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求forever lfriends歌词,请大家帮帮忙

2023-05-19 15:36:16

就是希望英语里的有一首歌,我去搜了,结果什么都有,就是没有这首歌,第一句是什么me like a friend,kiss me like a friend...

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
forever friend
《Forever Friends》。*.cn/newbbs/medias/10/20056918593156600.mp3 下载

此曲来自93年的日剧《烟花》,(少男少女间朦胧的感情,遗憾带来的感伤,《烟花》简直可以称为《情书》的雏形。)一支木吉他作伴奏,音色却清纯饱满,动人的女生吐字清晰,“Hold me like friend,Kiss me like a friend……”,是典型的Remedios风格了。

Remedios。这是岩井俊二御用的电影配乐班底,由《烟花》开始,Remedios即迎合岩井的电影风格,编写出精湛的音乐,无论优美的旋律,悬疑的气氛,缤纷灿烂的情景,与细腻的感情,Remedios的音乐均具有衬托作用,能够带出相对的意境,而每一部电影亦显出Remedios对故事之深刻理解。 其中如英语歌《Forever Friends》,《Platform》的优雅,《Island》的欢快灵动,Remedios均泡制出触动心灵之感觉。

Hold me like a friend
Kiss me like a friend
Say we"ll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say goodbye
I"ll be near you

Hold me like a friend
Kiss me like a friend
Say we"ll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say goodbye
I"ll be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
Some day we"ll see the world
and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we"ll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye we"ll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we"ll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I will believe you
When the river flows
Off to part us both Only HEAVEN knows
I will be a boat to sail arround you
Melody never say good-bye
I will be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
One day we"ll see the world
and through the grey have faith in our hands
till the river ends……
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
forever friend
《Forever Friends》。*.cn/newbbs/medias/10/20056918593156600.mp3 下载

此曲来自93年的日剧《烟花》,(少男少女间朦胧的感情,遗憾带来的感伤,《烟花》简直可以称为《情书》的雏形。)一支木吉他作伴奏,音色却清纯饱满,动人的女生吐字清晰,“Hold me like friend,Kiss me like a friend……”,是典型的Remedios风格了。

Remedios。这是岩井俊二御用的电影配乐班底,由《烟花》开始,Remedios即迎合岩井的电影风格,编写出精湛的音乐,无论优美的旋律,悬疑的气氛,缤纷灿烂的情景,与细腻的感情,Remedios的音乐均具有衬托作用,能够带出相对的意境,而每一部电影亦显出Remedios对故事之深刻理解。 其中如英语歌《Forever Friends》,《Platform》的优雅,《Island》的欢快灵动,Remedios均泡制出触动心灵之感觉。

Hold me like a friend
Kiss me like a friend
Say we"ll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say goodbye
I"ll be near you

Hold me like a friend
Kiss me like a friend
Say we"ll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say goodbye
I"ll be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
Some day we"ll see the world
and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we"ll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye we"ll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we"ll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I will believe you
When the river flows
Off to part us both Only HEAVEN knows
I will be a boat to sail arround you
Melody never say good-bye
I will be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
One day we"ll see the world
and through the grey have faith in our hands
till the river ends…

Hold me like a friend

Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I will believe you...

Hold me like a friend

Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I will be near you...

Some people handle love and never try

I can almost fly with your wings

To set me higher

Some day we"ll see the world

And through the grey have faith in our hands..

Hold me like a friend

Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

We"ll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend

Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I will believe you...

When the river flows

Off to part us both

Only HEAVEN knows

I will be a boat to sail around you

Melody never say good-bye

I will be near you...

Some people handle love and never try

I can almost fly with your wings

To set me higher

One day we"ll see the world

And through the grey have faith in our hands..

til the river ends


Hold me like a friend

Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I"ll believe you

Some people handle love and never try

I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher

One day we"ll see the world

and through the grey have faith in our hands

we"ll always be best friends

When the river flows

Off to part us both

Only HEAVEN knows

I"ll be a boat to sail arround you

I"ll be near you

till the river ends……


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
Hold me like a friend
Kiss me like a friend
Say we"ll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I"ll believe you
Some people handle love and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
One day we"ll see the world
and through the grey have faith in our hands
we"ll always be best friends
When the river flows
Off to part us both
Only HEAVEN knows
I"ll be a boat to sail arround you
I"ll be near you
till the river ends……

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I"ll be near you

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I"ll be near you

Some people handle love in and never try

I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher

Some day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

we"ll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I will believe you

When the river flows

Off to part us both

Only HEAVEN knows

I will be a boat to sail arround you

Melody never say good-bye

I will be near you

Some people handle love in and never try

I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher

One day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

till the river ends……


Forever Friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I"ll be near you

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I"ll be near you

Some people handle love in and never try

I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher

Some day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

we"ll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I will believe you

When the river flows

Off to part us both

Only HEAVEN knows

I will be a boat to sail arround you

Melody never say good-bye

I will be near you

Some people handle love in and never try

I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher

One day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

till the river ends……


Forever Friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I"ll be near you

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I"ll be near you

Some people handle love in and never try

I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher

Some day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

we"ll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend

Say we"ll never end

Searching for the colors of the rainbow

Melody never say good-bye

I will believe you

When the river flows

Off to part us both

Only HEAVEN knows

I will be a boat to sail arround you

Melody never say good-bye

I will be near you

Some people handle love in and never try

I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher

One day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands

till the river ends……


如果不使用 media,而是用 medias,下面两个词组是否正确?

2023-01-02 10:03:522

Medias是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉

2023-01-02 10:04:011


2023-01-02 10:04:134


2023-01-02 10:04:273


1.使用“歌单 工具. exe” 歌单文件 。2.填写歌曲列表信息歌曲名称:输入歌曲名称 。【家用点歌机怎么添加歌曲? 怎么在自己在家里的KTV里添加歌曲】文件名:输入歌曲视频文件的名称,填写900000到999999之间的数字作为文件名,后缀以in结尾 。ts或者 。mpg,并且文件名必须与视频文件名一致 。(文件名必须是唯一的 。如果填写已有的歌曲编号,则在添加歌曲时会更改之前添加的歌曲 。)拼音首字母:输入歌曲名称的首字母,如“海”和“DH”之一手势:输入歌名,红豆博客之一手势,,如“大海”,进入红豆博客“14”语言:选择歌曲的语言 。歌曲类型:选择歌曲类型,最多可以选择三种 。歌手1:输入歌曲的歌手 。歌手类型:选择歌手的类型 。拼音:输入歌手姓名的首字母 。比如红豆博客有多个歌手,可以填写多个歌手的信息,最多支持4个歌手 。3.参与歌单信息整理完成后点击“加入歌单” 。4.导出歌曲列表选择添加歌曲的机器 。对于惊艳系列机器,选择“云十二加”图案,然后点击导出歌单 。5.将导出的歌单文件放在u盘根目录下,u盘模式必须是FAT32模式 。6.在u盘根目录下新建一个名为medias的文件夹 。7.将歌曲保存在medias文件夹中,歌曲的名称应该与歌曲列表编译时的名称一致 。8.添加歌曲一个好的歌曲添加文件会包含两个文件,medias.txt和medias文件夹 。将u盘连接到机顶盒,在设置界面找到添加歌曲的u盘,输入密码开始在u盘上添加歌曲,勾选歌曲添加提醒,重启机顶盒完成添加歌曲,就可以在点歌界面找到刚刚添加的歌曲 。
2023-01-02 10:04:391


