barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-27 01:15:34

吸部首是:口, 这个部首是:3画,除部首外还有3画。


  • 拼音:xī

  • 基本字义

⑴ ㄒㄧˉ

⑵ 从口或鼻把气引入体内:呼~。~气。~烟。

⑶ 引取:~引。~附。

  • 详细注解


⑴ (形声。从口,及声。本义:吸气入体内)

⑵ 同本义 [inhale]



⑶ 又如:吸呼(呼吸);吸留(变滓喘吸的样子);吸风(吸气。道家辟谷养生之术。谓吸食天地之精气;亦作吸西北风。比喻挨饿);吸新吐故(吸进新气,吐出浊气)

⑷ 张开口吸,急饮 [drink]



⑸ 又如:吸食(用嘴吸进[某些食物、毒物等]);吸霞(吸食朝霞。道家用以修炼养生);吸露(吸饮露水。喻高洁)

⑹ 吸取;吸收;摄取 [draw into]


⑺ 又如:吸纳(吸收容纳);吸集(吸收汇集);吸利(搜括钱财)

⑻ 引;吸引 [attract]


⑼ 又如:异性相吸;吸毒石(相传能治毒的药石)

⑽ 通“翕”。聚合[get together]


⑾ 又如:吸逮(气聚集而不绝);吸聚(翕聚,汇聚)

⑿ 亲近 [be intimate]。如:吸习(翕习。附和亲近,习以为常)

⒀ 动 [move]。如:吸吸(摇动或移动的样子);吸淋淋(摇动的样子)





[vacuum cleaner;dust catcher (collector)] 清除地毯、墙壁、床面等处的灰尘或其他外来物质的机器。



[addiction;drug addiction (taking)] 指吸食鸦片、海洛因、可卡因、大麻、吗啡等毒品。



[adsorption] 物质的吸着现象。借气体、被溶解物质或液体分子的物理或化学力被与之接触的固体或液体表面所拉住或吸引住。



[pipette;pipet;bronchus;respiratory tract;sucking tube] 各种安有橡皮球囊的玻璃管装置,用于转移、量取或吸收液体(如在化学操作中)。



[accretion] 指星际物质互相吸引、积成一团的现象。



[drink up] 以类似流体被饮干那样的方式吸收(无形的东西)或使消失。




[inspire] 用呼吸的方法吸入。




[sucker mouth] 燕麦的种子脱落后留下的椭圆形小窝。



[suction;attraction] 引力,特指磁体的吸引力。



[occlude] 吸引并保留(一种物质)在其内部,而不是停留在其表面上



[intalce enfrance(epiglottis)] 七冲门之一。指会厌。会厌是掩盖气管的器官,也是呼吸纳气的枢纽,故称



[admit] 吸收,接纳




[sucker;sucking disc] 动物的一种器官,用以粘附或抓住一物,其形状是最简单的软垫或盘,并略呈凹形,如靠拢一物,即能因空气压力作用而粘附



⑴ [absorb]∶用不同方法吸收

⑵ [drink]∶采用,采取;得到




[absorption of heat] 热的吸收



⑴ [suction]∶用嘴和唇的动作从人或兽的乳房吮吸乳汁的过程

⑵ [inspiroation]∶特指把空气吸入肺里



[sound absorption] 声的吸收



[moisture absorption] 对水份或湿气的吸收



[suck;take in] 把气体或液体吸进嘴里(如食物、毒品等)



⑴ [absorb]

⑵ 物体把外界物质吸到内部


⑶ 物体使某些现象、作用减弱或消失


⑷ 摄取




[absorb;suckle] 面颊、唇周肌肉收缩,造成口腔负真空,吸入饮料或流食




[lodestone;magnet] 见“磁铁”



[bloodsucker;leech;vampire;blood-sucking vermin] 榨取他人血汗、劫取他人钱财、思想或者其他资源的人



[smoke] 用烟斗、雪茄或烟卷吸入和呼出烟叶或类似烟叶的东西的烟气



⑴ [breaths]

⑵ 吸取氧气

⑶ 在机器工作时吸入并消耗(氧气)——尤用于发动机



[absorb] 转变(辐射能)为不同的形式,通常造成温度的升高(如地球接受太阳能)



[attract] 引导别的物体、力量等到自己方面来。也指引起别人的注意




⑴ [appeal;attraction;drawing power]∶吸引的能力,特指吸引交易或顾客的能力

⑵ [attraction]∶即作用在带电相反的物体或磁化相反的物体之间倾向使它们拉在一起并阻止其分开的力



[sorption] 吸附、吸收、解吸、离子交换、离子摈弃、离子阻滞、化学吸附或渗析等现象的总称






2. 引取:~引。~附。






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Vampire 是正规版的吸血鬼bloodsucker 是用来指压榨他人的人(包括放高利贷之类的)
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吸血鬼的解释[bloodsucker;leech;vampire;blood-sucking vermin] 榨取他人血汗、劫取他人 钱财 、 思想 或者 其他资源的人 详细解释 喻指残酷 剥削 的人。 艾青 《村庄》 诗:“连 傻子 也知道那些大都市是 一群 吸血鬼--它们吞蚀着:钢铁,木材,食粮,燃料和成千成万的 劳动 者的 健康 。” 韦君宜 《似水流年·寄不出的信》 :“那群吸血鬼,他们笑着闭着眼往自己的坟前走。” 词语分解 吸的解释 吸 ī 从口或鼻把气引入体内:呼吸。吸气。吸烟。 引取: 吸引 。吸附。 呼 部首 :口。
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狼人1. werwolf2. werewolf吸血鬼1. leech2. vampire3. bloodsucker
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suck blood
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有关 吸血鬼 的英文单词(尽量多写)

Vampire(吸血鬼)Kindred(血族)Dracula(德古拉)Ciane(该隐)Embrace(初拥)Antediluvian(上古者/第三代吸血鬼)Jehad(千年圣战)Methuselah(玛土撒拉)Elder(长老)Ancilla(仆人)Amarch(叛徒)Neonate(婴儿)Childe(贵公子)Infnte(亲王)Presbyter(氏族长老)Suzerain(领主)Golconda(浩恩永生)Lilith(莉莉斯)Clan(氏族)Generation(世代)Inquistion(异端审判)Masquerade(避世)Blood Bond(血系) 你还有什么关于吸血鬼的问题都可以问我的。。。。
2023-06-26 21:56:421


死神Azrael(亦作Azrail、Ashiriel、Azriel。在回教中,亚兹拉尔即手操生死簿的「死亡天使」,在阿拉伯亦为死亡天使之首位,其实死亡天使还是天神的使者,但因为和死亡亲近的关系,被说成和撒但或恶魔应都不正确。他可能就是堕天使萨麦尔的回教版,回教传说最初天神(阿拉)派米卡尔、吉布列、亚兹拉尔和伊斯拉菲尔(即米迦勒、加百列、萨麦尔和亚纳尔)四位天使创造人类,而亚兹拉尔最先作出人类而授权得到记录人类生死的天使。他在末日审判是吹响第二支喇叭的天使,也将是最后一位死的天使。  亚兹拉尔将世间所有人的名字都写在神座后生命之树的叶子上,当一个人将死时,写着名字的叶片即枯落,当亚兹拉尔拾起念出名字后,这个人在四十天后就会死亡.成语”the Wings of Azrael”的意思就是指死亡即将来临。  【形象特征】   四颜四翼的天使,身体上披满了毛皮,毛皮下是无数的眼睛,这些眼睛每一个都注视着世间的每一个人,当眼睛闭上的时候,也就是人要死亡的时刻 the King of Terrors)死神,恶魔 devil:来源,和"神"(divinity)一次属于同一语根,起源于印欧语的divi(女神) 或deva(神);在波斯语中这一语根为daeva;在古代英语中,为divell.Vampire 吸血鬼-是西方世界里著名的魔怪,之所以说是魔怪,是因为他处于一种尴尬的境地:既不是神,也不是魔鬼,更不是人。就向被上帝遗弃一样.天使的英文单词天使 Angel,源自于希腊文angelos = 使者。 在、犹太教伊斯兰教和基督教中对天使的概念十分相近,它们是侍奉神的灵,天使是纯“善”的化身,所以绝对不 会容忍“恶”的存在,但也不算是人类的朋友。根据旧约圣经所述, 天使会按照神的命令,对有罪的人进行苛刻严厉的惩罚。例如在一 夜之间杀死了十八万五千亚述人士兵(列王纪),和令所有埃及人的头 一胎和家畜死掉(出埃及)都是其中的例子
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bad blood 不和; 仇恨; 恶感ill blood 不和; 仇恨; 恶感bathe in blood 浸在血泊中bit of blood (=full blood) 纯种马blue blood 贵族的血统breed bad blood 挑起争端, 使不和睦breed ill blood 挑起争端, 使不和睦bring new blood into 给(团体、企业)增加新的成员infuse new blood into 给(团体、企业)增加新的成员draw blood 使流血 使生气, 激起愤怒; 伤人感情, 使人为难draw the first blood 首先进攻; 先下手为强drown in blood 用血腥的手段扼杀; 使浸没在血泊中freeze sb."s blood 使某人极度恐惧fresh blood 家庭、社会等的新成员, 新生力量new blood 家庭、社会等的新成员, 新生力量full blood 纯种; 纯血统(人、物) 同父同母的关系get sb."s blood up 使震怒have sb."s blood up 使震怒God"s blood !(="Sblood ! "sblood!) [废]老天在上!说实在的!天哪!好家伙!half blood 同父异母或同母异父的关系 混血儿; 杂种马have sb."s blood on one"s head 对某人的痛苦或死亡应该负责have sb."s blood on one"s hands 对某人的痛苦或死亡应该负责high blood 勇气; 贵族血统hot blood 激愤; 暴躁in cold blood 残酷的 故意的 冷静的in the blood 遗传; 世代相传in sb."s blood 遗传; 世代相传let blood 【医】放血 流...的血; 杀 挤出(树、葡萄等的)液汁life blood 生命力; 生命线; 必不可少的主要部分life"s blood 生命力; 生命线; 必不可少的主要部分live blood 生命力; 生命线; 必不可少的主要部分make bad blood (在二人之间)挑起恶感, 挑拨离间make ill blood (在二人之间)挑起恶感, 挑拨离间stir up bad blood (在二人之间)挑起恶感, 挑拨离间stir up ill blood (在二人之间)挑起恶感, 挑拨离间make bad blood between persons (在二人之间)挑起恶感, 挑拨离间make ill blood between persons (在二人之间)挑起恶感, 挑拨离间stir up bad blood between persons (在二人之间)挑起恶感, 挑拨离间stir up ill blood between persons (在二人之间)挑起恶感, 挑拨离间make sb."s blood boil 使发怒, 使人冒火make sb."s blood freeze (=make sb."s blood run cold) 使某人不寒而栗, 使某人毛骨悚然make sb."s blood freeze (=make sb."s blood creep) 使某人不寒而栗, 使某人毛骨悚然of the (royal) blood (=of the blood royal) 王族的out for sb."s blood 要某人的命penny blood [blood book][俚]低级的恐怖、惊险小说或刊物red blood 血性; 勇气run in the blood 这家人的特长[点]be in the blood 这家人的特长[点]seal with one"s blood 用鲜血证明shed one"s blood for sth. 为某事物而流血shed the blood of sb. 杀死某人spill the blood of 杀死...stir sb."s blood 激起某人的欲望, 热情等suck sb"s blood 榨取膏血sweat blood 累死累活地干; 万分忧虑taste blood 尝到甜头(尤指凶残的新经验); 初识真味too rich for my blood [美]我吃不消, 我受不了warm blood 温血 热情的, 易激动的, 急躁的welter in one"s blood 躺在血泊中whole blood 【医】直接从活人身上抽血, 以便输血 泛指没有提取任何成分的全血 同父同母的关系young blood 年青人 青春的活力 新鲜血液; 新成员B-and Entrails 英国商船旗blood and iron 【史】铁血主义; 战争政策blood and soil 鲜血与祖国(纳粹口号)blood and thunder 凶杀情节 充满凶杀情节的(戏剧小说等)blood from a stone 办不到的事 冷酷的人的同情心 贪心汉手里的钱blood from a turnip 办不到的事 冷酷的人的同情心 贪心汉手里的钱blood out of a stone 办不到的事 冷酷的人的同情心 贪心汉手里的钱blood out of a turnip 办不到的事 冷酷的人的同情心 贪心汉手里的钱Blood is thicker than water. [谚]血浓于水; 是亲近三分。
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吸血鬼的解释 [bloodsucker;leech;vampire;blood-sucking vermin] 榨取他人血汗、劫取他人 钱财 、 思想 或者 其他资源的人 详细解释 喻指残酷 剥削 的人。 艾青 《村庄》 诗:“连 傻子 也知道那些大都市是 一群 吸血鬼--它们吞蚀着:钢铁,木材,食粮,燃料和成千成万的 劳动 者的 健康 。” 韦君宜 《似水流年·寄不出的信》 :“那群吸血鬼,他们笑着闭着眼往自己的坟前走。” 词语分解 吸的解释 吸 ī 从口或鼻把气引入体内:呼吸。吸气。吸烟。 引取: 吸引 。吸附。 呼 部首 :口。
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2023-06-26 21:57:463


