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2023-05-19 15:41:01


The history of the Panama Canal goes back to 16th century. After realizing the riches of Peru, Ecuador, and Asia, and counting the time it took the gold to reach the ports of Spain, it was suggested c.1524 to Charles V, that by cutting out a piece of land somewhere in Panama, the trips would be made shorter and the risk of taking the treasures through the isthmus would justify such an enterprise. A survey of the isthmus was ordered and subsequently a working plan for a canal was drawn up in 1529. The wars in Europe and the thirsts for the control of kingdoms in the Mediterranean Sea simply put the project on permanent hold.

In 1534 a Spanish official suggested a canal route close to that of the now present canal. Later, several other plans for a canal were suggested, but no action was taken. The Spanish government subsequently abandoned its interest in the canal.

In the early 19th century the books of the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt revived interest in the project, and in 1819 the Spanish government formally authorized the construction of a canal and the creation of a company to build it. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 and the rush of would-be miners stimulated Americas interest in digging the canal

Various surveys were made between 1850 and 1875 showed that only two routes were practical, the one across Panama and another across Nicaragua. In 1876 an international company was organized; two years later it obtained a concession from the Colombian government to dig a canal across the isthmus. The international company failed, and in 1880 a French company was organized by Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps, the builder of the Suez Canal.

In 1879, de Lesseps proposed a sea level canal through Panama. With the success he had with the construction of the Suez Canal in Egypt just ten years earlier, de Lesseps was confident he would complete the water circle around the world.

Time and mileage would be dramatically reduced when travelling from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean or vice versa. For example, it would save a total of 18,000 miles on a trip from New York to San Francisco.

Although de Lesseps was not an engineer, he was appointed chairman for the construction of the Panama Canal. Upon taking charge, he organized an International Congress to discuss several schemes for constructing a ship canal. De Lesseps opted for a sea-level canal based on the construction of the Suez Canal. He believed that if a sea-level canal worked when constructing the Suez Canal, it must work for the Panama Canal.

In 1899 the US Congress created an Isthmian Canal Commission to examine the possibilities of a Central American canal and to recommend a route. The commission first decided on a route through Nicaragua, but later reversed its decision. The Lesseps company offered its assets to the United States at a price of $40 million. The United States and the new state of Panama signed the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty, by which the United States guaranteed the independence of Panama and secured a perpetual lease on a 10-mile strip for the canal. Panama was to be compensated by an initial payment of $10 million and an annuity of $250,000, beginning in 1913. This strip is now known as the Canal Zone.

The Construction
The length of the Panama Canal is approximately 51 miles. A trip along the canal from its Atlantic entrance would take you through a 7 mile dredged channel in Limón Bay. The canal then proceeds for a distance of 11.5 miles to the Gatun Locks. This series of three locks raise ships 26 metres to Gatun Lake. It continues south through a channel in Gatun Lake for 32 miles to Gamboa, where the Culebra Cut begins. This channel through the cut is 8 miles long and 150 metres wide. At the end of this cut are the locks at Pedro Miguel. The Pedro Miguel locks lower ships 9.4 metres to a lake which then takes you to the Miraflores Locks which lower ships 16 metres to sea level at the canals Pacific terminus in the bay of Panama. A pictorial view of the canals route can be seen below.

The Panama Canal was constructed in two stages. The first between 1881 and 1888, being the work carried out by the French company headed by de Lessop and secondly the work by the Americans which eventually completed the canals construction between 1904 and 1914.

The contract for the canals construction was signed on March 12th, 1881, and it was agreed the work would be carried out for 512 million French francs, but the contract was conditional in the sense it was not to become binding until two years had elapsed.

During 1882 the excavation of the Culebra Cut was started, but due to the lack of organization there were no tracks available to remove the spoil that the excavators were producing. After the problems had been overcome, the highest peaks of the cut were attacked. As work proceeded, the worry of landslides and what slope should be adopted to avoid them became a major concern.

In 1883 it was realised there was a tidal range of 20 feet at the Pacific, whereas, the Atlantic range was only about 1 foot. It was concluded that this difference in levels would be a danger to navigation. It was proposed that a tidal lock should be constructed at Panama to preserve the level from there to Colon. This plan would save about 10 million cubic metres of excavation.

The French company started to run into financial difficulties during 1885 and even applied to the French government to issue lottery bonds, as this had been successful during the construction of the Suez canal when that project was at the point of failure through lack of money. Rumours of these difficulties caused increased interest within the American government.

A report made by the Americans in 1886 noted that housing for the workforce was under construction and a great deal of plant was available. Unfortunately the plant required to construct the canal was is in short supply, there were too few dredgers, the French excavators were too light and were stopped by large boulders and too much work was being done by hand. The turnover of the labour force was immense, as the men wanted to return home to spend the savings they had accumulated and because of the inadequate medical care that was available.

It was realised that the solution to all the problems encountered, was that the construction of a high-level lock canal would reduce an enormous volume of excavation and prevent the landslides.

The abandonment of the scheme at this stage would cause financial ruin for all the investors and a severe blow to the French. It was suggested that the original plan should be modified and the lock system should be employed.

Eventually, in 1899 the French attempt at constructing the Panama Canal was seen to be a failure. However, they had excavated a total of 59.75 million cubic metres which included 14.255 million cubic metres from the Culebra Cut. This lowered the peak by 102 metres. The value of work completed by the French was about $ 25 million. When the French left, they left behind a considerable amount of machinery housing and a hospital. The reasons behind the French failing to complete the project were due to disease carrying mosquitos and the inadequacy of their machinery.

The construction of the canal was recommenced by the Americans in 1904. The first step on the agenda was to improve the standard of living and ensure ill health would be a thing of the past.

The first American steam shovel started work on the Culebra cut on 11th November 1904. By December 1905 there were 2,600 men at work in the Culebra cut.

Sidings and tracks for the spoil wagons had been laid, the dredging at both the Atlantic and Pacific portions of the canal were being carried out and a survey of the area for the largest dam along the canal had been started.

It wasn"t until June 1906 that the decision on type of canal was decided. It was to be a lock canal. This would enable the river Chagres to form a lake.

Peak excavation within the Culebra cut exceeded 512,500 cubic metres of material in the first three months of 1907 and the total workforce exceeded 39,000. The rock was broken up by dynamite, of which up to 4,535,000 killogrammes were used every year.

The plant used in the Culebra cut included in excess of 100 Bucyrus steam shovels each capable of excavating approximately 920 cubic metres in an eight-hour day, a picture of a typical steam shovel is shown below.