In the current era of information explosion, the media environment has undergone tremendous changes, a variety of media a profound impact on adolescent afternoon"s outlook on life, values, world views develop. In this paper, the media exposure of the adolescent afternoon, the analysis of educational problems caused by training our young people discussed the urgency of Media Literacy, filed a suit against the school, society, family, self-four ways to combine media literacy education.Keywords: new media, media literacy, education and means of
2023-01-02 10:04:453

news media做主语,谓语用单数还是复数呢????????

News medias have the right to broadcast the good news.
2023-01-02 10:04:573


This paragraph of word
2023-01-02 10:05:093


The media which report the news contain violent content tend to get higher attention generally.
2023-01-02 10:05:213


2023-01-02 10:05:322


噢 ,这用豪杰V9转吧
2023-01-02 10:05:443


1.在现代社会里,企业必须有强烈的社会责任感和形象意识,尤其对药品展品等关系消费者人身安全的产品,必须把保证使用安全放在首位。In the modern society, the enterprises must have a strong sense of social responsibility and image, giving priority to the safe use of drugs in the case of the products such as drug exhibits which are closely related to the consumers" personal safety.在处理危机过程中,更要以消费者的利益为第一选择。一旦产品安全受到威胁,必须马上采取正确的措施,而不能吝惜代价。 In dealing with a crisis they should especially take the consumers" interests as the first choice. Once the product"s safety is threatened, they must take the right measures at once at all costs.2.采取果敢、正确的处理危机措施。Take resolute and right measures to deal with the crisis. 3、危机发生之后,企业要保持与媒体的有效沟通。After the crisis takes place, the enterprises must keep an effective communication with the media.
2023-01-02 10:05:556

Social Medias Connect是什么

2023-01-02 10:06:171


每年年底,ICS电视台都会在拍摄的厨师中评选出本年度“最佳厨师奖”,主办方是ICS,大酒店和新浪网(被誉为中国最具影响力的网站)。除了这个奖项以外,我们还将给在我们节目中表现出独特厨艺天赋的厨师其他奖项。这次活动的评委和组委会成员分别是:厨艺节目主持人,电视编导,饭店工作人员。他们将全程进行评判,观众和读者朋友可以通过ICS,Grand 饭店和新浪网进行投票。投票启动日期为8月1日。 出席这次颁奖盛典的有:60位上海国际性饭店的总经理和一些来自于三亚,北京,苏州和杭州,F&B的饭店董事 以及餐饮部主管。前50强跨国公司的总经理。上海领事和政府官员。
2023-01-02 10:06:233


这事发生在这个网络。中国著名pornstar 3/10A,ShuQi(舒淇)最近曝光许多大型的照片,这是真正使许多中国人们难以置信,我们感到生气,因为她还没有告诉我们她拍这些照片,我们只知道她的电影三AV.if你想知道什么picure,你可以搜索网络,是illegal.come我差你们出去的,这是pornstar卡和阿玛尼的代言人。3/28she写真曝光后在我们身边  网友的评论伤害她,她twee新浪删除所有
2023-01-02 10:06:352


2023-01-02 10:06:443

懂得进! 请问以下预装软件哪款能删除?谢谢!最好再解释一下它们的用途。非常感谢。

如果你的手机是品牌机不应该会出现这种情况阿,可能是你下载了游戏导致的吧,像开心连连消就会在屏幕中间弹出一个广告窗口,一般品牌机不会出这种问题,国产品牌机就更不会了,国产品牌机除了系统必要的应用外,一个预装应用都木有,我有个 至尊宝L82就是,获取不了权限,不能刷机,也没有预装应用
2023-01-02 10:06:561

in medias res是什么意思

in medias res[英][ɪn ˌmi:diæs ˈreɪz][美][ɪnˌmidiəsˈres]adv.<拉>直入本题地,直接交代事件发展过程地; 例句:1.They start "in medias res" and then you have a flashback to the original story.
2023-01-02 10:07:021


@media语法:@mediasMedia{sRules}取值:sMedia: 指定设备名称。sRules: 样式表定义说明:指定样式表规则用于指定的设备类型。此规则无默认值。示例://设置显示器用字体尺寸@mediascreen{BODY{font-size:12pt;}}//设置打印机用字体尺寸@mediaprint{@import"print.css"BODY{font-size:8pt;}}
2023-01-02 10:07:081

in medias res手法

in medias res:拦腰法,点亮“事物的中间”。拦腰法是文学与艺术的叙事手法,故事从某个中间点开始阐述,而不是从最初(参见ab ovo、ab initio)。拦腰法叙事令故事随着戏剧性的行动开始,而非依序陈列角色与情景。In medias res(古典拉丁语:[m mdias res])意为在事件中、从中间开始。拦腰法为了填补背景故事,经常必须伴随使用倒叙和跳叙以解说早前的事件、纠葛、登场人物、故事背景。最常见的情况,就是主轴故事的前传、外传、衍生。随着可能的起源口头传统,开始了故事的叙事手法拦腰法是一种风格约定史诗,在西方文学的典范作为伊利亚特和奥德赛(既公元前7世纪),由荷马。同样,《摩诃婆罗多》(公元前 8 世纪 – 公元 4 世纪)在媒体资源中开放。在古典时代的诗人维吉尔(普布利乌斯Vergilius马罗,公元前70-19)继续在这种文学的叙事手法埃涅伊特,这是模仿罗马文学传统的一部分荷马。从媒体资源开始的后期作品包括故事“水手辛巴达”和“一千零一夜”(约 9 世纪)中的“三个苹果”。相关作品例如荷马的《奥德赛》,读者先从奥德修斯被关押在卡里普索的岛上了解他的旅程,然后在第6集与第7集发现早于叙事当下的更大部分旅程。此外诸如葡萄牙文学《卢济塔尼亚人之歌》、德语文学《尼伯龙根之歌》、印度文学《摩诃婆罗多》、芬兰文学《卡勒瓦拉》都是以拦腰法开始。维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》仿效荷马创作,其后有托尔夸托·塔索的《耶路撒冷的解放》、约翰·密尔顿的《失乐园》、但丁的《神曲》地狱篇。
2023-01-02 10:07:131

请帮我详细解释一下 chronological order和in medias res

两个都是叙述故事的一种方法chronological order 是按正常顺序来的 比如从开始到结束 从头到尾但是in medias res是从故事的中间或者结尾开始的 有时就像主人公在回忆某件事情
2023-01-02 10:07:261

周杰伦最新专集歌名 全点

2023-01-02 10:07:314


安装360浏览器,用360浏览器打开网页,按住Alt键不放的同时,鼠标左键单击您在网页上想要下载的东西,它将被自动保存在360浏览器的安装路径下,比如:C:Program Files360360se3Medias。这样更直截了当,还省得去搜索寻找!
2023-01-02 10:07:466

mediascoder for iphone输出路径找不到文件

2023-01-02 10:08:083


4.26天津个唱(可能首唱最新的奥运歌曲) <<大灌蓝>>上映新歌:周大侠
2023-01-02 10:08:192

求iLike就业SolidWorks 2010中文版多功能教材的视频,那个打不开,下不了视频?

