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2023-06-27 01:08:57
TAG: eam dre



Jessica韩文:정수연(Jung Soo Yeon)




体重:45KG (根据韩国官网NAVER)






学历:Korea Kent Foreign School




座右铭:Follow My Heart




性格:特别爱害羞 好坏分明 直爽

喜欢的男艺人:郑宇成、Daniel Henny

喜欢的女艺人:李孝利、olivia hussey pink






喜欢的歌:《Love Me In A Special Way》

加入SM Ent:2000 SM casting system





feat.8eight - I Love You(08)




出演Super Gir MV (with Superjunior-M)SJ-M一辑MIINI


少女时代里面训练时间最长的成员,在网络上曝光的漂亮自拍使她成为SM关注度最高的女训练生之一,在国外成长的经历塑造的明朗性格使得她的人缘颇佳。因为Jessica在队中较少讲话,不笑的时候又给人感觉很难接近,故被称为冰山美人。虽然她身上那种冷漠气质让不少人望而止步,但实际上她是那种很抽很随性的女生,十分爱睡觉,因此被成员们笑称“睡美人”。成熟美丽的外貌和甜美的声线给人的印象都很深刻。是个形象百变的女孩,无论是杂志的平面模特还是 MV里的清纯女子都诠释的淋漓尽致。或冷艳或甜美,Jessica总能带给大家不一样的感觉。而她和队长泰妍的和声总是天衣无缝,也不愧是经过了7年打磨的坚强女孩了。



Jessica韩文:정수연(Jung Soo Yeon)




体重:45KG (根据韩国官网NAVER)






学历:Korea Kent Foreign School




座右铭:Follow My Heart




性格:特别爱害羞 好坏分明 直爽

喜欢的男艺人:郑宇成、Daniel Henny

喜欢的女艺人:李孝利、olivia hussey pink






喜欢的歌:《Love Me In A Special Way》

加入SM Ent:2000 SM casting system





feat.8eight - I Love You(08)




出演Super Gir MV (with Superjunior-M)SJ-M一辑MIINI


少女时代里面训练时间最长的成员,在网络上曝光的漂亮自拍使她成为SM关注度最高的女训练生之一,在国外成长的经历塑造的明朗性格使得她的人缘颇佳。因为Jessica在队中较少讲话,不笑的时候又给人感觉很难接近,故被称为冰山美人。虽然她身上那种冷漠气质让不少人望而止步,但实际上她是那种很抽很随性的女生,十分爱睡觉,因此被成员们笑称“睡美人”。成熟美丽的外貌和甜美的声线给人的印象都很深刻。是个形象百变的女孩,无论是杂志的平面模特还是 MV里的清纯女子都诠释的淋漓尽致。或冷艳或甜美,Jessica总能带给大家不一样的感觉。而她和队长泰妍的和声总是天衣无缝,也不愧是经过了7年打磨的坚强女孩了。



2023-06-26 20:44:491


henny英 ["henu026a] 美 ["henu026a] adj.(公鸡)羽毛似母鸡的
2023-06-26 20:44:561


Heney[人名] [爱尔兰姓氏] 希尼 Heaney的变体hennyadj.(公鸡)羽毛似母鸡的[英]["henu026a][美]["henu026a]
2023-06-26 20:45:051


