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全美超模大赛第9季中的heather kuzmich

2023-06-27 13:03:12
TAG: heath heather

Heather 是把= =


因为她的病,海瑟成功得到了媒体的注目,包括在脱口秀上出现,如:《Good Morning America》,还在《纽约时报》的专栏上出现。她也计划继续担任模特,另一方面也会继续她的学业。《全美超级模特儿新秀大赛》第十季的新评审贝莉娜·波域斯高娃也说她第九季喜欢的模特是海瑟。 海瑟在《人物杂志》出现了两次,一次是在2007年10月,最近一次是在2007年12月。

现在海瑟因出席一个时装周而来到香港,并在早前接受明珠台的访谈节目《港生活 港享受》



heather英文名的寓意开花的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵。下面我补充一下我对heather英文名的见解Heather的中文名是海德,意思是开花的灌木,Heath的异体,开花的石楠。给人的印象是乐观,无忧无虑,容易相处。 能理解人,能调解矛盾。不喜欢面对难题或伤害。易结交朋友,但不要过多的干预别人的事。Heather英文名给老外感觉:Heather英文名在外国人眼里是一个女性占比多,给人感觉自然、好名字、聪明、健康的的好名字
2023-06-27 10:41:281


heather英文名含义:中文音译希瑟,其他音译海德,名字性别为女孩英文名,名字寓意开花的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵。 扩展资料 名字印象乐观,无忧无虑,容易相处。能理解人,能调解矛盾。不喜欢面对难题或伤害。易结交朋友,但不要过多的干预别人的事。
2023-06-27 10:41:521


含义是开花的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵。Heather常见英文名音译是希瑟,海德。适合女生英文名字,最早来源于宿务语、英语,Heather是个霸气的名字,这个名字第一印象乐观,无忧无虑,容易相处。 能理解人,能调解矛盾。不喜欢面对难题或伤害。易结交朋友,但不要过多的干预别人的事。缺少自信,难以做决定,不适合当领导。对计划的实施能拖则拖。若没有别人的鼓励,就会丧失活力,信心或创造力。
2023-06-27 10:41:591

保罗 麦卡特尼的《Heather》 歌词

歌曲名:Heather歌手:保罗 麦卡特尼专辑:Driving Rain"Aye you want some of this shit""Naw, I don"t want that shit""I don"t give a fuck, I don"t play dat shit""And I"m fin"nin to buss a cap in a nigga""Man SHUT the fuck up""Whoa slow down, slow down, slow down""You see that brick house right there""That"s the nigga crib when he come out you gotta tighten his ass up""I"m get in the other car""Aight"HeatIf there"s beef, cock it and dump it, the drama really means nothinTo me I"ll ride by and blow ya brains out (brains out)There"s no time to cock it, no way you can stop itWhen niggas run up on you wit them thangs out (thangs out)I do what I gotta do I don"t care I if get caughtThe DA can play this motherfuckin tape in courtI"ll kill you - I ain"t playin, hear what I"m sayin, homie I ain"t playinCatch you slippin, I"ma kill you - I ain"t playin, hear what I"m sayin,homie I ain"t playinKeep thinkin I"m candy till ya fuckin skull get poppedAnd ya brain jump out the top like Jack-in-da-boxIn the hood summer time is the killing seasonIt"s hot out this bitch that"s a good "nuff reasonI"ve seen gangsta"s get religious when they start bleedinSayin "Lord, Jesus Help Me" cause they ass leakinWhen they window roll down and that A.K. come outYou can squeeze ya lil handgun until you run outAnd you can run for ya back-upBut them machine gun shells gone tear ya back upGod"s on ya side, shit I"m aight wit thatWe reload them clips and come right backIt"s a fact homie, you go against me ya fuckedI get the drop, if you can duck, ya luckier then Lady LuckLook nigga, don"t think you safe cause you moved out the hoodCuz ya momma still around dog, and daddy ain"t goodIf you was smart you"d be shook of meCuz I"d get tired of lookin for ya, spray ya momma crib, and let ya ass lookfor meIf there"s beef, cock it and dump it, the drama really means nothinTo me I"ll ride by and blow ya brains out (brains out)There"s no time to cock it, no way you can stop itWhen niggas run up on you wit them thangs out (thangs out)I do what I gotta do I don"t care I if get caughtThe DA can play this motherfuckin tape in courtI"ll kill you - I ain"t playin, hear what I"m sayin, homie I ain"t playinCatch you slippin, I"ma kill you - I ain"t playin, hear what I"m sayin,homie I ain"t playinMy heart bleeds for you nigga, I can"t wait to get to youBehind that twinkle in ya eyes, I can see the bitch in youNigga you know the streets talkSo they"ll be no white flags and no peace talksI got my back against the wind, I"m down to ride till the sun burn outIf I die today, I"m happy how my life turned outSee the shootouts that I"ve been in I"m by myselfLocked up I was in a box by myselfI done made myself a millionaire by myselfNow, shit changed motherfucker I can hire some helpI done heard about the 50 grand you put in the hoodBut ya shooter fin"nin to get get shot it won"t do "em no goodWith a pistol I define the definition of painIf you survive ya bones"ll still fuckin hurt when it rainOh you a pro at playin battleship well this ain"t the sameLil homie this is a whole different type of war gameSee the losers and up in shackles of motherfuckin chainsOr laid out in the streets leakin out they brainsIf there"s beef, cock it and dump it, the drama really means nothinTo me I"ll ride by and blow ya brains out (brains out)There"s no time to cock it, no way you can stop itWhen niggas run up on you wit them thangs out (thangs out)I do what I gotta do I don"t care I if get caughtThe DA can play this motherfuckin tape in courtI"ll kill you - I ain"t playin, hear what I"m sayin, homie I ain"t playinCatch you slippin, I"ma kill you - I ain"t playin, hear what I"m sayin,homie I ain"t playinAfter the fist fights it"s gunfire boy you get the best of me (best of me)If you don"t wanna get shot I suggest you don"t go testin me (testin me)All the wrong I"ve done the Lord still keep on blessin me (blessin me)Fin"nin to run rap cuz Dr. Dre got the recipe (the recipe, recipe)Yeah, uh ha, aye DreYou got me feelin real bulletproof up in this motherfuckerCuz my windows on my motherfuckin Benz is bulletproof niggaCuz my motherfuckin vest is bulletproof niggaCuz my motherfuckin hat is bulletproof niggaBut the Doc said if I get hit I might get a fuckin concussionBetter that then a hole in the head right nigga, heh heh ha ha
2023-06-27 10:42:061


