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歌词中有hey! i love you so

2023-06-26 21:04:53
TAG: lov



Perry Como

Kokomo, Kokomo, Kokomo

Kokomo, Kokomo, Kokomo

Kokomo, Kokomo, Kokomo

Kokomo, Kokomo, Kokomo

Well talk to me baby, whisper in my ear

Talk to me baby, whisper in my ear

Come a little closer, don"t have no fear

Don"t you know, I love you so

Don"t you know, I love you so

When I holler hey-ey, Kokomo

Heard what you told me, heard what you said

Heard what you told me, heard what you said

Don"t you worry my pretty, don"t lose my head

Music interlude

There"s dimples on her elbows, dimples on her knees

There"s dimples on her elbows, dimples on her knees

She thrills and thrills me With just a little squeeze




Don"t you know Kokomo that I love you so

So talk talk talk to me baby

Whisper in my ear

Ohhh talk to me baby

Whisper in my ear

Come a little closer,

Don"t you have no fear

Don"t you know, I love you so

Don"t you know, I love you so

When I holler hey-ey, Kokomo

Don"t you know I love you Kokomo

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
是不是Love You So-Natalie


中文的吗要是中文的有个殷悦的 hey ! i love you so


黑眼豆豆的shut up?



2023-06-26 12:49:551

台球杆上HY CUB made in heyi什么意思?

heyi可能是个品牌,HY大概是缩写吧。 HEYI制造的意思 .
2023-06-26 12:50:047


2023-06-26 12:50:261

翻译英语:hey i gotta go:D

“fa_qi”你好:hey i gotta go 的意思是 嘿,我得走了ahha 的解释为 大声笑很高兴为你作答,希望你满意我的回答
2023-06-26 12:50:355

