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2023-06-26 12:28:35



这个1:1的飞机 坦克等``` 你去美国吧





2023-06-26 10:12:512


2023-06-26 10:13:002


2023-06-26 10:13:073

卡扎菲的英文名是Gaddafi, 音译“葛达菲” 怎么就能译成“卡扎菲”了?这尼玛坑爹嘛。求内幕

不一定是音译 也可以是意译
2023-06-26 10:13:164

卡扎菲怎么死的 详解卡扎菲逝世的原因和过程?

无论如何,卡扎菲的逝世标志着利比亚的政治变革。这个国家需要团结一致,共同努力,才能实现和平、稳定和繁荣。2011年10月20日,卡扎菲在利比亚西部城市苏尔特被反政府武装分子俘获。在被俘期间,卡扎菲受到了虐待和伤害。有报道称,他的嘴唇被割开,被迫喝下汽油,并被打了数次。这些虐待行为最终导致了卡扎菲的死亡。卡扎菲被俘后,被关押在苏尔特的一个仓库里。10月20日晚上,卡扎菲试图逃脱,但被反政府武装分子发现并追捕。在逃跑过程中,卡扎菲躲进了一个排水沟里。当他试图爬出来时,被反政府武装分子发现并枪击。卡扎菲(Muammar al-Gaddafi)是利比亚前领导人,他在位期间曾经引起了世界各国的争议和批评。卡扎菲逝世的原因和过程备受关注,下面为大家详细介绍。随后,卡扎菲被带到了一个军车上,并被送到了一个未知的地点。在这个地点,卡扎菲受到了虐待和伤害。有报道称,他的嘴唇被割开,被迫喝下汽油,并被打了数次。这些虐待行为导致了卡扎菲的死亡。
2023-06-26 10:13:312


2023-06-26 10:13:453


2023-06-26 10:13:532


莫塔西姆·比拉·卡扎菲(Moatassem-Billah Gaddafi,1977—2011)34岁,是利比亚军官,中校衔位,也是穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲的第五个儿子。曾策划反对父亲的政变,失败后流亡埃及。后来获得父亲原谅,2010年以来回到卡扎菲身边担任国家安全顾问。莫塔西姆是一名律师,曾就读于石家庄陆军指挥学院,苏尔特战斗中指挥1000名利比亚武装部队对抗15000叛军及北约派出的特种兵,在叛军动用重火力轰击居民区和北约空军对平民实施的无差别轰炸的一个月后受伤被俘。决定枪杀他后,叛军给穆塔西姆松绑,穆塔西姆自己检视身上的伤口,叛军给他了瓶水并说道:“你爹的时代结束了,别看那些伤口了,我们很快就会在你身上做外科手术的(杀死你)。”穆塔西姆淡然回答道:“我的每一个伤口都是我的勋章“。数分钟后,穆塔西姆被杀。
2023-06-26 10:14:001

Dear sir/madam

2023-06-26 10:14:132


1、奥马尔·穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲(1942年6月7日-2011年10月20日),利比亚政治家、军事家、政治理论家。逊尼派穆斯林,利比亚革命警卫队上校,利比亚九月革命的精神领袖,前任利比亚最高领导人,统治利比亚长达42年。2、卡扎菲生于利比亚南部费赞沙漠地区苏尔特的柏柏尔人卡扎法部落的一个普通牧民家庭。1969年9月1日,卡扎菲领导“自由军官组织”发动“九月革命”,推翻伊德里斯王朝,建立了阿拉伯利比亚共和国,出任革命指导委员会主席兼武装部队总司令,并晋升为上校。1977年改国名为“大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国”,成为“革命导师与领导弟兄”。1979年3月辞去一切行政职务,只保留“九·一”革命领导人称号。 执政期间利比亚经济得到迅速发展,其创立的《绿皮书》思想和第三世界理论对利比亚近半个世纪的发展影响深远。3、2011年2月,利比亚爆发“愤怒日”大规模示威抗议,要求政府下台, 逐渐演变成利比亚内战。2011年8月22日,利比亚反对派武装攻入首都的黎波里,卡扎菲政权垮台。2011年10月20日,卡扎菲在其家乡苏尔特的一个废弃下水管道中被捕,惨遭虐待后,头部和腹部遭到致命连环枪击身亡,享年69岁。
2023-06-26 10:15:094

