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He wrote a lot of novels, ______ regarded as masterpieces. A.dozens of them B.dozens of whi.

2023-06-28 06:23:08


dozen“十二”,hundred,thousand等前用数字修饰时不用复数,且不与of连用,排除C、D;泛指“几十”,“几百”等时可以与of连用,例:dozens of...“几十个......”。句中有逗号,是非限制性定语从句,故选B。选A的话,应该在A前面加and。故选B。



单词是:novel英['nu0252vl]释义:adj.新奇的;异常的n.小说n.(Novel)人名;(法、西、英)诺韦尔[复数:novels;比较级:more novel;最高级:most novel]短语:historical novel历史小说;演义;长篇历史小说;历史翻译公司扩展资料:词语辨析:new,fresh,novel,original这些形容词均含“新的”之意。1、new普通用词,与old相对,指最近的或创新的。2、fresh指新鲜的、新做的,侧重创新。3、novel侧重新事物的新奇和独特。4、original强调独创性。
2023-06-28 03:34:021


小说: 1. novel2. fictionRelative explainations:Examples:1. 我喜欢读科幻小说。 I like to read science fiction.2. 这部小说看来是草草写成的。 This novel appeared to have been huddled together.3. 她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。 She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time.4. 他的现实主义小说遭到了一些人的批判。 His realistic novel was criticized by some people.5. 这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。 This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.6. 她的第一部小说一问世,便使她一举成名。 She won her overnight fame by her first novel.7. 她的小说描写的是伦敦现代的生活。 Her novel depicts life in modern London.8. 他靠写小说维生。 He earned his bread by writing novels.
2023-06-28 03:34:442


“Novels”这个词是英语中的名词,读音为“u02c8nɑvu0259lz”(na-vuls)。在英语中,“novels”指的是一种长篇小说,通常包含一个或多个故事情节和多个角色,以及对人性、社会和文化等方面的深刻探讨。这种小说形式在英语文学中非常流行,包括经典作品如《傲慢与偏见》、《呼啸山庄》等。长篇小说 《十月》如果你想阅读英语小说,可以从简单的故事入手,尝试阅读一些适合自己水平的书籍,逐渐提升阅读难度。可以选择一些经典作品,如简爱、汤姆·索亚历险记等,也可以选择一些畅销书或现代文学作品。在阅读过程中,可以结合词典和翻译工具,帮助理解生词和难句。同时,多读多练,不断提高自己的阅读能力和英语水平。总之,“novels”是英语中的一种文学形式,是了解英语文学和提高英语阅读能力的重要途径。
2023-06-28 03:34:511

这是个以四个人的故事为背景的小说 用英语怎么是说

nsed an uneasiness in Sister Sandrine"sdemeomfortable w
2023-06-28 03:35:112

uc文件夹里变得n o v e l s那个文件夹可不可以删除?

2023-06-28 03:35:323

uc文件夹里变得n o v e l s那个文件夹可不可以删除?

2023-06-28 03:35:423


2023-06-28 03:35:491


2023-06-28 03:35:571


1、Novel,英[nvl], 美[nɑ:vl]。长篇小说,新法,附律。新奇的,异常的。 2、Novel近义词fiction和story。 3、Sheldon writes every day of the week, dictating his novels in the morning.谢尔登一周七天都要写作,每天上午口述小说让别人记录。 4、Both her novels won prizes.她的两部小说都获了奖。 5、Novel是长篇小说,story是短篇小说,fiction是小说的总称。 扩展资料 1、Dickens "novels have enriched English literature.狄更斯的.小说丰富了英国文学。 2、She is a prolific writer of novels and short stories.她是一位多产的作家,写了很多小说和短篇故事。 3、His works are included in this anthology of stories.这本小说集收录了他的作品。 4、The novel portrays the growth of a fighter.这本小说描写了一个战士的成长。 5、Sara and I read the story and marveled.我和萨拉读了这部小说后惊叹不已。 6、This novel has been made into a film.这部小说已拍成电影了。
2023-06-28 03:36:051

many of his novels are reported__into several foreign languages last year

A 首先肯定是被翻译 排除B 然后看时态
2023-06-28 03:36:132

He wrote a lot of novels, many of _________ were translated into foreign languages.