2023-01-02 10:08:282


2023-01-02 10:08:365

发现一个 msmms.sys 的文件,是病毒吗?怎么处理? 看看这个吧 这个是已经解决的 自己参考一下了 或者你用 360安全卫士 看看
2023-01-02 10:09:203

media abuse their power辩论

2023-01-02 10:09:472

social medias用哪个介词

2023-01-02 10:09:562

do you have any other social medias?

2023-01-02 10:10:041


Language Research of Interview Program Abstract: thanks to the advantages of being closest with life and participated in widely and deeply, convenience for proframing and low cost and so on, interview program is accepted for more and more media and audience. However, we must recognize clearly that the applicability of program has no direct relationship with its quality. In this paper, The needed diathesis and language style for an eligible compere of interview program would be discussed, starting with its own characterof interivew program. First, interview program would be defined strictly. Its causes and social background would also be discussed in this paper. Second, the core function of compere in interview program would be discussed in this paper. Third, The needed diathesis for compere of interview program would be disscussed from four aspects in this paper. At last, Some questions should be noticed for compere in interview program would be disscussed from four aspects in this paper. Key word: interview program, language research, compere diathesis
2023-01-02 10:10:103


2023-01-02 10:10:232

周杰伦的专辑中所有歌的视频地址只要地址不要视频网 要有声音加录象的
2023-01-02 10:10:323


再写一个方法 不就行了嘛这2个事件调用这个方法
2023-01-02 10:10:433


Skill butterfly knitting Ltd. beginning builds Yi Xing City on 1988, shore capital of earthenware of being located in Taihu Lake Yi Xing City, from Shanghai harbor only have two hours of distance travelled. The it"s main products- fad net socks series accounts for 30% of marketplace in the homeland net socks. By unremitting efforts in 20,the skill butterfly already grows up for the type enterprise producing maximal special field of mesh jacquard weave molding clothes and ornaments fabric in the homeland outlet now. Annual output of 5 million Fus of short gloves, the long 3 million pair of tube socks , sock are linked with 35 million panty-hoses 3 million pair, the scarf 3,500,000 drapes 2 million carpet , 1 million pieces of underwears. Net socks is popular in international market for many years , become the plain vegetable that female fad indicates, the same kind of famous brand of international product, the female has been pursued a handful by in the homeland , has been formed the ample marketplace from this. Be that the need skill butterfly satisfying fellow countrymen concentrates efforts on the image opening up home market , attaching importance to enterprise, the force invites a star to replace a word , put high cost medium advertisement into energetically. The skill butterfly owns the most advanced loom of in the world equipment , special field technology in the lead , fashion fad design , the company takes the new product inkstone hair seriously and extremely , the inkstone having formed one pole tax competing for strength sends out a team , FOAK being able to be that the customer provides different personalization serves. Join managing insisting that "quality first , credit are supreme " purpose, makes us base self on sure ground in fierce home and abroad competition. The general manager of company stores flat zeal of country up welcoming home and abroad old and new travelling merchant presence guiding , talks over a cooperation, the company is ready to cooperate with all walks of life friend absolute sincerity , opening up home market advance together , common hand in hand.
2023-01-02 10:10:552


虚幻勇士原名:至net奇兵 陈迪原名:阿奇 李奇原名:治狼 尤慧子原名:尤美 任杰原名:杰理明 董美娃原名:阿烈达
2023-01-02 10:11:042


1.1 Party B shall keep all confidential information in strictest confidentialityand not use the confidential information for any purpose other than transactions dealing with Party A and/or its affiliates. Without the prior written consent of Party A and its affiliates, Party B shall not disclose confidential information to any third party, or use the trade secret through reverse engineering; Party B shall not make copies of confidential information except as reasonably necessary for the transaction.1.2 Party B"s confidentiality obligations under this Agreement shall include keeping confidential information outside any computer, database or other electronic data or information storage medium, unless such computer, database or other electronic data or information storage medium is under Party B"s exclusive control. 1.3 No confidential information shall be recorded or reflected in any meeting minutes of Party B"s Board of Directors or officially appointed Committee. 1.4 Except as otherwise provided in Article 2.5 below, without the prior written consent of Party A and its affiliates, Party B shall not disclose any confidential information to anyone or to the public by means of announcement, presentation, display, disclosure, sale, etc, or any fact that the Parties are negotiating on the transaction, or any agreement or arrangement between the Parties relating to the transaction.
2023-01-02 10:11:134


看了楼上几位的“机译”,基本都一样,只有少数人略微有点点改动。为了避免LZ受误导,我来翻一下吧。 Abstract: "Celebration of New Year" is a word of time concept. In the old days, there was a tradition in opera circle that many famous stars would certainly have gathering at the end of a year to bring forward a great show. As to film, there is also an expression of New Year Movie. The content of New Year Movie is normally not based on the theme of reality, but on the theme of those with extreme imagination or legend. In consideration of the festive atmosphere, the pattern of New Year Movie is mainly happy and auspicious. There are always a lot of shining stars in these New Year Movies. The concept of New Year Movie in China originally must come from Hongkong.The concept of New Year Movie in Mainland appeared in 1993 for the first time. Feng Xiaogang"s film has created a precedent for Chinese own New Year Movie. Judging from the New Year Movies shown in 2008, the New Year Movie has not yet broken away from the traditional structure that the blockbusters plays the main role and the low cost comedies acts as supplement. If New Year Movies are expected, under the present social and cultural background that various medias are competing with each others, to become popular or even to keep a foothold for a long time, it is then required that in the narrative style and art positioning they must deeply tally with the traditonal style and cultural orientation of the public literary and artistic appreciation. If New Year Movies and Teleplays are expected to attract more attention, it also rests with that if there are both modern elements and conservative features in their narrative approach.As far as New Year Movies are concerned, it is required that the play and the citizen"s thinking should be united, all opportunities should be taken and utmost efforts be made to develop such movies, production level should be upgraded and sales should be promoted. It is also required to solve the problems how to attract the audience to the cinema and how to open the market especially the overseas.Key words: New Year Celebration, Jakie Chen, Feng Xiaogang, comedy, public literary and artistic appreciation, traditional style, market driving force, opportunities, production level, marketing and sales
2023-01-02 10:11:326


