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2023-05-19 15:37:55
TAG: 制定

转载以下资料,仅供参考:x0dx0a《ISO19600:2014合规管理体系——导则》在中国的推广与应用。陈立彤律师目前任某著名跨国公司亚太合规总监,曾作为中国代表团成员参与《ISO19600:2014合规管理体系——导则》的制定。陈立彤律师具有中国律师、美国纽约州律师执业资格,香港国际仲裁中心仲裁员,著有《商业贿赂风险管理》一书。x0dx0a该导则的制定是相关成员国派出代表团共同组成项目委员会(项目委员会的代码是ISO/PC271)。我本人有幸成为中国代表团的成员之一加入了该项目委员会并在中国标准化研究院标准化理论与教育研究所王益谊所长的带领下参与了该导则的制定。该导则于2014年12月15日由国际标准组织发布。我本人将针对该导则撰写系列文章并在本公号“ISO19600”予以发表。x0dx0a项目管理委员会对任何问题的讨论都体现了民主与集中的原则。所谓民主,就是大家对所有的问题都畅所欲言;所谓集中,就用投票的方式解决、少数服从多数。记得法国代表团曾经提出将标准序列号从“ISO19600”变更为“ISO33000”。中国代表团对这个提议是不同意的——在标准序列号中带有“9”和“6”在中国文化下可谓寓意深刻——“9”代表恒远长久、“6”代表六六大顺。但没想到这个变更为“ISO33000”的提议在项目委员会投票表决时竟然被通过了。不过很幸运的是,国际标准组织最终还是采用了“ISO19600”。可能“ISO19600”这个序列号是国际标准组织事先预设好的,因此没法修改。就这个猜测,在导则正式公布后,我曾与项目委员会主席Martin Tolar联系过,但他未置可否。但不管怎样,目前这个导则的ISO序列号是19600,是我们中国人所喜闻乐见的那一个。x0dx0a对于问题的讨论,除了民主与集中之外,还有游说(lobbying)。各国代表团成员可以互相交流想法,甚至试着说服对方并改变其立场。游说的最佳时机就是茶歇的时候,有几次茶歇之后,茶歇前刚刚表决过的一些议题被提议重新投票,原来的投票结果被改变也不是没有可能的。x0dx0ax0dx0a可以说导则的制定是各国代表团集思广益、反复推敲的结果。也许正是因为大家的畅所欲言,再加上民主与集中的投票机制,导则的最终出炉收到了广泛的好评,并被越来越多的机构所采用成为其有力的合规管理工具。x0dx0ax0dx0a在维也纳的会议适逢2014年巴西世界杯足球赛。因此世界杯比赛也成了会议暖场的最佳话题,当然,德国代表团对这个话题显然乐此不疲。x0dx0a总而言之,参加《ISO 19600:2014合规管理体系——导则》的制定是我难忘的一次人生经历,同时也使我的合规工作受益匪浅。我今后将围绕该导则撰写系列文章与大家分享我的合规心得,同时也欢迎大家积极来函或投稿,让我们一起共同提高、把合规管理业务做好。并为在中国公司、企业和其他组织当中建立、推广以诚信、廉洁为核心的合规文化贡献自己的力量!



lobbying vi. 为了支持或抵制某项特定目标游说(lobby的现在分词形式);[例句]But there really are economies of scale in political lobbying.但是在政治游说上真的存在规模效应。
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2023-01-02 10:53:093


  名词解释:捉迷藏,一种游戏,亦称摸瞎子。即蒙住眼睛寻找躲藏者的游戏。最早只是一种儿童游戏。两千年前即流行于希腊,蒙住一人双眼,把他转得不辨方向,然后大家向他这个“瞎子”呼喊取乐,蒙眼者追捕,众人躲闪,这种游戏在中世纪成为成人游戏。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?     A Japanese professor is lobbying for hide-and-seek to become a competitive sport at the Olympic Games.   Yasuo Hazaki (64), is head of the Japan Hide-and-Seek Promotion Committee and hopes that one day his country will be gold-winning medallists in the event. He is lobbying for it to be included in the 2020 games which was given to Tokyo to host.   Hazaki said that he believes Tokyo 2020 would be the perfect occasion for the Olympic community to embrace his chosen sport.   一位日本教授正在提议,将捉迷藏纳入成为奥运会的一个比赛项目。   现年64岁的羽崎康夫,是日本捉迷藏促进委员会的带头人,他希望有朝一日,他的国家可以在捉迷藏这个项目上取得金牌。在日本东京获得2020年夏季奥运会的主办权后,他正在提议将捉迷藏项目纳入作为2020年奥运会的比赛项目之一。   羽崎教授表示,他相信,要让奥运大家庭接受、认可他所提议的这项运动,那么2020年东京奥运会将是一次绝佳时机。    【讲解】   文中的 hide-and-seek 就是“捉迷藏”的意思。其中hide就是“躲藏”、“隐蔽”的意思,相当于conceal,相关的短语还有hide behind a false identity 隐姓埋名,hidden meaning 言外之意,hide facts 遮掩事实等;seek就是“寻找”、“寻求”的意思,相关的短语还有self-seeking 追逐私利的,seek jobs 找工作,seek fame 沽名钓誉等。   另外,文中的lobby,通常用作名词,意思是“大厅”、“休息室”;这里作动词,意思是“游说”、“说服”。“说客”的英文lobbyist,就是由它派生而得的。
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lobbying firm是什么意思?

lobbying firm就是中介公司 在美国中lobbying firm乃是一家专为官商搭桥拉关系的“皮条客”
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名词:1. (公共建筑物进口处的)门厅,前厅,大厅2. (英国议会的)民众接待厅3. (就某问题企图影响政治家的)游说团体动词:1. 游说(政治家或政府)
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  在美国,游说是联系立法者和利益集团的桥梁与纽带。利益集团影响决策者的行为被称为“游说”,它是美国多元政治中的常见现象,源于利益集团的代表在国会等待议员时的情况:他们站在国会走廊,等待出入议会大厅的议员,以图向他们申诉立法要求.说客从事的游说活动是指所有那些为达到接触目的而进行的联系,包括准备和计划这些活动及与其他人员的游说协调等。在美国立法界首次有案可查的“游说”一词的使用是在1808年。  美国是世界各国中游说最盛行的国家,仅1999年说客为在国会山推销客户立场就花了大约14.2亿美元。【注释】Don Feder, “Lobbying Is a Cost of Doing Business in Washington,” Insight, Dec. 18, 2000, p.45.【注尾】目前华盛顿有2.7万名登记注册的说客,【注释】John Cochran, “The Influence Implosion,” CQ Weekly, Jan. 16, 2006, p.174.【注尾】代表着能够想象的各种利益。【注释】Alan Rosenthal, 《美国国会第三院》,第34页。【注尾】游说以“立法第三院”著称,足见其参与和影响的重要性。在国会几乎每个问题都有相应的利益集团。一旦有议案提出,许多集团都试图影响政策决策甚至议程本身。除了提供立法建议外,这些集团还积极采取行动措施。【注释】Judy Schneider, “Sources of Legislative Proposals: A Descriptive Introduction,” CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RS21169 Updated April 6, 2005.【注尾】实现集团利益的手段之一就是通过职业游说,因为宪法规定的请愿权利意味着公民和集团能够为公正或特殊待遇向政府提出吁求。在政府保证请愿权利的情况下,游说权也得到保证。而立法者看重的在于说客的专长和筹款能力。【注释】John Cochran, “The Influence Implosion,” p.174.【注尾】影响立法的游说必须有法可依,即第105届国会在1998年修改通过的要求游说登记的《游说公开法》。  利益集团从早期开始就卷入到美国选举活动中。自1930年代以来,华盛顿的游说组织在数量和种类方面都有很大发展,这与联邦政府权威向新领域扩展相伴而生,特别是社会发展极大地影响了它们在国会选举中的作用。游说集团的形成是由于越来越多的组织聘请退休议员和前政府官员的结果,他们现在并且一直随着立法和选举政治而活动。【注释】Paul S. Herrnson, Congressional Elections: Campaigning at Home and in Washington (CQ Inc., 1998), p.103.【注尾】这些集团掌握着庞大资源,通过游说在立法过程中发挥影响作用。面对强大的游说攻势,人们有理由担心美国是由特殊利益集团控制而非人民掌握权力。根据法律,收费说客必须向国会登记并定期报告客户情况、游说内容及游说的大致开支。美国说客联盟也有一套道德法则,包括警告说客必须诚实可信,不许违反规则或唆使官员违规。然而,任何规则都有可能被扭曲或规避,人们总能找到漏洞。【注释】John Cochran, “The Influence Implosion,” p.174.【注尾】难怪人们把游说看作运用不当手段,以国家利益或公共福利为代价,牟取私利的行为。【注释】Cecil V. Crabb, Jr. & Pat M. Holt, Invitation to Struggle: Congress, the President, and Foreign Policy (CQ, Inc., 1989), p.224.【注尾】但游说的支持者认为,只要有关游说立足于对可靠信息进行分析之上就不会有问题。游说作用主要表现为阻止危害性政策出台的否定性力量。考虑到国会决策过程的分散性,要阻止对己不利的政策通过,远比动用庞大资源推动一项政策更简单。  游说过程基本是沟通过程,说客的工作是研究如何有效沟通以接近决策者,而通向国会的道路并不受限制。在华盛顿,议员们总能在繁忙的日程中抽出几分钟与来访者聊上几句,正如一位说客所说,“当你希望实现自己的目标时就到餐桌旁与他们结识”。【注释】Sara Binder, “The Senate as a Black Hole: Lessons Learned from the Judicial Appointment Experience,” Brookings Review, Spring 2000, p.38.【注尾】说客经常出现在有议员参加的午餐和招待会上。一般来讲,利益集团明白议员对他们的要求很重视。得到立法听众的便利与在司法或行政部门获得听众的困难形成鲜明对比。总统和高层官僚机构与多数选民都相当隔离,而国会尤其众议院一直向选民和利益集团敞开倾诉的大门。但不同的人对同一件事会有不同态度,任何大量阅读国会听证记录的人都有这样的印象:多数议员只想听自己愿意听的证词。说客通过鼓励选民写信、发动公关活动及与其他集团联合等微妙复杂方式接近目标,尤其是发动负责有关问题的委员会成员的选民施加压力。但游说活动更多地发生在国内政策方面。2005年6月初,因工资水平低备受争议的沃尔马公司,雇佣了全国餐饮业协会首席说客李·卡尔帕普尔(Lee Culpepper) 作为新任立法事务总监,【注释】Chris Lehmann, “Vantage Point: Trends and Forecasts in Government, Commerce and Politics,” CQ Weekly, June 13, 2005, 1546~1547.【注尾】以便更好地对付人权组织特别是议员对其劳工关系的指责。沃尔马公司向每州议会发信,为员工健康福利政策辩护。在美国利益集团政治盛行情况下,事实上没有一家企业在聘请说客方面敢于怠慢,如果不是力争游说收益最大化,至少防止被人暗算。  在首都有人亲自出面做特使,一般可以给予利益集团更大的优势,使说客能够争得决策者有限的时间和关注焦点。利益集团影响政治的游说方式通常有三种:对决策者直接游说;通过中间人游说;以及保持沟通渠道畅通以待急需时使用。直接游说是较为传统的集团政治参与手段,通过集团成员与政府官员直接联系影响美国政治决策。越来越多的利益集团还采用间接游说的方式影响美国政治,包括媒介宣传、结盟、提出立法创新、复决议案、抵制某种立法以及示威等。保持沟通渠道畅通则是日常性游说方式。美国的选举制度也有利于利益集团参政——通过向候选人捐款和投票扶植与集团持有相同政见的人。游说需要有接近议员的途径,这种途径并不均等。正如非政府组织主导决策过程那样,如果围绕有关政策的竞争不对称,那么致力于一些特定目标的集团只能遭遇象征性抵制。【注释】Cecil V. Crabb, Jr. & Pat M. Holt, Invitation to Struggle: Congress, the President, and Foreign Policy, p.228.【注尾】正是由于有利于企业利益的资源不对称性,组织良好并善于表达诉求的集团能够得到国会更多的政策倾斜。  游说技巧很重要。正如一位知情者所说:说客把说服立法者相信选民支持自己看作工作目标,要保证自己观点被听到的最好方式是在拜访议员时带选民一起去。说客接近议员的方式有多种,包括社交、提供竞选捐款,以及因提供准确有效的信息而闻名。【注释】Burdett A. Loomis, The Contemporary Congress (St. Martin"s Press, New York, 1998), p.40.【注尾】他们重视那些站在自己一边或至少没有做出决定的议员。这表明时机选择很重要:首先不能太早,应在议员决定立场之前推动;但也不能太晚,太晚了议员已有承诺。议员拒绝提前做出承诺,或许是希望了解选民想法后再亮明立场。通常人们会听到反对和支持的两派说客信誓旦旦地扬言要赢得议案投票。【注释】T.R. Reid, Congressional Odyssey:The Saga of a Senate Bill (San Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1980), p.44.【注尾】总之,游说成功的基本要素是在恰当的时间把准确的信息传递给合适的议员。【注释】Cecil V. Crabb, Jr. & Pat M. Holt, Invitation to Struggle: Congress, the President, and Foreign Policy, pp.238~239.【注尾】但说客最好对自己的事业有真诚信念,议员怀疑那些只推销观点却不相信自己立场的游说者。多数说客认为贿赂是危险游戏。意识形态立场摇摆者如果能被一方贿赂,同样能被另一方拉拢,因此不能成为安全投资对象。  有组织的游说对立法是有好处的,但这些活动对美国外交影响有限。游说可以通过提供一系列支持性服务如信息情报等,帮助立法机构解决社会冲突。如果有关集团认为国会决策可以接受,就会通过鼓励成员支持自己,营造出能够接受自己帮助通过的决策的环境。正是通过提供把各种观点传递给华盛顿的途径、不同的政策选择以及推动接受已做出的决策,游说为国会保持活力做出了重要贡献。【注释】Cecil V. Crabb, Jr. & Pat M. Holt, Invitation to Struggle: Congress, the President, and Foreign Policy, p.245.
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lobbying muscle