hey I just meet you,and this is crazy,but here is

2023-06-26 12:50:513


2023-06-26 12:51:004

有一首韩文歌,是一个男团唱的,有一句歌词是hey i need you girl,

2023-06-26 12:51:523


2023-06-26 12:52:062

call me maybe 是谁唱的

2023-06-26 12:52:542

求海贼王Share The World歌词

《sharetheworld》专辑:《Sharetheworld》作词:H.U.B.作曲:前山田健一编曲:AKIRA演唱:东方神起あの大空に届くまでanooozoranitodokumade为了拥抱那片长空IBelieve ひとつの明日へ heyIBelievehitotsunoashitaeheyIBelieve 向著同一个明日 heyComeonlet"sgoeverybodyohwesharethemusicComeonlet"sgobabybabyohwesharetheonedreamComeonlet"sgoeverybodyohwesharethegoodtimeComeonlet"sgobabybabyohwesharetheoneworld暗暗 迷い込み 手探りで谜解きkurayamimayoikomitesaguridenazotoki迷惘在黑暗里,摸索着解开谜团行き先 见えずに 立ち止まる时yukisakimiezunitachidomarutoki站停的时候,连前进的方向都看不到Ummyouandmeyes 気持ち 分かち合う世界にUmmyouandmeyeskimochiwakachiausekainiUmmyouandmeyes 畅快在这个同甘共苦的世界上导き Ifeelthebeat 歩き出してく OhyeahmichibikiIfeelthebeatarukidashitekuOhyeah引导你我 Ifeelthebeat 踏上旅途 OhyeahSharetheworld いつだってSharetheworlditsudatteSharetheworld 无论何时Sharetheonedream 信じ合ってSharetheonedreamshinjiatteSharetheonedream 相互信任Sharethegoodtimes 手をつないでSharethegoodtimesteotsunaideSharethegoodtimes 握住双手Sharetheoneworldnowあの大空に届くまでanooozoranitodokumade为了拥抱那片长空何度でも仆は行くんだnandodemobokuwayukunda不管多少次都会前行今こそ越えてゆこう IbelieveimakosokoeteyukoIbelieve现在排越万难前进 Ibelieveひとつの明日へ Yeahyeah…hitotsunoashitaeYeahyeah...向著同一个明日 Yeahyeah…Comeonlet"sgoeverybodyohwesharethemusicComeonlet"sgobabybabyohwesharetheonedreamComeonlet"sgoeverybodyohwesharethegoodtimeComeonlet"sgobabybabyohwesharetheoneworld追いかけ 追われて メビウスの环の上oikakeowareteMEBIUSUnowanoue你追我赶 梅比乌斯环上的角逐近付き 前向き ねぇ Share したいよ StylechikazukimaemukineeShareshitaiyoStyle相识 乐观 渴望 ShareStyle始まる 広がる 想像以上この FlavorhajimaruhirogarusouzouijyoukonoFlavor起始 蔓延 这片超乎想像的 Flavor身体中 Ifeelsogood 自由になれる OhyeahKaradajyuuIfeelsogoodjiyuuninareruOhyeah全身 Ifeelsogood 能够自由自在 OhyeahSharetheworld 远くたってSharetheworldtookutatteSharetheworld 无论多远Sharetheonedream 伝え合ってSharetheonedreamtsutaeatteSharetheonedream 相互传递Sharethegoodtime そう笑ってSharethegoodtimesouwaratteSharethegoodtime 那样的微笑Sharetheoneworldonenowあの大空に届くまでanooozoranitodokumade为了拥抱那片长空何度でも仆は行くんだnandodemobokuwayukunda不管多少次都会前行今こそ越えてゆこう IbelieveimakosokoeteyukoIbelieve现在排越万难前进 Ibelieveひとつの明日へ Yeahyeah…hitotsunoashitaeYeahyeah...向著同一个明日 Yeahyeah…见えない壁の 向こう侧にmienaikabenomukogawani在无形的壁墙后待っている君がいたんだmateirukimigaitanda有等待着我的你もうすぐに届くから IbelievemousugunitodokukaraIbelieve这就去相会 Ibelieveひとつの世界へ Yeahyeah…hitotsunosekaieYeahyeah...一同奔向新世界 Yeahyeah…Comeonlet"sgoeverybodyohwesharethemusicComeonlet"sgobabybabyohwesharetheoneworld
2023-06-26 12:53:001

一个英文歌,上来就是hey i see you boom boom boom,很有节奏感,我着急

是bye bye bye 吗?
2023-06-26 12:53:163

hey 是什么意思

2023-06-26 12:53:243

英文hey 是什么意思啊?

嘿! 表示叫人回来或叫人。列:Bye! 再见! Hey! 嘿!
2023-06-26 12:53:544


2023-06-26 12:54:081

2023-06-26 12:54:183

泫雅有一句歌词是 衣拉客恰拉克 翻译过来是这样那样 不是谁让我当红

2023-06-26 12:55:201


2023-06-26 12:56:004


XXXXHEYIRUICHMR三十三亿卢比卢比 [ lú bǐ ] 生词本基本释义[ lú bǐ ]印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡等国的本位货币。[英rupee]
2023-06-26 12:56:251

火星情报局片尾曲,就一直啦啦啦啦啦啦,好像是英文歌曲,一个男声一个女声,男的唱hey hey i

2023-06-26 12:56:333

hey hey hey hey hey i dont求一首歌的名字?

