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2023-06-28 00:06:45
TAG: cele


Priceless 基本解释


所属分类: TEM4

priceless 无价的,极珍贵的。



Priceless 用法和例句

And in the larger sense , good health is priceless .


One day depictions of cow tipping will be priceless .


Priceless : keep it off if you become one of the lucky losers , you "ll need to fight hard to protect your losses .


There are priceless old films , keepsakes from starlets and antique aviator equipment , but also stacks of milk bottles , newspapers and nail clippings-where do you start ?


But isn "t it precious and priceless ?




starlet 英[u02c8stɑ:lu0259t] 美[u02c8stɑ:rlu0259t] n. 崭露头角的年轻演员,年轻女明星; [例句]For example, troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan is known to use a red painted or cased BlackBerry Curve.比如说,大家都知道麻烦缠身的年轻女星林赛·罗翰用一部涂成红色或加了红色外壳的黑莓Curve手机。[其他] 复数:starlets
2023-06-27 22:47:442


starletsn.崭露头角的年轻演员,年轻女明星( starlet的名词复数 ); 网络小明星; 双语例句 They all sponsor elaborately staged award ceremonies, featuring singing, dancing, and lots of stars and starlets.他们都精心赞助举行颁奖典礼,具有歌唱,舞蹈,以及大量的恒星和小明星。
2023-06-27 22:47:521


小星星英文是Little Star; Twinkle Twinkle Little Star; Starlet;
2023-06-27 22:48:005

The Starlets乐队介绍

The Starlets乐队风格: 摇滚Rock,另类与独立摇滚Alternative & Indie Rock/Pop,梦幻流行曲Dream Pop/Shoegaze类别: 乐队/组合
2023-06-27 22:48:191

The Starlets歌词

Wasted time running scared when all of love needs is to be believed in All those springs come and gone Passed like trains and box cars, leaving But I would be lying if I didn"t tell you the truth They will leave you, they will leave you So come now, let"s go dance to the silent song Come now, leave your damage behind and gone Some are lost to you wasted time running scared all I need is to believe in something like a summer and I know you need somebody just like I do And all of these foxes go down in there barrel to hide They will leave you, they will leave you behind So come now, let"s go dance to the silent song Come now, Leave damage behind and gone So come now, Let"s go down to the dance floor Come now, Lose your mind and look badly gone Some are lost, some are leaving some are lost, some are leaving But I"m not gone at all I"m not going anywhere at all Some are lost to you wasted time running scared now autumns fire is ashes on the breeze and it spends away like dust on pearls as winter comes to usher in the evening all of these drummers go stand on the hillside alone They will leave you, they will leave you at home So come home now, lets go dance to the silent song Come now, leave your damage behind and gone So come now, let"s go down to eh dance floor Come now, loose your mind and look badly gone So come now, Come now let"s get out while the getting"s good Just come now, there"s no one left in the neighborhood
2023-06-27 22:48:281


polychrome starlets
2023-06-27 22:48:363

up to+数字,有没有“最多”的含义?

2023-06-27 22:48:445


Down on the West Coast, they got a sayin"If you"re not drinkin", then you"re not playin"But you"ve got the musicYou"ve got the music in you, don"t you?Down on the West Coast, I get this feeling likeIt all could happen that"s why I"m leaving you for the moment,You for the momentBoy Blue, yeah youYou"re feelin" hot at the show, I"m feelin" hot to the touchYou say you"ll miss me the most, I say I"ll miss you so muchSomething keeps me real quiet, I"m alive I"m a-lushYour love, your love, your loveI can see my baby swingin"His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are upOn the balcony and I"m singingOoh baby, Ooh baby, I"m in loveI can see my sweet boy swayin"He"s crazy and Cubano call my only loveOn the balcony and I"m sayingMove baby, move baby, I"m in loveI"m in love I"m in loveDown on the West Coast, they got their iconsTheir silver starlets, their Queens of SaigonBut you"ve got the music,you"ve got the music in you, don"t you?Down on the West Coast, they love their moviesTheir golden gods and Rock n Roll groupiesAnd you"ve got the music, you"ve got the music in you, don"t you?You push it hard up all the way, I"m feeling hot and on fireI guess that no one ever really made me feel I"m a childDidn"t say you gotta know, Boy, it"s you I desireYour love, your love, your loveI can see my baby swingin"His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are upOn the balcony and I"m singingOoh baby, Ooh baby, I"m in loveI can see my sweet boy swayin"He"s crazy y Cubano como yo my loveOn the balcony and I"m sayingMove baby, move baby, I"m in loveI can see my baby swingin"His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are upOn the balcony and I"m singingOoh baby, Ooh baby, I"m in loveI can see my sweet boy swayin"He"s crazy y Cubano como yo my loveOn the balcony and I"m sayingMove baby, move baby, I"m in loveI"m in love I"m in love 漫步于西海沿岸,那里流传着一句俗语:“若你不喝个酩酊大醉,就无法激起玩音乐的兴致。”但即使你滴酒不沾你亦能朝歌夜弦,日夜笙歌,永不停歇,不是吗?置身于西海沿岸,我预感到这一切都终将发生所以啊,迫于无奈的我不得不暂时离开你我的布鲁斯男孩你在音乐节上热血沸腾地弹奏,每一次触碰如同灼热烈火,我离开你愈发艰难你说我是你的挚爱,你将永远想念我。我们互诉衷肠,彼此想念。但有些事情却又不得不令我陷入沉默,我醉生而梦死犹豫不决,踌躇不前,难离难舍我看见我的爱人堕入情欲之网中摇摇欲坠当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火我在阳台上放声歌唱噢,宝贝,噢,宝贝,我已坠入爱河我能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌我们在阳台里共浴爱河,我说道摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去我已沉醉其中沉溺于西海沿岸,他们心中各怀圣像好莱坞里闪耀着银光的新生女星,他们心中唯一的圣贡女皇即使你心中毫无信仰,你的灵魂早已和音乐融为一体了,不是吗?情陷于西海沿岸 ,他们痴迷于老电影他们有金光耀耀的黄金神像和死忠于摇滚的狂迷然而你不被外物所扰,你未曾在歌迷中的鲜花与欢呼声中迷失自我,不是吗?你牵着我的手一路狂奔,我的心如烈火般熊熊燃烧我猜从未有人像你那样令我像个孩童般无拘无束地疯闹,自由洒脱,放荡不羁。就算我不承认你也一定知道。我只渴望拥有你你的肉身,你的灵魂,你的全部我看见我的爱人堕入情欲之网中摇摇欲坠当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火我在阳台上放声歌唱我爱你,让我们一起携手共度难关我能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌我们于阳台里共浴爱河,我说道摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去我已沉醉其中当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火我在阳台上放声歌唱我爱你,我们再也不要离开彼此我终于能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌我们于阳台里共浴爱河,我说道摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去我深陷其中,难以自拔
2023-06-27 22:48:571


love——cnbiue,gee_少女时代,lei go——邓福如,the show——lenka
2023-06-27 22:49:232


  菠萝学名:Ananas osus是著名热带水果之一。菠萝原产于南美洲巴西、巴拉圭的亚马逊河流域一带,16世纪从巴西传入中国。 菠萝学名:Ananas osus是著名热带水果之一。菠萝原产于南美洲巴西、巴拉圭的亚马逊河流域一带,16世纪从巴西传入中国。那么,你知道菠萝的的英文是什么吗?   菠萝 [bō luó]   菠萝的英文释义:   pineapple   ananas   pineapples   pineal gland   菠萝的英文例句:   毛伊岛美国夏威夷州夏威夷岛西北部岛屿。是该州的第二大岛,经济主要建立在蔗糖、菠萝和旅游业基础上   An island of Hawaii northwest of Hawaii Island. It is the second-largest island in the state, with an economy based chiefly on sugar cane, pineapples, and touri *** .   我买了一些菠萝罐头去看她。   I bought some tinned pineapples to visit her.   菠萝蛋白酶是一种酶提取干的菠萝工厂。   Bromelain is an enzyme extracted from the stem of the pineapple plant.   汤姆太忙了,都想不起菠萝和西瓜的事了。   Tomas was too busy to worry about pineapples or watermelons.   我有一个香蕉和一个菠萝。   I have a banana and a pineapple.   请来一个香草雪糕,两个菠萝圣代。   Please bring us one vanilla ice cream and two pineapple sundaes.   研究了茶多酚对菠萝蛋白酶特性的影响。   Tea polyphenols had influences on the properties of bromelain.   给你妹妹切一些菠萝。   Cut some pineapple for your sister.   当人家告诉娜塔莎,快要摆上菠萝冰激凌时,她才不再纠缠了。   Natasha only desisted when she had been told it was to be pineapple ice.   我喜欢罐装的菠萝和桃子。   I like canned pineapple and peaches.   要不要试试我们新推出的菠萝或是水蜜桃馅饼?   Would you like to try our new pineapple pie or peach pie?   从根本上说,它是一种用一片菠萝代替肉片的起司汉堡。   It was basically a cheeseburger but with a slice of pineapple instead of meat.   如果你喜欢,可以加入一些热带水果,如菠萝或木瓜。   If you like, add tropical fruits such as pineapple or papaya.   巧克力松糕和菠萝芝士蛋糕都有一个临界值,因为这些值受到了符号约束的限制。   The brownie and pineapple cheesecake have a marginal value, because theirvalue is at the limit of their sign constraints.   菠萝常是一些音乐家、歌星和演员最喜欢的水果,因为他们要背诵大量的乐谱、歌词和台词,需要强化记忆。   Pineapple is liked by a number of musicians, singers and actors, because theywant to memorize a lot of music, lyrics and lines.   这种树能结出美味的食用果实,类似于香蕉、芒果和菠萝的乳脂混合。   The trees produce a delicious edible fruit, similar to a creamy mixture of banana,mango and pineapple.   一名挪威的研究者发现,饮用传统的煮制咖啡可以获得比饮用蓝莓,木莓,菠萝或其他的果汁更多的抗氧化物。   A Norwegian study found that a typical serving of brewed coffee is richer inantioxidants than a serving of blueberries, raspberries, pineapples, or many fruit juices.   要是我们想吃菠萝和冰淇淋,尽管可以去佛罗里达。   Had we wanted pineapples and ice cream, we would have gone to Florida.   吃菠萝。   Eat pineapple.   黄色的水果,如菠萝和木瓜,包含着大量的维生素C和维生素A它们能充分改善你的免疫系统。   Yellow fruits such as pineapple and papaya contain large amounts of both vitaminC and vitamin A giving a generous boost to your immune system.   这些来自马来半岛的风景包括一个橡胶园、中国寺庙、霹雳州的锡矿、菸草种植园和槟榔屿摘菠萝,还有精美的建筑和载有货物的船。   The scenes from Malaya include a rubber plantation, Chinese temples, tin miningin Perak, tobacco planting and pineapple-picking in Penang, as well as finebuildings and boats with cargo.   另一些则不宜多吃,包括香蕉特别是熟透的香蕉、葡萄、猕猴桃、菠萝和甜瓜。   Other types should be eaten in only very limited amounts, including bananasespecially overripe bananas, grapes, kiwi, pineapple and melon.   其实是菠萝花。   The pineapple flower.   由于患有强迫症,他要求他的私人厨师必须在夜里3点做好正反颠倒的菠萝蛋糕。   He"d order pineapple upside down cake from his personal chef at 3 a.m. and dance with young starlets.   用木串插那种一口大小的水果,诸如草莓,菠萝,葡萄和西瓜之类的。   Use wooden skewers to spear bite-sized pieces of fruit such as strawberries,pineapple, grapes and melons.   喝咖啡、喝酒, *** 会变苦;吃菠萝、芹菜,还有西瓜, *** 味道就不会那么重了。   Coffee and booze can make semen taste bitter, while pineapple, celery, andmelon make it taste less strong.   没人明白她在说些什么,但人们把他安顿在小镇的一个小客栈里后,她把菠萝当饭吃,睡觉不睡床而是睡在地上。   No one could understand what she was saying, but when she was offered a roomat the local inn, she ate a pineapple for dinner and slept on the floor instead of in the bed.   由于今年的迫切需求,酒店今年公开并扩大了菠萝儿童俱乐部以迎合各个年年龄段的年轻人。   Due to popular demand this year, the property unveiled and expanded PineappleKids Club to cater to a wider range of ages.   在西纳特拉,可尝尝黑扁豆沙拉,蒸粗麦粉加煮蔬菜,菠萝片配开心果和香椰冰淇淋。   At Sinatra, try the black lentil salad, couscous with poached veggies, pineapplecarpaccio with pistachios and coconut ice cream.
2023-06-27 22:49:471