2023-06-26 20:45:133


老公:Husband 老婆:Wife
2023-06-26 20:45:247


姓名:亨利 性别:男 英文名:Thierry Henry 出生年月:1977.08.17 身高:188cm 体重:83kg 国籍:法国 籍贯:法国 项目:国际足球 位置:前锋 俱乐部:阿森纳 俱乐部号码:14 国家队号码:12 亨利简介 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 亨利成名于摩纳哥队,在那里,他初步展示了后来使他登上足球高峰的技术水平。为了获得1998年的世界杯冠军,被寄予希望的亨利被召入国家队,他也在比赛中为法国队贡献了三个进球。 1999年,亨利从尤文图斯转会到了阿森纳队——此前是这支都灵的球队将他从摩纳哥买来。这次转会改变了他的职业生涯,阿森纳的主教练阿瑟尼·温格将亨利的位置固定在了前锋,而那之前在其他俱乐部中他一直被要求既打前锋,又能够在边路活动。 在2000年的比利时/荷兰欧洲足球锦标赛上,亨利以3个进球帮助法国队获得冠军,他充满想象力的奔跑也使人们感到惊叹。02年世界杯虽然比较失意,但是我们有理由相信在06年他能做得更好 加入的时间:1999年8月3日 曾经呆过的俱乐部:摩纳哥、尤文图斯 荣誉:世界杯冠军、欧洲杯冠军 参加阿森纳的首场比赛:1999.8.7英超主场对莱切斯特,2比1胜。 1998年世界杯冠军队成员。98年世界杯后成长为法国队锋线的核心力量。启动快,射门技术好,目前世界上最好的前锋之一。 亨利1994年8月参加了职业生涯中的第一场联赛, 是对莱斯的一场比赛,当时他在温格执教的摩纳哥队踢球。 1998年亨利为法国国家队赢得了世界杯,并成为法国的首席射手,成长为法国队锋线的核心力量。 1999年,温格将其收购到阿森纳,在温格的调教下,亨利表现越来越出色。亨利逐渐适应了英超联赛的节奏,到了联赛后期,他已经完全能够弥补阿内尔卡离去所留下的空缺。亨利速度奇快,擅长在边路活动,虽然身材很高,但很灵活,脚下技术非常出色。其精湛的控球技术令对手无可奈何,其速度更令对手胆战心惊。显然,两年在意甲和英超的锻炼使他日渐成熟。 2000年欧洲杯亨利射入3球,帮助法国队夺得欧洲杯冠军。 1990:十三岁时加盟法国球队摩纳哥; 1994:十七岁时首次登场亮相; 1995:十八岁时射入首粒进球(摩纳哥6:0胜朗斯); 1997:正式与摩纳哥签下职业合同。同年,摩纳哥赢得法甲桂冠,亨利出场三十六次,进球九个;1998:代表法国队参加世界杯,六场比赛进球三个,不过在决赛完胜巴西的比赛中,亨利没能进入主力阵容。 相信很多球迷对98年世界杯上的这一幕印象深刻,在法国队同意大利队的1/4决赛的点球大战中,亨利躲在特雷泽盖的身后,用球衣遮住自己的眼睛不敢亲眼来看残酷的命运决斗。那年的亨利才只有21岁,是他第一次参加世界杯赛,他的眼神中充满了孩童般的天真和和胆怯。 这是上赛季阿森纳队同曼联队比赛中的一幕,亨利在攻破同胞巴特斯的大门之后回头观望,他的眼神中充满了自豪和对对手的不屑。这时的亨利24岁,三年过去了,他已经由法国世界杯上的那个毛头小子成长为一个令任何对手都感到胆战心惊的杀手,他的眼神中不会再充满胆怯,有的只是对对手的蔑视和对自己的十足信心。 在球场上,亨利简直太快了,他时刻都在飞奔,当对方后卫还在举手示意他越位的时候,亨利早已带球从他们身边掠过,顷刻间便见皮球滚进了球网,这样的描写我们只在武侠小说里见过,那是用来说明剑客出手之快或者是枪手枪法之精准,但是亨利就是这样一个现实中的枪手。 不过,亨利并不仅仅只是有速度,本赛季在同托特纳姆热刺队的比赛中,亨利从自己的半场带球长途奔袭,上演了单骑闯关的精彩好戏,他通过这个进球展示了自己速度和技术的完美结合。在冠军杯同罗马队比赛中,亨利上演了阿森纳历史上的第一个冠军杯赛中的帽子戏法,其中他打进了一个精彩的任意球,而在三天后同阿斯顿维拉队的比赛中,亨利再次完成了任意球绝杀,这两个直接任意球表明亨利的技术已经越来越全面,他变得比以前更具杀伤力。但是,面对众多的赞誉,谦虚的亨利并不认为自己是个天生的射手,他说进球并不是自己比赛的全部。 亨利也许不承认进球是自己与生俱来的天赋,但正是他在门前的这种超人的感觉和强大的威力使得1994年只有17岁的他从摩纳哥青年队被提拔到了一队,并从此开始了自己的星路历程,那时摩纳哥队的主教练正是温格。尽管第二个赛季温格前去日本执教,但是亨利却在摩纳哥一线队逐渐站稳了脚跟。在摩纳哥队,亨利与同岁的特雷泽盖组成了摩纳哥队的双子星座,两位年轻的射手成为了法甲赛场上最炙手可热的一对搭档。 1997年对亨利来说有着特殊的意义,他随摩纳哥队获得了96到97赛季法甲联赛的冠军,在第二个赛季的冠军杯赛中,摩纳哥队还闯进了四强,在欧洲赛场上,亨利的表现同样出色,尤其是在同里斯本竞技队的比赛中,在0比2落后的情况下亨利独中两元使得摩纳哥队3比2实现了大逆转。在亨利脱下球衣和对方球员交换时,我们注意到他的肩膀上文着一个繁体的汉字“龙”,我们无从考证亨利为什么会文上龙字,但是根据中国的属相说,77年出生的亨利应该属蛇也就是我们通常说的属小龙,对于东方中国的文化,亨利似乎也是充满了好奇。 1997年,亨利还以欧洲青年锦标赛冠军的身份与队友一起参加了在马来西亚举行的20岁以下世青赛,当时的法国青年队中还包括特雷泽盖、阿内尔卡、西尔维斯特、萨尼奥尔等人,如今他们都已经成长为各自俱乐部队中的主力。不过,在那届世青赛上,法国队在1/4决赛中被乌拉圭队点球淘汰。在那一年,亨利还第一次入选了雅凯的国家队,完成了从青年队到国家队的飞跃,这为他最终能够参加第二年举行的世界杯奠定了基础。 紧接着便是让亨利终生难忘的法兰西之夏,在98年的世界杯上,锋线乏力的法国队被认为“没有牙齿”。但是亨利却让法国人看到了未来的希望,尽管只是作为吉瓦什的替补,但是亨利却成了法国队中进球最多的球员,他在同南非和沙特队的比赛中打进了三个球并由此一举成名。在同巴拉圭队的1/8决赛中,亨利还差点攻破齐拉维特的大门为法国队打进制胜一球,但可惜的是,球被门柱拒之门外。尽管在同意大利队的点球决战中,亨利害怕得不敢直面罚点球的过程,但轮到他自己主罚时,他仍然冷静地一蹴而就,对于21岁的亨利来说,这样的经历足以让他受益终身。尽管帮助球队捧起了大力神杯,不过亨利的心中仍有一丝遗憾,那就是在决赛中他没能上场,在品尝到世界冠军滋味的同时,亨利年轻的心中也立下了誓言,那就是有一天他要靠自己的进球帮助法国队再次夺取世界冠军。 像很多法国球员一样,在世界杯后亨利也离开了法国,1999年1月份,他加盟了意大利豪门尤文图斯队。但是在意大利短暂的日子亨利过得并不开心,在参加的17场比赛中只打进了3个球。很多人都说是当时的主教练里皮看走了眼,其实亨利之所以表现平平与场上的位置有关,在尤文图斯队的3-5-2阵型中亨利被安排踢左前卫,而这并不是他所擅长的位置,使得进攻的特长受限,所以大多数时间亨利都显得无所适从,在回顾这段经历的时候亨利说自己很多时候都感觉像是个边后卫。 亨利最终选择了放弃,1999年夏天,他接受恩师温格的召唤来到了英格兰加入了枪手的行列,1000万英镑的转会费打破了阿森纳俱乐部的转会纪录。但是,初到英格兰的日子亨利同样并不十分适应,阿森纳的球迷原本希望他能够代替转投皇家马德里的阿内尔卡的位置,但是,亨利最初的表现让人失望,球迷们开始怀疑温格任人唯亲,亨利也开始怀疑自己的选择,但是维埃拉等同在阿森纳的同胞给了他很大的鼓励。终于在联赛第8轮同南安普顿队的比赛中,亨利打进了他在英超的第一个进球。不过,对亨利来说,他英超足球生涯的真正转折点是同德比郡队那场比赛,在阿森纳队落后的情况下,亨利的两个进球帮助阿森纳队反败为胜,狂奔的亨利尽情宣泄着内心压抑已久的激情,接受海布里球迷的欢呼,他终于走出了阿内尔卡的阴影,亨利形容自己那一天的感觉就像是重新回到了快乐的学生时代。从此,亨利便一发不可收,在英超的第一个赛季,他总共打进了18个球。 2000年夏天对亨利来说又是一个收获的日子,在欧锦赛中,亨利再次向人们展示了他惊人的速度和出众的技术,他同特雷泽盖组成的锋线再次横扫欧陆。他的表现令丹麦门神舒梅切尔也感到无可奈何,只能慨叹岁月的无情。在这届比赛中亨利总共打进了3个球,并且入选了最佳阵容,帮助法国队成为第一支在获得世界杯后接着赢得欧洲杯的球队。不过,对待好不容易才到手的冠军奖杯,亨利似乎并不太珍惜,他顽皮的天性再次显现无疑。 随着对英超的逐渐适应,亨利已经越来越喜欢上了英格兰足球的风格,他甚至表示自己喜欢英格兰球员粗野的球风,因为这种脏球让他的球技大长,而一旦融入了英国足球,亨利的进球数也就与日俱增。不过,在英超的前两个赛季,亨利却始终与任何奖杯无缘,在联赛中阿森纳受到曼联的压制,在冠军杯中连续两个赛季小组赛没能出线,在99到2000赛季的联盟杯决赛中,阿森纳队点球输给了加拉塔萨雷队。最可惜的是在2000到2001赛季同利物浦队的足总杯决赛中,亨利没能住住两个绝佳的进球机会,阿森纳再次与冠军失之交臂。 但是,在02/03个赛季,亨利和阿森纳队迎来了属于自己的赛季,阿森纳队终于在联赛中压倒老冤家曼联队夺得了联赛的冠军,亨利还以24个进球成为了英超的射手王。在足总杯的决赛中,阿森纳队也击败了切尔西队夺得了冠军,亨利获得了加盟英超后的第一个双冠王。对于亨利本人和阿森纳队来说,2001到2002赛季都是一个硕果累累的赛季。 然而,当踌躇满志的亨利出现在2002年世界杯赛场上的时候,没想到却遭遇到了沉重的打击,拥有英超最佳射手亨利和意甲最佳射手特雷泽盖的法国队竟然一球未进,命运之神也不再眷顾法国队,许多必进之球都鬼使神差般地打在了门柱上。在第二场同丹麦队的比赛中,亨利还领到了一张红牌,以这种方式结束了自己的韩日世界杯之旅。亨利的这张红牌创造了世界杯的一个纪录,它恰好是世界杯决赛阶段的第100张红牌,不过,对亨利来说,这样的纪录他还是希望由别人来书写。 难能可贵的是,世界杯失利的阴影并没有被亨利带到英超的赛场上。02/03赛季,24岁的亨利刚好以24个进球获得了最佳射手,本赛季,他再次帮助阿森纳队夺得联赛冠军,自己也当选为职业球员协会评选出的最佳球员。 亨利就是这样,只要一到了足球场上,一切的烦恼和不快就会立刻被抛到脑后,他总能从比赛中寻找到快乐,他总能博得观众的掌声和欢笑,更多的时候,亨利更像是一个纯真率直的男孩,他的进球、他的庆祝总能让球迷们受到感染,这一切都是源自对足球的最质朴的、发自内心的热爱。 尽管已经被认为是当今世界足坛顶尖前锋之一,但是亨利永远也不会满足,在他的脑海中只有一个形象在激励着他——那就是荷兰传奇射手范巴斯滕,那是亨利唯一的偶像。在亨利看来,范巴斯滕就是完美的象征,是活着的传奇,他代表着足球的一切。亨利说他在国家队中永远只穿一个球衣号码12号,因为那是范巴斯滕在88年欧锦赛上的号码。 亨利是足球世界最有天分的球员之一,法国射手的技术、速度、对进球的明锐感及球队至上的无私,让他足以“在任何行星上生存”,不过他很乐意留在阿森纳球迷中继续作他的海布里之王。 在上赛季的英超射手榜上,蒂耶里的优势之大让旁人难望其项背,25粒进球14次助攻,这还是在有伤缺阵数轮的情况下创造的纪录。欧洲赛场他也有五球入帐,本赛季开幕时法国人距离伊恩-赖特保持的俱乐部历史进球纪录(185球)仅有四球之遥。 上赛季亨利所取得的个人荣誉与其连续两年的出色表现并不成正比,在世界足球先生的评选中他屈居第二。不过在阿森纳官网评选的球队年度最佳中,亨利高居榜首。 现年28岁的蒂耶里丝毫看不出会有衰退的迹象,这对阿森纳和法国队来说都是再好不过的消息。 赛季报告 十一月:又一个打破纪录的月份,亨利成了英超历史上首位在一个球场打入100球的队员,他在海布里的历史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。与桑德兰和维冈两战亨利都有出色表现,其中与黑马维冈一战法国射手独中两元,第二球的长距离任意球建功更是精彩至极,任何门将都无法防范。而后与图恩一战他也首发,并在与布莱克本一役中打入了其在海布里的第100球。 十月:打破纪录,创造历史,两次出场攻入两球。亨利从伤势中恢复的速度让人惊叹,在布拉格只等了 16 分钟就替补雷耶斯出战,而后强横地攻入一粒典型的亨利进球,随后打破了赖特保持的俱乐部进球纪录。对曼城时皮雷的致胜点球同样是由枪手队长创造,不过由于旧伤反复他未能赶赴客场挑战热刺。 九月:在法国队与爱尔兰的生死战中亨利打入全场唯一进球,不过比赛中他的腹股沟严重受伤,温格将六周无法调遣爱将,法国主帅称如果亨利能提前复出,那将是“无与伦比的惊喜”。 八月:三场英超打入三球,与纽卡斯尔一役罚中一粒点球,主场对富勒姆射入了两粒漂亮进球,距离伊恩-赖特保持的俱乐部进球纪录只有一球之隔。 夏季:维埃拉转投都灵后亨利被任命为球队队长,夏季热身赛中攻入五球,其中对维茨一战中打入的进球最为华丽漂亮。 五月:因为受伤,本月蒂耶里非常安静。在摆脱了腹沟股的伤势后于迎战埃弗顿一役中替补登场,并制造了一粒点球让劳伦主罚命中。蒂耶里很期待能在足总杯决赛中亮相,但脚踝的旧伤让其最终还是无缘露面。 亨利速度奇快,脚下技术非常出色,擅长在边路活动。他身材很高但非常灵活,身体柔韧性好,在比赛中常有“神来之笔”。目前他在英超乃至欧洲赛场都威名远扬,被温格誉为“世界上最优秀的球员”。也许亨利唯一不足之处是门前把握机会能力还欠火候,经常创造出机会却不能得分。 和队友特雷泽盖一样,亨利也是法国摩纳哥队培养出来的。他的足球生涯似乎不很顺利,21岁的时候就被尤文图斯慧眼识中。但年轻的亨利很难适应意大利足球,过得并不愉快,一个赛季大部分时间坐在替补席上,在总共出场的10场比赛中,他仅攻入了三球。最终尤文图斯对他失去了信心,把他转让给英超劲旅阿森纳队。在阿森纳,亨利奇迹般地找回了感觉,连续两个赛季攻入17球,成为英超最优秀的射手之一。“火枪手”阿森纳也成为了英超冠军最有力的竞争者。现在,就连高傲尤文图斯也不得不承认,他们卖掉亨利是最大的失误之一。
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2023-06-26 20:46:141


2023-06-26 20:46:222


2023-06-26 20:46:306

henny penny是什么意思

  henny penny_翻译  henny penny  [释义]按贡献大小分配的;
2023-06-26 20:46:451

请求取一英文名 最好有译音 叫 小娴 女~~活泼活泼 可爱可爱~~ 我喜欢还会再加分~

Henny 娴仔Shinny 娴宝宝
2023-06-26 20:46:524

帮我翻译一下大山叔叔讲故事初级中的The Sky Is Falling这篇,英文翻译成中文,谢谢~~

有一天,一个叫Chicken Little的小鸡正在她的花园抓地面。突然,一个小坚果掉下来并击中了她的头部。 “哦,天哪!”她哭着说。 “天塌下来了!我们必须做些什么!”于是她边跑边喊:“救命啊,救命!”在路上,她遇到了正要去商店的Henny Penny。 “怎么了?”Henny Penny问。 “天塌下来了!”回答Chick Little。 “你怎么知道的?”Henny Penny问。 “因为它的一块倒在我的头上,”Chick Little回答。 “哦,天哪!”Henny Penny哭着说, “我们必须做些什么!”。他们跑在路上喊:“救命啊,救命!”他们来到一个池塘,在那里他们会见了Ducky Daddles。 “怎么了?”他问道。 “天塌下来了!”Henny Penny回答。后面他们又傻逼似的瞎跑瞎叫拉了好多人一起逃命,有Turkey Lurkey还有Goosey Loosey,直到他们遇到了Foxy Loxy。Foxy Loxy说跟我来,然后把大伙都带进了他的家,然后一个个的吃掉了这些蠢货们。第二段有些偷懒,中间的内容都雷同,实在每必要翻译了。
2023-06-26 20:47:322


