barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-27 00:54:29

The story revolves around a poor young boy named Charlie Bucket born to a penniless, starving family. His two sets of grandparents reside in their children"s dilapidated, tiny house and lead a bedridden existence, and Charlie is fascinated by the universally-celebrated chocolate factory located in his hometown owned by famous chocolatier Willy Wonka. His Grandpa Joe often narrates stories to him about the chocolate factory and about its mysterious proprietor, and the mysteries relating to the factory itself; how it had gone defunct for years until it mysteriously re-opened after Wonka"s secret sweet recipes had been discovered (albeit no employees are ever seen leaving the factory).

Soon after, an article in the newspaper reveals that Willy Wonka has hidden a Golden Ticket in five chocolate bars being distributed to anonymous locations worldwide, and that the discovery of a Golden Ticket would grant the owner with passage into Willy Wonka"s factory and a lifetime supply of confectionery. Charlie longs for chocolate to satisfy his hunger and to find a Golden Ticket himself, but his chances are slim (his father has recently lost his job, leaving the family all but destitute) and word on the discovery of the tickets keeps appearing in various news articles read by the Bucket family, each one going to self-centred, bratty children: an obese, gluttonous boy named Augustus Gloop, a spoiled brat named Veruca Salt, a record-breaking gum chewer named Violet Beauregarde, and Mike Teavee, an aspiring gangster who is unhealthily obsessed with television. Eventually, Charlie finds a ticket of his own.

The children, once at the factory, are taken to the Chocolate Room, where they are introduced to Oompa Loompas, from Loompaland, who have been helping Wonka operate the factory. Whilst there, Augustus falls into the chocolate and is sucked up by a pipe and eliminated from the tour. They are soon taken to the Inventing Room, where Violet chews a piece of experimental gum, and blows up into a blueberry, she is the second child rejected from the tour. After an exhausting jog down a series of corridors, Wonka allows them to rest outside of the Nut Room, but refuses them entry. Veruca, seeing squirrels inside, and demands one from Wonka, but when she is refused, she invades the Nut Room, where the squirrels attack her and throw her down the garbage chute, and soon her parents afterwards, being judged as bad nuts. They go on the Great Glass Elevator to the Television Room, where Mike accidentally shrinks himself to a few inches tall using a teleporter Wonka invented.

Charlie, being the last child left, wins the prize. Together they go to Charlie"s house in the glass elevator and take the whole family back to the chocolate factory to live out the rest of their lives.



Teleporter:传送器:Numpad 0 - Store Teleport Location 数字键0——存储传送器的地点Numpad 2 - Teleport 数字键2——传送Numpad 3 - Undo Teleport数字键3——撤消传送Numpad 6 - Infinite SaberSens Chips数字键6——无限SaberSens芯片Numpad 7 - Infinite Booster Fuel数字键7——无限助力燃料Numpad 8 - Infinite Ammo 数字键8——无限弹药Numpad 9 - Infinite Health 数字键9——无限健康Trainer Specific Hotkeys:教学模式专用热键Info - Home - Launches Trainer Info信息-主页——启动教学模式信息F11 - Minimize Trainer - Minimizes TrainerF11-最小化教学模式——最小化教学模式Music on/Off - Toggle Music on/off - Turns Music on Off Music on/off——切换音乐开/关——音乐打开/关闭Double click to exit Trainer/ ot use Exit button双击退出教学模式/或使用Exit按键F10 - Toggle Music on and off HotKeyF10——切换音乐开启和关闭的热键How to Use:如何使用:launch game first then Trainer and use hotkeys above.先启动游戏,再进入教学模式并使用上述热键。
2023-06-26 17:34:551


2023-06-26 17:35:041

super people 技能有哪些

super people 技能有如下:1、Gatling Soldier(加特林士兵)。按下数字键4会切出火焰加特林,击打敌人不仅会有子弹伤害,还会带有火焰的持续灼烧伤害,按下G键人物会向前翻滚一圈且暂时提高血量,C键在蹲下的基础上多了一个奔跑时按下C键会有滑铲技能。2、Gas Soldier(毒气兵)。按下4号数字键会切出专属武器,蓄力一段时间后会向前喷出一团火焰,伤害未知,但是半血肯定直接无了,我试过一次,哼哼。选择这个人物是有烟雾弹一定要捡上,因为烟雾弹在该人物手上会变成毒烟(从此烟雾弹的用途又多了一种)。其次当有油的时候你也要捡上,蓝色技能第一个快速喝油。3、Teleporter(传送小子)。按下G键时,会自动出现地图,在一定范围内按下鼠标左键,就会传送到该地方。我用这个吃过一把鸡,当时是传送到了房顶上(当你选择的地点是在房区且在点在房子图标上,你会被传送到房顶)。按下4号数字键的时候,你的手中会出现一把斧子,可以扔向敌人(类似于平底锅)。4、Sniper(狙击手)。该终极技能属于被动技能,触发这个被动技能的前提条件是你有镜子,基础镜也行,到时候准星中会出现能量条,当能量条满的时候,栓狙一枪一个小朋友,伤害很恐怖。按下G键会在你要攻击的区域落下一个导弹,不过需要你手动移,而不是打开地图精准制导。5、Nuclear(核弹专家)终极技能,按下G键打开地图,在一定范围内选择位置,会在该位置上落下一颗核弹,伤害很大,当然敌人也会看到,有时间逃离,因此尽量放在敌人的中心位置,这个度有点难把握,我用的时候还没击败过敌人。按下4号数字键会切出一颗RPG武器,只有一发。
2023-06-26 17:35:191


,然后左键敲击一个点。,右键再敲击一个点然后形成的矩形就是你所要圈的领地;res create 领地名123是示意,破坏指令什么的不用输入。输入#47。。。。领地名可以自己起的建完领地后是默认只有自己能放置破坏和使用的所以什么都不用输入。做一把木斧子。不拿木斧子设置点的话是不行的。。。
2023-06-26 17:36:161

方舟生存进化手游tek teleporter怎么用?

