barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 15:38:30




Of the world if you have too many complaints

Fall on a dare to go forward

Why are people so vulnerable to degradation

Please turn on the TV to see

How many man-made life in the brave efforts to go

We are not the content

Even if not all have to treasure

You will recall that the family is the only castle as the river continues to run Daoxiang

Smile when he was a boy I know dreams

Do not cry to let you escape the country with a firefly"s songs always in accordance with the KAO

You go home back to the beginning of a beautiful

Do not want to give up so easily like I said

Fail to recover the dream of dreams do not have to change the

For his first love life painted bright color like the color

Laughter is not married to it a purpose

Happy is happy to let his name meaning

Childhood paper airplane to fly back to me now finally in the hands

Happy that the so-called Barefoot dragonflies in the fields catch up tired

Picking fruit to the bee sting to be afraid of who it Touxiao

I kao scarecrow with the wind blowing singing asleep

Ee Chong Ming in the afternoon guitar in a more clear

Oe sunlight onto the road on the heart are not afraid

Even if not all have to treasure

You will recall that the family is the only castle as the river continues to run Daoxiang

Smile when he was a boy I know dreams

Do not cry to let you escape the country with a firefly"s songs always in accordance with the KAO

You go home back to the beginning of a beautiful






































The hue grades bleached lightly on the ivory base to sketch a pattern


And the peony drawn on its body is just as delicate as when you are at your best


Perfume rom sandalwood penetrates the window and easily unbosoms my heart


I might as well stop my brush, leaving it half-done on the Xuan paper.


The charm of the Ladies rendered by its bright glaze is kept as a private collection


But, your radiant and tender smile is like the flower in bud


And is so beautiful as to spread and suffuse all over, and beyond my collection.


Blue carp leaps vigorously onto the bottom of the porcelain bowl


And, you leap into my mind while I was signing it.


You are like the art of making porcelainwares, remaining as a mystery in the kilns for thousands of years


And are extreme smooth and exquisite as the fine embroidery.


Outside the curtain, the plantain leaves have aroused a fit of rain while the knocker is arousing the copper green


And I have aroused your attention while the way is leading me through the small town of Jiang Nan


And now, your face fades in and out every now and then in my splash-ink painting.


The clear heaven dims its light to the verge of the horizon expecting the vast blur of mist and rain, and I am longing for you.


Smoke of kitchen fires rises up high, and we are far apart on either side of the torrential waters.


I could only imitate the elegance of the ancient calligraphy at the bottom of the bottle


To pound the pavement leading to your world.


The heaven is expecting the mist and rain, and I am longing for you.


Moonlight is dip up, making ripples radiating out and the story come to an end


Just like the beautiful porcelain handed down from one generation to another, there lie your smiling eyes all through with me.



Eaves erecting high against the world outside,Windmill echoing like the sound of an ebbing tide,I await you through all days and nights.

时间被安排 演一场意外 你悄然走开

Without a word of good-bye,you pass me by and everything fades into back.

故事在城外 浓雾散不开 看不清对白

Our story started in the wilderness far and wide;with dim air choking all words and passion in your eyes.

你听不出来 风声不存在 是我在感慨

Then I uttered a sigh,and you have always taken that as a wind that just brushed by.

梦醒来 是谁在窗台 把结局打开

那薄如蝉翼的未来 经不起谁来拆

Our destiny was unveiled after my roaming dreams took their flight,leaving me with infinite fear for the pale future without me holding tight.

我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白

Farewell,my girl,but you say not goodbye.

沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱

Our heightened distance drives eternity out of sight.

我送你离开 天涯之外 年是否还在

Farewell,my girl,will you forever abide?

琴声何来 生死难猜 用一生 去等待

Melody coming from afar bidding lifelong departure doomed for you and I.

一身琉璃白 透明着尘埃 你无暇的爱

Dressed in grown of pure bright,you gave me faith that your love will never lie.

你从雨中来 诗化了悲哀 我淋湿现在

Raindrops were falling when you came along and sadness was born whereupon,leaving me countless teardrops to ease my fright.

芙蓉水面采 船行影尤在 你却不回来

How I mourn the days when you picked the lotus in the twilight.And with that lonesome boat,you never came back.

被岁月覆盖 你说的花开 过去成空白

Time carries away every petal and tide,the pass is nothing but void and heartfelt cries.

梦醒来 是谁在窗台 把结局打开

那薄如蝉翼的未来 经不起谁来拆

Our destiny was unveiled after my roaming dreams took their flight,leaving me with infinite fear for the pale future without you holding me tight.

我送你离开 千里之外 你无声黑白

Farewell,my girl,but you say not goodbye.

沉默年代 或许不该 太遥远的相爱

Our heightened distance drives eternity out of sight.

我送你离开 天涯之外 你是否还在

Farewell,my girl,will you forever abide?

琴声何来 生死难猜 用一生 去等待

Melody coming from afar bidding lifelong departure doomed for you and I.


狼牙月伊人憔悴 我举杯饮尽了风雪

A crescent moon, cold and gray,

Is when my fair lady pines away

A cup in my hand,

Downing snow and wind of all kind

是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非

who upsets my former life

stirring up dust and grief?

缘字诀几番轮回 你锁眉哭红颜唤不回

Our fate is already written down,

No matter how many times it goes round.

hard and sad you wrinkle your brows

crying over beauty fading like the hours.


Even if history goes up in ashes

my love never ever dies.

繁华如三千东流水 我只取一瓢爱了解 只恋你化身的蝶

of all the bustling waters flowing east in thousands

I only take one scoop to bear in minds

Obsessed with the butterfly

flapping in your after life.

你发如雪凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁

Hair flowing, snow falling,

It takes beauty and sorrow to make a parting.

Whose heart is touched when incenses are burnt?

邀明月 让回忆皎洁 爱在月光下完美

Inviting the moon to light up a past,

full, and bright, the love shall ever last.

你发如雪纷飞了眼泪 我等待苍老了谁

Your hair flows as the snow falls

Scattering away hot tears

Who, in my wait, has advanced in years?

红尘醉 微醺的岁月 我用无悔刻永世爱你的碑

Slightly drunken is the worldly Red Dust;

Regret-it-not is the memorial ever carved in my heart


You tears glisten.Laced with pain. 你的泪光 柔弱中带伤

The crescent moon hangs in the past pale with sickness 惨白的月弯弯 勾住过往

Cool night too long turns to frost 夜太漫长 凝结成了霜

Who is on the tower frozen in despair 是谁在阁楼上冰冷的绝望

The rain drums lightly on a crimson pane 雨轻轻弹 朱红色的窗

My destiny is written on paper fluttering in the wind 我一生在纸上 被风吹乱

Distant dreams rise like incense 梦在远方 化成一缕香

Meliting into night is your image 随风飘散你的模样

Chrysanthemums fall weeping to the ground 菊花残 满地伤

Traces of your smile your heart now empty 你的笑容已泛黄 花落人断肠

My thoughts quitely rest the north wind blows 我心事静静淌 北风乱

Not yet dawn your shadow clear and close 夜未央 你的影子剪不断

Only companion of my soul on the lake a couple mirroned 徒留我孤单在湖面 成双

Blossoms of evening air beauty undimmed scatter everywhere 花已向晚 飘落了灿烂

A fate hard to swallow sadness do not cross the river 凋谢的世道上 命运不堪 愁莫渡江

Your antumn heart will sink 秋心拆两半

Drowning in longing you will not reach the other shore 怕你上不了岸 一辈子摇晃

Whose hills and rivers echo with the clamor of hooves 谁的江山 马蹄声狂乱

My armor is shredded by the dividing hour 我一身的戎装 呼啸沧桑

The sky slowly brightens 天微微亮

Your sighs slik soft weave a right of sorrow 你轻声的叹 一夜惆怅

So fragile so spare 如此委婉

Chrysanthemums fall weeping to the ground 菊花残 满地伤

Traces of your smile your heart now empty 你的笑容已泛黄 花落人断肠

My thoughts quitely rest the north wind blows 我心事静静淌 北风乱

Almost dawn your shadow so close 夜未央 你的影子剪不断

Only companion of my soul on the lake a couple reflected 徒留我孤单在湖面 成双

Chrysanthemums sight in the cool night air 菊花残 满地伤

Traces of your smile your heart now empty 你的笑容已泛黄 花落人断肠

My thoughts quietly rest the north wind blows 我心事静静淌 北风乱 夜未央

Almost dawn your shadow so close 你的影子剪不断

The only companion of my soul on the lake the tow of us 徒留我孤单在湖面 成双



The small shrine in the pub, from the entrance of cobblestone have the belief of more than one metre

I sit to have Miso Soup

Watch the courtyyard rockery of the night of Kyoto

There has a paddy incense of Tatami called Zen

There~~Shrine wishing flash a screen

Here~Nija cover face blow stab in the back in the corner

In mind~Shogunate appear again

The Yamanote Line of old Tokyo in the past was like a reminiscence film









The ideas of Iga-ryu Nija

Only can use Katana to Gestures

I was practising flower arrangment at home

One two three four, the cherry flower all fall over the ground

There was a secret stop the air

One two three four, sneak attack at night

Go to attack, the smoke to pretend the weapon

One two three four, the story of Nija

Need to cut the history, the only is devotion

One two three four, stealth need to be complete

Need to forget, what is myself.