韩国貌似上过一次starking 做表演嘉宾去的中国比较多 也就是和sjm一起上的一些节目
2023-06-26 20:47:402


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2023-06-26 20:48:056

hennyrue是什么牌子,henny rue牌子怎么样

1.hennyrue是一个日本的品牌,品牌裤袜的品质比较好。 2.它的有些款式看上去弹力不大,但穿上并不费劲,把肉肉裹的紧紧的,也不会觉得不舒服!属于压力袜。 3.性价比高,好穿不贵,天鹅绒面料,质地细腻柔软,弹力大,一百六七十斤穿毫无压力,紧致有型,而且不易勾丝。 4.哑光面料不反光+微压力美腿显瘦+高弹力天鹅绒+V字形隐形裆,轻压显瘦!80d的厚度,弯膝盖时微微透明,完美哑光,能很好的修饰、勾勒腿部曲线,真的是秋天必备款,不怕冷的还可以接着穿到冬天。 5.HENNYRUE不掉跟船袜。 6.它能应付夏天90%鞋装搭配,都是网友的口碑爆款。 7.最重要的是,怎么蹦跶都不掉跟,像长在脚上的第二层皮肤一样,超级贴肤。 8.而且,穿起来不闷脚不勒脚,非常舒适,连出汗和臭脚都变少了。 9.这三双袜子都是来自郡是、冈本、厚木等大牌代工工厂,大牌的品质,价格却相当亲民,闭眼入的那种。
2023-06-26 20:48:231


  韩国SM ENTERTAINMENT在2007年推出的新女子组合—由年龄全部为10代的9名女子高中生组成的“少女时代”。  少女时代的第一张单曲8月2日在韩国上市。其实在这之前,组合成员们已经各自拥有不同程度的知名度,她们都是由SM公司精心选拔并长期培养出的新人精英,出道之前就获得一直关注SM公司艺人的歌迷们的关心。 再经过出道时独特的宣传方法(每天公开一名成员),少女时代的气势和关注度,是其他新人组合难以相比的。  出自艺人名门SM公司,少女时代当然不只是擅长唱歌跳舞的组合。成员们虽然是新人,完全可以胜任主持人、DJ、电影演员、广告等各种工作,而且擅长汉语、韩语等各国语言。从出道开始,少女时代就显出了改写韩国女子组合在韩国乐坛的历史上的强大气势SM娱乐公司表示,而且成员们都精通英语、汉语和日语、除在日本之外在全亚洲都都将展开广泛的活动。”  少女时代官方歌迷名称-Su2661NE  SO ONE 【夙愿】  含义:少女时代的愿望  少女时代是一体的  少女时代和歌迷是一体的  SONE的O用心形来表示是代表少女时代的应援物粉玫瑰色心形气球  我们少女的代表色是pastel rose粉玫瑰色  应援物为pastel rose heart粉玫瑰色心形气球  韩国方面的应援口号是:现在是少女时代,以后是少女时代,永远是少女时代!  [编辑本段]≮SOSI完全档案≯  ●Tae Yeon●金泰妍 Leader  TaeYeon韩文名:uae40ud0dcuc5f0  生日:1989年3月9日  星座:双鱼座  队内职务:队长、主唱  身高:160CM  体重:44KG  血型:O型  出生地:全罗北道 全州  家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、哥哥(金志勇)、妹妹(金夏妍)  语言:韩语、中文(基础)、英文(基础)  学历:全州艺术高中毕业  习惯:做的事情要记下来 爱唠叨  座右铭:不要做让自己后悔的事  兴趣:化妆、香水、音乐  幸运数字:22  喜欢的天气:刮风下雨的天气  喜欢的动物:小狗、猫、老虎  喜欢的植物:仙人掌  喜欢的季节:冬季  喜欢的科目:科学、英语、国语、体育  喜欢的饮品:黑豆豆浆  喜欢的异性类型:积极,有幽默感,皮肤好  喜欢的水果:橘子、苹果、草莓  喜欢的蔬菜:西红柿  喜欢的男艺人:姜东元、尹继尚、Alex  喜欢的女艺人:宝儿(BoA)  喜欢的数字:3、6、9  喜欢的食物:韩国料理  喜欢的花:所有紫色的花  喜欢的颜色:浅蓝色、紫色  最宝贝的东西:手机  最喜欢的运动:游泳  消除紧张的方法:想些别的事,听音乐转移心情  加入SM ENT:获第八届SM 青少年最佳歌手选拔大赛歌王第一位&大奖(2004)  练习生时间:四年零三个月  室友:允儿、秀英  【经历】  第八届SM 青少年选拔大赛歌王第一位&大奖(2004)  Featuring - The One 专辑中“You bring me joy(Part 2)”(2004)  手机游戏CF‘Skipping Stone3"(2007)  KBS韩剧快刀洪吉童OST-如果(2008)  MBC电台“亲密朋友”DJ(With SJ强仁)2008年4月8日至今(2008)  李弗《永远》MV出演(2008)  贝多芬病毒OST - 听得见吗(2008)  MBC《我们结婚了》(2009)  A-solution 化妆品 代言(2009)  ●Jesssica●郑秀妍  Jessica韩文名:uc81cuc2dcuce74(uc815uc218uc5f0)  生日:1989年4月18日  星座:白羊  队内职务:主唱  身高:163CM  体重:43KG  血型:B型  出生地:美国 加利福尼亚州 旧金山  家庭:爸爸、妈妈、妹妹(郑秀晶)  语言:韩语、英语  学历:Korea Kent Foreign School  爱好:看电影  专长:睡觉、英语、钢琴、唱歌、跳舞  收集品:衣服、鞋、包、发带  座右铭:Follow My Heart  满意自己的部位:眼睛  最讨厌的东西:黄瓜、西瓜、南瓜(几乎所有瓜类)  幸运数字:52  性格:特别爱害羞,好坏分明  喜欢的男艺人:郑宇成 Daniel Henny  喜欢的女艺人:李孝利  喜欢的食物:冰淇淋  喜欢的电影:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》  喜欢的天气:晴天和阴天都喜欢  喜欢的颜色:粉色  喜欢的艺人:Olivia Hussey Pink  喜欢的季节:春季、秋季  喜欢的歌:《Love Me In A Special Way》  加入SM Ent:2000 SM casting system  练习生时间:七年零六个月  室友:孝渊  【经历】  金朝瀚 - 迟来的爱,对不起MV(2007)  feat.8eight - I Love You(2008)  ●Sunny●李顺圭  英文名:Sunny  韩文名:uc368ub2c8(本名:uc774uc21cuaddc)  Sunny出生日期:1989年5月15日  星座:金牛座  队内职务:主唱  爱好:读书、运动、近期迷上NDSL游戏机  身高:158CM  体重:44KG  血型:B型  家庭:父母,姐姐(李真圭)  学历:东德大学附中毕业  座右铭:Everyday Sunny Day  喜欢的男艺人:车太贤  绰号:幻想王  喜欢的食物:面包  喜欢看的书类型:小说、侦探书  喜欢的男生类型:非常理解自己的可爱男生  加入SM经历:07年SM Casting System  (先前在别的公司训练,07年由sugar组合亚由美前辈推荐参加SM甄选,凭借帅气的表演获得认可,)  室友:YURI  【经历】  出演Super Junior - Happy 料理王 MV(2008)  Melon电台-天方地轴DJ(With SJ晟敏)(2008.2.4 - 2008.7.30)  电视剧Workingmom O.S.T - 不懂爱情(2008)  电影Story Of Wine O.S.T - 现在(2008)  SKY The M MC with SS501亨俊(2009)  ●Tiffany●黄美英  Tiffany韩文名:ud2f0ud30cub2c8(本名:ud669ubbf8uc601)  队内职务:主唱  生日:1989年8月1日  性别:女  星座:狮子座  身高:162CM  体重:50KG  血型:O型  家庭:妈妈(已去世)父亲、哥哥 LEO、姐姐 Michelle、狗狗 罗密欧  特长:长笛 英文  喜欢的颜色:粉红  喜欢的艺人:丹尼斯·吴  喜欢的笑眼:李孝利、金泰熙  喜欢的吃饭习惯:吃东西前先切切切了它  座右铭:Just work hard(Practice makes Perfect)  加入SM Ent:04年SM Casting System(CJ/KMTV USA-LA Contest第一名)  学历:初中-South Pointe (美国)高中-Diamond Bar High School (美国)Korea Kent Foreign School(韩国)  练习生时间:四年零七个月  室友:珠贤  【经历】  Mnet“少男少女歌谣白书”MC(With金彗星)(2007.11.5 - 2008.6.13)  1682付费电话 CF(2008)  A-solution 化妆品 代言 (2008-now)  金东万 - 秘密 旁白(2008)  Nexon Mabinogi CF代言/MV出演(2008)  SBS《自鸣鼓》OST -我一个人(2009)  MBC音乐中心MC with YuRi(2009)  ●HyoYeon●金孝渊  HyoYeon韩文名:uae40ud6a8uc5f0  英文名:Venus  队内职务:副主唱 领舞  生日:1989年09月22日  星座:处女座  身高:163CM  体重:48KG  血型:AB型  出生地:仁川  专长:汉语、舞蹈  喜欢的艺人:李孝利  幸运数字:85  最喜欢的数字:2  喜欢的电视节目:X-MAN  最喜欢的水果:桃子、草莓  最喜欢的季节:夏天  喜欢的男艺人:Brain  喜欢的女艺人:BoA  座右铭:Everyone that works hard will succeed  练习生时间:六年零一个月  室友:Jessica  【经历】  2004年3月 - 8月中国北京留学学习中文  2005年M.Net/KM Music Festival BoA - ‘Over the Top"的剪影替身  ●YuRi●权俞利  YuRi韩文名:uad8cuc720ub9ac  生日:1989年12月5日  星座:射手  队内职务:副主唱 领舞  身高:167CM  体重:45KG  血型:AB型  家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、哥哥  语言:韩语、汉语  学历:陵谷高中毕业  特长:汉语、游泳  爱好:舞蹈、游泳、芭蕾、钢琴、小提琴  喜欢的男艺人:宋承宪  幸运数字:1,9  加入SM ENT:2001 SM第一届青少年选拔大会BEST 舞王(Dancer女生第一名)  出道前训练时间:五年零十一个月  室友:Sunny  【经历】  Hot Choco Mite CF(2005)  KM Super Junior Show“王的男朋友”(2005)  东方神起“Beautiful Life”MV出演(2006)  好丽友CF(With张东健)中国地区播放(2006)  Dongil Highvill CF(2006)  客串电影《花美男恐怖事件》 - 芭蕾舞女(2007)(上映日期:2007年7月26日)  MBC电视剧 - 《无法阻挡的婚姻》(2007 - 2008)  MBC音乐中心MC with Tiffany (2009)  K will 《眼泪汪汪》MV出演  徐贤 周贤美TROT单曲《恰啦恰恰》MV出演  ●SooYoung●崔秀英  SooYoung韩文名:ucd5cuc218uc601  生日:1990年2月10日  星座:水瓶  队内职务:副主唱  身高:170CM  体重:45KG  血型:O型  家庭:奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、姐姐(崔秀晶(珍))  学历:正神女子高中毕业 - 中央大学(2009年入学)  语言:韩语、日语  宗教:基督教  兴趣:看电影、听音乐  特长:跳舞(Jazz)、唱歌、日语  喜欢的艺人:V.O.S  幸运数字:08  加入SM ENT:2000 SM Open Audition,之后被选送日本参加日韩双人组合争霸战  练习生时间:四年零三个月  室友:泰妍、允儿  【经历】  日韩组合Route 0(2002)  发行单曲:<start>(02.4.26)  <ヮクフクIts love>(02.11.9)  <Pinting>(03.7.23)  日本 ChubbyGang 服装品牌模特(2003)  三星Anycall CF with朴贞雅(2003)  School Looks Uniform 学生制服模特(2004)  M.Net Hello Chat VJ(2005)  秀英&晟敏的天方地轴DJ(2007年6月4日至2008年2月1日)  电视剧:无法阻挡的婚姻(2007 - 2008)  客串电影‘纯情漫画"(2008年11月27日上映)  ●Yoon A●林允儿  韩文名:uc784uc724uc544  YoonA生日:1990年5月30日  星座:双子座  队内职务:副主唱  身高:166CM  体重:46KG  血型:B型  家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、姐姐  学历:大荣高中毕业 - 东国大学(2009年入学)  喜欢的男艺人:延政勋  幸运数字:9,3  加入SM Ent:2002 SM 星期六开放Casting Audition  练习生时间:七年零两个月  室友:泰妍、秀英  昵称:林美丽、小鹿允儿、力量允儿、鳄鱼允儿  【经历】  东方神起 MV:Magic Castle魔法城堡  Super Junior MV:U、marry U  天上智喜the grace MV:热情(My Everything)  李胜哲 MV:propose  24/7 MV:那家伙的女人  【CF】  健康英语 FOLLLOW ME篇(2004)  山谣 ENELOOP(2006)  ELITE校服 With SS501(2007)  Sunkist Lemonade饮料With金希澈/强仁(2007)  CLEAN&CLEAR(2007 &2008)  Sola VitaminC(2008)  YeJiMiIn wise beauty(2008)  时尚杂志平面模特  Cindy the Perky,eCole,Dasoo magazines  【电视剧】  客串:  《九局下,二出局》饰演辛珠英(2007)  《天下一色朴正琴》饰演闵爱(2008)  主演:  《你是我的命运》饰演张世碧(2008)  《辛德瑞拉MAN》饰演徐宥珍(2009)  【特殊】  东方神起第一场演唱会-嘉宾(2006)  【奖项】  2008 Korea Drama Festival – 网民人气奖  2008 KBS演技大赏 - 新人奖&网民票选人气奖  2009 第四十五届百想艺术大赏 电视剧部门 女子新人&人气赏  ●Seo Hyun●徐贤  SeoHyun韩文名:uc11cuc8fcud604  原名:徐珠贤  艺名:徐贤(uc11cud604)  生日:1991年6月28日  星座:巨蟹座  队内职务:主唱  身高:168CM  体重:48KG  血型:A型  家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈  语言:英语、汉语  专长:钢琴  幸运数字:64  学历:大荣高中在读  喜欢的男艺人:强尼戴普  喜欢的动画:KeRoRo  喜欢的水果:西瓜、柿子  喜欢的电视剧:交响情人梦  喜欢的电影:加勒比海盗  加入SM ENT:S.M Casting System(2003)  练习生时间:六年零六个月  室友:Tiffany  【经历】  SMART 校服CF with 东方神起(2004)  feat周贤美TROT单曲《恰啦恰恰》(2009)
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少女时代 各成员的家庭背景

