northern Persian Gulf, the destroyer Laboon and the cruiser Shiloh. The destroyer USS Laboon out of Norfolk, Va ., and the cruiser USS Shiloh from San Diego, launched a total of 14 cruise missiles. The U . S . contribution includes personnel from 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, USS Wasp, USS Trenton, USS Portland, USS Laboon and USS LaSalle. In 1999, the Dallas firm Locke Purnell Rain Harrell merged with the Houston firm of Liddell Sapp Zivley Hill & LaBoon to form Locke Liddell & Sapp. And while some sailors on the Laboon may be reflective about their role, there is a unanimous pride among the 125-member crew in what they do. The U . S . forces contribution includes personnel from 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, USS Wasp, USS Trenton, USS Portland, USS Laboon and USS LaSalle. Before depvering his speech Monday morning, Cpnton toured the Aegis destroyer Laboon , which was named for a Vietnam War-era chaplain with the Marines and is still under construction. On 12 September 2012, " Laboon " was ordered to the coast of Libya in what the Pentagon called a " contingency " in case a strike was ordered. While in the Black Sea, " Laboon " participated in joint maneuvers with a Georgia to participate in training with the Coast Guard of Georgia and offer tours of the ship. Yet, the Laboon , a state-of-the-art vessel of missiles, radars and satelpte munications which was missioned only 18 months ago, serves only as the launch platform. Still, Carter and his several of his entysomething colleagues in the Laboon "s puter-packed bat control room said they could not help but think about the potential consequences of their missile strikes. On 21 June 2015, " Laboon " entered the Black Sea along with the French ship as part of NATO"s presence missions following the Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation. Conan Westemeyer, a manager at the Greenhouse Bar and Restaurant, a downtown bar popular with sailors, estimated that the Laboon crew members would spend about $ 1, 000 a night at the restaurant. The ship was named after a Navy chaplain, Jake Laboon , who was a football star at the Naval Academy, a member of the class of 1944 and a decorated submarine hero during World War II. After retirement from the Navy, Father Laboon returned to Annapops, Maryland to oversee the construction of the Jesuit-retreat facipty, Manresa-on-Severn, within view of the U . S . Naval Academy. It"s difficult to see laboon in a sentence. 用 laboon 造句挺难的 The sea-launched cruise missiles in the second assault were fired from the destroyer USS Russell, the destroyer USS Hewitt, the guided missile destroyer USS Laboon and the submarine USS Jefferson City, all in the Persian Gulf. It ought to be focused on bringing all the parties together and jump-starting and accelerating the biotech effort, " said R . Bruce LaBoon , chairman of BioHouston and a partner at Locke, Liddell & Sapp in Houston. In 1998, she presided over the merger of Locke Purnell with another big Texas firm, Liddell, Sapp, Zivley Hill & LaBoon , and became co-managing partner of the resulting megafirm, Locke Liddell & Sapp. "" John Francis Laboon , Jr . ""( 11 April 1921 1 August 1988 ) was an officer of the United States Navy, who served as a submariner in World War II and as a chaplain in the Vietnam War. "They ( members of Congress ) were trying to close loopholes that some people use to try to modify their support obpgations, " said Mark Taylor, a bankruptcy attorney at the Dallas office of Liddell, Sapp, Zivley, Hill & LaBoon . Amid the buildup of U . S . troops and stealth bombers, the first pne of attack against Iraq remains a flotilla of hi-tech ships cruising the Persian Gulf, pke the destroyer USS Laboon , this month fired 13 Tomahawk cruise missiles on Iraqi miptary positions. A second wave of 17 missiles was launched later that day from the destroyers USS Russell ( DDG-59 ), USS Hewitt ( DD-966 ), USS Laboon ( DDG-58 ), and the nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Jefferson City ( SSN-759 ). Pensyl said that didn"t prevent his eight-year-old nephew, Frankie Mule, in West Palm Beach, Fla ., from taking his uncle"s picture and a photograph of the Laboon to show-and-tell at school after the ship made news for its lead role in the strikes against Iraq.
2023-06-28 18:41:041


On financial integration after merger and acquisition 企业并购 的财务整合问题研究 Company incorporation and the petitive power at the core 企业并购 与核心竞争力 Discussion on asset appraisal in corporation merger 企业并购 中的资产评估问题探讨 Enterprise acquisition process " s cultural integration 企业并购 的文化风险及其识别 Analysis of the performance of merger and acquisition 企业并购 绩效研究现状分析 Real option binary tree mergers and acquisitions 实物期权二叉树模型与 企业并购 Evolvement of intellectual capital after m amp; amp; a 企业并购 后知识资本的演化研究 What effect will the merger and acquisition bring 企业并购 会产生一些什么效应呢 In recent years , the global m & a grows rapidly 近年来,全球 企业并购 浪潮风起云涌。 Culture integration in corporate merger and acquisition 论 企业并购 的文化整合 Economics *** ysis about motivation of enterprise annexing 企业并购 动机的经济学分析 Reflect on the annexation of chinese work enterprises 中国网络 企业并购 引发的思考 Comments on the way of payment of enterprise mergers 企业并购 的支付方式述评 Chapter one discusses the reasons why m & a takes place 第一章论述了 企业并购 的动因。 Analysis of core petitiveness and enterprise m amp; amp; a 浅析核心竞争力与 企业并购 The cause and effect of enterprise merge and purchase 企业并购 的动因与效应 The research on the culture integration of merge and acquisition 企业并购 文化融合研究 Estimation of apppcation criterion of enterprises acquisition 企业并购 申报标准的估计 Bargaining model based on phase profit in m amp; amp; as 基于期间收益的 企业并购 谈判模型 But the success rate of m & a is not very high 然而,现实中 企业并购 的成功率并不高。 China and western enterprise acquisition motivation parison 中西方 企业并购 动因比较 Trap and prevention of amalgamative motive of enterprises 企业并购 动机陷阱及其规避防范 Analysis on audit risk of enterprise merging and purchase 企业并购 中的新兴审计风险探析 Economics *** ysis of modern enterprises merger 现代 企业并购 的经济学分析 Some types of venture discernment about m amp; a enterprises 企业并购 的几种宏观风险识别 Financial risk *** ysis which enterprises merger 企业并购 的财务风险探析 Financial effect *** ysis for enterprises " merger and acquisition 企业并购 的财务效应分析 Integration management based on firm mergers and acquisitions 基于 企业并购 的整合管理研究 Japanese law governing enterprise absorption 日本对 企业并购 的法律管制 An explanation of the financial economics on enterprises " merger 企业并购 的财务经济学解释 M & a is an important form for a pany to expand 企业并购 是企业外部扩张的一种重要形式。 The development of enterprise mergers in china 中国 企业并购 的发展研究 Chapter three studies the financing problem during m & a 第三章研究了 企业并购 的融资问题。 The apppcation of real options in evaluatin of m amp; a 实物期权在 企业并购 价值评估中的应用 We present an *** ysis of every basic motive of m & a 其次,分析了 企业并购 的各种可能动机。 Summary : culture integration of merger and acquisition enterprises 企业并购 过程中的文化整合 Traps of enterprise m amp; a motives and the precautionary ways 企业并购 动机陷阱及其规避防范 Tax system about the enterprise merge in usa 美国 企业并购 的税收制度 Some types of venture discernment about m amp; amp; a enterprises 企业并购 的几种宏观风险识别 Analysis on cost effect of enterprise merger 企业并购 的成本效应分析 The new tendency amp; enpghtens of the world enterprises merger 全球 企业并购 的新趋势及启示 Probing into china local retail enterprise merging motivation 我国本土零售 企业并购 的动因探析 China " s enterprises merger and acquisition under global trend 全球企业大并购下的我国 企业并购 M & a is double - edged sword with relatively high risk 企业并购 是一把“双刃剑” ,其风险较大。 Motivation of the merge of hotels and its economic *** ysis 我国 企业并购 的现状分析与对策研究 On anti - monopoly in enterprise amalgamation on a global scale 浅析全球 企业并购 中的反垄断问题 Research on option evaluating model for the value of cm amp; a 企业并购 价值的期权评估模型研究 Apppcation of real options theory in enterprises " m amp; a 实物期权理论在 企业并购 定价中的应用 Tacit knowledge - sharing mechani *** in post - merger integration 企业并购 整合中的隐性知识共享机制 The motive and danger of enterprises merging 企业并购 的动机与风险
2023-06-28 18:41:111

