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2023-06-28 19:17:25






2023-06-28 14:09:161

harsh有坚硬的 意思吗?

没有,harsh:adj.刺耳的; 残酷的; 粗糙的; 严厉的,严格的; hard:坚硬的、沉重地。
2023-06-28 14:09:421

harsh和stern tough做“严厉”之意的区别

2023-06-28 14:09:511


2023-06-28 14:10:161


一、详细释义: , adj. , 粗糙的;未经加工的 , 例句: ,He took some nails and bits of wood, and built them into a rough cupboard.,他拿来一些钉子和木头,制作了一只粗糙的碗橱。, 例句: ,His hands were rough and calloused, from years of karate practice.,由于多年练习空手道,他的双手粗糙不平,布满老茧。, 粗野的,粗鲁的;狂暴的,汹涌的 , 例句: ,Some girls disapprove of rough games.,有些女孩子不喜欢粗野的游戏。, 例句: ,They have plained of discrimination and occasional rough treatment.,他们抗议遭受歧视,而且偶尔还会遭到粗暴的对待。, 粗略的 , 例句: ,We were only able to make a rough estimate of how much fuel would be required.,我们只能对所需燃料作一个粗略的估计。, 例句: ,As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 per cent of his body weight in food every day.,作为一个大致的参照,一匹马每天需要吃相当于其体重2.5%的食物。, 艰苦的 , 例句: ,We treckked through the jungle and had to live rough for ten days before we returned to camp.,我们在丛林中艰苦跋涉,在回到营地前的10天里,得在极不舒服的困难条件下生活。, 例句: ,Tomorrow, he knew, would be a rough day.,他知道明天将会是艰难的一天。, adv. , 粗暴地 , 例句: ,Do not treat a naughty child rough.,不要粗暴地对待顽皮的孩子。, 艰苦地 , 例句: ,Even when he"s about to fly off with his family to live rough in the Masai Mara for a week, for Laurence, it"s all about focus.,即使是在他要跟家人一起飞赴马赛玛拉过上一周的艰苦生活时,对于劳伦斯来说,这一切都与专注有关。, 例句: ,The children here enjoy camping and living rough but I"m getting a little too old for such a hard life.,这儿的孩子们以野营和艰苦的生活为乐,不过,我年岁已高,过不了这种艰苦的生活了。, n. , 高低不平的地面 , 例句: ,The car bumped along the rough.,汽车在高低不平的路上颠簸而行。, 例句: ,Grace made her way slowly across the rough.,格雷斯缓慢地走过高低不平的地面。, 艰苦,艰难,苦难 , 例句: ,T-Mac has had a rough go of it the last couple years because of injuries and was definitely one of the league"s premier players when healthy.,在过去的2年中,曾经联盟最好球员之一的T-MAC因为伤病过得相当的艰苦。, 未经加工的材料;粗糙的部分 , 例句: ,In fact, you"re like a diamond in the rough.,事实上,你像一颗未经加工的宝石。, v. , 使粗糙 [T] , 例句: ,This kind of cloth is easily roughed.,这种布容易起毛。, 例句: ,Satin is very easily roughed.,缎子是很容易起毛的。, 粗暴对待;举止粗野 [I,T] , 例句: ,David Welsh was roughed up and maced after his arrest.,戴维·威尔士被捕之后,既遭到拷打,又被施以梅斯毒气。, 例句: ,He was roughed up and his glasses knocked off.,他受到粗暴的待遇,眼镜也给打掉了。, 草拟 [T] , 例句: ,The sculptor roughed out the form his statue should take.,雕刻师制出了雕像的毛坯。, 例句: ,He roughed out some ideas for the new buildings.,他为新建筑物提出了一些初步设想。, 二、词义辨析: , hoarse,harsh,rough ,这些形容词均有“嘶哑的,沙哑的”之意。hoarse指嘶哑刺耳的声音,通常因高声喊叫后嗓子失音所致。harsh一般多指刺耳难听的声音。rough指粗哑难听的声音。, 三、词义辨析: , rude,coarse,harsh,rough ,这组词的共同意思是“粗鲁的”“粗糙的”。其区别在于:rough 强调言行是粗鲁的。rude 强调其源于教育差、文化低。coarse 则强调由于粗鲁而引起的厌恶心理。harsh 侧重于指给人以感官上的粗糙、不和谐的感觉。, 四、相关短语: ,rough in,草拟,画出…的草图,rough out,草拟,粗制,画…的草图,rough up,粗暴对待,殴打,攻击,伤害,rough drawing,草图略图,rough fish,杂鱼, 一、参考例句: ,Her skin felt rough.,她的皮肤摸上去粗糙。,Does the orange feel rough?,橘子摸起来粗糙吗?,The rough road made the car vibrate.,崎岖不平的道路使车颠簸得很厉害。,The ship wallowed in the rough sea.,船在汹涌的海上颠簸。,Many people consider boxing a rough sport.,许多人认为拳击是一项粗野的运动。,Some girls disapprove of rough games.,有些女孩子不喜欢粗野的游戏。,The rough waves rolled the ship along.,汹涌的波涛使船左右摇晃着。,The rough sketch has been blocked in.,略图已拟就。,The ship labored through the rough seas.,船在波涛汹涌的海上费力前行。,Her hands were rough from hard work.
2023-06-28 14:10:231


Yes. Harsh
2023-06-28 14:10:325


This boss is so severe that his employees are afraid of him.
2023-06-28 14:10:493

be harsh to 和be harsh on的区别?

