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请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下翻译错误:“1. 室友做了好吃的香蕉松饼并给我吃了一个; 2。。。”

2023-06-27 01:14:34

1. muffin改为muffins,可数名词用复数 share one to me改为 share one with me

2. Finished the homework with my classmate"s help.

3. Practiced the latest version of bootstrap.



pal(搭档,和狗也可以),good friend(直面,好朋友),teammate(队友),man(哥们,就像what"s up,man?) ,true friend(患难见真情的朋友),。。。好多,但美国把朋友的范围扩大:friend包括:close childhood friend,best friend,new friend,family friend, classmate,teammate,colleague or co-worker, roommate or housemate, girlfriend or boyfriend, acquaintance.呵呵,就这些了。
2023-06-26 21:37:301


问题一:老朋友的英文怎么说 old friends 问题二:一般朋友用英语怎么说 normal friends 正常朋友关系 simple friend 普通朋友 ordinary friends 表示平常的,无特殊的 不是很好的朋友 问题三:拜访我的几位老朋友用英语怎么说 Visit several old friends of mine. 拜访我的几位老朋友 问题四:朋友,英文怎么写 20分 这个要看怎么用了,通常以下两种情况: 单数:Friend 复数:Friends 鸡面几位朋友回答的都对,希望楼主采纳啦。 问题五:朋友用英语怎么写 你好! friend fellow 问题六:我们是一辈子的好朋友用英文怎么说? We are good friends for life 我们是一辈子的好朋友 We are good friends forever 我们永远都是好朋友。 问题七:共同的朋友 英语怎么说 英语翻译很看重语言环境的,单独的词语翻译不一定准确 你这里,表面含义看,可以用 Mutual Friend或者如果这个朋友是个复数就用Mutual Friends 狄更斯有个作品就叫:Our Mutual Friend(我们共工的朋友) 还有个英国喜剧连续剧叫Mutual Friends 问题八:一辈子的朋友用英语怎么说 a lifelong friend 问题九:朋友用英文怎么说 最常用的就是friend。 其他还有amigo,panion,pany,fellow,matey 古语说授人以鱼不如授人以渔,现在网上常用的英语词典是金山词霸和有道,看你自己喜欢什么吧,下一个放电脑上,就是一个方便。 1,friend [frend] n. 朋友, 友人 He saluted his friends with a wave of the hand. 他挥手向他的朋友致意。 Have you made friends with your new neighbours? 你与你的新邻居交上朋友了吗? 同胞; 自己人, 同盟者 We are friends of labour movement. 我们是工人运动的支持者。 资助者, 捐助者 The new chemistry lab was paid for by friends of the college. 新的化学实验室是由学院的资助者出钱建的。 2,amigo .[?"mi:?u] n.朋友 3,panion .[k?m"p?nj?n] n.同伴, 伙伴;成双成对的物品之一 The panion volume will soon be published. 这卷书的姊妹篇即将问世。 4,pany ["k?mp?ni] n.伴随, 陪伴;客人, 朋友;一群人;公司 5,fellow ["fel?u] n. 男子; 小伙子, 家伙 ; I consider him to be a clever 订ellow. 我认为他是个聪明的小伙子。 (大学的)研究员, (学术团体的)会员 ; Kehr is a fellow of the Royal Society. 凯尔是皇家学会会员。 同伴, 同志 ; Her fellows share her interest in puters. 她的同伴跟她一样对计算机感兴趣。 , 6,matey ["me?ti:] adj. 友好的,友善的 Don"t get too matey with him he"s a rogue. 别和他太亲近了――他是个无赖。 问题十:好朋友用英语怎么说? 15分 pal(搭档,和狗也可以),good friend(直面,好朋友),teammate(队友),man(哥们,就像what"s up,man?) ,true friend(患难见真情的朋友),。。。好多,但美国把朋友的范围扩大: friend包括:close childhood friend,best friend,new friend,family friend, clas *** ate,teammate,colleague or co-worker, roommate or housemate, girl鼎riend or boyfriend, acquaintance.呵呵,就这些了。
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2023-06-26 21:37:537


我的室友My Roommates I study in a high school, the school is far away from my home, so I have to live in the school. The first day I came to the school, the headmaster led me to a dormitory, he said I would have three roommates. I was the first one to come, so I waited a minute to meet my roommates. At last, I saw them, they are from different places, I learned how to get along with them. Li Hua loves music so much, he can play guitar, we hear him play guitar when we don"t have class. Wang Hai is into reading all kinds of novels, sometimes he will read a novel the whole night. Su Kai likes playing basketball, he watches all the news about NBA. While I like playing tennis, though we have different hobby, we share our happy and sorrow, the difference makes our life colorful.
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2023-06-26 21:38:5414


A lot of good memory【memories】 today,thanks 【to】every one who say【says】 happy birthday to me.I truly hope I could share my happy【happiness】 to everyone who I care
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2023-06-26 21:39:3013


高一英语unit3单元检测题 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where are the speakers? A.At school. B.At a fishing place. C.At a restaurant. 2.Why does the woman look tired? A.She is very sick. B.She hasn"t got enough sleep. C.She has been looking after a baby. 3.What does the woman need? A.A housemate. B.A house buyer. C.A room cleaner. 4.What does the man plan to do tomorrow? A.To buy cartoons for his kids. B.To go to the park. C.To watch cartoons. 5.Where was the woman at noon? A.In the dining room. B.In the library. C.In the classroom. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.Where did the car accident happen? A.At the airport. B.On the highway. C.Near the hospital. 7.What caused the car accident? A.The bad weather. B.The man"s sleepiness. C.A speeding car. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.What class notes does the woman want to borrow? A.History ones. B.Biology ones. C.English ones. 9.When will the woman get the class notes? A.Next Friday. B.Next Thursday. C.Next Monday. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.Where does the woman"s mother work? A.In Spain.  B.In Germany.  C.In France. 11.Who bought the ticket for the woman? A.Her mother. B.Her grandfather. C.Her uncle.12.Who will the man help the woman look after? A.Her grandfather. B.Kitty. C.Max. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.What does the woman think of being a model? A.Attractive. B.Challenging. C.Tiring. 14.What is the hardest thing for the woman? A.Putting on makeue4d3up. B.Getting up early. C.Getting the dresses ready. 15.What is the most important thing? A.Standing in beautiful poses. B.Standing still. C.Changing clothes quickly. 16.What is the possible relationship between the speakers? A.Interviewer and interviewee. B.Husband and wife. C.Boss and secretary. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17.What kind of film is 2012? A.A science fiction film. B.A horror film. C.An action film. 18.What films does the speaker like best? A.Science fiction films. B.Comedy films. C.Horror films. 19.What will the speaker do next? A.Go to the cinema. B.Watch a movie. C.Discuss movies. 20.Where is the film The Ring made? A.In America.  B.In Japan.  C.In Korea. 听力材料: (Text 1) M:It tastes horrible!Look at the fish!It"s not fresh! W:Yes,but the service here is better than at school. (Text 2) M:You look so tired.Are you sick,Granny? W:No.The neighbour"s baby was crying all night,and I couldn"t fall asleep. (Text 3) M:Hello,I"m calling to ask whether you"re still looking for someone to share your house. W:Yeah,I am.There is an empty room. (Text 4) W:The weather report says there will be heavy rain tomorrow. M:Really?But I"ve promised to take the kids to Disneyland. W:That"s too bad.You can watch cartoons with them at home instead. (Text 5) M:Where were you at noon?I was waiting for you in the dining room. W:Sorry to miss you.I was reading a novel in the library and didn"t notice the time. M:You have a bad memory. (Text 6) W:So,Michael,how did the car accident happen? M:Well,last night I went to pick my daughter and her friend up from the airport.It was raining.When I was driving home on the highway,a speeding car crashed into my car from behind. W:Oh my god!Was anyone hurt? M:I was safe,but the children were not so lucky.I"ve just returned from the hospital. (Text 7) W:Hello,Professor Green.This is Cathy,from your history class.I"m calling to ask whether I can borrow your class notes of last Friday.I didn"t attend the biology and history classes because I had a fever. M:I heard that.How are you now? W:Better,thanks.Will you have class next Monday,Professor? M:Um...I"m afraid not. W:Then next Thursday? M:Yeah,I"ll go to school next Thursday. W:Great!I"ll have classes in the morning that day.After that I will go to your office. M:No problem. (Text 8) M:Judy,I hear you are going to Spain! W:Yes,the company my mother works in gives her a tenue4d3day holiday.She want me to go see her there. M:Wow!What places will you visit? W:I"ve no idea.I might also go to some other countries,like Germany and France. M:So have you got your passport and air ticket? W:I"ve got my passport.My uncle went to the airport today to buy the ticket. M:That"s good. W:Dave,can you do me a favor? M:What do you need? W:You know my grandfather doesn"t like pets.Can you look after Kitty while I"m away? M:Great!She gets along with my dog,Max.(Text 9) M:So Lisa,the second question,what"s it like to be a model? W:Well,it"s hard to describe.Most people consider it an attractive job that will make a lot of money. M:What else could it be? W:Um...Sometimes I have to stand for a whole day and cannot even have a drink. M:It must be very tiring. W:Yes,you"re right. M:Well,no job is perfect.So,can you describe a typical day of a model? W:OK.If there is a show,I must get up early.That"s the most difficult for me.Then I have to do lots of preparation work like putting on,makeue4d3up and getting the dresses ready. M:So what kind of training do you need? W:Well,lots of things,like standing in beautiful poses,standing still.And the most important thing is to change clothes as quickly as you can. M:Well,Lisa,thank you so much for answering our questions.I"ll send you our magazine as soon as it comes out. W:Thank you! (Text 10) Hello,everybody.Today we are going to watch a movie.So first of all,I will introduce to you some types of movies.I know science fiction films.They are full of ima gination-people from distant planets,UFOs,unknown powers from other planets,and heroes to save the world.I like these films because they have exciting high technology and beautiful scenes in them,and I admire the people who stand out to save the world.I"ve watched the science fiction film 2012 several times.I like comedy films most.They have interesting plots and people laugh a lot when they are watching them.Whenever I watch the famous actor Zhou Xingchi"s films,I feel very relaxed.And there is another kind of movies that I seldom watch.These films are very popular among youth,especially those made in Japan and Korea,such as The Ring from Japan.The music and pictures in these films are terrible.They are really scary! 答案:1~5.CBABB 6~10.BCABA 11~15.CBCBC 16~20.AABBB 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的选项。 21.—Would you like to watch the basketball match with me this evening? —    .I like basketball very much. A.I"d love to      B.Not really C.I wouldn"t go D.Thank you all the same 解析:选A。本题考查交际用语。根据对话的语境,A正确,意思是“我也想去”。 22.Because of the recent bad weather,the work is several weeks behind    . A.situation B.speed D.schedule 解析:选D。考查名词辨析。句意为:由于最近天气不好,工作延误了几周。behind schedule晚点,落后于预计时间。 23.Put on your coat!I    you down to the doctor. A.take B.took C.have taken taking 解析:选D。考查时态。现在进行时有时也用来表示按计划或安排即将发生的动作。根据题意应选D项。 24.—How did your father    smoking? —The doctor told him to do so,and he took the advice. A.give in B.bring in C.give up D.bring up 解析:选C。考查短语辨析。give up放弃,符合句意:医生叮嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告。give in投降,让步;bring in引进;bring up养育,提出。 25.I haven"t seen Ann for    long that I"ve forgotten what she looks like. A.such B.very D.too 解析:选C。句意为“我那么久没见安了以至于我都忘了她长什么样”。such...that结构中such后接名词,so...that结构中so后接形容词或副词,而题干中的long为副词,故C正确。 26.(2011年玉溪高一检测)If you stand by the windon,you will get a better    of the sea. A.scene B.scenery C.sight D.view 解析:选D。考查名词辨析。句意为:如果你站在窗边,会对大海一览无余。get a good view of sth.为固定短语,意为“对……一览无余”。scene意为“场面,场景”;scenery为“风景”的总称;sight常用复数形式表示“人文景观”;view指从某一角度看到的风景。所以选D。 27.I was about to tell him the secret    someone patted me on the shoulder. B.until C.while D.when 解析:选D。考查be about to do...when...结构。句意为:我就要告诉他这个秘密,这时有人拍了一下我的肩。be about to do...when...表示“就要做某事,这时……”,为一习惯搭配,故选D项。 28.Lily got up at 6 o"clock    ,but she realized it was Sunday as soon as she prepared her school bag. possible usual present last 解析:选B。as possible“尽可能地……”;as usual“照常,跟往常一样”;at present“现在”;at last“最终”。根据句意“Lily跟往常一样6点起床,但是当她准备书包的时候她才意识到是星期天。”可知,应选B项。 29.—When was it that he    to lend you some money? —After he talked with his father,he told me that he could lend me money. A.gave up B.made up his mind C.took his mind D.changed his mind 解析:选D。由答语可知,他通过跟父亲谈话之后,才改变主意,答应借钱给“我”,故change one"s mind “某人改变主意”符合语境。give up“放弃”;make up one"s mind“下定决心”;无take one"s mind结构。30.He is so kind a person that he takes a friendly attitude    us. A.of B.about D.on 解析:选C。take a friendly attitude to/toward sb.对某人采取友好的态度。 31.—Have you    him to give up the job? —Yes,I have.But he doesn"t listen to me. A.persuaded B.suggested C.agreed D.advised 解析:选D。由答语But he doesn"t listen to me推知,没有说服他放弃那份工作,故排除B项;suggest和agree后不能接不定式的复合结构。 32.They knew her very well.They had seen her    up from childhood. A.grow B.grew C.growing grow 解析:选A。句意为:他们对她非常了解。他们看着她从儿童时代长大。在see sth.句型中,省略to的动词不定式表示整个过程。 33.Lily"s fond of    travelling and she always keeps    travel journal of what she does each day during her trip. A.the;the B./;the C.the;a D./;a 解析:选D。Lilly很喜欢旅行,她总是写旅行日记来记录在旅行的每一天干了些什么。travelling此处是抽象性名词,前面不用冠词;keep a journal of写日记记录……。 34.—Why not join us in the game? —I"d love to,but mother insists that I    all my homework first. A.finish B.will finish C.must finish D.have finished 解析:选A。答语意为:我也想和你们玩游戏,但妈妈非要我先把作业做好。insist后跟that从句作宾语,从句谓语动词用“should+动词原形”表示虚拟语气,should可省略。 35.Being a    person,Aunt Li wouldn"t let anyone or any difficulty stop her. A.stubborn B.reliable C.determined D.concerned 解析:选C。根据语境“李阿姨绝不会让任何人或者任何困难难住她”可知,她是一个意志坚定的(determined)人。 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的选项。 Back in 2007,I rented a room in Johor Bahru,Malaysia while studying for my Masters programme in Singapore.I travelled daily by  36  across the Johorue4d3Singapore Causeway for my  37 ,which were usually in the evening.It was quite 38 by the time I got back to the bus station in Johor Bahru,and I would still need to take another bus home. One night,I  39 the last bus and didn"t have enough money to take a taxi.With no other choice,I decided to  40 the twoue4d3kilometre journey home,which would have been fine 41 I were not so tired that day.It also didn"t  42 that the route was pretty rough(凹凸不平的)and dark.But I walked forward with  43 ,with the promise of a night"s rest  44 me on.After walking for a few minutes,a car 45 in front of me.The driver,who looked 46 ,asked where I was headed.“Not many people walk through here,”he said,and 47  me a ride.He really  48 me up as he went out of his way to get me to my apartment. What was more 49 ,however,was the story behind it.During the ride,the driver told me that when he saw me walking,it made him think of his 50  who used to walk to work by the 51 road and though he often saw his uncle on the way,he had 52  offered a ride as he was headed in a different direction. 53 his uncle passed away because of an illness,and until today he still feels 54 for not being kinder to his uncle.So when he 55  me walking that night,he just had to stop and help. 36.A.bus D.train 解析:选A。由下文的bus station,take another bus可知,作者每天乘公共汽车去上课。 37.A.job B.classes C.tasks D.home 解析:选B。由上文的studying for my Masters programme可知,作者是去新加坡上课。 38.A.early B.late C.cold 解析:选B。作者返回Johor Bahru车站的时候,天已经很晚了。下文的dark,night是提示。 39.A.caught B.took C.missed D.left 解析:选C。由下文作者步行回家的事实可以判断,作者误了末班车
2023-06-26 21:43:051