1. which 非限定性定语从句。 which指 novels (被动语态)2. whom 也是非定语从句,但指得是人,后面的谓语是主动语态。(很多人把它翻译成了外语)
2023-06-28 03:36:324


Keigo Higashino (东野 圭吾 Higashino Keigo?, February 4, 1958) is a Japanese author chiefly known for his mystery novels.[edit]BiographyBorn in Osaka, he started writing novels while still working as an engineer at Nippon Denso Co. (presently DENSO). He won the Edogawa Rampo Prize, which is awarded annually to the finest mystery work, in 1985 for the novel Hōkago (After School) at age 27. Subsequently, he quit his job and started a career as a writer in Tokyo.In 1999, he won the Mystery Writers of Japan Inc award for the novel Himitsu (The Secret), which was translated into English by Kerim Yasar and published by Vertical under the title of Naoko in 2004. In 2006, he won the 134th Naoki Prize for Yōgisha X no Kenshin. His novels had been nominated five times before winning with this novel.He writes not only mystery novels but also essays and story books for children. The style of writing differs from his novels, but basically he does not use as many characters as in his novels.[citation needed][edit]Main worksNovels:Hōkago (放课后?), 1985Naniwa shōnen tanteidan (浪花少年探侦団?), 1988Nemuri no mori (眠りの森?), 1989Henshin (変身?), 1991Parallel world love story (パラレルワールドu30fbラブストーリー?), 1994Himitsu (秘密?), 1998Byakuyakō (白夜行?), 1999Tegami (手纸?), 2003Samayou Yaiba (さまよう刃?), 2004Yōgisha X no Kenshin (容疑者Xの献身?), 2005 (Tantei Galileo Spin-off)Gen"ya (幻夜?), 2007Ryūsei no Kizuna (流星の绊?), 2008Kakkoh no Tamago ha Dare no Mono (カッコウの卵は谁のもの?), 2010Some of his novels have been made into TV drama series and films:Himitsu (Film, 1999 Original Title: Himitsu, 1998)Lakeside Murdercase (Film, 2004 Original Title: Lakeside, 2002)g@me (Film, 2003, Original Title: Game no na wa yūkai, 2002)Tokio chichi e no dengon (TV Drama, 2004 Aug-Sep, Original Title: Tokio 2002)Byakuyakō (2006)Galileo (TV Drama, 2007 and TV Drama SP, 2008, Original Title: Tantei Galileo 1998 and Yochimu 2000)Ryūsei no Kizuna (2008)Yōgisha X no Kenshin (Film, October 2008)Samayou Yaiba (Film, 2009)Shinzanmono (TV Drama, 2010)
2023-06-28 03:36:411


主要有两种表达:1. My uncle doesn"t feel sorry about spending a lot of time reading stories.2. My uncle doesn"t regret spending a lot of time reading stories.说明:许多用much也行,但小说用novels不合适,因为它是长篇小说的意思,原文并没有强调长篇小说。
2023-06-28 03:36:514

wessex novels名词解释

Wessex novels:韦塞克斯小说,这些小说描写了资本主义入侵后英国社会、经济、政治、伦理、风俗等领域发生的意想不到的巨大变化,以及支离破碎的农民的悲惨命运,揭示了维多利亚时代繁荣掩盖下的英国社会潜在危机。 扩展资料   英文解释:These novels describe the unexpected and huge changes in fields of society, economy, politics, ethics, and customs in England after the invasion of Capitalism, and the miserable fate of the broken farmers, and discover the potential crisis of the society in England which is under the mask of the Victorian thrive.
2023-06-28 03:37:051

He wrote a lot of novels,none of________was translated into a foreign language. A.them B.wh

D 试题分析:句意: 他写了很多个小说,其中没有一个翻译成外语。句子被逗号隔开,逗号前是一个完整的句子,中间又没有连词,所以逗号后应是从句,故排除A。先行词novels后面是一个定语从句,从句中少主语,有位于介词of后,故用关系代词which, that不能位于介词后,排除C。what不能引导定语从句。故选 D 。 考点:
2023-06-28 03:37:111


2023-06-28 03:37:284

more than one student __read the novels.which _written by david .

