barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-28 13:43:25
TAG: egr allegro

  1. Neck的意思脖子(比头和身体细),走线路径中较窄的一段,给走线的规则两种选择这样方便走线。

  2. 规则中设置NECK相关的属性,Neck-> min width、Neck-> max length。

  3. 走线(route connect)过程可以右键Neck Mode,线宽就是NECK属性。



neck的读音是:英[nek]。neck的读音是:英[nek]。neck的意思是n.颈;脖子;v.搂着脖子亲吻;(使)变窄。neck【近义词】stem柄。一、详尽释义点此查看neck的详细内容n.(名词)颈脖子海峡颈肉地峡中间颈状部位衣领领子领圈领颈状部【化】短管最后一捆狭路【建】颈弯饰【地】岩颈v.(动词)搂着脖子亲吻变细变狭窄拥抱使变窄使变细割颈杀死使变窄使变细缩小…的口径使成颈状拥吻收缩拧脖子杀死(家禽)爱抚二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]颈,脖子 the part of the body by which the head is joined to the shoulders[C]领圈,领口 the part of a garment that goes round the human neck三、英英释义Noun:the part of an organism (human or animal) that connects the head to the rest of the body;"he admired her long graceful neck""the horse won by a neck"a narrow elongated projecting strip of landa cut of meat from the neck of an animala narrow part of an artifact that resembles a neck in position or form;"the banjo had a long neck""the bottle had a wide neck"an opening in a garment for the neck of the wearer; a part of the garment near the wearer"s neckVerb:kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion;"The couple were necking in the back seat of the car"四、例句The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck.长颈鹿以其长颈为特徵.The neck of my guitar is broken.我吉他的琴颈坏了。The doctor operated the patient on the neck.医生给病人的颈部动手术。She wears a gold chain around her neck.她脖子上戴着一条金项链。She only hurt her neck in the accident.她在事故中只是伤到了脖子。The two of them were necking on a park bench.他们俩在公园的长凳上拥抱亲吻。Lovers come here at night to neck.在夜晚,情人们来到这儿拥抱接吻。五、常用短语用作名词(n.)break one"s neck拼命做某事 work especially hard at sthbreathe down one"s neck紧跟着或紧盯着某人 follow or watch sb closelyneck and neck并驾齐驱 (of two horses, people, etc., in a race or competition) equal so farrisk sb"s neck冒生命危险 expose oneself to dangerup to one"s neck深深卷入某事物中 very deeply involved in sth六、经典引文The head is mounted on a mobile neck.出自:Jonathan MillerShe had glasses on with a chain that hung round her neck.出自:J. HowkerThe barbarians..had at length submitted their necks to the Gospel.出自:fig.They would have neck"d me as they do Rabbets to kill them.出自:J. Stevens七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的hnecca,意为后颈。neck的相关临近词necklace、necessity、Necke、Neckam、Neckov、necked、neckin、Neckar、Neckel、necklet、necking、neckful点此查看更多关于neck的详细信息
2023-06-28 09:01:401


neck是颈项;脖子;颈状部位;细长部分;颈长;领圈;领口;颈肉;背负;瓶(或其他容器)颈的意思。双语例句1、 He felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck.他感到脖子后面的头发竖了起来。2、His habit of wearing one v-neck jumper on top of another.他那在一件V字领套头毛衣外面再套一件的习惯。3、She wore an ivory silk blouse, frothing at neck and cuffs.她穿着一件乳白色丝绸短衫,领口和袖口轻软地向四周蓬起。4、Devlin jammed the muzzle of the gun into the man"s neck.德夫林将枪口紧紧抵住那人的脖子。5、Surgeons lift and remove excess skin from the face and neck.外科医生做脸部和颈部美容手术,除去多余的皮肤。neck短语搭配1、neck of the woods某地方,某地区2、get it in the neck受到严厉责骂,受重罚3、by a neck以微弱优势(领先)4、polo neck高圆翻领,高圆翻领衣服5、neck and neck并驾齐驱;不相上下
2023-06-28 09:03:021