More than 4,000 wagons were used for the removal of the excavated material. Each wagon was capable of carrying 15 cubic metres of material. These wagons were hauled by 160 locomotives and unloaded by 30 Lidgerwood unloaders.

The full extent of the excavations carried out by both the French and Americans is shown in a longitudinal section from the Atlantic to Pacific oceans is shown below.

Problems at the Culebra Cut
When the canal was first designed, the problem of landslides had been ignored. Slides of earth and more importantly rock, increased the amount of excavation within Culebra. The cross section of the canal was constantly being changed to accommodate for the landslides. The slides caused the upper edge of the cut to be taken back beyond their original lines. The original design for the banks comprised a series of narrow benches which acted as rock catchers, alternating with short steep slopes. It was first decided by the International Board of Consulting Engineers that the rock would be stable at a slope of 1 in 1.5, it was also stated the rock had the strength to stand at a height of 73.5 metres at 1 in 1.5. In fact the rock began to collapse from that slope at a height of only 19.5 metres.

Numerous test borings had been carried out and samples of the rock were taken, therefore, the quality of the rock was known. The reason for the misjudgement of the strength was due to the underlying strata which contained bands of clay and iron pyrites. The iron pyrites seemed to cause the problems, as it is liable to oxidize when exposed to the air and moisture, with the result that the rock would disintegrate. Therefore, when the overlying material had been removed, rainwater precipitated through to the lower strata which included the pyrites, whereby rapid deterioration occurred.

The first major slide occurred in 1907 at Cucaracha. The initial crack was first noted on October 4th, 1907, then without warning approximately 382,000 cubic metres of clay, moved more than 4 metres in 24 hours. This slide caused many people to suggest the construction of the Panama Canal would be impossible. The clay was too soft to be excavated by the steam shovels and was eventually removed by sluicing with water from a high level.

The Cucuracha slide was to become a problem again in 1913, when it crossed the cut until it reached the opposite bank. The steam shovels excavated the slide as it was moving and eventually won the battle. A picture of the Cucaracha slide is shown in figure 4 below.

Further movements were experienced at the base of the cut, including the sudden upheaval of the ground at the middle and a sinking of the ground in other areas. These movements were caused by the pressure of the rock, which seemed to flow as soil and not having the typical behaviour of rock. This problem was overcome by removing material from the upper levels of the cut thus, reducing the pressure.

As a direct result of all the slides and upheavals encountered, excavation increased by 15.3 million cubic metres. This was about 25% of the total estimated amount of earth moved.

The slides which were encountered didn"t cause any delay in the progress of the canal, as this was determined by the speed at which the locks were constructed.

Many projects to enhance and widen the channels have been carried out since the opening of the canal. The main area to receive these works has been the Culebra Cut as numerous landslides have occurred and the need for two ships to pass.

The Locks
Along the route of the canal there is a series of 3 sets of locks, the Gatun, Pedro Miguel and the Miraflores locks.

At Gatun there are 2 parallel sets of locks each consisting of 3 flights. This set of locks lift ships a total of 26 metres. The locks are constructed from concrete from which the aggregate originated from the excavated rock at Culebra. The excavated rock was crushed and then used as aggregate. In excess of 1.53 million cubic metres of concrete was used in the construction of the Gatun locks alone.

Initially the locks at Gatun had been designed as 28.5 metres wide. In 1908 the United States Navy requested that the locks should be increased to have a width of at least 36 metres. This would allow for the passage of US naval ships. Eventually a compromise was made and the locks were to be constructed to a width of 33 metres. Each lock is 300 metres long with the walls ranging in thickness from 15 metres at the base to 3 metres at the top. The central wall between the parallel locks at Gatun has a thickness of 18 metres and stands in excess of 24 metres in height. The lock gates are made from steel and measures an average of 2 metres thick, 19.5 metres in length and stand 20 metres in height.

When Colonel Geothals the American designer of the Panama Canal visited the Kiel Canal in 1912 he was told the canal should have been built 36 metres in width, but by then it was too late. The locks can be seen during construction below. A general picture of the Gatun locks can be seen below.

The smallest set of locks along the Panama Canal are at Pedro Miguel and have one flight which raise or lower ships 10 metres. The Miraflores locks h







canal的意思:运河。读音:英[kəˈnæl]、美[kəˈnæl]。释义:n. 运河;[地理] 水道;[建] 管道;灌溉水渠vt. 在…开凿运河n. (Canal)人名;(英、法、西、意、葡)卡纳尔;(土)贾纳尔变形:复数 canals。同近义词:pipeline/klongn. [水运]运河;[地理]水道;[建]管道;灌溉水渠canal造句如下:1、The construction of the canal is a huge project.修建运河是一项浩大的工程。2、The patient has a lesion in his alimentary canal.这个病人的消化道出现了病变。3、I saw the Martian canal through an astronomical telescope.我通过天文望远镜看到了火星运河。4、The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has played a major role throughout Chinese history.京杭大运河在整个中国历史上发挥了重要的作用。5、Container ship wedged in Suez Canal.货轮“卡死”苏伊士运河。
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canal的读法是:【kəˈnæl】。一、词组1、Suez Canal:苏伊士运河。2、Erie Canal:伊利运河。3、semicircular canal:半规管。4、Rideau Canal:里多运河。5、alimentary canal:消化道;消化管。6、root canal therapy:根管治疗术;根管疗法。7、Spinal canal:髓管;脊柱管;脊椎管。8、Vertebral canal:椎管。9、canal rays:极隧射线。二、双语例句1、You can take a boat through its 177 canals.你可以乘船通过这里的177条运河。2、Traffic is light on Venice"s canals.威尼斯运河上交通顺畅。3、It is unique because of its beautiful canals and bridges.威尼斯因其漂亮的运河和桥梁而独具特色。
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canal英 [kəˈnæl] 美 [kəˈnæl]n.运河,沟渠; 管道; 气管; 食道vt.建运河; 疏导1. The rough rock walls were like the sides of a deep canal. 凸凹不平的石墙就像一条很深的运河的河岸。来自柯林斯例句2. Long-mothballed projects like widening the Suez Canal are being dusted off. 诸如拓宽苏伊士运河等长期束之高阁的计划正被重新采用。来自柯林斯例句3. Hearing can be affected by ear wax blocking the ear canal. 耳垢堵塞耳道可能会影响听力。来自柯林斯例句
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  canal英 [kəˈnæl] 美 [kəˈnæl]  n.运河,沟渠; 管道; 气管; 食道;  vt.建运河; 疏导;  [例句]He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank.  他会把钢丝绳拴在汽车底盘上,用卷扬机把汽车吊到运河岸上。  [其他]复数:canals
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canal配置方式有两种: spring配置的原理是将整个配置抽象为两部分: 通过spring的PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer通过机制将两部分融合,生成一个instance实例对象,每个instance对应的组件都是相互独立的,互不影响。 properties配置文件分为两部分: a.在canal.properties定义了canal.destinations后,需要在canal.conf.dir对应的目录下建立同名的文件 比如: canal.destinations = example1,example2 ,这时需要创建example1和example2两个目录,每个目录里各自有一份 ps. canal自带了一份 demo,可直接复制conf/example目录进行配置修改。 b. 如果canal.properties未定义instance列表,但开启了时 目前默认支持的xxx-instance.xml有四种: spring/memory-instance.xml介绍: spring/file-instance.xml介绍: spring/default-instance.xml介绍: spring/group-instance.xml介绍:
2023-01-02 12:17:331

skim \ canal \wool这英语怎么念呢??