2023-06-26 12:56:562

hey,I had a crush on you

今日和老友夜谈。觉得她说的几句话格外打动我心。 每个女孩年轻的时候几乎都会对一个人有过短促而汹涌的蓦然心动,在英文里,它叫做“had a crush on somebody”:我曾短暂地、羞涩地喜欢过一个人。但有时候,这个人可能只是内心泛起的小小涟漪,是偶尔心动的存在,而真正接受的那个人,将与你长久为伴的那个人,却是一直会心动的存在。我一直偏爱于那种不说破的朦胧情愫,曾以为是多年前那段暗恋带来的后遗症,可事实上似乎不止我一人在烦恼这个问题:我的许多好朋友们一直长久地处于单身状态——和我一样,近20年的母胎solo,我们是光荣的“黄金铁三角”。 实际上,我们都有同一个特质:难以轻易开启一段恋情。我想我如果有恋爱的那一天,一定只是因为非常喜欢这个人,不会因为其他任何原因。无论是因为孤单需要一个恋人,还是因为随大众逐流而将就,在我这里都不存在。 我记得李银河曾说过,等待爱情是一件非常艰难的事,你可能穷尽一生都无法遇到那个人。因此如要寻求真爱,必得做好孤独终老的心理准备。 其实谁不想有个白首不离的一心人呢?当然也没有人会抱着一开始就分手的念头去谈恋爱。几乎所有恋爱中的女孩都会觉得,这个人一定是对的。尽管口头上说着不会结婚,但又如何不会幻想一下和他共同度过的未来呢? 到此,我已然忘记了写这篇文章的初衷。大概只是想对一个人说,I had a crush on you,sincerely,purely and deeply .
2023-06-26 12:57:151

求张佑赫Flip reverse 中文翻译歌词

2023-06-26 12:57:211

求FTIsland专辑brand-new days里面三首歌曲的lrc格式的歌词

2023-06-26 12:57:421

hey, i. know. you. wait. me. for. a. lo

2023-06-26 12:57:481

有首英文歌开头是hey,I love you so.....然后还有什么hey hey hey hey 的,叫什么名字啊?

不是hey jude,因为没那句,其实我也不知道,但肯定不是一楼说的
2023-06-26 12:58:031

日语 单人旁 并 怎么念,如何输入 谢谢

并へい 并し(しか) 并せる(あわ) 并ぶ(なら)
2023-06-26 12:59:042

Hey! I Love You So 歌词

歌名:Hey I love you so演唱: 殷悦广州大学520最远的是那颗星和你我今生的距离最深的是那夜里和随你消失的爱情是否我们约定走得那么深秘两个人的梦境一个人哭醒两条选择找你低头忘了自己未来只剩过去Hey I love you soyou have to know星空下孤单的我Hey I love you soyou have to know真的会 穿越时空说见你那晚天旋地转是因我心动女人爱你那么难 醒后一看别让我无力负担最远的是那颗心和你我今生的距离最深的是那夜里和随你消失的爱情是否我们约定走的那么深秘两个人的梦境一个人哭醒两条选择找你低头忘了自己未来就升过去Hey I love you soyou have to know星空下孤单的我Hey I love you soyou have to know真的会 穿越时空说见你那晚天旋地转是因我心动女人爱你那么难 醒后一看别让我无力负担Hey I love you soyou have to know 星空下孤单的我Hey I love you soyou have to know真的会 穿越时空Hey I love you soyou have to know星空下孤单的我Hey I love you soyou have to know真的会 穿越时空
2023-06-26 12:59:121

Hey I just met you And this is crazy 谁知道这是哪首歌唱的啊!~ 谢谢

2023-06-26 12:59:192

结尾歌词是 I Believe 歌曲叫什么,歌手是谁?