Language is the human use of a primary means of communication with each other. Although the language can be used to write text into other media such as, but mainly by word of mouth. If you can not use verbal means of communication, you can use visual means, such as sign language. A striking feature of the language is the language of symbols and the relationship between the meaning of language is arbitrary. Language can be used to discuss a wide variety of topics, this feature makes the language to distinguish between animal communication.
2023-01-02 10:11:544


Nowadays fewer and fewer people like reading.Some data may indicate in 1999 there was 60 percent choose reading but in 2001 only 52%.The cause of this for many reasons.Now some middle-aged people say that they do not have time to read and the young people say that they are not accustomed to read books.However some people say that they can not afford to buy the books so they like reading online In fact,more and more people would like to reading online.1999 was 3.7% in 2003 has been increased to 18.3%.the reason people choose reading online is convenient and it can save money.At the last i believe the books also have the value.No matter there are more medias can broaden people"s vision such as TV,Internet,etc.but the people who read books will not really reduced .After all,the book is a form of material existence on this earth,rather than virtual form.目前读书的人越来越少.1999年为60%,2001年只有52%.造成这个原因是多方面的.现在的人为什么不读书 中年人说没时间,青年人说不习惯.还有的人说买不起书相反网上阅读的人越来越多.1999年是之3.7%,2003年已经有18.3%.我相信书还是会体现它的价值,现在的电视,互联网等等多媒体的发展使人们的视野更宽广,更快捷,所以现在看书的人就少了,当然,就算如此,看书的人还是不会真的减少的.必竟书本是以一种以物质的形态存在于这个世上的,而不是以虚拟的形态,
2023-01-02 10:12:081