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whores in this house歌名是什么,歌词是什么?

《WAP》歌曲歌词如下:Frank Ski:Whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseCardi B:I said certified freak seven days a weekWet-ass pussy make that pullout game weakAhYeah yeah yeah yeahYeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussyBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussyGive me everything you got for this wet-ass pussyCardi B:Beat it up nigga catch a chargeExtra large and extra hardPut this pussy right in your faceSwipe your nose like a credit cardHop on top I wanna rideI do a kegel while its insideSpit in my mouth look in my eyesThis pussy is wet come take a diveTie me up like Im surprisedLets roleplay Ill wear a disguiseI want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garageMake it cream make me screamOut in public make a sceneI dont cook I dont cleanBut let me tell you how I got this ringMegan Thee Stallion:Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of meQuick jump out fore you let you get inside of meYeahI tell him where to put it never tell him where Im bout to beIll run down on him fore I have a nigga runnin meTalk your shit bite your lipAsk for a car while you ride that dickWhile you ride that dickYou really aint never gotta fuck him for a thangHe already made his mind up fore he cameAyy uhNow get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass pussyHe bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass pussyClick clickPay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussyNow make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass pussyCardi B:Look I need a hard hitter need a deep strokerNeed a Henny drinker need a weed smokerNot a garter snake I need a king cobraWith a hook in it hope it lean overHe got some money then thats where Im headedPussy A1 just like his creditHe got a beard well Im tryna wet itI let him taste it now he diabeticI dont wanna spit I wanna gulpI wanna gag I wanna chokeI want you to touch that lil dangly thingThat swing in the back of my throatMy head game is fire punani DasaniIts goin in dry and its comin out soggyI ride on that thing like the cops is behind meI spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me wooMegan Thee Stallion:Your honor Im a freak bitch handcuffs leashesSwitch my wig make him feel like he cheatinPut him on his knees give him somethin to believe inNever lost a fight but Im looking for a beatingIn the food chain Im the one that eat yaIf he ate my ass hes a bottom-feederBig D stand for big demeanorI could make ya bust before I ever meet yaIf it dont hang then he cant bangYou cant hurt my feelings but I like painIf he fuck me and ask Whose is itWhen I ride the dick Ima spell my name ahCardi B:Yeah yeah yeahYeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussyBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussyGive me everything you got for this wet-ass pussyNow from the top make it drop thats some wet-ass pussyNow get a bucket and a mop thats some wet-ass pussyIm talkin wap wap wap thats some wet-ass pussyMacaroni in a pot thats some wet-ass pussy huhFrank Ski:Theres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this houseTheres some whores in this house《WAP》《WAP》(Wet Ass Pussy)是美国说唱女歌手卡迪·B与 Megan Thee Stallion 演唱的歌曲,收录于同名单曲《WAP》中。Cardi B 亲自解释新单曲《WAP》的意思是西瓜苹果菠萝。美国歌手Cardi B推出了自己的新单曲《WAP》,这首歌曲在美国火爆程度很高,刚推出就登上了排行榜第一位,而因为这个单词很陌生,很多人都在网络词典里搜索了WAP是什么意思。为了解除大家的困惑,Cardi B 亲自解释了新单曲《WAP》是什么意思,Cardi B说,其实“WAP”这个单词是Watermelon(西瓜),Apple(苹果)和Pineapple(菠萝)的组合单词,单曲名称就叫做《西瓜苹果菠萝》。
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是Flo Rida和T-Pain的"Low".歌词Shawty had them Apple Bottom jeans, jeansBoots with the fur, with the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo, she hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low, low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps, with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack, ayy!She hit the flo, she hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low, low low low lowI ain"t never seen nuthin" that"ll make me goThis crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexibleProfessional, drinkin X and oooHold up wait a minute, do I see what I think I? WhoaDid I think I seen shawty get low?Ain"t the same when it"s up that closeMake it rain, I"m makin" it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollI"mma say that I prefer them no clothesI"m into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain"t a problem, I know where it goesShe had them Apple Bottom jeans, jeansBoots with the fur, with the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo, she hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low, low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps, with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack, ayy!She hit the flo, she hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low, low low low lowHey, shawty what I gotta do to get you home?My jeans full of guapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs, Maybachs for the sexy grownPatron on the rocks that"ll make you moanOne stack, come onTwo stacks, come onThree stacks, come on, now that"s three grandWhat you think, I"m playin? Baby girlI"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bandsThat"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was over, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn"t control herSo lucky on me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold herLike a pornography posterShe showed herApple Bottom jeans, jeansBoots with the fur, with the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo, she hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low, low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps, with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack, ayy!She hit the flo, she hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low, low low low lowWhoa, shawtyYea she was worth the moneyLil mama took my cashAnd I ain"t want it backThe way she bit that ragGot her them paper stacksTattoo above her crackI had to handle thatI was on it, sexy woman, let me showninMake me want it two in the morninI"m zonin and them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn"t stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lockHad to break her off that guapGyal was fly just like my glockApple Bottom jeans, jeansBoots with the fur, with the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo, she hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low, low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps, with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack, ayy!She hit the flo, she hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low, low low low lowC"mon你说的应该是以下的第一和第四句The whole club was lookin at her (整个俱乐部都盯着她)She hit the flo, she hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low, low low low low (她越来越低)了MV
2023-06-26 20:49:391


转自贴吧吧友GgaiaaaBLACKPINK in your areaBLACKPINK in your areaBeen a bad girl I know I amAnd I"m so hot I need a fanI don"t want a boy I need a manClick clack badda bing badda booom木里怕擦敏 木读 丹 吧啦boom哭第 含色 no里嘎哈能斗怒里男加特里购皮嘎 旁旁旁旁旁 啪啦啪啦 旁旁旁戚更闹 味含 救盘里 酱酱酱Hands up 含涩里 bottle full o"henny你个 嘛咯忙 尼 特(特)里购 那呀 Jennie速速能 比特曼读撒古都 弄Black to the pink 奥迪骚腾 特飘里 oh yes擦大 伯 能面搞那 I wanna danceLike Daladaladandan DaladaladandanDudulubow
2023-06-26 20:49:491


2023-06-26 20:50:057


2023-06-26 20:50:191


2023-06-26 20:50:411


2023-06-26 20:50:563


2023-06-26 20:51:048

SJM的super girlMV里女主角叫什么名字?

