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2023-06-27 00:42:05










Golumd Golumd







Chusi tsupu
















芝士蛋糕masala kulcha














在西语人眼中这是源自英语的外来词汇而英语的读法又是取自粤语“杂碎”的发音广东话原本的表达是“chau tsap sui”省略掉炒这个动作(chau或者chow)同时简化了“杂碎”的发音一传十,十传百“杂碎”便作为经典中餐走出了广东,走向了世界也成为如今西语国家人士眼中颇具代表的中国菜但作为土生土长的中国人许多人一眼看到“Chop Suey”很难将其与风靡数百年的中华美食联系起来除此之外还有“Dim Sum”“Char Siu”等经典中餐在西语国家普遍十分流行
2023-06-26 14:58:041


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2023-06-26 14:59:001


除了 long time no see ,来自汉语的英语词确实太多了,下面只能提供一些:食品饮食---ginseng(人参)、tofu(豆腐)、bokchoy(白菜)、chaomein (炒面)、lomein(捞面)、chopsuey(杂碎)、dim sum(点心)、hargao(粤语虾饺)、ketchup(粤语茄汁)、kumquat(粤语柑橘)、 longan(龙眼)、lychee(荔枝)、maotai(茅台)、mushu(木须)、oolong (乌龙茶)、siu mai(粤语烧卖)、tofu(豆腐)、wok(粤语镬)、wonton(云吞/混沌)……宗教文化---China (中国)、fengshui(风水)、guanxi (关系)、kungfu(功夫)、mahjong(麻将)、chi(气)、confucius(孔子)、laotzu(老子)、kowtow(磕头)、pinyin (拼音)、Shih Tzu (狮子狗)、taichi(太极或太极拳)、tao(道教)、taoteching(道德经)、yin yang(阴阳)、tycoon(大官)、paper tiger(纸老虎)、brain washing(洗脑)、rickshaw(人力车)、trishaw(三轮车)、Shaolin (少林)、snakehead(蛇头)、running dog(走狗)、 lose face(丢面子)、save face(有面子)、mandate of heaven(天命)、grassroots (草根) ……日常生活---bonsai (盆栽 )、coolie(苦力/小工)、sampan(舢板)、 silk(丝绸)、cheongsam(粤语旗袍)typhoon(台风)、sifu(师傅)、taipan(大班)、barefoot doctor(赤脚医生)、no can do (办不到)、gungho(热情高涨)……等等,等等。满意请采纳,谢。
2023-06-26 14:59:091


2023-06-26 14:59:171

韩语的40个字母发音 下面注的是中文

元音部分:基本元音:ㅏ = father里面a的发音ㅓ = polite里面o的发音ㅗ = go里面o的发音ㅜ = do里面o的发音ㅡ = put里面u的发音(比起ㅜ,嘴唇要放松)ㅣ = see里面ee的发音Y元音:ㅑ = ㅣ音和ㅏ音连读ㅕ = ㅣ音和ㅓ音连读ㅛ = ㅣ音和ㅗ音连读ㅠ = ㅣ音和ㅜ音连读混合元音:ㅐ = bag里面a的发音ㅔ = net里面e的发音ㅒ = ㅣ音和ㅐ音连读ㅖ = ㅣ音和ㅔ音连读ㅘ = ㅗ音和ㅏ音连读ㅙ = ㅗ音和ㅐ音连读ㅝ = ㅜ音和ㅓ音连读ㅞ = ㅜ音和ㅔ音连读ㅟ = ㅜ音和ㅣ音连读ㅚ = no entry里面oe的连读音ㅢ = chop suey里面ue的发音辅音部分:不变音辅音:ㄴ = nature里面n的发音ㅁ = marry里面m的发音送气辅音:ㅋ = king里面k的发音ㅌ = talk里面t的发音ㅍ = pig里面p的发音<br>ㅊ = change里面ch的发音ㅎ = happy里面h的发音ㅅ = sad里面s的发音不送气辅音:作头音 作中音 作尾音ㄱ k- -g- -kㄷ t- -d- -tㅂ p- -b- -pㅈ ch- -j- -tㄹ r/l- -r- -l重辅音:作头音 作中音 作尾音ㄲ g- -kk- -kㄸ d- -tt- -ㅃ b- -pp- -ㅆ ss- -ss- -t<br>ㅉ j- -tch- -合成辅音:后面跟元音开头的字 后面跟辅音开头的字 后面不跟任何字ㅄ -ps -p -pㄵ -nj -n -nㄺ -lg -l -kㄶ -n -n -nㄳ -gs -k -kㄻ -rm -m -mㄼ -rb -p -p<br>ㄽ -rs -l -lㄾ -rt -l -lㄿ -rp -p -pㅀ -r -l -l
2023-06-26 14:59:251


2023-06-26 15:00:1015


30岁男子来讲10万 20年期 终身寿险 年缴 2970 每多1万寿险 多297元29岁男子来讲10万 20年期 终身寿险年缴 2910 每多1万寿险 多291元10万寿险来说 平均每多1岁 同样的寿险会多6元有其他问题可以问我我是三商Albert我的Mail imnotchopsuey@outlook.com我的Line biozard3
2023-06-26 15:01:071