2023-06-26 12:59:262

911乐队i do歌词中文

2023-06-26 12:59:401

Chickenfoot的《Oh Yeah》 歌词

歌曲名:Oh Yeah歌手:Chickenfoot专辑:ChickenfootChickenfoot - Oh YeahIf I were healer, I"d use my handsI"d would put a spell on you if I were magic manIf I was Jesus, Buddha or a KainIf I were a blues man or all I can sing abouthow I want to be your hootchie cotche manYou got me outa your pain"oh yeah" come on baby tell me whatcha want"oh yeah" come on baby tell me whatcha need"oh yeah" nothing I wouldn"t do for youoh yeahWhen I was a young man I slept aroundWhen I turned 30 time to settle downto be your doctor,preacher,teacher that"s the truthHeyI"m praying on me knee"smy soul is what I want to proveHey I just want to be your Hootchie cotchie manto get you in and out of my head"oh yeah" so come on baby tell me whatcha want"oh yeah" come on baby tell me whatcha need"oh yeah" ain"t nothing I wouldn"t do for youoh yeahow babyow babywowyeycome onoh babyow yeahwell,well,wellIf I were water I"d make you realI"d want to touch you all night long on my spinning wheel"oh yeah" come on baby tell me whatcha want"oh yeah" come on baby tell me whatcha need"oh yeah" tell me what I can do for youOH yeah I said"oh yeah" come on baby tell me whatcha want"oh yeah" come on baby tell me whatcha need"oh yeah" I"d do anything for you wowoh yeahoh yeahhey ow yeah
2023-06-26 12:59:471

I Wanna Be The One-Gabriel Antonio歌词

Gabriel Antonio - I Wanna Be The One - Gabriel Antonio LyricsI wanna be the one your givin your love andI wanna be the one your kissin and hugginI wanna be the one you dream of all nightLet me be the oneGgggg g inc80"s babyGabriel AnotnioI wanna be the one your givin your love andI wanna be the one your kissin and hugginI wanna be the one you dream of all nightLet me be the oneI wanna be the one you dream withSpend money on yaTake trips withDamn papi baby I need itMa fav but I"m never going to leave itYou right and I"m always wrongI shut my mouth lemme see that thongWhy no sence girl you turnin me onYou turnin me on, you turnin me onHer kiss-heavy metal so I rock and rollThose lips-so good I"m a about to loose controlShe movin it and I"m watchin it I bet no other tieto can handel itShe gonna ride with her boy and I"m a geder doneHip hop country has never been doneChevey classic next to the big truckGuarantee I"m goin number oneI wanna be the one your givin your love andI wanna be the one your kissin and hugginI wanna be the one you dream of all nightLet me be the one [x2]We goin out tonight and I"m drinkinHit on the rocks got me thinkinShe lookin I know what shes thinkinDo it in the dark so there ain"t no witnessBig dreams real things you and me heyI wanna make up for the things I neva saySed and what I"ll do to have you in my bedStrawberries and whip cream hand feedI wanna bring it to the topAnd make you feel real goodMake love in the club cause I"m so goodWe hot we young I"m fresh this is my time I"m a do it the bestHey I"m a take you to the 80"s girlGabriel Antonio rokin your worldI"m a take you to the 80"s girlGabriel Antonio rokin your worldI wanna be the one your givin your love andI wanna be the one your kissin and hugginI wanna be the one you dream of all nightLet me be the one [x2]My heart is aching for that special girlTo come on it and share my worldThe love I have is an open doorGirl come on in let"s beginI wanna be the one your givin your love andI wanna be the one your kissin and hugginI wanna be the one you dream of all nightLet me be the one [x2]
2023-06-26 12:59:541


hey英 [heɪ]美 [he]n. 干草(等于hay)int. 喂!(引起注意等);你好!(表示问候)n. (Hey)人名;(法)埃;(柬)海;(德、英)海伊
2023-06-26 13:00:023

hey i am f9what ab8 u ?什么意思?