思king母 \堪啊\娃
2023-01-02 12:17:383


第一步: canal原理是把自己伪装成一个mysql的从节点来读取mysql主库的binlog日志。 所以需要mysql主库先开启binlog日志功能。可以参考其他帖子打开binlog功能。 ps!!!!! 这里有一个非常值得注意的问题就是canal采集到MQ数据中使用的是binlog的的row模式 一定要是row模式。并且canal中配置canal.instance.filter.regex 如果配制指定采集某几个表一定要在mysql中配置binlog_rows_query_log_events是OFF模式的。否则canal中的canal.instance.filter.regex过滤器不生效。 第二步: canal服务解压之后 其中canal_local.properties是canal控制台配置文件 是canal基础服务配置文件 ht_order_sync文件夹 是canal的服务实例 ht_product_sync文件夹 是canal的服务实例 上面这些是比较关键的文件 其中ht_order_sync 和 ht_product_sync 是我自己创建的文件名字可以随便叫什么都可以 如果是全新的canal解压之后 有一个example文件那个就是样例文件。 我创建了 ht_order_sync 和 ht_product_sync 是因为我有两个业务需求是 同步订单业务 和 商品业务 所以创建了两个实例,canal启动之后会加载自己创建的文件夹。 cd 进入 ht_order_sync文件夹后 如下图 我们一般需要改的只有 这个文件。其他文件是记录binlog的同步位置的文件。删除之后就重置binlog的采集位置,所以不要轻易删除。 下面打开 如下图 图中 1 是要采集的mysql的账号和密码 2 是要采集的哪张表可以配置全部也可以配置部分我是配置了部分表可以直接写库和表名,我库名用了变量后面讲怎么传进来的 3 是黑明单结合上面那个白名单用的 我固定了采集某几张表所以不要配置 4 是采集的每一行的变动会发送到配置的mq的topic中作为mysql的一条改动数据(增删改) mq数据如下图会包含改动前和改动后的数据表名库名等等。 上图是我做的一个insert的样例数据,type类型就是insert,还有update和delete 有字段类型描述 old 是改动前的数据 因为insert 操作所以是null 如果是update操作此处会有值 可以做变更监听逻辑 data是当前改动后的数据。 上面说的都是具体实例配置 下面贴出canal的实例上层配置文件也就是canal服务配置文件 如下图. 一张图截图放不下放了三张图 图上编号 1 是代表canal采集到信息推送到哪里。tcp是代表可以推送到程序采集模式 如果是mq配置成对应的mq比如 kafka活着rocketmq等等 2 是canal.destinations 扫描上面说的自己创建的实例 配置几个文件夹扫描几个 = true 的意思是自动扫描自己创建的实例。 所以应该可以把 配置成false然后配置canal.destinations自己创建的文件夹 即可 3 = true 关注一下 采集的消息的消息方式之前好像不设置成true没采集到,已经忘了 也需要配置 mq读取 也使用这个方式。 可以参考一下官网等等。 4 配置成了rocketMQ那么就配置 相关的主题等等 结束
2023-01-02 12:17:501


前言 上篇文章简单介绍canal概念,本文结合常见的缓存业务去讲解canal使用。在实际开发过程中,通常都会把数据往redis缓存中保存一份,做下简单的查询优化。如果这时候数据库数据发生变更操作,就不得不在业务代码中写一段同步更新redis的代码,但是这种 数据同步的代码和业务代码糅合在一起 看起来不是很优雅,而且还会出现数据不一致问题。那能不能把这部分同步代码从中抽离出来,形成独立模块呢?答案是肯定的,下面通过canal结合Kafka来实现mysql与redis之间的数据同步。 架构设计 通过上述结构设计图可以很清晰的知道用到的组件:MySQL、Canal、Kafka、ZooKeeper、Redis。 Kafka&Zookeeper搭建 首先在 官网 下载Kafka: 下载后解压文件夹,可以看到以下几个文件: Kafka内部自带了zookeeper,所以暂不需要去下载搭建zookeeper集群,本文就使用Kafka自带zookeeper来实现。 通过上述zookeeper启动命令以及Kafka启动命令把服务启动,可以通过以下简单实现下是否成功: Canal搭建 canal搭建具体可以参考上文,这里只讲解具体的参数配置: 找到/conf目录下的canal.properties配置文件: 然后配置instance,找到/conf/example/instance.properties配置文件: 经过上述配置后,就可以启动canal了。 测试 环境搭建完成后,就可以编写代码进行测试。 1、引入pom依赖 2、封装Redis工具类 在application.yml文件增加以下配置: 封装一个操作Redis的工具类: 3、创建MQ消费者进行同步 创建一个CanalBean对象进行接收: 最后就可以创建一个消费者CanalConsumer进行消费: 测试Mysql与Redis同步 mysql对应的表结构如下: 启动项目后,新增一条数据: 可以在控制台看到以下输出: 如果更新呢?试一下Update语句: 同样可以在控制台看到以下输出: 经过测试完全么有问题。 总结 既然canal这么强大,难道就没缺点嘛?答案当然是存在的啦,比如:canal只能同步增量数据、不是实时同步而是准实时同步、MQ顺序问题等; 尽管有一些缺点,毕竟没有一样技术或者产品是完美的,最重要是合适。比如公司目前有个视图服务提供宽表搜索查询功能就是通过 同步Mysql数据到Es采用Canal+Kafka的方式来实现的。
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canal【造句】1、Two hydraulic steel gates are raised, so as to seal the gondola off from the water in thecanal basin.(两个液压钢制闸门抬高,以将贡多拉与运河盆地里的水隔离开。)2、Thecanal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary.(修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和亨伯河河口连接起来。)3、Thecanal is open to shipping.(运河可以通航了。)4、He had tied the dog to one of the trees near thecanal.(他已经把狗拴在运河边的一棵树上。)5、They took soundings along thecanal.(他们沿运河测量了水深。)
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发现一个有意思的事情,canal 如果不正常退出服务,比如虚拟机强制重启等,canal开机就无法正常启动,报错如下 found , Please run first ,then canal is started ; 说的就是找到了 请先运行,实际上canal服务已经停止了. 这个时候就简单点;
2023-01-02 12:18:251