妖姬,嗜洫(就是吸血鬼以吸血为嗜好) 妩妖,纞洫(妩媚妖娆的吸血鬼喜欢血) 妩吢。兂洫(吸血鬼的心因为吸血而消逝) 纞洫,罂粟(对血的喜爱犹如对罂粟的迷恋一般不能自拔)姬嗳@嗼洫(吸血鬼的喜爱,莫过于血)Sucking monster a bloodsucker ā vāmpīré(a vampire)Like bloodbloodthirsty (休。。。。。累死我了LZ,我自己弄了这么半天,这些都是我自己想的哈~LZ我没有功劳也有苦劳的吧。。。如果能帮到你希望LZ记得采纳,打字、中英转换好辛苦的说~~~~(>_<)~~~~ )
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2023-06-26 21:58:205


2023-06-26 21:59:372


  中国 影视造型化妆师、自由画手,监制,王府团队首领,Coser 昵称:王爷  性别:男  百度ID:Kenfuni  真名:伏邵仪(姓为谐音)  生日:1990.11.10  星座:天蝎  血型:O型  身高:175cm  体重:55kg  国籍:中国  现居住地:深圳  学位:学士,在读  经历:广美05动画  性格:大条,腹黑 ,其实很温柔,幽默  是否吸烟:有时  是否饮酒:偶尔(曾经喝到胃出血)  兴趣爱好:画画,Cosplay,音乐,睡觉,购物,夜游……(广泛)  喜欢的食物:肉,青椒  喜欢的导演:徐克,詹姆斯·卡梅隆 ,StevenSpielberg,彼得·杰克逊  喜欢的饮料:冰红茶,奶制品,橙汁  喜欢的音乐:古典,摇滚  喜欢的电影:中国风电影,美片,日剧  喜欢的运动:睡觉,网球,舞蹈  喜欢的着装:百变  希望做的事情:出好作品  座右铭:我还不够强。▓ 陌路莫回·倾尽天下 ▓  角色:公输月  [1]角色: 公输月  出处:《陌路莫回·倾尽天下》  作者:弄简[中国]  时间:2010年12月  ▓ 特殊传说 ▓   角色:冰炎殿下(学长)  出处:《特殊传说》  作者:护玄、红麟[中国]  时间:2010年8月  备注:KeNN为该作品中国大陆简体版官方Cosplay代言  ▓ 火影忍者系列 ▓  角色:宇智波佐助  [2]角色:①宇智波佐助 ②日向宁次   出处:《火影忍者》   作者:岸本齐史[日本]   时间:   ①【羁-NARUTO-绊】2009年10月14日   ②【木叶の记忆】2010年03月30日   ③【标の《羁绊》!がんばれ!】2010年05月31日   ④【鼬哥,生日快乐】2010年06月09日   ⑤【温柔佐助!】2010年07月13日   ⑦【SASUKE!生日快乐了没】2010年07月23日   ·   ▓ 家庭教师系列 ▓  角色:六道骸  [3]角色:①云雀恭弥 ②六道骸 ③蓝波   出处:《家庭教师 Hitman Reborn》    作者:天野明[日本]   时间:   ①【恭弥·六道】2008年03月29日   ②【六道轮回】2008年09月01日   ③【蓝波】2009年01月02日④【六道第2回】2010年   ·   ▓ 纨绔之风流债 ▓   角色:狐王篱清   出处:《纨绔》   作者:公子欢喜[中国]   时间:2010年07月16日   ·   ▓ ラッキードッグ1 ▓   角色:ジュリオ·ディ·ボンドーネ(Jyurio·Dei·Bontone即Giulio)   出处:《ラッキードッグ1》(即《Lucky Dog1》)   作者:由良[日本]   时间:2010年05月21日   ·   ▓ 吸血鬼系列 ▓   角色:吸血鬼   时间:   ①【魔宴同盟】2010年02月10日   ②【Bloodsucker】2010年05月19日   ·   ▓ 黑执事 ▓   角色:塞巴斯钦·米卡艾利斯  角色:塞巴斯钦  出处:《黑执事》   作者:枢梁[日本]   时间:2010年04月30日·   ▓ 帝王苍龙 ▓   角色:王爷   时间:   ①【帝湮岚·苍龙】2010年01月06日   ②【帝王苍龙·锦殇】2010年04月11日   ·   ▓ 相思兮·相思门 ▓ 角色:苏妄言   出处:《相思门》   作者:菖蒲[中国]  角色:苏妄言  时间:2010年04月04日   ·   ·   ▓ 万岁,尼罗河 ▓   角色:Tutankhamun   时间:2009年09月30 日   ·  角色:安碧城  ▓ 长安·碧城 ▓   角色:安碧城    出处:《长安幻夜》   作者:面堂兄、韩露[中国]   时间:2009年08月28日   ·   ▓ 梦回听雪 ▓   角色:迦若   出处:《护花铃》   作者:沧月[中国]   时间:2009年08月20日  角色:不二周助  ·   ▓ 网球王子 ▓   角色:不二周助   出处:《网球王子》   作者:许斐刚[日本]   时间:2009年07月08日   ·   ▓ 无双兰乱 ▓   角色:森兰丸   出处:《战国无双》   出品:Omega Force(ω-Force)、光荣株式会社[日本]   时间:2009年05月14日   ·     花魁媚韶  ▓ 容王·媚韶 ▓   角色:①容王 ②花魁媚韶   出处:《忘断红尘独缺我》   作者:浆糊银[中国]   时间:   ①【容王】2008年06月01日   ②【银霜尽·媚韶】2009年03月20日   ·   ▓ MPD-西园X2 ▓   角色:西园伸二   出处:《多重人格侦探》   作者:大冢英志、田岛昭宇[日本]   时间:2009年02月13日   ·   ▓ Toshiya ▓   角色:Toshiya   出处: Dir en grey   时间:2008年11月10日   ·   ▓ PEACE MAKER铁 ▓   角色:冲田总司   出处:《新撰组异闻录》(《PEACE MAKER铁》) 作者:黑乃奈奈绘[日本]  角色:冲田总司 《新撰组异闻录》  [4]时间:2008年08月26日   ·   ▓ 战争启示录 ▓   时间:2008年06月29日   ·   ▓ 阴阳师系列 ▓   角色:①壹人静`莲踪②土御门   出处:《阴阳师》   时间:   ①【壹人静·莲踪】2008年02月21日   ②【六合·太阴·安培·土御门】2008年04月18日   ·     风鸟院花月  ▓ 弦舞花语 ▓   角色:风鸟院花月 出处:《闪灵二人组》   作者:绫峰栏人、青树佑夜[日本]   时间:2008年03月05日   ·   ▓ 格雷少年 ▓   角色:①Allen Walker(中文译名:亚连·沃克 或 艾伦·获加) ②神田优   出处:《驱魔少年》(即《D格雷少年》/《D.Gray-man》)   作者:星野桂[日本]   时间:2007年12月25日   ·   ▓ D3ATH N0TE ▓   角色:①夜神月 ②L   出处:《死亡笔记》(即《デスノート》/《Death Note》)   作者:大场鸫、小畑健[日本]   ·   ▓ Sai ▓   角色:藤原佐为(Sai)   出处:《棋魂》(即《ヒカルの碁》/《棋灵王》/《棋魂·光之棋》)   作者:堀田由美、小畑健[日本]   ·   ▓ GD|兰&飞鸟&雷 角色:①兰②飞鸟③雷   出处:《高达》   出品:万代株式会社(BANDAI)[日本]   ·   ▓ 血の羁绊 ▓      角色:酷拉皮卡   出处:《全职猎人》   作者:富坚义博[日本]   ·   ▓ NANA ▓   角色:①冈崎真一 ②NANA   出处:《NANA》   作者:矢泽爱[日本]   ·   ▓ 圣传 ▓   角色:阿修罗   出处:《圣传》   作者:CLAMP[日本]   ·   ▓ Dio圣诞图 ▓   角色:Dio   出处:《最终流放》   出品:GONZO动画制作公司[日本]  角色:大Dio  ·   ▓ 风之少年 ▓   备注:平面视觉   ·   ▓ BJD-莫纹 ▓   备注:DZ莫纹(三分一娃)古装造型   ·   ▓ BJD-Mr.陈(终战鬼蜮·德非天人)▓   备注:DZ Mr.陈 修罗造型编辑本段获奖情况  ·2010 CJ Cover Coser 封面大赛 “最高人气奖” 角色:安碧城     coser kenn  出处:《长安幻夜》   作者:面堂兄、韩露[中国]  ·2009 CJ Cover Coser 封面大赛 “最佳个人(男)奖” 角色:戒音  coser kenn  出处:《戒音》   作者:由贵香织里[日本]   ·编辑本段杂志出席  ·《漫友》-美少年之恋    ·《TOP志》(战国兰丸)    ·《漫友》长安幻夜COS集《吞镜》    ·《C3时尚志》黑执事    ·《动漫周刊》若干
2023-06-26 21:59:441