don"t be too harsh on yourself.[月亮][月亮] 不要对自太残酷不要对自已太狠希望能帮到你,请采纳正确答案,点击【采纳答案】,谢谢 ^_^你的点赞或采纳是答题的动力
2023-06-28 14:10:574

harsh voice就是黑嗓吗?
2023-06-28 14:11:074


英语常用同义词辨析 H   habit, custom, manners, usage, practice, convention, tradition   这些名词均含有"习惯,风俗,传统"之意。   habit 侧重于自然养成的,不易去掉的个人习惯。   custom 指一个国家、一个民族、一个地区或一个社会的习惯、行为方式或风俗习惯。也可指个人的习惯。   manners 指在某一时期或某一团体中盛行的社会礼仪或社会风俗模式。   usage 指持续时间长,为很多人公认采纳的惯例、习俗。   practice 常指习惯性的做法或行为。   convention 多指约定俗成的行为方式规则或公认的标准,或指艺术上公认的技巧。   tradition 广义指世代相传的伦理、行为规范和生活方式,特指因长久奉行而几乎具有法律效力的习惯、习俗,侧重历史意义。   hang, suspend   这两个动词均含"挂,吊"之意。   hang 通常指一端固定于一点或一条线上,另一端悬于空中的状态。   suspend 侧重悬挂物支撑点的灵活性和活动自由。   happen, occur, chance, take place   这些词语都可表示"发生"之意。   happen 普通用词,泛指一切客观事物或情况的发生,强调动作的偶然性。   occur 较正式用词,可指意外地发生,也可指意料中的发生。   chance 侧重事前无安排或无准备而发生的事,特指巧合。   take place 多指通过人为安排的发生。   happy, glad, cheerful, joyful, merry, delightful, gay, pleasant, nice, jolly, agreeable   这些形容词均含"愉快的,高兴的"之意。   happy 侧重感到满足、幸福或高兴。   glad 最普通用词,语气较弱,表示礼貌的惯用语。指乐于做某事或因某事而感到满足,常表愉快的心情。   cheerful 多指因内心的愉快而表现出兴高采烈,是强调而自然的感情流露。   joyful 语气较强,强调心情或感情上的欣喜。   merry 指精神情绪的暂时高涨,表示欢乐、愉快的心境或情景,侧重充满欢笑声和乐趣。   delightful 指能带来强烈的快乐,激起愉快的情感,用于非常愉快的场合。   gay 侧重无虑、精神昂扬、充满生命的快乐。   pleasant 侧重给人以"赏心悦目"或"愉快的,宜人的"感受。   nice 语气较温和,泛指任何愉快或满意的感觉。   jolly 通俗用词,多指充满快乐与喜悦的神情。   agreeable 指与感受者的愿望、情趣或受好等和谐一致而带来的心情上的快意。   harbour, port, wharf, pier, seaport   这些名词都有"港,港口,码头"之意。   harbour 一般用词,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。   port 多指人工港口,还可指有港口的市。   wharf 指船只停泊装卸货物的码头。   pier 专指与海岸成直角形而突出的码头,可供旅客,货物上下船或供人散步用。   seaport 指港埠。   hardly, scarcely, barely   这些副词均含"几乎不"之意。   hardly 指接近最低限度,差不多没有多余,强调困难和程度。   scarcely 指不太充分,不太够,不足,不能令人满意,强调数量。   barely 指仅仅够,一点不多,强调没有多余。   harmony, agreement, concord, unity, accord   这些名词均有"和谐、一致"之意。   harmony 指人与人之间或不同部分与整体之间完全协调、和谐、愉快,没有摩擦。   agreement 侧重态度与观点上的一致。   concord 多指人际、国家间或民族之间协调一致的关系。   unity 指各个成员、各群体之间相互协调一致的关系。   accord 指思想一致,彼此不矛盾,也指行动上的一致。   hare, rabbit   这两个名词均有"兔子"之意。   hare 指生在森林或田野等处的野兔。   rabbit 通常指家中饲养的家兔。   haste, speed, hurry, dispatch   这些名词均含"迅速,急速"之意。   haste 中性词,用作褒义指动作迅速,事情做得又快又好;作贬义用时,指做事急躁,行为鲁莽,得不到预期的结果。   speed 多用于褒义,指行动敏捷快速,效果好。   hurry 指急速从事某项活动或匆忙对付一件事情,含明显慌乱的意味。   dispatch 指迅速、敏捷地结事某事,强调敏捷和及时。   hate, disgust, dislike   这些动词均有"恨,厌恶"之意。   hate 最普通常用词,指因利害冲突或出于正义感或其它因素而对人或物或某种行为表示厌恶,憎恨或极不满。   disgust 多指对丑恶的行为或对令人不快的事或坏的东西有强烈的憎恶之感。   dislike 语气较弱,指一般的厌烦或不喜欢,有时可能是天生的反感。   haughty, proud, arrogant, vain   这些形容词都有"骄傲的,傲慢的"之意。   haughty 较正式用词,多用于贬义。指对身份或地位比自己低的人采取冷淡、轻视或鄙互的态度。   proud 含义广,普通用词。褒义指自豪和荣耀以及强烈的自尊;贬义则指傲慢,自以为是或自鸣得意。   arrogant 用于贬义,指过高估计自己,以致骄傲自大或傲慢无礼,目中无人。   vain 指一个对自己的外表或对自己留给别的印象太过分地关注,以致自命不凡,自鸣得意。   have, hold, own, possess, keep, enjoy   这些动词均有"有,具有,持有"之意。   have 最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。   hold 指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。   own不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。   possess 较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。   keep 指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。   enjoy 指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。   have to, must   这两个动词均有"必须,不得不"之意。   have to 通俗用语,指受客观条件或环境迫使而"不得不"做某事,突出客观性。   must 通常表示命令或说话人主观认为必须要做某事,含强调语气,侧重主观性。   headmaster, principal, president   这些名词均有"校长"之意。   headmaster 在英国指对中小学校长的一般称呼,尤指私立学校的校长。   principal 在英国可指大学校长、院长以及中小学校长,但在美国仅指中小学校长。   president 在美国专指大学的校长,在英国指学院院长。   healthy, sound, robust, well, strong, vigorous, sturdy, tough, wholesome, fit   这些形容词均含"健康的,强健的"之意。   healthy 指身体无病,也可指身心健全、正常的。   sound 侧重身体各部分或器官没有病,无任何缺陷,即健康。   robust 强调身体强健。   well 仅指没有疾病,但不一定很健康。   strong 既指体格健壮,又指体力或精神上的力量。   vigorous 指人强健有力,精力充沛。   sturdy 侧重于结实的体格。   tough 着重指人的体格健壮。   wholesome 多指能给人留下身体健康、思想健全或品德良好等印象。   fit 既可指健壮又可指健全无病。   healthy, healthful, wholesome   这些形容词均含有"有益于健康的"之意。   healthy与healthful都可表示"有益于健康的",但healthy只在非正式文体中可与healthful换用,healthful比healthy更常用。   wholesome常可与healthful互换并且更常用,更强调有益于、增进、促使、维持身体或精神的健康。   hear, listen, overhear   这些动词均含"听"之意。   hear 及物动词,指声音进入耳内,但不含有注意的意味,即,只要听觉正常,声音进入耳内,就能听见。但在祈使句中,hear可指有意识的行为。   listen 及物动词,指有意识地倾听,强调行为的过程。   overhear 指偶然听到,无意中听到,也指偷听。   heaven, sky, paradise   这些名词均有"天"或"天堂"之意。   heaven 作"天空"解时,常用复数,文学用词;作"天堂"解时,多用大写形式,采用单数。   sky 普通用词,指人们头顶上的天空,一般属于笼罩地球的空气层。较少用于指天国或天堂。   paradise与heaven同义,宗教色彩浓厚,指好人死后灵魂长存之处,口语中表示乐园或乐事,在宗教典故中,指天主教与基督教中的伊甸乐园。   heavy, weighty   这两个形容词都可表示"重的,沉重的"之意。   heavy 普通用词,指重量或体积大大超过同类物体,常用作引申,多指精神上的重压等。   weighty 多指实际上而不是相对的沉重,引申指严重或重要。   help, aid, assistance, support   这些名词均有"帮助,支持"之意。   help 最普通用词,可以与aid和assistance换用。help强调使受助者达到目的或侧重受助者对帮助的需要。   aid比help正式,侧重受助者处于困难或危险境地急需救助。   assistance 正式用词,通常指帮助完成不太重要的那一部分工作。   support 强调在迫切需要时给予支持或鼓励。   hesitate, waver   这两个动词均含"犹豫,踌躇"之意。   