2023-06-28 03:37:474

(1) He wrote a lot of novels, many of _________ translated into foreign languages. A. it B. them

2023-06-28 03:37:555


2023-06-28 03:38:434

we often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person has some

2023-06-28 03:38:582


这几个词均属于定代词,它们在含义上有单复数之分,在用法上有泛指(无)与特指(有)之别,其具体用法可大致归纳如下表:单 数复 数作定语作主语或宾语作定语作主语或宾语泛指another(+n.)anotherother(+n.)others泛指不定数目中的另一个或类似的一个泛指另外的或其他的(人或物)特指theother(+n.)theothertheother(+n.)theothers特指两者中的另一个特指另外的或其他的(人或物)hefinishedhiscakeandaskedforanother(one).他吃光了他那块蛋糕后又要了一块。(泛指)shutthe(或your)othereye,too.另一只眼也闭上。(特指)sheisclevererthan(anyof)theothers(或theotherstudents)inherclass.她比班上的其他学生要聪明些。(特指)otherpeople(others)maynotthinkthatway.别的人可能不这样想。(泛指)注:(1)another(由an+other构成,但总是写成一个词,不能写成another)之后一般只接单数可数名词,不接复数名词或不可数名词。如:正:anotherday误:anotherdays/anothernews但是若复数名词之前有few或数词修饰,或不可数名词之前有piece(of)之类的单位词时,也可与another连用。如:正:anotherfew/fivedays/anotherpieceofnews(2)other与数词连用时,请注意体会下列句子(注意词序的变化以及与more或another的替换)。正:givemetheothertwobooks.正:givemethetwootherbooks.给我其它那两本书。误:he"swrittenothertwonovels.正:he"swrittentwoothernovels.正:he"swrittentwomorenovels.正:he"swrittenanothertwonovels.他又写了两本小说。(3)others泛指“别人”或“旁人”时,其前不能用the。误:bekindtotheothers.误:bekindtoothers.对别人要友好。(4)others与some对比使用时,others表示some(一些)的含义。如:somesayyes,andotherssayno.(=somesayyes,andsomesayno.)有人说对,有人说不对。=====*******======*******=======********希望可以帮到你哦!望采纳谢谢!o(∩_∩)o
2023-06-28 03:39:131


My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family.In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.
2023-06-28 03:39:203


2023-06-28 03:39:287


2023-06-28 03:40:221


novels是是小说的意思。   实用场景例句:  With one exce-ption his novels are shallow and lifeless things。他的小说都是些肤浅沉闷的玩意儿,只有一本除外。  He wrote 54 crime novels, which spawned both movies and television shows。他写了54部侦探小说,很多被改编成了电影和电视剧。  I have twenty novels and countless magazine stories to my credit。我著有20部小说,还在杂志上发表了无数篇文章。
2023-06-28 03:40:491


novel的意思是:小说;新奇的。读音:英[u02c8nu0252vl],美[u02c8nɑu02d0vl]。释义:adj.新奇的;异常的。n.小说。例句:The modern novels are more and more boring and simple.现代小说越来越乏味单一。变形:复数novels,比较级more novel,最高级most novel。novel的近义词fiction读音:英[u02c8fu026aku0283n],美[u02c8fu026aku0283n]。释义:n. 小说;虚构的事;假想之物。例句:His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction.他的新作是所有犯罪小说爱好者的必读书。读音:英[u02c8fu026aku0283n],美[u02c8fu026aku0283n]。复数:fictions。短语:modern〔popular〕fiction现代〔通俗〕小说。science fiction科学幻想小说。read a fiction读小说。
2023-06-28 03:40:561

10. Reading magazines and novels ________ helpful.

2023-06-28 03:41:321


novel, fiction, story
2023-06-28 03:41:4912

Whose novels do you like best

Whose novels do you like best?句意:你最喜欢谁的小说?分析:该句话的答语可以是:I like Hemingway"s novels best.(我最喜欢海明威的小说。)
2023-06-28 03:42:191