丰田御用改装品牌介绍 TRD和TMG

丰田,一个诞生于棉纺厂的民营汽车企业。1937年成立至今历经75个春秋,丰田从模仿到突破再到成为全球十大汽车公司前列。丰田虽中庸,但一步步走来,也有年少轻狂的一面,打造过令无数车迷历历在目的经典运动车型和赛车。从1957年参加赛车运动开始,丰田已经走过50多个年头,当中有拉力赛最高地位的喜悦也有F1赛事的低调离场。当中不得不提作为丰田运动部门的两家御用改装公司:TRD和TMG(前身叫TTE)。丰田从1957年便投身于赛车运动,其响当当的改装部门TRD估计每个车迷都知晓,我们就先介绍TRD吧。TRD作为丰田的100%独资的改装公司,出品的改装件种类繁多:包括高性能减震器、涡轮增压器和高强度轻量化轮圈等,负责对丰田、雷克萨斯、Scion品牌汽车进行性能的改装提升。TRD不但负责改进丰田旗下市售车的性能,而且更重要的是在世界各项高水平赛事上为丰田提供技术支持。图:TRD在日本的商标。图:TRD在北美的商标,设计稍有不同。TRD主要分为两大板块:TRD日本和TRD北美。TRD日本主要专注于日本国内的赛事,包括Super GT Series(JGTC)、全日本F3冠军赛、ESSO丰田方程式和Netz杯等。TRD北美分部则在越野锦标赛(CORR)、NASCAR大赛、Drag拉力、Baja100和Indy赛事中表现得异常活跃。而Toyota?Australia在2007将TRD引入澳洲,发布了搭载高性能V6发动机的Aurion车型,接下来又在2008年4月推出了TRD版海拉克斯(HILUX皮卡)。TRD从刚开始到发展成现在的规模,主要经过以下几个阶段。1954年6月7日,丰田技术开发部成立,主要负责维护和修理各种事故车辆和二手车和特种车辆、展示车辆的制造。1957年,丰田为参加在澳大利亚的赛车赛事,试探性的创立了最初的丰田赛车运动部门,职责专为丰田打造赛车,这也是丰田赛车活动的开始。1965年,丰田正式确立了赛车运动部门的地位,开始为“日本大奖赛”派遣赛车和技师参与赛事运动,这也是TRD的前身。此外,由于赛车运动的特殊需求,在当时的芝浦工厂单独设立了一处办公地点。1973年由于爆发的石油危机对世界汽车产业影响巨大,导致日本丰田公司的特别发展部于1975年解散,并重新设立了专门开发和销售赛车专用零部件的部门——TOSCO(Toyota?Sport Corner),次年,丰田为了扩大对汽车运动的投入程度,便将原来的TOSCO部门更名成TRD(Toyota?Racing Development),从此,丰田的赛车专用零部件产品的开发和销售规模便壮大起来。1979年,TRD在美国加州Costa Mesa子公司成立,主要负责北美地区的细分市场以及为丰田在北美的赛车运动提供技术支持。此后,TRD便活跃在北美的各项汽车运动之中。并帮助丰田征战NASCAR立下了汗马功劳。1996年:开设湘南工场。2003年:增资到17亿日円,并完成芝浦新社屋。2006年:开设湘南技术开发中心(旧湘南工场)/开设爱知工场/横滨工场/设立TRD ASIA CO.,LTD.。2011年:芝浦工场更名为东京雷克萨斯服务中心。图:TRD在日本已经开设了多家工厂。得益于TRD强大的研发能力和专业的技术提供,在被称为世界上最激烈的厂商车队间的斗智斗勇、不仅在日本国内而且在世界各地都深受欢迎的“SUPER GT”锦标赛中,TRD新开发的凌志SC430成绩斐然。与其它厂商车队采用分别由不同的公司开发底盘和引擎的情况不同,凌志SC430的底盘和引擎都由TRD进行开发,并在比赛中不断进行改进使之日趋完善。这些由TRD开发、制造的车辆提供给各参赛队,各队再自行变更调整,并最终装配后参加比赛。另外,GT500级的所有车型都装配TRD开发的引擎。TRD不仅负责引擎调校,还对赛前的引擎装配、比赛间隙现场的引擎维护、赛后的拆卸检修提供整套服务。图:TRD活跃于各大赛车活动,但TRD仅作为使用丰田车的车队提供服务。TRD并不组队参加比赛,而是作为后台的开发团队、支援团队为所有丰田用户车队提供服务,一年四季为丰田GT赛车的性能提高倾注着热情。这些努力开花结果,从全日本GT冠军赛到现在的SUPER GT,以Supra、凌志SC430为代表的赛车车辆一次次地创造辉煌。此外,在2009年SUPER GT系列GT500/GT300两个级别赛车比赛中,同时获得了系列赛冠军。1966年丰田以Jaguar为蓝本,由丰田技术研发部打造经典跑车丰田2000GT发布。并将当年这款热销的2000GT跑车改装成为赛车,该车花了78小时以206.04km/h的时速完成了长达15000km的耐力测试,2000GT的测试成绩建立了3项新的世界记录并且刷新了13项时间记录。图:1955年,1.5L排量的CROWN(皇冠)车型诞生,名为皇冠RS。凭借卓越的性能参加当澳洲的汽车拉力赛。标志着丰田正式开始参与汽车运动。图:1966年丰田以Jaguar为蓝本,由丰田技术研发部打造经典跑车丰田2000GT发布。并将当年这款热销的2000GT跑车改装成为赛车,该车花了78小时以206.04km/h的时速完成了长达15000km的耐力测试,2000GT的测试成绩建立了3项新的世界记录并且刷新了13项时间记录。被誉为日本第一跑车的丰田2000GT。图:为加大TRD在赛场的地位,1981年丰田创办了Toyota Starlet Cup,由家用车Starlet统一系列赛车的比赛。由丰田提供车型,TRD提供技术支持。众多车手以及车队报名参加,一举带动了平民赛车运动,开创了单一车型竞技的新型竞技模式。左上:丰田Starlet杯比赛盛况。右上:1985年由TRD改装的丰田Corolla?Levin首次参加JTCC(The Japanese Touring Car Championship)便获得了A组的冠军,该车是TRD的代表作品之一。左下:1990年由TRD独立完成设计、开发和制造的Toyota 90CV夺得日本原型车锦标赛500km耐力赛锦标。右下:由TRD部门开发并制造的Toyota TS010作为新的C组赛车亮相日本原型车锦标赛。图:1992年,Toyota TS010配备3.5V10引擎参加了勒芒24小时耐力赛,并取得了第二的成绩。图:1994年,TRD研发的SUPRA(JZA80)GT赛车,开始出战日本SUPER GT赛事,第一次参加此项比赛即取得第二名,凭借其优异性能,在GT500组别中多次夺得冠军(1997年,2001年,2003年,2004年,2005年)。除了在日本本土取得傲人成绩之外。另一边厢美国的TRD分部,凭借着TRD多年积累下来的丰富赛车经验以及技术,在2000年采用赛利卡作为蓝本改装,参加NASCAR比赛。并在2001年和2002年就取得了年度亚军打响头炮,2003年便站上了最高颁奖台,取得年度总冠军。除此之外,TRD北美分支在越野锦标赛(CORR)、拉力、Baja100和Indy赛事中表现也非常活跃。图:2000年参加NASCAR赛事的Celica赛车。图:不仅仅是斗平路,越野丰田也不甘落后,越野锦标赛(CORR)。图:2007年拉力赛场上的Corolla TRD战车。TRD设计的改件包罗万象,上至动力系统升级,下至外观套件和饰品样样俱全。涡轮套件、机械增压套件之类不在话下。凭借多年来的赛车经验,动力升级绝对难不到TRD。连凯美瑞舒适取向的中级车都有推出机械增压套件就知道TRD对动力有多疯狂。以丰田GT-86为例,TRD Performance Line性能提升部件清单包括了外观空力套件、底盘强化、制动系统升级、行走系统和其它等部件,覆盖度高,顾及到整车提升的需求,相当全面。图:丰田86(ZN6)TRD Performance Line安装套件图。图:丰田86用TRD绞牙避震,具备全长式调整功能,可在改变车身高度的同时保持最佳的筒心行程。另外,软硬阻尼为40段可调,阻尼覆盖范围较广。图:前顶吧、防倾杆以及底盘强化套件可使底盘结构更加紧凑,刚度更高。而TRD防倾杆与TRD避震配合驾控感更佳,车身稳定性高。图:这个就是TRD最新研发成果——强化车门锁,目前该部品仅为86车型专用。从上图可以看出,安装强化门锁后,丰田86的转向更为敏捷,偏航率更接近理论值。图:丰田86用TRD制动系统套件是由Brembo代工生产,前制动卡钳为对向6活塞设计,配355mm制动碟,后卡钳为对向4活塞设计,配345mm卡钳。该制动套件需与18寸轮圈配合安装。图:TRD SF2轻量化轮圈,采用了锻造工艺生产,配合多幅细轮辐设计,轻量化性能出众,有效降低簧下质量,显著提升运动性能。而该轮圈可匹配8用TRD制动系统套装。丰田86用SF2轮圈规格:18×7.5J,PCD:5×100,INSET:46,推荐轮胎规格:225/40R18。TMG全称Toyota Motorsport GmbH,也就是丰田在欧洲设立的竞技部门。主要为丰田欧洲市场开发而设立的。丰田TMG主管Yoshiaki Kinoshita更表示要将TMG打造成为与AMG和宝马M部门齐名的公司。看到这里,估计已经有读者迷糊了,TMG究竟是何方神圣。其实自1979年开始,TTE(Toyota Team Europe)作为TMG的前身,在70至90年代一直活跃于WRC的赛事。1998年和1999年参加24小时勒芒耐力赛,当时参赛的GT-One赛车于1999年取得第二名的好成绩。而2002年开始参加一级方程式赛事,不过到2009年丰田宣布退出一级方程式赛事。8年期间丰田F1车队一共13次登上了领奖台。随着退出F1赛事,丰田正式将TTE更名为TMG。TMG与TRD套件升级的方式不一样,主要倾向于赛车研发、欧洲市场和整车研发的工作,而TRD则侧重于北美市场以及日本市场的开发。TMG接下来的工作主要负责生产和开发丰田品牌、雷克萨斯等旗下品牌车型的高性能版本。图:丰田TMG的logo,Toyota Motorsport GmbH。TMG发展历程:1970~1990年:TTE一直负责丰田WRC(世界汽车拉力锦标赛)的赛事。1993年:TTE(Toyota Team Europe)正式更名为TMG(Toyota Motorsport GmbH)。TMG大约200名员工,在3万平方米的厂房内共同研发丰田汽车的技术和客户服务工作。1994年:TMG开始开发市售车零部件升级业务,提供各种汽车升级套件。除此之外,TMG也有提供整车销售业务。1998~1999年:TMG进军勒芒24小时耐力赛,丰田GT-One赛车凭借出色的发挥,在1999年夺得第二名的好成绩。1999年:TMG决定退出WRC舞台。2000年:丰田车队在科隆工厂建立了研发中心,制造了第一款V10引擎。2002~2009年:TMG以“松下丰田车队”之名参加F1方程式大赛。8年期间,丰田在F1赛场上,并没有获得如同其他比赛中的光环。惨淡的战果下,黯然退场。Corolla Levin(TE27):1973年、1975年Celica(RA63):1982年Celica Twincam Turbo(TA64):1983-1986年Celica GT-FOUR(ST165):1989-1992年Celica GT-FOUR(ST185):1992-1994年Celica GT-FOUR(ST205):1995年Corolla WRC:1998-1999年丰田Celica远比家用车Corolla更适合运动,但考虑到市场宣传的原因使用了Corolla上场作战。但后来因为Celica拥有更为强大的改装潜能,更能适应B组的新规定,改用Celica赛车应付WRC的战斗,并多次夺冠。图:1975年丰田为了配合市场,使用Corolla Levin(TE27)出战WRC。图:Celica GT赛车。图:1993年TTE车队大合照。TMG与TRD套件升级的方式不一样,主要倾向于赛车研发、欧洲市场和整车研发的工作,所以目前TMG的升级零件还不算多,TMG还没大规模生产改装部件。图:能找到的改装部件,大多还是停留在外观层面。图:适合3SGTE引擎用的2手TTE锻造连杆。估计有很多读者会疑惑,一直为人熟悉的TOM"S为什么没有被归纳到御用改装品牌之列呢?因为御用改装品牌需满足两个条件:一、与车厂有隶属关系,车厂持有股份;二、有开发改装部件供应市场。大家别误认为TOM"S中的T代表Toyota,其实非也。因为TOM"S是由原丰田试车手Nobuhide Tachi和Kiyoshi Oiwa两人共同建立的。而两位创始人英文名字的第一个字母再加上Motor Sport的第一个字母组成的(Tachi +Oiwa+Motor Sport=TOM"S),属于一家独立的改装公司。只不过后来得到了丰田认证,签约成为合作关系。可以说,TOM"S是专业改装丰田的公司,但不属于御用改装品牌。当然,TOM"S为丰田也推出过许多经典车型。图:TOM"S Toyota 90C-V赛车。图:TOM"S官网罗列了大量改装零部件。编辑点评:丰田作为世界大厂,为迎合最大众的口味,以中庸之道制造出众多全球热销车型。当大家记住丰田的中庸之后,其实丰田一样有实力制造出极具个性和性能玩味的汽车。丰田旗下的御用改装品牌更具有独立研发赛车的能力。在强大的技术支持下,只要你想玩,丰田车一样好玩,甚至玩得更出色。图:TTE始祖Corolla Levin(TE27)赛车,英姿不减当年。图:看拉力赛最喜欢的就是飞速冲过时扬起的尘土和水花。图:丰田TS030 Hybrid Le Mans战车。图:Starlets 杯赛车,旨在市场推广。图:TRD官网有许多漫画版本的墙纸供车迷下载。本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。
2023-06-27 22:49:541