2023-06-26 22:00:058


Vampire(吸血鬼)Kindred(血族)Dracula(德古拉)Ciane(该隐)Embrace(初拥)Antediluvian(上古者/第三代吸血鬼)Jehad(千年圣战)Methuselah(玛土撒拉)Elder(长老)Ancilla(仆人)Amarch(叛徒)Neonate(婴儿)Childe(贵公子)Infnte(亲王)Presbyter(氏族长老)Suzerain(领主)Golconda(浩恩永生)Lilith(莉莉斯)Clan(氏族)Generation(世代)Inquistion(异端审判)Masquerade(避世)Blood Bond(血系)
2023-06-26 22:01:201


vampire 应该是 这个, 请给分
2023-06-26 22:01:497


[Jay-Z]Motherfuckers -say that I"m foolish I only talk about jewels (bling bling)Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?See I"m influenced by the ghetto you ruinedThat same dude you gave nothin, I made somethin doinwhat I do through and through andI give you the news - with a twist it"s just his ghetto point-of-viewThe renegade; you been afraidI penetrate pop culture, bring "em a lot closer to the block where theypop tosters and they live with thier moms got drop roasters from box robberies niggas crouched overmommies knocked up cause she wasn"t wached over knocked down by some clown when child support knocked no he"s not around tnow how that sound to ya, jot it downI bring it through the ghetto without ridin "roundhidin down duckin strays from frustrated youths stuck in they waysJust read a magazine that fucked up my dayHow you rate music that thugs to nothin relate to it i help them see their weight through it not you cant step in my pants cant walk in my shoes bet everything your worth you lose your tie and your shirt[Eminem]Since I"m in a position to talk to these kids and they listenI ain"t no politician but I"ll kick it with "em a minuteCause see they call me a menace; and if the shoe fits I"ll wear itBut if it don"t, then y"all"ll swallow the truth grin and bear itNow who"s these king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyricsWho could inherit the title, put the youth in hystericsUsin his music to steer it, sharin his views and his meritsBut there"s a huge interference - they"re sayin you shouldn"t hear itMaybe it"s hatred I spew, maybe it"s food for the spiritMaybe it"s beautiful music I made for you to just cherishBut I"m debated disputed hated and viewed in Americaas a motherfuckin drug addict - like you didn"t experiment?Now now, that"s when you start to stare at who"s in the mirrorand see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrasedAnd I got nothin to do but make you look stupid as parentsYou fuckin do-gooders - too bad you couldn"t do good at marriage!(Ha ha!) And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don"tthink you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereoCause here we go - he"s {*Jigga joint Jigga-chk-Jigga*}And I"m the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it"s just a[Chorus: Eminem Jay-Z][Em] RENEGADE! Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talkabout anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE![Jay] Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a {RENEGADE} Never been afraid to hollerabout anything {anything?} Anything {ANYTHING!}[Jay-Z]I had to hustle, my back to the wall, ashy knucklesPockets filled with a lot of lint, not a centGotta vent, lot of innocent of lives lost on the project benchWhatchu hollerin? Gotta pay rent, bring dollars inBy the bodega, iron under my coat, feelin braverDoo-rag wrappin my waves up, pockets full of hopeDo not step to me - I"m awkward, I box leftier oftenMy pops left me an orphan, my momma wasn"t homeCould not stress to me I wasn"t grown; "specially on nightsI brought somethin home to quiet the stomach rumblingsMy demeanor - thirty years my seniorMy childhood didn"t mean much, only raisin green upRaisin my fingers to critics; raisin my head to the skyBig I did it - multi before I die (nigga)No lie, just know I chose my own fateI drove by the fork in the road and went straight[Eminem]See I"m a poet to some, a regular modern day ShakespeareJesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints hereTo shatter the picture in which of that as they paint meas a monger of hate and Satan a scatter-brained atheistBut that ain"t the case, see it"s a matter of tasteWe as a people decide if Shady"s as bad as they say he isOr is he the latter - a gateway to escape?Media scapegoat, who they can be mad at todaySee it"s easy as cake, simple as whistlin Dixiewhile I"m wavin the pistol at sixty Christians against meGo to war with the Mormons, take a bath with the Catholicsin holy water - no wonder they try to hold me under longerI"m a motherfuckin spiteful, DELIGHTFUL eyefulThe new Ice Cube - motherfuckers HATE to like youWhat did I do? (huh?) I"m just a kid from the guttermakin this butter off these bloodsuckers, cause I"m a muh"fuckin[Chorus] - repeat 2X
2023-06-26 22:02:042


2023-06-26 22:02:136


吸血鬼的解释[bloodsucker;leech;vampire;blood-sucking vermin] 榨取他人血汗、劫取他人 钱财 、 思想 或者 其他资源的人 详细解释 喻指残酷 剥削 的人。 艾青 《村庄》 诗:“连 傻子 也知道那些大都市是 一群 吸血鬼--它们吞蚀着:钢铁,木材,食粮,燃料和成千成万的 劳动 者的 健康 。” 韦君宜 《似水流年·寄不出的信》 :“那群吸血鬼,他们笑着闭着眼往自己的坟前走。” 词语分解 吸的解释 吸 ī 从口或鼻把气引入体内:呼吸。吸气。吸烟。 引取: 吸引 。吸附。 呼 部首 :口。
2023-06-26 22:02:281


关于吸血鬼 吸血鬼[vampire]不同的能力和特征 他们非常聪明,传说原来和精灵是亲戚。(PS:其实,吸血鬼没有那么可怕啦!他们很善良,传说中他们吸干人的血,被吸血鬼吸食血液的人,也会变成吸血鬼等等。这些说法很对,但是这是吸血家族的另一个族:吸血魔干的!不是吸血鬼干的!大家去看看新华书店里的《吸血侠传奇》就知道了哦~~)成为精灵或吸血鬼都要换血,把自身的血液换成精灵或吸血鬼的血才行。 没有影子:属于日尔曼文化的某些地区,人们相信吸血鬼是没有影子的,影子和映像都是灵魂的象征,因而吸血鬼没有灵魂就没有影子和在镜子里的映像。 长而尖利的犬牙:吸血鬼有些在平时状态能隐藏该特征——这已经变成了吸血鬼最主要的特征之一。有人说他们通常通过牙齿切入被害人脖子来吸取鲜血,应该说这属于文学家的想象。因为吸血鬼并不如此,他们很“优雅”,除非有急事,他们通常用注射器将人类的血吸出来,倒在高脚玻璃杯里慢慢喝。 能够变身为蝙蝠:目前吸血鬼总是和蝙蝠联系在一起,而且他们的周围通常有蝙蝠围绕,自身也能变成吸血蝙蝠。 以坟墓和棺材作为栖息场所:在白昼吸血鬼往往在棺材或坟墓里休憩,以尸体方式存在。只有在阳光消失后才活动。这是普遍的没有异议的吸血鬼特征,人们认为吸血鬼惧怕阳光。 吸血鬼王子:害怕吸血鬼们都害怕的东西——木桩,大蒜,圣水。但是不害怕阳光和十字架。通常吸血鬼王子是在吸血鬼中最有威望的。一旦通过其他吸血鬼王子的考核后,会换血成为吸血鬼王子——吸血鬼王子的血和普通吸血鬼的血不同。他们面貌英俊,体型修长高大,女的则妖娆美丽,他们往往有自己的城堡,而且本身是贵族。皮肤惨白,嘴唇红艳,眼睛多为红色且发结很高。身体冰冷。有极快的速度,能飞行——有些吸血鬼通晓魔法,并具有不可思议的灵力。力量极大,除了致命弱点外不怕任何攻击,拥有不死之身。有着很高的智慧。可以隐藏身为吸血鬼的特征。
2023-06-26 22:02:361


吸血鬼的解释 [bloodsucker;leech;vampire;blood-sucking vermin] 榨取他人血汗、劫取他人 钱财 、 思想 或者 其他资源的人 详细解释 喻指残酷 剥削 的人。 艾青 《村庄》 诗:“连 傻子 也知道那些大都市是 一群 吸血鬼--它们吞蚀着:钢铁,木材,食粮,燃料和成千成万的 劳动 者的 健康 。” 韦君宜 《似水流年·寄不出的信》 :“那群吸血鬼,他们笑着闭着眼往自己的坟前走。” 词语分解 吸的解释 吸 ī 从口或鼻把气引入体内:呼吸。吸气。吸烟。 引取: 吸引 。吸附。 呼 部首 :口。
2023-06-26 22:02:551


2023-06-26 22:03:021


2023-06-26 22:03:106


吸血鬼的解释 [bloodsucker;leech;vampire;blood-sucking vermin] 榨取他人血汗、劫取他人 钱财 、 思想 或者 其他资源的人 详细解释 喻指残酷 剥削 的人。 艾青 《村庄》 诗:“连 傻子 也知道那些大都市是 一群 吸血鬼--它们吞蚀着:钢铁,木材,食粮,燃料和成千成万的 劳动 者的 健康 。” 韦君宜 《似水流年·寄不出的信》 :“那群吸血鬼,他们笑着闭着眼往自己的坟前走。” 词语分解 吸的解释 吸 ī 从口或鼻把气引入体内:呼吸。吸气。吸烟。 引取: 吸引 。吸附。 呼 部首 :口。
2023-06-26 22:03:311


