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2023-06-26 11:56:01
TAG: rfa




2023-06-26 06:07:421


湍流的中文发音为用英文来表达湍流则为turbulence ,turbulent flow,onflow,overfall等等。湍流是流体的一种流动状态。当流速很小时,流体分层流动,互不混合,称为层流,也称为稳流或片流;逐渐增加流速,流体的流线开始出现波浪状的摆动,摆动的频率及振幅随流速的增加而增加,此种流况称为过渡流;当流速增加到很大时,流线不再清楚可辨,流场中有许多小漩涡,层流被破坏,相邻流层间不但有滑动,还有混合。这时的流体作不规则运动,有垂直于流管轴线方向的分速度产生,这种运动称为湍流,又称为乱流、扰流或紊流。
2023-06-26 06:07:491


《湍流》是款动作角色扮演游戏,这款游戏采用了回合制,在这款游戏中主要以动漫的风格为主,在这款游戏中玩家要进行战斗。整个游戏的操作还是蛮不错的,在游戏的时候很多玩家们都在问人物怎么解锁?那么下面深空高玩就为玩家们详细解说下关于湍流人物解锁方法攻略,玩家们一起来看看吧。游戏里总共有四大解锁,分别是人物(职业和伙伴)、武器、技能和饰品。解锁条件wiki有表格,这里就不赘述了。具体谈一下解锁的流程。首先,尽可能多的解锁人物,这可以当作前期游戏的主要目的,比如完成这次的解锁目的直接surrender重开一局。解锁职业武器、技能、饰品的前提是,使用这个职业进行游戏,所以首先要解锁这个职业,然后用它进行游戏才行。而且解锁条件还包括一些固定伙伴。其次,解锁条件主要有地点、资源、声望、个性、队友、特征等等。其中特征(trait)还影响到对话中的各种选项。比较简单的解锁条件是队友,开局只做声望任务,避免战斗和其他浪费时间的任务,很快就能招募第一个队友,达到解锁条件。如果有多余的rune,可以考虑找个vorn岛送掉队友再招个新的,来解锁别的,或者直接重开。特征条件适用于职业和队友,每个职业有3-4个特征,需要特征的解锁选好另一职业就行,目前还未解锁这个职业,也可以招队友代替。资源里面rune不好获得,需要打一些vorn船,其他资源可以打竞技场获得。地点就不做解释了,找对小岛就行,注意区分homeland还是non-homeland。声望可以找对应小岛做任务,这样快一点。比较麻烦的是个性。个性有时限,在人物头像下方,个性下面那个数字就是,天数一到就会消失,这点是比较麻烦的,比如解释圣骑职业,需要redeemer 个性,复活队友获得,最好是elf声望大于friendly以后再去送掉队友复活,避免过期。还有一些个性是互斥的,例如fear或hatred某物,不能兼得而且2roll1,如果得到fear,那么抱歉,这局游戏不会再得到hatred了,只有重开。个性的触发条件和互斥表在wiki也能看到,大家规划好触发时机。补充一下,rune可以在冒险船用钱买,12frag一块。达到解锁条件后,触发解锁的事件最优先的。所以当你进入一个小岛发现并没触发解锁事件,说明条件还未达成湍流(Overfall)集成古人觉醒DLC中文汉化破解版
2023-06-26 06:08:201


bwautiful ,beautiful ,
2023-06-26 06:08:294

fall down 和fall over都有摔倒的意思吗?那两者的意思有何不同呢?

2023-06-26 06:08:362

fall over和fall down的区别是什么?

fall over强调的是“向前摔倒、跌倒”。 She fell over and broke her leg. 她跌倒并把腿摔断了。 There is too much snow on the ground. If you ride much too fast,you will fall over. 地上的雪太多,如果你骑得太快的话,你会摔跤的。 fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from。 The boy hit the tree to hard that he fell down. 男孩重重地撞在树上,结果自己倒下了。 If people run across the road,they may fall down. 如果人们跑过马路的话,他们可能会摔倒。
2023-06-26 06:08:442


fall down 落下;跌到;倒塌;失败;证明是不行的fall over 落在...之上, 脸朝下跌倒fall off 下降, 跌落, 减少, 衰退, 离开
2023-06-26 06:09:412


2023-06-26 06:09:493


晕死 这种水平也敢出来dati……overfallalonekeephead
2023-06-26 06:10:074

percentage change question

1}A quantity is increased vy 10% and then decreased by 15%.. find the percentage change.. Let x be the original quantity Then the new quantity = x(1+ 10%)(1- 15%) = 0.935x percentage change = 100%(x-0.935x)/x = 6.5% 2)the area of a park is at first increased by 20% and then increased by 15% to bee 14145m square. what is the original area of the park? Let x m^2 be the original area of the park x(1+20%)(1+15%) = 14145 x(1.2)(1.15) = 14145 1.38x = 14145 x= 10250 The original area of the park is 10250m^2 3)the rent of a flat is increased from $7200 by 15%and then decreased to $7038 by x%.find x. 7200(1+15%)(1-x%) =7038 1.15(1-x%) = 0.9775 1-x% = 0.85 -x% = -0.15 x = 15 4)jacky"s monthly salary is 8300.if his monthly salary is increasd by 20% and then increased by 25% find the overfall percentage change of his monthly salary when pared with his original monthly salary. New salary = $8300(1+ 20%)(1+25%) = $12450 overfall percentage change of his monthly salary = 100%(12450-8300)/8300 = 50% His monthly salary is increased by 50%. Ans1: 100%-[1(100%+10%) x (100%-15%)]=6.5% Ans2:(14145/115%)/120%=10250M sq. Ans3:100%-[7038/(7200x115%)x100%]=100%-[(7038/8280)x100%] =100%-85%=15% so x=15 Ans4:[(8300x120%x125%)-8300]/8300x100%=50% or 120%x 125% -100%=50%
2023-06-26 06:10:151