2023-06-26 17:36:241


第一款 Awesome SpyGlass! 编号1404697612(创意工坊直接搜索就OK)这个模组可谓是人人必备,首先它制作特别方便,但是功能十分强大全面。有了它,直接开启后,你不仅拥有原版望远镜的放大,而且可以看见恐龙的等级、饥饿、眩晕值,是不是特别棒,更完美的是还可以看见这只恐龙喜欢的食物。补充一下,血量野生等级加点也可以看见。第二款 Awesome Teleporters!(889745138)这个是更好的传送器,同样特别好用。这个模组添加了三个新物件,分别是传送器,遥控器和恐龙标记装置。传送器就是底座,可以随意放置,也可以命名,有底座之后,用遥控器鼠标左键就可以选择传送啦,再也不用担心跑大老远回不了家了,而且遥控器默认可以传送到方尖碑的位置,打BOSS不要太方便。这个也可以随时召回你的恐龙,无论它在哪都可以,前提要自己做恐龙标记装置然后喂给自己的恐龙,之后拿出遥控器鼠标右键就可以召回啦。
2023-06-26 17:36:311


目前Volorant瓦罗兰特有三张地图。那么,在地图中有哪些地点可以实现子弹穿墙呢?接下来,小编就给大家带来Volorant瓦罗兰特各地图穿墙地点介绍,快来看看吧。绿色:可以穿墙红色:不可穿墙BindA点的天堂heaven到A点台灯:当你瞄准的是那里的角落会很好穿。水烟通道Hookah connector:我都不知道要怎么告诉你,我有多少次用轻机枪从进攻方的中路扫射进水烟通道拿到首杀了。B点-gt;A点的传送门Teleporter:不确定这有多少帮助,不过如果你发现你自己被卡在了这个B点-gt;A点的传送门房间里面,你可以从角落那里射向一些明显的龟点。Split在这三张图里面,Split有着最多的「单向」可穿墙。Haven这张图很多很好穿的墙,尤其是攻击方的中路。你可以在这里扫射任何龟在窗户或者几乎在中路任何方向的人。这张图的墙上有很多可以让你扫射过去的窗户跟门的贴图。这里有一个好例子是你可以从防守方的出生点射向B点的后半部分。窗户的样子门的样子什么叫做能穿什么不能穿这不一定,不过间谍Operator似乎可以在连续射穿四堵墙的情况下仍然在另一边保持着非常高的伤害。子弹可以穿过「极低」阻力的对象行进500公分子弹可以穿过「低」阻力的对象行进400公分子弹可以穿过「中等」阻力的对象行进300公分子弹可以穿过「高」阻力的对象行进100公分子弹可以穿过「超高」阻力的对象行进50公分大部分的点都非常视情况而定。一些通用的建议大部分在地图上所标示出来可穿透的对象都可以用突击步枪来穿透。不同的材质贴图很好的指出了为了射穿这些对象你需要用哪类型的枪。王者之心2点击试玩
2023-06-26 17:36:401


你等大神来吧 我是
2023-06-26 17:36:483


2023-06-26 17:36:574


我又换着地方放了几次 得出的结论是矿洞里面就不行 放在矿洞外面就可以到达 要是放在矿洞里面 人物进入矿洞才可以传送到台子上
2023-06-26 17:37:242


2023-06-26 17:37:311

Awesome Teleporters这个模组怎么用,为什么我用不了,还需要电池,方舟进化电脑端?

2023-06-26 17:37:421


2023-06-26 17:37:533

2023-06-26 17:38:394


您好,把v3运动方式改为 Locomotor={4A582747-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1}然后加入Teleporter=yes,有问题追问您的采纳是我回答的动力,望采纳
2023-06-26 17:38:531


  不知道你还在玩没有,由于这个MOD目前已经升级到1.0pr3.1了,所以以前的指令不管用了,不过官网有新指令的,如果以后出了新版不管用了,请去官网百科查询。  官网之能力百科:  /aim指令是有开关的,默认为关闭。当指令为关闭状态时,即便处于作弊模式下也无法使用/aim指令。在游戏中第一次使用/aim时,会给予提示,而指令的开关需要自行输入指令调整。  在多人模式下,指令格式如下:/aimp [玩家ID] [指令] 例如:/aimp niconiconi cat electromaster 将一名叫做niconiconi的玩家能力设置为电击使。  单人模式不需要输入玩家ID  下面的"[ ]"不需要输入,"[序号]/[技能名称]"代表可以任选一个输入  /aim cheats_on 开启超能力MOD指令  /aim cheats_off 关闭超能力MOD指令  /aim help 显示帮助信息  /aim cat [能力名称] 改变指定玩家能力或是显示当前能力  /aim catlist 列出所有可用能力  /aim learn [序号]/[技能名称] 无视所有要求学习指定技能  /aim learn_all 学习所有技能  /aim reset 清空你的能力信息  /aim learned 显示已学习的技能  /aim skills 显示玩家当前能力的所有技能  /aim fullcp 将当前玩家CP恢复至满  /aim level 设置当前玩家的能力等级  /aim exp [序号]/[技能名称][数值] 设置或修改某项技能的经验(数值在0.1~1之间,1为100%)  电击使(electromaster)  序号 技能英文名称 技能中文名称  0 arc_gen 电弧激发  1 charging 电流回冲  2 mag_movement 电磁牵引  3 mag_manip 磁场控制  4 mine_detect 矿物探测  5 body_intensify 生物电强化  6 thunder_bolt 雷击之枪  7 railgun 超电磁炮  8 thunder_clap 终极落雷  9 brain_course 大脑训练课程  10 brain_course_advanced 大脑训练课程(高级)  11 mind_course 思维修养课程  原子崩坏(meltdowner)  序号 技能英文名称 技能中文名称  0 electron_bomb 电子光束  1 rad_intensify β射线强化  2 scatter_bomb 电子弹散射  3 light_shield 光盾  4 meltdowner 波机粒形炮  5 mine_ray_basic 采集光束  6 ray_barrage 散射光束雨  7 jet_engine 突击喷射  8 mine_ray_expert 采集光束精修  9 mine_ray_luck 采集光束-时运  10 electron_missile 巡航光束炮  11 brain_course 大脑训练课程  12 brain_course_advanced 大脑训练课程(高级)  13 mind_course 思维修养课程  空间使(teleporter)  序号 技能英文名称 技能中文名称  0 threatening_teleport 危险传送  1 dim_folding_theoreom 折叠空间概论  2 penetrate_teleport 穿透传送  3 mark_teleport 标记传送  4 flesh_ripping 肌体撕裂  5 location_teleport 定位传送  6 shift_tp 转移传送  7 space_fluct 空间波动  8 flashing 高速闪现  9 brain_course 大脑训练课程  10 brain_course_advanced 大脑训练课程(高级)  11 mind_course 思维修养课程
2023-06-26 17:39:131