[Jay-Z] Motherfuckers- saythatI"mfoolishIonlytalkaboutjewels(blingbling) Doyoufoolslistentomusicordoyoujustskimthroughit? SeeI"minfluencedbytheghettoyouruined Thatsamedudeyougavenothin,Imadesomethindoin whatIdothroughandthroughand Igiveyouthenews-withatwistit"sjusthisghettopoint-of-view Therenegade;youbeenafraid Ipenetratepopculture,bring"emalotclosertotheblockwherethey poptoastersandtheylivewiththeirmomsgotdroproastersfrombotchedrobberiesniggascrouchedover mommiesknockedupcauseshewasn"twachedoverknockeddownbysomeclownwhenchildsupportknocked nohe"snotaroundtnowhowthatsoundtoya,jotitdown Ibringitthroughtheghettowithoutridin"round hidindownduckinstraysfromfrustratedyouthsstuckintheyways Justreadamagazinethatfuckedupmyday Howyouratemusicthatthugswithnothinrelatetoitihelpthemseetheirwaythroughit-notyoucantstepinmypantscantwalkinmyshoesbeteverythingyouworthyouloseyourtieandyourshirt[Eminem] SinceI"minapositiontotalktothesekidsandtheylisten Iain"tnopoliticianbutI"llkickitwith"emaminute Causeseetheycallmeamenace;andiftheshoefitsI"llwearit Butifitdon"t,theny"all"llswallowthetruthgrinandbearit Nowwho"sthesekingoftheserudeludicrouslucrativelyrics Whocouldinheritthetitle,puttheyouthinhysterics Usinhismusictosteerit,sharinhisviewsandhismerits Butthere"sahugeinterference-they"resayinyoushouldn"thearit Maybeit"shatredIspew,maybeit"sfoodforthespirit Maybeit"sbeautifulmusicImadeforyoutojustcherish ButI"mdebateddisputedhatedandviewedinAmerica asamotherfuckindrugaddict-likeyoudidn"texperiment? Nownow,that"swhenyoustarttostareatwho"sinthemirror andseeyourselfasakidagain,andyougetembarrased AndIgotnothintodobutmakeyoulookstupidasparents Youfuckindo-gooders-toobadyoucouldn"tdogoodatmarriage! (Haha!)AnddoyouhaveanycluewhatIhadtodotogethereIdon"t thinkyoudosostaytunedandkeepyourearsgluedtothestereo Causeherewego-he"s{*JiggajointJigga-chk-Jigga*} AndI"mthesinister,Mr.Kiss-My-Assit"sjusta [Chorus:Eminem+Jay-Z] [Em]RENEGADE!Neverbeenafraidtosay what"sonmymindat,anygiventimeofday CauseI"maRENEGADE!Neverbeenafraidtotalk aboutanything(ANYTHING)anything(ANYTHING),RENEGADE! [Jay]Neverbeenafraidtosay what"sonmymindat,anygiventimeofday CauseI"ma{RENEGADE}Neverbeenafraidtoholler aboutanything{anything?}Anything{ANYTHING!}[Jay-Z] Ihadtohustle,mybacktothewall,ashyknuckles Pocketsfilledwithalotoflint,notacent Gottavent,lotofinnocentofliveslostontheprojectbench Whatchuhollerin?Gottapayrent,bringdollarsin Bythebodega,ironundermycoat,feelinbraver Doo-ragwrappinmywavesup,pocketsfullofhope Donotsteptome-I"mawkward,Iboxleftieroften Mypopsleftmeanorphan,mymommawasn"thome CouldnotstresstomeIwasn"tgrown;"speciallyonnights Ibroughtsomethinhometoquietthestomachrumblings Mydemeanor-thirtyyearsmysenior Mychildhooddidn"tmeanmuch,onlyraisingreenup Raisinmyfingerstocritics;raisinmyheadtothesky BigIdidit-multibeforeIdie(nigga) Nolie,justknowIchosemyownfate Idrovebytheforkintheroadandwentstraight[Eminem] SeeI"mapoettosome,aregularmoderndayShakespeare JesusChristtheKingoftheseLatterDaySaintshere Toshatterthepictureinwhichofthatastheypaintme asamongerofhateandSatanascatter-brainedatheist Butthatain"tthecase,seeit"samatteroftaste WeasapeopledecideifShady"sasbadastheysayheis Orishethelatter-agatewaytoescape? Mediascapegoat,whotheycanbemadattoday Seeit"seasyascake,simpleaswhistlinDixie whileI"mwavinthepistolatsixtyChristiansagainstme GotowarwiththeMormons,takeabathwiththeCatholics inholywater-nowondertheytrytoholdmeunderlonger I"mamotherfuckinspiteful,DELIGHTFULeyeful ThenewIceCube-motherfuckersHATEtolikeyou WhatdidIdo?(huh?)I"mjustakidfromthegutter makinthisbutteroffthesebloodsuckers,causeI"mamuh"fuckin[Chorus]-repeat2X
2023-06-26 22:03:401

星空卫视播放过的电影美国片 吸血鬼及食人族 一个小分队 在太空负责消灭食人族 内部还有一个美女 吸血为生

2023-06-26 22:03:494

Renagade (Feat. Eminem) 歌词

歌曲名:Renagade (Feat. Eminem)歌手:Jay-Z 专辑:BlueprintRenagade Eminem feat Jay-ZMotherfuckers -say that I"m foolish I only talk about jewels (bling bling)Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?See I"m influenced by the ghetto you ruinedThat same dude you gave nothin, I made somethin doinwhat I do through and through andI give you the news - with a twist it"s just his ghetto point-of-viewThe renegade; you been afraidI penetrate pop culture, bring "em a lot closer to the block where theypop toasters, and they live with they momsGot dropped roasters, from botched robberies niggaz crotched overMommy"s knocked up cause she wasn"t watched overKnocked down by some clown when child support knockedNo he"s not around - now how that sound to ya, jot it downI bring it through the ghetto without ridin "roundhidin down duckin strays from frustrated youths stuck in they waysJust read a magazine that fucked up my dayHow you rate music that thugs with nothin relate to it?I help them see they way through it - not youCan"t step in my pants, can"t walk in my shoesBet everything you worth; you lose your tie and your shirtSince I"m in a position to talk to these kids and they listenI ain"t no politician but I"ll kick it with "em a minuteCause see they call me a menace; and if the shoe fits I"ll wear itBut if it don"t, then y"all"ll swallow the truth grin and bear itNow who"s these king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyricsWho could inherit the title, put the youth in hystericsUsin his music to steer it, sharin his views and his meritsBut there"s a huge interference - they"re sayin you shouldn"t hear itMaybe it"s hatred I spew, maybe it"s food for the spiritMaybe it"s beautiful music I made for you to just cherishBut I"m debated disputed hated and viewed in Americaas a motherfuckin drug addict - like you didn"t experiment?Now now, that"s when you start to stare at who"s in the mirrorand see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrasedAnd I got nothin to do but make you look stupid as parentsYou fuckin do-gooders - too bad you couldn"t do good at marriage!(Ha ha!) And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don"tthink you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereoAnd I"m the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it"s just theRENEGADE! Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talkabout anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE!Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a {RENEGADE} Never been afraid to hollerabout anything {anything?} Anything {ANYTHING!}I had to hustle, my back to the wall, ashy knucklesPockets filled with a lot of lint, not a centGotta vent, lot of innocent of lives lost on the project benchWhatchu hollerin? Gotta pay rent, bring dollars inBy the bodega, iron under my coat, feelin braverDoo-rag wrappin my waves up, pockets full of hopeDo not step to me - I"m awkward, I box leftier oftenMy pops left me an orphan, my momma wasn"t homeCould not stress to me I wasn"t grown; "specially on nightsI brought somethin home to quiet the stomach rumblingsMy demeanor - thirty years my seniorMy childhood didn"t mean much, only raisin green upRaisin my fingers to critics; raisin my head to the skyBig I did it - multi before I die (nigga)No lie, just know I chose my own fateI drove by the fork in the road and went straightSee I"m a poet to some, a regular modern day ShakespeareJesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints hereTo shatter the picture in which of that as they paint meas a monger of hate and Satan a scatter-brained atheistBut that ain"t the case, see it"s a matter of tasteWe as a people decide if Shady"s as bad as they say he isOr is he the latter - a gateway to escape?Media scapegoat, who they can be mad at todaySee it"s easy as cake, simple as whistlin Dixiewhile I"m wavin the pistol at sixty Christians against meGo to war with the Mormons, take a bath with the Catholicsin holy water - no wonder they try to hold me under longerI"m a motherfuckin spiteful, DELIGHTFUL eyefulThe new Ice Cube - motherfuckers HATE to like youWhat did I do? (huh?) I"m just a kid from the guttermakin this butter off these bloodsuckers, cause I"m a muh"fuckinRENEGADE! Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talkabout anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE!Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a {RENEGADE} Never been afraid to hollerabout anything {anything?} Anything {ANYTHING!}RENEGADE! Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talkabout anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE!Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a {RENEGADE} Never been afraid to hollerabout anything {anything?} Anything {ANYTHING!}
2023-06-26 22:04:111