Hey, I am fine. What about you?嗨,我很好。你怎么样?学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-06-26 13:00:551

Fuck Her Gently 歌词

歌名:《Fuck Her Gently》歌手:Tenacious D发行时间:2001-09-25所属专辑:《Tenacious D》发行时间:2001-09-25 流派:摇滚 发行公司:索尼音乐歌词:This is a song for the ladiesBut fellas listen closely.You don"t always have to fuck her hardIn fact sometimes that"s not right.. to doSometimes you gotta make some loveAnd fuckin" give her some smooches too.Sometimes you"ve got to squeeze,Sometimes you"ve got to say pleaseSometime you got to say hey,I"m gonna fuck you softly,I"m gonna screw you gently,I"m gonna hump you sweetly,I"m gonna ball you discreetly.Then you say hey I brought you flowersThen you say wait a minute SallyI think I got something in my teethCould you get it out for me?That"s fuckin" TEAMWORK!What"s your favorite posish?That"s cool with meIt"s not my favorite but I"ll do it for you.What"s your favorite dish?I"m not gonna cook it butI"ll order it from Zanzibar.And then I"m gonna love you completely,And then I"ll fuckin fuck you discreetly.And then I"ll fuckin bone you completelyBut then I"m gonna fuck you haaaard.Haaaaa-aaaaa-AARD!!
2023-06-26 13:01:282


2023-06-26 13:01:361

Carib bean hey i m summerholic是什么意思意思就是我很爱夏天~
2023-06-26 13:02:083

寻找一首英文歌 节奏感很强的 女声 歌词只记得 HEY HEY HEY I LOVE INC..... I LOVE INC...

tik tok
2023-06-26 13:02:163

hey,I miss you什么意思

2023-06-26 13:02:244

hey I bet u r a little bit abnormal

我敢打赌你最近有点不正常,a little bit 一点 abnormal 不正常 bet 打赌
2023-06-26 13:02:411

Matthew Morrison Hey中文歌词

歌手:马修·莫里森歌曲:HeyI wonder if she"s here with someone我想知道她是否与某人在这里A girl like that can get attention一个像她一样能吸引注意的女孩I could just go walking her way我可以就远远的走她走过的路All I"ve got to do is figure out the words I need to say我想做的就是想象出那些我要说的话Woo ooh, woo ooh唔欧~~~~~~I just need an introduction我只是需要一个介绍Woo ooh, woo ooh呜哦呜哦~~~~~~~I keep coming up with nothing我什么都赶不上Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~~~Why do I lose my voice and choke为什么我失去了声音以至于窒息When all I wanna say is当我想说的全部就是Hey hey, I gotta be with you,嘿嘿,我要和你在一起Hey hey, you"re beautiful in every way, way嘿嘿,你在各方面都是美丽的So what I need to say is所以我要说的全部就是Hey hey, and change the world in a day嘿嘿,在一天中改变这个世界In your eyes I see you"re lonely从你的眼中我看见了孤单Look at me, I want you only看着我。我想让你成为我的唯一We belong together, this I know我们属于彼此Just gotta find the words to tell you so只是想找到我要对你说的Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I just need an introduction我只是需要一个介绍Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I keep coming up with nothing我什么都赶不上Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~Why do I lose my voice and choke为什么我失去了我的声音以至于窒息When all I wanna say is当我想说的全部是Hey hey, I gotta be with you,嘿嘿。我要和你在一起And hey hey, you"re beautiful in every way, way嘿嘿。你在各个方面都是美丽的So what I need to say is所以我想说的就是Hey hey, and change the world in a day嘿嘿。在一天中改变这个世界I have my lines and story set我有我的台词和故事You look at me and I forget你看着我 我却忘了Thoughts are running through my head思绪在我的脑中奔跑Jumbled up and left unsaid乱七八糟 的丢了未说出口的话Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I just need an introduction我只是需要一个介绍Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I keep coming up with nothing我什么都赶不上Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~Why do I lose my voice and choke为什么我失去了我的声音以致窒息When all I wanna say is当我想说的就是Hey hey I gotta be with you and hey hey嘿嘿 我要和你在一起 嘿嘿Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I just need an introduction我只是需要一个介绍Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I keep coming up with nothing我什么都赶不上Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~Why do I lose my voice and choke为什么我失去了我的声音以致窒息When all I wanna say is当我想说的全部是Hey hey,嘿嘿So what I need to say is所以我想说的是Hey hey, and change the world in a day嘿嘿 在一天中改变这个世界
2023-06-26 13:02:491