网络游戏发展史 在今年5月的GDC 2002(游戏开发者大会)上,有一场关于网络游戏的研讨会,与会者包括《网络创世纪》、《无尽的任务》、《亚瑟王的暗黑时代》、《天堂》、《模拟人生在线》和《星球大战:星系》等热门网络游戏,以及Xbox Live等游戏机网络平台的项目负责人,研讨会的主题为“Building a Third Generation, Online Persistent World”(创造第三代网络游戏)。第三代网络游戏究竟是怎样的?前两代网络游戏分别是如何划定的?三代网络游戏之间的界定标准又是什么?这次研讨会并没有给我们一个明确的答案。一般的观点是把《网络创世纪》(Ultima Online)视为网络游戏的奠基者,把2D画面为主或2D/3D画面混用的网络游戏统称为“第一代网络游戏”,把即将在国内推出的《无尽的任务》(EverQuest)和《命运》(W.Y.D)等全3D大作视为“第二代网络游戏”。而“第三代网络游戏”的定义目前尚无定论,但我们从今年以来的发展趋势可以看出,第三代网络游戏更倾向于甩开那些用以衡量单机游戏的传统标准,如视听、操作性和游戏性等,甚至甩掉“游戏”这个字眼,而把自己定位在虚拟社区之上。换句话说,第三代网络游戏的精髓在于它的社会系统,游戏设计师所扮演的实际上更多的是社区设计师而非游戏设计师的角色。在具体的表现手法上,第三代网络游戏并无统一模式,例如《模拟人生在线》(The Sims Online)强调虚拟的社交体验,而《绝密档案》(Majestic)则强调交互方式的多样化。然而这种划分方法的不足之处也很明显,一是缺乏统一的标准,前两代以游戏的画面为分界,而后两代则以游戏的内容为分界;二是所用标准不具备独占性,按画面进行划分对于网络游戏来说并无太大的实际意义,若以内容进行划分,则至今仍无人能出《网络创世纪》之左右。实际上,如果我们把视线拉远一些的话,就会发现,从《网络创世纪》,更准确地说,从1996年发布的《子午线59》(Meridian 59)开始直到现在,我们始终是在同一层面上徘徊,人为地将这短短的六年时间划为三代,难免有些牵强。更重要的是,这种划分方法完全忽略了那些曾为网络游戏的普及和发展作出贡献的开拓者,仿佛整个网络游戏业是在1997年夏天突然跳出来的。无庸置疑,《网络创世纪》的成功是网络游戏发展史上的一道重要的分水岭,但我们并不能因此而无视此前出现的一切,任何事物的质变都需要经历一个漫长的量变过程。一、第一代网络游戏:1969年至1977年 背景:由于当时的计算机硬件和软件尚无统一的技术标准,因此第一代网络游戏的平台、操作系统和语言各不相同。它们大多为试验品,运行在高等院校的大型主机上,如美国的麻省理工学院、弗吉尼亚大学,以及英国的埃塞克斯大学。游戏特征:1、非持续性,机器重启后游戏的相关信息即会丢失,因此无法模拟一个持续发展的世界;2、游戏只能在同一服务器/终端机系统内部执行,无法跨系统运行。商业模式:免费。第一款真正意义上的网络游戏可追溯到1969年,当时瑞克·布罗米为PLATO(Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations)系统编写了一款名为《太空大战》(SpaceWar)的游戏,游戏以八年前诞生于麻省理工学院的第一款电脑游戏《太空大战》为蓝本,不同之处在于,它可支持两人远程连线。PLATO是历史上最为悠久也是最著名的一套远程教学系统,由美国伊利诺斯州厄本姆的伊利诺斯大学开发于上世纪60年代末,其主要功用是为不同教育程度的学生提供高质量的远程教育,它具有庞大的课程程序库,可同时开设数百门课,可以记录下每一位学生的学习进度。PLATO还是第一套分时共享系统,它运行于一台大型主机而非微型计算机上,因此具有更强的处理能力和存储能力,这使得它所能支持的同时在线人数大大增加。1972年,PLATO的同时在线人数已达到1000多名。那些年里,PLATO平台上出现了各种不同类型的游戏,其中一小部分是供学生自娱自乐的单机游戏,而最为流行的则是可在多台远程终端机之间进行的联机游戏,这些联机游戏即是网络游戏的雏形。尽管游戏只是PLATO的附属功能,但共享内存区、标准化终端、高端图像处理能力和中央处理能力、迅速的反应能力等特点令PLATO能够出色地支持网络游戏的运行,因此在随后的几年内,PLATO成了早期网络游戏的温床。PLATO系统上最流行的游戏是《圣者》(Avatar)和《帝国》(Empire),前者是一款“龙与地下城”设定的网络游戏,后者是一款以“星际迷航”为背景的网络游戏。这些游戏绝大多数是程序员利用业余时间编写并免费发布的,他们只是希望自己的游戏能获得大家的认可。当然,也有一些开发者通过自己的游戏获得了收入,但通常每小时只有几美分,并且还得在若干作者之间进行分配。PLATO在游戏圈内并未获得其应有的荣誉和地位,但这并不能抹杀它对网络游戏以及整个游戏产业所做出的贡献。PLATO上的不少游戏日后都被改编为了游戏机游戏和PC游戏,例如《空中缠斗》(Airfight)的作者在原游戏的基础上开发了《飞行模拟》(Flight Simulator),80年代初,这款游戏被微软收购并改名为《微软飞行模拟》,成为飞行模拟类游戏中最畅销的一个系列。1974年推出的《帝国》是第一款允许32人同时在线的游戏,这一联机游戏模式成为现代即时策略游戏的标准模式。1975年发布的《奥布里特》(Oubliette)是一款地牢类游戏,大名鼎鼎的角色扮演游戏《巫术》(Wizardry)系列即源于此。有趣的是,1969年也正是ARPAnet(Advance Research Projects Agency Network)诞生的年份。大家知道,ARPAnet是美国国防部高级研究计划署研制的世界上首个包交换网络,它的成功直接促成了互联网以及传输控制协议(即TCP/IP)的诞生。二、第二代网络游戏:1978年至1995年 背景:一些专业的游戏开发商和发行商开始涉足网络游戏,如Activision、Interplay、Sierra Online、Stormfront Studios、Virgin Interactive、SSI和TSR等,都曾在这一阶段试探性地进入过这一新兴产业,它们与GEnie、Prodigy、AOL和CompuServe等运营商合作,推出了第一批具有普及意义的网络游戏。游戏特征:1、网络游戏出现了“可持续性”的概念,玩家所扮演的角色可以成年累月地在同一世界内不断发展,而不像PLATO上的游戏那样,只能在其中扮演一个匆匆过客。2、游戏可以跨系统运行,只要玩家拥有电脑和调制解调器,且硬件兼容,就能连入当时的任何一款网络游戏。商业模式:网络游戏市场的迅速膨胀刺激了网络服务业的发展,网络游戏开始进入收费时代,许多消费者都愿意支付高昂的费用来玩网络游戏。从《凯斯迈之岛》的每小时12美元到GEnie的每小时6美元,第二代网络游戏的主流计费方式是按小时计费,尽管也有过包月计费的特例,但未能形成气候。1978年在英国的埃塞克斯大学,罗伊·特鲁布肖用DEC-10编写了世界上第一款MUD游戏——“MUD1”,这是一个纯文字的多人世界,拥有20个相互连接的房间和10条指令,用户登录后可以通过数据库进行人机交互,或通过聊天系统与其他玩家交流。特鲁布肖离开埃塞克斯大学后,把维护MUD1的工作转交给了理查德·巴特尔,巴特尔利用特鲁布肖开发的MUD专用语言——“MUDDL”继续改进游戏,他把房间的数量增加到400个,进一步完善了数据库和聊天系统,增加了更多的任务,并为每一位玩家制作了计分程序。1980年埃塞克斯大学与ARPAnet相连后,来自国外的玩家大幅增加,吞噬了大量系统资源,致使校方不得不限制用户的登录时间,以减少DEC-10的负荷。80年代初,巴特尔出于共享和交流的目的,把MUD1的源代码和盘托出供同事及其它大学的研究人员参考,于是这套源代码就被流传了出去。到1983年末,ARPAnet上已经出现了数百份非法拷贝,MUD1在全球各地迅速流传开来,并出现了许多新的版本。如今,这套最古老的MUD系统已被授权给美国最大的在线信息服务机构之一——CompuServe公司,易名为“不列颠传奇”,至今仍在运行之中,成为运作时间最长的MUD系统。MUD1是第一款真正意义上的实时多人交互网络游戏,它可以保证整个虚拟世界的持续发展。尽管这套系统每天都会重启若干次,但重启后游戏中的场景、怪物和谜题仍保持不变,这使得玩家所扮演的角色可以获得持续的发展。MUD1的另一重要特征是,它可以在全世界任何一台PDP-10计算机上运行,而不局限于埃塞克斯大学的内部系统。1982年,约翰·泰勒和凯尔顿·弗林组建Kesmai公司,这家公司在网络游戏的发展史上留下了不少具有纪念意义的作品。Kesmai公司的第一份合约是与CompuServe签订的,当时约翰·泰勒看见了CompuServe打出的一则名为“太空战士”(MegaWars)的广告——“如果你能编写一款这样的游戏,你就能获得每月3万美元的版税金”,他便把同凯尔顿·弗林一起开发的《凯斯迈之岛》(The Island of Kesmai)的使用手册寄了一份给当时在CompuServe负责游戏业务的比尔·洛登,洛登对此很感兴趣。