n.石南花adj.杂色的, 似石南的
2023-06-27 10:42:152

大家觉得男生用heather做英文名怎么样。。 有没有hether这个单词。。谢谢了

2023-06-27 10:42:232

Heather这个名字有什么意义 我是男生 很喜欢这个名字,可是heather是女生名字,男生可以用吗?

2023-06-27 10:42:325


这个是一个男生的名字 不过sexy 没看出来...
2023-06-27 10:42:483


——heather 希瑟heather这个英文名字指的是石楠花,这是一种很美丽的花朵,是北欧国家挪威的国花,象征着孤独、勇敢、敬佩,将指作为女孩的名字,石楠花寓意女孩不仅具有花朵的魅力之态,同时坚韧强大,勇气可嘉。并且这个名字很是少见,具有独特之感,为女孩的名字增添几分特色。——yvette 伊薇特弓箭手yvette翻译成中文名字是伊薇特,这是一个看上去就很优雅的女孩英文名字,给人高贵小公主的感觉。该在英文名字中并不是很常见,因此具有独特之感。其本义指的是弓箭手,用作女生英文名表示聪明,具有战士般强大的精神。作为女孩名字很有特点,彰显女性的温柔不怯懦。
2023-06-27 10:42:561


2023-06-27 10:43:261

heather the feathered friend 什么意思

2023-06-27 10:44:052

谁知道日本品牌heather的官网地址?还有日本服装的店员秀图片都是在哪看的呢? 这个是日本heather的官网
2023-06-27 10:44:141


不久前摘下“美国小姐”桂冠的海瑟。怀特史东 (Heather Whitestone),原来是个从小失聪的“聋小姐”。当她在舞台上踏着优美的芭蕾舞节拍献舞时,人们为她的每一个紧密配合音乐的舞蹈动作惊呆了。可有谁知道这位美女其实是用眼睛看“音乐”而支配自己的舞姿的呢——原来她根本听不到任何旋律和节奏,是凭一双水波一样妩媚的眼睛观察台上的灯光变幻而正确迈开优美的芭蕾舞步的。海瑟。怀特史东早在一岁半时,因打疫苗针而致聋,她相信自己的眼睛能代替自己的耳朵,终于在她21 岁的芳龄时摘下心仪的“美国小姐”桂冠,名扬全球。海瑟是1995年美国小姐选美冠军Heather Whitestone。《教天鹅跳舞》是她的妈妈写的回忆她成长的书,在台湾出版。原著的英文名字是《Yes, You Can, Heather!: The Story of Heather Whitestone, Miss America 1995》,作者 Daphne Gray。海瑟的重要贡献之一是通过她取得的成绩向世人宣布,除了听,聋人能够做任何事。她获奖之后,更是担起了向全社会介绍聋人的生活,为聋人争取权益的工作。在2002年她植入了人工耳蜗,这件事情在当时的聋人中引起了不小的冲击。
2023-06-27 10:44:281

