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2023-06-28 13:41:53


1、学说神话:愣是要“找出”某一著作家在所有无可争议的主题上的学说体系。这样做的结果就造成一种可以被称为学说神话的讨论。(mythology of doctrines)它放胆将经典理论家的某些零星的或即兴的论述转化成他们在某一预期的主题上的所谓的“学说”。导致类似与思想传记和思想简史、“形形色色的观念的历史”的谬误。这是一种时代误置(anachronism)。


3、预期的神话(the mythology of prolepsis):当我们更多地关注某一特定时期的后观意义(retrospective significance)而不是其对特定言论主体的意涵时最容易滋生。它将观察者自己声称的在某一特定历史时期发现的意义与这一历史时期自身的意涵之间的非对称性生硬地合并在一起。



希罗多德是历史批判方法的创始人,他的求实、客观精神为后世严肃的史学家所发扬光大。希罗多德的记述原则是有闻必录,但绝非有闻必信。他对史料的态度是:开门见山,直陈己见,肯定与否,态度明确;若对史料的真伪无法鉴别,或对同一事物有多种说法时,就承认有所不知,让其存疑,并把不同说法都记述下来,让后人鉴别。他说:“我的职责是我把我所听到的一切记录下来,虽然我并没有任何义务来相信每一件事情。”希罗多德式的史书可以称为文化史,是与中国传统学问中的地理志相仿。对于罗马所代表的古典文明的热切向往,彼得拉克(Francesco Petrarca,1304—1374)可以说是一个代表。他曾感叹:"所有的历史不就是为了赞美罗马吗?"他在获得了李维的《罗马建城以来史》之后,废寝忘食,对其做注解,并纠正其各种流传版本的错误。他用给李维、西塞罗写信的方式表达他的敬意。他甚至在信中写道,希望自己能生活在李维的年代,或者李维能生活在他的时代。这些做法似乎有点奇异,但如果从历史观念的角度来考量,可以看出几层意义。第一点自然是彼得拉克崇古的心态,由此可以解释为什么他在当时是人文主义的代表,还被称为是一位博古学家(antiquarian),即热衷收集、整理和研究古物、古书的人。可是彼得拉克并不崇拜所有的过去,特别是对欧洲中世纪评价很低,称之为"黑暗时代"。他所崇拜的是古典时代的希腊和罗马,所以就有第二点,即他超越了"古今不分"(anachronism)的意识。他希望自己生活在李维时代的罗马就是一个典型表现。
2023-06-28 08:51:411

【雅皮新主张】 雅痞

  “雅皮”这一概念追溯起来要回到1980年代,当金融街风起云涌时,代表着“职业”、“高等教育”的华尔街装扮一度成为雅皮士的标识。“Young urban professional”缩写成的Yuppie一直被认为有着优越的社会地位和丰厚的薪水,对于生活享受有着优质的追求,却多年来被诟病只关注物质而不关心社会,于是在环保风和社交媒体盛行之下又翻炒出“绿皮人”(Scuppie)的概念,仔细一看性格描述,不过是雅皮加上了“有善心”的标签,骨子里还是那份坚持的绅士、优雅和细腻。在2012年的秀场上,就有不少有着新主张雅皮士风格的搭配,比起正装革履,多了一分轻松几处惬意,不变的仍然是精英格调造就的男子气概。      agnès b.   agnès b.的2012春夏作品仍然延续着含蓄、低调、细腻的风格。灵感来自于土耳其的有着强烈民族风格的长袍让人印象深刻,全套西装亦有用抢眼异常的蓝黄撞色加民族印花。但在系列中仍然不乏agnès b.一贯的简洁风格:灰色西装搭黑色印花衬衫和白色领带,略为吊脚的长裤搭配高筒皮鞋。绅士,而细节处有乾坤。   搭配Tips:   灰调西装不难找,今年的Initial系列便值得推荐。Initial分两个主题,先打20世纪侦探造型、后打异教炼金术士,形象鲜明,引用两种截然不同的风格。前者的侦探造型包装,说穿了其实又是打英式绅士风主义,大量使用今季大热的tweed元素来贯穿创作,非常好搭配。内敛的灰调要穿出新主张则要在配饰上用色大胆,白色和宝蓝都是容易在灰底上显得出挑的颜色。            Burberry Prorsum   Burberry Prorsum的2012春夏作品以鲜艳的色彩和大胆的编织花纹夺人眼球。除了毛线的大胆运用,每套搭配的风格与面料都很多样,嬉皮、摇滚、学院……应有尽有。这套用大地色调和最简单的白衬衫搭配清新得让人如酷暑中饮一杯香槟。若配板鞋便是学院休闲风,若配手工定制的牛津鞋则是浓浓的绅士风。而这季亮点之一便是西裤长度仅至脚踝,让整身线条更紧凑。   搭配Tips:   大地色系算是一个很百搭的色系,几乎对任何肤色都有很好的修饰作用,在夏季穿着也显得清爽便捷。肤色白皙的男士可以尝试偏驼色和偏红的色系,而肤色偏深的则可以用浅一点的如米色和沙色来搭配。Coolday, sir总是以独特大胆的配色和细节创出别树一格的绅士风格赢尽口碑,其2012作品更是有着好莱坞式的公子格局,用来撞一撞简洁的大地色系亦是上选。            Costume National   设计师Ennio Capasa的设计风格从不拖泥带水。定位为融合了法式优雅、日式趣味和美式随意的时装喜爱利用紧身、流畅的线条,带着简单又摩登的时尚品味。2012年的Costume National在秀场上用了大胆的红色做内搭,外套是有着丰富细节的格纹风衣。其实最让人瞩目的是这一季的鞋履设计,尖头皮鞋上不仅是抢眼的正红,而且还镶满了水钻,让绅士做派到底还是有了公子哥儿气息。   搭配Tips:   A.P.C.的长风衣有着非同寻常的卡其色泽,用心之处就在织物的染色工艺,法兰西出品总是多一点异国风情。对于雅皮的阐述,不妨用一双绒皮暗红的Dr. Martens来打点,绝不会让人失望。ts(s)的条纹设计一贯出色,也是搭配利器。         Alexis Mabille   Alexis Mabille的2012秀场风格就是简单直接。因为与男式内衣品牌Hom合作推出新系列,所以模特穿着正装出场然后齐齐脱去外套剩下内衣简直让人无法直视。新品最为出彩的主题风格是Bain de Soleil,即“日光浴”,但夏日海滩需要的不仅仅是泳装和内衣。有着水手服设计的那些翻领、搭配有棉质披巾的款式以及水兵条纹都为整个系列增添了无数细节。   搭配Tips:   除了全套蓝色西装的浓烈搭配,今年Coolday,sir的条纹西装加上了荧光蓝压边,细节处颇耐得称赞。而意大利制的MonoWay则走成熟斯文风,白色尼龙经蜡化加工涂层处理,再加上近年极为吃香的仿古旧化,让高质的皮革和手工焕发出别于传统的色彩。            Canali   Canali用亚麻丝棉质地西服搭配修身剪裁的西裤,薄款编织皮带在腰际摇曳生姿。东方元素的融入并不突兀,除了西装设计,格纹的西裤搭配V领开衫一样显得别有风情。今年的搭配单品中,V领设计是一大热,最适合略微练出胸肌的男士。而雅皮的另一关键,则在于一个清爽不凌乱的发型。   搭配Tips:   太阳眼镜是夏日必备单品,不是冬天不戴,而是现在这种天气,正好给大家一个借口,稍为装扮一下也不会被人说扮明星。Select shop上目眼镜店,推出自家品牌眼镜OCULAR PLUS,贯彻欧洲色彩缤纷风格。 蓝、绿、黄等鲜色在深色镜片上,更能撞出特别视觉效果。今次新款COMO、GARDA、ORTA、BOLSENA都是意大利著名湖泊名字。方和圆的设计皆有,其中梨形是近年大,是搭配雅皮风的优质单品。            Antonio Azzuolo   Antonio Azzuolo从来不乏的便是优雅。融合了传统剪裁的服饰喜欢强调上衣的修身和宽松的下半身设计,设计师更爱改造日本和服特性。在春夏场上,一条材质飘逸的阔脚棉裤带来一身轻松,而上身的高领线衫在咖啡色上用大开的倒V白色和扎口袖管打破沉闷,用最简单的方法搭配出雅皮风。   搭配Tips:   买衣服除了看款式,如果再了解一点品牌文化,亦会更喜爱身上的衣服。Anachronorm是由“anachronism”和“norm”两个词根结合而成。“anachronism”中译是“时代错误”;“norm”的意思是“标准”。换言之,Anachronorm的造衫宗旨是颠覆时代。掉完书袋,入正题,Anachronorm死守美国1950年代风格,worker和机车风并驾齐驱。今季贯彻古旧味道,仿古手工依旧出色,用一点vintage风来打造雅皮,暗格纹混羊毛质地比丹宁更有味道。   
2023-06-28 08:51:541


2023-06-28 08:52:011


1 有那么点tricky. 前半句说的反对者对那个研究机构态度, 注意anachronism, 时代的错误性. 后半句这里是分号, 所以关系是并列. they指 opponents. 反对者之所以认为是一个 elitist anachronism (这个我中文也说不清, 自己意会下), 是因为那个机构的学者待遇(perquisites )都超过了pre-Revolutionary French nobility. 也就是说反对者并不认为他们deserve这样的待遇2 题比较简单吧, 尽管他们让这种情绪对他们有利, 他们并没有create 这样的情绪.. 其他选项都不符合啊
2023-06-28 08:53:231


highspeed的意思是:高速的。高速公路例句:In a disposable age, the book for keeping and rereading is an anachronism, a ponderous dinosaur in a highspeed society。在一个讲求把没用物品处理掉的时代里,要保存和重读书简直是与时代格格不入的行为,就像个笨重的恐龙在高速的社会里寸步难行。
2023-06-28 08:53:301


