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2023-06-28 06:10:01










我的小弟弟, 快和我一起来跳舞




我的朋友们, 快和我一起来跳舞



我们跳舞跳到Ado Hinkel和Benzino Napoloni


我们与Maitreya 跳舞





我的小弟弟, 快和我一起来跳舞




我的同志们, 快和我一起来跳舞











我的小弟弟, 快和我一起来跳舞




我的朋友们, 快和我一起来跳舞






















































如今,AMG是梅赛德斯-奔驰内部的性能部门,但它最初是由2名工程师进行的不起眼的工程。纵观AMG的发展历程,史上第一辆AMG绝对算得上是一辆看起来笨拙的轿车,绰号也被称为“Red Pig”(红猪),我不知道它跟RedBull(红牛)是啥关系,但它确实可以被视为AMG的鼻祖,同时,还是一辆罕见的、正儿八经的“德国肌肉车”。AMG由Hans Aufrecht(A)和Erhard Melcher(M)于1967年创立,“AM”来自于二人姓氏的首字母,而“G”则来自于Hans Aufrecht的出生地德国Grossaspach(G)。Hans Aufrecht和Erhard Melcher从戴姆勒·奔驰开始,为奔驰300 SE研发赛车发动机,当公司停止赛车活动时,这对夫妇继续独立地研究引擎。1965年,戴姆勒的另一位资深人士Manfred Schiek(曼弗雷德·谢克)在德国房车锦标赛中使用了改进型发动机,获得了10次冠军,这促使Hans Aufrecht和Erhard Melcher创立了自己的公司,他们决定要做的第一件事就是制造一辆赛车,来展示自己的技能和独到的理念。提到AMG的鼻祖,最初,梅赛德斯工厂从奔驰600中拿来了6.3升V8发动机,并将它放在尺寸较小的奔驰300 SEL车身中,创造了300 SEL 6.3这辆“德国肌肉车”,而AMG则将排量增加到了6.8升,并将原有的247马力500N·m扭矩调教到434马力607N·m扭矩,同时还进行了轻量化改造,“红猪”诞生了,从某种意义上来说,它已经是当今AMG运动轿车的原型。尽管“红猪”是一辆4门轿车,但是在比赛中仍然表现出了很强的实力,在1971年的斯帕24小时耐力赛中,“红猪”获得了团队冠军和单车第2名的成绩,从而使AMG名声大振。但是,距离AMG与奔驰正式合作还有一段时间,他们共同开发的第一辆汽车是C36 AMG,此后,AMG车型正式进入了奔驰车型的常规阵容,奔驰的母公司戴姆勒于1998年收购了AMG的大部分股权。如今,AMG已经从调教现有奔驰车型演变为独立开发车型,比如SLS AMG和AMG GT跑车,以及AMG One超级跑车,一个比一个实力更强。AMG也从曾经的“奔驰御用改装厂”成长为世界上首屈一指的高性能汽车制造商,而这一切,都源于那辆“红猪”。本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。
2023-06-28 01:21:211


奇点服饰是新时代的服装品牌,品牌把创新作为发展基点。总部设在大连,现任董事长:Armin Schiekel. 总裁:孙祎、殷维。奇点采用的是线上,线下相结合的运营模式,愿为人们提供合体、舒适感极佳的服装。 其发展目标是要将科学幻想中的服饰做到现实中来,就像宇宙的发展,海洋创造生命一样。把所谓不可能发生的事,变成现实。把奇特与功能强的服饰带给世界,让大家平静步入自己的未来。 奇点于淘宝网,全球速卖通,线上运营。
2023-06-28 01:21:281