《凯斯迈之岛》的运行平台为UNIX系统,而CompuServe使用的是DEC-20计算机,于是Kesmai公司重新为CompuServe开发了一个DEC-20的版本。这款游戏运营了大约13年,1984年开始正式收费,收费标准为每小时12美元。同年,MUD1也在英国的Compunet上推出了第一个商业版本。1984年,马克·雅克布斯组建AUSI公司(《亚瑟王的暗黑时代》的开发者Mythic娱乐公司的前身),并推出游戏《阿拉达特》(Aradath)。雅克布斯在自己家里搭建了一个服务器平台,安装了8条电话线以运行这款文字角色扮演游戏,游戏的收费标准为每月40美元,这是网络游戏史上第一款采用包月制的网络游戏,包月制的收费方式有利于加速网络游戏的平民化进程,对网络游戏的普及将起到重要作用。遗憾的是,包月制在当时并没有成长起来的条件,1990年AUSI公司为《龙门》(Dragon"s Gate)定的价格为每小时20美元,尽管费率高得惊人,但仍有人愿意每月花上2000多美元去玩这款游戏,因此在80年代末90年代初,包月制并未引起人们的关注。1985年,比尔·洛登说服通用电气公司(GE)的信息服务部门投资建立了一个类似CompuServe的、商业化的、基于ASCII文本的网络服务平台,这套平台被称为GEnie(GE Network for Information Exchange)。GEnie于10月份正式启动,其低廉的收费标准在用户中间引起了巨大反响,也令一向有着强烈优越感的CompuServe感受到了竞争的压力。GEnie系统实际上是利用GE信息服务部门的服务器在夜晚的空闲时间为用户提供服务,因此收费非常低廉,晚上的价格约为每小时6美元,几乎是CompuServe的一半。同年11月,Quantum Computer Services(AOL的前身)毫无声息地推出了QuantumLink平台,这是一个专为Commandore 64/128游戏机玩家服务的图形网络平台,费率仅为每月9.95美元。这一收费标准完全可以成为网络游戏发展史上的一个重要里程碑,但由于当时的Commandore 64/128游戏机已步入衰退期,因此这项具有革命意义的收费标准如同雅克布斯的“家庭作坊”一样,未能引起人们的重视,否则网络游戏的革命很可能会提前来到。无论如何,更多运营商的介入令网络服务业的竞争激烈了起来,费率的下调已成必然趋势。这一阶段的美国网络游戏业如同现阶段国内的网络游戏业,运营商与游戏商在网络游戏身上大赚了一笔。1988年,Quantum从TSR手中购得“龙与地下城”的授权,三年后,第一款AD&D设定的网络游戏——《夜在绝冬城》(Neverwinter Nights)诞生,这款游戏运营了若干年,尽管所采用的图像技术陈旧不堪,但仅在它生命周期的最后一年,即1996年,它就为AOL带来了500万美元的收益。1991年,Sierra公司架设了世界上第一个专门用于网络游戏的服务平台——The Sierra Network(后改名为ImagiNation Network,1996年被AOL收购),这个平台有点类似于国内的联众游戏,它的第一个版本主要用于运行棋牌游戏(当时的比尔·盖茨是一名狂热的桥牌手,在Sierra Network上拥有自己的账号,且常常光顾),第二个版本加入了《叶塞伯斯的阴影》(The Shadow of Yserbius)、《红色伯爵》(Red Baron)和《幻想空间》(Leisure Suit Larry Vegas)等功能更为复杂的网络游戏。当时Sierra Network的运营者还曾同理查德·加利奥特联系,希望把开发中的《网络创世纪》搬到Sierra Network上。随后几年内,MPG-Net、TEN、Engage和Mplayer等一批网络游戏专用平台相继出现。三、第三代网络游戏:1996年至今 背景:越来越多的专业游戏开发商和发行商介入网络游戏,一个规模庞大、分工明确的产业生态环境最终形成。人们开始认真思考网络游戏的设计方法和经营方法,希望归纳出一套系统的理论基础,这是长久以来所一直缺乏的。游戏特征:“大型网络游戏”(MMOG)的概念浮出水面,网络游戏不再依托于单一的服务商和服务平台而存在,而是直接接入互联网,在全球范围内形成了一个大一统的市场。商业模式:包月制被广泛接受,成为主流的计费方式,从而把网络游戏带入了大众市场。第三代网络游戏始于1996年秋季《子午线59》的发布,这款游戏由Archetype公司独立开发。Archetype公司的创建者为克姆斯兄弟,即将发售的《模拟人生在线》的设计师迈克·塞勒斯和已被取消的《网络创世纪2》的设计师戴蒙·舒伯特都曾在这家公司工作过。《子午线59》本应是一款划时代的作品,可惜发行商3DO公司在决策过程中出现了重大失误,在游戏的定价问题上举棋不定,面对《网络创世纪》这样强大的竞争对手,先机尽失,“第一网络游戏”的头衔终被《网络创世纪》夺走。《网络创世纪》于1997年正式推出,用户人数很快即突破10万大关。《子午线59》和《网络创世纪》均采用了包月的付费方式,而此前的网络游戏绝大多数均是按小时或分钟计费(收费前通常会有一段时间的免费使用期)。采用包月制后,游戏运营商的首要经营目标已不再是放在如何让玩家在游戏里付出更多的时间上,而是放在了如何保持并扩大游戏的用户群上。与目前国内众多网络游戏“捞一票即走”的心态相比,月卡、季度卡和年卡等付费方式无疑更有利于网络游戏的长远发展,尽管从眼前来看,或许会失去部分经济利益。《网络创世纪》的成功加速了网络游戏产业链的形成,随着互联网的普及以及越来越多的专业游戏公司的介入,网络游戏的市场规模迅速膨胀起来。这其中既有《无尽的任务》、《天堂》、《艾莎隆的召唤》和《亚瑟王的暗黑时代》的成功,也有《网络创世纪2》、《银河私掠者在线》和《龙与地下城在线》的被取消。一些传统的单机游戏开发商,如Maxis、Westwood和暴雪等,也依托自己的品牌实力加入进来,《模拟人生在线》、《远离地球》、《星球大战:星系》和《魔兽世界》等都是期待度很高的作品,而更重要的则是一批中小开发商的涌现,它们在为网络游戏市场创造更丰富、更多样化的内容的同时,也为整个游戏业带来了不安定的泡沫因素。从游戏本身来看,第三代网络游戏这六年来更多的是在进化而没有任何质的飞跃,这种进化更多的是体现在技术和横向层面的拓宽上,而未能向前突破。大家也许都有这种感觉,尽管许多网络游戏的技术水准有了大幅的提高,但其游戏性却停滞不前甚至有所倒退,《网络创世纪》所取得的里程碑式的成就至今没有人能够超越。在这种情况下,网络游戏市场的高速膨胀反倒让人觉得有些反常。前面提到,在今年5月的GDC 2002上曾经举办了一场以“第三代网络游戏”为主题的研讨会,然而与会者却并未对“第三代网络游戏”的定义加以明确界定。在笔者看来,这一称谓实际只是一种虚指而已,从会上所讨论的内容来看,更多的是对如何改进当前这一代网络游戏的建议,而没有任何革命的征兆。毕竟,这一代网络游戏只存在了短短的六年时间,甚至尚未步入成熟,又何谈革命?尽管如此,这场研讨会还是给人以不少有益的启发,下面的这两个问题将成为今后几年内网络游戏亟待解决的课题:1、如何在保证网络世界的有序性的前提下,赋予玩家以更多的自由和权力?众所周知,一个封闭的小环境可以由玩家实现自律,而一个数万人的大环境根本不可能形成有效的自律。于是有人提出了创建一个“迪斯尼乐园”式的虚拟世界,这是一个拥有严格的游戏规则、受到严格控制的游戏环境,玩家只能在游戏中根据既定的规则去玩、去交流,而不能对这个世界做什么改变。但这一想法与网络游戏所具有的开放性和交互性相违背,很多设计师认为未来的网络游戏应该允许玩家自己动手创建,创建能够永久保存下来的个性化的物品或是能对游戏世界产生有意义的影响的内容,这是提高玩家忠诚度的最佳途径。不过由此带来的问题也很明显,例如玩家会不会利用手中的权力生产出大量垃圾,会不会引发新的作弊手段等等。控制和放权是件两难的事。如何在受控制的环境下赋予玩家更多的创造力?这是未来网络游戏需要面对的最重要的一个课题。2、如何尽可能地扩大网络游戏的目标消费群?从游戏本身来看,一方面应尽量降低操作的复杂度,另一方面应通过内容上的设计,让每月玩20个小时的玩家也能在游戏中体验到与每月玩200个小时的玩家相当的乐趣。这就需要赋予玩家以更多的创造力和归属感,例如鼓励玩家之间组成更紧密的群体、社区或国家。从游戏外部来看,一方面应尽可能为玩家提供更为方便的购买、付费和接入方式,另一方面必须为玩家提供更稳定的服务。与单机游戏不同,网络游戏出售的是一种服务而非产品,90%的工作量实际上是在游戏上市后才发生的,因此服务质量的优劣对于网络游戏的生存和发展可谓至关重要。
2023-01-02 10:12:178