neck的正确读音是/nu025bk/。拓展资料:音标解释。neck的音标是/nu025bk/。第一个音节读"ne",重读第二个音节"ck"。发音时,舌头在口腔的基底后缩,气流挤压声带,发出清擦音/k/。拼写与发音。neck的拼写相对简单,只包含五个字母。但是其发音有时会受到前后音的影响而发生变化。如在talk后面接neck时,读作/nek/而不是/nu025bk/。neck作为名词,指人或动物的颈部。也可用于形容瓶子、奖牌等物品的狭窄区域。另外,neck作为动词,表示拥抱、亲吻或用嘴轻轻咬住等动作。neck常常与adjacent、sore、stiff等形容词搭配使用。例如adjacent neck指的是相邻的颈部部位,而sore/stiff neck则表示颈部疼痛或僵硬。neck的同义词有throat、cervix等。反义词为foot,指人或动物的脚部。与neck相关的短语还有break one"s neck,表示尽力去完成某事,或指吃惊的程度超出了预期。由于现代人长时间以同一姿态坐着、站着、低头看手机等,颈椎病已成为一种常见病。幸运的是,多数颈椎问题可以通过保持正确的姿势、适当的休息和锻炼来预防和缓解。每日注意保持良好的体态,加强颈肌与肩胛肌训练,可以有效减少颈椎疾病的发生率。neck不仅在口语和书面语中常用,还在许多俚语和习语中广泛使用。在音乐流派Rock and Roll,"necking" 指接吻或拥抱。
2023-06-28 09:03:351


  neck英 [nek] 美 [nɛk]  n.颈,脖子; 衣领; 海峡; [地] 岩颈;  vi.搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻; 变狭窄;  vt.使变细; 与…搂著脖子亲吻; 割颈杀死(家禽等)  [例句]The arteries in his neck had become fatally congested.  他颈动脉栓塞,危在旦夕。  [其他]第三人称单数:necks 复数:necks 现在分词:necking 过去式:necked 过去分词:necked
2023-06-28 09:03:591


neck[英][nek][美][nɛk]n.颈,脖子; 衣领; 海峡; [地]岩颈; vi.搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻; 变狭窄; vt.使变细; 与…搂著脖子亲吻; 割颈杀死(家禽等); 第三人称单数:necks复数:necks现在分词:necking过去式:necked过去分词:necked
2023-06-28 09:04:181


问题一:脖子用英语怎么说? 英文是neck 问题二:脖子用英语怎么读 脖子: 英语: neck. 中文谐音: 内克. neck /n?k/ CET4 1 N-COUNT Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body. 颈 She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him warmly. 她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热烈地拥抱他。 2 N-COUNT The neck of an article of clothing such as a shirt, dress, or sweater is the part which surrounds your neck. 3 N-COUNT The neck of something such as a bottle or a guitar is the long narrow part at one end of it. (瓶子、吉他等的) 颈状部位 Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle. 凯瑟琳紧握着破裂的瓶颈。 问题三:伸着脖子 / 缩着脖子 英语怎么说? 1 he stretched out a neck/shrink the neck 2 COINS got stuck 问题四:脖子用英语怎么写? neck 问题五:脖子,用英语怎么说? neck,为什么不去查字典 问题六:脖子的英语怎么说 neck 问题七:勒住你的脖子 英文怎么说 tie your neck tight 问题八:脖子痛用英语怎么说 你可以下载有道词典或金山词霸,或者直接使用google的翻译功能,它们都是可以直接把汉语翻译成英语的,很实用的
2023-06-28 09:04:561


2023-06-28 09:05:064

脖子的英语怎么读 脖子的英语读法及释义

1、脖子英语:neck[英][nek][美][nu025bk]。词性:n. 脖子;衣领;海峡;vt. 使变细;与…搂著脖子亲吻;vi. 搂著脖子亲吻;变狭窄;n. (Neck)人名;(德、意、英)内克。 2、例句:Imagine this energy moving up through your neck and into your head, calming and energizing every cell in your body. 想象这个能量穿过你的脖子向上移动进入你的头部,使你身体的每个细胞都平静下来并重新通电。
2023-06-28 09:05:131


