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basic symbols什么意思

2023-05-19 15:41:49

  basic symbols的中文翻译

  basic symbols




  Hardware representation of ALGOL basic symbols



  Kwanzaa also has seven basic symbols which represent values and concepts

reflective of African culture.



  The judicial domain human rights safeguard is one of the basic symbols of

the condition of country human rights and the important aspect of prevented

tramples the human rights.




2023-01-02 12:41:061


kwanzaa 宽扎节即果实初收节。它是非裔美国人的节日,庆祝活动共七天,从12月26日至1月1日。源自非洲传统的收获节,以烛光仪式揭开序幕,每天点燃一支蜡烛,象征非裔美国人的七个原则:团结、自决、共同生活、合作经济、目的、创造和信念。庆祝活动还包括互赠礼品、吃一顿名为“卡拉姆”的非洲餐
2023-01-02 12:41:111


美国初果节:原始的生命颤力 彤季擦着火柴,点着了烛台中间的黑色蜡烛。烛光照在彤季的脸上,他黝黑的皮肤反射着烛火的红光。黑色蜡烛的左右两边各有三支蜡烛,左边是绿色的,右边是红色的。他从桌上拿起一只木制酒杯,注满清水。来自不同族裔的客人们全体肃立。  彤季左边拿着盛满清水的木酒杯,站在靠墙的桌边。长桌上铺着一块非洲图案的手工印染布,图案简单粗犷,深黄的底色令人联想到非洲的沙漠和太阳。桌上放着一支烛台,烛台上插着七根蜡烛,一篮水果,一只草垫,两根玉米,包着彩纸,系着彩带的礼物,加上彤季手里的一只酒杯——在初果节仪式里,它叫做“联合杯”,共七件物品,这就是“初果节桌”。  这一天,12月26日,是美国初果节的第一天,我在黑人朋友特迪家庆祝这个节日。此刻,我们在纽约的布鲁克林,距离非洲很远很远,也很近很近。  彤季低头望着手中的酒杯,表情肃穆,轻声念着祈祷词,同时,他蘸着杯子里的清水,把指尖上的水珠弹向“四方来风”,也就是东南西北四个方向。然后,他把杯中的清水敬献给人类的摇篮——非洲母亲,敬献给祖先的灵魂,族中的长者,年轻的后生,最后才是创造万物的造物之神。杯子里的水,还纪念美国黑人几百年的痛苦挣扎和不屈的奋斗。这是初果节的洁净仪式。  初果节是美国黑人的节日。它为期7天,从12月26日开始,至1月1日结束。初果节(kwanzaa)这个名称来自东非语言斯瓦西里语,意思是“最初”,取自于一句话“马通达亚匡沙”,意思是“最初的果实”。“初果节”的第一天恰好是圣诞节的第二天,美国黑人“双喜临门”,同时庆祝这两个节日。  初果节是一个独特的节日,它始于二十世纪六十年代,美国黑人民权运动风起云涌之时。黑人作为奴隶被贩卖到美国,堪称美国历史上最黑暗的一页。黑奴来自不同的部落,使用不同的语言,各有不同的信仰以及节日和习俗,然而,被贩卖到美国之后,黑奴们失去了自己的文化之根,他们不再有自己的语言,也不再有自己的节日和习俗。美国是个移民国家,移民们从母国带来了自己的文化,几乎每个月都有某个民族在庆祝自己的节日。当其他族裔庆祝自己的节日时,失去文化之根的黑人倍感孤独。1966年,洛杉矶泛非洲学院执行主席摩兰那卡伦加博士首先提出“初果节”的设想,希望美国黑人能够借此节日获得民族感和自豪感。1966年12月,美国黑人首次庆祝初果节。  我静静地站着,感受着那一刻的庄严。过往的历史,未来的希望,苍天大地,星散的族人,此时此刻,经由一只朴素无华的木杯和几点清水,联系在一起。多么美丽动人的一刻!虽然身为黄种人,此时此刻,我的心也与黑人朋友们连在一起。是的,当我们远古的祖先还在人类的摇篮——非洲大陆时,何曾有肤色的区别?其实,我们全部属于同一个家庭:人类。  洁净仪式之后,大家坐下随意交谈,我借此机会问特迪“初果节桌”上那七件物品的意义。原来,初果节的七天里,每天都有一个“原则”,每个“原则”都有一个象征物,这些“原则”和它们的象征物都有斯瓦西里语的名称。第一天的“原则”是“乌摩加”(联合),象征物是草篮中的水果,各种不同的水果放在一只篮子里,象征着家庭、社区、国家和种族的联合。这一天,必须点燃黑色的蜡烛,它象征着黑人的肤色。  第二天,点燃一只右边的红蜡烛。在被贩卖到美洲的遥远路途中,在做奴隶的漫长岁月里,无数黑人死于非命,与鲜血同色的红色蜡烛象征着黑人悲惨的历史。这天的“原则”,是“库契卡古利亚”(决心),作为“决心”的象征,是一张草垫。  第三天点燃的是一支绿色的蜡烛,绿色是生命的象征,它也象征着未来与希望。今后的几天里,红色与绿色的蜡烛交错燃起,反复提醒人们不要忘记历史,同时也提醒人们不要忘记未来和希望。第三天的原则是“乌吉玛”(合作)。特迪指着桌上的烛台,对我说,烛台象征着合作精神。一支烛台,把七支不同色彩的蜡烛结合在一起,可不就是“合作”吗!  玉米象征初果节第四天的原则“乌加玛”(合作经济),社区中拥有自创事业的人应该互相帮助,共同获利。  第五天的原则是“尼亚”(目标),以朋友们彼此相赠的礼物为象征。礼物通常是手工制作的艺术品,“像我这样笨手笨脚的人,可以买书或画一类的东西送人,”特迪的妻子迪杨笑着说。  初果节第六天强调的原则是“库翁巴”(创造力),以酒杯作为创造力的象征。“酒杯与创造力之间有何联系?”我迷惑不解。特迪隔着桌子打趣道:“可能是先要喝醉了,才能有创造力吧?”举桌大笑。我的问题引起了一场讨论。大家各抒己见,比较一致的意见是:酒杯象征着联合,而彼此之间的联合更容易激发创造力。  初果节的第七天,正值新年,这一天的原则是“伊玛尼”(信仰),象征“信仰”的是七支蜡烛。这天夜晚,烛台上的七支蜡烛全部点燃,而最后点燃的,是一支象征未来的绿色蜡烛。  晚餐结束时,大家再次站起来,站成一个圆圈,手拉着手,感受着从彼此手心里传来的温暖。餐厅里回荡着激越的非洲鼓声,在与心跳同步的鼓声中,一切种族和文化的藩篱全然消失,只剩下原始和最初的生命颤动。  回家的路上,我想到了马丁·路德·金,想起美国黑人为争取平等权利所做出的不懈努力。今天,美国黑人为社会做出了巨大贡献。从国会到好莱坞,从最高法院到大学校园,从战场到球场,到处都有黑人的身影。然而,这一切来之不易,美国黑人为此付出了高昂的代价。禁止种族歧视虽然已经被立法,然而种族歧视仍然以其他的方式存在。在这个多民族的国家里,少数民族争取平等权利,仍然任重道远。  但是,通过各少数民族——其中也包括我们华人——多年来的努力,如今我们终于收获了最初的果实。
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2023-01-02 12:41:234