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广告行业必须用到的英语词汇   导语:广告是为了某种特定的需要,通过一定形式的媒体,公开而广泛地向公众传递信息的宣传手段。下面是我收集整理的"广告行业必须用到的英语词汇,欢迎参考!   艺术方向 art direction   艺术家 artist   美术总监 art director   大创意 big idea   头脑风暴法 brainstorming   传播媒介 communications media   概念化 conceptualization   方案人员 copywriter   创意纲要 creative brief   创意总监 creative director   创意过程 creative process   创意金字塔 creative pyramid   创意 creative   创造 creativity   感性诉求 emotional appeals   控险家 explorer   事实型思维 fact-based thinking   信息性 informational   社论式广告 advertorial   倡导广告 advocacy advertising   伏击式营销 ambush marketing   视听材料 audiovisual materials   公告牌 bulleting boards   社会参与 community involvement   企业广告 corporate advertising   企业识别广告 corporate identity advertising   危机管理 crisis management   娱乐 entertainment   展品 exhibits   特写 feature articles   内部通报 house organ   以货代款 in kind   机构广告 institutional advertising   游说 lobbying   前期市场企业广告 market prep corporate advertising   营销公关 marketing public relation   新闻简报 news/press release   意见抽样 opinion sampling   慈善行为 philanthropy   招贴 posters   传媒炒作 press agentry   传媒工具 press/media kit   公共事务 public affairs   公共关系户 public relations   公共关系广告 public relations advertising   宣传 publicity   招聘广告 recruitment advertising   声望经营 reputation management   撰写讲演稿 speechwriting   赞助 sponsorship   赛场营销 venue marketing   新闻通报录像 video news release   故事板 storyboard   故事板草图 storyboard roughs   直截了当式 straight announcement   直接推销式正文 straight-sell copy   副标题 subhead   标题句 taglines   证言 testimonial   正文 text   主题句 theme lines   小样 thumbnail   收尾 trial close   图形部分 visuals   旁白 voiceover   模拟校样 analog proof   动画 animation   合成片 answer print   光圈 aperture   音控台 audio console   底片 base art 出血版 bleeds 蓝线 blueline   分色 color separation   连续调 continuous tones   控制室 control room   组排 copy cast   封面纸 cover paper   青、黄、红、黑印刷 CYMK printing   数字媒介 digital media   数字校样 digital proof   数码视频效应装置 DVE units   导演 director   特排字体 display type   复制带 dubs   拷贝 dupes   电子制作 electronic production   晒版台纸 flats   一套铅字 font   四色印刷 four-color process ;
2023-01-02 10:54:241


federation n. 联合;联邦;联盟;联邦政府1、 Data federation is one of them.   数据联合就是其中的一个。       2、 All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese;   中华全国归国华侨联合会     3、  Some of good men drained from the Russian Federation.   一些优秀人才离开了俄罗斯联邦。confederation   n. 联盟;邦联;同盟1、 But the Confederation"s head, Banerjee, said the need is huge.但是联盟负责人班纳吉说,这方面的需求太大了。2、 Britain"s largest business lobbying group, the Confederation of British Industry warned rising British unemployment levels will probably peak toward the end of next year.英国最大的商业游说团体英国工业联合会警告说,英国日益上升的失业率可能在明年年底达到高峰。confederacy  in. 联盟;联邦;私党   [ 复数confederacies ] 1、 For several days, it seemed that all these states would secede and join the southern confederacy.几天来,似乎所有这些州都将脱离联邦加入到南方邦联中去。2、 With the old Confederacy now the heart of the Republican base, boasting about the party"s Civil War-era legacy is no longer advisable.鉴于过去的邦联现在已经成为共和党的基础核心,吹嘘共和党内战时期的遗产不再成为可取的方针。3、 Our Confederacy is perfectly illustrated by the terms and principles governing a common copartnership.我们的联盟由管理一个共同合作关系的条件和原则来完善阐明。
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英汉翻译 在线等 拒绝机译

英汉翻译在线等拒绝机译悬赏分:100 -离问题结束还有14天13小时同样,这些观测点的是什么增长和要素积累:在索洛型模式,有一个要素比例的趋势,不远处定居下来,从最初的震惊后,均衡的有关模式问题。在有关反事实条件,如果一组特定的政策没有获得通过,然后那么我们有理由认为的是,已经在现实中,相同的因素,自我利益而进行游说,促成了这些政策会导致政府制定了一个假想世界的替代品。相反,在新的经济增长模式储蓄在政策假想变化可以导致非常不同的资本/劳动力比率和一个非常不同的生产部门组成。那么,可以想像的游说和政策,结果可能会完全不同。在欧洲一体化进程其他文学传统假定政策的结果是由特定的个人权力与议程设置型。内源性政策方面的行动。因此,强调文学的影响,除其他外,舒曼,莫内,戴高乐和德洛尔第一步,即政策将是十分不同的缺席。如果这是一个人的方法,那么我们需要的只是描绘出反事实政策的影响(大概原状)在一个首选的增长模式。另外,学者的哈斯(1958年)的传统,早期的书面建议的政策选择和发展的重要体制后来形成的政策选择。政策本身是路径依赖,换句话说。舒曼和莫奈,如果当时没有建立欧洲官僚规范煤炭和钢铁工业,但不会一直是罗马条约。德洛尔如果当时没有将帮助建立一个单一市场,就不是一个单一货币,因为是积极的溢出效应,经济和政治从经济到货币一体化。这些方法无论是通过想像反事实是不容易的。根据不同的增长模式,可当作相关,与事实相反的政策可能会要么非常大或非常小的对经济增长的影响。和政策取决于一个模型视相关,可以想像的反事实的政策可能会非常不同,或没有什么不同,从实际观察到的所有。下面一节将尝试在这些反事实的一些肉。累死我了
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「请 FSC 向德克萨斯州国会抗议,游说并举行公投,谢谢。」We request the Forest Stewardship Council to lodge a protest to the Texas Congress,    lobbying them to hold a referendum, thank you.
2023-01-02 10:54:521


说起学英语呢我们往往有一种倾向,就是拿起单词书就背,好像背完了3000个单词词汇量又蹭蹭往上涨,这个呢,有好处,就是我们在初级的阅读时会少些障碍,但是问题就更明显了,啥呢? 一、我们没有用英语思维学英文。 学习一门语言学的不只是会跟人讲几句话,很重要的是通过语言塑造一种新的思维方式,就像给自己的房子多开了几扇窗,这样我们思路会更加开阔。反之,如果还是用背中文意思的方式来记单词,可能往中级、高级进阶就比较难了。往大了说,思维方式影响沟通方式,你俩还是聊不到一块儿去。 二、记了一堆大词,还是不会用。 我们经常会看到雅思考试里面,作文、口语是中国学生的弱项,阅读、听力是强项,为啥?词背好了确实能帮助看明白文章,但是不会用啊(反正我现在就是这样),所以把词往深了学非常必要。 下面我就用雅思考试书的一段阅读段落来举例: That would  matter less  if people  applied  the same degree of scepticism to environmental lobbying as they do to lobby groups in other fields. A trade organisation arguing for, say , weaker pollution controls is instantly seen as  self-interested . Yet a green organisation opposing such a weakening is seen as  altruistic, even if an  impartial  view of the controls  in question  might suggest they are  doing more harm than good . 怎么样,理解起来困难吗?加粗的字体都能理解吗?有没有一种平时都学过但是组合到一起有点懵的感觉?比如:apply,高中英语:apply to适用于,放在句子里理解为适用于怀疑论?这里我小笔记整理了下。 apply:   to make use of something or use it for a practical purpose 使用,运用,应用 1. He wants a job in which he can apply his foreign languages. 他想找一份可以用到他的多门外语知识的工作。 2. The court heard how the driver had failed to apply his brakes in time. 法庭听司机陈述了他如何没能及时刹车的原委。 3. If you apply pressure to a cut it"s meant to stop the bleeding. 如果你按压住伤口,就会止住流血。 matter:to be important, or to affect what happens matter 用作动词作“关系重大”或“有出入”解,主要用在否定句和疑问句里。例如: It does not matter(或 matters not)whether you will go or not. The change mattered little to him. The failure of test mattered nothing. Does that really matter? 但用在他处也有。例如: The essays deal with persons and things that really matter. Question: in question讨论中,有问题 The method to deal with covid-19 is still in question. out of the question不可能 Another trip abroad this year is out of the question. out of question 毫无疑问,  类似no doubt / without question It" s out of question the economy worldwide will decline due to the epidemic disease. 剩下的,你们可以查查看,或者你们都理解,那就恭喜,你们比较厉害啦~
2023-01-02 10:54:571


Good health is very important to everyone. If you don"t have good health, you will lose many chances of fulfilling your dream. If you are sick, you couldn"t do the job. The boss will fire you. And also sickness will cost you in term of economy. You will pay high bills for your medical treatment.So I suggest that you should not forget the importance of doing excises and sports.Take my case, I play Pingpong two hours every morning, I feel energetic for the whole day. You needn"t have to worry about going to hospital and seeing a doctor for 5 years. Taking part in various kinds of sports not only keep your body fit, it also enhances your immune system and reduce the possibilities of getting heart attack and kidney disease.Since the comment is limited by the space here, I just want to leave more rooms for others to describe their own stories. 不知道符合要求不?
2023-01-02 10:55:064


what后面是宾语从句 在从句中充当主语 不懂可以追问望采纳 谢谢
2023-01-02 10:55:203


What"s At Stake?(at stake:处于危险之中 存亡攸关之际)Stand with Chinese Activists Against Cruel Dog Culls(cull:将动物杀掉)什么正处于危险之中?支持中国反对残忍杀害狗的活动。In China, government-orchestrated mass dog killing campaigns have long been used in attempts to control rabies.在中国,为了控制狂犬病,由政府特地安排的大规模狗类屠杀活动已经是使用很长一段时间了。 In recent years, these campaigns have also been utilized as a means for dealing with the problem of stray dogs. 在近几年里,此活动更是成为了解决流浪狗问题的一种途径。This authoritarian approach has been condemned by Chinese animal protection groups. 这种专断的处理方式已经受到了中国动物保护组织的谴责。In 2006, worldwide protest led to the pledge of the Chinese president to suspend dog culls occurring in China"s major cities.在2006年,世界范围的反对活动使得中国国家主席作出承诺,在中国的主要城市中禁止狗类屠杀。 Since then, places such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing have stopped indiscriminate dog culls, an accomplishment welcomed by the international community.从那以后,像北京、上海、南京等地区都停止了对狗类的滥杀,这个举措也受到了国际社会的欢迎。 The Beijing municipal government even took the lead in assisting local groups in their efforts to sterilize(使绝育) stray cats and Chengdu police collaborated(合作) with local animal protection groups in managing the city"s stray dogs.北京市政府甚至在帮助当地组织进行流浪猫的绝育工作中起到了带头作用;而成都警方还与当地动物保护组织合作一同管理城市流浪狗。What Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu have achieved has not yet happened in China"s smaller cities.然而在北京、上海、成都所实现的成就并没有出现在中国的小型城市中。 In May 2009, Heihe in northeast China"s Heilongjiang Province issued a dog cull order with the aim of making the city "dog-free."在2009年5月,在中国东北部黑龙江省的黑河,颁布了一项屠杀狗的规定,目的是把城市变成无狗城区。This order provoked(激起) outrage(义愤、愤慨) within China and around the globe. 这项规定激起了中国和世界的愤慨。Under public pressure, the city of Heihe had to suspend the cull order. 在公众压力之下,黑河市不得不禁止了这项规定。Encouragingly, it published a draft dog registration policy online for public comment.令人鼓舞的是,黑河还在网上发布了一项狗类登记政策的草案,供公众评论。 The more recent Hanzhong dog cull, initiated in response to three deaths from rabies in the county of Yangxian, shows there is much more to be done.离现在更近的汉中狗类屠杀,由在yangxian县城发生的三例狂犬病死亡所引起的,反映出中国还需做得更多。 Many cities like Hanzhong are continuing indiscriminate dog culls in the belief that they can escape the notice of domestic and international animal welfare groups. 许多像汉中一样的城市还在继续进行狗类滥杀,并且相信他们能够逃过国内和国际动物保护组织的视线。It is important that we let the officials of these smaller cities know that we are watching, and that they should learn from China"s major cities and adopt modern, humane, scientific and effective urban animal management methods.我们要让那些小城市的官员了解到我们正在关注著他们的一举一动,这是非常重要的;同样,他们应该要学习中国大城市的做法,选择更现代化、人道的、科学有效的城市动物管理方式。Humane Society International condemns indiscriminate dog culls in China and elsewhere.HSI组织谴责在中国以及其他地区发生的滥杀狗类活动。 We call on Chinese authorities at all levels to opt for humane and effective solutions to disease control and stray animal management.我们呼吁中国各级政府能够选择人道的、有效的方法去处理疾病控制和流浪动物的管理工作。In 2007 and 2009, HSI co-sponsored Companion Animal Symposiums in China. We have supported Chinese groups" capacity-building, public education and lobbying activities. By working together, we can make these horrible dog culls history.通过我们的齐心协力,我们一定能使这些可怕的狗类屠杀成为历史。TAKE ACTION NOW!现在就行动起来吧!
2023-01-02 10:55:311