澳洲对于入口管制非常严格,如非必要,最好避免带 d 争议性既物品喇。 1. 花菇、瑶柱  有人争论话呢 d 属于香料类,所以应该可以申报过关 (红色通道)。  不过唔敢保证过得,而且响海关果度唔会俾您争辩。  最好唔好搏啦。 2. 药物  需要申报 (红色通道)。  既然系您自己服用既,问题应该唔大。 ◎你不能带入澳洲的东西 有些东西,由于对澳洲的动物及植物的生存有疾病威胁,所以是不准带入澳洲,这些包括有: 牛奶和奶制品- 包括含有奶料的所有产品(婴儿代乳品和纽西兰的奶制品可以带入) 含有种籽或用种籽制成的手工艺品和纪念品 爆米花和生干果- 包括生花生米和栗子(纽西兰的栗子可以带入)。 蛋和蛋制品- 包括全个,干的及粉末的蛋和生蛋制品。 新鲜水果及蔬菜 活的动物- 包括鸟、鸟蛋、鱼、爬行动物和昆虫。 肉类和所有猪肉产品- 包括所有非罐装或鲜肉、肉干、冷藏冻肉、烟熏肉或腌肉。 鲑及鳟鱼产品- 询问特别进口条款(允许带入罐装鲑鱼)。 活的植物- 包括插枝、根、球茎、谷物、根茎及茎部。 生物材料- 包括人类/动物疫苗及治疗物品(询问特别进口条款)。 鹿角/天鹅绒 、燕窝- 来自纽西兰的鹿茸或鹿角可以带入(附证明书)。 土壤及沙子- 包括装有土壤或沙子的物品(没有土壤和沙子的石头可以带入)。 所有猪肉产品。 ◎下列物品必须申报 任何一种香草和香料- 包括草药和药材、草药性补药、药茶等。 干果和干菜 饼干、蛋糕、糖果- 包括巧克力、水果糖、土豆条烤干果、椒盐卷饼。 面条和大米- 包括加工过的和速食食品(禁止蛋面和含有肉类的面条)。 茶、咖啡、果汁和其他饮料- (禁止带入含有牛奶、蜂蜜或蛋类的饮料) 竹子、藤条或蔓茎制的蒌筐和席垫- 包括椰壳雕刻品、藤条筐。 鲜花和花环- (禁止带入可以繁殖的鲜花,如玫瑰、石竹花和菊花) 乾花 松球和百花香- 包括自然和装饰性的物品,如花环等。 任何一种种籽- 包括经过商业性包装的种籽、种籽装饰品和种籽项链(禁止带入任何豆种、玉米和生菜种籽)。 草编包装物和工艺品- 包括玉米秆玩具、圆环、用谷类植物制成的装饰品、用种籽或草秆填塞的物品。 任何一种木制物品、木制手工物件、木制工艺品和木制古玩- 包括雕刻品、用棕榈复叶或棕榈叶制成的物品(禁止带入用香蕉叶制成的物品)。 生皮- 包括生皮鼓、盾牌和人工制品。 任何一种贝类或珊瑚- 包括首饰、珍品和纪念品(有些可能是根据国际野生动物法例而被禁止的)。 羽毛、骨头、角和牙- 必须清洁,不得有血迹、皮肤、粪便或土壤。 兽皮、皮革和皮毛- 必须经过专业鞣制或加工处理(根据国际野生动物法,某些皮革皮毛制品可能会被禁止带入)。 制成标本的动物- 必须附有证明,说明是由动物标本剥制师制作的(根据国际野生动物法,某些动物标本可能会被禁止带入)。 羊毛(未经加工)和动物毛发- 包括毛线、手工地毯、挂毯和衣物。 圣水 动物设备(已用过)- 包括衣物、鞋类、擦洗及兽医用仪器、马鞍、 *** 和鸟笼。 运动和野营设备- 帐蓬、鞋类、远足靴类。 下列物品在检疫条件许可并事先获得澳洲检疫当局的证明情况下可以另行带入,但许可证必须在你进行海外旅行之前取得;这些物品有: 猫、狗及其他小动物 培养液、微生物、动物 *** 及卵子 活的植物,插枝及球茎 动物或植物制作的陈列纪念品及珍品 婴儿食物(每名婴儿准带一公斤) 小量圣水 检疫官员会检查这些物品,如果不会带有动植物疾病或害虫的话,再把这些物品还给您。汽车也可以带进来,但在下货后须经严格检查及清洗。 另外还有些物品可带入境但必须申报,相关资讯可向本中心或澳大利亚签证服务处索取,或是到澳洲AQIS官方网站 (英文网页)查询。 花菇、瑶柱 yes my mother brought it all the time. 安眠药、降高血压药等 yes if it is prescribled to you. But cannot bring too much. Everytime when I returned to Australia I always brought some chocolate with me so that I have something to declare. It is much easier to go through the red passage. Don"t even try to cheat. Last time when I returned to Sydney it scanned every baggage from every passanger. Australian custom actually is very nice as long as you don"t lie to them. 我而家都系澳洲墨尔本读书ga(la trobe uni) 澳洲基本上系唔比带花菇、瑶柱呢d嘢 但药物你带一定要申报 其实你可以博下嘅 我有d friend都系咁 成功率就一半一半la 但系我比你嘅建议系你一系就咩都唔申报(连药物) 唔好行红色博一博 因为如果你斋申报药物 收埋d花菇、瑶柱系冇用嘅 澳洲海关出名严 你一比佢check 佢实同你将个行李箱反转再反转咁check.....我啱啱上个星期系中国香港返黎 佢海关部机真系好劲 比佢激死 我带咗鸡味嘅公仔面 比佢check到 d鬼佬一d都唔识转弯ga 佢竟然拆开晒我d面 攞晒入面d调味粉 同d料 跟比番包冇调味粉嘅面我 讲起就嬲 所以你一系就全部唔好申报博一博 一系就冇带la 比佢收咗 就浪费钱la.....仲有一个办法 如果你真系好想比d手信亲友 你就寄过去 我妈咪试过寄汤包比我 不过要寄air mail 最初妈咪系寄船ga 平d 但系海关实拆箱 实收 但系妈咪最近寄衫比我果时放咗d细包汤包同瑶柱比我寄air mail就收到la..... 我知我讲咗好多嘢都对你好冇用 但系全部都系我自己嘅经验 唔希望你比海关都时收咗就浪费钱la 祝你旅游愉快~~ 2007-01-27 21:14:41 补充: 你知la 系外国读书嘅 d妈咪梗系想我地食好d 一定会有d办法 同我住果个housemate佢上一次带虾子面番黎 系中国香港买果时个老板好识做 做开留学生d生意 个老板系盒面上面贴张中英对照嘅贴纸 话系斋面 光明正大咁比佢check 咁就得咗~~仲有一个friend 佢用个朱古力蛋卷罐(长型罐果种 最好个罐有中英对照嘅标签) 放d冬菇同汤包 又系比佢check 但系又顺利过到.....如果你真系好想带 我谂呢个都系个办法 咁你又可以光明正大咁比佢check 又可以带药又可以带花菇、瑶柱 但系我唔知系咪次次得 因为海关部机真系太劲~~ 花菇、瑶柱是没有问题的 可以带入澳洲. 但请将它们密封包好. 最好可以一个袋封口后 再用另一个袋装住 再封口. 咁样就最稳阵. 另外请小心检查海味等东西里有没有碎屑及小昆虫 (特别是冬菇) 澳洲海关最留意这些东西 一发现有虫 就算死左 都马上没收的 药物方面 合理数量是没有问题的. 例如你去 1 个月 没有理由带一年份量的. 但一样 最好有盒有名. 等佢地知道是什么药物就可以了. 如果你有带食物 一定要走红色通道... 千万唔好谂住搏一搏... 死梗的 澳洲海关至憎人唔申报的... 就算你只带一包糖 一样要走红色通道. 系飞机上面空姐会派一张入境卡比你 详细问清楚你带有什么物件 只要你其中有一项 "yes" 就一定要申报
2023-06-26 21:43:111