Keigo Higashino (东野 圭吾 Higashino Keigo?, February 4, 1958) is a Japanese author chiefly known for his mystery novels.[edit]BiographyBorn in Osaka, he started writing novels while still working as an engineer at Nippon Denso Co. (presently DENSO). He won the Edogawa Rampo Prize, which is awarded annually to the finest mystery work, in 1985 for the novel Hōkago (After School) at age 27. Subsequently, he quit his job and started a career as a writer in Tokyo.In 1999, he won the Mystery Writers of Japan Inc award for the novel Himitsu (The Secret), which was translated into English by Kerim Yasar and published by Vertical under the title of Naoko in 2004. In 2006, he won the 134th Naoki Prize for Yōgisha X no Kenshin. His novels had been nominated five times before winning with this novel.He writes not only mystery novels but also essays and story books for children. The style of writing differs from his novels, but basically he does not use as many characters as in his novels.[citation needed][edit]Main worksNovels:Hōkago (放课后?), 1985Naniwa shōnen tanteidan (浪花少年探侦団?), 1988Nemuri no mori (眠りの森?), 1989Henshin (変身?), 1991Parallel world love story (パラレルワールドu30fbラブストーリー?), 1994Himitsu (秘密?), 1998Byakuyakō (白夜行?), 1999Tegami (手纸?), 2003Samayou Yaiba (さまよう刃?), 2004Yōgisha X no Kenshin (容疑者Xの献身?), 2005 (Tantei Galileo Spin-off)Gen"ya (幻夜?), 2007Ryūsei no Kizuna (流星の绊?), 2008Kakkoh no Tamago ha Dare no Mono (カッコウの卵は谁のもの?), 2010Some of his novels have been made into TV drama series and films:Himitsu (Film, 1999 Original Title: Himitsu, 1998)Lakeside Murdercase (Film, 2004 Original Title: Lakeside, 2002)g@me (Film, 2003, Original Title: Game no na wa yūkai, 2002)Tokio chichi e no dengon (TV Drama, 2004 Aug-Sep, Original Title: Tokio 2002)Byakuyakō (2006)Galileo (TV Drama, 2007 and TV Drama SP, 2008, Original Title: Tantei Galileo 1998 and Yochimu 2000)Ryūsei no Kizuna (2008)Yōgisha X no Kenshin (Film, October 2008)Samayou Yaiba (Film, 2009)Shinzanmono (TV Drama, 2010)
2023-06-28 03:42:251

He____novels, whenever his wife goes shopping.

2023-06-28 03:42:334


2023-06-28 03:42:544

用英语翻译“她创作了大量高质量并受世人追捧的小说,常被翻译成法、荷、西、日等多国文字。 ”

She has written a number of high-quality and popular novels, often translated into French, Dutch, Western and Japanese characters.
2023-06-28 03:43:043


有两种说法English:We all like to read novels。 We all like reading novelsChinese:我们都喜欢看小说.
2023-06-28 03:43:124

1 . i have a lot of books , half of them novels

half of them novels是简化句,原来完整的句子是half of which (指的是books) are novels. 因为which are都没有实在的意思,所以都可以省略,构成所谓的“简化句”
2023-06-28 03:43:181

麻烦哪一位老师帮忙讲解一下下面的几个句子:1.This is one of the best novles that were

首先要搞清楚that引导的定语从句是修饰哪个中心语的第一个句子:这是去年出版的最好的小说之一, 可知that引导的定语从句是修饰the best novels,所以用复数第二个句子:这是去年出版的仅有的一部最好的小说,可知that引导的定语从句是修饰the only one of the best novels,所以用单数第三个句子:这只是去年出版的最好的小说之一,解释如第一个句子。希望能帮到你,祝你成功!
2023-06-28 03:43:264


Fantasy novel
2023-06-28 03:43:345

this is one of the best novels that

选择D 因为首先 appear这个单词是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,其次 这是一个定语从句that指的是前面的Novels所以应该选have
2023-06-28 03:43:481

write novels是什么意思

2023-06-28 03:43:541

i like reading novels

I like reading because it opens up the world to me.Reading can take me to anywhere of the world and reading can give me answers to many questions I have about the world.Reading can also make me happy.Lots of novels can take me to the past and the future.Lots of poems can make me feel peaceful and pleasant. Reading can make my life more colorful.Without it,our contacts with others are limited.We can only communicate through speeches.But,reading can help me to communicate with more people at any time.It can enrich my life. So,I will read whenever I can.
2023-06-28 03:44:031


