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2023-06-27 00:42:23
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
品牌介绍:      美国箭牌糖类有限公司(Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company)由小威廉.瑞格理先生(William Wrigley Jr.)创立于1891年。箭牌公司是全球糖果业界的领导者之一和世界上首屈一指的口香糖生产商及销售商,全球销售额超过40亿美元。   箭牌公司在全世界拥有19家工厂,闻名于世的箭牌产品行销180多个国家。其中“白箭”(Wrigley"s Spearmint)、“黄箭”(Juicy Fruit)和Altoids 三个品牌的历史可以回溯到一个多世纪以前。其他品牌包括“绿箭”(Doublemint)、“Life Savers”、 “Big Red”、Boomer(在中国为“大大”), “真知棒”(Pim Pom),“冬清”(Winterfresh)、“益达”(Extra)、 “Freedent”、“Hubba Bubba”、“傲白”(Orbit)、“Excel”、“Crème Savers”、“易极”(Eclipse)、“爽浪”(Airwaves)、“Alpine”、“Solano”、“瑞士糖”(Sugus)、“劲浪”(Cool Air)和“P.K.”等。企业网址: http://www.wrigley.c*.cn/



rio的低端款,就是纯色的那四个就不错,红果味劲最大可能有点受不了。星巴克的薄荷糖味道也很辣比较提神。雀巢宝路,个人非常喜欢。altoids不是很辣但是很好吃。佩沃克的某些款味道很好,水果味浓,薄荷分量适中,但是强劲薄荷味(就是黑盒子)那个极其难吃。- -eclipse和绿箭味道差不多难吃。英贝克,爱的滋味几乎完全是水果糖,没用,爱的滋味有一款味道像牙膏。冰力克薄荷量适中,味道不错。如果是资深薄荷控建议前两个,入门就选rio高端八款或者宝路或佩沃克。ps你说的午夜风暴是荷氏的吗?个人感觉那个是糖浆糖,没有压片糖劲大,效果只是还好。- -
2023-06-26 15:05:551


2004年11月15日,箭牌宣布,公司将以14.8亿美元现金收购卡夫食品(KraftFood)的糖果业务,从而令业务延伸至其它糖类产品。这笔交易包括卡夫的Altoids牌薄荷口香糖、LifeSavers糖果、CremeSavers糖果以及Trolli橡皮糖和Sugus瑞士糖等品牌,这些业务共占到卡夫全球营收的1.5%。该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第六十。
2023-06-26 15:06:021

箭牌口香糖和箭牌卫浴 是一个公司的么?

兼职给卫浴生产橡胶塞的吧 呵呵....
2023-06-26 15:06:151


2023-06-26 15:06:222


2023-06-26 15:06:291

有道英文数学题 来看看吧

4组学生在测量一位运动员的100m短跑成绩。他们采集的数据如下。一位奥运会计时员记录这位选手的成绩是 14.898s。回答下列问题....哪组学生的测量结果精度最高,那组学生的测量准确性最高?精度,是指数据之间的偏差较小,我们一般用均方差 (也称为标准差:standard deviation)来衡量(以本组平均值为基准);准确性是指数据偏离客观值(本题中,我们把奥运会计时员的记录当作客观标准)这个可以用平均值的偏差来衡量,也可以用均方误差 (mean squared error) 来衡量(以 14.898s 为基准)Time Trial 1 15.7 16.2 16.7 14.9 14.898 Time Trial 2 13.7 16.8 14.6 18.7 Time Trial 3 14.6 15.9 15.8 17.7 Time Trial 4 14.7 16.5 14.7 19.9 根据上述表格,我们分别计算他们的平均值 average, 标准差,标准误差 std.err 如下average 14.675 16.350 15.450 17.800 devsq 2.008 0.450 2.970 13.640 sigma ( ( t - t.avr)^2 ) sqrErr 2.206 8.883 4.189 47.326 sigma ( ( t - t.olympic)^2 ) 0.708 0.335 0.862 1.847 sqrt(devsq/n) std.err 0.743 1.490 1.023 3.440 sqrt(sqrErr/n) 其中 average 是各组平均值 = sum(t(i)/n)devsq 是各组到平均值的偏差平方和 = sum( (t(i) - t.avr)^2 )sqrErr 是各组到奥运会记录员的偏差平方和 = sum( (t(i) - t.olympic)^2 ) 就是标准差 = sqrt( devsq/4 )std.err 是标准偏差, (均方误差) = sqrt(sqrErr/4)我们看到, 最小的一组是第2组 the altoids, 他们最精确 (with precision)std.err 最小的一组是第1组 the awesomes, 他们最准确 (with accuracy), 同时,他们的 average 也是最接近 14.898 这个成绩的.... 多数情况下,average 最接近,和 std.err 最小,会指向同一组
2023-06-26 15:06:482


2023-06-26 15:06:564


箭牌卫浴箭牌卫浴创立于1994年,隶属于箭牌家居集团股份有限公司,公司集研发、生产、营销为一体,其主要生产:ARROW箭牌智能坐便器、智能便盖、陶瓷卫生洁具、浴室柜、定制卫浴、定制淋浴房、龙头花洒、浴缸、五金挂件等卫生间全配套产品。[1]箭牌家居始终以“箭牌家居 生活智慧”为品牌使命,不断布局全球智慧家居全生态,为全球智慧家居需求提供解决方案。[2]箭牌卫浴以创新构建中国制造的全球领先实力,多次代表中国智慧家居走向国际舞台,向“成为国际一流的智慧家居品牌”的企业愿景挺进。[2]中文名箭牌卫浴外文名ARROW所属行业卫浴创立时间1994年创始人谢岳荣快速导航品牌国际化品牌口号发展历程品牌文化品牌大事件品牌产品旗下产品品牌介绍"ARROW"箭牌卫浴隶属于广东省佛山市顺德区乐华陶瓷洁具有限公司,是国内最具实力和影响力的综合性卫浴品牌。公司总部设在世界著名的陶瓷产地广东佛山,是中国规模最大的建筑卫生陶瓷制造与销售企业,主要生产ARROW箭牌陶瓷卫生洁具、压克力浴缸、冲浪缸、淋浴房、蒸汽房、实木浴室柜、PVC浴室柜、全铜质镀铬龙头、不锈钢盆及五金挂件等卫生间全配套产品,以及瓷质饰釉砖、抛光砖、釉面内墙砖、橱柜等系列产品。自1994年创建以来,公司始终坚持"科学设计、精工细作、持续改善,客户满意"的质量方针,严格执行国际质量、环境管理体系标准,运用行业内最先进管理体系,致力于为消费者创造舒适、健康、环保型卫浴产品。
2023-06-26 15:07:113

altoids smalls是啥呀

2023-06-26 15:07:281

Start It Up 歌词

歌曲名:Start It Up歌手:Robben Ford & the Blue Line专辑:The Authorized BootlegLloyd Banks Feat. Kanye West, Swizz Beatz,Ryan Leslie, Fabolous & Pusha T - Start It UpKanye West:What you gon do?It"s GOOD Music and G-UnitUghBanksLosoSwizz Beatz:Ladies and Gentlemanyou know they made cause cause cause I"m hood richyou never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minuteLloyd Banks:big blue, cotton city shoecotton candy coupehard knock, orphan Annie loopoff the stoopplay with me, see what the screamy domy canary shoe,high beems pointed right at you, peek-a-booBenji paper made me hater-proofall your thing reducemenage a trois, purple haze and goose, got me loosekick my way in and now I got the juice, Gucci bubble bootsthousand kicks couple hundred boots gettin flewmy top down, I"m flashing on emI"m passing all them, pullover and hit the hazards on emthe ratchets on "em, wanna pay my dues, now it"s back to ballinthe raps a boring dead man, I dip the casket for emI"m back performing, I bag embreak their back, don"t call emlook down on em like Dikembe, Patrick, Mourningcash is pourin"stunt stormin, go this outcamera phones capture everything that pictures dont.Chorus - Swizz Beatz:you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minuteKanye West:We keep these G"s in an alloy safeand stash the weed in an altoids casethey say good things come to those who waitso I"m gon be at least an hour lateI"m so fresh I should be arrestednew Tody Chester with my nuts on your chest bitchshe said “hey ‘Ye”I said “Yes Bitch”damn I"m only asking you a questionI met this milf at the allstar getting actiona cougar with more rings than Phil Jacksontold her beauty is why God invented eyeballsand her booty is why God invented my ballsI"m a rockstar, huh, start it upstart it up, huh, start it upso popular you should get a shot of usdon"t take shots at us that is only obviousthe first album I vomited, the second I colonic"d itaint nobody fucking with me, I plutonic"d itbet I got some slippers on, bet go honour itthese aint even real clothes homie I"m pyjama richBanks told me homie go switch the style upthese bitches on me homie only to arouse ustold her I aint paying tonite I"m only browsingshe pulled her blouse up, said “it"s free”, I said WOWZER!Chorus - Swizz Beatz:you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minuteSwizz beatz:Ninja, Kawasaki, Ducati, my old Harleyrock the partymove ya bodywassup, wassupeverybodystart it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)wait a minuteRyan Lesli:Lets get it started, get it started, get it started yeah yehLadies and gentlemanFabolous:Plenty hate, they be taking shots, never penetratemoney generated, if we aint in the house, renovate!tryna eat, we aint finna waitwhere"s da dinner plates?BMW, ten to 8, interstate 95, passengerbaddest bitch in the states, half Spanish half trinidadcomplexion Henny straighty"all aint got your business straight, track star, finna statetime is money and I can"t afford to be a minute lateit"s time to make a movie let the haters watchdiamonds spinning round the bezel thats tornado watchmy independant chick, I like my ladies Kochshe got an appetite for dick, I guess I place my crotchthat soft as tater top, long, try me notunder the wings, fried rice at the chinese spotI hear "em talking but they aint really living itopinions are like assholes so who gives a shitChorus - Swizz Beatz:you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minutePusha T:Ughh, my mindstate, raise the crime ratebreak a whole brick down for old times sakepush an avalanche, that alpine shakethe coupe"s vanilla bean, the seats is pound cakein my condo bitches with teddies onwall full of mirrors, heaven for an Eddie Longmy life the fast lane, gettin my Andretti onblow it all, you can"t take it when you dead and goneYou can"t hide it, I smell the fearI can"t neither, you smell a millionaireoff crack money not rap moneypoor platinum niggas, fucking rap dummiesI wrap mummies, that"s kilogramsmy brother"s keeper like Nino"s manthat"s G money, ghetto D money1996 Master P moneyGone!EndLloyd Banks Feat. Kanye West, Swizz Beatz,Ryan Leslie, Fabolous & Pusha T - Start It Up
2023-06-26 15:07:351