一二三四(日文) 樱花落满地


一二三四(日文) 黑夜里偷袭


一二三四(日文) 忍者的物语


一二三四(日文) 隐身要彻底

要忘记 什么是自己


Takes the plunge let everybody be ashamed

Towards the wind speed exceeding

The beast that keep the door open the wings will fly

But they haven"t see butterflies

Don"t know what is called the season has flowers

Don"t know what is called greengrass empty ground

All legend about me are not right

They are all scraps of paper all need to rewrite

Be hunble to enemy

Sorry I can"t, but with a distance the dragon fight on the gound

The roaring didn"t aware, across a few streets

I determinate, break through this catastrophe

The world who is being hunting

Who bleeding but I only want to save your innocent

I am waiting magic fall on the city wall, fire swallow the nameless monument

Destroy but can"t defeat, who will I love.


















The clock round counter clock wise

Evil hideous pour nest

I humble silent pray under the castle

Depress the wild signal circulate from ancient

But Organ keys said arrogantly it is in vain.


My music is surrounding

Age can"t eliminate my domineering dynasty

I can"t predict because I was more dangerous the wings are more bright

No period across the time spread wing is to the sky

The relief under the moon~the little laugh of devils

The worf welcome the sound of wind~the flying of bats like black tide

Use lone to adjust the colout of dignity













I cross the time, use the posture like animal

The sound of the zither wake the blood is sleeping

I don"t need to be worship, the sorrow like animal

Only for the forever music to awake.






love me dont go

if you say you dont love me





barefoot[英][ˈbeəfʊt][美][ˈberfʊt]adj.赤脚的; 光着脚的; adv.赤着脚地; 易混淆单词:Barefoot例句:1.Incidentally, if you don"t have room to pack a pair of running shoes and live near open fields, barefoot running is better for your bones and form. 顺便说一句,如果你没有足够的空间塞进跑鞋,而你又住在空旷的地方的话,赤脚跑会对你的骨骼和形体更加有好处。
2023-01-02 11:03:021

barefoot 和barefooted 的区别 ,求详细解释及例句

barefoot ["bεəfut] adj. 1. 赤脚的;不穿鞋袜的[亦作barefooted]2.【木工】(柱等)不用榫眼固定的3. [美国英语](咖啡、茶)不加奶油(或牛奶、糖)的4. [美国俚语]【铁路】(引擎、火车)没有刹车(或制动器)的adv. 1. 赤着脚2. [美国俚语]在民用电台发射功率法定范围之内[参较boots和apple]e.g. Thisfamilywasthatof themerrybarefootboy. 这一家便是那快乐的赤脚小孩的家。Of coursethe first thingwelook forishissandalsbut, disappointingly, he"sbarefoot.当然,我们首先寻找的是他的凉鞋,但令人失望的是,他是赤着脚。我们知道,barefoot 的词根是foot,而 bare 只起修饰作用,所以其作为名词时,变为复数依旧依照foot 变复数的方法,把foot变为feet就可以了,所以barefeet 是barefoot 的复数形式,一般在形容或强调某种蹑手蹑脚的状态时着重于用barefeet,因为一般人都是两只脚。如: She padded up in herbarefeetto thenextroom.她赤着脚,蹑手蹑脚地走到隔壁房间里去。希望能帮到你,望采纳 谢谢!
2023-01-02 11:03:071


  barefoot 英[ˈbeəfʊt] 美[ˈberfʊt]  adj. 赤脚的; 光着脚的;  adv. 赤着脚地;  [例句]I wore a white dress and was barefoot  我穿着一件白色连衣裙,赤着脚。
2023-01-02 11:03:121

k.d. lang的《Barefoot 》 歌词

歌曲名:Barefoot 歌手:k.d. lang专辑:recollectionBarefootK.D. LangWhen the sun goes down hereAnd darkness fallsThe blanket of winterLeaves no light at allYou search for shelterTo calm the stormShaking with an instinctJust to stay warmChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootYou hear the howlingOf dogs and windStirring up the secretsThat are frozen withinThe ice will haunt youIt lays so deepLocking up inside youThe dreams that you keepChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefoot~ ~ ~This wind ... through my soul ... blows coldChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootI`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootI`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefoot--end--
2023-01-02 11:03:171

英语go barefoot more often怎么翻译?

英语go barefoot more often怎么翻译?How many zeros do You read when you read 8000409?
2023-01-02 11:03:252

跪求好心人分享赤足 Barefoot2014年上映的由 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德主演的免费高清百度云资源

链接:提取码: dnm8 《赤足》导演: 安德鲁·弗莱明编剧: Stephen Zotnowski主演: 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德、斯科特·斯比德曼、J·K·西蒙斯、特里特·威廉斯、凯特·伯顿、J·奥马尔·卡斯特罗、大卫·詹森、贾克琳·弗莱明、Ashleigh Borman、瑞奇·韦恩、托马斯·弗兰西斯·墨菲、Julie Ann Jones、Tony Fennelly、伊恩·尼尔森、Andrea Moore、Ann McKenzie、David Dahlgren、布莱恩·欧尔利类型: 剧情、喜剧、爱情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2014-02-21(美国点映)片长: 90分钟又名: 阔少爱贫女由埃文•蕾切尔•伍德主演的电影 《赤足》,讲述了一个整日游手好闲的公子哥,四处欠债,直至仇家找上门,突然一个精灵般习惯光着脚的女孩的出现,使他的生活发生巨变,开始正视自己对的人生.....
2023-01-02 11:03:332


有点长啊。。。31、当我知道有小孩子在冬天光脚走路去上学的时候非常震惊。光脚用bare, nake指裸体。32、美国在2005年的产品进品创下了记录,并期望今天以增长的需求来再次打破这一记录。
2023-01-02 11:03:453