2023-06-26 21:43:2010


魏延 张杰
2023-06-26 21:43:5713

老大哥的改变规则 与 变数 Twist

2001年,荷兰版第三季引入了“贫富”概念,在房子里面分为“豪华”和“贫穷”各一半,两组参赛者皆为享受豪华而斗争。荷兰版在第四季延续了这个概念。其他版本后面接着引入了类似的概念,其中有的属于变数Twist。非洲(2010, 2011,2012,2013), 阿尔巴尼亚 (2010), 澳大利亚 (2003,2013), 巴尔干地区 (VIP 2010,2011),巴西(2009, 2010, 2011, 2013,2014), 加拿大 (2013–至今), 丹麦 (2003), 芬兰 (2009,2014), 德国 (2003,2004–2005, 2005–2006, 2008,2008–2009), 希腊 (2003), 印度 (2012,2013), 以色列 (2009),意大利(2006,2007), 挪威 (2003), 菲律宾 (2009,Teen 2010,2011), 波兰 (2002),葡萄牙(VIP 2013), 斯洛伐克 (2005), 斯洛文尼亚(2008),斯堪的纳维亚/挪威&瑞典(2005), 南非 (2014), 西班牙 (VIP 2004, 2008, 2009–2010,2010), 英国 (2002, Celebrity 2007, 2008,Celebrity 2013), 美国 (2009–至今)。 2004年,美国版第五季介绍了双胞胎Adria Montgomery-Klein和Natalie Montgomery-Carroll。她们的任务是在房子里互换身份。如果成功骗过其他房客,她们可以按单独的身份同时进行游戏。这个变数被用在一些国家。澳大利亚(2005),德国(2005-2006), 保加利亚 (2006,2012), 英国 (2007, Celebrity 2011, Celebrity 2012,2013), 法国(2007, 2011,2013), 西班牙 (2007,2013), 波兰 (2007),印度(2008), 非洲 (2009), 巴尔干地区 (2009, 2013), 菲律宾 (2009, Teen 2012,2014), 葡萄牙 (2010,2012), 以色列(2011), 乌克兰 (2011), 阿根廷 ( 2011), 阿尔巴尼亚 (2013). 从英国版第二季开始,每季开始于一个变数。这包括了观众在三个候选人中选择最后一名室友(BBUK2);观众投票,室友从票数最低的两个人中投票选择一个人淘汰(BBUK3);第一晚提名(BBUK4);行李箱提名(BBUK5);不幸的13号室友(BBUK6);Big Brother Hood(BBUK7);全女首播和一对双胞胎参赛者(BBUK8);一对情侣必须隐藏他们的关系(BBUK9);参赛者必须赢得”室友“身份(BBUK10);一个参赛者以”Mole 间谍/鼹鼠“身份带着不可能的任务进入房子(BBUK11);Jackie Stallone与她儿子的前妻在房子里相遇(CBB3);”非“名人参加名人版(CBB4);Jade Goody的家人访问(CBB5)等。其他国家,例如保加利亚,美国和曾经的澳大利亚,同样有使用类似的变数。 英国版第五季引入了假淘汰,有一个或者两个室友被”淘汰“。英国版第八季中某个室友被淘汰,在经历过其他室友都能从屏幕上看到的采访过后又被送回房子。菲律宾版第五季,四个房客被假淘汰后呆在Bodega(酒店、酒窖)。澳大利亚版2013季,室友Ben在第五十天被假淘汰。他被除名后安置在一个总统套房里,需要他在其他室友不知道他依旧在房子里的情况下度过24小时。24小时后他又重新回到了房子里。 参赛者互换2002年,墨西哥第一季与西班牙第三季(GH3)进行暂时的互换。2010年,西班牙与意大利首次两个参赛者同时互换。在接下来的几年里,参赛者在世界各地进行互换:2003年 阿根廷(GH3) 和西班牙(GH4),厄瓜多尔(GH1) 和 墨西哥(BBM2), 非洲(BBA1) 和 英国(BB4); 2006年斯堪的纳维亚(BB2)和泰国(BBT2;菲律宾(PBB2) 和斯洛文尼亚(BB1), 阿根廷(GH5)和西班牙(GH9);非洲(BBA3) 和芬兰(BB4);2009年 芬兰(BB5) 和菲律宾(PBB3);2010年 芬兰(BB6)和斯洛文尼亚(BBS1) ;2010-2011 西班牙(GH12) 和以色列(HH3) ;2011年 芬兰(BB7) 和挪威(BB4) ;2012年阿根廷(GH7)和以色列(HH4)。已淘汰参赛者互换2003年,墨西哥(BBVIP2)与西班牙(GH5)互换7天。这个变数也曾用于2005年俄罗斯(BBR1)与太平洋版(GHP1);2007年阿根廷(GH4)和巴西(BBB7)。已淘汰参赛者访问2003年,英国(Anouska GolebiewskiBBUK4)访问 澳大利亚(BBAU3)。2005年,英国(Nadia Almada BBUK5) 访问 澳大利亚(BBAU5)。2006年,英国(Chantelle Houghton CBBUK4) 访问 德国(BBG6)。这个变数在后面几年里被若干版本复制:2009,非洲(Ricardo Ferreira BBA3) 访问 巴西(BBB9);2010,德国(Annina Ucatis 和 Sascha Schwan BBG9) 访问 菲律宾(PBB3),意大利(George Leonard 和 Veronica Ciardi GF10) 访问阿尔巴尼亚(BBAL3);2011,瑞典(Martin Granetoft 和 Peter Orrmyr Sara Jonsson BBSE5) 访问 挪威(BBNO4);2012,巴西(Rafael Cordeiro BBB12) 访问 西班牙(GH12), 阿根廷(Agustín Belforte GH4) 访问 哥伦比亚(GH2);2013,美国(Dan Gheesling BBUS10/BBUS14) 访问 加拿大(BBCA1与BBCA2) ;加拿大(Emmett Blois BBCA1) 访问 南非(BBM3).类似的活动发生在2014年美国与加拿大Rachel Reilly(BBUS12/BBUS13)与加拿大对话(BBCA2)。Rachel Reilly 同样出现在Big Brother Canada"s side show。参赛者在另一个国家竞赛有时曾经的参赛者参加完自己国家的版本后又参与别的国家的版本。其他变数 任务访问:2012年丹麦版第四季的Cathrine Petersen和Henrik Andreassen与瑞典版第六季的Patricia Andersen和Umar Nyonyintono互相访问7天。 绑架:2012年瑞典版第六季的Annica Englund被丹麦版第四季绑架7天。 未淘汰与已淘汰互换2012年 已淘汰的Laisa Portella(巴西BBB12) 与未淘汰的Noemí Merino (西班牙GH13)互换。Portella 在西班牙版房子里度过7天而Merino在巴西版房子里过5天。 选手招募交换Casting selection exchange:2009年 意大利版GF9的Doroti Polito和Leonia Coccia 拜访西班牙版GH10。 红色按钮Red Button:阿根廷版Gran Hermano第七季(GH7)在Confession Room告白室内放置了一个红色按钮,外部罩着一个透明的盒子。这个按钮用于当一名参赛者想要自愿离开这所房子,按下按钮整个房子里会响起警报。当警报响起时,参赛者要在5分钟内离开。 这个按钮同样被用于Secret Story 秘密故事 系列。但是这个按钮是在当某人想要猜别人的秘密的时候才能按下,同样整个房子都会响起警报。 电话:阿根廷版第四季 (GH4) 在客厅放置了一个电话,这个电话每周响一次,如果没有人接听的话,所有人都会被提名淘汰。第一个拿起电话的人Big Brother将会给予其任务或者消息,也许是对他有利或者不利。如果任务被拒绝,他(们)将会被提名淘汰。 多版本竞争 Eurovision Song Contest欧洲歌唱大赛 队伍与歌曲评委打分 冠军 意大利 希腊 阿根廷 总分 GF11BB5GH6西班牙GH12: 12 12 12 36 西班牙GH12 A-Ba-Ni-Bi以色列HH3: 10 10 10 30 Bandido日期排练以色列表演西班牙表演评分结束201012.30 - 2011.1.42011.1.52011.1.62011.1.72011.1.8FIFA World Cup 世界杯 季度/选手 奖励 得分 冠军 日期 德国BB10 2010世界杯16强比赛: 1 英国BB11 2010.6.26 英国BB11 德国 vs. 英格兰收看权 2  经过5轮点球对战,比分为1:1后开始突然死亡法对决。又经过36轮的点球对战,德国室友Robert将球踢出界而英国室友Ife踢进一球使比分终于变为2:1。 在德国,第六季Big Brother - Das Dorf(Big Brother - The Village)经历了363天在2006年2月因为低收视率结束。而第七季,RTL II 换回了传统版本。第四季希腊版让选手的母亲一起参加,这季名字改Big Mother。在英国版第七季第十周时,室友们与他们的好朋友为搭档一起被提名和面对淘汰。第九季美国版添加了浪漫元素让房客们配对。第九季巴西版介绍了”Bubble”一个位于里约热内卢某个商场内的一个玻璃房,四名备选参赛者在里面生活一周。这季后期一个Bubble建在了主屋里,又有2名备选参赛者生活在里面知道他们被投为正式室友然后玻璃屋被拆除。玻璃屋后来又被用在第十一季,有5名被淘汰的时候为了一个可以回归的机会竞争;在第十三季,六名备选参赛者只有两位能进主屋。有个相似的twist被用于菲律宾第二季名人版,两位室友因职业或者家庭原因当做1个人。同样也是在菲律宾版,第二季青少年版Teen Edition,同样有teens的父母/监护人一起参加。父母们有他们自己的住所同样也被视为室友。如果一位teen housemate被淘汰,他的父母/监护人也被淘汰。在英国版Clebrity Hijack里被淘汰的时候有机会让”忍者”给屋内送好的或者坏的礼物。之后在2008年澳大利亚版引入了Housemate Hand Grenade室友手榴弹,被淘汰的室友可以选择一人进行惩罚。2010年保加利亚版引入了家庭版Big Brother Family。所有家庭成员与其配偶孩子以及亲属进屋。根据他们在屋内的时长会付薪水,获胜的家庭会得到奖金、一辆车和一所公寓。第十一季美国版引入了潘多拉魔盒Pandora"s Box,提供给当前HoH房主。里面可能会有金钱、一次名人访问或者与其爱人见面一段时间等。如果房主选择打开,同样会有意想不到的后果。第十二季美国版介绍了Saboteur破坏者,将会根据观众的指示进行捣乱。2011年非洲版第六季(Big Brother Africa: Amplified)是第一季Big Brother拥有两位冠军。 第十三季美国版引入了Dynamic Duos,8名新人与三对老人一起进屋。第四季菲律宾版(Pinoy Big Brother: Unlimited)介绍了Unli-Day和Unli-Night,两组不同的室友代表着两个不同的节目。这季还介绍了保留的室友,入围的面试者完成了Big Brother分配的任务可以成为正式的室友(同样也用在阿根廷版第七季)。菲律宾版引入了100秒系列,给室友一次机会与他们的亲友在Confession Room告白室100秒。第十四季美国版有来自之前的四名房客回归做12位新人的导师。第十五季引入了Big Brother M.V.P twist。在巴西版第十四季,7位母亲和2位阿姨作为9位剩余室友的亲属进屋庆祝国际妇女节,室友们不能看见或者接触到他们的亲属因为房子里有一道墙隔开。意见临时的房子提供给母亲和阿姨们,她们在屋内过了6天。第十六季和第十七集美国版介绍了双房主,4提名候选人以及Battle of the Block。第十六季引入了Team America twist。
2023-06-26 21:44:341

请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下翻译错误:“1. 在课堂完成了作业; 2. 看了一部电影; 。。。”

I finished the homework on the class. I watched a movie.
2023-06-26 21:44:462

模拟人生3摄影 甜美的家 盥洗用品怎么拍?