2023-06-26 06:10:255


我来点地道的:1. Attentions2. Please don"t turn the bathtub"s overfall gap here.
2023-06-26 06:10:435


2023-06-26 06:10:591


fall uponfall floodfall forfall amongfall awayfall tofall flatfall outfall overfall infall behind
2023-06-26 06:11:086


  下面内容摘自浙江大学出版社出版的《高中英语语法通霸》  动词按其动作发生的方式、动作发生过程的长短,可分为延续性动词和终止性动词。  A. 延续性动词表示能够延续的动作  如:work,stand,know, walk, keep, have, wait, read, sleep, live, stay等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。表示时间段的短语:for+时间;since从句。  I have lived here forten years.我在这里生活10年了。  She slept eight hoursyesterday. 她昨天睡了8个小时。  B. 非延续性动词也称终止性动词、瞬间动词  表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如:open, die,close, begin, finish, borrow, lend, buy等。非延续性动词在肯定句中与表示时间点的状语连用,如:two yearsago; at 5 o"clock。但不能和表示时间段的时间状语连用。如:He died ten years ago. 不能说:He diedfor ten years.否定的终止性动词可以与表示时间段的时间状语连用。如:I haven"t left here for 3 years. I haven"t heard from him for 3 weeks.  C. 延续性动词与非延续性动词之间的转换  leave → be away borrow → keepbuy → have begin/start→ be ondie → be dead finish→ be overfall ill → be ill get up → be up become → be come back → be backfall asleep → be asleep getto/ arrive/reach → be (in)leave →be away from get to know → knowput on→ wear catch a cold→ have a coldget married → be marriedjoin → be in+机构→ be a member of  如:The oldman died4 years ago.→The old man hasbeen dead for 4 years.I bought the book 5 days ago. →I have had the book for 5 days.  1. They ______ here for more than a month.A. have arrived B.have reached C. have come D. have been   2. He was taken into hospital last week. Infact he ______ ill for three months.A. has fallen B. has got C. had fallen D. had been  3. Comrade Wang ______ the Party for aboutthree years.A. has attended B.has joined C. has been in D. has taken part in  4. He has ______ for three or four days.A. got a headache B.fallen ill C. caught a cold D. had a cough  5. By the time I got to the cinema, the movie______ for ten minutes.A. had begun B. had been on C. has started D. has been on  6. I ______ my hometown for a long time. Ireally miss it!A. left B. went away from C. have left D. have been away from  7. —How long have you ______ the motorbike?—For about two weeks.A. bought B. had C.borrowed D. lent  8. Today is Thursday, and Tom lost his bikelast Sunday. We may say “______”.A. Tom has lost his bike four days ago B. Tom has lost his bike for four days C. Tom lost his bike for four days D. It"s four days sinceTom lost his bike
2023-06-26 06:11:581


neglect,omit,overlook,skip,ignore,override,leave out,skip overfall a victim to/ofrace,参加赛跑compete in a raceprepare forextracurricular activity groupbecome used to/fall into the habit of/get used to doing
2023-06-26 06:13:024


Crazy in love--Sofia Karlberg
2023-06-26 06:13:211


Crazy In Love - Beyoncé,Jay-ZYesIt"s so crazy right nowMost incredibly, it"s ya girl, BIt"s ya boy, youngYou ready?Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noYeah, history in the makingPart two--it"s so crazy right nowI look and stare so deep in your eyesI touch on you more and more every timeWhen you leave, I"m begging you not to goCall your name two or three times in a rowSuch a funny thing for me to try to explainHow I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame"Cause I know I don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now in loveGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noWhen I talk to my friends so quietlyWho he think he is? Look at what you did to meTennis shoes, don"t even need to buy a new dressIf you ain"t there, ain"t nobody else to impressIt"s the way that you know what I thought I knewIt"s the beat my heart skips when I"m with youBut I still don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now oh, crazyGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now loveGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss heyGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveI"m looking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveCheck it, let"s goYoung "Hov, y"all know when the flow is locoYoung B and the R-O-C, uh oh,ohOl" G, big homey, the one and onlyStick bony, but the pocket is fat like Tony--SopranoThe ROC handle like Van AxelI shake phonies, man; you can"t get next toThe genuine article; I do not sing thoughI sling though; if anything, I bling yoA star like Ringo, roll like a green beretCrazy bring ya whole setJay Z in the range, crazy and derangedThey can"t figure him out; they like, "hey, is he insane?"Yes, sir, I"m cut from a different clothMy texture is the best fur, chinchillaI been iller than chain smokersHow you think I got the name Hova?I been realer; the game"s overFall back, young; ever since I made the change overTo platinum the game"s been wrap, oneGot me looking so crazy, my babyI"m not myself; lately I"m foolish, I don"t do thisI"ve been playing myself; baby, I don"t care"Cause your love"s got the best of meAnd, baby, you"re making a fool of meYou got me sprung and I don"t care who sees"Cause, baby, you got me, you got meYou got me so crazy, babyHeyGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now lookin" crazyGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right nowGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss babyGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in love whoaGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now your loveGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in love
2023-06-26 06:13:291


It"s my life---BON JOVI
2023-06-26 06:13:375

《Crazy In Love》 Cody Belew版的 就是美国好声音里的 歌词 网上的有一些对不上

2023-06-26 06:13:503

的士女王 开头那首歌叫什么名字?