2023-06-26 22:04:191


艾丽-拉特(Ali Larter)
2023-06-26 22:05:243

renegade 歌词翻译

Renegade 这首歌里的RENEGADE我翻译成了叛徒,其实它就是指肆无忌惮地发表评论的人.不要误解了[Jay-Z]Motherfuckers -say that I"m foolish I only talk about jewels (bling bling)这帮×说我很傻,说我只会炫耀我的珠宝Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?你们这帮蠢家伙是真的聆听我的音乐还是在略读?See I"m influenced by the ghetto you ruined被你们摧毁的GHETTO在潜移默化我That same dude you gave nothin, I made somethin doin那个你什么都舍不得给的家伙,what I do through and through and我把我一直做的事情作出了文章I give you the news - with a twist it"s just his ghetto point-of-view我给你带来真实的新闻,但从一个穷人的角度The renegade; you been afraid我是叛徒,你们都害怕I penetrate pop culture, bring "em a lot closer to the block where they我刺破音乐与现实的隔阂,pop toasters and they live with their moms got drop 把音乐拉近到居住在穷困区的那些人们roasters from botched robberies niggas crouched over东西放不到两天就要被偷mommies knocked up cause she wasn"t wached over knocked 年轻的女孩没有注意,生下了孩子,但down by some clown when child support knocked孩子他爸才不理睬。no he"s not around now how that sound to ya, jot it down子女抚养费,也没有被提供,我的音乐记录的就是这个I bring it through the ghetto without ridin "round我把我的歌带入ghetto 没有那么多费话hidin down duckin strays from frustrated youths stuck in they ways躲避那些顽固地不良少年Just read a magazine that fucked up my day今天读了一份杂志毁了我一天的心情How you rate music that thugs with nothin relate to it 你怎么用毫无相干的音乐来评论歹徒(歹徒不是贬义)?i help them see their way through it - not you cant 我让他们睁开双眼审视,step in my pants cant walk in my shoes bet everything 你们不能想象我的生活,你们和我换位生存不了you worth you lose your tie and your shirt我可以和你打赌,你连领带和衬衣都保不主[Eminem]Since I"m in a position to talk to these kids and they listen我现在在的位置是一个可以与少年沟通的身份I ain"t no politician but I"ll kick it with "em a minute我不时政治家,但我还是和他们(政治家)争论一下Cause see they call me a menace; and if the shoe fits I"ll wear it因为他们把我称做祸害,如果这只鞋合适我也就穿了But if it don"t, then y"all"ll swallow the truth grin and bear it但如果不是那你们都得把事实吞下去,并闭嘴Now who"s these king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyrics谁是这些滑稽但又有经济效益的歌词的王者?Who could inherit the title, put the youth in hysterics谁有资格带上这顶帽子,让这些青年们疯狂?Usin his music to steer it, sharin his views and his merits用他的音乐来引导,分享他的观点和功劳But there"s a huge interference - they"re sayin you shouldn"t hear it但是有一个很大的干扰,因为他们说你不应该听我Maybe it"s hatred I spew, maybe it"s food for the spirit也许我字里行间喷出来的愤怒,也许出来的是值得思考咀嚼的内容Maybe it"s beautiful music I made for you to just cherish也许纯粹就是让你开心的美妙的音乐But I"m debated disputed hated and viewed in Americaas a motherfuckin drug addict - like you didn"t experiment?但我在国家的形象是一个被辩论,被争执,被仇恨的瘾君子,好象你们年轻的时候没有尝试Now now, that"s when you start to stare at who"s in the mirror如果你现在去照照镜子and see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrased看看你反老还童做为孩子的样子And I got nothin to do but make you look stupid as parents这时你们会感到无比的羞耻,我就要是让你们做家长的感到自卑You fuckin do-gooders - too bad you couldn"t do good at marriage!你们这些做善者,可惜你们在婚姻上没有那么"善"(Ha ha!) And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don"t你们知道我到达这块台阶经历过的一切?think you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereo我不那么认为,那么你就俯首帖耳地聆听我的叙述Cause here we go - he"s {*Jigga joint Jigga-chk-Jigga*}And I"m the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it"s just a我们就要开始,我就是一个[Chorus: Eminem + Jay-Z][Em] RENEGADE! Never been afraid to say叛徒!我从来不忌讳说任何东西what"s on my mind at, any given time of day在任何时间,只要在我的脑海里我就会把它说出来Cause I"m a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talk因为我是叛徒!从来不害怕说任何东西,不管后果是怎样about anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE![Jay] Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a {RENEGADE} Never been afraid to hollerabout anything {anything?} Anything {ANYTHING!}(一样的)[Jay-Z]I had to hustle, my back to the wall, ashy knuckles我得奋斗,我背帖着墙,满身是灰尘Pockets filled with a lot of lint, not a cent口袋里,处了毛绒什么都没有Gotta vent, lot of innocent of lives lost on the project bench我需要发泄,那么多生命丢失在project bench上(不太清楚他指什么,可能是指等待和盲目地奋斗)Whatchu hollerin? Gotta pay rent, bring dollars in叫什么?无论如何都得交房租,都得挣钱By the bodega, iron under my coat, feelin braver在酒场旁,大衣里面藏着点武器,心理舒服了点,勇气增加了Doo-rag wrappin my waves up, pockets full of hopeDoo-rag把我的头发包起,口袋里装着希望Do not step to me - I"m awkward, I box leftier often别没事惹我,我很别扭,???My pops left me an orphan, my momma wasn"t home我的老窦遗弃了婴儿的我,我的老母也不在家Could not stress to me I wasn"t grown; "specially on nights我生长的环境那么恶略,I brought somethin home to quiet the stomach rumblings有几个晚上我才有机会带点东西回家来添肚子?My demeanor - thirty years my senior我早熟,行为举止比本身大30年My childhood didn"t mean much, only raisin green up我的童年没有什么意义,Raisin my fingers to critics; raisin my head to the sky指责评论家们,抬头仰望天空Big I did it - multi before I die (nigga)Notorious Big,我做到了,我在死之前有了multi-platinum专辑(Jay-z大概是跟BIG有过什么承诺)No lie, just know I chose my own fate这不是谎言,我知道我选择了自己的命运I drove by the fork in the road and went straight我来到路口选择了往前走[Eminem]See I"m a poet to some, a regular modern day Shakespeare我对大多人来讲就是一个现代化的诗人Jesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints here(这句话大致意思是"我像一个神")To shatter the picture in which of that as they paint me我要粉碎我在他们眼中的的形象as a monger of hate and Satan a scatter-brained atheist一个贩卖仇恨和撒旦缺心眼的无神论者(上句所说的形象)But that ain"t the case, see it"s a matter of taste但这不是情况,其实是你们自己的品位We as a people decide if Shady"s as bad as they say he is你们自己决定Shady到底有没他们描述的那么坏Or is he the latter - a gateway to escape?或者他是后者,、只是一扇逃避现实的门Media scapegoat, who they can be mad at today媒体的替罪羊,他们指责的对象See it"s easy as cake, simple as whistlin Dixie这样做小菜一碟while I"m wavin the pistol at sixty Christians against me我冲着个60个基督教徒挥动着手枪Go to war with the Mormons, take a bath with the Catholics跟摩门教徒战争,又跟天主教徒一起洗澡in holy water - no wonder they try to hold me under longer在神圣的水中,哦,怪不得他们试图把我按在水底下久点I"m a motherfuckin spiteful, DELIGHTFUL eyeful我是一个怀恨的,但有令人愉快的景色The new Ice Cube - motherfuckers HATE to like you一个新的Ice Cube(NWA的成员)这些人即恨你,但又不得不喜欢你What did I do? (huh?) I"m just a kid from the gutter我究竟干什么了?我只不过是一个赚你们这些吸血动物的钱的小孩。makin this butter off these bloodsuckers, cause I"m a muh"fuckin因为我是一个[Chorus] - repeat 2X真累.shout out to my boy lyle!
2023-06-26 22:05:331


傅邵仪的简介如下英文名:kenn中国 影视造型化妆师、自由画手,监制,王府团队首领,Coser 昵称:王爷 ,KK 百度ID:Kenfuni 本名:伏(傅谐音)邵仪 生日:1990.11.10 星座:天蝎 血型:O型 身高:175cm 体重:55kg KENN(20张) 国籍:中国 现居住地:深圳 学位:学士,在读 经历:广美05动画 性格:大条,腹黑 ,直率,其实很温柔,幽默 是否吸烟:有时 是否饮酒:偶尔(曾经喝到胃出血) · 兴趣爱好:画画,Cosplay,音乐,睡觉,购物,夜游……(广泛) 喜欢的食物:肉,青椒 喜欢的导演:徐克,詹姆斯·卡梅隆 ,StevenSpielberg,彼得·杰克逊 喜欢的饮料:冰红茶,奶制品,橙汁 喜欢的音乐:古典,摇滚 喜欢的电影:中国风电影,美片,日剧 喜欢的运动:睡觉,网球,舞蹈 喜欢的着装:百变 希望做的事情:出好作品 圈内好友:面条君、黄山、小小白、扶苏、RU、安西千岁、曲豆等 座右铭:我还不够强。▓ 陌路莫回·倾尽天下 ▓ 角色:公输月[1]角色: 公输月 出处:《陌路莫回·倾尽天下》 作者:弄简[中国] 时间:2010年12月▓ 特殊传说 ▓ 角色:冰炎殿下(学长) 出处:《特殊传说》 作者:护玄、红麟[中国] 时间:2010年8月 备注:KeNN为该作品中国大陆简体版官方Cosplay代言▓ 火影忍者系列 ▓ 角色:宇智波佐助[2]角色:①宇智波佐助 ②日向宁次 出处:《火影忍者》 作者:岸本齐史[日本] 时间:①【羁-NARUTO-绊】2009年10月14日 ②【木叶の记忆】2010年03月30日 ③【标の《羁绊》!がんばれ!】2010年05月31日 ④【鼬哥,生日快乐】2010年06月09日 ⑤【温柔佐助!】2010年07月13日 ⑦【SASUKE!生日快乐了没】2010年07月23日 ·▓ 家庭教师系列 ▓ 角色:六道骸[3]角色:①云雀恭弥 ②六道骸 ③蓝波 出处:《家庭教师 Hitman Reborn》 作者:天野明[日本] 时间: ①【恭弥·六道】2008年03月29日 ②【六道轮回】2008年09月01日 ③【蓝波】2009年01月02日④【六道第2回】2010年▓ 纨绔之风流债 ▓ 角色:狐王篱清 出处:《纨绔》 作者:公子欢喜[中国] 时间:2010年07月16日▓ ラッキードッグ1 ▓ 角色:ジュリオ·ディ·ボンドーネ(Jyurio·Dei·Bontone即Giulio) 出处:《ラッキードッグ1》(即《Lucky Dog1》) 作者:由良[日本] 时间:2010年05月21日 · ▓ 吸血鬼系列 ▓ 角色:吸血鬼 时间: ①【魔宴同盟】2010年02月10日 ②【Bloodsucker】2010年05月19日▓ ラッキードッグ1 ▓ 角色:ジュリオ·ディ·ボンドーネ(Jyurio·Dei·Bontone即Giulio) 出处:《ラッキードッグ1》(即《Lucky Dog1》) 作者:由良[日本] 时间:2010年05月21日 ·▓ 黑执事 ▓ 角色:塞巴斯钦·米卡艾利斯 角色:塞巴斯钦出处:《黑执事》 作者:枢梁[日本] 时间:2010年04月30日·▓ 帝王苍龙 ▓ 角色:王爷 时间: ①【帝湮岚·苍龙】2010年01月06日 ②【帝王苍龙·锦殇】2010年04月11日▓ 相思兮·相思门 ▓ 角色:苏妄言 出处:《相思门》 作者:菖蒲[中国] 角色:苏妄言时间:2010年04月04日▓ 万岁,尼罗河 ▓ 角色:Tutankhamun 时间:2009年09月30 日▓ 长安·碧城 ▓ 角色:安碧城 出处:《长安幻夜》 作者:面堂兄、韩露[中国] 时间:2009年08月28日▓ 梦回听雪 ▓ 角色:迦若 出处:《护花铃》 作者:沧月[中国] 时间:2009年08月20日▓ 网球王子 ▓ 角色:不二周助 出处:《网球王子》 作者:许斐刚[日本] 时间:2009年07月08日 ·▓ 无双兰乱 ▓ 角色:森兰丸 出处:《战国无双》 出品:Omega Force(ω-Force)、光荣株式会社[日本] 时间:2009年05月14日▓ 容王·媚韶 ▓ 角色:①容王 ②花魁媚韶 出处:《忘断红尘独缺我》 作者:浆糊银[中国] 时间: ①【容王】2008年06月01日 ②【银霜尽·媚韶】2009年03月20日▓ MPD-西园X2 ▓ 角色:西园伸二 出处:《多重人格侦探》 作者:大冢英志、田岛昭宇[日本] 时间:2009年02月13日 ·▓ Toshiya ▓ 角色:Toshiya 出处: Dir en grey 时间:2008年11月10日▓ PEACE MAKER铁 ▓ 角色:冲田总司 [4]出处:《新撰组异闻录》(《PEACE MAKER铁》) 作者:黑乃奈奈绘[日本] 时间:2008年08月26日 ·▓ 战争启示录 ▓ 时间:2008年06月29日 ·▓ 阴阳师系列 ▓ 角色:①壹人静`莲踪②土御门 出处:《阴阳师》 时间: ①【壹人静·莲踪】2008年02月21日 ②【六合·太阴·安培·土御门】2008年04月18日▓ 弦舞花语 ▓ 角色:风鸟院花月 出处:《闪灵二人组》 作者:绫峰栏人、青树佑夜[日本] 时间:2008年03月05日 ·▓ 格雷少年 ▓ 角色:①Allen Walker(中文译名:亚连·沃克 或 艾伦·获加) ②神田优 出处:《驱魔少年》(即《D格雷少年》/《D.Gray-man》) 作者:星野桂[日本] 时间:2007年12月25日▓ D3ATH N0TE ▓ 角色:①夜神月 ②L 出处:《死亡笔记》(即《デスノート》/《Death Note》) 作者:大场鸫、小畑健[日本] ·▓ Sai ▓ 角色:藤原佐为(Sai) 出处:《棋魂》(即《ヒカルの碁》/《棋灵王》/《棋魂·光之棋》) 作者:堀田由美、小畑健[日本] ·▓ GD|兰&飞鸟&雷 角色:①兰②飞鸟③雷 出处:《高达》 出品:万代株式会社(BANDAI)[日本]▓ 血の羁绊 ▓ 角色:酷拉皮卡 出处:《全职猎人》 作者:富坚义博[日本] ·▓ NANA ▓ 角色:①冈崎真一 ②NANA 出处:《NANA》 作者:矢泽爱[日本] ·▓ 圣传 ▓ 角色:阿修罗 出处:《圣传》 作者:CLAMP[日本]▓ Dio圣诞图 ▓ 角色:Dio 出处:《最终流放》 出品:GONZO动画制作公司[日本] ·▓ 风之少年 ▓ 备注:平面视觉 ·▓ BJD-莫纹 ▓ 备注:DZ莫纹(三分一娃)古装造型▓ BJD-Mr.陈(终战鬼蜮·德非天人)▓ 备注:DZ Mr.陈 修罗造型▓ BJD-Mr.陈(终战鬼蜮·德非天人)▓ 备注:DZ Mr.陈 修罗造型
2023-06-26 22:05:401