Kwaanza 是什么

Kwanzaa为河在安哥拉,看见 宽扎河.为货币,看见 安哥拉宽扎.Kwanzaa 妇女在用Kwanzaa的标志装饰的桌点燃kinara蜡烛 并且叫 Kwaanza 观察 美国黑人类型 文化 意义 庆祝非洲裔美国人的团结和文化。 日期 12月26日 直到 1月1日(7连贯天庆祝) 庆祝 团结自己决定集体创作和责任合作经济目的创造性信念是以家族 相关 黑历史月 美国黑人 题目 非洲裔美国人的历史 大西洋贩卖奴隶 · Maafa 奴隶制在美国 非洲裔美国人的军史 黑人法律 · 划去 民权: 1896–1954 1955–1968 Afrocentrism · 赔偿 非洲裔美国人的文化 非洲裔美国人的研究 当代问题 · 邻里 黑学院 · Kwanzaa · 艺术 博物馆 · 舞蹈 · 文学 · 音乐 宗教 黑人教会 · 黑解放神学 黑神学 · 父亲教条神 回教的国家 · 黑人西伯来以色列人 Vodou · Hoodoo · Santería 政治运动 平底锅Africanism · 民族主义 · 黑人权力 资本主义 · 保守主义 · 人民党主义 Leftism · 黑豹党 · Garveyism 民事和经济集团 NAACP · SCLC · 核心 · SNCC · NUL 权利小组 · ASALH · UNCF NBCC · NPHC · 链接 · NCNW 体育 黑人同盟 CIAA · SIAC · MEAC · SWAC 语言 英语 · Gullah · 克里奥尔人 美国黑人白话 名单 美国黑人 非洲裔美国人的第一 地标立法 相关题目 非洲题目 类别 · 门 Kwanzaa (或 Kwaanza)是主要在庆祝的一个一周之间的节日 美国尊敬 美国黑人 遗产。[1] 它被观察从 12月26日 1月1日 每年。Kwanzaa包括七天庆祝,以活动为特色例如蜡烛照明设备和倾吐 奠酒和达到高潮在宴餐和礼物给。 它被创造了 Ron Karenga 并且首先庆祝从 12月26日, 1966 1月1日, 1967.
2023-01-02 12:41:361


