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2023-06-28 06:09:36


蕾妮斯梅是雅各布的烙印爱人。雅各布极力的不想要她出生,认为会危害贝拉的生命,但却在第一眼看到她时爱上了她,决意一生一世保护她,成为他生命中最重要的存在,并为她取了昵称:Nessie (尼斯)ook 4他们两个一起追雪花玩耍。并在沃尔图里到来时成功的与众人一起保护了她,最终成为永生伴侣。









Nessie ["nesi] n. 尼斯湖水怪;尼西(男子名)Years passed, and evidence proving Nessie"s existence (including photographs, video and even sonar) mounted. 很多年过去了,有证据表明尼斯湖水怪真的存在,证据包括照片,视频,甚至是声纳系统。
2023-06-28 01:07:242


Yannis;Nessie常见英文名音译是妮丝,内希。Nessie代表是贫穷、纯洁或纯洁,女生用这个名字较多,最早来源于爱尔兰语、苏格兰盖尔语,Nessie是个冷门的名字,Nessie给人的印象是伟大、精明、实际。Nessie 的基本信息;英文名Nessie的中文翻译&发音;英文名字: Nessie;中文音译: 妮丝,内希;中文翻译: 贫穷、纯洁或纯洁;性别倾向: 女生;语种来源: 爱尔兰语、苏格兰盖尔语;发音音标: 美式发音["nesi] 暂无英式发音Nessie常见音译为妮丝,内希,长度为6个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[u02c8nesi],美式发音音标为["nesi]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,英语发音尽量少于3音节。性格寓意: 神圣,受欢迎,纯洁;世界排名:女性排名11900英文名Nessie的来源历史;该名读音是[u02c8nesi],该名看起来很优雅,听起来也很精练,女孩子提取英文名Nessie取名,彰显出女孩子机灵特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子机灵,机灵。Nessie最早来源于爱尔兰语、苏格兰盖尔语,这个名字在国外流行度尚可。妮丝的意思是贫穷、纯洁或纯洁。Nessie 在英文地区的流行趋势;在男生中,Nessie稍微冷门,用的外国人不是很多,在女生中,Nessie这个名字不多见,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,Nessie在最近100年内,男性共有0人、女性共有87人,Nessie更倾向于作为女生英文名使用。
2023-06-28 01:07:311


中文全名:蕾妮斯梅·卡理·卡伦英文全名:Reneesme Carlie Cullen名字解释:蕾妮斯梅:蕾妮&埃斯梅;卡理:卡莱尔&查理;卡伦:父亲爱德华的姓氏Renesmee Carlie CullenRenesmee:Bella妈妈的名字Renee和Cullen家妈妈Esme的名字拼成的。Carlie:Bella爸爸的名字Charlie和Cullen家爸爸Carlisle的名字拼成。昵称:Nessie (尼斯)种类:半吸血鬼半人类生日:2006年9月10日暂定扮演者: Mackenzie Foy父母: Edward Cullen(爱德华·卡伦) & Isabella Swan(伊莎贝拉·斯旺)身份:是阿尔法狼人Jacob Black(雅各布·布莱克)的专属烙印爱人
2023-06-28 01:07:501


2023-06-28 01:08:073


a water sprite如果比如是尼斯湖水怪,用monster就好。Loch Ness monster
2023-06-28 01:08:153


全名: 蕾妮斯梅·卡理·卡伦 Renesmee Carlie Cullen   名字解释:蕾妮斯梅:蕾妮&埃斯梅;卡理:卡莱尔&查理;卡伦:父亲爱德华的姓氏  昵称:Nessie  种类: 半吸血鬼半人类  生日: 2006年9月10日  能力: 让别人看到自己在想的事情和反防御(完全与她父母的能力相反)  食物:人类和吸血鬼的食物都可以维持她的生命,但她比较喜欢饮血  喜欢的玩具:会发光的东西(如钻石、水晶等)  父母: Edward Cullen(爱德华·库伦) & Isabella Swan(伊莎贝拉·斯旺)  是阿尔法狼人Jacob Black(雅各布·布莱克)的专属烙印爱人  怀胎一月就出生,7岁时成长为成人,永远拥有青春美丽的外表,拥有吸血鬼的坚硬皮肤,人类的心跳,人类的体温和24对染色体  蕾妮斯梅·卡理·卡伦是斯蒂芬妮·梅尔的畅销科幻小说《暮光之城·破晓》中的人物,是主人公爱德华和伊莎贝拉的半人类半吸血鬼(混血)女儿,从一出生就备受宠爱,宠爱到可以让人用生命保护她。如果你去读一读这本小说,你绝对无法忽视蕾妮斯梅的存在,是那么可爱,那么聪慧,那么纯真,她还没满月就懂得与他人分享,小小年纪就懂得别人。   蕾妮斯梅语录: 蕾妮斯梅说的第一个词:妈妈  蕾妮斯梅说的第一句话:妈妈,外公呢?  蕾妮斯梅:我一点都不危险!  凯特:Nessie,愿意帮助你妈妈吗?  贝拉:不!绝对不行,凯特!  蕾妮斯梅:但是妈妈,我想帮忙!  贝拉:我爱你,甚于一切。  蕾妮斯梅:我也爱你,妈妈。我们会永远在一起的!  贝拉:我们的心会永远在一起的。  蕾妮斯梅:我能和你待在一起吗?  贝拉:永远一起。 [编辑本段]《暮光之城·破晓》  《破晓-breaking dawn》,《暮光之城系列》终结篇   作者:斯蒂芬妮·梅尔  简介:  当生命是你所能给予自己挚爱的人的一切时,你怎么可能不把灵魂献给他呢?对于贝拉来说,无可救药地爱上爱德华之后,生活既像是充满甜蜜的幻想,又像是深不可测的可怕梦魇。不管她作出什么样的抉择,都将牵动着两个族群的命运。从两人第一次牵手的那一刻起,贝拉和爱德华就明白对方是自己要找的另一半,爱情就像雨后的阳光一样温润着他们的灵魂。幸福让人觉得温暖,却又让人如履薄冰。来自于不同世界的两个人的禁忌之爱,像狂躁的风暴蹂躏折磨着两颗脆弱的心。既然贝拉勇敢地作出决定,一连串空前的惊人事件便随之展开,在这动荡的一年,诱惑与冲突将带领她走向最后的关键时刻。贝拉飘舞的心绪终将情归何处?她与爱德华、雅各布三人的最后命运又将会如何?最后,当贝拉和爱德华最终走向了婚姻的殿堂之后,雅各布最后也找到了他的终生伴侣——贝拉和爱德华的女儿,这是怎么样的奇怪而又顺理成章呢?贝拉,又能否守护她自己的女儿呢?有如漫漫长夜之后的破晓,这段惊心动魄、千回百转的罗曼史最终迎来了令人惊讶、屏息的结局。  “暮光之城”系列。该系列以伊莎贝拉·斯旺和爱德华·卡伦一对苦命鸳鸯的情感纠葛为主线,融合了吸血鬼传说、狼人故事、校园生活、恐怖悬念、喜剧冒险等各种吸引眼球的元素,而凄美动人的爱情则是全书“最强烈的情绪”。用作者自己的偶像作家奥森·斯考特·卡德的话说:“爱情只是书中的一小部分,但却是人生的指引者。” 
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2023-06-28 01:08:571

暮色结局 雅各布最后怎样了?

2023-06-28 01:09:141


雅各布因为爱上了蕾妮斯梅,所以在她身上烙印了。雅各布是狼人,狼人对自己爱的人有个仪式,遇到了自己的另一半时就会烙印上她无论年龄还有种族。蕾妮斯梅是雅各布的烙印爱人。在《Breaking Dawn》(破晓)的book 1中极力的不想要她出生,认为会危害贝拉的生命,但却在第一眼看到她时爱上了蕾妮斯梅,决意一生一世保护她,蕾妮斯梅从此以后成为了他生命中最重要的存在,并为她取了昵称:Nessie (尼斯)(这个昵称曾一度让贝拉抓狂)book 4他们两个一起追雪花玩耍。并在沃尔图里到来时成功的与众人一起保护了她,最终成为永生伴侣。角色简介1、雅各布·布莱克阿尔法狼人,贝拉的好朋友,曾经十分喜欢贝拉,但在见到蕾妮斯梅之后,烙下狼的烙印,认定蕾妮斯梅为自己的狼族新娘,发誓永远一辈子保护着这个珍稀的混血女孩。2、蕾妮斯梅·卡里·卡伦半人类半吸血鬼,贝拉与爱德华的女儿,可以同时以人类和吸血鬼的食物存活。她成长飞快,还有特殊的交流和感知能力,是雅各布的烙印爱人。但她被沃尔图里家族误认为是吸血妖童,遭到追杀。于是库伦家族与其余吸血鬼联手保护蕾妮斯梅。
2023-06-28 01:09:221


Flossie and Nessie the Loch Ness monster is two, Nessie is a celebrity, a lot of people want her on their newspapers, many people want to take her picture, and Flossie was not so lucky, it wants to be noticed, to be wantonly rendering, and people did not always find it, Flossie very lonely, it is looking for a really good friend, but Nessie said that we can not have friends, no one likes us, Flossie did not give up, he asked the animals, but they do not willing, even in front of people, people just scared off or does not believe it"s there, but he saw a spectacle and fell into the water to pick up a girl, it saved her, then they became good friends, but the most girls and others when playing, he disguised as something else, but only friends can see him, Flossie found a true friend不走运的怪物 以上That is the story of the protagonist to watch sports shoes. In the evening he was sleepy and then fell asleep, and then jump directly to the sports shoes started to move, the story of the protagonist followed them down to the garden. There is a moth fly over at this time, the story of the protagonist sees a sports shoe laces a bomb, the moths into the shoes inside to eat. Then is the description of sports shoes how predation a beetle, an earthworm. Later, little mouse climbed out, the story of the protagonist shouted the little mouse fled, after never.危险的运动鞋 以上Flo Jones and satin Jones has the same name, but their personalities and hobbies are totally different. Flo like football, satin like horseback riding, one day the postman"s eyes are bad, so the mistake happened like this. They went to the summer camp with each other, have won the trophy, they think these are in fact quite good fun. They met on the way home, and do a good friend.送错的信 以上classmate pearl in a flying carpet race,he ends up accidentally turning his teacher into a spider! The spider runs under pearl"s cupboard and when it is moved a stolen test paper is found proving that pearl is a cheatThis is a very interesting story . Jem is very kind and brave and honest. on the other hand. pearl is very unfriendly and self-centered and she is also dishonest. This story tells us Honesty is a very important thing and we should be kind to the people around us精灵简姆斯通撞击事件 以上
2023-06-28 01:09:391