球衣号 球员 英文名 位置 生日 国籍 身高(cm) 体重(kg) 1 奥利绍森 Dirk Orlishausen 门将 1982-08-15 德国 196 93 2 莱希纳 Florian Lechner 右后卫 1981-03-03 德国 178 75 3 穆勒 Stefan Muller 后卫 1988-11-09 德国 191 84 4 霍赫内德 Niklas Hoheneder 后卫 1986-08-17 奥地利 190 75 5 肯佩 Dennis Kempe 前卫 1986-06-24 德国 187 83 6 格罗斯 Pascal Gross 前卫 1991-06-15 德国 181 72 7 皮奥塞克 Marcus Piossek 前腰 1989-07-21 波兰 178 70 8 拉米迪 Moses Lamidi 前锋 1988-01-05 德国 177 70 9 亚什维利 Alexander Iashvili 中锋 1977-10-23 格鲁吉亚 175 72 10 巴克利 Delron Buckley 左前卫 1977-12-07 南非 177 75 11 特拉齐诺 Marco Terrazzino 前锋 1991-04-15 德国 181 67 13 哈斯 Steffen Haas 前卫 1988-03-18 德国 183 78 14 芬克 Anton Fink 右边锋 1987-07-31 德国 171 69 15 昆茨 Matthias Cuntz 中前卫 1990-05-04 德国 184 78 16 阿夸罗 Giuseppe Aquaro 后卫 1983-05-21 瑞士 184 80 17 斯塔费尔特 Timo Staffeldt 中前卫 1984-02-09 德国 175 72 18 佐勒 Simon Zoller 中锋 1991-06-26 德国 177   19 施塔德勒 Thorben Stadler 后卫 1990-02-08 德国 180   20 克里斯蒂 Andrei Cristea 前卫 1984-05-15 罗马尼亚 176 65 21 克雷布斯 Gaetan Krebs 前腰 1985-11-18 法国 165 62 22 施埃克 Sebastian Schiek 后卫 1990-03-20 德国 183   23 穆勒 Bogdan Muller 前锋 1988-06-12 德国 184   24 罗夫莱斯 Luis Robles 门将 1984-05-11 美国 185 86 25 康拉德 Thomas Konrad 后卫 1989-11-05 德国 185 76 26 米尔希劳姆 Patrick Milchraum 左前卫 1984-05-26 德国 174 69 27 凯恩 Timo Kern 前卫 1990-01-16 德国 178   30 拉夫里奇 Klemen Lavric 右边锋 1981-06-12 斯洛文尼亚 188 82
2023-06-28 01:21:341


2023-06-28 01:25:082

The Neville Brothers的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:The Neville Brothers专辑:Authorized Bootleg/Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, Ca, February 27, 1989I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:21:501