professional quality是什么意思

1. 专业素质2. 职业素质3. 业务素质例句:1.This is gaddafi personally selected 3000 elite troops, weapons andequipment of professional quality and are the best. 这3000人是卡扎菲亲自挑选的精英部队,职业素质和武器装备都是最好的。2.Professional quality education in medical university has important meaningin inheriting and developing traditional chinese medicine. 药学生的专业素质教育对中国传统医药的继承与发展具有重要意义。
2023-06-26 10:15:593

Gaddafi still hiding. 我想问一下hide为什么要用ing的形式?

ing表示现在正在进行,说明他现在还正在藏着 ,这里 省略了 "is"
2023-06-26 10:16:073


2006年,她嫁给身为陆军上校的亲戚艾哈迈德·卡扎菲·夸斯(Ahmed al-Gaddafi al-Qahsi),并育有3个孩子。
2023-06-26 10:16:141


put-out 地道美语翻译
2023-06-26 10:16:284


HOUSTON, May 2 (Xinhua) -- The Offshore Techonology Conference, one of the world"s largest offshore technology shows, kicked off here Monday.The five-day event, which attracted an estimated 72,000 victors from all around the world, not only provided a platform for the about 2,400 participating companies from 40 countries to lure visitors with their newest products and technologies, but also for the them to share insights and discuss issues the industry is facing.On Monday, a number of companies, including Halliburton and Baker Hughes, received the Spotlight on New Technology Award by the OTC for their new products and solutions.Founded in 1969, the annual Offshore Technology Conference is the world"s foremost event for the development of offshore resources in the fields of drilling, exploration, production, and environmental protection. OTC is held annually at Reliant Center in Houston.TRIPOLI, April 30 (Xinhua) -- Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, youngest son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, was killed in NATO"s strike against Gaddafi"s house, said a spokesman of the Libyan government.The NATO attack against Gaddafi"s house resulted in the deaths of Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, 29, youngest son of Gaddafi, and three of Gaddafi"s grandchildren, said Mossa Ibrahim, the government spokesman.The leader himself and his wife, who were in the house, were in good health, while other people injured in the attack, said the spokesman.This is a direct operation to assassinate the leader, said the spokesman.The attacks had no legal or political foundations, he said, saying the strike was a violation of the international law.Asserting he would not leave, embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi floated on Saturday a proposal for a ceasefire and negotiations in a televised speech.He said that all parties concerned should follow the truce, and the NATO forces must stop their attacks.Gaddafi ruled out the possibility that he will quit and leave Libya, which he has been ruling over the past 41 years.Gaddafi slammed the air raids by NATO, which started to attack his fortified compound in the capital Tripoli.The world"s major powers, the UK, the US and France, started on March 19 to launch strikes from the air and sea against Gaddafi"s forces after the UN Security Council passed a resolution to impose a no-fly zone over Libya and authorize "all necessary measures" to protect civilians in Libya.
2023-06-26 10:16:431

请问下,一篇文章里提到本拉登将美国视为the head of the snake,请问这个有文化背景吗?官方说法有吗?

2023-06-26 10:17:112


从中国这次头弃权票就可以看出来呀。中国总在呼吁停战啊。 中国实在太脆弱了,我真不知道该怎么讲了,朝鲜事件变现的如此懦弱,朝鲜是不怕战争的,可中国的软弱让朝鲜也不得不软弱。南海群岛,钓鱼岛等。。连菲佣,越南,阿三。都敢欺负我们了,看一个人的身价就看这个人的对手,现在中国的身价太低了。
2023-06-26 10:17:192

be nostalgic for是什么意思

be nostalgic for很怀念双语对照例句:Under the circumstances, trying to be all things to all camps is impossible and can make mr tsang nostalgic for simpler tasks in simpler times. 在这种情况下,面面俱到是不可能的而且会使曾荫权怀念旧日简单岁月中更为简单的任务。
2023-06-26 10:17:272

