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idiom这个单词可不可数 如果我表示“一句俚语”,可不可以用an idiom.

2023-06-27 13:08:45
TAG: 单词 idiom

idiom 是可数单词

an idiom 没错


an idiom

two idioms

形容词: idiomatic

但 idiom 的意思不是 俚语 而是 习语,成语

俚语 英语是 slang 或 slang expression .

slang 不可数

一句俚语 a slang expression, 或 a slang

两句俚语 two slang expressions, 有 two slangs 的说法,但不常规.



idiom成语双语对照词典结果:idiom[英][u02c8u026adiu0259m][美][u02c8u026adiu0259m]n.习语,成语; 方言,土语; (语言)风格; 惯用语法; 复数:idioms以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A similar idiom is "building castles in the sand." 类似的一个成语是“在沙滩上建城堡。”
2023-06-27 11:46:201


idiom的意思是习语,成语,惯用语法,方言。一、音标英[idiem]美[idiem]。n.习语,成语;方言,土语;(语言)风格。惯用语法是网络熟语,成语,音调。二、idiom的用法和例句1、What image or idiom will make it clearer?哪些形象和习语会使其更清晰?2、Literalness : natural languages are full of idiom and metaphor.文字形式:自然语言全是习语和隐喻。3、From this origin , we have adopted this idiom into everyday use.这个源于赛马界的成语已被我们在日常生活中大量使用。网络释义1、idiom.成语;习语,成语;习语;惯用语。2、Money Idiom.成语-钱;与钱有关的成语;成语--钱。3、fixed idiom.固定成语。4、Idiom Neutral.中立语。5、favorite idiom.最爱的成语。
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idiom_百度翻译idiom 英[u02c8u026adiu0259m] 美[u02c8u026adiu0259m] n. 习语,成语; 方言,土语; (语言) 风格; 惯用语法; [例句]McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one麦卡特尼也热衷于古典风格而不是通俗风格的创作。[其他] 复数:idioms 成语(汉语中定型的词组或短句) 编辑成语(chengyu,idioms)是中国汉字语言词汇中一部分定型的词组或短句。成语是中国传统文化的一大特色,有固定的结构形式和固定的说法,表示一定的意义,在语句中是作为一个整体来应用的。成语有很大一部分是从古代相承沿用下来的,在用词方面往往不同于现代汉语,它代表了一个故事或者典故。 成语又是一种现成的话,跟习用语、谚语相近,但是也略有区别。成语是汉文化中一颗璀璨的明珠。
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IDM是idiom的缩略语,在牛津词典中,代表idiom,即“习语,成语,惯用语”的意思。例句:Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse.谚语和习语会由于使用过多而变得俗套。 牛津词典里的一些缩写 PHR表示缩写词abbr=phrase verb。 V表示不及物动词。 synonyms表示同义词。 opp表示反义词。 syn表示同义词。 idm表示词条中的习语部分。 aw表示学术词汇表中的词汇。 idiom的例句 This idiom is awkwardly used. 这条习语用得很生硬。 "Let the cat out of the bag" is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake. “让猫从袋子里跑出来”是惯用语,意思是无意中泄露秘密。 It was an old building in the local idiom. 那是一座具有当地风格的古建筑。
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IDIOM 就是我们常说的俚语的意思。 牛津字典里面有比较多解释,你可以去参考一下的。Let the cat out of the bag" is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake.
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idiom: 成语,惯用语A manner of speaking, usage or vocabulary that is natural to native speakers of a language.
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成语:It"s never too late to mend. (过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。) If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well. (如果事情值得做,就值得做好。) The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones. (舌无骨却能折断骨。) If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.要想求知,就得吃苦。 It is better to die when life is a disgrace.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 It is easier to get money than to keep it.挣钱容易攒钱难。 It is easy to be wise after the event.事后诸葛亮好当。 It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.创业容易守业难。 It is hard to please all.众口难调。 It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。 It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。 It is the first step that costs troublesome.万事开头难。 It is the unforeseen that always happens.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 It is too late to grieve when the chance is past.坐失良机,后悔已迟。 It never rains but it pours.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。 It takes three generations to make a gentleman.十年树木,百年树人。
2023-06-27 11:49:034