都不是,因为烙印是不受狼人自身控制的,所以说雅各布是在完全无意识而且不能控制的情况下给蕾妮斯梅烙印的。蕾妮斯梅是雅各布的烙印爱人。雅各布极力的不想要她出生,认为会危害贝拉的生命,但却在第一眼看到她时爱上了她,决意一生一世保护她,成为他生命中最重要的存在,并为她取了昵称:Nessie (尼斯)ook 4他们两个一起追雪花玩耍。并在沃尔图里到来时成功的与众人一起保护了她,最终成为永生伴侣。在作品中作者对烙印的解释就是狼人们烙印的那个人是能过帮助他们将狼人的血脉最好的传承下去,甚至能够使其进化的人。这就是为什么雅各布他们这一度代的狼人的体型要远远大于他们先祖的原因,因为他们通过烙印的存在进化了。扩展资料剧情表现:怀胎一月就出生,7岁时成长为成人,永远拥有青春美丽的外表,拥有吸血鬼的坚硬皮肤,但牙齿上没有毒液,有着人类的心跳,狼人的体温和24对染色体。出生不久就成为狼人雅各布的烙印爱人。一天,贝拉和化为狼的雅各布带她在森林玩,她轻轻一跃就有几层楼高,当她跳跃起捧雪花时,被几公里远的艾瑞娜看见。艾瑞娜的吸血鬼爱人被狼人所杀,是为了保护贝拉,因此艾瑞娜怀恨在心,她以为自己看见的是一个嗜血妖童,而嗜血妖童是不被大多数吸血鬼希望存在而且恐惧的。
2023-06-28 01:09:461


Scotland is a unique and austere place, laden with history, where you can find aristocratic palaces and castles, as well as the traditional parades in national costumes. It has some of the most beautiful cities in Europe, a living testimony of a proud and splendid past. In order to see and discover the true soul of Scotland today, what forged the character of this splendid region, we have to go towards the northern regions, to the Grampian Mountains. Beautiful and unspoiled, it was difficult to farm. The Scots subdued the environment with simple spades and strong arms. The history of this ancient struggle, and its people"s ancient love affair with the hard land, is enclosed within the walls of the Angus Folk Museum. You are able to get a feel of the typical rural atmosphere of times past from the everyday artifacts displayed here. From coastal Aberdeen in towards the interior of the Grampian Mountains there runs the Castle Trail, a road that touches on many fortresses, which are witnesses of continual revolts against the dominion of neighboring England in Scottish history. Perhaps the most uplifting moment for Scottish autonomy is the one experienced inside this ancient abbey of Arbroath, where, in 1320; the Declaration of Independence was celebrated, at the instigation of King Robert the Bruce. He carried out the plan for autonomy drawn up by the great popular hero William Wallace, to whom cinema has dedicated the wonderful film "Braveheart", the winner of five Oscars. This is Glamis Castle. It is often remembered for being the residence of King Macbeth and Queen Elizabeth in her childhood. Among the most assiduous guests here are the inevitable ghosts, which are nourished, if not actually created, by ancient popular beliefs. These have been handed down over the centuries by a people inclined to live with mystery, with the forces of the supernatural. Another attraction here is a legendary monster: the Loch Ness Monster. Is it real or imaginary, this monster, which has been nicknamed Nessie, has collected a good 3000 sightings over the last 50 years? To fuel the debate about the monster, and perhaps also curiosity about the lake, a price of 500,000 pounds sterling has been put on Nessie"s head. The true flag of Scotland, tartan, is recognisable from the brightly coloured plaid patterns which are used to distinguish the various clans. Over the last few decades this fabric has made a comeback and is part of the daily life of this country. The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, especially when they march in parades. Bagpipes and dancing open the competitions of local sporting events, which are called Highland Gatherings. The games, which have strange rules, involve a spirit that has more to do with brute force than with athletics. 苏格兰是一个独特的地方,自然条件虽不得天独厚,历史的厚重感却随处可见。豪门望族的府第与城堡历历在目,仪仗队的士兵也还穿着传统服装。这里有全欧洲最美的城市,诉说着苏格兰昔日的荣光。 想看看真正的苏格兰,追寻这里民族精神的源泉,就得去北部的格兰扁山区。格兰扁山区景色怡人,还没有受到现代文明的污染。格兰扁一度不适合耕作,倔强的苏格兰人,凭着双手征服了这片土地。 苏格兰先民的艰苦劳作与他们自古对这片贫瘠土地的眷恋,在这个博物馆里一览无余。这里展出的都是平常的物品,营造出往日乡间的氛围,使人油然而生怀旧之情。 从沿海的阿伯丁,有一条古堡之路,一直蜿蜒到格兰扁山区深处。沿途很多昔日的要塞,都是苏格兰在历史上不断反抗英格兰统治的见证。 苏格兰争取自治的过程中最大快人心的时刻莫过于1320年在这个修道院,布鲁斯国王鼓动百姓大肆庆贺独立宣言签订。布鲁斯采纳传奇英雄威廉·华勒斯所献的计策,完成了自治大业,这个故事后来被改编成电影《勇敢的心》,该片曾摘取了五项奥斯卡奖。 这座城堡之所以名闻遐迩,却是因为曾经的两位主人——苏格兰国王麦克白与幼年时的伊丽莎白女王。如今这里最相看无厌的客人当数传说中挥之不去的幽灵,这些传说即使不是源于世代相传的民间故事,也大有借鉴化用的嫌疑。苏格兰人似乎生来就笃信超自然的力量,因此才有了这些传说。 这里游人如织的另一个原因则是尼斯湖的怪兽。真假姑且不论,这个昵称Nessie的怪兽在过去的半个世纪中已经吸引了三千余名游客。如今它头上有五十万英镑的悬赏,使得学术界的争论日益激烈,或许也会令游人的好奇日盛吧。 苏格兰格子呢是苏格兰真正的旗帜。它显著的花格子图案曾经是区分不同宗族的标志。在过去几十年里,格子呢在苏格兰再度流行,如今则已在日常生活中不可或缺。 苏格兰传统的褶裙按照礼节是应该在演奏高地风笛时穿的,尤其是列队前进的时候。 高地风笛与利尔舞揭开了高地运动盛会的序幕。运动会的比赛项目规则奇特,与其说是田径比赛,不如说是大力士的较量。
2023-06-28 01:10:023


Bella的名字是她妈妈, Renee,和Ed的妈妈, Esme, 两个名字和起来的, 因为Renesmee读起来有点拗口所以Jake给她去了小名, 或者昵称, Nessie(取Rensmee中的 nes)听起来就是原名简化的版本, 但是刚好是尼斯湖水怪的“尼斯”, 所以Bell比较生气。
2023-06-28 01:10:092


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2023-06-28 01:10:331


传统密码学:Autokey密码 ,置换密码 ,二字母组代替密码 (by Charles Wheatstone) ,多字母替换密码 ,希尔密码 ,维吉尼亚密码 ,替换密码 ,凯撒密码 ,ROT13 ,仿射密码 ,Atbash密码 ,换位密码 ,Scytale ,Grille密码 ,VIC密码 (一种复杂的手工密码,在五十年代早期被至少一名苏联间谍使用过,在当时是十分安全的) 现代加密:加密散列函数 (消息摘要算法,MD算法)加密散列函数 消息认证码 Keyed-hash message authentication code EMAC (NESSIE selection MAC) HMAC (NESSIE selection MAC; ISO/IEC 9797-1, FIPS and IETF RFC) TTMAC 也称 Two-Track-MAC (NESSIE selection MAC; K.U.Leuven (Belgium) & debis AG (Germany)) UMAC (NESSIE selection MAC; Intel, UNevada Reno, IBM, Technion, & UCal Davis) MD5 (系列消息摘要算法之一,由MIT的Ron Rivest教授提出; 128位摘要) 公/私钥加密算法(也称 非对称性密钥算法)公/私钥签名算法秘密钥算法 (也称 对称性密钥算法)
2023-06-28 01:11:301