heather tea是什么茶

heather tea 欧石楠茶: 在石楠家族中,“Heath”与“Heather”两名称经常混用,中文也多并称为欧石楠,其实它们分别归于Erica属与Calluna属,甚至外形也不相同。“Heather”一字的原意为“开花的石楠”,它原产于欧洲至西亚一带,其中泡茶用的帚石楠(Calluna vulgaris),俗名苏格兰石楠。特点及用途:开花时,钟形的粉红色迷你小花开满枝头,曾经是西欧及北欧许多荒地的主要植被,又有人称之为“山中薄雾”(Mountain Mist)。因为成分中含有熊果A,所以对泌尿系统有抗菌的功能。若以欧石楠水泡澡,对关节炎和风湿痛等疾病也有缓解的效果。苏格兰高原居民则广泛利用这种灌木的枝,藉以搭盖茅屋顶、结床、制扫帚、编篮筐或充作燃料,也有它干燥后用作插花的花材或香料,摘下的花则主要用于泡茶。将欧石楠与蜜蜂共养,可制作欧石楠蜂蜜。冲泡与口味:欧石楠茶是以干燥的茶冲泡而成,饮后能利尿及促进肠蠕动,所以具有帮助消化、加速排除体内污废物质、养颜等效果。冲泡时取用约2匙的花,焖10分钟便完成一壶淡棕色的欧石楠茶,然后将它过滤至杯中便能享用。这道花草茶虽然没有明显的香气,但在清淡的滋味中搀着一丝微酸,喝来别具风味,也可以加少许的蜂蜜调味。
2023-06-27 10:44:381


2023-06-27 10:44:476

Heather Black 这是什么颜色啊?

希瑟黑Heather Black
2023-06-27 10:45:105

有个鞋子的牌子, 图标是个王冠, 叫S什么的

2023-06-27 10:45:381


2023-06-27 10:45:511

warm heather是什么意思?

2023-06-27 10:45:594


这个牌子叫DADA 价格蛮贵的DADA是美国著名的鞋业品牌,一颗皇冠的logo透露出十足的霸气。   DADA于1995年在洛杉矶成立,风格是HipHop加板仔式街头感。深受年轻人欢迎的美国流行运动品牌DADA,首次推出滑板鞋型的「HEATHER」! 属于街头滑板系列的HEATHER,是DADA "08年的创新尝试。HEATHER将纽约街头风格搬上鞋款,放大的皇冠LOGO霸气的显露在鞋身上,黑白色的俐落风格,可以完整包覆足部的宽厚鞋型,感觉的到DADA将设计最简约化又不失流行的功力。 除了鞋款之外,DADA也开发了同一系列的街头滑板服饰,以黑白色为底色,涂鸦风的DADA SKATE TEAM字体,配上重复出现的皇冠LOGO,利用简单的元素将品牌风格凸显到最大化,不论是短袖T恤、拉鍊款连帽风衣,款款都充满了个性、独特的DADA风格!
2023-06-27 10:46:081

CSI,拉斯维加斯,海瑟夫人(Lady Heather)

Season 2 Episode 8Season 3 Episode 15Season 6 Episode 15Season 7 Episode 23Season 9 Episode 5
2023-06-27 10:46:162


2023-06-27 10:46:242


  NORMAL ENDING:最普通的结局,GOD被HEATHER杀死,世界恢复正常。  在游戏选择中做任何选择最后对结局都没有影响。  达成条件:正常通关即可。  POSSESSED ENDING:HEATHER杀死了GOD。手握滴血的匕首,DOUGLAS倒在血泊中。  达成条件:一次游戏中杀敌超过100体,注意一些被障碍挡住的怪物和寂静岭浓雾中的怪物。在最后的忏悔室里选择宽恕隔壁的女人,所受攻击伤害总量超过2000点。  UFO:回家发现父亲与外星人在一起,然后众人乘UFO离开并炸掉寂静岭。最后制作人员集体唱歌。  达成条件:达成条件是穿上TRANSFORM服装,取得Heather BEAM以后用它杀死路上遇到的所有敌人(30人以上),不可用脚踹,到达Heather家中时即出现UFO结局。  特殊武器  Beam Saber(激光剑) 肉搏杀死的怪物多于射杀的情况下通关,穿上transform costume后可以转化成Sexy Beam  获得地点:游戏开始购物中心2楼储物库附近走廊的尽头有一扇打不开的门,调查取得。  Flamethrower(火焰喷射器)肉搏杀死的怪物少于射杀的情况下通关,如在第一次通关后没有得到,再次开始后自动取得。  获得地点:面包店前台上。  Heather Beam / Sexy Beam (JP Version)(在不装备任何武器的时候,按住R2+圆圈可从Heather的眼睛中发射出激光跟踪攻击敌人)。  累计杀敌数达到333(实际上在一次游戏中并没有这么多敌人,可以多次通关累计达到,boss算在内)穿上 transform costume后可以转化成Sexy Beam  UNLIMITED SUBMACHINE GUN(机关枪,无限子弹) 通关一次后可以取得。  获得地点:游戏一开始HEATHER离开厕所往左走到尽头取得。
2023-06-27 10:46:311