colloquialism 和idiom区别

colloquialism 和idiom区别是词义有不同具体词义如下:colloquialism 英[kəˈləʊkwiəlɪzəm] 美[kəˈloʊkwiəlɪzəm] n. 俗话,白话,口语 idiom n. 习语,成语; 方言,土语; (语言) 风格; 惯用语法;
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idiom,习语,相当于汉语的成语,也就是一些固定搭配。比如 shut up! 闭嘴!slang俚语,也就是一些非通用语言,只有一些特定人群或某一地区的人群使用,相当于汉语的“土话”。例如,军队上的人说收到,明白时时,用roger一词。再比如,人用cop代指policeman(cop 是copper的缩写,值得是警徽), 用cab代替taxi。prover。 谚语,比如:Money talks.
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1.JudasEnglish: Judas kiss (modern meaning: the symbol of betrayal)Origin: He drew near to Jesus to kiss him; but Jesus said to him, "Judas, would you betray the Son of man with a kiss?" (Luke 22.47.)2.English: to wash one"s hands (modern meaning: refuse to assume responsibility)Origin: So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man"s blood; see to it yourselves." (Matthew 27.24.)giftEnglish: the gift of God (modern meaning: talent, cleverness)Origin: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6.23.)4.giveEnglish: It is more blessed to give than to receiveOrigin: In all things I have shown you that by so toiling one must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."" (Acts 20.35. )5.English: forgive, and you will be forgivenOrigin: Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven (Luke 6.37.)6.fleshEnglish: Flesh of my flesh (modern meaning: 1. own children 2. consanguinity 2. affinity)Origin: Bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.(Genesis 2. 23)7.fireEnglish: to go through fire and water (modern meaning: to suffer or sacrifice)Origin: often he falls into the fire, and often into the water (Matthew 17.15.)8.faceEnglish: face to faceOrigin: Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. (Exodus 33.11.)9.eyeEnglish: If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away.Origin: (Matthew 5.29.)10.evilEnglish: If a man returns evil for good, evil will not depart from his house. Origin: (Psalms 17.13. )11.enemyEnglish: love your enemiesOrigin: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, (Matthew 5.44 - 45))12.English: to shake off the dust from feet (modern meaning: to forget smth. or to forgive smb.)Origin: And if any one will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. (Matthew 10.14.)13.double-mindedEnglish: a double-minded man is unstable in all his waysOrigin: For that person must not suppose that a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways, will receive anything from the Lord (James 1.8.)14.dogEnglish: A living dog is better than a dead lion.Origin: (Ecclesiastes 9.4.)15.companyEnglish: Bad company ruins good moralsOrigin: (1 Corinthians 15.33 - 34. )3.
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idiom和common saying有什么不同

Idiom是俗语,很长时间形成的语言现象。Common saying是大家都这么说的说法。
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求几个english idiom

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您好,三个词的意思是不一样的,proverb 俗语,谚语idiom 方言,土语slang 俚语,粗话请根据实景,采用望采纳,谢谢
2023-06-27 11:50:391


权宜应变的意思根据实际情况,做出相应的改变。执行制度的时候也要做到四个字,权宜应变,这是外国人对我们最不谅解的地方,外国人认为我们一切没有按照规定,都是在变来变去。其实我们中国人是按规定变来变去,而不是不按规定变来变去。我们哪个没有规定,但是哪个不变来变去。每个人的情况都不一样,每件事情的性质都不大一样,他所产生的后果还是不相同,不可以完全一样去看待。请问大家,有事情是领导去做还是干部去做?千万记住,吃饭的时间有事情领导去做,不是干部去做,你才领导得起来。吃饭的时候也叫干部去做,那干部一头火,工作时候我比你小,吃饭的时候我跟你一样大,你搞清楚,中国人吃饭的时候是一样大的。那大家对于领导就服服帖帖,没有话讲了,因为吃饭的时间有什么事情毕竟很少,那叫非常时间,非常时间我先做,平常你们先做,这个就是按照制度有一些权宜应变。成语(拼音:chéng yǔ,英文:idiom)是汉语词汇中定型的词。成语,众人皆说,成之于语,故成语。成语多为四字,亦有三字,五字甚至七字以上。成语是中国传统文化的一大特色,有固定的结构形式和固定的说法,表示一定的意义,在语句中是作为一个整体来应用的,承担主语、宾语、定语等成分。成语有很大一部分是从古代相承沿用下来的,它代表了一个故事或者典故。有些成语本就是一个微型的句子。 成语又是一种现成的话,跟习惯用语、谚语相近,但是也略有区别。那大家对于领导就服服帖帖,没有话讲了,因为吃饭的时间有什么事情毕竟很少,那叫非常时间,非常时间我先做,平常你们先做,这个就是按照制度有一些权宜应变。古代汉语词汇中特有的一种长期相沿用的固定短语,来自于古代经典或著作、历史故事和人们的口头故事。成语的意思精辟,往往隐含于字面意义之中,不是其构成成分意义的简单相加。它结构紧密,一般不能任意变动词序,抽换或增减其中的成分。其形式以四字居多,也有一些三字和多字的,大多由四字组成。简单的说,成语就是,说出来大家都知道,可以引经据典,有明确出处和典故,并且使用程度相当高的用语。
2023-06-27 11:50:461

"Back in business"在英语中什么意思?是idiom么?and its origin??

Back in business 这是一个专辑的名字,翻译为《重回本行》。In nineteen ninety-four, Eartha Kitt released the album "Back In Business".VOA: special.2009.06.07 祝你开心如意!O(∩_∩)O~~
2023-06-27 11:51:033

idiom \// naturally这英语怎么念??

