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  大英君主汗华船上铃关防[编辑本段]Treaty of Nanjing (Nanking), 1842

  (Ratifications exchanged at Hongkong, 26th June 1843.)

  VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,

  Defender of the Faith, etc., etc., etc. To All and Singular to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting !

  Whereas a Treaty between Us and Our Good Brother The Emperor of China, was concluded and signed,

  in the English and Chinese Languages, on board Our Ship the Cornwallis, at Nanking, on the Twenty-ninth

  day of August, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-two, by the

  Plenipotentiaries of Us and of Our said Good Brother, duly and respectively authorized for that purpose;

  which Treaty is hereunto annexed in Original.[编辑本段]TREATY

  Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the

  Emperor of China, being desirous of putting an end to the misunderstandings and consequent hostilities

  which have arisen between the two Countries, have resolved to conclude a Treaty for that purpose, and

  have therefore named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland,

  HENRY POTTINGER, Bart., a Major General in the Service of the East India Company, etc., etc.;

  And His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, the High Commiasioners KEYING, a Member of the Imperial House,

  a Guardian of the Crown Prince and General of the Garrison of Canton; and ELEPOO, of Imperial Kindred,

  graciously permitted to wear the insignia of the first rank, and the distinction of Peacock"s feather, lately Minister and

  Governor General etc., and now Lieutenant-General Commanding at Chapoo: Who, after having communicated

  to each other their respective Full Powers and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon,

  and concluded, the following Articles:[编辑本段]ARTICLE I.

  There shall henceforward be Peace and Friendship between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of

  Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, and between their respective Subjects, who shall

  enjoy full security and protection for their persons and property within the Dominions of the other.[编辑本段]ARTICLE II.

  His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees that British Subjects, with their families and establishments, shall be

  allowed to reside, for the purpose of carrying on their Mercantile pursuits, without molestation or restraint at the

  Cities and Towns of Canton, Amoy, Foochow-fu, Ningpo, and Shanghai, and Her Majesty the Queen of

  Great Britain, etc., will appoint Superintendents or Consular Officers, to reside at each of the above-named

  Cities or Towns, to be the medium of communication between the Chinese Authorities and the said Merchants,

  and to see that the just Duties and other Dues of the Chinese Government is hereafter provided for, are duly

  discharged by Her Britannic Majesty"s Subjects.[编辑本段]ARTICLE III.

  It being obviously necessary and desirable, that British Subjects should have some Port whereat they

  may careen and refit their Ships, when required, and keep Stores for that purpose, His Majesty the Emperor

  of China cedes to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, etc., the Island of Hongkong, to be possessed

  in perpetuity by Her Britannic Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and to be governed by such Laws and

  Regulations as Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, etc., shall see fit to direct.[编辑本段]ARTICLE IV.

  The Emperor of China agrees to pay the sum of Six Millions of Dollars as the value of Opium which was

  delivered up at Canton in the month of March 1839, as a Ransom for the lives of Her Britannic Majesty"s

  Superintendent and Subjects, who had been imprisoned and threatened with death by the Chinese High Officers.[编辑本段]ARTICLE V.

  The Government of China having compelled the British Merchants trading at Canton to deal exclusively with

  certain Chinese Merchants called Hong Merchants (or Cohong) who had been licensed by the Chinese Government

  for that purpose, the Emperor of China agrees to abolish that practice in future at all Ports where British Merchants

  may reside, and to permit them to carry on their mercantile transactions with whatever persons they please, and His

  Imperial Majesty further agrees to pay to the British Government the sum of Three Millions of Dollars, on acoount

  of Debts due to British Subjects by some of the said Hong Merchants (or Cohong), who have become insolvent,

  and who owe very large sums of money to Subjects of Her Britannic Majesty.[编辑本段]ARTICLE VI.

  The Government of Her Britannic Majesty having been obliged to send out an Expedition to demand and obtain

  redress for the violent and unjust Proceedings of the Chinese High Authorities towards Her Britannic Majesty"s Officer

  and Subjects, the Emperor of China agrees to pay the sum of Twelve Millions of Dollars on account of the Expenses

  incurred, and Her Britannic Majesty"s Plenipotentiary voluntarily agrees, on behalf of Her Majesty, to deduct from

  the said amount of Twelve Millions of Dollars, any sums which may have been received by Her Majesty"s combined

  Forces as Ransom for Cities and Towns in China, subsequent to the 1st day of August 1841.[编辑本段]ARTICLE VII.

  It is agreed that the Total amount of Twenty-one Millions of Dollars, described in the three preceding Articles,

  shall be paid as follows:

  Six Millions immediately.

  Six Millions in 1843. That is:NThree Millions on or before the 30th of the month of June, and Three Millions on

  or before the 31St of December.

  Five Millions in 1844. That is:NTwo Millions and a Half on or before the 30th of June, and Two Millions and a half

  on or before the 31St of December.

  Four Millions in 1845. That is:NTwo Millions on or before the 30th of June, and Two Millions on or before the

  31 st of December; and it is further stipulated, that Interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, shall be paid by the

  Government of China on any portions of the above sums that are not punctually discharged at the periods fixed.[编辑本段]ARTICLE VIII.

  The Emperor of China agrees to release unconditionally all Subjects of leer Britannic Majesty (whether Natives

  of Europe or India) who may be in confinement at this moment, in any part of the Chinese Empire.[编辑本段]ARTICLE IX.

  The Emperor of China agrees to publish and promulgate, under His Imperial Sign Manual and Seal, a full and

  entire amnesty and act of indemnity, to all Subjects of China on account of their having resided under, or having had

  dealings and intercourse with, or having entered the Service of Her Britannic Majesty, or of Her Majesty"s Officers,

  and His lmperial Majesty further engages to release all Chinese Subjects who may be at this moment in confinement

  for similar reasons.[编辑本段]ARTICLE X.

  His Majesty the Emperor of China agrees to establish at all the Ports which are by the 2nd Article of this Treaty

  to be thrown open for the resort of British Merchants, a fair and regular Tariff of Export and Import Customs and

  other Dues, which Tariff shall be publicly notified and promulgated for general information, and the Emperor further

  engages, that when British Merchandise shall have once paid at any of the said Ports the regulated Customs and

  Dues agreeable to the Tariff, to be hereafter fixed, such Merchandise may be conveyed by Chinese Merchants,

  to any Province or City in the interior of the Empire of China on paying a further amount as Transit Duties which

  shall not exceed per cent. On the tariff value of such goods.[编辑本段]ARTICLE Xl.

  It is agreed that Her Britannic Majesty"s Chief High Officer in China shall correspond with the Chinese High

  Officers, both at the Capital and in the Provinces, under the term "Communication" [chinese characters]. The

  Subordinate British Officers and Chinese High Officers in the Provinces under the terms "Statement"

  [chinese characters] on the part of the former, and on the part of the latter " Declaration " [chinese characters],

  and the Subordinates of both Countries on a footing of perfect equality. Merchants and others not holding

  official situations and, therefore, not included in the above, on both sides, to use the term " Representation "

  [chinese characters] in all Papers addressed to, or intended for the notice of the respective Governments.[编辑本段]ARTICLE XII.

  On the assent of the Emperor of China to this Treaty being received and the discharge of the first instalment

  of money, Her Britannic Majesty"s Forces will retire from Nanking and the Grand Canal, and will no longer

  molest or stop the Trade of China. The Military Post at Chinhai will also be withdrawn, but the Islands of

  Koolangsoo and that of Chusan will continue to be held by Her Majesty"s Forces until the money payments,

  and the arrangements for opening the Ports to British Merchants be completed.[编辑本段]ARTICLE XIII.

  The Ratification of the Treaty by Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, etc., and His Majesty the Emperor of

  China shall be exchanged as soon as the great distance which separates England from China will admit; but in the

  meantime counterpart copies of it, signed and sealed by the Plenipotentiaries on behalf of their respective Sovereigns,

  shall be mutually delivered, and all its provisions and arrangements shall take effect.

  Done at Nanking and Signed and Sealed by the Plenipotentiaries on board Her Britannic Majesty"s ship Cornwallis,

  this twenty-ninth day of August, 1842, corresponding with the Chinese date, twenty-fourth day of the seventh month

  in the twenty-second Year of TAOU KWANG.


  Her Majesty"s Plenipotentiary.

  Chinese Signatures (3).*

  | Chinese Seal. |

  We, having seen and considered the Treaty aforesaid, have approved, accepted, and confirmed the same

  in all and every one of its Articles and Clauses, as We do by these Presents approve, accept, confirm, and ratify

  it for Ourselves, Our Heirs, and Successors:Engaging and Promising upon Our Royal Word, that We will sincerely

  and faithfully perform and observe all and singular the things which are contained and expressed in the Treaty

  aforesaid, and that We will never suffer the same to be violated by any one, or transgressed in any manner,

  as far as it lies in Our Power.