答:白希瑟(White Heather)21年威士忌的酒精度为48%,没有添加色素或冷滤,它平衡了艾雷岛葡萄出产的泥炭,典型斯佩塞馥郁的水果味,顺滑甜蜜和谷物浓郁圆润的风味。
2023-06-27 10:46:401

关于CSI—LV中的Lady Heather

2023-06-27 10:47:062


2023-06-27 10:47:153


2023-06-27 10:47:221


1994年10月三个学电影的学生哈兹、迈克尔-威廉、李昂纳德,带上了电影拍摄器材,来到了布尔镇,准备调查当地关于布尔女巫的传说,他们为了找寻布尔女巫来到了黑山林,但不久他们就消失了,5天后人们开始寻找他们,美国政府为了找寻他们调用了100多人,同时使用了直升机甚至卫星,但10天过后一点结果也没有,于是只好放弃搜寻工作,但1年以后几个马里兰洲立大学的学生在山林的一个非常隐蔽的小木屋里发现了一个包裹,里面装有哈兹的日记和一个已经剪接好的电影拷贝盘,里面记载了三个人1年前失踪时所发生的所有恐怖事件,本部影片便是根据95年发现的拷贝盘,改编加工而成的。 1994年10月20日芒特格马里大学的学生哈兹、迈克尔-威廉、李昂纳德带好了摄影器材,他们准备到布克特斯威利镇调查关于布尔女巫的传说,在他们与一个名叫玛丽布郎的老妇人交谈得知,这位有点神经质的老妇人曾经在泰帕小溪附近遇到过布尔女巫,她形容这个布尔女巫是一个披头散发半人半兽的怪物。 1994年10月21一早三个学生带着电影器材出发,在和2个渔民交谈后他们得知棺材岩距离小镇有20分钟的路,于是他们进入黑森林准备去棺材岩,然而他们没想到他们走上的是一条不归之路。从此三个人便失踪了。 1994年26日马里兰州警察开始在黑森林中搜寻3个失踪的青年在,在这次搜寻活动中美国官方100人,同时使用了直升机,甚至人造卫星。 1994年11月5日,一连10天搜寻还是没有任何进展,官方的搜查也被迫结束,然而海茨的母亲安吉并不甘心,为了她的女儿和海茨的两个同伴,她自己开始了个人的搜寻工作。 1995年1月19日,官方彻底停止了这次活动。 1995年11月16日几个马里兰洲立大学的几位学生在一间隐蔽的小屋挖掘出一个包裹,里面装有一套电影经过剪裁好的影片和海茨的日记,此后布克特斯威利镇洲长史弗荣宣布这些东西是海茨和她同伴的遗物。我们现在看到的影片就是当年的影片。
2023-06-27 10:47:291

寂静岭2电影里面Heather和她妈Rose相遇了吗? 这画面我怎么没见?

2023-06-27 10:47:363

老友记 602里的meg是谁扮演的?