Five thousand years_3000字

Opened the history, the Chinese civilization has a long history, since pangu separated heaven and earth, the hand that mends, in ancient times, to the prosperity of the Ming and qing dynasties era, the feudal civilization during the long history, in five thousand, the Chinese people with their own wisdom and sweat, created the brilliant and achievement, also because of the decline has experienced countless hardships and setbacks, under the insults and torture. Countless heroes and heroes, literati in the history of this plex and varied big book write down their own a stroke... Today, I read up and Down for five Thousand Years, which takes me back to the track of history, touches the pulse of five thousand years of culture, and tells me about one dynasty after another in thick ink or light color. Read the states annexation of the warring States, Chengpu war impressed me deeply, Huan Gong qi hegemony people applauded, Jing Ke pricking the chivalrous spirit of the King of Qin deeply touched; The story of meng Jiangnv crying over the Great Wall was an indictment of Qin Shihuang‘s cruel taxing of troops. The story of “besieged on all sides” was heart-rending. During The Three Kingdoms period, I was attracted by Zhuge Liang"s resourcefulness and magic calculation. Hua Tuo‘s noble quality of being lively and strong enough to heal the wounded and rescue the dying was shown to me. The most brilliant literature, the most wild poet, the greatest monk is the representative of the Tang Dynasty; The most open-minded scholar, the most talented woman, the most selfless official is the song dynasty"s pride; The greatest novels, the most outstanding railway engineers and the most outstanding poets were the pride of the Qing Dynasty. The most impressive one is the Journey to the West written by Wu Cheng ‘en, a novelist in the Ming Dynasty. Time has passed, and centuries of historical changes can never change the glory of Journey to the West as one of the “Four Great Classics” in literature and its status in people"s hearts. Even this work has been moved to the screen, thirty years, both men and women, old and young, all love to see the legendary drama, now summer vacation winter vacation, also often put this classic on TV, grandpa often see not tire, always said to me: “more than 30 years have passed, everything is much transformed, only it still retains the original style!” . What I admire most is tang Xuanzang, the prototype of Tang Monk in this novel. In order to solve his doubts about Buddhi *** , he decided to go to India, the origin of Buddhi *** , to retrieve the Scriptures. He finally brought back 657 Buddhist sutras after seventeen years of hardships, regardless of long distances, mountains and rivers, making great contributions to Buddhi *** in China and even in the East. The road to learning is long, but the road to pilgrimage for buddhist scriptures is even longer. When Tang Xuanzang was able to reach India without fear of obstacles and acquire the scriptures, why can‘t we go forward bravely without fear of setbacks on our way of learning? From drinking blood to geic engineering, from slash-and-burn to electronic information, from traveling mountains and waters to space. Although once surrendered, failed, was despised, insulted, however, one invention, one victory, hundreds of millions of people"s hard sweat, generations of elite dedicated blood, finally washed for the Chinese nation once the humiliation, straighten the backbone, the shock. Long five thousand years, The Times in the change, the historical stage deduces many songs and tears story, many people on this stage came up and go, or generous justice, or treacherous cunning, set foot on the journey of history, savor, a vivid character is ing to me...
2023-06-28 18:41:181