因为自己项目中需要用到mysql数据同步到es中,查找了相关资料最后决定用canal来做,所以便有了本文,下面一起来看如何使用canal吧 根据 上的原理解释,我们知道 canal 会模拟 mysql slave 的交互协议,伪装自己为 mysql slave,然后向 mysql master 发送 dump 协议。 mysql master 收到 dump 请求,开始推送 binary log 给 slave(也就是 canal),然后 canal 解析 binary log 对象(原始为 byte流)。 经 canal 解析过的对象,我们使用起来就非常的方便了。 再根据 提供的版本信息,你会发现 canal 其实相当于一个中间件,专门用来解析 MySQL 的 binlog 日志。canal 解析好了之后,会封装成一个数据对象,通过 protobuf3.0 协议进行交互,让 canal 客户端进行消费。 根据上面的解释,以及 canal 提供的版本信息,我们在使用 canal 的时候,首选要安装一个 canal.deployer-1.1.4.tar.gz 进行解析 MySQL 的 binlog 日志。 下载后,复制 canal.deployer-1.1.4.tar.gz 到 MySQL 主机上,比如放在 /usr/local/soft/目录下。然后依次执行下面的命令: 然后修改 canal 的配置文件 vim conf/example/ 这三项改成你自己的,比如我的配置如下: 然后保存并退出。(VI 模式下,按 Esc 输入 :wq 回车退出。) 接着,我们检查一下 MySQL 的配置。确定版本和是否开启了 binlog 日志,以及日志格式。 canal 支持 binlog 格式为 ROW 的模式。如果你没开启 binlog,并且格式是非 row 的,建议修改一下 mysql 的配置文件。 执行 mysql –help | grep my.cnf 找到 mysql 的 my.cnf 文件。 执行 vim /etc/my.cnf 命令。添加下面 3 个配置。 然后保存并退出。 接着执行 sudo service mysqld restart 重启 MySQL。 需要注意的是你的 mysql 用户,必须要有 REPLICATION SLAVE 权限。该权限授予 slave 服务器以该账户连接 master 后可以执行 replicate 操作的权利。 如果没有权限,则使用 root 账户登录进 MySQL,执行下面的语句,创建用户,分配权限。 MySQL 启动后,就可以开启 canal 服务了。 开启后,观察 canal 服务的日志,确保服务正常。 查看 canal 的日志 确定没有问题后,开始编写我们的测试程序。 pom.xml 中导入下面的依赖。 使用JAVA进行测试 然后执行 main 方法。你再修改修改 MySQL 中的数据,你会发现所有改变都同步过来了。上面是使用的Java代码进行运行,如果想用canal.adapter来进行运行可以下载 放入服务器中,依次执行下面命令 然后修改配置文件 : 然后将需要运行存储到es的的yml文件放入到 目录下。例如: 然后开启canal-adapter服务 /usr/local/soft/canal-adapter/bin/ 查看 canal-adapter 的日志,确定没有问题后修改数据 就可以同步到es了 注意: 1、canal-adapter自带mysql连接使用的5.x的,如果自己安装的是高版本的mysql需要自己去/usr/local/soft/canal-adapter/lib增加对应的jar包 2、因项目中同步es使用的sql中有数据库中没有的字段,导致原生程序一直报异常,后修改源码中 加了一个判断后才可以 3、es中使用的date字段类型和数据库中不一致,所以这里又修改了部分源码兼容我们项目中的类型 可以根据各自情况修改。
2023-01-02 12:18:311


可以。该参数在主备库的配置大小不一致。 从主库传递到备库的binlog event大小超过了主库或者备库的max_allowed_packet大小。可以查看变量值:SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "%max_allowed_packet%"; 看两个库的值是否一致。在对应个binlog文件中找不到对应的偏移量position,可以通过mysqlbinlog命令查看,发现没有要报错要找的1104(position),可以切换到存在的position位点。
2023-01-02 12:18:381


Canal+(Canal Plus,在法语中的意思是“提供更多内容的电视台”)是法国一个成立于1984年11月4日的付费电视台。该电视台为Canal+集团(Canal+ Group)所有,再上一级是维旺迪环球(Vivendi SA)。该台播出的大多数节目都是加密节目,但亦播出一些未加密的节目。2004年Canal+收视率为3.8%。历史作为法国第四个电视频道,Canal+于1984年11月4日开播。1986年该台已有一百万观众。旗下频道Canal+旗下频道在法国使用“Canal+ Le Bouquet”商标。至2006年共有4个频道。Canal+ Cinéma(从前的Canal+ Jaune),付费电影频道。 Canal+ Décalé(从前的Canal+ Bleu)。 Canal+ Sport(从前的Canal+ Vert),体育频道。 Canal+ Hi-Tech(从前的Canal+ 16/9)。 这些频道在卫星接收上进行捆绑销售。Canal+,Canal+ Cinéma及Canal+ Sport还提供数字电视服务。
2023-01-02 12:18:441

the Grand Canal是什么意思

the Grand Canal大运河;
2023-01-02 12:18:513

canal 整合RabbitMQ

现在 canal 自身已经整合了 RabbitMQ ,所以开发人员只需要配置就可以实现将消息发送到 RabbitMQ 。不过这里还有简单的小问题需要大家注意。 canal-1.15-alpha-1 rabbitmq-3.6.15 mysql-5.7.17 授权 canal 链接 MySQL 账号具有作为 MySQL slave 的权限, 如果已有账户可直接 grant。 进入 bin ,启动canal
2023-01-02 12:19:041

怎么在mysql中 配置canal数据库管理用户,配置相应权限

在mysql中 配置canal数据库管理用户,配置相应权限# mysql -uroot -prootCREATE USER canal IDENTIFIED BY "canal";GRANT SELECT, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO "canal"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "canal" WITH GRANT OPTION;FLUSH PRIVILEGES;安装canal本文使用的是:canal.deployer-1.0.22.tar.gz# mkdir canal# tar -zxvf canal.deployer-1.0.22.tar.gz -C canal修改配置信息:# vim conf/ 1canal.ip=canal.port= 11111canal.zkServers= vim conf/example/ mysql serverIdcanal.instance.mysql.slaveId = 1234# position info, 需要改成自己的数据库信息canal.instance.master.address = username/password,需要改成自己的数据库信息canal.instance.dbUsername = canalcanal.instance.dbPassword = canal
2023-01-02 12:19:111