2023-01-02 10:12:476

Are We More Connected or More Alone写英语作文一篇

200字也叫essay?200字都不够写个introduction的,我看人家引入都要100字呢。Technology provides us with more convience than ever before. We can shop online, talk online, read online, and we can also do things like go on facebook or instagram and "like" each other, which is something that we cannot do before, but there are negative sides of technology and social medias.The negative affect of technologies and social medias is that is, like Dr. Turkle said, "We are getting used to a new way of being alone together". Faces are now behind screens, heads are lowered on the street, and people across the dinner table are typing to communicate. There have been reports about car accidents because the person was not paying attention to the traffic light. This is all negative sides of technologies.Another problem with social medias and the internet is that the user does not know who is behind the other screen. This leads to fraud and tricks, which we can sometimes see on the news about people"s bank account lossing money. Sometimes you could think that you are talking to an eight years old girl but actually, it is a fifty years old man that you are talking to, which is not something people want because there are certain information that you can tell a eight years old child but not a fifty years old man.The third problem with social medias and internet is that looking at the computer screen for too long is not good for people"s eye sight. (这里自己找一个关于近年来人们平均视力下降的例子)Even though the positive side of technologies, internet, and social medias are very clear, the negative sides are also obvious. People who are in the same room are not looking up, people are lossing money from their bank account, which is supposed to be safe, and people"s eye sight is getting worst.共320字,第2,3,4段里选一个删了吧,这道题我回答过三次,一摸一样
2023-01-02 10:13:411

有一首歌 歌词有句是 我想要飞 飞到你的身旁 一个男的唱的 这歌叫什么名啊

<亲爱的来电话>亲爱的你可知我有多么思念你我想飞到你的身边去我不能没有你片刻也不行哪怕只能听到你的声音亲爱的你可知我守候着每个电话多想看到是你的号码从清晨到黄昏从长夜到黎明你终于来电话K铃制造 这个地址可以下载!!对么?希望能帮到你……
2023-01-02 10:13:472