0651翻译:卖火柴的小女孩(安徒生)Translation: The Little Match Girl (Hans Christian Andersen)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)天冷极了,下着雪,The weather was bitter cold and snowy.又快黑了。The sky was getting dark.这是一年的最后一天——大年夜。That was the last day of a year—New Year"s Eve.在这又冷又黑的晚上,一个乖巧的小女孩,赤着脚在街上走着。In this chilly and dark night a cute little girl was walking barefoot on the street.她从家里出来的时候还穿着一双拖鞋,She was wearing a pair of slippers when she came out from home.但是有什么用呢?But what was the use?那是一双很大的拖鞋——Those were very big slippers.那么大,一向是她妈妈穿的。They were very big because her mother had been wearing them all along.她穿过马路的时候,两辆马车飞快地冲过来,吓得她把鞋都跑掉了。When she was crossing the road, two horse-drawn wagons drove by quickly and she lost her shoes in fright.一只怎么也找不着,另一只叫一个男孩捡起来拿着跑了。One of them could not be found and a boy ran away with the other one.他说,将来他有了孩子可以拿它当摇篮。He said he would use it as a cradle when he had a baby in the future.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------小女孩只好赤着脚走,So the little girl had no choice but to walk barefooted.一双小脚冻得红一块青一块的。Her little feet were red and blue from freezing temperature.她的旧围裙里兜着许多火柴,手里还拿着一把。She was carrying many matches in her old apron and holding a bunch of them in her hand.这一整天,谁也没买过她一根火柴,谁也没给过她一个硬币。For the whole day nobody bought even one stick of match from her or gave her a coin.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------可怜的小女孩!她又冷又饿,The poor little girl was cold and hungry.哆哆嗦嗦地向前走。She was shivering as she walked forward.雪花落在她的金黄的长头发上,那头发打成卷儿披在肩上,Snowflakes fell on her golden long hair which was all curled up and draping over her shoulders.看上去很美丽,不过她没注意这些。The hair looked pretty but she did not pay attention to that.每个窗子里都透出灯光来,Light came out from every window.街上飘着一股烤鹅的香味,因为这是大年夜——她可忘不了这个。The street was permeating with appetizing smell of roast goose which was something she would not have forgotten because it was New Year"s Eve.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她在一座房子的墙角里坐下来,蜷着腿缩成一团。She sat down by a corner of walls and curled up into a ball by huddling her legs.她觉得更冷了。她不敢回家,因为她没卖掉一根火柴,没挣到一个钱,爸爸一定会打她的。Even though she felt colder, she would not dare to go home because without selling a stick of match and making any money, her father would surely give her a beating.再说,家里跟街上一样冷。What was more, her home was just as cold as the temperature on the street.他们头上只有个房顶,There was only a roof over their heads.虽然最大的裂缝已经用草和破布堵住了,风还是可以灌进来。Even though the biggest crack was stuffed with grass and shredded fabric, the wind could still come in.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她的一双小手几乎冻僵了。Her little hands were almost frozen stiff.啊,哪怕一根小小的火柴,对她也是有好处的!Oh, even though a small match would do her good.她敢从成把的火柴里抽出一根,在墙上擦燃了,来暖和暖和自己的小手吗?Would she dare to take out a match from the bundle and light it by striking it against the wall to warm her own little hand?她终于抽出了一根。Finally she took a match out.哧!火柴燃起来了,冒出火焰来了!With a “click”, the little match was set on fire and flame came out.她把小手拢在火焰上。She put her little hands over the fire.多么温暖多么明亮的火焰啊,简直像一支小小的蜡烛。这是一道奇异的火光!What a warm and brilliant flame and it was virtually like a small candle with a peculiar light from fire.小女孩觉得自己好像坐在一个大火炉前面,火炉装着闪亮的铜脚和铜把手,The little girl felt she was sitting in front of a big furnace equipped with shiny copper legs and handles.烧得旺旺的,暖烘烘的,多么舒服啊!The roaring fire was cozily warm and comfortable.哎,这是怎么回事呢?Oh, she wondered what had happened.她刚把脚伸出去,想让脚也暖和一下,火柴灭了,火炉不见了。Just when she stretched her legs forward to warm them a little, the match extinguished and the furnace disappeared.她坐在那儿,手里只有一根烧过了的火柴梗。She was sitting there with a used match stick in her hand.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她又擦了一根。Then she lit up another match.火柴燃起来了,发出亮光来了。It started burning and gave off bright light.亮光落在墙上,那儿忽然变得像薄纱那么透明,她可以一直看到屋里。The light bounced off a wall which turned transparent like fine silk and she could look all the way into the house.桌上铺着雪白的台布,摆着精致的盘子和碗,The table was covered with white table-cloth and set with dainty plates and bowls.肚子里填满了苹果和梅子的烤鹅正冒着香气。A roast-goose stuffed with apple and plum was steaming with appetizing aroma.更妙的是这只鹅从盘子里跳下来,背上插着刀和叉,摇摇摆摆地在地板上走着,一直向这个穷苦的小女孩走来。The cute thing was with knives and forks stuck into its back, this goose jumped down from a tray and staggered forward on the wooden floor towards this impoverished little girl.这时候,火柴又灭了,她面前只有一堵又厚又冷的墙。At that time, the lit match went out again and she was only facing a thick, cold wall.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她又擦着了一根火柴。Again she struck another match.这一回,她坐在美丽的圣诞树下。This time she was sitting under a beautiful Christmas tree.这棵圣诞树,比她去年圣诞节透过富商家的玻璃门看到的还要大,还要美。The tree was bigger and prettier than the one inside a wealthy man"s house which she saw through his glass door last Christmas.翠绿的树枝上点着几千支明晃晃的蜡烛,许多幅美丽的彩色画片,On the lush green branches were several thousands of flickering candles and many pretty colorful pictures.跟挂在商店橱窗里的一个样,在向她眨眼睛。The pictures looked the same as those hanging inside display-windows of department stores and they were blinking their eyes at her.小女孩向画片伸出手去。这时候,火柴又灭了。When the little girl reached for those pictures, the match went out again at that time.只见圣诞树上的烛光越升越高,最后成了在天空中闪烁的星星。She saw the candle lights rose higher and higher and finally became twinkling stars in the sky.有一颗星星落下来了,在天空中划出了一道细长的红光。One star fell all the way down and drew a long narrow red light trail in the sky.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“有一个什么人快要死了。”小女孩说。“Someone is going to die,” said the little girl.唯一疼她的奶奶活着的时候告诉过她∶一颗星星落下来,就有一个灵魂要到上帝那儿去了。Her grandmother was the only person who loved her. When Grandma was still alive she told the little girl that when a star came down, a soul would be going up to God.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她在墙上又擦着了一根火柴。She struck another match on the wall and lit it.这一回,火柴把周围全照亮了。奶奶出现在亮光里,This time the match brightened up the surrounding and Grandma appeared in the light.是那么温和,那么慈爱。She was so gentle and doting.“奶奶!”小女孩叫起来,“啊!请把我带走吧!“Grandma!” the little girl shouted out. “Please take me away.我知道,火柴一灭,您就会不见的,像那暖和的火炉,喷香的烤鹅,美丽的圣诞树一个样,就会不见的!”I know when the match extinguishes you will disappear just like the warm furnace, the tasty-smelling roast goose and the beautiful Christmas tree.”----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------她赶紧擦着了一大把火柴,要把奶奶留住。She hurriedly lit a big bunch of matches to hold Grandma back from leaving.一大把火柴发出强烈的光,照得跟白天一样明亮。Those matches gave out strong lights and the entire place was lit up like daytime.奶奶从来没有像现在这样高大,这样美丽。Grandma was never so tall and beautiful.奶奶把小女孩抱起来,搂在怀里。She picked up the little girl and embraced her.她俩在光明和快乐中飞走了,越飞越高,飞到那没有寒冷,没有饥饿,也没有痛苦的地方去了。In the midst of brightness and happiness the two of them flew up higher and higher to a place where there was no cold, hunger or pain.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第二天清晨,这个小女孩坐在墙角里,On the next morning, this little girl was found sitting at a corner of walls.两腮通红,嘴上带着微笑。She had red cheeks and a smile at the corner of her mouth.她死了,在旧年的大年夜冻死了。She died from freezing cold on New Year"s Eve.新年的太阳升起来了,照在她小小的尸体上。Sun of a new year rose up and shone on her little corpse.小女孩坐在那儿,手里还捏着一把烧过了的火柴梗。The little girl was sitting there and her hand was holding a bunch of burned out match sticks.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“她想给自己暖和一下。”人们说。“She was trying to get a little warmth for herself,” said some people.谁也不知道她曾经看到过多么美丽的东西,她曾经多么幸福,But none of them knew she once saw many beautiful things and was very fortunate.跟着她奶奶一起走向新年的幸福中去。She was going towards happiness of New Year with her Grandma.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-01-02 11:03:5714