记一次canal delay 调优过程

一、现象 每天夜里12点准时出现延迟告警,查看canal的监控指标,delay指标延迟在5-10分钟,blocking指标中的sink、dump趋于100%,同时canal服务的cpu及memeory很稳定40%左右。 二、分析 被告警吵的实在受不了了,于是下定决心解决这个问题。首先花了点时间研究了一下canal源码,整个canal的解析流程大致分成4步。 binlog dump -- parse -- sink -- kafka(rocketmq) 目前从指标分析,dump及sink都阻塞了,所以判断出是发送kafka能力没跟上,(出问题的canal是kafka模式启动的)。 三、调优的过程 找到可能的原因之后,就开始仔细地看了一下canal的kafka发送逻辑。在这个过程中,看到了kafka的几个参数,canal的默认值如下 1、kafka.acks = all,这里的ack有3个选项,0、1、all 。all是要等topic的某个分区的所有副本都同步完数据后才会给客户端响应,1只要topic的leader分区接收到数据就会给客户端响应,0是只要数据发出去了会立即返回,不会等待分区是否接收到数据。因此,首先我把这个值改成了1,为什么选择改成1,是因为1在kafka集群稳定的情况下是能够保证binlog的顺序性的。 结果:改完之后,发现效果不明显,依然有延迟(卒) 2、kafka.batch.size, 这个值是控制kafka批量消息的大小的,默认是16384 (16K),这里要更具实际的binlog event对象的值合理修改,这个值的修改我也是观察了好久数据才定位到问题的。我们的event对象大小是45K,所以默认的16K压根就没起到批量发送的作用,没解析一个event对象就会发送,导致吞吐量上不去,于是我改成了 921600 (900K),注意这个值不能超过broker端的最大发送字节(message.max.bytes) 结果:改完之后,发现效果不明显,依然有延迟(卒) 3、,批量发送消息的最大等待时长,这里我改成了100,需要自己判断 结果:改完之后,效果依然不明显,延迟依旧(卒) 到这里就有点抓狂了,因为只能在夜里验证,一等就是一天,修改这些值已经搞了快一周了,老板一直催要结果。害,只能接着观察数据,接着干。 4、,最后终于找到了这个参数,这个参数不是kafka相关的,这个是从环形队列中批量处理的event数量,本来我以为这个是指的event数量,结果看完源码才发现,canal的内存队列是通过内存大小限制的,默认这个值是50,其实不是拿50个event对象,而是拿50K的数量,如果event很大,每次就只取很少的量,我的event 45K,所以每次都只取一个对象,更本没法提高吞吐量。根据高峰期的写入峰值,峰值大概3M/s,于是我把这个设置成了4500,也就是(4500K)。 当晚就怀着一颗激动地心,眼睛一眨不眨地盯着canal监控。下面是监控截图。3307是优化了的,其他几个没有优化。 3307的blocking明显降低 3307的delay明显降低 完美,竣工,睡觉!
2023-01-02 12:19:181

canal 网络的相关配置文件

cannal 网络使用flannel 作为node之间的连接网络,同时使用calico 作为 网络policy 管理器 K8S 安装cannal后,会有三个cannal 的pod 通过 用 kubectl exec -it 或者docker exec -it 进入容器。可以发现配置文件路径如下 Flannel启动过程解析: calico包括如下重要组件:Felix,etcd,BGP Client,BGP Route Reflector。下面分别说明一下这些组件。 原理 /etc/calico/confd/conf.d 主机里的位置 -----> /etc/calico/confd pod里的位置
2023-01-02 12:19:281

seldom; solemn; canal 这英语怎么读?

seldom [ˈseldəm] 谐音:赛奥德母 solemn [ˈsɒləm] 谐音:扫了木 canal [kəˈnæl] 谐音:克挠
2023-01-02 12:19:352

canal + kafka 事务一致性问题

将配置进行更改: = false(消息以PB的格式保存),一个事务会保存在一个消息体里,问题解决!(但没明白事务一致性,为什么会受数据存储格式的影响) 【已在官网发了个issue 】 将配置更改为: kafka batch.size: the size of a micro-batch of the producer, the default is 16K kafka.batch.size = 32768 (不要超过1M, kafka.max.request.size) get the batch size of binlog data, the default is 50K = 50 一个事务会保存在一个消息体里,问题解决!
2023-01-02 12:19:451

herd 和canal 这2个单词英文用汉字谐音怎么念

2023-01-02 12:19:514


2023-01-02 12:20:081

canal 备用mysql怎么接上的

在mysql中 配置canal数据库管理用户,配置相应权限# mysql -uroot -prootCREATE USER canal IDENTIFIED BY "canal";GRANT SELECT, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO "canal"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "canal" WITH GRANT OPTION;FLUSH PRIVILEGES;安装canal本文使用的是:canal.deployer-1.0.22.tar.gz# mkdir canal# tar -zxvf canal.deployer-1.0.22.tar.gz -C canal修改配置信息:# vim conf/ 1canal.ip=canal.port= 11111canal.zkServers= vim conf/example/ mysql serverIdcanal.instance.mysql.slaveId = 1234# position info, 需要改成自己的数据库信息canal.instance.master.address = username/password,需要改成自己的数据库信息canal.instance.dbUsername = canalcanal.instance.dbPassword = canal
2023-01-02 12:20:151


1、开启bin-log,路径要设置在mysql用户所属文件夹下例如:log-bin=/home/123/bin-log 123的所属用户就要是Mysql[root@520 home]# ll总计 163736drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 01-16 16:47 123140116 15:59:21 mysqld started140116 15:59:21 [Warning] option "max_join_size": unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295140116 15:59:21 [Warning] option "max_join_size": unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295/usr/libexec/mysqld: File "/var/lib/mysql.index" not found (Errcode: 13)140116 15:59:22 [ERROR] Aborting140116 15:59:22 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete140116 15:59:22 mysqld ended或者140116 16:17:06 mysqld started140116 16:17:06 [Warning] option "max_join_size": unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295140116 16:17:06 [Warning] option "max_join_size": unsigned value 18446744073709551615 adjusted to 4294967295/usr/libexec/mysqld: File "/home/log-bin.index" not found (Errcode: 13)140116 16:17:06 [ERROR] Aborting140116 16:17:06 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete140116 16:17:06 mysqld ended这种报错有可能是设置bin-log日志路径时,没有指定在Mysql所属用户的目录下。也有另外一种可能是:mysql> select @@max_join_size;+-----------------+| @@max_join_size |+-----------------+| 705032704 |+-----------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> SET sql_max_join_size=4294967295;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)设置了max_join_size参数,当然,一般来说这个参数的默
2023-01-02 12:20:231