英语阅读理解(高级篇)训练及答案   Passage Eight (Wakefield Masters Realism)   Moreover, insofar as any interpretation of its author can be made from the five or six plays attributed to him, the Wake field Master is uniformly considered to be a man of sharp contemporary observation. He was, formally, perhaps clerically educated, as his Latin and music, his Biblical and patristic lore indicate. He is, still, celebrated mainly for his quick sympathy for the oppressed and forgotten man, his sharp eye for character, a ready ear for colloquial vernacular turns of speech and a humor alternately rude and boisterous, coarse and happy. Hence despite his conscious artistry as manifest in his feeling for intricate metrical and stanza forms, he is looked upon as a kind of medieval Steinbeck, indignantly angry at, uncompromisingly and even brutally realistic in presenting the plight of the agricultural poor.   Thus taking the play and the author together, it is mow fairly conventional to regard the former as a kind of ultimate point in the secularization of the medieval drama. Hence much emphasis on it as depicting realistically humble manners and pastoral life in the bleak hills of the West Riding of Yorkshire on a typically cold bight of December 24th. After what are often regarded as almost documentaries given in the three successive monologues of the three shepherds, critics go on to affirm that the realism is then intensified into a burlesque mock-treatment of the Nativity. Finally as a sort of epilogue or after-thought in deference to the Biblical origins of the materials, the play slides back into an atavistic mood of early innocent reverence. Actually, as we shall see, the final scene is not only the culminating scene but perhaps the raison detre of introductory realism.   There is much on the surface of the present play to support the conventional view of its mood of secular realism. All the same, the realism of the Wakefield Master is of a paradoxical turn. His wide knowledge of people, as well as books indicates no cloistered contemplative but one in close relation to his times. Still, that life was after all a predominantly religious one, a time which never neglected the belief that man was a rebellious and sinful creature in need of redemption, So deeply (one can hardly say naively of so sophisticated a writer) and implicitly religious is the Master that he is less able (or less willing) to present actual history realistically than is the author of the Brome Abraham and Isaac. His historical sense is even less realistic than that of Chaucer who just a few years before had done for his own time costume romances, such as The Knights Tale, Troilus and Cressida, etc. Moreover Chaucer had the excuse of highly romantic materials for taking liberties with history.   1. Which of the following statements about the Wakefield Master is NOT True?   [A]. He was Chaucers contemporary.   [B]. He is remembered as the author of five or six realistic plays.   [C]. He write like John Steinbeck.   [D]. HE was an accomplished artist.   2. By patristic, the author means   [A]. realistic. [B]. patriotic   [C]. superstitious. [C]. pertaining to the Christian Fathers.   3. The statement about the secularization of the medieval drama refers to the   [A]. introduction of mundane matters in religious plays.   [B]. presentation of erudite material.   [C]. use of contemporary introduction of religious themes in the early days.   4. In subsequent paragraphs, we may expect the writer of this passage to   [A]. justify his comparison with Steinbeck.   [B]. present a point of view which attack the thought of the second paragraph.   [C]. point out the anachronisms in the play.   [D]. discuss the works of Chaucer.   Vocabulary   1. clerically educated 受过教会教育的   2. lore 口头传说,口头文字   3. patristic 有关早期基督教领袖的   4. vernacular 方言   5. boisterous 喧闹的   6. metrical 韵律的   7. stanza 诗节   8. medieval 中世纪的   9. plight 悲惨的命运   10. secularization 世俗化,脱离教会   11. pastoral 乡村的   12. bleak 荒凉的   13. documentary 记录文献的   14. monologue 独白   15. burlesque 诙谐或游戏诗文的,讽刺或滑稽的   16. Nativity 基督的诞生   17. epilogue 收场白   18. deference 敬意,尊重   19. atavistic 返祖的,隔代遗传的   20. slide back to 滑回,这里指返回   21. raison detre 存在的理由   22. all the same 即便如此   23. paradoxical turn 自相矛盾的说法   24. cloistered 隐居的   25. contemplative 好冥想的人(如僧侣)   26. the contemplative life 宗教上冥想的生涯   27. redemption 赎罪   28. mundane 世俗的,现世的   29. erudite 博学的,饱学之士   30. anachronism 时代错误,与时代不合的事物    难句译注   1. Moreover, insofar as any interpretation of its author can be made from the five or six plays attributed to him, the Wake field Master is uniformly considered to be a man of sharp contemporary observation.   [结构简析] insofar 义:只能,在范围,常和as 连用。Attributed 过去分词,这里指属于韦克菲尔德大师写的剧本。    [参考译文] 再则,就以五六本,被认为是韦克菲尔德·马斯脱所写的剧本为依据来分析说明这位作者,他是一位公认为对时代具有敏锐洞察力的戏剧作家。   写作方法和文章大意   这是一篇文学评论,评韦克菲尔德·马斯脱的戏剧。他是乔叟的同时代人,采用对比手法,作者对比了他和别的批评家对韦评价之差异来论证韦克菲尔德本人的观点,立场和作品的文体,语言,内容等各个方面。然后把他跟同时代人乔叟作比较,指出他的不足。    答案祥解   1. C. 他象斯坦贝克一样写。第一段作者说他是一位公认的对当时代具有敏锐洞察力的作家。现在仍然享有盛名。主要在于他对被压迫和被遗忘的人民的同情,有着对人物性格了解的犀利眼光,对日常方言的曲折转意的耳朵。他的幽默粗放而又喧闹,粗鲁而又愉快。因此,尽管他有意识的艺术效果(性),明显表现在他对复杂韵律和诗节的感受力上,人们仍然尊他为中世纪的斯坦贝克,对贫苦农民悲惨命运的疾首愤怒,给以毫不妥协地甚至野性地真实描述。这段话说明,文内两位作家之共同点是在内容观点上。而不是指一样的艺术形式上。韦克菲尔德写的是诗歌形式韵文,而斯坦贝克是小说和散文剧。所以说他像斯坦贝克那样写就错了。故选C.   A. 他是乔叟同时代人,见最后一句他的历史观点的现实主义稍逊于乔叟。乔叟在几年前就为其时代写了一本传奇。 B. 他是作为五或六本现实之剧本的作者而为人纪念。本文第一句话只能从他写的五个或六个剧本来说明这位作者。 D. 他是一位有成就的艺术家。   2. D. Patristic 义:为关于早期基督教领袖的。第一段中his Biblical and Patristic lore indicate的意思是他那有关圣经和早期基督教领袖们的歌谣。   A. 现实主义的。 B. 爱国的。 C. 迷信的。   3. A. 在宗教剧中介绍世俗之事。见第二段中的secularization义:世俗化,脱离教会。这一整段都讲了韦剧中对世俗之事的描述:拿剧本和作者两者一起讲的话,现在习惯于把他的剧本看作中世纪戏剧世俗化的一个顶点。因此,对他世俗化强调常以一个例子来说明,即他现实主义的描述12月24日一个寒冷的夜晚,在约克郡西区荒凉的山里的那种粗陋的`习俗和乡村的生活;在常被人认为几乎是记录文献的三个牧人三段连续的独白之后,批评家们继续认为他的现实主义在此时被强化到以讽刺嘲弄的口吻处理了基督的诞生。最后,作者收场白或事后的补充,对材料的来源圣经表示敬意。剧本又滑回到早期纯洁无邪(天真)的崇敬,一种返祖基调中去。事实上最后一幕不仅是全剧的高潮,也许还是现实主义引言存在的理由。这一段清楚表明。批评者认为宗教只是作者的收场白,计划外的添加剂而已。   B. 表现渊博知识材料。 C. 应用当代材料。太笼统。当代也有宗教之事。   D. 介绍早期宗教题材。   4. B. 表达抨击第二段思想的观点。这个问题最难回答,其所以选择B,是因为本人作者并不同意流行的观点。他在讲完常规看法有,用引导来谈纪实文献和现实主义。这说明作者之含义并不是这两个词的本义。这段最后一句话事实上,最后一幕表明:最后一幕有宗教内容,而现实主义不过处于introductory阶段。第三段点明作者的观点现在的戏剧表面上有许多支持世俗现实主义模式的观点。韦之现实主义有一个自相矛盾的特点。他对人和书本的广泛的了解表明:他不是与世隔绝,而是和时代紧密相连的。再说,那时的生活毕竟是全方位的宗教。那时代绝不会忽视这种信仰人是叛逆和有罪的生灵,需要赎罪。大师是那么深沉含蓄的信奉宗教,因而他比布罗姆作者更不可能(更不愿)现实主义地表现真正的历史。他的历史感现实性甚至比乔叟更不现实主义。乔叟早在前几年为他的时代写了类似骑士的故事。特罗依拉斯和克莱西德等传奇。再说,乔叟以高度浪漫的材料为借口对历史事实任意处理。所以说,我们可以期望作者在下面一步发挥自己的观点,抨击第二段的看法。   A. 他和斯坦贝克的比较是公平的。 C. 指出剧中时代错误。 D. 讨论乔叟作品。 ;
2023-06-28 08:54:121


2023-06-28 08:54:251


2023-06-28 08:54:512


Germanyn.1. 德国(欧洲国家)VictoriaKK: []DJ: []n.1. 维多利亚(女子名)2. 【罗神】维多利亚(胜利女神)3. 英国维多利亚女王(1819-1901)4. 澳大利亚州名5. 塞舌尔群岛之首都victoriaKK: []DJ: []n.1. 一种双座四轮马车2. 【植】(产于南美洲的)王莲
2023-06-28 08:54:592


2023-06-28 08:55:322


abstract,英文单词,形容词、名词、动词,作形容词时意思为“纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的”,作名词意思为“摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品”,作动词时意思为“摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉”。扩展资料抽象的。类似像见微知著、一叶知秋的意思,这是在神秘学里面一个非常重要的概念,就是所有的符号、图像、文字、咒语等等的背后,都还包含有更多、更大、更深、更远的意义,而需要学习者用心去体会、感觉、并思量,才可以深究其意义,并化为自己的一部份,才能好好的来使用它。abstract 不可以和static、virtual、final、native一起使用声明为 abstract 成员可以不包括实现代码,但只要类中还有未实现的抽象成员(抽象方法),那么这个类就是一个抽象类,抽象类的对象就不能被实例化,通常用于强制继承类必须实现某一成员.抽象类是必须要派生子类的。并且,如果子类没有实现抽象基类的所有方法,则子类也成为一个抽象类。对于abstract方法只允许声明,不允许实现(因为没有方法体)(毕竟叫抽象,当然不能实实在在的让你实现),并且不允许使用final和abstract同时修饰一个方法或者类,也不允许使用static修饰abstract方法。也就是说,abstract方法只能是实例方法,不能是类方法。参考资料来源:百度百科-abstract(英文单词)参考资料来源:百度百科-abstract(抽象修饰符)
2023-06-28 08:55:401


  regard表认为; 注视; 涉及的意思,能够和regard搭配成 短语 的词组有很多,今天我就为大家整理了regard的短语搭配,希望能帮到大家。   regard的短语   in this (或 that) regard   1. 在这(或那)一点上   在这一点上,还缺乏促使他们积极主动的激励。   there was little incentive for them to be active in this regard.   with (或 in 或 having) regard to   1. 关于,至于;就u2026而言,在u2026方面   他问及贝思的事情。   he made enquiries with regard to Beth.   as regards   1. 关于   in regard to 或 with regard to   1. 关于   regard相关 同义词 辨析   admire, honour, respect, regard, esteem   这些动词均含"尊重,钦佩"之意。   admire :侧重指对某人或某物的仰慕、钦佩,并含欣赏爱慕之情。   honour :侧重指对某人或某物表示极大的敬意。   respect :指对人的行为、品德、才华或成就等的仰慕尊重。尤指对年长或地位高的人的尊敬。   regard :最正式用词,中性,含义不很明确,一般需用修饰语加强或明确其意。   esteem :除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此而产生的称赞。   consider, think, believe, count, deem, reckon, regard   这些动词均含有"认为"之意。   consider : 指经过考虑和观察后得出的结论。   think : 普通用词,指按照自己的意见提出看法。   believe : 通常指根据一定的证据,经思考后而认为属实。   count : 指作出判断后而得出的看法等。   deem : 正式用词,常用于法律、文学,强调作判断而不是思考。   reckon : 指对人或事作全面"权衡",把各方面意见考虑进去后得出结论。   regard : 侧重凭外表或表面现象作判断。多强调观点。   respect, honour, regard, esteem, admiration   这些名词均有"尊敬,尊重,敬意"之意。   respect : 指对年长、地位较高的人的尊敬,对他人成就、行为或见解等经过仔细评估后而表示尊重,暗示在上述人面前表现谦恭和有礼貌。   honour : 指对长辈或有地位、有名望、有功劳的人公开表示极大敬意或软佩。   regard : 最正式用词,中性,与respect和honour近义。   esteem : 除表示尊敬之外,还暗示由此可而产生的称赞。   admiration : 指除表示尊敬外,还常伴随有一种真挚的倾慕之情。   regard的短语例句   1. English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.   英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。   2. Try to view situations more objectively, especially with regard to work.   要尽量客观地分析情况,尤其是在工作上。   3. He has said he will fire editorial employees without regard to seniority.   他说过不管资历如何,任何编辑人员他都有可能解雇。   4. I may have made a mistake in that regard.   我在那一点上可能已经犯了一个错误。   5. There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life.   到处都是武装分子,视人命如草芥。   6. He has no respect, no regard for anyone"s feelings.   他不尊重,也不顾及别人的感受。   7. We"ve made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard.   在那个方面,我们的社会已经取得了巨大的进步。   8. The press regard her as merely one of a ruling troika.   新闻界仅把她视为执政三巨头之一。   9. The Party ruled the country without regard for the people"s views.   该党治国对民意视而不见。   10. I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.   我认为创造力既是一种天赋也是一种技巧。   11. The President tended to regard the Church as an anachronism.   总统常常认为教会属于落伍之物。   12. The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunisation.   这个部门正在审度其有关疫苗接种的政策。   13. These women regard his death as an act of providence.   这些女人认为他的死乃是天意。   14. He does not regard his new job as a poisoned chalice.   他并不认为自己的新工作是金杯毒酒。   15. He said he retained immense regard and esteem for the prime minister.   他说他一直极其尊重和敬仰首相。 猜你喜欢: 1. regard的过去式和用法例句 2. regard的用法和例句 3. regard的同义词辨析 4. regard的近义词辨析 5. regard的同义词是什么
2023-06-28 08:55:541


英 ["keu026avmen] 美 ["keu026avmen]n.史前石器时代的穴居人( caveman的名词复数 );对妇女残酷,粗鲁的粗野人;英英释义caveman[ "keivmu0259n ]n.someone who lives in a cave同义词:cave mancave dwellertroglodyte用作名词(n.)Did cavemen drink soda and frozen juices?穴居人喝苏达和冰冻果汁吗?He realized that the film about cavemen contained an anachronism when he saw a jet cut across the horizon during a hunting scene.他发现一场关于穴居人的电影中的一个错误,一个狩猎的镜头上一架飞机划过地平线。
2023-06-28 08:56:011

int const &和const int &和int &const有什么区别?