模拟人生3拍照技能资料片的摄影技能里面,有很多成套的要拍的主题但是中文版这些主题的名称有的翻译的很差,严重的甚至会让人找不到该去拍什么,对照下英文版的名字也许更容易理解。另外有些主题本身就不太好找,所以这里会进一步解释一下由于我自己也没拍摄完全(由于目前是单人家庭,需要拍摄家人/其他市民的那几套主题难以完成),所以有一些会参考官方攻略的解释,另外希望各位拍到的能补充和指出错误。建筑与建筑物 - Architecture and Buildings中文名 英文名 注释市政府 City Hall 原社区建筑甜美饮料吧 Nectary 法国,买酿造机和花蜜果汁的地方总医院 General Hospital 原社区建筑陵墓 Mausoleum 墓地里面可以“探索陵寝”的那个房子原社区和旅游点都有体育馆 Sports Stadium 原社区的体育馆(足球标志)道场 Academy 中国,凤凰武学院市集 The Market 任何旅游点的市集法国市集 A French Market 法国的市集书店 Bookstore 原社区建筑中国花园 Chinese Garden 中国,学者的花园城镇剧院 Town Theatre 原社区的剧院(怀疑有BUG拍不下来)城镇周围 - Around Town中文名 英文名 注释小餐馆 The Bistro 原社区建筑海滩 The Beach 原社区大地图上标出的海滩景点公园 The Park 原社区建筑镇上的景点 Places in Town “任意两个景点”(游戏中注释)杂货店 Grocery Store 原社区建筑每日SPA The Spa 原社区建筑餐馆 Diner 原社区建筑学校 School 原社区建筑脚踏车 Bicycle 任何自行车(你的,别人的,路上驶过的)车 Car 任何汽车(同上)野餐 Picnic 野餐篮(物品)体育馆 Gym 原社区的健身房(哑铃图标的那个)警车 Police Car 警察职业5级可得到,家里遭小偷报警后来的警车大概也行等级中最好的 - Best of Class中文名 英文名 注释豪华轿车 Luxury Car 比较贵的一辆汽车(可以去拍别人停的)一棵摇钱树 A Money Tree 植物。捡“不知名的特别种子”有机会种出钓鱼可能直接钓到摇钱树种子全能树 Omniplant 综合植物。需要接一系列机会得到种子自己没有的话可以去科学实验室,后面有一棵花蜜果汁架 Nectar Rack 可直接购买,或者去法国拍,古墓里也可能有昂贵的立体音响组 Expensive Stereo System 最贵的音响军火大亨 Military Bigwig 一个军事职业10级的模拟市民超级巨星 Superstar 一个音乐职业10级的模拟市民一颗酸橙 A Limo 翻译错误。应是一辆豪华礼车(林肯那种)厉害的外交官 Diplomat Extraordinaire 一个政治职业10级的模拟市民顶级的主厨 A Top Chef 一个烹饪职业10级的模拟市民重要的救命物 Chief Lifesaver 一个医学职业10级的模拟市民应为“救命者”别致的帐篷 Fancy Tent 旅游点从特殊商人购买的“苏丹的蒙古包”需要签证等级3级超级警探 SuperCop 一个执法职业10级的模拟市民大师级罪犯 Master Criminal 一个犯罪职业10级的模拟市民遭受灾难! - Oh the Calamity!中文名 英文名 注释一位生病的模拟市民 One Sick Sim 互相打耳光 Slap Fight 湿透透 Soaked to the bone 从潜水井爬出来哦不!是蛇! Oh no! Snake! 催眠蛇篮玩蛇不熟练被咬回收人 The Repoman 不付帐单导致上门抄家的人一个社工 A Social Worker 虐待小孩导致上门带走小孩的人有小偷! A Thief! 上门偷东西的小偷一场架 A Fight 被烫伤的模拟市民 A Singed Sim 被火烧到珍藏品 - Collectables中文名 英文名 注释泰伯伦 Tiberium 新宝石,极为稀少,各处文物商人可能卖,也可劈太空岩石板得到,或者合成得到要切割过的(下同)蛋白石 Opal 新宝石,法国特有,较稀少魔法地精 Magic Gnome 可钓鱼得到或者寄出去加工金属/宝石有小几率送回等还可合成得到白钻石 White Diamond 原版宝石“钻石”发光的宝石 Luminorious Gem 原版宝石“路米罗斯宝石”一套骨灰坛 Canopic Jar Set 埃及的“骨灰坛”收藏品一套5件埃及雕像组 Egyptian Statue Set 埃及的“黄金小雕像”收藏品一套4件粉红钻 Pink Diamond 原版宝石“粉红钻石”极为稀少,但古墓中可能捡到水银瓶 Mercury Vial 新金属,中国特有要熔化过的(下同)彩虹宝石 Rainbow Gem 原版宝石“彩虹石”很稀少,但古墓中可以捡到石英 Quartz 新宝石,各旅游点都有,很常见晶洞 Geode 新宝石,各旅游点都有,较常见太空岩石 Space Rock 任何收集的太空陨石铜 Copper 新金属,埃及特有黄金 Gold 原版金属银 Silver 原版金属黄玉 Topaz 原版宝石“蓝色黄晶石”最常见最便宜的一种宝石马米朵 Mummitomium 新金属,埃及特有,稀少铁 Iron 原版金属一组怪物雕像 Dangerous Creatures Statue Set “危险生物”收藏品一套4件,中国1埃及2法国1一组中国雕像 China Statue Set 中国的“黄道带动物”收藏品一套3件PS:这个Zodiac Animal其实是生肖动物,龙蛇虎嘛Zodiac这里应是指Chinese Zodiac而不是黄道十二宫石碟组 Dropa Stone Set “石碟”收藏品一套6件,中国埃及法国各2(貌似这个也有BUG拍不到)时时刻刻 - Everyday Moments中文名 英文名 注释被抱着的小孩 Child Being Carried 比萨外送 Pizza Delivery 邮车 Mail Carrier 应为邮递员政治演示 Political Demonstration 市政府门前的示威一群模拟市民 A Group of Sims 深夜的情侣 Lovers at Night 警官 Police Officer 消防队员 Firefighter 保姆 Babysitter 这个地区的一位模拟市民 A Sim in the area 随便拍个不认识的人玩玩具箱的小孩 Kid Playing with Toybox 玩烤箱的小孩 Kid Playing with Oven 正在用餐的模拟市民 A Sim Cooking 翻译错误。应为“正在烹饪的模拟市民”在干活时修理员 Repairman on the Job 一位模拟市民正在做园艺 A Sim Gardening 有人正在画画 Someone Painting 用电脑的模拟市民 A Sim using the Computer 下一场西洋棋 A Chessmatch 对付大热天的方法 Remedy for a Hot day 玩洒水器两人结伴 Two"s Company 工作中的女佣 Maid at Work 四个模拟市民吃东西 Four Sims Eating 一个模拟市民在钓鱼 A Sim Fishing 摄影师的照片 Photo of Photographer 拍一个也在拍照的人三人成群 Three"s A Crowd 家人与朋友 - Family and Friends中文名 英文名 注释我朋友 My Friend 我的两个朋友 Two of My Friends 我的三个朋友 Three of My Friends 我配偶 My Spouse 室友 Housemate 鬼家庭 Ghostly Family 我小孩 My Child 家庭成员 Family Member 我的心上人 My Main Squeeze 我孙子 My Grandchild 家啊~甜美的家 - Home Sweet Home中文名 英文名 注释廉价的厨房用具 Kitchen Kitsch 2件厨房用品(其实无所谓“廉价”)好吃的东西 Something Yummy 一盘菜家饰 Home Decor 装饰品,如窗帘家具 Furniture 2件家具马桶 A Toilet 玩具与嗜好 Toys & Hobbies 2个玩具或技能相关物品(画架,望远镜,棋桌……)户外活动物件 Outdoor Stuff 2个户外活动用品婴儿用品 Baby Stuff 2件婴儿用品一座美丽的花园 A Nice Garden 3棵植物丰富的小玩意儿 Gadgets Galore 2个小电子用品(电话,闹钟等)可爱的泰迪熊 Cute Teddy Bear 一场派对! A Party! 2个派对用品盥洗用品 Bathroom Stuff 2个浴室/厕所用品超自然 - Paranormal中文名 英文名 注释一只鬼 A Ghost 孤魂野鬼 Wandering Ghost 一只在飘的鬼一个鬼问题 A Ghostly Problem 两只鬼太多鬼了! Too Many Ghosts! 五只鬼一个严重的鬼问题 A Serious Ghost Problem 三只鬼这里闹鬼! Its Haunted! 被鬼附身而悬空摇晃的物体一具木乃伊! A Mummy! 木乃伊正在吃点心 Mummy Having A Snack 在渡假时死亡 Death On Vacation 就这么死了 Simply Death ?双重身分的死人 Doubly Dead “一具同时也是鬼的木乃伊”我死掉的敌人 My Dead Enemy 我死掉的配偶 My Dead Spouse 植物与花朵 - Plants and Flowers中文名 英文名 注释苹果树 Apple Tree 莴苣 Lettuce Plant 一颗洋葱 Onion Plant 是洋葱植物,不是收成的洋葱番茄 Tomato Plant 西瓜藤蔓 Watermelon Vine 一株生命树 A Life Plant 生活植物(生命果)捡“不知名的特别种子”有机会种出火焰树 Flame Plant 火龙果树捡“不知名的特别种子”有机会种出一株酸橙树 A Lime Tree 莱姆树钟形辣椒 Bell Pepper Plant 马铃薯藤蔓 Potato Vine 大蒜 Garlic Plant 死亡之花灌木丛 Death Flower Bush 死亡花束捡“不知名的特别种子”有机会种出在墓地有现成的一株李子树 Plum Tree 新植物,主要在中国石榴树 Pomegranate Tree 新植物,主要在埃及荔枝葡萄藤 Cherimola Blan Grape Vine 新植物,法国,又名“切瑞莫拉葡萄藤”雷诺葡萄藤 Renoit Grape Vine 新植物,法国,又名“瑞诺特葡萄藤”克兰诺拉葡萄藤 Cranerlet Nuala Grape Vine 新植物,法国艾佛纳利诺葡萄藤 Avornalino Grape Vine 新植物,法国梅洛葡萄藤 Meloire Grape Vine 新植物,法国格雷拉德那葡萄藤 Gralladina Fran Grape Vine 新植物,法国绣球花 Hydrangea 非园艺植物,在建筑模式里购买,下同白玫瑰 White Rose 红玫瑰 Red Rose 向日葵 Sun Flower 行动中的模拟市民 - Sims in Motion中文名 英文名 注释模拟市民正在跳舞 Sims Dancing 玩接球游戏 Playing Catch 模拟市民正在打斗 Sims Sparring 应为“正在过招”(武术)。要亲热请到房间去! Get a Room! 在躺椅上亲吻的模拟市民逃跑 Running 制作花蜜果汁 Making Nectar 推动雕像 Pushing Statue 砖板 Board Breaker 劈砖独舞者 Solo Dancer 恳求人面狮身 Pleading To The Sphinx 被木乃伊诅咒后去大人面狮身恳求锻炼身体与心智 Honing Body and Mind 练武的人动听的旋律 Great Tunes 弹吉他?模拟市民正在铺床 Sim Making the Bed 让人神清气爽的游泳 Refreshing Swim 倒栽葱潜水 Dumpster Diving 潜水井?灭火 Fighting Fire 减肥 Fighting Flab 静物画 - Still Life中文名 英文名 注释墓碑 Tombstone 蜡烛 Candles 装饰品,有多种电视 Television 花蜜果汁与食物 Nectar and Food 一盘菜和花蜜果汁放一起一张躺椅 A Couch 物件 Objects 任何不构成其他主题的物体花朵 Flowers 是某种装饰用花,不是建筑模式中的游乐机 Video Game System 电子游戏机,电子产品内园艺装饰 Garden Decorations 户外用装饰品(如火烈鸟等)面纸盒 Box of Tissue 一种小装饰品旅行 - Travel中文名 英文名 注释巨大的岩石 Giant Boulder 挡路的巨石,要盘古斧才能劈碎的可推动的雕像 Pushable Statue 地板机关 Floor Trap 古墓中地面上的陷阱机关(闪电,蒸汽,火焰,毒镖)灵魂雕像 Soulpeace Statue 埃及的大人面狮身内,地上2层石棺 Sarcophagus 一个古代文物 A Relic 胡狼头神的火炬 Torch of Anubis 埃及古墓常见,自家也可购买,在灯具类内“魔法太阳棒”一堆古代金币 Pile of Ancient Coins 瓦砾堆 Pile of Rubble 地板开关 Floor Switch 古墓中地上可踩的踏板大人面狮身 The Great Sphinx 埃及景点藏宝箱 Treasure Chest 龙穴 Dragon Cave 中国景点“龙的深渊”一座金字塔 A Pyramid 埃及任何金字塔阿布辛贝神庙 Abu Simbel 埃及景点法国的情侣 Lovers in France 催眠蛇的人 Snake Charmer 冲澡罐 Shower in a Can 需要拍正在使用的埃及的情侣 Lovers in Egypt 中国的情侣 Lovers in China
2023-06-26 21:44:552


Thanks to my great housemates.I can"t remember how many times people sing birthday song for me.But this is my first time three wonderful people sing birthday song using the harmonica.. (I"m very pleasure I can share noodle with your guys )It is my pleasure to share(to have shared) noodles with you guys .Thank you very much to you all ! And very coincidense,people eat noodle in their birthday as conventional foods.不明原意.
2023-06-26 21:45:031

big brother的规则 THE BIG BROTHER RULES

■部分条款不适用于美国版与加拿大版(英语)。There are 12 basic rules regarding life inside the Big Brother House. They are set out in their simplest terms below. In agreeing to take part in Big Brother, the housemates are agreeing to abide by the rules. 生活在老大哥的房子里有12个基本规则。见下面简单的条款。同意参加老大哥的室友皆视为同意遵守规则。1. There is no contact with the outside world. This includes the internet, newspapers, phone calls and conversations with anyone outside the House except for Big Brother.不能与外界接触。包括互联网,报纸,电话以及与除了老大哥外的外界联络。2. Housemates are filmed 24 hours a day and must wear personal microphones at all times.室友们每天拍摄24小时且必须每时每刻佩戴个人麦克风。3. The Diary Room is the only place in the House where Big Brother will acknowledge housemates individually.Visits to the Diary Room are compulsory.Diary Room是老大哥在房子里是唯一与室友分别沟通的地方。去Diary Room是强制性的。4.When requested you will be required to go to the Diary Room and nominate – you must give frank and honest reasons for your nominations. You are not permitted to discuss your nominations or try to influence anyone else"s nominations.Nominations are compulsory.当要求你去Diary Room和提名时,你必须给出坦诚的提名理由。你不允许讨论提名,或试图影响别人的提名。提名是强制参与的。5.The public will decide who is evicted.观众将决定谁被淘汰。6.Housemates must not threaten or use physical violence towards any other Housemate.室友们不可以威胁或使用肢体暴力对待其他室友。7. Big Brother will intervene and may remove you from the House if you break the rules, threaten or use physical violence, or behave in an unacceptable way that could cause serious offence to any other Housemate or to the viewing public.如果你违反规则老大哥会进行阻止并且可能将你除名,威胁或使用肢体暴力或行为不可接受者,可能导致严重冒犯其他室友或观众。8. All tasks and challenges are compulsory.所有的任务和挑战都是强制参与的。9.You may not move any of the furniture, or tamper with any of the fixtures and fittings.你不可以移动任何家具,或篡改任何装置和配件。10.You must get up whenever you hear the alarm.当你听到闹钟声你必须起床。11.You may not discuss any previous series of Big Brother or Celebrity Big Brother or Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack. You may not discuss any members of the Production.你不可以讨论之前的任何一季Big Brother(老大哥)或Celebrity Big Brother (名人老大哥) 或 Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack。你不可以讨论任何剧组成员。12. THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF ALL: Big Brother reserves the right to change the rules at any time.最重要的规则:老大哥有权随时改变规则。
2023-06-26 21:45:101


如何克服文化的鸿沟而实现有效沟通呢?结合我自身的一些经历与大家分享几个观点:1.记住:对于同一事物,人们享有不同的基本假设。世上没有两片完全相同的树叶,同样世上也找不到与你有同样家庭背景、教育经历、成长历程的人,所以不能假设自己对事物的认识也是别人的想法。比如,民以食为天这档事,我们中国人用餐要用筷子,西方人用刀叉,而印度人却直接用右手抓着吃。在英国时,同学的housemate是位印度姑娘,进餐时,这位印度女孩就用手来拿饭入口。知道了文化的差异,大家也就会彼此尊重各自的习惯,融洽相处。X2.很多日常行为源于特定文化。比如,我们中国人见面习惯的问候语是“吃了吗?”美国人见面问:“How are you?”(你怎么样?)。在特定文化中,要入乡随俗,否则,会令人感觉怪异,沟通不畅。比如,有一天傍晚我回家,经过小区的保安厅,值勤保安员热情地向我打招呼,问“您吃了?”由于受西方文化的影响,已很长时间未听到这样的问候语,再者根据英语事实是肯定的就Yes,事实是否定的就No,所以我下意识的回答“还没吃。”而隔天同先生经过,当班保安同样的问候语,我先生回应,“嗯,是”,我奇怪的小声说:“我们还没吃呢,为什么回答是呀?”,我先生不禁笑着说:“只是问候一下,难道人家真关心你是否吃饭了,如果没吃,再安排你去吃吗!?”“哈哈……”我顿时恍然大悟,两人笑成了一团。3.同样的行为代表不同的意义。比如,对于非语言沟通的“沉默”,在谈判中对某一条款的讨论出现了沉默,美国人的理解是“不同意”,日本人则理解为表示“尊重、认真倾听”之意。记得听过这样一件事情,美日两个公司代表在谈判中,作为卖方的美国代表报出了认为非常合理的价格,可作为买方的日本代表保持沉默。美方认为日方不接受,所以又降低了价格,这时,日方仍保持沉默,美方急于谈成这笔交易,进而再一次报出了最新的低价(低到不能再低),而日方听到了,稍作沉默后开口表示接受这个价格。事后,谈到这笔交易的价格时,日方表示:其实美方开始的报价就能够接受,而其成功的运用“沉默”战术,使得没有耐心的美方代表错失了大好的赢利机会。以上几点经验能够让我们更好的理解不同文化背景中人们的实质意图,从而实现更有效地跨文化沟通。希望对您有所启发。
2023-06-26 21:45:251