Grand Canal是什么意思

Grand Canal大运河双语对照词典结果:Grand Canal大运河; [地名] [中国] 大运河; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Emperors sought to legitimize their rule with large-scale water projectslike the grand canal or the irrigation system in dujiangyan. 通过诸如大运河或都江堰灌溉系统这样大型水利工程,皇帝们在寻求其统治的合法性。
2023-01-02 12:20:301


设置开机自动启动服务主要命令就是chkconfig基本格式就是chkconfig 服务 on/off单独设置运行级别需要加上参数 --levelchkconfig level 运行级别 服务可是使用chkconfig --list |grep 服务,来查看服务运行级别.服务器运行级别由七种类型,其中3是文本界面,5是图形界面.设置运行级别时,如果设置两个级别或两个级别以上的运行级别,那么不需要再运行级别之间加任何符号.
2023-01-02 12:20:361


2023-01-02 12:20:432


这就是传说中的虫洞星空之门蛹虫通道(Nydus Canal)的功能是在两个虫族殖民地间进行快速的部队转移,但在这之前,你必须在一个殖民地孵化一个蛹虫通道(Nydus Canal)以这个为基础在另一个殖民地孵化另一个姐妹蛹虫通道(Nydus Canal),这样就形成一个入口一个出口,无论地形多么复杂,在两个殖民地间传送部队最多也就用几秒种的时间.这就使得广泛分布的各孵化场能像一个统一的巢发挥作用.有趣的是,出口可以在任何一个虫族的营养液上孵化,可以是盟友的也可以是敌人的建议去下面的网站查看所有的建筑作用 星际新手必用:
2023-01-02 12:20:581

love canal

腊夫运河(1977年美国腊夫运河事件 )
2023-01-02 12:21:053


tunneln.[C]1. 隧道,地道The railroad passes under the mountain through a tunnel.铁路穿过隧道从山下通过。2. (矿场的)坑道,石巷3. (动物的)洞穴4. 地沟,涵洞canaln.[C]1. 运河;河渠,水道;灌溉水渠Coal used to be sent here by canal.煤过去常经过运河送来。2. (动植物体内的)管,道3. 【天】(像水星表面上的)透过天文学望远镜看到的朦胧线条channeln.[C]1. 水道,航道The channel is marked by buoys.航道由浮标标示。2. 海峡The English Channel separates France from England.英吉利海峡将法国与英国分开。3. 沟渠;河床4. 途径;渠道;手段[P1]You should go through the official channels if you want the government to help.你应该通过正式渠道来争取政府的帮助。5. 方向;路线;领域6. 频道,波段There are at present three television channels.目前有三个电视频道。7. 电路;通讯管道cablen.1. 缆;索;钢索[C][U]The truck used a cable to tow the car.卡车用缆索拖曳汽车。2. 电缆[C]3. 越洋电报[C]I received a cable from New York.我收到一封从纽约来的电报。4. 有线电视[U]5. 锚链根据题意只能选B
2023-01-02 12:21:1811

canal horse 是什么意思

2023-01-02 12:22:033

love canal

Love Canal We set sailingFloating down the love canalWe set sailingDrifting down the love canalWe seem strangeOur bodies are breaking downWe are breedingOur children look like monstersWe are breedingNot to children but to monstersWe feel painPoison is killing our every cellsWe are bitterPoison is killing our very cellsWe are dyingOur common grave is the love canalWe are dyingOur common grave is the love canal1977年美国腊夫运河事件腊夫运河(Love Canal)位于美国加里福尼亚州,是一个世纪前为修建水电站挖成的一条运河,20世纪40年代就已干涸而被废弃不用了。1942年,美国一家电化学公司购买了这条大约1000米长的废弃运河,当作垃圾仓库来倾倒工业废弃物。这家电化学公司在11年的时间里,向河道内倾倒的各种废弃物达800万吨,倾倒的致癌废弃物达4.3万吨。1953年,这条已被各种有毒废弃物填满的运河被公司填埋覆盖好后转赠给了当地的教育机构。此后,纽约市政府在这片土地上陆续开发了房地产,盖起了大量的住宅和一所学校。厄运从此降临在居住在这些建筑于昔日运河之上的建筑物中的人们身上。从1977年开始,这里的居民不断发生各种怪病,孕妇流产,儿童夭折,婴儿畸形,癫痫、直肠出血等病症也频频发生。1987年,这里的地面开始渗出一种黑色液体,引起了人们的恐慌。经有关部门检验,这种黑色污液中含有氯仿(CHCl3)、三氯酚(C6H3Cl3O)、二溴甲烷(CH2Br2)等多种有毒物质,对人体健康会产生极大的危害。这件事激起了当地居民的愤慨,当时的美国总统卡特宣布封闭当地住宅,关闭学校,并将居民撤离。事出之后,当地居民纷纷起诉,但因当时尚无相应的法律规定,该公司又在多年前就已将运河转让,诉讼失败。直到20世纪80年代,环境对策补偿责任法在美国议院通过后,这一事件才被盖棺定论,以前的电化学公司和纽约政府被认定为加害方,共赔偿受害居民经济损失和健康损失费达30亿美元。腊夫运河事件是典型的固体废弃物无控填埋污染事件。固体废弃物主要来源于人类的生产和消费活动,是指被丢弃的固体和泥状物质,包括从废水、废气中分离出来的固体颗粒。固体废弃物可对环境造成多方面的污染,其危害从腊夫运河事件可见一斑。如果把固体废弃物直接倾倒入江河湖诲,会造成对水体的污染;如果露天堆放固体废弃物遇到刮风,其尘粒就会随风飞扬,污染大气;固体废弃物在焚化时也会散发含有二嗯叹等有毒致癌物的毒气和臭气污染大气环境;堆放或填埋的固体废弃物及其渗出液会污染土壤,并通过土壤和水体在植物机体内积存,进而进入食物链,影响人类健康。20世纪后,工业发展推动了城市化,城市垃圾问题也开始时刻困扰着人们的生活。垃圾是固体废弃物的一种。目前,全世界的垃圾生产量在不断增长着,每年产生的垃圾约达100亿吨,相当于全世界粮食产量的6倍,钢产量的14倍。美国近20年来的垃圾的增长曲线甚至超过了人口增长曲线。城市垃圾不仅是生产量增长,而且在成分上也与过去有着质的变化。除了大规模的工业废弃物污染以外,生活垃圾中的有毒废弃物污染在20世纪中期也是屡见不鲜的。这种早期的污染物排放即便停止了,有毒物质也会长期滞留于环境中,对人类及其他生物的生存造成威胁,对生态环境的自净循环系统造成破坏。如何消纳不断出现、并且越来越多的垃圾成为最令人头疼的事情。除了有机垃圾可以进行发酵堆肥以外,城市生活垃圾的处理方式一般为填埋和焚烧。填埋会占用大量的土地,美国在本世纪初曾自恃土地广博而占用了大量土地来填埋垃圾。然而到了20世纪80年代中期,就到了无处可埋的地步,只好寻求垃圾出口,甚至企图把垃圾卸到南极,由此引起了世界各国的公愤。另外,填埋过垃圾的土地是不宜利用的,因为垃圾中的各种有毒有害物质会随着雨水渗入地下,污染上地和水源。如果填埋不当垃圾内部产生的甲烷气还易引起爆炸。目前普遍认为用焚烧炉焚烧垃圾是较先进的办法。的确,焚烧场占地面积小,解决了大量占用土地和远途运送垃圾的交通运输问题;垃圾焚烧过程中产生的热能可以利用,焚烧后产生的垃圾灰还可以制作建筑材料等。然而,建设垃圾焚烧设备一次性投资较大,焚烧炉工艺复杂,操作技术要求也十分严格,如果焚烧设施或技术不过关,焚烧过程中会释放出有毒有害气体,造成严重的二次污染。近年国外报道的垃圾焚烧厂工人血液中二阳唤含量超标事件,更增加了对焚烧炉的设备以及原本就很复杂严格的焚烧工艺和技术操作的要求,加大了建设垃圾焚烧厂的难度。填埋、焚烧、堆肥都是垃圾的最后处理手段,无论那种办法都应在垃圾分类的基础上进行才是最有效的。虽然很多国家的垃圾分类办法不一,但对分类后的垃圾中的可再生物都要进行回收再造处理,以达到节约资源、减少垃圾量的目的。近年来,人们已逐渐认识到高消费的生活方式带来了垃圾过剩,节制消费才是减少垃圾产生的最佳手段。摘自自然之友编《20世纪环境警示录》
2023-01-02 12:22:171