hesitate 普通用词,一般指在决定干什么,选择什么或说什么等行动之前犹豫不决。   waver 指因优柔寡断而迟迟不见行动,或虽作出决定,伸行动上却犹豫不决,因此含畏缩不前之意。   high, tall, lofty   这些形容词均有"高的"之意。   high 普通用词,指本身高出地面之上,与low相对,不用于人。也可指程度、地位、声音等的高,还可作引申用。   tall 仅指人或物的高度,指物的"高"时,可与high换用。   lofty 书面用词,指外观宏伟壮丽的高耸物;用于指思想或目的时,表示崇高。贬义指 态高傲。   hill, mount, mountain, range, peak, volcano   这些名词均含有"山"之意。   hill 通常指小的土山、石山或浅丘。有时也指高山,复数表群山。   mount 常用于地名之前, 即一般放在专用名词前,书面用词。   mountain 通常指比hill高而陡的高山、山岳。但这种区别不是绝对的,"大"与"小"常常是相对而言。   range 形成的山脉或岭。   peak 指山峰,也可指山顶。   volcano 特指主要由喷出的熔岩和火山灰堆积而成的圆锥形火山。   hint, imply, suggest   这些动词均有"暗示"之意。   hint 指通过时间接而有提示性的话语或表情来暗示某事。   imply 侧重指话语、行为或情景中的一种暗示,听者或读者必须加以逻辑推断才能领会。   suggest 指有意或无意的,直接或间接暗示,强调事物的表征等使人引起联想。   hint, implication, suggestion   这些名词均有"暗示,暗指"之意。   hint 最常用用词,多指无意中的,间接的暗示。   implication 指对某事不公开发表自己的意见,仅用语言动作或表情表明态度,要对方进行推断。   suggestion 既可指比较明显的暗示,又可指客观上流露出的迹象。   hire, lease, rent, let, charter   这些动词均含"租,租用"之意。   hire 多指短期租用。在英国一般指租用车、船。   lease 指按照租约租出或租用房屋、土地或其它不动产。   rent 在英国指较长时间租出或租入房屋、商店或土地;而在美国指长时间或短时期租用各种资产以及日用东西。   let 尤指出租房屋或地产等。   charter 指承租大型运输工具,如飞机、轮船、大客车以及火车等。   hire, employ, engage   这些动词均含"雇用"之意。   hire 普通用词,常指短期或长期雇用某人从事某一特定工作或一次性的工作,含强调为薪金而工作的意味。   employ 正式用词,侧重受雇者虽为薪金而工作,但工作固定共享有相当尊严。   engage可与hire换用,特指雇用专业人员。   historic, historical   这两个形容词均含"历史的"之意。   historic 指历有名的,具有历史意义的或者可成为史料的。   historical 指历的或历史的,侧重在历出现过或与历史有关的。   hoarse, harsh, rough   这些形容词均有"嘶哑的,沙哑的"之意。   hoarse 指嘶哑刺耳的声音,通常因高声喊叫后嗓子失音所致。   harsh 一般多指刺耳难听的声音。   rough 指粗哑难听的声音。   hoblly, pastime, recreation   这些名词均有"嗜好,消遣,娱乐"之意。   hoblly 指在某一具有知识性和趣味性的领域内从事的业余爱好活动。   pastime 多指消遣,系空余时间的娱乐活动,常常不具什么内在价值或意义。   recreation 通常指令人愉快的消遣或有节制的活动,侧重于游玩、游戏和消遣。   hole, cave, cavity, hollow, pit   这些名词均有"洞、穴"之意。   hole 最普通用词,泛指实体上的洞、孔或坑,不涉及其大小、深浅或穿透与否。   cave 指出洞、窑洞或溶洞,可以是天然的或人造的。   cavity比hole正式,指实体内中或表面的空洞或空腔。   hollow 通常指表面上的坑或凹处,也指物体内部的空洞。   pit 指天然的大洞,尤指地上的洞,也指为采掘矿物而挖的深洞。   holiday, festival, vacation, leave   这些名词均有"假日,节日"之意。   holiday 指按规定不工作的各种假日,时间可长可短。在英国复数形式表示较长的假期。   festival 指公众庆祝、欢度的节日。   vacantion 通常指时间较长的假期,如学校的寒暑假等。   leave 主要指政府机关工作人员或军队人员获准的休假、假期。   hope, anticipate, await   这些动词均有"希望,期待"之意。   hope 指希望得到积极、有利的结果,所期待的可能实现,也可能不会实现。   anticipate 指对未来的期望,一般是对好事的期待。   await 书面用词,指对将要或预料要发生的事怍于期待状态。   hot, warm, burning   这些形容词都有"热的"之意。   hot 最普通用词,指温度很高,往往有灼热、滚烫含义。   warm 通常指温度不太高,介于hot与cold之间,不太热也不太凉,给人以舒适感。   burning 暗示热源是火,多用于夸张,指像火烧一样热。   hotel, inn, motel   这些名词都有"旅馆,客店"之意。   hotel 指开设于城镇,有一定设备,可提供食宿的旅馆。   inn 多指开设于乡间、路边,设备简陋的小旅店。   motel系motor hotel的混合缩写词,指美国开设于公路旁,专供驾驶汽车的旅客往宿和有停车场的旅店。   house, building, dwelling, shelter, habitation, home, residence   这些名词均含有"居住处"之意。   house 中性词,泛指一切供居住的建筑物,尤指适合一家一户居住的房屋。   building 泛指一切建筑物,不限于居住的房子。   dwelling 正式用词,仅指人们居住的任何建筑物。   shelter 可指长期或临时的住处,也指简陋或临时搭建的躲避风雨的场所。   habitation 指长久或固定的住所或居住地。   home 指永久住家时,带有家庭所特有的温暖、情感等气息。   residence 指大而堂皇的寓所或公馆,也指法律上的居住点。   huge, enormous, immense, giant, gigantic, colossal, vast, massive, tremendous   这些形容词均有"巨大的,庞大的"之意。   huge 含义广,强调体积或容积的庞大。也可用于引申意义。   enormous 指体积、数量或程度远远超过一般标准。   immense 正式用词,侧重空间的广阔,也指面积或分量的巨大。   giant 非正式用词,多为褒义。指如巨人般的庞大体积。   gigantic 指面积或体积的巨大,但多用于引申意义。   colossal 侧重尺寸、规模和体积的无比巨大。   vast 多指空间、面积、范围的巨大,不涉及重量。   massive 指大的体积、数量和重量,侧重庞大而笨重。   tremendous 指某物很大,大得惊人;也可用作引申意义。   humble, humiliate, degrade, disgrace   这些动词均含有"使丢脸、使受耻辱"之意。   humble常可和degrade换用,强调降级所带来的耻辱;也多指自卑和感到渺小无能的心理状态。   humiliate 指损伤或剥夺自尊感,损坏自尊心,强调蒙受耻辱。   degrade 指因过失而受到降级、阶格;也多指因自身的境遇而感到耻辱。   disgrace 指降低某人在他人心目中的地位,使其丢脸。   humid, damp, moist, wet   这些形容词均有"潮湿的"之意。   humid 正式用词,特指空气与天气的潮湿,相对湿度大。   damp 指吸进或覆盖着一点水份,常表示潮湿得使人不舒服。   moist 指微湿,侧重不干,但并非湿得使人不快。   wet 普通用词,指各种潮湿的状态。   humorous, funny, comic, witty   这些形容词均有"使人高兴的,令人发笑的"之意。   humorous 指富有幽默感、诙谐、引人发笑的。   funny 非正式用词,通常侧重因古怪、奇特或不合适宜的举动等引起的发笑。   comic 指像喜剧一样滑稽可笑。   witty 强调机智而饶有风趣。   hunger, famine, starvation   这些名词均有"饥饿"之意。   hunger 普通用词,指人体对于食物迫切需要的正常生理现象。   famine 指因天灾人祸而引起大规模饥荒;用作引申,指严重缺乏某种物资或人力。   starvation语气比hunger强得多。指因长期缺乏食物所造成的痛苦,甚至死亡,侧重人为的灾难所致。   hunt, explore, track, seek   这些动词均含"搜索、寻找"之意。   hunt 一般指寻找所需的物件,或对罪犯的搜寻,特指追猎。   explore 一般指对未知事物或新生事物的探索、观察与研究。   track 侧重按一定线索追查出结果。   seek 语义庄重,语气强,使用广。多暗示做出很大努力去寻求某人或物。   hurt, injure, wound, harm, damage, disable   这些动词均有"损害,伤害"之意。   hurt 普通用词,较口语化,侧重指给有生命的东西造成机体上或精神、感情上的或轻或重的伤害。   injure较hurt正式,多用于有生命的事物。既可指伤害别人的事物。即可指伤害别人的健康、外貌、自尊心、名誉等,又可指使别人受伤或东西受损,同时含有受伤害部分至少暂时丧失功能的意味。   wound 专指对身体的重伤,尤指在战斗中受的伤,强调外部创伤;也可指精神方面的伤害。   harm 主要用于有生命的东西,语气略强于injure,指引起严重的痛苦和损伤;有时也用于抽象事物,指造成任何不良后果。   damage 通常指对无生命物体的损害,并有降低其价值,破坏其功能等的后果。   disable 强调使伤残。   hypothesis, assumption, presumption, supposition   这些名词均有"假设,假想"之意。   hypothesis 书面用词,指有待作进一步检验或证实的假设。   assumption 侧重主观推测或主观设想。   presumption 着重指以可能性为依据的假设。   supposition可与assumption换用,还可表某种试探性的主观看法或建议。
2023-06-28 14:11:251