I also very like reading books, especially novels.
2023-06-28 03:44:213


不是。谓语只有read这里have read 是动词的现在完成时形式。整句意思:我已经读完了几本小说了。希望可以帮到你~
2023-06-28 03:44:313


2023-06-28 03:44:414


Li Ming is a nurse.After getting back home from the hospital,she spends 20 minutes reading books besides doing housework every day.She likes reading any book,such as novels,medical books,caring books and computer books.She even reads baby picture books.She reads very quickly,and can fnishes a novel about 3,000,000 words a day.She can find all the importance in a 50-page article in 10 minutes.She said:"I like reading because books can make me happy.If we want to read quickly,we have to often train ourselves.I know that the things we can learn from school are limited uff0cbut the things we learn by ourselves are limitless."
2023-06-28 03:44:573


“大学生活的期望英语”技巧:1.对比高中,大学所呈现的不同生活;2.想象自己希望的大学生活;3.最后表达对大学生活的期待。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,欢迎大家来阿卡索,纯正外教一对一教学,外教皆持证上岗,跟着外教学习纯正的口语,价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,保证每一位学员在这里都能找到合适的外教老师!对大学生活的期望英语作文范文参考:When I was in high school , I had dreamt of having a wonderful life in college . I said to myself that I would do lots of interesting things to make the next few years filled with happiness. I even make a detailed plan . but when I entered college I found it quite different from what I thought before ,I felt a little depressed .As I don"t know what to do after class .in fact , we have far less lessons than we had in high school;. So , what should I do in the long spare time . I didn"t know ,so I spent much of my time reading , you know ,some novels , but ,day after day ,I began to feel boring only to read . Will the next four years be the same ? I wondered .if so , I will be crazy ,Four years have too much spare time , four years reading novels ,four years feel depressed ,I couldn"t think more about it .So after a period of several weeks , I started to make a plan for my college life , in order to make it colorful and valuable . First of all , I should get up early in the morning rather than sleep late , even on the weekends, then I can do some exercises as body building .Second , I should go to the library , of course , not just for novels , other kinds of books like maths , English are included . if I still have some spare tie , I will find a part-time job . in this way , I could gain some money and what is the most important, experience , I can know more about the real world . 不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。
2023-06-28 03:45:041

He ____ novels, whenever his wife goes shopping. A) is reading B) reads C) has read D) has been read