2023-06-27 11:51:102

英语as the old saying goes 其中 old saying 能换成idiom么

As the saying goes that…(As the prove says/goes that…) 俗话说… prove:俚语.用saying也可以,但如果用saying,后面最好用goes,免得says和saying一起出现不符合常理习惯. saying前有old可以理解为楼上所言“正如一句古语这么说…” 用法的话…为了引出后面的话,陈述As an old saying 的saying的内容,用goes表示“…是这么说的…”,后接个从句,可用that引导. 如:As the/an saying goes that where there is a will,there is a way.(正如)俗话说有志者事竟成. As an old saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy.俗话说得好:“诚实为上策”。希望可以帮到你,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!
2023-06-27 11:51:192


English-Chinese dictionaryChinese-English dictionaryidiom dictionarycalculator countermaths formular
2023-06-27 11:51:274

also said that the idiom怎么译

also said that the idiom还说了成语idiom 英[ˈɪdiəm]美[ˈɪdiəm]n. 习语,成语; 方言,土语; (语言) 风格; 惯用语法;[网络] 英语习语; 习惯用法; 惯用语;[例句]McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.麦卡特尼也热衷于古典风格而不是通俗风格的创作。[其他] 复数:idioms
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Chinese Idioms 中国成语 idiom: [ "idiu0259m ] n. 成语,惯用语 例句与用法: 1. To my knowledge, there is no such idiom in English. 据我所知, 英文里并没有这样的成语. 2. A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism. 英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;英国式语言现象 3. Resembling or having the nature of an idiom. 成语的类似成语的或具有成语性质的 4. An Italian idiom or custom. 意大利习惯用语,意大利风俗
2023-06-27 11:52:001


keep improving
2023-06-27 11:52:179

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成语(拼音:chéng yǔ,英文:idiom)是汉语词汇中定型的词。成语,众人皆说,成之于语,故成语。成语多为四字,亦有三字,五字甚至七字以上。成语是中国传统文化的一大特色,有固定的结构形式和固定的说法,表示一定的意义,在语句中是作为一个整体来应用的,承担主语、宾语、定语等成分。成语有很大一部分是从古代相承沿用下来的,它代表了一个故事或者典故。有些成语本就是一个微型的句子。 成语又是一种现成的话,跟习惯用语、谚语相近,但是也略有区别。绝大部分是由一般概念的固定词组成,例如“空中楼阁”、“鼎鼎大名”、“青出于蓝”、“有声有色”、“欢天喜地”等都是四字成语。少于四字的成语,如“敲门砖”、“莫须有”、“想当然”之类。成语的由来:成语一共有5万多条,其中96%为四字格式,也有三字、五字、六字、七字以上的成语。如“五十步笑百步”、“闭门羹”、“莫须有”、“欲速则不达”、“醉翁之意不在酒”等。成语一般用四个字,这大概是因为四字容易上口。如我国古代的诗歌总集《诗经》,就以四字句为多,古代历史《尚书》,其中四字句也有一些。后来初学读的三、百、千 :《三字经》《百家姓》《千字文》,其中后两种即全为四字句。《四言杂字》《龙文鞭影》初、二、三集,都是四言。这虽然是训蒙书,也足以说明四字句之为人所喜爱、所乐诵。古人有些话,本来够得上警句,可以成为成语。只是因为改变为四字,比较麻烦,也就只好把它放弃,作为引导语来用。例如"宋朝范仲淹的《岳阳楼记》,有"先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐"之语,意思很好,但因字数较多的关系,就没能形成成语,我们只能视为警句,有时可以引入文章。而如"吃苦在前,享乐在后",就容易说,容易记,便可以成为成语。而同在《岳阳楼记》中的一句"百废俱兴",因为是四个字,所以就成了成语。
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语法标注解释 idiom英音:["idi05m]美音:["01d0105m] 1. 惯用语;成语;习惯语[C]To pull one"s leg is an idiom. "to pull one"s leg"(同某人开玩笑)是惯用语。 2. 方言,土话;(个人特有)用语[C]He spoke in the idiom of the New England countryside. 他讲新英格兰乡下的方言。 3. (某一)语言的习惯用法;(某一)语言的特性[U][C]She reads with a sharp eye for idiom. 她阅读时以敏锐的目光审视语言的习惯用法。 4. (在音乐、美术等方面所表现的)风格,特色[C][U]the idiom of modern popular music 现代通俗音乐的风格
2023-06-27 11:53:281

idiom是什么意思中文 idiom翻译

1、n.习语; 成语; 惯用语; (某时期或某地区的人的)语言和语法; (写作、音乐、艺术等的)典型风格; 2、[例句]Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse谚语和习语会由于使用过多而变得俗套。 3、[其他]复数:idioms
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idiot:白痴,idiom:习语。比较记忆:白痴记不住习语。idiom 英 ["u026adiu0259m]  美 ["u026adiu0259m]    n. 成语;惯用语;方言;风格;特色From that story comes the idiom "Draw a snake and add feet to it".“画蛇添足”这个成语就是从这个故事来的。近义词dialect 英 ["dau026au0259lekt]   美 ["dau026au0259lekt]    n. 方言;地方话Every now and then he would lapse into the local dialect.他讲话中时而不自觉地冒出地方方言。
2023-06-27 11:53:421