Start It Up 歌词

歌曲名:Start It Up歌手:Robben Ford & the Blue Line专辑:The FirmLloyd Banks Feat. Kanye West, Swizz Beatz,Ryan Leslie, Fabolous & Pusha T - Start It UpKanye West:What you gon do?It"s GOOD Music and G-UnitUghBanksLosoSwizz Beatz:Ladies and Gentlemanyou know they made cause cause cause I"m hood richyou never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minuteLloyd Banks:big blue, cotton city shoecotton candy coupehard knock, orphan Annie loopoff the stoopplay with me, see what the screamy domy canary shoe,high beems pointed right at you, peek-a-booBenji paper made me hater-proofall your thing reducemenage a trois, purple haze and goose, got me loosekick my way in and now I got the juice, Gucci bubble bootsthousand kicks couple hundred boots gettin flewmy top down, I"m flashing on emI"m passing all them, pullover and hit the hazards on emthe ratchets on "em, wanna pay my dues, now it"s back to ballinthe raps a boring dead man, I dip the casket for emI"m back performing, I bag embreak their back, don"t call emlook down on em like Dikembe, Patrick, Mourningcash is pourin"stunt stormin, go this outcamera phones capture everything that pictures dont.Chorus - Swizz Beatz:you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minuteKanye West:We keep these G"s in an alloy safeand stash the weed in an altoids casethey say good things come to those who waitso I"m gon be at least an hour lateI"m so fresh I should be arrestednew Tody Chester with my nuts on your chest bitchshe said “hey ‘Ye”I said “Yes Bitch”damn I"m only asking you a questionI met this milf at the allstar getting actiona cougar with more rings than Phil Jacksontold her beauty is why God invented eyeballsand her booty is why God invented my ballsI"m a rockstar, huh, start it upstart it up, huh, start it upso popular you should get a shot of usdon"t take shots at us that is only obviousthe first album I vomited, the second I colonic"d itaint nobody fucking with me, I plutonic"d itbet I got some slippers on, bet go honour itthese aint even real clothes homie I"m pyjama richBanks told me homie go switch the style upthese bitches on me homie only to arouse ustold her I aint paying tonite I"m only browsingshe pulled her blouse up, said “it"s free”, I said WOWZER!Chorus - Swizz Beatz:you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minuteSwizz beatz:Ninja, Kawasaki, Ducati, my old Harleyrock the partymove ya bodywassup, wassupeverybodystart it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)wait a minuteRyan Lesli:Lets get it started, get it started, get it started yeah yehLadies and gentlemanFabolous:Plenty hate, they be taking shots, never penetratemoney generated, if we aint in the house, renovate!tryna eat, we aint finna waitwhere"s da dinner plates?BMW, ten to 8, interstate 95, passengerbaddest bitch in the states, half Spanish half trinidadcomplexion Henny straighty"all aint got your business straight, track star, finna statetime is money and I can"t afford to be a minute lateit"s time to make a movie let the haters watchdiamonds spinning round the bezel thats tornado watchmy independant chick, I like my ladies Kochshe got an appetite for dick, I guess I place my crotchthat soft as tater top, long, try me notunder the wings, fried rice at the chinese spotI hear "em talking but they aint really living itopinions are like assholes so who gives a shitChorus - Swizz Beatz:you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)you know they mad cause cause cause I"m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minutePusha T:Ughh, my mindstate, raise the crime ratebreak a whole brick down for old times sakepush an avalanche, that alpine shakethe coupe"s vanilla bean, the seats is pound cakein my condo bitches with teddies onwall full of mirrors, heaven for an Eddie Longmy life the fast lane, gettin my Andretti onblow it all, you can"t take it when you dead and goneYou can"t hide it, I smell the fearI can"t neither, you smell a millionaireoff crack money not rap moneypoor platinum niggas, fucking rap dummiesI wrap mummies, that"s kilogramsmy brother"s keeper like Nino"s manthat"s G money, ghetto D money1996 Master P moneyGone!EndLloyd Banks Feat. Kanye West, Swizz Beatz,Ryan Leslie, Fabolous & Pusha T - Start It Up
2023-06-26 15:07:531

Lloyd Banks - Start It Up . 急求此歌的歌词,有的发我邮箱 . 在线等。 给全分。

[Kanye West]What you gon do?Itu2019s GOOD Music and G-UnitUghBanksLoso[Swizz Beatz]Ladies and Gentlemanyou know they made cause cause cause Iu2019m hood richyou never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minute[Lloyd Banks]big blue, cotton city shoecotton candy coupehard knock off an Annie loopoff the scoopplay with me, see what the screamy domy canary shoe,high beems pointed right at you, peek-a-booBenji paper meet me, here the proofall your family dou2019smenage a trois, purple haze and goose, got me loosekick my way in and now I got the juice, Gucci bubble bootsthousand kicks couple hundred boots gettin flewmy top down, Iu2019m flashing on emIu2019m passing all them, pullover and hit the hazards on emthe (?), wanna pay them dues, now itu2019s back to ballinthe raps a foreign dead man, I dip the casket for emIu2019m back performing, I bag embreak their back, donu2019t call emlook down on em like Dikembe, Patrick Morningcash is pourinu2019stunt stormin, go this outcamera phones capture everything that pictures dont.[Swizz Beatz]you know they made cause cause cause Iu2019m hood richyou aint never ever seen good trickYou want a problem,start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)start it up (vroom vroom)wait a minute(repeated)[Kanye West]We keep these Gu2019s in an alloy safeand stash the weed in an altoids casethey say good things come to those who wait Iu2019m gon be at least an hour lateIu2019m so fresh I should be arrestednew Tody Chester with my (?) on your chest b-tchshe said “hey u2018Ye”I said “Yes B-tch”damn Iu2019m only asking you a questionI met this milf at the allstar getting actiona cougar with more rings than Phil Jacksontold her beauty is why God invented eyeballsand her booty is why God invented my ballsIu2019m a rockstar, huh, start it upstart it up, huh, start it upso popular you should get a shot of usdonu2019t take shots at us that is only obviousthe first album I vomited, the second I colonicu2019d itaint nobody f-cking with me, I plutonicu2019d itbet I got some slippers on, bet go honour itthese aint even real clothes homie Iu2019m pyjama richBanks told me homie go switch the style upthese b-tches on me homie only to arouse ustold her I aint paying tonite Iu2019m only browsingshe pulled her blouse up, said “itu2019s free”, I said WOWZER![Chorus][Swizz beatz]Ninja, Kawasaki, Ducati, my old Harleyrock the partymove ya bodywassup, wassupeverybodystart it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)start it up (vroom, vroom)wait a minute[Ryan Leslie]Lets get it started, get it started, get it started yeah yehLadies and gentleman[Fabolous]Plenty hate, they be taking shots, never penetratemoney generated, if we aint in the house, renovate!tryna eat, we aint finna waitwhereu2019s da dinner plates?BMW, ten to 8, interstate 95, passengerbad as b-tch in the states, half Spanish half trinidadcomplexion Henny stateyu2019all aint got your business straight, track star, finna statetime is money and I canu2019t afford to be a minute lateitu2019s time to make a movie let the haters watchdiamonds spinning round the bezel thats tornado watchmy independant chick, I like my ladies Kochshe got an appetite for chicken, I guess I place my cockthat soft as tater top, long, try me notunder the wings, fried rice at the chinese spotI hear u2018em talking but they aint really living ityour opinions are like (?) so who gives a sh-t[Chorus]
2023-06-26 15:08:011