我只见过int const * m, const int * n和int * const p的区别,那里前两者是等价的,表示m、n是指向i的指针,*m,*n是不能改变的,但是m,n本身都可以改变;第三个是说p指向的东西不能变,也就是p不能变了。这里我想既然m,n,p都是对i的引用,声明时的&只是表示它是个引用,而对于一个引用类型的变量再给赋值时用的是m=j,而再也不会用到&符号了。所以我的理解就是引用变量根本不存在,它就是被引用的变量换个名字而已。这样看来声明时&和m是不能拆开的,声明时单独的m没有任何意义。所以前两者应该等价,第三种不成立。-------------------------------------呵呵,应该把警告当成一种错误对待。我用gcc编译器试了一下,出现如下错误:Main.cpp:13: 错误: ‘const"限定符不能应用到‘int&"上
2023-06-28 08:56:231


2023-06-28 08:56:345


Lesson Nine The Trouble with Television   电视的毛病   The Trouble with Television   要摆脱电视的影响是困难的。   It is difficult to escape the influence of television.   假如统计的平均数字适用于你的话,那么你到20岁的时候就至少看过2万个小时的电视了,从那以后每生活10年就会增加1万小时。   If you fit the statistical averages, by the age of 20 you will have been exposed to at least 20,000 hours of television. You can add 10,000 hours for each decade you have lived after the age of 20.   笔起看电视,美国人只有在工作和睡眠上花时间更多。   The only things Americans do more than watch television are work and sleep.   稍微计算一下,使用这些时间的一部分能够做些什么。   Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours.   听说一个大学生仅用5000小时就可以获得学士学位。   Five thousand hours, I am told, are what a typical college undergraduate spends working on a bachelor"s degree.   在1万个小时内你能学成一个天文学家或工程师,流利掌握几门外语。   In 10,000 hours you could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. You could have learned several languages fluently.   如果你感兴趣的话,你可能读希腊原文的荷马史诗或俄文版的陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品;如果对此不感兴趣,那你可以徒步周游世界,撰写一本游记。   If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian. If it didn"t, you could have walked around the world and written a book about it.   电视的毛病在于它分散了人们的注意力。   The trouble with television is that it discourages concentration.   生活中几乎一切有趣的、能给人以满足的事都需要一定的建设性的、持之以恒的努力。   Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive, consistently applied effort.   即使是我们中间那些最迟钝、最没有天才的人也能做出一些事来,而这些事使那些从来不在任何事情上专心致志的人感到像是奇迹一般。   The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything.   但电视鼓励我们不做出任何努力,它向我们兜售即时的满足,它给我们提供娱乐,使我们只想娱乐,让时间在毫无痛苦中消磨掉。   But Television encourages us to apply no effort. It sells us instant gratification. It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain.   电视节目的多样化成了一种麻醉剂而不是促进思考的因素。   Television"s variety becomes a narcotic , nor a stimulus.   它那系列的、多变的画面引着我们跟着它走。   Its serial, kaleidoscopic exposures force us to follow its lead.   观众无休无止地跟着导游游览:参观博物馆30分钟,看大教堂30分钟,喝饮料30分钟,然后上车去下一个参观点,只是电视的特点是时间分配以分秒计算,而所选择的内容却多为车祸和人们的互相残杀。   The viewer is on a perpetual guided tour: 30 minutes at the museum, 30 at the cathedral, 30 for a drink, then back on the bus to the next attraction —-except on television., typically, the spans allotted arc on the order of minutes or seconds, and the chosen delights are more often car crashes and people killing one another.   总之许多电视节目取代了人类最可贵的一种才能,即主动集中自己的注意力,而不是被动地奉送注意力。   In short, a lot of television usurps one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it.   吸引并抓住人们的注意力是大多数电视节目安排的主要目的,它加强了电视是有利可图的广告的载体的作用。   Capturing your attention —and holding it—is the prime motive of most television programming and enhances its role as a profitable advertising vehicle.   节目安排使人生活在无休止的恐惧之中,唯恐抓不住人们的注意力——不管是什么人的注意力都担心。   Programmers live in constant fear of losing anyone"s attention—anyone"s.   避免造成这一局面的最有把握的办法就是使一切节目都保持简短,不要使任何人的注意力过于集中而受到损害,而要通过多样化、新奇性、动作和行动不断地提供刺激。   The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief, not to strain the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement.   很简单,电视的运作原则就是迎合观众的注意力跨度短这一特点。   Quite simply, television operates on the appeal to the short attention span.   这只是最简单的解决办法,但它逐渐被看作是电视这一宣传媒体特定的,内在固有的性质,是必须履行的职责,似乎是司令萨尔诺夫或另一个令人敬畏的电视创始人给我们传下了刻有铭文的石碑,命令电视上出现的一切节目均不得使观众需要片刻以上的注意力。   It is simply the easiest way out. But it has come to be regarded as a given, as inherent in the medium itself; as an imperative, as though General Sarnoff, or one of the other august pioneers of video, had bequeathed to us tablets of stone commanding that nothing in television shall ever require more than a few moments" Concentration.   要是运用得恰当,这倒也无可厚非。   In its place that is fine.   如此出色地把使人忘却现实的娱乐作为大规模推销工具加以包装,谁又能反对这样一种宣传媒介呢?   Who can quarrel with a medium that so brilliantly packages escapist entertainment as a mass-marketing tool?   但是我看到了它的价值现已充斥于这个国家及其生活之中。   Rut I see its values now pervading this nation and its life.   认为快速思维和快餐食品一样影响着生活节奏很快、性情急躁的公众,这已成了时髦的看法。   It has become fashionable to think that, like fast food, fast ideas are the way to get to a fast-moving, impatient public.   在新闻方面,我认为这种做法不能进行很好的交流。   In the case of news, this practice, in my view, results in inefficient communication.   我怀疑电视每晚的新闻节目真正能够被人吸收和理解的有多少。   I question how much of television"s nightly news effort is really absorbable and understandable.   其中许多被形象地描述为“机关枪不连贯地点射”。   Much of it is what has been aptly described as “machine-gunning with scraps.”   我认为这种技术是与连贯性作对的。   I think the technique fights coherence.   我认为它最终会使事情变得枯燥乏味、无足轻重(除非伴以恐怖的画面),因为任何一件事,如果你对它几乎一无所知,那么它差不多总会是枯燥乏味、使人觉得无足轻重的。   I think it tends to make things ultimately boring and dismissible (unless they are accompanied by horrifying pictures) because almost anything is boring and dismissible if you know almost nothing about it.   我认为,电视迎合观众注意力跨度短的做法不仅会造成交流不畅,而且还会降低文化水平。   I believe that TV"s appeal to the short attention span is not only inefficient communication but decivilizing as well.   想一想电视要达到的那些极不慎重的原则吧:必须避免复杂性,用视觉刺激来代替思考,语言的精确早已是不合时宜的要求。   Consider the casual assumptions that television tends to cultivate: that complexity must be avoided, that visual stimulation is a substitute for thought, that verbal precision is an anachronism.   它可能已过时,但我所受的教育告诉我思想就是语言,是按准确的语法规则组织起来的。   It may be old-fashioned, but I was taught that thought is words, arranged in grammatically precise   在美国存在着读写能力的危机。   There is a crisis of literacy in this country.   据一项研究估计,约有3000万美国成年人是“功能性文盲”。他们的读写能力无法回答招聘广告,或读懂药瓶上的说明。   One study estimates that some 30 million adult Americans are “functionally illiterate” and cannot read or write well enough to answer the want ad or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle.   能读写可能算不上是一项不可剥夺的人权,但是我们学识渊博的开国元勋们并不感到它是不合理的或者甚至是达不到的。   Literacy may not be an inalienable human right, but it is one that the highly literate Founding Fathers might not have found unreasonable or even unattainable.   从统计数字上看,我们的国家不仅未达到人人能读写的程度,而且离这一目标越来越远。   We are not only not attaining it as a nation, statistically speaking, but we are falling further and further short of attaining it.   尽管我不会天真到认为电视是造成这一情况的原因,但我却相信它起了一定的作用,是有影响的。   And, white I would not be so simplistic as to suggest that television is the cause, 1 believe it contributes and is an influence.   美国的一切:社会结构、家庭组织形式、经济、在世界上的地位,都变得更为复杂,而不是相反。   Everything about this nation —the structure of the society, its forms of family organization, its economy, its place in the world— has become more complex, not less.   然而其占主导地位的传播媒介,全国联系的主要方式,却在人类存在的问题上推销简单的解决方式,而这些问题通常是没有简单的解决方式的。   Yet its dominating communications instrument, its principal form of national linkage, is one that sells neat resolutions to human problems that usually have no neat resolutions.   在我的心目中,那30秒钟一个的商业广告:一位家庭主妇因选对了牙膏而感到幸福的那小小的戏剧性场面就是这一切的象征。电视已使这极其成功的艺术形式成为我们文化不可缺少的一个部分了。   It is all symbolized in my mind by the hugely successful art form that television has made central to the culture,the 30-second commercial: the tiny drama of the earnest housewife who finds happiness in choosing the right toothpaste.   在人类历,几时曾有这样多的人共同把自己这样多的业余时间奉送给一件玩具,一项大众娱乐?   When before in human history has so much humanity collectively surrendered so much of its leisure to one toy, one mass diversion?   几时曾有一个国家使自己整个地置于商品推销媒介的摆布之下?   When before has virtually an entire nation surrendered itself whole-sale to a medium for selling?   几年前,耶鲁大学的法学教授小查尔斯?L?布莱克写道:“……被喂食本身并不是件琐碎小事。”   Some years ago Yale University law professor Charles L. Black. Jr.,wrote:“…… forced feeding on trivial fare is not itself a trivial matter-”   我认为我们这个社会正在强行被喂食。   I think this society is being forced-fed with trivial fare,   我担心这一做法对我们的思维习惯,对我们的语言、我们努力的极限度及对复杂情况的兴趣等方面所造成的影响,这一点我们还只是极模糊地意识到。   and I fear that the effects on our habits of mind, our language, our tolerance for effort, and our appetite for complexity are only dimly perceived.   就算我的看法不对,用怀疑和批判的眼光来分析这个问题,来考虑如何抵制它,也不会有任何害处。   If I am wrong, we will have done no harm to look at the issue skeptically and critically,to consider how we should be resisting it. I hope you will join with me in doing so.
2023-06-28 08:58:121


..................都疯了 指不定哪里拉来~~
2023-06-28 08:58:2113


religion读音:[ru026au02c8lu026adu0292u0259n]。音标:英[ru026au02c8lu026adu0292u0259n];美[ru026au02c8lu026adu0292u0259n]。名词,意思是宗教;宗教信仰;至上的事业;孜孜不倦追求的目标;利益攸关之事。一、短语搭配1、revealed religion:启示宗教;2、freedom of religion:宗教信仰自由;3、natural religion:自然宗教;4、old religion:老宗教;异教;巫术;罗马天主教;5、mystery religion:神秘教。二、例句1、To abstract science and religion from their historical context can lead to anachronism.抽去历史背景孤立地考虑科学和宗教可能导致年代误植。2、If religion and politics are your bag you"ll find something to interest you here.如果宗教和政治是你的爱好,你会在这儿找到乐趣的。
2023-06-28 08:58:431

curriculum vitae什么意思

curriculum vitae简历双语对照词典结果:curriculum vitae[英][ku0259u02ccru026akju0259lu0259m u02c8vi:tau026a]n.<正>简历,个人履历; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.With the popularity of facebook and linkedin, the curriculum vitae might seem ananachronism. 随着facebook和linkedin的流行,简历看起来或许像是过时之物。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-28 08:59:112