2023-01-02 12:22:232


巴拿马运河(英语:Panama Canal)位于中美洲的巴拿马,横穿巴拿马地峡,总长82公里,宽的地方达304米,最窄的地方也有152米。
2023-01-02 12:22:342


一、巴拿马运河  位于拉丁美洲的巴拿马,横穿巴拿马地峡,总长82公里,宽的地方达304米,最窄的地方也有152米。连接太平洋和大西洋。二、苏伊士运河  处于埃及西奈半岛西侧,横跨苏伊士地峡,处于地中海侧的塞德港和红海苏伊士湾侧的苏伊士(al-Suways)两座城市之间,全长约163公里。三、京杭大运河  是世界上最长的古代运河,北起北京,南到浙江的杭州。流经天津、河北、山东、江苏和浙江四省一市,沟通海河、黄河、淮河、长江和钱塘江五大水系,将五大水系连成统一的水运网。全长1794公里。
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2023-01-02 12:22:564


canal的意思:运河。读音:英[kəˈnæl]、美[kəˈnæl]。释义:n. 运河;[地理] 水道;[建] 管道;灌溉水渠vt. 在…开凿运河n. (Canal)人名;(英、法、西、意、葡)卡纳尔;(土)贾纳尔变形:复数 canals。同近义词:pipeline/klongn. [水运]运河;[地理]水道;[建]管道;灌溉水渠canal造句如下:1、The construction of the canal is a huge project.修建运河是一项浩大的工程。2、The patient has a lesion in his alimentary canal.这个病人的消化道出现了病变。3、I saw the Martian canal through an astronomical telescope.我通过天文望远镜看到了火星运河。4、The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has played a major role throughout Chinese history.京杭大运河在整个中国历史上发挥了重要的作用。5、Container ship wedged in Suez Canal.货轮“卡死”苏伊士运河。
2023-01-02 12:23:271


n.    运河; 灌溉渠; 导管; 食道; 气管;    v.    在…开运河;疏导;    [例句]The road and the canal run parallel to each other.道路与运河平行。[其他]    复数:canals    短语搭配Erie Canal伊利运河Kiel Canal基尔运河inguinal canal[解剖]腹股沟管Spinal canal椎管 ;[脊椎]髓管 ; 脊髓管 ;[解剖]脊椎管resin canal[植]树脂道canal dues[税收]运河通行税 ;[税收]运河税 ;[税收]运河通行费Vertebral canal[解剖]椎管
2023-01-02 12:23:381


一、前提是mysql,rabbitmq已经安装完成 1、打开mysql的binlog,修改my.cnf 2、上传canal.admin-1.1.5.tar.gz 2.1、修改application.yml文件 2.2、执行canal_manager.sql文件 2.3、./bin/ 启动即可 2.4、访问地址http://、进入admin管理界面进行配置 4.1、主配置 4.2、修改
2023-01-02 12:24:031

ear canal是什么意思

ear canal耳道双语对照词典结果:ear canal[英][iə kəˈnæl][美][ɪr kəˈnæl]n.[电] 耳道; 复数:ear canals以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Swimmer"s ear is an infection of the outer ear canal. 游泳者的耳朵经常是外耳道感染。
2023-01-02 12:24:092


2023-01-02 12:24:171

mysql canal配置及canal是否开启验证

binlog_format ROW 开启成功 log_bin ON 开启成功 server_id有值说明有配置
2023-01-02 12:24:221

Canal 启动错误 UnknownHostException

Caused by: iZhp3349o7pntezql2q5puZ: Name or service not known 原因:hosts解析错误,边界 /etc/hosts即可
2023-01-02 12:24:301


Tarim Basin irrigation and the second phase project of the World Bank loans for environmental projects. Its overall goal in five sub-project area is 96 thousand hectares of wasteland, the transformation of 109 thousand hectares of low-yield farmland. Therefore, or converted to the new channel (main canal) 550km. branch (lateral canal ) 300km; completed six large headworks (canal headwork) and 200 blocks of canal building and ancillary buildings; Excavation 768km drainage; new or expanded eight reservoirs, the total water storage capacity of 256 million m3 16 new groundwater resources, mining, the amount of 234 million m3. appropriate additional hydropower project, Thermoelectric power supply and output; improve agricultural technology promotion services; In particular, we must improve the management of irrigation water. In addition impermeable lining channels, the focus on improving irrigation technology, optimize the allocation of water, water saving target. An acute shortage of water resources in the Tarim Basin, we must conduct propaganda and education on the importance of saving. In addition, to increase the protection of the ecological environment and the lower reaches of the Tarim River is an important measure to prevent desertification. must give sufficient attention to ensure that this goal is achieved.
2023-01-02 12:24:352