candid photo
2023-06-27 22:50:024


2023-06-27 22:50:454


2023-06-27 22:51:512

求west coast歌词翻译

Down on the West Coast they got a sayin"走过西岸,听过一句俗话:"If you"re not drinkin" then you"re not playin"."“若你不醉,势必不归”But you"ve got the music, you"ve got the music可你为音乐而生,清醒中酝酿出微醺的曲调In you, don"t you?你天赋异禀,不是吗?Down on the West Coast I get this feeling like走过西岸,预感如风起云涌It all could happen that"s why I"m leaving一切美好都会随飓风变化,为此我不得不离开你You for the moment, you for the moment留点时间来沉淀冷静Boy Blue, yeah, you哦,我的布鲁斯男孩You"re flyin" high at push on, I"m feelin" hot to the touch你不肯离开,我不愿放手You say you miss me, and I wanna say I miss you so much你说你想我十分,我也毫不掩饰道出思念But something keeps me really quiet, I"m alive I"m a-lush但现实让我哑口无言,我如此醉生梦死Your love, your love, your love你,是我的最爱I can see my baby swingin"我看着他舞动的身影His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are up吞云吐雾,摇曳生姿On the balcony and I"m singing阳台望海,我轻声呢喃Ooh, baby, ooh, baby, I"m in love宝贝,我已与你沉入爱河I can see my sweet boy swayin"我看着他舞动的身影He"s crazy y Cubano como yo my love我们同古巴人有火一样的热情On the balcony and I"m saying阳台望海,我轻声呢喃Move baby, move baby, I"m in love随心摇摆,因我已沉入爱河I"m in love (I"m in love)我已沉入爱河I"m in love (I"m in love)沉入爱河Down on the West Coast, they got their icons走过西岸,他们崇拜偶像Their silver starlets, their Queens of Saigon新起之秀,西贡女王But you"ve got the music, you"ve got the music你为音乐而生,清醒中酝酿出微醺的曲调In you, don"t you?你天赋异禀,不是吗?Down on the West Coast, they love their movies走过西岸,他们上演老电影的情节Their golden gods and rock and roll groupies金神之奖,摇滚乐狂徒But you"ve got the music, you"ve got the music你为音乐而生,清醒中酝酿出微醺的曲调In you, don"t you?你天赋异禀,不是吗?You push it hard, I pull away, I"m feeling hotter than fire你不肯离开,我不愿放手,我的内心如火燃烧I guess that no one ever really made me feel that much higher想来从未有人让我感觉灵魂带电Te deseo, carino, boy, it"s you I desire亲爱的男孩,你勾起我的欲火Your love, your love, your love你,是我的最爱I can see my baby swingin"我看着他舞动的身影His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are up吞云吐雾,摇曳生姿On the balcony and I"m singing阳台望海,我轻声呢喃Ooh, baby, ooh, baby, I"m in love宝贝,我已与你沉入爱河I can see my sweet boy swayin"我看着他舞动的身影He"s crazy y Cubano como yo my love我们同古巴人有火一样的热情On the balcony and I"m saying阳台望海,我轻声呢喃Move baby, move baby, I"m in love随心摇摆,因我已沉入爱河I"m in love (I"m in love)我已沉入爱河I"m in love (I"m in love)沉入爱河
2023-06-27 22:51:581

翻译。。。。。。。。陈冠希 道歉。。

2023-06-27 22:52:075


7 DAYS 很喜欢的男声,不知道啥时候的...blijf---fouradi 有钢琴伴奏whataya want from me---adam lambert 节奏有点快never change---chase coy 比较乡村把
2023-06-27 22:52:229