书中讲述了由“魔汁”引起的冲突及冲突被解决、有情人终成眷属的故事。有两个男青年拉山德(Lysander)、狄米特律斯(Demetrius)同时爱上了女青年郝米娅(Hermia),而郝米娅恋着拉山德,她的好友海丽娜(Helena)又恋着狄米特律斯。郝米娅为了反对包办婚姻和情人私奔,来到约定好的森林里。海丽娜将这一消息告诉了狄米特律斯,二人也跟着赶到了森林里。这个森林里本来住着仙王、仙后和侍奉他们的小仙、精灵,此时仙王、仙后正因为一个“换儿”(传说中仙人常于夜间将人家美丽的小儿窃去充做侍童)而不和。仙王为了让仙后做出让步,便派小精灵迫克(Puck)去取来魔汁(西方一朵纯洁的白色小花因为误中了丘比特的爱情之箭,受创伤后而流出的汁液)以戏弄仙后。这种魔汁有这样的魔力:如果它滴在睡者的人的眼皮上,无论男女,醒来一眼看见的生物,就都会发疯似的爱上它。 因为魔汁的出现,整个故事发生了戏剧性的变化。魔汁滴在睡着的拉山德的眼皮上,他醒来时一眼看见的是误闯进来的海丽娜,因此而“移情别恋”,对海丽娜大献殷勤,这让可怜的郝米娅伤心万分;而狄米特律斯醒来时一眼看见的恰是被精灵引来的海丽娜,因而“旧情复燃”,这让可怜的海丽娜苦恼万分。两个同样美丽、善良的女孩如今一个被悲伤逼得要发疯、一个被惊喜冲昏了头脑,于是开始恶意地揣测甚至中伤起对方。而另外两个痴情的热血青年又在愤怒中为海丽娜而决斗。此刻我们发现这四个人分别在不同的方向跑着,读来令人忍俊不禁又顿生同情。幸福的斗争是如此艰难,天命弄人,可是这种斗争的过程并非一种痛苦,一种悲剧,而是一种有着快乐意味的戏剧性的东西。而在这个故事中,最具戏剧性的情节恐怕要数仙后在魔汁的作用下与一个闯入林中的织工荒唐的“相爱”。这个滑稽可笑的织工本来是和几个同是手艺人的伙伴们来林中来排戏,小精灵迫克使织工变成了一头更可笑的蠢驴,而仙后在接触魔汁后一觉醒来时正是看见了这个可怜的家伙。于是对于织工而言,“横祸”又变成了“横福”,因为他得到了尊贵的仙后的恩宠。这是多么不可思议的事情,又显得多么滑稽!而这一切都取决于魔汁的威力、仙王的旨意和小精灵迫克的顽皮。后来也正是按着仙王的旨意,魔力得以解除、情人终成眷属、仙人和好如初,仙界、人间复归太平.
2023-06-28 08:59:223

syl为前缀的单词 sy为前缀的单词 帮我讲解一下 例如:synchronous chron时间

synchronous adj. 同时发生的; 同步的【记】syn = same, chron时间, ous-同时间的-同步的chron=time,表示”时间”chroic 长期的chronicle编年史(chron+icle表名词)chronology年代学,年表chronograph精密计时器anachronism年代错误synchronize同时发生(syn共同+chron+ize=时间相同=同时发生)synchronous同期的,同步的 synchronous同时发生的(syn+chron时间+ous=共同时间的)sym-,syn-表示”共同,相同”sympathy同情(sym+pathy感情)symphony交响乐(sym+phony声音)symmetry对称(sym+metry测量=两边测量一样=对称)symbiosis共生(sym+bio生命+sis=共同生命)symposium专题讨论会(sym+pos放+ium=放在一起(讨论)=专题讨论)synchronous同时发生的(syn+chron时间+ous=共同时间的)synonym同义词(syn+onym名字=名字相同=同义词)synthesis合成(syn+thesis放=放在一起=合成)synopsis摘要,概要(syn+ops选择+is=共同选出=摘要)syndrome综合症状(syn+drome跑=跑到一起=综合症)
2023-06-28 08:59:461

MOB 136 BARS 歌词

歌曲名:MOB 136 BARS 歌手:the gazette专辑:STACKED RUBBISHthe GazettE-MOB 136 BARS作词:流鬼.作曲:the GazettEspkeyx-byA crazy man in the same trade.(Show me your face.)A violence society? (It can laugh.)Teach it to my mom.You get your ass kicked.A crazy man in the same trade.(Show me your face.)A violence society? (It can laugh.)Teach it to my mom.Begin to scream like a man?The destroyer of the anachronism.I believed in all your words.Though it became such a result now.It was loved.Absorb fear and die.Know all the pain given to it.Absorb fear and die.Die staring at yourself.Tell me the truth and a lie.Am I being deceived?Who is an enemy?Tell me...Obedience is the sign of the death.Think firmly with your brain.Obedience is the sign of the death.Prosecute a man folly.Obedience is the sign of the death.Think firmly with your brain.Obedience is the sign of the death.Tell me truth and a lie.A crazy man in the same trade.(Show me your face.)A violence society? (It can laugh.)Teach it to my mom.You get your ass kicked.A crazy man in the same trade.(Show me your face.)A violence society? (It can laugh.)Teach it to my mom.Begin to scream like a man?The destroyer of the anachronism.I believed in all your words.Though it became such a result now.It was loved.Absorb fear and die.Know all the pain given to it.Absorb fear and die.Die staring at yourself.Tell me the truth and a lie.Am I being deceived?Who is an enemy?Tell me...Tell me truth and a lie.end
2023-06-28 08:59:531


  2018年,不知外研社杯英语写作大赛的样题是怎么样的?   2018外研社杯英语写作大赛样题篇1   Sample task 1   Write a passage based on the chart below, which shows the influences of various factors on work performance in two age groups. You should summarize the features of the two groups and make comparisons. You should write about 600 words.   Sample task 2   Write a passage to introduce the Chinese Moon Festival to foreigners. You should write about 600 words.   English Reading Contest   2018外研社杯英语写作大赛样题篇2   Read the story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 600-800 words.   The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whether I had a match.   Iu2019m sorry, I said. I donu2019t smoke, so I havenu2019t any. You had better ask someone else.   He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial. I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin.   When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out.   Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. As he raised his hat again, I could see he was quite   bald. A thin line, resembling a duelling scar, crossed one cheek. He spoke nervously.   Excuse my troubling you again, he said. May I walk along with you a little way? I must confide in someone. I need help desperately.   2018外研社杯英语写作大赛样题篇3   Write a passage in response to the report below. You should discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the report and explain your reasons for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the reportu2019s   opinion might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. You should write about 800 words.   Newsweek, the venerable weekly publication that will be remembered for its decades-long   efforts   for a spot on consumersu2019 coffee tables, has shut down its print edition at the end of 2012, but it lives on   in a new digital tablet edition known as Newsweek Global. As Tina Brown, the Newsweek editor, said,   this tablet edition will target a new highly mobile, opinion-leading audience who want to learn about   world events in a sophisticated context.   The move should not shock. The publication has faced major financial problems in recent years. The numbers tell the tale: Newsweeku2019s circulation has fallen in the number of subscribers from 3 million to 1.5 million in the last decade; annual losses were thought to be $40 million. More broadly,   the company faces a more existential problem in that a weekly news magazine has become an anachronism in the digital world.   Newsweek is not the only one that has to tackle the challenge in the digital time; other outlets will continue to change their business models for a digital future. With the imminent death of print,   digital formats come out as an inevitable development that could turn the industryu2019s fortune around.   Sample task 2   Read the following two paragraphs with contradicting views, and write a passage on the issue. You should clearly state your opinion and explain the reasons for your opinion. You should write about 800 words.   Tablets are the ideal system of organization in schools. They are convenient, in which much   information is stored in small sizes and kept together in one place, and cheap, as digital information   is now becoming more affordable than print. As evolution continues to rock the modern world, digital   devices will become more and more reliable. Someday, they will entirely replace print books, and hopefully, that day will come soon.   Many may argue that tablets are much more convenient than paper books. But not everyone shares   this preference of tablets or finds them convenient. In fact, in a study conducted by Book Industry Study Group (BISG), it was found that 75% of college students preferred traditional textbooks in which they can highlight the key words and write notes. Also, some may suggest that it is cheaper to   invest in tablets than textbooks. In fact, in a 2008 study of public schools in Kentucky it was estimated   that the cost of textbooks and supplies totaled around $44 million. The cost per school was around $988   for textbooks and supplies. That is roughly the cost of only two tablets. To provide tablets to all the   students in a school would be an enormous sum. Therefore, we may conclude that while tablets have
2023-06-28 09:00:001


abstract 是一个英语单词具体词义如下:adj. 抽象的(与个别情况相对); 纯理论的; 抽象的(与具体经验相对); 抽象(派)的;n. 抽象派艺术作品; (文献等的) 摘要,概要;v. 把…抽象出; 提取; 抽取; 分离; 写出(书等的)摘要;
2023-06-28 09:00:2411