  阅读能力是反映语言能力的重要标志之一。不管所教的对象是英语专业的学生还是非英语专业的学生 ,培养学生阅读能力都是英语教学的主要内容。下面是我带来的关于旅游的英语美文阅读,欢迎阅读!  关于旅游的英语美文阅读篇一   Scotland is a unique and austere place, laden with history, where you can find aristocratic palaces and castles, as well as the traditional parades in national costumes. It has some of the most beautiful cities in Europe, a living testimony of a proud and splendid past.   In order to see and discover the true soul of Scotland today, what forged the character of this splendid region, we have to go towards the northern regions, to the Grampian Mountains. Beautiful and unspoiled, it was difficult to farm. The Scots subdued the environment with simple spades and strong arms.   The history of this ancient struggle, and its people"s ancient love affair with the hard land, is enclosed within the walls of the Angus Folk Museum. You are able to get a feel of the typical rural atmosphere of times past from the everyday artifacts displayed here.   From coastal Aberdeen in towards the interior of the Grampian Mountains there runs the Castle Trail, a road that touches on many fortresses, which are witnesses of continual revolts against the dominion of neighboring England in Scottish history.   Perhaps the most uplifting moment for Scottish autonomy is the one experienced inside this ancient abbey of Arbroath, where, in 1320; the Declaration of Independence was celebrated, at the instigation of King Robert the Bruce. He carried out the plan for autonomy drawn up by the great popular hero William Wallace, to whom cinema has dedicated the wonderful film "Braveheart", the winner of five Oscars.   This is Glamis Castle. It is often remembered for being the residence of King Macbeth and Queen Elizabeth in her childhood. Among the most assiduous guests here are the inevitable ghosts, which are nourished, if not actually created, by ancient popular beliefs. These have been handed down over the centuries by a people inclined to live with mystery, with the forces of the supernatural.   Another attraction here is a legendary monster: the Loch Ness Monster. Is it real or imaginary, this monster, which has been nicknamed Nessie, has collected a good 3000 sightings over the last 50 years? To fuel the debate about the monster, and perhaps also curiosity about the lake, a price of 500,000 pounds sterling has been put on Nessie"s head.   The true flag of Scotland, tartan, is recognisable from the brightly coloured plaid patterns which are used to distinguish the various clans. Over the last few decades this fabric has made a comeback and is part of the daily life of this country.   The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, especially when they march in parades.   Bagpipes and dancing open the competitions of local sporting events, which are called Highland Gatherings. The games, which have strange rules, involve a spirit that has more to do with brute force than with athletics.   苏格兰是一个独特的地方,自然条件虽不得天独厚,历史的厚重感却随处可见。豪门望族的府第与城堡历历在目,仪仗队的士兵也还穿着传统服装。这里有全欧洲最美的城市,诉说着苏格兰昔日的荣光。   想看看真正的苏格兰,追寻这里民族精神的源泉,就得去北部的格兰扁山区。格兰扁山区景色怡人,还没有受到现代文明的污染。格兰扁一度不适合耕作,倔强的苏格兰人,凭着双手征服了这片土地。   苏格兰先民的艰苦劳作与他们自古对这片贫瘠土地的眷恋,在这个博物馆里一览无余。这里展出的都是平常的物品,营造出往日乡间的氛围,使人油然而生怀旧之情。   从沿海的阿伯丁,有一条古堡之路,一直蜿蜒到格兰扁山区深处。沿途很多昔日的要塞,都是苏格兰在历史上不断反抗英格兰统治的见证。   苏格兰争取自治的过程中最大快人心的时刻莫过于1320年在这个修道院,布鲁斯国王鼓动百姓大肆庆贺独立宣言签订。布鲁斯采纳传奇英雄威廉。华勒斯所献的计策,完成了自治大业,这个 故事 后来被改编成电影《勇敢的心》,该片曾摘取了五项奥斯卡奖。   这座城堡之所以名闻遐迩,却是因为曾经的两位主人——苏格兰国王麦克白与幼年时的伊丽莎白女王。如今这里最相看无厌的客人当数 传说 中挥之不去的幽灵,这些传说即使不是源于世代相传的 民间故事 ,也大有借鉴化用的嫌疑。苏格兰人似乎生来就笃信超自然的力量,因此才有了这些传说。   这里游人如织的另一个原因则是尼斯湖的怪兽。真假姑且不论,这个昵称Nessie的怪兽在过去的半个世纪中已经吸引了三千余名游客。如今它头上有五十万英镑的悬赏,使得学术界的争论日益激烈,或许也会令游人的好奇日盛吧。   苏格兰格子呢是苏格兰真正的旗帜。它显著的花格子图案曾经是区分不同宗族的标志。在过去几十年里,格子呢在苏格兰再度流行,如今则已在日常生活中不可或缺。   苏格兰传统的褶裙按照礼节是应该在演奏高地风笛时穿的,尤其是列队前进的时候。   高地风笛与利尔舞揭开了高地运动盛会的序幕。运动会的比赛项目规则奇特,与其说是田径比赛,不如说是大力士的较量。   关于旅游的英语美文阅读篇二   Vatican City 梵蒂冈城   著名的Vatican City梵蒂冈城是罗马教廷所在地,是由教皇统治的国家,位于意大利罗马城内,面积只有109英亩(约180平方公里),可谓是世界上最小的独立国家。Vatican City的建筑气势宏伟、内部装饰精美,堪称艺术之杰作u2026u2026   Vatican City is an independent state under the absolute authority of the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. It is an enclave with Rome, Italy, with an area of 44 hectares (109 acres)。 The smallest independent country in the world, Vatican City was established in 1929 under terms of the Lateran Treaty, concluded by the Italian government and the papacy after many years of controversy. This treaty was superseded in 1984 by a new concordat, which, like its predecessor, recognized the full sovereignty of the Holy See (the jurisdiction of the Pope) within the state of Vatican City.   Vatican City is situated on Vatican Hill in northwestern Rome, just west of the Tiber River. It is surrounded by medieval and Renaissance walls and has six gates. Many of the most renowned artists and architects of the Italian Renaissance were commissioned by Popes to work on the Vatican"s buildings. The most imposing and important edifice is Saint Peter"s Basilica. Built for the most part between the 15th and 17th centuries, and designed by artists, including Bramante, Michelangelo, and Bernini, it is the world center of Roman Catholic worship. In front of the basilica is the great Piazza San Pietro (Saint Peter"s Square)。   关于旅游的英语美文阅读篇三   浪漫水都--威尼斯   What images come to mind when you think of a trip to Venice? No doubt you imagine yourself taking a romantic gondola ride along narrow canals and under delicate bridges. Perhaps you picture the beautiful old buildings and famous works of art that have made the city one of Europe"s leading tourist spots.   Venice was built on more than 100 islands and has about 150 canals. The best-known of these, the Grand Canal, functions as the“main street”in the part of the city most popular with visitors. The canal winds through each of the six districts that comprise this historic city center before reaching Venice Lagoon.   One of these districts, San Marco, is home to many of Venice"s main attractions, including St. Mark"s Basilica. This spectacular church has five main arches and some extraordinary onion-shaped domes. It is decorated with priceless treasures, many of which were stolen from other countries when medieval Venice was a leading sea power.   想到威尼斯一游,你的脑海中会浮现出什么画面?毫无疑问你一定会想象自己乘坐浪漫的平底船,沿着窄窄的运河航行,从一座座别致的桥下穿梭而过。也许你还会在脑海中勾勒出那些让威尼斯成为欧洲一流旅游胜地的美丽古老建筑和艺术名作。   威尼斯建在100多个小岛上,拥有大约150条运河。最有名的运河就是“大运河”,它位于市区游客最多的地方,并发挥“大街”的功能。这条运河在构成这个历史上的市中心的六个行政区间蜿蜒穿流,最后流入威尼斯湖。   行政区之一的圣马可是许多威尼斯主要旅游景的中心,包括圣马可大教堂。这座雄伟的大教堂有五道大拱门和数座壮观的洋葱形圆顶。教堂用很贵重的珠宝装饰,其中许多是在中世纪威尼斯称霸海权时从 其它 国家掠夺来的。
2023-06-28 01:21:531