军事理论名词解释: 1、非对称作战 2、新概念武器 3、信息化战争 4、新军事变革 5、微电子技术

你好 我推荐你下载军事理论的电子书 看那里面的解释
2023-06-26 10:18:113

military academy是什么意思

n. 陆军军官学校;军校为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!
2023-06-26 10:18:181

black sheep是什么意思

black sheep 败家子;害群之马英文解释:N-COUNT If you describe someone as the black sheep of their family or of a group that they are a member of, you mean that they are considered bad or worthless by other people in that family or group. 败家子; 害群之马表不满双语例句:There are still some black sheep in our society. 在我们的社会上还是有这么一些害群之马的。
2023-06-26 10:18:272


毫不犹豫的近义词:  毅然决然, 不假思索,孤注一掷,斩钉截铁,一往无前,坚决果断,毫不等待  【出处】  毛泽东《井冈山的斗争》:“第二次杜修经、杨开明来,主张红军毫不犹豫地向湘南发展。”  【英文解释】  without the least [slightest] hesitation;have no hesitation whatsoever;make no bones about [of;to] sth. ;  【详细解释】  毫:一点儿;犹豫:迟疑,拿不定主意。毛泽东·《井冈山的斗争》:“一点儿也不迟疑。第二次杜修经、杨开明来,主张红军毫不犹豫地向湘南发展。  【中英例句】  他们会毫不犹豫的把他抓走。  They would not hesitate in dragging him away.  他会毫不犹豫的牺牲掉你们所有人以救他自己.  He will not hesitate to sacrifice all your lives to save his own.  鸿海还说,爆炸原因仍在调查,对于工厂可以改进的地方,它将毫不犹豫地立即采取任何具体措施。  The company added that the cause of the explosion is still under investigation, and that it would "not hesitate to immediately implement" any specific measures where enhancements can be made to its facilities.  在班加西,利比亚反对派就卡扎菲对人民构成的威胁发出严重警告,他们表示,他会毫不犹豫地在这个国家执行“焦土”战略。  In benghazi, the libyan opposition issued a stark warning over the threat posed by col gaddafi to his citizens, saying he would not hesitate to "scorch" the country.  他毫不犹豫地跟我走了.  He followed me without hesitation.
2023-06-26 10:18:463


2023-06-26 10:18:541


2023-06-26 10:19:041


2023-06-26 10:19:204


黑马 或者 坏小子的意思。
2023-06-26 10:19:294


2023-06-26 10:19:462


2023-06-26 10:20:414

power grounds 是什么酒?

2023-06-26 10:20:592


2023-06-26 10:21:1014

卡扎菲怎么死的 详解卡扎菲逝世的原因和过程?

卡扎菲被俘后,被关押在苏尔特的一个仓库里。10月20日晚上,卡扎菲试图逃脱,但被反政府武装分子发现并追捕。在逃跑过程中,卡扎菲躲进了一个排水沟里。当他试图爬出来时,被反政府武装分子发现并枪击。随后,卡扎菲被带到了一个军车上,并被送到了一个未知的地点。在这个地点,卡扎菲受到了虐待和伤害。有报道称,他的嘴唇被割开,被迫喝下汽油,并被打了数次。这些虐待行为导致了卡扎菲的死亡。卡扎菲(Muammar al-Gaddafi)是利比亚前领导人,他在位期间曾经引起了世界各国的争议和批评。卡扎菲逝世的原因和过程备受关注,下面为大家详细介绍。卡扎菲的死亡引起了世界各国的争议和批评。一些国家和组织谴责反政府武装分子的行为,认为他们应该受到惩罚。另一方面,一些人认为卡扎菲应该为他在位期间的行为而受到惩罚。
2023-06-26 10:21:442