神秘的地洞电锯惊魂1~4非礼勿视 See No Evil (2006) 僵尸人FIDO Fido (2006)
2023-06-26 22:05:472


Research reveals why some people are constantly under attack from the bloodsucking insects, while others walk free.研究揭示了为什么有些人总是会受到吸血虫蚊子的袭击而有些人却可以平安无事。For those unfortunate enough to feature highly on the mosquito hit list, summer nights are synonymous with mosquito bites. Yet others hardly ever get bitten. So how do the bloodthirsty insects select their victims?加雅思逢考必过群,最新雅思押题直播等你来!对那些很不幸被蚊子列为叮咬对象的人们来说,夏夜就是蚊虫叮咬的代名词。而有些人却从没被蚊子叮咬过。那么这些吸血虫是怎样选择它们的受害对象的呢?Scientists rubbed petri dishes against their stomachs. The mosquito season gives rise to countless speculations about possible solutions to the age-old mystery of mosquito preferences.科学家们把培养皿在自己的腹部进行擦拭。对于关于蚊子喜好的可能性解释,蚊子的繁殖季节提供了无数的猜想。The insects" tastes may seem arbitrary. However, research reveals that when mosquitoes make their choice between potential victims, it all comes down to scent:昆虫的口味好像很随意。然而研究显示当蚊子要从潜在的受害者中选择对象时,还是气味起了决定作用。Mosquitoes are attracted by carbon dioxide and heat, which everyone gives off. But mosquitoes are also attracted by certain scents.Karl-Martin Vagn Jensen. According to Jensen, it has not yet been established exactly what the scents in question are. But research does indicate that some scents are more attractive to mosquitoes than others.“蚊子会被每个人都会散发出的二氧化碳和热量所吸引,但蚊子也会被某些特定的气味所吸引。” 丹麦阿尔胡斯大学农学部研究的负责人卡尔马丁-威詹森说。根据他的说法,目前仍没确定那些会吸引蚊子的气味到底是哪些。但研究的确指出了有些气味相比较其它气味而言更会吸引蚊子。“All the lab employees rubbed petri dishes against their stomachs. In that way, their scents were deposited on the dishes, which were then put in an enclosure full of mosquitoes,” he says.“所有的实验室人员都把培养皿在他们的腹部轻轻擦了擦。通过这种方式,他们的气味就存储在了培养皿里,然后把培养皿放置在一个蚊子出没的地方。”“The mosquitoes repeatedly landed on some of the petri dishes, but didn"t go anywhere near the others. ““蚊子会反复地停留在某些培养皿上,却不会飞到附近其它的培养皿上。”Vitamin B does not scare off mosquitoes. The experiment is one of several to squash one of the many myths concerning the unfortunate art of mosquito attraction.维他命B并不能吓走蚊子。这个实验也戳穿了诸多关于吸引蚊子的“倒霉学问” 迷信。While some believe that it is in fact sour blood that keeps the insects at bay, or that the mosquitoes can detect blood disease, others are convinced that vitamin B provides protection against mosquitoes.有些研究人员认为血液的酸性环境让蚊虫无法存活,或是蚊子可以检测血液疾病,而另一些人相信维他命B提供了免于蚊虫叮咬的保护。However, there is no indication that any of these theories are correct, says Jensen: “There is no truth to that. The theory about vitamin B has been tested very, very thoroughly, and it doesn"t hold.”然而,没有证据表明这些理论都是正确的。詹森说:“关于这一点还没有任何存在的事实。关于维他命B的理论已经反反复复经过了论证,但这种说法似乎站不住脚。”Perhaps taking inspiration from popular fiction, there are also those who swear by garlic as an excellent repellent against the winged bloodsuckers. According to the researcher, though unsubstantiated, this strategy may not be entirely fruitless:也许可以从流行小说里得到一些启发,也有些人宣称大蒜是一种可以用来对付蚊子很好的防虫剂。据研究人员透露,尽管还未经证实,但这种方法也并非完全无效:“As far as I know, there is no scientific proof that eating garlic works. But there may be something to the theory that it"s possible to mask your scent with garlic,” he says.“就我所知,目前没有科学依据证明吃大蒜会有效预防蚊虫叮咬。但在理论上它也许是行得通的,可以用大蒜来掩盖你的气味。”詹森说。The only reliable method of protection against mosquitoes is to use one of the effective repellents that are sold over the counter. Mosquito repellent contains some smells that confuse the mosquitoes. The first thing a mosquito does when looking for prey is to see if there are any animals or people in the vicinity.唯一有效的免于蚊虫叮咬的方法是使用在柜台处买来的对付蚊虫的强效防蚊剂。防蚊剂包含了一些让蚊子产生混淆的气味。蚊子寻找猎物要做的第一件事是查看附近有没有动物和人。“When the mosquito comes closer, it uses smell, heat and carbon dioxide to decide whether to bite. But if it is confused by a repellent, it will never get that far,” says Jensen. However, even repellents do not provide complete protection against the persistent insects.“当蚊子靠近时,它会根据气味、热量和二氧化碳来决定是不是要叮咬。但如果它被防虫剂弄迷糊了,它不会轻率行动。”詹森说。然而,即使是防虫剂也没有为人们提供保护,让我们完全免于蚊虫频繁袭击。“Repellents reduce the number of bites by as much as 70 percent. That"s all well and good, but you"ll still get bitten once in a while.”“防虫剂可以减少蚊虫的叮咬次数,最多能降低70%。这样的效果也算很不错了,但你仍会时不时地被咬上一口。”
2023-06-26 22:06:241


Print: Eminem - Renegade Lyrics print version[Jay-Z]Motherfuckers -say that I"m foolish I only talk about jewels (bling bling)Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?See I"m influenced by the ghetto you ruinedThat same dude you gave nothin, I made somethin doinwhat I do through and through andI give you the news - with a twist it"s just his ghetto point-of-viewThe renegade; you been afraidI penetrate pop culture, bring "em a lot closer to the block where theypop toasters, and they live with they momsGot dropped roasters, from botched robberies niggaz crotched overMommy"s knocked up cause she wasn"t watched overKnocked down by some clown when child support knockedNo he"s not around - now how that sound to ya, jot it downI bring it through the ghetto without ridin "roundhidin down duckin strays from frustrated youths stuck in they waysJust read a magazine that fucked up my dayHow you rate music that thugs with nothin relate to it?I help them see they way through it - not youCan"t step in my pants, can"t walk in my shoesBet everything you worth; you lose your tie and your shirt[Eminem]Since I"m in a position to talk to these kids and they listenI ain"t no politician but I"ll kick it with "em a minuteCause see they call me a menace; and if the shoe fits I"ll wear itBut if it don"t, then y"all"ll swallow the truth grin and bear itNow who"s these king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyricsWho could inherit the title, put the youth in hystericsUsin his music to steer it, sharin his views and his meritsBut there"s a huge interference - they"re sayin you shouldn"t hear itMaybe it"s hatred I spew, maybe it"s food for the spiritMaybe it"s beautiful music I made for you to just cherishBut I"m debated disputed hated and viewed in Americaas a motherfuckin drug addict - like you didn"t experiment?Now now, that"s when you start to stare at who"s in the mirrorand see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrasedAnd I got nothin to do but make you look stupid as parentsYou fuckin do-gooders - too bad you couldn"t do good at marriage!(Ha ha!) And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don"tthink you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereoCause here we go - he"s {*Jigga joint Jigga-chk-Jigga*And I"m the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it"s just the[Chorus: Eminem + Jay-Z][Em] RENEGADE! Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a RENEGADE! Never been afraid to talkabout anything (ANYTHING) anything (ANYTHING), RENEGADE![Jay] Never been afraid to saywhat"s on my mind at, any given time of dayCause I"m a {RENEGADE Never been afraid to hollerabout anything {anything? Anything {ANYTHING![Jay-Z]I had to hustle, my back to the wall, ashy knucklesPockets filled with a lot of lint, not a centGotta vent, lot of innocent of lives lost on the project benchWhatchu hollerin? Gotta pay rent, bring dollars inBy the bodega, iron under my coat, feelin braverDoo-rag wrappin my waves up, pockets full of hopeDo not step to me - I"m awkward, I box leftier oftenMy pops left me an orphan, my momma wasn"t homeCould not stress to me I wasn"t grown; "specially on nightsI brought somethin home to quiet the stomach rumblingsMy demeanor - thirty years my seniorMy childhood didn"t mean much, only raisin green upRaisin my fingers to critics; raisin my head to the skyBig I did it - multi before I die (nigga)No lie, just know I chose my own fateI drove by the fork in the road and went straight[Eminem]See I"m a poet to some, a regular modern day ShakespeareJesus Christ the King of these Latter Day Saints hereTo shatter the picture in which of that as they paint meas a monger of hate and Satan a scatter-brained atheistBut that ain"t the case, see it"s a matter of tasteWe as a people decide if Shady"s as bad as they say he isOr is he the latter - a gateway to escape?Media scapegoat, who they can be mad at todaySee it"s easy as cake, simple as whistlin Dixiewhile I"m wavin the pistol at sixty Christians against meGo to war with the Morons, take a bath with the Catholicsin holy water - no wonder they try to hold me under longerI"m a motherfuckin spiteful, DELIGHTFUL eyefulThe new Ice Cube - motherfuckers HATE to like youWhat did I do? (huh?) I"m just a kid from the guttermakin this butter off these bloodsuckers, cause I"m a muh"fuckin[Chorus] - repeat 2X 这个网站可以查到很多艺人的歌词,推荐
2023-06-26 22:06:334