Autokey密码置换密码二字母组代替密码 (by Charles Wheatstone)多字母替换密码希尔密码维吉尼亚密码替换式密码凯撒密码摩尔斯电码ROT13仿射密码Atbash密码换位密码ScytaleGrille密码VIC密码 (一种复杂的手工密码,在五十年代早期被至少一名苏联间谍使用过,在当时是十分安全的)流密码LFSR流密码EIGamal密码RSA密码对传统密码学的攻击频率分析重合指数经典密码学在近代以前,密码学只考虑到信息的机密性(confidentiality):如何将可理解的信息转换成难以理解的信息,并且使得有秘密信息的人能够逆向回复,但缺乏秘密信息的拦截者或窃听者则无法解读。近数十年来,这个领域已经扩展到涵盖身分认证(或称鉴权)、信息完整性检查、数字签名、互动证明、安全多方计算等各类技术。古中国周朝兵书《六韬.龙韬》也记载了密码学的运用,其中的《阴符》和《阴书》便记载了周武王问姜子牙关于征战时与主将通讯的方式: 太公曰:“主与将,有阴符,凡八等。有大胜克敌之符,长一尺。破军擒将之符,长九寸。降城得邑之符,长八寸。却敌报远之符,长七寸。警众坚守之符,长六寸。请粮益兵之符,长五寸。败军亡将之符,长四寸。失利亡士之符,长三寸。诸奉使行符,稽留,若符事闻,泄告者,皆诛之。八符者,主将秘闻,所以阴通言语,不泄中外相知之术。敌虽圣智,莫之能识。”武王问太公曰:“… 符不能明;相去辽远,言语不通。为之奈何?”太公曰:“诸有阴事大虑,当用书,不用符。主以书遗将,将以书问主。书皆一合而再离,三发而一知。再离者,分书为三部。三发而一知者,言三人,人操一分,相参而不相知情也。此谓阴书。敌虽圣智,莫之能识。” 阴符是以八等长度的符来表达不同的消息和指令,可算是密码学中的替代法(en:substitution),把信息转变成敌人看不懂的符号。至于阴书则运用了移位法,把书一分为三,分三人传递,要把三份书重新拼合才能获得还原的信息。除了应用于军事外,公元四世纪婆罗门学者伐蹉衍那(en:Vatsyayana) 所书的《欲经》4 中曾提及到用代替法加密信息。书中第45项是秘密书信(en:mlecchita-vikalpa) ,用以帮助妇女隐瞒她们与爱郞之间的关系。其中一种方法是把字母随意配对互换,如套用在罗马字母中,可有得出下表: A B C D E F G H I J K L M Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N 由经典加密法产生的密码文很容易泄漏关于明文的统计信息,以现代观点其实很容易被破解。阿拉伯人津帝(en:al-Kindi)便提及到如果要破解加密信息,可在一篇至少一页长的文章中数算出每个字母出现的频率,在加密信件中也数算出每个符号的频率,然后互相对换,这是频率分析的前身,此后几乎所有此类的密码都马上被破解。但经典密码学仍未消失,经常出现在谜语之中(见en:cryptogram)。这种分析法除了被用在破解密码法外,也常用于考古学上。在破解古埃及象形文字(en:Hieroglyphs)时便运用了这种解密法。 标准机构the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication program (run by NIST to produce standards in many areas to guide operations of the US Federal government; many FIPS Pubs are cryptography related,ongoing)the ANSI standardization process (produces many standards in many areas; some are cryptography related,ongoing)ISO standardization process (produces many standards in many areas; some are cryptography related,ongoing)IEEE standardization process (produces many standards in many areas; some are cryptography related,ongoing)IETF standardization process (produces many standards (called RFCs) in many areas; some are cryptography related,ongoing)See Cryptography standards加密组织NSA internal evaluation/selections (surely extensive,nothing is publicly known of the process or its results for internal use; NSA is charged with assisting NIST in its cryptographic responsibilities)GCHQ internal evaluation/selections (surely extensive,nothing is publicly known of the process or its results for GCHQ use; a division of GCHQ is charged with developing and recommending cryptographic standards for the UK government)DSD Australian SIGINT agency - part of ECHELONCommunications Security Establishment (CSE) - Canadian intelligence agency.努力成果the DES selection (NBS selection process,ended 1976)the RIPE division of the RACE project (sponsored by the European Union,ended mid-"80s)the AES competition (a "break-off" sponsored by NIST; ended 2001)the NESSIE Project (evaluation/selection program sponsored by the European Union; ended 2002)the CRYPTREC program (Japanese government sponsored evaluation/recommendation project; draft recommendations published 2003)the Internet Engineering Task Force (technical body responsible for Internet standards -- the Request for Comment series: ongoing)the CrypTool project (eLearning programme in English and German; freeware; exhaustive educational tool about cryptography and cryptanalysis)加密散列函数 (消息摘要算法,MD算法) 加密散列函数消息认证码Keyed-hash message authentication codeEMAC (NESSIE selection MAC)HMAC (NESSIE selection MAC; ISO/IEC 9797-1,FIPS and IETF RFC)TTMAC 也称 Two-Track-MAC (NESSIE selection MAC; K.U.Leuven (Belgium) & debis AG (Germany))UMAC (NESSIE selection MAC; Intel,UNevada Reno,IBM,Technion,& UCal Davis)MD5 (系列消息摘要算法之一,由MIT的Ron Rivest教授提出; 128位摘要)SHA-1 (NSA开发的160位摘要,FIPS标准之一;第一个发行发行版本被发现有缺陷而被该版本代替; NIST/NSA 已经发布了几个具有更长"摘要"长度的变种; CRYPTREC推荐 (limited))SHA-256 (NESSIE 系列消息摘要算法,FIPS标准之一180-2,摘要长度256位 CRYPTREC recommendation)SHA-384 (NESSIE 列消息摘要算法,FIPS标准之一180-2,摘要长度384位; CRYPTREC recommendation)SHA-512 (NESSIE 列消息摘要算法,FIPS标准之一180-2,摘要长度512位; CRYPTREC recommendation)RIPEMD-160 (在欧洲为 RIPE 项目开发,160位摘要;CRYPTREC 推荐 (limited))Tiger (by Ross Anderson et al)SnefruWhirlpool (NESSIE selection hash function,Scopus Tecnologia S.A. (Brazil) & K.U.Leuven (Belgium))公/私钥加密算法(也称 非对称性密钥算法)ACE-KEM (NESSIE selection asymmetric encryption scheme; IBM Zurich Research)ACE EncryptChor-RivestDiffie-Hellman(key agreement; CRYPTREC 推荐)El Gamal (离散对数)ECC(椭圆曲线密码算法) (离散对数变种)PSEC-KEM (NESSIE selection asymmetric encryption scheme; NTT (Japan); CRYPTREC recommendation only in DEM construction w/SEC1 parameters) )ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption System; Certicom Corp)ECIES-KEMECDH (椭圆曲线Diffie-Hellman 密钥协议; CRYPTREC推荐)EPOCMerkle-Hellman (knapsack scheme)McElieceNTRUEncryptRSA (因数分解)RSA-KEM (NESSIE selection asymmetric encryption scheme; ISO/IEC 18033-2 draft)RSA-OAEP (CRYPTREC 推荐)Rabin cryptosystem (因数分解)Rabin-SAEPHIME(R)XTR公/私钥签名算法DSA(zh:数字签名;zh-tw:数位签章算法) (来自NSA,zh:数字签名;zh-tw:数位签章标准(DSS)的一部分; CRYPTREC 推荐)Elliptic Curve DSA (NESSIE selection digital signature scheme; Certicom Corp); CRYPTREC recommendation as ANSI X9.62,SEC1)Schnorr signaturesRSA签名RSA-PSS (NESSIE selection digital signature scheme; RSA Laboratories); CRYPTREC recommendation)RSASSA-PKCS1 v1.5 (CRYPTREC recommendation)Nyberg-Rueppel signaturesMQV protocolGennaro-Halevi-Rabin signature schemeCramer-Shoup signature schemeOne-time signaturesLamport signature schemeBos-Chaum signature schemeUndeniable signaturesChaum-van Antwerpen signature schemeFail-stop signaturesOng-Schnorr-Shamir signature schemeBirational permutation schemeESIGNESIGN-DESIGN-RDirect anonymous attestationNTRUSign用于移动设备的公钥加密算法,密钥比较短小但也能达到高密钥ECC的加密效果SFLASH (NESSIE selection digital signature scheme (esp for smartcard applications and similar); Schlumberger (France))Quartz秘密钥算法 (也称 对称性密钥算法)流密码A5/1,A5/2 (GSM移动电话标准中指定的密码标准)BMGLChameleonFISH (by Siemens AG)二战"Fish"密码Geheimfernschreiber (二战时期Siemens AG的机械式一次一密密码,被布莱奇利(Bletchley)庄园称为STURGEON)Schlusselzusatz (二战时期 Lorenz的机械式一次一密密码,被布莱奇利(Bletchley)庄园称为[[tunny)HELIXISAAC (作为伪随机数发生器使用)Leviathan (cipher)LILI-128MUG1 (CRYPTREC 推荐使用)MULTI-S01 (CRYPTREC 推荐使用)一次一密 (Vernam and Mauborgne,patented mid-"20s; an extreme stream cypher)PanamaPike (improvement on FISH by Ross Anderson)RC4 (ARCFOUR) (one of a series by Prof Ron Rivest of MIT; CRYPTREC 推荐使用 (limited to 128-bit key))CipherSaber (RC4 variant with 10 byte random IV,易于实现)SEALSNOWSOBERSOBER-t16SOBER-t32WAKE分组密码分组密码操作模式乘积密码Feistel cipher (由Horst Feistel提出的分组密码设计模式)Advanced Encryption Standard (分组长度为128位; NIST selection for the AES,FIPS 197,2001 -- by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen; NESSIE selection; CRYPTREC 推荐使用)Anubis (128-bit block)BEAR (由流密码和Hash函数构造的分组密码,by Ross Anderson)Blowfish (分组长度为128位; by Bruce Schneier,et al)Camellia (分组长度为128位; NESSIE selection (NTT & Mitsubishi Electric); CRYPTREC 推荐使用)CAST-128 (CAST5) (64 bit block; one of a series of algorithms by Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares,who are insistent (indeed,adamant) that the name is not due to their initials)CAST-256 (CAST6) (128位分组长度; CAST-128的后继者,AES的竞争者之一)CIPHERUNICORN-A (分组长度为128位; CRYPTREC 推荐使用)CIPHERUNICORN-E (64 bit block; CRYPTREC 推荐使用 (limited))CMEA - 在美国移动电话中使用的密码,被发现有弱点.CS-Cipher (64位分组长度)DESzh:数字;zh-tw:数位加密标准(64位分组长度; FIPS 46-3,1976)DEAL - 由DES演变来的一种AES候选算法DES-X 一种DES变种,增加了密钥长度.FEALGDES -一个DES派生,被设计用来提高加密速度.Grand Cru (128位分组长度)Hierocrypt-3 (128位分组长度; CRYPTREC 推荐使用))Hierocrypt-L1 (64位分组长度; CRYPTREC 推荐使用 (limited))International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) (64位分组长度--苏黎世ETH的James Massey & X Lai)Iraqi Block Cipher (IBC)KASUMI (64位分组长度; 基于MISTY1,被用于下一代W-CDMAcellular phone 保密)KHAZAD (64-bit block designed by Barretto and Rijmen)Khufu and Khafre (64位分组密码)LOKI89/91 (64位分组密码)LOKI97 (128位分组长度的密码,AES候选者)Lucifer (by Tuchman et al of IBM,early 1970s; modified by NSA/NBS and released as DES)MAGENTA (AES 候选者)Mars (AES finalist,by Don Coppersmith et al)MISTY1 (NESSIE selection 64-bit block; Mitsubishi Electric (Japan); CRYPTREC 推荐使用 (limited))MISTY2 (分组长度为128位:Mitsubishi Electric (Japan))Nimbus (64位分组)Noekeon (分组长度为128位)NUSH (可变分组长度(64 - 256位))Q (分组长度为128位)RC2 64位分组,密钥长度可变.RC6 (可变分组长度; AES finalist,by Ron Rivest et al)RC5 (by Ron Rivest)SAFER (可变分组长度)SC2000 (分组长度为128位; CRYPTREC 推荐使用)Serpent (分组长度为128位; AES finalist by Ross Anderson,Eli Biham,Lars Knudsen)SHACAL-1 (256-bit block)SHACAL-2 (256-bit block cypher; NESSIE selection Gemplus (France))Shark (grandfather of Rijndael/AES,by Daemen and Rijmen)Square (father of Rijndael/AES,by Daemen and Rijmen)3-Way (96 bit block by Joan Daemen)TEA(小型加密算法)(by David Wheeler & Roger Needham)Triple DES (by Walter Tuchman,leader of the Lucifer design team -- not all triple uses of DES increase security,Tuchman"s does; CRYPTREC 推荐使用 (limited),only when used as in FIPS Pub 46-3)Twofish (分组长度为128位; AES finalist by Bruce Schneier,et al)XTEA (by David Wheeler & Roger Needham)多表代替密码机密码Enigma (二战德国转轮密码机--有很多变种,多数变种有很大的用户网络)紫密(Purple) (二战日本外交最高等级密码机;日本海军设计)SIGABA (二战美国密码机,由William Friedman,Frank Rowlett,等人设计)TypeX (二战英国密码机)Hybrid code/cypher combinationsJN-25 (二战日本海军的高级密码; 有很多变种)Naval Cypher 3 (30年代和二战时期英国皇家海军的高级密码)可视密码有密级的 密码 (美国)EKMS NSA的电子密钥管理系统FNBDT NSA的加密窄带话音标准Fortezza encryption based on portable crypto token in PC Card formatKW-26 ROMULUS 电传加密机(1960s - 1980s)KY-57 VINSON 战术电台语音加密SINCGARS 密码控制跳频的战术电台STE 加密电话STU-III 较老的加密电话TEMPEST prevents compromising emanationsType 1 products虽然频率分析是很有效的技巧,实际上加密法通常还是有用的。不使用频率分析来破解一个信息需要知道是使用何种加密法,因此才会促成了谍报、贿赂、窃盗或背叛等行为。直到十九世纪学者们才体认到加密法的算法并非理智或实在的防护。实际上,适当的密码学机制(包含加解密法)应该保持安全,即使敌人知道了使用何种算法。对好的加密法来说,钥匙的秘密性理应足以保障资料的机密性。这个原则首先由奥古斯特·柯克霍夫(Auguste Kerckhoffs)提出并被称为柯克霍夫原则(Kerckhoffs" principle)。信息论始祖克劳德·艾尔伍德·香农(Claude Shannon)重述:“敌人知道系统。”大量的公开学术研究出现,是现代的事,这起源于一九七零年代中期,美国国家标准局(National Bureau of Standards,NBS;现称国家标准技术研究所,National|Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)制定数字加密标准(DES),Diffie和Hellman提出的开创性论文,以及公开释出RSA。从那个时期开始,密码学成为通讯、电脑网络、电脑安全等上的重要工具。许多现代的密码技术的基础依赖于特定基算问题的困难度,例如因子分解问题或是离散对数问题。许多密码技术可被证明为只要特定的计算问题无法被有效的解出,那就安全。除了一个著名的例外:一次垫(one-time pad,OTP),这类证明是偶然的而非决定性的,但是是目前可用的最好的方式。密码学算法与系统设计者不但要留意密码学历史,而且必须考虑到未来发展。例如,持续增加计算机处理速度会增进暴力攻击法(brute-force attacks)的速度。量子计算的潜在效应已经是部份密码学家的焦点。二十世纪早期的密码学本质上主要考虑语言学上的模式。从此之后重心转移,数论。密码学同时也是工程学的分支,但却是与别不同,因为它必须面对有智能且恶意的对手,大部分其他的工程仅需处理无恶意的自然力量。检视密码学问题与量子物理间的关连也是热门的研究。现代密码学大致可被区分为数个领域。对称钥匙密码学指的是传送方与接收方都拥有相同的钥匙。直到1976年这都还是唯一的公开加密法。现代的研究主要在分组密码(block cipher)与流密码(stream cipher)及其应用。分组密码在某种意义上是阿伯提的多字符加密法的现代化。分组密码取用明文的一个区块和钥匙,输出相同大小的密文区块。由于信息通常比单一区块还长,因此有了各种方式将连续的区块编织在一起。DES和AES是美国联邦政府核定的分组密码标准(AES将取代DES)。尽管将从标准上废除,DES依然很流行(3DES变形仍然相当安全),被使用在非常多的应用上,从自动交易机、电子邮件到远端存取。也有许多其他的区块加密被发明、释出,品质与应用上各有不同,其中不乏被破解者。流密码,相对于区块加密,制造一段任意长的钥匙原料,与明文依位元或字符结合,有点类似一次一密密码本(one-time pad)。输出的串流根据加密时的内部状态而定。在一些流密码上由钥匙控制状态的变化。RC4是相当有名的流密码。密码杂凑函数(有时称作消息摘要函数,杂凑函数又称散列函数或哈希函数)不一定使用到钥匙,但和许多重要的密码算法相关。它将输入资料(通常是一整份文件)输出成较短的固定长度杂凑值,这个过程是单向的,逆向操作难以完成,而且碰撞(两个不同的输入产生相同的杂凑值)发生的机率非常小。信息认证码或押码(Message authentication codes,MACs)很类似密码杂凑函数,除了接收方额外使用秘密钥匙来认证杂凑值。
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2023-06-28 01:11:558