War To Your Door 歌词

歌曲名:War To Your Door歌手:Chamillionaire专辑:Major Pain 1.5Chamillionaire - War To Your DoorIn this game it seems that I"m lyrically reaching a point where it"s not fair no moreHit "em with that major pain as we shoot and destroyIt"s like I"m bringing war to your front doorIn this game it seems that I"m lyrically reaching a point where it"s not fair no moreHit "em with that major pain as we shoot and destroyIt"s like I"m bringing war to your front door, front doorLook how I lyrically assainate a verse thenI can get a hooker shot like ervinYou never bust repping just like you a virginUnder your girl done hitting a belly like a surgeonA hundred milli gotta get it brrr BirdmanChristina Milian she ain"t got her manAnd I don"t have no dreams either, I"m workingSurfing the earth and tryna stay urbanYou see the heater poking out I got the shirt inAll of these rappers getting jerked without the jurgensThe similes and metaphors that I be serving gone right over their head, hot turbansI got a business manager and she a persianAin"t got a deal with Eminem but I am burningHot, got a lawyer he"s really a diversionI"m riding dirtier than 30 days with no detergentAin"t really with the beef but the tweets I get at youIf I ever see you in the streets I"m a slap youI don"t mean LeBron when the Heat coming at youCover up and duck like him lay tatooAll this cake getting flipped like a spatulaNot a act like a chat I"m a naturalSuits tried to take me out the game what did that doStill here like the name of an ear statueBread cheese here funds really highWork in the strip club and throw my lunch in the skyFront til you die while I spend a month in DubaiI"m a guard in the streets alhamdulillahTest and I bet that you gon" flunk when you tryI don"t even gotta use my gun to replyYou get punched in the eye, punched in the eyeWhat is a tie all you can blood finna flyIn this game it seems that I"m lyrically reaching a point where it"s not fair no moreHit "em with that major pain as we shoot and destroyIt"s like I"m bringing war to your front doorIn this game it seems that I"m lyrically reaching a point where it"s not fair no moreHit "em with that major pain as we shoot and destroyIt"s like I"m bringing war to your front door, front doorSee the barrel shoot in the tank I"m in the cockpitBullets that"ll jump on your head like it"s a moshpitEven if you"re wearing a bulletproof outfitI got a batman you go and robbin like a sidekickThe rap game really my chickTopic is whether Chamillionaire is the topicPut "em on the line I"m telling you that I got thisAutograph the weapon I"m hitting you with a shot whipMulti multi million dollar bow tie still be a clown it"s equivalent to cho chiGo and die know why he will tell the most lies most likely to get hit with the 4 5Yo price pow hit "em with the scorcher what you know about the Chinese, water tortureCan"t run from the lyricism cause it caught yaWrite it when I"m in your nightmare like an authorWest craving the world what I"m savingI got a halla tip that I brought for the occasionMy mind is a maze and that means that I"m amazingYour girl call me papi coming with a posseEverybody black I"m the opposite of naziIn the major label they be thinking I"m GaddafiI"m taking out anyone who think a nigga stop meIn this game it seems that I"m lyrically reaching a point where it"s not fair no moreHit "em with that major pain as we shoot and destroyIt"s like I"m bringing war to your front doorIn this game it seems that I"m lyrically reaching a point where it"s not fair no moreHit "em with that major pain as we shoot and destroyIt"s like I"m bringing war to your front door, front doorEndChamillionaire - War To Your Door
2023-06-26 10:21:511


第二段第二句 I arrived to this refugee camp on May 3, 2011我在2011年5月3日来到这个难民营。邮件已经N年前的了。
2023-06-26 10:22:221

carry me off什么意思

2023-06-26 10:22:291

could not have done是什么意思

2023-06-26 10:22:374


2023-06-26 10:23:374


感觉有点像这种句子:what little money I earn(好像是这样,记不太清楚了这句话不完整,缺少谓语,love和to be都不是这个句子的谓语 主干是:
2023-06-26 10:24:002