急求server sql 查询当前日期比计划日期小于30天的,高手出招! expireDate(这是计划时间的字段)

select * from 表 where datediff(d,getdate(),expireDate) between 0 and 30
2023-06-28 01:21:532


Sissel Kyrkjebo,详情可参见百度百科。Sissel Kyrkjebo,以其空灵清澈的音色踏入歌坛超过10年。2002年的《All Good Things》是Sissel首张唱流行曲的唱片,十一首歌曲虽然还可发现不少令人联想到Enya一类的音乐元素,但歌曲编排都渗入了具备时代感的流行曲节奏。Sissel嘹亮清晰的嗓子在处理"Weightless","Carrier Of A Secret"等流行曲绝对胜任有余,在"Keep Falling Down"就更加是技惊四座,加上流丽流畅的旋律,尽显Sissel凌驾现今大部分Diva的功架。整张唱片最令人回味无穷的,当属“Should It Matter(有必要吗)”一曲。当Sessel轻启朱唇的瞬间你便不禁目瞪口呆:简直美绝人寰!她唱的高音特别靓,收放自如游韧有余,极具穿透力。音乐中表现出丰富的空气感也倾刻间将你悄悄淹没甚至融化!如天鹅绒般柔美的弦乐伴奏隐约着清脆剔透的吉他弹拨,不知不觉间你就被这美到恐怖的音乐无情地给催毁了。建议直接看MV,很不错的故事,很悲伤很感人。喜爱《泰坦尼克号》的人可能都无法忘记影片开头那段纯美的声音( 曲名:Never an Absolution),Jack和Rose在泰坦尼克号船头相拥时的浪漫(曲名:ROSE),以及Jack和R写真集(4张)ose徘徊于去与留之间的时候发出的震撼人心的吟唱(曲名:Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave去留之间),她的吟唱曾使人潸然泪下,也曾使人心潮澎湃。《泰坦尼克号》让全世界知道了Celine Dion(席琳·迪恩),但是,如果你曾经更为影片细腻的配乐所动容,那就不能忘记她。1997年,Sissel缥缈唯美、充满民谣气息的声线,曾贯穿于《泰坦尼克号》低沉的号角声中,与圣洁的苏格兰风笛相得益彰,共同营造了“Titanic”华丽、悲凉、悠远、神秘的色调。Celine Dion甚至可以宣布暂别乐坛当母亲,可是,替《Titanic》贡献可能更多的另一个声音却似乎没有获得应有的回报。这张声音就是穿插在电影配乐中带有浓浓Celtic味的轻柔唱吟,来自一个叫Sissel的挪威歌手。她除了唱古典女高音还会唱一些挪威的传统古旧民谣。Sissel,这个总是低调经营着自己的美丽女人,每一次的出击都会让那些热恋中的人们欢呼。天籁的嗓音,神秘的北欧气质,唯美的旋律,炽热并浓挚地唱着关于爱情的点点滴滴,一瞬间里就会让你怀想起那些甜蜜和浪漫的章节来。
2023-06-28 01:22:011


2023-06-28 01:22:034

The Neville Brothers的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:The Neville Brothers专辑:Yellow MoonI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:22:081