  Janelle Paradee ... Meg  出生:1963.4.11 美国 Minnesota,New London  她母亲是美国空军飞行员 她父亲是NASA的航空学工程师  作品  Running Mates (2000) (TV) .... Tracy  "NYPD Blue" .... Kim (1 episode, 2000)  ... aka "N.Y.P.D" - Israel (English title)  - Goodbye Charlie (2000) TV episode .... Kim  The David Cassidy Story (2000) (TV) .... Female Fan  Land of 1,000 Dances (2000)  "Friends" .... Meg (1 episode, 1999)  - The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel (1999) TV episode .... Meg  "The Norm Show" .... Young Woman (1 episode, 1999)  ... aka "Norm" - USA (new title)  - Norm"s Coach (1999) TV episode .... Young Woman  "L.A. Heat" .... Baker (1 episode, 1999)  - Rap Sheet (1999) TV episode .... Baker  "Everybody Loves Raymond" .... Sandy (1 episode, 1998)  ... aka "Raymond" - USA (promotional abbreviation)  - The Apartment (1998) TV episode .... Sandy  "USA High" .... Megan (1 episode, 1998)  - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do (1998) TV episode .... Megan  "Working" .... Receptionist (1 episode, 1997)  - Rumoring (1997) TV episode .... Receptionist  James Dean: Race with Destiny (1997) (TV) .... Marisa Pierangeli  ... aka "James Dean: Live Fast Die Young" - USA (video title)  "Silk Stalkings" .... Keri Carson / ... (3 episodes, 1995-1997)  - Guilt by Association (1997) TV episode .... Sandra Parker  - Exit Dying (1996) TV episode .... Susan Amsterdam/Keri Carson  - Champagne on Ice (1995) TV episode .... Ray"s Roommate  "Something So Right" .... Heather (3 episodes, 1996-1997)  - Something About Dante Proposing to Heather (1997) TV episode .... Heather  - Something About Protection (1996) TV episode .... Heather  - Pilot (1996) TV episode .... Heather  Backroads to Vegas (1996) (TV)  Black Scorpion (1995) (TV) .... Babette  The Granny (1995) (V) .... Maggie
2023-06-27 10:47:431


寂静岭里怪物原形很有可能是正常的人和动物。理由如下: 1、SH2中从公寓垃圾道里掉出的报纸上我们可以读到Walter Sullivan虐杀了一家三口,在被捕时一直在说是红色的怪物在要杀他,也就是说他并不认为杀的是人。他所描述的怪物和我们的James看到的那个“金字塔脑袋”出奇的相似; 2、SH3中神秘的女人Claudia对Heather所说的怪物是这样吃惊感慨的:“You think they are monsters?(你认为他们都是怪物吗?)”不排除怪物是正常人和动物之外的东西,不过Claudia的惊奇是在告诉Heather她体内的“神”要通过沾满鲜血的手来召唤的之后,说完Claudia就满意的离开了。可见Heather所杀的也许并不是怪物,至少真实世界不像她所看到的那样,所以Claudia才放心的让Heather继续屠杀,最终孕育出嗜血的邪神
2023-06-27 10:47:511