是少女时代里的杰西卡 !!!!!!! 不是金敏智 友情客串啦
2023-06-26 20:51:254


2023-06-26 20:51:381

谁有jessica H.O.的资料?

Jessica H .O生 日:1988年12月17日出生地:美国纽约代表作:Life Is Good《Get Up》《Fly Me To The Moon》是这个吗?
2023-06-26 20:51:452

super gir的女孩是谁

2023-06-26 20:52:114

Small World 歌词

歌曲名:Small World歌手:Peter Raeburn专辑:You And MeArtist: NasAlbum: I Am...Song: Small WorldTyped by: OHHLA Webmaster DJ FlashSee no evil.. fear no evil.. speak no evil.. hear no evil..If you don"t bring that shit around youYou ain"t got nuttin to worry about (uh-huh)Yeah (yeah, uh-huh)Knah-sayin?Yo, yo yo yoCarolyn, from Maryland, she Lady HeroinShe elegant -- her apparel in the M-Class caravanKi"s of dope, lovin cats to ski in her dopeShe fuck killers in her condo, her Benz and her boatHer iced throat, ass is curvy, 40 years oldShe passin for 30, Gucci framed glasses from Purvy"sMadison Ave., shoppin when she not, coppin bricks of that shitShe hoppin on dicks, ridin Pony"s who trickAt my man"s wake, she said the eulogyAfter that I usually, bumped into her shoppin for jewerlyHer bodyguard screwin me, I gave her my mathAin"t nothin new to me, blowin backs out, six-pack Stout"sWide fat mouth, the evil look, with a bow-legYo niggaz said, "Shorty"s a pro, she blow headsShe push the fo" red, she know Feds, Feds know her"A code red, maybe she"s out to slay me, this bitch is crazyShe blew the celly up, meet me at the telly to fuckShe knew about, cats from way back, we smoke the haystackShe never cough once, blunts was her hobbyShe said I knew her man probably, no doubt, 9-6 he tried to rob meI jetted though, sometimes you never knowHe snorted all her work, now she need me, to do her dirty workIt"s a small world ("It"s a.. small world..")Nigga you reap what you sewWhat goes around, comes aroundIf you sleep you don"t knowA very small world ("It"s a.. small world..")where beef could never endAt the time you least expect itI"ma see you againIt"s a small world ("It"s a.. small world..")You get away with it nowSoon enough it catches up to youSomeway, somehowYo it"s a small worldWatch what you do.. ("It"s a.. small world..")Snook from Redhook was grimy, did five years, glad to be homefrom Attica known, for keepin chrome calibersSmooth like a Wallaby shoe, he"s out to get itFive years plannin to blow, soon as he hit the bri-dicksHad a girl in Woodside Queens, thought he was lowPlayed the crib for a month, and deaded his P.O.Started robbin niggaz til he caught a whole kiloHe had a bunch of starvin niggaz he owe, he never paid thoughGot large, sign on his door, "Don"t knock hard"Layin with his bitch, niggaz is rich, is what he told herPlayed the block, holdin cracks inside the baby strollerHere come his crazy soldier, six shots it"s overA year went past, Snook went flossin fastHis old man had crossed his ass, for the laws of this fast cashIt"s a small world ("It"s a.. small world..")Nigga reap what you sewWhat goes around, comes aroundIf you sleep you don"t knowA very small world ("It"s a.. small world..")where beef could never endAt the time you least expect itI"ma see you again niggaIt"s a small world, no doubt ("It"s a.. small world..")You get away with it nowSoon enough it catches up to youSomeway, somehowIt"s a small worldWatch what you do.. ("It"s a.. small world..")I seen death, seen thugs cry, it"s bugged whywe let the slugs fly, enter your brain, through your skullAnother thug died, pitchin your soul, into that infiniteblack hole, where many souls go cause of a fo"-fo" blastSnook was one of em, so many moreEven that Fendi whore, got niggaz hit up yeah let that Henny pourCarolyn, paid-up bitch, made bitch, stay richHeard her bodyguard took Snook to GodCarolyn when she needed him, he took the jobHe was close to her, ever since she took him insideWhen his moms died, dopefiend OD-ed, eighty-fiveHe went crazy, stuck up banks, to stay aliveHe was live - do niggaz even know the things that he triedRobbed armored trucks - incidents where po-lice diedHe stayed in lower Eastside, peace God (peace God)He starin at me hardTwo of his mans with him, I got to hit emI"m reachin for my Roscoe, cocked it back on, and get my blast onAt the gas station, bunch of Arabs racinout the way, as my Torah spray, jump in the whipHit the highway, you know how I say, the game that I playIt"s real tendencies, when you feel your enemiesbut can"t figure out whose who, keep it trueShit is cool now -- put the tools down? NeverCause everyday is on, livin this life, out for this cheddarIt"s a small world ("It"s a.. small world..")Nigga you reap what you sewWhat goes around, comes aroundIf you sleep you won"t knowA very small world ("It"s a.. small world..")where beef, never endsAt the time you least expect itI"ma see you againIt"s a small world ("It"s a.. small world..")You get away with it nowSoon enough it catches up to youSomeway, somehowIt"s a small worldWatch what you do.. ("It"s a.. small world..")("I"m going to see you again..Uh-huh.. I"m going to see you again.. nigga..Uh-huh.. going to see you again nigga.. yeah..")
2023-06-26 20:52:381


2023-06-26 20:52:475

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony的《Vegas》 歌词

歌曲名:Vegas歌手:Bone Thugs-N-Harmony专辑:uni-5: the world"s enemyBone Thugs-N-Harmony - VegasMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Layzie Bone)We"re streamin live online for the world to seeIt ain"t me young G, your girl all on meShe chose me when she seen your boy buy out the barTold her, "Drink "til you drop lil" superstar"Better chill, be cool homie grab a drinkCause you don"t wanna play big bank take little bankWe at The Palms where it ain"t no dramaHugh Hef" thugged out wearin Layzie pajamasHouse coat, pure silk, party hard for daysPretty girls up in here wearin Lay-gerieIt"s my brand new line, hot damn you finePicture perfect from behind sippin a glass of wine(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Flesh-N-Bone)I"m in the limosine bus, black tint windowsSmashin on the diesel, head-rush from the indoVegas - they say what goes on there staysIf you really tryin to gamble shake "em up and roll my wayNobody rock the way a Bone Thug showWe get it in overtime but they already knowBreak out the money then we headed for the exit (exit)Ain"t no tellin what we "bout to get next in (next in)I"m on my tip-toes, steady I be floatinCoastin holdin somethin that I"m sippin on slow (slow)I ain"t tryin to pass out overdosedand fuck around wake up in the mornin naked on the flo"(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Krayzie Bone)I"m finna hit it like Kray Jackson tonight (Kray Jackson tonight)I"m finna get it hype, Lay let me get a lightBartender, let me get a shot of Henny, make it doubleMix a lil" Gin with it, gon" get me on the levelI see you girl, lookin at me, lookin at youFeelin your drink, and feelin me tooIt"s the physical attraction baby, what can we do?She want a little thug passion, roughness, harassmentDrink a little mo", while I drink a little Mo"Let"s get tipsy and forget where these feelings is finna goTo the room - that"s where I"m tryin to guide "em toAnd yo I roll with them, but I can ride with you (with you, with you, with you)(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Wish Bone)Gucci bag full of cash, black card and allHood star, never gonna hate they love us, Bone"s stackedTable full of drinks from the bar, come closerMake our way through, top shelf and we"re blowinDon"t worry "bout your business gettin out there girlCome here, grown man, put some thug in yo" earYou"re drop-dead gorgeous, sip "til we nauseousAnd then we"re gonna bounce, bounce, shake "emRoom with a pool just one rule, get nakedYeah you got a girl, your deadline"s extendedOne more drink to the face let"s playWe can reminisce it over pancakes - ha ha ha!(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)(Bizzy Bone)Women in the club, they focusin on the gentleman(We in Vegas, we "bout to kick it nigga)We hit the dance floor, dance floor, dance floorTake it to the medic, pack liquor to where we headedYou could read it right before that they set it to end the rhetoricThe veteran, the gentleman, the warrior, the better manAnd Bizzy"s just a thug gettin fucked up, get it?Safe sex, never ever with the same sex (eww)Yeah we at Vegas (hey) spend it like wild RouletteFree drinks, hundred thousand dollar chipsLeanin back in the whip in the night-life strip(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)YeahhhhMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source
2023-06-26 20:53:101

Boombayah 中文音译-BlackPink

BLACKPINK in your areaBLACKPINK in your areaBeen a bad girl I know I amAnd I`m so hot I need a funI don`t want a boy I need a manClick clack badda bing badda booom谋呢吧 咋mion谋嘟 那巴拉boom古鸡诶搜 no留安黑都谋等囊加 得嗯酷比嘎 胖胖胖胖胖 怕拉 怕拉 胖胖胖鸡跟 那为汉 足贝了 酱酱酱Hands up 内送嗯 bottle full o`henny内嘎马楼满的逗给嘎 那呀Jennie存粗嫩 不比群 那嘎撒狗逗内Black to the pink 哦滴搜等 特飘累 oh yesqio大波 等买等 I wanna danceLike达拉达拉denden 达拉达拉denden嘟嘟路包jo哇 一不你gi嘎jo哇嗨jo哇 难鸡跟你嘎jo哇嗨穷买 棒黑搜 哦呢棒 no哇穷去够西破Boombayahyah yah yah boombayahyah yah yah boombayah yah yah yah yahBoom boom ba Boom boom ba欧巴yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yahyah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah欧巴yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yahyah yah yah yah yah yah yah boom boom ba boombayahBLACKPINK in your area一贼大刘呀鸡 谋楼多尅男qo哦搜 够哦搜manMiddle finger up f u pay me90`s baby I pump up the jam大刘bwa 大刘baw 欧巴呀 lambo哦呢内 no哇那 jo门米 gamble嘎米那马鸡马 后西那奴嘎那 马嘎逗I`m gonna go brrrr ranbo内搜你 内后里 了干撒够逗内Front to my back内谋妹嫩 特飘累oh yes内奴比亲 I know you wanna to touchLike touch touch touch touch嘟嘟路包jo哇 一不你gi嘎jo哇嗨 jo哇 难鸡跟你嘎jo哇嗨穷买 马西搜 哦呢棒 no哇穷去够西破Boombayahyah yah yah boombayahyah yah yah boombayah yah yah yah yahBoom boom ba Boom boom ba欧巴yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yahyah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah欧巴yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yahyah yah yah yah yah yah yah boom boom ba boombayah哦呢累 妹zong西 大为波里够哈呢累 non谋搜 哦啦嘎够呀给特谋 里给巴黎 大理够西破Let`s go let`s go哦呢累 妹zong西 大为波里够哈呢累 non谋搜 哦啦嘎够呀给特谋 里给巴黎 大理够西破Let`s go let`s go
2023-06-26 20:53:192