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2023-06-26 15:03:261


实况足球8片头CG背景音乐: Carrickfergus 主唱:Declan Galbraith WECG WE9 2.0 final 中文版界面音乐 对应界面 超越梦想(杨竹箐、汪正正) Credits Screen 制作人员介面 FIFA入场音乐 Pitch Entrance 进场音乐1 Anthem Orchestral Pitch Entrance 进场音乐2 DJ Jurgen - Aida 2000 Demo Game / Highlights 1 Demo进球回放音乐1 Rendez-Vous PS Demo Game / Highlights 2 比赛进球回放音乐2 没有荣誉或人性的战争-杀死比尔 Demo Game / Highlights 3 比赛进球回放音乐3 crazy frog-axel f(club_mix) Demo Game / Highlights 2 比赛进球回放音乐4 We Are The Champions(Queen) Cups Ceremony Ending 普通联赛、杯赛领奖音乐 Il Bello Della Vita ML Ceremony Ending 大师联赛领奖音乐 Il Bello Della Vita ML Ceremony Ending 大师联赛领奖音乐
2023-06-26 15:03:342


2023-06-26 15:03:411


可以考虑网上买哦 还有配套的讲解视频 不比培训班差 而且还便宜实惠韩语本身是发音体,所以学会音标和一些音变规则后就会读韩文了只是不知道意思所以后续就要累积词汇量和语法。 平时可以多听韩文歌,跟着唱,这样口语也会上口了。记单词方面也是可以看韩剧或歌曲。当然在看韩剧轻松的同时也可以掌握一些语感。期间你会听到一些你学过的词汇。这样会加深记忆。听韩文歌我是建议中文的翻译会背,然后是看着韩语歌词跟着唱。久而久之你就会上口,而且一看这个词就会知道是什么意思!需要快速学韩文的话我是建议你学新标准韩国语这套教材培训班的费用还是比较高,而且受时间限制。你可以上淘宝搜索“韩语自学服务站”就有你要的零基础直达的教材教程-------------------------------------------------------对你有帮助
2023-06-26 15:03:481


2023-06-26 15:04:071


你自己看下吧.这都是实况的音乐 1.Incomplete 2.JustWantYouToKnow 3.CrawlingBackToYou 4.WeirdWorld 5.IStill... 6.PosterGirl 7.LoseItAll 8.ClimbingtheWalls 9.MyBeautifulWoman 10.SafestPlacetoHide 11.Siberia 12.NeverGone 中场休息及完成比赛菜单音乐(八首) 1GoldenSkyBYSmile 2CaliforniaBYSavageGarden 3BetterManBYRobbieWillams 4LifeGotColdBYGirlsAloud 5DarUnderEstiBYO-Zone 6TheseKidsBYJoelTurner&TheModernDayPoets 7,8未知,不过也非常好听。 二球员进场音乐(三首) 1FIFAANTHEN(国际足联球员进场专用音乐) 2BattleWithoutHonourorHumanityBYTomoyasuHotei 3英超比赛进场音乐 三中场精彩回放音乐(四首) 1HaveNiceDayBYBonJovi 2Don tPushMeBYSweetbox 3BabyOneMoreTimeBYBritneySpears 4SaneaMonicaBYSavageGarden 四夺冠音乐(两首) 1SINGUPFORTEHCHAMPIONS曼联三冠王音乐 2CelebrateTheDayBYHerbertGroenemeyer 五主菜单音乐(八首) 1Break!Go!BYMVP情人 2HipsDon tLieBYShakirafeat&WyclefJean 3ChopSueyBYSystemofADown 4YearBYUsherfeLil Jon&Ludacris 5ColdHandsWarmHeartBYBrendanBenson 6FixYouBYColdplay 7BecausILoveYouBYShakinStevens 8ComeBackToMeBYVanessaHudgens 六大师联赛主菜单音乐(一首) 1OneWayOrAnotherBYBlondie 七联赛、杯赛主菜单音乐(一首) 1未知,很好听 八编辑模式菜单音乐(一首) 1DasLiebesliedBYAnnettLouisan 九设置选项,浏览球场音乐(一首) 1EnDagTilbageBYNik&Jay 十训练模式菜单音乐(两首) 1PrettyBoyBYM2M 2ChristmasinMyHeartBYSarahConnor 十一阵容设置菜单音乐(两首) 1WithoutMeBYNicholasTse 2UHLALALA 十二博物馆进球回放音乐(一首) 1BeautifulOnesBYSuede 十三联网模式音乐(七首) 1GodisAGirlBYGrooveCoverage 2Fallingstar 3AllRiseBYBlue 4Don tTurnOfftheLightBYEnriqueIglesias 5FreeLoopBYDanielPowter 6,7未知 十四征战世界杯模式主菜单音乐 1JerkitOutBYCaesarsPalace 十五征战世界杯模式阵容设定音乐 1Baishi-kle(童年英文版) 2NuurElAb 1.closetoyou 2.groovecoverage 3.ifeveryonecarednickelbackalltheright 4.leaveoutalltherest onetwothreefourfive的名字叫《fiveday》训练模式下的歌 lalala...的名字叫《LaLaLoveonMyMind》主菜单的那个。。实况10背景音乐-Icouldbetheone 实况10背景音乐-GetThisPartyStarted 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-SaneaMonica 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-BabyOneMoreTime 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-Don tPushMe 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-HaveANiceDay 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-TheseKids 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-LifeGotCold 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-BetterMan 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-California 实况足球10欧洲版音乐-GoldenSky 实况10音乐-LaLaLoveOnMymind 实况足球10音乐-IAmGonnaGetchaGood 实况足球10音乐-HereIam 实况足球10音乐-燃烧的英雄 实况足球10音乐-风信子 实况足球10音乐-slowjam 实况足球10音乐-Attraction 实况足球10音乐-FOXSports 实况足球10音乐-deceplangchitarele 实况足球10音乐-TangledUpInMe 实况足球10音乐-LOVEYOUINASPECIALWAY 实况足球10音乐-One,Two,Three 实况足球10音乐-GirlCrazy 实况足球10音乐-myway 实况足球10音乐-clubfoot 实况足球10音乐-ifeveryonecared 实况足球10音乐-Itsovernow 实况足球10音乐-Deutschland 实况足球10音乐-despretine 实况足球10音乐-alwayssomewhere 实况足球10音乐-WeAreTheChampions 实况足球10音乐-Fire 实况足球10音乐-darundeesti 实况足球10音乐-SAYHELLO 实况足球10音乐-STRAIGHTAHEAD 实况足球10音乐-冠军杯入场音乐 实况足球10音乐-FIFA入场音乐 实况足球10音乐-IWillComeToYou 实况足球10音乐-Celebratetheday 实况足球10音乐-dragosteadintei 实况足球10音乐-HipsDon"tLie-Bamboo 实况足球10音乐-TheCupOfLife 实况足球10音乐-TopOfTheWorld 实况足球10音乐-It sMyLife 实况足球10音乐-wetwetwet 实况足球10音乐-BeatIt
2023-06-26 15:04:177