十大口感好又不贵红酒推荐:1、Barefoot – 贝尔富特Barefoot,一个著名的葡萄酒品牌,到去年为止,Barefoot的销量稳定在2250万箱。它被认为是世界上畅销的葡萄酒品牌,Barefoot归E&J Gallo所有。2、Concha Toro – 干露智利著 名葡萄酒品牌Concha Y Toro是拉丁美洲极大的葡萄酒生产商,被认为是葡萄酒市场的领导者之一。公司成立于1883年,总部位于智利圣地亚哥。据估计,Concha Y Toro在2016年的销量约为1630万箱。3、Gallo – 嘉露从葡萄酒生产之日起,嘉露就一直致力于生产高品质的葡萄酒。从葡萄的生长到酿酒的过程,每一步都是精心呵护的。因此,嘉露能够提供高品质的葡萄酒和其他酒精饮料,嘉露以种植葡萄和酿酒闻名于世。4、张裕干红张裕是我国古老的葡萄酒品牌,张裕成立于1892年,位于烟台市。该品牌在葡萄酒行业已有125年的历史,被认为是我国极大的葡萄酒生产商之一。5、Yellow Tail – 黄尾黄尾是澳大利亚著 名的葡萄酒品牌,黄尾葡萄酒出口到其他国家,成为美国广泛使用的葡萄酒,他们酒厂的生产能力约为3亿升。6、Sutter Home – 舒特家族作为美国第1大的葡萄酒公司之一,Sutter home成立于1970年。他们的庄园位于加州圣赫勒拿,以生产葡萄酒而闻名,目前该家族每年生产约2000万箱,销售业绩良好。7、Robert Mondavi – 罗伯特·蒙达维酒庄罗伯特·蒙达维位于加州,是一家领衔的葡萄园经营者。罗伯特蒙达维葡萄酒以其技术和营销相结合的产品,已成为流行在世界各地。它成立于1966年,旨在创造世界上高品质的葡萄酒。8、Hardys – 夏迪作为世界优级葡萄酒品牌之一,夏迪自1853年开始从事葡萄酒生产。从那时起,夏迪已经生产了一系列杰出的葡萄酒,该品牌以其优质葡萄酒而闻名,并在1882年和1889年的国际葡萄酒展上成为第1个获得两枚金 牌的澳大利亚葡萄酒。9、Beringer – 贝灵哲贝灵哲是一家大型酒庄,成立于1876年,总部设在加州。这是纳帕谷古老的酒厂,它是纳帕谷经营时间长、质量好的葡萄酒生产商之一。10、长城长城是我国著 名的葡萄酒品牌,隶属于中粮集团,成立于1983年。这家公司的总部设在我国万里长城脚下的官亭湖畔。据估计,该公司拥有约74.8公顷的葡萄园,主要分布在山东。
2023-01-02 11:05:001


2023-01-02 11:05:095


2023-01-02 11:05:261


红酒哪个品牌比较好   红酒哪个品牌比较好,在我们的生活中,去一些场合聚会,有些人都会点上几瓶红酒来庆祝。而红酒的牌子非常多,如果不了解红酒的人,可能不了解红酒哪个牌子好。下面是红酒哪个品牌比较好相关介绍,希望对大家有帮助!   红酒哪个品牌比较好1    1、长城   中国名牌,中国驰名商标,全球500强,领先的农产品食品领域多元化产品和服务供应商,中粮酒业有限公司。    2、张裕   创立于1892年,中国驰名商标,国家大型企业,上市公司,红酒十大品牌,山东烟台张裕集团有限公司。    3、王朝   Dynasty中国名牌,中国驰名商标,上市公司,国内比较大设施比较先进的地下酒窖之一,中法合营王朝葡萄酿酒有限公司。    4、通化   TONHWA始建于1937,中国名牌,中国驰名商标,中国十大红酒品牌,原产地保护产品,吉林通化葡萄酒股份有限公司。    5、新天   中国名牌,中国驰名商标,亚洲比较大的葡萄酒生产企业之一,新疆著名商标,中信国安葡萄酒业股份有限公司    6、茅台   秦皇岛市农业产业化重点龙头企业,红酒十大品牌,贵州茅台酒厂(集团)昌黎葡萄酒业有限公司。    7、丰收   中国名牌,十大红酒品牌,专业从事中高端葡萄酒生产和销售的现代化企业集团,北京丰收葡萄酒有限公司。    8、莫高   MOGAO中国驰名商标,上市公司,高新技术企业,行业著名品牌,红酒十大品牌,甘肃莫高实业发展股份有限公司。    9、龙徽   于1910年,中国比较早的起泡酒产商之一,北京市名牌,中华老字号,十大红酒品牌,北京龙徽酿酒有限公司。    10、云南红   滇云中国驰名商标,中国名牌,十大红酒品牌,原产地保护产品,行业影响力品牌,云南红酒业集团有限公司。   红酒哪个品牌比较好2    1、Barefoot – 贝尔富特   Barefoot,一个著名的葡萄酒品牌,到去年为止,Barefoot的销量稳定在2250万箱。它被认为是世界上最畅销的葡萄酒品牌,Barefoot归E&J Gallo所有。    2、Concha Toro – 干露   智利著名葡萄酒品牌Concha Y Toro是拉丁美洲最大的葡萄酒生产商,被认为是葡萄酒市场的领导者之一。公司成立于1883年,总部位于智利圣地亚哥。据估计,Concha Y Toro在2016年的销量约为1630万箱。    3、Gallo – 嘉露   嘉露被认为是顶级葡萄酒品牌之一,成立于1933年,总部位于美国加州。它是加州最大的葡萄酒出口商, 从葡萄酒生产之日起,嘉露就一直致力于生产高品质的葡萄酒。从葡萄的生长到酿酒的过程,每一步都是精心呵护的。因此,嘉露能够提供高品质的葡萄酒和其他酒精饮料,嘉露以种植葡萄和酿酒闻名于世。    4、张裕干红   张裕是中国最古老的葡萄酒品牌,张裕成立于1892年,位于烟台市。该品牌在葡萄酒行业已有125年的历史,被认为是中国最大的葡萄酒生产商之一。    5、Yellow Tail – 黄尾   黄尾是澳大利亚著名的葡萄酒品牌,黄尾葡萄酒出口到其他国家,成为美国广泛使用的葡萄酒,他们酒厂的生产能力约为3亿升。    6、Sutter Home – 舒特家族   作为美国最大的葡萄酒公司之一,Sutter home成立于1970年。他们的庄园位于加州圣赫勒拿,以生产葡萄酒而闻名,目前该家族每年生产约2000万箱,销售业绩良好。    7、Robert Mondavi – 罗伯特61蒙达维酒庄   罗伯特·蒙达维位于加州,是一家领先的葡萄园经营者。罗伯特蒙达维葡萄酒以其技术和营销相结合的产品,已成为流行在世界各地。它成立于1966年,旨在创造世界上高品质的葡萄酒。    8、夏迪红酒   作为世界顶级葡萄酒品牌之一,夏迪自1853年开始从事葡萄酒生产。从那时起,夏迪已经生产了一系列杰出的葡萄酒,该品牌以其优质葡萄酒而闻名,并在1882年和1889年的.国际葡萄酒展上成为第一个获得两枚金牌的澳大利亚葡萄酒。    9、贝灵哲红酒   贝灵哲是一家大型酒庄,成立于1876年,总部设在加州。这是纳帕谷最古老的酒厂,它是纳帕谷经营时间最长、质量最好的葡萄酒生产商之一。    10、长城红酒   长城是中国著名的葡萄酒品牌,隶属于中粮集团,成立于1983年。这家公司的总部设在中国万里长城脚下的官亭湖畔。据估计,该公司拥有约74.8公顷的葡萄园,主要分布在山东。    结论   葡萄酒行业就是制造、利用产能、销售增长和市场认知度。为了实现他们的目标,葡萄酒行业应该专注于为客户提供高品质的葡萄酒,它应该适合消费者在任何场合的需求。
2023-01-02 11:05:311


2023-01-02 11:05:373

barefoot boogie是个乐队吗,还是?该怎么翻译?