女巫 初中英文文章

In October of 1994, three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland while shooting a documentary called "The Blair Witch Project".A year later their footage was found.Man off camera: You look a little blurry. Let me zoom out okay?Heather: Okay. Huh.Man: Okay got you.Heather: This is my home. Which I am leaving the comforts of, for the weekend. To explore the Blair Witch.(Close up of pile of books)Heather: Some essential reading. How To Stay Alive in the Woods, cause you never know what"s going to happen. (Picks up book)Heather: And this is a very important book, because it has the article about what happened at Coffin Rock.Man: That"s pretty old.Heather: Yeah it"s totally old.Heather: And this is my field notebook.(Cuts to Joshes car)Heather: Hey it"s Mister Punctuality! How the hell are you this morning?Josh: Tired. So I got the CP up.Heather: Good. It"s important, cause that"s what were shooting on.Josh: No one knows I have it, but I got it.Heather: Alright, come on. Into the house.(Circling each other with cameras.)Heather: (laughing) I"m not going to bump into shit from the directors" chair. I don"t want to fuck up the cameras before we leave. Hey! Nice camera man! All right I know I"m hitting the steps.(Inside Heaters house, Josh looking tired with head down on table)Josh: So where"s Mikey at?Heather: I have to go get him.Josh: Okay.Heather: Supposed to be there at 8:30.Josh: Okay.Heather: Which means we are already going to be behind schedule, but it"s important to have juice.Josh: That"s cool.Cut to outside Mike"s house inside car.Heather: I guess your Mike! Josh starts to back away leaving mike on the doorstep.Heather: (whisper) stop, stop, stop, stop.Will we get to meet your Mamma?Inside car.Heather: How are you Mike? It"s nice to meet you.Mike: I"m doing good, and I"m very excited about this. Thank you for the opportunity.Heather: Well thank you for getting the equipment together.Cuts to grocery store.Holding box of rice over shopping cartJosh: Yeah we"ve got rice. Got mustard, fudge.Mike holds up PowerbarMike: Oatmeal and raisin baby.Heather: You like raisin? I don"t like it.Mike: I"ve never had a Powerbar before.Heather zooms in on bag of MarshmallowsHeather: Oh softJosh off camera: Hey! You weasel!Heather: Marrrrshmelllowwwss.Walking into small dinerMike points out a Halloween decoration of a ghostJosh and Heather: BooooooohHeather: Do you believe in ghosts?Inside dinerHead shot of Waitress GirlHeather: Have you ever heard of the Blair Witch?Girl: I guess. That actually sounds kind of familiar. My older sister went to Blair High School.Heather: I wanna, I wanna get a little bit into here...Josh: I want to go set this camera up over here. Sets camera on nearby table shooting towards the crewHeather: We are relatively tightly scheduled. So try to keep us moving. First we are going to area five. I cannot stress enough the importance of being on time.Josh: First is the cemetery?Heather: First is the cemetery.Cut to cemetery Mike fiddling with gearJosh: You guys wanna get the uh...ceremonial first slate?Heather fixes makeup in cars rear view mirrorHeather: Absolutely.Heather zooms around JoshHeather: Here he is, filling out our first slate for our first shot.Josh: Should we all like cut our fingers open and bleed on it? A little bloodletting on the slate?Heather: No we"ll save that for later. (Laughs nervously)Josh: Kiss the slate. It"s first slate.Heather: First slate, marked by my lipstick.Josh carries slate over to MikeJosh: First slate, kiss it.Mike bites down onto clacker part of slateHeather: Awe he licked it, god bless him. Your not supposed to eat it, we need that for the rest of the shoot.Cut to Welcome sign outside of BurkittsvilleHeather: This is Burkittsville, formerly Blair. It is a small, quiet Maryland town. Cuts to heather in cemeteryMuch like a small town anywhere. No more then twenty families laid their roots here over two hundred years ago. Many of whom remain, either on this hill or in the town below.There are an unusually high number of children laid to rest here. Shots of various headstonesMost of whom passed in the 1940"s. Yet no one in the town seems to recall anything unusual about this time. To us anyway. Yet legend tells a different story. One whose evidence is all around us, etched in stone.In joshes carHeather: Yeah! Yeehaww! Well we have shot the first scene! The cemetery scene, the opening is shot!Josh shows a handful of ruined and crumpled 16mm film to camera.Heather: Ahh this is our salad.Josh: This is our souvenir.Heather: Yes this is our souvenir from our very first shot, of our very first scene on 16 millimeter. And we are proud of this salad.Cut to man in general storeHeather: We are making a documentary, about the Blair Witch.Man: (smiles) Oh?Heather: Oh, have you heard of the Blair Witch?Man: Oh yeah, that"s an old, old, old story.Outside store on B&W 16mmMan: I remember Mister Parr was an old hermit.Heather: Right.Man: He lived up on the mountain, he had a place up there and had been up there for a long, long time.Cut to woman with baby.Heather: You"ve heard of the Blair Witch?Woman: Several times.Heather: Several times, and what was the first incidence?Woman: Well I"d heard stories about her from people and neighbors and stuff like that. But also I saw a documentary on the Discovery Channel or something like that once, about her, about ghosts and legends in Maryland.Cut back to manMan: Sorta in the winter I guess that followed. In the winter of 1940. Ahh some of the young kids started disappearing. Nobody, nobody knew anything about why they were disappearing.Cut back to womanWoman: But the creepyWoman is cut off by baby putting hand over woman"s mouthHeather: Uh oh that"s an omen.Woman: Haha, the creepiest story I"d heard about her, was that two men were out hunting near the uh, cabin or something that she"s supposed to haunt. And they dissapeard off the face of the earth.Baby grows more agitatedBaby: No! No! No!Woman: It"s all right Ingrid, I"m just telling a scary story, but it"s not true.Woman: (mouths) It"s true.Cut back to manMan: Finally one day, old Mister Parr comes down into the market and said "I"m finally finished."Heather: And what did he mean by that?Man: Well I guess nobody knew at first but the police finely went up on the mountain and they searched his house and they found the bodies of seven kids from the area, and those were the seven kids who were missing. And then they brought them out of the woods one at a time. And it was just a terrible thing, just tore the whole community up.Back to womanWoman: Well their wives apparently went looking for them and they found their campsite. The fire was still burning. The deer that they had hunted that was being in the process of being gutted. It looked like someone was still working there and camping there and all that. The men were no where to be found. Their clothes were there. Everything was there.Heather: But they never found them?Woman: They never found them there.Cut to girl in DinerGirl: All my life I"ve believed in witches or ghosts and stuff.Heather: But you believe there are some in this area?Girl: Oh defiantly.Cut to old man on streetHeather: Do you believe in witchcraft?Old Man: Nope!Heather: No?Old Man: No sir.Heather: Are you a religious man?Old Man: Yep.Heather: Alrighty.
2023-06-27 10:48:011