2023-06-26 10:24:097


一、不知为什么,他那很顺口的英语辅音怎么也发不出来。 二、目的研究腭裂术后腭咽闭合功能不全型患者辅音的声学特点。 三、和其他语言一样,元音和辅音组合成一个音节。韩语音节从左往右、先上后下书写。 四、如果一个单词的词尾与下一个单词的词首之间有几个辅音的话,你就要把这些挤在一起的辅音连起来读。 五、诸暨方言与RP辅音是基于发音位置及发音方法进行对比的。 六、研究人员为参与调查者播放8个辅音字母,要求他们按照播放顺序进行复述。 七、普通话语音共有二十一个声母 声母是音节开头的辅音. 八、声母就是音节开头的辅音.汉语共有21个声母. 九、英语中有五个元音字母好二十一个辅音字母。 十、如英语语音中的短元音、辅音连缀,以摩擦音、破擦音收尾音节等在汉语中都没有。 十一、第二,从字母角度,[lishixinzhi/3564147辅音造句]即限定哪些辅音字母和哪些元音字母相遇才能组合成腭化辅音。 十二、在什么情况下双写词尾的辅音字母? 十三、古汉语中存在复辅音声母,已被许多学者、专家提出,但尚未定论。 十四、逼真的发音,帮助学习者明确地分辨元音、辅音、爆破音、小舌音等,轻松掌握单词正确读法。 十五、字母表中的许多字母像b,c,d,等等都是辅音字母。 十六、区分元音字母和辅音字母。 十七、婴儿咿呀学语时发出的辅音字母就是他们在练习的过程,是他们摆好嘴巴和舌头形状发声的过程,也是他们听自己发音的过程。 十八、下一步就是把这些辅音字母放到一起。 十九、在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复. 二十、另一方面,越南话和泰语一样,有一样的结尾辅音,并且和泰语一样,他们都利用音度的高低。 二十一、有些辅音在发声时需要发硬腭音. 二十二、总而言之,对北京话单说的声调来说,不仅可以把浊辅音声母或介音,而且也可以把鼻音韵尾或元音韵尾排除在声调分布区之外,因而,北京话单说的声调信息主要由主要元音及其过渡携带。 二十三、头韵、元音韵和辅音韵是三种最基本的押韵修辞格. 二十四、我记单词的方法是记辅音,原音,字行。这样可以准确无误的记熟! 二十五、为解释同样的现象,本文提出了“声调假说”,并认为西夏语的声调是伴随辅音韵尾的脱落形成于12世纪中叶。 二十六、那么为什么最常见的拼法是Gaddafi呢?第一个字母是g而不是q,这是因为在利比亚方言里,第一个音节的辅音读起来更像g。 二十七、拗口令难以迅速,清楚地说出来的词或一串词,通常由于几个相似的辅音连接在一起。 二十八、藏文是7世纪前期参照梵文字体创制的,它是拼音文字,有30个辅音字母,4个元音符号,自左向右横写。 二十九、上古汉语部分被动句是有形式标记的 标记主要有两种:一是浊辅音声母 二是去声. 三十、本文还就英汉音位系统进行了对比,并就英语的爆破音谈了发好浊辅音的方法。
2023-06-26 10:24:231