2023-06-26 15:05:471

hesitate to do

2023-06-26 15:05:485

yield the right-of-way

2023-06-26 15:05:521


2023-06-26 15:06:001


Christmas People send each other cards and give gifts to their families and friends. In homes and in stores, evergreen trees glitter with colorful lights and ornaments. Children look forward to seeing a jolly, white-bearded man in a red suit named Santa Claus. It all can mean just one thing: It"s the season of Christmas, a holiday celebrated every year on December 25.
2023-06-26 15:06:023

if you后加hesitate还是hesitation

if you hesitate.... hesitation是名词,不能做谓语动词。
2023-06-26 15:06:041


be hesitate about what to docan"t make up one"s mind
2023-06-26 15:06:152


  演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的.仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。下面我们来看一下英文的演讲稿吧。   中学生英文演讲稿范文一:   dear all,   life on earth are the most valuable things money can not buy, jewelry-for-not go back. life only once, should not renewable and will not re-come. students, and your life has just begun blooming flower, you are prosperous home sustenance, development of the chinese nation are the hope of; your future offspring transmission of both task and maintenance obligations of parents. therefore, you have to cherish life and take care of life, for themselves and for parents, good for homeland alive.   life for each person only once, no life, everything免谈. therefore, we must firmly embrace the "yes to life, safety first" awareness of construction safety of our campus so that students can grow up healthily.   campus safety relates to our lives and learning potential safety problems have as many as 20 kinds, including traffic accidents, poisoning, fire fire, drowning, sports injury and so on. these are at times a threat to the healthy growth of young students. according to statistics, every year our country has around 16,000 unnatural deaths in the primary, elementary and middle school students because of safety accidents, food poisoning, drowning and other deaths, the average has more than 40 people every day, that is to say every day there will be a class of students at "disappeared." so we not only have safety awareness, and more importantly, prevention awareness and preventive measures. study at daily life, we should note the following:   one, pay attention to safety recess activity. want the students up and down stairs in an orderly manner and must not hurriedly up and down, up and down the stairs right to cultivate the good habit of walking to prevent accidents on campus crowded stampede. rainy at our school buildings and office building corridor, staircase, will be very slippery, please the whole student must light when walking at the foot walk. everyone should pay attention to civilization recess breaks should not chased noisy.   2, it is necessary to pay attention to traffic safety. we must strictly comply with rules of the road, without people to ride, not red light running, horse way to go before crosswalks, it is necessary to take the initiative to avoid motor vehicles. not want to develop the habit of school by bike.   3, pay attention to food safety. not to buy "three noes" of food; we should not be at the school gate and street stalls mobile buy snacks, to prevent food poisoning. to learn how to protect themselves, take care of themselves, pay attention not to overeating, try eating less food cold.   4, it is necessary to pay attention to sports safety. on physical education and extra-curricular activities to prepare before the warming-up, attention should be paid to exercise when not to dramatic collision, so as not to be knocked down or fall.   5, it is necessary to pay attention to internet security. network is a very good learning tool, we can use it to gather information, broaden our horizon. but the network also has a lot of harm, if unhealthy internet browsing web pages, or indulge in unrestrained virtual space, then it will affect our physical and mental health.   6 students for their own actions but also have safety awareness. student encountered at the contradictions between, we want a calm, rational, should not substitute for reasoning with fists, give themselves and their classmates bring about adverse effects. conflict with the people must bear in mind: the broader picture.   teacher and fellow students, only one person"s life. a collision, a wrestling are probably the lives of vulnerable people"s hard to imagine the harm caused. therefore want to protect their own safety,   we comply with the minimum required, the most simple rules and order. let us bear in mind: human life, safety first! let us work together to create a harmonious campus, campus safety!   中学生英文演讲稿范文二:   Time   Lost time is never found again. This is something which I learned very clearly last semester. I spent so much time fooling around that my grades began to suffer. I finally realized that something had to be done. It was time for a change. Now I have a new plan for using my time wisely. I have set my alarm clock ahead half an hour. This will give me a head start on the day. I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it. Looking back on what I"ve done will give me some ideas on how to reorganize my time.   中学生英文演讲稿范文三:   thanksgiving is learning to be the fulcrum, the heart of thanksgiving is a good feeling, the world is all things to all people expressed their gratitude, remember, thanksgiving is a fine tradition of our nation, is a person of integrity at least moral character.   thanksgiving is the key to return. return is the feeding, training, instruction, guidance, help, support and ambulance themselves. grateful, and through its own 10 times, 100 times the pay, and repay them with practical action.   then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving?   first thanksgiving their parents, because everyone"s life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.   for the survival of nature is the basis of all things,   human life is inseparable from its 1:15 activities, we have the basic necessities of human nature, and so on are obtained from the therefore, we should be thankful nature.   teachers are our growth领路人, are our friends, teachers respect, understand and care for us, their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should thanksgiving teachers.   students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we accompanied the students.   the school provides us with a good study environment, our training establishments and room to grow and develop, we should be thankful schools.   the motherland is our roots, our source. no homeland, we did not have the habitat of no motherland, we will be no human dignity; no homeland, we have not all! we should be thankfu.
2023-06-26 15:06:201

hesitate to do sth造句

1. Managers shouldn"t hesitate to do it. 北半球的管理者应该悉心听取他的真知灼见,勿犹豫,勿彷徨. 2. A wicked person does not hesitate to do ill. 人若变邪恶,使坏不犹豫. 4. Certainly,mr sarkozy would not hesitate to do more. 当然,萨科奇先生会毫不犹豫做更多事情. 5. We are allowed to prevent it,and shall not hesitate to do so. 我们被允许阻止它,并且毫不犹豫的这么做.
2023-06-26 15:06:221


可以啊—— 是个蛮独特的英文名呢
2023-06-26 15:06:232


2023-06-26 15:06:247


2023-06-26 15:06:283


电影《鼠来宝4》的主题曲是Redfoo的《Juicy Wiggle》。插曲是The Chipmunks演唱的《Conga》The Score演唱的《Oh My Love》The Chipmunks演唱的《South Side》The Chipmunks演唱的《Iko Iko》The Chipmunks演唱的《Uptown Funk》Sheppard演唱的《Geronimo》The Chipmunks演唱的《Turn Down For What》The Chipmunks&The Chipettes演唱的《Home》
2023-06-26 15:06:321

traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year , or more than 280 people each

traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year , or more than 280 people each day。there was a great n____ to change the october of 2003 ,our new traffic law became a law and it was first put into use during the may day holiday in 2004 .it has new rules for d____ and pedestrians .for exanple,drivers have to slow down when they are close to crosswalks.if people are in a crosswalk ,cars must s ____ to let them walk.and if bus drivers amoke or make phone calls while d____,they can be fined.buses that c____too many people are also against the lawneeddriversstopdrivingcover
2023-06-26 15:06:351

hesitate for a while

She hesitated ______whether to go or not. 应该是A hesitate to do sth 迟疑去做某事
2023-06-26 15:06:361