2023-01-02 11:05:473

请问现在流行的Barefoot Dreams软绵绵卫衣使用的面料叫什么名字?成分78% POLYESTER 22% RAYON FROM BAMBO

2023-01-02 11:05:571

Barefoot and dirty,the girl just sat and watched the people go by in the park…in you

2023-01-02 11:06:032


链接:提取码: 7vqx 《赤足 Barefoot》导演: 安德鲁·弗莱明编剧: Stephen Zotnowski主演: 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德、斯科特·斯比德曼、J·K·西蒙斯、特里特·威廉斯、凯特·伯顿、J·奥马尔·卡斯特罗、大卫·詹森、贾克琳·弗莱明、Ashleigh Borman、瑞奇·韦恩、托马斯·弗兰西斯·墨菲、Julie Ann Jones、Tony Fennelly、伊恩·尼尔森、Andrea Moore、Ann McKenzie、David Dahlgren、布莱恩·欧尔利类型: 剧情、喜剧、爱情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2014-02-21(美国点映)片长: 90分钟又名: 阔少爱贫女由埃文•蕾切尔•伍德主演的电影《赤足》,讲述了一个整日游手好闲的公子哥,四处欠债,直至仇家找上门,突然一个精灵般习惯光着脚的女孩的出现,使他的生活发生巨变,开始正视自己对的人生.....    
2023-01-02 11:06:111


众所周知 Barefoot Contessa"是个烹饪美食商店 主语是show1.THE Economic Community of West African better known as ECOWAS , has a notoriously tricky job . 众所周知,西非国家经济共同体(ECOWAS)的工作很棘手。
2023-01-02 11:06:223

i found a love for me是什么歌

perfectMV歌手:ed sheeran原唱发行日期:2017-03-03立即播放查看歌词I found a love for meDarling, just dive right in and follow my leadWell, I found a girl, beautiful and sweetOh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me"Cause we were just kids when we fell in loveNot knowing what it wasI will not give you up this timeBut darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I ownAnd in your eyes you"re holding mineBaby, I"m dancing in the dark with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite songWhen you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breathBut you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonightWell I found a woman, stronger than anyone I knowShe shares my dreams, I hope that someday I"ll share her homeI found a love, to carry more than just my secretsTo carry love, to carry children of our ownWe are still kids, but we"re so in loveFighting against all oddsI know we"ll be alright this timeDarling, just hold my handBe my girl, I"ll be your manI see my future in your eyesBaby, I"m dancing in the dark, with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite songWhen I saw you in that dress, looking so beautifulI don"t deserve this, darling you look perfect tonightBaby, I"m dancing in the dark, with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite songI have faith in what I seeNow I know I have met an angel in personAnd she looks perfect, I don"t deserve thisYou look perfect tonight
2023-01-02 11:06:357

“i found a love for me”是什么歌里的歌词?

《Perfect》,原唱是Ed Sheeran。
2023-01-02 11:07:144

barefoot mm27和mm26哪个好

2023-01-02 11:07:351


2023-01-02 11:07:404

Respect的《Barefoot》 歌词

歌曲名:Barefoot歌手:Respect专辑:The Kissing GameBarefootK.D. LangWhen the sun goes down hereAnd darkness fallsThe blanket of winterLeaves no light at allYou search for shelterTo calm the stormShaking with an instinctJust to stay warmChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootYou hear the howlingOf dogs and windStirring up the secretsThat are frozen withinThe ice will haunt youIt lays so deepLocking up inside youThe dreams that you keepChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefoot~ ~ ~This wind ... through my soul ... blows coldChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootI`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootI`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefoot--end--
2023-01-02 11:08:351


十大口感好又不贵红酒推荐:1、Barefoot – 贝尔富特Barefoot,一个著名的葡萄酒品牌,到去年为止,Barefoot的销量稳定在2250万箱。它被认为是世界上畅销的葡萄酒品牌,Barefoot归E&J Gallo所有。2、Concha Toro – 干露智利著 名葡萄酒品牌Concha Y Toro是拉丁美洲极大的葡萄酒生产商,被认为是葡萄酒市场的领导者之一。公司成立于1883年,总部位于智利圣地亚哥。据估计,Concha Y Toro在2016年的销量约为1630万箱。3、Gallo – 嘉露从葡萄酒生产之日起,嘉露就一直致力于生产高品质的葡萄酒。从葡萄的生长到酿酒的过程,每一步都是精心呵护的。因此,嘉露能够提供高品质的葡萄酒和其他酒精饮料,嘉露以种植葡萄和酿酒闻名于世。4、张裕干红张裕是我国古老的葡萄酒品牌,张裕成立于1892年,位于烟台市。该品牌在葡萄酒行业已有125年的历史,被认为是我国极大的葡萄酒生产商之一。5、Yellow Tail – 黄尾黄尾是澳大利亚著 名的葡萄酒品牌,黄尾葡萄酒出口到其他国家,成为美国广泛使用的葡萄酒,他们酒厂的生产能力约为3亿升。6、Sutter Home – 舒特家族作为美国第1大的葡萄酒公司之一,Sutter home成立于1970年。他们的庄园位于加州圣赫勒拿,以生产葡萄酒而闻名,目前该家族每年生产约2000万箱,销售业绩良好。7、Robert Mondavi – 罗伯特·蒙达维酒庄罗伯特·蒙达维位于加州,是一家领衔的葡萄园经营者。罗伯特蒙达维葡萄酒以其技术和营销相结合的产品,已成为流行在世界各地。它成立于1966年,旨在创造世界上高品质的葡萄酒。8、Hardys – 夏迪作为世界优级葡萄酒品牌之一,夏迪自1853年开始从事葡萄酒生产。从那时起,夏迪已经生产了一系列杰出的葡萄酒,该品牌以其优质葡萄酒而闻名,并在1882年和1889年的国际葡萄酒展上成为第1个获得两枚金 牌的澳大利亚葡萄酒。9、Beringer – 贝灵哲贝灵哲是一家大型酒庄,成立于1876年,总部设在加州。这是纳帕谷古老的酒厂,它是纳帕谷经营时间长、质量好的葡萄酒生产商之一。10、长城长城是我国著 名的葡萄酒品牌,隶属于中粮集团,成立于1983年。这家公司的总部设在我国万里长城脚下的官亭湖畔。据估计,该公司拥有约74.8公顷的葡萄园,主要分布在山东。
2023-01-02 11:08:421

Barefootin" 歌词

歌曲名:Barefootin"歌手:Alabama专辑:Southern StarI dont know what you do here but I ...Bare FootEllegardenI don"t know who you areBut I caught a sight of youHands frozen before a warm dining placeA snow wind freezing nightI see you wear no shoesBut you"re standing on the streetHoping to get highYou with the caped handsYou look in pain to meAnd your bare feet are now full of cutsWhy dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy dont you buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatIn this town no one cares about you ... but meYou like to talk on the phoneIn the phone box you feel safeSomone is on the lineBut no one touches youYou don"t wanna talk about itSo I won"t force the issureI sense an edge when you talk of your childhoodYou with the capped handsYou look in pain to meAnd your bare feet are now full of cutsWhy dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy not buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatNo one cares about you ... but meCan you get over what they did to you ?Your scars won"t diappaer, but your still aliveYou are still aliveOpen your eyes look at the worldBreak from the nightmareA whole life awaits youNo one can help you, but you ...Why dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy not buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatIt"s cold out no one can help you but you.But you, but you, but youBut you, but you, but you,But you, but you ...
2023-01-02 11:08:511


1、Barefoot – 贝尔富特Barefoot,一个著名的葡萄酒品牌,到去年为止,Barefoot的销量稳定在2250万箱。它被认为是世界上畅销的葡萄酒品牌,Barefoot归E&J Gallo所有。2、Concha Toro – 干露智利著 名葡萄酒品牌Concha Y Toro是拉丁美洲极大的葡萄酒生产商,被认为是葡萄酒市场的领导者之一。公司成立于1883年,总部位于智利圣地亚哥。据估计,Concha Y Toro在2016年的销量约为1630万箱。3、Gallo – 嘉露从葡萄酒生产之日起,嘉露就一直致力于生产高品质的葡萄酒。从葡萄的生长到酿酒的过程,每一步都是精心呵护的。因此,嘉露能够提供高品质的葡萄酒和其他酒精饮料,嘉露以种植葡萄和酿酒闻名于世。4、张裕干红张裕是我国古老的葡萄酒品牌,张裕成立于1892年,位于烟台市。该品牌在葡萄酒行业已有125年的历史,被认为是我国极大的葡萄酒生产商之一。5、Yellow Tail – 黄尾黄尾是澳大利亚著 名的葡萄酒品牌,黄尾葡萄酒出口到其他国家,成为美国广泛使用的葡萄酒,他们酒厂的生产能力约为3亿升。6、Sutter Home – 舒特家族作为美国第1大的葡萄酒公司之一,Sutter home成立于1970年。他们的庄园位于加州圣赫勒拿,以生产葡萄酒而闻名,目前该家族每年生产约2000万箱,销售业绩良好。7、Robert Mondavi – 罗伯特·蒙达维酒庄罗伯特·蒙达维位于加州,是一家领衔的葡萄园经营者。罗伯特蒙达维葡萄酒以其技术和营销相结合的产品,已成为流行在世界各地。它成立于1966年,旨在创造世界上高品质的葡萄酒。8、Hardys – 夏迪作为世界优级葡萄酒品牌之一,夏迪自1853年开始从事葡萄酒生产。从那时起,夏迪已经生产了一系列杰出的葡萄酒,该品牌以其优质葡萄酒而闻名,并在1882年和1889年的国际葡萄酒展上成为第1个获得两枚金 牌的澳大利亚葡萄酒。9、Beringer – 贝灵哲贝灵哲是一家大型酒庄,成立于1876年,总部设在加州。这是纳帕谷古老的酒厂,它是纳帕谷经营时间长、质量好的葡萄酒生产商之一。10、长城长城是我国著 名的葡萄酒品牌,隶属于中粮集团,成立于1983年。这家公司的总部设在我国万里长城脚下的官亭湖畔。据估计,该公司拥有约74.8公顷的葡萄园,主要分布在山东。
2023-01-02 11:08:571