世界十大助眠音乐有《weightless》《哥德堡变奏曲》《勃拉姆斯的摇篮曲》等。1、《weightless》这首歌曲被公认为世界上最放松的音乐,根据实验表明,这首歌可以让你的脑电波和心率同步,从而降低血压,缓解心率,促使人平静下来。2、《哥德堡变奏曲》巴赫不是用情感淹没一切的音乐家,却总能将我们置于人类生活的广阔和无穷中。配合这首音乐入眠,很快就可以进入梦乡。3、《勃拉姆斯的摇篮曲》摇篮曲最初是母亲抚慰婴儿入睡时咏唱的歌谣,温存、亲切、安宁的气氛,就如甜蜜的梦,把世界的美好都装在里面。4、《仙境Wonderland》一首班得瑞经典钢琴曲,清爽的配器使得音乐具有空灵感,溶入耳朵的不只是仙境般的清新感受,还可以明显放松紧绷的神经,助人入眠。5、《D大调卡农》卡农中最经典的一首,许多人会被曲调中那甜蜜的忧伤所打动,也是最著名的枕边曲,在无数思念之夜中入眠。6、《Butterfly Waltz》rian Crain的这首《Butterfly Waltz》十分动听,清晰明快,让人心醉。就好像漫天轻柔雪花在舞蹈,纯洁无瑕的笼罩着周围的世界。7、《天空之城》音乐大师久石让制作的音乐《天空之城》旋律柔和,可用于夜晚安眠,能让你快速入睡治疗失眠,也可用于午间冥想休息。8、《O sole mio》传说中的催眠神曲,从来没有人躺在床上能清醒的听完全曲,是有入睡困难症朋友们的福音,伴你轻松入眠。9、《Ocean Blue》这首音乐让我有种冲动,想喝杯牛奶,放下所有的事,静静的在音乐的抚慰下旋转和跳跃,然后徐徐入眠。10、《风吹麦浪》风吹麦浪是首神奇的歌曲,听到许多母亲评论李健版本的风吹麦浪对小孩的睡眠很有帮助,其实成年失眠者也能在这悠扬的旋律下进入梦乡。
2023-06-28 01:22:091

PHP 加密扩展 php-beast 的使用

安装完 php-beast 后可以使用 tools 目录下的 encode_files.php 来加密你的项目。使用 encode_files.php 之前先修改 tools 目录下的 configure.ini 文件,如下: src_path 是要加密项目的路径, dst_path 是保存加密后项目的路径, expire 是设置项目可使用的时间 (expire 的格式是:YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss)。 encrypt_type是加密的方式,选择项有: DES、AES、BASE64 。 修改完 configure.ini 文件后就可以使用命令 php encode_files.php 开始加密项目。 附上例子:将demo项目全部加密到新的demo2 使用 beast_encode_file() 函数加密文件,函数原型如下: beast_encode_file(string $input_file, string $output_file, int expire_timestamp, int encrypt_type) 例子: beast_encode_file("index2.php","index3.php","1656518400",BEAST_ENCRYPT_TYPE_AES); 想要更深入了解的话可以看官方文档 参考文章:
2023-06-28 01:22:111

Godsmack的《Voodoo Too》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo Too歌手:Godsmack专辑:IvI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:22:151


2023-06-28 01:22:201


2023-06-28 01:22:211

Voodoo (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo (Album Version)歌手:Sanford Townsend Band专辑:Duo GlideI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:22:211


2023-06-28 01:22:261


2023-06-28 01:22:284

Ambrose And His Orchestra的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Ambrose And His Orchestra专辑:Swing Is In The Air CD1I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:22:281

expire after是什么意思

2023-06-28 01:22:333


2023-06-28 01:22:361


失效的解释 [expire;lose efficacy] 失去 原有 的效力 合同失效 详细解释 失去效力。 沙汀 《还乡记》 一:“自从上个世纪末叶以来,那种支配全沟人 社会 生活 的某项 规律 ,便 已经 失效了。” 浩然 《艳阳天》 第一三二章:“ 弯弯绕 见自己的办法失效了,也很 纳闷 儿,就走下沟来。” 词语分解 失的解释 失 ī 丢:遗失。坐失 良机 。收复失地。流离失所。 违背:失约。 失信 。 找不着: 迷失 方向。 没有掌握住:失言。失职。失调(俹 )。 没有达到: 失望 。失意。 错误 :失误。失策。过失。失之毫厘,谬以千里。 效的解释 效 à 摹仿:效法。仿效。上行下效。效尤(明知 别人 的行为是错的而照样去做)。 功用, 成果 :效验。 效果 。成效。有效。功效。效益。效用。效应。效率(?)。 尽、致:效力。 笔画数:; 部首 :攵; 笔顺编
2023-06-28 01:22:411

Vandenberg的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Vandenberg专辑:AlibiI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:22:471


function delCookie(name){ var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() - 10000); document.cookie = name + "=a; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } 这样呢?
2023-06-28 01:22:481