尼斯湖水怪英语 原文

The Loch Ness Monster is an alleged creature purportedly inhabiting Loch Ness in Scotland. Popular interest and belief in the animal has fluctuated since it was brought to the world"s attention in 1933. Evidence of its existence is largely anecdotal, with minimal and much disputed photographic material and sonar readings. The scientific community regards the Loch Ness Monster as a modern-day myth, and explains sightings as a mix of hoaxes and wishful thinking. Despite this, it remains one of the most famous examples of cryptozoology. The legendary monster has been affectionately referred to by the diminutive Nessie (Scottish Gaelic: Niseag) since the 1950s.In 1993 Discovery Communications began to research the ecology of the loch. The study did not focus entirely on the monster, but on the loch"s nematodes (of which a new species was discovered) and fish. Expecting to find a small fish population, the researchers caught twenty fish in one catch, increasing previous estimates of the loch"s fish population about ninefold.Using sonar, the team encountered a kind of underwater disturbance (called a seiche) due to stored energy (such as from a wind) causing an imbalance between the loch"s warmer and colder layers (known as the thermocline). While reviewing printouts of the event the next day, they found what appeared to be three sonar contacts, each followed by a powerful wake. These events were later shown on a program called Loch Ness Discovered, in conjunction with analyses and enhancements of the 1960 Dinsdale Film, the Surgeon"s Photo, and the Rines Flipper Photo.
2023-06-28 01:12:141


  苏格兰从除夕夜到过新年有不少传统风俗。午夜之前的习俗包括在12月31日打扫房间(在普遍烧煤的时代,倾倒烧尽的煤灰)。另外还存在一种迷信,就是必须在午夜钟声敲响之前清偿所有的债务。午夜来临后,作为传统,人们会歌唱著名诗人罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)所作的《友谊地久天长》(For Auld Lang Syne”)。  午夜之后造访主人家的第一位客人成为“第一只脚”(First footing):为确保为主人家带来好运,到访的第一位客人应该是具有一头深色头发的男性(源自过去的维京时代,金发的陌生人跨入你家门槛,就意味着麻烦的降临),而且他应该象征性地带一些煤、牛油甜酥饼、盐、黑色的小圆面包和威士忌。  古老苏格兰婚礼习俗 :苏格兰人的婚礼习俗随着历史的变迁也经历了诸多变革。在现代苏格兰人的婚礼中,我们仍然能看到一些传统习俗的痕迹,但是有一些已经不复存在多年的传统习俗是更有趣的。  在Barra岛,人们会在婚床上洒水以此来祝福新人。 在Mull,新婚之夜,新郎新娘应该睡在马厩里。而在Lewis,新人们必须要和父母住上一周之后才能回到他们自己的家里。发端于异教仪式的凯尔特人的习俗多年来一直是婚庆典礼的一部分。新郎新娘们会将他们的苏格兰格子呢的披肩撕开,然后拴在一起,象征两个家族的结合。
2023-06-28 01:12:223

典范英语7 9-13故事梗概

9『Flossie is a lonly monster who lives in the in the same Loch as the Loch Ness Monster but is different because she is not big,brave or famous like Nessie.Flossie wants a friend and finds one in Fra...
2023-06-28 01:12:311

典范英语7 第6——11本概括 中英都行 急

第6本:simon and his rescue dog——kelly.they are going to the western Turkey to resue the hunt people.Because there was happen a biggest ever recorded earthquake.kelly is a very special dog.第7本:Del is a football player. His dad and friends are gave many pressure to Del.He was sick of this.on the contrary,his best friends,spanner are very love football.but heonly a reserve. On a important match, Del want to lost the match .But because it ,he mates was arrowed into him .lucky,spanner loyally to him. And Del gave the win change to spanner. spanner was a hero now .Del as well free by his father.第8本:Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and sam found petey was very odd.Actually, he want to be a human.I and sam was support to him.But my mum found it . and called the factory on the vid-phone.we"re on a escape.On the way ,petey in order to help sam, at last he was catched by connections squad van. At last ,my parents was followed petey.Now petey was travelled at the outer planet.第11本:Houses are very different.Some are huge and have gold swimming pools.Pop stares live in those.Some are in rows with a brick wall at one end and overlook a pie factory.Franklin Gates lives in one of those.Number three,Stanley Streer,to be exact.Some people might think,"I want a house with a swimming pool,"But not Franklin. He loved living on Stanley Street.Everyone was friendly.All his mates were there and the smells from the pie factory,delicious!There was just one problem.Franklin"s mum and dad wanted to move.His mum was expecting twins and they needed another bedroom.第8本:一个小男孩的哥哥有一双很大的运动鞋。小男孩怀疑鞋子会走路。晚上就盯着鞋子。后来他梦到鞋子是个食肉动物。其实是他妈妈在他们睡着后把鞋子拿去洗了。后来,他们就把那双鞋扔了。第9本:一个叫Flossie的怪物,不受到人们的待见,也没有朋友,还总是被Nessie嘲笑。后来她救了一个“四眼”小女孩,她们就成了好朋友。第10本:在一个精灵学校里,有个很霸道的女孩Pearl。学校就要举行期末考试了。Jem的魔毯破了个洞。在与Pearl的追逐中,不小心把他的老师变成了蜘蛛。后来那只蜘蛛逃到了女生寝室。Jem和他的好朋友去追,被Pearl发现,告诉了校长,他们违反校规。后来发现Pearl偷拿了明天的考卷,她被处分了。最后,是一个好的结局。第11本:小男孩的父母说要搬家。小男孩不想。就想尽各种方法去阻止那个没礼貌,邪恶的买主。后来他们和一个杂货铺合并了,就不用搬家了。
2023-06-28 01:12:391


which has been nicknamed Nessie, has collected a good
2023-06-28 01:12:582

第二部分 回答问题(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)阅读下面短文,根据第9 至第12小题的具体要求,简单回

9. On July22, 1933.10. In Scotland.11. To see Nessie.12. A kind of large animals lives in the lake. 略
2023-06-28 01:13:051


2023-06-28 01:13:254


2023-06-28 01:13:444

《暮光之城》中蕾妮斯梅·卡理·卡伦 会在第几部出现 还有,蕾妮斯梅被雅各布烙印是什么意思?

2023-06-28 01:14:444

暮光之城 英文版人物介绍

Bella SwanIsabella "Bella" Marie Swan (later Bella Cullen) is a clumsy, accident-prone teenage girl who moves from Phoenix, Arizona, to Forks, Washington, to live with her father, Charlie. Though many boys are attracted to her when she arrives, she falls in love with Edward Cullen, a mysterious boy she discovers to be a vampire. Kristen Stewart plays Bella in the Twilight film series.Edward CullenEdward Cullen (born Edward Anthony Masen) was born on June 20, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois, and is frozen in his 17-year-old body. While dying of the Spanish influenza, he was changed into a vampire by Dr. Carlisle Cullen after Edward"s mother, Elizabeth, begged him to save Edward as her dying wish. Edward only drinks animal blood and has the special ability to read minds, with the exception of Bella Swan"s. He falls in love with Bella soon after she arrives in Forks. Robert Pattinson plays Edward in the Twilight film series.Alice CullenAlice Cullen (born Mary Alice Brandon) is the adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme, adoptive sister of Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett, and wife of Jasper. Alice is described as being petite and pixie-like, with a graceful gait and hair that is short, spiky, and black. Her special ability is to see the future, an enhanced version of her ability to have premonitions as a human. However, her ability is limited; she is only able to see the outcome of a decision once it is made. Due to this, decisions made in the spur of the moment can not be foreseen.Carlisle CullenCarlisle Cullen (also known as Stregone Benefice[2]) is Esme"s husband and Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper"s adoptive father. His first appearance was in Twilight and his physical age is 23. Carlisle is described to look like a model; he has blond hair, and is slender but muscular. Carlisle theorizes that when a human is turned into a vampire, they will have an enhanced ability from their previous life. He believes he brought compassion from his human life. Esme CullenEsme Cullen (born Esme Platt and later Esme Evenson) is Carlisle Cullen"s wife and the adoptive mother of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. She enjoys restoring old houses and her physical age is 26. She has no special power, but has a strong ability to love passionately. Esme is described as having caramel-colored hair; she also has a heart-shaped face with dimples, and her figure is slender, but rounded and soft.Emmett CullenEmmett Cullen (born Emmett McCarty[4]) is Rosalie"s husband, Carlisle and Esme"s adopted son, and Edward, Alice, and Jasper"s adoptive brother. Emmett is described as being tall, burly, extremely muscular, and, to most humans, the most intimidating of his adoptive siblings. He has slightly curly dark hair and dimpled cheeks.Emmett was 20 and living in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in 1935 when he was mauled by a bear. The injuries from the attack were severe and he was found by Rosalie, who had been hunting in the area at the time. Rosalie, who was reminded of her friend"s baby having the same curls, dimples, and innocent appearance, carried him over a hundred miles to Appalachia where Carlisle Cullen was, asking him to spare Emmett"s life by turning him into a vampire. Renesmee CullenRenesmee "Nessie" Carlie Cullen is the half-vampire, half-human daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, born on September 10, three days before Bella"s nineteenth birthday in Breaking Dawn. Her name is derived from the amalgamation of the names of Bella"s mother, Renée, and Edward"s adoptive mother, Esme. Her middle name, Carlie, is a portmanteau of the names Carlisle, Edward"s adoptive father, and Charlie, Bella"s father. She has the same facial features and hair color as Edward, but has her grandfather, Charlie Swan"s, curly hair, and brown eyes like Bella.
2023-06-28 01:15:112


2023-06-28 01:15:291

典范英语《臭街》 的 全文翻译是什么?