看看能用吗"Barack" and "Obama" redirect here. For other uses, see Barack (disambiguation) and Obama (disambiguation).Barack Obama --------------------------------------------------------------------------------President-elect of the United States Taking officeJanuary 20, 2009 Vice President Joe Biden (elect) Succeeding George W. Bush --------------------------------------------------------------------------------United States Senatorfrom Illinois In officeJanuary 3, 2005 – November 16, 2008 Preceded by Peter Fitzgerald Succeeded by TBD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Member of the Illinois Senatefrom the 13th district In officeJanuary 8, 1997 – November 4, 2004 Preceded by Alice Palmer Succeeded by Kwame Raoul --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Born August 4, 1961 (1961-08-04) (age 47)Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Birth name Barack Hussein Obama II Nationality American Political party Democratic Spouse Michelle Obama (m. 1992) Children Malia Ann (b. 1998)Sasha (b. 2001) Residence Kenwood, Chicago, Illinois Alma mater Columbia UniversityHarvard Law School Profession AttorneyPolitician Religion United Church of Christ Signature Website Obama-Biden Transition Team This article is part of a series aboutBarack ObamaBackground · Illinois Senate · US SenatePolitical positions · Public image · Family2008 primaries · Obama–Biden campaignU.S. Presidential transition Barack Hussein Obama II (pronounced /bəˈrɑːk hʊˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/; born August 4, 1961) is the President-elect of the United States and the first African-American to be elected President of the United States. Obama was the junior United States Senator from Illinois from 2005 until he resigned on November 16, 2008, following his election to the Presidency. His term of office as the 44th U.S. president will begin on January 20, 2009.He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He also taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003, won the Democratic-party nomination primary in March 2004, and was elected to the Senate in November 2004, defeating Alan Keyes. Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004.As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for U.S. military personnel returning from combat assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan.“巴拉克”和“奥巴马”重定向这里。作其他用途,见巴拉克(歧)和奥巴马(歧) 。 奥巴马 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 当选总统的美国 就职 2009年1月二十○号 副总裁乔拜登(选举) 接替乔治W布什 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 美国参议员 来自伊利诺伊州 在办公室 05年1月3日-2 008年1 1月1 6日 之前,彼得费 继承待定 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 会员国的伊利诺斯州参议院 从第13区 在办公室 1997年1月8号-2 004年十一月四号 之前,爱丽丝帕尔默 成功的夸拉乌尔 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 生于1961年8月四日( 61年8月4日) ( 47岁) 檀香山,夏威夷,美国 出生名称巴拉克侯赛因奥巴马二 美国国籍 政党民主 配偶米歇尔奥巴马(平方米1992 ) 儿童马利亚安(湾1998 ) 萨沙(湾2001 ) 住宅健伍,伊利诺斯州芝加哥市 母校哥伦比亚大学 哈佛大学法学院 专业律师 政治家 宗教基督联合教会 签名 网站奥巴马-拜登过渡小组 本文是一系列有关 奥巴马 背景伊利诺斯州参议院美国参议院 政治立场的公众形象家庭 2008年初选奥巴马,拜登运动 美国总统过渡 巴拉克侯赛因奥巴马二(发音/ bərɑ ː k hʊseɪn oʊbɑ ː mə / ;生于1961年八月四日)是当选总统的美国和第一位非洲裔美国当选美国总统。奥巴马是美国初级来自伊利诺伊州的参议员从2005年直到他辞职11月16日, 2008年,他当选为主席。他担任第44届美国总统将于1月20日2009年。 他毕业于哥伦比亚大学和哈佛大学法学院,在那里他是第一个非洲裔总统的哈佛大学法学院审查。奥巴马作为一个社区的组织者和实践作为一个公民权利的律师服务前三届在伊利诺斯州参议院1997年至2004年。他还告诉宪制性法律在芝加哥大学法学院1992至2004年。继成功申办一个席位在美国众议院于2000年,他宣布自己的竞选活动,美国参议院于2003年1月,赢得了民主党的党提名小学于2004年3月,当选参议院于2004年11月,击败格林斯潘凯斯。奥巴马发表了主题演讲在民主党全国代表大会于2004年7月。 作为一个成员的民主少数民族109届国会,他帮助建立的法例,以管制常规武器和促进更多的公众问责的使用联邦资金。他还正式访问东欧,中东和非洲。在第110届国会,他帮助建立立法方面的游说和选举舞弊,气候变化,核恐怖主义,并照顾美国军事人员回国作战任务在伊拉克和阿富汗。
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2023-01-02 10:56:143


巴拉克•奥巴马II侯赛因ˈrɑːk hʊbə/宣告ˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/;4、8年生)是美国总统当选人,一个伟大的被选为美国总统。奥巴马是美国伊利诺斯州的参议员初中,直到他从2005年11月16日辞职后,预计将于2008年总统选举。 他是美国哥伦比亚大学的毕业生,哈佛法学院,他是第一个黑人总统的哈佛大学法律评论。奥巴马担任社区的组织者和练习作为一种人权律师服务三个方面之前,伊利诺斯州参议院从1997 ~ 2004年。他教导宪法在芝加哥大学法学院从1992年到2004年。失败后,在美国众议院在2000年,他宣布他将竞选美国参议院于2003年1月,赢得了胜利在2004年3月,被选为参议院于2004年11月。奥巴马交付主题演讲的民主党全国代表大会在2004年7月。 作为一个成员在第109次国会的民主党的少数民族,他帮助建立立法来控制常规武器和促进公共责任在使用更多的联邦资金。46他也使官方旅行到东欧、中东、非洲等地区。在第110届国会,他帮助建立立法选举欺诈、选拔和有关气候变化、核恐怖主义、护理人员对美军从伊拉克和阿富汗作战任务。
2023-01-02 10:56:272


forming是form的现在分词意思v.形成;产生;构成;【语】构(词)n.形态;形状;样子;【哲】形式读音请点击输入图片描述例句A black plume of smoke hung in the sky, and below it a cloud of plaster dust in which a crowd was already forming around the ruins .一团黑烟直冲云霄,靠地面的地方腾起大片的尘土,人群早把那片瓦砾团团围。其他表达方式请点击输入图片描述
2023-01-02 10:56:352


【全国步枪协会大火拍摄的"言论自由"与亲郡电台】 美国谈话类节目往往转向对右翼政治势力,而是一个新站本周发布消除了过去的模糊跟踪此事。 它拥有和全国步枪协会,对全国估计有8000万枪支所有者代表的声音最响亮的游说运作。 全国步枪协会新闻,广播开始了激烈的党派枪支的时间表在星期四下午有关报道,已被谴责为企图规避法律的打击,美国新的政治竞选活动。 这项立法严重限制了特殊利益集团的购买能力,广告的争论某代表候选人。但是,全国步枪协会说,电台使它成为传媒机构,因此它的节目是新闻 - 没有广告。 内广播的执行副硝酸还原酶活性,总裁韦恩拉皮埃尔分钟开始,告诉听众说:“对美利坚合众国的大好事,是任何人都可以走进一电台节目宣布自己是记者。” 该节目通过发射Sirius卫星网络,达40万听众,和在线。 在华盛顿的政治家们希望“一些模糊的机构”,以决定谁可以或不可以播放,威胁言论自由,他补充说。 “我希望我们开放,他们在做什么第一修正案潘朵拉的盒子,”他补充说,指的是在美国宪法保护言论自由的条款。 迄今为止,全国步枪协会一直更关注的倡导第二次修订:有权“和携带武器”。它解释为个人权利,而我们的反对者认为它是指,仅次于美国军事或长期解散的美国民兵。 议员拉皮埃尔说,他希望全国步枪协会新闻中心将是“一杆听到世界各地”。 最初,然而,由于资金有限,这将是听到只有三个小时。 “我的天哪,这些大媒体集团等一些扭曲的军火工业界的覆盖面,”他说。他表示,他站将是“均衡,客观,事实”。 一些听众可能会质疑这个解释什么遵循:一,民主党总统候选人克里,并与大学生谁收到了写在哲学课亲枪文章一C级接受采访时强烈谴责。 “他们试图弯曲法律,”罗伯特说里克尔,为军火工业界的前游说谁倒戈,现在工程反郡的竞选班子。 全国步枪协会已支持的竞选广告的法律,它已失去了法律上的挑战,里克尔说,它现在只是想鼓宣传。 “你克里都可能突然宣称自己是一名记者,开始了自己的报纸,并声称他是合法的新闻出口,而不是一个总统候选人认为呢?”他说。 “全国步枪协会成立介入选举,并游说国会议员。这还没有通过基本的气味测试...但我认为美国人民有足够的智慧人物出来。” 尽管右翼之间的游说团体和大企业的传统盟友关系,全国步枪协会是巧妙地玩弄的不安,许多人 - 往往在左边 - 对此认为,CNN是时代华纳集团拥有的事实表示,迪斯尼和NBC广播公司的通用电气。 “他们往往有助于政治运动,并且仍然能保持他们的新闻来源,”凯利说,霍布斯,全国步枪协会的发言人1
2023-01-02 10:56:552


  judging的中文意思   英 [dʒʌdʒɪŋ] 美 [dʒʌdʒɪŋ]   原级:judge第三人称单数:judges第三人称复数:judges过去分词:judged过去式:judged   judging 基本解释   审判,评判(judge的现在分词形式);   judging的单语例句   1. Judging by the definition given in the light pollution standard, the court decided in Lu"s favour.   2. Judging by the scale and design of his property, one has the impression that he was a tremendously wealthy man with expansive taste.   3. And judging by what"s in theaters this holiday movie season, his name is George Clooney.   4. And judging by some of the vehicles on display, they may be right.   5. The movie is partly a Chinese production, and judging by word of mouth it should have grossed some decent box office gloss.   6. Judging will commence at every venue to determine a winner that can claim cash and prizes from sponsors in New York.   7. Judging from its cell division, they concluded these embryos must have been the same size as the adults.   8. Adam Lambert is set to join the"American Idol"judging panel.   9. But judging from tense exchanges in the Security Council chamber Friday, any lobbying effort will be difficult.   10. What the experts cite in their judging are WTO rules, which were endorsed by the trade ministers of the group"s member nations after their negotiations.   judging的双语例句   1. The doctrine of equivalents is an important principle in judging patent infringement.   等同原则是专利侵权判定的一项重要原则。   2. Judging by height, the tallest Ferris wheel in the world right now is the Singapore Flyer in Singapore at 165 meters tall.   如果以高度来比,现阶段全球最高的`摩天轮是新加坡的「摩天观景轮」,高达165公尺。   3. Judging intangible assets to whether keep the mainest standard that be in is whether bring above quota accrual.   判定无形资产是否存在的最主要准则是能否带来超额收益。   4. It is a ministry of mercy, an ultimate offer of genuine fellowship, when we allow nothing but God"s Word to stand between us, judging and succoring.   当我们中间只坚持神的话语﹐以此来判断和宽恕﹐这是一种怜悯人的职事﹐这是真正相交的契机。   5. Offer of genuine fellowship, when we allow nothing but God"s Word to standbetween us, judging and succoring.   当我们中间只坚持神的话语﹐以此来判断和宽恕﹐这是一种怜悯人的职事﹐这是真正相交的契机。   6. The bonding strength between steel-bonded cemented carbide cladding and carbon steel substrate at different sintering temperatures was studied by bending experiment for judging the bonded condition.   为判断钢结硬质合金覆层/碳素钢基体之间的冶金结合状况,通过三点弯曲试验研究了不同烧结温度下的结合强度。
2023-01-02 10:57:031


2023-01-02 10:57:083

2023-01-02 10:57:244


John 翻译是约翰
2023-01-02 10:57:525


2023-01-02 10:58:132

服务营销英语论文 高分!!!!