求ladygaga 在the monster ball tour中激励粉丝的演讲,100分哦~摆托帮帮忙啦

2023-06-27 22:52:503

找几首好听的英文歌 像everytime you kissed me 那样的调调的

1.rosstallanma - night2.chris daughtry - over you3.James Blunt-19734.cara dillon - never in a million years5.Yolanda Adams--never give up6.monrose - love don"t come easy7.Letoya Luckett-Not Anymore8.adele red - do it so well9.Chris williams - emergency11.Kay B-Groove Thang12.keke palmer - first crush13.Lashawn Daniels-Taxi14.laurell - can"t stop falling15.egypt central - over and under 16.StyLe-Incomplete17.Taio Cruz-I Can"t Say Go18.Daniel Powter- whole world around19.yael naim - new soul20.until june - you do21.Maria Solheim - too many days22.the starlets - running out of saturday23.the lucksmith - little distraction24.the first time - lil corey25.the click five - mary jane26.Backstreet Boys - the answer to our life27.sverige - kent28.soko - shitty day29.sogyumo acacia band - so goodbye30.sissel kyrkjeb - should it matter31.savage garden - santa monica32.katharine mcphee - over it33.marie serneholt - oxygen 34.barlowgirl - never alone35.melanie c - never be the same again36.leigh nash - charmed life 37.laurel music - no one wants forever38.kate voegele - i won"t disagree39.i should have told you40.def leppard - long long way to go41.colbie caillat - bubbly42.boyz ii men - the color of love43.bobby tinsley - you44.alesha dixon - breathe slow45.alan jackson - remember when46.melissa vaughan - again 47.3 Doors Down-Here Without You48.Bosson - one in a million49.sweetback - lover50.simple plan - untitled 这些歌都很好听 希望你喜欢
2023-06-27 22:52:581

请帮忙推荐好听的英文歌 :westlife MJ lady gaga的都是我听过的 就不要再推荐了

不太流行但很好听so yesterday希拉里达夫 if you feel me love blaxy girls show me love tatuthings i ll never say艾薇儿
2023-06-27 22:53:1916


anyone of us
2023-06-27 22:53:4412


“Whistling of Birds” by David Herbert Lawrence is a depiction of the vividness of his writings and his own artistic vision and thought. In this essay he has elucidated the change of seasons- change from winter to spring- in an impressive way by the use of images, similes and metaphors.. Winter, as he narrates, brings woe and causes wreck. The intense frost that sustained for several weeks caused the death of birds. The remnants of the beautiful bevy of birds – lapwings, starlets, thrushes, lied scattered in the fields. The “invisible beasts of prey” had wolfed the birds. The winter had massacred the song birds and their blood-soaked skins were spread all around. The beings that could not shield themselves against its rigours shivered with cold and were exposed to the fury of biting cold winds. Winter thus had brought a host of hardships to the poor souls who found it hard to face the vagaries of the weather. Oh, the long and dreary Winter!Oh, the cold and cruel Winter! Then sudden change appeared. The way wind began to blow depicted change of weather. The winds were warm and during the day shimmers sunlight could be seen. The birds began to chirp uncomfortably, without a pause. The doves were uttering strained coos as the influence of winter prevailed on them. Their attitude was queer. It was like a overlapping season. The surroundings were still snow carpeted. They kept on cooing with weakness. The breeze was still chilly enough to hurt.
2023-06-27 22:54:061

推荐几首歌,类似于children of the earth,Liekkas 这种

是不是比较清新风的 ( 都是我一个一个打出来的)在动物园散步才是正经事------My Little Airportvalder field------tamas wellsfree loop------daniel powternever grow old-----the cranberries(卡百利乐队)das spiel---------annett louisandas maus mal soignes----annett louisancraigie hill----------cara dillon(卡兰 迪伦)bressanone-------matthew lien(马修 连恩)la disparition---------Keren Ann(凯伦 安)running out of the saturday------the starletsyeti‘s lament------berry weight
2023-06-27 22:54:251


  菠萝学名:Ananas osus是著名热带水果之一。菠萝原产于南美洲巴西、巴拉圭的亚马逊河流域一带,16世纪从巴西传入中国。 那么,你知道吗?   波萝   波萝的英文释义:   pineapple   波萝的英文例句:   在把热牛排放进面包之前,要先放波萝伏洛干酪,以便乳酪融化后将肉包裹起来。   Provolone cheese is placed inside the bread roll before the hot steak is added soit melts around the meat.   如果你喜欢乳酪,那你就不能错过品尝乳酪烤饼——一种撒了牛至叶粉的烟熏味波萝伏洛干酪。   If you"re in the mood for cheese, don"t leave without sampling provoleta – a *** okyprovolone sprinkled with oregano.   这对夫妇一起居住一个村庄的一所房子里,那里位于距首部大约50英里80公里的柬埔寨南部的波萝勉省。   The hu *** and and wife had been living together in the house in a village in thePrey Veng province of southern Cambodia, roughly 50 miles 80 km from the capital. article.   村民高走势,依靠为生,波萝郎说,他乐观地认为,金边将提高对问题的认识。   Villager Kao Chart, who relies on Prey Lang for a living, said he is optimistic that ing to Phnom Penh would raise awareness of the problems. maynet   Passion fruit and pineapple fighting for dominance among a fruIt"salad ofcontenders. 辛辣香味中带热情果及波萝为主之水果沙拉味.   Pineapple and passion fruit contribute the fruIt"salad impression joined bycapsicum notes and lemon. 波萝及西番莲果等水果沙拉味伴随着辣椒及柠檬味.   Based on the tests, it also *** yses the surface checking of parquet andproves its feasibility. 在实测的基础上, 对波萝格地板涂饰表面裂纹情况进行了分析,验证了此工艺方案的可行性.   我喜欢罐装的菠萝和桃子。   I like canned pineapple and peaches.   要不要试试我们新推出的菠萝或是水蜜桃馅饼?   Would you like to try our new pineapple pie or peach pie?   从根本上说,它是一种用一片菠萝代替肉片的起司汉堡。   It was basically a cheeseburger but with a slice of pineapple instead of meat.   如果你喜欢,可以加入一些热带水果,如菠萝或木瓜。   If you like, add tropical fruits such as pineapple or papaya.   巧克力松糕和菠萝芝士蛋糕都有一个临界值,因为这些值受到了符号约束的限制。   The brownie and pineapple cheesecake have a marginal value, because theirvalue is at the limit of their sign constraints.   菠萝常是一些音乐家、歌星和演员最喜欢的水果,因为他们要背诵大量的乐谱、歌词和台词,需要强化记忆。   Pineapple is liked by a number of musicians, singers and actors, because theywant to memorize a lot of music, lyrics and lines.   这种树能结出美味的食用果实,类似于香蕉、芒果和菠萝的乳脂混合。   The trees produce a delicious edible fruit, similar to a creamy mixture of banana,mango and pineapple.   一名挪威的研究者发现,饮用传统的煮制咖啡可以获得比饮用蓝莓,木莓,菠萝或其他的果汁更多的抗氧化物。   A Norwegian study found that a typical serving of brewed coffee is richer inantioxidants than a serving of blueberries, raspberries, pineapples, or many fruit juices.   要是我们想吃菠萝和冰淇淋,尽管可以去佛罗里达。   Had we wanted pineapples and ice cream, we would have gone to Florida. article.   吃菠萝。   Eat pineapple. article.   黄色的水果,如菠萝和木瓜,包含着大量的维生素C和维生素A它们能充分改善你的免疫系统。   Yellow fruits such as pineapple and papaya contain large amounts of both vitaminC and vitamin A giving a generous boost to your immune system.   这些来自马来半岛的风景包括一个橡胶园、中国寺庙、霹雳州的锡矿、菸草种植园和槟榔屿摘菠萝,还有精美的建筑和载有货物的船。   The scenes from Malaya include a rubber plantation, Chinese temples, tin miningin Perak, tobacco planting and pineapple-picking in Penang, as well as finebuildings and boats with cargo.   另一些则不宜多吃,包括香蕉特别是熟透的香蕉、葡萄、猕猴桃、菠萝和甜瓜。   Other types should be eaten in only very limited amounts, including bananasespecially overripe bananas, grapes, kiwi, pineapple and melon.   其实是菠萝花。   The pineapple flower. article.   由于患有强迫症,他要求他的私人厨师必须在夜里3点做好正反颠倒的菠萝蛋糕。   He"d order pineapple upside down cake from his personal chef at 3 a.m. and dance with young starlets.   用木串插那种一口大小的水果,诸如草莓,菠萝,葡萄和西瓜之类的。   Use wooden skewers to spear bite-sized pieces of fruit such as strawberries,pineapple, grapes and melons.   喝咖啡、喝酒, *** 会变苦;吃菠萝、芹菜,还有西瓜, *** 味道就不会那么重了。   Coffee and booze can make semen taste bitter, while pineapple, celery, andmelon make it taste less strong.   没人明白她在说些什么,但人们把他安顿在小镇的一个小客栈里后,她把菠萝当饭吃,睡觉不睡床而是睡在地上。   No one could understand what she was saying, but when she was offered a roomat the local inn, she ate a pineapple for dinner and slept on the floor instead of in the bed. article.   由于今年的迫切需求,酒店今年公开并扩大了菠萝儿童俱乐部以迎合各个年年龄段的年轻人。   Due to popular demand this year, the property unveiled and expanded PineappleKids Club to cater to a wider range of ages.   在西纳特拉,可尝尝黑扁豆沙拉,蒸粗麦粉加煮蔬菜,菠萝片配开心果和香椰冰淇淋。   At Sinatra, try the black lentil salad, couscous with poached veggies, pineapplecarpaccio with pistachios and coconut ice cream.
2023-06-27 22:54:311