  Also Known As:  American Knights (Philippines: English title)  Dogtown Boys (Germany)  MPAA: Rated PG-13 for drug and alcohol content, sexuality, violence, language and reckless behavior - all involving teens.  Runtime: 107 min  Country: USA / Germany  Language: English  Color: Color  Sound Mix: DTS / Dolby Digital / SDDS  Certification: Australia:M / USA:Unrated (unrated DVD version) / Ireland:15A / Iceland:16 / Philippines:R-13 / Argentina:16 / Brazil:16 / UK:15 (extended version) / Sweden:7 / Malaysia:18PL / Malaysia:U (cut version) / Norway:11 / Singapore:PG / UK:12A / USA:PG-13 / Czech Republic:U / Switzerland:14 (canton of Geneva) / Switzerland:14 (canton of Vaud) / Germany:12 / Finland:K-11  Trivia: The real Skip Engblom wanted Heath Ledger to play him (more)  Goofs: Anachronisms: The wide 7-ply laminate concave skateboard that Tyson the bulldog rides at the championship was not available in 1977. Laminate decks existed but they were flat and narrow. Skateboards in 1977 rarely exceeded 7-8 inches wide. Tysons board is obviously a 10 inch wide mid to late "80s pool/ramp model with wider trucks and "new school" wheels. (more)  Quotes: Jay: [as the Z-Boys drive by two elderly women on the street] Kiss me, granny! Get me some of that vintage ass! (more)  Awards: 1 win & 7 nominations (more)  LORDS OF...  Memorabilia  Books | All Products  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  User Comments:  64 out of 100 people found the following comment useful:-  Unnecessarily redundant: the legend askew. (spoilers), 30 July 2005  Author: Pepper Anne from Orlando, Florida  You have two ways of learning about the early history and transformation of skateboarding from kiddie fad to extreme commercial success. That is, through former Z-Boy Stacey Peralta"s stylish documentary released in 2002, or through the 2005 fictionalized Hollywood mainstream feature inspired by the events (and directed by "Thirteen" director Catherine Hardwicke and written by Peralta).  While I thoroughly enjoyed the former, I was quite disappointed with the latter. And, the argument that it can only be appreciated and understood by the most hardcore of skaters is completely stupid. You don"t have to skate well (or at all) to enjoy a good skate movie.  Unfortunately, unlike Peralta"s fantastic documentary, Dogtown and Z-Boys, this fictionalized "legend" paid little homage to the sport itself and the Zephyr team (beyond just Peralta, Alva, and Adams). Lords of Dogtown, without context and with such annoyingly abrupt and disoriented storytelling almost makes it like Stacey Peralta, Tony Alva, and Jay Adams invented skateboarding. Dogtown, the sacred skater tale turned mainstream, has been given a Hollywood polish, establishing a mythical celebration of personal arrogance rather than honest insight for the team and the sport. And that leaves little to distinguish it from other Hollywood productions. Instead, there was little focus on how these teenagers love of skating completely revolutionized the skateboarding in ways that relieved it of a tired 1960s paradigm and transforming and laying the foundation for primitive technology with the most intense performance (not to mention a substantial commercial success even to this day). This this legend is told slightly askew.  Above all else (and I believe this was due to legal problems), critical founders of the team as well as members of the team themselves were omitted entirely. You"re just watching the Embloom, Adams, Alva, and Perlata show the whole time. Jeff Ho, cofounder of Zephyr surf shop, was absent. As were team riders Paul Constantineau, Nathan Pratt, and others seen in the documentary (although, I can see why Chris Cahill was out). Bob Biniak was a tremendous skater in his day. As was Shogo. Where were they? (Granted, Shogo has about a two-second scene).  Likewise, the events in the story appear to move too fast and in such a scattered manner, dwarfing their true impact on the changes that skateboarding would undergo. The viewer is never really given time to digest it, or actually, to appreciate what it was about the Z-boyz style of skating that was so important when reviewing the sport. The skateboarding contest was ridiculous and rather condescending, if not simply exaggerated.  Watching this movie was as though you watched the documentary and pulled pieces from it which were to be given greater anecdotal backstory such as Skip Embloom"s obnoxious presence at the Del Mar contests, Jay Adam"s wild nature (only they thought to reference this at unusual points of the film), or Sid, the young man who died of brain cancer who"s Dog Bowl swimming pool sessions in the last moments of his life were credited for reuniting the Z-Boyz for a few last runs (although the documentary features more than just the same three skaters skating in these sessions). But like everything else, nothing was told in a way fully developed enough to give the viewer some sense of order, never mind some sense of appreciation of what the stories of Dogtown. The film actually tries to duplicates sections of the documentary, as well, including the soundtrack ("Old man look at my life..." plays when Jay scores poorly at what appears to be his last contest; Ted Nugent"s "Cat Scratch Fever" cues at the contest). What was the purpose for trying to duplicate what was already a finely crafted documentary? I can"t help but to look at this as an exhaustive attempt to praise Alva, Adams, and Peralta, or the Dogtown in general because people could be satisfied with the documentary alone as well-made as it was. Instead, some have found an opportunity to cash in even further on the fact that now the mainstream not only knows the story, but now knows the name of those most recognized from the team (and Engbloom, but only because of Heath Ledger being cast in the film).  Aside from shoddy story telling, the acting wasn"t great. Victor Rasauk was a miscast. Emille Hirsch never fully captures Jay Adams as the rambunctious pre-fame youngster and spent most of the film giving his trademark distant stares, regardless of mood changes. John Robinson did alright as Peralta, probably because Perlata himself was able to coach him. My biggest complaint with casting is that they should"ve hired actual skaters to play the parts rather than succumb to the marketing potential of the pre-teen crowd. (The names are obviously a draw, cashing in on the pret-teen girl market). Although, the skating sequences were nice enough to make you want to grab a board and go out and dig up old snake runs.  If you are in the mood for a Dogtown tale because it is about skateboarding first and foremost, you would do best to capture the history in it"s most stylish and honorable form in Peralta"s documentary, Dogtown and Z-Boys.
2023-06-28 09:00:521

Britain in 1878 Berlin Congress

copied from wiki, help urselfThe Congress of Berlin (June 13 - July 13, 1878) was a meeting of the European Great Powers" and the Ottoman Empire"s leading statesmen in Berlin in 1878. In the wake of the Russo-Turkish War, 1877u201378, the meeting"s aim was to reorganize the countries of the Balkans. Otto von Bismarck, who led the Congress, undertook to balance the distinct interests of Britain, Russia and Austria-Hungary. As a consequence, however, differences between Russia and Austria-Hungary intensified, as did the nationality question in the Balkans.The congress was aimed at the revision of the Treaty of San Stefano and at keeping Constantinople in Ottoman hands. It effectively disavowed Russia"s victory over the decaying Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78. The Congress of Berlin redistributed back to the Ottoman Empire certain Bulgarian territories that the previous treaty had given to the Principality of Bulgaria, most notably Macedonia.The congress formally recognized independence of the de facto sovereign states of Montenegro, Serbia and Romania, as the 27th-29th free states of the world.Anton von Werner. Congress of Berlin.Contents [hide]1 Proceedings 2 Main issues 3 Bismarck as host 4 Legacy 5 Delegates 6 References [edit] ProceedingsThe Congress was attended by the British Empire, Austria-Hungary, France, the German Empire, Italy, the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Delegates from Greece, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro attended the sessions in which their states were concerned, but were not members of the congress.The congress was solicited by the rivals of the Russian Empire, particularly by Austria-Hungary and Britain, and hosted in 1878 by Otto von Bismarck. The Congress of Berlin proposed and ratified the Treaty of Berlin.The meetings were held at Bismarcku2019s chancellory, the former Radziwill Palace, from June 13, 1878 until July 13, 1878. The congress revised or eliminated 18 of the 29 articles in the Treaty of San Stefano. Furthermore, using as a foundation the treaties of Paris (1856) and Washington (1871), the treaty effected a rearrangement of the Eastern situation.Map of Bulgaria - in 1878 - borders after the peace of San Stefano (3rd March, 1878) and the Berlin congress (June, 1878).[edit] Main issuesThe principal mission of the World Powers at the congress was to deal a fatal blow to the burgeoning movement of pan-Slavism. The movement caused serious concern in Berlin and particularly in Vienna, which was afraid that the repressed Slavic nationalities would revolt against the Habsburgs. London and Paris were nervous about the diminishing influence of the Ottoman Empire in the south and about Russian cultural expansion to the south, where both Britain and France were poised to colonize Egypt and Palestine.Through the Treaty of San Stefano, the Russians, led by chancellor Alexander Gorchakov, had managed to create the Bulgarian autonomous principality under Ottoman Empire"s nominal rule, thus sparking British well-entrenched fears of growing Russian influence in the East. This state had access to the Aegean Sea and comprised a very large portion of Macedonia that could have at any time threatened the Straits that separate the Black Sea from the Mediterranean.This arrangement was not acceptable to the British Empire, which considered the entire Mediterranean to be, in effect, a British sphere of influence, and saw any Russian attempt to gain access there as a grave threat to its power. Just a week before the Congress, Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli had concluded a secret alliance with the Ottomans against Russia, whereby Britain was allowed to occupy the strategically placed island of Cyprus. This agreement predetermined Disraeli"s position during the Congress and led him to issue threats to unleash a war against Russia if she did not comply with Turkish demands.Ceding to Russia"s pressure, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro were declared independent principalities. The full independence of Bulgaria, however, was denied. It was promised autonomy, and guarantees were made against Turkish interference, but these were largely ignored. The Dobruja was given to Romania; Montenegro obtained Niksic, Podgorica, Bar, and Plav-Gusinje. The Turkish government, or Porte, agreed to obey the specifications contained in the Organic Law of 1868, and to guarantee the civil rights of non-Muslim subjects. Bosnia and Herzegovina were placed under the administration of Austria-Hungary.Russia agreed that Bulgaria should be split up into three parts. The southwestern part remained under Turkish rule. Eastern Rumelia became an autonomous province and the remainder was the new state of Bulgaria. Russia retained southern Bessarabia and Austria received the right to "occupy and administer" Bosnia and Herzegovina, a controversial clause which eventually precipitated the Bosnian crisis of 1908.Bulgarian autonomy after the Treaty of Berlin.[edit] Bismarck as hostThe Congress of Berlin is frequently viewed as the culmination of the "Battle of Chancellors" involving Alexander Gorchakov of Russia and Otto von Bismarck of Germany. They were able to effectively persuade other European leaders that a free and independent Bulgaria would greatly improve the security risks posed by a disintegrating Ottoman Empire. According to German historian Erich Eyck, Bismarck supported Russia"s persuasion that "Turkish rule over a Christian community (Bulgaria) was an anachronism which undoubtedly gave rise to insurrection and bloodshed and should therefore be ended."[1] He used the Great Eastern Crisis of 1875 as proof of growing animosity in the region.Bismarck"s ultimate goal during the Congress of Berlin was not to upset Germany"s status on the international platform. He did not wish to disrupt the Three Emperor"s League by choosing between Russia and Austria as an ally.[2] In order to maintain peace in Europe, Bismarck sought to convince other European diplomats on dividing up the Balkans so as to foster greater stability. During the process of division, Russia began to feel short-changed even though she eventually gained independence for Bulgaria. One can therefore see the underpinnings of the alliance problems in Europe prior to the First World War.One reason why Bismarck was able to mediate the various tensions present at the Congress of Berlin stemmed from his diplomatic persona. He was an ardent pacifist when international affairs did not pertain to Germany directly. On the other hand, Bismarck seethed with aggression[citation needed] whenever Germany"s national interest was on the line. And at the Congress of Berlin, "Germany could not look for any advantage from the crisis" that had occurred in the Balkans back in 1875.[3] As a result, Bismarck claimed impartiality on behalf of Germany at the Congress. This claim enabled him to preside over the negotiations with a keen eye for foul play.According to Henry Kissinger[4], the congress saw a shift in Bismarck"s Realpolitik. Until then, as Germany had become too powerful for isolation, his policy was to maintain the Three Emperors League. Now that he could no longer rely on Russia"s alliance, he began to form relations with as many potential enemies as possible.[edit] LegacyItaly was dissatisfied with the results of the Congress, and the situation between Greece and Ottoman Empire was left unresolved. The Bosnians and Herzegovinans would also prove to be a problem to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in later decades. The League of Three Emperors, established in 1873, was destroyed, as Russia saw lack of German support on the issue of Bulgaria"s full independence as a breach of loyalty and alliance. The establishment of a border between Greece and Turkey failed to be accomplished. In 1881, after protracted negotiations, a compromise border was accepted after a naval demonstration of the Powers. So, the congress sowed the seeds of further conflicts, including the Balkan Wars, and the First World War.It is interesting to note that the Marquess of Salisbury, the British Foreign Secretary at the Congress, had originally supported the Russian position and the Treaty of San Stefano. After returning from the Congress, Salisbury confessed that--in supporting Austria-Hungary instead of Russia--the British had "backed the wrong horse."According to A.J.P. Taylor: "If the treaty of San Stefano had been maintained, both the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary might have survived to the present day. The British, except for Beaconsfield in his wilder moments, had expected less and were therefore less disappointed. Salisbury wrote at the end of 1878: We shall set up a rickety sort of Turkish rule again south of the Balkans. But it is a mere respite. There is no vitality left in them."[5]
2023-06-28 09:01:101

curriculum vitae什么意思

curriculum vitae英[ku0259u02ccru026akju0259lu0259m u02c8vi:tau026a]n. <正>简历,个人履历[例句]With the popularity of facebook and linkedin , the curriculum vitae might seem an anachronism.随着facebook和linkedin的流行,简历看起来或许像是过时之物。
2023-06-28 09:01:191


2023-06-28 09:01:271


At that time
2023-06-28 09:01:361

usher in 和bring和lead to的区别

含义不同。usher in有迎来,引领,迎接的含义。bring有带来,拿来, 取来;,引起;,使来;,使朝某个方向运动, 使处于某状态;,使参加;,对(人)采取(法律)行动,起诉的含义。lead to 有导致, 通向,把?带到, 领到的含义。hat reminds me to bring you up to speed on the soap opera. 那提醒我要让你跟上那剧情。To abstract science and religion from their historical context can lead to anachronism.抽去历史背景孤立地考虑科学和宗教可能导致年代误植。The usher seated us in the theatre. 引座员在剧场领我们就座。
2023-06-28 09:01:531

at that time 什么意思,用什么时态

2023-06-28 09:02:025

gre实战词汇: 同义词总结大全(129)