B. reads
2023-06-28 03:46:033


Read novels online,catch the news
2023-06-28 03:46:114

his novels do not sell和his novels are not sold这两个句子怎么区分

2023-06-28 03:46:292


Chapter 5 The Modern Period   Ⅰ。学习目的和要求   通过本章的学习,了解20世纪批判现实主义文学和现代主义文学产生的历史、文化背景。认识该时期文学创作的基本特征、基本主张,及其对现当代英国文学乃至文化的影响;了解该时期重要作家的文学创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作品的主题结构、人物刻画、语言风格、思想意义等;同时结合注释,读懂所选作品,了解其思想内容和写作特色,培养理解和欣赏文学作品的能力。   Ⅱ。本章重点及难点   1. 英国现代文学的特征   2. 主要作家的创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作品的主题结构、人物刻画和语言风格   3. 名词解释:现代主义   4. 应用:选读作品的主题结构、艺术特色、人物刻画和语言风格,如   (1)叶芝和艾略特诗歌(所选作品)的主题、意象分析   (2)小说《儿子与情人》的主题和主要人物的性格分析   (3)意识流小说的主要特色分析   (4)萧伯纳戏剧的特点与社会意义分析   Ⅲ。考核知识点和考核要求   (一)现代时期概述   1.识记:   A. 20世纪英国社会的政治、经济、文化背景   B.英国20世纪批判现实主义文学   C.现代主义文学的兴起与衰落   2.领会:   A. 现代主义文学创作的基本主张   B.英国现代主义文学思潮   (1)诗歌   (2)小说   (3)戏剧   3.应用:   A.名词解释:现代主义   B.英国现代主义文学的特点   C.现代主义文学对当代文学的影响   (二)现代时期的主要作家   A.萧伯纳   1.一般:萧伯纳的生平与文学生涯。   2.识记:   A.萧伯纳的政治改革思想和文学创作主张   B.萧伯纳的戏剧创作   (1)早期主要作品:《鳏夫的房产》、《华伦夫人的职业》、《康蒂坦》、《凯撒和克莉奥佩特拉》   (2)中期作品:《人与超人》、《巴巴拉少校》、《皮格马利翁》   (3)晚期作品:《伤心之家》、《回到麦修色拉》、《圣女贞德》、《苹果车》   3.领会:   A.萧伯纳戏剧的特点与社会意义   B.萧伯纳的戏剧对20世纪英国文学的影响   4.应用:   A.《华伦夫人的职业》的故事梗概、情节结构、人物塑造、语言风格、思想意义   B.选读:所选作品的主要内容、人物塑造、语言特点、艺术手法等   B.约翰。高尔斯华绥   1.一般识记:高尔斯华绥的生平与文学生涯   2.识记: 高尔斯华绥的文学创作   (1)戏剧:《银盒》、《正义》、《斗争》   (2)小说:《福赛特世家》(《有产业的人》、《骑虎》、《出租》)、《现代喜剧》   3.领会:   A.高尔斯华绥的创作思想   B.高尔斯华绥批判现实主义小说的主要特点及社会意义   4.应用:   选读:所选作品的主要内容、人物性格。语言特点、叙述手法等   C、威廉。勃特勒。叶芝   1.一般:叶芝的生平及文学生涯   2.识记:叶芝诗歌的代表作品   (1)早期诗歌:《茵尼斯弗利岛》、《梦见仙境的人》、《玫瑰》   (2)中期诗歌:《新的纪元》、《1916年的复活节》   (3)晚期诗歌:《驶向拜占廷》、《丽达及天鹅》、《在学童们中间》   3.领会:   A.叶芝的诗歌创作思想   B.叶芝诗歌的特点及思想意义   C.叶芝诗歌的艺术成就   D.叶芝的诗歌对当代英国文学的影响   E.叶芝的戏剧创作   4.应用:选读:、所选作品的主题思想、语言风格、艺术特色等   D、T.S.艾略特   1.一般识记:艾略特的生平及创作生涯   2.识记: 艾略特的主要诗歌作品   (1)《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》   (2)《荒原》   (3)《灰星期三》   (4)《四个四重奏》   3.领会:   A.艾略特的文学理论与文艺批评观   B.艾略特诗歌的艺术特色及社会意义   C.艾略特的戏剧   D. 文略特的艺术成就   E.艾略特的文学创作及文艺批评思想对现当代英国文学的影响   4.应用:   A.《荒原》主题、结构、神话、象征、语言特色及社会意义   B.选读:所选作品的主题结构、思想内容、语言特点、艺术手法等   E.戴维。赫伯特。劳伦斯   1.一般识记:劳伦斯的生平及文学生涯   2.识记: 劳伦斯的主要小说   (1)《儿子与情人》   (2)《虹》   (3)《恋爱中的女人》   3.领会:   A. 劳伦斯的创作思想   B. 劳伦斯小说的主要艺术特色及社会意义 .   C. 劳伦斯的小说对现当代英国文学的影响   4.应用:   A.《儿子与情人》的故事梗概、情节结构、人物塑造、语言风格、思想意义   B.选读:所选作品的主要内容、人物性格、语言特点、艺术手法等   F.詹姆斯。乔伊斯   1.一般识记:乔伊斯的生平与创作生涯   2.识记:乔伊斯的主要作品简介   (1)《都柏林人》   (2)《青年艺术家的肖像》   (3)《尤利西斯》   3.领会:   A. 乔伊斯的文学创作主张与美学思想   B. 乔伊斯小说的主要艺术特色及思想意义   C.乔伊斯的艺术成就   D.乔伊斯的作品对现当代世界文学的影响   4.应用:   A. 意识流小说的主要特色分析   B. 选读:所选作品的主题思想、人物塑造、语言特色、艺术手法等   Chapter 5 The Modern Period   一。识记:   1. The social, ideological background of the modern English literature:   (1) The influences of the two World Wars on English literature:   Modernism rose out of skepticism and disillusion of capitalism. The First World War and the Second World War had greatly influenced the English literature. The catastrophic First World War tremendously weakened the British Empire and brought about great sufferings to its people as well. Its appalling shock severely destroyed people"s faith in the Victorian values; The postwar economic dislocation and spiritual disillusion produced a profound impact upon the British people, who came to see the prevalent wretchedness in capitalism.   The Second World War marked the last stage of the disintegration of the British Empire. Britain suffered heavy losses in the war: thousands of people were killed; the economy was ruined; and almost all its former colonies were lost. People were in economic, cultural, and belief crisises.   (2) Ideologically, the rise of the irrational philosophy and new science greatly incited modern writers to make new explorations on human natures and human relationships. (a) In the mid-19th century, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels put forward the theory of scientific socialism, which not only provided a guiding principle for the working people, but also inspired them to make dauntless fights for their own emancipation. (b) Darwin"s theory of evolution exerted a strong influence upon the people, causing many to lose their religious faith. The social Darwinism, under the cover of "survival of the fittest," vehemently advocated colonialism or jingoism. (c) Einstein"s theory of relativity provided entirely new ideas for the concepts of