2023-06-27 22:54:451


2023-06-27 22:54:521

lana del rey west cost 中文歌词

West Coast - Lana Del Rey  西海岸  Down on the West Coast, they got a sayin"  漫步于西海沿岸,那里流传着一句俗语:  "If you"re not drinkin", then you"re not playin""  “若你不喝个酩酊大醉,就无法激起玩音乐的兴致。”  But you"ve got the music  但即使你滴酒不沾  You"ve got the music in you, don"t you?  你亦能朝歌夜弦,日夜笙歌,永不停歇,不是吗?  Down on the West Coast, I get this feeling like  置身于西海沿岸,我预感到这一切都终将发生  It all could happen that"s why I"m leaving you for the moment,You for the moment  所以啊,迫于无奈的我不得不暂时离开你  Boy Blue, yeah you  我的布鲁斯男孩  You"re feelin" hot at the show, I"m feelin" hot to the touch  你在音乐节上热血沸腾地弹奏,每一次触碰如同灼热烈火,我离开你愈发艰难  You say you"ll miss me the most, I say I"ll miss you so much  你说我是你的挚爱,你将永远想念我。我们互诉衷肠,彼此想念。  Something keeps me real quiet, I"m alive I"m a-lush  但有些事情却又不得不令我陷入沉默,我醉生而梦死  Your love, your love, your love  犹豫不决,踌躇不前,难离难舍  I can see my baby swingin"  我看见我的爱人堕入情欲之网中摇摇欲坠  His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are up  当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火  On the balcony and I"m singing  我在阳台上放声歌唱  Ooh baby, Ooh baby, I"m in love  噢,宝贝,噢,宝贝,我已坠入爱河  I can see my sweet boy swayin"  我能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔  He"s crazy and Cubano call my only love  蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌  On the balcony and I"m saying  我们于阳台里共浴爱河,我说道  Move baby, move baby, I"m in love  摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去  I"m in love I"m in love  我已沉醉其中  Down on the West Coast, they got their icons  沉溺于西海沿岸,他们心中各怀圣像  Their silver starlets, their Queens of Saigon  好莱坞里闪耀着银光的新生女星,他们心中唯一的圣贡女皇  But you"ve got the music,you"ve got the music in you, don"t you?  即使你心中毫无信仰,你的灵魂早已和音乐融为一体了,不是吗?  Down on the West Coast, they love their movies  情陷于西海沿岸 ,他们痴迷于老电影  Their golden gods and Rock n Roll groupies  他们有金光耀耀的黄金神像和死忠于摇滚的狂迷  And you"ve got the music, you"ve got the music in you, don"t you?  然而你不被外物所扰,你未曾在歌迷中的鲜花与欢呼声中迷失自我,不是吗?  You push it hard up all the way, I"m feeling hot and on fire  你牵着我的手一路狂奔,我的心如烈火般熊熊燃烧  I guess that no one ever really made me feel I"m a child  我猜从未有人像你那样令我像个孩童般无拘无束地疯闹,自由洒脱,放荡不羁。  Didn"t say you gotta know, Boy, it"s you I desire  就算我不承认你也一定知道。我只渴望拥有你  Your love, your love, your love  你的肉身,你的灵魂,你的全部  I can see my baby swingin"  我看见我的爱人堕入情欲之网中摇摇欲坠  His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are up  当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火  On the balcony and I"m singing  我在阳台上放声歌唱  Ooh baby, Ooh baby, I"m in love  我爱你,让我们一起携手共度难关  I can see my sweet boy swayin"  我能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔  He"s crazy y Cubano como yo my love  蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌  On the balcony and I"m saying  我们于阳台里共浴爱河,我说道  Move baby, move baby, I"m in love  摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去  I can see my baby swingin"  我已沉醉其中  His Parliament"s on fire and his hands are up  当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火  On the balcony and I"m singing  我在阳台上放声歌唱  Ooh baby, Ooh baby, I"m in love  我爱你,我们再也不要离开彼此  I can see my sweet boy swayin"  我终于能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔  He"s crazy y Cubano como yo my love  蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌  On the balcony and I"m saying  我们于阳台里共浴爱河,我说道  Move baby, move baby, I"m in love  摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去  I"m in love I"m in love  我深陷其中,难以自拔。
2023-06-27 22:55:001


2023-06-27 22:55:071


2023-06-27 22:55:131


the ting tings
2023-06-27 22:55:392

a lady of a certain age歌词翻译

2023-06-27 22:55:463

风雨哈佛路 里前段饰演小Liz的小女孩是哪位演员?

《风雨哈佛路》(Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story) 2003年Jennifer Pisana ... Young Liz
2023-06-27 22:55:531


  菠萝(学名:Ananas comosus)是著名热带水果之一。菠萝原产于南美洲巴西、巴拉圭的亚马逊河流域一带,16世纪从巴西传入中国。 那么,你知道菠萝的英文单词怎么读吗?   波萝   波萝的英文释义:   pineapple   波萝的英文例句:   在把热牛排放进面包之前,要先放波萝伏洛干酪,以便奶酪融化后将肉包裹起来。   Provolone cheese is placed inside the bread roll before the hot steak is added soit melts around the meat.   如果你喜欢奶酪,那你就不能错过品尝奶酪烤饼——一种撒了牛至叶粉的烟熏味波萝伏洛干酪。   If youu2019re in the mood for cheese, donu2019t leave without sampling provoleta u2013 a smokyprovolone sprinkled with oregano.   这对夫妇一起居住一个村庄的一所房子里,那里位于距首部大约50英里(80公里)的柬埔寨南部的波萝勉省。   The husband and wife had been living together in the house in a village in thePrey Veng province of southern Cambodia, roughly 50 miles (80 km) from the capital. article.   村民高走势,依靠为生,波萝郎说,他乐观地认为,金边将提高对问题的认识。   Villager Kao Chart, who relies on Prey Lang for a living, said he is optimistic that coming to Phnom Penh would raise awareness of the problems.   Passion fruit and pineapple fighting for dominance among a fruIt"salad ofcontenders. 辛辣香味中带热情果及波萝为主之水果沙拉味.   Pineapple and passion fruit contribute the fruIt"salad impression joined bycapsicum notes and lemon. 波萝及西番莲果等水果沙拉味伴随着辣椒及柠檬味.   Based on the tests, it also analyses the surface checking of parquet andproves its feasibility. 在实测的基础上, 对波萝格地板涂饰表面裂纹情况进行了分析,验证了此工艺方案的可行性. 菠萝的英文单词怎么读   我喜欢罐装的菠萝和桃子。   I like canned pineapple and peaches.   要不要试试我们新推出的菠萝或是水蜜桃馅饼?   Would you like to try our new pineapple pie or peach pie?   从根本上说,它是一种用一片菠萝代替肉片的起司汉堡。   It was basically a cheeseburger but with a slice of pineapple instead of meat.   如果你喜欢,可以加入一些热带水果,如菠萝或木瓜。   If you like, add tropical fruits such as pineapple or papaya.   巧克力松糕和菠萝芝士 蛋糕 都有一个临界值,因为这些值受到了符号约束的限制。   The brownie and pineapple cheesecake have a marginal value, because theirvalue is at the limit of their sign constraints.   菠萝常是一些音乐家、歌星和演员最喜欢的水果,因为他们要背诵大量的乐谱、歌词和台词,需要强化记忆。   Pineapple is liked by a number of musicians, singers and actors, because theywant to memorize a lot of music, lyrics and lines.   这种树能结出美味的食用果实,类似于香蕉、芒果和菠萝的乳脂混合。   The trees produce a delicious edible fruit, similar to a creamy mixture of banana,mango and pineapple.   一名挪威的研究者发现,饮用传统的煮制咖啡可以获得比饮用蓝莓,木莓,菠萝或其他的果汁更多的抗氧化物。   A Norwegian study found that a typical serving of brewed coffee is richer inantioxidants than a serving of blueberries, raspberries, pineapples, or many fruit juices.   要是我们想吃菠萝和冰淇淋,尽管可以去佛罗里达。   Had we wanted pineapples and ice cream, we would have gone to Florida. article.   吃菠萝。   Eat pineapple. article.   黄色的水果,如菠萝和木瓜,包含着大量的维生素C和维生素A它们能充分改善你的免疫系统。   Yellow fruits such as pineapple and papaya contain large amounts of both vitaminC and vitamin A giving a generous boost to your immune system.   这些来自马来半岛的风景包括一个橡胶园、中国寺庙、霹雳州的锡矿、烟草 种植 园和槟榔屿摘菠萝,还有精美的建筑和载有货物的船。   The scenes from Malaya include a rubber plantation, Chinese temples, tin miningin Perak, tobacco planting and pineapple-picking in Penang, as well as finebuildings and boats with cargo.   另一些则不宜多吃,包括香蕉(特别是熟透的香蕉)、葡萄、猕猴桃、菠萝和甜瓜。   Other types should be eaten in only very limited amounts, including bananas(especially overripe bananas), grapes, kiwi, pineapple and melon.   其实是菠萝花。   The pineapple flower. article.   由于患有强迫症,他要求他的私人厨师必须在夜里3点做好正反颠倒的菠萝蛋糕。   He"d order pineapple upside down cake from his personal chef at 3 a.m. and dance with young starlets.   用木串插那种一口大小的水果,诸如草莓,菠萝,葡萄和西瓜之类的。   Use wooden skewers to spear bite-sized pieces of fruit such as strawberries,pineapple, grapes and melons.   喝咖啡、喝酒,精液会变苦;吃菠萝、芹菜,还有西瓜,精液味道就不会那么重了。   Coffee and booze can make semen taste bitter, while pineapple, celery, andmelon make it taste less strong.   没人明白她在说些什么,但人们把他安顿在小镇的一个小客栈里后,她把菠萝当饭吃,睡觉不睡床而是睡在地上。   No one could understand what she was saying, but when she was offered a roomat the local inn, she ate a pineapple for dinner and slept on the floor instead of in the bed. article.   由于今年的迫切需求,酒店今年公开并扩大了菠萝 儿童 俱乐部以迎合各个年年龄段的年轻人。   Due to popular demand this year, the property unveiled and expanded PineappleKids Club to cater to a wider range of ages.   在西纳特拉,可尝尝黑扁豆沙拉,蒸粗麦粉加煮蔬菜,菠萝片配开心果和香椰冰淇淋。   At Sinatra, try the black lentil salad, couscous with poached veggies, pineapplecarpaccio with pistachios and coconut ice cream.
2023-06-27 22:56:061