1. 《加菲猫1》的童话续写作文400字 人物介绍 乔恩——主人 加菲猫——宠物猫 欧迪——宠物狗 1、乔恩:好吧,加菲猫,假设我是一只老鼠。 我从房间里跑过,你该怎么办? 加菲猫(揪起乔恩的衣领):带我去你藏奶酪的地方! 2、乔恩:你在饮食方面有个坏毛病。 你总是在想着吃,吃,吃。 加菲猫:当你的胃能承受的时候,很难找到不吃东西的理由。 3、乔恩:人们都认为我很讨厌。 :( 加菲猫:乔恩,这并不完全正确。 猫也认为你很讨厌。 4、(老鼠大摇大摆地走过) 乔恩:猫应该去抓老鼠呀! 加菲猫:真有趣!再给我讲点关于猫的事情! 5、加菲猫:见鬼! 我讨厌这事发生在我身上。 白天失眠! 6、(电影院) 乔恩:你去哪儿?电影还没完呢? 加菲猫:爆米花吃完电影就结束了。 7、乔恩:家里有一只老鼠。你打算怎么处理它? 加菲猫:好好想想,乔恩。 一只老鼠能吃多少? (夜里,一只老鼠拖着冰箱往洞里走) 加菲猫:我们能谈谈吗? 8、加菲猫:我亲爱的电子称,近来怎么样?准备好称我的体重了吗? RX—2电子称:恩……让我说点什么? 加菲猫:什么? RX—2电子称:我们一次称一部分,然后再告诉你全部的。 加菲猫:有有趣,哼。 9、加菲猫:RX—2电子称,今天怎么样? RX—2电子称:我心情不好。 加菲猫:什么使你心情不好呢? RX—2电子称:你愿意每天被人踩,并且还说谎吗? 加菲猫:你说的对。 10、乔恩(打电话):嗨,我是乔恩 阿布克。我的猫需要检查一下……他是个什么样的猫? (大声地):啊,他是一只黄色虎斑纹贵族血统的猫。 (悄声地):实际上,他是个橙色条纹的肉球。 11、乔恩:加菲猫,你是不是吃了我的果冻油炸圈? 加菲猫(无辜的):好象是的,乔恩。 正巧有个一油炸圈在面包房受伤了。它又害怕又痛苦,只好躲进了我的嘴里,我为了自卫,只好被迫吃了它。 乔恩:希望我有一天能够理解他。 12、乔恩:我不明白为什么没人来参加聚会,他们都收到请柬了吗? 我让欧迪三天前带着请柬到邮箱那里去。 加菲猫:但是你告诉欧迪把请柬放到邮箱里了吗? 13、乔恩:医生,你只要恢复加菲猫的记忆就行了。 他不打欧迪了,也不挠家具了,他不懒了,也不令人讨厌了。 医生:你肯定你要我这么做么? 乔恩:让我想想…… 14、乔恩:你怎么会这么懒?加菲猫? 加菲猫:头脑,艰苦工作,固执和献身精神。你不是生来就懒,知道么?那是一个…… 一个艺术形式,如果你愿意,你可以不喜欢诗或者舞蹈、音乐…… …… 乔恩:对我的问题我很抱歉。 15、老鼠甲:加菲猫,我们送你一个小礼物,表达我们的感激之情。 老鼠乙:我们都喜欢你在我们身边。 加菲猫:多好的感觉啊!:) 老鼠丙:因为如果你走了,乔恩会叫一只真正的猫来的。。 2. 《加菲猫1》的童话续写作文400字 人物介绍 乔恩——主人 加菲猫——宠物猫 欧迪——宠物狗 1、乔恩:好吧,加菲猫,假设我是一只老鼠。 我从房间里跑过,你该怎么办? 加菲猫(揪起乔恩的衣领):带我去你藏奶酪的地方! 2、乔恩:你在饮食方面有个坏毛病。 你总是在想着吃,吃,吃。 加菲猫:当你的胃能承受的时候,很难找到不吃东西的理由。 3、乔恩:人们都认为我很讨厌。:( 加菲猫:乔恩,这并不完全正确。 猫也认为你很讨厌。 4、(老鼠大摇大摆地走过) 乔恩:猫应该去抓老鼠呀! 加菲猫:真有趣!再给我讲点关于猫的事情! 5、加菲猫:见鬼! 我讨厌这事发生在我身上。 白天失眠! 6、(电影院) 乔恩:你去哪儿?电影还没完呢? 加菲猫:爆米花吃完电影就结束了。 7、乔恩:家里有一只老鼠。你打算怎么处理它? 加菲猫:好好想想,乔恩。一只老鼠能吃多少? (夜里,一只老鼠拖着冰箱往洞里走) 加菲猫:我们能谈谈吗? 8、加菲猫:我亲爱的电子称,近来怎么样?准备好称我的体重了吗? RX—2电子称:恩……让我说点什么? 加菲猫:什么? RX—2电子称:我们一次称一部分,然后再告诉你全部的。 加菲猫:有有趣,哼。 9、加菲猫:RX—2电子称,今天怎么样? RX—2电子称:我心情不好。 加菲猫:什么使你心情不好呢? RX—2电子称:你愿意每天被人踩,并且还说谎吗? 加菲猫:你说的对。 10、乔恩(打电话):嗨,我是乔恩 阿布克。我的猫需要检查一下……他是个什么样的猫? (大声地):啊,他是一只黄色虎斑纹贵族血统的猫。 (悄声地):实际上,他是个橙色条纹的肉球。 11、乔恩:加菲猫,你是不是吃了我的果冻油炸圈? 加菲猫(无辜的):好象是的,乔恩。正巧有个一油炸圈在面包房受伤了。它又害怕又痛苦,只好躲进了我的嘴里,我为了自卫,只好被迫吃了它。 乔恩:希望我有一天能够理解他。 12、乔恩:我不明白为什么没人来参加聚会,他们都收到请柬了吗? 我让欧迪三天前带着请柬到邮箱那里去。 加菲猫:但是你告诉欧迪把请柬放到邮箱里了吗? 13、乔恩:医生,你只要恢复加菲猫的记忆就行了。 他不打欧迪了,也不挠家具了,他不懒了,也不令人讨厌了。 医生:你肯定你要我这么做么? 乔恩:让我想想…… 14、乔恩:你怎么会这么懒?加菲猫? 加菲猫:头脑,艰苦工作,固执和献身精神。你不是生来就懒,知道么?那是一个…… 一个艺术形式,如果你愿意,你可以不喜欢诗或者舞蹈、音乐…… …… 乔恩:对我的问题我很抱歉。 15、老鼠甲:加菲猫,我们送你一个小礼物,表达我们的感激之情。 老鼠乙:我们都喜欢你在我们身边。 加菲猫:多好的感觉啊!:) 老鼠丙:因为如果你走了,乔恩会叫一只真正的猫来的。! 3. 加菲猫喝酵母粉变大续写童话故事200字 从前有一只加菲猫,由于他的身材从出生的时候就比同类瘦小很多,所以总是成为同类嘲笑的对象, 有一天它在回家的路上看到比自己体型大很多的山羊同学,就向他请教:“山羊同学,请问怎么能成的像你这样强壮的体型?”山羊同学回答:“我听妈妈说,酵母粉能把面包变大,所以你也试试吧!” 然后,加菲猫回家后,找来了酵母粉吃了好多,然后发现自己的身体也没有什么变化,所以就去问山羊同学:“这个酵母粉也没有让我变大呀?怎么回事?” 山羊同学:“我也不知道~” 回家后加菲猫问妈妈:“妈妈妈妈,为什么吃酵母粉不能让我长大一些呢?” 妈妈回答:“傻孩子,吃酵母粉怎么可以长大一些呢,那是骗人的!你多吃饭,多运动才能长大!”加菲猫听了觉得挺可惜的。 有一天经过一家魔法屋,里面有很多神奇的东西,加菲猫看啊看啊!看到了一种名叫“神奇酵母粉”的东西,说明上讲:神奇酵母粉,吃了能让身体强壮三倍! 加菲猫觉得很高兴然后就买了这种酵母粉,吃了一点,咣~突然,自己手脚身体真的变大了一些,当他吃完的时候真的变得强壮了三倍,终于实现了自己的梦想,高兴极了! 4. 加菲猫喝酵母粉变大续写童话故事200字 从前有一只加菲猫,由于他的身材从出生的时候就比同类瘦小很多,所以总是成为同类嘲笑的对象,有一天它在回家的路上看到比自己体型大很多的山羊同学,就向他请教:“山羊同学,请问怎么能成的像你这样强壮的体型?”山羊同学回答:“我听妈妈说,酵母粉能把面包变大,所以你也试试吧!”然后,加菲猫回家后,找来了酵母粉吃了好多,然后发现自己的身体也没有什么变化,所以就去问山羊同学:“这个酵母粉也没有让我变大呀?怎么回事?”山羊同学:“我也不知道~”回家后加菲猫问妈妈:“妈妈妈妈,为什么吃酵母粉不能让我长大一些呢?”妈妈回答:“傻孩子,吃酵母粉怎么可以长大一些呢,那是骗人的!你多吃饭,多运动才能长大!”加菲猫听了觉得挺可惜的。 有一天经过一家魔法屋,里面有很多神奇的东西,加菲猫看啊看啊!看到了一种名叫“神奇酵母粉”的东西,说明上讲:神奇酵母粉,吃了能让身体强壮三倍!加菲猫觉得很高兴然后就买了这种酵母粉,吃了一点,咣~突然,自己手脚身体真的变大了一些,当他吃完的时候真的变得强壮了三倍,终于实现了自己的梦想,高兴极了。 5. 作文《我和加菲猫的故事》600字 加菲是只从不吃老鼠的猫,它最爱吃意大利面和猪肉卷,加菲猫肯定不是为猪肉卷而生,但猪肉卷一定是为加菲猫而生。 它很胖也很懒。它总是欺负笨狗欧迪,它吓唬邮递员,它睡觉打着很响的呼噜,它折磨宠爱他的主人乔恩,它有很多缺点,但在内心深处它是一只善良的猫。 1978年6月19日,他出生在一个温暖的厨房里,出生时体重只有5磅6盎司,现在的体重相当于一艘航空母舰,最难忍受的压力是饥饿,最讨厌的日子是星期一,最喜欢的运动是打个长长的盹儿,平时的嗜好,看电视、吃东西和睡觉。头脑里充满了各种奇怪的逻辑和哲理,闪着无比智慧和幽默的灵光。 它喜欢和它的朋友笨狗欧迪在一起,因为只有跟它在一起时,才能衬托加菲的聪明。加菲手里拿着一个冰激凌,对欧迪说:欧迪,要不要舔一下?欧迪满心欢喜的诚恳又期待的望着加菲。 加菲伸出舌头在欧迪脸上很用力的舔了一下,继续吃冰激凌。 加菲从不拍主人乔恩的马屁,他要求乔恩:“爱我,喂我,永远不离开我。” 甚至,他还以捉弄乔恩为乐趣,比如霸占乔恩的床,欺负乔恩的小狗欧迪,还欺负乔恩本人,吃掉他的食物,弄脏他的衣服,不让他喜欢别的小狗。 作为一只特立独行的猫,加菲看待世界和生活的方式是与众不同。 他从不让自己的生活变得难以忍受,他总是说: “如果你想显得更聪明,那就和比你傻的人在一起。” “我并不是一团糟。 我只是条理上受到了挑战。” “当你沿着生命之路前行时,记得停下来吃掉沿途的鲜花。” “我暴饮暴食是因为心情不好;我心情不好是因为我吃得太多。这是一种需要好多年才能调整过来的恶性循环。” 只要和加菲再一起就很快乐。有时会笑到无法止住眼泪,担心下巴会脱落,不止我一个,全世界知道这只胖猫的人,都会不由自主地爱上有个性的它。 6. 续写面包房里的猫作文 活动目标1、理解故事的有趣情节,体验作品的诙谐情趣。 2、能随故事情节想象,尝试续编故事。 活动重点 理解故事的有趣情节,体验作品的诙谐情趣。 活动难点 能随故事情节想象,尝试续编故事。 活动准备幼儿用书8--12页《面包房里的猫》 活 动 过 程活动过程: 1、越变越大的莫格 有一只猫,他的名字叫莫格,莫格身上会发生什么事情呢? 幼儿自主阅读,启发幼儿重点观察莫格的体型变化。 2、故事《面包房里的猫》 倾听故事 幼儿讨论:你觉得小猫变大好不好?会发生什么事?为什么? 教师再次讲述故事。 3、莫格的新故事。 变大的莫格还会遇到那些事?引导幼儿大胆想象莫格变大以后发生的事情。 7. 加菲猫的观后感英语写200字左右 All the years I"ve been a loyal reader of the Garfield ics, I never had the impression it"s merely meant for kids. On the contrary, most of the dry humor and chari *** atic Garfield poses are difficult to "get" for young children. And yet, the film pletely aims for a youthful audience. I have no problem with a movie being pro-children, but this is exaggerated and hardly accessible for *** viewers. The movie totally lacks all the elements that make the ics so entertaining. Garfield"s clever and sarcastic remarks, Jon"s clumsy womanizing techniques… All this has been replaced with an unhealthy dose of feel-good messages and lame jokes. The puter engineered Garfield doesn"t appeal and the other, real pets are badly chosen. The plot is standard-sentiment, with Garfield saving his new housemate puppy from a sneaky, fame-chasing TV host. Breckin Meyer (as Jon Arbuckle) and Jennifer Love Hewitt (as the yummy vet Liz) walk around without anything to do and Bill Murray voices Garfield like it"s some sort of dire job he wants to get rid of asap. The first (long-awaited?) cinema adventure of everybody"s favorite cat appears to be a quickly produced and unprofessional flick soon to be fotten. Too bad, since you"re left behind with the feeling they could have done something better with this.。 8. 加菲猫的观后感英语写200字左右 All the years I"ve been a loyal reader of the Garfield ics, I never had the impression it"s merely meant for kids. On the contrary, most of the dry humor and chari *** atic Garfield poses are difficult to "get" for young children. And yet, the film pletely aims for a youthful audience. I have no problem with a movie being pro-children, but this is exaggerated and hardly accessible for *** viewers. The movie totally lacks all the elements that make the ics so entertaining. Garfield"s clever and sarcastic remarks, Jon"s clumsy womanizing techniques… All this has been replaced with an unhealthy dose of feel-good messages and lame jokes. The puter engineered Garfield doesn"t appeal and the other, real pets are badly chosen. The plot is standard-sentiment, with Garfield saving his new housemate puppy from a sneaky, fame-chasing TV host. Breckin Meyer (as Jon Arbuckle) and Jennifer Love Hewitt (as the yummy vet Liz) walk around without anything to do and Bill Murray voices Garfield like it"s some sort of dire job he wants to get rid of asap. The first (long-awaited?) cinema adventure of everybody"s favorite cat appears to be a quickly produced and unprofessional flick soon to be fotten. Too bad, since you"re left behind with the feeling they could have done something better with this.。
2023-06-26 21:45:431