Sad But True 歌词

歌曲名:Sad But True歌手:Metallica专辑:S&M [live]HeyI"m your lifeI"m the one who takes you thereHeyI"m your lifeI"m the one who caresTheyThey betrayI"m your only true friend nowTheyThey"ll betrayI"m forever thereI"m your dream, make you realI"m your eyes when you must stealI"m your pain when you can"t feelSad but trueI"m your dream, mind astrayI"m your eyes while you"re awayI"m your pain while you repayYou know it"s sad but trueSad but trueYouYou"re my maskYou"re my cover, my shelterYouYou"re my maskYou"re the one who"s blamedDoDo my workDo my dirty work, scapegoatDoDo my deedsFor you"re the one who"s shamedI"m your dream, make you realI"m your eyes when you must stealI"m your pain when you can"t feelSad but trueI"m your dream, mind astrayI"m your eyes while you"re awayI"m your pain while you repayYou know it"s sad but trueSad but trueI"m your dreamI"m your eyesI"m your painI"m your dreamI"m your eyesI"m your painYou know it"s sad but trueHateI"m your hateI"m your hate when you want lovePayPay the pricePay, for nothing"s fairHeyI"m your lifeI"m the one who took you thereHeyI"m your lifeAnd I no longer careI"m your dream, make you realI"m your eyes when you must stealI"m your pain when you can"t feelSad but trueI"m your truth, telling liesI"m your reasoned alibisI"m inside open your eyesI"m youSad but true
2023-06-26 13:03:131


2023-06-26 13:03:201


2023-06-26 13:03:271

找一首好听的英文歌 貌似是女生唱的..有点拉丁风格...中间有段歌词是hey hey hey i just menber..

ehehehlady gaga
2023-06-26 13:03:342


qio对某啦bou啦撒狼诺不系欧弟嘎拉wanna touch meLook一根嫩网那swag撸嘛你嫩内de木里拉qio多对恰欧起 可得欧起色gi里打啦You cant touch thisde了吧起 白给哟亲故嘛加那嫩西gi耶I Know那嘛红家要gi耶没一噶起那都嘛喂诶I Know西吧那屋锁句dayI don"t care杰嫩桑广难Heyi"m OK哟加定要讲黑细跟jio就他里够拉嘞i Know萨起就够你有每no嫩no 那嫩那Hey一咯尅qio咯尅 三干no不洗no嫩no 那嫩那Hey一咯尅qio咯尅 一咯尅qio咯尅一给那内噶打啦给搜个day几么内给雅波个搜几摸大不嘞我say个day有Baby I"m bad all day一给那内噶打啦给搜个day几么内给雅波个搜几摸大不嘞我say个day有sorry I"m a dope girl恰哦起可day哦起You can"t touch medon"t touch me恰哦起可day哦起You can"t touch medon"t touch me恰哦起可day哦起You can"t touch medon"t touch me恰哦起可day哦起You can"t touch medon"t touch me内嘎加啦噶死 ke day你嘎某啦噶死ke day大本干de那起 ke day关心不足尅丝ke day我嘞偶不起内跟切丝干忒苏够撒起尅搜不透萨一卡we ju ber内ju吐么撒几oh哟讲内oh she"s queenki办本大嘎joe几嘛den嘛那嫩命哟几卡讲拉姑yo尅几亲加哟den 嫩几窝次命nen搜den莫家men尅Hyuna怒内冬sing塞为no嫩no 那嫩那Hey一咯尅qio咯尅 一咯尅qio咯尅一给那内噶打啦给搜个day几么内给雅波个搜几摸大不嘞我say个day有Baby I"m bad all day一给那内噶打啦给搜个day几么内给雅波个搜几摸大不嘞我say个day有sorry I"m a dope girlYou can"t touch medon"t touch mei don"t care杰嫩桑广难Heyi"m OK哟加定要讲黑You can"t touch medon"t touch me一咯尅qio咯尅 一咯尅qio咯尅一给那内噶打啦给搜个day几么内给雅波个搜几摸大不嘞我say个day有Baby I"m bad all day一给那内噶打啦给搜个day几么内给雅波个搜几摸大不嘞我say个day有sorry I"m a dope girl恰哦起可day哦起You can"t touch medon"t touch me恰哦起可day哦起You can"t touch medon"t touch me恰哦起可day哦起You can"t touch medon"t touch me恰哦起可day哦起You can"t touch medon"t touch me
2023-06-26 13:04:061