国外目前不仅在密码基础理论方面的研究做的很好,而且在实际应用方面也做的非常好。制定了一系列的密码标准,特别规范。算法的征集和讨论都已经公开化,但密码技术作为一种关键技术,各国都不会放弃自主权和控制权,都在争夺霸权地位。美国这次征集AES的活动就充分体现了这一点,欧洲和日本就不愿意袖手旁观,他们也采取了相应的措施,其计划比美国更宏大,投资力度更大。我国在密码基础理论的某些方面的研究做的很好,但在实际应用方面与国外的差距较大,没有自己的标准,也不规范。目前最为人们所关注的实用密码技术是PKI技术。国外的PKI应用已经开始,开发PKI的厂商也有多家。许多厂家,如Baltimore,Entrust等推出了可以应用的PKI产品,有些公司如VerySign等已经开始提供PKI服务。网络许多应用正在使用PKI技术来保证网络的认证、不可否认、加解密和密钥管理等。尽管如此,总的说来PKI技术仍在发展中。按照国外一些调查公司的说法,PKI系统仅仅还是在做示范工程。IDC公司的Internet安全知深分析家认为:PKI技术将成为所有应用的计算基础结构的核心部件,包括那些越出传统网络界限的应用。B2B电子商务活动需要的认证、不可否认等只有PKI产品才有能力提供这些功能。 目前国际上对非数学的密码理论与技术(包括信息隐形,量子密码,基于生物特征的识别理论与技术等)非常关注,讨论也非常活跃。信息隐藏将在未来网络中保护信息免于破坏起到重要作用,信息隐藏是网络环境下把机密信息隐藏在大量信息中不让对方发觉的一种方法。特别是图象叠加、数字水印、潜信道、隐匿协议等的理论与技术的研究已经引起人们的重视。1996年以来,国际上召开了多次有关信息隐藏的专业研讨会。基于生物特征(比如手形、指纹、语音、视网膜、虹膜、脸形、DNA等)的识别理论与技术已有所发展,形成了一些理论和技术,也形成了一些产品,这类产品往往由于成本高而未被广泛采用。1969年美国哥伦比亚大学的Wiesner创造性地提出了共轭编码的概念,遗憾的是他的这一思想当时没有被人们接受。十年后,源于共轭编码概念的量子密码理论与技术才取得了令人惊异的进步,已先后在自由空间和商用光纤中完成了单光子密钥交换协议,英国BT实验室通过30公里的光纤信道实现了每秒20k比特的密钥分配。近年来,英、美、日等国的许多大学和研究机构竞相投入到量子密码的研究之中,更大的计划在欧洲进行。到目前为止,主要有三大类量子密码实现方案:一是基于单光子量子信道中测不准原理的;二是基于量子相关信道中Bell原理的;三是基于两个非正交量子态性质的。但有许多问题还有待于研究。比如,寻找相应的量子效应以便提出更多的量子密钥分配协议,量子加密理论的形成和完善,量子密码协议的安全性分析方法研究,量子加密算法的开发,量子密码的实用化等。总的来说,非数学的密码理论与技术还处于探索之中。 密码技术特别是加密技术是信息安全技术中的核心技术,国家关键基础设施中不可能引进或采用别人的加密技术,只能自主开发。目前我国在密码技术的应用水平方面与国外还有一定的差距。国外的密码技术必将对我们有一定的冲击力,特别是在加入WTO组织后这种冲击力只会有增无减。有些做法必须要逐渐与国际接轨,不能再采用目前这种关门造车的做法,因此,我们必须要有我们自己的算法,自己的一套标准,自己的一套体系,来对付未来的挑战。实用密码技术的基础是密码基础理论,没有好的密码理论不可能有好的密码技术、也不可能有先进的、自主的、创新的密码技术。因此,首先必须持之以恒地坚持和加强密码基础理论研究,与国际保持同步,这方面的工作必须要有政府的支持和投入。另一方面,密码理论研究也是为了应用,没有应用的理论是没有价值的。我们应在现有理论和技术基础上充分吸收国外先进经验形成自主的、创新的密码技术以适应国民经济的发展。 特别值得一提的是欧洲大计划NESSIE工程必将大大推动密码学的研究和发展,我们应予以密切关注.
2023-06-28 01:22:551

expire in1day中文意思

2023-06-28 01:22:572


2023-06-28 01:22:571


全名是Renesmme 不是 Renesmee 中文小名是:尼斯,不是妮斯我正在看这本书,是正版的哦尼斯是取蕾妮斯梅的中间两个字,英文是Nessie 和尼斯湖水怪的发音一样,所以当时Bella很生气,攻击了Jacob。Bella说:“你竟敢用水怪的名字给我女儿起外号?”外国人命的昵称常在名字的主音后面加上ie或者y,发生简音。会比全名的音节要少,就是简称和昵称。
2023-06-28 01:21:461