hesitate a wink

没有理由,但在有道词典(a moment)上找到几个例句: 1、Though she hesitated for a moment,she finary went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window.她虽然犹豫了片刻,但终于还是走进了商店,要求把陈列在橱窗里的一件衣服拿给她看. 2、Wormtail hesitated for a moment,looking as though he might argue,but then turned and headed through a second hidden door.虫尾巴迟疑了片刻,似乎还想争辩,但他还是转过身,从另一道暗门出去了. 3、The shock make her hesitate for a moment but she quickly come to herself again.这一打击使她踌躇片刻,但很快就又恢复正常了. 4、He paused for a moment wondering whether to turn back as the captain urged him.他停了一会儿,考虑是否像麦克沃尔船长催促的那样返回. 5、The stranger paused a moment in revery before this tender and calming spectacle.这个异乡人在那种温柔宁静的景物前出了一会神. 我的个人总结: 前面3个例句在与hesitate连用时全部用了for a moment; 第4和第5个例句是与pause动词连用时,前一个是for a moment ,后一个是a moment; 结合你们英语书上说的,总体感觉,两者在用法上差别似乎不大. Wait a moment似乎是个例外,可以看作短语,好象没有见过Wait for a moment的说法.
2023-06-26 15:03:041


2023-06-26 15:03:051


2023-06-26 15:03:121


IKO是日本汤姆逊公司的注册商标,“IKO”代表“Innovation,Know-how &Originality”。是日本生产滚针轴承历史最悠久、品种最齐全、专业化水平最高的生产厂家。是一个以科技和技术开发为导向的工业配件制造厂商,产品以针状轴承和导轨轴承为主。IKO轴承----创造明日尖端科技的名牌(IKO轴承公司办公楼)公司名称(中日英):日本东晟株式会社日本トムソン株式会社NIPPON THOMPSON CO.,LTD.公司总部: 19-19 Takanawa 2-chomeMinato-ku, Tokyo 108-8586, Japan成立日期: 1950年2月10日(昭和25年)注册资金: 9,532,669,740(日元)发行股份总数: 73,499,875股财政结算: 每年4月1日~下一年度3月31日上市证券交易所: 东京证券交易所一部直线产品(直线导轨,精密定位平台)各种机械部件主要银行: 东京三菱日联银行瑞穗实业银行
2023-06-26 15:03:161


《quizas quizas quizas》(花样年华插曲).花样的年华片尾-飞扬的青春.星象仪 大冢爱-花样年华插曲.飞轮海-超喜欢你(花样少年少女插曲).
2023-06-26 15:03:191

英语作文how can we keep sake when us are walking near the roads为题 快!!急啊!!