1、译文Flossie和Nessie是两只尼斯湖怪兽,Nessie是名人,很多人想让她上他们的报纸,很多人想拍到她的照片,而Flossie却不那么走运,它想被人注意到,想受到大肆渲染,而人们总没有发现它,Flossie很孤单,它想找一个真正的好朋友,但Nessie说我们不可能有朋友,没有人会喜欢我们,Flossie没有放弃,他问过动物,但他们都不愿意,甚至出现在人们面前,人们只是吓走了或不相信它的存在,但他看到了一个为了捡眼镜而掉进水里的女孩,它救了她,后来她们成为了好朋友,但大多数当女孩和其他人玩耍时,他伪装成另一样东西,但只有好朋友可以看到他,Flossie找到了真正的好朋友。2、原文Houses are very different.Some are huge and have gold swimming pools.Pop stares live in those.Some are in rows with a brick wall at one end and overlook a pie factory.Franklin Gates lives in one of those.Number three,Stanley Streer,to be exact.Some people might think,"I want a house with a swimming pool,"But not Franklin. He loved living on Stanley Street.Everyone was friendly.All his mates were there and the smells from the pie factory,delicious!There was just one problem.Franklin"s mum and dad wanted to move.His mum was expecting twins and they needed another bedroom."I don"t mind sharing mine,"Franklin said."Babies cry all night.""This house is TOO small,"said his mumNext day,there was a "For Sale"sign stuck Franklin"s door.Franklin and his best friend Josh stared at the words of doom."What am I going to do,Josh?"said Franklin."I"llwear earplugs."But his parents wouldn"t listen. "This house isTOO small,"said his mum.Next day,there was a"For Sale" sign stuck by Franklin"s door. Franklin and his best friend Josh stared at the words of doom."What am I going to do,Josh?"said Franklin.
2023-06-28 01:15:371


暮光之城破晓 贝拉的孩子被狼人铭记了 铭记是什么意思啊???为什么被狼人铭记了就不会被狼人伤害呢? 铭记类似于一见钟情,但是更多是因为狼人的生理反应,不是任何人甚至狼人本身可以控制的,狼人会全心全意地爱她,甚至有时是与自己意念相悖的。没办法呜呜呜,我也喜欢小狼,喜欢泰勒洛特纳,不喜欢假惺惺的爱德华。但是既然他们不能在一起,也只能勉强接受这个结局,不过辈分都乱了... 破晓里面狼人铭记什么意思 就是命中注定的爱人,每个狼人都有,当他们相遇那一刻就会被铭记。雅各布会答应贝拉女儿的一切要求,守护着她,贝拉女儿将很快长大,因为是半人半吸血鬼。在书里面到后面爱德华叫雅各布儿子……囧……一旦狼人被烙印就完全以他的烙印对象为中心。书中提到过一句话,就是烙印对象很难抗拒这种程度的专一喜爱。推荐你去看看暮光的书,那个说的很详细。 什么叫被狼人铭记 我觉得是一生要保护她 不管要付出多大的代价 暮光之城里面狼人的印记恋人是什么意思? 烙印大概是狼人种族里的生理反应吧,雅各布在新月里解释的时候说其实狼人也不太明白这是怎么一回事,那是一种比一见钟情还强烈的感觉,他们都是用这种方法来找到他们的伴侣的。只要狼人遇到他命中注定的那个人,就会被烙下印记,那个人会成为狼人的灵魂伴侣。 所以雅各布并不是为了保护贝拉和她的孩子,也没有看到蕾妮斯梅的未来,只是他在看到蕾妮斯梅的时候瞬间被烙下印记了,然后把生命奉献给她了。 被烙下印记的狼人会用他的生命守护他的烙印爱人,会为她无条件的奉献自己。 在他的爱人还小的时候,他就充当她的监护人,当她稍微长大了,就充当她的朋友,当他们年纪相当时就充当她的爱人。 正因为狼人会用生命来保护他的爱人,如果其他狼人伤害了那个狼人的烙印爱人,就会引发种族内的斗争,也必然会有死伤,所以狼人是绝对禁止伤害烙印爱人的。 新月原文里说烙印并不是每个狼人都有的,也很少发生恭并不规则。 这样说能明白么。 暮色4结尾说被狼人铭记就不会被伤害是什么意思?爱德华和杰克家族的背景和渊源是什么? 结尾是狼人雅各布被贝拉的女儿烙印了 是烙印情人 注定他们要在一起的 其他的狼人是不可以伤害其他狼人的烙印情人的 所以不会被伤害 很久以前狼人和吸血鬼两个种族为了在人类社会能低调生存 所以签了盟约 互不侵犯 双方彼此相克相生 暮光之城4破晓上中铭记是什么意思 就是命中注定的爱人,每个狼人都有,当他们相遇那一刻就会被铭记。雅各布会答应贝拉女儿的一切要求,守护着她,贝拉女儿将很快长大,因为是半人半吸血鬼。在书里面到后面爱德华叫雅各布儿子……囧……一旦狼人被烙印就完全以他的烙印对象为中心。书中提到过一句话,就是烙印对象很难抗拒这种程度的专一喜爱。推荐你去看看暮光的书,那个说的很详细。 第四部中,贝拉的女儿被雅各布铭记是什么意思 imprint,也有被翻译为烙印的,是Jake一类变形人(你应该知道他不是真正的狼人)特有的寻求伴侣的方法,是不受自己控制的,说白了就是命中注定。本来Jacob是极其厌恶这个新生命的,但在他见到Rene *** ee时就感受到了二者密不可分的联系,未必从一开始就是恋人,但一定会是最重要的那个人,好朋友,亲密的家人......(当然Nessie长大之后必然是恋人 )。 “Jacob"s eyes strayed to the ocean. "Sam did love Leah. But when he saw Emily, that didn"t matter anymore. Sometimes . . . we don"t exactly know why . . . we find our mates that way." His eyes flashed back to me, his face reddening. ‘I mean . . . our soul mates.‘” 以上是在新月中Jake首次对Bells解释imprinting(关于sam的) and...他什么都没做,但这种感觉的确是相互的,所以nessie也一样喜欢他。 暮光之城4破晓里所说的铭记是什么意思? 当雅各布第一眼看见蕾妮斯梅的时候就注定彼此是烙印情人! 狼人的烙印情人属于一见钟情的爱,建议你阅读暮光之城第三部小说《月食》,书中在“烙印”这一章节详细记录了狼人与烙印情人之间的微妙关系。雅各布的一位狼人朋友与一个两岁的儿童成为烙印情侣。而在《破晓》中第二部“无言以对”这一章节的结尾处则轻描淡写的突显出雅各布对蕾妮斯梅非同一般的烙印感觉。 暮光之城4,贝拉的女儿被铭记了?以后狼人都不会伤害她了啊?什么是铭记啊??????求真相! 铭记大致上意思就是狼人第一次遇上那个人就命中注定会守护她甚至爱上她;有点类似于狗认主人的意思。雅各布看见那小孩就看见了小孩的未来的成长甚至还跪下了即表示被铭记了,在下部他真的爱上了那小孩。
2023-06-28 01:15:441


都不是,因为烙印是不受狼人自身控制的,所以说雅各布是在完全无意识而且不能控制的情况下给蕾妮斯梅烙印的。蕾妮斯梅是雅各布的烙印爱人。雅各布极力的不想要她出生,认为会危害贝拉的生命,但却在第一眼看到她时爱上了她,决意一生一世保护她,成为他生命中最重要的存在,并为她取了昵称:Nessie (尼斯)ook 4他们两个一起追雪花玩耍。并在沃尔图里到来时成功的与众人一起保护了她,最终成为永生伴侣。在作品中作者对烙印的解释就是狼人们烙印的那个人是能过帮助他们将狼人的血脉最好的传承下去,甚至能够使其进化的人。这就是为什么雅各布他们这一度代的狼人的体型要远远大于他们先祖的原因,因为他们通过烙印的存在进化了。扩展资料剧情表现:怀胎一月就出生,7岁时成长为成人,永远拥有青春美丽的外表,拥有吸血鬼的坚硬皮肤,但牙齿上没有毒液,有着人类的心跳,狼人的体温和24对染色体。出生不久就成为狼人雅各布的烙印爱人。一天,贝拉和化为狼的雅各布带她在森林玩,她轻轻一跃就有几层楼高,当她跳跃起捧雪花时,被几公里远的艾瑞娜看见。艾瑞娜的吸血鬼爱人被狼人所杀,是为了保护贝拉,因此艾瑞娜怀恨在心,她以为自己看见的是一个嗜血妖童,而嗜血妖童是不被大多数吸血鬼希望存在而且恐惧的。
2023-06-28 01:15:511