无畏金兰不算是一个成语,更倾向是一个代名词,我们经常用这个词来形容中国女篮。 无畏金兰的意思是在一起不畏困难的友情;深交结交很投合的朋友。 金兰原指牢固而融洽的友情.形容友情深厚,相交契合。语本易经.系辞.二人同心,其利断金,同心之言,其臭如兰。""义结金兰""比喻情谊坚固契合。后来用做结拜为兄弟姐妹的代称。
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一、勤奋、意志与成功1. Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。2. No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。3. Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。4. Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。5. Genius is nothing but labor anddiligence.天才不过是勤奋而已。6. Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。7. Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母。8. No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。9. There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。10. No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。11. Success belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。12. The finest diamond must be cut.玉不琢,不成器。13. Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.逆境出人才。二、学习方法与态度14. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。15. It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。16. Readingis to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。17. A man becomes learned by askingquestions.不耻下问才能有学问。18. Learn and live.活着,为了学习。19. Knowledge starts with practice.实践出真知。20. Books and friends should be few butgood.读书如交友,应求少而精。21. Complacency is the enemy of study.学习的敌人是自己的满足。22. Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makesproud.知识使人谦虚,无知使人傲慢。23. Knowledge advances by steps and not byleaps.知识只能循序渐进,不能跃进。24. A man can do no more than he can.凡事都应量力而行。25. A man cannot spin and reel at the sametime.一心不能二用。
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be all ears 洗耳恭听例︰"That"s a very good question. May I answer it frankly?""I am all ears."fall on deaf ears 全不理会某人说话例︰The mayor spoke privately to Gibson yesterday and asked him to resign, but said that his plea fell on deaf ears.have nothing between your ears 愚蠢例︰He"s good-looking but he has nothing between his ears.have something coming out of your ears 已拥有太多例︰Everyone who wants to talk to me is talking about football. I"ve had football coming out of my ears. I can"t get away from it.have steam coming out of your ears 非常愤怒例︰Not that Labour"s front-benchers quite see it that way; indeed, they have steam coming out of their ears at the back your ears 仔细聆听例︰Right, pin back your ears, someone"s ears back 对做错事的人下逐客令例︰Dad was furious about what I"d done and pinned my ears back.someone"s ears are burning 成为话题中心例︰Howard"s ears must have been burning as he was referred to as the "little man in the big house".up to your ears 工作非常忙碌,或者陷入困境例︰"Why don"t you come to the cinema with us?""I can"t. I"m up to my ears in reports."
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汉语成语翻译为Chinese idioms 可以吗?还是直接拼音Chengyu?