Be safe and be seen: make yourself visible to drivers1. Wear bright/light colored clothing and reflective materials.2. Carry a flashlight when walking at night.3. Cross in a well-lit area at night.4. Stand clear of buses, hedges, parked cars or other obstacles before crossing so drivers can see you.Be smart and alert: avoid dangerous behaviors1. Always walk on the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic.2. Stay sober; walking while impaired increases your chance of being struck.3. Don"t assume vehicles will stop; make eye contact with drivers, don"t just look at the vehicle. If a driver is on a cell phone, they may not be paying enough attention to drive safely.4. Don"t rely solely on pedestrian signals; look before you cross the road.5. Be alert to engine noise or backup lights on cars when in parking lots and near on-street parking spaces.Be careful at crossings: look before you step1. Cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections, if possible.2. Obey traffic signals such as WALK/DON"T WALK signs.3. Look left, right, and left again before crossing a street.4. Watch for turning vehicles; make sure the driver sees you and will stop for you.5. Look across ALL lanes you must cross and visually clear each lane before proceeding. Just because one motorist stops, do not presume drivers in other lanes can see you and will stop for you.6. Don"t wear headphones or talk on a cell phone while crossing.
2023-06-26 15:03:241


2023-06-26 15:03:311


居安思危,是任何优秀的民族、集体和个人所必备的思想。它存在于我们每一个热爱生命的人心中,但是不仅需要我们牢牢记住,更需要我们在生活、学习中具体落实。一起来看看安全 英语 演讲稿 5篇,欢迎查阅! 安全英语演讲稿1 security issue may sound clichéd, but when it comes to the campus security, we have to take it seriously. nearly every day, there are reports to the security office on campus that valuable things are stolen away. a surrounding with stealing, mugging can"t be worse for studying. in such cases, what measures should be taken to improve the campus security? on the one hand, we students should strengthen our security awareness. once we smell out something unusual, we should report it to the campus guard immediately. on the other hand, more equipment such as monitors should be installed on campus so as to detect crimes as soon as possible. besides, a proper amount of security guards should be arranged to patrol the campus。 in my opinion, campus security will be improved as long as efforts are made on campus. therefore colleges and universities should try their best to make everyone on campus safe and sound 安全英语演讲稿2 with a sharp cry, marks the landing a human life, the existence of life mean? when the red sun rises in sky. the twinkling of an eye, the sun will be the golden spread to every corner of the world, everything comes back to the earth - - - - - - it is because of the existence of life; the delicate flowers in green leaves dancing in the dark, fireflies blinking singing, lively campus security [ of ] children rolled on the grass - - - - - - these are for life in the presence of. life everywhere, everywhere. life is too precious! there is a life, have competition and struggle, has a life, has happiness and sadness, with life, have hope and ideal, have a life of love. our life is just like a spring blew flower, the world because of flowery life wonderful! some people live, early life flower withered. as we all know, the most basic human needs -- in addition to the air, water and food needs, is safe. newspapers, television, news content more and more people fear, such as fire, flood, tsunami, earthquake, disaster, accident, terrorist attack, war, violence and so on, we have convinced ourselves living environment is not 100% safe. as a student, one year has most of the time in the school and the surrounding life. in this densely populated area, narrow special environment, safety is always our focus of attention, the relevant departments of the state specially set up relevant laws and regulations, formulate relevant regulations. such as" student injury accident treatment measures"," minor protects a law"," the prevention of juvenile delinquency law", at the same time the country has put forward the " safety responsibility be weightier than mount tai"," safety first, prevention first " principle, at the same time, the state established the safety administration, responsible for the national work safety management, it indicates that the country attaches great importance to security work. investigation shows, our country middle and primary school students in traffic accidents, collapse of buildings, food poisoning, drowning, security accidents, violent crime, death, a daily average of more than 40 people, the equivalent of a day is a class of students lose their flowery life! building congestion causing injuries, but chasing caused by fracture, class is the pencil head injuries, experimental process, drowning, burns " fights and car crashes and other accidents are impossible to guard against. dry cold figure, these hearts a flutter facts behind what do we see? the dead to their fresh and short life puts to us what caution? hope the teacher, students thinking! we are still a long way to the world, everyone living has left something beautiful! friends, our heart like communication, be able to touch your heart, i feel you the full heart in favor of fighting, even in trembling. we should let his life in mind fighting through, like leaves, like xie hua, smart, smart, do on the life of no regrets, let the light of life brilliant forever. treasures the life, even if life is only a moment, then let it become an eternity. 