2023-06-26 17:39:201

关于魔法禁书目录与科学超电磁炮中的专有名词 =魔法禁书目录的百度百科里...目录下有科学势力、魔法势力名词解释
2023-06-26 17:39:272


育母蜘蛛-简单模式收起育母蜘蛛-简单模式育母蜘蛛-中等模式育母蜘蛛-困难模式使用一下代码直接获取所有物品方舟生存进化挑战育母蜘蛛都需要哪些物品呢,这些物品的代码又是什么呢,下面就给大家带来方舟生存进化挑战育母蜘蛛所需物品与代码一览,以供玩家参考。育母蜘蛛-简单模式需要等级:30需要物品:1、上古神器之智慧(召唤代码:cheat giveitemnum 150 1 0 0)2、上古神器之猎手(召唤代码:cheat giveitemnum 146 1 0 0)3、上古神器之稳重(召唤代码:cheat giveitemnum 148 1 0 0)直接进入挑战场代码:cheat summon bossteleporter_spider_c
2023-06-26 17:39:351


《星界边境》大家对房客系统了解吗?这些在游戏中还是非常有用的,今天就为大家带来了星界边境NPC房客系统图文详解,让大家学习下房客系统攻略,还不懂的同学的可以参考下,快跟我一起来看吧,希望对你们有帮助。房客Tenants are NPCs that are spawned with Colony Deeds. They are part of the colony system described here.房客指的是玩家通过殖民地契约生成的NPC。Tenants pay various types of rent to the player after a certain time period. Rent must be gathered from the Colony Deed.每隔一定时间段房客就会付给玩家房租。房租种类各异,且必须通过殖民地契约获得。(译者注:当契约出现礼物图标是对着它按E)Tenants are able to toggle wiring switches and use teleporters to beam a few meters away.房客懂得如何拨动线路开关,并且能够使用传送器将自己传送到数米开外。Colony tags can be seen at the bottom of each object"s wiki page, and all of them can be seen here.你可以在每件物品的wiki页面底部查看它所属的殖民地标签。目录1 Available Tenants 可招募的房客1.1Themed Furniture Tenants 主题家具房客1.2Mini-Biome Tenants 迷你生态房客1.3Tiered Guard Tenants 各级警卫房客1.4Other Tenants 其他房客(*注:有关npc对话部分翻译由于汉化组会打理这里略去不译)可招募的房客In order for a tenant to spawn there must be a floor, outer walls, and a background wall for the entire structure. On player ships the ship windows are acceptable background walls. Doors count as valid walls, so you can have tenants separated by only doors.房客只能生成在一个有地板,外墙和背景墙的整体(封闭)结构内。比如玩家飞船上的窗户就是可接受的背景墙(译者:飞船哪来的窗玻璃?不是空的吗?)。门被算作实体墙,你只能通过门将房客的领地隔开。After those requirements are met the tenant type depends on the following objects placed. If the objects placed in a structure meet the requirements for more than one tenant type, then the tenant with a highest priority number will spawn.满足了上述条件之后,通过放置下列物品可以决定生成的房客种类。当房间里放置的物品满足生成多种房客的条件时,优先级较高的房客将会生成。Notes注意事项The percentages in the Rent column are the rough chances of getting that item. The player will only get 1 type of reward each rent cycle.房租一栏里的百分比数指获得该种租金的大致概率。玩家一次只能获得一种租金奖励。"Rent Timeframe" is the minumum to maximum time the tenant will have rent available.“领租周期表”里标注的是获得下一次租金所需时间的最小值和最大值。Rent does not stack if not collected for a long period of time.长时间不领取的话租金不会累积叠加。Once rent is available, the rent timer does not start again until it is collected.当可以领取租金时,距离下次领租的倒计时即停止,直到你领取了租金它才会再次开始倒计时。All tenants currently require 1 Light and 1 Door.生成任何房客都至少要有一扇门和一个光源The number in () is how many of game boxes are required to be objects of that type in the tenant"s housing. A box is the size of 1 tile, and can be seen by going into debug mode and typing /boxes.()里的数字代表召唤房客时屋里特定种类物品所需的占格数。一格就是一个方块的大小。具体多大玩家可以通过在调试模式(输入/debug开启)下输入/boxes查看。
2023-06-26 17:39:421