  For the greater Testimony and Validity of all which, We have caused the Great Seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

  to be affixed to these Presents, which We have signed with Our Royal Hand.

  Given at Our Court at Windsor Castle, the Twenty-eighth day of December, in the Year of Our Lord

  One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-two, and in the Sixth Year of Our Reign.

  (Signed) VICTORIA R.

  * The preamble mentions two Chinese negotiators only, KEYING and ELEPOO. The third signature was that of NIUKIEN, Liang Kiang Viceroy.



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皇家海军医院船不列颠尼克号(H.M.H.S. BRITANNIC) 1915年--1916年 长269.10米 宽28.7米 载客3069人 隶属于英国白星航运公司。 此船是奥林匹克级邮船中最大的一艘,同时也是白星航运公司自产的最大邮轮。1916年11月21日遭受德军潜艇布设水雷爆炸后沉没。
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皇家医疗船-不列颠号(英文:HMHS Britannic)隶属於白星航运公司。是白星公司奥林匹克级邮轮的其中一艘,也是奥林匹克号和铁达尼号的姐妹舰。又译做大不列颠号、不列坦尼克号
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最有名的是这三个:她叫“奥林匹克号”它和著名的“泰坦尼克号”是姐妹船同属于“白星航运公司”皇家海军医院船不列颠号,不列颠尼克号(H.M.H.S. BRITANNIC) 1915年--1916年 长269.06米 宽28.7米 载客3069人 隶属于英国白星航运公司。 此船是奥林匹克级邮船中最大的一艘,同时也是白星航运公司自产的最大邮轮。1916年11月21日被德军鱼雷击中后沉没。这艘神秘失踪的豪华客轮是着名的“特洛塔号”(Waratah),属于澳大利亚“蓝铁锚远洋客运公司”。该船以澳大利亚新南威尔士的市花命名,船长140米,1908年由苏格兰的巴克里造船公司建造。和后来的泰坦尼克号一样,特洛塔号是当时世界上最庞大、最豪华的客轮,被誉为“永不沉没”。
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RMS Titanic was an Olympic class passenger liner that collided with an iceberg and sank in 1912. The second of a trio of superliners, she and her sisters, RMS Olympic and HMHS Britannic, were designed to provide a three-ship weekly express service and dominate the transatlantic travel business for the White Star Line.[1] Built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland, Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world at the time of her sinking. During Titanic"s maiden voyage (from Southampton, England; to Cherbourg, France; Queenstown (Cobh), Ireland; then New York), she struck an iceberg at 11:40 p.m. (ship"s time) on Sunday evening April 14, 1912, and sank two hours and forty minutes later, after breaking into two pieces, at 2:20 a.m. Monday morning April 15. Construction Harland and Wolff shipyard Titanic was a White Star Line ocean liner built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast and was designed to compete with rival company Cunard Line"s Lusitania and Mauretania, known for being the fastest liners on the Atlantic. Titanic, along with her Olympic class sisters, Olympic and the soon-to-be-built Britannic (originally to be named Gigantic[2]), were intended to be the largest, most luxurious ships ever to operate. Titanic was designed by Harland and Wolff chairman Lord Pirrie, head of Harland and Wolff"s design department Thomas Andrews and general manager Alexander Carlisle, with the plans regularly sent to White Star Line"s managing director J. Bruce Ismay for suggestions and approval. Construction of Titanic, funded by the American J.P. Morgan and his International Mercantile Marine Co., began on March 31, 1909. Titanic No. 401, was launched two years and two months later on May 31, 1911. Titanic"s outfitting was completed on March 31 the following year. Titanic was 882 ft 9 in (269 m) long and 92 ft 6 in (28 m) at its beam, it had a Gross Register Tonnage of 46,328 tons, and a height from the water line to the boat deck of 60 ft (18 m). It contained two reciprocating four-cylinder, triple-expansion, inverted steam engines and one low-pressure Parsons turbine. These powered three propellers. There were 25 double-ended and 4 single-ended Scotch-type boilers fired by 159 coal burning furnaces that made possible a top speed of 23 knots (43 km/h). Only three of the four 63 foot (19 m) tall funnels were functional; the fourth, which served only as a vent, was added to make the ship look more impressive. Titanic could carry a total of 3,547 passengers and crew and, because she carried mail, her name was given the prefix RMS (Royal Mail Steamer) as well as SS (Steam Ship). Titanic was considered a pinnacle of naval architecture and technological achievement, and was thought by The Shipbuilder magazine to be "practically unsinkable". She was divided into 16 compartments by doors held up, i.e. in the open position, by electro-magnetic latches and which could be allowed to fall closed by means of a switch on the bridge. However, the watertight bulkheads did not reach the entire height of the decks, only going up as far as E-Deck. Titanic could stay afloat with any two of her compartments flooded, or with eleven of fourteen possible combinations of three compartments flooded, or with the first/last four compartments flooded: any more and the ship would sink. Unsurpassed luxury For her time, Titanic was unsurpassed in luxury and opulence. She offered an onboard swimming pool, a gymnasium, a Turkish bath, a library and a squash court. First-class common rooms were adorned with elaborate wood paneling, expensive furniture and other elegant decorations. In addition, the Café Parisienne offered superb cuisine for the first-class passengers with a delightful sunlit veranda fitted with trellis decorations. Second-class and even third-class accommodation and common rooms were likewise considered to be as opulent as those in the first-class sections of many other ships of the day. Titanic had three lifts for use of first-class passengers and, as an innovation, offered one lift for second-class passengers. The crown jewels of the ship"s interior was undoubtedly her forward first-class grand staircase, between the forward and second funnels. Extending down to E-Deck and decorated with oak paneling and gilded balustrades, it was topped by an ornate wrought-iron and glass dome which brought in natural light. On the uppermost landing was a large panel containing a clock flanked by the allegorical figures of Honour and Glory crowning Time. A similar, but less ornate staircase, complete with matching dome, was located between the third and fourth funnels. Comparisons with the Olympic Titanic was almost identical to her older sister, Olympic, but there were a few differences, some suggested by Bruce Ismay and based on observations he had made of Olympic. The most noticeable were that half of Titanic"s forward promenade A-Deck (below the lifeboat deck) was enclosed, and her B-Deck configuration was completely different from Olympic"s. Titanic had a specialty restaurant called Café Parisienne, a feature that Olympic wouldn"t be provided with until 1913. Some of the flaws found on Olympic, such as the creaking of the aft expansion joint, were corrected on