2023-01-02 10:58:212

我想知道关于新西兰的知识 任何方面都行 要英文的 谢谢 是一个旅游为主的网站,里面有介绍新西兰的风土人情
2023-01-02 10:58:333


转载以下资料,仅供参考:《ISO19600:2014合规管理体系——导则》在中国的推广与应用。陈立彤律师目前任某著名跨国公司亚太合规总监,曾作为中国代表团成员参与《ISO19600:2014合规管理体系——导则》的制定。陈立彤律师具有中国律师、美国纽约州律师执业资格,香港国际仲裁中心仲裁员,著有《商业贿赂风险管理》一书。该导则的制定是相关成员国派出代表团共同组成项目委员会(项目委员会的代码是ISO/PC271)。我本人有幸成为中国代表团的成员之一加入了该项目委员会并在中国标准化研究院标准化理论与教育研究所王益谊所长的带领下参与了该导则的制定。该导则于2014年12月15日由国际标准组织发布。我本人将针对该导则撰写系列文章并在本公号“ISO19600”予以发表。项目管理委员会对任何问题的讨论都体现了民主与集中的原则。所谓民主,就是大家对所有的问题都畅所欲言;所谓集中,就用投票的方式解决、少数服从多数。记得法国代表团曾经提出将标准序列号从“ISO19600”变更为“ISO33000”。中国代表团对这个提议是不同意的——在标准序列号中带有“9”和“6”在中国文化下可谓寓意深刻——“9”代表恒远长久、“6”代表六六大顺。但没想到这个变更为“ISO33000”的提议在项目委员会投票表决时竟然被通过了。不过很幸运的是,国际标准组织最终还是采用了“ISO19600”。可能“ISO19600”这个序列号是国际标准组织事先预设好的,因此没法修改。就这个猜测,在导则正式公布后,我曾与项目委员会主席Martin Tolar联系过,但他未置可否。但不管怎样,目前这个导则的ISO序列号是19600,是我们中国人所喜闻乐见的那一个。对于问题的讨论,除了民主与集中之外,还有游说(lobbying)。各国代表团成员可以互相交流想法,甚至试着说服对方并改变其立场。游说的最佳时机就是茶歇的时候,有几次茶歇之后,茶歇前刚刚表决过的一些议题被提议重新投票,原来的投票结果被改变也不是没有可能的。可以说导则的制定是各国代表团集思广益、反复推敲的结果。也许正是因为大家的畅所欲言,再加上民主与集中的投票机制,导则的最终出炉收到了广泛的好评,并被越来越多的机构所采用成为其有力的合规管理工具。在维也纳的会议适逢2014年巴西世界杯足球赛。因此世界杯比赛也成了会议暖场的最佳话题,当然,德国代表团对这个话题显然乐此不疲。总而言之,参加《ISO 19600:2014合规管理体系——导则》的制定是我难忘的一次人生经历,同时也使我的合规工作受益匪浅。我今后将围绕该导则撰写系列文章与大家分享我的合规心得,同时也欢迎大家积极来函或投稿,让我们一起共同提高、把合规管理业务做好。并为在中国公司、企业和其他组织当中建立、推广以诚信、廉洁为核心的合规文化贡献自己的力量!
2023-01-02 10:58:441


2023-01-02 10:58:503

What should be taken into account in overseas marketing campaign in the perspective of culture

Unrestricted globalization - boon or hazard?In 1998, the BJP had led the NDA"s electoral campaign with a "swadeshi" propaganda thrust. Many of the NDA"s voters had truly believed that unlike the previous regimes, the BJP-led government would not succumb to international pressures - particularly US machinations, and protect the nation"s economic and national security interests. Finance ministers closely associated with neo-liberal economic programs - like Manmohan Singh and P. Chidambaram were defeated in the polls and there was an expectation that there would be a noticeable shift in direction. But long-time critics of the BJP had already warned that the BJP was insincere in it"s commitment to "swadeshi" and it"s turnaround in the ENRON case was more likely to serve as a model for it"s future actions. Although neo-liberal forces were kept somewhat at bay in the BJP-led NDA"s first term, a more comfortable majority in the second round has given the promoters of neo-liberalism in the coalition more confidence that they can get away with unpopular policies without much concern about political stability. That every successive administration in the last decade has eventually succumbed to the pressures of globalization suggests that regardless of how different political formations package their policies in advance of the elections, there is a powerful and very vocal lobby for globalization in India. This is because for some sections of Indian society and the Indian diaspora, globalization has come as something of a bonanza. NRIs look forward to new business opportunities in a globalized India. English-language (or even local language) media outlets who expect globalization to increase advertizing revenues have also been eager supporters of globalization. (A recent Economic Times survey of the nation"s top CEO"s indicated that most major India businesses anticipated considerably higher allocations for marketing and advertizing campaigns in order to survive in the globalized Indian economy. Some estimate that the advertizing industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in India - growing as much as 25-30% in some years.) Another outcome of globalization has been a huge increase in salaries of senior managers, accountants, lawyers and public-relations personnel working for MNCs or their local competitors. For the IT-literate, job opportunities have been plentiful, and there are also opportunities to live and earn abroad. For the English-speaking upper middle-class, this has come as a boon. With greater access to disposable income, the seduction of consumerism becomes hard to resist, and the demand for unrestricted globalization inevitably follows the attraction for new and ever more advanced consumer goods. This new and more prosperous class of Indian consumers associates India"s progress with the availability of the latest automobile models and consumer goods. The local availability of imported European cosmetics and fashions, imported drinks and confectioneries - these have all become important to those who have sufficient disposable income to purchase such items. Globalization has other champions too. Importers have a strong financial interest in a globalized economy. But so do exporters dependent on imported parts and machinery. Industrialists with interests in ports, shipping, international warehousing and other aspects of international trade and commerce may also see globalization as beneficial to their sectors of the economy. Indian industrialists who have so far failed to invest in research and development and are losing the battle for market share are also becoming amenable to globalization in the fond hope of partnering with an MNC that will enable them to stabilize or expand their sinking business ventures. Although these sections of society are in numerical terms a very small minority in the country, they are able to wield considerable authority on account of their financial clout. Their voices are far more likely to be heard in the Indian media, and they are much more likely to be able to influence important political decisions in the country. Because of their familiarity with English, and privileged access to major media outlets and institutions of higher learning, they are taken to be more credible, and are thus able to exercise tremendous influence on public policy. But it should be noted that the interests of a particular section of Indians need not match the real interests of all other sections of Indian society. Other sections of society may benefit only to the extent that a fraction of this new prosperity trickles down to them. Some may not benefit at all, while some may even be adversely affected. In addition, globalization may have hidden consequences that may negatively impact the quality of life even of those prospering through globalization. But the greatest danger posed by unrestricted globalization is that it may exacerbate the problems of nagging poverty and uneven development, and create grave infra-structural mismatches. It is already evident that the Indian economy has become more dependent on imports which has brought with it constant pressure on the value of the Rupee, leading to recursive bouts of high inflation. And rather than expand India"s manufacturing strength and develop new capabilities and technological development in India, globalization may in fact put India at a global disadvantage in key sectors of modern industry leading to an economy that is always chasing scientific and technological advances that occur in other nations. Globalization and Technology Transfers Take the argument that globalization brings in new technology. On a selective basis, globalization indeed brings in new technology and opposition to globalization is not tantamount to becoming technologically isolated from the rest of the world. But today, almost no advocate of globalization is calling for selectivity. For instance, Coca-Cola and Pepsi were welcomed into the country even though they offered little in terms of new technology. Cosmetic manufacturers and manufacturers of designer label clothes have also brought in little new technology of any consequence. The same can be said of advertising companies and manufacturers of consumer non-durable goods like soap, detergent, toothpaste, cereals etc. And although there has been significant investment in the manufacture of automobiles and consumer goods, the capital equipment and the assembly lines for their production is imported. Little of the design and development work takes place in India. And in many instances, all that happens is the local assembly of knocked-down kits. So far, globalization in India has not been tantamount to an all-around technological upgradation of Indian design and manufacturing. Some offer a counter-argument for unrestricted globalization arguing that only if India liberalizes unconditionally will India be able to attract high technology and capital investment in the areas it really wants. In other words, if we let the Cokes and Pepsis of the world to come in, the INTELs, the AMDs, and the CISCOs will follow. But the experience of the last decade belies such claims. While it is true that INTEL, AMD and CISCO have all invested in India, the sum total of their investments has been minuscule in relation to their other investments abroad. And rather than bring in new technology to India, they are actually sucking out technology from India. All their investment has been on divisions that either develop software on demand, or provide research assistance to their US counterparts. None of them has set up any manufacturing plants in India or signed any technology transfer agreements with any Indian company. All the technology that is developed is owned and marketed by the parent company, and other than the slightly higher than average salaries that accrue to a small minority of Indians working in the sector, few benefits accrue to India as a nation. What is worse is that these companies are provided all manner of perks and privileges to exploit India"s intellectual capital. They are given tax breaks and tax write-offs. They are given preferential treatment in the allocation of scarce resources like land, and round-the-clock electricity supply. In a July 20 Times of India report titled "IT expert warns against digital divide in country" the author wrote: A leading information technology (IT) expert has cautioned against a "digital divide" in the country and creation of disparities between the IT haves and have-nots. The report quoted M. Anandakrishnan (vice-chairman of the information technology task force of the Tamil Nadu government and the vice-chairman of the Tamil Nadu state council for higher education) as saying: "You cannot have a high-tech facility and have 50,000 people within a few kilometres who don"t have any access to computers. Availability of computers in every village did not mean accessibility and accessibility does not mean assimilation. Unless there is "localisation of content" this technology could not be used by 97 per cent of the population." The article goes on to question the euphoria surrounding the growth of the IT sector and again quotes M. Anandkrishnan: "We speak of 57 per cent growth of the software sector and 100 per cent growth of the hardware sector. We must take into consideration that the figures include hardware and equipment imports. We are talking of someone else"s products. We are still dependent on imports, and even now we have to use servers abroad to get to the Net". (Although there are some companies that assemble personal computers in India, India"s share of world hardware manufacturing is less than that of Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, China, or Singapore - even lower than Thailand or the Philippines). M. Anandkrishnan was also quoted as saying that the productivity of Indian labour was very low - that Indian workers earned one thirtieth of what a Japanese worker took home, concluding that the burgeoning of IT could be termed a "revolution" only if a "high intensity of growth," was indicated. The absence of any significant investment in the local design and manufacture of advanced electronic components, computer chips or telecommunication hardware must be seen as a significant failure of this decade of rapid globalization. Advocates of globalization have often made the claim that globalization rather than destroy Indian industry would instead accelerate the growth of new industry and cause India"s economy to grow faster. But a detailed analysis of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the last few years indicates that a sizeable portion of this investment has not gone into the creation of new productive capacities. Much of the investment has simply gone into into takeovers of existing Indian enterprises or towards speculative investments in the Indian stock market. Moreover, other than India"s "hot" IT companies and select MNCs - the vast majority of Indian stocks have not benefited from such highly volatile FDI flows. In addition, several MNCs have deliberately launched new 100% owned ventures that consciously undercut already existing partnerships with Indian manufacturers. Ironically many of these predatory ventures are funded by Indian banks and financial institutions! An Economic Times report (Dec 25 1999) cited Gouri Prasad Goenka, who took over as the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) president last month as complaining that MNCs were using Indian capital to take over Indian industry! He had said that the grant of approvals for 100 per cent subsidiaries in areas where the multinational already had a venture with a local partner was a danger signal for shareholders as well as industry. Amit Mitra, Ficci secretary, supplemented Goenka"s objection by saying that in the United States, an agreement between joint-venture partners had a conflict of contract clause. Goenka also complained that MNCs were able to get loans from Indian financial institutions at interest rates lower than those offered to domestic industrialists and pointed out that nowhere in the world was a 100 per cent subsidiary allowed in non-technical areas. A report in the Hindustan Times by Nitya Chakroborty pointed to the case of Pfizer - the US pharmaceutical major lobbying to set up a 100% subsidy in direct competition with it"s existing Indian venture that was partially Indian-owned. She also mentioned the tobacco giants as lobbying hard for permission to set up 100% subsidies. MNCs and "transparency" and "ethical practices" Arguments favoring globalization have often centered on how multinationals practice "transparency" in their business dealings and are more "ethical" than their Indian counterparts. Although rarely substantiated with any thing other than anecdotal testimonies, such praise for the MNCs is common in the Indian media. Yet, there are numerous instances where multinationals have not only displayed a lack of ethics and "transparency" but have actually broken the law. Consider an October 2, 1998 report in the Hindu titled: Large-scale tax evasion by MNCs unearthed. The author of that report, Sujay Mehdudia wrote: "Income-Tax officials have alleged that these companies evade taxes with impunity as the tax laws of the country are "inadequate and ineffective" to deal with such cases." He wrote of multinational giants flouting tax laws knowing very well that they could not be arrested or criminally prosecuted against under the Indian legal system and could get away by paying the tax dues when caught. Violations were neither rare nor exceptional, since all the companies surveyed or scrutinized by the Income-Tax authorities in the recent past had shown a tendency to violate the
2023-01-02 10:59:004


(The extent to which accounting choice affects the contracting parties" wealth depends on the relative magnitudes of the contracting costs. For example, assume accounting-based debt agreements have higher renegotiation costs than accounting-based bonus plans. Then, mandatory changes in accounting procedures by the FASB impose greater relative costs on firms with debt agreements than on firms with bonus plans, ceteris parbus. And, firms with debt agreements will conduct more lobbying and undertake more (costly) accounting, financing, and production changes to undo the effects of the mandatory change than firms with only bonus plans. Thus, developing a positive theory of accounting choice requires an understanding of the relative magnitudes of the various types of contracting costs.)(会计选择影响缔约方 ‘财富的程度取决于收缩的费用的相对巨大。 例如,假设基于会计的债务协定比基于会计的奖金计划有更高的重新谈判费用。 然后,在会计手续上的必须的变化由FASB强加更加了不起的相对费用给企业以债务协定比关于与奖金计划, ceteris parbus的企业。 并且,企业以债务协定将举办更多游说并且承担更多(昂贵的)会计、财务和生产变动取消必须的变动的作用比变牢固与仅奖金计划。 因此,开发会计选择的一种正面理论要求对收缩的费用的各种各样的类型的相对巨大的理解) ceteris parbus(是公司的名字)谢谢给分! 给最街!
2023-01-02 10:59:144


酒店大堂翻译成英文是:hotel lobby[例句]我客套一番之后,猛地健步如飞到酒店大堂寻找华尔街日报。Feigned familiarity, then bolted to hotel lobby to hunt for The Wall Street Journal.相关单词学习:lobby 英[ˈlɒbi] 美[ˈlɑ:bi] n. 休息室; 游说团; 门厅,大厅; 投票厅; vi. 为了支持或抵制某项特定目标游说; vt. 对…进行游说; 陈情(试图努力影响某人采取有利行动); [例句]Carers from all over the UK lobbied Parliament last week to demand a better financial deal英国各地的家庭看护人员上周向议会游说,要求改善经济待遇。[其他] 第三人称单数:lobbies 复数:lobbies 现在分词:lobbying过去式:lobbied 过去分词:lobbied
2023-01-02 10:59:316

what is lobbyist?