1.新机制:水陆两栖生物的繁殖。2.新恐龙:庞马!3.新恐龙:利兹鱼!4.新恐龙:鱼鸟!5.新恐龙:禽龙!6.新建筑物机械:TEK水下基地。7.新建筑物:TEK传送器。8.新建筑物:TEK沧龙鞍。9.新建筑物:TEK发电机。10.物品背包界面完全重做(其他UI的重做即将到来!)11.削弱飞行单位(允许服务器使用以下命令行恢复飞行单位的耐力属性:AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery=true)。12.减小保险柜的大小。13.限制只有允许一个C4附着在恐龙身上,除非你使用以下命令行:?AllowMultipleAttachedC4=true。14.当你在任何类型的服务器中装备了棍棒、剑、斧头等等的武器时,羊身上就会出现一个“屠杀”的选项。15.一个新的发型和一个新的面部发型(男性和女性的不同版本)。16.新增20+的探险者笔记。英文原版* New Mechanic: AquaticAmphibious Creature Breeding* New Dino: Equus!* New Dino: Leedsichthys!* New Dino: Ichthyornis!* New Dino: Iguanodon!* New StructuresMechanic: Tek Underwater Bases* New Structure: TEK Teleporter* New Structure: TEK Mosa Saddle* New Structure: Tek Power Generator* Total Inventory Menu redesign (other UI"s coming soon!)* Flyer Nerf (to allow server to recover Stamina when standing on a Flyer, run with ?AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery=true)* Reduced Vault Size* Limited one C4 attached per dino, unless you run with this console command: ?AllowMultipleAttachedC4=true* Sheep now have a "Slaughter" option when you have a club, sword, hatchet etc equipped, also works on PvE* 1 New Hairstyle and 1 New Facial hairstyle (male and female variants)* 20+ new Explorer Notes
2023-06-26 17:39:501


2023-06-26 17:40:111

侠盗猎车手4ingametrainer 修改器 1.91翻译下 那位大大把游戏里面功能翻译成中文啊

2023-06-26 17:40:292


Quake3的复活节彩蛋在控制台输入/map test_bigbox,你会进入一个封闭的小房间,你只能使用电锯和机枪。和自己的好朋友进行一场拳击赛吧!Demon Keep (Q3DM15), 沿着岩浆池旁的一条隧道向地图的中心走,在这条隧道尽头左边的路上有一个会变化的人头,仔细看看,他是不是象Q3Arena的几个设计师的脸?Deva Station (Q3DM11),对着那个有传送门和Shotgun再生点对面的墙走去,将会开启一个秘密房间。当你进入时会有“Youve Found A Secret”的字,里面有 +50 Health和一条看起来很怪的呆鱼。单人版看所有的动画在dos下用命令行启动Quake3quake3.exe +seta g_spVideos"tier11tier22tier33tier44tier55tier66tier77tier88"游戏中按~键后输入:/iamacheater = 简单级(Skill 1)/iamamonkey = 困难级(Skill 100)/model sarge/krusade = 警官的服装连线版设置无敌及使用所有武器的方法连线主机须用 /devmap +map [关卡名] 启动,游戏中按~键后输入:/god 无敌模式/give all 获得所有武器/give x 获得xx可为:healtharmorammobattle suitbfg10kflightgauntletgrappling hookgrenade launcherhastehealthinvisibility lightning gunmachinegunmedkitpersonal teleporterplasma gunquad damagerailgunregenerationrocket launchershotguN
2023-06-26 17:40:361

有什么好看的欧美大片 介绍介绍

在海韩帝国可以看的,更新的也很快,希望可以帮到你 。
2023-06-26 17:40:452

我的世界超能力mod传送使Lv4技能转移传送(shift tp)是怎样的效果?

2023-06-26 17:41:042

方舟生存进化泰克建筑代码有哪些 泰克Tek建筑蓝图代码大全

方舟生存进化中的泰克科技建筑是可以通过代码来获得的,也可以通过代码解锁全蓝图自己建造,以下是泰克建筑以及全蓝图的代码,玩家可以按Ctrl+F快速搜索需要的代码,蓝图代码在25。 Tek建筑代码介绍 1.Tek能量罩 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_TekShield.PrimalItemStructure_TekShield"" 1 0 0 2.栈桥 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekCatwalk.PrimalItemStructure_TekCatwalk" 1 0 0 3.天花板 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekCeiling.PrimalItemStructure_TekCeiling" 1 0 0 4.天窗 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekCeilingWithTrapdoor.PrimalItemStructure_TekCeilingWithTrapdoor" 1 0 0 5.门 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekDoor.PrimalItemStructure_TekDoor" 1 0 0 6.栏杆地基 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekFenceFoundation.PrimalItemStructure_TekFenceFoundation" 1 0 0 7.地基 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekFloor.PrimalItemStructure_TekFloor" 1 0 0 8.恐龙门 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekGate.PrimalItemStructure_TekGate" 1 0 0 9.恐龙门框 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekGateframe.PrimalItemStructure_TekGateframe" 1 0 0 10.巨兽门框 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekGateframe_Large.PrimalItemStructure_TekGateframe_Large" 1 0 0 11.巨兽门 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekGate_Large.PrimalItemStructure_TekGate_Large" 1 0 0 12.梯子 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekLadder.PrimalItemStructure_TekLadder" 1 0 0 13.柱子 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekPillar.PrimalItemStructure_TekPillar" 1 0 0 14.栏杆 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekRailing.PrimalItemStructure_TekRailing" 1 0 0 15.斜坡 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekRamp.PrimalItemStructure_TekRamp" 1 0 0 16.斜屋顶 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekRoof.PrimalItemStructure_TekRoof" 1 0 0 17.旋转楼梯 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekStairs.PrimalItemStructure_TekStairs" 1 0 0 18.天窗门 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekTrapdoor.PrimalItemStructure_TekTrapdoor" 1 0 0 19.墙 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekWall.PrimalItemStructure_TekWall" 1 0 0 20.门框 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekWallWithDoor.PrimalItemStructure_TekWallWithDoor" 1 0 0 21.窗框 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekWallWithWindow.PrimalItemStructure_TekWallWithWindow" 1 0 0 22.左斜墙 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekWall_Sloped_Left.PrimalItemStructure_TekWall_Sloped_Left" 1 0 0 23.右斜墙 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekWall_Sloped_Right.PrimalItemStructure_TekWall_Sloped_Right" 1 0 0 24.窗 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekWindow.PrimalItemStructure_TekWindow" 1 0 0 25.运行两次解锁所有蓝图代码 AdminCheat GiveEngrams AdminCheat GiveEngrams 26.Tek发电机 AdminCheat Giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_TekGenerator.PrimalItemStructure_TekGenerator"" 1 0 0 27.Tek复制机 AdminCheat Giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_TekReplicator.PrimalItemStructure_TekReplicator"" 1 0 0 28.Tek护盾 AdminCheat Giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_TekShield.PrimalItemStructure_TekShield"" 1 0 0 29.Tek传送器 AdminCheat Giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_TekTeleporter.PrimalItemStructure_TekTeleporter"" 1 0 0 30.Tek方舟 AdminCheat Giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_TekTransmitter.PrimalItemStructure_TekTransmitter"" 1 0 0 31.Tek水上建筑 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/BuildingBases/PrimalItemStructure_UnderwaterBase_Moonpool.PrimalItemStructure_UnderwaterBase_Moonpool"" 1 0 0  AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/BuildingBases/PrimalItemStructure_UnderwaterBase.PrimalItemStructure_UnderwaterBase"" 1 0 0 32.Tek沧龙鞍 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_MosaSaddle_Tek.PrimalItemArmor_MosaSaddle_Tek"" 1 0 0 33.Tek发电机油 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ElementShard.PrimalItemResource_ElementShard"" 1 0 0
2023-06-26 17:42:071