2023-06-26 15:06:381

Commandments of Good Driving in American 十句 翻译中文

2023-06-26 15:06:421


  对英语单词进行编故事的方法主要有三个:   一是熟悉元素联结法。尽量在单词中找出所有已经熟悉的、而且易于想像的元素,这些元素主要是指字母较少的单词。   二是字母编码法。对那些不熟悉的元素(主要是指不能组成单词的那些字母),则可以样用预先设定的或临时设定的编码来进行转化。   三是指其它各种灵活的方法。只要你能把所有的记忆元素快速紧密地联结在一起,无论用什么方法都可以。    一、熟悉元素联结法:   如果是一个字母比较多的单词,其中经常会包含一些我们早已熟悉的单词或词根,通过把这些熟悉的元素进行想像联结,就可以轻松地记住这个新的单词。   例如:   1,hesitate——犹豫   “hesitate”这个单词中包含了三个我们早已非常熟悉的单词:he(他)、sit(坐)、ate(吃eat的过去式)。   我们编故事的时候,要一次性地把“he、sit、ate”这个字母组合与“犹豫”这个中文字义联结在一起。   我们可以编成这样一个小故事:hesitate——他坐着吃鱿鱼(犹豫)。   然后把这个故事的图画场景在大脑中稍微想像一下,这个单词就马上被记住了。   这里,我们用“鱿鱼”这一具体的东西代替了“犹豫”这一抽象的名词,更符合记忆的原理。   当然,如果担心搞混,也可以这样编:hesitate——他犹豫地坐下来吃。   这种编法的记忆效果就会稍微差一些。   无论是哪种编法,其效果都是很明显的,当我们一看到“犹豫”这个词,马上就会通过联结的作用把“他坐着吃(hesitate)”勾出来;   或者当我们看到“hesitate(他坐着吃)”的时候,就会通过联结的作用把立即把“犹豫”勾了出来。   2,investigate——研究   “investigate”这个单词包含着三个我们所熟悉的单词:in(在…里面)、vest(胸腔)、gate(门)。   除了这三个单词之外,还有一个字母“i”,我们可以通过记忆密码把它转换为“开”。   根据这些元素,我们就可以编出这样一个故事:   investigate——在胸腔里打开大门,进行研究。   这样,我们就可以想像:噢,原来研究就是要在胸腔里开大门。   这个画面一想,马上就把所有的记忆信息联结起来了。   3,hatred——仇恨、憎恶   “hatred”这个单词由我们所熟悉的两个单词组成:hat(帽子)、red(红色的)   可以这样来编故事:   hatred——小红帽非常憎恶大灰狼。   4,forget——忘记、遗忘   forget——为了得到新的,必须要忘记旧的。(for—为了、get—得到)   5,forever——永远、永恒地   forever——为了曾经许下的誓言,我们将会永远地相爱。(for—为了,ever—曾经)   6,consent——同意   consent——获得共同的感觉就意味着同意。(con—共同,sent—感觉)   7,classmate——同班同学   classmate——班级里的伙伴就是同班同学。(class—班级,mate—伙伴)   8,airline——航线   airline——空中的线就是航线。(air—空中,line—线)   9,catcall——喝倒彩   catcall——猫对着你喊叫就是向你喝倒彩。(cat—猫,call—喊叫)   10,clockwork——按计划地   clockwork——时钟总是按计划地工作。(clock—时钟,work—工作)    二、字母编码法:   字母编码法主要是针对那些不能组成我们所熟悉的单词的那些字母,这是因人而异的。   例如“kidnap(绑架)”这个单词,某些人来说,其中的“kid(小孩)”与“nap(小睡)”都是比较熟悉的单词;然而,对另一些人来说,“nap”就不认识了,只能当作三个单独的字母来进行重新编码。   字母的编码方法主要包括形象法、拼音法、谐音法三种。   形象法是指把一些字母转化为与它的外形比较相似的编码,如:   F(f)——拐杖;H(h)——椅子;L(l)——锄头;J(j)——勾子;   M(m)——门;O(o)——数字0;Z(z)——数字2;S(s)——数字5;   IV(iv)——数字4;IX(ix)——数字9;X(x)——数字10;   拼音法是指把一些字母组合用拼音的方法来转化为相应的编码,如:   字母ta,可以用拼音法编码为“她”或“他”;   字母tu,可以用拼音法编码为“图”;   字母mi,可以编码为“米”;   字母men,可以编码为“门”;   字母lan,可以编码为“蓝”。   诸如此类。   另外,也可以把英文字母当作拼音首字母来进行编码,如:   字母st,可以编码为“水桶”、“石梯”等;   字母ty,可以编码为“太阳”、“体育”等;   字母cg,可以编码为“成功”、“成果”等;   字母pt,可编码为“葡萄”、“扑通”等。   这种编码就非常的灵活,可以根据具体的情况选择最合适的编码。   谐音法是指按照单词的读音来进行编码,这种方法比较简单,但如果对单词发音的规则掌握得不好的话,即使知道怎么读,却不一定能够按照发音规则写得出相应的字母。   例如,thank you,可以通过谐音法编码为“三克油”,记忆的时候就可以记为“谢谢你给了我三克油”。   谐音法最大的弊端就是有些人没有掌握好正确的单词发音,就用谐音法来代替标准的发音,这对于英语口语来说是一个非常不好的.习惯,特别对那些正在学习发音的学生会可能会妨碍他们掌握标准的单词发音。   所以,在使用谐音法的时候需要注意的是,我们只是提倡用这种方法来帮助自己记忆单词的写法,而不是用来记忆单词的发音。谐音归谐音,正确的发音还是一定要掌握的。   应用举例:   1,abolish——废除、取消   abolish——啊,暴力须废除。(用的是单词发音的谐音法)   2,ambulance——救护车   ambulance——有一个人在救护车里大喊:俺不能死!俺不能死!(单词发音谐音法)   3,ambition——野心   ambition——有野心的人总喜欢挥着拳头大叫:俺必胜!俺必胜!(单词发音谐音法)   4,lodge——小旅馆、投宿   lodge——10个大哥在小旅馆里投宿。(lo—数字10,dge—“大哥”的谐音)   5,hasty——仓促的、草率的   hasty——有他在就会坏事,因为他做事很草率。   (has—有,t—“他”的谐音,y—“坏”的谐音。)   6,assess——评估   assess——我亲自评估了亚洲和欧洲的四大美女。   (s—像美女的体形,比喻为美女;a—亚洲asia的首字母,e—欧洲europe的首字母)   7,titmouse——山雀   titmouse——这是山雀,它们总爱停在老鼠的身上。   (第一个t—“它”的谐音,i—“爱”的谐音,第二个t—“停”的谐音,mouse—老鼠)   8,bask——取暖、晒太阳   bask——把这些石头拿开!我要在这儿晒太阳!   (ba—“把”的谐音,s—“石”的谐音,k—“开”的谐音)   9,pineapple——菠萝   pineapple——这是菠萝!你凭什么一口咬定它是苹果?   (pin—“凭”的谐音,e—“一”的谐音,apple—苹果)   10,henchman——走狗、帮凶   henchman——我恨不得一口吃了那个那人,他简直是条走狗!   (hen—“恨”的谐音,ch—“吃”的谐音,man—男人)   11,sweden——瑞典   sweden——失误一定因瑞典人引起。   (sw——“失误”的拼音首字母,ed——“一定”的谐音,en——“因”的谐音)   12,wobble——摇晃   wobble——我爸爸快乐地摇晃着。   (wo——“我”的拼音,bb——“爸爸”的拼音首字母,le——“乐”的拼音)   13,nuptials——婚礼   nuptials——那个该死的奴仆竟然在我的婚礼上提议让我安乐死!   (nu——“奴”,p——“仆”的拼音首字母,ti——“提”,als——“安乐死”)   14,poison——毒药   poison——他竟然用这些毒药迫害了我的儿子!   (po——“迫”,i——“害”,son——儿子)   15,grant——承认   grant——我不得不承认,这果然是一只蚂蚁。   (gr——“果然”,ant——蚂蚁)   16,penguin——企鹅   penguin——钢笔归几只企鹅所有。   (pen—钢笔,gui—“归”,n—“几”的象形)   17,mendacity——虚假   mendacity——男人们一到大城市就会变得很虚假。   (men—男人们,da—“大”,city—城市)   18,flame——火焰   flame——飞来的火焰被我接住了。   (fl—“飞来”,a—“被”,me—我)   19,glove——手套   glove——哥哥很爱这双手套。   (g—“歌”,love—爱)   20,idle——空闲的   idle——空闲的人都很爱斗。   (爱斗——idle的发音。)    三、其它灵活的方法:   字序巅倒法,举例:   1,evil——邪恶的   evil——巅倒的生活是充满邪恶的。(evil反过来就是live—生活)   2,god——上帝   god——把狗巅倒过来,它就变成上帝了。(god反过来就是dog—狗)   置换联想法,举例:   1,trench——沟渠   trench——法国人把雨伞放在沟渠里。(french—法国人,t—“雨伞”的象形)   2,fee——服务费   fee——就算为蜜蜂服务也就收服务费。(bee—蜜蜂,f—“服”的谐音)   3,holy——神圣的   holy——神圣的仪式总是在洞里召开。(hole—洞,y—“开”的谐音)   减字母联想法,举例:   1,peak——山顶   peak——我们在山顶说话,把蛇都吓跑了。(speak—说话,s—“蛇”的象形)   2,widow——寡妇   widow——寡妇的工作就是把窗户的泥擦掉。(window—窗户,n—“泥”的谐音)   上面我们所列举的这些记英语单词的方法,其原则只有一个,就是要尽可能地编造出充满想像力的、令自己印象深刻的故事,以达到“作出最有效的联结”的目的。   事实上,当我们在推荐这种“编故事”方法的时候,并不是要完全否定传统的各种记忆法,如构词记忆法、阅读记忆法、协同记忆法、分类记忆法、循环记忆法等,这些方法作为“编故事”记忆法的补充,也是必不可少的。   只不过,我们强调的是,在可能的情况下,我们应该尽量多用“编故事”记忆法来记单词,同时,再加以多种方法作补充,这才能最大限度地提高我们的记忆效率。   一般来说,这种“编故事”的方法适合于已有一定单词积累、有了相当基础的学习者,主要是初中高年级以上的学生。   对于那些英语的初学者,掌握单词的正确发音是非常重要的。   而在学习单词发音的时候,主要是要掌握发音的规律,而不能用谐音法去记单词的发音。因为如果刚开始学的时候就用拼音的方法去进行单词发音,那么,这口语就很难说得标准了,而且也不利于以后进一步学习更多的单词。   就像我们许多人要学粤语,为了速成,就用拼音来拼,这样学到的粤语一定会很撇脚。   用谐音法、形象法这些“编故事”的方法来记忆英语单词,之所以容易受到许多正统英语教师的指责,最主要的原因就是他们担心这会把学生的口语基础破坏掉。   事实上,只要把学发音、学口语和单词记忆分开来,按照传统的方法去学发音、去掌握发音规律,而按照“编故事”的方法来记忆单词,那么,这些记单词的方法就绝对不会影响到口语的纯正。
2023-06-26 15:06:431