典范英语The luckless monster 正文

1 MonstersDo you think you know all about monsters? You"ve probably heard of the deadly dragon. It was famous for fighting knights. I"m sure you"ve heard of the Loch Ness Monster. She"s famous for...being spotted. The Loch Ness Monster is so famous she"s even got her own nickname. They call her Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. She calls me Luckless because I never seem to have any luck at all, but Luckless isn"t my real name. My real name is Flossie. This is where we live. It"s a bit wild...a bit windy...a bit wet, but it"s home to us. I love it here. But it can be lonely. I belong to the same family as Nessie. I live in the same loch as Nessie. I live in the same water. I hunt for the same fish. But we"d have our differences. For instance, the Loch Ness Monster is huge and scary. But I"m a bit on the small side. Sometimes Nessie calls me Scaredy Cat. The Loch Ness Monster swims swift and sure. But I"m not all that keen on water. I don"t like the cold and wet. I don"t like the high waves. I don"t like the deep pools and I HATE the whirlpool. This is the whirlpool. It goes round and round, and whatever is in the whirlpool goes round and round with it. Nessie LOVES it. ‘Wheee!" she yells. ‘Yeeeeeeeeh!" she yells, and, ‘Come and have a go if you think you"re brave enough!"I had a go once. I HATED it. The water went up my nose, I couldn"t see anything and I felt dizzy and sick. ‘You"re scared!" Nessie teased. ‘You"re frightened!"But I wasn"t frightened. I was TSRRIFIED! Nessie called me a landlubber, a chicken. Nessie calls me lots of names: Titch! Scaredy cat! Cry baby! To tell you the truth, Nessie is a bit of a bully. But nothing Nessie can do would make get back in that whirlpool again. Never! 2 No one cares about YOU! You probably know that the Loch Ness Monster (or Nessie for short) is good at hiding. We monsters have learned the art of camouflage. This means we can hide by changing our colour or making ourselves look like other things. If someone spots Nessie, she changes. People who make films, and people who write for newspapers and magazines, are always trying to stop Nessie. They want to take her photo. They want to make a film about her. They want her to be in their newspapers or magazines. She"s famous. She"s a celebrity. Everyone tries to spot Nessie. But nobody has ever tried to spot me. I WANT to be made a fuss of. But no matter what I do, nobody notices me at all. That"s why Nessie calls me the Luckless Monster. ‘No one knows you exist. No one cares if you exist!" she says. ‘Na na na na na,"Nessie sings. No one tries to take photos of you! No one talks about you. No one cares about YOU at all."It"s true. I don"t have any real friends. There"s Nessie of course ---but she only talks to me when she feels like it. She only plays with me when she feels like playing. So I"m lonely, and that"s why I think Nessie is right when she calls me the Luckless Monster. 3 How do you find a friend? One day, I woke up and I said to myself, "Enough is enough. Today is the day I will find a real friend, a good friend. Nessie doesn"t care if she has a friend, but I do."I want someone who cares for me. I want someone who can see the real me. But how do you find a friend? What exactly is a friend? I thought about this for a long, long time. I even asked Nessie. ‘What exactly is a friend?" I asked. ‘A friend is someone who is like you, just like you," she said. ‘But none is like us, so we CAN"T have friends. Better just to settle for scaring people."Then she gave a roar that sent me skittering away. ‘It works for me. "She grinned. ‘I love scaring people!"But I didn"t give up. I was determined to find a friend. I asked all the animals I met, ‘Please be my friend."This is what they said: They thought I was too big, too wet, too scary looking and too fishy smelling. Then I asked some children and this is what they said: The grown ups said, ‘Don"t be silly. There are no such things as monsters. That"s just a shadow. Come along, now. Hurry up."People were either scared of me --or they didn"t believe in me. It was hopeless. So I sulked. I"m very good at sulking. I can do it for ages. I stayed perfectly still, crossed my arms, drooped my bottom lip and got ready for a HUGE sulk. I was just getting into it, when I heard a noise. A group of children were going up to a little girl. They were saying things that sounded very familiar to me. The girl was crying and she was wearing glasses--but not for long. The other children took her glasses and started to pass them to each other. Each time she tired to grab them back they threw them to someone else. They were throwing faster and faster and harder and harder until- SPLASH! The gasses landed in the water. They were light and plastic landed in the water. They were light and plastic. So they bobbed about on the surface. Then they drifted in little circles. The girl cried, ‘Oh! No!"Some of the children said, ‘Ha ha!"Some said, ‘Oh, no! Sorry."Then all of the children went away, except for the girl, who stood peering at her glasses in the water. First she tried reaching for them, but they were too far out. Then she tried to hook them with a branch, but that didn"t work. The glasses drifted further and further out. Then the girl took a deep breath, and waded in after them. They were going towards the whirlpool. That"s when she should have given up--but on she went and...You can guess what happened next. ‘Aaahh!" screamed the girl as she slipped and her head went under the water. ‘AAAGH!" She cried out again, and down she went for the second time. Well, I had no choice. A monster"s got to do what a monster"s got to do! I grabbed her and kept her head out of the water. Then off we went. First we swirled, then we whirled. Then we swooshed and we whooshed. Funnily enough, after a while......we almost started to enjoy it. At last we landed in a soggy heap. We were out of breath but safe and sound and the girl was still holding onto her glasses. She put her glasses on and peered at me. It must have been the first time she had seen me clearly and she looed a little surprised. ‘I know I look a little bit...different," I apologized. ‘That"s what people say about me!" she said, ‘They think I"m different!"‘Is that why those children were calling you names?" I asked. She nodded. ‘I get called some of those same names," I said, sadly. ‘My rea name is Flossie," I told her. ‘My real name is Fran," she said. Then she smiled a little and said, ‘We should be friends! Will you be my friend?"‘But I"m too big! I"m too wet! I"m too weedy," I said. ‘I"m different, too."‘We"re both different," Fran said. ‘So, in a way...we"re both the same!"She went on, ‘I like you. You"re kind and you"re friendly. That"s what makes a friend for me."So we decided to be friends. 4 Can you see me? Just then, the other children came rushing up t Fran. Quick as quick, I made myself look like a very handsome tree. Well, I don"t want them screaming and running away or calling me names, do I? The other children ran up to my new friend. Sometime I can hide myself just too well. But I don"t mind. Now, Fran and I often play together. We swim. We play tig and hide and seek and skipping and football. I help her--and she helps me. Yes, she"s taught me to look at things differently. Fran has lots of friends now but she"s still my friend too. I"m often around. But not everyone can spot me. It takes a real friend to see me. Can you?
2023-06-28 01:16:041

典范英语7 第6——11本概括 中英都行 急

第6本:simon and his rescue dog——kelly.they are going to the western Turkey to resue the hunt people.Because there was happen a biggest ever recorded earthquake.kelly is a very special dog. 第7本:Del is a football player.His dad and friends are gave many pressure to Del.He was sick of this.on the contrary,his best friends,spanner are very love football.but heonly a reserve.On a important match,Del want to lost the match .But because it ,he mates was arrowed into him .lucky,spanner loyally to him.And Del gave the win change to spanner.spanner was a hero now .Del as well free by his father. 第8本:Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and sam found petey was very odd.Actually,he want to be a human.I and sam was support to him .But my mum found it .and called the factory on the vid-phone.we"re on a escape.On the way ,petey in order to help sam,at last he was catched by connections squad van.At last ,my parents was followed petey.Now petey was travelled at the outer planet. 第11本: Houses are very different.Some are huge and have gold swimming pools.Pop stares live in those.Some are in rows with a brick wall at one end and overlook a pie factory.Franklin Gates lives in one of those.Number three,Stanley Streer,to be exact. Some people might think,"I want a house with a swimming pool,"But not Franklin. He loved living on Stanley Street.Everyone was friendly.All his mates were there and the *** ells from the pie factory,delicious!There was just one problem.Franklin"s mum and dad wanted to move.His mum was expecting twins and they needed another bedroom. 第8本:一个小男孩的哥哥有一双很大的运动鞋.小男孩怀疑鞋子会走路.晚上就盯着鞋子.后来他梦到鞋子是个食肉动物.其实是他妈妈在他们睡着后把鞋子拿去洗了.后来,他们就把那双鞋扔了. 第9本:一个叫Flossie的怪物,不受到人们的待见,也没有朋友,还总是被Nessie嘲笑.后来她救了一个“四眼”小女孩,她们就成了好朋友. 第10本:在一个精灵学校里,有个很霸道的女孩Pearl.学校就要举行期末考试了.Jem的魔毯破了个洞.在与Pearl的追逐中,不小心把他的老师变成了蜘蛛.后来那只蜘蛛逃到了女生寝室.Jem和他的好朋友去追,被Pearl发现,告诉了校长,他们违反校规.后来发现Pearl偷拿了明天的考卷,她被处分了.最后,是一个好的结局. 第11本:小男孩的父母说要搬家.小男孩不想.就想尽各种方法去阻止那个没礼貌,邪恶的买主.后来他们和一个杂货铺合并了,就不用搬家了.
2023-06-28 01:16:131

典范英语7 第8——13本中文概括(不用太详细,英文也行,每本50字左右)。感激不尽!!!

2023-06-28 01:16:322


都不是,因为烙印是不受狼人自身控制的,所以说雅各布是在完全无意识而且不能控制的情况下给蕾妮斯梅烙印的。蕾妮斯梅是雅各布的烙印爱人。雅各布极力的不想要她出生,认为会危害贝拉的生命,但却在第一眼看到她时爱上了她,决意一生一世保护她,成为他生命中最重要的存在,并为她取了昵称:Nessie (尼斯)ook 4他们两个一起追雪花玩耍。并在沃尔图里到来时成功的与众人一起保护了她,最终成为永生伴侣。在作品中作者对烙印的解释就是狼人们烙印的那个人是能过帮助他们将狼人的血脉最好的传承下去,甚至能够使其进化的人。这就是为什么雅各布他们这一度代的狼人的体型要远远大于他们先祖的原因,因为他们通过烙印的存在进化了。扩展资料剧情表现:怀胎一月就出生,7岁时成长为成人,永远拥有青春美丽的外表,拥有吸血鬼的坚硬皮肤,但牙齿上没有毒液,有着人类的心跳,狼人的体温和24对染色体。出生不久就成为狼人雅各布的烙印爱人。一天,贝拉和化为狼的雅各布带她在森林玩,她轻轻一跃就有几层楼高,当她跳跃起捧雪花时,被几公里远的艾瑞娜看见。艾瑞娜的吸血鬼爱人被狼人所杀,是为了保护贝拉,因此艾瑞娜怀恨在心,她以为自己看见的是一个嗜血妖童,而嗜血妖童是不被大多数吸血鬼希望存在而且恐惧的。
2023-06-28 01:16:391

典范英语7第十一本 臭街 的 全文翻译,加分啊啊啊

2023-06-28 01:16:554


英语剧本买药 佚名 11-27 英语搞笑话剧《孔雀东南飞》 佚名 11-27 孙悟空vs猪八戒 佚名 11-24 英文小短剧 佚名 11-10 英文小品剧本 羊肉串和纳税人 张凯 11-10 小美人鱼-英文剧本 佚名 11-10
2023-06-28 01:17:022


2023-06-28 01:17:111


都不是,因为烙印是不受狼人自身控制的,所以说雅各布是在完全无意识而且不能控制的情况下给蕾妮斯梅烙印的。蕾妮斯梅是雅各布的烙印爱人。雅各布极力的不想要她出生,认为会危害贝拉的生命,但却在第一眼看到她时爱上了她,决意一生一世保护她,成为他生命中最重要的存在,并为她取了昵称:Nessie (尼斯)ook 4他们两个一起追雪花玩耍。并在沃尔图里到来时成功的与众人一起保护了她,最终成为永生伴侣。在作品中作者对烙印的解释就是狼人们烙印的那个人是能过帮助他们将狼人的血脉最好的传承下去,甚至能够使其进化的人。这就是为什么雅各布他们这一度代的狼人的体型要远远大于他们先祖的原因,因为他们通过烙印的存在进化了。扩展资料剧情表现:怀胎一月就出生,7岁时成长为成人,永远拥有青春美丽的外表,拥有吸血鬼的坚硬皮肤,但牙齿上没有毒液,有着人类的心跳,狼人的体温和24对染色体。出生不久就成为狼人雅各布的烙印爱人。一天,贝拉和化为狼的雅各布带她在森林玩,她轻轻一跃就有几层楼高,当她跳跃起捧雪花时,被几公里远的艾瑞娜看见。艾瑞娜的吸血鬼爱人被狼人所杀,是为了保护贝拉,因此艾瑞娜怀恨在心,她以为自己看见的是一个嗜血妖童,而嗜血妖童是不被大多数吸血鬼希望存在而且恐惧的。
2023-06-28 01:17:171