harsh reality是什么意思

harsh reality网络残酷的现实; 严酷的现实Her dream of building a garden of Eden was shattered in the harsh reality.在严酷的现实面前,她要修筑一个安乐窝的梦想破灭了。
2023-06-28 14:11:333

英语对错Our boss is so (harsh) that he gives every employee an extra

2023-06-28 14:11:402


=======================撒哈拉大沙漠英文简介(66字)=======================The Sahara Desert is the world"s largest hot desert. It is in northern part of Africa. Some of the sand dunes in this desert is as high as 180 meters. The highest peak in the Sahara Desert is Emi Koussi in northern Chad. People lived on the edge of the desert thousands of years ago. Plants such as the olive tree are found to grow here.
2023-06-28 14:11:472


撒哈拉英语:Sahara。相关短语1、Sahara Desert National Park - 撒哈拉沙漠国家公园。2、The Great Green Wall of the Sahara - 撒哈拉绿色长城。3、Saharan Africa - 撒哈拉以南非洲地区。4、Saharan trade routes - 撒哈拉贸易路线。5、Saharan agriculture - 撒哈拉农业。6、Saharan tribal groups - 撒哈拉部落群体。7、Sahara Conservation Fund - 撒哈拉自然保护基金会。8、Sahara Solar Breeder Project - 撒哈拉太阳能育种计划。9、Sahara Marathon - 撒哈拉马拉松赛。10、Sahara Forest Project - 撒哈拉森林计划。双语例句:1、The Sahara Desert covers a huge area of northern Africa, with its unique climate and environment attracting scientists from all over the world.撒哈拉沙漠覆盖了非洲北部的广阔地区,其独特的气候和环境吸引了来自世界各地的科学家。2、The Great Green Wall of the Sahara project aims to combat desertification by planting trees in a belt stretching across Africa from Senegal to Djibouti.撒哈拉绿色长城计划旨在通过在从塞内加尔到吉布提的非洲地区种植树木的带状区域来对抗荒漠化。3、While the Sahara Desert may seem like a harsh, barren landscape, it is actually home to a surprisingly rich diversity of plant and animal species.尽管撒哈拉沙漠可能看起来像是一个严酷、贫瘠的景观,但实际上它是许多物种丰富多样的动植物的家园。
2023-06-28 14:12:011