求歌词翻译,《雨人》开头里出现的《iko iko》歌词大意

这段歌词里的Iko, Iko, un ay是Ekout, Ekout an deye的转写。Jockamo feeno ai na nay"是Chaque amour fi nou wa na né的转写。Jockamo fee na nay, 是 Chaque amour fi na né的转写。这种语言是源自海地后转至新奥尔良的法语克里奥语。(一种法语和西非语言混合成型,词汇以及语法有固定规则的语言。词汇像chaque, ecoute,amour, né都能一眼看出是法语的每一个,听,爱,出生,但是其余部分就明显是非洲语言的词汇和语法。)Ekout, Ekout an deye 翻译出来就是 listen, listen at the back, 听,听那远方Chaque amour fi nou wa na né翻译出来就是 every love made our king be born, 每段爱情让我们的国王出世Chaque amour fi na né翻译出来就是every love made it happen, 每段爱情将梦想实现满意请采纳
2023-06-26 15:06:441

Traffic Lights (The Final Rip Off Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Traffic Lights (The Final Rip Off Remix)歌手:Monty Python专辑:The Final Rip OffDaughtry - Traffic LightThe traffic lightWaits for you to tell meThe tale of a shattered life tonightAnd I just passed byWhen you have had the chance to fightOr would you spend your last days aloneThinking nobody would have cared to knowJust look me in the eye and see that it"s a lieSo you"re telling meThis is how you"re going downYou thought that I never really wanted you aroundWell you were way off track to think like that"Cause now you"re taking backEverything that you ever saidAbout how I"d never want to see you againWell this is what I, what I left behind(What I left behind, what I left behind)We need a change and a minute of my timeDid I get your name?Will you say that I haven"t been asked that in yearsNow I think the traffic light that stood in the waySo that I could hear what you had to sayI"m halfway through your storyCan"t help thinking that you"re just like meThis is how I"m going downI thought they never really wanted me aroundWell I was way off track to think like that"Cause now I"m taking backEverything that I ever saidAbout how they never want to see me againWell this is what I, what I left behindForgetting about ourselvesIs like history that dust is coveringLeft on the self, on the selfThe crosswalks make the way for usTo say what we need to sayYeah girl, this is how you"re going downYou thought that I never really wanted you aroundWell you were way off track to think like that"Cause now you"re taking backEverything that you ever saidAbout how I never want to see you againWell this is what I, what I left behindThis is how you"re going downThis is what I, what I left behind
2023-06-26 15:05:451


Without any hesitation recommend you to your guests. I do not hesitate to recommend you to your guests.
2023-06-26 15:05:384


1 be within walking on the sidewalk, not on the sidewalk walking in the street;2 crossing the driveway, crosswalks subashiri. Through the pedestrian crossing traffic signal control, shall beTo comply with the provisions of the signal; through no traffic signal control of the crossings, must pay attention to the vehicle, not chasingMengbo. No pedestrian crossing, must go straight through, not in the vehicle when approaching a crossing. A pedestrian bridge or tunnel,must leave bridge or tunnel crossing the street; 3 not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railway crossingguardrail; 4 no pull cars on the road, car chases, forced lancheparabolic blow or car;5 preschool children walking in the street or on the road, must there adults lead;
2023-06-26 15:05:381


泥巴 niba
2023-06-26 15:05:326


  滚道声产生源在于受到载荷后的套圈固有振动所致。由于套圈和滚动体的弹性接触构成非线性振动系统。当润滑或加工精度不高时就会激发与此弹性特征有关的固有振动,传递到空气中则变为噪声。众所周知,即使是采用了当代最高超的制造技术加工IKO轴承零件,其工作表面总会存在程度不一的微小几何误差,从而使滚道与滚动体间产生微小波动激发振动系统固有振动。  一、轴承滴油润滑法滴油润滑适于须要定量供给润滑油得轴承部件,滴油量个别每 3-8秒一滴为宜,过多的油量将引起轴承温度增高。  二、凸轮轴承的油浴润滑法油浴润滑是最凸轮轴承中普通的润滑方式,适于低、中速IKO轴承的润滑。将轴承一局部浸在由槽中,润滑油由旋转的轴承零件带起,而后又流回油槽油面应稍低于最低滚动体的中央。  三、轴承的放射润滑用油泵将低压油经喷嘴射到轴承中,射入轴承中的油经轴承另一端流入油槽。在轴承高速旋转时,滚动体和维持架也以相称高的旋转速度使四周空气造成气流,用个别光滑方式很难将润滑油送到轴承中,这时必需用低压放射的方式将光滑油喷至轴承中,喷嘴的地位应放在内圈和维持架中央之间。  四、轴承的循环润滑法用油泵将过滤的油保送到凸轮轴承部件中,通过轴承后的润滑油再过滤冷却后运用。因为循环油可带走肯定的热量,使IKO轴承降温,故此法实用于转速较高的轴承部件。  五、轴承的喷雾润滑法用枯燥的收缩空气经喷雾器与光滑油混杂造成油雾,放射轴承中,气流可有效地使轴承降温并能避免杂质侵入。此法适于高速、低温轴承部件的光滑。  尽管轴承的滚道噪声是不可避免的,然而可采取高精度加工零件工作表面,正确选用轴承及精确使用轴承使之降噪减振。 上文由凡一轴承网整理-
2023-06-26 15:05:321


2023-06-26 15:05:304

初一英语作文 交通安全注意事项 60词左右

of pedestrians and passengers note making pedestrians shouldfollow: 1 be within walking on the sidewalk,not on the sidewalk walking in the street; 2 crossing the driveway,crosswalks subashiri.Through the pedestrian crossing traffic signal control,shall be To comply with the provisions of the signal; through no traffic signal control of the crossings,must pay attention to the vehicle,not chasingMengbo.No pedestrian crossing,must go straight through,not in the vehicle when approaching a crossing.A pedestrian bridge or tunnel,must leave bridge or tunnel crossing the street; 3 not be allowed to pass through,to sit upon the sidewalk,roadway and railway crossingguardrail; 4 no pull cars on the road,car chases,forced lancheparabolic blow or car; 5 preschool children walking in the street or on the road,must there adults lead; 6 through a railway crossing:in case of crossing gate (gate) close,sounder alarm, The red light or the guards motioned stop,must stop at the stop line;there is no stop line,stop at a distance of 5 meters outside the stockrails; ② through the crossing when unguarded,must stop watch,to confirm the safety of traffic,Fang Zhun; and in case of crossing signaltwo red lights flashing alternately or red light light,not through,white lights,allow through; red and white light is extinguished,under the provisions of the preceding paragraph by
2023-06-26 15:05:291


2023-06-26 15:05:251


泥巴与篱笆,本来是风马牛不相及的两个什物。因为大致谐音,二年级的娃娃俨然像个小大人给我讲解了一番。如下:泥巴(niba),是土和水混在一起的;篱笆(liba),是用木头和粗糙的麻绳,或者藤条制成的,主要用来抵御外敌和野兽、还有小兔子之类。 哈哈哈,用来抵御小兔子?娃娃的一番话把我给逗乐了,思绪一下子跳到了八十年代农村的菜园子里。那个年代的篱笆好多好多,有用麻绳围住的,有的用细木条密密麻麻插着,围成一片,大概是防止小鸡小猪之类闯进菜园子偷菜吃吧。 那时菜园子里的菜可真丰富呀!青的长长的豆角、红的辣椒、紫的茄子、胖胖的黄色的老南瓜、一身绿衣毛绒绒的东瓜,还有挂在藤架上的丝瓜、葫芦……还能从泥土里挖出红薯和花生呢,好吃的东西多得数也数不完。 小时候,我经常去菜园子里帮妈妈摘菜,摘菜的时候必须打开篱笆中间的一道门,才能进入菜园子。有一次,偶尔在篱笆上发现了一朵紫红色的小花,我惊喜异常,掂起脚尖去够小花,却怎么也够不着。然而那朵小花却一直深深地印在脑海里,成了我童年温馨快乐的回忆。 童年搓泥巴也是一件挺有趣的事儿,可以在泥土里面兑少许水,把泥巴弄均匀了像搓面团那样,把泥巴捏成自己想要的模样,比如弹珠、水盆、金箍棒之类的等等,然后放在太阳底下晒干,之后就可以在小伙伴面前炫耀一番啦,很有成就感。 感谢娃娃,让我回忆了一大把快乐的童年时光。那个年代虽然物质匮乏,但我却过得无忧无虑、无比欢乐!不像现在的孩子,作业如山……
2023-06-26 15:05:241