2012Day of the Flowers ……Brenda2009《圣公会主学堂》Nativity! ……Mrs. Lore2003《大虾拳击手》Crust ……Bill"s Girlfriend1997Shooting Fish ……Mrs. Ross1996Secrets & Lies ……Monica Purley1993《日本天皇的贵客》Silent Cries ……Nancy Muir1993Soft Top Hard Shoulder ……Karla1992Freddie as F.R.O.7. ……Nessie (voice)1990Il sole buio ……Attorney Camilla Staffa1989The Angry Earth ……Mary Penrys Jones1988《海明威》The Legendary Life of Ernest Hemingway ……Mary Welsh1987The Kitchen Toto ……Janet Graham1986L"inchiesta ……Claudia Procula1986Scotch & Wry (video)…… Various1985The Doctor and the Devils …… Elizabeth Rock1984The Chain ……Alison1984Nineteen Eighty-Four ……The Telescreen Announcer (voice)1983Another Time, Another Place ……Janie1983Every Picture Tells a Story ……Agnes Scott 2010-2012《唐顿庄园》Downton Abbey …… Mrs. Hughes 2012Vera ……Shirley2010-2012Lip Service …… Judy2010A Touch of Frost …… Christine Moorhead2004-2010Silent Witness …… Helen Wharton / Jennifer Mears2010《维兰德》Wallander …… Inga Wallander1999-2009Heartbeat …… Diane Bell / Julia Kendall / Rose Brown2008The Royal …… Lady George Fawcett2008New Tricks …… Dr. Mathieson2008The Hero"s Journey2008Taggart …… Kathy Moffat2008Honest ……Jenny2007Trial & Retribution ……Anna Wildsmith2005-2006Spooks …… Diana Jewell2006Sea of Souls …… Elaine2006Missing…… Karen Foster2005Beneath the Skin ……DCI Grace Shilling2004Murder in Suburbia …… Wendy2004Cheap Rate Gravity …… Elsie2004Dalziel and Pascoe ……Det. Sgt. Jenny Ettrick2004Out of the Shadows …… Liz2003Agatha Christie"s Poirot ……Nurse Hopkins2003Alibi…… Linda Brentwood2003《林尼探案集》The Inspector Lynley Mysteries ……Miriam Whitelaw2002《真实的简·奥斯汀》The Real Jane Austen …… Mrs. Austen2002Fields of Gold ……Rachel Greenlaw2002Dickens ……Georgina Hogarth2001NCS: Manhunt ……Inspector Anne Warwick2000《希望与荣誉》Hope & Glory ……Annie Gilbert2000Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased)…… Harriet Banks-Smith1999All the King"s Men …… Mary Beck1999Rab C. Nesbitt ……Jenny Welthorpe1999《霍尔比市》Holby City ……Muriel McKendrick1999Midsomer Murders ……Kate Merrill1998Invasion: Earth ……Squadron Leader Helen Knox1997An Unsuitable Job for a Woman ……Elizabeth Leaming1996《摩斯警长》Inspector Morse ……Julia Stevens1996《馅饼侦探》Pie in the Sky …… Det Supt Chalmers1995《弗兰兹·卡夫卡的美妙人生》Franz Kafka"s It"s a Wonderful Life …… Frau Bunofsky1995Chiller ……Anna Spalinsky1995The Big One ……Mrs. Wilde1995Kavanagh QC ……Samantha Fisher   1986-1994Lovejoy …… Lady Jane / Lady Jane Felsham1993Love and Reason …… Lou Larson1991The Play on One …… Dr. Ruth Kovacs1991Screen One ……Dora1989Goldeneye ……Ann Fleming1989And a Nightingale Sang …… Helen1986-1989Screen Two ……Alison / Anne1988《汉内》Hannay …… Alison Ross1986-1987Bust ……Sheila Walsh1987First Sight …… Kathy1985Time and the Conways ……Kay Conway1984《夺命裙》The Dress (short)…… Julia1981Play for Today ……Nancy Park1980Shoestring ……Linda1980The White Bird Passes ……Janie (Aged 16)1977Red Dress
2023-06-28 01:17:431


1.Houses are very different.Some are huge and have gold swimming pools.Pop stares live in those.Some are in rows with a brick wall at one end and overlook a pie factory.Franklin Gates lives in one of those.Number three,Stanley Streer,to be exact.Some people might think,"I want a house with a swimming pool,"But not Franklin. He loved living on Stanley Street.Everyone was friendly.All his mates were there and the smells from the pie factory,delicious!There was just one problem.Franklin"s mum and dad wanted to move.His mum was expecting twins and they needed another bedroom.2.Flossie is a lonly monster who lives in the in the same Loch as the Loch Ness Monster but is different because she is not big,brave or famous like Nessie.Flossie wants a friend and finds one in Fran who like Flossie is a bit different.
2023-06-28 01:17:581