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2023-06-28 14:12:3910

harsh tarmac是什么意思

2023-06-28 14:13:042


2023-06-28 14:13:244


gentle, charming, harsh, sharp, clear, cute, deep,...
2023-06-28 14:13:515


2023-06-28 14:14:051

harsh environments 什么意思

2023-06-28 14:14:384


harsh和rough的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.harsh意思:adj. 残酷的; 严酷的; 严厉的; 恶劣的; 艰苦的; 强烈刺眼的; 丑陋的;2.rough意思:adj. 粗糙的; 不平滑的; 高低不平的; 不确切的; 粗略的; 大致的; 粗暴的; 粗野的; 猛二、用法不同1.harsh用法:用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征。例句:Yorke himself has a harsh face.约克本人长着张粗糙的脸。2.rough用法:常用作定语,也可作表语、补语或状语。例句:The rough road made the car vibrate.崎岖不平的道路使车颠簸得很厉害。三、侧重点不同1.harsh侧重点:harsh常用于指刺耳难听的声音。2.rough侧重点:rough指粗哑难听的声音。
2023-06-28 14:15:581


be harsh with 对某人严厉
2023-06-28 14:16:122


strict的英语说法:英:[/stru026akt/]美:[/stru026akt/]一、中文翻译adj. 严格的;严肃的;严谨的二、词义辨析以下这些形容词均包含"刻板的,严格的"的意思rigid:指没有灵活性、机动性。strict:指在行为规则上要求严格。rigorous:侧重指严格到毫不宽容的地步。三、形式比较级:stricter最高级:strictest四、短语搭配strict rules 严格的规定strict discipline 严格的纪律strict diet 严格的饮食strict control 严格的控制strict enforcement 严格的执行五、双语例句1. We have a strict rule against smoking in the office.我们对办公室内禁止吸烟有严格的规定。2. He is strict with his students.他对学生要求严格。3. She keeps a strict diet for her health.她为了健康坚持严格的饮食。4. The laws will be enforced in a strict manner.法律将会得到严格执行。5. He"s the strictest teacher in our school.他是我们学校最严格的老师。六、用法1. "Strict" 是一个形容词,表示严格的、严谨的或严肃的,常用来描述规则、纪律、人或方法等。2. "Strict" 可以直接用于名词之前,作为定语,描述名词的特征。例如:"strict rules" (严格的规定)、"strict control" (严格的控制)。3. "Strict" 可以和一些与要求、规定、控制等相关的名词搭配,如 "rules"(规则)、"control"(控制)等。例如:"We have strict rules." (我们有严格的规定。)4. "Strict" 的比较级是 "stricter",最高级是 "strictest",用来比较严格的程度。例如:"He is stricter than his colleague." (他比他的同事更严格。) "He"s the strictest teacher in our school." (他是我们学校最严格的老师。)
2023-06-28 14:16:281


2023-06-28 14:17:011


harsh英 [hɑu02d0u0283]     美 [hɑu02d0ru0283]    adj. 粗糙的;严厉的,严酷的;刺耳的;使人不舒服的;大约的
2023-06-28 14:17:271


单词:strict。strict一、含义:adj. 严格的;精确的;完全的二、用法1592年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的strictus,意为紧的,严格的。strict的基本意思是“严格的,严厉的”,还可作“严谨的,精确的”“绝对的,完全的”解。表示“在某方面严格”用介词in,“对某人严格”用介词with。strict在句中可用作表语或定语,可用 very 修饰。Discipline at school is very strict.学校的纪律很严。扩展资料:近义词:harsh、inflexible、rigid。一、harsh1、含义:adj. 粗糙的;严厉的,严酷的;刺耳的;使人不舒服的;大约的。2、举例The punishment was too harsh for him.这种惩罚对他来说太严厉了。二、inflexible1、含义:adj. 不可弯曲的;僵硬的;顽固的;不可改变的;不容变更的。2、举例The new plastic is completely inflexible .这种新塑料是完全不可弯曲的。三、rigid1、含义:adj. 坚硬的;严格的;固执的;僵硬的;刻板的。2、举例He is a man of very rigid principles.他是一个原则性很强的人。
2023-06-28 14:17:341

sorry there is no other language锈湖

harsh 是形容词,意思是 粗糙的; 刺耳的; 严厉的,严格的; 残酷的 难听的;刺耳的 unkind 意思是不友好的 所以选D 其他几个选项:A firm 坚定的 B soft 柔软的 C deep 深沉的 意思和harsh都不接近
2023-06-28 14:17:491


2023-06-28 14:17:561

Harsh choice, it is always是什么意思阿?

2023-06-28 14:18:043

2023-06-28 14:18:221


harsh 是形容词,意思是 粗糙的; 刺耳的; 严厉的,严格的; 残酷的 难听的;刺耳的 unkind 意思是不友好的 所以选D 其他几个选项:A firm 坚定的 B soft 柔软的 C deep 深沉的 意思和harsh都不接近
2023-06-28 14:18:291

Go out!, he said in a harsh voice.

2023-06-28 14:18:361

英语 为什么填on?

harsh 形容词,意思是严厉的,严酷的。对某人严厉, 苛刻后固定接介词on,即be harsh on sb.
2023-06-28 14:18:441

沙哑的的英语翻译 沙哑的用英语怎么说

沙哑的_释义:husky,hoarse,husky,raucous,barbarous短语:沙哑的 raucous;hoarse;harsh沙哑的女声 Ciara Get Up完全沙哑的 piena roce
2023-06-28 14:18:511


是Pussycat Dolls的hush hush
2023-06-28 14:18:581

throw a harsh spotlight on怎么翻译

2023-06-28 14:19:063


对 苛刻用英语怎么说 Be sharp/unkind to somebody be harsh/hard on somebody be strict with somebody 因此她对自己要求很严格。用英语怎么说 20分 So she is strict with herself.对人要求严格用be strict with *** . 对事要求严格用be strict in sth. 不明白的可以再问哟! 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 请记得采纳,谢谢! 不管结果怎样,不要对自己要求太苛刻。用英语翻译 Whatever it was,don"t be too harsh to yourself. Teenagers should stay away from the Internet. look up the new words It"s convenient for me to take the underground. 祝你开心如意! 对我要求严格用英语怎么说? be strict with me 记得点好评哈 作为老师,他对学生要求很严格。用英语怎么翻译 As a teacher, he is very strict with his students. As a teacher, he is very serious with his students. 你们的条款对我们来讲太苛刻 英语对话 你们的条款对我们来讲太苛刻 Your terms are too harsh for us. 你们的条款对我们来讲太苛刻 Your terms are too harsh for us. 他对他自己要求非常严格英语。 用英语怎么翻译呢 He is very strict to himself on English 有不会的可以再问我
2023-06-28 14:19:121


2023-06-28 14:19:311

harsh my mellow是什么意思?