安全英语演讲稿3 life on earth are the most valuable things money can not buy, jewelry-for-not go back. life only once, should not renewable and will not re-come. students, and your life has just begun blooming flower, you are prosperous home sustenance, development of the chinese nation are the hope of; your future offspring transmission of both task and maintenance obligations of parents. therefore, you have to cherish life and take care of life, for themselves and for parents, good for homeland alive. life for each person only once, no life, everything is no-go. therefore, we must firmly embrace the "yes to life, safety first" awareness of construction safety of our campus so that students can grow up healthily. campus safety relates to our lives and learning potential safety problems have as many as 20 kinds, including traffic accidents, poisoning, fire fire, drowning, sports injury and so on. these are at times a threat to the healthy growth of young students. according to statistics, every year our country has around 16,000 unnatural deaths in the primary, elementary and middle school students because of safety accidents, food poisoning, drowning and other deaths, the average has more than 40 people every day, that is to say every day there will be a class of students at "disappeared." so we not only have safety awareness, and more importantly, prevention awareness and preventive measures. study at daily life, we should note the following: one, pay attention to safety recess activity. want the students up and down stairs in an orderly manner and must not hurriedly up and down, up and down the stairs right to cultivate the good habit of walking to prevent accidents on campus crowded stampede. rainy at our school buildings and office building corridor, staircase, will be very slippery, please the whole student must light when walking at the foot walk. everyone should pay attention to civilization recess breaks should not chased noisy. 2, it is necessary to pay attention to traffic safety. we must strictly comply with rules of the road, without people to ride, not red light running, horse way to go before crosswalks, it is necessary to take the initiative to avoid motor vehicles. not want to develop the habit of school by bike. 3, pay attention to food safety. not to buy "three noes" of food; we should not be at the school gate and street stalls mobile buy snacks, to prevent food poisoning. to learn how to protect themselves, take care of themselves, pay attention not to overeating, try eating less food cold. 4, it is necessary to pay attention to sports safety. on physical education and extra-curricular activities to prepare before the warming-up, attention should be paid to exercise when not to dramatic collision, so as not to be knocked down or fall. 5, it is necessary to pay attention to internet security. network is a very good learning tool, we can use it to gather information, broaden our horizon. but the network also has a lot of harm, if unhealthy internet browsing web pages, or indulge in unrestrained virtual space, then it will affect our physical and mental health. 6 students for their own actions but also have safety awareness. student encountered at the contradictions between, we want a calm, rational, should not substitute for reasoning with fists, give themselves and their classmates bring about adverse effects. conflict with the people must bear in mind: the broader picture. teacher and fellow students, only one person"s life. a collision, a wrestling are probably the lives of vulnerable people"s hard to imagine the harm caused. therefore want to protect their own safety, we comply with the minimum required, the most simple rules and order. let us bear in mind: human life, safety first! let us work together to create a harmonious campus, campus safety! 安全英语演讲稿4 i have read this report, a domestic company asked a representative of the united states to conduct on-the-spot guidance. the representative of the united states has stood strong when he entered job location. he said:” all visitors to the site must wear safety helmet, i wear a helmet for my own safety.” after reading this story, i could not help applauding for his safety awareness. i want to be safe, so i will do risk analysis properly and seriously with my colleagues before work, this will root out incipient fault. i want to be safe, so i will always remind my partners achieving three-no harm in the operations, because whoever comes out of the accident, we do have a kind of pain from his injury. i want to be safe, so i work hard to strengthen my work skills, as it is the only way i will know what kind of work practice hiding security problems, i will learn to prepare and avoid accidents. of course, we emphasize and promote i want to be safedoes not negate“want me to be safe, but should pay attention to coordination and unity of both. if we only pay attention to i want to be safe, and fail to pay attention to want me to be safe , it is wrong, and the basis of production safety will not be solid, too. 安全英语演讲稿5 Every child is the apple in their parents eyes. And every child is the hope of our country. Being the gethering place, campus" security turns out to be very significant. 每一个孩子都是父母的掌上明珠。每一个孩子都是祖国的希望。校园作为孩子们的聚集地,它的安全是非常重要的。 However, recently years campus security is being threatened. Some extremly people, who have suffered something bad will take revenge on the society. Because they think it"s the society fault to lead their disaster. And school is important to the society and the students are vulnerable groups, who don"t have too much ability to fight back. So they can easily success. In addition, some teachers" quality may not good so that the students in school can"t get good education or affect their virtuous soul. What"s worse, some schools may occur the phenomenon of child abuse. There are also some coincidences will threat the campus safty. 然而,近年来校园安全受到威胁。一些经历过一些灾难的极端的人会报复社会。因为他们认为他们的不幸都是社会的错。学校对社会很重要而且学生是弱势群体,他们没有太多的反击能力。所以他们可以很容易地成功报复。此外,一些教师的素质不好,使得学生在学校无法得到良好的 教育 或者影响到他们善良的心灵。更糟糕的是,一些学校可能会发生虐童现象。也有一些意外会威胁到校园安全。 It"s high time that we should take measures to keep a safe campus. First of all, the school should hire more responsible gate keeper and make specific rules to prevent the social people from coming into the campus. Secondly, when hiring new teachers, the school should not only consider the teachering skill but also the personal quality. The school also have to make some speech for students to increase their safe consciousness. 我们是时候应该采取 措施 来保持校园的安全。首先,学校应该雇佣更多有责任心的门卫并制订具体的 规章制度 来阻止社会人士进入校园。其次,当雇用新的老师的时候,学校不仅要考虑到他的教学技能也要考虑到他的个人素质。学校应该做一些宣传来提高学生们的安全意识。 In general, campus security is very important that need all of us to make effort to achieve it. The measures mentioned above are just parts of keeping campus security. I hope people from all walks of life can give their hands to help the student grow healthly. 总的来说,校园安全是非常重要的,需要我们每个人的努力去实现。上述举措只是保持校园安全的一部分。我希望社会各界人士能伸出援手来帮助学生们健康成长。 安全英语演讲稿5篇相关 文章 : ★ 关于安全的演讲稿5篇 ★ 五分钟英语演讲稿五篇 ★ 安全生产演讲稿5篇 ★ 食品安全英语作文精选5篇 ★ 3分钟英语演讲稿5篇(2) ★ 英文演讲稿优秀范文五篇 ★ 三分钟的英文演讲稿5篇 ★ 五分钟优秀英语演讲稿范文五篇 ★ 英语演讲稿范文精选五篇 ★ 英语演讲稿6分钟范文五篇
2023-06-26 15:03:311