1.practice后加doing to speak改为speaking2.would you like to paly tennis with me3.we had a good time playing soccer there 4.old henny watched his dog playing with a cat5.wall you mind not talking in class?6.she sports one how to do new homework7.they had fun playing basketball yesterday 8.we enjoyed reading your article9.we are busy studying for the test10.they wanted to visit the children‘s palace
2023-06-26 20:53:274


2023-06-26 20:53:352


2023-06-26 20:53:558


Dance Like We"re Making Love - Ciara Sweat dripping from the body汗水滴落身体We"re both at this party你我置身这场派对So come and show me your moves来吧 就让我看看你的舞步I got some things我也有些东西想要展现I can teach too if you wanna see, oh oh如果你想看的话You say you need a shot of the Henny你说你需要杯白葡萄酒Then you"re ready然后你说你准备好了Do what you need to do随时可以做你想做了Cause I"ll be waiting for you因为我一直为你等待It"s "bout to get hot and heavy, oh oh空气开始变得火辣沉重It"s really late, you"re getting close夜深了 你越来越靠近我And the lights are off所有的灯光都已黯淡You"re body"s in scene to the beat of my heart你的身体合着我心跳的节拍一起律动And I can feel your nature rising当我靠近你时While I rock on you我能感受到你的心跳加快Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧If you"re down, just maybe如果你弯下腰 只是或许We"ll dance like we"re making babies我们会像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧As soon as our song comes on cause只要属于我们的歌声萦绕Boy, we got home alone亲爱的 我们一起回家吧So if you ready, I"m ready to get it, come on如果你准备好了 我也就准备好了I see you"re lil" faded我看着你的身影慢慢消逝You wanna get crazy out on this floor你想在这舞池放纵舞蹈I hope you"re sure this is what you want我希望你能确认这就是你想要的Cause once I"m turned on, you can"t turn me off因为一旦我激情释放 我就很难平静It"s really late, you"re getting close夜深了 你越来越靠近我And the lights are off所有的灯光都已黯淡You"re body"s in scene to the beat of my heart你的身体合着我心跳的节拍一起律动And I can feel your nature rising当我靠近你时While I rock on you我能感受到你的心跳加快Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Off the wall, body to body你我贴身靠近墙When I emerge all through the night, baby当我脑海浮现夜晚的种种场景Closer than before我情不自禁更靠近你Dance like no-one"s watching you你自顾自的肆意舞蹈And nothing more, be the time of your life, baby再没有能比得上此刻的欢愉了 宝贝Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧Oh oh oh oh oh making love, oh oh oh oh痴情缠绵般Let"s dance like we"re making love就让我们像是缠绵般热辣共舞吧
2023-06-26 20:54:111


2023-06-26 20:54:171


歌曲名:Low 歌手名:Flo Rida ft.T-Pain Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - Low Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go, this crazy all night spendin my dough Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show So sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I Whoa Did I think I seen shorty get low Ain"t the same when it"s up that close Make it rain, I"m makin it snow Work the pole, I got the bank roll Imma say that I prefer them no clothes I"m into that, I love women exposed She threw it back at me, I gave her more Cash ain"t a problem, I know where it goes She had them Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you home My jeans full of gwap And they ready for Shones Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan One stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand) What you think I"m playin baby girl I"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bands That"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulder I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola Got me like a Soldier She ready for Rover, I couldn"t control her So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover Shorty was hot like a toaster Sorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography poster She showed her Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash, and I ain"t want it back, The way she bit that rag, got her them paper stacks, Tattoo of bubba cray, I had to handle that, I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin She wouldn"t stop, made it drop Shorty did that pop and lock, Had to break her off that gwap Gah it was fly just like my glock Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low C"mon
2023-06-26 20:54:241

wap歌词原文 wap歌词原文是什么

1、歌曲歌词 Frank Ski: Whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Cardi B: I said certified freak seven days a week Wet-ass pussy make that pullout game weak Ah Yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy Cardi B: Beat it up nigga catch a charge Extra large and extra hard Put this pussy right in your face Swipe your nose like a credit card Hop on top I wanna ride I do a kegel while its inside Spit in my mouth look in my eyes This pussy is wet come take a dive Tie me up like Im surprised Lets roleplay Ill wear a disguise I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage Make it cream make me scream Out in public make a scene I dont cook I dont clean But let me tell you how I got this ring Megan Thee Stallion: Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of me Quick jump out fore you let you get inside of me Yeah I tell him where to put it never tell him where Im bout to be Ill run down on him fore I have a nigga runnin me Talk your shit bite your lip Ask for a car while you ride that dick While you ride that dick You really aint never gotta fuck him for a thang He already made his mind up fore he came Ayy uh Now get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass pussy He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass pussy Click click Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussy Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass pussy Cardi B: Look I need a hard hitter need a deep stroker Need a Henny drinker need a weed smoker Not a garter snake I need a king cobra With a hook in it hope it lean over He got some money then thats where Im headed Pussy A1 just like his credit He got a beard well Im tryna wet it I let him taste it now he diabetic I dont wanna spit I wanna gulp I wanna gag I wanna choke I want you to touch that lil dangly thing That swing in the back of my throat My head game is fire punani Dasani Its goin in dry and its comin out soggy I ride on that thing like the cops is behind me I spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me woo Megan Thee Stallion: Your honor Im a freak bitch handcuffs leashes Switch my wig make him feel like he cheatin Put him on his knees give him somethin to believe in Never lost a fight but Im looking for a beating In the food chain Im the one that eat ya If he ate my ass hes a bottom-feeder Big D stand for big demeanor I could make ya bust before I ever meet ya If it dont hang then he cant bang You cant hurt my feelings but I like pain If he fuck me and ask Whose is it When I ride the dick Ima spell my name ah Cardi B: Yeah yeah yeah Yeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy Now from the top make it drop thats some wet-ass pussy Now get a bucket and a mop thats some wet-ass pussy Im talkin wap wap wap thats some wet-ass pussy Macaroni in a pot thats some wet-ass pussy huh Frank Ski: Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house 2、《WAP》(Wet Ass Pussy)是美国说唱女歌手卡迪·B与 Megan Thee Stallion 演唱的歌曲,收录于同名单曲《WAP》中。
2023-06-26 20:54:311

whores in the house是什么歌

1、《WAP》歌词如下: Whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house I said certified freak seven days a week Wet-ass pussy make that pullout game weak Ah Yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy Beat it up nigga catch a charge Extra large and extra hard Put this pussy right in your face Swipe your nose like a credit card Hop on top I wanna ride I do a kegel while its inside Spit in my mouth look in my eyes This pussy is wet come take a dive Tie me up like Im surprised Lets roleplay Ill wear a disguise I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage Make it cream make me scream Out in public make a scene I dont cook I dont clean But let me tell you how I got this ring Megan Thee Stallion: Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of me Quick jump out fore you let you get inside of me Yeah I tell him where to put it never tell him where Im bout to be Ill run down on him fore I have a nigga runnin me Talk your shit bite your lip Ask for a car while you ride that dick While you ride that dick You really aint never gotta fuck him for a thang He already made his mind up fore he came Ayy uh Now get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass pussy He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass pussy Click click Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussy Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass pussy Look I need a hard hitter need a deep stroker Need a Henny drinker need a weed smoker Not a garter snake I need a king cobra With a hook in it hope it lean over He got some money then thats where Im headed Pussy A1 just like his credit He got a beard well Im tryna wet it I let him taste it now he diabetic I dont wanna spit I wanna gulp I wanna gag I wanna choke I want you to touch that lil dangly thing That swing in the back of my throat My head game is fire punani Dasani Its goin in dry and its comin out soggy I ride on that thing like the cops is behind me I spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me woo Megan Thee Stallion: Your honor Im a freak bitch handcuffs leashes Switch my wig make him feel like he cheatin Put him on his knees give him somethin to believe in Never lost a fight but Im looking for a beating In the food chain Im the one that eat ya If he ate my ass hes a bottom-feeder Big D stand for big demeanor I could make ya bust before I ever meet ya If it dont hang then he cant bang You cant hurt my feelings but I like pain If he fuck me and ask Whose is it When I ride the dick Ima spell my name ah Yeah yeah yeah Yeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy Now from the top make it drop thats some wet-ass pussy Now get a bucket and a mop thats some wet-ass pussy Im talkin wap wap wap thats some wet-ass pussy Macaroni in a pot thats some wet-ass pussy huh Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house 2、《WAP》(Wet Ass Pussy)是美国说唱女歌手卡迪·B与 Megan Thee Stallion 演唱的歌曲,收录于同名单曲《WAP》中。
2023-06-26 20:54:391


2023-06-26 20:54:571

乔第 英国古老的童谣。哪位大虾有歌词。谢谢!好,再加50分

歌曲名:Geordie 乔第 我信步伦敦桥上 一个多雾的早晨无意间听到一位清丽少女正为他的乔第哀唱 喔我的乔第将以一条金色锁链被处以绞刑那不是一条普通的绞链他出身皇族 不慎失足于一位贤淑女子为我上辔 我的白色战马 为我上辔我亲爱的马儿 我要前往伦敦法庭为我的乔第请命 我的乔第未曾偷过牛或犊他从未伤过任何人 就偷了十六只皇家的鹿在波爱尼变卖了它们 我膝下已有两可爱的小孩第三个正安躺于我体内 我可以毫无怨言的与他们永别只要你能赦免我和乔第 法官别过脸去他说:可爱的少女 我很抱歉说:可爱的少女,必需离开 因为我无法开赦乔第喔 我的乔第将以一条金色锁链被处以绞刑那不是一条普通的绞链 就偷了十六只皇家的鹿在波爱尼变卖了它们
2023-06-26 20:55:052