2023-01-02 12:41:413

“黑种人”用英文怎么说,不要用black people,那好像有种族歧视之意

2023-01-02 12:41:5211


October 1. Red leaves,yellow leaves(赏红叶,赏黄叶)-celebrating fall        美国的十月已进入了秋天,树叶也开始换上秋冬装。别怀疑,在美国也会有“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花”的景致。Red leaves,yellow leaves并非节假日,而是一项休闲娱乐活动。家长们带着孩子走进大自然,在秋高云淡、五彩缤纷的叶子中,留下独特的影响,庆祝秋天的到来! 2. Topsfield fair-agricultural carnival rides        Topsfield fair是美国最老、最好的农贸嘉年华。自1818年起,每年秋天如期而至。期间有嘉年华,大游行,各种产品展,从养蜜蜂到小火车,范围广泛,品类众多。 3. World series 世界联赛        世界联赛主要是指北美的Major League Baseball(MLB 美国职业棒球大联盟)一年一度的冠军赛。自1903年发起,季后赛(playoff)采取七局四胜制(best-of-seven),获胜的队伍被授予Commissioner"s Trophy。整个赛季(competition season)包括例行赛、明星赛、附加赛和季后赛。季后赛每年十月例行赛结束后举行,也就是我们所说的世界联赛。具体信息可参考美国节假日(二)中四月份的节日。 4. Halloween(万圣节) 这个节日不是很想多说,在中国已经很火了,等我有心情了再更。 5. Columbus Day(哥伦布日)         哥伦布日又称哥伦比亚日,每年10月12日,是一些美洲国家的节日,纪念克里斯托弗·哥伦布(意大利语Cristoforo Colombo)在北美登陆,为美国的联邦假日。哥伦布日为10月12日或10月的第二个星期一,以纪念哥伦布于1492年首次登上美洲大陆。         克里斯托弗·哥伦布是意大利航海家,出生于热那亚。1476年移居葡萄牙。他相信地圆说,认为自欧洲大西洋沿岸西行,可达东方。1492年10月,哥伦布率船3艘,水手87人,横渡大西洋,到达巴哈马群岛中的圣萨尔瓦多岛,成为西方第一个发现美洲新大陆的人。1493、1498、1502年他先后三次航行到美洲大陆沿岸进行实地考察。但他至死都误认为他所到达的美洲大陆是印度,故称当地居民为“印第安人”。          哥伦布日是美国于1792年首先发起纪念的。当时正是哥伦布到达美洲300周年纪念日,纽约市坦慕尼协会发起举办了纪念活动。1893年,芝加哥举办哥伦布展览会,再次举办了盛大的纪念活动。从此,每年的这一天,美国大多数州都要举行庆祝游行,教堂礼拜和学校活动以纪念这个具有历史意义的日子。         如果哥伦布不是出生在意大利,美国就不会有哥伦布纪念日了。出于对同胞的骄傲,纽约市的意大利后裔于1866年10月12日组织了第一个庆祝发现美洲的活动。第二年,其他城市的意大利人也加入行列,在那天举办餐会、游行和舞会。1869年10月12日,居住在旧金山的意大利人举行纪念活动时,把这天叫做“哥伦布纪念日”。(以上摘自百度)这样的纪念日,游行当然是必不可少了! November 1. Election Day(选举日): 1st Tuesday in November(11月的第一个周二)         美国法律规定,选举日为联邦政府官员大选的日子,具体日期为 11月的第一个周一之后的周二 ,或者说是 11月1日之后的第一个周二 ,所以选举日最早是在11月2日,最晚可能是在11月8日。         对联邦政府机关(总统、副总统和美国议会)来说,换届选举一般在 奇数年 ,总统选举每四年一次。此时,总统和副总统选举的投票人已经由各州选举完毕。美国众议院和参议院的选举 每两年举行一次 。 众议院成员任期两年;参议院任期六年, 人员繁杂,因此三分之一的参议院人员都能在大选中当选。大选也被称为中期选举,总统候选人并不在大选之列。大选中单选的人任期从第二年一月份开始。总统和副总统在就职日(Inauguration Day)上任,通常是 一月二日。 选举日在很多州是法定假日,一些州还规定人们可以带薪休假。 2. Veteran"s Day: 11.11 3. Thanksgiving Day: 3rd Thursday 4. Black Friday: the Friday after Thanksgiving December 1. Dreidel 2. Latkes 3. Christmas-gingerbread house Christmas Caroling -sing a Christmas Caroling door to door Secret Holiday Buddy: someone who sends secret presents.It is also called secret Santa. Christmas pageant-kids act out Christmas story 4. Kwanzaa(宽扎节)-African American family 
2023-01-02 12:42:421


2023-01-02 12:42:487

求翻译人教高一下册英语课文一篇~UNIT 14

2023-01-02 12:43:121

求这首爆笑歌的歌词!DickinaBox 《盒子里有只鸟》

Hey girl I got somethin" real important to give you 嘿、 女孩 、我有个很重要的东西要送给你 So just sit down and listen 所以坐好 、仔细听了 Girl you know we"ve been together such a long long time (such a long time) 女孩,你知道 我们在一起已经很长一段时间了(有够长的时间) And now I"m ready to lay it on the line 现在我已经准备好要坦白讲 (Wooow) You know it"s Christmas and my heart is open wide Wooow~你知道现在是圣诞节,我的心房已经大开 Gonna give you something so you know what"s on my mind 我要给你个好东西,让你明白我的真心意 A gift real special、so take off the top 一个真的特别的礼物,所以打开盖子吧 Take a look inside 、it"s my dick in a box 看看里面的玩意 、是我的大鸟在盒子里啊 Not gonna get you a diamond ring 没有要给你钻石戒指 That sort of gift don"t mean anything 那种东西一点意意也没有 Not gonna get you a fancy car 不是给你一台漂亮的车 Girl ya gotta know you"re my shining star 你可要知道你是我心中最闪亮的星 Not gonna get you a house in the hills 没有要给你山丘上的别墅 A girl like you needs somethin" real 像你这样特别的女孩需要更真实的东西 Wanna get you somethin" from the heart 真心的想给你这个礼物 Somethin" special girl 真的特别的好东西,女孩 It"s my dick in a box、my dick in a box babe 就是我的大鸟在盒子里,盒子里有鸟,宝贝 It"s my dick in a box、my dick in a box girl 就是我的大鸟在盒子里,盒子里有鸟,女孩 See I"m wise enough to know when a gift needs givin" (yeah) 你看我真是有够聪明,知道该在什麼时候送好礼 And I got just the one、somethin" to show ya that you are second to none 我刚好挑了这个,这个可以代表你独一无二的好东西 To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress 给那些想让小姐印象深刻的朋友们 It"s easy to do just follow these steps 很简单 只要跟著这三个步骤 1: Cut a hole in a box 1.在盒子上开个洞 2: Put your junk in that box 2.把你那玩意放进盒子 3: Make her open the box 3.让她打开那盒子 And that"s the way you do it 这样一来就搞定了 It"s my dick in a box ,my dick in a box babe 就是我的大鸟在盒子里,盒子里有鸟,宝贝 It"s my dick in a box、my dick in a box girl 就是我的大鸟在盒子里,盒子里有鸟,女孩 Christmas; dick in a box 圣诞节;盒子里有鸟 Hanukkah; dick in a box (Hanukkah犹太教的光明节) 光明节;盒子里有鸟 Kwanzaa; a dick in a box(Kwanzaa非裔美人的宽扎文化节) 文化节;盒子里有鸟
2023-01-02 12:43:281