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1. 把中国的四字成语故事翻译成英语 刻舟求剑 Making His Mark (Ke Zhou Qiu Jian) A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river. In the boat, his sword fell into the water. Immediately he made a mark on the boat. "This is where my sword fell off," he said. When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to look for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat. The boat had moved but the sword had not. Is this not a very foolish way to look for a sword? Self-contradiction A man of the state of Chu had a spear and a shield for sale. He was loud in his praise of his shield. "My shield is so strong that nothing can pierce it through." He also sang praises of his spear. "My spear is so strong that it can pierce through anything." "What would happen," he was asked, "if your spear is used to pierce your shield?" It is impossible for an imperable shield to coexist with a spear that finds nothing imperable. n0 d9 p Z+ x/ M 自相矛盾 很久以前,楚国有个卖兵器的人,在市场上卖矛和盾。为了让人家愿意买他的货,他先举起盾向人们夸口道:“我的盾是世上最坚固的盾,任何锋利的东西都不能刺穿它。”接着又举起他的矛,向人吹嘘说:“你们再看看我的矛,它锋利无比,无坚不摧”人群中有人问道:“依你的说法,那就拿你的矛来刺你的盾吧,看看结果怎么样?” 卖兵器的人听了张口结舌,无从回答,只好拿着矛和盾走了。 2. 【用英语回答下成语的基本特征这个问题】 成语:chéng yǔ (idiom) 语言词汇中的一部分定型的词组或短句。 汉语成语有固定的结构形式和固定的说法,表示一定的意义,在语句中是作为一个整体来应用的,多数为4个字,也有3字的以及4字以上的成语,有的成语甚至是分成两部分,中间有逗号隔开。 【定义】 所谓成语是语言中经过长期使用、锤炼而形成的固定短语。 它是比词大而语法功能又相当于词的语言单位。 【形式】 成语一般都是四字格式,也有二字、三字、五字等成语。 如“五十步笑百步”、“ 欲速则不达”、“ 醉翁之意不在酒”。成语一般用四个字,这大概是因为四字容易上口。 如我国古代的诗歌总集《诗经》,就以四字句为多,古代历史《尚书》,其中四字句也有一些。后来初学读的三、百、千 《三字经》《百家姓》《千字文》,其中后两种即全为四字句。 《四言杂字》《龙文鞭影》初、二、三集,都是四言。这虽然是训蒙书,也足以说明四字句之为人所喜爱、所乐诵。 古人有些话,本来够得上警句,可以成为成语。只是因为改变为四字,比较麻烦,也就只好把它放弃,作为引导语来用。 例如"宋朝范仲淹的《岳阳楼记》,有"先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐"之语,意思很好,但因字数较多的关系,就没能形成成语,我们只能视为警句,有时引入文章。而如"吃苦在前,享乐在后",就容易说,容易记,便可以成为成语。 而同在《岳阳楼记》中的文句"百废俱兴",因为是四字,就成了成语。 英文(我是用“有道翻译器”翻译的,但很难理解为什么要英文,有些熟语翻译器可能译不过来的……最好能找个专业人士读一遍看看) idiom Part of the vocabulary of phrases or sentences. Chinese idioms have fixed structure form and fixed, the significance, in that statement is used as a whole, the majority of four words, there are also three words and idioms above 4 words, some of the idioms and even is divided into o parts, mas. [definition. So-called idiom is used in the language through long-term temper, and fixed phrase. It is larger than the words and grammar function and the language units to word. The form. Idioms are generally four word format, also have o words, dirty, five words such idiom. Such as "the pot calling the kettle black" and "more haste, less speed", "continued rejection of the". Idioms usually use four word, it"s because of four words flowing easily. As China"s ancient of poems, just four words, ancient history, which holds the four words have some. Later, read three beginners, thousands of the embedded BaiGuXing ", "QianZiWen, hind o kinds of all four words for that. The SiYan ZaZi ", "LongWen BianYing", o, three, are SiYan. Although it is put to four books, also words of love and joy recitation. The ancients some words, had enough for one, can bee idiom. Just because change for four words, more troublesome, also had to abandon it, as a guide to using language. For example "song of the yueyang tower fan zhongyan," the first and after all, the pleasure of music ", meaning is very good, but because the relationship beeen words, no more can form the idiom, we can only as a millipede, sometimes into articles such as ". But before pleasure ", it is easy to remember, he said, can bee the idiom ". And with the text "of yueyang BaiFeiJuXing", because it is four words, bee the idiom.。 3. 【十个四字成语和意思】 向壁虚构 (xiàng bì xū gòu) 解释:向壁:对着墙壁.即对着墙壁,凭空造出来的.比喻不根据事实而凭空捏造. 出处:汉·许慎《说文解字·序》:“世人大共非訾,以为好奇者也,故诡更正文,乡壁虚造不可知之书,变乱常行,以耀于世.” 示例:乡壁虚造,顺非而泽,持之似有故,言之若成理. 严复《救亡决论》 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向壁虚造 (xiàng bì xū zào) 解释:向壁:对着墙壁;虚造:虚构.即对着墙壁,凭空造出来的.比喻无事实根据,凭空捏造. 出处:汉·许慎《说文解字·序》:“乡壁虚造不可知之书,变乱常行,以耀于世.” 示例:~,顺非而泽,持之似有故,言之若成理. 严复《救亡决论》 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向风靡然 (xiàng fēng mǐ rán) 解释:向风:闻风仰慕;靡然:倒伏的样子.形容人倾心向往. 出处:《汉书·儒林传》:“黜黄老、刑名、延文学儒者以百数,而公孙弘以治《春秋》为丞相封侯,天下学士,靡然乡风.” 示例:于是怀文之士,莫不~. 唐·卢照邻《乐府杂诗序》 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向风慕义 (xiàng fēng mù yì) 解释:指向往其教化,仰慕其礼义.或指向往其风度,仰慕其义行. 出处:明·张居正《番夷求贡疏》:“因而连合西僧,向风慕义,交臂请贡,献琛来王.” 示例:参加的有社友,也有~来的非社友,共有一百有九人之多. 郑逸梅《南社丛谈·南社后期活动》 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向火乞儿 (xiàng huǒ qǐ ér) 解释:向火:烤火;乞儿:乞丐.近火取暖的乞丐.比喻趋炎附势的人. 出处:五代·王仁裕《开元天宝遗事·向火乞儿》:“今时之朝彦皆是向火乞儿,一旦火尽灰冷,暖气何在?” 示例:纷纷~多,独有君如择乳鹅. 宋·显万《送炭与湘山西堂惠然师》 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向明而治 (xiàng míng ér zhì) 解释:向明:天将要亮了;治:治理.形容勤于政事. 出处:《周易·说卦》:“圣人南面而听天下,向明而治.” 示例:且人君恭己南面,~,紫微黄屋,至尊至重. 清·毕沅《续资治通鉴》卷十六 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向平愿了 (xiàng píng yuàn liǎo) 解释:向平:即东汉时向长,字子平;了:了结.向平的心愿已了.指儿女都已婚嫁. 出处:《后汉书·向长传》:“建武中,男女嫁既毕,敕断家事勿相关,当如我死也.于是遂肆意与同好北海禽庆俱游五岳名山,竟不知所终.” 示例: 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向平之原 (xiàng píng zhī yuán) 解释:称子女婚嫁事为“向平之愿”,子女婚嫁事毕为“向平愿了”. 出处: 示例: 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向平之愿 (xiàng píng zhī yuàn) 解释:向平:即东汉时向长,字子平.向平的心愿.指子女婚嫁之事. 出处:明·凌蒙初《初刻拍案惊奇》第36卷:“这般一走,便可与杜郎相会,遂了向平之愿了.” 示例:如今儿子已经长大,拟于秋间为之完姻,以了‘~". 清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第56回 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向若而叹 (xiàng ruò ér tàn) 解释:比喻向高明者折服,而自叹不如. 出处:战国·宋·庄周《庄子·秋水》:“至于北海,东面而视,不见水端,于是焉河伯始旋其面目,望洋向若而叹曰:‘……今我睹子之难穷也,吾非至于子之门则殆矣."” 示例:未有不望崖而返、~者也. 清·钱谦益《汲古阁毛氏新刻十七史序》 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向上一路 (xiàng shàng yī lù) 解释:佛教禅宗指不可思议的彻悟境界. 出处:《碧岩录》第二卷:“向上一路,千圣不传.学者劳形,如猿捉影.” 示例:清·王夫之《夕堂永日绪论外编》:“要之,更有~在.” 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向声背实 (xiàng shēng bèi shí) 解释:声:声名,这里指虚名;背:违背.指向往声名,背离实际. 出处:三国·魏·曹丕《典论·论文》:“常人贵远贱亲,向声背实;又患暗于自见,谓己为贤.” 示例:此并~,舍真从伪. 唐·刘知己《史通·杂说中》 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向天而唾 (xiàng tiān ér tuò) 解释:仰头向着天吐唾沫,唾沫还是落在自己的脸上.