2023-06-28 09:05:235


2023-06-28 09:06:541


neck 英[nek] 美[nu025bk] n. 颈,脖子;衣领;海峡;[地]岩颈 vi. 搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻;变狭窄 vt. 使变细;与…搂著脖子亲吻;割颈杀死(家禽等) [例句]Or to avoid neck strain.或者是避免脖子紧张。
2023-06-28 09:07:042


拼音是 ni ke
2023-06-28 09:07:143

脖子 的英语怎么说

2023-06-28 09:07:225


2023-06-28 09:07:382


neck 英[nek] 美[n?k] n. 颈,脖子; 衣领; 海峡; [地] 岩颈; vi. 搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻; 变狭窄; vt. 使变细; 与…搂著脖子亲吻; (家禽等) 割颈杀死; 全部释义>> [例句]What happened to your neck? 你的脖子怎么了?
2023-06-28 09:07:462


2023-06-28 09:07:543


Neck名词,意思是脖子,这是一个重度闭音节。闭音节就是一个元音字母加上一个或者是几个辅音字母(r,w,y 除外。构成的就叫做闭音节,单音节词都是中毒音节词。
2023-06-28 09:08:081


2023-06-28 09:08:173

用neck 造句?

He has a very long neck. 他有一个非常长的脖子。
2023-06-28 09:09:052

neck in neck 翻译成中文怎么说

neck in neck 齐头并进相似的还有 hand in hand 手拉手等
2023-06-28 09:09:121


2023-06-28 09:09:262


neck[英][nek] [美][nɛk] 生词本 简明释义 n.颈,脖子;衣领;海峡;[地]岩颈 vi.搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻;变狭窄 vt.使变细;与…搂著脖子亲吻;割颈杀死(家禽等) 复数:necks第三人称单数:necks过去式:necked过去分词:necked现在分词:necking 易混淆的单词:Neck 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-COUNT颈;脖子Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body. She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly... 她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热情地拥抱他. He was short and stocky, and had a thick neck. 他矮壮结实,脖子很粗.
2023-06-28 09:10:181

neck是什么意思 neck的意思

1、neck的意思: n.脖子;衣领;领圈;有…衣领的;有…脖子的; vi.搂着脖子亲吻;相拥互吻; 2、neck的读音:英[nek],美[nek]。 3、[例句]She craned her neck to get a better view of the stage.她伸长了脖子,好把舞台看清楚些。 4、第三人称单数:necks 复数:necks 现在分词:necking 过去式:necked 过去分词:necked
2023-06-28 09:10:431


2023-06-28 09:10:512


neck是颈项;脖子;颈状部位;细长部分;颈长;领圈;领口;颈肉;背负;瓶(或其他容器)颈的意思。双语例句1、 He felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck.他感到脖子后面的头发竖了起来。2、His habit of wearing one v-neck jumper on top of another.他那在一件V字领套头毛衣外面再套一件的习惯。3、She wore an ivory silk blouse, frothing at neck and cuffs.她穿着一件乳白色丝绸短衫,领口和袖口轻软地向四周蓬起。4、Devlin jammed the muzzle of the gun into the man"s neck.德夫林将枪口紧紧抵住那人的脖子。5、Surgeons lift and remove excess skin from the face and neck.外科医生做脸部和颈部美容手术,除去多余的皮肤。neck短语搭配1、neck of the woods某地方,某地区2、get it in the neck受到严厉责骂,受重罚3、by a neck以微弱优势(领先)4、polo neck高圆翻领,高圆翻领衣服5、neck and neck并驾齐驱;不相上下
2023-06-28 09:11:061


2023-06-28 09:11:585


英文原文:neck英式音标:[nek] 美式音标:[nu025bk]
2023-06-28 09:13:102


neck[英][nek] [美][nu025bk] 生词本简明释义n.颈,脖子;衣领;海峡;[地]岩颈vi.搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻;变狭窄vt.使变细;与…搂著脖子亲吻;割颈杀死(家禽等)复数:necks第三人称单数:necks过去式:necked过去分词:necked现在分词:necking易混淆的单词:Neck以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT颈;脖子Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body. She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly...她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热情地拥抱他。He was short and stocky, and had a thick neck.他矮壮结实,脖子很粗。
2023-06-28 09:13:321