2023-06-26 15:03:392

英语翻译 你如果需要什么帮助请尽管说,不要有什么顾虑.(hesitate)

Don"t hesitate to tell us if you need help
2023-06-26 15:03:421


2023-06-26 15:03:494


这个夏天,德国,再Bohmte市中心主要街道,它不仅消除了红绿灯也拆除限制)和消除标记(路缘过街天桥上都挂上。最繁忙的街道的一部分变成了一个广场共享同样的骑车,行人(步行者),汽车和卡车。现在,只有一个规则:总是给人的权利。奖金?全镇已成为更人性化。“我们看对方,我们互相问候,说道:“中华人民共和国公民Ulrike命名的。 市长芒Goedejohann知道交通拥堵宠坏了Bohmte大气层,濒临灭绝的安全性的居民。但是这个城镇不能禁止卡车的交通,因为它的主要街道是一个州际高速公路上。然后,他听到一个激进的(激进的)交通管理理论被称为“共享空间”。由荷兰工程师认为城镇被安全规则,以减少想象(设想的表面上),打开司机和行人都能互相沟通时,用眼神,其它信号,一个更大的考虑,你们也要怎样相爱。 行人车辆firom分离是错误的,叫汉斯Monderman荷兰工程师,他的死引起了人们的兴趣今年冬天在他的想法的一次。被描绘成一个危险的特立独行的几十年前,Monderman放在适当的位置超过100 shared-space计划在荷兰。当欧盟开始研究项目上的共享空间,Bohmte决定试试看,连同其他六个城镇,包括Ostend在比利时和伊普斯维奇在英格兰。 不是每个人都感觉良好的城市花接近.3.3万美元的重新设计其市中心。“在理论上的共享空间更具人性化,但是我们现在左转,说:“先生Breiner,sight-impaired(有视力障碍的)的人不能做目光接触驱动。许多人也担心孩子和年迈的将不能与司机。 然而,在荷兰的研究报道,2008年的共享空间的数量已经减少交通事故的征兆。市长Goedejohann和自信。他去年平均50事故的小镇。自从共享空间”的概念,通过制定(),没有人”,他说。
2023-06-26 15:03:513


Quizas,Quizas,Quizas 西班牙的歌曲。我一直也很喜欢这个广告,那张纸条写着,明年夏天见。
2023-06-26 15:03:571


2023-06-26 15:02:574

求一首经典的爵士乐名字~歌词中出现kisasi kisasi kisasi...

Nat King Cole的《Quizas quizas quizas》
2023-06-26 15:02:573

翻译Traffic accidents killed more than 104000 people in China last year.

2023-06-26 15:02:5013

hesitate in doing something

前者,犹豫去做某事,表示还未做 后者,为正在做的事情感到犹豫,表示正在做的事情
2023-06-26 15:02:471

hesitate to contact是什么意思

hesitate to contact联系双语对照例句:1.If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 如果您有任何疑问,请随时联系我。
2023-06-26 15:02:346

李宇春4年的why me 演唱会的具体时间和地点各是什么?

2023-06-26 15:02:2910


select all images with cars 选择有关车的图像
2023-06-26 15:02:273


hesitant的中文翻译是:adj. 迟疑的;踌躇的;犹豫不定的它的动词形式:hesitate名词形式:hesitation翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号的翻译。其中,"翻"是指对交谈的语言转换,"译"是指对单向陈述的语言转换。"翻"是指对交谈中的两种语言进行即时的、一句对一句的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语。这是一种轮流的、交替的语言或信息转换。"译"是指单向陈述,即说者只说不问,听者只听不答,中间为双语人士,只为说者作语言转换。
2023-06-26 15:02:261