Titanic. Other differences such as Titanic"s skid lights, that provide natural illumination on A-deck, were round while on Olympic they were oval. Titanic"s wheelhouse was made narrower and longer than Olympic"s. [3] These and other modifications made Titanic 1,004 tonnes larger than Olympic. Passengers On Titanic"s maiden voyage, some of the most prominent people in the world were on board in first class. These included millionaire John Jacob Astor IV and his pregnant wife Madeleine; industrialist Benjamin Guggenheim; Macy"s department store owner Isidor Straus and his wife Ida; Denver millionaire Margaret "Molly" Brown; Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon and his wife, couturiere Lady Duff-Gordon; streetcar magnate George Dunton Widener, his wife Eleanor and their 27-year-old son, Harry Elkins Widener; Pennsylvania Railroad executive John Borland Thayer, his wife Marion and their seventeen-year-old son, Jack; journalist William Thomas Stead; the Countess of Rothes; United States presidential aide Archibald Butt; author and socialite Helen Churchill Candee; author Jacques Futrelle, his wife May, and their friends, Broadway producers Henry and Rene Harris; pioneer aviation entrepreneur Pierre Maréchal Sr.[3]; and silent film actress Dorothy Gibson. Also in first class were White Star Line"s Managing Director J. Bruce Ismay (who survived the sinking) and, from the ship"s builders, Thomas Andrews, who was on board to observe any problems and assess the general performance of the new ship. Among the second-class passengers was Lawrence Beesley, a journalist who wrote one of the finest first-hand accounts of the voyage and the sinking. He left the ship on Lifeboat #13. Also in second class was Michel Navratil, a Frenchman kidnapping his two sons, Michel Jr. and Edmond and taking them to America. Both J.P. Morgan and Milton Hershey[4] had plans to travel on the Titanic but cancelled their reservations before the voyage. Disaster There are several figures regarding the number of passengers lost. The United States senate investigation reported 1,522 people perished in the accident, while the British investigation has the number at 1,490. Regardless, it ranks as one of the worst peacetime maritime disasters in history and by far the most famous. Titanic"s design used some of the most advanced technology available at the time and the ship was popularly believed to be "unsinkable." It was a great shock that, despite the advanced technology and experienced crew, Titanic sank with a great loss of life. The media frenzy about Titanic"s famous victims, the legends about what happened on board the ship, the resulting changes to maritime law, and the discovery of the wreck in 1985 by a team led by Robert Ballard and Jean Louis Michel have made Titanic persistently famous in the years since.
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英国皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic)是奥林匹克 级邮轮的第二艘邮轮。20世纪初,由英国白星航运公司(White Star Line)制造的一艘巨大豪华客轮。由位于爱尔兰贝尔法斯特(Belfast)的哈兰德与沃尔夫(Harland and Wolff)造船厂兴建。是当时世界上最大的豪华客轮,被称为是“永不沉没的客轮”或是“梦幻客轮”。与姐妹船 奥林匹克号(RMS Olympic)和 不列颠尼克号(HMHS Britannic)一道为英国白星航运公司的乘客们提供快速且舒适的跨大西洋旅行。泰坦尼克号是同级的三艘超级邮船中的第二艘。1912年4月10日,泰坦尼克号从英国南安普敦(Southampton)出发,途经法国 瑟堡-奥克特维尔(Cherbourg-Octeville)以及爱尔兰 昆士敦(Queenstown),计划中的目的地为美国 纽约(New York),开始了这艘“梦幻客轮”的处女航。4月14日晚11点40分,泰坦尼克号在北大西洋撞上冰山,两小时四十分钟后,4月15日凌晨2点20分沉没,由于缺少足够的救生艇,1500人葬生海底,造成了当时在和平时期最严重的一次航海事故,也是迄今为止最为人所知的一次海难。电影《泰坦尼克号》就是根据这一真实的故事拍摄的。泰坦尼克号共耗资7500万英镑,吨位46328吨,长882.9英尺,宽92.5英尺,从龙骨到四个大烟囱的顶端有175英尺,高度相当于11层楼。是当时一流的超级豪华巨轮。2006年5月,最后一名见证沉没事件的女性生还者逝世,终年99岁。目前尚有两名女生还者仍然存活,但她们在意外时还不到一岁,因此不会对事件有回忆。1907的夏天皮尔里勋爵-Harland Wolff的主席 和White Star Line 的主席布鲁斯?伊斯梅决定建造奥林匹克级邮轮1909/3/31奥林匹克级邮轮的1号和2号船——奥林匹克号及泰坦尼克号建造工程开始了1911/5/31泰坦尼克号下水,开始晒装和装潢工程1911/9/奥林匹克号与皇家海军的霍克号巡洋舰相撞,耽搁了泰坦尼克号的最后收工1912/2/3泰坦尼克号完成了装潢工作1912/3/31泰坦尼克号准备离开Belfast,驶向SouthAmpton1912/4/2泰坦尼克号在早上8:00离开Belfast,驶向SouthAmpton1912/4/5~10最后一次给泰坦尼克号上的家具刷油漆、清理地板和地毯1912/4/10(星期三)5:18 船员到了泰坦尼克号上6:00 托马斯·安德鲁到了泰坦尼克号7:00 史密斯船长到了9:30 伊斯梅到了船上9:30~11:30 旅客到了船上14:00 泰坦尼克号终于可以登上旅途了,因为差点和纽约号的撞击,拖延了一些的时间18:30 泰坦尼克号到了Cherbourg码头, 两艘较小的白星轮船把客人、行李、信件运接走了20:10 泰坦尼克号驶向爱尔兰1912/4/1111:30 泰坦尼克号到了Queens Town。13:55 泰坦尼克号离开Queens Town驶向New York1912/4/12泰坦尼克号收到第一封恭喜她的处女航,顺便提醒了她周围有很多冰山的信息,史密斯船长决定往南走1912/4/1323:00 无线电机器坏了, 杰克·菲利普和他的助理Harold Bride,整晚都在修机器,一定要在早上5:00前修好1912/4/1421:00 泰坦尼克号从Caronia收到了一份冰山警告,Cap. Smith把它寄给了值班的警卫23:40 瞭望员弗雷德里克.弗利特(后来生还)发现冰山,并敲了3下驾驶台的警钟24:00前 泰坦尼克号和冰山发生死亡之吻1912/4/150:05 史密斯船长下令准备放救生艇0:15 泰坦尼克号发出了“CQD MGY”的呼救信号。CQD是当时通用的遇险信号,MGY是泰坦尼克号的无线电呼叫代号。不久又发出了新近被国际海事协会确认的SOS求救信号。很多大西洋上的船只都收到了求救电报0:45 第一艘救生艇被放下。船上发射了第一枚遇险火箭。一片闪亮的白色火星缓缓落下0:55 泰坦尼克号的船头已经没入水中1:35 海水浸入了锅炉室1:40 最后一艘折叠救生艇被放下海面。船上的乐队陪伴着乘客,用音乐安抚着这些注定要在几十分钟后死去的人们,一直演奏到最后一刻2:10 一直坚守岗位的菲利普斯发出最后一封呼救电报2:13 船上29台大型锅炉纷纷离开底座,互相冲撞着砸破一道一道的水密墙,在船头部位砸开大洞落入海水中2:17 海水涌入中央电力控制室,引发短路,全船灯光熄灭2:18 伴随一阵巨大的断裂声,泰坦尼克号船身从三、四号烟囱中间的地方断为两截2:20 船头部分沉入海中,后半截砸回海面,在一分钟之内就紧跟着泰坦尼克号前半部分一道沉入了水中。1503名乘客和船员随它而去3:30 卡纳德公司的客船卡帕西亚号最先赶到了出事现场4:00 卡帕西亚号船员在北大西洋黎明的微光下发现了第一艘救生艇。救援工作一直持续到早上8点30分,第12号救生艇被系上救援缆绳8:50 卡帕西亚号掉头返回纽约1985/9/1海洋勘察人员在大西洋底终于发现了已沉睡73年的泰坦尼克号船头部分残骸
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Majesty是英语国家对君主的敬称,最初的语源来自拉丁语的Māiestās,演变成古法语的Majesté,再演变成中古英语的Maieste和Mageste,最后演变成Majesty。原先涵义是指“伟大”、“宏大”的意思。与Majesty相同语源的词语还有德语的Majestät、法语的Majesté、西班牙语的Majestad、意大利语的Maestà、荷兰语的Majesteit等。在罗马共和国时代,Māiestās是代表国家最高权利与尊严的法律术语,是高于一切的存在状态(Being),任何侮蔑国家最高权利与尊严的举动将会被视为犯下不敬罪(Lese majesty)。而被认为是不敬罪的行为包括:在公开追悼期间举行欢庆、藐视国家、对共和国的威严发表不实的言论或行动等。到了罗马帝国时代以后,不敬罪的覆盖范围也进一步地将皇帝包含在内。在罗马帝国覆灭后,Majesty开始成为对王室最高成员的敬称,u200eu200e当中犹其强调君权神授的说法,同时,这个称谓也是满足君主自我虚荣心的一种赞美词,尽管当时的王室最高成员是比罗马皇帝位低一级的国王或女王,也会乐意接受“王家国王陛下”(His Royal Majesty)或“王家女王陛下”(Her Royal Majesty)的称谓。如今,在不按照欧洲传统的君主制国家,尽管当地君主的头衔不是“国王”,英语书面也会将当地的君主称为King,同时匹配Majesty的称谓。这种惯例适用于一些非洲和亚洲君主制国家。 在英国,Majesty一词有几种被使用的衍生词,其用意是用以宣示英国君主的君权或者在正式的文书和场合中突显王室的权威及地位。包括:高尚的陛下(Most Gracious Majesty):只在社交场合和仪式中使用英王陛下(Britannic Majesty):通常只在外交、国法和国际关系中使用卓越的陛下(Most Excellent Majesty):大多数只在国会法案中使用 在历史和外交上,为了避免产生不必要的歧义,Majesty又产生其它的衍生词,例如:皇帝陛下,天皇陛下(Imperial Majesty):皇帝的称谓,现在只有对日本天皇夫妇和伊朗皇后法拉赫·巴列维使用这个称谓皇帝及王家陛下(Imperial and Royal Majesty):皇帝兼君主者的称谓,奥地利皇帝和日尔曼皇帝都曾使用过这个称谓英王陛下(Britannic Majesty):大不列颠君主的称谓普鲁士陛下(Prussian Majesty):普鲁士君主的称谓使徒陛下(Apostolic Majesty):匈牙利君主的称谓,“君权传承自使徒”的意思天主教陛下(Most Catholic Majesty):西班牙君主的称谓,由教皇加冕,“君权传承自天主”的意思基督教陛下(Most Christian Majesty):法兰斯君主的称谓,“君权传承自基督”的意思坚贞的陛下(Most Faithful Majesty):葡萄牙君主的称谓,由教皇加冕王家陛下(Royal Majesty):通用的称谓,多用于欧洲王室陛下(Majesty):通用的称谓,几乎可用于所有君主制国家
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Enland--EnglishCuba--CubanBritain--BritishSpain--SpanishNew Zealand---New Zealand"sBrazil--BrazilianThailand--Thailand"s
2023-06-28 09:58:592