搜寻,摸索 ferret n.雪貂,v.搜寻 | forage n.(牛马的)饲料,粮草v.搜寻,翻寻 forager n.为动物寻找饲料的人 | fumble v.摸索,搜寻 | quest v.n.搜寻,探求 rummage n.翻寻 | scavenge v.(在废物中)寻觅,(动物)食腐肉 | grope v.摸索,探索 gropingly adv.不确定的,摸索的 | scour v.四处搜索 | trawl n.拖网,v.用拖网捕鱼,搜罗 ransack v 彻底搜索,洗劫 修改,校订,改正 amendment n.改正,修正 | modify v.修改,变更 | modification n.修改,修饰 overhaul v.n.彻底检查,大修 | redress v.n.改正,修正 | recondition v 修理,改善ue003 revamp v 翻新,修改 | retouch v 润饰,修正 | revise v 校订,修正 revision n 校订,修正,修订本,修订版 | collate v.对照,核对 | collation n.校勘,整理 emend v.订正,校订 | emendation n.订正,校订 | rectify v.改正,调正 rectification n.改正,校正,提纯 | chasten v.(通过惩罚而使坏习惯等)改正、磨练 disabuse v.打消(某人)的错误念头,纠正 | ameliorate vt 改善,改良,变好 recast v 重铸,重作,改造 | remodel v.重建,改变形状 | transfigure v.美观,改观 regenerate adj.改过自新的,新生的 曲解,窜改 falsify v.窜改,说谎 | falsification n.窜改 | garble v.曲解,窜改 interpolate v.加入(额外的事),窜改 | interpolation n.插入,窜改 | tamper v.窜改,玩弄 travesty n.v.歪曲,曲解 | misconstrue v.误解,曲解 | perversion n.堕落,曲解 错误 anachronism n.年代错误,落伍之物 | errant adj.错误的,脱离正途的 | fallacy n.谬误,错误 fallacious adj.欺骗的,谬误的 | fallible adj.会犯错的,易犯错的 GRE写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括:1、 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点;2、 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点;3、考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证;4、支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论;5、控制标准书面英语的各个要素。写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。 感谢您阅读《 同义词总结大全(129) 》一文,(我部希望本文能帮助到您。
2023-06-28 09:02:281


2023-06-28 09:02:352


2023-06-28 09:02:466


2023-06-28 09:03:101


out of date 过时的
2023-06-28 09:03:321


一些a range of a variety of a series of an array of 无数innumerable countless 许多plenty of many much a great deal of a lot of ample 非常多(大)的tremendous 依序列举list in sequence 过时的outdated antiquated outmoded obsolete anachronistic 短暂的ephemeral transitory transient short-lived 不合时宜的anachronism 可持久的durable able to stand wear last a long time 一再time after time again and again 初始的preliminary 前述的aforementioned aforesaid former 自古到今from ancient times to the present day down through the ages 年轻人young people youngster youth young adult 老式的old-fashioned out of date dated 偶尔from time to time now and then once in a while at times 时常often frequently repeatedly 永远的eternal perpetual lasting throughout life 重整办事优先顺序reshape priorities 目前so far by far 一次就可完成的事one-time event 正/反意见(opinion)骂yell at reprimand chide scold reprove 支持support endorse back up uphold 谴责condemn express strong disapproval of 错的mistaken erroneous wrong incorrect 错事wrongdoing had acts misbehavior 做相反的do the reverse of do the opposite 归咎blame…on put the blame on … …is to blame 瓦解disintegrate break up separate into small parts 支持某一方in favor of on the side of 不会犯错的infallible 意见不和clashes of opinion 一致的unanimous in complete agreement 不恰当inappropriate improper unsuitable inadequate 批判criticize blame; find fault with make judgments of the merits and faults of… 我们想念…we are convinced that…;we are certain that.. 我愿意I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tend to 有用的useful of use; serviceable; good for; instrumental; productive 有意义的meaningful; fulfilling 他们不愿承认这一点they have always been reluctant to admit this…在大家同意下by common consent of…否定deny; withhold; negate 承认admit; acknowledge; confess; concede 于事无补of no help; of no avail; no use 使…受益 benefit…;do good to…;is good for…;is of great benefit to…想法frame of mind; mind set; the way one is thinking 想出come up with 找出come up with; find out 利用use; take advantage of以上是托福写作部分词汇,获得更多托福写作词汇可关注微信公众“托福GO”
2023-06-28 09:03:391

什么是Pop rock?

Pop Rock is a genre of music that combines elements of both Pop and Rock. Songs are identified by their simple song structure, catchy melodies, and repetition of musical passages (the pop part), and by their use of electric guitar- and drums-based instrumentation and a somewhat aggressive attitude (the rock part). The term was first used to describe the early hits of The Beatles, along with acts that followed them, such as The Grass Roots, Gary Puckett & The Union Gap, and The Buckinghams. Surf Rock is sometimes included as a type of Pop Rock; this is an anachronism, as surf music and rock music were considered distinct musical genres in the 1960s.Pop Rock largely gave way to Soft Rock in the 1970s. Although there were few acts in the 1970s and 1980s that could strictly be called Pop Rock, the genre continued in the form of power ballads from Hard Rock and Heavy Metal acts, along with the more up-tempo songs from Soft Rock acts.The latest wave of Pop Rock originated in the mid-1990s with such acts as Alanis Morissette and possibly Melissa Etheridge. The genre has enjoyed a resurgence in recent years as Hard Rock acts are knocked off the charts in favor of Rap, R&B and Hip Hop artists. A feature of some modern Pop Rock songs is the alternation of soft verses and loud choruses, influenced by the arrangements of such Grunge acts as Nirvana (disputed — see talk page), who in turn were inspired by College Rock acts such as The Pixies. Other modern Pop Rock artists include Michelle Branch, the All-American Rejects, Kelly Clarkson, Vanessa Carlton, Avril Lavigne, Ashlee Simpson, t.A.T.u., and The Veronicas. These acts are commonly classified as Hot AC (after the radio format) or Adult Top 40 (after the Billboard chart).There is much debate over whether certain artists are defined as rock or pop rock, and this generally comes down to the opinions of fans and critics. Australian artists such as Jet and Rogue Traders (headed by former Neighbours star Natalie Bassingthwaighte) are often the source of many disputes, whereas Powderfinger are still generally regarded as Alternative Rock despite their commercial success.As well as Japanese bands and singers like L"Arc~en~Ciel, the brilliant green, and Nana Kitade.
2023-06-28 09:04:065

编写 获取 本地 网卡信息时 遇到错误,源代码 和 错误提示 如下

2023-06-28 09:05:042


2023-06-28 09:05:111

VC6.0++里用不了 kbhit函数,请问怎么解决? 在VC6.0++里运行一个网上下载的代码,总会出现以下错误,求高手帮

using namespace std; 删掉试试
2023-06-28 09:05:181

关于IPHlpApi.h 正确使用的问题

2023-06-28 09:05:263


  consider表示考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作u2026意思,那么你知道consider的 同义词 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了consider的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   consider的同义词辨析1   consider, think, believe, count, deem, reckon, regard   这些动词均含有"认为"之意。   consider : 指经过考虑和观察后得出的结论。   think : 普通用词,指按照自己的意见提出看法。   believe : 通常指根据一定的证据,经思考后而认为属实。   count : 指作出判断后而得出的看法等。   deem : 正式用词,常用于法律、文学,强调作判断而不是思考。   reckon : 指对人或事作全面"权衡",把各方面意见考虑进去后得出结论。   regard : 侧重凭外表或表面现象作判断。多强调观点。   consider的同义词辨析2   study, consider, ponder, weigh, contemplate   这些动词均有"考虑,思考,估量"之意。   study : 普通用词,指对各方面考虑,在制订出计划或采取具体动作之前作认真检查。   consider : 既指一时的对某事的考虑,也指长时间的深入的思考。   ponder : 侧重仔细、深入、连续地考虑问题,以作出认真   的估计和正确的抉择。   weigh : 指作出决策前把问题的各个方面进行比较,权衡利害得失,取有利的方面。   contemplate : 通常指长时间思考某事,有时含无确定的实际目的。   consider的网络释义   consider   考虑; 把u2026当作; 认为; 斟酌,细想;   consider doing   考虑做某事; 考虑; 考虑做;   Insomnia consider   忍更思量;   Consider Background   考虑背景;   consider over   仔细考虑;   consider的例句   1. After a year we will sympathetically consider an application for reinstatement.   一年后我们会对复职申请予以考虑和批准。   2. The jury will retire to consider its verdict today.   陪审团今天将退庭商议裁决结果。   3. Consider what your likes and dislikes are about your job.   想想工作中哪些部分是自己喜欢的,哪些是不喜欢的。   4. We consider it a compliment to be called "conservative"   我们认为被称作“保守分子”是对我们的一种赞赏。   5. It is worth pausing to consider these statements from Mr Davies.   戴维斯先生的这番话值得大家停下来思考一下。   6. The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.   安理会将考虑未来采取 措施 打击破坏制裁的人。   7. Only after countless rewrites did John consider the script ready.   只有经过了无数次修改后,约翰才认为剧本写好了。   8. They needed more time to consider whether to hold an inquiry.   他们需要更多的时间来考虑是否进行调查。   9. I consider activities such as jogging and weightlifting as unnatural.   我认为像慢跑、举重这样的运动不符合自然规律。   10. The Prime Minister is said to now consider the matter closed.   据说首相现在认为此事已了结。   11. Watersports enthusiasts should consider hiring a wetsuit as well as a lifejacket.   除了租救生衣,水上运动 爱好 者还应该考虑租一套 潜水 服。   12. This has given him a disposition to consider our traditions critically.   这使他倾向以批判眼光看待我们的传统。   13. I think one"s got to consider all the possibilities.   我认为有必要考虑到各种可能性。   14. If you consider him a miracle man, you"re overrating him.   如果你认为他能创造奇迹,那你是高估他了。   15. The young man is dead. We have only to consider the living.   这位年轻人已经死了。我们只能考虑在生之人。   consider的同义词例句:   1. English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.   英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。   2. Try to view situations more objectively, especially with regard to work.   要尽量客观地分析情况,尤其是在工作上。   3. He has said he will fire editorial employees without regard to seniority.   他说过不管资历如何,任何编辑人员他都有可能解雇。   4. I may have made a mistake in that regard.   我在那一点上可能已经犯了一个错误。   5. There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life.   到处都是武装分子,视人命如草芥。   6. He has no respect, no regard for anyone"s feelings.   他不尊重,也不顾及别人的感受。   7. We"ve made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard.   在那个方面,我们的社会已经取得了巨大的进步。   8. The press regard her as merely one of a ruling troika.   新闻界仅把她视为执政三巨头之一。   9. The Party ruled the country without regard for the people"s views.   该党治国对民意视而不见。   10. I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.   我认为创造力既是一种天赋也是一种技巧。   11. The President tended to regard the Church as an anachronism.   总统常常认为教会属于落伍之物。   12. The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunisation.   这个部门正在审度其有关疫苗接种的政策。   13. These women regard his death as an act of providence.   这些女人认为他的死乃是天意。   14. He does not regard his new job as a poisoned chalice.   他并不认为自己的新工作是金杯毒酒。   15. He said he retained immense regard and esteem for the prime minister.   他说他一直极其尊重和敬仰首相。 猜你喜欢: 1. consider的用法归纳 2. consider的用法介绍 3. consider的用法和短语例句 4. consider的同义词辨析 5. consider的短语 6. consider的同义词和例句
2023-06-28 09:05:481