2023-01-02 12:43:3615


2023-01-02 12:44:293


holiday[英][ˈhɒlədeɪ][美][ˈhɑ:lədeɪ]n.假日,休息日; 节日; vi.度假,休假; 第三人称单数:holidays过去分词:holidayed复数:holidays现在进行时:holidaying过去式:holidayed例句:1.But kwanzaa is a young holiday. 但是宽扎节是个年轻的节日。
2023-01-02 12:44:406


children"s day 儿童节 6月1日christmas day 圣诞节 12月25日women"sday women 妇女节。 3月8日new year"s day 新年。1月1日national day 国庆日。得看是哪个国家咯。中国是10月1日teacher"s day 教师节。9月10号mother"s day ,母亲节。5月第二个星期天valentime"s day情人节 2月14日april fool"s day 愚人节 4月1日tree planting day 植树节 3月12日
2023-01-02 12:45:016


2023-01-02 12:45:224


THIS IS AMERICA - Spirit of the Season: Christmas Music and Traditions in America By Shelley Gollust Broadcast: Monday, December 19, 2005 (MUSIC) ANNOUNCER: Millions of Americans will celebrate Christmas on December Twenty-Fifth. It is the most widely celebrated religious holiday in the United States. For the past few weeks, Americans have been preparing for Christmas. I"m Bob Doughty. Shirley Griffith and Ray Freeman tell us about American Christmas traditions and music on the VOA Special English program, THIS IS AMERICA. (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: People have been buying gifts to give to family members and friends. They have been filling homes and stores with evergreen trees and bright, colored lights. They have been going to parties and preparing special Christmas foods. Many people think Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Johnny Mathis thinks so, too. (MUSIC) VOICE TWO: Many Christians will go to church the night before the holiday or on Christmas Day. They will celebrate Christmas as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Christian ministers will speak about the need for peace and understanding in the world. This is the spiritual message of Christmas. Church services will include traditional religious songs for the holiday. One of the most popular is this one, "Silent Night." Here it is sung by Joan Baez. (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: Many other Americans will celebrate Christmas as an important, but non-religious, holiday. To all, however, it is a special day of family, food, and exchanging gifts. Christmas is probably the most special day of the year for children. One thing that makes it special is the popular tradition of Santa Claus. Young children believe that Santa Claus is a fat, kind, old man in a red suit with white fur. They believe that -- on the night before Christmas -- he travels through the air in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. He enters each house from the top by sliding down the hole in the fireplace. He leaves gifts for the children under the Christmas tree. Here, Bruce Springsteen sings about Santa Claus. (MUSIC) VOICE TWO: Americans spend a lot of time and money buying Christmas presents. The average American family spends about eight-hundred dollars. Stores and shopping centers are crowded at this time of year. More than twenty percent of all goods sold during the year are sold during the weeks before Christmas. This is good for stores and for the American economy. Christmas shopping in mall VOICE ONE: Some people object to all this spending. They say it is not the real meaning of Christmas. So, they celebrate in other ways. For example, they make Christmas presents, instead of buying them. Or they volunteer to help serve meals to people who have no homes. Or they give money to organizations that help poor people in the United States and around the world. VOICE TWO: Home and family are the center of the Christmas holiday. For many people, the most enjoyable tradition is buying a Christmas tree and decorating it with lights and beautiful objects. On Christmas Eve or Christmas morning, people gather around the tree to open their presents. Another important Christmas tradition involves food. Families prepare many kinds of holiday foods, especially sweets. They eat these foods on the night before Christmas and on Christmas day. For many people, Christmas means traveling long distances to be with their families. Peabo Bryson and Roberta Flack sing about this holiday tradition. (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: Another Christmas tradition is to go "caroling." A group of people walks along the street. At each house, they stop and sing a Christmas song, called a carol. Student groups also sing carols at schools and shopping centers. Let us listen to the choir of Trinity Church in Boston sing "Carol of the Bells." (MUSIC) VOICE TWO: Not everyone in the United States celebrates Christmas. Members of the Jewish and Muslim religions, for example, generally do not. Jewish people celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah. And some black Americans observe another holiday, Kwanzaa. Yet many Americans do take part in some of the traditional performances of the season. One of the most popular is a story told in dance: "The Nutcracker" ballet. The music was written by Russian composer Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky in eighteen ninety-one. VOICE ONE: The ballet is about a young girl named Clara. Clara is celebrating Christmas with her family and friends. One of her Christmas presents is a little device to open nuts -- a nutcracker. It is shaped like a toy soldier. She dreams that the nutcracker comes to life as a good-looking prince. Professional dance groups in many American cities perform the ballet at this time of year. They often use students from local ballet schools to dance the part of Clara and the other children in the story. This gives parents a chance to see their children perform. VOICE TWO: We leave you with "The Waltz of the Flowers" from "The Nutcracker." It is played by the Philadelphia Orchestra, led by Eugene Ormandy. (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: Today"s program was written by Shelley Gollust. It was produced and directed by Lawan Davis. I"m Shirley Griffith. (MUSIC) VOICE TWO: And I"m Ray Freeman. Join us again next week for another report about life in the United States on the VOA Special English program, THIS IS AMERICA
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2023-01-02 12:45:462