Walking on the beach without wearing shoes
2023-01-02 11:09:065

barefoot children 歌词

歌曲名:barefoot children歌手:Jimmy Buffett专辑:barometer soupScratch my back with a lightning boltThunder rolls like a bass drum noteThe sound of the weather is heaven"s rag time bandWe all fell down from the milky wayHanging round here "till judgment dayHeaven only knows who"s in commandChorusBarefoot children in the rainGot no need to explainWe"d be swinging on a ball and chainIt"s always understood by those who play the gameBarefoot children in the rainShow me yours and I"ll show you mineTake me back to days full with monkey shine"sBouncing on a bubble full of trouble in the summer sunKeep your raft from the riverboatFiction over fact always has my voteAnd wrinkles only go where the smiles have beenChorusBarefoot children in the rainGot no need to explainWe"d be swinging on a ball and chainIt"s always understood by those who play the gameBarefoot children in the rainla la la la la la la la la la la la la la la laBarefoot children in the rainScratch my back with a lightning boltThunder rolls like a bass drum noteThe sound of the weather is heaven"s rag time bandThe sky turns blue and the sun appearsBut the question"s still "what are we doing here?"I don"t think the answer"s close at handChorusBarefoot children in the rainGot no need to explainWe"d be swinging on a ball and chainIt"s always understood by those who play the gameBarefoot children in the rainin the rainin the rain
2023-01-02 11:09:271


2023-01-02 11:09:335

Dancing Barefoot 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing Barefoot歌手:U2专辑:The Best Of 1980 - 1990 / B SidesDancingbarefootU2She is benedictionShe is addicted to heShe is the root connection andShe is connecting with meHere I go and I don"t know whyI spin so ceaselesslyCould it be he"s taking over meI"m dancing barefootHeaded for a spinSome strange music drags me inIt makes me come up like some heroineShe is sublimationShe is the essence of theeShe is concentrating onHe who is chosen by sheHere I go when I don"t know whyI spin so ceaselesslyCould it be he"s taking over meI"m dancing barefootHeaded for a spinSome strange strange music drags me inIt makes me come up like some heroineShe is recreationShe intoxicated by theeShe has the slow sensation thatHe is levitating with sheHere I go when I don"t know whyI spin so ceaselessly"Til I lose my sense of gravityI"m dancing barefootHeading for a spinSome strange music drives me onMakes me come up like some heroineOh God I feel for youOh God I feel for youOh God I feel for youOh God I feel for you
2023-01-02 11:10:081

barefoot boogie是个乐队吗,还是?该怎么翻译?

2023-01-02 11:10:141


排行榜前十名红酒品牌如下:1.Barefoot–贝尔富特Barefoot,一个著名的葡萄酒品牌,到去年为止,Barefoot的销量稳定在2250万箱。它被认为是世界上最畅销的葡萄酒品牌,Barefoot归E&JGallo所有。2.ConchaToro–干露智利著名葡萄酒品牌ConchaYToro是拉丁美洲最大的葡萄酒生产商,被认为是葡萄酒市场的领导者之一。公司成立于1883年,总部位于智利圣地亚哥。据估计,ConchaYToro在2016年的销量约为1630万箱。3.Gallo–嘉露嘉露被认为是顶级葡萄酒品牌之一,成立于1933年,总部位于美国加州。它是加州最大的葡萄酒出口商,从葡萄酒生产之日起,嘉露就一直致力于生产高品质的葡萄酒。从葡萄的生长到酿酒的过程,每一步都是精心呵护的。4.张裕干红张裕是中国最古老的葡萄酒品牌,张裕成立于1892年,位于烟台市。该品牌在葡萄酒行业已有125年的历史,被认为是中国最大的葡萄酒生产商之一。5.YellowTail–黄尾黄尾是澳大利亚著名的葡萄酒品牌,黄尾葡萄酒出口到其他国家,成为美国广泛使用的葡萄酒,他们酒厂的生产能力约为3亿升。6.SutterHome–舒特家族作为美国最大的葡萄酒公司之一,Sutterhome成立于1970年。他们的庄园位于加州圣赫勒拿,以生产葡萄酒而闻名,目前该家族每年生产约2000万箱,销售业绩良好。7.RobertMondavi–罗伯特 蒙达维酒庄罗伯特·蒙达维位于加州,是一家领先的葡萄园经营者。罗伯特蒙达维葡萄酒以其技术和营销相结合的产品,已成为流行在世界各地。它成立于1966年,旨在创造世界上高品质的葡萄酒。8.Hardys–夏迪作为世界顶级葡萄酒品牌之一,夏迪自1853年开始从事葡萄酒生产。从那时起,夏迪已经生产了一系列杰出的葡萄酒,该品牌以其优质葡萄酒而闻名,并在1882年和1889年的国际葡萄酒展上成为第一个获得两枚金牌的澳大利亚葡萄酒。9.Beringer–贝灵哲贝灵哲是一家大型酒庄,成立于1876年,总部设在加州。这是纳帕谷最古老的酒厂,它是纳帕谷经营时间最长、质量最好的葡萄酒生产商之一。10.长城长城是中国著名的葡萄酒品牌,隶属于中粮集团,成立于1983年。这家公司的总部设在中国万里长城脚下的官亭湖畔。据估计,该公司拥有约74.8公顷的葡萄园,主要分布在山东。
2023-01-02 11:10:241


2023-01-02 11:10:402


十大公认最好喝的红酒:1、Barefoot–贝尔富特Barefoot,一个著名的葡萄酒品牌,到去年为止,Barefoot的销量稳定在2250万箱。它被认为是世界上最畅销的葡萄酒品牌,Barefoot归E&J Gallo所有。2、Concha Toro–干露智利著名葡萄酒品牌Concha Y Toro是拉丁美洲最大的葡萄酒生产商,被认为是葡萄酒市场的领导者之一。公司成立于1883年,总部位于智利圣地亚哥。据估计,Concha Y Toro在2016年的销量约为1630万箱。3、Gallo–嘉露嘉露被认为是顶级葡萄酒品牌之一,成立于1933年,总部位于美国加州。它是加州最大的葡萄酒出口商,从葡萄酒生产之日起,嘉露就一直致力于生产高品质的葡萄酒。从葡萄的生长到酿酒的过程,每一步都是精心呵护的。因此,嘉露能够提供高品质的葡萄酒和其他酒精饮料,嘉露以种植葡萄和酿酒闻名于世。4、张裕干红张裕是中国最古老的葡萄酒品牌,张裕成立于1892年,位于烟台市。该品牌在葡萄酒行业已有125年的历史,被认为是中国最大的葡萄酒生产商之一。5、Yellow Tail–黄尾黄尾是澳大利亚著名的葡萄酒品牌,黄尾葡萄酒出口到其他国家,成为美国广泛使用的葡萄酒,他们酒厂的生产能力约为3亿升。6、Sutter Home–舒特家族作为美国最大的葡萄酒公司之一,Sutter home成立于1970年。他们的庄园位于加州圣赫勒拿,以生产葡萄酒而闻名,目前该家族每年生产约2000万箱,销售业绩良好。7、Robert Mondavi–罗伯特•蒙达维酒庄罗伯特·蒙达维位于加州,是一家领先的葡萄园经营者。罗伯特蒙达维葡萄酒以其技术和营销相结合的产品,已成为流行在世界各地。它成立于1966年,旨在创造世界上高品质的葡萄酒。8、Hardys–夏迪作为世界顶级葡萄酒品牌之一,夏迪自1853年开始从事葡萄酒生产。从那时起,夏迪已经生产了一系列杰出的葡萄酒,该品牌以其优质葡萄酒而闻名,并在1882年和1889年的国际葡萄酒展上成为第一个获得两枚金牌的澳大利亚葡萄酒。9、Beringer–贝灵哲贝灵哲是一家大型酒庄,成立于1876年,总部设在加州。这是纳帕谷最古老的酒厂,它是纳帕谷经营时间最长、质量最好的葡萄酒生产商之一。10、长城长城是中国著名的葡萄酒品牌,隶属于中粮集团,成立于1983年。这家公司的总部设在中国万里长城脚下的官亭湖畔。据估计,该公司拥有约74.8公顷的葡萄园,主要分布在山东。
2023-01-02 11:10:481