【春春唱过的127首歌】 歌名 出处 时间 1 皇后与梦想 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 2 舞 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 3 Loving 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 4 下雨 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 5 Kulala 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 6 Chris Lee 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 7 等 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 8 想哭 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 9 0.5英里 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 10 Happy wake up 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 11 冰菊物语 第一张专辑《皇后与梦想》 2006-9-15 12 我们的故事 06超女成都总决赛助唱 2006-7-7 13 一场游戏一场梦 522上海不插电音乐会 2006-5-22 14 外面的世界 522上海不插电音乐会 2006-5-22 15 Tears in heaven 522上海不插电音乐会 2006-5-22 16 北京一夜 522上海不插电音乐会 北京演唱会彩排 2006-5-22 17 Killing me softly with your song 522上海不插电音乐会 2006-5-22 18 我要我们在一起 522上海不插电音乐会 2006-5-22 19 恋曲1990 522上海不插电音乐会 2006-5-22 20 如果还有明天 522上海不插电音乐会 2006-5-22 21 未来的主人翁 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 22 Fly Me To The Moon 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 23 哭了 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 24 猜心 310WhyMe不插电 成都7强做客电台 2006-3-10 25 蓝天 310WhyMe不插电 成都10强做客电台 SINA聊天 惠州 2006-3-10 26 Let It Be 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 27 你的甜蜜 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 28 Beauty And Beast 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 29 Quizas. Quizas. Quizas 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 30 Underneath Your Clothes 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 31 夜来香 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 32 You"re Still The One 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 33 我的心里只有你没有他 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 34 Zombie 310WhyMe不插电 2006-3-10 35 唱的响亮 广告歌 5.12现场唱过 36 绿色心情 37 Happy wake up 佳洁士广告歌 2006-7-4 38 Give Me Five 第二只单曲 可乐发布会 长沙劳轮斯颁奖 上海"伦敦秀" 422SWATCH 北京流行音乐榜 56天津 39 不完整 月亮代表我的心 40 不完整JULIA 星随我动 41 绿色心情 蒙牛绿色心情广告歌 成都见面会 2006-4-** 42 真我新生代 蒙牛酸酸乳广告歌 43 白毛女 超级家族采访 44 两只老虎 45 她来听我的演唱会 酷人类 46 Thank You 跨年演唱会 310WhyMe不插电 522上海不插电音乐会 47 冬天快乐 第一只单曲 跨年演唱会 滑雪 SOHU TOM SINA 雪碧榜 小年夜 元宵节 48 Autumn Leaves 浙江媒体推广会 芙蓉花开中 49 Love Will Keep Us Alive 鲁豫有约 310WhyMe不插电 50 一夜长大 签约太麦的迎春会上 51 Yesterday 签约太麦的迎春会上 522上海不插电音乐会 52 北京欢迎你 中央台 53 We Will Rock You 巡演广州/福州/武汉/济南/南京站 54 Hand in Hand 巡演广州/福州/南京站 55 吻别 巡演北京站 晋城演出 56 夜来香 巡演上海站 310WhyMe不插电 522上海不插电音乐会 57 let"s get loud 9次 重庆/杭州/广州/福州/武汉/济南/南京巡演、闪亮嘉宾、跨年 58 想唱就唱 每场超女演唱会 59 Every Breath You Take 神舟北大签售会 60 Bad Boy 郴州商演 2005-9-15 61 叶子 夏新手机sina发布会 川音汇报表演 62 龙的传人 炎帝陵旅游节 伦敦 63 甜蜜的我爱你 超女终极PK发布会 星姐 音乐不断歌友会 海口 56天津演出 2005年参加超女比赛时唱过的歌64 当我想起你 北京电台的采访 56天津清唱半首 2006-5-6 65 卡门 快乐大本营 66 快乐如风 快乐大本营 忘了时间 67 了不起 比赛彩排 68 爱 年度总决选第七场冠军赛 69 我很酷也很温柔 年度总决选第七场冠军赛 70 故乡的云 年度总决选第七场冠军赛 71 童话 年度总决选第七场冠军赛小甜甜 72 半个月亮爬上来 年度总决选第七场冠军赛 73 只有山歌敬亲人 年度总决选第七场冠军赛 74 马儿你慢些走 年度总决选第七场冠军赛 75 Maria 年度总决选第七场冠军赛 76 山歌好比春江水 年度总决选第七场冠军赛 77 I Got That Boom Boom 总决选第六场5进3 川音汇报演出 成都重庆广州巡演 78 希望(大长今) 总决选第六场5进3 79 党啊亲爱的妈妈改编版 总决选第六场5进3 80 东方之珠 总决选第六场5进3 81 彩云追月 总决选第六场5进3 82 爱我中华 总决选第六场5进3 83 天仙配 总决选第六场5进3 84 春天花会开 总决选第五场6进5 85 找朋友 总决选第五场6进5幼儿园 86 请你恰恰 总决选第五场6进5 87 青苹果乐园 总决选第五场6进5 88 十七岁的雨季 总决选第五场6进5 89 青春舞曲 总决选第五场6进5 终极PK 90 康定情歌 总决选第五场6进5 成都每场开头 91 我没有远方 总决选第五场6进5前湖南一酒吧 92 当我开始偷偷的想你 总决选第四场8进6 全国8进6 9月15日晚上郴州生态旅游节明星演唱会 会 安庆 上海武汉济南 淮北青春之火 93 眼泪 总决选第四场8进6 终极PK 跨年 94 多年不见的好友重逢 好心情 总决选第四场8进6 95 Everything I Do 总决选第四场8进6 96 风暴 总决赛第二场8进6 97 我是真的受伤了改编版 总决赛第一场10进8 98 Conrazon de melao 总决赛第一场10进8 827快乐大本营 99 我最摇摆 总决赛第一场10进8 7次 全国10进8 安庆10月10日惠州 超级女声银狐之声明星演唱会 重庆杭州站 晋城 淮 100 浪花一朵朵 总决赛第一场10进8 101 我爱夏天 总决赛第一场10进8 102 Shake your bon bon 新浪10强访谈 103 我别走 快乐大本营 104 创意帮帮唱 东成西就改编版 总决赛入围赛第二场 105 在那桃花盛开的地方改编版 总决赛入围赛第二场,背后的故事 106 你最珍贵 总决赛入围赛第一场 107 朋友 成都三甲做客新浪 108 童年 成都第五场总决赛 109 Eyes like Yours 成都第五场总决赛 川音才艺比赛 成都决赛 音乐不断歌友会 成都/上海/北京/武汉/济南/南京巡演、金沙、新城 郑州义演 上海MTV超级盛典 香港新城 110 打起手鼓唱起歌 成都第五场总决赛 111 找自己 成都第四场7进5新都一中 112 年轻的朋友来相会 成都第四场7进5 113 大女人 成都第四场7进5 拉票 114 Zombie 成都第三场7进5 310WhyMe不插电 522上海不插电音乐会 115 一无所有 成都第三场7进5彩排 116 一千零一夜 成都第二场20进10 117 放心去飞 成都第二场20进10 118 交换日记 成都第二场20进10 119 Come On Over Baby 成都第二场20进10 7.16快乐大本营 总决赛6进5 9月25日湖北荆州全明星演唱会12月29日安庆演唱会 海口 120 我没有远方 33频道 成都海选第、50进20 、 熊猫城拉票 成都7进5、 总决赛5进3、 9月15日晚上郴州生态旅游节明星演唱会、成都上海北京巡演、LYYY、成都金沙 跨年 海口 郑州慈善演出 HNWS小年夜 伦敦中国年) 121 我的心里只有你没有他: 成都第一场50进200 海选 大二期末考试演唱 33频道比赛前参见的 050915郴州生态旅游节明星演唱会 巡演成都/上海/北京/ 051229海口演出 051230鲁豫有约 台湾情深艺动晚会 星随我动 310WhyMe不插电 522上海不插电音乐会 122 爱了,散了 成都海选前面试 123 剪爱 33频道 124 热情的沙漠 33频道 125 写一首歌 大一期末 126 拥抱明天 中学时唱 127 千万次的问 中学时唱 其中我的心里只有你没有他,我最摇摆,当我开始偷偷的想你.请你恰恰等很受欢迎参考资料:
2023-06-26 15:02:211