2023-06-26 17:42:163


2023-06-26 17:42:232

fly 300m in the teleporter in a single run是什么意思

2023-06-26 17:42:422


方舟生存进化焦土BOSS代码及所需物品一览。本文为大家带来的是焦土DLC中的BOSS挑战攻略,供各位玩家们参考查阅。焦土BOSS代码及所需物品一览需要物品:1、上古神器之卫士(召唤代码:cheat GFI ArtifactSE_01 1 0 0)2、上古神器之岩壁(召唤代码:cheat GFI ArtifactSE_02 1 0 0)3、上古神器之灭世(召唤代码:cheat GFI ArtifactSE_03 1 0 0)4、火焰勾爪* 2 (召唤代码:cheat GFI ApexDrop_FireWyvern 2 0 0)5、闪电勾爪 * 2 (召唤代码:cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_LightningWyvern.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_LightningWyvern"" 2 0 0)6、剧毒勾爪 * 2(召唤代码:cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_PoisonWyvern.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_PoisonWyvern"" 2 0 0)直接进入挑战场代码:cheat summon bossteleporter_manticore_c中等模式需要物品:1、上古神器之卫士(召唤代码:cheat GFI ArtifactSE_01 1 0 0)2、上古神器之岩壁(召唤代码:cheat GFI ArtifactSE_02 1 0 0)3、上古神器之灭世(召唤代码:cheat GFI ArtifactSE_03 1 0 0)4、火焰勾爪* 10(召唤代码:cheat GFI ApexDrop_FireWyvern 10 0 0)5、闪电勾爪 * 10 (召唤代码:cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_LightningWyvern.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_LightningWyvern"" 10 0 0)6、剧毒勾爪 * 10(召唤代码:cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_PoisonWyvern.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_PoisonWyvern"" 10 0 0)直接进入挑战场代码:cheat summon bossteleporter_manticore_medium_c困难模式需要物品:1、上古神器之卫士(召唤代码:cheat GFI ArtifactSE_01 1 0 0)2、上古神器之岩壁(召唤代码:cheat GFI ArtifactSE_02 1 0 0)3、上古神器之灭世(召唤代码:cheat GFI ArtifactSE_03 1 0 0)4、火焰勾爪* 20 (召唤代码:cheat GFI ApexDrop_FireWyvern 20 0 0)5、闪电勾爪 * 20 (召唤代码:cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_LightningWyvern.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_LightningWyvern"" 20 0 0)6、剧毒勾爪 * 20(召唤代码:cheat giveitem "Blueprint"/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_PoisonWyvern.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_PoisonWyvern"" 20 0 0)直接进入挑战场代码:cheat summon bossteleporter_manticore_hard_c
2023-06-26 17:42:491

找人分析rulesmd代码 哪段与超时空行走有关

2023-06-26 17:42:572

《One Good Soldier》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《One Good Soldier》(Taylor, Travis S.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: iafn书名:One Good Soldier作者:Taylor, Travis S.出版年份:2010-10页数:304内容简介:One Good Soldier is the third book in the rapid-fire hard science military SF series of One Day on Mars and The Tau Ceti Agenda . In another 24 -like narrative set six years after the events in The Tau Ceti Agenda , this exciting action story unfolds in a single critical day in the history of the United States of the Sol System, the extra-solar colonies, the Separatist Revolutionaries of the Tau Ceti system, and all of mankind. As another of Earth"s colonies, Ross 128, secedes from the union, the President of the United States , former marine major Alexander Moore, takes swift action to prevent a second American Civil War, this time on an interstellar scale. He sends the flagship of the U.S. Naval fleet through the Quantum Membrane Teleporter based in the Oort Cloud to the seceding colony. But the Tau Ceti Separatists have stationed their own teleporter there and the flagship will be met with heavy resistance from the Separatist Navy. And, unknown to the president and first lady, their eighteen year old military school cadet daughter has been kidnapped and whisked away to the Separatist leader"s house on Tau Ceti. Only the heroics and sacrifices of one good soidier after another can save the flagship, the Union , and the first daughter in an all-out winner-take-all showdown thatreaches its final climaxwith frenzied hand-to-hand combat in the Oval Office itself. Praise for Travis S. Taylor: “[ Warp Speed ] reads like Doc Smith writing Robert Ludlum. . . .You won"t want to put it down.” John Ringo “In the tradition of Golden Age SF . . . [ The Quantum Connection , sequel to Warp Speed ] explodes with inventive action . . . dazzling . . . cutting-edge scientific possibilities. . . .” Publishers Weekly
2023-06-26 17:43:041