2023-06-26 10:24:381

Rebels push west as air strikes hit Gaddafi forces,求标题翻译,谢谢

2023-06-26 10:24:584


2023-06-26 10:25:073

Coalition strikes to go on until Gaddafi meets UN terms: US,求标题翻译,谢谢

2023-06-26 10:25:153


奥马尔·穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲(Omar Mouammer al Gaddafi) 1942年生于苏尔特的游牧部落家庭,1961年在班加西利比亚大学攻读历史,1963年进入班加西军事学院学习,1965年毕业后在利比亚陆军服役,为少尉军衔。1966年,卡扎菲在英国桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院受训。1969年9月1日,他领导“自由军官组织”发动政变,推翻伊德里斯王朝,建立了阿拉伯利比亚共和国,任革命指挥委员会主席兼武装部队总司令,并晋升为上校。卡扎菲1970年至1972年任总理兼国防部长,1977年至1979年任总人民委员会总秘书处总秘书,并从1977年起成为革命领导人兼任武装部队最高统帅。他于1979年3月辞去一切行政职务,只保留“九·一”革命领导人称号。2011年2月17日,利比亚爆发“愤怒日”大规模示威抗议,要求政府下台。3月19日,英国、法国、美国等多国军队发动对利比亚的空袭。卡扎菲多次发表讲话,号召其支持者抗击反对派武装和北约。6月27日,设在荷兰海牙的国际刑事法院以“涉嫌反人类罪”为由,对卡扎菲、其子赛义夫和利比亚情报部门负责人阿卜杜拉·塞努西三人签发逮捕令。10月20日,利比亚“全国过渡委员会”执行委员会主席贾布里勒宣布,卡扎菲在当天执政当局武装攻占苏尔特的战斗中被抓获,随后卡扎菲因伤重不治身亡。
2023-06-26 10:25:221


Libya"s ex-leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has been killed after an assault on his birthplace of Sirte, officials say.据官方报道,利比亚前领导人奥马尔·穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲在苏尔特被袭后身亡。Acting Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril announced the death, and later said the colonel had been killed in a crossfire between Gaddafi loyalists and fighters from the transitional authorities.代理首相Mahmoud Jibril 宣布了其死亡消息,而后说卡扎菲在其追随者与过度政府士兵的一次交火中身亡。He confirmed that Col Gaddafi had been taken alive, but died of bullet wounds minutes before reaching hospital.他肯定卡扎菲是被活捉,在送往医院钱死于子弹枪伤。Video footage suggests he was also dragged through the streets.视屏显示卡扎菲被在拖街。It is unclear from the footage, broadcast by al-Jazeera TV, whether he was alive or dead at the TV的广播,并不能明确卡那个时候是生是死。US President Barack Obama said it was a "momentous day" for Libya, now that tyranny had fallen.美国总统奥白白说“这是利比亚重大的一天”,因为暴政结束鸟。He said the country had a "long and winding road towards full democracy", but the US and other countries would stand behind Tripoli.他说利比亚“还有漫长曲折的道路迈向民主主义”但是美国还有世界上其他国家都会在背后支持的黎波里滴。Col Gaddafi was toppled from power in August after 42 years in charge of the country.卡扎菲在统治这个国家42年后终于被推倒鸟!矮油,,,,,米国为世界民主进程作出了不可磨灭的贡献!碎觉!
2023-06-26 10:25:471


哈米斯旅(英语:Khamis Brigade),全名为利比亚陆军第32旅,是一支特种部队,以指挥官利比亚革命精神领袖卡扎菲儿子哈米斯·格达费(Khamis al-Gaddafi)之名命名成立,是利比亚装备最好、训练最有素的精英部队,[1] 在媒体使用上有时也泛指为由哈米斯·格达费所指挥的多个不同来源部队。利比亚战争后期,卡扎菲将哈米斯旅化整为零,导致现在各地的卡扎菲支持者都称自己是32旅。
2023-06-26 10:25:561


利比亚NATO air raids Libya, because Libya"s Sirte Bay does not have A-level oil elsewhere, the Libyan President Gaddafi, his anti-American, the U.S. embargo. Pulled up in the oil-producing countries
2023-06-26 10:26:431


项目的反叛project rebel
2023-06-26 10:26:513


2023-06-26 10:26:582

project rebel是什么意思?

PROJECT REBEL的中文翻译  PROJECT REBEL  项目的反叛  双语例句  1  The west Benghazi project for 20,000 housing units is now under rebel guard, the walls surrounding the vast scheme daubed with anti-Gaddafi graffiti.  目前,这个位于班加西西部的2万套住宅项目处于反政府军的控制之下,庞大工地周围的墙上,涂画着反卡扎菲的标语。  2  Activities: Project activities recommenced in late 2001 after disruption by the events of January 1999 when rebel forces of the Revolutionary United Front ( RUF) attacked Freetown.  活动:在1999年1月,由于革命联合阵线的叛乱武装攻打弗里敦,项目被迫中止,项目活动于2001年年底重新开始。
2023-06-26 10:27:181