2023-06-28 09:13:401


问题一:脖子疼用英语怎么说 have a sore neck/have a neck ache 问题二:脖子痛用英语怎么说 你可以下载有道词典或金山词霸,或者直接使用google的翻译功能,它们都是可以直接把汉语翻译成英语的,很实用的 问题三:脖子有点痛 英语怎么说好 1 我脖子有点痛,可能是坐的太久了。 【My neck is a little painful, maybe it"s because I sit too long.】 2 我刚才不小心摔倒了,现在 下巴和胳膊都很痛 【I fell down carelessly just now, and my chin and arms are very painful now】 3 我的腿有点麻 / 我的腿有点痛 【My leg is a little numb/ my leg is a little painful】 4 我的嗓子很痛,可能是发炎了。得吃点药 【I"ve got a sore throat, maybe it gets inflamed. I need to take some medicine】 问题四:脖子用英语怎么说? 英文是neck 问题五:脖子痛用英语怎么说 neckache 问题六:颈椎痛用英语怎么表达? 颈椎痛 Cervical pain 问题七:你的脖子疼怎么办 英语翻译 What will you do if your neck pains。 问题八:我的手指和脖子痛用英语怎么说? My finger(s) and neck are so painful (killing me).... 问题九:脖子用英语怎么读 脖子: 英语: neck. 中文谐音: 内克. neck /n?k/ CET4 1 N-COUNT Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body. 颈 She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him warmly. 她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热烈地拥抱他。 2 N-COUNT The neck of an article of clothing such as a shirt, dress, or sweater is the part which surrounds your neck. 3 N-COUNT The neck of something such as a bottle or a guitar is the long narrow part at one end of it. (瓶子、吉他等的) 颈状部位 Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle. 凯瑟琳紧握着破裂的瓶颈。
2023-06-28 09:14:121


脖子 neck
2023-06-28 09:14:345


脖子疼用英语怎么说 have a sore neck/have a neck ache 脖子痛用英语怎么说 你可以下载有道词典或金山词霸,或者直接使用google的翻译功能,它们都是可以直接把汉语翻译成英语的,很实用的 脖子有点痛 英语怎么说好 1 我脖子有点痛,可能是坐的太久了。 【My neck is a little painful, maybe it"s because I sit too long.】2 我刚才不小心摔倒了,现在 下巴和胳膊都很痛 【I fell down carelessly just now, and my chin and arms are very painful now】 3 我的腿有点麻 / 我的腿有点痛 【My leg is a little numb/ my leg is a little painful】 4 我的嗓子很痛,可能是发炎了。得吃点药 【I"ve got a sore throat, maybe it gets inflamed. I need to take some medicine】 脖子用英语怎么说? 英文是neck 脖子痛用英语怎么说 neckache 颈椎痛用英语怎么表达? 颈椎痛 Cervical pain 你的脖子疼怎么办 英语翻译 What will you do if your neck pains。 我的手指和脖子痛用英语怎么说? My finger(s) and neck are so painful (killing me).... 脖子用英语怎么读 脖子: 英语: neck. 中文谐音: 内克. neck /nu025bk/ CET4 1 N-COUNT Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body. 颈 She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him warmly. 她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热烈地拥抱他。 2 N-COUNT The neck of an article of clothing such as a shirt, dress, or sweater is the part which surrounds your neck. 3 N-COUNT The neck of something such as a bottle or a guitar is the long narrow part at one end of it. (瓶子、吉他等的) 颈状部位 Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle. 凯瑟琳紧握著破裂的瓶颈。 脖子用英语怎么写? neck
2023-06-28 09:15:001