Heather Ann 歌词

歌曲名:Heather Ann歌手:Don Agrati专辑:Homegrown她做了一个梦 梦里她好自由轻盈如风 飞翔探索睁开眼瞬间坠落 原来全是虚空Heather的梦 想让人懂是人就有障碍 他是不擅表白不是怪胎 是不平凡她参加选美比赛 想秀出另类美感却被奚落 受尽冷漠Heather不曾放弃过始终怀抱著期待不怕错过 只怕不做Heather一直在等待命运有天会青睐好事总在 好运气总会到来也许最后Heather不会成为选美皇后至少我懂她的梦她的眼中永远投映整片广阔天空不为黑夜就闪烁Heather don"t you cry...你的手温暖....拥抱真的爱 不怕难Tizzy Bac - Heather这世界没心肝 是好人就落单Heather果然 总是孤单这真应该感慨 这肤浅的世代只重言谈 只重外在Heather不曾放弃过始终怀抱著期待不怕错过 只怕不做Heather一直在等待命运有天会青睐好事总在 好运气总会到来也许最后Heather不会成为选美皇后至少我为她加油她的眼中永远投映整片广阔天空不为黑夜就闪烁Heather don"t you cry....你的手温暖....拥抱真的爱 不怕难...她有热情 想要说她想参与 不只经过她想为怪女孩儿出头拜托 只要你感受苍天作弄就算命运真的不松手至少Heather努力过也许最后这个故事依然没有好结果Heather不忘笑容她的眼中永远投映整片广阔天空不为黑夜就泪流她的怀中永远怀抱深远最真的梦不为误解就闪躲Heather don"t you want it我能证明 你是唯一 美的彻底好事降临 总会来临 为你.....Heather please don"t please don"t please don"t stop there,Heather please don"t please don"t please don"t stop there,Heather you know we know we can go for it,Heather you know we know we can go for it,Heather won"t you won"t you won"t you show me,How much strength behind, inside your beauty,Heather just go just go just go for it,Before we die, we know we still got one chance,Heather,go.
2023-06-27 10:48:221


帚石楠(学名:Calluna vulgaris)是指杜鹃花科帚石楠属的植物,别名“苏格兰石楠”。在欧洲,帚石楠属与其同科近类欧石楠属经常遭到混淆,被互作训解的称号亦有不少(这种情况在汉语领域中更为明显)。虽然它们在生物分类上界线清晰,但在文化理解上却曾造成不少误会。两种花属的主要分别是帚石楠的花萼的裂片遮盖著花瓣,而欧石楠的花瓣则反过来盖著萼片。帚石楠的学名Calluna源自希腊语,词义是“扫除”,意指用以制作扫帚的植物,因此被翻译成中文的“帚石楠”。英语对石楠花有“Heath”及“Heather”两种称谓,当中的“Heather”实际所指的正是帚石楠。帚石楠是挪威的国花,同时亦是容易令人联想到苏格兰的重要标志。
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2023-06-27 10:48:531


挪威的国花是帚石楠,俗名苏格兰石楠。帚石楠(学名:Calluna vulgaris)是指杜鹃花科帚石楠属的植物,别名“苏格兰石楠”。在欧洲,帚石楠属与其同科近类欧石楠属经常遭到混淆,被互作训解的称号亦有不少(这种情况在汉语领域中更为明显)。虽然它们在生物分类上界线清晰,但在文化理解上却曾造成不少误会。两种花属的主要分别是帚石楠的花萼的裂片遮盖著花瓣,而欧石楠的花瓣则反过来盖著萼片。帚石楠的学名Calluna源自希腊语,词义是“扫除”,意指用以制作扫帚的植物,因此被翻译成中文的“帚石楠”。英语对石楠花有“Heath”及“Heather”两种称谓,当中的“Heather”实际所指的正是帚石楠。帚石楠是挪威的国花,同时亦是容易令人联想到苏格兰的重要标志。
2023-06-27 10:49:031