The second world war is a world war in the history of mankind, sixty-one countries and regions, about two billion people were involved in. More than one hundred million people in the war, about ninety million soldiers and civilian casualties, thirty million people were displaced. Its unprecedented breadth, depth and intensity become a great revolution in the history of human wars, and it has great influence on military strategy and war.Background:During the 20 years after the first World War, the economic and political power of the capitalist countries was not balanced, Germany and Japan"s Industrial DevelopmentMore prominent, the economic strength of the obvious growth; Britain, France, the United States and other countries have been stagnant situation. 1929 and 1937, the capitalist world has two serious economic crisis. In order to get rid of the economic, political and social crisis, German, Italian, Japanese fascist rule the country embarked on a road of militarization of the national economy, in politics also increasingly fascist, and gradually formed in the United States, Britain, France and Germany, Italy, Japan two big political and military group.After the first World War, Germany can not be reconciled, "the Treaty of Versailles" severe punishment and restrictions on the defeated, secretly stepped up to restore strength; victorious Italy failing to get the promise of British and French territory and brooding; another victorious Japanese restriction of the Washington Treaty on it is also full of resentment, in the Asia Pacific region and the UK launched a new race, ready to Chinese aggression and expansion. Beauty is main victors there are serious differences in how to deal with the German problem.The direct cause of the outbreak of the second world war is the rapid rise of the fascist regime. The basic characteristic of the fascist regime is the internal totalitarian rule, foreign aggression and expansion, the hegemony of the world. German, Italian, Japanese fascist rulers in order to achieve the world and expand their sphere of influence, at the start of the world war in human history.In Asia, Japan has been carefully planned, in 1931 jiahuoyuren technique made the "September 18" incident, followed by occupation of Northeast China. In 1937, Japan launched a comprehensive war of aggression against china. "Lugou Bridge incident", China has become the main battlefield of anti fascist in asia. As a result of the protracted war of aggression against China, Japan has decided to take advantage of the European powers to seize its interests in the Far East.In Europe, the German dictatorship obtained from power in 1933 after Hitler crazy for military preparations. 1936 Germany Jinbing Rhine River military district and in partnership with the Italian armed intervention in the Spanish Civil War; from 1938 to 1939 Germany has annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia. Ethiopia annexed Italy in 1939 and occupied Albania in 1936.In 1937, Germany, Italy, Japan and the three fascist regime to form a political and military alliance, that is the three axis. Previously, Britain, France, the United States and other capitalist countries on the fascist aggression and expansion to take the policy of appeasement in an attempt to through local concessions and sacrifice the interests of other countries to maintain and consolidate their vested interests, or even trying to bring the war to the Soviet Union. In September 1, 1939, the German invasion of Poland by the way of the lightning war. Britain and France were forced to declare war on Germany, the Second World War broke out.West europe:On September 29, 1938, Germany, Italy, Britain, France, leaders carrying the Czech government signed the Munich Pact, betraying the Sudetenland to Germany. Has always been to Britain, France in the protection of God, the Czech government, in the German limited time, was forced to accept the Munich agreement. Hitler after the annexation of the Sudetenland, occupied the entire Czechoslovakia to intensify the implementation of aggressive activities. March 15th, the German occupation of Prague, Czech. March 16th, Hitler announced that Czech into the German territory. After the German occupation of the whole of Czechoslovakia, the master of the European heartland, Italy and into North and south, greatly improving the developments in Germany, the German military strength enhanced markedly.Eastern europe:In June 22, 1941, Sood tore up the German non aggression treaty, the Soviet Union suddenly entered. Germany"s strategic intention is: concentration of forces to "blitz" from several directions to sue implementation of rapid and far-reaching assault, will destroy the Soviet main in the western region of the Soviet Union and later to the Soviet hinterland long trend straight into the, smashing against Soviet forces, arrived in Arkhangelsk, Volga River line, with air force destroyed ural Industrial Zone, the paralysis of the Soviet economy, to defeat the Soviet Union.Chinese battlefield:The victory of the war of resistance against Japan is the first time in China to win the war of anti imperialist war for the first time in a hundred years. The Chinese people have paid a great price in the war. According to incomplete statistics, Chinese civilian casualties were more than 1800 million, 380 million military casualties, property damage, and war consumption of more than 1000 billion dollars. The Japanese were Chinese Army annihilated 133 million people (not including in Northeast before 6 years the number of casualties and in Burma fighting by Chinese troops killed and injured number). After the defeat of Japan, the Japanese army surrendered to the Japanese total of 1280000.Pacific war:After 1940, Japan to get rid of the stalemate in the war of aggression against China, improve strategic situation, decided to take the European war was raging, seizure of Britain, the United States, the Dutch colonies in Asia, plunder Southeast Asia strategic materials, the establishment of the "Greater East Asia co prosperity sphere". On December 7, 1941, the Japanese combined fleet admiral ISOROKU Yamamoto in the LED, the attack on the American Pacific Fleet base at Pearl Harbor, made significant victories, U.S. Pacific Fleet lost in combat. Then, the Japanese bombing of Philippines, Malaya, the Pacific War broke out.Famous battle:1, the battle of Britain2, the attack on Pearl Harbor3, the battle of Midway4, the battle of Stalingrad5, Norman
2023-06-28 18:41:351