你好harsh one"s mellow: to be a killjoy, to ruin sb"s happiness with sad news 煞某人风景,扫某人的雅兴。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~
2023-06-28 14:19:382

not/never so...as句型改写句子

2023-06-28 14:19:471

野性的呼唤 英文英文人物简介

Buck: The protagonist of our story, Buck is part St. Bernard, part Scotch shepherd. At the beginning of the story, Buck is a domesticated, but atypical dog who lives in the home of Judge Miller in California. After being kidnapped and taken to Alaska to become a sled-dog, Buck"s wild nature is reawakened, and he slowly returns to the ways of his ancestors. Spitz: An experienced and clever Husky, Spitz is the original lead dog of Buck"s dogsled team. He fears and hates Buck, whom he sees as a rival. He is eventually killed by Buck in a fight for leadership. Curly: A sweet Newfoundland dog, one of Buck"s first companions after he has been kidnapped. She is unexpected killed for trying to make friendly advances toward another dog. Dave: Another one of Buck"s first companions, he is one of the most knowledgeable dogs on the team. Mostly aloof, new life springs into him the moment he is placed in a harness. Not only does he help teach Buck the procedures, he also embodies pride in his work. Sol-leks: Another member of the team. Like Dave, he is aloof until attached to a sled. At first only wary of being approached on his blind-side, poor treatment makes Sol-Leks more and more unfriendly. Billie: Another member of the team. He is good-natured and sweet, and he shows Buck how to make a bed in the snow. He is killed by Hal. Joe: Another member of the team, Billie"s brother. Unlike Billie, Joe is always snarling and defensive. Pike: Another member of the team, often referred to as "the malingerer." He rarely gets up on time, and he will steal food and generally undermine the expedition. When Buck becomes leader, he forces Pike to shape up and become a helpful member of the team. Dub: Another member of the team. He is an awkward blunderer who gets blamed for Buck"s thievery. Dolly: Another member of the team, Dolly goes mad after being bitten by wild huskies, tries to attack Buck, and is killed by Francois. Skeet: A motherly Irish setter who belongs to John Thornton. She nurses Buck through his recovery and engages him in play. Nig: A huge black dog who belongs to John Thornton. He has laughing eyes and a good nature. Lone wolf: The "wild brother" that Buck meets in the forest. He understands Buck"s wild nature. Judge Miller: Buck"s original owner. He is presumably a sedate and prosperous man with a large family. Manuel: The gardener"s helper on Judge Miller"s estate. He kidnaps and sells Buck to fund his gambling habit. Red sweater: Also known as the man with the club. He metes out discipline to all dogs that will be sold for sledding. Ruthless in his repeated beatings of unruly creatures such as Buck, he maintains composure and control. He does not beat out of cruelty, it seems. Rather, he looks to teach these dogs the lessons that will allow them to survive in this harsh environment. Buck never forgets the law of the club. Francois: A Canadian Frenchman, the original dogsled driver. He is knowledgeable and understanding of his dogs, but still very strict. Perrault: Francois"s superior and an agent of the Canadian government. He is admired by Buck for his fearlessness in blazing their trail, disregarding the threat of ice that might break. Hal: A young man of nineteen or twenty who purchases Buck and his team once they have used up their usefulness to the government. He has ambitions to find gold, but his incompetence and laziness are out of place in the harsh environment. He has no understanding of the dogs, and mistreats them terribly. Charles: Hal"s brother-in-law, a weak figure who does not say much. He basically follows Hal around and does what he is told. Mercedes: Sister of Hal, wife of Charles. She is exceedingly self-centered, and spends most of her time crying and complaining. John Thornton: The man who rescues Buck from Hal"s cruelty. He is by far the most admirable human character in the story, kind but full of the uncompromising strength that is necessary to survive on the trail. John is the ideal master because his nature is so dog-like. Pete: One of John Thornton"s partners. Hans: One of John Thornton"s partners. "Black" Burton: A notorious troublemaker, he picks a fight in a bar and John Thornton steps in. Matthewson: The man who bets John that Buck cannot pull a ton of weight. Jim O"Brien: The man who loans John the money to make the bet against Matthewson. Yeehats: The group of Valley Indians that raids the camp of John Thornton and his companions and kills them. They are terrorized when Buck returns and kills most of them. From then on they speak of a dog inhabited by the devil that roams the forest.
2023-06-28 14:19:541

Android APK签名有什么用呢?