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2023-06-27 22:56:211


a little love
2023-06-27 22:56:283


Hayden Panettiere英文名:Hayden Leslie Panettiere 中文名:海顿·潘提尔 出生日期:1989年 8月 21日 出生地点:美国纽约新泽西 昵称:Mushroom(小蘑菇) 身高:5英尺1英寸 1.55米 名言:When the camera comes on, I am not Hayden any more, I am Lizzie!I hate how people say I"m growing up fast. 当镜头对着我,我就不再是Hayden,而是Lizzie!(1952年就开播的超长寿剧The Guiding Light的一个角色) 我讨厌人们说我如何成熟。 经历: Hayden直到现在依然和她的父母还有弟弟Jansen住在纽约,她出生的地方。 当她的妈妈第一次带她参加商业广告的拍摄时,她只有11月大。 然后,在她4岁半的时候,她就被选上参演肥皂剧“our life to live”(1968),直到1997年。 从那时起,她就已经出现在许多影片和电视专题片中。 不过她为全美国人熟悉,还是因为饰演了著名电视剧“The guiding light”系列中的Lizzie。 至于电影,她自从和丹泽尔*华盛顿一起出演Remember the Titans (2000) 以及和蒂姆*艾伦一起出演Joe Somebody (2001) 之后,就开始出名了。 在不拍片的时候,Hayden喜爱唱歌,跳舞,骑马和体操,以及参加钢琴课和游泳。 她的演艺生涯开始于11个月大的时候拍摄的Playskool商业广告。 她已经在至少50个以上的广告中出现 获得2000年度的Childstarlets.com青少年心目中最佳女艺人 父母名字是 Lesley Panettiere和Skip Panettiere 《肥皂剧杂志》一周票选明星第一,98年7月21日发行 1998年12月30日出现在Jay Leno电视秀 在"The Guiding Light" (1952)剧中,Hayden的角色Lizzie由于登革热而患上白血病,因此剧组收到了来自白血病和淋巴瘤协会的特别嘉奖,因为该剧使人们意识到登革热的危险。 2000年度获提名格莱美最佳儿童专辑配音大奖(《虫虫危机》里的Dot) 在"Discovery Girls"杂志上,她的姓氏被印错了。 她的母亲曾经是一位演员。 本来应在Panic Room (2002)中饰演Sarah Altman,但是后来被Kristen Stewart抢去了角色。 有一个弟弟叫Jansen Panettiere.这孩子也刚拍完电影,是个童星too。 她的姓氏发音类似于"Pan-Uh-Tee-Air"意大利语,类似于美语姓氏中的“贝克”(Baker)。 和美国邮政服务和“检查全国失踪和被剥削儿童中心”长期网络联系,致力于在线追踪罪犯,网名为2 SMRT 4U。主要作品:《美少女啦啦队3》尘土工厂虫虫特攻队 冰雪公主英雄上海之吻 Heroes 英雄
2023-06-27 22:57:011

最美和声 谭维维 唱的伤痕 中间那段英文歌是什么歌?

If I ain"t got you
2023-06-27 22:57:081


down by the sally garden神秘园的greenwaves麦当娜的 you must love me memory
2023-06-27 22:57:165

急求一篇1500个单词左右有关人群健康研究的英文文章!我还200分,满意的话 我全给你啊!

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只找到从1969年开始的,其中2000年以后的香港电影票房包含了进口电影的票房1969 1 Return Of The One-Armed Swordsman 独臂刀王 2 Dragon Swamp 毒龙潭 3 Golden Sword, The 龙门金剑 4 Three Smiles, The 三笑 5 Millionaire Chase, The 钓金龟 6 Invincible First, The 铁手无情 7 Diary Of A Ladykiller 猎人 8 Flying Dagger, The 飞刀手 9 Vengeance Is A Golden Blade 飞燕金刀 10 Three Lucky Men 福禄寿--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1970 1 Chinese Boxer, The 龙虎斗 2 Twelve Gold Medallions, The 十二金牌 3 Brothers Five 五虎屠龙 4 Heroic Ones, The 十三太保 5 Sorrowful To A Ghost 鬼见愁 6 Have Sword, Will Travel;Bodyguard, The 保镖 7 Singing Killer, the8 Four Moods 喜、怒、哀、乐 9 Vengeance 报仇 10 From The Highway 路客与刀客--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1971 1 Fists Of Fury;China Mountain Big Brother 唐山大兄 2 Duel Of Fists 拳击 3 New One Armed Swordsman 新独臂刀 4 Zatoichi & One Armed Swordsman 独臂刀大战盲侠 5 Duel, The 大决斗 6 Anonymous Heroes, The 无名英雄 7 Legends Of Cheating, The 骗术奇谭 8 Shadow Whip, the 影子神鞭 9 Story Of Ti-Ying, the 缇萦 10 Playful Girl, The 淘气姑娘--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1972 1 Chinese Connection, The 精武门 2 Warlord, The 大军阀 3 14 Amazones, The 十四女英豪 4 Boxer From Shantung 马永贞 5 Legends Of Lust 风月奇谭 6 Bloody Fists, The 荡寇滩 7 Water Margin, the 水浒传 8 Good And The Bed, The 饿虎狂龙 9 Young People 年轻人 10 Angry Guest, The 恶客--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1973 1 House Of 72 Tenants, The 七十二家房客 2 Return Of The Dragon;Fury Of The Dragon 猛龙过江 3 Enter The Dragon 龙争虎斗 4 Call Girls, The 应召女郎;青楼艳妓 5 Happiest Moment 一乐也 6 Illicit Desire 风流韵事 7 Death Blow 贼王 8 Man Called Tiger, A 冷面虎 9 牛鬼蛇神 10 Hero of Chiu Chow, The 潮洲怒汉--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1974 1 Games Gamblers Play 鬼马双星 2 香港七十三 3 Sinful Confession 声色犬马 4 Country Bumpkin, The 大乡里 5 Golden Lotus, The 金瓶双艳 6 少林五祖 7 Naughty! Naughty! 噱头状元大盖仙 8 天堂 9 Tea House, The 成记茶楼 10 Sorrow of the Gentry 朱门怨--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1975 1 Last Message, The 天才与白痴 2 Anti-Corruption 廉政风暴 3 Empress Dowager,The 倾国倾城 4 Let[*]s Rock 大家乐 5 That[*]s Adultery 捉奸趣事 6 Big Brother Cheng 大哥成 7 Forbidden tales of Two Cities 港澳传奇 8 Spiritual Boxer, The 神打 9 洪拳小子 10 Happy Trio, The 双星伴月--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1976 1 Private Eyes, The 半斤八两 2 Jumping Ash 跳灰 3 Princess Chang Ping 帝女花 4 乾隆皇奇遇记 5 少林寺十八铜人 6 Enter The Dragon 龙争虎斗 7 I Want More 官人!我要 8 流星、蝴蝶、剑 9 Crazy Sex 拈花惹草 10 Victory 梅花--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1977 1 Money Crazy;Pilferer[*]s Progress, The 发钱寒 2 Winner Takes All 面懵心精 3 Executioners From Shaolin 洪熙官 4 楚留香 5 三德和尚与春米六 6 Foxbat 狐蝠 7 金玉良缘红楼梦 8 乾隆下江南 9 Call Girls, The 应召名册 10 Starlets For Sale 财子名花星妈--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1978 1 Contract, The;Mai shen qi 卖身契 2 Drunken Master 醉拳 3 Follow The Star 大煞星与小妹头 4 死亡游戏 5 36th Chamber Of Shaolin, The 少林三十六房 6 Warriors Two 赞先生与找钱华 7 Lam Ah Chun 林亚珍 8 Snake in the Eagles Shadow 蛇形刁手 9 Extras, The 茄哩啡 10 中华丈夫--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1979 1 Fearless Hyena, The 笑拳怪招 2 Servant, The 墙内墙外 3 神偷妙探手多多 4 绝代双骄 5 Lam Ah Chun Blunders Again 林亚珍老虎鱼虾蟹 6 Odd Couple 薄命单刀短命枪 7 无名小卒 8 Dance Of The Drunk Mantis 南北醉拳 9 杂家小子 10 Private Eyes, The 半斤八两--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1980 1 鬼打鬼 2 Laughing Times 滑稽世界 3 钱作怪 4 Disco Bumpkins 摩登土佬 5 Spooky Bunck, The 小姐撞到鬼 6 可爱赤子心 7 By Hook Or By Crook 狗急跳墙 8 黑道风云 9 Hex Versus Withchcraft 邪斗邪 10 Crazy Crooks 疯狂大老千--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1981 1 Security Unlimited 摩登保镖 2 Chasing Girls 追女仔 3 Prodigal Son, The 败家仔 4 鬼马智多星 5 Mahjong Heroes 打雀英雄传 6 欢乐神仙窝 7 千王斗千霸 8 武馆 9 蛊 10 忌廉沟鲜奶--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1 Aces Go Places 最佳拍档 2 Project A-Ko;[*]A[*] gai waak A计划 3 Dragon Lord 龙少爷 5 Shaolin Temple, the 少林寺 6 Boat People 投奔怒海 7 Till Death Do We Scare 小生怕怕 8 Carry on Pickpocket 提防小手 9 Lonely Fifteen 靓妹仔 10 Dead And The Deadly, The 人吓人--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1983 1 Burning Of Imperial Palace, The 火烧圆明园 2 Let[*]s Make Caugh 表错七日情 3 我爱夜来香 4 Perfect Wife, The 专撬墙脚 5 Reign Behind A Curtain 垂帘听政 6 Just for Fun 空心大少爷 7 Play Catch 少爷威威 8 Shaolin Drunkard 天师撞邪 9 Hong Kong, Hong Kong 男与女 10 Heartbreak Kid, The 花心大少--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1984 1 Aces Go Places III 最佳拍档之女皇密令 2 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 3 Kids From Shaolin 少林小子 4 Family Affair, A 全家福 5 Wheels On Meals 快餐车 6 Owl And Bumbo, The 猫头鹰与小飞象 7 Pom Pom 神勇双响炮 8 Teppanyaki 铁板烧 9 Return Of Pom Pom, The 双龙出海 10 Frog Prince, The 青蛙王子--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1985 1 My Lucky Stars 福星高照 2 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 夏日福星 3 Police Story 警察故事 4 Heart Of The dragon 龙的心 5 僵尸先生 6 Kung Hei Fat Choy 恭喜发财 7 Mr. Boo Meets Pom Pom 智勇三宝 8 Working Class 打工皇帝 9 Happy Ghost 2 开心鬼放暑假 10 Mui Mien Ka Sha 木棉袈裟--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1986 1 Better Tomorrow, A 英雄本色 2 Millionaire[*]s Express, the 富贵列车 3 Aces Go Places IV 最佳拍档之千里救差婆 4 Lucky Stars Go Places 最佳福星 5 Inspector Chocolate 神探朱古力 6 Martial Arts Of Shaolin 南北少林 7 Peking Opera Blues 刀马旦 8 Mr. Vampire Part 2 僵尸家族 9 Where[*]s Officer Tuba 霹雳大喇叭 10 Happy Din Don 欢乐叮当--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1987 1 Armour Of God 龙兄虎弟 2 Prison On Fire;Prison Turbulence 监狱风云 3 Project A Sequel;Project A II A计划续集 4 It[*]s Mad Mad World 富贵逼人 5 Autumn[*]s Tale, The 秋天的故事;秋天的童话 6 Better Tomorrow II, A 英雄本色II 7 Happy Bigamist 一屋两妻 8 Spiritual Love 鬼新娘 9 Romancing Star, the 精装追女仔 10 Eastern Condors 东方秃鹰--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1988 1 Eighth Happiness, The 八星报喜 2 Police Story Part II 警察故事续集 3 Dragon Forever 飞龙猛将 4 Chicken And Duck Talk 鸡同鸭讲 5 Tiger On Beat 老虎出更 6 It[*]s A Mad, Mad, Mad World II 富贵再逼人 7 Heart To Hearts 三人世界 8 Greatest Lover 公子多情 9 Crazy Companies, The 最佳损友 10 Last Emperor, The 末代皇帝--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1989 1 God of Gamblers 赌神 2 Mr. Canton And Lady Rose 奇迹 3 Mr. Coconut 合家欢 4 All About Ah-Long 阿郎的故事;再见阿郎 5 Aces Go Places V: The Terracotta Hit 新最佳拍档 6 Better Tomorrow III, A 英雄本色III:夕阳之歌 7 Killer, The 喋血双雄 8 Inspector Wears Skirts II, The 神勇飞虎霸王花 9 It[*]s A Mad World III 富贵再三逼人10 Happy Together 相见好--------------------------------------------------------------------------------还有一部分,因为字数限制放不进去,追问一下就可以贴进去了
2023-06-27 22:57:371