Lobbying is a concerted effort designed to achieve some result, typically from government authorities and elected officials. It can consist of the outreach of legislative members, public actions (e.g. mass demonstrations), or combinations of both public and private actions (e.g. encouraging constituents to contact their legislative representatives). As a professional occupation it is also known as "government affairs" or "public affairs". Practitioners may work in specialist organizations or as part of government relations or as public relations consultancies. If you need more, you can take from the Wikipedia write-ups from the link below
2023-01-02 10:59:541


  Before the American Civil War, almost four million blacks were denied freedom from bondage, only white men of property could vote, and the Naturalization Act of 1790 limited U.S. citizenship to whites only.[3][4][5] Following the Civil War, three constitutional amendments were passed, including the 13th Amendment (1865) that ended slavery; the 14th Amendment (1868) that gave African Americans citizenship, adding their total population of four million to the official population of southern states for Congressional apportionment; and the 15th Amendment (1870) that gave African-American males the right to vote (only males could vote in the U.S. at the time). From 1865 to 1877, the United States underwent a turbulent Reconstruction Era trying to establish free labor and civil rights of freedmen in the South after the end of slavery. Many whites resisted the social changes, leading to insurgent movements such as the Ku Klux Klan, whose members attacked black and white Republicans to maintain white supremacy. In 1871, President Ulysses S. Grant, the U.S. Army, and U.S. Attorney General Amos T. Akerman, initiated a campaign to repress the KKK under the Enforcement Acts.[6] Some states were reluctant to enforce the federal measures of the act; by the early 1870s, other white supremacist groups arose that violently opposed African-American legal equality and suffrage.  After the disputed election of 1876 resulted in the end of Reconstruction and federal troops were withdrawn, whites in the South regained political control of the region"s state legislatures by the end of the century, after having intimidated and violently attacked blacks before and during elections.  From 1890 to 1908, southern states passed new constitutions and laws to disfranchise African Americans by creating barriers to voter registration; voting rolls were dramatically reduced as blacks were forced out of electoral politics. While progress was made in some areas, this status lasted in most southern states until national civil rights legislation was passed in the mid-1960s to provide federal enforcement of constitutional voting rights. For more than 60 years, blacks in the South were not able to elect anyone to represent their interests in Congress or local government.[8] Since they could not vote, they could not serve on local juries.  During this period, the white-dominated Democratic Party maintained political control of the South. Because whites controlled all the seats representing the total population of the South, they had a powerful voting block in Congress. The Republican Party—the "party of Lincoln"—which had been the party that most blacks belonged to, shrank to insignificance as black voter registration was suppressed. Until 1965, the "solid South" was a one-party system under the Democrats. Outside a few areas (usually in remote Appalachia), the Democratic Party nomination was tantamount to election for state and local office.[9] In 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt invited Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House, making him the first African American to attend an official dinner there. "The invitation was roundly criticized by southern politicians and newspapers." Washington persuaded the president to appoint more blacks to federal posts in the South and to try to boost African American leadership in state Republican organizations. However, this was resisted by both white Democrats and white Republicans as an unwanted federal intrusion into state politics.  The mob-style lynching of Will James, Cairo, Illinois, 1909.  During the same time as African Americans were being disenfranchised, white Democrats imposed racial segregation by law. Violence against blacks increased, with numerous lynchings through the turn of the century. The system of de jure state-sanctioned racial discrimination and oppression that emerged from the post-Reconstruction South became known as the "Jim Crow" system. The United States Supreme Court, made up almost entirely of Northerners, upheld the constitutionality of those state laws that required racial segregation in public facilities in its 1896 decision Plessy v. Ferguson, legitimizing them through the "separate but equal" doctrine.  Segregation remained intact into the mid-1950s, when many states began to gradually integrate their schools following the unanimous Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. The early 20th century is a period often referred to as the "nadir of American race relations". While problems and civil rights violations were most intense in the South, social discrimination and tensions affected African Americans in other regions as well.[12] At the national level, the Southern bloc controlled important committees in Congress, defeated passage of laws against lynching, and exercised considerable power beyond the number of whites in the South.  Characteristics of the post-Reconstruction period:  Racial segregation. By law, public facilities and government services such as education were divided into separate "white" and "colored" domains.[13] Characteristically, those for colored were underfunded and of inferior quality.  Disenfranchisement. When white Democrats regained power, they passed laws that made voter registration more restrictive, essentially forcing black voters off the voting rolls. The number of African-American voters dropped dramatically, and they no longer were able to elect representatives. From 1890 to 1908, Southern states of the former Confederacy created constitutions with provisions that disfranchised tens of thousands of African Americans and U.S. states such as Alabama disfranchised poor whites as well.  Exploitation. Increased economic oppression of blacks, Latinos, and Asians, denial of economic opportunities, and widespread employment discrimination.  Violence. Individual, police, paramilitary, organizational, and mob racial violence against blacks (and Latinos in the Southwest and Asians in California).  African Americans and other ethnic minorities rejected this regime. They resisted it in numerous ways and sought better opportunities through lawsuits, new organizations, political redress, and labor organizing (see the African-American Civil Rights Movement (1896–1954)). The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909. It fought to end race discrimination through litigation, education, and lobbying efforts. Its crowning achievement was its legal victory in the Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 when the Court rejected separate white and colored school systems and, by implication, overturned the "separate but equal" doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson of 1896.  The integration of Southern public libraries involved many of the same characteristics seen in the larger Civil Rights Movement.[15] This includes sit-ins, beatings, and white resistance.[15] For example, in 1963 in the city of Anniston, Alabama, two black ministers were brutally beaten for attempting to integrate the public library.Though there was resistance and violence, the integration of libraries were generally quicker than integration of other public institutions.  Black veterans of the military after both World Wars pressed for full civil rights and often led activist movements. In 1948 they gained integration in the military under President Harry Truman, who issued Executive Order 9981 to accomplish it. The situation for blacks outside the South was somewhat better (in most states they could vote and have their children educated, though they still faced discrimination in housing and jobs). From 1910 to 1970, African Americans sought better lives by migrating north and west out of the South. Nearly seven million blacks left the South in what was known as the Great Migration. So many people migrated that the demographics of some previously black-majority states changed to white majority (in combination with other developments).  Housing segregation was a nationwide problem, persistent well outside the South. Although the federal government had become increasingly involved in mortgage lending and development in the 1930s and 1940s, it did not reject the use of race-restrictive covenants until 1950.[16] Suburbanization was already connected with white flight by this time, a situation perpetuated by real estate agents" continuing discrimination. In particular, from the 1930s to the 1960s the National Association of Real Estate Boards (NAREB) issued guidelines that specified that a realtor "should never be instrumental in introducing to a neighborhood a character or property or occupancy, members of any race or nationality, or any individual whose presence will be clearly detrimental to property values in a neighborhood."  Invigorated by the victory of Brown and frustrated by the lack of immediate practical effect, private citizens increasingly rejected gradualist, legalistic approaches as the primary tool to bring about desegregation. They were faced with "massive resistance" in the South by proponents of racial segregation and voter suppression. In defiance, African American activists adopted a combined strategy of direct action, nonviolence, nonviolent resistance, and many events described as civil disobedience, giving rise to the African-American Civil Rights Movement of 1954–1968.
2023-01-02 11:00:001


credit crisis
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2023-01-02 11:00:214

「经济学人」Tech"s raid on the banks

Banking services Tech"s raid on the banks Digital disruption is coming to banking at last OVER THE past two decades people across the world have seen digital services transform the economy and their lives. Taxis, films, novels, noodles, doctors and dog-walkers can all be summoned with a tap of a screen. Giant firms in retailing, carmaking and the media have been humbled by new competitors. Yet one industry has withstood the tumult: banking. In rich countries it is perfectly normal to queue in branches, correspond with your bank by post and deposit cheques stamped with the logo of firms founded in the 19th century. Yet, as our special report this week explains, technology is at last shaking up banking. In Asia payment apps are a way of life for over 1bn users. In the West mobile banking is reaching critical mass—49% of Americans bank on their phones—and tech giants are muscling in. Apple unveiled a credit card with Goldman Sachs on March 25th. Facebook is proposing a payments service to let users buy tickets and settle bills. The implications are profound because banks are not ordinary firms. It is one thing for Blockbuster Video to be wiped out by a technological shift, but quite another if the victim is Bank of America. It is not just that banks have over $100trn of assets globally. Using the difficult trick of “maturity transformation” (turning deposits that you can demand back at any time into long-term loans) they enable savers to defer consumption and investment and borrowers to bring them forward. Banks are so vital that the economy reels when they stumble, as the crisis of 2008-09 showed. Bankers and politicians may thus be tempted to resist technological change. But that would be wrong because its benefits—a leaner, more user-friendly and more open financial system—easily outweigh the risks. Banking is late to the smartphone age because entrepreneurs have been put off by regulations. And, since the financial crisis, Western banks have been preoccupied with repairing their balance-sheets and old-fashioned cost-cutting. Late is better than never, however. Several new business models are emerging. In Asia payment apps are bundled with e-commerce, chat and ride-hailing services offered by firms such as Alibaba and Tencent in China and Grab in South-East Asia. These networks link to banks but are vying to control the customer relationship. In America and Europe big banks are still more or less in control and are rushing to offer digital products—JPMorgan Chase can open a deposit account in five minutes. But threats loom. Mobile-only “neobanks” that do not bear the cost of branches are nibbling at customer bases. Payments firms like PayPal work with Western banks but are expected to capture a greater share of profits. Lucrative niches like foreign exchange and asset management are being harried by new entrants. The pace of change will accelerate. Younger people no longer stay with the same bank as their parents—15% of British 18- to 23-year-olds use a neobank. Tech firms that people trust, such as Apple and Amazon, are natural candidates to grow big financial arms. The biggest four American banks are spending a total of over $25bn a year on perfecting better customer applications and learning to mine data more cleverly. Venture-capital firms invested $37bn in upstart financial firms last year. The benefits of technological change are likely to be vast. Costs should tumble as branches are shut, creaking mainframe systems retired and bureaucracy culled. If the world"s listed banks chopped expenses by a third, the saving would be worth $80 a year for every person on Earth. In 2000 the Netherlands had more bank branches per head than America; it now has just a third as many. Rotten service will improve—it is easier to get money to a friend using a chat app than it is to ask your bank to transfer cash. The system will get better at its vital job of allocating capital. Richer data will allow banks to take risks that currently baffle underwriters. Fraud should be easier to spot. Lower costs and the democratising effect of social media will give more people better access to finance. And more firms with good ideas should be able to get loans faster, boosting growth. Yet change also poses risks. Because the financial system is embedded in the economy, innovation tends to create turbulence. The credit card"s arrival in 1950 revolutionised shopping but also sparked America"s consumer-debt culture. Securitisation lubricated capital markets in the 1980s but fuelled the subprime crisis. In addition, it is unclear who will win today"s battle. One dystopian scenario is that power becomes more concentrated, as a few big banks learn to exploit data as ruthlessly as social-media firms do. Imagine a crossbreed of Facebook and Wells Fargo that predicts and manipulates how customers behave and is able to use proprietary economic data to squeeze rivals. Another dystopia involves fragmentation and destabilisation. Banks could lose depositors to untested neobanks, creating a mismatch between their assets and liabilities that could lead to a credit crunch. If bank customers transact via tech or payment platforms, banks could end up with huge balance-sheets but without a direct connection to their clients. If they thus became unprofitable, they could be broken up, with the job of financing mortgages and absorbing short-term savings left entirely to capital markets, which are volatile. To tap the benefits of technology safely, governments should give consumers control over their data, protecting privacy and preventing firms hoarding information. Innovation-friendly regulation would help; in 2017 the industry faced a regulatory alert every nine minutes (see article). And governments should keep the system"s safety buffers at today"s overall size (global banks hold $7trn of core capital). If new entrants are properly capitalised, central banks could extend to them the lender-of-last-resort facilities that provide shelter in a storm. Banking"s dirty secret is that it is backward, inefficient and hidebound. Banks have formidable lobbying power, however. Wary of change, customers, politicians and unions complain when branches are closed and jobs cut—witness the recent collapse of a German mega-merger that depended on both. Regulators love dealing with a few big firms. The thing is that global growth is sluggish and productivity gains are hard to come by. A smartphone revolution in finance offers one of the best ways to boost the economy and spread the benefits. May 2nd 2019 完整word资源详见「才思汇」社群 「持续行动第五年,LR是怎么做到的?」 LearnAndRecord 2015年2月8日 2019年5月5日 第 1548 天 每天持续行动学外语
2023-01-02 11:00:351