哪有britannic bold字体下载

可以到我的网盘下载,在“B”文件夹里,文件名称Britannic Bold。由于贴个地址要审查,故请参见以前回答里的网盘地址:
2023-06-28 09:59:071


2023-06-28 09:59:277


陨石恶梦 地球即将毁灭!成千上万陨石来袭,让你逃也不了!人类又将如何解决这场终极浩劫呢?龙卷风3洪水新海神号历险记 超豪华游轮、滔天灾难、生死一线之间,以海难名义击出重拳.... 日本沉没 故事围绕着日本列岛展开,小笠原群岛北部一个七十米高的小岛一夜之间沉入
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2023-06-28 09:59:514


(1)牛顿第一定律并不是在所有的参照系里都成立,实际上它只在惯性参照系里才成立。因此常常把牛顿第一定律是否成立,作为一个参照系是否惯性参照系的判据。 (2)牛顿第一定律是通过分析事实,再进一步概括、推理得出的。我们周围的物体,都要受到这个力或那个力的作用,因此不可能用实验来直接验证这一定律。但是,从定律得出的一切推论,都经受住了实践的检验,因此,牛顿第一定律已成为大家公认的力学基本定律之一。
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2023-06-28 10:01:072


别名 烈血英伦 布列坦尼号 都是电驴资源 链接二是直接拿电驴下 一是迅雷的电驴资源 有电驴不建议用链接一 链接一: 链接二: 剧情简介 制造赫赫有名铁达尼号的英国「白色之星」(White Star Line)轮船公司,当年制造了三艘超大型邮轮,除了铁达尼号之外,还有布列塔尼号和奥林匹克号,其中只有奥林匹克号完役退休,其他两艘都遭到沉船的命运,本片便是叙述布列塔尼号在第一次世界大战初期被德国间谍炸沉的故事。 第一次大战爆发后,英国政府徵召布列塔尼号,负责将伤兵从希腊运回英国。不过,布列塔尼号同时也担负著一项秘密任务,暗中为英军运送武器。这个计划被德国情报单位获悉,派遣了间谍前来破坏。 而英国情报单位也获知德国方面的行动,派出一位女情报员薇拉,假扮成英国驻希腊大使夫人的女家教,登上布列塔尼号,反制敌方间谍。而命运将两名特工联系在一起......薇拉是四年前铁达尼号沉没时,少数的生还者之一。一登上船,薇拉便想起关于铁达尼号的回忆,竟然晕了过去,年轻男子雷诺斯对她照顾有加,在短暂的旅程中,两人陷入了无法自拔的热恋,却不知枕边人正是自己生死攸关的国家敌人, 正当两情缱绻时,薇拉无意间发现雷诺斯正是德国派来的间谍,意图炸沉船只。身份暴露后,两人都在忠实地履行自己的职责,正如薇拉拿枪对着雷诺斯时,他说的:“我是一名德国军官,这是我的任务”, 她该如何面对这个既是情人又是敌人的男子呢?巨轮行将沉没时,薇拉放弃了逃生的机会,跑去救为了救人而卡在水中的雷诺斯,而雷诺斯最后将人们抛过来的唯一救命绳索系在还没回过神的薇拉身上,并将她推下水时,薇拉在水中声嘶力竭的叫喊着,然而,一切都为时已晚......
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2023-06-28 10:03:324


英国皇家邮船泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic)是奥林匹克级邮轮的第二艘邮船,20世纪初,由英国白星航运公司(White Star Line)制造的一艘巨大豪华客轮。由位于爱尔兰贝尔法斯特(Belfast)的哈兰德与沃尔夫(Harland and Wolff)造船厂兴建。泰坦尼克号是当时世界上最大的豪华客轮,被称为是“永不沉没的船”或是“梦幻之船”。泰坦尼克号共耗资7500万英镑,吨位46328吨,长882.9英尺,宽92.5英尺,从龙骨到四个大烟囱的顶端有175英尺,高度相当于11层楼。是当时一流的超级豪华巨轮。计划与姐妹船 奥林匹克号(RMS Olympic)和 不列颠尼克号(RMS Britannic)一道为英国白星航运公司的乘客们提供快速且舒适的跨大西洋旅行。1909年3月31日,泰坦尼克号开始建造于北爱尔兰的最大城市贝尔法斯特的哈南德·沃尔夫造船厂。船体于1911年5月31日下水。全部工程于次年的3月31日完成。泰坦尼克号由哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂厂长威廉·皮列里(William Pirrie)、总设计师托马斯·安德鲁斯(Thomas Andrews)以及总经理亚历山大·卡利斯勒(Alexander Carlisle)设计。白星航运公司常务董事布鲁斯·伊斯梅(Bruce Ismay)在设计过程中提供了很多意见。泰坦尼克号的建造资金来自摩根(J. P. Morgan)和他的国际商业海运公司(International Mercantile Marine Co.)。在当时是最大最有声望的载人邮船。泰坦尼克号全长约269.06米(882.75英尺),宽28.19米(92.5英尺),吃水线到甲板的高度为18.3米(60英尺),注册吨位46328吨(净重21831吨),排水量达到了规模空前的66000吨!尽管她包含了更多的空间导致了更大的总吨数(比她的姊妹船奥林匹克号多出1600吨)。4个硕大无比的烟囱中只有3个真正用于排出煤烟。剩下那个是个陪衬实际用途是作为主厨房的烟囱和通风。船上的25五台双端以及四台单端锅炉的动力来自159台煤炭熔炉,强大的动力使泰坦尼克号的最大速度达到23节。动力系统有三套主机:其中两套为四汽缸往复式蒸汽机,一套蒸汽轮机,主机功率达到51000马力。船上有891名船员,可以运载2200名以上乘客。 但是白星公司的兴趣不在追求速度这方面。在当时,泰坦尼克号的奢华和精致堪称空前。船上配有室内游泳池、健身房、土耳其浴室、图书馆、升降机和一个壁球室。头等舱的公共休息室由精细的木质镶板装饰,配有高级家具以及其他各种高级装饰,并竭尽全力提供了以前从未见过的服务水平。阳光充裕的巴黎咖啡馆为头等舱乘客提供各种高级点心。泰坦尼克号的二等舱甚至是三等舱的居住环境和休息室都同样高档,甚至可以和当时许多客轮的头等舱相比。三台电梯专门为头等舱乘客服务;作为革新,二等舱乘客也有一台电梯使用。泰坦尼克号的面包师比格斯回忆说:“……再不会有像她那样的船了。我曾经在奥林匹克号、庄严号、伊丽莎白王后号……上工作过。它们都比不上泰坦尼克号。……不错,就像奥林匹克号一样,不过豪华得多。比方大餐厅,奥林匹克号甚至连地毯都没有。泰坦尼克号的地毯则厚得可以没过膝盖……然后就是家具,重得你都抬不动。还有那些护墙板……他们可以建造一艘更大、更快的船,可是泰坦尼克号却把全部力量放在营建一个豪华与舒适的空间上……她的确是一艘了不起的船……”。比格斯说出来的是一种普遍的看法。泰坦尼克号使得所有建造与设计她的人都受到诱惑。这种诱惑力之大,使她在多年之后,越来越脍炙人口。用《造船家》杂志的话说,泰坦尼克号“在许多细节方面模仿了凡尔赛宫……摆满路易十五风格家具的休息室,风格类似法国的小特里亚农宫沙龙,壁炉上的雕刻作品是《凡尔赛宫的狩猎女神》。还有其它精美的浮雕和艺术作品……上等的柚木和黄铜装饰,吊灯和壁画,印度和波斯的地毯”。甚至三等舱也有大理石的洗漱池和床头取暖设备。泰坦尼克号在当时是无可比拟的奢华。尽管她不是第一艘提供甲板游泳池,健身房,浴室和升降梯的船,她竭尽全力提供了以前从未见过的服务水平。对头等舱的乘客,她提供了3台升降机;作为一种革新,她给二等舱的乘客提供了一台升降机。不过,三等舱的乘客仍然需要爬楼梯。
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有关牛顿的故事简介 急!2分钟内回答有奖!!!!