问题一:脖子用英语怎么说? 英文是neck 问题二:脖子用英语怎么读 脖子: 英语: neck. 中文谐音: 内克. neck /n?k/ CET4 1 N-COUNT Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body. 颈 She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him warmly. 她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热烈地拥抱他。 2 N-COUNT The neck of an article of clothing such as a shirt, dress, or sweater is the part which surrounds your neck. 3 N-COUNT The neck of something such as a bottle or a guitar is the long narrow part at one end of it. (瓶子、吉他等的) 颈状部位 Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle. 凯瑟琳紧握着破裂的瓶颈。 问题三:脖子用英语怎么读,最好用中文的方式告诉我,谢谢 neck 发音:耐克 你好,本题以解答,如果满意,请点右上角“采纳答案”,支持一下。 问题四:脖子痛用英语怎么说 你可以下载有道词典或金山词霸,或者直接使用google的翻译功能,它们都是可以直接把汉语翻译成英语的,很实用的 问题五:脖子英语怎么读要录音 英文原文: neck 英式音标: [nek] 美式音标: [n?k] 问题六:脖子,用英语怎么说? neck,为什么不去查字典 问题七:脖子的英语怎么说 neck 问题八:脖子和头的英语怎么读 视频 脖子neck 读 [nek] 头head 读[hed]
2023-06-28 09:15:061

是neck to neck 还是 neck and neck

您好,是neck and neck"neck and neck "的中文意思是:并驾齐驱。例句1:On day one of the election campaign the National and Liberal Party leaders were neck and neck. 从竞选活动的第一天起,国家党和自由党的领导人就难分高下。例句2:The latest polls indicate that the two main parties are neck and neck 最近的一次民意测验显示两个主要政党难分高下。 延展例句:I mean to catch up him to and come neck and neck into the winning post. 我决心追上他,和他齐头并进,去夺取胜利。
2023-06-28 09:15:131

neck by neck的意思

neck and neckadv.并驾齐驱
2023-06-28 09:15:234

骨密度报告中的neck 是什么意思

髋关节中(R.O.I)包括:Neck(股骨颈) G.T(大粗隆) Inter.Tro(粗隆间) Ward-ward.s(三角)
2023-06-28 09:15:311


necks意思是n.颈部、脖子、衣领、有...脖子的v.搂着脖子亲吻;例句:She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck.她戴着一条粗实的金项链。What neck size do you take?你穿多大的衣领?She craned her neck to get a better view of the stage.她伸长了脖子,好把舞台看清楚些。I didn"t think she would have the brass neck to do that.我本以为她不会胆大妄为地去做了那件事。希望可以帮助到你!
2023-06-28 09:15:391


neck 英[nek] 美[nu025bk] n. 颈,脖子; 衣领; 海峡; [地] 岩颈; vi. 搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻; 变狭窄; vt. 使变细; 与…搂著脖子亲吻; 割颈杀死(家禽等); [例句]She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热情地拥抱他。[其他] 第三人称单数:necks 复数:necks 现在分词:necking 过去式:necked过去分词:necked
2023-06-28 09:16:371


2023-06-28 09:16:441


脖子 neck
2023-06-28 09:16:535


  necks  n. 颈( neck的名词复数 ); 领圈; 有…衣领的; (烹制食用的) 动物颈肉;  [例句]Tame birds, when approached, will stretch out their necks and ruffle their neck feathering  驯养的鸟儿在有人靠近时会伸长脖子,竖起颈羽。
2023-06-28 09:17:231


by a neck以微弱优势(领先);get it in the neck受到严厉责骂;受重罚neck and neck势均力敌,不分上下,平手;neck of the woods某地方;某地区
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nelk 内尔(女子名,等于Helen)(麋鹿)
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2023-06-28 09:18:131


neck 英[nek] 美[nɛk]n. 颈,脖子; 衣领; 海峡; [地] 岩颈;vi. 搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻; 变狭窄;vt. 使变细; 与…搂著脖子亲吻; (家禽等) 割颈杀死;全部释义>>[例句]What happened to your neck?你的脖子怎么了?
2023-06-28 09:18:202


2023-06-28 09:18:281


neck 英 [nek] 美 [nu025bk] n. 颈,脖子;衣领;海峡;[地]岩颈 vi. 搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻;变狭窄 vt. 使变细;与…搂著脖子亲吻;割颈杀死(家禽等) 网 络 颈部; 颈; 脖子上; 脖子 复数:necks 过去式:necked 过去分词:necked 现在分词:necking 第三人称单数:necks 1. He shouted at his brother, his neck veins bulging. 他朝他的兄弟吼叫,脖子上青筋暴突。 2. I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck. 我打了个寒战,用围巾把脖子围得更紧了
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2023-06-28 09:18:443