在1880年和第一次世界大战之间,东欧犹太移民潮在美国的海岸上坠毁。他们讲意第绪语,然后是英语,带有特殊的口吻,一种唱歌般的咒语。大约十年后,语言学家开始关注。“人们开始注意到,呵呵,他们讲英语有点滑稽,”新罕布什尔大学研究犹太英语的语言学家雷切尔斯坦德尔布尔丁说。对旋律,音高,停顿和语调的研究被称为“韵律”,它现在是一个热门的,如果仍然是深奥的话题的话。但是对于听过20世纪最着名的喜剧演员之一的人来说,犹太人的韵律风格是熟悉的- 杰瑞塞菲尔德,伍迪艾伦,唐瑞克斯和其他人都利用了其丰富的质感。也许最好的例子是梅尔布鲁克斯,在1987年的电影太空球中的酸奶在0:58:“你听说过我吗?”这个小句子里有这么多的话:“如果一个过时的口音是一种明显的纽约城口音,将”听到“转变为”hoid“。(这个特征被称为卷曲卷曲合并,实际上只有在二战前出生的纽约人才能听到。)除此之外,他并没有将这种质疑作为任何典型的美国英语中的问题;这个问题的重点和范围并不像一个非犹太人会问的问题。布鲁克斯的球场向上射击“听到”一词,然后又回到“我的”。学者们说,是的,有美国犹太人的口音,但它很复杂。Burdin说:“语调已经成为语言学的红头发的继子,很长一段时间以来,人们对它是否真的是语言系统的一部分,或者它是否在其他方面凌驾于语言系统之上存在争论,”Burdin说。语言学家只有大约15年,其中只有少数语言学家已经开始有系统地试图研究节奏,音色,语调,压力和言语停顿,而且这项研究尚处于起步阶段。在英语中这是一个特别模糊的领域,旋律不像其他语言那样重要。但也有一些团体的演讲长期以来被描述为单曲歌曲,突然对在研究韵律中开辟新领域的研究人员感兴趣。阿巴拉契亚语是其中之一。另一种是犹太英语。谈论犹太英语的第一个问题是它的定义。在世界各地散居数千年的犹太人建造了各种不同的文化和语言,因此美国犹太人的随机分类并不能保证他们在说英语时会听起来很像。来自地中海的西班牙裔犹太人,20世纪早期从祖国移民到波兰的犹太犹太人犹太人,以及以色列的言论模式很少。他们甚至可能没有共同的基本语言;一个人可能已经出生说拉迪诺(一种西班牙- 希伯来混搭),一个说意第绪语,一个说希伯来语。但是,一个特殊的犹太人群体在流行的想象中已经成为所有美国犹太人的代表。大约1880至1920年间,当最大规模的犹太人浪潮来到美国时,绝大多数是犹太人犹太人(东欧人)逃离现在的俄罗斯,波兰,立陶宛和乌克兰的大屠杀。这些不成比例地在纽约市定居;即使在今天,纽约市大都会地区估计有210万犹太人,比美国下一个最大的人口(洛杉矶)高出三倍半。事实上,除了特拉维夫以外,纽约市还有更多的犹太人比世界上任何一个城市都要多。这些纽约市犹太人犹太人讲的主要语言是依地语,这是一种日耳曼语言,受希伯来语,阿拉姆语和各种斯拉夫语言的影响很大。在这些犹太人学会说英语的同时,他们也开始在美国进行巨大的文化侵略。从20世纪30年代开始,像Henny Youngman这样的犹太喜剧演员(“请带上我的妻子......”),Zero Mostel,Jerry Lewis,Mel Blanc和Sid Caesar成为巨星,成为北部度假胜地的“罗宋汤带”喜剧演员。纽约。这些犹太人以及后来的人- 梅尔布鲁克斯,伍迪艾伦,罗德尼丹杰菲尔德,乔治伯恩斯,唐瑞克莱斯- 在为国家和世界界定美国犹太人如何说话方面发挥了重要作用。重要的是要注意,几乎所有美国出生的男人,其第一语言是英语。但是,他们的父母和社区所说的意第绪语的拉动,以及他们长大的纽约市,都以非常独特的方式为他们的言语模式着色。“我认为纽约在北美周围犹太人的讲话中扮演着非常重要的角色,”洛杉矶希伯莱联合学院的语言学家莎拉布宁贝诺尔说。他是研究美国犹太人讲话的人。与犹太英语相关的许多口音怪癖都只是纽约市英语的抓包中的一系列特征。例如,在“r”之前的“o”,如“恐怖”或“佛罗里达”(犹太人常常使用的两个词),是由于舌头比大多数美国人更容易降低。所以你得到“可怕”和“Flahrida”。这种行为超越了地区口音。Benor进行了一项研究,发现即使是那些不是来自纽约,也不是来自纽约的父母的犹太人,犹太人使用“Flahrida”发音的可能性是非犹太人的两倍以上。它并不止于此:这些非纽约犹太人也会说“在线”而不是“在线”,并且会比非犹太人非犹太人更频繁地区分“玛丽”和“快乐”的读音。纽约人。犹太人,不管他们来自哪里,往往听起来有点纽约。这不是一个给定的- 但它仍然是一个奇怪的,引人注目的事情。可以预见,犹太人在日常讲话中比非犹太人更容易使用犹太语或希伯来语词汇,尽管有很多这些词语已经脱离了社区和标准英语。Klutz,schpiel,maven,特别是食物词(百吉饼,熏牛肉,challah)很可能会在非犹太人的演讲中找到自己的方式,尽管他们在演讲中可能不会有相同的频率或相同的种类的犹太人。有些人甚至比从意第绪语或希伯来语那里得到的简单借词更为奇怪:想想在词语的开头加上“schm”,如“money schmoney”或“art schmart”。或者有从意第绪语直接迁移,完整的短语或用英语结束的短语结构。在大多数美国英语中,谓语不能置于主语前面;想想一个简单的短语,比如“我想要披萨”。但在依地语中,这种顺序有时会互换:“我想要的披萨”.Yahhish经常保留这种类似Yoda的言语模式。另一个奇怪的是:“已经足够了”,这是一种常见的美国英语短语,我不认为我会意识到它的构造有多奇怪。原来,这是从一个普通的意第绪语短语genug shoyn的直接翻译。另一个主要的美国犹太人英语口音来自犹太人更为严谨的社区,即东正教和哈西德姆。这有时被称为“Yeshivish”,来自“yeshiva”一词,通常指的是有组织的学习犹太圣经文本。Yeshivish就像梅尔布鲁克斯和伍迪艾伦更世俗的犹太英语,与纽约市有一些联系,但受意第绪语的影响要大得多。它的许多最有特色的元素实际上是极其不切实际的直接翻译了意第绪语短语和语调。以“我想要你应该”这个短语为例。最后一部分“你应该”不是典型的美国英语的一部分,而是直接翻译你在意第绪语中表达特定思想的方式。而不是说“我想让你带上毯子”,或者甚至是更常见,也许更有礼貌的“你可以带上毯子”,带有Yeshivish口音的扬声器会说“我希望你应该带上毯子”。什么是值得的,意第绪语“你应该”是az du zolst。)Yeshivish演讲者还使用Benor所谓的“犹豫点击”,这是一个非单词“tsk”类型的声音,在句子中间表明您正在修改之前发生的事情。它来自以色列希伯来语,其中还包括其他非单词点击- 非常不像英语。但是,在我们的老朋友中,Yeshivish真正开始变得独特的地方在于难以解释的语调。Burdin的研究表明,犹太人在英语演讲中使用的范围比非犹太人更广泛:总体来说,梅尔布鲁克斯“你听说过我”,它的低- 高- 低- 高的比例。这很难在文本中解释,所以我们来看视频(1:10进入这个视频):听他如何频繁地提高和降低他的球场?这就是Burdin试图衡量的那种东西。Yeshivish英语的单调性很差,上下- 下- 上,比其他形式的英语更重要。但对于Yeshivish来说,言语的单曲性实际上可以接近诵经。贝诺认为这来自对塔木德的研究,其中没有书面标点符号。“相反,学习它的人会基本上用他们的音调来表示逗号和句号。这会转移到日常演讲中,而这种演讲只会变得简陋,“她说。我们用英语标注英语的条款;想一下这样一句话,比如“如果你去商场,那么你就不能去看电影”。“mall”这个词会略微提高,然后暂停,然后“then”这个词会显着降低在球场。但是在Yeshivish中它更加精细;即使是“如果”这个词也可能带有一种庸俗的元素,在这个词中就会变得很低。而这两个条款中突破的具体旋律将更为复杂;“购物中心”可能高而不是高。在世俗的犹太英国人梅尔布鲁克斯的英语中,这种同样高低不同的单调歌曲类型的元素,尽管更加沉默寡言。其中之一就是问题的表述,几乎是一种讯问。“你听说过我吗?”不是一个正常的问题;“听到”和降低“我”的提高听起来非常犹太人,但它也改变了意义。这个问题的真正含义不是,“哦,你已经知道我是谁了吗?”而是,“我希望你已经听说过我,而且我可能有点恼火,你甚至会问,当然这也是我。“另一个例子是来自路边的这张剪辑你拉里戴维的热情试图说出比他更多的犹太人:当然,拉里戴维穿着这种口音而不是简单地使用口音这一事实自然会引起一个问题:犹太口音是否还在?Benor和Burdin都指出,你会听到一种世俗的犹太口音,一种梅尔布鲁克斯口音,最常见的就是这种情况,当某人,希望并且通常是一个犹太人,参照服装。你甚至可以在百老汇演出,这是所有演出中表现最突出的节目,就像新的哦,你好。这种单调的松弛,频繁使用意第绪语,当然还有意第绪语的句子结构,那些在1950年以后出生的犹太人基本上已经被淘汰了。但这并不是说犹太人不再听犹太话了。有新Yorkiness的奇特坚持,一两件事,而且,Benor发现了一些希伯来语意第绪语单词的用法,像shul(意为犹太教堂),是犹太人中高竟是现在比20年前。(有可能这可以追溯到成功的生日权计划,在这个计划中,年轻的犹太人得到免费的以色列导游服务。)由于这些社区保持密切联系,而且Yeshivish口音实际上比以前更加强大。“即使口音正在消失,”Burdin说道,“我认为口音的表现仍然活着。”另一个不死的元素是犹太人的特殊对话风格。当语言学家Deborah Tannen在犹太人和非犹太人之间的晚餐谈话录音(她的作品于1981年出版)时,她发现在犹太人中争吵和打断(或“合作重叠”)的发生率更高。暂停也是不同的:犹太人倾向于使用较短的停顿和较少的句子和句子之间的停顿。就像语调一样,从严格的语言意义上讲,这并不是真正的“口音”,而是作为“犹太人如何与非犹太人说话不同”的广义答案,这是一个重要的元素。犹太口音与其他口音不同,犹如美国犹太人不像其他少数民族一样。这是混乱和混乱,并拉动来自世界各地的元素。但讲笑话非常棒。
2023-06-26 20:55:141

谁能帮我把bigbang的How gee的歌词翻译成中文啊...谢谢...