int i; main() { void prt(); for(i=0;i

这个问题涉及到变量的局部和全局定义的区别:首先i是定义在全局的;所以它的值在每一次使用后都会被保存下来,除非你对它重新赋值:在主函数中:main(){ void prt(); for(i=0;i<5;i++) prt();}首先i=0,然后调用prt函数;在prt()函数中,i继续++,调用完后,i此时已经等于5了。此时主函数中的for条件已经不满足了,所以prt()函数相当于只执行了一次。因为i是全局变量所以它经每次使用且并没有销毁它在内存中的值 ,如果你想要输出*************************就把i定义在主函数中。
2023-06-26 13:04:176

求一首儿童英语歌,歌词里面有MAMI MAMI I LOVE YOU

2023-06-26 13:04:461

Beautiful Me 歌词

歌曲名:《Beautiful Me》歌手:Donnie所属专辑:《The Colored Section》发行时间:2003-07-07发行公司:环球唱片歌词:Hey hey beautiful messHey beautiful messHey hey beautiful messHey heyI feel crazy while you seem saneI saw lightnin" but you just see rainI hear music, thats my heartbeat playin"In your shadow I prayIts a beautiful mess you madeYou"ve had your fun and gamesI love youTo you that means so much lessYour like the tear in my brand new dressIts a beautiful messThe rush remains as I watch you goYour kiss still lingersBut its killing me slowAs I shiverIn this space where I layIn your shadow I prayIts a beautiful mess you madeYou"ve had your fun and gamesI love youTo you that means so much lessYour like the tear in my brand new dressIts a beautiful messIt was an innocent mistakeTo waste my time on youWhen they tell you not to go thereDon"t careIf you doIn your shadow I prayIt a beautiful mess you madeYou"ve had your fun and gamesI love youTo you that means so much lessYour like the tear in my brand new dress . . .And now I"m left with this beautiful mess试听:
2023-06-26 13:04:532

有一首dj 里面的歌词i say ya you say yeah

waht"s up演唱:a.m.p.Twenty-five years and my life is stillTrying to get up that great big hill of hopeFor a destinationAnd I realized quickly when I knew I shouldThat the world was made up of this brotherhood of manFor whatever that meansAnd so I cry sometimesWhen I m lying in bedJust to get it all outWhat s in my headAnd I am feeling a little peculiarAnd so I wake in the morningAnd I step outsideAnd I take a deep breath and I get real highAnd I scream at the top of my lungsWhat s going on?And I say, hey hey hey heyI said hey, what s going on?And I say, hey hey hey heyI said hey, what s going on?Ooh, ooh oohand I try, oh my god do I tryI try all the time, in this institutionAnd I pray, oh my god do I prayI pray every single dayFor a revolutionAnd so I cry sometimesWhen I m lying in bedJust to get it all outWhat s in my headAnd I am feeling a little peculiarAnd so I wake in the morningAnd I step outsideAnd I take a deep breath and I get real highAnd I scream at the top of my lungsWhat s going on?And I say, hey hey hey heyI said hey, what s going on?And I say, hey hey hey heyI said hey, what s going on?Twenty-five years and my life is stillTrying to get up that great big hill of hopeFor a destination
2023-06-26 13:05:001