演唱:Beyonce Knowles 歌名:Crazy In Love 连接:歌词:Yes! so crazy right nowMost incredibly It"s your girl bIt"s your boy youngHistory in the makin [part 2]I look and stare so deep in your eyesI touch on you more and more every timeWhen you leave i"m beggin you not to goCall your name two, three times in a rowSuch a funny thing for me to try to explainHow i"m feeling and my pride is the one to blameYeah, cause i know i don"t understandJust how your love can do what no on else canGot me lookin so crazy right nowYour love"s got me lookin so crazy right now(your love)Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"sGot me lookin so crazy right now(your touch)Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"sGot me hoping you save me right nowLookin so crazy your love"s got me lookinGot me lookin so crazy your loveWhen i talk to my friends so quietly"who he think he is?" look at what you"ve done to meTennis shoes don"t even need to buy a new dressYou ain"t there, ain"t nobody else to impressIt"s the way that you know what i thought i knew It"s the beat that my heart skips when i"m with youYeah, but i still don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me lookin so crazy right nowYour love"s got me lookin so crazy right now(your love)Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"sGot me lookin so crazy right now(your touch)Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"sGot me hoping you save me right nowLookin so crazy your love"s got me lookinGot me lookin so crazy your loveI"m warmed up nowLet"s go Young hovaYa"ll know when the flow is locoYoung b and the r-o-c uh ohO-G, big homieThe one and onlyStick boney but the pockets are fat like tonySoprano the roc handleLike van ExelI shake phonies man, you can"t get next to A genuine article, i do not sing thoI sling though , if anything i bling yoStar like ringoWar like a green berretYou"re crazy bring your whole setJay-z in the rangeCrazy and derangedThey can"t figure him out They"re like 鉮ey is he insane??br> Yes sir i"m cut from a different clothMy texture is the best fur, im chinchillaI"ve been ill of the chain smokersHow you think i go the name hovaI"ve been reala"The game"s overFall back young ever sinceI made you change over to platinumThe game"s been a wrap OneGot me looking so crazy, my babyI"m not myself latelyI"m foolish, i don"t do thisI"ve been playing myselfBaby i don"t careCuz your love got the best of meAnd baby you"re making a fool of meYou got me sprung and i don"t care who seesCuz baby you got me so crazyGot me lookin so crazy right nowYour love"s got me lookin so crazy right now(your love)Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"sGot me lookin so crazy right now(your touch)Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"sGot me hoping you save me right nowLookin so crazy your love"s got me lookinGot me lookin so crazy your love[repeat to end]
2023-06-26 06:13:581

求碧昂丝Crazy in love的Lrc歌词

YesIt"s so crazy right nowMost incrediblyit"s she girl threeIt"s she boy youngYou readyUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noYea history in the makingPart 2 it"s so crazy right nowI look and stare so deep in your eyesI touch on you more and more every timeWhen you leave I"m begging you not to goCall your name two or three times in a rowSuch a funny thing for me to try to explainHow I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame"Cuz I know I don"t understandJust how your love you re doing no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (in love)Got me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right now (your touch)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in loveUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noWhen I talk to my friends so quietlyWho he think he is Look at what you did to meTennis shoes don"t even need to buy a new dressIf you ain"t there ain"t nobody else to impressThe way that you know what I thought I knewIt"s the beat my heart skips when I"m with youBut I still don"t understandJust how the love your doing no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (oh crazy)Got me looking so crazy right now your touch (you"re in love)Got me looking so crazy right now (love!)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now your kiss (hey!)Got me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"s (hey)Got me looking got me looking so crazy in loveI"m Looking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in loveCheck it let"s goYoung Hov y"all know when the flow is locoYoung B and the R O C uh oh (oh)Ol" G big homie the one and onlyStick bony but the pocket is fat like Tony Soprano (oh no)The ROC handle like Van AxelI shake phoneys man You can"t get next toThe genuine article I go I do not sing thoughI sling though If anything I bling yoa star like Ringo roll likeCrazy bring ya whole setJay Z in the range crazy and derangedThey can"t figure them out they like hey is he insane (oh no)Yes sir I"m cut from a different clothMy texture is the best fur of chinchillaBeen dealing with chain smokersBut how you think I got the name HovaI been realer the game"s overFall back young ever since the label changed overto platinum the game"s been wrap One!Got me looking so crazy my babyI"m not myself lately I"m foolish I don"t do thisI"ve been playing myself baby I don"t care"Cuz your love"s got the best of meAnd baby you"re making a fool of meYou got me sprung and I don"t care who sees"Cuz baby you got me you got me so crazy babyHEY!Got me looking so crazy right now your love"s (oh love)Got me looking so crazy right now (lookin" crazy)Got me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right nowGot me hoping you"ll page me right now your kiss (baby)Got me hoping you"ll save me right now (baby)Looking so crazy in love"s (whoa!)Got me looking got me looking so crazy in love (whoa!)Got me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (your love)Got me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right now (your touch)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in love
2023-06-26 06:14:052


never growdrop on
2023-06-26 06:14:124


look after look forcome fromget/go to
2023-06-26 06:14:192


2023-06-26 06:14:271


roll overfall off (the bike)
2023-06-26 06:14:452


2023-06-26 06:14:532

fall 的用法

fall over sb/sth 在行走时...脚碰到某人或某物而趔趄或跌倒 There is too much snow on the ground. If you ride much too fast,you will fall over. 地上的雪太多,如果你骑得太快的话,你会摔跤的。 fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from。 The boy hit the tree to hard that he fell down. 男孩重重地撞在树上,结果自己倒下了。 fall off强调的是“跌落从……掉下来”,后直接接宾语。 The girl is falling off the bike. (= The girl is falling down from the bike.)女孩正从自行车上摔下来。
2023-06-26 06:15:001