比喻本来想损害别人,结果受害的还是自己. 出处: 示例:~的行为极为不雅 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向炎乞儿 (xiàng yán qǐ ér) 解释:近火取暖的乞丐.比喻趋炎附势之徒. 出处: 示例:他的这种行为让我想起了~. 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故、成语故事、英文、日文等.) 向阳花木 (xiàng yáng huā mù) 。 4. 英语的四字成语有哪些 1、burn the midnight oil. 熬夜工作 2、keep somebody at arm"s length. 形影不离 3、be on one"s back. 卧病在床 4、make somebody"s blood boil. 热血沸腾 5、Keep one"s shirt on. 忍辱负重 6、It rains dogs and cats. 倾盆大雨 7、fish in trouble water. 混水摸鱼 8、Teach fish to swim. 班门弄斧 9、Beat the dog before the lion. 杀鸡敬猴 10、Shout something from the rooftops. 登高而呼 11、Be all ears. 洗耳恭听 12、out of the blue. 猝不及防 13、at sixes and sevens. 乱七八糟 14、A bolt from the blue. 晴天霹雳 15、love you love your dog. 爱屋及乌 see eye to eye 达成共识。 5. 英语的四字成语 keep somebody at arm"s length, 形影不离 be on one"s back, 卧病在床 make somebody"s blood boil, 热血沸腾 Keep one"s shirt on, 忍辱负重 Shout something from the rooftops , 登高而呼 Be all ears, 洗耳恭听 out of the blue, 猝不及防 at sixes and sevens, 乱七八糟 A bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳love you love your dog 爱屋及乌 a bad apple, 金玉其外,败絮其中It rains dogs and cats.倾盆大雨 Fish in trouble water.混水摸鱼 Teach fish to swim.班门弄斧 Beat the dog before the lion.杀鸡敬猴。
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  One of the most difficult aspects of learning any foreign language is being able to understand and use a wide range of idioms. The English language has over 15,000 idioms and native speakers use them very frequently,often without realising it themselves. This can make communication with native speakers confusing.   在任何语言学习中最困难的一个方面就是,要能理解并运用大量成语。   英语有15000多个成语,而且本族语使用者常常在不自觉的情况下频繁使用它们。这就造成了与本族语使用者的沟通不畅。   What is an idiom? An idiom is a group of words which,when used together,has a different meaning from the one which the individual words have. For example:   什么是成语呢?一个成语就是一组词,当结合在一起使用时,其意与单个词语所表达的意思均不相同。例如:   -How do you know that Sid and Nancy have separated   你怎么知道席德和南希分手了?   -I heard it on the grapevine.   我是从小道消息听到的。   Of course,the second speaker does not mean he heard the news about John by putting his ear to a grapevine!He is conveying the idea visually of information spreading around a widespread network,similar to a grapevine.   当然,第二个谈话者并不是说,他把耳朵贴在葡萄藤上才听到这个关于约翰的消息的!他只是在形象地表达一种意味,即这个消息通过一个类似葡萄藤的巨大网络传播开来。   We use idioms to express something that other words do not express as clearly or as cleverly. We often use an image or symbol to describe something as clearly as possible and thus make our point as effectively as possible. For example,“in a nutshell” suggests the idea of having all the information contained within very few words. Idioms tend to be informal and are best used in spoken rather than written English.   我们使用成语是要表达其它词语无法如此清晰或如此巧妙表达的东西。我们经常会运用比喻和象征以便尽可能清晰地描述事物,因而可以尽可能有效地阐述我们的观点。比如,“in a nutshell”表明的意思是,用很少几个词来涵盖所要表达的全部意思。成语往往是非正式的,最好用于口语,而不要用在非书面表达中。   One of the best ways to learn an idiom is by looking at the context in which it is used. This can be done by concentrating on the rest of the sentence and try to guess the meaning. Many idioms are not that difficult to understand when considered in their context. For example:   学习成语的.最好方法之一是查看它所在的上下文。而这可以通过通读句子其它部分来实现,并试着猜测其意。当把许多成语放在上下文中考虑,理解起来就不那么难了。例如:   We are going to have a surprise party for Tom tomorrow. It"s a secret so please don"t let the cat out of the bag.   明天,我们要给汤姆举办一个惊喜聚会。这是一个秘密,因此请不要泄露秘密。   “Let the cat out of the bag” is an idiom. Imagine you don"t know what this idiom means;by looking at the words preceding it should be easy to guess that the speaker does not want you to tell Tom about the surprise party. Therefore,“let the cat out of the bag”must mean something like“ reveal a secret” or “tell a secret”.   “Let the cat out of the bag”是一个成语。设想你不知道这个成语的意思;如果看看之前的单词,就会很容易地猜出,讲话者是不想让你跟汤姆谈及惊喜聚会的事情。因此,“let the cat out of the bag”一定是“揭露秘密”或“泄露秘密”之类的意思。   Other examples:   其它例子:   He was on the carpet last week for being late to work three times.   上星期,他由于迟到三次而受到批评。   It was a very long report. It took me three hours to wade through.   那是一个很长的报告。我花了三个小时才总算读完它。   Let"s call it a day. I"m very tired and I think we have covered the main points of the meeting already.   我们今天就到此为止。我很累,而且我认为,我们已经处理了这次会议的主要问题。   However,idioms can often be very difficult to understand. You may be able to guess the meaning from context but if not,it is not easy to know the meaning. Many idioms,for instance,come from favorite traditional British activities such as fighting,sailing and hunting. As well as being quite specialist in meaning,some of the words in idioms were used two or three hundred years ago,or longer,and can be a little obscure. Here are some examples:   然而,成语通常很难理解。你也许能够通过上下文来猜测其意,但如果不能的话,那么就不易理解其意了。譬如,很多成语起源于英国人钟爱的传统活动,如搏斗、航海和狩猎。其不仅在意思上是十分特殊的,而且成语中的有些词是二、三百年前,甚至是在更久远年代使用的词汇,因此可能有点晦涩难懂。以下是一些例子:   -Now that the Prime Minister has been elected there will be a lot of jockeying for position to get the key posts in his administration. (Horse Racing)   由于首相已被选定,所以在谋求其政府要职的过程中将会出现许多欺诈牟利的行为。(赛马)   -I finally ran the book to earth in a second-hand bookshop in Wales. I had been searching for it for three years. (Hunting)   我最终在威尔士的一家旧书书店里觅求到了这本书。我找这本书已经有三年的时间了。(打猎)   -They took her ideas on board and decided to increase the budget. (Sailing)   他们考虑了她的意见,并决定增加预算。(航海)   -You should fall in with our arrangements; we can"t make alternative plans for you. (Army)   你应该同意我们的安排,我们不可能再为你另做安排。(军队)   -We saw the boss at the bar but we gave him a wide berth. We did not want to talk to him then. (Sailing)   我们在酒吧里见到了老板,但我们避开了他。我们那时不想与他说话。(航海)   What is the best way to learn idioms? It is best to learn idioms as you do vocabulary. In other words,select and actively learn idioms which will be useful to you. Write the idiom in a relevant and practical sentence so that you will be able to remember its meaning easily. If
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如影随形 这个成语用英文怎么说?