求drummer boy 中英文歌词

  Come they told me,    Pa rum pum pum pum    A new born King to see,    Pa rum pum pum pum    Our finest gifts we bring,    Pa rum pum pum pum    To lay before the King,    Pa rum pum pum pum,    Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum    Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum    Yeah I on the drum yeah I on the snare drum    Yeah I on the beat cause the beat goes dumb    And I only spit heat cause I playing for the sun    Playing for the king, playing for the title    I surprised you didn hear this in the Bible    I so tight, I might go psycho    Christmas time, so here a recital    I so bad like Michael I know    I still young, I go, I go    Stupid, stupid, love like Cupid    I the drummer boy so do it, do it    Little Baby, pa rum pum pum pum    I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum    I have no gifts to bring, pa rum pum pum pum    That"s fit to give our King, pa rum pum pum pum,    Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum    At the table with the family, having dinner blackberry on a hymn  Then it gave a lil" flicker, and I took a look to see    before it activates the ringer    And I realized the homie, Bieber, hit me on the twitter    Then I hit "em back despite I had some food up on my fingers    An Egg Nog with a little sprinkle of vanilla    Even though it"s kinda cold I"m pullin out a chinchilla    Bieber hit me back and sad let"s make it hot up in the winter    I said cool (cool)    You know imma deliver let collaborate and make the holiday a little bigger    Before we work I gotta get this off, see the othe****mily members and drop gifts off     Then I headed to the studio cause ain nothing stopping    How you know we bout to turn it up and really get it poppin" now?    People everywhere and all our twitter followers    Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukah    Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum    The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum    I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum    I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum,    Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,    If you wanna give it"s the time of year    JB on the beat, yeah, yeah I"m on the snare    It crazy how some people say they don care    When there"s people on the street with no food, it"s not fair    It about time for you to act merrily, it about for you to give to charity    Rarely do people even wanna help at all cause they warm by the fire getting toys and their dolls    Not thinking there a family out hungry and cold    Wishing, wishing that they had somebody they can hold  So I think some of you need to act bold and give to a tribe let change the globe, globe, globe     I the drummer boy so go go    I the drummer boy so go go     I the drummer boy so go go    I the drummer boy so go go
2023-01-02 12:45:562


非洲裔美国人的文化节Kwanzaa(December 26 and January 1),一般说宽扎节 是美国的节日。
2023-01-02 12:46:501

Kwanzaa,Hanukkah 这些都是什么节日?

2023-01-02 12:46:561

Kwanzaa,Hanukkah 这些都是什么节日?

非洲裔美国人的文化节Kwanzaa(December 26 and January 1),一般说宽扎节 哈努卡犹太人节(Hanukkah),十二月月底 犹太民族最隆重的节日,各犹太学校和商业都停业、各社团都有聚会活动.虔诚的犹太信徒会带全家上庙堂听教长讲述犹太历史、唱圣诗,颂扬上帝.
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2023-01-02 12:47:081


kwanzaa 宽扎节即果实初收节。它是非裔美国人的节日,庆祝活动共七天,从12月26日至1月1日。源自非洲传统的收获节,以烛光仪式揭开序幕,每天点燃一支蜡烛,象征非裔美国人的七个原则:团结、自决、共同生活、合作经济、目的、创造和信念。庆祝活动还包括互赠礼品、吃一顿名为“卡拉姆”的非洲餐。
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2023-01-02 12:47:241


意大利语文章阅读 意大利语的.书写充满了艺术气息和华丽的感觉。下面是我整理的意大利语的文章,欢迎大家阅读! In Italiano L"inverno è tradizionalmente considerato la stagione delle feste in tutto il mondo: Hanukah, Natale, Kwanzaa, Capodanno, per nominarne alcune. Le varie estrazioni etniche celebrano le feste in modi diversi, ma in tutti i casi, quando ci si incontra per celebrare, ci si incontra anche per mangiare. Per la maggior parte del mondo cristiano, il culmine della festività natalizia è il cenone di Natale. è il momento in cui le famiglie si riuniscono per festeggiare la vigilia di Natale che normalmente si celebra dopo la Messa di mezzanotte. In Francia questo pasto viene chiamato "le reveillon". Il cenone natalizio varia secondo le tradizioni culinarie, il menu consiste in anatra, paste fatte con farina di grano saraceno con panna acida, tacchino con castagne, mentre per i parigini, ostriche e Foie Gras. Una torta che porta il nome di "La Bouche de Noel" con la forma di un tronco d"albero viene consumata durante la reveillon. Lo Champagne, il vino frizzante prodotto nelle regione denominata Champagne, viene bevuto per celebrare entrambe le festività di Natale e di Capodanno. La vigilia di Natale in Germania viene simpaticamente chiamata Stomaco Grasso che deriva da un antico detto dove coloro che non mangiano bene verranno perseguitati da demoni per tutta la notte. In questo modo i tedeschi si saziano di carne di giovane maiale, insalata di maccheroni, salsicce bianche e altre specialità regionali. Marzapane, tavolette aromatizzate e una specie di pane pesante e umido contenente della frutta viene servito per dessert. In Italia molte famiglie alla vigilia di Natale cenano con anguilla o altro tipo di pesce, salsicce di maiale coperte di lenticchie oppure tacchino ripieno con castagne. Il panettone (una specie di torta con frutta candita), torrone, e panforte fanno parte del dolce servito durante il cenone natalizio. è tradizione che i dolci natalizi contengano noci e mandorle poichè le noci sono simbolo di fertilità della terra e contribuiscono ad incrementare la famiglia e il bestiame. Anche i russi festeggiano il Natale con grandi pasti. Normalmente, la carne non viene utilizzata ma viene sostituita da una specie di zuppa chiamato kutya. Questa specialità è composta da frumento o altro grano e sta a simbolizzare speranza e lunga vita, mentre miele e semi di papavero assicurano felicità, successo e sereno riposo. La festa di Capodanno viene anch"essa celebrata in famiglia e con amici con un brindisi di champagne. Nel mondo di lingua spagnola le feste natalizie sono celebrate anch"esse con il cibo. In Spagna, il pasto di Natale non viene mai consumato prima di mezzanotte. La festa familiare viene festeggiata con Pavo Trufado de Navidad (tacchino natalizio con tartufi; i tartufi sono un fungo che cresce sottoterra). Per dessert, gli spagnoli consumano torrone, un dolce di succo di caramello tostato con mandorle. Alla vigilia di Natale in Messico molte persone dopo la messa ritornano a casa per il cenone composto da tacchino, pollo, tamales, té di frutta e dolci in abbondanza. Come durante molte celebrazioni messicane, la pi?ata viene riempita di caramelle, frutta e giocattoli. In Brasile la tradizione vuole che la cena natalizia sia servita prima della Messa di mezzanotte per dare la possibilità alla Sacra Famiglia di aver qualcosa da mangiare nell"assenza degli altri commensali. Il cenone di Natale per i brasiliani consiste in tacchino, pesce e champagne. Essendo la popolazione brasiliana di provenienza multiculturale, è molto comune trovare fra i cibi serviti durante il cenone, il panettone italiano o uno stollen tedesco, e molti altri piatti tipici di influenza europea e mondiale. Nei paesi orientali tipo il Giappone e la Cina, la stagione festiva si colloca principalmente a Capodanno. La festa di Capodanno, chiamata Shogatsu, è considerata la più importante in Giappone e si protrae per ben tre giorni. Per tradizione i giapponesi festeggiano con un pasto che simboleggia lunga vita chiamato toshikoshi soba (pasta di grano saraceno), vengono anche serviti il mochi (riso battuto), verdure e pesce. Ozoni si riferisce al cibo offerto al Dio del Nuovo Anno e viene cucinato in una pentola e consumato dall"intera famiglia durante la celebrazione di Capodanno. Otoso, vino di riso dolce, è la bevanda tipica del Capodanno. ;
2023-01-02 12:47:301