2023-06-26 06:15:082


Crazy In Love - Beyoncé,Jay-ZYesIt"s so crazy right nowMost incredibly, it"s ya girl, BIt"s ya boy, youngYou ready?Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noYeah, history in the makingPart two--it"s so crazy right nowI look and stare so deep in your eyesI touch on you more and more every timeWhen you leave, I"m begging you not to goCall your name two or three times in a rowSuch a funny thing for me to try to explainHow I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame"Cause I know I don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now in loveGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noWhen I talk to my friends so quietlyWho he think he is? Look at what you did to meTennis shoes, don"t even need to buy a new dressIf you ain"t there, ain"t nobody else to impressIt"s the way that you know what I thought I knewIt"s the beat my heart skips when I"m with youBut I still don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now oh, crazyGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now loveGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss heyGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveI"m looking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveCheck it, let"s goYoung "Hov, y"all know when the flow is locoYoung B and the R-O-C, uh oh,ohOl" G, big homey, the one and onlyStick bony, but the pocket is fat like Tony--SopranoThe ROC handle like Van AxelI shake phonies, man; you can"t get next toThe genuine article; I do not sing thoughI sling though; if anything, I bling yoA star like Ringo, roll like a green beretCrazy bring ya whole setJay Z in the range, crazy and derangedThey can"t figure him out; they like, "hey, is he insane?"Yes, sir, I"m cut from a different clothMy texture is the best fur, chinchillaI been iller than chain smokersHow you think I got the name Hova?I been realer; the game"s overFall back, young; ever since I made the change overTo platinum the game"s been wrap, oneGot me looking so crazy, my babyI"m not myself; lately I"m foolish, I don"t do thisI"ve been playing myself; baby, I don"t care"Cause your love"s got the best of meAnd, baby, you"re making a fool of meYou got me sprung and I don"t care who sees"Cause, baby, you got me, you got meYou got me so crazy, babyHeyGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now lookin" crazyGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right nowGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss babyGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in love whoaGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now your loveGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in love
2023-06-26 06:15:161


havekeepbe inbe awaybe on+组织机构be deadbe marriedbe here /therebe onceasedbe ill
2023-06-26 06:15:242


Crazy In Love - Beyoncé,Jay-ZYesIt"s so crazy right nowMost incredibly, it"s ya girl, BIt"s ya boy, youngYou ready?Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noYeah, history in the makingPart two--it"s so crazy right nowI look and stare so deep in your eyesI touch on you more and more every timeWhen you leave, I"m begging you not to goCall your name two or three times in a rowSuch a funny thing for me to try to explainHow I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame"Cause I know I don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now in loveGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noUh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, noWhen I talk to my friends so quietlyWho he think he is? Look at what you did to meTennis shoes, don"t even need to buy a new dressIf you ain"t there, ain"t nobody else to impressIt"s the way that you know what I thought I knewIt"s the beat my heart skips when I"m with youBut I still don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now oh, crazyGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now loveGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss heyGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveI"m looking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in loveCheck it, let"s goYoung "Hov, y"all know when the flow is locoYoung B and the R-O-C, uh oh,ohOl" G, big homey, the one and onlyStick bony, but the pocket is fat like Tony--SopranoThe ROC handle like Van AxelI shake phonies, man; you can"t get next toThe genuine article; I do not sing thoughI sling though; if anything, I bling yoA star like Ringo, roll like a green beretCrazy bring ya whole setJay Z in the range, crazy and derangedThey can"t figure him out; they like, "hey, is he insane?"Yes, sir, I"m cut from a different clothMy texture is the best fur, chinchillaI been iller than chain smokersHow you think I got the name Hova?I been realer; the game"s overFall back, young; ever since I made the change overTo platinum the game"s been wrap, oneGot me looking so crazy, my babyI"m not myself; lately I"m foolish, I don"t do thisI"ve been playing myself; baby, I don"t care"Cause your love"s got the best of meAnd, baby, you"re making a fool of meYou got me sprung and I don"t care who sees"Cause, baby, you got me, you got meYou got me so crazy, babyHeyGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now lookin" crazyGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right nowGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kiss babyGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in love whoaGot me looking so crazy right now, your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now your loveGot me looking so crazy right now, your touchGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me hoping you"ll page me right now, your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking, got me looking so crazy in love
2023-06-26 06:15:301