Hazel(原意为榛子树,美国流行女孩名)Helga(起源于斯坎蒂纳维亚半岛)Hija(原意为女儿, 西班牙语 )Hannah 汉娜 希伯来 优雅的 Harriet 哈莉特 法国 家庭主妇 Hazel 海柔尔 英国 领袖,指挥官 Heather 赫瑟尔 英国 开花的石楠 Hedda 赫达 德国 斗争或战斗 Hedy 赫蒂 希腊 甜蜜,又令人欣赏的 Helen 海伦 希腊,拉丁 火把;光亮的 Heloise 海洛伊丝 法国 健全的;在战场上很出名 Hermosa 何蒙莎 西班牙 美丽 Hilda 希尔达 条顿 战斗;女战士 Hilary 希拉瑞莉 拉丁 快乐的 Honey 汉妮 英国 亲爱的人 Hulda 胡尔达 条顿 优雅,被大众深深喜爱的 Habika 爱人 女性 非洲 Hadara 美丽,华丽 女性 希伯来 Hadassa 开花的淘金娘树 女性 希伯来 Hadiya 向正义方向的指针 女性 阿拉伯 Haidee 谦虚地,谨慎的 女性 希腊 Haifa 苗条的 女性 阿拉伯 Haimi 探索者 女性 夏威夷 Haja 女性 Haldis 石头般的意志,值得信赖的, 女性 条顿 Haleigha 出生的太阳之屋 女性 夏威夷 Haley 英雄 女性 斯干那维亚 Hali 大海,海洋 女性 希腊 Halima 温柔的 女性 非洲 Hallie 大海,海洋 女性 希腊 Halona 幸运的 女性 美洲土著 Hanan 慈悲 女性 阿拉伯 Hannah 神的惠赐 女性 希伯来 Hanne 受人喜爱的优雅 女性 希伯来 Harelda 战场上很强势的 女性 条顿 Harika 精彩的 女性 土耳其 Harmony 一致,和谐 女性 英语 Harriet 家庭的统治者 女性 未知 Harsha 女性 印度 Harshita 女性 印度 Harva 军队中的武士 女性 古英语 Hasna 美丽的 女性 阿拉伯 Hattie 家中的女主人 女性 条顿 Hava 生活,生命 女性 希伯来 Haylee F从干草地来 女性 古英语 Hazel 指挥官,司令官 女性 古英语 Heather 石南属植物 女性 古英语 Heba 上帝赋予的才能 女性 希伯来 Hedda 战争 女性 未知 Hedia 上帝的声音 女性 希伯来 Hedva 欢喜 女性 希伯来 Heidi 高贵的,和蔼的 女性 德国 Helen 明亮的, 火炬之光 女性 希腊 Helen, Helena 光,光线 女性 希腊 Helga 圣洁的,忠实的 女性 斯干那维亚 Heli 女性 芬兰语 Helki 触摸,触碰 女性 美国米沃克语 Heloise 在战场上闻名的 女性 条顿 Hem 女性 印度 Hema 雪, 喜马拉雅 山脉 女性 印度 Hemangi 女性 印度 Hemangini 女性 印度 Hemlata 女性 印度 Henka 不动产的支配着 女性 条顿 Henrietta 家庭的统治者 女性 古德语 Hera 神中的女王 女性 希腊 Hermelinda 力量之盾 女性 西班牙 Herminia 土地的女人 女性 西班牙 Hermione 雄辩,善辩 女性 Herschel l 鹿 女性 未知 Hesper 启明星,金星 女性 希腊 Hester 星 女性 未知 Hetal 女性 印度 Hetty 星 女性 波斯 Hilary 愉快的 女性 拉丁语 Hilda 保护者 女性 斯干那维亚 Hina 女性 印度 Hinda 母鹿 女性 印度 Holly 冬青 女性 古英语 Honey 蜂蜜,爱人 女性 古英语 Honna 女性 希腊 Honora 光荣,荣耀 女性 拉丁语 Hope 信任,信仰 女性 英语 Hortense 园丁 女性 拉丁语 Huberta 清晰的头脑 女性 条顿 Hue 百合花 女性 越南 Huyana 下雨 女性 美洲土著 Hyacinth 风信子 女性 希腊 Hye 优美,优雅 女性 未知 Hypatia 最高的 女性 希腊
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2023-06-27 10:50:011

heather oatmeal什么颜色

heather oatmeal是燕麦色
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deep:深色的heather: 帚石楠(低矮野生,开紫、粉或白色小花)其他颜色:green 绿色、红色 red、橙色 orange、黄色 yellow、蓝色 blue,紫色 purple。
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特殊武器Beam Saber(激光剑) 肉搏杀死的怪物多于射杀的情况下通关,穿上transform costume后可以转化成Sexy Beam获得地点:游戏开始购物中心2楼储物库附近走廊的尽头有一扇打不开的门,调查取得。Flamethrower(火焰喷射器)肉搏杀死的怪物少于射杀的情况下通关,如在第一次通关后没有得到,再次开始后自动取得。获得地点:面包店前台上。Heather Beam / Sexy Beam (JP Version)(在不装备任何武器的时候,按住R2+圆圈可从Heather的眼睛中发射出激光跟踪攻击敌人)。累计杀敌数达到333(实际上在一次游戏中并没有这么多敌人,可以多次通关累计达到,boss算在内)穿上 transform costume后可以转化成Sexy BeamUNLIMITED SUBMACHINE GUN(机关枪,无限子弹) 通关一次后可以取得。获得地点:游戏一开始HEATHER离开厕所往左走到尽头取得。
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2023-06-27 10:52:201

Oatmeal Heather 什么意思

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