英美重要节日 January 1 New Year"s Day(新年) 15 Martin Luther King Jr."s Birthday 19 Martin Luther King Jr."s Birthday Observed February 12 Lincoln"s Birthday 14 Valentine"s Day (情人节) 16 President"s Day 22 Washington"s Birthday 25 Ash Wednesday March 8 International Women"s Day(国际妇女节) 17 St. Patrick"s Day April 1 April Fools Day (愚人节) 5 Palm Sunday 10 Good Friday Arbor Day (植树节) 11 Passover 12 Easter (复活节) 17 Orthodox Holy Friday 19 Orthodox Easter 22 Secretaries Day 22 Earth Day May 6 Nurses"Day 7 National Day of Prayer 10 Mother"s Day (母亲节) 16 Armed Forces Day 25 Memorial Day Observed 30 Memorial Day 字串6 June 14 Flag Day (美国国旗纪念日) 21 Father"s Day July 4 Independence Day (美国独立日) August 2 Friendship Day September 7 Labor Day Grandparents Day 17 Citizenship Day 21 Rosh Hashanah 30 Yom Kippur October 11 National Children"s Day 12 Columbus Day 16 National Boss Day 17 Sweetest Day 24 United Nations Day 31 Halloween (万圣节前夜) November 3 Election Day 11 Veterans Day (退伍军人节) 26 Thanksgiving December 14 First Day of Hanukkah 25 Christmas (圣诞节) 26 First Day of Kwanzaa ;
2023-01-02 12:47:361

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2023-01-02 12:47:531

Dick In A Box 歌词

歌曲名:Dick In A Box歌手:The Lonely Island专辑:IncredibadHey girl I got somethin" real important to give youGirl ya gotta know you"re my shining starSo just sit down and listenGirl you know we"ve been together such a long long time (such a long time)And now I"m ready to lay it on the line(Wooow) You know it"s Christmas and my heart is open wideGonna give you something so you know what"s on my mindA gift real special, so take off the topTake a look inside - It"s my dick in a boxNot gonna get you a diamond ringThat sort of gift don"t mean anythingNot gonna get you a fancy carGirl ya gotta know you"re my shining starNot gonna get you a house in the hillsA girl like you needs somethin" realWanna get you somethin" from the heartSomethin" special girlIt"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box babeIt"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girlSee I"m wise enough to know when a gift needs givin" (yeah)And I got just the one, somethin" to show ya that you are second to noneTo all the fellas out there with ladies to impressIt"s easy to do just follow these stepsOne:Cut a hole in a boxTwo:Put your junk in that boxThree:Make her open the boxAnd that"s the way you do itIt"s my dick in a box… my dick in a box babeIt"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girlChristmas; dick in a boxHanukkah; dick in a boxKwanzaa; a dick in a boxEvery single holiday a dick in a boxOver at your parent"s house a dick in a boxMid day at the grocery store a dick in a boxBackstage at the CMA"s a dick in a box (yeah-wow-wow-wow-wow-wow)A dick in a box…
2023-01-02 12:48:021


AdditionalPopularUSAHolidays,Celebrations,Dates: February2[everyyear]:GroundhogDay February12[everyyear]:Lincoln"sBirthday February14[everyyear]:St.ValentinesDay February22[everyyear]:Washington"sBirthday(traditional) March17[everyyear]:St.Patrick"sDay April1[everyyear]:AprilFool"sDay March25,2005[April14,2006]:GoodFriday March27,2005[April16,2006]:EasterSunday April22[everyyear]:EarthDay April27,2005[April26,2006]:AdministrativeProfessionalsDay(NationalSecretary"sDay) May5[everyyear]:CincodeMayo May8,2005[May14,2006]:Mother"sDay[2ndsundayinMay] May21,2005[May20,2006]:ArmedForcesDay[3rdsaturdayinMay] June14[everyyear]:FlagDay June19,2005[June18,2006]:Father"sDay[3rdsundayinJune] July24,2005[July23,2006]:Parents"Day[4thSundayinJuly] September11,2005[Sept.10,2006]:Grandparents"Day[firstsundayafterLaborDay] September16[everyyear]:StepfamilyDay[referencepage] September17[everyyear]:CitizenshipDay NativeAmericanDay:4thfridayinSeptember,celebrated(observed)manydifferentdays October16[everyyear]:Boss"sDay(NationalBossesDay) October15,2005[Oct.21,2006]:SweetestDay[3rdsaturdayinOct] October31[everyyear]:Halloween November8,2005[Nov.7,2006]:ElectionDay[firsttuesdayafterfirstmondayinNov] November17,2005[TBA2006]:AnnualGreatAmericanSmokeout.stopsmokingforoneday,details December26-Jan.2,2005[Dec.16-23,2006]:Chanukah/Hanukkah[info] December26-Jan1[everyyear]:Kwanzaa December31[everyyear]:NewYear"sEve April2,2005:DaylightSavingsTimeSTARTS-setclocksaheadonehour. October30,2005:DaylightSavingsTimeENDS-setclocksbackonehour. March20,2005:FirstDayofSpring(VernalEquinox-dayandnightareofequallength). June21,2005:FirstdayofSummer(SummerSolstice-longestdayoftheyear). Sept.22,2005:FirstdayofFall(AutumnalEquinox-nightanddayareofequallength). December21,2005:FirstdayofWinter(WinterSolstice-shortestdayoftheyear).
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2023-01-02 12:49:073