  如何快速记忆英语单词   对英语单词进行编故事的方法主要有三个:   一是熟悉元素联结法。尽量在单词中找出所有已经熟悉的、而且易于想像的元素,这些元素主要是指字母较少的单词。   二是字母编码法。对那些不熟悉的元素(主要是指不能组成单词的那些字母),则可以样用预先设定的或临时设定的编码来进行转化。   三是指其它各种灵活的方法。只要你能把所有的记忆元素快速紧密地联结在一起,无论用什么方法都可以。    一、熟悉元素联结法:   如果是一个字母比较多的单词,其中经常会包含一些我们早已熟悉的单词或词根,通过把这些熟悉的元素进行想像联结,就可以轻松地记住这个新的单词。   例如:   1,hesitate——犹豫   “hesitate”这个单词中包含了三个我们早已非常熟悉的单词:he(他)、sit(坐)、ate(吃eat的过去式)。   我们编故事的时候,要一次性地把“he、sit、ate”这个字母组合与“犹豫”这个中文字义联结在一起。   我们可以编成这样一个小故事:hesitate——他坐着吃鱿鱼(犹豫)。   然后把这个故事的图画场景在大脑中稍微想像一下,这个单词就马上被记住了。   这里,我们用“鱿鱼”这一具体的东西代替了“犹豫”这一抽象的名词,更符合记忆的原理。   当然,如果担心搞混,也可以这样编:hesitate——他犹豫地坐下来吃。   这种编法的记忆效果就会稍微差一些。   无论是哪种编法,其效果都是很明显的,当我们一看到“犹豫”这个词,马上就会通过联结的作用把“他坐着吃(hesitate)”勾出来;   或者当我们看到“hesitate(他坐着吃)”的时候,就会通过联结的作用把立即把“犹豫”勾了出来。   2,investigate——研究   “investigate”这个单词包含着三个我们所熟悉的单词:in(在…里面)、vest(胸腔)、gate(门)。   除了这三个单词之外,还有一个字母“i”,我们可以通过记忆密码把它转换为“开”。   根据这些元素,我们就可以编出这样一个故事:   investigate——在胸腔里打开大门,进行研究。   这样,我们就可以想像:噢,原来研究就是要在胸腔里开大门。   这个画面一想,马上就把所有的记忆信息联结起来了。   3,hatred——仇恨、憎恶   “hatred”这个单词由我们所熟悉的两个单词组成:hat(帽子)、red(红色的)   可以这样来编故事:   hatred——小红帽非常憎恶大灰狼。   4,forget——忘记、遗忘   forget——为了得到新的,必须要忘记旧的。(for—为了、get—得到)   5,forever——永远、永恒地   forever——为了曾经许下的誓言,我们将会永远地相爱。(for—为了,ever—曾经)   6,consent——同意   consent——获得共同的感觉就意味着同意。(con—共同,sent—感觉)   7,classmate——同班同学   classmate——班级里的伙伴就是同班同学。(class—班级,mate—伙伴)   8,airline——航线   airline——空中的线就是航线。(air—空中,line—线)   9,catcall——喝倒彩   catcall——猫对着你喊叫就是向你喝倒彩。(cat—猫,call—喊叫)   10,clockwork——按计划地   clockwork——时钟总是按计划地工作。(clock—时钟,work—工作)    二、字母编码法:   字母编码法主要是针对那些不能组成我们所熟悉的单词的那些字母,这是因人而异的。   例如“kidnap(绑架)”这个单词,某些人来说,其中的“kid(小孩)”与“nap(小睡)”都是比较熟悉的单词;然而,对另一些人来说,“nap”就不认识了,只能当作三个单独的字母来进行重新编码。   字母的编码方法主要包括形象法、拼音法、谐音法三种。   形象法是指把一些字母转化为与它的外形比较相似的编码,如:   F(f)——拐杖;H(h)——椅子;L(l)——锄头;J(j)——勾子;   M(m)——门;O(o)——数字0;Z(z)——数字2;S(s)——数字5;   IV(iv)——数字4;IX(ix)——数字9;X(x)——数字10;   拼音法是指把一些字母组合用拼音的方法来转化为相应的编码,如:   字母ta,可以用拼音法编码为“她”或“他”;   字母tu,可以用拼音法编码为“图”;   字母mi,可以编码为“米”;   字母men,可以编码为“门”;   字母lan,可以编码为“蓝”。   诸如此类。   另外,也可以把英文字母当作拼音首字母来进行编码,如:   字母st,可以编码为“水桶”、“石梯”等;   字母ty,可以编码为“太阳”、“体育”等;   字母cg,可以编码为“成功”、“成果”等;   字母pt,可编码为“葡萄”、“扑通”等。   这种编码就非常的灵活,可以根据具体的情况选择最合适的编码。   谐音法是指按照单词的读音来进行编码,这种方法比较简单,但如果对单词发音的规则掌握得不好的话,即使知道怎么读,却不一定能够按照发音规则写得出相应的字母。   例如,thank you,可以通过谐音法编码为“三克油”,记忆的时候就可以记为“谢谢你给了我三克油”。   谐音法最大的弊端就是有些人没有掌握好正确的单词发音,就用谐音法来代替标准的发音,这对于英语口语来说是一个非常不好的习惯,特别对那些正在学习发音的学生会可能会妨碍他们掌握标准的单词发音。   所以,在使用谐音法的时候需要注意的是,我们只是提倡用这种方法来帮助自己记忆单词的写法,而不是用来记忆单词的发音。谐音归谐音,正确的发音还是一定要掌握的。   应用举例:   1,abolish——废除、取消   abolish——啊,暴力须废除。(用的是单词发音的谐音法)   2,ambulance——救护车   ambulance——有一个人在救护车里大喊:俺不能死!俺不能死!(单词发音谐音法)   3,ambition——野心   ambition——有野心的人总喜欢挥着拳头大叫:俺必胜!俺必胜!(单词发音谐音法)   4,lodge——小旅馆、投宿   lodge——10个大哥在小旅馆里投宿。(lo—数字10,dge—“大哥”的谐音)   5,hasty——仓促的、草率的   hasty——有他在就会坏事,因为他做事很草率。   (has—有,t—“他”的谐音,y—“坏”的谐音。)   6,assess——评估   assess——我亲自评估了亚洲和欧洲的四大美女。   (s—像美女的体形,比喻为美女;a—亚洲asia的首字母,e—欧洲europe的首字母)   7,titmouse——山雀   titmouse——这是山雀,它们总爱停在老鼠的身上。   (第一个t—“它”的谐音,i—“爱”的谐音,第二个t—“停”的谐音,mouse—老鼠)   8,bask——取暖、晒太阳   bask——把这些石头拿开!我要在这儿晒太阳!   (ba—“把”的谐音,s—“石”的谐音,k—“开”的谐音)   9,pineapple——菠萝   pineapple——这是菠萝!你凭什么一口咬定它是苹果?   (pin—“凭”的谐音,e—“一”的谐音,apple—苹果)   10,henchman——走狗、帮凶   henchman——我恨不得一口吃了那个那人,他简直是条走狗!   (hen—“恨”的谐音,ch—“吃”的谐音,man—男人)   11,sweden——瑞典   sweden——失误一定因瑞典人引起。   (sw——“失误”的拼音首字母,ed——“一定”的谐音,en——“因”的谐音)   12,wobble——摇晃   wobble——我爸爸快乐地摇晃着。   (wo——“我”的拼音,bb——“爸爸”的拼音首字母,le——“乐”的拼音)   13,nuptials——婚礼   nuptials——那个该死的奴仆竟然在我的婚礼上提议让我安乐死!   (nu——“奴”,p——“仆”的拼音首字母,ti——“提”,als——“安乐死”)   14,poison——毒药   poison——他竟然用这些毒药迫害了我的儿子!   (po——“迫”,i——“害”,son——儿子)   15,grant——承认   grant——我不得不承认,这果然是一只蚂蚁。   (gr——“果然”,ant——蚂蚁)   16,penguin——企鹅   penguin——钢笔归几只企鹅所有。   (pen—钢笔,gui—“归”,n—“几”的象形)   17,mendacity——虚假   mendacity——男人们一到大城市就会变得很虚假。   (men—男人们,da—“大”,city—城市)   18,flame——火焰   flame——飞来的火焰被我接住了。   (fl—“飞来”,a—“被”,me—我)   19,glove——手套   glove——哥哥很爱这双手套。   (g—“歌”,love—爱)   20,idle——空闲的   idle——空闲的人都很爱斗。   (爱斗——idle的发音。)    三、其它灵活的方法:   字序巅倒法,举例:   1,evil——邪恶的   evil——巅倒的生活是充满邪恶的。(evil反过来就是live—生活)   2,god——上帝   god——把狗巅倒过来,它就变成上帝了。(god反过来就是dog—狗)   置换联想法,举例:   1,trench——沟渠   trench——法国人把雨伞放在沟渠里。(french—法国人,t—“雨伞”的象形)   2,fee——服务费   fee——就算为蜜蜂服务也就收服务费。(bee—蜜蜂,f—“服”的谐音)   3,holy——神圣的   holy——神圣的仪式总是在洞里召开。(hole—洞,y—“开”的谐音)   减字母联想法,举例:   1,peak——山顶   peak——我们在山顶说话,把蛇都吓跑了。(speak—说话,s—“蛇”的象形)   2,widow——寡妇   widow——寡妇的工作就是把窗户的泥擦掉。(window—窗户,n—“泥”的谐音)   上面我们所列举的这些记英语单词的方法,其原则只有一个,就是要尽可能地编造出充满想像力的、令自己印象深刻的故事,以达到“作出最有效的联结”的目的。   事实上,当我们在推荐这种“编故事”方法的时候,并不是要完全否定传统的各种记忆法,如构词记忆法、阅读记忆法、协同记忆法、分类记忆法、循环记忆法等,这些方法作为“编故事”记忆法的补充,也是必不可少的。   只不过,我们强调的是,在可能的情况下,我们应该尽量多用“编故事”记忆法来记单词,同时,再加以多种方法作补充,这才能最大限度地提高我们的记忆效率。   一般来说,这种“编故事”的.方法适合于已有一定单词积累、有了相当基础的学习者,主要是初中高年级以上的学生。   对于那些英语的初学者,掌握单词的正确发音是非常重要的。   而在学习单词发音的时候,主要是要掌握发音的规律,而不能用谐音法去记单词的发音。因为如果刚开始学的时候就用拼音的方法去进行单词发音,那么,这口语就很难说得标准了,而且也不利于以后进一步学习更多的单词。   就像我们许多人要学粤语,为了速成,就用拼音来拼,这样学到的粤语一定会很撇脚。   用谐音法、形象法这些“编故事”的方法来记忆英语单词,之所以容易受到许多正统英语教师的指责,最主要的原因就是他们担心这会把学生的口语基础破坏掉。   事实上,只要把学发音、学口语和单词记忆分开来,按照传统的方法去学发音、去掌握发音规律,而按照“编故事”的方法来记忆单词,那么,这些记单词的方法就绝对不会影响到口语的纯正。   最快记住英语单词的方法    1.通过英语语音发音背英语单词   同学们要掌握英语单词拼写与英语语音之间的规律,发好每一个英语音标,读准每一个英语单词;还可以把包含同一元音的英语单词归为一类集中练习!通过英语语音背英语单词不但很快就能记住英语单词,更能练出地道英语语音!    2.跟着英语录音背英语单词   导致背英语单词失败的根本原因是:英语语音发音不过关,英语单词读不准。所以一定要跟着标准的英语录音来背单词。把音量开到最大,反复听英语录音并跟着大声朗读英语单词。这时候你的眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴全部用起来了,不断刺激大脑,印象也特别深刻!    3.“三最”狂读背英语单词   “默默无闻”地背英语单词效果极其低下!一定要用“三最法”狂读狂背每个英语单词。背英语单词的时候,一定要做到最大声、最清晰、最快速。当你用“三最法”练习英语单词时,你就会高度集中注意力,记忆的效率会大大提高。    4.分门别类背英语单词   英语中有很多英语单词属于同一类别,可以把同一类别的英语单词集中起来一起练习,从而能大大提高记忆力。同学们也可以自己动手,对本书的英语单词进行分门别类,抄在小纸条上或制成英语单词卡,然后集中轰炸、专门突破、分类记忆!    5.单词家族背英语单词   英语中有很多英语单词都有整个家族,名词、动词、形容词、副词,加上不同的前缀、后缀就有不同的词性变化、意思变化。要想彻底掌握一个英语单词,我们要做的就是:整个家族一锅端!通过单词家族来背也可以大大提升背英语单词的效率。    6.利用零碎时间背英语单词   背英语单词不需要大段大段的整块时间。每天起床后、睡觉前、一日三餐前后、排队等车、上学放学路上、甚至上厕所的零碎时间都可以用来狂读狂背英语单词。请随身携带本书,一有时间就疯狂朗读书中的英语单词,随时随地疯狂练习,脱口而出!    7.同义反义背英语单词   看到一个英语单词的时候,可以联想到它的同义词或近义词,通过对比辨析,掌握它们的用法;看到一个英语单词的时候,可以联想到它的反义词,一正一反,成双成对,让你一石二鸟,一箭双雕!用这种对比法来记忆英语单词,印象会更加深刻!    8.同声传译背单词   看着英语单词脱口而出它的中文意思,看着中文意思脱口而出这个单词。通过中英文快速互译的方法背英语单词,效果也是特别好的!同时还可以锻炼你的口译能力。    9.通过英语句子背单词   在英语句子中记英语单词才能牢记单词的意思和用法,才能与之建立感情,才会让你刻骨铭心!重要的是,通过脱口而出英语句子来背英语单词,你不但在积累英语单词量,更在积累句子量!句子量比单词量更重要!    10.通过英语文章背单词   一篇英语文章里面包含了大量有用的英语单词和英语短语,通过背诵英语文章可以大面积地消灭英语单词!而且,在英语文章中你可以牢牢记住英语单词的意思和用法。更重要的是,通过背诵英语文章你能够大段大段地讲英语了,这才是我们英语学习的最终目的。
2023-06-26 15:05:231