History of China The recorded history of China began in the 15th century BC when the Shang Dynasty started to use markings that evolved into the present characters. Turtle shells with markings reminiscent of ancient writing from the Shang Dynasty have been carbon dated to as early as 1500 BC.[1] civilization originated with city-states in the Yellow River (Huang He) valley. 221 BC is monly accepted to be the year in which China became unified under a large kingdom or empire. In that year, Qin Shi Huang first united China. Successive dynasties in history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to control increasingly larger territory that reached maximum under the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and Manchurian Qing Dynasty. The conventional view of history is that of a country alternating between periods of political unity and disunity and occasionally being dominated by foreign peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Han population. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create the culture. Xia DynastyThe historian Sima Qian (145 BC-90 BC) and the account in the Bamboo Annals date the founding of the Xia Dynasty to 4,200 years ago, but this date has not been corroborated. The Shang and Zhou people had existed within the Xia Dynasty since the beginning of Xia. They were Xia"s loyal vassals. The exact time of the Xia Dynasty is hard to define, but mainly focused on two options, either 431 years or 471 years. Shang DynastyRemnants of advanced, stratified societies dating back to the Shang found in the Yellow River Valley.The earliest discovered written record of China"s past dates from the Shang Dynasty in perhaps the 13th century BC, and takes the form of inscriptions of divination records on the bones or shells of animals—the so-called oracle bones. Archaeological findings providing evidence for the existence of the Shang Dynasty, c 1600–1046 BC is divided into two sets. The first set, from the earlier Shang period (c 1600–1300 BC) es from sources at Erligang, Zhengzhou and Shangcheng. The second set, from the later Shang or Yin (殷) period, consists of a large body of oracle bone writings. Anyang in modern day Henan has been confirmed as the last of the nine capitals of the Shang (c 1300–1046 BC). The Shang Dynasty featured 31 kings, from Tang of Shang to King Zhou of Shang; it was the longest dynasty in history. Zhou DynastyBronze ritual vessel, Western Zhou DynastyMain article: Zhou Dynasty By the end of the 2nd millennium BC, the Zhou Dynasty began to emerge in the Yellow River valley, overrunning the Shang. The Zhou appeared to have begun their rule under a semi-feudal system. The Zhou were a people who lived west of Shang, and the Zhou leader had been appointed "Western Protector" by the Shang. The ruler of the Zhou, King Wu, with the assistance of his brother, the Duke of Zhou, as regent managed to defeat the Shang at the Battle of Muye. The king of Zhou at this time invoked the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to legitimize his rule, a concept that would be influential for almost every successive dynasty. The Zhou initially moved their capital west to an area near modern Xi"an, near the Yellow River, but they would preside over a series of expansions into the Yangtze River valley. This would be the first of many population migrations from north to south in history. Spring and Autumn Periodpu vessel with interlaced dragon design, Spring and Autumn Period.In the 8th century BC, power became decentralized during the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时代), named after the influential Spring and Autumn Annals. In this period, local military leaders used by the Zhou began to assert their power and vie for hegemony. The situation was aggravated by the invasion of other peoples from the northwest, such as the Qin, forcing the Zhou to move their capital east to Luoyang. This marks the second large phase of the Zhou dynasty: the Eastern Zhou. In each of the hundreds of states that eventually arose, local strongmen held most of the political power and continued their subservience to the Zhou kings in name only. Local leaders for instance started using royal titles for themselves. The Hundred Schools of Thought (诸子百家,诸子百家) of philosophy blossomed during this period, and such influential intellectual movements as Confuciani *** (儒家), Taoi *** (道家), Legali *** (法家) and Mohi *** (墨家) were founded, partly in response to the changing political world. The Spring and Autumn Period is marked by a falling apart of the central Zhou power. China now consists of hundreds of states, some only as large as a village with a fort. Warring States Period Main article: Warring States Period After further political consolidation, seven prominent states remained by the end of 5th century BC, and the years in which these few states battled each other are known as the Warring States Period. Though there remained a nominal Zhou king until 256 BC, he was largely a figurehead and held little real power. As neighboring territories of these warring states, including areas of modern Sichuan and Liaoning, were annexed, they were governed under the new local administrative system of mandery and prefecture (郡县,郡县). This system had been in use since the Spring and Autumn Period and parts can still be seen in the modern system of Sheng & Xian (province and county, 省县,省县). The final expansion in this period began during the reign of Ying Zheng (嬴政), the king of Qin. His unification of the other six powers, and further annexations in the modern regions of Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi in 214 BC enabled him to proclaim himself the First Emperor (Qin Shi Huangdi, 秦始皇帝). Qin DynastyThe Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang.Main article: Qin Dynasty Historians often refer to the period from Qin Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty as Imperial China. Though the unified reign of the Qin (秦) Emperor lasted only 12 years, he managed to subdue great parts of what constitutes the core of the Han homeland and to unite them under a tightly centralized Legalist government seated at Xianyang (咸阳,咸阳) (close to modern Xi"an). The doctrine of legali *** that guided the Qin emphasized strict adherence to a legal code and the absolute power of the emperor. This philosophy of Legali *** , while effective for expanding the empire in a military fashion, proved unworkable for governing it in peace time. The Qin presided over the brutal silencing of political opposition, including the event known as the burning and burying of scholars. This would be the impetus behind the later Han Synthesis incorporating the more moderate schools of political governance. Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) A Han Dynasty incense burner with a sliding shutter.The Han Dynasty emerged in 206 BC. It was the first dynasty to embrace the philosophy of Confuciani *** , which became the ideological underpinning of all regimes until the end of imperial China. Under the Han Dynasty, China made great advances in many areas of the arts and sciences. Emperor Wu (Han Wudi 汉武帝,汉武帝) consolidated and extended the empire by pushing back the Xiongnu (sometimes identified with the Huns) into the steppes of modern Inner Mongolia, wresting from them the modern areas of Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai. This enabled the first opening of trading connections between China and the West, the Silk Road. Nevertheless, land acquisitions by elite families gradually drained the tax base. In AD 9, the usurper Wang Mang (王莽) founded the short-lived Xin ("New") Dynasty (新朝) and started an extensive program of land and other economic reforms. These programs, however, were never supported by the land-holding families, for they favored the peasants. The instability brought about chaos and uprisings. Emperor Guangwu (光武帝) reinstated the Han Dynasty with the support of land-holding and merchant families at Luoyang, east of Xi"an. This new era would be termed the Eastern Han Dynasty. Han power declined again amidst land acquisitions, invasions, and feuding between consort clans and eunuchs. The Yellow Turban Rebellion (黄巾之乱,黄巾之乱) broke out in 184, ushering in an era of warlords. In the ensuing turmoil, three states tried to gain predominance in the Period of the Three Kingdoms. This time period has been greatly romanticized in works such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Jin Dynasty (265–420) Though the three kingdoms were reunited temporarily in 278 by the Jin Dynasty, the contemporary non-Han (Wu Hu, 五胡) ethnic groups controlled much of the country in the early 4th century and provoked large-scale Han migrations to south of the Chang Jiang. In 303 the Di people rebelled and later captured Chengdu, establishing the state of Cheng Han. Under Liu Yuan the Xiongnu rebelled near today"s Linfen County and established the state of Han Zhao. His successor Liu Cong captured and executed the last two Western Jin emperors. Sixteen kingdoms were a plethora of short-lived non- dynasties that came to rule the whole or parts of northern China in the 4th and 5th centuries. Many ethnic groups were involved, including ancestors of the Turks, Mongolians, and Tibetans. Most of these nomadic peoples had to some extent been "Sinicized" long before their ascent to power. In fact, some of them, notably the Ch"iang and the Xiong-nu, had already been allowed to live in the frontier regions within the Great Wall since late Han times. Southern and Northern DynastiesA limestone statue of the Bodhisattva, from the Northern Qi Dynasty, 570 AD, made in what is now modern Henan province.Main article: Southern and Northern Dynasties Signaled by the collapse of East Jin (东晋,东晋) Dynasty in 420, China entered the era of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The Han people managed to survive the military attacks from the nomadic tribes of the north, such as the Xian Bei (鲜卑), and their civilization continued to thrive. In Southern China, fierce debates about whether Buddhi *** should be allowed to exist were held frequently by the royal court and nobles. Finally, near the end of the Southern and Northern Dynasties era, both Buddhist and Taoist followers promised and became more tolerant of each other. In 589, Sui (隋) annexed the last Southern Dynasty, Chen (陈,陈), through military force, and put an end to the era of Southern and Northern Dynasties. Sui Dynasty The Sui Dynasty (隋朝), which managed to reunite the country in 589 after nearly four centuries of political fragmentation, played a role more important than its length of existence would suggest. The Sui brought China together again and set up many institutions that were to be adopted by their successors, the Tang. Like the Qin, however, the Sui overused their resources and collapsed. Also similar to the Qin, traditional history has judged the Sui somewhat unfairly. As it has stressed the harshness of the Sui regime and the arrogance of its second emperor, giving little credit for the Dynasty"s many positive achievements. Tang DynastyA Tang Dynasty tri-colored glaze porcelain horse (ca. 700 AD).Main article: Tang Dynasty On June 18, 618, Gaozu (唐高祖) took the throne, and the Tang Dynasty (唐朝) was established, opening a new age of prosperity and innovations in arts and technology. Buddhi *** , which had gradually been established in China from the first century, became the predominant religion and was adopted by the imperial family and many of the mon people. Chang"an (长安,长安) (modern Xi"an西安), the national capital, is thought to have been the world"s largest city at the time. The Tang and the Han are often referred to as the most prosperous periods of history. The Tang, like the Han, kept the trade routes open to the west and south and there was extensive trade with distant foreign countries and many foreign merchants settled in China. Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Main article: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period The period of political disunity between the Tang and the Song, known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (五代十国), lasted little more than half a century, from 907 to 960. During this brief era, when China was in all respects a multi-state system, five regimes succeeded one another rapidly in control of the old Imperial heartland in northern China. During this same time, 10 more stable regimes occupied sections of southern and western China, so the period is also referred to as that of the Ten Kingdoms (十国). Song Dynasty and Liao, Jin, Western XiaHomeward Oxherds in Wind and Rain, by Li Di, 12th centuryMain articles: Song Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, Western Xia, and Jin Dynasty, 1115-1234 In 960, the Song Dynasty (960-1279) (宋朝) gained power over most of China and established its capital in Kaifeng (汴京/开封,开封), starting a period of economic prosperity, while the Khitan Liao Dynasty (契丹族辽国,契丹族辽国) ruled over Manchuria and eastern Mongolia. In 1115 the Jurchen Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) (女真族金国,女真族金国) emerged to prominence, annihilating the Liao Dynasty in 10 years. Meanwhile, in what are now the northwestern provinces of Gansu, Shaanxi, and Ningxia, there emerged a Western Xia Dynasty (西夏) from 1032 up to 1227, established by Tangut tribes. Yuan DynastyYang Guifei Mounting a Horse, by Qian Xuan (1235-1305 AD).Jurchen tribes" Jin Dynasty, whose names are also rendered "Jin" in pinyin, was defeated by the Mongols, who then proceeded to defeat the Southern Song in a long and bloody war, the first war where
2023-06-28 18:41:531