love,rosie片尾曲叫《CRAZY IN LOVE 》歌曲:crazy in love歌手:Beyoncé Knowles作词:Beyoncé Knowles作曲:Beyoncé Knowles具体歌词:Yes! so crazy right nowMost incrediblyIt"s your girl bIt"s your boy youngHistory in the makinPart 2I look and stare so deep in your eyesI touch on you more and more every timeWhen you leave I"m beggin you not to goCall your name two, three times in a rowSuch a funny thing for me to try to explainHow I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blameYeah, cause I know I don"t understandJust how your love can do what no on else canGot me lookin so crazy right nowYour love"s got me lookin so crazy right now(Your love)Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"sGot me lookin so crazy right now(Your touch)Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"sLookin so crazy your love"s got me lookinGot me lookin so crazy your loveWhen I talk to my friends so quietly"Who he think he is?" Look at what you"ve done to meTennis shoes don"t even need to buy a new dressYou ain"t there, ain"t nobody else to impressIt"s the way that you know what I thought I knewIt"s the beat that my heart skips when I"m with youYeah, but I still don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me lookin so crazy right nowYour love"s got me lookin so crazy right now(Your love)Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch"sGot me lookin so crazy right now(Your touch)Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"sLookin so crazy your love"s got me lookinGot me lookin so crazy your loveI"m warmed up nowLet"s goYoung hovaYa"ll know when the flow is locoYoung b and the r-o-c uh ohThe one and onlyStick boney but the pockets are fat like tonySoprano the roc handleLike van exelI shake phonies man, you can"t get next toA genuine article, I do not sing thoI sling though , if anything I bling yoStar like ringoWar like a green berretYou"re crazy bring your whole setJay-Z in the rangeCrazy and derangedThey can"t figure him outThey"re like "hey is he insane?"Yes sir I"m cut from a different clothMy texture is the best fur, I"m chinchillaI"ve been ill of the chain smokersHow you think I go the name hovaI"ve been reala"The game"s overFall back young ever sinceI made you change over to platinumThe game"s been a wrapOneGot me looking so crazy, my babyI"m not myself latelyI"m foolish, I don"t do thisI"ve been played myselfBabyI don"t careCuz your love got the best of meAnd baby you"re making a fool of meYou got me sprung and I don"t care who seesCuz baby you got me so crazyGot me lookin so crazy right nowYour love"s got me lookin so crazy right now(Your loveGot me lookin so crazy right now your touch"sGot me lookin so crazy right now(Your touch)Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss"sGot me hoping you save me right nowLookin so crazy your love"s got me lookingot me lookin so crazy your love
2023-06-26 06:15:371


Crazy In Love - BeyoncéYesIt"s so crazy right nowMost incredibly it"s ya girl BeeIt"s ya boy youngYou readyUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noHistory in the makingPart 2 it"s so crazy right nowI look and stare so deep in your eyesI touch on you more and more every timeWhen you leave I"m begging you not to goCall your name two or three times in a rowSuch a funny thing for me to try to explainHow I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame"Cuz I know I don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now in loveGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me hoping you"ll page me right now your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in loveUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noWhen I talk to my friends so quietlyWho he think he is Look at what you did to meTennis shoes don"t even need to buy a new dressIf you ain"t there ain"t nobody else to impressThe way that you know what I thought I knewIt"s the beat my heart skips when I"m with youBut I still don"t understandJust how your love can do what no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now oh crazyGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right now loveGot me hoping you"ll page me right now your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in loveI"m Looking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in loveYoung Hov y"all know when the flow is locoYoung B and the R-O-C uh ohOl" G big homie the one and onlyStick bony but the pocket is fat like Tony SopranoThe ROC handle like Van AxelI shake phoneys man You can"t get next toThe genuine article I go I do not sing thoughI sling though If anything I bling yoa star like Ringo roll like the usual repsCrazy bring ya whole setJay Z in the range crazy and derangedThey can"t figure them out they like hey is he insaneYes sir I"m cut from a different clothMy texture is the best fur of chinchillaBeen dealing with chain smokersHow you think I got the name HovaI been realer the game"s overFall back young ever since the label changed overto platinum the game"s been wrap OneGot me looking so crazy my babyI"m not myself lately I"m foolish I don"t do thisI"ve been playing myself baby I don"t care"Cuz your love"s got the best of meAnd baby you"re making a fool of meYou got me sprung and I don"t care who sees"Cuz baby you got meYou got me you got me so crazy babyGot me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now lookin" crazyGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right nowGot me hoping you"ll page me right now your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in love whoaGot me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now your loveGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me hoping you"ll page me right now your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in love
2023-06-26 06:15:551


22017-3-12 22:23:05f溺YesIt"s so crazy right now!Most incredibly it"s ya girl BIt"s ya boy youngYou readyUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noYea history in the makingPart 2 it"s so crazy right nowI look and stare so deep in your eyesI touch on you more and more every timeWhen you leave I"m begging you not to goCall your name two or three times in a rowSuch a funny thing for me to try to explainHow I"m feeling and my pride is the one to blame"Cuz I know I don"t understandJust how your love you re doing no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (in love)Got me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right now (your touch)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in loveUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noUh oh uh oh uh oh oh no noWhen I talk to my friends so quietlyWho he think he is Look at what you did to meTennis shoes don"t even need to buy a new dressIf you ain"t there ain"t nobody else to impressThe way that you know what I thought I knewIt"s the beat my heart skips when I"m with youBut I still don"t understandJust how the love your doing no one else canGot me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (oh crazy)Got me looking so crazy right now your touch (you"re in love)Got me looking so crazy right now (love!)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now your kiss (hey!)Got me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"s (hey)Got me looking got me looking so crazy in loveI"m Looking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in loveCheck it let"s goYoung Hov y"all know when the flow is locoYoung B and the R O C uh oh (oh)Ol" G big homie the one and onlyStick bony but the pocket is fat like Tony Soprano (oh no)The ROC handle like Van AxelI shake phoneys man You can"t get next toThe genuine article I go I do not sing thoughI sling though If anything I bling yoa star like Ringo roll likeCrazy bring ya whole setJay Z in the range crazy and derangedThey can"t figure them out they like hey is he insane (oh no)Yes sir I"m cut from a different clothMy texture is the best fur of chinchillaBeen dealing with chain smokersBut how you think I got the name HovaI been realer the game"s overFall back young ever since the label changed overto platinum the game"s been wrap One!Got me looking so crazy my babyI"m not myself lately I"m foolish I don"t do thisI"ve been playing myself baby I don"t care"Cuz your love"s got the best of meAnd baby you"re making a fool of meYou got me sprung and I don"t care who sees"Cuz baby you got me you got me so crazy babyHEY!Got me looking so crazy right now your love"s (oh love)Got me looking so crazy right now (lookin" crazy)Got me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right nowGot me hoping you"ll page me right now your kiss (baby)Got me hoping you"ll save me right now (baby)Looking so crazy in love"s (whoa!)Got me looking got me looking so crazy in love (whoa!)Got me looking so crazy right now your love"sGot me looking so crazy right now (your love)Got me looking so crazy right now your touchGot me looking so crazy right now (your touch)Got me hoping you"ll page me right now your kissGot me hoping you"ll save me right nowLooking so crazy in love"sGot me looking got me looking so crazy in love
2023-06-26 06:16:022


fell over 摔倒原形fall overfall behind 落后
2023-06-26 06:16:101


暂时想到这几个come to oneself 苏醒come to an agreement 达成一致come to an end 结束
2023-06-26 06:16:183