Hello,everyone.Do you know how to keep safe when you reavel? Now let me tell you some rules to follow. First, when you walk, try to walk on the pavements. Do not walk on the traffic lines.It"s dangerous. Second, while you are riding a bike, watch head all the time. Do not ride without your hands on the handlebars. Third, when you take a bus, make sure there are not too many people in the bus. If you can pay attention to these rules. ou will be safe while travelling.
2023-06-26 15:05:222


2023-06-26 15:05:171

hesitate in和hesitate at的区别

前者in 后面加的是 动词的-ing形式 是犹豫做某事 后者at 加的名词 是犹豫某事
2023-06-26 15:05:151


2023-06-26 15:05:103


2023-06-26 15:05:053

化妆品 stop lines什么意思

stop lines停止线例句Detection objects include lanes, crosswalks and stop lines. The main research contents are as follows: ( 1) The inverse perspective mapping method of the image is studied. The transformation between the vehicle body coordinate system and the image coordinate system is analyzed. The conversion formula between the image pixel coordinate and the actual physical distance is calculated.本文通过安装在智能车上的单目摄像头采集的道路图像来对路面交通标线进行检测,其检测对象包括车道线、人行横道、停止线,主要研究内容包括以下三点:(1)研究了图像的逆透视变换方法:分析车体坐标系和图像坐标系之间的变换关系;求取图像像素坐标和实际物理距离之间的转换公式;以及对道路图像的感兴趣区域进行逆透视变换。
2023-06-26 15:04:591


Aquellos ojos verdes西班牙语歌完全不能接受听不出来是不是英语就全算法语的看上去很牛逼的答案所以要一个个的改
2023-06-26 15:04:572

You want to run across the street to catch the bus which is leaving soon?