美国人 天定命运思想是什么

2023-06-28 18:42:042

1/3+2/3=1,1/3=0.333·· 2/3=0.666·· 0.3·+0.6``=0.9````` 这是为什么呢???????????

2023-06-28 18:42:222


2023-06-28 18:42:301


animation n. 兴奋; annexation n. 合并; annihilation n. 歼灭; annotation n. 注解; abolition n. 废除; anticipation n.期望; apparition n. 幽灵; abbreviation n.节略; abdication n. 逊位; action n.行动 扩展资料   There"s been an atmosphere of anticipation around here for a few days now   几天来这里一直有一种满怀期待的气氛。   He will be attending next week"s American Grammy Awards in feverish anticipation.   他将带着紧张兴奋的期待出席下周的`美国格莱美奖颁奖。   He bought extra food in anticipation of more people coming than he"d invited.   他预料来的客人会比邀请的多,就多买了食物。   She tensed her muscles in anticipation of the blow.   眼看要挨打,她绷紧了肌肉。   Investors were storing up a lot of cash in anticipation of disaster   投资者预料会出现灾难,正在储备大量现金。
2023-06-28 18:42:441


Germany in September 1939 tail annexation of Poland after Nazi Germany and Austria to their domestic Jews concentrated in the interior of Poland, known as "ordinary government". Jews are now being placed in the "Mandatory Jewish settlements". The largest "Mandatory Jewish settlements" are located in Warsaw. In Warsaw Jews were forced to November 15, 1940 move to the designated areas for Jews to the area and sealed. Following the low-lying countries, France, the Baltic States and Yugoslavia"s occupation by Nazi Germany, more Jews by the Nazis within Germany"s control. In December 1941, Germany in Poland for six killings concentration camps. These sites include Auschwitz and Treblinka. These locations were chosen because they are the reasons for the intersection of the railway, with the military and they are not at critical locations. Therefore, the Nazi Party can carry out the killings secret plan. When the allied forces in early 1945 liberation of Poland, they found that these killings concentration camps. The entire World War II, approximately 5.8 million European descent Jews killed by Nazi Germany, the European Jewish thirds of the population.
2023-06-28 18:42:511

2023-06-28 18:42:591

夏威夷,HAWII 的介绍用英语 急

First settled by Polynesians sailing from other Pacific islands between A.D.300 and 600,Hawaii was visited in 1778 by British captain James Cook,who called the group the Sandwich Islands. Hawaii was a native kingdom throughout most of the 19th century,when the expansion of the sugar industry (pineapple came after 1898) meant increasing and political involvement.In 1893,Queen Liliuokalani was deposed,and a year later the Republic of Hawaii was established with Sanford B.Dole as president.Following annexation (1898),Hawaii became a U.S.territory in 1900. The Japanese attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor on Dec.7,1941,was directly responsible for U.S.entry into World War II. Hawaii,2,397 mi west-southwest of San Francisco,is a 1,523-mile chain of islets and eight main islands—Hawaii,Kahoolawe,Maui,Lanai,Molokai,Oahu,Kauai,and Niihau.The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands,other than Midway,are administratively part of Hawaii. The temperature is mild,and cane sugar,pineapple,and flowers and nursery products are the chief products.Hawaii also grows coffee beans,bananas,and macadamia nuts.The tourist business is Hawaii"s largest source of outside income. Hawaii"s highest peak is Mauna Kea (13,796 ft).Mauna Loa (13,679 ft) is the largest volcanic mountain in the world by volume. Among the major points of interest are Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Hawaii),Haleakala National Park (Maui),Puuhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (Hawaii),Polynesian Cultural Center (Oahu),the USS Arizona and USS Missouri Memorial at Pearl Harbor,The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Oahu),and Iolani Palace (the only royal palace in the U.S.),Bishop Museum,and Waikiki Beach (all in Honolulu).
2023-06-28 18:43:261