Little Girls 歌词

歌曲名:Little Girls歌手:Too $Hort专辑:Born To MackRoxette - Little GirlFrom Bugz To Vivian ChungOnce upon a time there was a little girlOnce she was mineIn my heart the only oneI wonder where you areI know you′re somewhere in meI can see your smile when I close, close my eyesOh, little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineI remember when she was mineOnce upon a time there was a little voiceSinging loud and clearIn my heart the only oneOnce upon a times there was so many dreamsOnce they were mineOh little girl, they are with, oh they are with you nowOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh, I remember when she was mineOh Oh GirlOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mine, my little girlI remember when she was mine, ohI remember when she was mine
2023-06-26 06:08:151

谁有罗百吉的《I miss you》歌词

2023-06-26 06:08:188

我国同业拆借市场使用的利率是2007年1月4日起推出的( )

选D,准确答案应该是SHIBOR上海银行间同业拆放利率(Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate,简称Shibor)
2023-06-26 06:08:211

Little Girls 歌词

歌曲名:Little Girls歌手:Say Anything专辑:...Is A Real BoyRoxette - Little GirlFrom Bugz To Vivian ChungOnce upon a time there was a little girlOnce she was mineIn my heart the only oneI wonder where you areI know you′re somewhere in meI can see your smile when I close, close my eyesOh, little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineI remember when she was mineOnce upon a time there was a little voiceSinging loud and clearIn my heart the only oneOnce upon a times there was so many dreamsOnce they were mineOh little girl, they are with, oh they are with you nowOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh, I remember when she was mineOh Oh GirlOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mine, my little girlI remember when she was mine, ohI remember when she was mine
2023-06-26 06:08:231


伦敦同业拆借利率(London InterBank Offered Rate,简写LIBOR),是大型国际银行愿意向其他大型国际银行借贷时所要求的利率。它是在伦敦银行内部交易市场上的商业银行对存于非美国银行的美元进行交易时所涉及的利率。LIBOR常常作为商业贷款、抵押、发行债务利率的基准。同时,浮动利率长期贷款的利率也会在LIBOR的基础上确定。LIBOR同时也是很多合同的参考利率。我们可以这样理解Libor:1、同业拆放利率指银行同业之间的短期资金借贷利率。2、同业拆放有两个利率,拆进利率(BidRate)表示银行愿意借款的利率;拆出利率(OfferedRate)表示银行愿意贷款的利率。一家银行的拆进(借款)实际上也是另一家银行的拆出(贷款)。3、同一家银行的拆进和拆出利率相比较,拆进利率(BidRate)永远小于拆出利率(OfferedRate),其差额就是银行的得益。LIBOR已经作为国际金融市场中大多数浮动利率的基础利率,作为银行从市场上筹集资金进行转贷的融资成本,贷款协议中议定的Libor通常是由几家指定的参考银行,在规定的时间(一般是伦敦时间上午11:00)报价的平均利率。最大量使用的是3个月和6个月的Libor。我国对外筹资成本即是在Libor利率的基础上加一定百分点。从Libor变化出来的,还有新加坡同业拆放利率(Sibor)、纽约同业拆放利率(Nibor)、香港同业拆放利率(Hibor)、上海同业拆借利率(Shibor)等。
2023-06-26 06:08:281


green day, nirvana, Led Zeppelin .
2023-06-26 06:08:303

志明与春娇为什么是i miss you?

"n55!w !"反过来就是i miss you。输入字母“n”,倒着看就是“u”。然后输入两个数字5,即“55”,倒着看形似“ss”。接着输入符号感叹号,即“!”,倒着看形似英文字母“i”。再输入字母“w”,倒过来就是字母“M”。最后连在一起就是“n55!w!”,整体倒过来就是i miss you。扩展资料"n55!w !"是电影志明与春娇里的经典画面,在电影1小时34分20秒左右会出现,也是电影原声带里的那首歌的名字。张志明给余春娇发的乱码短信的背景:由于香港完全禁止在室内吸烟, 吸烟者被迫从办公室步行到后巷吸烟。其中,张志明和于春超也因为吸烟和在肮脏而狭窄的后巷相遇,曾经志明主动为春焦香烟前进。首先,这一微动作让春娇引起了他的双重关注。在两个人在谈话中,一拍即合。两个人不断互相发送短信,甚至晚上见面一起抽烟见面。后来志明发展春娇原本有了男朋友,所以总是压抑自己的感情。志明和春娇在最初的随意见面后,春娇干脆把志明拉到附近的另一个后巷,建立了自己的秘密基地。两人的感情越激烈,春娇男友回家郝晓得春娇的微妙变化。还偷看了志明经过春娇的短信,误解了春娇背后和志明鬼混。春娇一百个字不能否认他喜欢志明,于是她搬出了男友的家。志明得知春娇分手了,甚至对她暗示了自己的想法。但春娇总是收到错误,使他们无法证实对方的想法和疏远,所以有这个短信。参考资料来源:百度百科-志明与春娇
2023-06-26 06:08:321