holiday[英][ˈhɒlədeɪ][美][ˈhɑ:lədeɪ]n.假日,休息日; 节日; vi.度假,休假; 第三人称单数:holidays过去分词:holidayed复数:holidays现在进行时:holidaying过去式:holidayed例句:1.But kwanzaa is a young holiday. 但是宽扎节是个年轻的节日。
2023-01-02 12:49:181


2023-01-02 12:49:252


holiday[英][ˈhɒlədeɪ][美][ˈhɑ:lədeɪ]n.假日,休息日; 节日; vi.度假,休假; 第三人称单数:holidays过去分词:holidayed复数:holidays现在进行时:holidaying过去式:holidayed例句:1.But kwanzaa is a young holiday. 但是宽扎节是个年轻的节日。
2023-01-02 12:49:371


holiday[英][ˈhɒlədeɪ][美][ˈhɑ:lədeɪ]n.假日,休息日; 节日; vi.度假,休假; 第三人称单数:holidays过去分词:holidayed复数:holidays现在进行时:holidaying过去式:holidayed例句:1.But kwanzaa is a young holiday. 但是宽扎节是个年轻的节日。
2023-01-02 12:49:431

求贾斯汀比伯drummer boy完整歌词

Alesha Dixon - Drummer Boy LyricsI think I need a better drummerI need a drummer boy (boy)A better drummer boy (hey)Pick up your stick (ha)Hit me with your best (shot)Ehh, Ohh, OhI need a drummer boyBe my little drummerEhh, Ohh, OhPick up your stick (ha)Hit me with your best (shot)I need a fellaWho is fancyStep into my love. I"ll show you how to romanceHe give it to me, to the beat of the drumSwing away, and away. Ba da pa (pa)I can"t hear it. I wanna hear itLouder, Louder, LouderI need a drummer boy (boy)A better drummer boy (hey)Pick up your stick (ha)Hit me with your best (shot)Ehh, Ohh, OhI need a drummer boyBe my little drummerEhh, Ohh, OhPick up your stick (ha)Hit me with your best (shot)I like them strongSimple and dumbThey wanna bang my drumBut it can"t be doneThey like the way I shake my tambourineI got a boom and a bing, baby you never seenTurn me on, babyI"m the bossMean what I say, and say what I meanI can"t feel it. I wanna feel itHarder, Harder, HarderI need a drummer boy (boy)A better drummer boy (hey)Pick up your stick (ha)Hit me with your best (shot)Ehh, Ohh, OhI need a drummer boy.Be my little drummerEhh, Ohh, OhPick up your stick (ha)Hit me with your best (shot)(1-2-3-4 Hey Hey)I can"t hear it(Hey1-2-3-4)I can"t feel it. I wanna feel it.Harder, Harder, HarderI need a drummer boy (boy)A better drummer boy (hey)Pick up your stick (ha)Hit me with your best (shot)Ehh, Ohh, OhI need a drummer boy.Be my little drummerEhh, Ohh, OhPick up your stick (ha)Hit me with your best (shot)
2023-01-02 12:49:492


holiday[英][ˈhɒlədeɪ][美][ˈhɑ:lədeɪ]n.假日,休息日; 节日; vi.度假,休假; 第三人称单数:holidays过去分词:holidayed复数:holidays现在进行时:holidaying过去式:holidayed例句:1.But kwanzaa is a young holiday. 但是宽扎节是个年轻的节日。
2023-01-02 12:49:571


2023-01-02 12:50:042


holiday 英["hɒlədeɪ]美[ˈhɑlɪˌde]n. 假日,休息日;节日vi. 度假,休假第三人称单数:holidays;过去分词:holidayed;名词复数:holidays;现...[例句]But kwanzaa is a young holiday.但是宽扎节是个年轻的节日。
2023-01-02 12:50:132