夏威夷,HAWII 的介绍用英语 急

First settled by Polynesians sailing from other Pacific islands between A.D. 300 and 600, Hawaii was visited in 1778 by British captain James Cook, who called the group the Sandwich Islands.Hawaii was a native kingdom throughout most of the 19th century, when the expansion of the sugar industry (pineapple came after 1898) meant increasing U.S. business and political involvement. In 1893, Queen Liliuokalani was deposed, and a year later the Republic of Hawaii was established with Sanford B. Dole as president. Following annexation (1898), Hawaii became a U.S. territory in 1900.The Japanese attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, was directly responsible for U.S. entry into World War II.Hawaii, 2,397 mi west-southwest of San Francisco, is a 1,523-mile chain of islets and eight main islands—Hawaii, Kahoolawe, Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau. The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, other than Midway, are administratively part of Hawaii.The temperature is mild, and cane sugar, pineapple, and flowers and nursery products are the chief products. Hawaii also grows coffee beans, bananas, and macadamia nuts. The tourist business is Hawaii"s largest source of outside income.Hawaii"s highest peak is Mauna Kea (13,796 ft). Mauna Loa (13,679 ft) is the largest volcanic mountain in the world by volume.Among the major points of interest are Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Hawaii), Haleakala National Park (Maui), Puuhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (Hawaii), Polynesian Cultural Center (Oahu), the USS Arizona and USS Missouri Memorial at Pearl Harbor, The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Oahu), and Iolani Palace (the only royal palace in the U.S.), Bishop Museum, and Waikiki Beach (all in Honolulu).
2023-06-28 18:43:341


2023-06-28 18:43:443


amuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American humorist, novelist, writer, and lecturer.Although Twain was confounded by financial and business affairs, his humor and wit were keen, and he enjoyed immense public popularity. At his peak, he was probably the most popular American celebrity of his time. In 1907, crowds at the Jamestown Exposition thronged just to get a glimpse of him. He had dozens of famous friends, including William Dean Howells, Booker T. Washington, Nikola Tesla, Helen Keller, and Henry Huttleston Rogers. Fellow American author William Faulkner is credited with writing that Twain was "the first truly American writer, and all of us since are his heirs."Growing UpMark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri on November 30, 1835. When he was four, his family moved to Hannibal, a port town on the Mississippi River which later served as the inspiration for the fictional town of St. Petersberg in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Missouri had been admitted as a slave state in 1821 as part of the Missouri Compromise, and from an early age Twain was exposed to the institution of slavery, a theme which Twain was to later explore in his work. In 1847, when Twain was 11, his father fell ill with pneumonia and died that March. As a teenager Twain worked as an apprentice printer; when he was sixteen, he began writing humorous articles and newspaper sketches. When he was eighteen he left Hannibal, working as a printer in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Cincinnati. At the age of 22, Twain returned to Missouri and worked as a riverboat pilot and earned $250 which was a "princely amount" back then, until trade was interrupted by the American Civil War in 1861.[edit]Roughing it out WestMissouri, although a slave state and considered by many to be part of the South, declined to join the Confederacy and remained loyal to the Union. When the war began, Clemens and his friends formed a Confederate militia (an experience he depicted in his 1885 short story, "The Private History of a Campaign That Failed"), but he saw no military action and the militia disbanded after two weeks. His friends joined the Confederate Army; Clemens joined his brother, Orion, who had been appointed secretary to the territorial governor of Nevada, and headed west. They traveled for more than two weeks on a stagecoach across the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains to the silver-mining town of Virginia City, Nevada. On the way they visited the polygamous Mormon community in Salt Lake City. Clemens" experiences in the West contributed significantly to his formation as a writer, and became the basis of his second book, Roughing It.Once in Nevada, Clemens became a miner, hoping to strike it rich discovering silver in the Comstock Lode. He stayed for long periods in camp with his fellow prospectors—another life experience that he later put to literary use. After failing as a miner, Clemens obtained work at a newspaper called the Daily Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City, where he adopted the pen name "Mark Twain" which meant 2 fathoms, or 12 feet.[edit]Pen namesClemens usually maintained that his primary pen name, "Mark Twain," came from his years on the riverboat, where two fathoms (12 ft, approximately 3.7 m) or "safe water" was measured on the sounding line and marked by calling "mark twain." However, the name may also have come from his wilder days in the West, where he would buy two drinks and tell the bartender to "mark twain" on his tab. The complete origin of the pseudonym is unknown.Clemens is also known to have used the pen of his most famous pen name, Twain himself later wrote: [Captain Isaiah Sellers] was not of literary turn or capacity, but he used to jot down brief paragraphs of plain practical information about the river, and sign them "MARK TWAIN," and give them to the "New Orleans Picayune." They related to the stage and condition of the river, and were accurate and valuable; and thus far, they contained no poison. [...] I burlesqued it broadly, very broadly, stringing my fantastics out to the extent of eight hundred or a thousand words. I was a "cub" at the time. I showed my performance to some pilots, and they eagerly rushed it into print in the "New Orleans True Delta." It was a great pity; for it did nobody any worthy service, and it sent a pang deep into a good man"s heart. There was no malice in my rubbish; but it laughed at the captain. It laughed at a man to whom such a thing was new and strange and dreadful. I did not know then, though I do now, that there is no suffering comparable with that which a private person feels when he is for the first time pilloried in print. [...] He never printed another paragraph while he lived, and he never again signed Mark Twain to anything. At the time that the telegraph brought the news of his death, I was on the Pacific coast. I was a fresh new journalist, and needed a nom de guerre; so I confiscated the ancient mariner"s discarded one, and have done my best to make it remain what it was in his hands—a sign and symbol and warrant that whatever is found in its company may be gambled on as being the petrified truth; how I have succeeded, it would not be modest in me to say.[1]Regardless of the source of the name, "Mark Twain" was "born" as Clemens" pen name in the office of the Nevada Territorial Enterprise, when Clemens first used the name on an article published on February 3, 1863. Twain wants the reader to see the absurdity in his statement.
2023-06-28 18:43:523