初一英语作文 交通安全注意事项

of pedestrians and passengers note making pedestrians shouldfollow:1 be within walking on the sidewalk, not on the sidewalk walking in the street;2 crossing the driveway, crosswalks subashiri. Through the pedestrian crossing traffic signal control, shall beTo comply with the provisions of the signal; through no traffic signal control of the crossings, must pay attention to the vehicle, not chasingMengbo. No pedestrian crossing, must go straight through, not in the vehicle when approaching a crossing. A pedestrian bridge or tunnel,must leave bridge or tunnel crossing the street; 3 not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railway crossingguardrail; 4 no pull cars on the road, car chases, forced lancheparabolic blow or car; 5 preschool children walking in the street or on the road, must there adults lead;6 through a railway crossing: in case of crossing gate (gate) close,sounder alarm,The red light or the guards motioned stop, must stop at the stop line;there is no stop line, stop at a distance of 5 meters outside the stockrails; ② through the crossing when unguarded, must stop watch, to confirm the safety of traffic, Fang Zhun; and in case of crossing signaltwo red lights flashing alternately or red light light, not through, white lights, allow through; red and white light is extinguished, under the provisions of the preceding paragraph by
2023-06-26 15:02:191


主题曲:《差一刹的地老天荒》 罗嘉良英文插曲:《O Come O Come Emmanuel》Born Rich 主题曲full TV version 2.罗嘉良 - 差一刹的地老天荒Live Version3.差一刹的地老天荒_钢琴版4.谢安琪 - 两生关 (Moov CD Version)5.Born Rich 插曲(full DJ verison)6.两生关Live Version7.两生关_钢琴版8.Born Rich 第1集配乐9.Born Rich 第1集配乐10.Born Rich 第10集插曲TV Version11.How deep is your loveTV Version12.Kowloon Hong Kong13.O Come, O Come Emmanuel14.Quizas Quizas Quizas_Nat King Cole
2023-06-26 15:02:131

英语作文 5条出行的交通安全常识

1 be within walking on the sidewalk, not on the sidewalk walking in the street;2 crossing the driveway, crosswalks subashiri. Through the pedestrian crossing traffic signal control, shall beTo comply with the provisions of the signal; through no traffic signal control of the crossings, must pay attention to the vehicle, not chasingMengbo. No pedestrian crossing, must go straight through, not in the vehicle when approaching a crossing. A pedestrian bridge or tunnel,must leave bridge or tunnel crossing the street; 3 not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railway crossingguardrail; 4 no pull cars on the road, car chases, forced lancheparabolic blow or car;5 preschool children walking in the street or on the road, must there adults lead;
2023-06-26 15:02:091


hoverlingerloiterwanderpace up and downrovehesitate
2023-06-26 15:02:099