2023-01-02 10:13:553


belize是什么啊?Belize[be5li:z]n.伯利兹城(洪都拉斯首都)是不是啊?==================================Belize City is situated on the east coast and is the travel hub of the country. Belize City is filled with history and has some interesting sights to explore. One highlight is the only manual swing bridge in the world and is still being swung daily. Belize City is also the starting point visit the many attractions of the hardly known country., for exampl, the relaxing Placencia, the adventurous Cockscomb Basin, the only Jaguar Reserve in the country to the mysterious archaeological sites such as Caracol and Xunantunich and the interesting Mountain Pine Ridge area. With the country of Belize being divided into six (6) districts, you will find it easy to plan your visit by looking at the following nine (9) tourist destination sites which are broken down according to region.LOCATION & MAPS Belize is located in the Northern Hemisphere, within Central America. Belize is bounded on the North by Mexico, South and West by Guatemala, and the beautiful Caribbean Sea washes its 174 mile coastline to the East.Geographically we"re located between 15° 52" 9" and 18° 29" 55" North Latitude, and 87° 28" and 89° 13" 67" West Longitude with an area of 8,866 sq. miles including 266 sq. miles of islands.Fort Street Tourism VillageThe Tourism Village was specifically designed to cater to cruise ship passengers wishing to experience a bit of Belize on a day visit. Comprised of three terminals and three courtyards containing over fifty stores and businesses, visitors can enjoy both air-conditioned facilities and fresh tropical breezes throughout the seafront complex. Plenty of restaurants and snack shops accompany live entertainment on cruise ship days, while an internet cafe keeps passengers connected and banks ensure that adequate funds are readily available. The many shops offer a wide variety of Belizean arts and crafts, clothing, jewelry, and duty-free goodsMuseum of BelizeBuilt as a colonial prison in the mid 1800s, this two-story brick building on Gabourel Lane has a permanent exhibit of ancient Maya pottery as well as displays on the history of Belize City and Belize"s rich Maya history. To learn more about the Museum of Belize Click Here Baron Bliss Lighthouse MonumentThe Lighthouse monument at Fort George Point towers over the harbor entrance. This was built from money donated to the country by Belize"s greatest benefactor Baron Bliss, the 5th baron of Portugal. At his request, he was entombed in front of the lighthouse, which he designed himself prior to his death.House of Culture The Government House (now the House of Culture Museum in Belize City) was used as an administrative office and living quarters for the governors of Belize. This was built in early 1800s with a combination of Caribbean Vernacular and English Urban architecture. There are currently three Houses of Culture in Belize that promote community participation in the arts as well as provide a venue for concerts and exhibitions.Belize City - House of Culture/Government House Orange Walk Town - Banquitas House of Culture Benque Viejo del Carmen - Benque House of Culture at the former police station To learn more about the House of Culture Click Here St. John"s CathedralSt John"s Cathedral is located at the south end of Albert Street. This Cathedral is the oldest building in Belize as well as the oldest Anglican Church in Central America. Slaves built St John"s Cathedral in the 1800"s from bricks brought to Belize as ballast in the hulls of ships sailing from Europe. After the church was completed, it became the site for coronation of several Indian Kings of the Mosquito Coast.Image FactoryLocated just a few hundred yards up the Belize River from the Tourism Village, the Image Factory is an art gallery that showcases contemporary artwork in a variety of medias. A well stocked gift shop sells books, postcards, prints, cds, original artwork, and other art-related items.Marine Terminal and Maritime MuseumLocated on the Belize River, on the north end of the Swing Bridge, the Maritime Museum introduces visitors to a history of Belize"s fishing and boat building industries. The Marine Terminal is the transportation hub for boats going to and from the cayes. National Handicraft CenterThe National Handicraft Center, near Memorial Park supports local artisans from around the country offering an excellent variety of items. National Archives and City LibraryHome to a showcase of Belizean history and literature, the National Archives and City Library is located near the Swing Bridge. Bliss Institute for the Performing ArtsEvents take place at the Bliss Institute for the Performing Arts regularly. Home to a wide collection of artwork by Belizean artists and to the Belize Arts Council, The Bliss Institute serves as the countrys cultural center hosting a variety of events ranging from theater performances, to film festivals, dance troops, and community events.Supreme Court BuildingThe Supreme Court Building was built in 1926 in a classic British colonial style with a dome topped clock tower. This building is on the site where the original courthouse was built in 1818. Swing BridgeConnecting Belize City"s north and south sides, the Swing Bridge is the only functioning manually operated swing bridge in the world. The bridge was built in 1922, and is swung every morning and evening to allow sailboats and other large boats to pass through the river. Commercial CenterThe downtown area along Queen Street and Albert Street is the major commercial center where groceries, clothing, shoes, and crafts can be found. Near the canal zone plenty of fish and fresh seafood available as well as a market with a wide variety of fresh local fruits and vegetables. Yarborough CemeteryAlthough it saw its most recent burial in 1891, the Yarborough Cemetery, Belize"s first public cemetery, still serves as a valuable resource for researchers and curiosity seekers alike looking for a glimpse into the pastOld Belize Cultural and Historical Center and Cucumber BeachLocated just five miles from the center of Belize City, Old Belize is home to a wide range of attractions ranging from an interactive historical tour to a restaurant to Cucumber Beach. To learn more about Old Belize. Click HereGrans FarmGran"s farm is an eco-agro-tourism based daytime establishment located just fourteen miles outside of Belize City that offers a wide variety of entertainment to tourist and locals alike. To learn more about Grans Farm Click Here Marine Parade An ideal setting for a walk between the city and the sea or an early morning jog, the Marine Parade stretches along the north side of the city from the BTL Park all the way past the Princess Hotel and Casino. Southern ForeshoreOn the south side of the Belize River, the Foreshore lines the waterfront from the Bliss Institute south to Birds Isle (a Belize City venue for basketball and local events).
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fit 的意思有:vt. 安装;使……适应;使……合身;与……相符vi. 符合,配合;适合;合身adj. 健康的;合适的;恰当的;准备好的n. 合身;发作;痉挛音标:英 [fɪt]  美 [fɪt] 词组短语fit for something 使胜任某事,使适应(或适合)某事  fit for adj. 适于;适合的,恰当的keep fit 保持(身体)健康fit in 适应,适合;装配好;找时间做fit into vt. 适合,适应;符合扩展资料同近义词1、cooperate英 [kəʊ"ɒpəreɪt]  美 [koʊˈɑːpəreɪt] vi. 合作,配合;协力短语Cooperate Motor 配套电动机 ; 外形尺寸sincerely cooperate 精诚合作 ; 真诚合作Cooperate Medias 合作媒体Cooperate Meetings 企业会议2、fix英 [fɪks]  美 [fɪks] vt. 使固定;修理;安装;准备vi. 固定;注视n. 困境;方位;贿赂词组短语fix on 确定;固定;使集中于in a fix [美国英语]进退两难,处境艰难,陷于困境  fix up 修理;解决;改进;为…作好安排;商妥quick fix 权宜之计fix one"s eyes on 注意;凝视
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姓名:傅明宪  父母:傅奇、石慧  英文名:GIGI  生日:1970-10-13  出生地:上海  现居地:香港  作品:  《忘情阔少爷》  《醉打金枝》  《新神雕侠侣》  《英雄贵姓》  《保护证人组》  《有肥人终成眷属》傅奇、石慧、傅明宪一家                原名傅国梁,祖籍浙江宁波,生於辽宁省渖阳市,著名喜剧演员及导演。         据说石慧与傅奇因合演《蓝花花》相恋,两人於1954年结婚,婚后育有两女一子。幼女傅明宪曾任无线电视艺员,演出过多部电视剧,甚得好评。 傅奇於1978年弃影从商,近年举家移民加拿大。       石慧原名孙慧丽,浙江省吴兴县人,石慧於1951年开始拍电影,第一部作品是《一家春》(1952),是「长城电影制片有限公司」的当家花旦之一,与夏梦及陈思思合称「长城三公主」。1980年以降,石慧淡出幕前,先后出任「长城电影制片有限公司」演员室主任、「华南电影工作者联合会」理事长、中华人民共和国第五届全国人民代表大会代表等多项公职。近年举家移居加拿大。 现在的她都嫁做商人妇了,据说很幸福,^_^
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Stream of consciousnessIn literary criticism, stream of consciousness denotes a literary technique which seeks to describe an individual"s point of view by giving the written equivalent of the character"s thought processes. Stream-of-consciousness writing is strongly associated with the modernist movement. Its introduction in the literary context, transferred from psychology, is attributed to May Sinclair.Stream-of-consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is characterized by associative (and at times dissociative) leaps in syntax and punctuation that can make the prose difficult to follow, tracing as they do a character"s fragmentary thoughts and sensory feelings. Stream of consciousness and interior monologue must be clearly distinguished from dramatic monologue, where the speaker is addressing an audience or a third person, and is used chiefly in poetry or drama. In stream of consciousness, the speaker"s thought processes are more often depicted as overheard (or addressed to oneself) and is primarily a fictional device.The earliest precedent of any literary work using this technique is possibly Ovid"s Metamorphoses in ancient Rome. With its rapid, unconnected association of objects, geometrical shapes and numerology, Sir Thomas Browne"s discourse The Garden of Cyrus (1658) may, upon examination of its text, be considered one of the very earliest examples of stream-of-consciousness writing. Another would be The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne, (1760). Further examples of the development of this style are The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket by Edgar Allan Poe (1837/1838) and Édouard Dujardin"s Les Lauriers sont coupes (1888). Tolstoy used something similar to the stream-of-consciousness technique in Anna Karenina (1877) in the portions leading to the climax; another early example is Arthur Schnitzler"s 1900 short story Leutnant Gustl. Stream of consciousness writing gained rapid prominence in the twentieth century. Some of the works of Gyula Krudy (The Adventures of Sindbad) also employ a technique that can in many respects be considered the fore-runner of stream-of-consciousness. Famous writers to employ this technique in the English language include Virginia Woolf, James Joyce and William Faulkner.A few of the more famous works to employ the technique are:Fyodor Dostoevsky"s Crime and Punishment Marcel Proust"s In Search of Lost Time Dorothy Richardson"s Pilgrimage (1915-28) James Joyce"s Ulysses (in particular Molly Bloom"s soliloquy) Virginia Woolf"s Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and The Waves William Faulkner"s The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying Jack Kerouac"s On the Road J. D. Salinger"s The Catcher in the Rye Robert Anton Wilson"s & Robert Shea"s Illuminatus! Bob Dylan"s song Like A Rolling Stone Allen Ginsberg"s poem Howl Samuel R. Delany"s Dhalgren F. Scott Fitzgerald"s "The Great Gatsby" Brian W. Aldiss" 1969 novel Barefoot in the Head employs a stream of consciousness style as a necessary part of the plot. The leading character, a Serbian named Charteris, wanders through a Europe aerosol-bombed with a persistent chemical agent in a war between Europe and an "Arab coalition". Europeans are consequently on a permanent acid trip and are only able to think in streams of lateral associations of tangential ideas.The technique has also been parodied, notably by David Lodge in the final chapter of The British Museum Is Falling Down.
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