2023-06-28 14:20:022


2023-06-28 14:20:222


2023-06-28 14:20:312


hard的读音是:英[hɑ?d]。hard的读音是:英[hɑ?d]。hard的例句是用作形容词(adj.)The ground is as hard as stone after the long drought.长期干旱之后,土地硬得就像石头一样。hard的词语用法是adj.(形容词)hard作“困难的”解时,指要消耗很大的体力去做某事,有时也指精神上的困难。一、详尽释义点此查看hard的详细内容adj.(形容词)坚固的猛烈的,烈性的冷酷无情的,硬心肠的,苛刻的硬的,坚硬的(人)结实的辛苦的,艰难的,困难的,艰苦的,费力的,困苦的,耗费体力的难懂的,难做的,难以回答的adv.(副词)猛烈地,猛力地努力地,艰难地,费力地,困难地接近地重重地,沉重地立即地彻底认真地大量地长时间地n.(名词)硬海滩登陆处硬质强迫苦役v.(动词)(使)艰难,变艰辛二、双解释义adj.(形容词)硬的,坚实的,坚固的 not soft or yielding to the touch or easily cut; solid; firm难做的,难懂的,难答的,困难的 difficult to do or understand or answer; not easy[A]辛苦的,努力的 showing much effort; energetic(天气)凛冽的 (of the weather) severe硬心肠的,冷酷无情的,严厉的 unfeeling; unsympathetic; harshadv.(副词)努力地 with great effort, energy or concentration; strenuously; intently艰难地 with difficulty; with a struggle严重地,猛烈地 severely; heavily三、词典解释1.硬的;坚硬的;坚固的Something that ishard is very firm and stiff to touch and is not easily bent, cut, or broken.e.g. He shuffled his feet on thehard wooden floor...他拖着脚在硬木地板上走动。e.g. Something cold andhard pressed into the back of his neck.一个冰冷梆硬的东西顶在了他的脖梗儿上。hardnessHe felt the hardness of the iron railing press against his spine.他感觉到硬邦邦的铁栏杆顶着自己的脊梁。2.难做的;困难的Something that ishard is very difficult to do or deal with.e.g. It"shard to tell what effect this latest move will have...很难说最近这次行动会有什么结果。e.g. She found ithard to accept some of the criticisms directed towards her and her work...她发现某些针对自己和自己工作的批评意见很难接受。3.努力地;使劲地If you workhard doing something, you are very active or work intensely, with a lot of effort.hard的意思e.g. I"ll workhard. I don"t want to let him down...我会努力工作,我不想让他失望。e.g. Am I trying toohard?我是不是努力过头了?4.累人的;费力的;费劲的Hard work involves a lot of activity and effort.e.g. Coping with three babies is veryhard work...照顾3个宝宝是非常累人的活儿。e.g. ...ahard day"s work...一天的辛苦工作5.仔细地;认真地If you look, listen, or thinkhard, you do it carefully and with a great deal of attention.e.g. He looked at mehard...他使劲盯着我看。e.g. You had to listenhard to hear the old man breathe...你要仔细听才能听见老人的呼吸声。6.猛力地;用力地If you strike or take hold of somethinghard, you strike or take hold of it with a lot of force.e.g. I kicked a dustbin veryhard and broke my toe.我狠狠地踢了一脚垃圾箱,结果脚趾骨折了。7.强烈地;猛烈的;长时间地You can usehard to indicate that something happens intensely and for a long time.e.g. I"ve never seen Terry laugh sohard...我从未见过特里如此放声大笑。e.g. It was snowinghard by then.当时雪下得很大。8.冷酷无情的;心肠硬的If a person or their expression ishard, they show no kindness or sympathy.e.g. His father was ahard man...他的父亲是个冷酷无情的人。e.g. Kate realized that the previoushard look on Maggie"s face had been a mask.凯特意识到玛吉原先的那副冷酷表情其实是装出来的。9.苛刻的;严厉的;不友善的If you arehard on someone, you treat them severely or unkindly.e.g. Don"t be sohard on him.别对他太苛刻了。10.有害的;不利的If you say that something ishard on a person or thing, you mean it affects them in a way that is likely to cause them damage or suffering.harde.g. The grey light washard on the eyes...光线暗淡对眼睛不利。e.g. These last four years have beenhard on them.过去的这四年里他们吃了不少苦。11.(生活、一段日子)艰难的,艰苦的If you have ahard life or ahard period of time, your life or that period is difficult and unpleasant for you.e.g. It had been ahard life for her...对她而言,那是一段非常艰苦的生活。e.g. Those werehard times.那些岁月是非常艰难的。hardnessIn America, people don"t normally admit to the hardness of life.在美国,人们通常不承认生活过得艰苦。12.非常寒冷的;凛冽的Ahard winter or ahard frost is a very cold one.e.g. ...a prolonged period ofhard frost...漫长的强霜冻期e.g. I am expecting a long,hard winter.我估计冬天会漫长而寒冷。13.(颜色)刺目的,晃眼的;(声音)刺耳的,难听的Hard colours or sounds are harsh or bright and unpleasant to see or hear.e.g. The sea was ahard blue.大海呈一片耀眼的蓝色。14.(证据、资料)可靠的,确凿的Hard evidence or facts are definitely true and do not need to be questioned.e.g. He wanted morehard evidence...他想要更多确凿的证据。e.g. There are probably fewerhard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance.有关亨利·普赛尔生平的可靠资料可能比任何其他文艺复兴以来的伟大作曲家都要少。15.(水质)硬的(指含钙化合物较多)Hard water contains a lot of calcium compounds that stop soap making bubbles and sometimes appear as a deposit in kettles and baths.16.(毒品)毒性强的,烈性的Hard drugs are very strong illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine.17.(语音)发硬音的In phonetics, ahard sound is one such as "c" or "g" as pronounced in the words "cat" or "give", and not as in the words "cinema" or "general".18.离…很近的If one thing ishard by another, it is very close to it.e.g. Paradise Street was a short, crowded street near the railway station andhard by the factory.天堂街是火车站附近一条拥挤的小街道,离该工厂很近。19.受到不公平待遇的;委屈的If you feelhard done by, you feel that you have not been treated fairly.e.g. The hall porter was feelinghard done by at having to extend his shift.酒店行李搬运工因为被迫延长当班时间而愤愤不平。20.困难的;艰难的If you say that something ishard going, you mean it is difficult and requires a lot of effort.e.g. The talks had beenhard going at the start.会谈从一开始就举步维艰。21.受到沉重打击的;受严重影响的To behard hit by something means to be affected very severely by it.e.g. California"s been particularlyhard hit by the recession.加利福尼亚受经济衰退的影响尤为严重。22.佯装不感兴趣;故意摆谱If someoneplays hard to get, they pretend not to be interested in another person or in what someone is trying to persuade them to do.e.g. I wanted her and she was playinghard to get.我想得到她,但她却故意装出不感兴趣的样子。23.十分困难的;处于困境的If someone ishard put to do something or, in British English if they arehard pushed to do something, they have great difficulty doing it.e.g. Mr Morton is undoubtedly cleverer than Mr Kirkby, but he will behard put to match his popularity.莫顿先生无疑比柯克比先生更聪明,但他将很难像柯克比先生那样受人欢迎。24.为…而非常苦恼(或难受);因…而沮丧If youtake somethinghard, you are very upset or depressed by it.e.g. Maybe I just took it toohard.可能我真的对此事太过耿耿于怀。四、例句The ground is as hard as stone after the long drought.长期干旱之后,土地硬得就像石头一样。It"s very hard to maintain a relationship.要维持一段关系,是很困难的。It"s very hard on parents when their children are rebellious.对父母来说,孩子叛逆是个很棘手的问题。He likes to pretend he is hard, but he is really soft underneath.他喜欢故作坚强,但是他内心真的很脆弱。She has really good looks but a hard heart.她确实长得漂亮,可是却有一颗残酷的心。He gave the door a hard shove and it opened.他猛地一推门,门开了。I don"t want to go out in such hard weather.我不想在这么冷的天气里出门。We need some hard evidence to support our claim.我们需要一些确凿的证据来支持我们的主张。Most importantly, you must work hard to catch up.最为重要的是,你必须努力学习,迎头赶上。The senator was hard opposed by her rivals on the issue of social welfare.那名参议员在社会福利问题上遭到对手强烈的反对。Small businesses in particular were hit hard by the recession.尤其是一些小企业在经济萧条中遭受了严重的打击。You need to keep moving ahead hard and confidently.你要坚定而充满信心地走下去。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.Make a hard knot.打一个结实的结。Granite is a very hard stone.花岗岩是一种很坚硬的石头。The jar contained assorted hard candies.这罐子里装有什锦硬糖。Can linguistics ever be a hard science like physics?语言学是否能成为像物理学那样实在的科学?The teacher asked a hard question.老师问了一个很难回答的问题。That"s hard work.那是一项辛苦的工作。This behaviour is not conducive to hard work.这种举止行为不可能认真勤奋地工作。They have had a hard time bringing up ten children.他们把10个孩子拉扯大真不容易。This project is a hard task.这个工程是一项艰巨的任务。Hard conditions turned her hair grey.艰苦的环境使她的头发变白了。The village was quiet. Most farmers were fast asleep after a day"s hard work.村子里静悄悄的。在一天的辛勤劳动之后,大多数农民都已经熟睡了。Only hard work gives good results.努力工作才能有好的结果。It takes hard work to get ahead in business.要想在商业上获得成功需要努力工作。Her husband is a hard drinker.她丈夫酗酒。The hard rain flattened the tomato plants.暴雨把西红柿秧打倒伏了。This has been a hard winter.这是一个严寒的冬天。A hard illness kept him in bed for a whole year.重病使他整整一年卧床不起。A hard blow knocked the boxer down.对方猛烈的一拳将这个拳击手击倒在地。We dealt hard blows at the enemy.我们狠狠地打击了敌人。The lawyers exchanged hard words.律师们唇枪舌剑,互不相让。We know that this man is a hard bargainer.我们听说此人善于讨价还价。He gave me a hard, bleak look.他冷冷地盯了我一眼。John"s father is a man with a hard heart.约翰的父亲是个铁石心肠的人。Good sports records come from hard training.良好的运动成绩是靠严格训练取得的。He has a hard father.他有一个严厉的父亲。He had a hard look on his face.他表情严峻。Hard feelings existed between the neighbours.那些邻居们彼此抱有敌意。n. +~That"s a hill hard to climb.那是座难爬的山。用作表语S+be+~This bit of wood feels hard.这块木头摸起来很硬。The rock here was hard as flint.这里的岩石像燧石一样坚硬。The soft, warm body became hard and cold.那温暖柔软的身体变得又硬又冷。The exam was extremely hard.这次考试非常难。Though nurses" work is very hard,I like it very much.虽然护士工作很苦,我还是很喜欢它。When times are hard, incidents of theft and cheating usually go up.当时世艰难时,偷窃和欺骗事件通常便会增多。Unloading the boxes is hard, inspecting them is difficult.把盒子卸下来是费劲的,检查它们则是困难的。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThis job will be hard for me.这工作对我来说将会是很困难的。The stone is hard to the touch.这石头很硬。He is hard and unfeeling towards his children.他对自己的孩子严厉无情。Life is really hard with Jim.吉姆的日子实在很难。S+be+~+(for sb) to- vThe poem is hard to understand.这首诗难懂。Old habits are hard to break.积习难改。This seems hard to explain.这个问题好像难以说清楚。She says her husband is hard to please.她说她的丈夫是难以取悦的。She is hard to deal with.对付她是很难的。The ground is too hard to dig.地硬得没法挖。The task is too hard for them to finish ahead of time.任务太艰巨,他们提前完成不了。S+be+
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withhold, Hohhot
2023-06-28 14:22:072