you drop,I drop
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Fools, idioms, words"论语analects》。".意思为向地位比自己低、学识比自己少的人请教,也不感到羞耻。Meaning to position themselves for than low, scholarship, fewer people than myself consult, also not be ashamed.出 处:A place:《论语·公冶长Analects · GongYeChang》子贡zigong问曰:“Ask yue:"孔文子Hole text何以why谓refers之文也?The article also?”子曰:“"Confucius said:"敏而好学Sensitive and eager to learn,不耻下问,是以谓之文也。By asking questions, is the call wen also.”成语故事Idiom story 春秋Spring and autumn时代的era孔子Confucius是我国伟大的Is our great思想家thinkers、政治家politicians、教育家educator,儒家Confucian学派的创始人。The founders of.历代封建统治者都遵奉他为天生的最有学问的“Successive feudal rulers are receive andobey for his innate most knowledgeable"圣人saint”。然而孔子认为:“余非生而知之者,(无论什么人,包括他自己,都不是生下来就有". However, Confucius said: "YuFei man is born wise or learned, (whether what person, including his own, are not born with学问learning的)”。) ". “子入"The son into the太庙Ancestral temple,每事问。And every thing asked.或问:‘孰谓邹人之子知礼乎?Or asked, "" zou is the son of man cometh polite?入太庙,每事问。The ancestral temple, every thing asked."子闻之,曰:‘是知礼也。"Son, yue:" smell is too polite."”"" 太庙,是Ancestral temple,国君monarch的祖庙。The pujiu.孔子去太庙参加鲁国国君Confucius to imperial throne in lu祭祖ancestor-worship的of典礼ceremony。.他一进太庙,就向人问这问那,几乎每一件事都问到了。He entered the ancestral temple, just to ask this question those, almost everything ask arrived.当时有人Did someone讥笑ridiculed他:“谁说‘邹人之子,懂得礼仪?来到太庙,什么事都要问。"”(邹,当时县名,孔子出生地,在今He: "who say "zou the son of man, know rite? Come ancestral temple, everything asked."" (zou, when county name, Confucius birthplace, in now山东shandong曲阜qufu县东南十里西邹集。County southeast miles west zou sets.孔子的父亲Confucius"s father叔梁纥Uncle liang Ge,做过邹县的县官,所以当时有人管孔子叫“邹人之子”,意即邹县县官的儿子。The magistrate, done zou, so when someone tube Confucius called "zou the son of man", meaning zou county officer"s son.))孔子听到人们对他的议论,答道:“我对于不明白的事,每事必问,这恰恰是我要求Confucius hear people say about him, replied: "I don"t understand, for every thing will ask, this just is my request知礼polite的表现啊!Performance!”" 卫国wei大夫孔圉聪明好学,更难得的是他是个非常谦虚的人。The doctor hole take smart studious, more importantly, he is a very modest man.在孔圉死后,卫国国君In the hole take died, wei monarch孔文子Hole text为了让后代的人都能学习和发扬他好学的精神,因此特别In order to let offspring can study and develop the spirit of his studious, so special赐given给他一个“文公”的称号。Give him a "wen public" title.后人就尊称他为孔文子。Posterity will your respectful name he is hole text.[3][3] 子贡问曰:“孔文子何以谓之文也?”Zigong asked yue: "hole text why call wen also?"子曰:“敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之文也。”Confucius said: "sensitive and eager to learn by asking questions, is the call wen also." 孔子的学生子贡也是卫国人,但是他却不认为孔圉配得上那样高的评价。Student of Confucius, zi gong is wei man, but he did not think hole take deserve high as evaluation.有一次,他问孔子说:“孔圉的学问及才华虽然很高,但是比他更杰出的人还很多,凭什么赐给孔圉‘文公"的称号?”Once, he asked the master said: "hole take knowledge and talent although very high, but more than he has many outstanding person, with what give hole take the title of" wen male "?"孔子听了微笑说:“孔圉非常勤奋好学,脑筋聪明又灵活,而且如果有任何不懂的事情,就算对方地位或学问不如他,他都会大方而谦虚的请教,一点都不因此感到羞耻,这就是他难得的地方,因此赐给他‘文公"的称号并不会不恰当”。Confucius heard smiles to say: "hole take very diligent &hard-working, brains smart and flexible, and if there is any don"t understand things, even if that person status or learning behind him, he always generous and modest consult, it doesn"t seem so ashamed, this is he rarely place, so give him the title of" wen male "will not be appropriate".经过孔子这样 成语“不耻下问”就是从孔子的这句话来的。Idiom "fools" is from Confucius of this sentence.现在我们用来形容一个人谦虚、好学,真诚地向别人提问请教,不耻下问。Now we used to describe a humble, studious, sincere to others questions to ask, fools
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idiom motto saying