A Midsummer Night"s Dream (仲夏夜之梦) is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare written sometime in the 1590s. It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors in a moonlit forest, and their interactions with the fairies who inhabit it and Duke of the Athenians. The play is one of Shakespeare"s most popular and is widely performed across the world. The play features three interlocking plots, connected by a celebration of the wedding of Duke Theseus of Athens and the Amazonian queen Hippolyta. In the opening scene, Hermia refuses to comply with her father Egeus"s wish for her to marry his chosen man, Demetrius. In response, Egeus quotes before Theseus an ancient Athenian law whereby a daughter must marry the suitor chosen by her father, or else face death or lifelong chastity worshipping Diana as a nun. The word in this sense is an anachronism. Hermia and her lover Lysander therefore decide to elope by escaping through the forest at night. Hermia informs her best friend Helena, but Helena has recently been rejected by Demetrius and decides to win back his favor by revealing the plan to him. Demetrius, followed doggedly by Helena, chases Hermia, who, in turn, chases Lysander, from whom she becomes separated. Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies, and his queen, Titania, arrive in the same forest to attend Theseus and Hippolyta"s wedding. Oberon and Titania are estranged because Titania refuses to give her Indian page-boy to Oberon for use as his "knight" or "henchman," since the child"s mother was one of Titania"s worshippers. Oberon seeks to punish Titania"s disobedience and recruits the mischievous Puck (also called Hobgoblin and Robin Goodfellow) to help him apply a magical juice from a flower called "love-in-idleness," which makes the victim fall in love with the first living thing he sees when he awakens. Oberon applies the juice to Titania in order to distract her and force her to give up the page-boy. Having seen Demetrius act cruelly toward Helena, Oberon orders Puck to spread some of the juice on the eyelids of the young Athenian man. Instead, Puck puts the juice on the eyes of Lysander, who then falls in love with Helena. When Oberon finds this out, he makes Puck apply the juice to Demetrius. Due to Puck"s errors, Hermia"s two lovers temporarily turn against her in favor of Helena. Helena, however, is convinced that her two suitors are mocking her, as neither loved her originally. The four pursue and quarrel with each other all night, losing themselves in the dark and in the maze of their romantic entanglements. Meanwhile, a band of "rude mechanicals" (lower-class labourers) have arranged to perform a crude play about Pyramus and Thisbe for Theseus" wedding, and venture into the forest, near Titania"s bower, for their rehearsal. Nick Bottom, a stage-struck weaver, is spotted by Puck, who transforms his head into that of an ass (donkey). Titania is awoken by Bottom"s singing, and she immediately falls in love with him. She treats him as if he is a nobleman and lavishes attention upon him. While in this state of devotion, she encounters Oberon and casually gives him the Indian boy. Having achieved his goals, Oberon releases Titania and orders Puck to remove the ass"s head from Bottom. The magical enchantment is removed from Lysander but is allowed to remain on Demetrius, so that he may reciprocate Helena"s love. The fairies then disappear, and Theseus and Hippolyta arrive on the scene, during an early morning hunt. They wake the lovers and, since Demetrius doesn"t love Hermia anymore, Theseus over-rules Egeus"s demands and arranges a group wedding. The lovers decide that the night"s events must have been a dream. After they all exit, Bottom awakes, and he too decides that he must have experienced a dream "past the wit of man." In Athens, Theseus, Hippolyta and the lovers watch the mechanicals perform "Pyramus and Thisbe." It is ridiculous and badly performed but gives everyone pleasure regardless, and after the mechanicals dance a Bergomask (rustic dance), everyone retires to bed. Finally, as night falls, Oberon and Titania bless the house, its occupants, and the future children of the newlyweds, and Puck delivers an epilogue to the audience asking for applause.
2023-06-28 09:05:551


  A Midsummer Nights Dream (仲夏夜之梦) is a romantic comedy by WilliamShakespeare written sometime in the 1590s. It portrays theadventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateuractors in a moonlit forest, and their interactions with the fairieswho inhabit it and Duke of the Athenians. The play is one ofShakespeares most popular and is widely performed across theworld.The play features three interlocking plots, connected by acelebration of the wedding of Duke Theseus of Athens and theAmazonian queen Hippolyta.In the opening scene, Hermia refuses to comply with her fatherEgeuss wish for her to marry his chosen man, Demetrius. Inresponse, Egeus quotes before Theseus an ancient Athenian lawwhereby a daughter must marry the suitor chosen by her father, orelse face death or lifelong chastity worshipping Diana as a nun.The word in this sense is an anachronism. Hermia and her loverLysander therefore decide to elope by escaping through the forestat night. Hermia informs her best friend Helena, but Helena hasrecently been rejected by Demetrius and decides to win back hisfavor by revealing the plan to him. Demetrius, followed doggedly byHelena, chases Hermia, who, in turn, chases Lysander, from whom shebecomes separated.Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies, and his queen, Titania,arrive in the same forest to attend Theseus and Hippolytaswedding. Oberon and Titania are estranged because Titania refusesto give her Indian page-boy to Oberon for use as his knight orhenchman, since the childs mother was one of Titaniasworshippers. Oberon seeks to punish Titanias disobedience andrecruits the mischievous Puck (also called Hobgoblin and RobinGoodfellow) to help him apply a magical juice from a flower calledlove-in-idleness, which makes the victim fall in love with thefirst living thing he sees when he awakens. Oberon applies thejuice to Titania in order to distract her and force her to give upthe page-boy.Having seen Demetrius act cruelly toward Helena, Oberon orders Puckto spread some of the juice on the eyelids of the young Athenianman. Instead, Puck puts the juice on the eyes of Lysander, who thenfalls in love with Helena. When Oberon finds this out, he makesPuck apply the juice to Demetrius. Due to Pucks errors, Hermiastwo lovers temporarily turn against her in favor of Helena. Helena,however, is convinced that her two suitors are mocking her, asneither loved her originally. The four pursue and quarrel with eachother all night, losing themselves in the dark and in the maze oftheir romantic entanglements.Meanwhile, a band of rude mechanicals (lower-class labourers)have arranged to perform a crude play about Pyramus and Thisbe forTheseus wedding, and venture into the forest, near Titaniasbower, for their rehearsal. Nick Bottom, a stage-struck weaver, isspotted by Puck, who transforms his head into that of an ass(donkey). Titania is awoken by Bottoms singing, and sheimmediately falls in love with him. She treats him as if he is anobleman and lavishes attention upon him. While in this state ofdevotion, she encounters Oberon and casually gives him the Indianboy.Having achieved his goals, Oberon releases Titania and orders Puckto remove the asss head from Bottom. The magical enchantment isremoved from Lysander but is allowed to remain on Demetrius, sothat he may reciprocate Helenas love. The fairies then disappear,and Theseus and Hippolyta arrive on the scene, during an earlymorning hunt. They wake the lovers and, since Demetrius doesntlove Hermia anymore, Theseus over-rules Egeuss demands andarranges a group wedding. The lovers decide that the nights eventsmust have been a dream. After they all exit, Bottom awakes, and hetoo decides that he must have experienced a dream past the wit ofman.In Athens, Theseus, Hippolyta and the lovers watch the mechanicalsperform Pyramus and Thisbe. It is ridiculous and badly performedbut gives everyone pleasure regardless, and after the mechanicalsdance a Bergomask (rustic dance), everyone retires to bed. Finally,as night falls, Oberon and Titania bless the house, its occupants,and the future children of the newlyweds, and Puck delivers anepilogue to the audience asking for applause
2023-06-28 09:06:031


读《永别了武器》有感 一个告别了武器的人,不是敌人的俘虏,就是爱的俘虏.我不是不善于自我保护,实在是一个放弃自我保护的人.就如同生命的数据库,已经不需要进入的密码,随时都可以打开全部程序,可以读出全部的文件.我说的俘虏,就是这个意义上的俘虏.当我把自我放到阳光下的时侯,我明白从此不能有所伪装,隐蔽的日子一想起就令人不安.当我意识到抗拒的无奈,有多少时间无可挽回,有多少记忆渐渐从内心淡出.说到底,俘虏就是一个不能抵挡伤害的人,就是要有足够的勇气放弃希望,必须承受生存的全部压力.本来,在属于个人的空间,可以沉浸于独自的幻想,可以从尘埃里开出虚拟的花朵.而一个放弃自我保护的人是连欺骗自己都不能,只有不断地净化内心世界. 读《遥远的岛》有感 在《成长的岁月》的《内心的成长》这个分目录里,有篇名叫《遥远的岛》的文章,给我们讲述了两个孩子内心成长的故事。 从前有两个孩子,他们一心向往着海上的那个神秘而异彩纷呈的小岛。可是当终于有一天,他们真的踏上这个小岛之后,才发现,这只不过是一片不成样子的荒野。他们简直不相信自己的眼睛,这就是曾日夜向往的小岛。他们回家之后一直很难过,也从此不再看这个小岛了。 看了这篇文章之后,我感触很深。从对梦的痴心幻想到逐步认识冰冷的现实,也是成长的一个重要的内容。 每一个人的童年时代,都是梦的季节。小时侯,我们阅读的,是美妙的童话,画的,是无拘无束的想象画,听的,是欢快的儿歌,做的,是无奇不有一心向往的梦。小时侯,在我们的眼里,周围每个人都是笑着的,每个故事都有圆满的结局,天空,可以画成绿色,狮子,不会吃人……一切都是多么美好啊。 但是,随着年龄的增长,时间的飞逝,我们长高了,长大了,看到的东西多了,也懂得了不少。其实我们有很多梦想,当我们真的涉足期间,却突然大失所望,世界上任何事物,都比不上人的想象那么美好。我们总会慢慢发现,不是每个人都是笑着的,不是每个故事都有圆满的结局,天空,毕竟还是蓝的,狮子,还是会吃人…… 我想起了以前在作文选上看过的一篇作文。它讲的是作者快小学毕业了,想考上重点中学。一天晚上,作者的妈妈请了重点中学的几位老师到家里来吃饭,并给他们送礼,让他们帮帮忙,让作者“顺利”进入重点中学。作者当时感触很深,也很诧异,重点中学不是只有考好试才能进的吗?为什么有些人学习不好也能进重点中学?大人却对作者说:你是小孩,你不懂 长假里,我读了英国作家乔纳森·斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》,小说以辛辣的讽刺与幽默、离奇的想象与夸张,描述了酷爱航海冒险的格列佛,四度周游世界,经历了大大小小惊险而有趣的奇遇。 游记中小人国、大人国里光怪离奇的故事深深地吸引了我,然而给我印象最深的是,1710年格列佛泛舟北美,巧访了荒岛上的慧因国,结识了具有仁慈、诚实和友谊美德的慧因。在慧因国的语言中没有“撒谎”和“欺骗”这样的字眼,人们更不理解它的含义。他们不懂什么叫“怀疑”、什么是“不信任”,在他们的国度里一切都是真实的、透明的。 格列佛在慧因国里度过了一段美好的时光,他完全融入这个社会,以致于与暗喻人类的耶胡交往时形成强烈的反差,因为他们总是以怀疑的眼光看待他的诚实,使他感到失落,对人类产生了极度的厌恶。 我很羡慕文中的主人公有幸能到慧因国,慧因国是我们所追求和向往的理想境地,在这里你不需顾虑别人说话的真假,而在现实的世界,有着太多我们不愿看到的事情常常发生:有人用花言巧语骗取别人的血汗钱、有人拐卖儿童谋取暴利、有人甚至为了金钱抛弃自己的亲身父母。难怪我们的老师、长辈从小就教育我们要提高警惕,不要上当受骗。这与我们提倡的帮助他人、爱护他人是很难统一的。当我遇到有困难的人,要伸出援助之手时,我迟疑;当有人替我解围时,我不敢接受。这些都让我内心感到痛苦、矛盾,无所适从。既妨碍了我去“爱”别人,同时也错过了别人的“爱”,在难道不是一种悲哀吗? 我期盼着有一天我们的社会也像慧因国,孩子们的眼中不再有疑虑,教育与现实是统一的。我愿为此付出努力,也希望大家与我一道,从自己做起,从现在开始做起,让这个社会多一点真诚、少一点虚伪。
2023-06-28 09:06:224