  St Albans repair THORNBERRY  An East German St Albans repair THORNBERRY Introduction:  Anton. Tak. St Albans repair THORNBERRY (Antoine de Saiot-Exupery), 1900 was born in Lyon, France ,1921-1923 in France serving in the Air Force, was a reserve pilot and later become a civil aviation pilots, participated in the France opened up - Africa - South American international routes, during which he also engaged in literary writing, works of "South-flight" (1930), "night flight" (1931) and so on. 1939 Germany and France invaded France, in view of St Albans repair THORNBERRY have repeatedly injured, doctors think that he can no longer recruits taking part in the war, but as he insists that participated in the anti-war Germany, are assigned to 2 / 33 Air Force Reconnaissance Battalion. 1940 French defeat in the war, his unit suffered heavy losses, the division was transferred to Algiers, then was demobilized, he exiled the United States alone. In the United States, he continued to engage in writing, in 1940 issued a "combat pilot", in 1943 issued a "letter to a hostage" and "The Little Prince." 1943, in his strong request, he returned to France in the war of resistance bases in North Africa in Algiers. His superiors take into account his age and physical condition, only agreed to five times the performance of his mission, he requested to eight, July 31, 1944 morning, he set sail the implementation of Article 8 mandate, never came back from this, Sacrifice, only 44 years old.  Life:  June 29, 1900 St. Anthony De Ai repair THORNBERRY was born in Lyon, France. Both parents are of aristocratic descent, the male line of ancient Gauls Elm Braves tribal descent, Provence is matrilineal people. His father to repair Boli Bo Ai de St. Anthony was born in Grand Mercure before and after the insurance company inspectors. Mali and Germany Sigelongbo parent HSBC moderate temperament, the art-loving.  1904 death of his father. Anthony siblings mother carrying five people left their hometowns, to live their aunt and grandmother in the ancestral property. St Albans repair THORNBERRY first travel by train, the machinery had a great interest in dream one day to fly the skies. Marcantonio childhood name of the St Albans repair THORNBERRY love both naughty and engage in invention and often command of others, coupled with a blond, family, the people he called the Sun King Louis XIV.  1909 Le Mans moved with his family.桑特克洛瓦entered the church school. School boring atmosphere of the fantasy-loving teenagers St Albans repair THORNBERRY quite depressed and was seen as a unruly students.  1912 St Albans repair THORNBERRY like flying from a young age, the dream of adventure. France is one of the school near the old airport Anbeiliou airport, he often wandering here and yearn for a fly blue sky and white clouds. In his 12-year-old in the summer, when quite the reputation of the pilots was St Albans Weide Lin Xiu THORNBERRY touched by the warm, with his first fly the skies. This is just the development of aviation in the early 20th century, especially for a 12-year-old children, is indeed a very unusual experience.  The same year, the St Albans repair THORNBERRY Baishi start of the violin.  1914 First World War broke out.  His mother care for the wounded to participate in the work, St Albans repair THORNBERRY Mengge Lei two brothers sent to boarding schools. Two brothers suffer from the stereotype was tight constraints, only a semester will be urging their mother "from the witch"s lair, rescue out." Swiss family then moved to Fribourg.  1917 Paris, a wave break Ye school boarder, the Navy prepared to accept the school examinations, while in St. Louis schools.  1919 naval officer candidates school. St Albans repair THORNBERRY math achievement among the best, French Speaking only had seven points (out of 20). Questions is: "Alsace in France after the return of a person to return to native place, Zuoheganxiang» "St Albans repair THORNBERRY speechless, but refused to recite the other" patriotism "as the word Lantiao, the results of Ladi, Turn into art school studying architectural art professionals.  April 1921, military recruitment, are assigned to Strasbourg, the second flight groups, as maintenance work. He Shengchijianyong Couqi tuition to attend a civilian airline flight training, pilots were qualified certificate. It was his first flying accident. As the engine fuel system failure, the system automatically switched off soon ring for chaos, smoke billowing, only reluctantly hard landing. Major asserted that the presence of Dugard: "St Albans repair THORNBERRY, you will not die in the doomed plane, or else you had as early as Mei Ming."  October 1922, a military pilot qualification certificates. To the rank of second lieutenant flying into the 33rd Battalion of the fighter squadron. Stationed in Casablanca, and other places.  January 1923, in a flying accident in the St Albans repair THORNBERRY head injury, retired. As fiancee"s parents opposed, St Albans re-enlistment repair THORNBERRY give up the opportunity to stay in Paris, as Suolei car salesman, and so the company. But still love flying, in her spare time flying regular flights.  Writing in 1925 authored "dance girl Mary Ellen"  1926 published short stories, "the pilot." July, a transport pilot license, adding Ladekeli airlines. Become a Dhaka in Toulouse and between e-mail delivery, postal pilots. And partners to drive aircraft flying over the Mediterranean, across the Sahara Desert, completed a number of dangerous missions. St Albans from a free repair THORNBERRY lax Paris Junior into a life of strict and enthusiastic cause of the flight home.  1927 was appointed Chiu Kok airport than half-way station. During this period, the St Albans repair THORNBERRY dedication, made outstanding achievements, repeatedly survived, extremely well and completed the task of the crash recovery, and with local indigenous and Spanish colonial army Moore deal, to experience the aviation industry pioneer Hard dangerous life. During this period, he used the idle Yeshenrenjing leisure, the V in two barrels of gasoline a piece of wood Jia Zhao Dacheng the table to his personal experience writing the "South Post flights."  March 1928, St Albans repair THORNBERRY to vacation in France. Bulaisite in short-term training, the senior naval air force pilot certificate. The end, "South Post route" by Jia Li Mallon Publishing House, St Albans repair THORNBERRY-speaking South America, also rushed to the old flight industry.  October 1929, St Albans repair THORNBERRY Ladekeli mandated in the Argentine airline owned postal route, responsible for business development.  April 7, 1930, St Albans as a result of repair THORNBERRY Chiu Kok airport than half-way station made outstanding achievements, won the French title of Honorary Knight Mission. Beginning in the second book, "Night Flight" creative. Early dangerous aviation repair of the St Albans THORNBERRY thinking and personality have had a tremendous impact, a large number of long missions, the St Albans repair THORNBERRY the loneliness, friendship, the meaning of life, human predicament, and many other issues are A deep understanding and reflection, to his writing has provided a lot of nutrition.  1931 airline differences between decision-makers, St Albans repair THORNBERRY resignation. April 12, was born in El Salvador and the Concord-Lo marriage. May, to return to Africa, and Ai Dian Port of Casablanca among the pilots. December, the "night flight" publishing, Andre Gide wrote the preface, the book won the Femina.  Rabindranath Tagore in 1932 as the company test flight pilots. Driving a new seaplanes at nearly killed. After seven years (until the outbreak of World War II), St Albans major repair THORNBERRY living in Paris, in the swiftly changing political environment in living a turbulent life.  1933 St Albans repair THORNBERRY try to write a screenplay "Annamali," but has not yet been completed and published.  1934 employed by Air France is responsible for business promotion, to speak to the French mainland lobbying. July, a business trip to Sai Kung. September, "Southern Airlines Post" rewrite the script into a film, photography and follow the group to Morocco for location filming. In the air-intake, to serve as "surrogate actor."  1935 left the airline after the "Paris Evening News" correspondent. May has written to the newspaper reported. A lot of interviews and to many countries and regions to travel. Flying around the Mediterranean, for "Air France" to promote business. Into economic predicament. December 29, at their own expense, flying to Saigon, trying to end 70 hours to fly to Paris flight in Sai Kung in order to break the record of 150,000 francs access to the prize money. Due to a fault plane, landing in Cairo near the desolate and uninhabited desert. St Albans and mechanics repair THORNBERRY Puruifute together in the desperate circumstances of the five day trek five nights, was a camel to rescue teams.  Writing in 1936 began writing "Castle." Trying to invent a jet aircraft.  February 1937, driving their own aircraft flew directly from Casablanca-cloth map, and then Dhaka - Casablanca route of communication. March and return to Paris. April as a "no compromise" and "Evening in Paris" to correspondents in an interview with Madrid and other Spanish civil war.  January 1938, approved by the Department of the Air Force, the St Albans repair THORNBERRY to be implemented from New York to Tierra del Fuego (at the southern tip of Latin America) flight plan. To this end arrived in New York. February 15, took off from New York, arrived safely in Guatemala. However, from Guatemala to take off when the plane Zaidao near the airport. St Albans repair THORNBERRY negative serious injuries (concussion, systemic eight fractures). Aircraft was hurled destroyed. March, the injured back to New York. Creation"s "people"s land." Then return to France.  February 1939, "the Earth" published in France. St Albans repair THORNBERRY flying to Germany travel. May, "the Earth" novel of the French Academy Awards. June, "the Earth" published in English in the United States, entitled "Sandy Star," and quickly became best-selling book. July, driving flight to New York to try to break the record flight across the Atlantic. The imminent war. St Albans repair THORNBERRY on August 26 from the United States rushed back to Paris. September 3, France to the German declaration of war. September 4, St Albans repair THORNBERRY recruitment to the rank of captain of the technical instructors. In November, according to doctors, St Albans repair THORNBERRY health status is no longer in view of the candidates list, but he has finally when trying on a pilot, started in the second Battalion of the 33rd flight squadron implementation of strategic air reconnaissance missions. Here created a philosophical fairy tale "The Little Prince."  February 1940, "Sandy Star" in New York was named "1939 Year Book." June by the Department of the Air Force commendation, the Medal of the Crusaders. June 9, France fiasco have been set and their flight into the unit to Algeria. August 8, St Albans repair THORNBERRY retired. Huwart province"s older sister,家小live, to writing the "castle". November, by way of Portugal and Morocco to the United States.  January 1941, the year 1939 to accept the U.S. National Book Award. November, the wife of Kang Luo arrived in New York.  February 20, 1942, "Theater pilots," the English version published in the United States, entitled "Alas flight." The book in the United States occupy "the best-selling book" status of six months period. Critics believe that the novel "democracy is on" My struggle, "the most powerful counterattack." St Albans repair Boli Bo in the "flying Conrad" reputation. The same year, the French version of novels published in France. Although by deleting the "Hitler idiot" this sentence, the German occupation authorities continue to be banned. November, the allied landing in North Africa, St Albans repair THORNBERRY in New York radio address, urged the French people united fighting.  February 1943, "a hostage to the letter" published in New York. April, "The Little Prince" published. At the same time, the author has arrived at quite After Algeria, Qingzhenyiqie After the plea, admitted to his previous service of the units - the 2nd Battalion of the 33rd flight squadron. Force Commander of the United States for the St Albans repair THORNBERRY touched by the enthusiasm of the fighting, made an exception and approved by the Air Force pilot, aged far beyond the limits of the famous writer implementation of five air reconnaissance missions.  At 8:30 on July 31, 1943, St Albans repair THORNBERRY accepted by the German military reconnaissance mission occupied Lyon, Janus, and other places, the task is complete, the return journey, lost sight of.
2023-01-02 11:00:411


Barack ObamaBorn August 4, 1961 (1961-08-04) (age 47)Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Birth name Barack Hussein Obama II Political party Democratic Party Spouse Michelle Obama (m. 1992) Children Malia Ann (b. 1998)Sasha (b. 2001) Residence Kenwood, Chicago, Illinois Alma mater Columbia UniversityHarvard Law School Profession AttorneyPolitician Religion United Church of Christ Signature Website Office of the President-Elect More detailed articles about Barack Obama————————————Early life and career · (Family · Memoir)Illinois Senate careerU.S. Senate careerPresidential primaries · Obama–Biden 2008Policy positions · Public image Barack Hussein Obama II (pronounced /bəˈrɑːk hʊˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/; born August 4, 1961) is the President-elect of the United States. He was the junior United States Senator from Illinois from 2005 until his resignation on November 16, 2008. Obama is the first African American to be elected President of the United States.He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003, won a primary victory in March 2004, and was elected to the Senate in November 2004. Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004.As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel.Early life and careerMain article: Early life and career of Barack ObamaBarack Obama was born at the Kapi"olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu, Hawaii,[1] to Barack Obama, Sr., a Luo from Nyang"oma Kogelo, Nyanza Province, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, a white American from Wichita, Kansas[2] of mainly English, Irish and smaller amounts of German descent.[3][4][5] His parents met in 1960 while attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was a foreign student.[6][7] The couple married February 2, 1961;[8] they separated when Obama was two years old and subsequently divorced in 1964.[7] Obama"s father returned to Kenya and saw his son only once more before dying in an automobile accident in 1982.[9]After her divorce, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, and the family moved to Soetoro"s home country of Indonesia in 1967, where Obama attended local schools, such as Asisi, in Jakarta until he was ten years old. He then returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham, while attending Punahou School from the fifth grade in 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979.[10] Obama"s mother returned to Hawaii in 1972 for several years, and then in 1977 went back to Indonesia, where she worked as an anthropological field worker. She stayed there most of the rest of her life, returning to Hawaii in 1994. She died of ovarian cancer in 1995.[11]Right-to-left: Barack Obama and half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng, with their mother Ann Dunham and grandfather Stanley Dunham, in Hawaii (early 1970s)As an adult Obama admitted that he used marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol when in high school, which he described as his greatest moral failure at the 2008 Civil Forum on the Presidency.[12][13]Following high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles, where he studied at Occidental College for two years.[14] He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations.[15] Obama graduated with a B.A. from Columbia in 1983, then at the start of the following year worked for a year at the Business International Corporation[16][17] and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.[18][19]After four years in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago, where he was hired as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago"s far South Side, and worked there for three years from June 1985 to May 1988.[18][20] During his three years as the DCP"s director, its staff grew from one to thirteen and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants" rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[21] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[22] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time to Europe for three weeks and then for five weeks in Kenya, where he met many of his Kenyan relatives for the first time.[23]Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. At the end of his first year, he was selected, based on his grades and a writing competition, as an editor of the Harvard Law Review.[24] In February 1990, in his second year, he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the Law Review"s staff of eighty editors.[25] Obama"s election as the first black president of the Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.[25] During his summers, he returned to Chicago where he worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[26] After graduating with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude[27][28] from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.[24]The publicity from his election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a publishing contract and advance for a book about race relations.[29] In an effort to recruit him to their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School provided Obama with a fellowship and an office to work on his book.[29] He originally planned to finish the book in one year, but it took much longer as the book evolved into a personal memoir. In order to work without interruptions, Obama and his wife, Michelle, traveled to Bali where he wrote for several months. The manuscript was finally published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father.[29]Obama directed Illinois" Project Vote from April to October 1992, a voter registration drive with a staff of ten and seven hundred volunteers; it achieved its goal of registering 150,000 of 400,000 unregistered African Americans in the state, and led to Crain"s Chicago Business naming Obama to its 1993 list of "40 under Forty" powers to be.[30][31]Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, being first classified as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004.[32] He also joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a twelve-attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development, where he was an associate for three years from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004, with his law license becoming inactive in 2002.[18][33][34]Obama was a founding member of the board of directors of Public Allies in 1992, resigning before his wife, Michelle, became the founding executive director of Public Allies Chicago in early 1993.[18][35] He served from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund the Developing Communities Project, and also from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of The Joyce Foundation.[18] Obama served on the board of directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge from 1995 to 2002, as founding president and chairman of the board of directors from 1995 to 1999.[18] He also served on the board of directors of the Chicago Lawyers" Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, and the Lugenia Burns Hope Center.[18]
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生物医学工程是综合生物学、医学以及工程学的理论和方法而发展起来的一门交叉学科,是我国二十一世纪优先发展、重点支持的学科之一。其基本任务是运用工程技术手段研究和解决生物学和医学中的有关问题。 交大生物医学工程专业以北京军区总医院、北京阜外医院、原北京铁路总医院等三级甲等医院为教学科研基地,并且配有先进的计算机综合实验室、信号与信息处理实验室和新建的高水平的医学电子、数字医学信息、解剖三个教学实验室,具备良好的教学环境和鲜明的特色。 交大生物医学工程专业强调生物医学与电子信息科学的交叉与融合,注重培养具有扎实的计算机、信息科学和电子技术基础,宽厚的生物医学工程专业知识,创新意识和工程实践能力较强的理、工、医相结合的复合型高级科学研究与技术开发的专门人才。毕业生可在生物医学工程领域、生物信息领域、各级医疗卫生研究部门、生物医学电子工程、医学仪器以及其它电子技术、计算机技术和信息产业部门从事研究、开发、教学及管理工作。可以报考生物医学工程、信号与信息处理、计算机应用技术、电子工程等相关专业的研究生。品学兼优的学生可以保送攻读硕士学位或直接攻读博士学位。 学生在校期间,除公共基础课外,还要学习生物学和医学、计算机、信息科学和医用电子工程等四大类课程。主干课程有:解剖与生理、病理学、高级程序设计、数据结构、电路分析、模拟电子技术、数字电路、微机原理及接口技术、信号与系统、数字信号处理、生物医学信号处理、医学影像系统、医学图像处理、医学电子工程等。此外,学生还将参加专业实习与实验、课程设计和毕业设计等实践环节,并参与相关科研项目的设计与开发活动。
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第二句中over应为against, 第三句中do it累赘,应该省略,只保留不定式符号to.仅供参考!
2023-01-02 11:01:182