  HOW GEE  [ GD] One for the money, two for the show  1献给金钱,2献给这场表演  We got the party people screamin" out (hey - ho)  我们让所有人一起尖叫  Let"s go! 一起来吧!  [TOP] On and on into the breaka-dawn  持续不停地直到第二天的清晨  I got a mic and I just can"t leave it alone  我拿着我的麦克风就无法放开  I be the T.O.P aiite!  我要成为最高的歌手  I represent the Big Bang big thangs feel me I bring "em like  我要重新展现BIG BANG的音乐,感受我吧  Down and dirty you heard me it"s straight whoa!  直接让你从中听到我的坏  People gotta have it, they really won"t let go, huh  人们都将会为之着迷,他们都舍不得停止,哈  Yo, I got it full control  是的,我掌控了这一切  Indeed I"m ridin" high no need to lay low  没有什么理由可以让我停止下来  [GD] I"m psyked I"m rippin" the show  我近乎疯狂地投入在这场演出中  Tight like kick in the doe  仿佛是要踢开一切般地卖力表演  That"s right baby zero below  没错宝贝就要让你冻结在冰点以下的温度  You know the GD got ya city throwin" em up  当你知道GD已经掌控了这座城市并快要把他掀翻  It"s oh so - ficky ficky fresh! I give you nuttin" less  这真是太-新鲜了!我不会给你很难的问题  And if you ain"t known by now I be the best  如果你现在还不明白我会做到最好  Ladi dadi we came to party yes yes  女孩们让我们一起来开派对  And while ya freakin" ya shawty let"s just...  当你开始尖叫我们就可以…  Ahhhhhhhh Big Bang gon" raise the roof yall  啊-BIG BANG的表演将要开始进入高潮  So you know what to do yall  所以你知道现在该干什么了  Just keep on rockin" em  只需继续随着我们摇摆  Ahhhhhhhh Big Bang gon" raise the roof yall  啊-BIG BANG的表演即将进入高潮  Just keep on rockin" em  就跟着我们摇摆吧  [TOP] Damn yo"m killin" the flow got it pack wall to wall doe to doe that"s  该死,气氛开始有些降低了下来  Quite incredible I know  我知道这难以置信  And everybody in the place be tipsy  每个人都喝得醉醺醺地东倒西歪  Amazin" what this be we blazin" it crispy  奇怪酒不是会让人头脑清醒的吗  Ya honey wanna get down with this, I make her bounce to this  你的宝贝想要离开这里,我会让她再次兴奋地跳起来  Every ounce of this I sh*t"chu not  即使是一丁点也够了  it"s the sh*t"chu not you know I hit the spot  你知道我说的正合你心意  [GD] Yeah, I wear my sunglasses at night, still 20-20  哈,我在晚上戴上我的墨镜,符合我的年龄和身份  Suckas walkin" around talkin" all"at balony, damn homie you phony!  人们在四周走来走去谈论的都是无聊的话题,该死的虚伪的人们!  Be on about"cha biz what it is you ain"t got nuttin" fo me  对你稍微有些关注,你却对我视而不见  Been an MC since my first sony  我自从初次表演便作为气氛的调动人  Rock many and plenty they wanna know me  带领着不少人尽情摇摆,她们都想主动与我接近  I"m 50 karats you a cubic zakoni  我像50克拉的钻石一样珍贵  Fall back let my people react, we in the zone yeah!  请你后退几步让我的伙伴们作出行动,我们就在区域的中央!  [YB] All yall get"cha hands up, clap now  将手举起来的人们,鼓掌吧  We gonna shake and tear the house down  我们将要将撼动整个屋子  I know you wanna do this right now  我知道你已经迫不及待  You gotta get up and move it to the sound  你应该起来走向我们的音乐  Love the way the kick drum plays now  爱上鼓棒敲击鼓面发出的那些节奏  I feel it in my heart, that"s it now  我的心能感受到现在已经到了适当的时候  I think I"m gonna count it off now...  我想我将要开始倒数…  [TOP] Yeah, fire in the hole, It"s a new load I"m killin"em slow  来吧,释放你的热情,这又是新的篇章,我打算放慢速度  Make"em learn about the T.O.P - and how the story go  让他们认清我TOP,和了解整个故事的过程  It"s not nice - not pretty  它并不美好-并不优美  Ya hear a crack when I"m full contact I"m crushin" down many  当我拼尽全力的时候你会听到爆裂的声音  [GD] Yeah, uh, straight comin" through from the back shootin" Henny 喔,是的,从激动人心的时刻直接带来的激情  People be gettin" wild just kickin" and rippin"em out  人们开始变得狂热,喝得烂醉如泥  You know it"s what it"s all about when you move a crowd  当你鼓动人群的时候你知道自己在干什么  Just raise the roof, now!  就让我们从现在开始大声喧闹吧  还有个字幕版的视频
2023-06-26 20:56:031

whores in this house中文版是什么啊?

1、《WAP》歌词如下: Whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house I said certified freak seven days a week Wet-ass pussy make that pullout game weak Ah Yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy Beat it up nigga catch a charge Extra large and extra hard Put this pussy right in your face Swipe your nose like a credit card Hop on top I wanna ride I do a kegel while its inside Spit in my mouth look in my eyes This pussy is wet come take a dive Tie me up like Im surprised Lets roleplay Ill wear a disguise I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage Make it cream make me scream Out in public make a scene I dont cook I dont clean But let me tell you how I got this ring Megan Thee Stallion: Gobble me swallow me drip down the side of me Quick jump out fore you let you get inside of me Yeah I tell him where to put it never tell him where Im bout to be Ill run down on him fore I have a nigga runnin me Talk your shit bite your lip Ask for a car while you ride that dick While you ride that dick You really aint never gotta fuck him for a thang He already made his mind up fore he came Ayy uh Now get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass pussy He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass pussy Click click Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussy Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass pussy Look I need a hard hitter need a deep stroker Need a Henny drinker need a weed smoker Not a garter snake I need a king cobra With a hook in it hope it lean over He got some money then thats where Im headed Pussy A1 just like his credit He got a beard well Im tryna wet it I let him taste it now he diabetic I dont wanna spit I wanna gulp I wanna gag I wanna choke I want you to touch that lil dangly thing That swing in the back of my throat My head game is fire punani Dasani Its goin in dry and its comin out soggy I ride on that thing like the cops is behind me I spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me woo Megan Thee Stallion: Your honor Im a freak bitch handcuffs leashes Switch my wig make him feel like he cheatin Put him on his knees give him somethin to believe in Never lost a fight but Im looking for a beating In the food chain Im the one that eat ya If he ate my ass hes a bottom-feeder Big D stand for big demeanor I could make ya bust before I ever meet ya If it dont hang then he cant bang You cant hurt my feelings but I like pain If he fuck me and ask Whose is it When I ride the dick Ima spell my name ah Yeah yeah yeah Yeah you fuckin with some wet-ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy Now from the top make it drop thats some wet-ass pussy Now get a bucket and a mop thats some wet-ass pussy Im talkin wap wap wap thats some wet-ass pussy Macaroni in a pot thats some wet-ass pussy huh Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house Theres some whores in this house 2、《WAP》(Wet Ass Pussy)是美国说唱女歌手卡迪·B与 Megan Thee Stallion 演唱的歌曲,收录于同名单曲《WAP》中。
2023-06-26 20:56:101

英文歌曲low 的歌词

歌曲名:Low 歌手名:Flo Rida ft.T-Pain Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - Low Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go, this crazy all night spendin my dough Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show So sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I Whoa Did I think I seen shorty get low Ain"t the same when it"s up that close Make it rain, I"m makin it snow Work the pole, I got the bank roll Imma say that I prefer them no clothes I"m into that, I love women exposed She threw it back at me, I gave her more Cash ain"t a problem, I know where it goes She had them Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you home My jeans full of gwap And they ready for Shones Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan One stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand) What you think I"m playin baby girl I"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bands That"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulder I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola Got me like a Soldier She ready for Rover, I couldn"t control her So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover Shorty was hot like a toaster Sorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography poster She showed her Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash, and I ain"t want it back, The way she bit that rag, got her them paper stacks, Tattoo of bubba cray, I had to handle that, I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin She wouldn"t stop, made it drop Shorty did that pop and lock, Had to break her off that gwap Gah it was fly just like my glock Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low C"mon END《Low》 Everybody""s talkin"" But they don""t say a thing They look at me with sad eyes but I don""t want the sympathy It""s cool you didn""t want me Sometimes you can""t go back Why""d you have to go and make a mess like that? Well I Just have to say Before I let go... Have you ever been low? Have you ever had a friend that let you down so? When the truth came out Were you the last to know? Were you left out in the cold? What you did was low No I don""t need your number There""s nothing left to say ""Cept I never thought it""d hurt this much to be safe My friends are outside waiting I""ve gotta go Have you ever been low? (have you ever been) Have you ever had a friend let you down so? When the truth came out Were you the last to know? Were you left out in the cold? ""Cause what you did was low What you did was low What you did was low What you did was low I walk out of this darkness With no sense of regret And I""m going on precautious We both know that you can""t say that This to show For all the time I loved you so So... Have you ever been low? (have you ever been) Have you ever had a friend that let you down so? When the truth came out Were you the last to know? Were you left out in the cold? ""Cause what you did was low Have you ever been low? (have you ever been) Have you ever had a friend that let you down so? When the truth came out Were you the last to know? Were you left out in the cold? ""Cause what you did was low Have you ever been low? (have you ever been) Have you ever had a friend that let you down so? ""Cause what you did was low...看看是哪首.
2023-06-26 20:56:171