Voodoo (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo (Lp Version)歌手:Jimmy Giuffre专辑:The Jimmy Giuffre 3I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:21:431

Sissel的《Weightless》 歌词

歌曲名:Weightless歌手:Sissel专辑:All Good Things [Bonus Track]Weightless(Rick Chertoff/David Forman/Rob Hyman/Gary Lucas)Arranger: J?rn Dahl整理:翰文All of my lifeI have been waitingWondering what I will doAll I can feelIs my heart beatingTime and time again for youAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I don"t know why but I knowIt"s all rightAll I can hearIs my own breathingEcho in my lonelinessIf I could sleepI would be dreamingOf the sweetness of your kissAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I don"t know why but I knowIt"s all rightAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I"m so high, I"m with my angel tonightAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I don"t know why but I knowIt"s so rightAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I"m so high, I"m with my angel tonight
2023-06-28 01:21:421

求英语话剧(大学四人女生的,大约6分钟) 这个网站好多呢,一定有你需要的,,希望你找到最满意的
2023-06-28 01:21:402


在传统单体应用单机部署的情况下,并发问题可以通过使用Java并发相关的锁如synchronized,但是当规模上升到分布式集群的情况下,要控制共享资源访问,就需要通过分布式锁来实现。常见的分布式锁方案如数据库乐观锁,Redis锁,zk锁等。Redis分布式锁的原理 Redis分布式锁可以有多种方式实现但是其核心就是通过以下三个Redis命令组合实现。 SETNX SETNX key val 当且仅当key不存在时,set一个key为val的字符串,返回1;若key存在,则什么都不做,返回0。 Expire expire key timeout 为key设置一个超时时间,单位为second,超过这个时间锁会自动释放,避免死锁。 Delete delete key 删除key 核心思想 使用setnx获取锁。如果成功取到锁,则使用expire命令为锁添加一个超时时间,超过该时间则自动释放锁。 获取锁的时候还设置一个获取的超时时间,若超过这个时间则放弃获取锁。注意 上面为Redis的一个最简单的锁实现原理,实际中还需要考虑更多具体的情况作出相应的调整。如 上面的demo中,当集群系统时间不一致时会有问题 当服务器异常关闭或是重启,加锁后没来得急设置锁超时时间,如何避免死锁 实际开发环境中不确定的因素有很多,需要慢慢地去调整实践达到理想状态,可以考虑使用redisson框架来实现。 如何续期? 这个情况比较独特,出现这个问题的根本原因在于锁失效的时间小于业务处理的时间导致业务还没处理完毕锁就释放了。那么解决方案是合理地结合业务去设置锁失效的时间。但是也有更好的方案就如前文提到的redisson,其中的可重入锁概念。默认情况下,加锁的时间是30秒.如果加锁的业务没有执行完,那么到 30-10 = 20秒的时候,就会进行一次续期,把锁重置成30秒。 以上就是redis锁的原理及续期的方式,希望我的回答能对你有所帮助。
2023-06-28 01:21:391

Sonny Clark的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Sonny Clark专辑:Rollins ChoiceI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:21:361

Sissel的《Weightless》 歌词

歌曲名:Weightless歌手:Sissel专辑:Sissel-DeccaWeightless(Rick Chertoff/David Forman/Rob Hyman/Gary Lucas)Arranger: J?rn Dahl整理:翰文All of my lifeI have been waitingWondering what I will doAll I can feelIs my heart beatingTime and time again for youAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I don"t know why but I knowIt"s all rightAll I can hearIs my own breathingEcho in my lonelinessIf I could sleepI would be dreamingOf the sweetness of your kissAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I don"t know why but I knowIt"s all rightAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I"m so high, I"m with my angel tonightAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I don"t know why but I knowIt"s so rightAnd I"m weightless, falling in loveI am weightlessAnd I"m so high, I"m with my angel tonight
2023-06-28 01:21:351


在日落后鸭子曲线(duck curve)是在有使用可再生能源的商业发电中,一天中尖峰负载及可再生能源发电量之间的落差。若当地架设了许多太阳能发电设备,其他发电方式需要的供电量会快速上升,约在傍晚中间到达最高峰,因此电量落差对时间的图会出现鸭子的轮廓。在夏威夷,太阳能发电相当普遍,产生的曲线称为“尼斯曲线”(Nessie curve)。
2023-06-28 01:21:321