2023-06-27 22:57:552


Courtney Jines饰演太难找了,不好意思,只找到一点生日 1992.5.4国籍 美国参演影片1.《都是戴茜惹的祸》Because of Winn-Dixie AS …… Amanda Wilkinson (2005) 2.Silver Bells AS …… Bridget Byrne (2005) 3.Jack & Bobby Today I Am a Man AS …… Deena Greenberg (2004) 4.《非常小特务3》Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over AS …… Demetra (2003) 5.Red Betsy AS …… Jane Rounds (2003) 6.Anna"s Dream AS …… Julie Morgan (2002) 7.《无聊的下午》Gaudi Afternoon AS …… Delilah (2001) 8.Drop Back Ten AS …… Harriet Deal (2000)
2023-06-27 22:58:021


call my maybe 是craly rae jepsen 唱的一个加拿大的歌手
2023-06-27 22:58:105

请求Winona Ryder薇诺娜赖德小时候的图片

2023-06-27 22:58:362

请求有关音乐之声的一些剧照,尤其是关于Angela Cartwright(饰碧吉塔)的那时(小时候)的剧照/照片

2023-06-27 22:58:561


  海顿·潘妮蒂尔 Hayden Panettiere(原名Hayden Leslie Panettiere )  中文译名:海顿·潘妮蒂尔  出生年月:1989年8月21日  出生地:美国 纽约 Palisades  身高:5" 1" (1.55 m)  婚姻:单身  Hayden Panettiere在11个月大的时候,就被也曾经是演员的妈妈抱进了摄影棚,为“Playskool ”拍广告片。(“Playskool” 是个制作玩具和游戏的公司),而到现在为止她已经在超过50个广告片中出镜。  Hayden Panettiere四岁半的时候,她迎来了自己的荧屏处女作,在"One Life to Live" 中扮演一个小角色。在她八岁的时候,她因为在剧集“The Guiding Light"中出演Elizabeth "Lizzie" Spaulding而让大众开始注意这颗冉冉升起的新星。  Hayden Panettiere是唯一一个同时参演两部肥皂剧的童星。  由于事业发展,Hayden Panettiere在高中阶段的课程是在家自学的。  在Hayden Panettiere11岁的时候,她参演了电影Remember the Titans (2000,Denzel Washington 领衔主演。运动励志片)。在片中她扮演Sheryl Yoast ,而在真实生活中的Sheryl Yoast 于1996年因飞机失事过世,时年34岁。  Hayden Panettiere在表演之外,也是个不错的歌手,她在Ice Princess (2005)、Cinderella III: A Twist in Time (2007) 、Bridge to Terabithia (2007) 都曾一展歌喉。而她也第一张个人专辑也会在2007年面市。  Hayden Panettiere曾经被挑中出演由Jodie Foster领衔主演的惊悚片“Panic Room” (2002),她本会饰演本片的二号女主角,房主的女儿Sarah Altman。但是这个角色最后被Kristen Stewart夺走了。  Hayden Panettiere现在还和父母以及弟弟一起住在其出生地纽约。她自己养了两条狗Penny Lane和Madison。她是个狂热的动物爱好者,最想以后搬家去夏威夷,新家最好还有一个大院子,里面全是小动物。  Hayden Panettiere喜欢跳舞、骑术、体操、排球。接受过钢琴、空手道、拳击和游泳的培训。而据说现在她正在学习冲浪。  2007年5月,“People”评选的年度世界最美100人(People Magazine"s annual 100 Most Beautiful People in the World)中Hayden Panettiere榜上有名。  在“年轻演员大奖”Young Artist Awards上,Hayden Panettiere在2001年因“Remember the Titans”获电影类“最佳青年女配角”,2007年因“Heroes”获电视类“最佳青年女配角”。另外她还在该大奖上获得过5次提名。在2007年的“Newport Beach Film Festival”上,她因Shanghai Kiss (2007)获得最佳表演奖,而同年的“Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA”上,她凭在“Heroes”里的表演。获得电视类“最佳女配角”。  Hayden Panettiere参演的部分影视作品:  A Bug"s Life (1998) 配音 Dot  "Ally McBeal" 11集(2002) 扮演 Maddie Harrington  Raising Helen (2004) 扮演 Audrey Davis  Tiger Cruise (2004) 电视版 扮演 Maddie Dolan  "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" 2集 Abuse (2001) 扮演 Ashley Austin Black、Hooked (2005) 扮演 Angela Agnelli  Ice Princess (2005)扮演 Gen Harwood  "Malcolm in the Middle" 4集 Stereo Store (2003)、 Pearl Harbor (2004) 、Jessica Stays Over (2005) 、Secret Boyfriend (2005) 扮演 Jessica  "Commander in Chief" 一集 Wind Beneath My Wing (2006) 扮演 Stacy  The Architect (2006) 扮演 Christina Waters  资料2  英文名:Hayden Leslie Panettiere  中文名:帕特里克·潘提尔  出生日期:1989年 8月 21日  出生地点:美国纽约新泽西  昵称:Mushroom(小蘑菇)  身高:5英尺1英寸 1.55米  名言:When the camera comes on, I am not Hayden any more, I am Lizzie!I hate how people say I"m growing up fast.  当镜头对着我,我就不再是Hayden,而是Lizzie!(1952年就开播的超长寿剧The Guiding Light的一个角色)  我讨厌人们说我如何成熟。  经历:  Hayden直到现在依然和她的父母还有弟弟Jansen住在纽约,她出生的地方。  当她的妈妈第一次带她参加商业广告的拍摄时,她只有11月大。  然后,在她4岁半的时候,她就被选上参演肥皂剧“our life to live”(1968),直到1997年。  从那时起,她就已经出现在许多影片和电视专题片中。  不过她为全美国人熟悉,还是因为饰演了著名电视剧“The guiding light”系列中的Lizzie。  至于电影,她自从和丹泽尔*华盛顿一起出演Remember the Titans (2000) 以及和蒂姆*艾伦一起出演Joe Somebody (2001) 之后,就开始出名了。  在不拍片的时候,Hayden喜爱唱歌,跳舞,骑马和体操,以及参加钢琴课和游泳。  她的演艺生涯开始于11个月大的时候拍摄的Playskool商业广告。  她已经在至少50个以上的广告中出现  获得2000年度的Childstarlets.com青少年心目中最佳女艺人  父母名字是 Lesley Panettiere和Skip Panettiere  《肥皂剧杂志》一周票选明星第一,98年7月21日发行  1998年12月30日出现在Jay Leno电视秀  在"The Guiding Light" (1952)剧中,Hayden的角色Lizzie由于登革热而患上白血病,因此剧组收到了来自白血病和淋巴瘤协会的特别嘉奖,因为该剧使人们意识到登革热的危险。  2000年度获提名格莱美最佳儿童专辑配音大奖(《虫虫危机》里的Dot)  在"Discovery Girls"杂志上,她的姓氏被印错了。  她的母亲曾经是一位演员。  本来应在Panic Room (2002)中饰演Sarah Altman,但是后来被Kristen Stewart抢去了角色。  有一个弟弟叫Jansen Panettiere.这孩子也刚拍完电影,是个童星too。  她的姓氏发音类似于"Pan-Uh-Tee-Air"意大利语,类似于美语姓氏中的“贝克”(Baker)。  和美国邮政服务和“检查全国失踪和被剥削儿童中心”长期网络联系,致力于在线追踪罪犯,网名为2 SMRT 4U。  主要作品:  《美少女啦啦队3》  尘土工厂  虫虫特攻队  冰雪公主  英雄  附加:如果你是Hayd的粉丝,那就赶紧来海顿·潘妮蒂尔百度贴吧哦~  地址:
2023-06-27 22:59:031