time and space. (d) Freud"s analytical psychology drastically altered our conception of human nature. (e) Arthur Schopenhauer, a pessimistic philosopher started a rebellion against rationalism, stressing the importance of will and intuition. (f) Having inherited the basic principles from Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche went further against rationalism by advocating the doctrines of power and superman and by completely rejecting the Christian morality. (g) Based on the major ideas of his predecessors, Henry Bergson established his irrational philosophy which put the emphasis on creation, intuition, irrationality and unconsciousness. All these irrationalist philosophers exerted immense influence upon the major modernist writers in Britain.   So, after the First World War, all kinds of literary trends of modernism appeared: symbolism, expressionism, surrealism, cubism, futurism, Dadaism, imagism and stream of consciousness. Towards the 1920s, these trends converged into a mighty torrent of modernist movement, which swept across the whole Europe and America. After the Second World War, a variety of modernism, or post-modernism, like existentialist literature, theater of the absurd, new novels and black humor, rose with the spur of the existentialist idea that "the world was absurd, and the human life was an agony."   2. The development of English poetry in the 20th century:   The 20th century has witnessed a great achievement in English poetry. In the early years of this century, Thomas Hardy and the war poets of the younger generation were important realistic poets. Hardy expressed his strong sympathies for the suffering poor and his bitter disgusts at the social evils in his poetry as in his novels. The soldiers-poets of World War I revealed the appalling brutality of the war in a most realistic way. The early poems of Pound and Eliot and Yeats"s matured poetry marked the rise of "modern poetry," which was, in some sense, a revolution against the conventional ideas and forms of the Victorian poetry. The modernist poets fought against the romantic fuzziness and self-indulged emotionalism, advocating new ideas in poetry- writing such as to use the language of common speech, to create new rhythms as the expression of a new mood, to allow absolute freedom in choosing subjects, and to use hard, clear and precise images in poems.   The 1930s witnessed great economic depressions, mass unemployment, and the rise of the Nazis. Facing such a severe situation, most of the young intellects started to turn to the left. And therefore the period was known as "the red thirties." A group of young poets during this period expressed in their poetry a radical political enthusiasm and a strong protest against fascism. With the coming of the 1950s, there was a return of realistic poetry again. By advocating reason, moral discipline, and traditional forms, a new generation of poets started "The Movement," which explicitly rejected the modernist influence. There was no significant poetic movement in the 1960s. A multiplicity of choices opened to both the poet and the reader. Poets gradually moved into more individual styles.   3. Realism in the 20th century English literature:   The realistic novels in the early 20th century were the continuation of the Victorian tradition, yet its exposing and criticizing power against capitalist evils had been somewhat weakened both in width and depth. The outstanding realistic novelists of this period were John Galsworthy, H. G. Wells, and Arnold Eennett. The three trilogies of Galsworthy"s Forsyte novels are masterpieces of critical realism in the early 20th century, which revealed the corrupted capitalist world. In his novels of social satire, H. G. Wells made realistic studies of the aspirations and frustrations of the "Little Man;" whereas Bennett presented a vivid picture of the English life in the industrial Midlands in his best novels.   