2023-01-02 11:11:003

英语翻译 赤手,空手 赤脚 卷发(羊毛卷)

Bare-handed,empty-handed,barefoot curly hair (wool roll)
2023-01-02 11:11:131

鲍勃·迪伦的歌 All Along the Watchtower 歌词怎样翻译比较好

歌曲:All Along the Watchtower演唱:Bob Dylan歌词对照互译"There must be some kind of way out of here,"一定有办法离开这儿Said the joker to the thief,小丑对窃贼这样说"There"s too much confusion,太多事情搞不清楚I can"t get no relief.心情无法平静Businessman they drink my wine,商人喝着我的酒Plowman dig my earth农民挖着我的地None will level on the line,没人能超越认知Nobody offered his word, hey"没人做出承诺"No reason to get excited,没理由太激动The thief, he kindly spoke窃贼和善地回应"There are many here among us我们之中有许多人Who feel that life is but a joke觉得生活不过是玩笑But you and I, we"ve been through that但你和我早已超脱于此And this is not our fate深知这并非我们的宿命So let us not talk falsely now,我们不要再说假大空话the hour is getting late"时间已经不早了All along the watchtower沿着瞭望塔边Princes kept the view王子们在远眺While all the women came and went妇人们来来往往Barefoot servants, too赤脚仆人走走停停Outside in the cold distance在他视线的边界A wildcat did growl一只野猫在嘶嚎Two riders were approaching两位骑士慢慢接近And the wind began to howl冷风开始呼号
2023-01-02 11:11:181

足加个先 这个合成字怎么读?

2023-01-02 11:11:242


链接:提取码: 7vqx 《赤足 Barefoot》导演: 安德鲁·弗莱明编剧: Stephen Zotnowski主演: 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德、斯科特·斯比德曼、J·K·西蒙斯、特里特·威廉斯、凯特·伯顿、J·奥马尔·卡斯特罗、大卫·詹森、贾克琳·弗莱明、Ashleigh Borman、瑞奇·韦恩、托马斯·弗兰西斯·墨菲、Julie Ann Jones、Tony Fennelly、伊恩·尼尔森、Andrea Moore、Ann McKenzie、David Dahlgren、布莱恩·欧尔利类型: 剧情、喜剧、爱情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2014-02-21(美国点映)片长: 90分钟又名: 阔少爱贫女由埃文•蕾切尔•伍德主演的电影《赤足》,讲述了一个整日游手好闲的公子哥,四处欠债,直至仇家找上门,突然一个精灵般习惯光着脚的女孩的出现,使他的生活发生巨变,开始正视自己对的人生.....    
2023-01-02 11:11:321

哪位有《The Barefoot Running Book - Jason Robillard》电子书百度云网盘下载

The Barefoot Running Book - Jason    链接: 提取码: cm4e
2023-01-02 11:11:461


BareFoot Cinderella播放歌手:Miley CyrusOHHH... YEAH,yeah,yeah...yeahhh...every morningi wake up to findi always dream the same.every night i come to my windowwhen you call my namebut the way the wordsyou say just fall like raintill i"m drowning in the sound of your invitationwhen you ask "do you wanna dance, my barefoot cinderella"don"t need no slippers or a party dress,the way you"re lookin" rightnow is what i like the bestand then you...say "do you wanna take a chance?stay with me foreverno one will ever be more beautifulmy barefoot, my barefoot cinderella."yeah, ohh...a dream world is always perfectbut thats not my real lifewish you did but you don"t knowthen me i am insidei pray that you"ll come lookin" and i won"t hide (won"t hide)i"m smiling when you find mecoz i"ve been waitingfor you ask "do you wanna dance, my barefoot cinderella"don"t need no slippers or a party dress,the way you"re lookin" rightnow is what i like the bestand then you...say "do you wanna take a chance?stay with me foreverno one will ever be more beautifulmy barefoot, my barefoot cinderella."when i close my eyes it starts, yeah,like a movie for my heart,here comes my favourite part.yeaahhhh... ohhhh...when you ask "do you wanna dance, my barefoot cinderella"don"t need no slippers or a party dress,you"re what i like the bestand then you...say "do you wanna take a chance?stay with me foreverno one will ever be more beautiful,oohhhh.. cinderella..when you ask "do you wanna dance, my barefoot cinderella"don"t need no slippers or a party dress,the way you"re lookin" rightnow is what i like the bestand then you...say "do you wanna take a chance?stay with me foreverno one will ever be more beautiful my barefoot,my barefoot cinderella."
2023-01-02 11:11:551

perfect歌词 perfect歌词列述

1、I found a love for me Darling just dive right in and follow my lead Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet I never knew you were the someone waiting for me Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowing what it was I will not give you up this time But darling just kiss me slow your heart is all I own And in your eyes you"re holding mine Baby I"m dancing in the dark with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass listening to our favourite song When you said you looked a mess I whispered underneath my breath But you heard it darling you look perfect tonight Well I found a woman stronger than anyone I know She shares my dreams I hope that someday I"ll share her home I found a love to carry more than just my secrets To carry love to carry children of our own We are still kids but we"re so in love fighting against all odds I know we"ll be alright this time Darling just hold my hand be my girl I"ll be your man I see my future in your eyes Baby I"m dancing in the dark with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass listening to our favourite song When I saw you in that dress looking so beautiful I don"t deserve this darling you look perfect tonight Baby I"m dancing in the dark with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass listening to our favourite song I have faith in what I see Now I know I have met an angel in person And she looks perfect I don"t deserve this You look perfect tonight
2023-01-02 11:12:001


《Perfect》作曲/作词/演唱者:英国男歌手艾德·希兰。歌词:I found a love for me 我找到属于我的爱 Darling just dive right...
2023-01-02 11:12:0615


I found a love for meDarling just dive right in and follow my leadWell I found a girl beautiful and sweetI never knew you were the someone waiting for meCause we were just kids when we fell in loveNot knowing what it was I will not give you up this timeBut darling just kiss me slow your heart is all I ownAnd in your eyes you"re holding mineBaby I"m dancing in the dark with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass listening to our favourite songWhen you said you looked a mess I whispered underneath my breathBut you heard it darling you look perfect tonightWell I found a woman stronger than anyone I knowShe shares my dreams I hope that someday I"ll share her homeI found a love to carry more than just my secretsTo carry love to carry children of our ownWe are still kids but we"re so in love fighting against all oddsI know we"ll be alright this timeDarling just hold my hand be my girl I"ll be your manI see my future in your eyesBaby I"m dancing in the dark with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass listening to our favourite songWhen I saw you in that dress looking so beautifulI don"t deserve this darling you look perfect tonightBaby I"m dancing in the dark with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass listening to our favourite songI have faith in what I seeNow I know I have met an angel in personAnd she looks perfect I don"t deserve thisYou look perfect tonight我找到属于我的爱亲爱的 就坠入爱中 跟着我来我寻得这么一个女孩 漂亮窝心让人爱我从没想过你就是那个为我等候着的人当我们最初爱上彼此时 都还是个孩子不懂得爱的样子但这一次我不会再让爱流逝亲爱的 就慢慢吻着我 你的心是我全部所得在你眼里我看到你也将我心占据着亲爱的 在黑暗中我抱着你轻舞着赤脚踩在草地里 听着我们最爱的歌当你说你看起来糟透了 我耳语声轻过呼吸但你一定也听到了 我说的“你今晚看起来美极了”我寻得了这样一个女人 她坚强过所有的人她对我分享着她的梦想 我希望有天我能许她个家我寻得这样一份爱 对它慎重过我所有秘密携着这份爱 直到有我们自己的小孩我们虽仍年少 但却如此深爱共同对抗所有逆境的未来我知道我们会一直深爱亲爱的 就握着握手做我的女孩 让我许你未来在你眼中我看到美好的将来亲爱的 在黑暗中我抱着你轻舞着赤脚踩在草地里 听着我们最爱的歌当我看到那一袭裙装的你 如此美丽我忽觉形秽 亲爱的 今晚的你是那般完美无比亲爱的 在黑暗中我抱着你轻舞着赤脚踩在草地里 听着我们最爱的歌我一直都相信我所感受到的我知道我身边有了一位天使她看起来美极了 美到让我觉得自己不值得亲爱的 今夜的你是最完美的
2023-01-02 11:12:553