Bright, flavorful, and juicy; lemons are the most popular citrus fruit in the world. From Indian Ayurveda, to Italian cuisine (where lemons are practically a culture themselves), lemons are used all across the world to enhance the flavor of food, soothe a sore throat, and even cure certain diseases. Lemons are rich in many nutrients, such as Vitamin C, pectin, flavonoid antioxidants, B-vitamins, potassium and calcium. It"s no wonder these little yellow fruits have so many different uses! Below you"ll find several benefits of lemons you may not know about that can make you healthier, improve your appearance and simply make certain tasks easier.1、Balance Your Body"s pHAccording to the Ayurveda philosophy, we should always start our day by aligning our body with nature"s rhythms. This includes restoring the pH balance in our bodies which often becomes acidic due to the stresses of modern life: junk food, pollution, lack of exercise and other toxins. It is important to keep the body slightly alkaline to prevent illnesses and chronic diseases like as cancer. Although lemons are indeed acidic, the nutrient content found in lemons is alkaline-forming. Lemons are one of the most alkaline forming foods around, which is why they are great for alleviating a number of health problems. Kick-start your day with a morning ritual of drinking a cup of lukewarm water with half a lemon squeezed in.2、Relieve Indigestion and ConstipationLemons are little antibacterial powerhouses. Their bacteria-fighting properties destroy bad bacteria and allow good bacteria to flourish in the body, which can relieve indigestion and constipation. Sipping a warm glass of water mixed with the juice of one lemon can stimulate peristalsis, as well as the production of saliva and stomach acids that start the digestion process.3、Lose Weight FasterIf you"re on a diet, lemons can be your best ally. Several Hollywood starlets swear by the Lemonade Diet when they need to lose weight fast. Lemons aid with weight loss in several ways:Pectin, a type of soluble fiber found in lemons, can help you feel fuller and eat less. Drinking a cup of hot tea with half a lemon squeezed in before meals is a great way to prevent the overeating.Pectin also works double duty to slow the rate of glucose or sugar absorption in the body, thus preventing blood sugar spikes that are common to Type 2 Diabetes.As an added bonus, lemon juice also happens to be a natural diuretic! This means it helps the body flush out excess water weight through increased urination. Less water weight means less bloating and puffiness, so you look slimmer and fit into your jeans better.If you want to quickly shed some pounds before a big event, use this technique: In the mornings, you can make a diet lemonade drink by mixing about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a pinch of cayenne pepper and 2 teaspoons of honey in a large glass of water. For the remainder of the day, fill a large water bottle (about 500mL) with a mixture of purified water and the juice of 2 to 3 freshly-squeezed lemons. Carry the bottle with you wherever you go and take frequent sips throughout the day. You"ll feel fuller throughout the day, experience less cravings, and gently flush out extra water weight accumulating around your midsection. Just be prepared for frequent trips to the bathroom!4、Kill ParasitesIf you"ve ever suffered from parasites and intestinal worms, you know that they can be difficult to get rid of. The key to destroying parasites once and for all is creating an environment where they can"t survive. Parasites love acidic environments, so the best way to kill them is to make your digestive system alkaline. Eating a lemon or drinking the juice from a lemon is one of the fastest ways to make your intestines alkaline and kill off pesky parasites.5、Improve Your Oral CareWhether you suffer from bad breath or canker sores, lemons can alleviate a host of oral health problems. Got a toothache? Applying fresh lemon juice to the area can eliminate the pain. Can"t stop your gums from bleeding? Massage freshly squeezed lemon juice into your gums to stop bleeding and keep bacteria that causes gum disease at bay.6、Boost Your ConcentrationLemon balm essential oil, which gives off a gentle lemon scent, has been scientifically proven to have a calming effect. One study revealed that sniffing lemon essential oil had the ability to boost the mood of the study"s participants. If you want to increase your concentration and alertness at work, keep lemon balm essential oil handy.7、Exfoliate Your SkinThe vitamin C found in lemons is not only good for your health, it"s great for your skin. Vitamin C is a key ingredient in many skincare products because it neutralizes free radicals and stimulates cell renewal by exfoliating your skin. Try slicing a lemon in half and using it as a facial scrub at least once a week. This removes stubborn dirt and dead skin cells that build up on the surface of your skin and reveals a fresher layer of skin underneath. Your face will look healthier and younger, and the best part is, you used something fresh from Mother Nature!
2023-06-27 22:59:101

海登帕内蒂尔 主演过哪些电影啊?

  英文名:Hayden Leslie Panettiere  中文名:海顿·潘提尔 (也有翻译为海顿·潘妮蒂尔)  出生日期:1989年 8月 21日  出生地点:美国纽约新泽西  昵称:Mushroom(小蘑菇)  身高:5英尺1英寸 1.55米  名言:When the camera comes on, I am not Hayden any more, I am Lizzie!I hate how people say I"m growing up fast.  当镜头对着我,我就不再是Hayden,而是Lizzie!(1952年就开播的超长寿剧The Guiding Light的一个角色)  我讨厌人们说我如何成熟。  经历:  Hayden直到现在依然和她的父母还有弟弟Jansen住在纽约,她出生的地方。  当她的妈妈第一次带她参加商业广告的拍摄时,她只有11月大。  然后,在她4岁半的时候,她就被选上参演肥皂剧“our life to live”(1968),直到1997年。  从那时起,她就已经出现在许多影片和电视专题片中。  不过她为全美国人熟悉,还是因为饰演了著名电视剧“The guiding light”系列中的Lizzie。  至于电影,她自从和丹泽尔*华盛顿一起出演Remember the Titans (2000) 以及和蒂姆*艾伦一起出演Joe Somebody (2001) 之后,就开始出名了。  在不拍片的时候,Hayden喜爱唱歌,跳舞,骑马和体操,以及参加钢琴课和游泳。  她的演艺生涯开始于11个月大的时候拍摄的Playskool商业广告。  她已经在至少50个以上的广告中出现  获得2000年度的Childstarlets.com青少年心目中最佳女艺人  父母名字是 Lesley Panettiere和Skip Panettiere  《肥皂剧杂志》一周票选明星第一,98年7月21日发行  1998年12月30日出现在Jay Leno电视秀  在"The Guiding Light" (1952)剧中,Hayden的角色Lizzie由于登革热而患上白血病,因此剧组收到了来自白血病和淋巴瘤协会的特别嘉奖,因为该剧使人们意识到登革热的危险。  2000年度获提名格莱美最佳儿童专辑配音大奖(《虫虫危机》里的Dot)  在"Discovery Girls"杂志上,她的姓氏被印错了。  她的母亲曾经是一位演员。  本来应在Panic Room (2002)中饰演Sarah Altman,但是后来被Kristen Stewart抢去了角色。  有一个弟弟叫Jansen Panettiere.这孩子也刚拍完电影,是个童星too。  她的姓氏发音类似于"Pan-Uh-Tee-Air"意大利语,类似于美语姓氏中的“贝克”(Baker)。  和美国邮政服务和“检查全国失踪和被剥削儿童中心”长期网络联系,致力于在线追踪罪犯,网名为2 SMRT 4U。  主要作品:  《美少女啦啦队3》  尘土工厂  虫虫特攻队 (配音)  冰雪公主  上海之吻  Heroes 英雄
2023-06-27 22:59:171

KeriHilson--ILikeSundown,Fridaynight周五的黄昏 夕阳西沉Uptowncitylights市中心的繁华灯火HereIgostartitout我整装待发Ilike我喜欢Dressedupoutthedoor盛装出门Sodamnreadyforonenightmaybemore只为这意义非凡的今宵Ilike,Ilike我喜欢,我喜欢Withstrobelighthotcorsedirtyminds轻声细步 不安的心绪Whenyoucrossmyway当你飘然浮现Ilike,Ilike我喜欢 我喜欢JustyouandItouchatfirstsight你我一见钟情Andtheworldarounduswon"tstopturningtonight大千世界 物转星移Ilike,Ilike我喜欢 我喜欢I"mlosingcontrolrightnowandIfeelitsright现在我失去控制感觉棒极了Ilike,Ilike我喜欢我喜欢We"recaughtinthismomentIwon"tletyougo我们深陷爱河 我不会放弃你Andtheworldarounduswon"tstopturningtonight大千世界 物转星移Ilike,Ilike,Ilike,Ilike我喜欢我喜欢 我喜欢我喜欢Heytherepurestarletsgowaytofarcomealittlecloser嘿,纯洁的星星,让你们更亲密点吧Ilike我喜欢Heartflipsupanddown心潮澎湃Dancingonsleezyground在光滑地面舞蹈BetchawanttogetitonIlike,Ilike我喜欢You"vegotmedownrightelectrified你让我感觉全身触电Don"tstoptherides不要停止舞动IlikeIlike我喜欢我喜欢JustyouandI只有你我Hereandnowwhatanight多美好的夜晚I,I,I,andtheworldarounduswontstopturningtonight我我我 大千世界 物转星移Ilike,Ilike我喜欢 我喜欢I"mlosingcontrolrightnowandIfeelit"sright现在我失去控制感觉棒极了Ilike,Ilike我喜欢We"recaughtinthismomentIwon"tletyougo我们深陷爱河 我不会放弃你Andtheworldarounduswontstopturningtonight大千世界 物转星移Ilike,Ilike,Ilike,Ilike我喜欢 我喜欢 我喜欢Danceallnightdon"tstopthemusic整夜狂舞 音乐不绝于耳IlikeIcantrefuseit我喜欢 我无法拒绝诱惑Danceallnightdon"tstopthemusic整夜狂舞 音乐不绝于耳IlikeIcan"trefuseit我喜欢 我无法拒绝诱惑转自空心粉大人的有爱翻译
2023-06-27 22:59:241