求英国版 being human 《我欲为人》第四季剧情 希望三个主角别换人

  主演: 迈克尔·索恰 / Damien Molony / 勒诺拉·克里奇洛 / Russell Tovey  类型:  剧情 / 惊悚  制片国家/地区: 英国  语言: 英语  首播日期: 2012  季数: 4  集数: 8  单集片长:  60  又名: 彪悍人生 第四季  转载请注明:冰冰新闻组制作  翻译:方方  校对:方方  采稿:方方  采稿来源:BBC  BBC三台备受好评的获奖作品《我欲为人》第四季即将上映。第四季紧接着第三季的结尾,Mitchell身中狼形子弹后,他的室友们回到他们位于Barry岛的家中。而在镇上也出现一些新面孔……  我们跟随Annie、室友Geroge和新伙伴,他们对于痛失好友Mitchell、Tom的养父McNair以及George女友Nina的不测仍无法接受。但既要照顾新生的婴儿,又要东躲**,对于这一个鬼魅和两个狼人来说是前所未有挑战。  对吸血鬼也要多加小心:他们埋伏在各处,等待着“祖辈们”回归,残暴统治世界。他们能阻止吸血鬼吗?要付出怎样的代价?可有一件事是明摆着的:吸血鬼们认为那两个狼人的孩子对于他们的神话至关重要。那个婴儿真的是众人的救星吗?Cutler统治世界的替代计划究竟又是什么?  Being Human, BBC Three"s awardwinning and critically-acclaimed  drama, returns for a fourth series.Following the gripping series three finale in  which viewers watched Mitchellfall victim to the wolf-shaped bullet, series four  sees the aftermath as thehousemates return to their home in Barry Island. There  are also some new facesin town...  We join Annie, her housemate George andtheir new friend. They"re  reeling from the loss of their best friend Mitchell,Tom"s father-figure McNair  and the tragic departure of George"s girlfriend,Nina. But with a newborn baby to  look after, it"s never been more difficult tolive life under-the-radar as a  ghost and two werewolves.  There are also the vampires to deal with:lurking in every corner  of society, waiting for the Old Ones to arrive and takeover the world with  brutal force. Can they fight them off? And at what cost?One thing becomes clear  – the vampires believe that the child of two werewolvesis important in their own  mythology. Can this little baby really be the saviourof humanity? And what  exactly are Cutler"s ‘alternative" plans for worlddomination?
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问题一:好朋友用英语怎么说? 15分 pal(搭档,和狗也可以),good friend(直面,好朋友),teammate(队友),man(哥们,就像what"s up,man?) ,true friend(患难见真情的朋友),。。。好多,但美国把朋友的范围扩大: friend包括:close childhood friend,best friend,new friend,family friend, clas *** ate,teammate,colleague or co-worker, roommate or housemate, girl鼎riend or boyfriend, acquaintance.呵呵,就这些了。 问题二:我们是好朋友用英语怎么说 we are good friends 问题三:一个好朋友用英语怎么说 a good friend 问题四:他们都是我的好朋友!用英语怎么说? All of them are my go弗d friends.(他们有3个或以上) Both of them are my good friends.(他们有2个) 问题五:你们都是我的好朋友用英语怎么说 All of you are my friends. 问题六:用英语介绍朋友怎么说 介绍朋友的方法(步骤); (1)介绍朋友的名字 my friend. (2)介绍朋友的长相:例如:He/She is tall with short hair. (3)介绍朋友的性格特点。例如:He/She is very frindly.He/She likes helping me. (4)介绍朋友的能力:He/She can/can"t...(例如:play football,play baseball,play the piano,sing,dance等等。注意:情态动词can/can"t 后跟动词原形。 (5)介绍朋友的爱好:He/She like ...(例如:running,dancing,singing,collecting stamps,watching TV,listening to the music,playing puter等等。注意:实义动词后的动词应变为-ing形式。) 以上只是用英文介绍朋友的一种基本模板,并不是所有的此类文章都要这么写,在实际写作中,写作者还可以根据具体情况自主发挥,或者在此基础上适当添加一些内容,使文章内容丰富,语言优美,引人入胜。 问题七:你我他是好朋友 用英语怎么说 You,he and I are good friends. 问题八:我和他是好朋友用英语怎么说 楼上的错了,He and I are good friends. 问题九:朋友用英语怎么写 你好! friend fellow
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问题一:好朋友用英语怎么说? 15分 pal(搭档,和狗也可以),good friend(直面,好朋友),teammate(队友),man(哥们,就像what"s up,man?) ,true friend(患难见真情的朋友),。。。好多,但美国把朋友的范围扩大: friend包括:close childhood friend,best friend,new friend,family friend, clas *** ate,teammate,colleague or co-worker, roommate or housemate, girl鼎riend or boyfriend, acquaintance.呵呵,就这些了。 问题二:我们是好朋友用英语怎么说 we are good friends 问题三:一个好朋友用英语怎么说 a good friend 问题四:他们都是我的好朋友!用英语怎么说? All of them are my go弗d friends.(他们有3个或以上) Both of them are my good friends.(他们有2个) 问题五:你们都是我的好朋友用英语怎么说 All of you are my friends. 问题六:用英语介绍朋友怎么说 介绍朋友的方法(步骤); (1)介绍朋友的名字 my friend. (2)介绍朋友的长相:例如:He/She is tall with short hair. (3)介绍朋友的性格特点。例如:He/She is very frindly.He/She likes helping me. (4)介绍朋友的能力:He/She can/can"t...(例如:play football,play baseball,play the piano,sing,dance等等。注意:情态动词can/can"t 后跟动词原形。 (5)介绍朋友的爱好:He/She like ...(例如:running,dancing,singing,collecting stamps,watching TV,listening to the music,playing puter等等。注意:实义动词后的动词应变为-ing形式。) 以上只是用英文介绍朋友的一种基本模板,并不是所有的此类文章都要这么写,在实际写作中,写作者还可以根据具体情况自主发挥,或者在此基础上适当添加一些内容,使文章内容丰富,语言优美,引人入胜。 问题七:你我他是好朋友 用英语怎么说 You,he and I are good friends. 问题八:我和他是好朋友用英语怎么说 楼上的错了,He and I are good friends. 问题九:朋友用英语怎么写 你好! friend fellow
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Dear, I wanna to look for a roommate. Considering the current state of the economy, I am choosing to double up with a roommate to help share expenses. My ideal housemate would be someone who is kind and keep the apartment clean.I would prefer a roommate who is friendly and respects others" privacy. If he/she is easy-going, it would be great.I am extremely grateful for all your help. Looking forward to your early reply.Best,XXX
2023-06-26 21:47:321


《猫和老鼠》(Tom and Jerry)相信大家都并不陌生,这是米高梅电影公司于1939年制作的一部经典动画片,首部剧集《甜蜜的家》于1940年2月10日在美国电视频道首播。《猫和老鼠》的故事情节围绕着一对生活中十分常见的大蓝猫tom和小黄鼠jerry而展开,tom有一种天生十分强烈的欲望,总是不断的努力去捉同居一室的老鼠jerry,并一直从始至终不断地努力去驱赶着这位讨厌的Housemate。尽管总是失败,但tom在追逐中得到的乐趣远远超过了捉住jerry。同时,tom在片中经常使用各种武器例如斧头啊、锤子啊、炸药啊、鞭炮啊等暴力工具或陷阱来对付Jerry。但Jerry非常机灵,时而使tom的诡计适得其反,让tom自食其果。在这部动画中,没有自然动物世界中那种恃强凌弱的残酷,只有两个邻居之间的日常琐事和纷争,让人在捧腹大笑的同时也带有一丝丝的感动。
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big brother的改变规则 与 变数 Twist

2001年,荷兰版第三季引入了“贫富”概念,在房子里面分为“豪华”和“贫穷”各一半,两组参赛者皆为享受豪华而斗争。荷兰版在第四季延续了这个概念。其他版本后面接着引入了类似的概念,其中有的属于变数Twist。非洲(2010, 2011,2012,2013), 阿尔巴尼亚 (2010), 澳大利亚 (2003,2013), 巴尔干地区 (VIP 2010,2011),巴西(2009, 2010, 2011, 2013,2014), 加拿大 (2013–至今), 丹麦 (2003), 芬兰 (2009,2014), 德国 (2003,2004–2005, 2005–2006, 2008,2008–2009), 希腊 (2003), 印度 (2012,2013), 以色列 (2009),意大利(2006,2007), 挪威 (2003), 菲律宾 (2009,Teen 2010,2011), 波兰 (2002),葡萄牙(VIP 2013), 斯洛伐克 (2005), 斯洛文尼亚(2008),斯堪的纳维亚/挪威&瑞典(2005), 南非 (2014), 西班牙 (VIP 2004, 2008, 2009–2010,2010), 英国 (2002, Celebrity 2007, 2008,Celebrity 2013), 美国 (2009–至今)。 2004年,美国版第五季介绍了双胞胎Adria Montgomery-Klein和Natalie Montgomery-Carroll。她们的任务是在房子里互换身份。如果成功骗过其他房客,她们可以按单独的身份同时进行游戏。这个变数被用在一些国家。澳大利亚(2005),德国(2005-2006), 保加利亚 (2006,2012), 英国 (2007, Celebrity 2011, Celebrity 2012,2013), 法国(2007, 2011,2013), 西班牙 (2007,2013), 波兰 (2007),印度(2008), 非洲 (2009), 巴尔干地区 (2009, 2013), 菲律宾 (2009, Teen 2012,2014), 葡萄牙 (2010,2012), 以色列(2011), 乌克兰 (2011), 阿根廷 ( 2011), 阿尔巴尼亚 (2013). 从英国版第二季开始,每季开始于一个变数。这包括了观众在三个候选人中选择最后一名室友(BBUK2);观众投票,室友从票数最低的两个人中投票选择一个人淘汰(BBUK3);第一晚提名(BBUK4);行李箱提名(BBUK5);不幸的13号室友(BBUK6);Big Brother Hood(BBUK7);全女首播和一对双胞胎参赛者(BBUK8);一对情侣必须隐藏他们的关系(BBUK9);参赛者必须赢得”室友“身份(BBUK10);一个参赛者以”Mole 间谍/鼹鼠“身份带着不可能的任务进入房子(BBUK11);Jackie Stallone与她儿子的前妻在房子里相遇(CBB3);”非“名人参加名人版(CBB4);Jade Goody的家人访问(CBB5)等。其他国家,例如保加利亚,美国和曾经的澳大利亚,同样有使用类似的变数。 英国版第五季引入了假淘汰,有一个或者两个室友被”淘汰“。英国版第八季中某个室友被淘汰,在经历过其他室友都能从屏幕上看到的采访过后又被送回房子。菲律宾版第五季,四个房客被假淘汰后呆在Bodega(酒店、酒窖)。澳大利亚版2013季,室友Ben在第五十天被假淘汰。他被除名后安置在一个总统套房里,需要他在其他室友不知道他依旧在房子里的情况下度过24小时。24小时后他又重新回到了房子里。 参赛者互换2002年,墨西哥第一季与西班牙第三季(GH3)进行暂时的互换。2010年,西班牙与意大利首次两个参赛者同时互换。在接下来的几年里,室友在世界各地进行互换:2003年 阿根廷(GH3) 和西班牙(GH4),厄瓜多尔(GH1) 和 墨西哥(BBM2), 非洲(BBA1) 和 英国(BB4); 2006年斯堪的纳维亚(BB2)和泰国(BBT2;菲律宾(PBB2) 和斯洛文尼亚(BB1), 阿根廷(GH5)和西班牙(GH9);非洲(BBA3) 和芬兰(BB4);2009年 芬兰(BB5) 和菲律宾(PBB3);2010年 芬兰(BB6)和斯洛文尼亚(BBS1) ;2010-2011 西班牙(GH12) 和以色列(HH3) ;2011年 芬兰(BB7) 和挪威(BB4) ;2012年阿根廷(GH7)和以色列(HH4)。已淘汰参赛者互换2003年,墨西哥(BBVIP2)与西班牙(GH5)互换7天。这个变数也曾用于2005年俄罗斯(BBR1)与太平洋版(GHP1);2007年阿根廷(GH4)和巴西(BBB7)。已淘汰参赛者访问2003年,英国(Anouska GolebiewskiBBUK4)访问 澳大利亚(BBAU3)。2005年,英国(Nadia Almada BBUK5) 访问 澳大利亚(BBAU5)。2006年,英国(Chantelle Houghton CBBUK4) 访问 德国(BBG6)。这个变数在后面几年里被若干版本复制:2009,非洲(Ricardo Ferreira BBA3) 访问 巴西(BBB9);2010,德国(Annina Ucatis 和 Sascha Schwan BBG9) 访问 菲律宾(PBB3),意大利(George Leonard 和 Veronica Ciardi GF10) 访问阿尔巴尼亚(BBAL3);2011,瑞典(Martin Granetoft 和 Peter Orrmyr Sara Jonsson BBSE5) 访问 挪威(BBNO4);2012,巴西(Rafael Cordeiro BBB12) 访问 西班牙(GH12), 阿根廷(Agustín Belforte GH4) 访问 哥伦比亚(GH2);2013,美国(Dan Gheesling BBUS10/BBUS14) 访问 加拿大(BBCA1与BBCA2) ;加拿大(Emmett Blois BBCA1) 访问 南非(BBM3).类似的活动发生在2014年美国与加拿大Rachel Reilly(BBUS12/BBUS13)与加拿大对话(BBCA2)。Rachel Reilly 同样出现在Big Brother Canada"s side show。参赛者在另一个国家竞赛有时曾经的参赛者参加完自己国家的版本后又参与别的国家的版本。其他变数 任务访问:2012年丹麦版第四季的Cathrine Petersen和Henrik Andreassen与瑞典版第六季的Patricia Andersen和Umar Nyonyintono互相访问7天。 绑架:2012年瑞典版第六季的Annica Englund被丹麦版第四季绑架7天。 未淘汰与已淘汰互换2012年 已淘汰的Laisa Portella(巴西BBB12) 与未淘汰的Noemí Merino (西班牙GH13)互换。Portella 在西班牙版房子里度过7天而Merino在巴西版房子里过5天。 选手招募交换Casting selection exchange:2009年 意大利版GF9的Doroti Polito和Leonia Coccia 拜访西班牙版GH10。 红色按钮Red Button:阿根廷版Gran Hermano第七季(GH7)在Confession Room告白室内放置了一个红色按钮,外部罩着一个透明的盒子。这个按钮用于当一名参赛者想要自愿离开这所房子,按下按钮整个房子里会响起警报。当警报响起时,参赛者要在5分钟内离开。 这个按钮同样被用于Secret Story秘密故事系列。但是这个按钮是在当某人想要猜别人的秘密的时候才能按下,同样整个房子都会响起警报。 电话:阿根廷版第四季 (GH4) 在客厅放置了一个电话,这个电话每周响一次,如果没有人接听的话,所有人都会被提名淘汰。第一个拿起电话的人Big Brother将会给予其任务或者消息,也许是对他有利或者不利。如果任务被拒绝,他(们)将会被提名淘汰。 多版本竞争 Eurovision Song Contest欧洲歌唱大赛 队伍与歌曲评委打分 冠军 意大利 希腊 阿根廷 总分 GF11BB5GH6西班牙GH12: 12 12 12 36 西班牙GH12 A-Ba-Ni-Bi以色列HH3: 10 10 10 30 Bandido日期排练以色列表演西班牙表演评分结束201012.30 - 2011.1.42011.1.52011.1.62011.1.72011.1.8FIFA World Cup世界杯 季度/选手 奖励 得分 冠军 日期 德国BB10 2010世界杯16强比赛: 1 英国BB11 2010.6.26 英国BB11 德国 vs. 英格兰收看权 2  经过5轮点球对战,比分为1:1后开始突然死亡法对决。又经过36轮的点球对战,德国室友Robert将球踢出界而英国室友Ife踢进一球使比分终于变为2:1。 在德国,第六季Big Brother - Das Dorf(Big Brother - The Village)经历了363天在2006年2月因为低收视率结束。而第七季,RTLII 换回了传统版本。第四季希腊版让选手的母亲一起参加,这季名字为Big Mother。在英国版第七季第十周时,室友们与他们的好朋友为搭档一起被提名和面对淘汰。第九季美国版添加了浪漫元素让房客们配对。第九季巴西版介绍了”Bubble”一个位于里约热内卢某个商场内的一个玻璃房,四名备选参赛者在里面生活一周。这季后期一个Bubble建在了主屋里,又有2名备选参赛者生活在里面知道他们被投为正式室友然后玻璃屋被拆除。玻璃屋后来又被用在第十一季,有5名被淘汰的时候为了一个可以回归的机会竞争;在第十三季,六名备选参赛者只有两位能进主屋。有个相似的twist被用于菲律宾第二季名人版,两位室友因职业或者家庭原因当做1个人。同样也是在菲律宾版,第二季青少年版Teen Edition,同样有teens的父母/监护人一起参加。父母们有他们自己的住所同样也被视为室友。如果一位teen housemate被淘汰,他的父母/监护人也被淘汰。在英国版Clebrity Hijack里被淘汰的时候有机会让”忍者”给屋内送好的或者坏的礼物。之后在2008年澳大利亚版引入了Housemate Hand Grenade室友手榴弹,被淘汰的室友可以选择一人进行惩罚。2010年保加利亚版引入了家庭版Big Brother Family。所有家庭成员与其配偶孩子以及亲属进屋。根据他们在屋内的时长会付薪水,获胜的家庭会得到奖金、一辆车和一所公寓。第十一季美国版引入了潘多拉魔盒Pandora"s Box,提供给当前HoH房主。里面可能会有金钱、一次名人访问或者与其爱人见面一段时间等。如果房主选择打开,同样会有意想不到的后果。第十二季美国版介绍了Saboteur破坏者,将会根据观众的指示进行捣乱。2011年非洲版第六季(Big Brother Africa: Amplified)是第一季Big Brother拥有两位冠军。 第十三季美国版引入了Dynamic Duos,8名新人与三对老人一起进屋。第四季菲律宾版(Pinoy Big Brother: Unlimited)介绍了Unli-Day和Unli-Night,两组不同的室友代表着两个不同的节目。这季还介绍了保留的室友,入围的面试者完成了Big Brother分配的任务可以成为正式的室友(同样也用在阿根廷版第七季)。菲律宾版引入了100秒系列,给室友一次机会与他们的亲友在Confession Room告白室100秒。第十四季美国版有来自之前的四名房客回归做12位新人的导师。第十五季引入了Big Brother M.V.P twist。在巴西版第十四季,7位母亲和2位阿姨作为9位剩余室友的亲属进屋庆祝国际妇女节,室友们不能看见或者接触到他们的亲属因为房子里有一道墙隔开。意见临时的房子提供给母亲和阿姨们,她们在屋内过了6天。第十六季和第十七集美国版介绍了双房主,4提名候选人以及Battle of the Block。第十六季引入了Team America twist。
2023-06-26 21:49:271