u300aChina"s education systemu300bThere is singularly little mention of writing or education in ancient times, and it seems likely that written records were at first confined to castings or engravings upon metal, and carvings upon stone. In the days when the written character was cumbrous, there would be no great encouragement to use it for daily household purposes. It is a striking fact, not only that writings upon soft clay, afterwards baked, were not only non-existent in China, but have never once been mentioned or conceived of as being a possibility. This fact effectually disposes of the allegation that Persian and Babylonian literary civilization made its way to China, for it is unreasonable to suppose that an invention so well suited to the clayey soil (of loess mud with cementing properties) in which the Chinese princes dwelt could have been ignored by them, if ever the slightest inkling of it had been obtained. In 770 B.C., when the Emperor, having moved his capital to the east, ceded his ancestral lands in the west to Tsu2019in on condition that Tsu2019in should recover them permanently from the Tartars, the document of cession was engraved upon a metal vase. Fifteen hundred years before this, the Nine Tripods of the founder of the Hia dynasty, representing tributes of metal brought to the Emperor by outlying tribes, were inscribed with records of the various productions of China: these tripods were ever afterwards regarded as an attribute of imperial authority; and even Tsu2019u, when it began to presume upon the Chou Emperoru2019s weakness, put in a claim (probably based upon his ancestorsu2019 own ancient Chinese descent, as explained in Chapter IV.) to possess them. In distributing the fiefs amongst relatives and friends, the first Chou emperors “composed orders” conferring rights upon their new vassals; but it is not stated what written form these orders took. Written prayers for the recovery of the first Emperoru2019s health are mentioned, but here again we are ignorant of the material on which the prayers were written by the precentor. Four hundred years later, in 65, when Tsu2019in had assisted to the throne his neighbour the Marquess of Tsin, the latter gave a promise in writing to Tsu2019in that he would cede to her all the territory lying to the west of the Yellow River. The next ruler of Tsin, the celebrated wanderer who afterwards became the second Protector, is distinctly stated to have had an adviser who taught him to read; it is added that the same marquess also consulted this adviser about a suitable teacher for his son and heir. About the same time one of the Marquessu2019s friends, objecting to take office, took to flight: his friends, as a protest, hung up “a writing” at the palace gate. In 584 a Tsu2019u refugee in Tsin sends a writing to the leading general of Tsu2019u, threatening to be a thorn in his side. It is presumed that in all these cases the writing was on wood. The text of a declaration of war against Tsu2019u by Tsu2019in in 313 B.C., at a time when these two powers had ceased to be allies, and were competing for empire, refers to an agreement made three centuries earlier between the King of Tsu2019u and the Earl of Tsu2019in; this declaration was carved upon several stone tablets; but it does not appear upon what material the older agreement was carved. In 538, at a durbar held by Tsu2019u, Hiang Suh, the learned man of Sung, who has already been mentioned in Chapter XV. as the inventor of Peace Conferences in 546, and as one of the Confucian group of friends, remarked: “What I know of the diplomatic forms to be observed is only obtained from books.” A few years later, when the population of one of the small orthodox Chinese states was moved for political convenience by Tsu2019u away to another district, they were allowed to take with them “their maps, cadastral survey, and census records.” There is an interesting statement in the Kwoh Yue, an ancillary history of these times, but touching more upon personal matters, usually considered to have been written by the same man that first expanded Confuciusu2019 annals, to the effect that in 489 B.C. (when Confucius was wandering about on his travels, a disappointed and disgusted man) the King of Wu inflicted a crushing defeat upon Tsu2019i at a spot not far from the Lu frontier, and that he captured “the national books, 800 leather chariots, and 3000 cuirasses and shields.” If this translation be perfectly accurate, it is interesting as showing that Tsu2019i did possess Kwoh-shu, or “a State library,” or archives. But unfortunately two other histories mention the capture of a Tsu2019i general named Kwoh Hia, alias Kwoh Hwei-tsz, so that there seems to be a doubt whether, in transcribing ancient texts, one character (shu) may not have been substituted for the other (hia). Two years later the barbarian king in question entered Lu, and made a treaty with that state upon equal terms. Shortly after this date, the Chinese adviser who brought about the conquest of Wu by the equally barbarous Yiieh, had occasion to send a “closed letter” to a man living in Tsu2019u. When we come to later times, subsequent to the death of Confucius, we find written communications more commonly spoken of. Thus, in 313, Tsu2019i, enraged at the supposed faithlessness of Tsu2019u, “broke in two the Tsu2019u tally” and attached herself to Tsu2019in instead. This can only refer to a wooden “indenture” of which each party preserved a copy, each fitting u2019in, “dogu2019s teeth like,” as the Chinese still say, closely to the other. A few years later we find letters from Tsu2019i to Tsu2019u, holding forth the tempting project of a joint attack upon Tsu2019in; and also a letter from Tsu2019in to Tsu2019u, alluding to the escape of a hostage and the cause of a war. In the year 227, when Tsu2019in was rapidly conquering the whole empire, the northernmost state of Yen (Peking plain), dreading annexation, conceived the plan of assassinating the King of Tsu2019in; and, in order to give the assassin a plausible ground for gaining admittance to the tyrantu2019s presence, sent a map of Yen, so that the roads available for troops might be explained to the ambitious conqueror, who would fall into the trap. He barely escaped. All these matters put together point to the clear conclusion that such states as Tsu2019in, Tsin, Tsu2019i, Yen, and Tsu2019u (none of which belonged, so far as the bulk of their population was concerned, to the purely Chinese group concentrated in the limited area described in the first Chapter) were able to communicate by letter freely with each other: a fortiori, therefore, must the orthodox states, whose civilization they had all borrowed or shared, have been able to communicate with them, and with each other. Besides, there is the question of the innumerable treaties made at the durbars, and evidently equally legible by all the dozen or so of representatives present; and the written prayers, already instanced, which were probably offered to the gods at most sacrifices. A special Chapter will be devoted to treaties. In the year 523 the following passage occurs, or rather it occurs in one of the expanded Confucian histories having retrospective reference to matters of 523 B.C:u2013"It is the fatheru2019s fault if, at the binding up of the hair (eight years of age), boys do not go to the teacher, though it may be the motheru2019s fault if, before that age, they do not escape the dangers of fire and water: it is their own fault if, having gone to the teacher, they make no progress: it is their friendsu2019 fault if they make progress but get no repute for it: it is the executiveu2019s fault if they obtain repute but no recommendation to office: it is the princeu2019s fault if they are recommended for office but not appointed.” Here we have in effect the nucleus at least of the examination system as it was until a year or two ago, together with an inferential statement that education was only meant for the governing classes. It is rather remarkable that the invention of the “greater seal" character in 827 B.C. practically coincides with the first signs of imperial decadence; this is only another piece of evidence in favour of the proposition that enlightenment and patriarchal rule could not exist comfortably together. When Tsu2019in conquered the whole of modern China 600 years later, unified weights and measures, the breadth of axles, and written script, and remedied other irregularities that had hitherto prevailed in the rival states, it is evident that the need of a more intelligible script was then found quite as urgent as the need of roads suitable for all carts, and of measures by which those carts could bring definite quantities of metal and grain tribute to the capital. Accordingly the First August Emperoru2019s prime minister did at once set to work to invent the “lesser seal” character, in which (so late as A.D. 200) the first Chinese dictionary was written; this "lesser seal” is still fairly readable after a little practice, but for daily use it has long been and is impracticable and obsolete. If we reflect how difficult it is for us to decipher the old engrossed charters and written letters of the English kings, we may all the more easily imagine how even a slight change in the form of “letters,” or strokes, will make easy reading of Chinese impossible. It is a mistake to suppose that the Chinese have to "spell their way” laboriously through the written character so familiar to them: it is just as easy to “skim over” a Chinese newspaper in a few minutes as it is to “take in” the leading features of the Times in the same limited time; and volumes of Chinese history or literature in general can be “gutted” quite easily, owing to the facility with which the so-called pictographs, once familiar, lend themselves to “skipping.” The Bamboo Books, dug up in A.D. 281, the copies of the classics concealed in the walls of Confuciusu2019 house, the copy of Lao-tszu2019s philosophical work recorded to have been in the possession of a Chinese empress in 150 B.C.u2013all these were written in the "greater seal,” and the painstaking industry of Chinese specialists was already necessary when the Christian era began, in order to reduce the ancient characters to more modern forms. Since then the written character has been much clarified and simplified, and it is just as easy to express sentiments in written Chinese as in any other language; but, of course, when totally new ideas are introduced, totally new characters must be invented; and inventions, both of individual characters and of expressions, are going on now.
2023-06-28 18:44:191