  摆脱,指冲破束缚和障碍而获得自由。如:不管你跑到天涯地角,你始终摆脱不了祖国,祖国永远在你的身边。那么你知道摆脱的英文怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    摆脱英文说法1:   get rid of    摆脱英文说法2:   cast off    摆脱英文说法3:   extricate oneself from    摆脱的英文例句:   由我来负责摆脱他们。   It fell to me to get rid of them.   摆脱他,我们将很高兴。   We will be glad to get rid of him.   男子运行迅速摆脱它。   Men running swiftly emerged from it.   她是为了摆脱农村贫苦的生活而结婚的。   She married to get away from her miserable country life.   他这人真讨厌!我很庆幸能摆脱他的纠缠。   He was a boring nuisance! I"m glad to be rid of him.   他终于摆脱了这么一项乏味的工作。   He was able to cast off such an uninteresting task.   他善於随机应变,总能摆脱追踪他的人。   Thanks to agile footwork he always managed to escape his pursuers.   摆脱他,我们将很高兴。   We will be glad to get rid of him.   摆脱了碳水化合物,你就摆脱了多余的重量。   Omitting carbs from your diet can help you drastically drop the unwanted pounds.   即使我们能摆脱摩擦,我们也不想完全摆脱摩擦。   We would not want to get rid of friction entirely even if we could get rid of it.   但尽管大型石油公司纷纷希望摆脱下游资产,但买家却是众里难寻。   Since many major oil companies are looking to get rid of assets downstream, it can be tough to find buyers.   如果那是你们想要摆脱的焦虑,这焦虑并非强加于你们,而是你们的选择。   And if it is a care you would cast off, that care has been chosen by you rather than imposed upon you.   我知道你认为我愚蠢,但我们俩谁都摆脱不了谁,不是吗?   I know you think I"m stupid, but we"re stuck with each other, aren"t we?   你当然可以想方设法摆脱,但最后你会发现自己还是像以前一样拼命抽烟。   You can simply go on putting off the evil day and eventually find yourself smoking as much as ever.   对国家日后的统治者来说,摆脱首都过于清高的氛围是很重要的。   It is important for the state"s future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital.   永远无法摆脱贫困生活的民族   A people living permanently in the iron grip of poverty   它讲述了一位有志青年试图摆脱贫苦肮脏的街头生活。   It tells the story of an aspiring young man"s attempt to rise above the squalor of the street.   最后他终于摆脱了那些吸金者的经济剥削。   At last he was free from the financial bloodsuckers.   土著艺术最终获得了承认,并摆脱了“原始”或“异域情调”的标签。   Aboriginal art has finally gained recognition and broken away from being labelled as "primitive" or "exotic"
2023-06-26 22:06:401

请问有谁知道这位coser 是谁?他cos的是盗墓笔记中的解语花

图下方就有啊米娜桑【- -】
2023-06-26 22:06:515


2023-06-26 22:07:243


  摆脱指冲破束缚和障碍而获得自由。如:摆脱家庭的束缚。那么你知道摆脱用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   摆脱的英语说法1:   rid   摆脱的英语说法2:   get rid of   摆脱的英语说法3:   cast off   摆脱的相关 短语 :   摆脱了 free of ; Revinasu ; rid off   摆脱瑕疵 Be free of imperfections   摆脱危难 out from under   摆脱纠缠 Get off it ; Out entanglement ;   摆脱石油 Freedom From Oil   摆脱约束 jump the traces ; shake off restrain   竭力摆脱 fight off   摆脱的英语例句:   1. The airline had losses of $35m and was bailed out by Qantas.   这家航空公司亏损达3,500万美元,而澳航出资帮助其摆脱了困境。   2. The couple married in the Caribbean to avoid a media circus.   为了摆脱媒体的关注,这对新人在加勒比喜结连理。   3. I left Texas and said good riddance to all that.   我离开了得克萨斯州,总算摆脱了那里的一切。   4. The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption.   这些提议试图使这个国家摆脱政治腐败。   5. Why couldn"t he ever rid himself of those thoughts, those worries?   为什么他总是无法摆脱那些想法和担忧?   6. Her government never really shook off the taint of corruption.   她的政府从来没有真正摆脱掉腐败的阴影。   7. The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.   公司正在努力摆脱自身遭遇的第二次破产危机。   8. Aubrey could think of no graceful way to escape Corbet"s company.   奥布里想不出有什么得体的办法能摆脱科比特。   9. It will free us of a whole lot of debt.   它会使我们摆脱巨额债务。   10. At last he was free from the financial bloodsuckers.   最后他终于摆脱了那些吸金者的经济剥削。   11. He stole, lied, deceived and pimped his way out of poverty.   他通过偷窃、撒谎、欺诈和拉皮条使自己摆脱了贫困。   12. But Spain was a country aching to get away from its past.   但西班牙是一个渴望摆脱以往形象的国家。   13. He"s looking for a way out from this conflict.   他正在想办法摆脱这一纷争。   14. You seem in rather a hurry to get rid of me.   看起来你急于想摆脱我。   15. It fell to me to get rid of them.   由我来负责摆脱他们。
2023-06-26 22:07:311


2023-06-26 22:07:488


  夏天的到来,也许蚊子是人们最为讨厌的生物了吧,那么你知道蚊子用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习一下蚊子的英语知识吧。    蚊子英语说法   kiss   canoodle    蚊子的相关 短语   杀死蚊子 kill Mosquito   四只蚊子 Mosquito four   转基因蚊子 genetically altered mosquitoes   网络蚊子 Net Mosquito   蚊子的英语例句   1. Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.   布赖恩如同旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样转来转去,一边拍打着蚊子一边抱怨不停。   2. Peaceful summer evenings can be spoilt by mosquitoes.   宁静的夏夜可能会被蚊子破坏掉。   3. Outdoors, mosquitoes and midges were a perpetual torment.   在户外,蚊子和蠓虫永远让人不得安生。   4. Mosquitoes are extremely abundant in this dark wet place.   这个阴暗潮湿的地方蚊子非常多.   5. A mosquito had bitten her and her arm had swollen up.   蚊子叮了她,她的手臂肿起来了.   6. In the swamp the army was beset by mosquitoes.   在沼泽地,该军受到蚊子的困扰.   7. We have screened our window to keep out mosquitoes.   我们窗子装上纱窗以避蚊子.   8. I slapped at the mosquito but missed.   我打蚊子,但没打中.   9. We were plagued by the ubiquitous mosquito.   我们被无处不在的蚊子所困扰.   10. A swarm of mosquitoes fly into the room.   成群的蚊子飞进房间.   11. She made a swipe at the mosquito.   她挥臂打蚊子.   12. He swatted the mosquito with a newspaper.   他用报纸打蚊子.   13. The mosquitoes were coming in clouds.   蚊子一大群一大群地飞来.   14. Mosquitoes are carriers of disease.   蚊子是疾病的传播媒介.   15. We have screened our house against mosquitoes.   我们的房子已经装上窗纱防止蚊子飞进.   蚊子相关英文阅读:为什么咬我不咬他?   Research reveals why some people are constantly under attack from the bloodsucking insects, while others walk free.   研究揭示了为什么有些人总是会受到吸血虫蚊子的袭击而有些人却可以平安无事。   For those unfortunate enough to feature highly on the mosquito hit list, summer nights are synonymous with mosquito bites. Yet others hardly ever get bitten. So how do the bloodthirsty insects select their victims?   对那些很不幸被蚊子列为叮咬对象的人们来说,夏夜就是蚊虫叮咬的代名词。而有些人却从没被蚊子叮咬过。那么这些吸血虫是如何选择它们的受害对象的呢?   Scientists rubbed petri dishes against their stomachs. The mosquito season gives rise to countless speculations about possible solutions to the age-old mystery of mosquito preferences.   科学家们把培养皿自己的腹部进行擦拭。对于关于蚊子喜好的可能性解释,蚊子的繁殖季节提供了无数的猜想。   The insects" tastes may seem arbitrary. However, research reveals that when mosquitoes make their choice between potential victims, it all comes down to scent:   昆虫的口味好像很随意。然而研究显示当蚊子要从潜在的受害者中选择对象时,还是气味起了决定作用。   Mosquitoes are attracted by carbon dioxide and heat, which everyone gives off. But mosquitoes are also attracted by certain scents.Karl-Martin Vagn Jensen. According to Jensen, it has not yet been established exactly what the scents in question are. But research does indicate that some scents are more attractive to mosquitoes than others.   "蚊子会被每个人都会散发出的二氧化碳和热量所吸引,但蚊子也会被某些特定的气味所吸引。" 丹麦阿尔胡斯大学农学部研究的负责人卡尔马丁-威詹森说。根据他的说法,目前仍没确定那些会吸引蚊子的气味到底是哪些。但研究的确指出了有些气味相比较 其它 气味而言更会吸引蚊子。   "All the lab employees rubbed petri dishes against their stomachs. In that way, their scents were deposited on the dishes, which were then put in an enclosure full of mosquitoes," he says.   "所有的实验室人员都把培养皿在他们的腹部轻轻擦了擦。通过这种方式,他们的气味就存储在了培养皿里,然后把培养皿放置在一个蚊子出没的地方。"   "The mosquitoes repeatedly landed on some of the petri dishes, but didn"t go anywhere near the others. "   "蚊子会反复地停留在某些培养皿上,却不会飞到附近其它的培养皿上。"   Vitamin B does not scare off mosquitoes. The experiment is one of several to squash one of the many myths concerning the unfortunate art of mosquito attraction.   维他命B并不能吓走蚊子。这个实验也戳穿了诸多关于吸引蚊子的"倒霉学问" 迷信。   While some believe that it is in fact sour blood that keeps the insects at bay, or that the mosquitoes can detect blood disease, others are convinced that vitamin B provides protection against mosquitoes.   有些研究人员认为血液的酸性环境让蚊虫无法存活,或是蚊子可以检测血液疾病,而另一些人相信维他命B提供了免于蚊虫叮咬的保护。   However, there is no indication that any of these theories are correct, says Jensen: "There is no truth to that. The theory about vitamin B has been tested very, very thoroughly, and it doesn"t hold."   然而,没有证据表明这些理论都是正确的。詹森说:"关于这一点还没有任何存在的事实。关于维他命B的理论已经反反复复经过了论证,但这种说法似乎站不住脚。"   Perhaps taking inspiration from popular fiction, there are also those who swear by garlic as an excellent repellent against the winged bloodsuckers. According to the researcher, though unsubstantiated, this strategy may not be entirely fruitless:   也许可以从流行小说里得到一些启发,也有些人宣称大蒜是一种可以用来对付蚊子很好的防虫剂。据研究人员透露,尽管还未经证实,但这种 方法 也并非完全无效:   "As far as I know, there is no scientific proof that eating garlic works. But there may be something to the theory that it"s possible to mask your scent with garlic," he says.   "就我所知,目前没有科学依据证明吃大蒜会有效预防蚊虫叮咬。但在理论上它也许是行得通的,可以用大蒜来掩盖你的气味。"詹森说。   The only reliable method of protection against mosquitoes is to use one of the effective repellents that are sold over the counter. Mosquito repellent contains some smells that confuse the mosquitoes. The first thing a mosquito does when looking for prey is to see if there are any animals or people in the vicinity.   唯一有效的免于蚊虫叮咬的方法是使用在柜台处买来的对付蚊虫的强效防蚊剂。防蚊剂包含了一些让蚊子产生混淆的气味。蚊子寻找猎物要做的第一件事是查看附近有没有动物和人。   "When the mosquito comes closer, it uses smell, heat and carbon dioxide to decide whether to bite. But if it is confused by a repellent, it will never get that far," says Jensen. However, even repellents do not provide complete protection against the persistent insects.   "当蚊子靠近时,它会根据气味、热量和二氧化碳来决定是不是要叮咬。但如果它被防虫剂弄迷糊了,它不会轻率行动。"詹森说。然而,即使是防虫剂也没有为人们提供保护,让我们完全免于蚊虫频繁袭击。   "Repellents reduce the number of bites by as much as 70 percent. That"s all well and good, but you"ll still get bitten once in a while."   "防虫剂可以减少蚊虫的叮咬次数,最多能降低70%。这样的效果也算很不错了,但你仍会时不时地被咬上一口。" 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于蚊子的谜语 2. 世界上最小的蚊子 3. 关于蚊子的散文 4. 储物柜用英语怎么说 5. 蚊子咬一口歇后语的答案
2023-06-26 22:08:151