34张图让孩子记住英语中所有生活用词!1.public-address speaker 广播 地图 3.chalkboard 黑板 4.class schedule 课表 5.organ 管风琴 6.globe 地球仪 7.eraser 黑板擦 8.chalk 粉笔 9.shoe rack 鞋架 10.platform 讲台 11.desk 书桌 12.chair 椅子 13.textbook 教材1.water melon 西瓜 2.plastic bags 塑料袋 3.mandarin orange 橘子 frui 奇异果 5.sugar cane 甘蔗 6.peach 桃子 7.grapes 葡萄 8.honeydew melon 甜瓜 9.basket 篮子 10.papaya 木瓜 11.guava 番石榴 12.lime 青柠 13.lemon 柠檬 fruit 杨桃 15.seeds 种子 16.nectarine 油桃 17.scale 秤 18.grapefruit 葡萄柚 19.plum 李子 芒果 21.taro 芋头1.head 头 2.eyebrow 眉毛 3.forehead 前额 4.chin 下巴 5.neck 脖子 6.cheest 胸部 7.navel 肚脐 8.thigh 大腿 9. foot 脚 10.buttocks 臀部 11.waist 腰部 12.abdomen 腹部 13.cheek 脸颊 14.mouth 口 15.teeth 牙齿 16.nose 鼻子 17.eye 眼睛 18.eyelash 睫毛 头发 20.cerebrum 大脑 21.cerebellum 小脑 22.lung 肺 23.heart 心脏 24.stomach 胃 25.large intestine 大肠 26 samall intestine 小肠 27. kindney 肾 28.liver 肝脏 29.bladder 膀胱1.helmet 头盔 2.spoke 辐条 3.lock 锁 座子 5.gears 齿轮 6.rim 轮辋 7.chain 链条 8.kickstand 支架 9.derailleur 变速器 10.wheels 轮胎 11.water bottle holder 水壶架 12.headset 车头碗组 13.pedal 踏板 14.gear shifter 变速杆 15.brake 刹车 16.handle bar 车把 17.reflector 反光灯 18.basket 车篮 19.shock 避震条 rack 车架1.doghouse 犬屋 2.lawn mower 割草机 3.satellite dish 碟形卫星信号接受器 hoop 篮筐 5.curtain 窗帘 6.garage 车房,车库 7.porch 入口处 8.driveway 车库通向马路的空地 9.mailbox 信箱 10.dormer 屋顶窗 11.skylight 天窗 12.chimney 烟囱 13.French window 落地窗 14.balcony 阳台 15.venetian blind 百叶窗帘 16.shutter 百叶窗 17.bay window 凸窗;窗台 18.lawn 草坪,草地 19.shrubs 灌木 20.sprinkler 自动撒水器1.window 窗户 2.television 电视机 3.console 主控台 控制台 4.chair 椅子 5.floor 地板,地面 6.carpet 地毯 table (置于沙发前的)茶几 8.clock 钟 9.calendar 日历 10.door 门 11.light switch 灯开关 12.bookcase 书柜,书橱 13.throw pillow 靠枕 14.couch 沙发 15.lamp 灯 16.lamp shade 灯罩 17.wall 墙1.lighter 打火机 2.matches 火柴 3.ashtray 烟灰缸 4.cigarette 香烟 5.armchair 扶手椅 6.end table 茶几 7.vase 花瓶 8.telephone 电话机 9.waste basket 垃圾桶 10.recliner 卧椅 11.rocking chair 摇椅 12.air conditioner 空调 13.vacuum cleaner 吸尘器1.refrigerator 冰箱 rack 碗架 3.counter 柜台 4.sink 洗涤槽,水槽 5.wok 铁锅(带把的中国炒菜锅) 6.pan 平底锅 7.ladle 勺子;长柄勺 8.gas stove 煤气炉 9.ventilator 通风机;换气扇 10.apron 围裙;工作裙 11.cupboard 食橱;碗柜 12.oven 炉,灶 13.cabinets 橱柜 14.dustpan 簸箕 15.broom 扫帚 16.mop 拖把 17.rice cooker 电饭锅 18.blender 搅拌机,捣碎机 water thermos 热水瓶,保温瓶 20.toaster 烤面包器;烤炉,烤箱 21.cutting board 砧板 22.knife 刀,小刀;菜刀; 23.microwave 微波炉1.showerhead 喷头 2.faucet 龙头,旋塞 3.toilet paper 厕纸;卫生纸 4.bathtub 浴缸 5.drain 排水管,下水道 6.tile 瓦;瓷砖;墙砖;地砖 7.mirror 镜子 8.sink 洗涤槽,水槽 9.washcloth 毛巾 10.cabinet 橱,柜 11.rug (铺于室内部分地面上的)小地毯;毛皮地毯 12.toilet (有冲洗式马桶的)厕所,洗手间,盥洗室 13.bath towel 浴巾 14. reservoir 蓄水库;贮水池(或槽);贮存器1.captain 机长 2.copilot 副驾驶员 3.first-class section 头等舱 4.steward 男空服员 5.baggage compartment 行李舱 6.fuselage (飞机的)机身 7.lavatory 盥洗室 section 商务舱 9.jet engine 喷射引擎 10.emergency exit 紧急出口 11.economy-class section 经济舱 12.stewardess 空姐1.landing 降落 2.airport shuttle bus 机场穿梭巴士 3.ticket dispenser 自动售票机 4.passenger 乘客 5.currency exchange 货币兑换,货币互换 6.check in counter 登机手续办理处 7.luggage 行李 8.departure lobby 出境大厅 9.takeoff 起飞 10.airplane 飞机 11.airlines (飞机的)航线 12.customs 进口税, 海关 13.boarding gate 登机口 14.customs officer 海关官员 15.duty-free shop 免税商店 16.duty-free items 免税物品1.elevator 电梯 2.counter 柜台 3.umbrella 雨伞 4.escalator 自动楼梯 5.desserts 甜点心;餐后甜点 equipment 运动装备 7.tie 领带 8.coat 外套 9.socks 短袜 10.briefcase 公事包 收音机 12.gloves 手套 13.information desk 问讯处 suit 西装 15.underground parking 地下停车场 鞋子 17.basement 地下室 18.stairs 楼梯 19.sweater 毛线衣 20.skirt 裙子;衬裙1.bottled water 瓶装水 2.poster 海报 3.candy 糖果 4.pretzel 双圈饼干 5.cookie 曲奇饼 6.gum 口香糖 7.mustard 芥末 8.popsicle 棒冰 9.drumstick 鸡腿 10.chicken nuggets 鸡块 11.popcorn 爆米花 12.hamburger 汉堡 13.soft drink 软饮料 14.ketchup 番茄酱 15.fries 薯条 dog 热狗 17.paper cup 纸杯1.dryer 烘干机 2.screen 筛 3.washboard 搓衣板 4.detergent 洗涤剂 5.starch 浆粉 6.washtub 洗衣盆 7.bleach 漂白剂 8.fabric softener 织物柔顺剂 9.measuring cup 量杯 10.washing machine 洗衣机 11.hamper 篮子 12.lint 软麻布 13.clothesline 晾衣绳 14.stain 污点1.shed 小屋 2.shrubs 灌木丛 3.plant pots 花盆 4.cuttings 插条 5.rake 耙 6.hoe 锄 7.spade 铲 8.seeds 种子 9.lawn mower 割草机 10.bulbs 鳞茎 11.shears 大剪刀 12.hose 软管 13.compost heap 堆肥堆 14.sprinkler 洒水器 15.fertilizer 肥料 16.grass cuttings 碎草屑 17.dung 粪 18.weeds 杂草1.field 田地 2.haystack 干草堆 3.wagon 四轮车 4.wagon wheel 车轮 5.hay 干草 6.rope 绳子 7.fence 篱笆 8.hoe 锄 9.rake 耙 10.horseshoe 马掌 11.shovel 铲 12.corn 谷物 13.pitchfork 干草叉 马 15.trough 饲料槽 16.barn 谷仓 17.tractor 拖拉机 18. wheat 小麦1.water slide 水滑道 游戏 3.vomit 呕吐 4.ticket booth 售票处 5.line 队伍 6.carousel 旋转木马 7.tracks 轨道 8.Ferris wheel 摩天轮 9.Haunted house 鬼屋 10.Seat 座位 11.Food stand 饮食摊 12.Roller coaster 过山车 13.Cotton candy 棉花糖 14.Seat belt 安全带 15.Car 车厢1.x-ray machine x光机 2.Sink 水槽 3.overhead light 顶灯 4.towel 毛巾 5.Paper cup 纸杯 6.section hose 节管 7.Dental chair 牙科手术椅 8.Mirror 镜子 9.Tools 工具 10.Tray 托盘 11.Drill 钻子 12.Toothbrush 牙刷 13.Dentures 假牙 14.Mold 模子 15.Teeth 牙齿 16.Dental floss 牙线1.basket 篮子 2.egg 蛋 3.chocolate 巧克力 4.handle 手把 5.fake grass 人造草 6.dye 染料 7.marshmallows 棉花软糖 8.paint 油漆 9.bunny 兔子 10.paint brush 油漆刷 11.whiskers 胡须 12.plastics egg 塑料蛋 13.jelly beans 豆型软糖 14.ears 耳朵 15.paws 爪子1.moisturizer 润肤乳 2.blush 腮红 3.brushes 刷子 4.lip liner 唇线笔 5.nail polish 指甲油 6.tweezers 镊子 7.nail polish remover 洗甲水 8.face wash 洗面乳 9.lipstick 口红 粉底霜 11.eyeliner 眼线笔 12.mascara 睫毛膏 13.nail file 指甲锉 14.lip gloss 唇彩1.sink 水槽 2.barber"s chair 理发师的椅子 3.mirror 镜子 4.curling iron 卷发棒 5.comb 梳子 6.brush 刷子 dryer 吹风机 8.scissors 剪子 9.shampoo 洗发水 10.mousse 摩斯 11.shaving cream 剃须膏 12.razor 剃刀 clip 发夹 14.bobby pins 发夹 spray 发胶 16.styling gel 发胶 17.towel 毛巾 18.conditioner 护发素1.Lifeguard 救生员 2.Umbrella 伞 3.lounge chair 躺椅 4.bikini 比基尼 5.diving board 跳板 6.swimming pool 泳池 网 8.lockers 储物柜 room 更衣室 10.earplugs 耳塞 11.towel 毛巾 ring 救生圈 13.swimming suit 泳衣 14.swimming cap 泳帽 15.goggles 泳镜 16.sunscreen 防晒霜 17.ball 球 18.swimming trunks 泳裤 19.kickboard 踢水板 20.ladder 梯子1.blazer 小西装 2.suspenders 吊裤带 3.suit 套装 4.tie 领带 5.pants 裤子 6.vest 背心 7.raincoat 雨衣 8.blouse 女士衬衣 9.scarf 围巾 10.purse 女手提袋 11.skirt 短裙子 12.coat 大衣 13.hanger 衣架 14.dress 连衣裙 15.T-shirt T恤 16.Tank top 运动背心 17.Shorts 短裤 18.Socks 袜子 19.Belt 皮带 20.Jeans 牛仔裤 21.Sweater 毛衣 22.Drawer 抽屉1.lunch box 便当盒 2.thermos 热水瓶 3.straw 吸管 4.fork 叉 5.knife 刀 6.spoon 勺 7.sugar packet 糖包 8. lid 盖子 9.salad 沙拉 10.latch 闩 11.yogurt 乳酪 12.hinge 脚链 13.sandwich 三明治 14.pepper 胡椒 15.napkin 餐巾 16.Ziploc bag 密封塑料袋 17.Pepper 胡椒 18.salt packet 盐包1.high chair 儿童椅 2.pacifier 奶嘴 bottle 奶瓶 4.bib 围嘴 5.teddy bear 泰迪熊 6.blanket 毯子 wipes 婴儿湿巾 8.rattle 摇响器 9.diaper 尿布 10.crib 婴儿床 11.playpen 游戏围栏 12.stroller 婴儿车 13.rocking horse 摇摆木马 14.booties 婴儿袜1.doll 娃娃 2.yo-yo 悠悠球 engine 消防车 4.toy box 玩具箱 5.slinky 弹簧玩具 6.toy soldiers 玩具士兵 7.blocks 积木 8.legos 乐高积木 9.robot 机器人 10.crayons 蜡笔 11.remote controlled car 遥控汽车 12.Barbie 芭比娃娃 13.Car 车 14.Teddy bear 泰迪熊 15.Ball 球 16.Walkie-talkie 对讲机1.swimming trunks 游泳裤 2.deck 夹板 3.cocktail 鸡尾酒 4.sandals 拖鞋 vest 救生衣 6.seagull 海鸥 7.deck chair 躺椅 8.bikini 比基尼 9.anchor 锚 ring 救生圈 11.rope 绳子 12.captain 船长 boat 救生艇 14.oar 浆 15.porthole 舷窗1.bass (低音部) 2.harp 竖琴 3.conductor 指挥 4.cello 大提琴 5.bow 弓 stand 乐谱架 7.sheet music 乐谱 8.baton 指挥棒 9.drums 鼓 10.clarinet 单簧管 11.violin 小提琴 12.viola 中提琴 13.saxophone 萨克斯 14.flute 长笛 15.trombone 长号 16.trumpet 小号1.buoyancy compensation device(BCD) 浮力补偿背心 2.wet suit 潜水湿衣 3.spear gun 鱼枪 4.fins 蛙鞋 5.mask 面镜 6.compass 罗盘 7.weight belt 配重带 8.snorkel 呼吸管 9.outboard motor 舷外发动机 10.gauge 潜水计量器 11.regulator 调节器 12.mouth piece 吸嘴 13.tropical fish 热带鱼 14.air tank 空气桶 15.underwater camera 水下摄像机 16.coral 珊瑚 17.booties 潜水靴 18.boat 船 19.glove 潜水手套 20.flashlight 手电筒1.screws 螺丝 2.tape measure 卷尺 3.screwdriver 螺丝刀 4.bolts 螺栓 5.saw 锯子 6.washers 垫圈 7.nuts 螺母 8.hammer 锤子 9.wrench 扳手 10.nails 钉子 11.utility knife 工具刀 12.toolbox 工具箱 13
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现在以90后为代表的新一代青年父母们除了在孩子的中文名上下功夫外,还特别注重给孩子起一个英文名。一个简单而又实用的名字,不仅让人容易好记,而且还能收到人们的欢迎。那么问题来了,怎样子才能取一个既简单又好记的名字呢?有喜欢的父母亲可以一起来学习参考下。 取一个简单又好记的英文名技巧 取一个简单又好记的英文名技巧一: 名字不能太长。部分人觉得英文长点好,这样能彰显自己文化水平。比如Theskyoflove。这样非但不方便书写,而且在一些场合也让人不能及时叫出你的名字。通常情况下一个简单的英文名最好由单音节或者双音节组成,字母一般在3到7个之间。比如Avery。 Ishbel、Kian、Bartram、Valary、Kay、Redford、Norbert、Fitzgerald、Cathi、Kara、Wendolyn、Nessie、Nestor、Irina、Ramiro、Quillan、Eyuan、Paula、Feidhelm、Hlynn、Tim、Peter、Armstrong、Amador、Fisher、Raynor、Cristy、Douglas、Odwolf、Halley 取一个简单又好记的英文名技巧二: 名字要体现出父母对孩子的祝福与期盼。比如Dick,不仅发音好听,而且“dk”狄克是一种性格的代表。是凶猛和大胆的意思。 Mungo、Hiedi、Sanders、Lacy、Hollis、Lavi、Patty、Joyce、Keifer、Elwyn、Pearl、Dorsey、Dortha、Hillel、Taber、Yvon、Cassius、Gordy、Janette、Rock、Roxy、Fredie、Garland、Windie、Orabelle、Arvid、Vena、Crissy、Queran、Monique 取一个简单又好记的英文名技巧三: 可以在中国古代诗词作品中寻找同音字带入或者在国外文学作品中参考。比如Hawkeye鹰眼的出处在;《复仇者联盟》。Hawkeye是一位大英雄。身材魁梧,体格伟岸。 Christina、Vitoria、Cassandra、Queenetta、Shepherd、Marah、Sada、Indiya、Heavynne、Bartola、Gilberte、Vern、Augustine、Ellery、Shalom、Padraigin、Mervyn、Lael、Idumea、Victora、Rickie、Xzavier、Armande、Mildred、Colleen、Harli、Madeline、Simone、Brit、Kelton
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蕾妮斯梅喜欢雅各布。蕾妮斯梅是雅各布的烙印爱人,在《Breaking Dawn》(破晓)的book 1中极力的不想要她出生,认为会危害贝拉的生命,但却在第一眼看到她时爱上了她,决意一生一世保护她;成为他生命中最重要的存在,并为她取了昵称:Nessie (尼斯)(这个昵称曾一度让贝拉抓狂)book 4他们两个一起追雪花玩耍。并在沃尔图里到来时成功的与众人一起保护了她,最终成为永生伴侣。扩展资料:角色经历怀胎一月就出生,7岁时成长为成人,永远拥有青春美丽的外表,拥有吸血鬼的坚硬皮肤,但牙齿上没有毒液,有着人类的心跳,狼人的体温和24对染色体。出生不久就成为狼人雅各布的烙印爱人。一天,贝拉和化为狼的雅各布带她在森林玩,她轻轻一跃就有几层楼高,当她跳跃起捧雪花时,被几公里远的艾瑞娜看见。艾瑞娜的吸血鬼爱人被狼人所杀,是为了保护贝拉,因此艾瑞娜怀恨在心,她以为自己看见的是一个嗜血妖童;而嗜血妖童是不被大多数吸血鬼希望存在而且恐惧的。艾瑞娜将这件事告诉了沃尔图里家族,希望沃尔图里家族将蕾妮斯梅杀死。由此,展开了第四部下的故事,最终,蕾妮斯梅被沃尔图里家族承认是半吸血鬼半人类而得以继续永生下去。爱丽丝预见过蕾妮斯梅的未来,她将和雅各布结婚,并永远幸福的生活在一起。
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