2023-06-26 17:43:171


/aim cat * *是等级数字(貌似要减1)
2023-06-26 17:43:262


2023-06-26 17:43:353


2023-06-26 17:43:531


不知道你还在玩没有,由于这个MOD目前已经升级到1.0pr3.1了,所以以前的指令不管用了,不过官网有新指令的,如果以后出了新版不管用了,请去官网百科查询。官网之能力百科:指令是有开关的,默认为关闭。当指令为关闭状态时,即便处于作弊模式下也无法使用/aim指令。在游戏中第一次使用/aim时,会给予提示,而指令的开关需要自行输入指令调整。在多人模式下,指令格式如下:/aimp [玩家ID] [指令] 例如:/aimp niconiconi cat electromaster 将一名叫做niconiconi的玩家能力设置为电击使。单人模式不需要输入玩家ID下面的"[ ]"不需要输入,"[序号]/[技能名称]"代表可以任选一个输入/aim cheats_on 开启超能力MOD指令/aim cheats_off 关闭超能力MOD指令/aim help 显示帮助信息/aim cat [能力名称] 改变指定玩家能力或是显示当前能力/aim catlist 列出所有可用能力/aim learn [序号]/[技能名称] 无视所有要求学习指定技能/aim learn_all 学习所有技能/aim reset 清空你的能力信息/aim learned 显示已学习的技能/aim skills 显示玩家当前能力的所有技能/aim fullcp 将当前玩家CP恢复至满/aim level 设置当前玩家的能力等级/aim exp [序号]/[技能名称][数值] 设置或修改某项技能的经验(数值在0.1~1之间,1为100%)电击使(electromaster)序号 技能英文名称 技能中文名称0 arc_gen 电弧激发1 charging 电流回冲2 mag_movement 电磁牵引3 mag_manip 磁场控制4 mine_detect 矿物探测5 body_intensify 生物电强化6 thunder_bolt 雷击之枪7 railgun 超电磁炮8 thunder_clap 终极落雷9 brain_course 大脑训练课程10 brain_course_advanced 大脑训练课程(高级)11 mind_course 思维修养课程原子崩坏(meltdowner)序号 技能英文名称 技能中文名称0 electron_bomb 电子光束1 rad_intensify β射线强化2 scatter_bomb 电子弹散射3 light_shield 光盾4 meltdowner 波机粒形炮5 mine_ray_basic 采集光束6 ray_barrage 散射光束雨7 jet_engine 突击喷射8 mine_ray_expert 采集光束精修9 mine_ray_luck 采集光束-时运10 electron_missile 巡航光束炮11 brain_course 大脑训练课程12 brain_course_advanced 大脑训练课程(高级)13 mind_course 思维修养课程空间使(teleporter)序号 技能英文名称 技能中文名称0 threatening_teleport 危险传送1 dim_folding_theoreom 折叠空间概论2 penetrate_teleport 穿透传送3 mark_teleport 标记传送4 flesh_ripping 肌体撕裂5 location_teleport 定位传送6 shift_tp 转移传送7 space_fluct 空间波动8 flashing 高速闪现9 brain_course 大脑训练课程10 brain_course_advanced 大脑训练课程(高级)11 mind_course 思维修养课程
2023-06-26 17:44:121


2023-06-26 17:44:213


去查《侠盗猎车4(GTA4)》ingametrainer 修改器 1.91进入游戏,F1是修改器菜单,使用小键盘4682,控制上下左右选择,小键盘5为选择,回格键(Backspace)是返回和关闭※ ※ ※ ※ v1.9使用说明书※ ※ ※ ※●Vehicle Options : 车选项 +Vehicle selector : 车辆选择 (进入后按4或6左右选择载具, 按5刷车) +Color Selector : 车辆颜色选择 (必须先坐上载具, 然后调整颜色, 即调即见) 选择颜色时, 可用数字键(非numpad)直接输入颜色编号 +Door opener : 开启车门 --Front left : 左前门 --Front right : 右前门 --Rear left : 左后门 --Rear right : 右后门 --Hook : 引擎盖 --Trunk : 后车厢 --Open all doors : 开启所有车门 --Close All doors : 关闭所有车门 +Light editor : 车灯编辑 --Interior lights : 车内灯 --Taxi lights : 计程车(租车)灯 --Hazard lights : 方向(警示)灯 +Vehicle component : 载具组件 +Neon colour selector:霓虹灯色彩选择(就是车底灯的颜色,20种。使用这个功能需要先到Enabler disabler菜单下打开Neon) +Default radio station:预设广播电台(新手玩家不推荐使用该功能)ㄨ残翼ゞ 首发3DM论坛,转载需注明,否则后果自负=====================================================●Player options : 玩家选项 +Skin selector : 皮肤选择(换主角外型模组, 按4或6左右选择,按5确认) +Clothes selector : 造型选择 --(Head头,Torso上衣,Pants裤子,Extra配件,Shoes鞋,Hair发型,Special特殊) +Weapon selector : 武器选择 +Money selector : 金钱选择(按2或8选择金额, 按5取得金钱) +XYZ Teleporter : 坐标传送(相对位置) +Location teleporter : 位置传送(按4或6左右选择地名)(最多可保存45个,内置瞬移点有自由女神心脏、咖啡杯等)=====================================================●Quick options : 快速选项 +Health & armor : 血量与装甲 +Clear wanted : 清除通辑 +Flip car : 翻转车辆 +Heal car : 修复车辆 +Clean car : 清洁车辆 +Quick boost : 快速加速 (按下去会用弹的往前, 无论走路或开车等) +Quick stop : 快速停止 (按下去会瞬间停止动量) +Save position : 存位置 +Save game : 存游戏 +Enter car as passenger : 搭车, 当乘客 +Sit on nearest chair:坐下(坐到附近的椅子上,房间内无法使用,切记)ㄨ残翼ゞ 首发3DM论坛,转载需注明,否则后果自负====================================================●Game options : 游戏选项 +Change weather : 改变天气 +Change time : 改变时间 +Change speed : 改变速率 +Weather freezer:天气锁定不变 +Time freezer:时间锁定不变ㄨ残翼ゞ 首发3DM论坛,转载需注明,否则后果自负====================================================●Enabler disabler : 开启关闭 [enabled(开启) / disabled(关闭)] +Godmode: 神模式, 无敌 +God mode (alternative):代替无敌模式,此模式下可以使用火箭筒威力加强 +Gravity : 重力 +Drunkmode : 喝醉模式 +Ragdoll mode : 布娃娃模式 +Never wanted : 永不被通辑 +No peds : 应该是没有行人, 不过还是会冒出一两只的样子 +Traffic : 没有车辆在陆上行使 (部份任务除外) +Heavy car :车子重 +Vehicle god mode :车子无敌 +Car god mode (visual):车子无敌(离开车子,无敌模式消失) +Show coords :显示目前坐标 +Never tired :不会累 +Unlimited ammo :无限弹药 +No reload : 不用重新装填枪支弹药 +Super run : 超级跑 (无论走路或跑步都变更快了) +No cops : 没警察 +Airbreak : 空中刹车 (空中载具不会乱飘, 操作方法变得比较象车子) +Open doors: 开启门 (某些大楼锁住的门可以打开) +Bullet time : 子弹时间 (开启后, 需要子弹时间要按住Numpad 1, 放开后恢复正常时间) +Seat belt : 安全带 +Speedometer : 时速表 (会出现在左下, 可用INI改成KPH或MPH) +Cops ignore me : 警察不理 +Everyone ignores me : 所有人不理 +Reset "Roman"s Sorrow""s effects : 重设Roman的悲伤效果 +Vehicle collision : 载具碰撞 +Vehicle neone : 载具霓虹灯 +Free resprays : 免费喷漆 +Bike flyer:摩托跳跃模式(改变你摩托的重力,使之可以长时间漂浮在空中)(注意:建议配合车辆无敌模式使用) +Use quick keys : 使用快速键作弊 (须在INI文件中设定, 可设定为键盘上任何一键) +Reset values : 重置所有作弊 +Sync to real time:与系统时间同步(时游戏时长和时间与真实系统时间相同) +Realistic time rate:与真实时间相同(游戏中一分钟等于真实的60秒) +Euphoria animations:启用或禁用特殊游戏模式(如酒醉模式、太空步模式) +Gravity gun:重力枪模式(自己修改枪支威力) +Use quick keys:快捷键ㄨ残翼ゞ 首发3DM论坛,转载需注明,否则后果自负======================================================●Alpha editor : 透明选项 +Current alpha : 透明度 (255是不透明, 0是透明, 用2或8来开启或关闭
2023-06-26 17:44:292