motto 是座右铭 比如My life motto is you are never too old to learn. 我的人生格言是活到老学到老. saying 一般是引出俗语,谚语. A saying goes,where there is a will,there is a way. 一句俗语,有志者事竟成. 你自己体会体会吧.
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Idiom: it goes to show used to say that something proves something 证明;表明 It just goes to show what you can do when you really try. 这就表明,一个人只要真下功夫,就能做成什么事情。 Idiom: show somebody the door to ask somebody to leave, because they are no longer welcome 要某人离开;下逐客令 Idiom: show your face to appear among your friends or in public 露面;公开见人 She stayed at home, afraid to show her face. 她待在家里,不敢露面。 Idiom: show your hand/cards British English to make your plans or intentions known 摊牌;让对手摸着底细;公开自己的意图 Variant: tip your hand American English Idiom: show somebody who"s boss to make it clear to somebody that you have more power and authority than they have 让某人知道谁说了算 Idiom: show the way to do something first so that other people can follow 示范 Idiom: show willing British English to show that you are ready to help, work hard, etc. if necessary 表示愿意;有乐于…的意思 Idiom: (have) something, nothing, etc. to show for something (to have) something, nothing, etc. as a result of something 在…方面有(或没有等)成绩;在…方面有(或没有等)结果 All those years of hard work, and nothing to show for it! 苦干这么多年,却毫无成绩可言! See also: fly/show/wave the flag; show your paces; show somebody/know/learn the ropes Phrasal: show somebody around/round (something) to be a guide for somebody when they visit a place for the first time to show them what is interesting 领(某人)参观;带(某人)巡视 We were shown around the school by one of the students. 我们由一名学生领着参观了学校。 Has anyone shown you round yet? 有没有人带你四处走走? Phrasal: show off informal, disapproving to try to impress others by talking about your abilities, possessions, etc. 炫耀自己;卖弄自己 He"s just showing off because that girl he likes is here. 他不过是在表现自己,因为他喜欢的那个姑娘在场。 See also: show-off Phrasal: show somebody/something62off to show people somebody/something that you are proud of 炫耀;卖弄;显示 She wanted to show off her new husband at the party. 她想在聚会上炫耀自己的新婚丈夫。 He likes to show off how well he speaks French. 他喜欢向人展示他法语讲得有多好。 of clothing 服装 to make somebody look attractive, by showing their best features 使显得漂亮;使夺目;衬托 a dress that shows off her figure 衬托出她优美身材的连衣裙 Phrasal: show through; show through something to be able to be seen behind or under something else (从某物)透出;(从某事)显露 The writing on the other side of the page shows through. 写在纸背面的字透了过来。 When he spoke, his bitterness showed through. 他说话时流露出内心的辛酸。 figurative Veins showed through her pale skin. 她苍白的皮肤下一条条血管清晰可见。 Phrasal: show up informal to arrive where you have arranged to meet somebody or do something 如约赶到;出现;露面 It was getting late when she finally showed up. 天色已晚,她终于赶到了。 Phrasal: show up; show something62up to become visible; to make something become visible (使)看得见,变得明显,显现出来 a broken bone showed up on the X-ray 在 X 光照片上显示出的一根断骨 The harsh light showed up the lines on her face. 在耀眼的光线下,她脸上的皱纹清晰可见。 Phrasal: show somebody62up to make somebody feel embarrassed by behaving badly (因举止不妥而)使人难堪,使人尴尬,使人丢脸 British English informal He showed me up by snoring during the concert. 他在音乐会上呼呼大睡,真给我丢脸。 to make somebody feel embarrassed by doing something better than them
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