奥地利 英文简介

Austria Introduction Official name: Republic of Austria Capital: Vienna Population: 8.1 million Currency: Euro Official language: German Date of independence, or formation date: 1918 Date when current borders were established: 1919 National day: Oct 26 Vehicle country identifying code: A Time zone (hours plus or minus from GMT): +1 International telephone dialling code: +43 Internet country identifying code: .atLying in the heart of Europe, Austria is dominated by the Alps in the west, while fertile plains make up the east and north. A separate republic after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria was absorbed into Hitler"s Germany in 1938. It regained independence in 1955 after the departure of the last Soviet troops from the Allied Occupation Force. Its economy encompasses successful high-tech sectors, a tourist industry which attracts wealthier visitors, and a strong agricultural base. Having joined the EU in 1995, in 2002 it was one of 12 EU states to adopt the euro.Background: Once the center of power for the large Austro-Hungarian Empire, Austria was reduced to a small republic after its defeat in World War I. Following annexation by Nazi Germany in 1938 and subsequent occupation by the victorious Allies in 1945, Austria"s status remained unclear for a decade. A State Treaty signed in 1955 ended the occupation, recognized Austria"s independence, and forbade unification with Germany. A constitutional law that same year declared the country"s "perpetual neutrality" as a condition for Soviet military withdrawal. Following the Soviet Union"s collapse in 1991 and Austria"s entry into the European Union in 1995, some Austrian"s have called into question this neutrality. A prosperous, democratic country, Austria entered the European Monetary Union in 1999.
2023-06-28 18:44:271


2023-06-28 18:44:353

ion 为后缀的单词

2023-06-28 18:44:431

QQ飞车的中文歌曲叫什么 mp3

U中文版 网络歌手
2023-06-28 18:42:382

She taught him how to speak English?中的how to 是什么成分?为什么加to

how 和 to 不是在一起的,to 是和 speak 组成不定式 “to speak”,how 作为副词去修饰“to speak” ,English 是 to speal 的宾语. 看下面三个句子: She taught him English.她教他英语 She taught him to speak English.她教他说英语 She taught him how to speak English.她教他如何说英语 主语—— she 谓语—— taught 宾语—— him 宾补——how to speak English (不定式短语) 其中: to speak——不定式,English——宾语,how ——状语 ,
2023-06-28 18:42:391


英语试译:Internal peace is key to every one.
2023-06-28 18:42:392

歌词有一句ki 啥 me down是啥歌

歌词应该是“Tear me down down",出自以下歌曲:歌名:Wrecking Ball歌手:Frankmusik语言:英语所属专辑:Do It In the AM发行时间:2011-09-26歌词:Baby you let me downI"m closing the doorI can"t bear to seeYour sweet eyes anymoreEvery second that I stayI"m sinking further inTo your clever little gamesAnd the heartache that they bringDon"t you know by nowWhen I scream out loudThat I"m done with youAnd the things you doI can"t run or hideFrom your love or liesCan I win a warWhen you"re changing sidesEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear it apartIt"s likeEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear it, tear itPicking up parts of meScattered on the floorReckless love is strongI wish my soul was moreTerrified and scared to deathI"m searching for a wayTo keep you more in checkHear what I gotta sayDon"t you know by nowWhen I scream out loudThat I"m through with youAnd the things you doI can"t run or hideFrom your love or liesCan I win a warWhen you"re changing sidesEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear it apartIt"s likeEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear it, tear itBaby now I"m taking coverYou"re my destructive loverBaby you are like no otherWrecking all of usBaby now I"m taking coverYou"re my destructive loverBaby you are like no otherWrecking all of usWrecking all of usYou"re wrecking all of usWith a wrecking ballWith a wrecking ballDo you really want to wreck us allWith a wrecking ballWith a wrecking ballWreck it allEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear it apartIt"s likeEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear itEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear it apartIt"s likeEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear it, tear itDon"t you know by nowWhen I scream out loudThat I"m done with youAnd the things you doI can"t run or hideFrom your love or liesCan I win a warWhen you"re changing sidesEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear it apartIt"s likeEvery time you tear me down downTear me down downWith your wrecking ball heartBaby tear it apart
2023-06-28 18:42:441


She taught us how to make a model robot.
2023-06-28 18:42:451


2023-06-28 18:42:461

she taught me how to yodel 伴奏 发我邮箱

她教我怎么唱岳得尔调。Yodel: 用真假嗓音反复变化地唱
2023-06-28 18:42:321

QQ飞车主题曲 是什么啊???

2023-06-28 18:42:315

有一首英文歌,里面有一首歌词听起来像是中文的 扯你罩罩 这是哪一首歌

u300aWrecking Ballu300b - Frankmusik
2023-06-28 18:42:292


“团灭”英文为Wipe Out。团灭意指某一方多人团队在火拼或打怪时全部阵亡。在《魔兽世界》《英雄联盟》游戏中,团灭常指团战时团队全部阵亡,导致计划失败。也常被引申为集体行为的失败。在考试中,团灭常指很多人挂科或者全部挂科。扩展资料:团灭常见于侧重团队作战的MMORPG(大型多人在线角色扮演游戏),以及各种多人对战游戏,近年来因《魔兽世界》的窜红而迅速风靡于网络。(如:公司雇员五人一起向上级要求涨工资被拒绝,也可以说五人申请加薪队伍“团灭”)ACG中:阳炎Project中kuroha杀死目隐团全员(除marry),或未来日记中1st2nd背叛8th杀死其手下等事件。参考资料来源:百度百科-团灭
2023-06-28 18:42:251


2023-06-28 18:42:221