2023-06-26 17:44:402


2023-06-26 17:44:575


  那个修改器叫“inGameTrainer”  需要ScriptHook.dll支持  你不留邮箱我怎么给你?  功能说明:  进入游戏,F1是修改器菜单,使用小键盘4682,控制上下左右选择,小键盘5为选择,退格键(Backspace)是返回和关闭  Vehicle Options : 车选项  +Vehicle selector : 车辆选择 (进入后按4或6左右选择载具, 按5刷车)  +Color Selector : 车辆颜色选择 (必须先坐上载具, 然后调整颜色, 即调即见) 选择颜色时, 可用数字键(非numpad)直接输入颜色编号  +Door opener : 开启车门  --Front left : 左前门  --Front right : 右前门  --Rear left : 左后门  --Rear right : 右后门  --Hook : 引擎盖  --Trunk : 后车厢  --Open all doors : 开启所有车门  --Close All doors : 关闭所有车门  +Light editor : 车灯编辑  --Interior lights : 车内灯  --Taxi lights : 计程车(租车)灯  --Hazard lights : 方向(警示)灯  +Vehicle component : 载具组件  +Neon colour selector:霓虹灯色彩选择  +Default radio station:预设广播电台  Player options : 玩家选项  +Skin selector : 皮肤选择(换主角外型模组, 按4或6左右选择,按5确认)  +Clothes selector : 造型选择  --(Head头,Torso上衣,Pants裤子,Extra配件,Shoes鞋,Hair发型,Special特殊)  +Weapon selector : 武器选择  +Money selector : 金钱选择(按2或8选择金额, 按5取得金钱)  +XYZ Teleporter : 坐标传送(相对位置)  +Location teleporter : 位置传送(按4或6左右选择地名)  Quick options : 快速选项  +Health & armor : 血量与装甲  +Clear wanted : 清除通辑  +Flip car : 翻转车辆  +Heal car : 修复车辆  +Clean car : 清洁车辆  +Quick boost : 快速加速 (按下去会用弹的往前, 无论走路或开车等)  +Quick stop : 快速停止 (按下去会瞬间停止动量)  +Save position : 存位置  +Save game : 存游戏  +Enter car as passenger : 搭车, 当乘客  +Sit on nearest chair:坐下  Game options : 游戏选项  +Change weather : 改变天气  +Change time : 改变时间  +Change speed : 改变速率  +Weather freezer:天气锁定不变  +Time freezer:时间锁定不变  Enabler disabler : 开启关闭 [enabled(开启) / disabled(关闭)]  +Godmode: 无敌  +God mode (alternative):无敌增强(自己修改火箭筒威力后也不会炸死)  +Gravity : 重力  +Drunkmode : 喝醉模式  +Ragdoll mode : 布娃娃模式  +Never wanted : 永不被通辑  +No peds : 没有行人  +Traffic : 没有车辆  +Heavy car :车子重  +Vehicle god mode :车无敌(锁定当前车辆)  +Car god mode (visual):车无敌(随主角进入而无敌)  +Show coords :显示目前坐标  +Never tired :不会累  +Unlimited ammo :无限弹药  +No reload : 无需装填  +Super run : 超级跑  +No cops : 没警察  +Airbreak : 空中刹车  +Open doors: 开启门  +Bullet time : 子弹时间 (开启后, 需要子弹时间要按住Numpad 1, 放开后恢复正常时间)  +Seat belt : 安全带  +Speedometer : 时速表  +Cops ignore me : 警察不理  +Everyone ignores me : 所有人不理  +Reset "Roman"s Sorrow""s effects : 重设Roman的悲伤效果  +Vehicle collision : 载具碰撞  +Vehicle neone : 载具霓虹灯  +Free resprays : 免费喷漆  +Bike flyer:摩托跳跃模式  +Use quick keys : 使用快速键作弊 (须在INI文件中设定, 可设定为键盘上任何一键)  +Reset values : 重置所有作弊  +Sync to real time:与系统时间同步  +Realistic time rate:与真实时间相同  +Euphoria animations:启用或禁用特殊游戏模式  +Gravity gun:重力枪模式  +Use quick keys:快捷键  Alpha editor : 透明选项  +Current alpha : 透明度 (255是不透明, 0是透明, 用2或8来开启或关闭)希望对你能有所帮助。
2023-06-26 17:45:121