happy 快乐的; handsome 帅气的; handy 方便的; hard 艰难的; harsh 粗糙的; hasty 急忙的; healthy 健康的; heavy 重的; helpful 乐于助人的; heroic 英勇的; high 高的; historic 历史的; hollow 空洞的; holy 神圣的; honest 诚实的 扩展资料   He will be more than happy to come with us.   他巴不得和我们一起来。   I"m not happy with this way of working.   我不喜欢这种工作方法。   He was handsome and strong, and very masculine.   他英俊强壮,富有男子汉气概。   Always keep a first-aid kit handy.   跟前要常备急救箱。   It would be good to have a pencil and paper handy   最好在手边准备好纸和笔。
2023-06-28 14:22:171


桀:凶暴;骜:马不驯良, 比喻 傲慢 。 性情 **不驯顺。 成语出处: 《汉书·匈奴传赞》:“其桀骜尚 如斯 ,安肯以爱子而为质乎?” 成语例句: 识字读书,聪明出众。只是生成一个 桀骜不驯 的性子, 顽劣 异常 。 繁体写法: 桀骜不驯 注音: ㄐㄧㄝ ˊ ㄠˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄒㄩㄣˋ 桀骜不驯的近义词: 横冲直撞 乱冲乱闯这伙暴徒横冲直撞地通过大街亦指向敌阵四处冲杀麾两翼铁骑,横冲直撞,溷杀将来。《三国演义》 无法无天 不怕法律,也不怕天道报应。形容肆无忌惮,胡作非为 桀骜不驯的反义词: 安分守己 ∶安于命定的本分,只做自己分内的事情 ∶为人规矩老实,做事不敢越轨还是安分守己做做工吧!陆文夫《 俯首帖耳 亦作“ 俯首弭耳 ”。亦作“ 俯首戢耳 ”。形容走兽驯服的样子。后亦以喻驯服。《醒世恒言·大树坡义虎 成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、定语;指性情倔强凶暴不驯顺 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 近代成语 英语翻译: harsh and cruel 读音注意: 骜,不能读作“áo”;驯,不能读作“xún”。 写法注意: 桀,不能写作“杰”或“聱”。
2023-06-28 14:22:351