important festivals of American and British
2023-01-02 12:50:223


junk food 垃圾食品fat 肥胖 vitamin 维他命snack 小吃 ,快餐stomach 胃,肚子fever 发烧,狂热salad 色拉,凉拌生菜peach 桃子ripe 熟的,成熟的ought to 应当,应该 examine 检查plenty 大量,充足,富裕pienty of 许多,大量的energy 精力,能量soft 不含酒精得sabar 条,棒fuel 燃料,营养物diet日常饮食calorie 卡路里keep up with 跟上,赶上pace 速度,步调make a choice 做出选择nutrient 营养物资nutrition 营养nutritious 有 营养得 protein 蛋白质muscle 肌肉bean 豆,都可植物calcium 钙dairy 奶牛场,奶制品produce 产品,产物carbohydrata 碳水化合物 fibre 纤维,纤维制品mineral 矿物,矿石function 运转,起作用vegetarian 素食者vegan 严格的素食主义者yoghurt 酸奶eco-food 生态食物organic 有机的chemical 化学制品,化学药物balance 平衡supplment 补充fit 适合得 ,健康的Unit 单位,单元digest 消化,领会sleepy 瞌睡的refuel 不给燃料,补充能量now andthen 时而,不时brain 脑,头脑peel 剥削,剥落recipe 食谱roll-up 卷,卷状食物tasty 好吃 得 ingredient 成分mushroom 蘑菇chop 剁碎steam 蒸发boil 煮沸bacon 咸肉,熏肉lettuce 生菜mixture 混合spoonful 一是的量slice 将某物切成薄片 dice切成丁stir 搅拌 UNIT14 theme 主题dress up盛装,打扮,装饰parade 游行,行进ramadan 斋月holy 圣神的Easter 复活节symbol 象征,符号bunny 兔子figthing战斗,打仗conflict 斗争,战斗,冲突argument 争论,打仗desturction 破坏inones opinion 按照某人的看法major 重大的probably 大概kwanzaa宽扎节honour 尊敬ancestor 祖先principle法则unity 团结community 团体Nation 国家self-determination 自我决定purpose 目的creativity 创造力faith 信任,信念,忠实commercial 商业的joy 欢乐,喜悦similar 相似得 generation 一代人play atrickonsb 开某人的玩笑salute 敬礼kiss吻cheek 面颊nod 点头celebration 庆祝reminder 提醒人的respect 尊敬skeleton 骨架gift 礼物cycle 周期fool 愚人 takein欺骗 摄取invitation邀请occasion 场合 UNIT15 mystery 迷,神秘的事物 mysterious 神秘的 footprint 足迹,脚印 ladder 梯子 scary 引起惊慌的 dormitory 宿舍 recognise 识别,认出 surely 想必,确实,一定 diamond 钻石 explain 解释,说明 ball舞会 jewellery 珠宝,首饰,珠宝内 Franc 法郎 continue 继续 callon 访问,号召,邀请 lovely 可爱的 bring back 拿回来,使恢复 day andnight 日日夜夜 pay OFF 还请 debt 债务
2023-01-02 12:50:341

求dick in the box的歌词!!!急!!!!

[00:05.44]Hey girl, I got somethin" real important to give you[00:09.67]So just sit down and listen[00:13.61]Girl you know we"ve been together such a long, long time (such a long time)[00:19.74]And now I"m ready to lay it on the line[00:25.54](Wooow) You know it"s Christmas and my heart is open wide (open wide)[00:32.50]Gonna give you something so you know what"s on my mind (what is on my mind)[00:37.35]A gift real special, so take off the top[00:43.25]Take a look inside -- it"s my dick in a box (it"s in a box)[00:49.57]Not gonna get you a diamond ring[00:52.49]That sort of gift don"t mean anything[00:55.21]Not gonna get you a fancy car[00:58.25]Girl ya gotta know you"re my shining star[01:01.37]Not gonna get you a house in the hills[01:04.54]A girl like you needs somethin" real[01:07.28]Wanna get you somethin" from the heart[01:10.32]Somethin" special girl[01:11.76]It"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl[01:18.61]It"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl[01:24.94]See I"m wise enough to know when a gift needs givin" (girl)[01:29.63]And I got just the one, somethin" to show ya that you are second to none[01:36.69]To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress[01:40.47]It"s easy to do just follow these steps[01:43.48]1: Cut a hole in a box[01:46.69]2: Put your junk in that box[01:49.62]3: Make her open the box[01:52.64]And that"s the way you do it[01:54.66]It"s my dick in a dick in a box girl[02:00.44]It"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl[02:07.53]Christmas; dick in a box[02:10.56]Hanukkah; dick in a box[02:13.55]Kwanzaa; a dick in a box[02:16.64]Every single holiday a dick in a box[02:19.68]Over at your parent"s house a dick in a box[02:22.53]Mid day at the grocery store a dick in a box[02:25.53]Backstage at the CMA"s a dick in a box (yeah-wow-wow-wow-wow-wow)[02:33.58]A dick in a box, a dick in a box, a dick in a box...
2023-01-02 12:50:401


美国传统节日明细美国是一个文化大国。短暂然而独特丰富的历史把它造就为一个民族的熔炉和世界文化的汇聚之地。若想到这座庞大的社会人文宝库中去一探究竟,我们不妨取一条捷径,那就是对他的节日做一个大概的了解,因为节日是美国文化的缩影。 透过复活节和圣诞节,我们不难看到美国人宗教信仰的影子;透过圣帕特里克节和愚人节,我们可以找到美国民族构成的渊源;透过感恩节、国旗日和一个个历史名人的诞辰,我们又会感受到美国历史的积淀;也许,当我们了解了美国人是怎样度过母亲节和植树节时,我们还能对美国人的日常生活和思想观念略见一 斑。下面按照时间顺序,对美国节日做一个简要介绍。 1月1日 新年(New Year"s Day) 2月12日 林肯纪念日(Lincoln"s Birthday) 2月14日 圣瓦伦丁节(情人节)(St. Valentine"s Day) 2月18日 华盛顿诞辰日(Washington"s Birthday) 3月17日 圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick"s Day) 4月1日 愚人节(All Fools" Day) 4月***日 复活节(Easter)(一般指春分月圆后第一个星期日) 5月***日 植树节(Arbor Day)(五月的第二个星期五) 5月***日 母亲节(Mothers" Day)(五月的第二个星期日) 5月***日 阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)(五月的最后一个星期一) 6月14日 国旗日(Flag Day) 6月***日 父亲节(Fathers" Day)(六月的第三个星期日) 7月4日 独立日(Independence Day) 9月***日 劳动节(Labor Day)(九月的第一个星期一) 10月12日 哥伦布日(Columbus Day) 10月***日 退伍军人节(Veteran"s Day)(十月的第四个星期一) 10月31日 万圣节(Halloween) 11月***日 感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)(十一月的最后一个星期四) 12月25日 圣诞节(Christmas)
2023-01-02 12:50:462


2023-01-02 12:51:194