■部分条款不适用与美国版与加拿大版(英语)。There are 12 basic rules regarding life inside the Big Brother House. They are set out in their simplest terms below. In agreeing to take part in Big Brother, the housemates are agreeing to abide by the rules. 生活在老大哥的房子里有12个基本规则。见下面简单的条款。同意参加老大哥的室友皆视为同意遵守规则。1. There is no contact with the outside world. This includes the internet, newspapers, phone calls and conversations with anyone outside the House except for Big Brother.不能与外界接触。包括互联网,报纸,电话以及与除了老大哥外的外界联络。2. Housemates are filmed 24 hours a day and must wear personal microphones at all times.室友们每天拍摄24小时且必须每时每刻佩戴个人麦克风。3. The Diary Room is the only place in the House where Big Brother will acknowledge housemates individually.Visits to the Diary Room are compulsory.Diary Room是老大哥在房子里是唯一与室友分别沟通的地方。去Diary Room是强制性的。4.When requested you will be required to go to the Diary Room and nominate – you must give frank and honest reasons for your nominations. You are not permitted to discuss your nominations or try to influence anyone else"s nominations.Nominations are compulsory.当要求你去Diary Room和提名时,你必须给出坦诚的提名理由。你不允许讨论提名,或试图影响别人的提名。提名是强制参与的。5.The public will decide who is evicted.观众将决定谁被淘汰。6.Housemates must not threaten or use physical violence towards any other Housemate.室友们不可以威胁或使用肢体暴力对待其他室友。7. Big Brother will intervene and may remove you from the House if you break the rules, threaten or use physical violence, or behave in an unacceptable way that could cause serious offence to any other Housemate or to the viewing public.如果你违反规则老大哥会进行阻止并且可能将你除名,威胁或使用肢体暴力或行为不可接受者,可能导致严重冒犯其他室友或观众。8. All tasks and challenges are compulsory.所有的任务和挑战都是强制参与的。9.You may not move any of the furniture, or tamper with any of the fixtures and fittings.你不可以移动任何家具,或篡改任何装置和配件。10.You must get up whenever you hear the alarm.当你听到闹钟声你必须起床。11.You may not discuss any previous series of Big Brother or Celebrity Big Brother or Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack. You may not discuss any members of the Production.你不可以讨论之前的任何一季Big Brother(老大哥)或Celebrity Big Brother (名人老大哥) 或 Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack。你不可以讨论任何剧组成员。12.THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF ALL:Big Brother reserves the right to change the rules at any time.最重要的规则:老大哥有权随时改变规则。
2023-06-26 21:49:451


■部分条款不适用与美国版与加拿大版(英语)。There are 12 basic rules regarding life inside the Big Brother House. They are set out in their simplest terms below. In agreeing to take part in Big Brother, the housemates are agreeing to abide by the rules. 生活在老大哥的房子里有12个基本规则。见下面简单的条款。同意参加老大哥的室友皆视为同意遵守规则。1. There is no contact with the outside world. This includes the internet, newspapers, phone calls and conversations with anyone outside the House except for Big Brother.不能与外界接触。包括互联网,报纸,电话以及与除了老大哥外的外界联络。2. Housemates are filmed 24 hours a day and must wear personal microphones at all times.室友们每天拍摄24小时且必须每时每刻佩戴个人麦克风。3. The Diary Room is the only place in the House where Big Brother will acknowledge housemates individually.Visits to the Diary Room are compulsory.Diary Room是老大哥在房子里是唯一与室友分别沟通的地方。去Diary Room是强制性的。4.When requested you will be required to go to the Diary Room and nominate – you must give frank and honest reasons for your nominations. You are not permitted to discuss your nominations or try to influence anyone else"s nominations.Nominations are compulsory.当要求你去Diary Room和提名时,你必须给出坦诚的提名理由。你不允许讨论提名,或试图影响别人的提名。提名是强制参与的。5.The public will decide who is evicted.观众将决定谁被淘汰。6.Housemates must not threaten or use physical violence towards any other Housemate.室友们不可以威胁或使用肢体暴力对待其他室友。7. Big Brother will intervene and may remove you from the House if you break the rules, threaten or use physical violence, or behave in an unacceptable way that could cause serious offence to any other Housemate or to the viewing public.如果你违反规则老大哥会进行阻止并且可能将你除名,威胁或使用肢体暴力或行为不可接受者,可能导致严重冒犯其他室友或观众。8. All tasks and challenges are compulsory.所有的任务和挑战都是强制参与的。9.You may not move any of the furniture, or tamper with any of the fixtures and fittings.你不可以移动任何家具,或篡改任何装置和配件。10.You must get up whenever you hear the alarm.当你听到闹钟声你必须起床。11.You may not discuss any previous series of Big Brother or Celebrity Big Brother or Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack. You may not discuss any members of the Production.你不可以讨论之前的任何一季Big Brother(老大哥)或Celebrity Big Brother (名人老大哥) 或 Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack。你不可以讨论任何剧组成员。12.THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF ALL:Big Brother reserves the right to change the rules at any time.最重要的规则:老大哥有权随时改变规则。
2023-06-26 21:49:581


2023-06-26 21:50:143


DISGUSTINGBritish Food My landlady cooked dinner for me and my fiance yesterday since there is a housemate leaving in the end of the month.I was told that british food is always disgustin,however me and my friends always go to the wetherspoon.The british food there is not only cheap but quite nice as well.But yesterday night,the grill beef I ate was the most dry grill beef in my entire life,gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~!Never ever trust home made british food again.I didn"t finish my food in the end.But my poor fiance ate all the food in his plate as polite.I even can tell that he is not very enjoy his food at all from the way he swallowed it,haha,that is funny!Thus,I went to kitchen and brought him a glass of oranger juice.He must so appreciate what I did at that time.I even can image a big big smile on my face as return.Am I a good actress?haha~
2023-06-26 21:50:321

How do you get along with your roommates?(不是翻译,就问题说说你们的看法)

Time will tell...hahaha
2023-06-26 21:50:404


1-4: CBDC
2023-06-26 21:50:491


2023-06-26 21:50:561


njvjfvq jbve fbwqeh l/q abdvj bdl jbqvudn cjlkdjd hbvjdfb dn djkn le hqu dfj jn j je e lwe vl sdvjl wvferf f sd ds er fn bsjbsjs j jejivajd vd sa c s vsd d jd fjdfedfdnhdbf enf fj wdfdwljfdv c
2023-06-26 21:51:053


【 dy9免费放映室】这个还行。如果你家的网速还行的话如果没有你要的片子,可以再求片处求取。。785829689管理员会及时更新初一英语观后感2篇(功夫熊猫、加菲猫2、快乐大脚、海底总动员、飞屋环游记,五选二)希望你喜欢这个网站百度搜索:dy9免费放映室 网站 即可
2023-06-26 21:51:123


All the years I"ve been a loyal reader of the Garfield comics, I never had the impression it"s merely meant for kids. On the contrary, most of the dry humor and charismatic Garfield poses are difficult to "get" for young children. And yet, the film completely aims for a youthful audience. I have no problem with a movie being pro-children, but this is exaggerated and hardly accessible for adult viewers. The movie totally lacks all the elements that make the comics so entertaining. Garfield"s clever and sarcastic remarks, Jon"s clumsy womanizing techniques… All this has been replaced with an unhealthy dose of feel-good messages and lame jokes. The computer engineered Garfield doesn"t appeal and the other, real pets are badly chosen. The plot is standard-sentiment, with Garfield saving his new housemate puppy from a sneaky, fame-chasing TV host. Breckin Meyer (as Jon Arbuckle) and Jennifer Love Hewitt (as the yummy vet Liz) walk around without anything to do and Bill Murray voices Garfield like it"s some sort of dire job he wants to get rid of asap. The first (long-awaited?) cinema adventure of everybody"s favorite cat appears to be a quickly produced and unprofessional flick soon to be forgotten. Too bad, since you"re left behind with the feeling they could have done something better with this沙中的?....
2023-06-26 21:51:192


Dear, I wanna to look for a roommate. Considering the current state of the economy, I am choosing to double up with a roommate to help share expenses. My ideal housemate would be someone who is kind and keep the apartment clean.I would prefer a roommate who is friendly and respects others" privacy. If he/she is easy-going, it would be great.I am extremely grateful for all your help. Looking forward to your early reply.Best,XXX
2023-06-26 21:51:261