wunderwaffe造句 wunderwaffeの例文

New features include flaming hellhounds, the Wunderwaffe DG-2 weapon and ten new trophies. The German press went wild with enthusia *** and declared the Bertha a " Wunderwaffe ". In the German language the term " Wunderwaffe " generally refers to a illusionary nature. Germany later conquers the rest of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East while mass-producing their wunderwaffe . When the Doktor strives to demonstrate his Wunderwaffe to the current F党rer, Wolfgang Kortzfleisch, the phone"s battery is quickly exhausted. After gathering a sample of 115 at the site, and recovering a weapon known as the Wunderwaffe DG-2, they return to the Der Riese factory in Germany. Writer Igor Witkowski has speculated that Mazuw was involved in secret programs to develop a " Wunderwaffe ", a new type of weapon supposed to change the course of the second world war. The exact aim of the operation remains uncertain although it is now bepeved to have been either a potential final headquarters for the f党rer Adolf Hitler, a miptary munications post or a possible center for V-2 rocket and Wunderwaffe weapon production and research. In the closing weeks of World War II, the US miptary initiated " Operation Papercpp ", an effort by the US Army to capture as much advanced German Wunderwaffe weapons research as possible, and also to deny that research to the advancing Red Army. This brings the prisoners in contact with many important VIPs, scientists, high-ranking officers, spies, and some of Germany"s most sophisticated and secret weapons projects ( Wunderwaffe ), which the prisoners take advantage of in their efforts to hinder the German war effort. It"s difficult to see wunderwaffe in a sentence. 用 wunderwaffe 造句挺难的 Blome brought his biological cultures with him from Poland, and was still promising Hitler a " Wunderwaffe " or"miracle weapon"that would turn the tide of war in Germany"s favor, but the Geraburg facipty was captured by the U . S . Army in April 1945, along with its records and equipment. Early in 1943, Augustyn Tr鋑er"s son, Roman, who was also a spy of the Popsh Underground State obtained extensive information on the tests being carried out by the Germans of new Wunderwaffe ( " Wonder Weapons " ) under the direction of Wernher von Braun on the island of Usedom, where Roman was stationed as a Wehrmacht soldier. The new Nazi Zombies map, " Der Riese " which means " The Giant " in Engpsh, is based in a factory where " element 115 " is being processed and used to build teleporters and other mysterious devices, such as the " Pack-a-Punch Machine ", which upgrades guns, such as the Wunderwaffe DG-2. It seems as if the fame of the German tank Tiger II, propagandized as a " Wunderwaffe " ( wonder weapon ), has somehow been transposed upon its manders, but that is clearly an " ex post " development, i . e . the term was attached to them after WW II . Zaloga does not provide any reference for his claims anyway, which does not speak for their repabipty. The reason that this person is notable is, as stated in the article, " In The Truth About The Wunderwaffe ( 2003 ), originally pubpshed in Popsh as Prawda o Wunderwaffe ( 2000 ), Witkowski claims to have discovered the existence of [ a ] German secret project . . . " The problem is that the only sources given to the article at all e from the subject"s own web site and a whois record. The reason that this person is notable is, as stated in the article, " In The Truth About The Wunderwaffe ( 2003 ), originally pubpshed in Popsh as Prawda o Wunderwaffe ( 2000 ), Witkowski claims to have discovered the existence of [ a ] German secret project . . . " The problem is that the only sources given to the article at all e from the subject"s own web site and a whois record.
2023-06-26 17:45:301


2023-06-26 17:45:383


2023-06-26 17:45:483


GTA4需要用Sparkiv工具来替换。如果你装的是简体中文硬盘版GBT小组的那个 安装时可选上Sparkiv。
2023-06-26 17:45:562


2023-06-26 17:46:057


神界:原罪2(Divinity: Original Sin 2)是一款优秀的欧美RPG游戏,现在正处于Early Access阶段,相信许多玩家都还未通关,下面我们为大家带来神界原罪2日志任务传送师攻略1。其他攻略:神界原罪2攻略日志任务-传送师(The Teleporter)①剧情/攻略①从欢乐堡内神像往旁边走时会遇到一个叫做Gawin的法师,他告诉你他有一个能够逃离欢乐堡的方法,但是他需要一个人为他提供帮助,详细询问后,他要你先去一个鳄鱼窝里为他哪一个传送工具。具体的位置他会在地图中标出。来到目的地,这里有三只鳄鱼,进场后直接开战,笔者来这里打的时候加上队友只有2人,轮流击倒,将它们消灭,如果有多名队友会更加简单。杀死后在其中一只鳄鱼身上能拿到[传送手套],这件装备能让你在15m范围内移动队友和敌人。 ②回到法师Gawin处,告诉他你得到了物品,他会让你去海滩边一个隐蔽的地方汇合。大致位置同样会在地图上给出。找到地图标记的地方,Gawin就在门口等你,他会让你跟着他进入内部。直到来到一处悬崖边上,对话后,Gawin告诉你方法就是你先用传送手套将他传送下去,然后他再帮你,互相传送。 ③但是笔者这里把Gawin传送下去后,他就直接跑了。任务更新说他无法帮你逃离了,需要另寻出路。可能方法上有些错误,玩家可以自行摸索一下。此任务暂时搁置,这里提供一个路径,后续补充。其他攻略:神界原罪2攻略
2023-06-26 17:46:191


2023-06-26 17:46:294