对弗拉姆斯蒂德观测数据的剽窃和盗版 英国人大卫·克拉克等人最近写了一本书 ,通过一系列的来往书信和翔实的资料,专门揭露牛顿压制、阻挠天文学家弗·拉姆斯蒂德等人的研究并且剽窃他们的成果: 弗·拉姆斯蒂德(1646-1719)是英国首任皇家天文学家,是格林威治天文台的创始人、现代精密天文观测的开拓者。他在 1676-1689年间共作了大约2万次观测,测量精度约为10",他对3000颗星的测量结果收入了著名的“不列颠星表”(Britannic Catalogue)。按照西方科学研究方法,研究过程是由三个步骤构成的:首先由理论科学家提出理论模型,然后,进行数学论证与公式推导,最后,由实验科学家做实验对理论进行检验。此时,牛顿的万有引力定律是否正确,还需要得到实验数据的验证。 1675年,弗拉姆斯蒂德被英国国王任命为皇家天文台长,条件仍是十分艰苦,他从皇家未能得到足够的办台经费,连年薪100英镑也经常拖欠。为了维持天文台的经费,他不得不用额外招收学员的学费来补足,在繁忙的工作之外还要为140名数学学生教课。当时皇家提供的科研经费有限,连牛顿出版《原理》还是靠朋友哈雷的资助,才能够顺利出版。 1694 年开始,牛顿访问了弗拉姆斯蒂德,并且向他索要关于月球运动的观测资料,此后牛顿为了验证万有引力理论对月球轨道的计算结果,曾多次写信给弗拉姆斯蒂德,索要试验数据资料,弗拉姆斯蒂德后来说,他都满足了牛顿。弗拉姆斯蒂德1700年对他的朋友洛瑟普说:“‘牛顿"曾一度想使月球运行表符合他设想的定律,但是,当他开始将自己的定律与天体(即月球的观测位置)进行比较时,他发现自己错了,并不得不全部抛弃自己的定律。我曾给他提供了二百个以上的月球的观测位置,人们会认为这些材料足以限定任何理论;既然他已修改了自己的理论,并把自己的理论调整到完全符合这些观察,所以他的理论描述了这些观察也就不足为奇了,但是,他还是为此而感激这些观察,甚于感激他关于引力的臆测,这些臆测曾使他犯过错误。” 牛顿的《原理》1687年第一次出版时,弗拉姆斯蒂德手里应该有了两千多份观测资料,不知何故,他只给了牛顿两百多份观测资料。 大卫·克拉克在书里说,其时牛顿已是皇家学会主席,在索取资料的时候经常对弗拉姆斯蒂德的工作指指点点,有时还利用自己的高位来羞辱这位可敬的天文学家。这大大激怒了这位天文学家。到1700年之后,他们之间就再没有通信了。牛顿获得了弗拉姆斯蒂德的资料,并且在他的《自然哲学的数学原理》中引用了这些资料,由于他们之间的矛盾,在《原理》的第二版出版时(1713年)他将弗拉姆斯蒂德的名字删去了。然而牛顿和他的支持者哈雷还是急切地需要弗拉姆斯蒂德的进一步的观测资料。他们希望弗拉姆斯蒂德出版他的观测资料,不过弗拉姆斯蒂德却总是推托说,要反复校核以后才能出版。牛顿和哈雷所做的一件不道德的事是,他们未经弗拉姆斯蒂德的同意,私自在1712年出版了弗拉姆斯蒂德以毕生精力得到的观测星图,共印刷了400册,并且把其中的300册回送给弗拉姆斯蒂德。弗拉姆斯蒂德看着这些充满错误的资料,并且根据牛顿和哈雷理论的需要删改过的印刷品,很生气地把它们全部焚毁了。后来他的星图经过仔细校核后,在他去世后由他的学生于1729年出版。 后来也有人认为, 牛顿要出版那些弗拉姆斯蒂德已经校核了三年多的观测资料,弗拉姆斯蒂德见无法推脱下去,故意给了一份复制的资料,且是一份经过涂改,有着大量错误的观测资料。 大卫·克拉克认为,牛顿为了获取弗拉姆斯蒂德的观测资料,软硬兼施,牛顿以天文台是皇家学会的下属单位,观测结果应当属他这位皇家学会主席来支配,这样来以势压人。可是皇家学会根本上没有供给弗拉姆斯蒂德足够的经费,一切设备都是他自筹来的。弗拉姆斯蒂德的愤怒可以从他给一位朋友(Abraham Sharp)的信中看出:“我和主席(牛顿)的另一个争执是,他形成了一个阴谋,想攫取我的仪器,而送我一个委员会,其中仅有他自己和两位物理学家。主席热度很高并且过分下作。我预先告诉他,别动我的东西。。。” 1684 年莱布尼兹发表了他的微积分的论文。3年后,牛顿在1687年出版的《原理》书的初版中对莱布尼兹的贡献表示认同,但是却说:“和我的几乎没什么不同,只不过表达的用字和符号不一样。”这几句话,由于后来与莱布尼兹的矛盾,在第二版(1713年)时也被删掉了。牛顿的流数理论到莱布尼兹发表论文二十年后, 即1704年作为他的著作《光学》的附录中正式发表,附录的序言中,牛顿提到他1676年给莱布尼兹的信,并补充说∶“若干年前我曾出借过一份包含这些定 理(微积分)的原稿,之后就见到一些从那篇当中抄出来的东西,所以我现在公开发表这份原稿。”这话的意思就暗指他的手稿曾经被莱布尼兹看到过,而莱布尼兹 的论文就是从他的手稿中抄来的。 现在公认的看法是:牛顿首先发明微积分,莱布尼兹后来也发明了微积分,但他早于牛顿向外公布出来。由于他曾看过牛顿的论文手稿,因此,争议的焦点在于,到底按莱布尼兹说的,是他独自发明了微积分,还是按牛顿说的,他借鉴抄袭了牛顿的成果? 1711 年3月4日,伦敦皇家学会的秘书斯洛( Hans Sloane)收到莱布尼兹寄来的一封信,信中抱怨其成员开尔(John Keill)指责莱布尼兹把牛顿的微积分改变了少量的符号,伪装为自己的原创发表,并且声明这不是事实,要求学会给以公正的裁决。 倒牛顿者指出,这一状告正好告到了牛顿手上,恰好给了当时作为皇家学会主席的牛顿以售其奸的机会。后来,由于牛顿的导演和亲自出马、匿名运作,形成势不两立的两派。以英国为一派包括英国著名数学家泰勒和麦克劳林都认为莱布尼兹是抄袭者。另一派是欧洲大陆的 数学家,包括著名数学家约翰?伯努利等为一派认为牛顿是抄袭者。争论双方停止学了术交流,不仅影响了数学的正常发展,也波及整个自然科学领域,以致发展到 英德两国之间的政治摩擦。 这场由牛顿导演捍卫牛顿的战斗,使英国人吃了大亏。莱布尼兹生命中的最后7年,是在这场大争论中痛苦地度过的。“倒牛顿者”说,莱布尼兹死后牛顿曾为能使莱布尼兹心碎而幸灾乐祸,这,也许更能够看出牛顿的小人心理。他们还说,牛顿在以上所列举的三桩公案中道德低下的表现并不是偶然的。牛顿是一个遗腹子,出生不久,母亲改嫁,由外祖母抚养,从小没爹也没娘,据此推断,他一定是心理受到严重扭曲、孤寂、好斗。 从1669年27岁时出任剑桥大学卢卡斯教授起,牛顿就沉湎于炼金术和神学。在牛顿遗留下的手稿中,有关炼金术的内容约有65万字之多,而神学内容的有 150万字之多。