EXP DATE是Expire date的简写,一般指有效期。x0dx0a有效期表示方法有以下几种:x0dx0a1、直接标明有效期:有效期2001年10月,意味着可以使用到2001年10月底,2001年11月1日之后便不可再继续使用。x0dx0a2、从生产批号推算有效期:如某药品的批号为970908—113,注明有效期3年,则可推算出该药品可以用到2000年9月7日。x0dx0a3、直接注明失效期:某药品包装上注明失效期为1999年6月,表示该药品合法使用的截止时间为1999年5月31日。
2023-06-28 01:21:321

Gare Du Nord的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Gare Du Nord专辑:Love For LunchI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:21:301

Nada Surf的《Weightless》 歌词

歌曲名:Weightless歌手:Nada Surf专辑:Heroes - Original SoundtrackLee DeWyze - Weightlessstanding at the doorlike a thousand times beforeright here on the edge of something beautiful and newyou help me to let gofind some room to breatheclose your eyes and hold your breathei promise you will see angels and wingsballoons have strings but you and i need anythingwe"ll just go to a place that no one knowsmy feet can barely touch the ground floating up so highI"m never coming down so take my hand only you and metogether we will be weightless weightlessits not hard to figure out why my heads up in the cloudsfrom way up here its clear to me what angels dream aboutchurch bells will ring the melody singsyou and i will have everything, we can touch the sky we"ll be so alivemy feet can barely touch the ground floating up so highim never coming down so take my handits only you and me together we will beweightless weightlessi can be flying over cities, flying over oceans, over streetswe can call the stars our hometell me how far do you want to gomy feet can barely touch the ground floating up so highim never coming down so take my handits only you and me in this mystery you and me together we will beweightless weightless
2023-06-28 01:21:281

Voodoo (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo (Lp Version)歌手:Teddy Pendergrass专辑:A Little More MagicI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:21:231


pass的本意是通过,及格的意思,并没有被淘汰的意思。被淘汰的意思主要是衍生而来,由他人语境造成。其他语境都没有这个意思。重点词汇:pass英[pɑ:s]释义:v.通过,经过;沿某方向前进;使达到(某位置)n.及格;经过;通行证;道路,山口;传球;飞跃;阶段;鱼道;(桥牌)不叫;(击剑中的)戳刺;变戏法;(计算机)一次浏览n.(Pass)(德、英)帕斯(人名)[复数:passes;第三人称单数:passes;现在分词:passing;过去式:passed;过去分词:passed]短语:Khyber Pass开伯尔山口;开伯尔通道;咖喱王词语辨析:pass away,die,expire,perish这组词(组)都有“死”的意思。1、die是这一组词中最常用的,用于一切有生命的或被人们比喻为有生命的东西;2、expire是书面用语,是一种委婉的说法,意思是“呼出最后一口气”;3、pass away是die的委婉说法,语气比较缓和;4、perish是较正式用语,指死于暴力或困境等非正常死亡
2023-06-28 01:21:161

Alexz Johnson的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Alexz Johnson专辑:Voodoo ReloadedI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:21:161

Godsmack的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Godsmack专辑:GodsmackI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:21:091


hset hash_key field_name field_value 设置 hash 类型中的属性(字段)值 返回1,表示 新的属性 field_name field_value 被添加到 hash_key 的hash中; 返回0,表示 旧的属性 field_name 已经存在,且值被更新为 field_value。
2023-06-28 01:21:091

求yusun w708刷机包!!原revcory就可用的ROM!!

2023-06-28 01:21:024

Sonny Clark的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Sonny Clark专辑:Leapin And Lopin I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-06-28 01:21:021

就是小说里的烙印 ,意思就是杰克会爱上这个孩子
2023-06-28 01:21:015


Valid有效期1. EXPIRY DATE2. validity3. expiry date4. period of validity有效期至1. Valid until2. Expire Date专利有效期1. duration of patent2. period of a patent标书有效期1. tender validity period2. tender validity投标书有效期1. validity of bid2. bid validity
2023-06-28 01:20:551

root yusun la2-s怎么样一键root

2023-06-28 01:20:553


Formatted Point DataThe Formatted point data option converts formatted point data into the ANSYS ICEM CFD format. The data is read in as Bspline data.In this format, each surface"s data is represented in the following way: The first line contains two numbers, the number points for each curve, and the number of curves for each surfaces. The remaining lines represent the points of the surface. An example is shown below:2 40.0682618 9.731237 0.5112982-0.2821764 19.30035 0.5278823-1.046131 9.840971 1.598944-1.646277 19.23213 1.157967-1.866522 9.97312 2.660025-2.986559 19.06998 1.786853-2.552526 10.16115 3.688797-4.276251 18.82248 2.374612ReferenceDocumentation for ANSYS ICEM CFD 14.0
2023-06-28 01:20:543


2023-06-28 01:20:532