安可是英文encore的音译。释义:n. 再演;加演;安可曲v. 加演节目,返场int. 再来一个,再奏一曲(古典音乐会观众要求加演节目时用语)拓展资料:encore【音标】英[ˈɒŋkɔ:(r)]  美[ˈɑŋkɔ(r)] 【变形】复数:encores 过去式:encored 过去分词:encored 现在分词:encoring 第三人称单数:encores【例句】1、She played a Chopin waltz as an encore.她应听众的要求又加演了一首肖邦的圆舞曲。2、We go offstage and come back for the convention of the encore.按照加演的传统做法,我们走到后台后又再次返场。3、They encore with a superlative version of The Who"s "The Kids Are Alright".他们加演了谁人乐队的《真是不赖的小伙子》,非常精彩。4、Lang"s final encore last night was "Barefoot".朗昨晚最后的加演节目是《赤足》。5、What a perfect show! Could you encore it?你表演得真精彩!再来一个,好吗?
2023-01-02 11:13:136


2023-01-02 11:13:415

跪求赤足 2014年由埃文·蕾切尔·伍德 Evan Rachel Wood主演的百度云资源

链接: 提取码: 3vrd 《赤足 Barefoot》导演: 安德鲁·弗莱明编剧: Stephen Zotnowski主演: 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德、斯科特·斯比德曼、J·K·西蒙斯、特里特·威廉斯、凯特·伯顿、J·奥马尔·卡斯特罗、大卫·詹森、贾克琳·弗莱明、Ashleigh Borman、瑞奇·韦恩、托马斯·弗兰西斯·墨菲、Julie Ann Jones、Tony Fennelly、伊恩·尼尔森、Andrea Moore、Ann McKenzie、David Dahlgren、布莱恩·欧尔利类型: 剧情、喜剧、爱情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2014-02-21(美国点映)片长: 90分钟又名: 阔少爱贫女由埃文•蕾切尔•伍德主演的电影《赤足》,讲述了一个整日游手好闲的公子哥,四处欠债,直至仇家找上门,突然一个精灵般习惯光着脚的女孩的出现,使他的生活发生巨变,开始正视自己对的人生.....
2023-01-02 11:14:002

求your bones中文歌词

Your Bones歌手:Of Monsters And Men歌词In the spring we made a boat曾经春日里,我们共建舟out of feathers, out of bones.用羽毛,用骨头We set fire to our homes,纵火烧了房子walking barefoot in the snow.光脚走于雪中Distant rhythm of the drum远远鼓声as we drifted towards the storm.伴着我们飘向暴风Baby lion lost his teeth,小狮子落下乳牙now they"re swimming in the sea.现在在海里遨游Troubled spirits on my chest百感交于心where they laid to rest.本该安于心The birds all left my tall friend鸟儿离开我高个的朋友as your body hit the sand.伴着你的身体倒在沙滩Million stars up in the sky天上星星千千万formed a tigers eye化成小老虎的眼睛that looked down on my face,俯视着我的面孔out of time and out of place.脱离时空的约束So hold on,所以请把握当下hold on to what we are,坚持我们自己hold on to your heart.坚定跟随你心Awaken by the sound被声音唤醒of a screaming owl.那是一只尖叫的猫头鹰Chasing leafs in the wind,追寻着风中的落叶going where we"ve never been.寻访我们从未到达之地Said goodbye to you my friend,轻声再见,我的朋友as the fire spread.伴着火势蔓延All that"s left are your bones剩下的都是你的遗骸了that will soon sink like stones它们将迅速石沉大海So hold on,所以请把握当下hold on to what we are,坚持我们自己hold on to your heart.坚定跟随你心
2023-01-02 11:14:124

鲍勃·迪伦的歌 All Along the Watchtower 歌词怎样翻译比较好

“There must be some way out of here,” said the joker to the thief“一定有逃离此处的办法,”小丑对小偷说“There"s too much confusion, I can"t get no relief“困惑围绕着我,我无法解脱Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth商人们,他们喝着我的酒,农民们耕着我的地None of them along the line know what any of it is worth”此时此刻,他们却浑然不知这一切有何意义。 ”“No reason to get excited,” the thief, he kindly spoke“没有理由过于激动,”小偷侃侃说道“There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke“周围很多人都觉得,生活只不过是一个玩笑But you and I, we"ve been through that, and this is not our fate但你和我,早已历经这风雨,命运不会如此之糟糕So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late”所以,别这样假惺惺地说话,时候已经不早。”All along the watchtower, princes kept the view沿着瞭望塔方向,王子们凝视远方While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too而夫人和赤脚侍从们,来来往往Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl塔外远处,野猫嚎叫Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl一对骑手临近城下,狂风咆哮
2023-01-02 11:14:341


Ronaldo Luíz Nazário de Lima (b.September 22, 1976), simply known as Ronaldo, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a forward for Brazil and Real Madrid. He has been nicknamed O Fenômeno ("The Phenomenon").Ronaldo playing for Real MadridRonaldo"s footballing abilities were first recognised when he was 14. He was recommended to the Brazil youth team by World Cup winner Jairzinho, who also arranged for his own former club, Cruzeiro Esporte Clube, to sign the boy when he was old enough for a professional contract.In 1993, at the age of 16, Ronaldo had already scored 59 goals in 57 matches for Brazil"s under-17 squad. By 1994 he had joined the national senior squad, although he did not actually play in the 1994 World Cup in the United States.Ronaldo"s European career began when he joined PSV Eindhoven for the 1994-1995 season. He became the Dutch top scorer and attracted the attention of Spain"s FC Barcelona. He played for Barça in the 1996-1997 season, scoring 34 goals in 37 appearances, then transferred to Inter Milan the following year.Voted the FIFA World Player of the Year in 1996 and 1997 (the only male player to have ever won in two consecutive years), he had a comparatively disappointing performance during the 1998 World Cup, scoring only four goals. Brazil lost the final to the hosts France after he suffered a mysterious fit the night before [1]. Some questioned the decision to play Ronaldo in the final because of the possible physiological aftereffects of the fit [2]. This was the start of a career nightmare for the striker lasting nearly four years.A year later, he severely injured his right knee and was out of the game for several months. During his first comeback in 2000, he managed to play a few minutes during a league game against Lazio before injuring his knee for a second time.After two operations and twenty months of rehabilitation, Ronaldo managed a comeback during the 2002 World Cup. Later in 2002 he was awarded the title of World Player of the Year for the third time, and transferred from Inter Milan to Real Madrid for £27,000,000, after frequent disputes with Inter Milan coach Héctor Cúper.On June 2, 2004, Ronaldo scored an unusual hat-trick for Brazil against arch-rivals Argentina in a CONMEBOL qualifier for the 2006 World Cup. He scored all of Brazil"s goals in a 3-1 win from penalties.In April 1999, Ronaldo married Milene Domingues. The marriage lasted four years and ended in divorce. The couple had a son, Ronald (born 2000). In February 2005 he married Brazilian model and MTV VJ Daniela Cicarelli, relationship that lasted only 3 months.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2023-01-02 11:14:403