private business是什么意思

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  America 原来的意思是美洲。狭义上这个单词只是用来称呼美国。American 应该是美洲人的意思,包括加拿大人,墨西哥人;但是现在基本上只代表美国人的意思。有些美国人日常用语,也用 “the states”来称呼美国。States: 州的复数。美国现在一共有 50 州,并且对其一些海外属地拥有主权,如波多黎各和关岛。  美国的绰号叫“山姆大叔” 。传说1812年英美战争期间,纽约特罗伊城商人山姆·威尔逊(1766.9.13--1854.7.31)在供应军队牛肉的桶上写有“u.s.”,表示这是美国财产。这恰与他的昵称“山姆大叔” ("Uncle Sam") 的缩写 ("u.s.") 相同,于是人们便戏称这些带有 "u.s."标记的物资都是“山姆大叔”的。后来,“山姆大叔”就逐渐成了美国的绰号。十九世纪三十年代,美国的漫画家又将“山姆大叔”画成一个头戴星条高帽、蓄着山羊胡须的白发瘦高老人。1961年美国国会通过决议,正式承认“山姆大叔”为美国的象征。  国歌:星条旗之歌("the star-spangled banner"),歌词是一位名叫弗朗西斯·斯科特·基的美国律师在英美战争时,透过战场上的硝烟看到星条旗经过英军炮轰后仍在要塞上空高高飘扬时感慨万分而即景写下的。曲谱是“进行曲之王”苏萨的著名代表作。1931年被美国国会正式定为国歌。  国旗:星条旗。呈横长方形,长与宽之比为19:10。主体由13道红、白相间的宽条组成,7道红条,6道白条;旗面左上角为蓝色长方形,其中分9排横列着50颗白色五角星。红色象征强大和勇气,白色代表纯洁和清白,蓝色象征警惕、坚韧不拔和正义。13道宽条代表最早发动独立战争并取得胜利的13个州,50颗五角星代表美利坚合众国的州数。1818年美国国会通过法案,国旗上的红白宽条固定为13道,五角星数目应与合众国州数一致。每增加一个州,国旗上就增加一颗星,一般在新州加入后的第二年7月4日执行。至今国旗上已增至50颗星,代表美国的50州。每年6月14日为“美国国旗制定纪念日”。当天,美国各地举行纪念活动,以示对国旗的敬重和对国家的热爱。  国徽:主体为一只胸前带有盾形图案的白头海雕(秃鹰)。美国的国鸟,它是力量、勇气、自由和不朽的象征。盾面上半部为蓝色横长方形,下半部为红、白相间的竖条,其寓意同国旗。鹰之上的顶冠象征在世界的主权国家中又诞生一个新的独立国家——美利坚合众国;顶冠内有13颗白色五角星,代表美国最初的13个州。鹰的两爪分别抓着橄榄枝和箭,象征和平和武力。鹰嘴叼着的黄色绶带上用拉丁文写着“合众为一”,意为美利坚合众国由很多州组成,是一个完整的国家。  国花:玫瑰花,象征着美丽、芬芳、热忱和爱情。1985年经参议院通过定为国花。  国石:蓝宝石  国鸟:白头海雕(秃鹰)。美国是世界上最先确定国鸟的国家。白头雕最早出现于美国的旗帜上是在独立战争期间。1776年7月4日第二次大陆会议发表了《独立宣言》并决定新生的美国必须有一个特殊的国徽。1782年6月20日,美国国会通过决议,把北美洲特有的白头海雕作为美国的国鸟,并把这种鸟作为国徽图案的主体。白头雕外观美丽、性情凶猛,头上有丰满的羽毛,它的最大特点是两头白,即白头白尾。它代表着勇猛、力量和胜利。  格言:  In God We Trust(中文:我们信仰上帝,1956年 — 现在)  珍爱节日:感恩节 人们感谢上帝给予他们  首都:华盛顿(哥伦比亚特区 )  最大城市:纽约市 .纽约是美国人口最多的城市,也是最大的海港,世界四大金融中心之一,曼哈顿区是纽约的象征。  官方语言:美式英语(非法定)  政治体制:联邦共和制 自由民主制  现任总统:乔治·沃克·布什 (George Walker Bush)  国庆日:7月4日(美国独立日,1776年)  美国人性格:热情奔放,懂得尊重,善于表现自己  独立  宣布独立 1776年7月4日  承认独立 1783年9月3日  面积  总 计 9,372,614平方公里(第四名)  水域率 4.87%  人口  2006年估计 300,000,000人(第3名)  密度 32/km²(第140名)  GDP(PPP) 2006年估计  总计 13.05万亿美元(第1名)  每人 43555 美元(第3名)  HDI(2003年) 0.944(第10名) – 高  货币 美元  时区 UTC-5 至 -10  夏时制 UTC-4 至 -10  国际域名缩写 .us .gov .edu .mil .um  国际电话区号 +1  美国本土东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥及墨西哥湾。  美国源自于1776年从英国统治下脱离而出的北美殖民地,13州的殖民地代表们一同发表了《美国独立宣言》,在经历艰苦的独立战争后,于1783年与英国签订了巴黎协约,从此受到世界各国的承认。  政治美国是现存历史最悠久的宪政立宪共和国,有世界上最早并仍在运作的成文《宪法》。在《宪法》授权下,政府通过国会运作代议民主制。政府分为三级架构:联邦、州和地方政府。三级政府中的官员由选民进行不记名投票选举产生,或者由民选官员任命。行政长官和立法机构官员从单一选区多数制选举产生,司法系统和内阁官员由行政长官任命并经立法机构批准产生。在某些州,司法系统官员也通过多数制选举产生。  联邦政府本身有三个分支,互相制约和平衡:  立法机关:即国会,由众议院和参议院两部分组成;  行政机关:即总统,总统提名和参议院批准的内阁官员及其下属,负责行使基于联邦法律的治理权;  司法机关:即最高法院和较低级别的联邦法院,法官由总统提名并参议院批准。  美国国会实行两院立法体制。众议院设435个席位代表各自的国会选区,任期2年。众议院席位根据人口分布,每10年重新划分一次,每个州最少都会分配到1个众议院席位:目前有7个州只有1个议席,人口最多的加利福尼亚州则有高达53个议席。而无论人口众寡,每个州在参议院都有2个席位,加起来共一百席,任期6年;每隔2年,重选三分之一的参议员。  在联邦体制内,州与联邦政府的关系很复杂。法律规定,各州是主权实体。然而,在美国内战和“德克萨斯对怀特案”建立的规则是,州无权脱离联邦;根据宪法,也无外交权。美国联邦法律在经过宪法授权的领域要高于各州所制订的不同的法律,但是联邦政府的权力只能在宪法规定的范围之内行使;所有未授予联邦政府的权力由州政府和人民自行保留。  美国宪法以及权利法案等一系列修正案致力维护公民自由:包括言论、宗教信仰和出版自由;接受公正审判的权利;拥有和携带武器的权利;选举和财产权。虽然美国所珍视的西方意识形态追求人权,在具体实践中也有争议:直到1964年《民权法案》才立法禁止种族歧视。  一般而言,州内事务的主导权完全在各州政府手中。这包括了内部通讯;关于财产、工业、商业以及公共设施的法规;州的相关法律,诸如死刑;以及州内部的工作情况。很多州立的法律在各州之间都十分相似。在还有一些领域中州的管辖权与联邦政府的管辖权有重叠。  最近几年,联邦政府在医疗、教育、福利、交通、住宅以及城市发展等领域开始扮演越来越重要的角色。各州的宪法与联邦宪法基本相符,除了在一些细节上有所不同,其中包括了人权和政府组织。而在商业、金融、公共服务和福利机构等方面,州宪法往往比联邦宪法更为详细。  美国的联邦和州政府主要有两个政党竞争:共和党和民主党。一些小党的参选人有时也有可能当选。中间偏右的共和党通常在社会议题上属于社会保守派、在经济议题上属于古典自由主义。中间偏左的民主党通常在社会议题上属于自由派、在经济议题上属于进步主义。美国人一般会倾向支持两党中的其中一个,不过一些人也会支持独立的小政党和候选人,包括了自由党、绿党、改革党等。除了2001至2002年由民主党在参议院暂时占多数外,共和党自从1994年以来一直保持在两院的多数优势,目前的总统乔治·沃克·布什属于共和党籍,而在2006年中期选举后,情况又有了新的变化,民主党取代共和党成为参众两院的多数党。  行政划分  除夏威夷和阿拉斯加两个州外,其余48个州位于美洲大陆,并彼此相连,这些州又称美国本土。一些人将阿拉斯加也视为“本土”州,因为虽然它和“下方的48州”之间被加拿大隔离,地理上她仍是北美大陆的一部分。所有这些用词通常都包括华盛顿哥伦比亚特区。第五十个州夏威夷州则位于太平洋的群岛上。  美国也占有其他土地、地区、和占领区,最特别的是美国首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,但本身却没有州的地位。其他的海外岛屿领土包括美属萨摩亚、关岛、北马里亚纳群岛、波多黎各、和美属维尔京群岛。巴尔米拉环礁是美国唯一的合并领土,但目前并无人居住。美国本土外小岛屿则由加勒比海和太平洋的许多无人居住的岛屿组成。此外,自1898年始,美国在古巴的关塔纳摩湾拥有一个庞大的海军基地。  之前由美国占领的地区包括巴拿马运河区域,自1903年至1979年一直属于美国领土。另外,菲律宾群岛从1898年至1935年间也属于美国领土,美国在那里建立了菲律宾国协作为转型至完全独立的国家前的过渡形式,最后在1946年菲律宾正式独立。  除了美国的实际州和领土外,有数个国家自愿加入为美国的联合邦(Associated States),包括了密克罗尼西亚联邦(1986年以来)、帕劳(1994年以来)、以及马绍尔群岛(1986年以来),这些国家都保有国际法的主权以及对于国土的最高控制权力。不过,这些国家的政府都允许美国提供防卫和金融协助,美国也给予这些国家特殊待遇,提供许多加入美国国内政策计划的机会,包括灾害防治、救灾、和重建等计划。这些自由联合邦都依赖美国提供的金融协助以维持政府运作和资金需求。  外交  美国具有全球性的经济、政治和军事影响力,其外交政策走向一直是世界关注和讨论的焦点。美国的外交关系规模是全世界最为庞大的。几乎所有的国家在华盛顿特区都设有大使馆和派驻大使。以色列、英国、加拿大、和日本被视为是美国最亲密的盟友。只有少数国家没有与美国建立正式的外交关系,包括古巴、伊朗、朝鲜、索马里和苏丹。  美国革命期间,美国与一些欧洲国家建立外交,说服了法国、西班牙、和荷兰协助对抗英国。在接下来的开垦年代里,美国一直在亲法或亲英两个选择间摇摆不定。当时美国对欧洲事务不愿插手,专注于北美的疆土开拓。后来以门罗主义削弱欧洲在拉丁美洲的影响力,以确保在美洲地区事务的支配权。美国的扩张政策陆续引发了与墨西哥和西班牙的战争,两战均以美国的胜利告终。在南北战争中,美国指责英国和法国支援南部分裂的美利坚联盟国、并试图占领墨西哥,但在内战结束后,美国在北美洲的主导地位就再未受过挑战。  随着国力渐增,美国开始将注意力转向海外,尤其是对外贸易的开拓。为此,美国占领了太平洋的许多领土,包括夏威夷和菲律宾,迫使日本开放贸易,并与欧洲列强竞争在中国的影响力。第二次世界大战后,美国在联合国的创建上扮演了重要角色,并且成为安全理事会的五名永久会员之一。  冷战期间,美国最初试图限制苏联于世界各地的影响力。为了遏制苏联,美国、加拿大和10个西欧国家共同建立了北大西洋公约组织,以联合盟国对抗任何向北美和欧洲的军事入侵,后来又有14个欧洲国家陆续加入了这一共同防御联盟,包括土耳其和一些前华沙条约成员国以及部分前苏联加盟共和国。出于政治上的现实考量,美国也与对抗苏联的共产主义国家结盟,例如中苏分裂后的中华人民共和国。近年来,美国专注于自身的边界安全,防止非法移民和非法贩毒进入国内—尤其是针对墨西哥和加勒比海国家。美国也致力于对抗恐怖主义和避免大规模杀伤性武器的扩散,但其主要目标仍为保护在国内外的国家利益以及公民安全。
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my opinion about the increastng of the interest"s ticketsYou know, most of the domestic tourist attractions, its management has been handed over to special tourism management company, this among them, have a plenty of listed company, have a plenty of general enterprise, have more very person is but a man contracting operator. Of course, traveling scenic area to the enterprise or individual contracted management, the operation of the market, it is no doubt can improve efficiency, strengthen management, help to eliminate government management of the abuse. But for corporations, its natural chase interest rate, and the scenic area is obviously the public welfare of contradictory. In the master of the scenic spot after right, will inevitably through a variety of means to acquire benefits and compensation, up tickets is also proven natural litigation. On the one hand is the need to travel to drive the economy through, on the one hand, it is high ticket to flinch, so awkward and fright, apparently a lot of local government in scenic spots will be contracted out does not take into account. More worrisome, scenic spot contracted management of time, often are not short, little criterion ten years, many are for decades. In the scenic area has become a tourist company or contracting operator of revenue to the main language reality, not only the price increases will be established goal, or even through a variety of means, in the form of community of interests to lobbying and local government to reduce the kidnapping tickets for advice and action.
2023-01-02 11:02:001