2023-06-26 06:08:0615


1、纽约--全面领先作为此次排名第一的纽约,其"产业支撑"和"综合环境"在所有参评的45个城市中位于第一位,综合得分87.2。纽约的"金融市场"和"服务水平"也排在第二高位。仅有"成长发展"相对薄弱,位列中国三个城市之后,排名第四。纽约的全面发展是纽约超越伦敦、在国际金融中心发展指数中排名第一的主要原因。国际上可与纽约抗衡的竞争对手目前只有伦敦。在成长发展、产业支撑和创新产出方面,纽约的表现优于伦敦;而在市场和服务水平方面则略逊于伦敦。2、伦敦--老牌劲旅伦敦欧洲排名第一,从综合指数得分上看,85.7分的高分与纽约仅有1.5分的差距,两个城市几乎难分伯仲。伦敦在金融市场和服务水平两个要素上排第1位,综合环境排名第2位,产业支撑排名第3位,成长发展排名第6位。作为老牌的国际金融中心城市,在跨国银行拆借、国外股票交易、国际债券发行与二次买卖、外币汇兑、海上保险与航空保险等众多国际金融市场都拥有重要地位。伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(Libor)作为金融行业重要指标,直接影响国际货币市场定价。并且全球各地又在Libor的基础上衍生出了包括Nibor(纽约)、Sibor(新加坡)、Hibor(香港)、Shibor(上海)等同类产品。3、东京--领军亚洲东京在"金融市场"、"服务水平"和"综合环境"三方面的排名全都是第3,这也决定了东京在全球金融中心的"三甲"地位。依靠日本发达的工业产业,东京的"产业支撑"排在第二位,仅次于纽约,唯一拉东京后腿的是"成长发展",排在该项的第5位。作为亚洲区的头号种子,东京在亚洲金融中心排名第一,超过香港、新加坡和上海。除了创新方面落后于上海、香港,其他各项排名中,东京全都是亚洲区的领军者。4、香港--承东启西地理位置是香港无与伦比的优势。在这样一个全球市场中,欧洲大陆和美洲大陆之间需要有一个接驳点来连接,香港以其独特的地理优势成为首选。在发展指数报告中,香港在5个评价要素方面发展均衡,皆名列前茅,尤其是成长发展方面表现突出,排名第2,仅次于上海。香港成为国际金融中心并且排名靠前与香港政府的不断推动密切相关。香港财经事务及库务局局长陈家强此前在接受新华社记者专访时,就曾表示,作为国际金融中心,有中国内地良好的经济发展前景做基础,香港定位于和纽约、伦敦的竞争。5、巴黎--服务至上虽然在法国出现了金融界史上最大的违规交易案,虽然有"魔鬼交易员"之称的法国兴业银行前期货交易员热罗姆·凯维埃以一己之力就给银行带来了几十亿欧元的损失,但是浪漫之都巴黎还是以它的金融服务赢得了选票。作为世界重要金融市场之一的巴黎,其优势在于人才智力资本、政府服务水平和城市生活环境对金融产业的服务水平。其服务排名第4,金融市场、综合环境排名第5,产业支撑排名第6,而成长发展成为巴黎金融中心的短板,仅列第9位。法国巴黎银行行长米歇尔·皮贝鲁此前就曾在上海表示:鼓励金融服务类产业发展,调动其积极性,是世界级金融中心建立所必须的。此外,人才的培养和引进也是保障国际金融中心长期发展的基础。6、新加坡--均衡发展新加坡的优势在于产业支撑较强,各方面发展平衡,不存在明显短板。位列此次十大金融城市第6位。从五项指标来看,新加坡的单项排名全部在5-8名之间。产业支撑排名最靠前,位居第5。服务水平排名第6,成长发展和综合环境双双排在6位。立足、服务于整个东南亚地区是新加坡获得较强产业支撑的基础。建立亚洲美元市场、在亚洲最早设立金融期货市场等,新加坡一直走在队伍的前列。7、法兰克福--欧洲心脏欧洲统一使用欧元之后,欧洲中央银行就设在法兰克福,其前身是设在法兰克福的欧洲货币局。如此得天独厚的"心脏"位置决定了法兰克福在金融中心中的地位。这座位于欧洲心脏的大都市,其优势在于其发达的金融市场,在此次排名中,法兰克福的金融市场排名居第6位。目前共有300多家德国和外国的银行、金融机构驻扎法兰克福。法兰克福证券交易所是世界著名交易所之一,仅次于纽约和东京的交易所。8、上海--成长先锋上海的优势在于成长发展潜力大,在所有45个参评城市中排名第一位。在五大新兴经济体城市(上海、圣保罗、莫斯科、约翰内斯堡、孟买)之中,受访者对上海构建全球金融中心的信心程度最高。正在举办的世博会,有利于提高科技创新力,更有利于促进上海金融市场的活跃程度。从各种构建国际金融中心的子要素分析,上海目前都处于积极发展的地位,并具有强大的待开发潜力。然而,上海在服务水平和综合环境方面也存在短板。根据IFCD Index显示,上海在金融市场和产业支撑方面排名均为第7位,但服务水平和综合环境的得分均在50分以下,远低于其他入围城市。9、华盛顿--美洲老二华盛顿不但是美国的政治中心,在金融城市环境上也有突出表现,在美洲地区的金融城市排名中位列第二。其服务水平和综合环境方面表现较好,分别排第8和第10,成长发展排名第12,产业支撑排名第12。10、悉尼--环境优越悉尼的优势在于服务水平和综合环境,而在金融市场、成长发展和产业支撑方面均逊于东京、香港、新加坡和上海。但作为大洋洲为数不多的金融中心,悉尼在南半球以及亚太地区,都扮演着非常重要的角色。
2023-06-26 06:08:011