2023-06-26 21:51:352


Dear, I wanna to look for a roommate. Considering the current state of the economy, I am choosing to double up with a roommate to help share expenses. My ideal housemate would be someone who is kind and keep the apartment clean.I would prefer a roommate who is friendly and respects others" privacy. If he/she is easy-going, it would be great.I am extremely grateful for all your help. Looking forward to your early reply.Best,XXX
2023-06-26 21:51:531

模具中的side partition是什么意思

side partition 边隔板
2023-06-26 21:52:033


大小姐的坏脾气 好像是叫这个来着
2023-06-26 21:52:113

barry island 英国巴里岛哪个州

  主演: 迈克尔·索恰 / Damien Molony / 勒诺拉·克奇洛 / Russell Tovey  类型:  剧情 / 惊悚  制片家/区: 英  语言: 英语  首播期: 2012  季数: 4  集数: 8  单集片:  60  名: 彪悍 第四季  转载请注明:冰冰新闻组制作  翻译:  校:  采稿:  采稿源:BBC  BBC三台备受评获奖作品《我欲》第四季即映第四季紧接着第三季结尾Mitchell身狼形弹室友位于Barry岛家镇现些新面孔……  我跟随Annie、室友Geroge新伙伴于痛失友Mitchell、Tom养父McNair及George友Nina测仍接受既要照顾新婴要东躲**于鬼魅两狼说前所未挑战  吸血鬼要加:埋伏各处等待着祖辈归残暴统治世界能阻止吸血鬼要付代价件事明摆着:吸血鬼认两狼孩于神至关重要婴真众救星Cutler统治世界替代计划究竟  Being Human, BBC Three"s awardwinning and critically-acclaimed  drama, returns for a fourth series.Following the gripping series three finale in  which viewers watched Mitchellfall victim to the wolf-shaped bullet, series four  sees the aftermath as thehousemates return to their home in Barry Island. There  are also some new facesin town...  We join Annie, her housemate George andtheir new friend. They"re  reeling from the loss of their best friend Mitchell,Tom"s father-figure McNair  and the tragic departure of George"s girlfriend,Nina. But with a newborn baby to  look after, it"s never been more difficult tolive life under-the-radar as a  ghost and two werewolves.  There are also the vampires to deal with:lurking in every corner  of society, waiting for the Old Ones to arrive and takeover the world with  brutal force. Can they fight them off? And at what cost?One thing becomes clear  – the vampires believe that the child of two werewolvesis important in their own  mythology. Can this little baby really be the saviourof humanity? And what  exactly are Cutler"s ‘alternative" plans for worlddomination?
2023-06-26 21:52:171


明星瘦身 营养减肥餐 1桶减10斤
2023-06-26 21:52:242

来到澳洲读书,忽然对自己的身份有个疑问"Where should i belong?"

更新1: 我也不是与所有的中国香港人关系不好, 只是关系好的都不是住在宿舍啦 其实你系无咩问题... 个d系你既性格...每个人都有自己既一套... 唔需要随波逐流... 但系...<<5.我不太喜欢那些人很会应酬人但却只会说些无味的应酬说话的人>> 你呢到我建议你应该要学下说话既技巧... 唔好用永远都唔可以同中国香港人相处... 试下改变说话既方式...朋友自然会向你来 你懂得反思其实你都系想改过..不是吗?? 你要知道中国香港人的工作压力比其他地区或国家既大... 大部份人钟意"浦"都唔可以怪...如果真系有人邀请你... 你就顺他们一两次意思...你认为许可就做啦!!! 你需唔需要为左..自己不能与人相处就移民呢??? 始终都解决唔到问题嫁...你系要解决问题吗. 你觉得中国香港人既印象一般... 你都系站左一个中立既态度.. 有时你可以发表自己意见嫁.. 但系你有时见到中国香港人争取到一些对自己唔差既野时.. 你又会觉得唔错u359e...是吗??? 有野再问我呀!!我会尽力帮你呢!! 参考: 自己 哗! 我同你简直系非常相似呀! 唔同既系...我系澳洲读左5年书 依家番左中国香港揾野做. 虽然我又未至于同中国香港人关系很差 只系难倾得埋. 当然个阵我都有一两个非常要好既中国香港朋友. 其余2-6点都好似我呀!! 我个阵都比较少群中国香港人 因为我唔钟意唱K 唔钟意打牌 唔钟意煲TVB 剧. 基本上佢地钟意做既我都唔好. 同外国人相处都冇大问题既 我housemate 都系星加坡人. 但同佢地又未去到知己咁close 都系倾得埋罗. 自从我番左黎中国香港之后 就愈来愈觉得中国香港唔岩我 好多野都唔及澳洲. 虽然我系中国香港长大 但系我系澳洲人 即拥有澳洲passport; 所以依家我就愈来愈觉得自己唔系中国香港人 我个心 系属于澳洲. 第时退休真系要番去住呀! 可能你会问 咁点解我读完书唔留系个边. 系因为我想同屋企人一齐. 过左5年生活 真系够喇. 所以无论我几想系澳洲 同屋企人住始终重要d. 你咪当自己系ABC 罗. 净系同外国人玩都好正常既~至于你是否需要移居海外 就过早考虑喇. 如果你系过去读大学既 就好好enjoy 埋呢几年外国生活啦. 毕左业可以再申请入籍呀. 到时你可能会有另一番见解. ~:)
2023-06-26 21:52:471


All the years I"ve been a loyal reader of the Garfield comics, I never had the impression it"s merely meant for kids. On the contrary, most of the dry humor and charismatic Garfield poses are difficult to "get" for young children. And yet, the film completely aims for a youthful audience. I have no problem with a movie being pro-children, but this is exaggerated and hardly accessible for adult viewers. The movie totally lacks all the elements that make the comics so entertaining. Garfield"s clever and sarcastic remarks, Jon"s clumsy womanizing techniquesu2026 All this has been replaced with an unhealthy dose of feel-good messages and lame jokes. The computer engineered Garfield doesn"t appeal and the other, real pets are badly chosen. The plot is standard-sentiment, with Garfield saving his new housemate puppy from a sneaky, fame-chasing TV host. Breckin Meyer (as Jon Arbuckle) and Jennifer Love Hewitt (as the yummy vet Liz) walk around without anything to do and Bill Murray voices Garfield like it"s some sort of dire job he wants to get rid of asap. The first (long-awaited?) cinema adventure of everybody"s favorite cat appears to be a quickly produced and unprofessional flick soon to be forgotten. Too bad, since you"re left behind with the feeling they could have done something better with this.
2023-06-26 21:53:081


I like books.
2023-06-26 21:53:163


其实我个人认为 高三的词汇量还不会很大 会考说明上的词其实就够用了在这个阶段我不建议你背词根 那样会给自己增加负担百度文库里有个词根大全 新东方的 你可以下载下来当词典使用背单词需要反复的记忆 最好是搭配一些常用词组和句式来记忆 效果会好一些不要只顾记住字母的顺序 配合单词的发音 会好一些多读一些英语的小文章 比如英语周报就很好生词不要马上就查字典 自己可以猜测一下 通读之后再去查 印象更深刻希望对你有帮助
2023-06-26 21:53:254


作者简介:Danny Xiang,目前还在于爱丁堡的Merchiston Castle School就读A-Levels最后一年。以下节选的6篇日记记录了在过去几年里Danny的寄宿生活,其中最后两篇描述的是A-Levels时发生的事情。1. 序言 It didn"t take long at all for me to decide to come and study in the UK, with the advent of globalization, more and more people realize that it is necessary to study in an English speaking country. UK does not only offer the chance to study the original English, it also has so many first class universities, whose qualifications are widely respected all over the world. Besides the academic, there are many fun elements too; its famous football environment is definitely one for me! Since UK has such a diverse society, I feel there is less chance there would be any racism at boarding school. This is one reason why I did not take any summer courses before I started my school at the aged of 14, it was just so easy to settle in and pick up the language as you go along, because everyone is so friendly and helpful. At the moment I am doing 5 A-levels and 1 AS, which are Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Government and Politics and Chinese. I am aiming to achieve As in all my exams, and I hope to be going to Oxford University to study Engineering Science in the autumn.2. 寄宿生活的第一天 Today is my first day at Merchiston Castle School, and I was really nervous about it, because I have never visited the school before and didn"t take any summer course. Despite my anxiety, I soon relaxed once I arrived; the staffs were so nice that I felt that my speaking English was better than it actually was! As soon as I walked into the day room of my boarding house, I was absolutely amazed by the friendly atmosphere: everyone was so friendly that a boy as shy as I had no difficulties in setting in, and I made many new friends on my very first day, although I was struggling to remember all the names.Also I realized there were other international students in the house, literally from all over the world, such as South Korea, Japan and Russia. Although their English was not so fluent, it didn"t take long for us to understand each other at all. In some ways, it was even better to practice English by speaking to the international students, because we were both learning.3. 寄宿学习生活掠影 Having been in the school for 2 months, I am getting used to school life, and I am starting to make the most of my time in here. School starts at 9 o"clock every morning, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have long days, in which we have 9 lessons and school finishes at 4 o"clock. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday we have short days, in which we have only six lessons and finish at 1 o"clock. After lessons, we have 2 hours of activity time, when you can choose from a wide range of activities, including all the major sports, such as rugby and football, and also the minor sports such as basketball and tennis.As a boarder, the quality of food is something I consider very important, and Merchiston has not let me down. The school kitchens are run by a professional catering company, and the quality of food is excellent, also they take the issue of a healthy diet really seriously: I remember once I was asked to take more salad for my meal by a member of the kitchen staff for I did not have enough vegetables. This brings to another point of being a boarder: you need to learn how to look after yourself and be responsible for yourself. One of the huge advantages of being a boarder is that we can have breakfast in the school, which means we don"t have to pull ourselves out of the bed as early as the day pupils!4. 寄宿生活的收获 Today I have been elected to be a member of the House Council in my boarding houses; I really think this is an excellent opportunity for me to develop leadership qualities through gathering housemate"s suggestions and reporting to the housemaster. This also gave me the opportunity to get more involved in the boarding house and get on well with people from different cultures and backgrounds.So far my time in the boarding house has been very enjoyable and I have liked the boarding facilities I think sharing rooms with other people when we are young is a great idea as people can build up their friendship really quickly. For me it was also a fantastic opportunity to pick up the language, and one thing I have learnt from my own experience is never be shy to speak. No one is going to laugh at you if you are trying, they will only laugh at you if you don"t try. Being a boarder in such a close community really helps me to express myself (the chat after lights out is really amazing!) and to build up my confidence, which will definitely benefit me in the future.Another thing I have learnt is to be tolerant of and respect different culture and religions. Dealing with different cultures on a daily basis has taught me to become more broad-minded. One example was when the Islam students were fasting for Ramadan, and all other students were trying their best to help by doing their duties and helping them to carry books. This touched me deeply.5. 课余生活 Last week, I took part in the CCF Easter Camp just before the Easter break. The expedition was organized by the staff, and about 20 pupils from my year took part; we climb up many famous mountains in Scotland including the Choire Ghairbh and Ben Nevis. We walked with an overall ascent of 6500 metes. Despite the difficulties we had during the expedition, I had a wonderful awareness of the beauty of Scotland. In fact, this is just one of the many trips that the school organized for the pupils, such as the Physics trip to Geneva, and the History trip to France. I have also visited some First World War battlefields, where millions of young men tragically lost their lives. Another activity that was new to me has been the Scottish Dancing Club. This involves many girls from neighbouring schools coming to Merchiston every weekend and this gave many boys (including myself) the encouragement to learn the dances. I learned to dance and had (to my surprise) a good laugh when putting on the traditional Scottish kilt.6. 初试牛刀 I have always wanted to run a business of some sort; finally I have had the chance of running a real business at the beginning of the summer term. The business project is called Young Enterprise, where we set up a small company called “Limitless” and sold the product to the school and public. I was appointed to be the deputy director and the financial director of the company. My role was to manage the financial activities of the business.I have learnt so much from this experience, and I have particularly enjoyed the chance to put some of my mathematical and analytical skills into practice in a real life economic situation and have been able to enhance my management and communication skills. More importantly, I have learnt to work with people from different backgrounds, and truly benefited from it. It was really interesting to find out how good the Russians were at “persuading” people to buy our products! Recently the school has set up a trading group, which allows the pupils to be involved in the UK"s stock market. I have really enjoyed this activity as it has given me the skills to think critically and analytically, I have entered the Proshare online trader competition and gained 5th place out of more than 2000 competitors. At the moment, my team is still competition in the Share 4 Schools competition. So far we have managed to have zero losses, which is not a bad start, is it?Another good thing about being a boarder is that we can organize our own activities if we want, and the school is usually highly supportive: so this term I have organized an Engineering Society in school, which arranges regular site visits to local industries. So far, the society has proved to be hugely “popular”, with only about 10 members. Well, it is always the quality that matters, not the quantity, isn"t it? I have had many opportunities to challenge myself since I have been in the school, and probably one of the most important lessons I have picked from being a boarder, is to have the initiative to look for any possible challenges.7. 考试及结束语 Exam weeks have not always been easy. Every one is really stressed, but I am glad that the staffs are always helpful and patient, and are always there when you need them. Even though some people describe them as “ complete mugs for a sob story!”Today I have just had a 2 hour extra maths lessons for tomorrow"s exam, which was extremely helpful. Apart form academics, the School have also provided much assistance on areas, such as extra EFL lessons for people who has just arrived in the UK, or career assistance. I was really struggling to decide whether to study Economics at LSE or Engineering at Oxford and the career staff really gave me lots of helps and suggestions, and helped me to finally make up my mind and concentrate on getting the grades.During my stay in Merchiston, I realized I have developed in many ways, such as academic, personal and sports, and I now have many transferable skills, which are extremely valuable for my future career. All the experiences I have had at boarding school have shaped me into being an independent, broad-minded adult. I would definitely recommend I think, boarding life in the Uk to anyone: without doubt it will be the most memorable time in your life!
2023-06-26 21:53:321