英语10篇精读荟萃 Passage One (Clinton Is Right) President Clinton"s decision on Apr.8 to send Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji packing without an agreement on China"s entry into the World Trade Organization seemed to be a massive miscalculation. The President took a drubbing from much of the press, which had breathlessly reported that a deal was in the bag. The Cabinet and Whit House still appeared divided, and business leaders were characterized as furious over the lost opportunity. Zhu charged that Clinton lacked “the courage” to reach an accord. And when Clinton later telephoned the angry Zhu to pledge a renewed effort at negotiations, the gesture was widely portrayed as a flip-flop. In fact, Clinton made the right decision in holding out for a better WTO deal. A lot more horse trading is needed before a final agreement can be reached. And without the Administration"s goal of a “bullet-proof agreement” that business lobbyists can enthusiastically sell to a Republican Congress, the whole process will end up in partisan acrimony that could harm relations with China for years. THE HARD PART. Many business lobbyists, while disappointed that the deal was not closed, agree that better terms can still be had. And Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin, National Economic Council Director Gene B. Sperling, Commerce Secretary William M. Daley, and top trade negotiator Charlene Barshefsky all advised Clinton that while the Chinese had made a remarkable number of concessions, “we"re not there yet,” according to senior officials. Negotiating with Zhu over the remaining issues may be the easy part. Although Clinton can signal U.S. approval for China"s entry into the WTO himself, he needs Congress to grant Beijing permanent most-favored-nation status as part of a broad trade accord. And the temptation for meddling on Capital Hill may prove over-whelming. Zhu had barely landed before Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss) declared himself skeptical that China deserved entry into the WTO. And Senators Jesse A. Helms (R-N.C.) and Emest F. Hollings (D-S. C.) promised to introduce a bill requiring congressional approval of any deal. The hidden message from these three textile-state Southerners: Get more protection for the U. S. clothing industry. Hoping to smooth the way, the Administration tried, but failed, to budge Zhu on textiles. Also left in the lurch: Wall Street, Hollywood, and Detroit. Zhu refused to open up much of the lucrative Chinese securities market and insisted on “cultural” restrictions on American movies and music. He also blocked efforts to allow U. S. auto makers to provide fleet financing. BIG JOB. Already, business lobbyists are blanketing Capitol Hill to presale any eventual agreement, but what they"ve heard so far isn"t encouraging. Republicans, including Lott, say that “the time just isn"t right” for the deal. Translation: We"re determined to make it look as if Clinton has capitulated to the Chinese and is ignoring human, religious, and labor rights violations; the theft of nuclear-weapons technology; and the sale of missile parts to America"s enemies. Beijing"s fierce critics within the Democratic Party, such as Senator Paul D. Wellstone of Minnesota and House Minority leader Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri, won"t help, either. Just how tough the lobbying job on Capitol Hill will be become clear on Apr. 20, when Rubin lectured 19chief executives on the need to discipline their Republican allies. With business and the White House still trading charges over who is responsible for the defeat of fast-track trade negotiating legislation in 1997, working together won"t be easy. And Republicans—with a wink—say that they"ll eventually embrace China"s entry into the WTO as a favor to Corporate America. Though not long before they torture Clinton. But Zhu is out on a limb, and if Congress overdoes the criticism, he may be forced by domestic critics to renege. Business must make this much dear to both its GOP allies and the Whit House: This historic deal is too important to risk losing to any more partisan squabbling Passage Two (Europe"s Gypsies, Are They a Nation?) The striving of countries in Central Europe to enter the European Union may offer an unprecedented chance to the continent"s Gypsies (or Roman) to be recognized as a nation, albeit one without a defined territory. And if they were to achieve that they might even seek some kind of formal place—at least a total population outnumbers that of many of the Union"s present and future countries. Some experts put the figure at 4m-plus; some proponents of Gypsy rights go as high as 15m. Unlike Jews, Gypsies have had no known ancestral land to hark back to. Though their language is related to Hindi, their territorial origins are misty. Romanian peasants held them to be born on the moon. Other Europeans (wrongly) thought them migrant Egyptians, hence the derivative Gypsy. Most probably they were itinerant metal workers and entertainers who drifted west from India in the 7th century. However, since communism in Central Europe collapsed a decade ago, the notion of Romanestan as a landless nation founded on Gypsy culture has gained ground. The International Romany Union, which says it stands for 10m Gypsies in more than 30 countries, is fostering the idea of “self-rallying”. It is trying to promote a standard and written form of the language; it waves a Gypsy flag (green with a wheel) when it lobbies in such places as the United Bations; and in July it held a congress in Prague, The Czech capital. Where President Vaclav Havel said that Gypsies in his own country and elsewhere should have a better deal. At the congress a Slovak-born lawyer, Emil Scuka, was elected president of the International Tomany Union. Later this month a group of elected Gypsy politicians, including members of parliament, mayors and local councilors from all over Europe (OSCE), to discuss how to persuade more Gypsies to get involved in politics. The International Romany Union is probably the most representative of the outfits that speak for Gypsies, but that is not saying a lot. Of the several hundred delegates who gathered at its congress, few were democratically elected; oddly, none came from Hungary, whose Gypsies are perhaps the world"s best organized, with some 450 Gypsy bodies advising local councils there. The union did, however, announce its ambition to set up a parliament, but how it would actually be elected was left undecided. So far, the European Commission is wary of encouraging Gypsies to present themselves as a nation. The might, it is feared, open a Pandora"s box already containing Basques, Corsicans and other awkward peoples. Besides, acknowledging Gypsies as a nation might backfire, just when several countries, particularly Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, are beginning to treat them better, in order to qualify for EU membership. “The EU"s whole premise is to overcome differences, not to highlight them,” says a nervous Eurocrat. But the idea that the Gypsies should win some kind of special recognition as Europe"s largest continent wide minority, and one with a terrible history of persecution, is catching on . Gypsies have suffered many pogroms over the centuries. In Romania, the country that still has the largest number of them (more than 1m), in the 19th century they were actually enslaved. Hitler tried to wipe them out, along with the Jews. “Gypsies deserve some space within European structures,” says Jan Marinus Wiersma, a Dutchman in the European Parliament who suggests that one of the current commissioners should be responsible for Gypsy affairs. Some prominent Gypsies say they should be more directly represented, perhaps with a quota in the European Parliament. That, they argue, might give them a boost. There are moves afoot to help them to get money for, among other things, a Gypsy university. One big snag is that Europe"s Gypsies are, in fact, extremely heterogeneous. They belong to many different, and often antagonistic, clans and tribes, with no common language or religion, Their self-proclaimed leaders have often proved quarrelsome and corrupt. Still, says, Dimitrina Petrova, head of the European Roma Rights Center in Budapest, Gypsies" shared experience of suffering entitles them to talk of one nation; their potential unity, she says, stems from “being regarded as sub-human by most majorities in Europe.” And they have begun to be a bit more pragmatic. In Slovakia and Bulgaria, for instance, Gypsy political parties are trying to form electoral blocks that could win seats in parliament. In Macedonia, a Gypsy party already has some—and even runs a municipality. Nicholas Gheorge, an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that, spread over Central Europe, there are now about 20 Gypsy MPS and mayors, 400-odd local councilors, and a growing number of businessmen and intellectuals. That is far from saying that they have the people or the cash to forge a nation. But, with the Gypsy question on the EU"s agenda in Central Europe, they are making ground. Passage Three (Method of Scientific Inquiry) Why the inductive and mathematical sciences, after their first rapid development at the culmination of Greek civilization, advanced so slowly for two thousand years—and why in the following two hundred years a knowledge of natural and mathematical science has accumulated, which so vastly exceeds all that was previously known that these sciences may be justly regarded as the products of our own times—are questions which have interested the modern philosopher not less than the objects with which these sciences are more immediately conversant. Was it the employment of a new method of research, or in the exercise of greater virtue in the use of the old methods, that this singular modern phenomenon had its origin? Was the long period one of arrested development, and is the modern era one of normal growth? Or should we ascribe the characteristics of both periods to so-called historical accidents—to the influence of conjunctions in circumstances of which no explanation is possible, save in the omnipotence and wisdom of a guiding Providence? The explanation which has become commonplace, that the ancients employed deduction chiefly in their scientific inquiries, while the moderns employ induction, proves to be too narrow, and fails upon close examination to point with sufficient distinctness the contrast that is evident between ancient and modern scientific doctrines and inquiries. For all knowledge is founded on observation, and proceeds from this by analysis, by synthesis and analysis, by induction and deduction, and if possible by verification, or by new appeals to observation under the guidance of deduction—by steps which are indeed correlative parts of one method; and the ancient sciences afford examples of every one of these methods, or parts of one method, which have been generalized from the examples of science. A failure to employ or to employ adequately any one of these partial methods, an imperfection in the arts and resources of observation and experiment, carelessness in observation, neglect of relevant facts, by appeal to experiment and observation—these are the faults which cause all failures to ascertain truth, whether among the ancients or the moderns; but this statement does not explain why the modern is possessed of a greater virtue, and by what means he attained his superiority. Much less does it explain the sudden growth of science in recent times. The attempt to discover the explanation of this phenomenon in the antithesis of “facts” and “theories” or “facts” and “ideas”—in the neglect among the ancients of the former, and their too exclusive attention to the latter—proves also to be too narrow, as well as open to the charge of vagueness. For in the first place, the antithesis is not complete. Facts and theories are not coordinate species. Theories, if true, are facts—a particular class of facts indeed, generally complex, and if a logical connection subsists between their constituents, have all the positive attributes of theories. Nevertheless, this distinction, however inadequate it may be to explain the source of true method in science, is well founded, and connotes an important character in true method. A fact is a proposition of simple. A theory, on the other hand, if true has all the characteristics of a fact, except that its verification is possible only by indirect, remote, and difficult means. To convert theories into facts is to add simple verification, and the theory thus acquires the full characteristics of a fact. Passage Four (It Is Bush) On the 36th day after they had voted, Americans finally learned Wednesday who would be their next president: Governor George W. Bush of Texas. Vice President Al Gore, his last realistic avenue for legal challenge closed by a U. S. Supreme Court decision late Tuesday, planned to end the contest formally in a televised evening speech of perhaps 10 minutes, advisers said. They said that Senator Joseph Lieberman, his vice presidential running mate, would first make brief comments. The men would speak from a ceremonial chamber of the Old Executive office Building, to the west of the White House. The dozens of political workers and lawyers who had helped lead Mr. Gore"s unprecedented fight to claw a come-from-behind electoral victory in the pivotal state of Florida were thanked Wednesday and asked to stand down. “The vice president has directed the recount committee to suspend activities,” William Daley, the Gore campaign chairman, said in a written statement. Mr. Gore authorized that statement after meeting with his wife, Tipper, and with top advisers including Mr. Daley. He was expected to telephone Mr. Bush du
2023-01-02 11:02:067

快的用英语如何说 快的用英语怎么说

1、快的英语:Fast,英 [fɑ_st] 美 [f_st]。2、Linux作为发展最快的操作系统,正向着企业级服务器进军。Linux is rapid developed towards enterprise server. 3、如今,游说投入增长最快的就是像谷歌和Facebook这样的企业。Today, the most rapid lobbying growth comes from the likes of Google and Facebook.
2023-01-02 11:02:321