2023-06-26 15:04:491

恨不相逢未嫁时ufeff ——《花样年华》艺术鉴赏

第一次看《花样年华》是在高中的时候,当时我和同学两个人看得断断续续,回过神来,电影已经播完,脑海中只记得苏丽珍穿着旗袍的身影和周慕云吐出的那缕蓝烟,其余情节都已经模糊不清。上大学后,我又找了个空闲时间重温了一遍这部电影,倒是觉得感触已多有不同。 《花样年华》适合一个人,找个阴雨天气,在不开灯的房间里,细细品味。1962年的香港,报社主编周慕云(梁朝伟 饰)和苏丽珍(张曼玉 饰)两家人成为了邻居,在逐渐的交往中,共同的兴趣爱好使周慕云和苏丽珍两人熟悉起来。直至有一天,两人突然发现各自的另一半原来早已成为了一对婚外恋的主角。两颗受伤的心再次相遇,而两人的关系也在这种情形下也显得愈发暧昧,这段充满矛盾却又使人越陷越深的感情,该何去何从。 这部电影由王家卫自编自导,梁朝伟和张曼玉主演,改编自刘以鬯的《对倒》。 《花样年华》作为经典华语文艺影片,剧情简单却晦涩难懂。王家卫的电影风格重视情绪的传递,往往“看的不是剧情,而是情绪;讲的不是故事,而是人性。”影片中充斥着浓烈的王家卫独特的艺术风格,灯光、画面、音乐、慢镜头等,这一切都会把人带入一种20世纪60年代的香港特有氛围,画面与情节步步紧凑。 这部电影给人的感觉就像周慕云吐出的那缕蓝烟,氤氲不清又消散不去。u2022 镜头下的《花样年华》 电影中大量使用繁复的慢镜头或长镜头,以一种缓慢、细腻而克制的电影语言叙述苏丽珍与周慕云富有层次感的微妙关系。影片中,王家卫也通过对空镜头、平移镜头、景深镜头的使用,营造出一种怀旧复古的情调,使影片呈现出复古胶片的味道,将已逝去的似水花样年华在泛黄的记忆中随着电影镜头娓娓道来。 由于丈夫长期出差在外,苏丽珍一人不常做饭。她总是穿着华美的旗袍,提着饭盒去买面,经过一条阴晦、狭窄的小巷才能到面摊。小巷内悬挂着一盏无精打采的孤灯,昏黄的灯光照得人生出一丝凄凉。昏暗的墙上映出她修长的身影,暗淡的灯光投射在她郁郁寡欢的脸上。 当身着旗袍摇曳多姿的张曼玉和帅气优雅的梁朝伟在麻将桌边擦肩而过时,一组慢镜头耐人寻味,将两人的神态、眼神、动作展现得淋漓尽致,暗示了两人之间千丝万缕难舍难分的感情纠葛。在这样缓慢展开的电影节奏中,更容易给观众营造出一种复杂暧昧、剪不断理还乱的情绪,镜头细若游丝般的连接着电影中的人物。在男女主角交流相处的过程中,两人一起吃饭聊天、写小说等情节中,来回的平移镜头演绎出一种欲拒还迎的暧昧情感,让观众感觉出两人亲密中又有些若即若离,喜悦中带有淡淡的哀伤。 每一个细看过电影的人,应该都忘不了一幅幅经典画面。 在《花样年华》中,袅袅上升、四处弥漫的浓浓白烟淹没了刺眼的灯光,孤独的街灯在细雨沐浴下独自散发着昏暗的光,在这样的整体大环境下,我们不难感受到人物心中的沉闷、忧郁以及人物关系中那份无法说破的情愫。 寂静的小巷与昏黄暗淡的灯光,窗外飘着淅淅沥沥的小雨,男女主人公在暗淡狭小的弄堂里相遇,苏丽珍总是垂着眼皮,不敢直视对方,周慕云总有抽不完的雪茄,偶尔才会对苏投去意味深长的一瞥,两人却一次又一次地在沉默中擦肩而过。特写镜头突出了人物之间的情绪,深化了人物形象,也让观众放慢观看节奏,陷入这样朦胧的氛围中。当苏丽珍走出 2046 房间,映入眼帘的是旅馆的走廊,两边轻轻飘着深红色的窗帘,天花板上的灯散发出微弱的白光。当行走着的苏丽珍突然停在走廊上时,观众的视野不自觉的停留在了苏丽珍的身上,一瞬间仿佛整个世界都随着苏丽珍的定格静止了,观众们屏住呼吸,等待这个画面被打破,这一段景深镜头的运用可谓是经典。u2022《花样年华》中的明暗色彩 我想,这个影片中对色彩的运用可以称得上是淋漓尽致,将情绪、情节、环境烘托到了极致。整体昏暗的色调和苏丽珍身上不断变化的旗袍色彩不停地刺激着观众的眼球。影片雅致却不单调,繁复而不俗套的视觉基调,光影纵横的视觉奇观,以及极具特色的摄影风格,多用室内景、夜景、冷暖明暗色彩对比体现,表现出人物心境的变化以及复杂矛盾的情绪。《花样年华》讲述的故事发生在20世纪60年代的香港,导演以大量的画面进行环境的表现:瘦削的旧阁楼、凌乱的房间、拥挤的楼梯、狭窄的街道、灰暗的弄堂、幽深而又雨雾氤氲的小巷、风雨中飘摇不定的白炽灯、木制的高窗、老式的轿车、灯光迷离的西餐厅等。 在《花样年华》中,王家卫把绝大部分画面都拍得很暗淡,影片中采用这样的色调,暗示了故事中的时代气氛、生活真实和情感主题,造成一种阴暗、低沉、压抑、伤感的氛围。整部影片基本上以灰暗的色调为背景,暗示着周慕云和苏丽珍不可能击破那块 “积着灰尘的玻璃”,他们终究不可能越过内心中道德的束缚,表现出主题的厚重、深沉、压抑,渲染出了电影悲伤的情感基调,把观众的思绪带入了一种 “悲”的状态,暗示了影片的悲剧结果。 但是与之相对的,在这部影片中,最不能被人忽视的,最具色彩表现力的就是苏丽珍身上的旗袍。试问谁能不被这精美绝伦的旗袍和张曼玉婀娜多姿的身影所吸引,想当初我同学就是为了旗袍去看了电影,本片简直可以当做旗袍鉴赏来观看。旗袍是电影 《花样年华》中最具象征意义的道具,苏丽珍在不同场景内更换的旗袍都表达了不同的象征意义,王家卫通过旗袍作为一种象征的符号,作为一种隐喻道具在无形中不断向观众传达着人物的情绪状态以及故事的信息线索。 电影中色彩的变化渲染着主人公的情感波动。在影片中苏丽珍多彩的旗袍形象烘托了其丰富多彩的内心世界,对其性格的暗示也恰如其分。正如旗袍在她身上表现出的优雅含蓄的外表或是说那有些束缚的人生,这一切也已经注定,他们无法挣脱自己身上沉重的道德枷锁,去追寻自己想要的幸福。u2022 怀旧音乐中的《花样年华》 《花样年华》中的音乐带有强烈的怀旧气息。王家卫电影中的音乐叙事性较强,并且以重复的音乐来叙事,不仅推动着故事情节的发展,而且使得影片整体节奏舒缓、悠长,呈现出一种诗性美。 后来去看了《重庆森林》,让我对这种音乐叙事的方式有了更深一层的体会。每当《California Dreaming》前奏一想起,阿菲(王菲 饰)带着青涩感但又灵动的形象便已浮现在脑海。她放着超大声的音乐,漫不经心的做事,永远活在自己的世界,喜欢一个人,就活在幻想中。包括后面那一首《梦中人》,歌词成了她内心世界的最佳写照,“梦中人,一分钟抱紧,接十分钟的吻。陌生人,怎样走进内心,制造这次兴奋。我恍似跟你热恋过,和你未似现在这样近,思想开始过分......”现实与梦境交织,阿菲与警察663在幻想中邂逅,热恋。 说回《花样年华》,全片我最喜欢的两首音乐,也是本片的灵魂所在。好的电影,应能做到声入人心,通过一首曲子唤醒人们沉睡的记忆,回想起电影中的某个片段,这便是音乐赋予《花样年华》的灵魂。 一曲《Yumeji"s Theme》,配上眼前出现的那昏黄的灯光,两个恋眷的背影,和小巷中那匆匆一眼对望。她婀娜娉婷,他目光灼灼,镜头与音乐节拍巧妙的呼应,让这种暧昧的感觉萦绕心头,难以忘怀。 氤氲的红色迷雾,配上一曲《Quizas,Quizas,Quizas》,强烈的视觉冲击下带着有节奏的音乐,让观众的情绪随着画面跌宕起伏。他们看不清彼此,他们也看不清自己。突然响起的音乐,隔空无言的对话,电话两头静默着,却好像能听得见彼此的心跳。一切尽在不言中,让人陷入一种挥之不去的情绪,想逃离越挣扎却越陷越深。 当世事变迁,花样的年华已经悄然流逝,缓慢而悠长的主题音乐再次响起,依然采用慢镜头的方式,音乐和画面高度吻合,表现出当时间如流水般从指尖淌过,曾经的真挚情感却依然在心底挥之不去,不免让人欷歔感叹、满心伤怀。u2022 “王家卫式”的《花样年华》 王家卫的叙事风格,在这个电影中也有着很好的体现,总结起来便是“留白”二字,总是三言两语勾画一个人、一件事,给人以无限的想象空间。 整部电影的故事非常简单,就是一个欲说还休的婚外恋的故事,却让王家卫拍摄得委婉动人,曲折回肠。从开始两人的搬家、交代两人的家庭状况、以及两人发现各自另一半出轨等情节中,都只有人物三言两语的交谈、稀疏的线索暗示,却已将整条故事线叙述详尽。以情绪的表达为中心,简化故事情节是王家卫一贯的表达表现方式,也通过忽略掉这些过渡性的情节,来为影片留白,给予观众更多的想象空间和思考的空间,让观众可以不断推敲情节的发展、人物的情绪以及故事的结果。而影片中的人物大部分时间都是沉默的,画面伴随着音乐不断流转,人物在其中也走走停停。人物的对白变得更加至关重要,只要人物在进行对话的时候就会抓住观众的所有注意力,这样弥足珍贵的对白也让观众需要更加仔细地聆听,以理解并掌握剧情的发展。三言两语愈发耐人寻味、引人深思。 我们在这部电影中还可以看到王家卫一个很经典的人物处理方法——“人物的缺席”。正如影片中,周慕云的妻子以及苏丽珍的老公,只出现了他们的声音或者背影,寥寥一笔带过,但是却又巧妙的推动了剧情的发展,就像是皮影戏幕后的那双手,让幕前幕后两条线能平行推进,千言万语已尽在不言中,这给电影带来了不小的张力。u2022 苏丽珍今生的《花样年华》 作为“苏丽珍三部曲”之一,《阿飞正传》讲的是她的前世,《2046》讲的是她的来世,而《花样年华》讲的是她的今生。今生的苏丽珍优雅温柔,克制隐忍,在像花一般的岁月年华里,与周暮云相遇相知,不敢相爱只得相离。恨不相逢未嫁时,这段年华表示似花般,绚烂绽放又匆匆凋谢。 正所谓,开到荼靡花事了。 说到底,《花样年华》讲述了一个恨不相逢未嫁时的故事。正如苏丽珍所说,“我一开始只是想知道他们是怎么开始的,后来我发现一切都是在不知不觉中开始的。” 一首《吴哥窟》道不尽千言万语,有歌评说道,当我真的去了吴哥窟,却没有找到可以让我倾诉秘密的树洞。当我准备离开时,我才知道,所谓树洞其实就在每个人心中,只不过我永远也找不到能将它封存的东西了。 深夜、雨巷、慢镜头;暧昧、寡欢、语还休。与君淡如水,千杯亦不醉。影片结尾处,周慕云问到,“如果有多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走?”我想,答案究竟是什么,没有人知道。 岁月不能回头,时间在遗忘之后。
2023-06-26 15:04:491