Realism was, to a certain extent, eclipsed by the rapid rise of modernism in the 1920s. But with the strong swing of leftism in the 1930s, novelists began to turn their attention to the urgent social problems. They also enriched the traditional ways of creation by adopting some of the modernist techniques. However, the realistic novels of this period were more or less touched by a pessimistic mood, preoccupied with the theme of man"s loneliness, and shaped in different forms: social satires by Aldous Huxley and George Orwell comic satires on the English upper class by Evelyn Waugh; and Catholic novels by Graham Greene. Another important group of young novelists and playwrights with lower-middle-class or working-class background in the mid-1950s and early 1960s known as "The Angry Young Man." They demonstrated a particular disillusion over the depressing situation in Britain and launched a bitter protest against the outmoded social and political values in their society. Kingsley Amis, John Wain, John Braine and Alan Sillitoe were the major novelists in this group. They portrayed unadorned working-class life in their novels with great freshness and vigor of the working-class language. Amis was the first to start the attack on middle-class privileges and power in his novel Lucky Jim (1954)。 The term "The Angry Young Man" came to be widely   Having been merged and interpenetrated with modernism in the past several decades, the realistic novel of the 1960s and 1970s appeared in a new face with a richer, more vigorous and more diversified style.   二。领会:   1.Modern English poetry:   It is, in some sense, a revolution against the conventional ideas and forms of the Victorian poetry. The modernist poets fought against the romantic fuzziness and self-indulged emotionalism, advocating new ideas in poetry- writing such as to use the language of common speech, to create new rhythms as the expression of a new mood, to allow absolute freedom in choosing subjects, and to use hard, clear and precise images in poems.   2. Modern English novels:   The first three decades of 20th century were golden years of the modernist novel. In stimulating the technical innovations of novel creation, the theory of the Freudian and Jungian psycho-analysis played a particularly important role. With the notion that multiple levels of consciousness existed simultaneously in the human mind, that one"s present was the sum of his past, present and future, and that the whole truth about human beings existed in the unique, isolated, and private world of each individual, writers like Dorothy Richardson, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf concentrated all their efforts on digging into the human consciousness. They had created unprecedented stream-of-consciousness novels such as Pilgrimage by Richardson, Ulysses (1922) by Joyce, and Mrs. Dalloway (1925) by Woolf. One of the remarkable features of their writings was their continuous experimentation on new and sophisticated techniques in novel writing, which made tremendous impacts on the creation of both realistic and modernist novels in this century.   James Joyce is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness novelist; in Ulysses, his encyclopedia-like masterpiece, Joyce presents a fantastic picture of the disjointed, illogical, illusory, and mental- emotional life of Leopold Bloom, who becomes the symbol of everyman in the post-World-War-ⅠEurope.   In the works of E. M. Forster and D. H. Lawrence, old traditions are still there, but their subject matter about human relationships and their symbolic or psychological presentations of the novel are entirely modern. Forster"s masterpiece, A Passage to India (1924), is a novel of decidedly symbolist aspirations, in which the author set up, within a realistic story, a fable of moral significance that implies a highly mystical, symbolic view of life, death, human relationship, and the relationship of man with the infinite universe. D. H. Lawrence is regarded as revolutionary as Joyce in novel writing; but unlike Joyce, he was not concerned with technical innovations; his interest lay in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. He believed that life impulse was the primacy of man"s instinct, and that any conscious repression of such an impulse would cause distortion or perversion of the individual"s personality. In his best novels like The Rainbow (1915) and Women in Love (1920), Lawrence made a bold psychological exploration of various human relationships, especially those
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