即使是在他写作《原理》和《光学》的时候,他的主要精力仍然集中在炼金术和神学上。据说,牛顿为了解决行星的“第一推动力”问题,在毫无办法的情况下,竟转而求助于神学和上帝,他大量阅读、研究神学,希望能够解决这个困扰他终生的问题。攻击牛顿者说,牛顿的晚年迷恋于多赚钱上。他们指出,曾有人推荐牛顿去担任伦敦的一所贵族的上流学校的校长,他回信说“每年不过是200英镑,还得每天关在伦敦不出去”为理由回绝了。1696年他离开剑桥出任造币厂督办,1699年出任造币厂厂长,他如愿以偿,从此他在科学上便无所作为了。 “倒牛顿者”指出,1692 年,50岁的牛顿表现出严重的心理疾病、严重的迫害狂、明显的精神错乱。他们的证据是:1693年9月16日,牛顿曾给哲学家洛克回信时说:“ 先生:我认为你竭力用女人和别的手段来纠缠我,我的感情大受影响,以致当有人告诉我你有病,将不能活时,我回答说,最好你死掉。……” 因此,他们认为牛顿患了严重的精神分裂症,他们推测说,大概和牛顿迷恋炼金术有关,因为炼金术的书籍中多处提到了水银,牛顿一定是因为每天与水银打交道,而导致水银中毒,从而引发了严重的心理疾病、严重的迫害狂和严重的精神分裂症。 也有很多人对此持相反意见,他们认为,牛顿晚年身体健康,头脑清楚,写了很多研究文章,活了八十四岁,在当时是罕有的长寿老人,假如他严重水银中毒,再加上这么多心理、精神疾病,绝不会成为当时少有的长寿老人的。 关于牛顿晚年患严重精神病的说法,后来曾见于一些名人的言论中。
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你想得还真多- -
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英国皇家邮船泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic)是奥林匹克级邮轮的第二艘邮船,20世纪初,由英国白星航运公司(White Star Line)制造的一艘巨大豪华客轮。由位于爱尔兰贝尔法斯特(Belfast)的哈兰德与沃尔夫(Harland and Wolff)造船厂兴建。泰坦尼克号是当时世界上最大的豪华客轮,被称为是“永不沉没的船”或是“梦幻之船”。泰坦尼克号共耗资7500万英镑,吨位46328吨,长882.9英尺,宽92.5英尺,从龙骨到四个大烟囱的顶端有175英尺,高度相当于11层楼。是当时一流的超级豪华巨轮。计划与姐妹船 奥林匹克号(RMS Olympic)和 不列颠尼克号(RMS Britannic)一道为英国白星航运公司的乘客们提供快速且舒适的跨大西洋旅行。1909年3月31日,泰坦尼克号开始建造于北爱尔兰的最大城市贝尔法斯特的哈南德·沃尔夫造船厂。船体于1911年5月31日下水。全部工程于次年的3月31日完成。泰坦尼克号由哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂厂长威廉·皮列里(William Pirrie)、总设计师托马斯·安德鲁斯(Thomas Andrews)以及总经理亚历山大·卡利斯勒(Alexander Carlisle)设计。白星航运公司常务董事布鲁斯·伊斯梅(Bruce Ismay)在设计过程中提供了很多意见。泰坦尼克号的建造资金来自摩根(J. P. Morgan)和他的国际商业海运公司(International Mercantile Marine Co.)。在当时是最大最有声望的载人邮船。泰坦尼克号全长约269.06米(882.75英尺),宽28.19米(92.5英尺),吃水线到甲板的高度为18.3米(60英尺),注册吨位46328吨(净重21831吨),排水量达到了规模空前的66000吨!尽管她包含了更多的空间导致了更大的总吨数(比她的姊妹船奥林匹克号多出1600吨)。4个硕大无比的烟囱中只有3个真正用于排出煤烟。剩下那个是个陪衬实际用途是作为主厨房的烟囱和通风。船上的25五台双端以及四台单端锅炉的动力来自159台煤炭熔炉,强大的动力使泰坦尼克号的最大速度达到23节。动力系统有三套主机:其中两套为四汽缸往复式蒸汽机,一套蒸汽轮机,主机功率达到51000马力。船上有891名船员,可以运载2200名以上乘客。 但是白星公司的兴趣不在追求速度这方面。在当时,泰坦尼克号的奢华和精致堪称空前。船上配有室内游泳池、健身房、土耳其浴室、图书馆、升降机和一个壁球室。头等舱的公共休息室由精细的木质镶板装饰,配有高级家具以及其他各种高级装饰,并竭尽全力提供了以前从未见过的服务水平。阳光充裕的巴黎咖啡馆为头等舱乘客提供各种高级点心。泰坦尼克号的二等舱甚至是三等舱的居住环境和休息室都同样高档,甚至可以和当时许多客轮的头等舱相比。三台电梯专门为头等舱乘客服务;作为革新,二等舱乘客也有一台电梯使用。泰坦尼克号的面包师比格斯回忆说:“……再不会有像她那样的船了。我曾经在奥林匹克号、庄严号、伊丽莎白王后号……上工作过。它们都比不上泰坦尼克号。……不错,就像奥林匹克号一样,不过豪华得多。比方大餐厅,奥林匹克号甚至连地毯都没有。泰坦尼克号的地毯则厚得可以没过膝盖……然后就是家具,重得你都抬不动。还有那些护墙板……他们可以建造一艘更大、更快的船,可是泰坦尼克号却把全部力量放在营建一个豪华与舒适的空间上……她的确是一艘了不起的船……”。比格斯说出来的是一种普遍的看法。泰坦尼克号使得所有建造与设计她的人都受到诱惑。这种诱惑力之大,使她在多年之后,越来越脍炙人口。用《造船家》杂志的话说,泰坦尼克号“在许多细节方面模仿了凡尔赛宫……摆满路易十五风格家具的休息室,风格类似法国的小特里亚农宫沙龙,壁炉上的雕刻作品是《凡尔赛宫的狩猎女神》。还有其它精美的浮雕和艺术作品……上等的柚木和黄铜装饰,吊灯和壁画,印度和波斯的地毯”。甚至三等舱也有大理石的洗漱池和床头取暖设备。泰坦尼克号在当时是无可比拟的奢华。尽管她不是第一艘提供甲板游泳池,健身房,浴室和升降梯的船,她竭尽全力提供了以前从未见过的服务水平。对头等舱的乘客,她提供了3台升降机;作为一种革新,她给二等舱的乘客提供了一台升降机。不过,三等舱的乘客仍然需要爬楼梯。
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求好看的灾难片 科环片