额 看看游民星空有没有攻略这种游戏我玩不好
2023-06-26 22:08:267


2023-06-26 22:04:411


太多,只能分几次来回~~卡俄斯(Khaos/Chaos,):混沌之神。 宇宙之初,只有卡俄斯,他是一个无边无际、一无所有的空间。随后诞生了地母神该亚(Gaia)、地狱深渊神塔耳塔洛斯(Tartarus)、黑暗神俄瑞波斯(Erebus)、黑夜女神尼克斯(Nyx)和爱神厄洛斯(Eros)世界由此开始该亚(Gaea):大地女神,卡俄斯之女。大地的本体,她诞生了天空乌拉诺斯(Ouranos)、海洋彭透斯(Pontus)和山脉乌瑞亚(Ourea)。 接着她又和她两位儿子生了许多神。和乌拉诺斯生了十二位提坦(Titans)分别代表了世界最初的些事物(曰、月、天、时间、正义、记忆等)和彭透斯生了五个孩子分别代表了不同的海。她算得上是众神之母(是奥林匹斯神的始祖)。 塔耳塔洛斯(Tartarus):地狱深渊神,卡俄斯之子。五大创世神之一,可以说是地狱冥土的创造者,深渊的本体。他出生在大地该亚之后,在该亚的下面,后来和该亚生了该亚最小儿子的就是怪物提丰(Typhon)。他是一个无形的深渊,位于世界的最底端,此后他是关押妖魔怪物和一些神坻的地方。宙斯就把一些提坦神关押在塔耳塔洛斯厄瑞波斯(Erebus):黑暗神,卡俄斯之子。五大创世神之一,塔耳塔洛斯诞生后,在塔耳塔洛斯之处以上(地下/该亚之下)诞生。黑暗的化身与本体,位于大地(该亚)与冥土之间。他和她妹妹黑夜女神尼克斯(Nyx)生了三位古老的神坻,他们是: 太空之神埃忒耳 (Aether)、白昼之神赫莫拉 (Hemera)和冥河的渡神卡戎(Charon)。尼克斯(Nyx):黑夜女神,卡俄斯之女。五大创世神之一,厄瑞波斯诞生后在大地(该亚)之上诞生。黑夜的化身和本体,她是一位古老而强大的神坻,她不但同他哥哥生了三个孩子外还独自一人生了一大批神厄洛斯(Eros):爱神,卡俄斯之子。五大创世神之一,诞生在黑暗和黑夜之后。爱欲、生育及性欲的化身。是他促生了诸神的生育相爱,他是一切爱欲的化身(包括同姓、异性) 乌拉诺斯(Uranus):天之神。该亚的长子和丈夫,第一任神王。被他儿子推翻。彭透斯(Pontus):海神,该亚之子和情人,最早的海神。乌瑞亚(Ourea):山神,该亚诸子。克洛诺斯(Cronus):该亚与乌拉诺斯的十二个提坦神儿女中最年幼者。天、空间神,推翻父神而成为第二任神王。。 瑞亚(Rhea):十二坦之一,时光女神。克洛诺斯的妻子第二人神后。俄刻阿诺斯(Oceanus):十二提坦之一,大洋河流之神。生育了地球上所有的河流及三千海洋女神。 泰西斯(Tethys):十二提坦之一,沧海女神;俄刻阿诺斯之妻。 许配利翁(Hyperion):十二提坦之一,光明太阳之神。太阳,月亮和黎明之父。 提亚(Thea):十二提坦之一,宝物、光及视力女神;许配利翁之妻。 摩涅莫绪涅(Mnemosyne):十二提坦之一,记忆之神.宙斯第五位妻子九缪斯之母。 伊阿佩托斯(Iapetus):十二提坦之一。普罗米修斯,厄毗米修斯和阿忒拉斯之父。 克瑞斯(Crius):十二提坦之一,生长之神。 忒弥斯(Themis):十二提坦之一,秩序和正义女神.宙斯第二位妻子时序三女神之母菲碧(Phoebe):也称福伯或福碧,十二提坦之一,月之女神勒托与阿斯特瑞亚之母。 科俄斯(Coeus):十二提坦之一,暗与智力之神。菲碧的老公。 普罗米修斯(Prometheus):伊阿佩托斯之子。最有智慧的神之一,被称为“先知者”。人类的创造者和保护者。因触怒宙斯被锁在高加索山上,每日有秃鹰啄食其肝脏,然后又长好,周而复始。后被赫拉克剌斯救出。 厄毗米修斯(Epimetheus):普罗米修斯的兄弟。最愚笨的神之一,被称为“后知者”。因接收了宙斯的礼物——潘多拉为妻,结果从“潘多拉之盒”中飞出了疾病,罪恶等各种灾难降临人间。 阿忒拉斯(Atlas):普罗米修斯的另一个兄弟。最高大强壮的神之一。因反抗宙斯失败而被罚顶天。 墨提斯(Metis):智慧女神,俄克阿诺斯之女,宙斯的第一位妻子,雅典娜的母亲欧律诺墨(Eurynome):海洋女神,俄克阿诺斯之女,宙斯第三位妻子,美惠三女神之母勒托(Leto):暗夜女神,克俄斯与菲碧之女,宙斯第六位妻子阿尔忒密斯与阿波罗之母奥林匹斯主神宙斯(Zeus):克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子;掌管天界,是第三任神王;以贪花好色著名。 赫拉(Hera):宙斯的姐姐和夫人,美丽的天后;婚姻的保护神,尤其是已婚的女人的保护者。 波塞冬(Poseidon):宙斯的兄长;掌管大海;脾气暴躁,贪婪。 哈得斯(Hades):宙斯的兄长;掌管冥府,同时也是财富之神;有一顶可以隐身的帽子;残忍,可怕,但很守信。 德墨忒尔(Demeter):克洛诺斯和瑞亚之女,丰产、农林女神。宙斯的二姐与第四位妻子。赫斯提亚(Hestia): 家灶及火焰女神,她是克罗诺斯郁瑞亚最大的孩子宙斯的大姐,掌万民的家事。三位处女神明之一。在希腊神话中,并没有详尽的记载。她是位贞洁处女女神。 阿瑞斯(Ares):宙斯与赫拉之子;战争之神;粗暴而嗜血,但并非真正的勇士。雅典娜(Athena):宙斯与美狄丝结合的产物;智慧女神和女战神;她是智慧,理智和纯洁的化身。阿波罗(Apollo):宙斯和勒托之子,和阿耳忒弥斯是双生弟弟;射术、音乐神,光明神;全名为福玻斯·阿波罗(Phoebus Apollo)。 阿弗洛狄忒(Aphrodite):爱,美和欲望之神;从海中的泡沫中生出。 赫尔墨斯(Hermes):宙斯和迈亚之子;众神中最快者;盗窃者的守护神,商业之神,黄泉的引导者。 阿尔忒弥斯(Artemis):宙斯和勒托之女,与阿波罗是双生姐姐;美丽的女猎神和月神,青年人的保护神。 赫淮斯托斯(Hephaestus):宙斯与赫拉之子,神中唯一丑陋者,但妻子却是爱与美之神阿佛洛狄忒;火和锻造之神,为众神制造武器和铠甲;铁匠和织布工的保护神。 答案补充 怪物厄喀德那(Echidna):半人半蛇的怪物。生了许多著名的妖怪——如勒耳那水蛇,涅墨亚狮子,咯迈拉,斯芬克斯等。 戈耳工(Gorgons):福耳库斯与刻托的三个女儿,其中之一是墨杜萨。 克律萨俄耳(Chrysaor):波塞冬和墨杜萨所生的怪物,珀伽索斯的兄弟。 刻耳柏洛斯(Cerberus): 三头狗,堤丰和厄刻德那所生,把守地狱的大门。 拉冬(Ladon):看守金苹果的百首龙,刻托和福耳库斯所生。 弥诺陶洛斯(Minotaur):克里特岛上牛头人身的怪物,喜食人肉,尤其是童男童女;著名的克里特迷宫即为软禁它而建。 答案补充 珀伽索斯(Pegasus):飞马;波塞冬与墨杜萨所生,当珀耳修斯割下墨杜萨的头时,与克律萨俄耳一起从墨杜萨头中跳出。 克律萨俄耳(Chrysaor):波塞冬与墨杜萨所生的怪物,飞马珀伽索斯的兄弟。 格莱埃(Graeae):福耳库斯和刻托的三个女儿,与戈耳工是姊妹;她们共有一只眼睛,一只牙齿。 许德拉(Hydra):堤丰和厄咯德拉所生的水蛇,有九个头,因住在勒耳那大泽,又称勒耳那大蛇。 喀迈拉(Chimaera):喷火的妖怪,为堤丰和厄喀德那所生,狮头,羊身,蛇尾。 斯库拉(Scylla):意大利和西西里海峡之间的海妖。 斯芬克斯(Sphinx):堤丰和厄喀德那所生的怪物,有翼,长着美女的头,和狮子的身子;因俄狄浦斯杀父,前往忒拜为害。 堤丰(Typhon):该亚和塔耳塔洛斯的最小儿子,极度恐怖的怪兽;又称为堤福俄斯(Typhoeus)。 塞壬(Siren):福耳库斯和一位缪斯的女儿。她们住在一个海岛上,以歌声诱惑并杀死路过的水手。 墨杜萨(Medusa):戈耳工之一;凡见到她头的人都将变成石头。
2023-06-26 22:04:411

nun 是什么单位,好像是长度单位,但和mm怎么换算呢?谢谢

2023-06-26 22:04:461


2023-06-26 22:04:372


2023-06-26 22:04:341