引言    英语科技文体是英语文体的一个分支,它是随科学技术的发展而形成的一种文体形式,俗称科技英文(English for Science and Technology).从语言交际目的和功能出发,根据语言的表现形式,科技英语可分为两大类:科普文体和科技文体.前者可运用文学语言,寓知识于趣味之中;后者采用哲理性语言,语言要求准确、简洁、符合程式规范,语体正式.[1]科技英语文体不以语言的艺术美为追求目标,它讲求逻辑上的条理清楚和思维上的准确严密.因此,科技英语在词汇、语法、语篇等诸方面已形成其独特的语言风格和表现手法.本文试图从文体学角度探讨其文体特点.    1 科技英语的词汇特点    科技英语词汇大致可分为三类,技术词、次技术词和非技术词.技术词是指某一学科领域特有的、专门的术语,这类词汇数量不多,但专业化程度很高,如antibody抗体、hormone荷尔蒙、semiconductormemory半导体存储器等.次技术词是各学科通用的基本词汇,是使用频率很高的跨学科性词汇.例如:power一词在日常英语中表示“能力}动力;权利;国家}政权”等意义,在科技英语中则有“功率}电源}电力;乘方;幂”等词义.非技术词又可称作普通词汇,指通用于日常英语以及英语其它变体的词汇,包括代词、连词、数词、动词以及无技术意义的形容词、副词、名词等.一般来说,科技英语词汇有如下文体特征    1.1 希腊语及拉丁语的词源    科技英语词汇中,技术词和次技术词大多来源于希腊语和拉丁文,例如anachronism,atmosphere,vacuum,quantum ,motor,dynamics等.希腊语和拉丁文之所以能成为科技词汇的基本来源,是因为这两种语言都是“死”语言,不会由于社会的发展而引起词义的变化,也不会因词的多义引起歧义.英语科技词汇除了直接借用希腊和拉丁语,英语技术词和次技术词还常由希腊语、拉丁语词素构成,例如chlorophyll(叶绿素)一词由希腊语词素chlor一(绿色)和phyll(叶子)构成}rectifier借用了拉丁语词根recti(直的),这些希腊语和拉丁语可以与各个意义不同的词素构成各类术语,产生的新词汇.    1.2 选用正式程度高的词汇    科技英语词汇的另一显著特征就是选用正式程度高的词语.首先,科技英语常用拉丁派生词来代替同一本土词语,因为前者庄重、典雅、正式、符合科技英语的文体特征.例如:(派生词/本土词)accom—plish/do;additional/extra l elevated/high;optimum/best;fabricate/build;inquire/ ask;termination/end.其次,科技英语常使用单个书面动词来代替日常英语中的短语动词或动词词组.这是因为,短语动词多用于日常英语或文学语体中,口语和俚语色彩浓郁,词义繁多,易于引起歧义.而单个书面语动词词义明确单一,正式程度较高、符合科技英语抽象化程度高的文体要求.例如,在下列科技英语中,左边的动词常代替右边的短语动词:(单个书面语动词/同义短语动词)absorb/takein~eliminate/get rid of;examine/look into;ignite/set on fire;release/set free.    2 科技英语的语法特点    科技英语在语言表达上不追求艺术化,语法的应用以满足准确而严密地表达科学技术内容的需要为目的,条理清晰、庄重凝练、逻辑缜密、叙述客观是这种文体的内在的要求,因此便形成了颇具特色的语法特征.    2.1 被动语态的广泛应用    科技英语语法的显著特点之一就是被动语态的广泛应用,而被动语态的大量运用是与科技篇章的文体特征密切相关.科技英语叙述的主体多为客观事物、现象或过程等,不带任何主观色彩,因而被动语态就成了追求叙述客观性和规范性的一种重要语言手段.科技英语中所使用的被动语态通常省略施动者或行为者.例如:    (1)The hole is being drilled,a steel pipe ispushed down tO prevent the sides from faUing in    (2)For separating iron from the impurities theiron ore must be melted.    有时候科技英语被动语句不省略以by连接的短语,即保留了施动者.在日常英语中,by短语多表达行为的执行者,在科技英语中,则常可表达方式、手段或原因.例如:    (3)Tempering a hardened steel is done byheating it to some temperature below the transfor—mation temperature,in the range of 300---1200 F.    (4)An improvement of its performance can beachieved by the use of superheated steam.例3和例4均保留了by引导的施动者,但不是行为动作执行者.例3中by heating表示“方式”,例4中by the use of则说明了”性能提高”的原因.    2.2 常使用非限定动词或其短语和介词短语    科技文章要求行文简练,结构紧凑.为此,科技人员总是用最少的词清楚地表达自己的意思.因此,科技英语经常使用非限定动词和介词短语来代替从句,这样可缩短句子,又比较醒目.例如:    (1)用分词短语代替状语从句:Some metals will melt onlyheated to hightemperature(~when they are heatedtO high temperature)    (2)用动词不定式短语作定语或表示目的或结果的状语:Materials(which are)to be used forstructural purposes are chosen SO as to(so thatthey)behave elastically in the environmental conditions    (3)用形容词短语或介词短语代替关系从句:Inradiation,thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy,(which is)similar in nature tO light.    2.3 使用科技长句的倾向    科技英语用于表达科学理论、原理、规律、概念以及各事物之间错综复杂的关系,而复杂的科学思维往往无法使用简单句来表达,所以语法结构复杂的长句较多应用于科技英语.而这种严谨周密、逻辑性强、层次分明、重点突出的语言手段也就成了科技英语文体又一重要特征.英语长句通常分为两类,即由于从句多引起的长句和由于并列成分多引起的长句.例如:    (1)Although there exists much experimentalknowledge in regard tO the behavior of bodieswhich are not in the conditions tO which the mathematical theory is applicable,yet it appears that theappropriate extensions of the theory which wouldbe needed in order to incorporate such know ledgewithin it cannot be made until much fuller experi—mental knowledge has been obtained.    (2)At the time of reconnaissance the engineershould know the approximate spillway requirementsfor the various sites because it sometimeshappens that an unusually narrow gorge is not byany means the most desirable site because it may betoo short to provide economically for required spill—way capacity.例1由6个从句组成,其中although引导让步状语从句;3个定语从句分别修饰bodies,conditions和extensions,that引导主语从句,until引导时间状语从句.例2中because引导原因状语,that引导主语从句,第2个because引导从句说明that从旬谓语的原因.    2.4 较多的使用名词化结构    EST(English for Science and Technology)表达科学技术内容,适应科技人员交际的需要,要求行文简洁、叙述客观、逻辑严密、表达精炼.科技文体信息量大、强调存在的事实.名词化结构意义容量大,适宜于思维精细、逻辑严谨的文章.大量使用名词化结构是科技英语最重要的特点之一.科技英语的“技术性”和“说理性”是名词化大量存在的理据.这种不    带人称、时间等特征的抽象文体主要用于学术研究,它有利于表达深刻的哲理.[2]例如:    (1)Archimedes first discovered the principle ofdisplacement of water by solid bodies.句中displace—ment of water by solid bodies系名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方面强调displacement这一事实.    (2)The rotation of the earth on its own axiscauses the change from day to night句中名词化结构the rotation of the earth on its own axis使复合句简化成简单句,而且使表达的概念更加确切严密.    2.5 常用It句型结构    科技英语中,在排列句子成份时常用it句型,把“重”的成分置于接近句末的地方,避免因为句子排列不恰当而使句子显得不平衡或头重脚轻.把含有多项信息的成分安置在句末,还可以在语义上造成一种“突出”(foregrounding),使句子更为有力.[。]另一方面,这种句法还可避免使用you,we等人称代词,使作者与读者之间始终保持一段距离,使得说明、解释、叙述显得客观真实,不带主观色彩.下面是常见的句型:It作形式主语,代替不定式,动名词、主语从句.例如It is obvious that metals in common use arevery important in our life .It is no good making the program as such acomplex.It is a fact that each element has a certain ca—pacity to unite with other elements.    3 语篇特点    语篇特点也就是我们通常所说的篇章,篇章是由一组相互连贯的句子组成的.语篇的语义结构和语篇的衔接手段确保了语言由句子组成语篇,从而形成一个有机的整体.    3.1 频繁使用词汇衔接和逻辑连接    科技英语作为一种信息交流文体,着重于客观的说明事物的特点和性能,或阐述某种观念、原理、现象等,因而具有准确性、严密性和客观性,在语篇形式上形成了特有的方式—— 频繁使用词汇衔接和逻辑连接.     3.1.1 词汇衔接    词汇的重复出现可以减少语言在传递中产生的歧义,使读者易于正确的理解作者所要论述的客观事实或复杂的认识过程,体现了科技英语的准确性.例如:Many stories about the spread of AIDS arefalse.You cannot get AIDS working or attendingschool with someone who has the disease. Youcannot get it by touching drinking glasses or otherobjects used by such persons.Experts say no onehas gotten AIDS by such living with,caring for ortouching an AIDS patient.在这个自然段中,多次重复出现关键词AIDS,这不仅使语篇具有连贯性而且有助于读者意识到有关AIDS的错误认识,从而达到了作者相关信息准确无误地传递给读者的目的.    3.1.2 逻辑连接    通过逻辑连接手段的运用,读者可以了解句子之间的语义联系,甚至可经前句从逻辑上预见后续句的语义.这充分体现了科技英语的逻辑推理性和严密性.例如:Microsurgery is helping to solve allkinds of medical problems that had been thoughthopeless. For example,doctors can use the tech—nique to restore blood flow to the brain to preventstrokes. They can reconnect hands and feet thathave been cut off in accidents.And they can reopenparts of the reproductive system SO some men andwomen who are not fertile can have children.Eyeand ear doctors have used the techniques of micro—surgery since the 1 920s But it was not until the ear—ly 1 970s that doctors began to develop a better un—derstanding of the possibilities of microsurgery.在这一段落中,作者使用了多种的逻辑连接手段,用for example表示例证,and表示并列,but表示转折,until表示时间先后.这些连词除了使语篇具有较好的衔接和连贯性之外,还能让作者表达的复杂思想或推理清晰流畅、层次分明、富有逻辑性.这与科技英语的文体风格是相符的.    3.2 语篇结构    从整体上说,科技英语文章一般由导言、正文和结论三部分组成.当然,语篇的整体结构可以因陈述的内容、时间、场合、对象的不同而有所差异.从局部来说,科技英语文章的段落通常由一个主题句和若干个支持句组成.主题句概括全段的中心思想,支持句对主题进行说明、论证、解释或者引申.在一般的段落结构中,主题句通常在段首,有时也在段中或者段末.    4 结束语    科技英语在其演变和发展过程中逐渐形成自身特有的体裁或文体风格,了解科技英语与普通英语之间的差异,对于科技工作者无疑是大有裨益的.但值得指出的是,这种差异是相对的而不是绝对的.换言之,科技英语文体也往往借用其他文体(如文学文体)的词语或句式,采用其它文体的修辞手段以增加语言表达效果.与此同时,随着科学技术的快速发展,文学作品反映科学技术的内容增加,以致文体借用现象日趋明显.这表明,唯科技文体论者或泛文体论者都是错误的.      原载:代写论文  出处:  版权所有,转载时必须以链接形式注明作者和原始出处及本声明
2023-06-28 09:06:311


2023-06-28 09:06:381

we will rock you是什么电影中的插曲

其实FIFA实况足球里的片头CG动画就是这个啊!配合足球的音乐,动感十足!建议可以再看看这个!PS平台上有这个游戏!至于是FIFA多少我就记的不太清楚了 貌似是实况足球5吧!你可以找找看!
2023-06-28 09:06:4710


【专升本快速报名和免费咨询: 】单词刻意的 intentional; on purpose; intended无资格的 disqualified无数 innumerable; countless非常多(大)的tremendous过时的outdated; antiquated; outmoded; obsolete; anachronistic短暂的 ephemeral; transitory; transient; short-lived不合时宜的 anachronism可持久的 durable; able to stand wear; last a long time一再 time after time; again and again初始的 preliminary前述的 aforementioned; aforesaid; former限制 limit; restrict; refrain; restrain; keep within limits; confine; keep in check说服 convince; persuade; cause to believe具体的 specific; concrete; tangible年轻人 young people; youngster; youth; young adult时常 often; frequently; repeatedly永远的 eternal; perpetual; lasting throughout life支持 support; endorse; back up; uphold谴责 condemn; express strong disapproval of错的 mistaken; erroneous; wrong incorrect错事 wrongdoing; had acts; misbehavior不会犯错的 infallible一致的 unanimous; in complete agreement不恰当 inappropriate; improper; unsuitable; inadequate批判 criticize; blame; find fault with; make judgments of the merits and faults of…有用的 useful; of use; serviceable; good for; instrumental; productive有意义的 meaningful; fulfilling否定 deny; withhold; negate承认 admit; acknowledge; confess; concede 专升本有疑问、不知道如何总结专升本考点内容、不清楚专升本报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:
2023-06-28 09:07:081