迷失太空 克里斯时空骇客(北美票房冠军)异形大战铁血战士星球大战4-新的希望哈利波特与凤凰社查理和巧克力工厂变形金刚X战警3征服未来神奇四侠光速侠鬼面骑士生化危机Ⅱ后天魔力玩具盒
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1912年4月10日,泰坦尼克号从英国南安普敦(Southampton)出发,途经法国 瑟堡-奥克特维尔(Cherbourg-Octeville)以及爱尔兰 昆士敦(Queenstown),计划中的目的地为美国纽约(New York),开始了这艘“梦幻客轮”的处女航。4月14日晚11点40分,泰坦尼克号在北大西洋撞上冰山(大约在41°43"55.66"N 49°56"45.02"W附近),两小时四十分钟后,4月15日凌晨2点20分沉没,由于只有20艘救生艇,1523人葬身海底,造成了当时在和平时期最严重的一次航海事故[编辑本段]"RMS Titanic"的命名   RMS Titanic的翻译为皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号(港台译为铁达尼号)。此名称的由来是因为在远洋邮轮盛行时,所有英国的大型邮轮均属于英国皇家,因此在船名前加上“Royal Mail Steamship(皇家邮船)”,而“RMS”就是“Royal Mail Steamship”的缩写,Titanic的意思可以分成两部分:“Titan | ic” ,“Titan”是希腊神话中的泰坦神的名字,"ic"是白星航运公司惯用的船名后缀。也许英国人的意思就是为了表明这艘船是绝不会沉没的。所以泰坦尼克号的官方名称是RMS Titanic。[编辑本段]建造背景   1901年英国白星公司被美国财阀朱利厄斯·皮尔庞特·摩根的IMM国际海运公司收购之后,他的目标是卡纳德公司。而财政状况窘迫的卡纳德公司则被迫向英国政府寻求帮助。1907年,两艘空前规模的快船——首次使用大型蒸汽轮机的卢西塔尼亚号和毛里塔尼亚号加入了卡纳德公司庞大的邮船队。现在白星公司在竞赛中被甩到了后面。有IMM做后盾,白星公司决定迎头赶上。   1908年的一天晚上,哈兰·沃尔夫船厂老板皮尔里勋爵和白星公司主席布鲁斯·伊斯梅,在皮里勋爵位于伦敦贝尔格莱维亚区的大宅中共进晚餐。贝尔法斯特的哈兰·沃尔夫船厂(Harland & Wolff,HW)从1871年起就是白星公司的忠诚合作伙伴。他们谈到了卡纳德公司的两艘新船。伊斯梅提出在HW船厂建造两艘空前规模的巨轮,每艘有三座烟囱,吨位要超出卡纳德公司两艘新船15000吨左右。随着两人在皮尔里的书房里,两艘船变成了三艘,三个烟囱变成了四个烟囱。这三艘史无前例的巨船,将成为无可争议的大西洋航线霸主,不光是在吨位上,而且在速度和豪华程度上。新船将拥有高度跨三层甲板的头等餐厅,甚至三等舱的装潢也将远比其它的邮船要舒适高级。新船要达到26至27节的高速。白星公司准备在新船上安装三副螺旋桨。为了试验这种新配置的可靠性,白星公司于1909年从“自治领海运公司”购买了两艘15000吨级的客船--双螺旋桨的梅甘尼克号和三螺旋桨的劳伦铁克号,作对比试验。三个螺旋桨被证明可以给邮船带来速度上的优势。    奥林匹克级邮船中的第一艘“400号船”在1908年12月16日在哈兰·沃尔夫船厂开工。与其他公司新船下水前名字保密的做法不同,白星公司很快公布了三艘船的名字——奥林匹克号(RMS Olympic)、泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic)和巨人号(RMS Gigantic,泰坦尼克号海难后改名不列颠尼克号,RMS Britannic)。由于船体尺寸太大——长达880英尺,哈伦·沃尔夫船厂的造船台显然不能同时开工三条船。他们决定先建造1号(泰坦尼克号)和2号船(奥林匹克号)等1号船下水之后再开工建造3号船(巨人号)。 [编辑本段]建造概况    1909年3月31日,泰坦尼克号开始建造于北爱尔兰的最大城市贝尔法斯特的哈南德·沃尔夫造船厂。船体于1911年5月31日下水。全部工程于次年的3月31日完成。泰坦尼克号由哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂厂长威廉·皮列里(William Pirrie)、总设计师托马斯·安德鲁斯(Thomas Andrews)以及总经理亚历山大·卡利斯勒(Alexander Carlisle)设计。白星航运公司常务董事布鲁斯·伊斯梅(Bruce Ismay)在设计过程中提供了很多意见。泰坦尼克号的建造资金来自摩根(J. P. Morgan)和他的国际商业海运公司(International Mercantile Marine Co.)。在当时是最大最有声望的载人邮船。泰坦尼克号全长约269.06米(882.75英尺),宽28.19米(92.5英尺),吃水线到甲板的高度为18.4米(60英尺),注册吨位46328吨(净重21831吨),排水量达到了规模空前的66000吨!尽管她包含了更多的空间导致了更大的总吨数(比她的姊妹船奥林匹克号多出1600吨)。4个硕大无比的烟囱中只有3个真正用于排出煤烟。剩下那个是个陪衬实际用途是作为主厨房的烟囱和通风。船上的25五台双端以及四台单端锅炉的动力来自159台煤炭熔炉,强大的动力使泰坦尼克号的最大速度达到23节。动力系统有三套主机:其中两套为四汽缸往复式蒸汽机,一套蒸汽轮机,主机功率达到51000马力。船上有891名船员,可以运载2200名以上乘客。  但是白星公司的兴趣不在追求速度这方面。在当时,泰坦尼克号的奢华和精致堪称空前。船上配有室内游泳池、健身房、土耳其浴室、图书馆、升降机和一个壁球室。头等舱的公共休息室由精细的木质镶板装饰,配有高级家具以及其他各种高级装饰,并竭尽全力提供了以前从未见过的服务水平。阳光充裕的巴黎咖啡馆为头等舱乘客提供各种高级点心。泰坦尼克号的二等舱甚至是三等舱的居住环境和休息室都同样高档,甚至可以和当时许多客轮的头等舱相比。三台电梯专门为头等舱乘客服务;作为革新,二等舱乘客也有一台电梯使用,不过,三等舱的乘客仍然需要爬楼梯。泰坦尼克号的面包师比格斯回忆说:“……再不会有像她那样的船了。我曾经在奥林匹克号、庄严号、伊丽莎白王后号……上工作过。它们都比不上泰坦尼克号。……不错,就像奥林匹克号一样,不过豪华得多。比方大餐厅,奥林匹克号甚至连地毯都没有。泰坦尼克号的地毯则厚得可以没过膝盖……然后就是家具,重得你都抬不动。还有那些护墙板……他们可以建造一艘更大、更快的船,可是泰坦尼克号却把全部力量放在营建一个豪华与舒适的空间上……她的确是一艘了不起的船……”。比格斯说出来的是一种普遍的看法。泰坦尼克号使得所有建造与设计她的人都受到诱惑。这种诱惑力之大,使她在多年之后,越来越脍炙人口。用《造船家》杂志的话说,泰坦尼克号“在许多细节方面模仿了凡尔赛宫……摆满路易十五风格家具的休息室,风格类似法国的小特里亚农宫沙龙,壁炉上的雕刻作品是《凡尔赛宫的狩猎女神》。还有其它精美的浮雕和艺术作品……上等的柚木和黄铜装饰,吊灯和壁画,印度和波斯的地毯”。甚至三等舱也有大理石的洗漱池和床头取暖设备。泰坦尼克号在当时是无可比拟的奢华。尽管她不是第一艘提供甲板游泳池,健身房,浴室和升降梯的船,她竭尽全力提供了以前从未见过的服务水平。     船上最为奢华之处是头等舱的大楼梯,位于第一和第二烟囱之间。配有橡木镶板以及镀金栏杆的大楼梯一直延伸到E层甲板,顶部是由熟铁支架支撑的玻璃穹顶,使自然光洒满大楼梯。楼梯顶部的墙上镶有一盏钟,钟两侧雕刻着象征高贵和荣誉的寓言人物。在第三和第四烟囱之间还有一个相对朴素的类似楼梯。詹姆斯·卡梅隆在他的电影《泰坦尼克号》中忠实的再现了这个楼梯。  奥林匹克号和泰坦尼克号尽管是姐妹船,但是一些细节部位并不一样。在经过奥林匹克号首航的观察发现,A甲板的乘客会被水雾淋到,贯通B甲板的散步走廊利用率不高。这两处缺陷都在泰坦尼克号上得到了改进,其中B甲板的一部分被改装为头等舱豪华套房的私人专用露台。  泰坦尼克号被认为是一个技术成就的定点作品。泰坦尼克号更津津乐道的是安全性。两层船底,由带自动水密门的15道水密隔墙分为16个水密隔舱,跨越全船。16个水密(不进水的)隔舱防止她沉没。奇怪的是,这些水密隔舱并没有延伸得很高。头两道水密隔墙与最后的五道,只建到了D甲板。中间的八道墙则只设到了低一层的E甲板。虽然如此,其中任意两个隔舱灌满了水,她仍然能够行驶,甚至四个隔舱灌满了水,也可以保持漂浮状态。当时的人们再也设想不出更糟糕的情况了,所以《造船专家》(The Shipbuilder)杂志认为其“根本不可能沉没”。一个船员在航行中对一个2等舱女乘客西尔维亚·考德威尔说:“就是上帝亲自来,他也弄不沉这艘船。”
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2023-06-28 09:58:572