一、离线数据同步 DataX 阿里的Datax是比较优秀的产品,基于python,提供各种数据村塾的读写插件,多线程执行,使用起来也很简单,操作简单通常只需要两步; 创建作业的配置文件(json格式配置reader,writer); 启动执行配置作业。 非常适合离线数据,增量数据可以使用一些编码的方式实现, 缺点:仅仅针对insert数据比较有效,update数据就不适合。缺乏对增量更新的内置支持,因为DataX的灵活架构,可以通过shell脚本等方式方便实现增量同步。 参考资料: github地址: dataX3.0介绍: datax初体验: 文档: Sqoop Sqoop(发音:skup)是一款开源的工具,主要用于在Hadoop(Hive)与传统的数据库(mysql、postgresql…)间进行数据的传递,可以将一个关系型数据库(例如 : MySQL ,Oracle ,Postgres等)中的数据导进到Hadoop的HDFS中,也可以将HDFS的数据导进到关系型数据库中。 地址: Sqoop导入:导入工具从RDBMS到HDFS导入单个表。表中的每一行被视为HDFS的记录。所有记录被存储在文本文件的文本数据或者在Avro和序列文件的二进制数据。 Sqoop导出:导出工具从HDFS导出一组文件到一个RDBMS。作为输入到Sqoop文件包含记录,这被称为在表中的行。那些被读取并解析成一组记录和分隔使用用户指定的分隔符。 Sqoop支持全量数据导入和增量数据导入(增量数据导入分两种,一是基于递增列的增量数据导入(Append方式)。二是基于时间列的增量数据导入(LastModified方式)),同时可以指定数据是否以并发形式导入。 Kettle Kettle是一款国外开源的ETL工具,纯java编写,可以在Window、Linux、Unix上运行,数据抽取高效稳定。 Kettle的Spoon有丰富的Steps可以组装开发出满足多种复杂应用场景的数据集成作业,方便实现全量、增量数据同步。缺点是通过定时运行,实时性相对较差。 NiFi Apache NiFi 是一个易于使用、功能强大而且可靠的数据拉取、数据处理和分发系统,用于自动化管理系统间的数据流。它支持高度可配置的指示图的数据路由、转换和系统中介逻辑,支持从多种数据源动态拉取数据。 NiFi基于Web方式工作,后台在服务器上进行调度。 用户可以为数据处理定义为一个流程,然后进行处理,后台具有数据处理引擎、任务调度等组件。 几个核心概念: Nifi 的设计理念接近于基于流的编程 Flow Based Programming。 FlowFile:表示通过系统移动的每个对象,包含数据流的基本属性 FlowFile Processor(处理器):负责实际对数据流执行工作 Connection(连接线):负责不同处理器之间的连接,是数据的有界缓冲区 Flow Controller(流量控制器):管理进程使用的线程及其分配 Process Group(过程组):进程组是一组特定的进程及其连接,允许组合其他组件创建新组件 参考资料 Nifi简介及核心概念整理 官方网站: 二、实时数据同步 实时同步最灵活的还是用kafka做中间转发,当数据发生变化时,记录变化到kafka,需要同步数据的程序订阅消息即可,需要研发编码支持。这里说个mysql数据库的同步组件,阿里的canal和otter canal 数据抽取简单的来说,就是将一个表的数据提取到另一个表中。有很多的ETL工具可以帮助我们来进行数据的抽取和转换,ETL工具能进行一次性或者定时作业抽取数据,不过canal作为阿里巴巴提供的开源的数据抽取项目,能够做到实时抽取,原理就是伪装成mysql从节点,读取mysql的binlog,生成消息,客户端订阅这些数据变更消息,处理并存储。下面我们来一起搭建一下canal服务 早期,阿里巴巴B2B公司因为存在杭州和美国双机房部署,存在跨机房同步的业务需求。不过早期的数据库同步业务,主要是基于trigger的方式获取增量变更,不过从2010年开始,阿里系公司开始逐步的尝试基于数据库的日志解析,获取增量变更进行同步,由此衍生出了增量订阅&消费的业务,从此开启了一段新纪元。 ps. 目前内部版本已经支持mysql和oracle部分版本的日志解析,当前的canal开源版本支持5.7及以下的版本(阿里内部mysql 5.7.13, 5.6.10, mysql 5.5.18和5.1.40/48) 基于日志增量订阅&消费支持的业务: 数据库镜像 数据库实时备份 多级索引 (卖家和买家各自分库索引) search build 业务cache刷新 价格变化等重要业务消息 otter otter是在canal基础上又重新实现了可配置的消费者,使用otter的话,刚才说过的消费者就不需要写了,而otter提供了一个web界面,可以自定义同步任务及map表。非常适合mysql库之间的同步。 另外:otter已在阿里云推出商业化版本 数据传输服务DTS, 开通即用,免去部署维护的昂贵使用成本。DTS针对阿里云RDS、DRDS等产品进行了适配,解决了Binlog日志回收,主备切换、VPC网络切换等场景下的同步高可用问题。同时,针对RDS进行了针对性的性能优化。出于稳定性、性能及成本的考虑,强烈推荐阿里云用户使用DTS产品。
2023-01-02 12:24:431

The Erie canal(运河) was the first important national waterway built in the US. It crossed New Yo

伊利运河是第一个重要的国家航道建在美国。穿越纽约布法罗伊利湖边上特洛伊奥尔巴尼经哈得逊河。它参加了五大湖和大西洋。这条运河担任过路线,工业产品可能流入西、材料可以涌入东方。伊利运河帮助了洋基发展成为全国最大的城市。建造这条运河是全部由支付纽约州的。它值$ 7 143 789,但很快就取得了它的价格多倍。1825年之间,当这条运河是开了,1882年,当人数指控是停止,国家121美元收集了4.61 891。一百万年以前的伊利建成了,人被谈论运河可以加入大湖和大西洋。计划的人伊利运河并把那个计划通过在德德威特克林顿。那些恨运河戏称之为“克林顿的沟”。克林顿没有说话,写了一篇关于运河,并制造了计划。他和州长莫里斯去了华盛顿在1812年寻求帮助的运河,但他们是不成功的。克林顿成了纽约州州长在1817年,不久,7月4日1817年,打破了地在罗马:运河与运河的第一部分已于1820年发明的。了运河长了,城镇迅速发展沿着它的课程。管的长度363名英里
2023-01-02 12:24:511


2023-01-02 12:24:591