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2023-06-28 09:58:591

Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, an

2023-06-28 09:59:023


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2023-06-28 09:59:041

求iphone美化 彩虹信号 wifi 电池 等图标的美化素材 我用ibeauty美化的 最好是如下图所示的

2023-06-28 09:59:051

在Operation Humidity 85%RH ,rh是什么意思

相对rh,RH就是相对湿度,(Relative Humidity)是用露点温度来定义的。
2023-06-28 09:58:511


2023-06-28 09:58:492


2023-06-28 09:58:471


没有修改完全 到威锋网搜索一下,上面有完整教程。
2023-06-28 09:58:463


保丽补土(Polyster Putty),原子灰原理一样,都是主剂加小小硬化剂,还有更高级的Doro Doro和Subu Subu环氧补土(Epoxy Putty),也被称作混合补土,做模型的时候是基本用不到的,一般是在改造模型的时候才会派上用场。买来像口香糖一样白、绿两片,用的时候用剪刀剪出相同的两片,直接用手捏起来就可以了。无毒无味,只是要在手上和工具上沾点水,才不会粘手。一般只有在自制一些不规则零件时才会用到。SSP-HG,虽然这不属于补土的范畴,但是功能和用途却跟补土一样。买来是一盒像爽身粉之类的细粉,一瓶紫色瞬间接着剂和一小支柔软剂用来延缓工作时间。用的时候取一点粉,滴出适量瞬接剂混合后调出类似糊装物,硬化时间不到一分钟,硬化后可以打磨削切。用途和保丽补土差不多,填缝什么的。优点:硬化速,无收缩,气泡少,附着力强,缺点:硬化太快,而且硬化时会产生剧臭,还会冒烟。补土用于填补模型零件之间的缝隙(细小缝隙的填补可以用502替代,经济实惠。但要注意,模型中重要承重部件若与主体出现裂痕或缝隙,只能用补土而不能用502)和细节的制作(比如泥土痕迹等),也用来造型,填坑等等,不能喷涂。补土有基础补土、AB补土、光硬化补土、液态补土等。它们的基本用途差不多,但AB补土的塑形作用(当然此作用也相对有限,不是什么形状都能用AB补土做出来)是其他补土所不具备的。这里顺便谈一下水补土。水补土就是底漆,类似于涂料,通常是液状,在一般情况下需要稀释,但不能用水或者酒精稀释(否则结成絮状,无法使用),需要专门的稀释剂。一般都使用喷涂的方法来附着到模型表面上,用法和其他油性涂料一样。水补土分500号、1000号、1200号等几种,作用是增强其他涂料的附着力防止掉漆和遮盖模型零件的原有颜色防止出现色彩偏差,并检查模型表面的瑕疵。其中第一个作用对油性涂料而言相对较弱,因为油性漆对塑料零件的附着力本来已经很强了。1200的主要用于民用车辆和飞机的制作、1000的用于战车或者飞机、500号颗粒很粗,可以用于制作战车装甲的防滑板——比如老美的M1A1/2 ~~由此可见水补土和补土不是一回事。水补土的统一底色、检查瑕疵等主要功能是补土所不具备的。反之,补土的填补缝隙、塑形等功能也是水补土所不具备的。此外两者在用法上也存在很大差别。总之水补土和补土是完全不同的两种耗材,模型爱好者在使用时千万要注意将两者区分开来。
2023-06-28 09:58:451

加湿器 英文资料

加湿器 Humidifier A humidifier is a household appliance that increases humidity (moisture) in a single room or in the entire home. There are point-of-use humidifiers, which are commonly used to humidify a single room, and whole-house or furnace humidifiers, which connect to a home"s HVAC system to provide humidity to the entire house.Evaporative humidifiersThe most common humidifier, an "evaporative" or "wick humidifier", consists of just a few basic parts: a reservoir, wick and fan.ReservoirReservoirs are common to most humidifiers and come in different shapes and sizes. The reservoir is a containing tank of water filled prior to operation, and provides the water for the moisture output. Other types have a continuous feed from a water line.WickThe wick is a filter that absorbs water from the reservoir. Evaporation of water from the wick is dependent on relative humidity. A room with low humidity will have a higher evaporation rate compared to a room with high humidity. Therefore, this type of humidifier is self-regulating: As the humidity of the room increases, the water vapor output naturally decreases. These wicks regularly need cleaning and replacement — if this does not happen, the humidifier stops humidifying the area it is in and the water in the tank remains at the same level.FanThe fan is adjacent to the wick and blows air onto the wick, thus aiding in the evaporation of the water within the wick.[edit] Other types of humidifiersOther types of humidifiers include:Vaporizer (Steam Humidifier) (Warm Mist Humidifier) — Boils water, releasing steam and moisture into the air. A medicated inhalant can also be added to the steam vapor to help reduce coughs. Vaporizers are more healthful[1] than cool mist types of humidifiers because steam is sterile and free from minerals. Vaporizers use more electricity to boil the water. Impeller Humidifier (Cool Mist Humidifier) — A rotating disc flings water at a diffuser, which breaks the water into fine droplets that float into the air. Ultrasonic Humidifier — A metal diaphragm vibrating at an ultrasonic frequency creates water droplets that exit the humidifier in the form of a cool fog silently. Ultrasonic Humidifiers should be cleaned regularly to avoid bacterial contamination which may be projected into the air. Impeller and ultrasonic humidifiers do not selectively put water in the air, they also add any suspended material in the water to the air such as microorganisms and minerals. The amount of minerals and other materials can be greatly reduced by using distilled water, though no water is absolutely pure. Filters may also reduce the amount of material but the EPA warns, "the ability of these devices to remove minerals may vary widely."[2] Depending on the volume, this dust may have negative health effects. Wick humidifiers trap the mineral deposits in the wick.Forced-Air HumidifiersFor buildings with a forced-air furnace, a humidifier may be built right into the furnace. They can also protect wooden objects, antiques and other furnishings which may be sensitive to damage from overly dry air. In colder months, they may provide substantial energy savings, since as humidity increases, occupants feel warm at a lower temperature. These units are typically called bypass humidifiers (because they are connected between the heated and cold air return ducts, using the pressure difference between these ducts to cause some heated air to make a bypass through the humidifier and return to the furnace). The humidifier should usually be disabled during the summer months if air conditioning is used; air conditioners partially function by reducing indoor humidity. There are three basic styles:Drum style: A pipe brings water directly to a reservoir (a pan) attached to the furnace. The water level in the pan is controlled by a float valve, similar to a small toilet tank float. The wick is typically a foam pad mounted on a drum and attached to a small motor; hot air enters the drum at one end and is forced to leave through the sides of the drum. When the hygrostat calls for humidity, the motor is turned on causing the drum to rotate slowly through the pan of water and preventing the foam pad from drying out. Advantages include: Low cost Inexpensive maintenance (drum-style pads are cheap and readily available)[citation needed] Disadvantages include: Requirement for frequent (approximately monthly) inspections of cleanliness and pad condition Water evaporation even when humidification is not required (due to the pan of water which remains exposed to a high velocity air stream) Mold growth in the pan full of water (this problem is exacerbated by the large quantity of air, inevitably carrying mold spores, passing through the humidifier whether in use or not). For the latter reason especially, drum-style humidifiers should always be turned off at the water supply during summer (air conditioning) months, and should always be used with high quality furnace air filters (MERV ratings as high as possible to ensure small numbers of mold spores reaching the humidifier"s pan) when the water supply is turned on.Disc Wheel Style: Very similar in design to the drum style humidifiers, this type of furnace humidifier replaces the foam drum with a number of plastic discs with small grooves on both sides. This allows for a very large evaporative surface area, without requiring a great deal of space. Unlike the drum style humidifiers, the disc wheel does not need replacing.[1] Advantages include: Very low maintenance (basin of humidifier should be cleaned out periodically, unless automatic flushing device is installed) No regular replacement of parts necessary Higher output due to large evaporative surface area Can be installed in hard water situations Maintains efficiency throughout lifespan Disadvantages include: Higher price Water evaporation even when humidification is not required (due to the pan of water which remains exposed to a high velocity air stream) Flow-Through Style (also known as "biscuit style" or many other, similar variant names): A pipe brings water directly to an electrically-controlled valve at the top of the humidifier. Air passes through an aluminum "biscuit" (often called a pad; using the term "biscuit" to emphasize the solid rather than foamy form) which is similar to a piece of extremely coarse steel wool. The biscuit has a coating of a matte ceramic, resulting in an extremely large surface area within a small space. When the hygrostat calls for humidity, the valve is opened and causes a spray of water onto the biscuit. Hot air is passed through the biscuit, causing the water to evaporate from the pad and be carried into the building. Advantages include: Reduced maintenance (new biscuit only when clogged with dust or mineral deposits, typically once per year) Lack of a pan of potentially stagnant water to serve as a breeding ground for mold as with a drum-style humidifier No incidental humidification caused by a constantly-replenished pan of water in a high velocity air stream Reduced requirement for expensive air filters Uses no electricity Disadvantages include: A somewhat higher purchase price Manufacturer and model-specific replacement biscuits versus the relatively generic drum-style pads A portion of the water supplied to the unit is not evaporated. This can generate a considerable amount of waste water, and does require connection to a drain. Disadvantages and risksThe use of a humidifier can allow the reproduction of dust mites or the growth of harmful mold, which can be especially harmful for children and the elderly. The relative humidity should be kept between 30% and 50%. [3]. Can also cause Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (humidifier lung) [4]Some humidifiers now use Microban technology to reduce mold and bacteria growth within the humidifier.The EPA provides detailed information of the risks as well as recommended maintenance procedures.[5]Some humidifiers have no silent operation.HumidistatA controller that measures and controls relative humidity. A humidistat may be used to control either humidifying or dehumidifying equipment by the regulation of electric or pneumatic switches, valves, or dampers.An electronic humidistat includes a sensing element and a relay amplifier. The sensing element consists of alternate metal conductors on a small flat plate. An increase or decrease of the relative humidity causes a decrease or increase in the electrical resistance between the two sets of conductors and the change in resistance is measured by the relay amplifier.See alsoDehumidifier HVAC Hygrometer for measuring humidity Humidifier fever Humidistat Ioniser Misting fan
2023-06-28 09:58:421