2023-06-26 06:07:562


1、纽约--全面领先作为此次排名第一的纽约,其"产业支撑"和"综合环境"在所有参评的45个城市中位于第一位,综合得分87.2。纽约的"金融市场"和"服务水平"也排在第二高位。仅有"成长发展"相对薄弱,位列中国三个城市之后,排名第四。纽约的全面发展是纽约超越伦敦、在国际金融中心发展指数中排名第一的主要原因。国际上可与纽约抗衡的竞争对手目前只有伦敦。在成长发展、产业支撑和创新产出方面,纽约的表现优于伦敦;而在市场和服务水平方面则略逊于伦敦。2、伦敦--老牌劲旅伦敦欧洲排名第一,从综合指数得分上看,85.7分的高分与纽约仅有1.5分的差距,两个城市几乎难分伯仲。伦敦在金融市场和服务水平两个要素上排第1位,综合环境排名第2位,产业支撑排名第3位,成长发展排名第6位。作为老牌的国际金融中心城市,在跨国银行拆借、国外股票交易、国际债券发行与二次买卖、外币汇兑、海上保险与航空保险等众多国际金融市场都拥有重要地位。伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(Libor)作为金融行业重要指标,直接影响国际货币市场定价。并且全球各地又在Libor的基础上衍生出了包括Nibor(纽约)、Sibor(新加坡)、Hibor(香港)、Shibor(上海)等同类产品。3、东京--领军亚洲东京在"金融市场"、"服务水平"和"综合环境"三方面的排名全都是第3,这也决定了东京在全球金融中心的"三甲"地位。依靠日本发达的工业产业,东京的"产业支撑"排在第二位,仅次于纽约,唯一拉东京后腿的是"成长发展",排在该项的第5位。作为亚洲区的头号种子,东京在亚洲金融中心排名第一,超过香港、新加坡和上海。除了创新方面落后于上海、香港,其他各项排名中,东京全都是亚洲区的领军者。4、香港--承东启西地理位置是香港无与伦比的优势。在这样一个全球市场中,欧洲大陆和美洲大陆之间需要有一个接驳点来连接,香港以其独特的地理优势成为首选。在发展指数报告中,香港在5个评价要素方面发展均衡,皆名列前茅,尤其是成长发展方面表现突出,排名第2,仅次于上海。香港成为国际金融中心并且排名靠前与香港政府的不断推动密切相关。香港财经事务及库务局局长陈家强此前在接受新华社记者专访时,就曾表示,作为国际金融中心,有中国内地良好的经济发展前景做基础,香港定位于和纽约、伦敦的竞争。5、巴黎--服务至上虽然在法国出现了金融界史上最大的违规交易案,虽然有"魔鬼交易员"之称的法国兴业银行前期货交易员热罗姆·凯维埃以一己之力就给银行带来了几十亿欧元的损失,但是浪漫之都巴黎还是以它的金融服务赢得了选票。作为世界重要金融市场之一的巴黎,其优势在于人才智力资本、政府服务水平和城市生活环境对金融产业的服务水平。其服务排名第4,金融市场、综合环境排名第5,产业支撑排名第6,而成长发展成为巴黎金融中心的短板,仅列第9位。法国巴黎银行行长米歇尔·皮贝鲁此前就曾在上海表示:鼓励金融服务类产业发展,调动其积极性,是世界级金融中心建立所必须的。此外,人才的培养和引进也是保障国际金融中心长期发展的基础。6、新加坡--均衡发展新加坡的优势在于产业支撑较强,各方面发展平衡,不存在明显短板。位列此次十大金融城市第6位。从五项指标来看,新加坡的单项排名全部在5-8名之间。产业支撑排名最靠前,位居第5。服务水平排名第6,成长发展和综合环境双双排在6位。立足、服务于整个东南亚地区是新加坡获得较强产业支撑的基础。建立亚洲美元市场、在亚洲最早设立金融期货市场等,新加坡一直走在队伍的前列。7、法兰克福--欧洲心脏欧洲统一使用欧元之后,欧洲中央银行就设在法兰克福,其前身是设在法兰克福的欧洲货币局。如此得天独厚的"心脏"位置决定了法兰克福在金融中心中的地位。这座位于欧洲心脏的大都市,其优势在于其发达的金融市场,在此次排名中,法兰克福的金融市场排名居第6位。目前共有300多家德国和外国的银行、金融机构驻扎法兰克福。法兰克福证券交易所是世界著名交易所之一,仅次于纽约和东京的交易所。8、上海--成长先锋上海的优势在于成长发展潜力大,在所有45个参评城市中排名第一位。在五大新兴经济体城市(上海、圣保罗、莫斯科、约翰内斯堡、孟买)之中,受访者对上海构建全球金融中心的信心程度最高。正在举办的世博会,有利于提高科技创新力,更有利于促进上海金融市场的活跃程度。从各种构建国际金融中心的子要素分析,上海目前都处于积极发展的地位,并具有强大的待开发潜力。然而,上海在服务水平和综合环境方面也存在短板。根据IFCD Index显示,上海在金融市场和产业支撑方面排名均为第7位,但服务水平和综合环境的得分均在50分以下,远低于其他入围城市。9、华盛顿--美洲老二华盛顿不但是美国的政治中心,在金融城市环境上也有突出表现,在美洲地区的金融城市排名中位列第二。其服务水平和综合环境方面表现较好,分别排第8和第10,成长发展排名第12,产业支撑排名第12。10、悉尼--环境优越悉尼的优势在于服务水平和综合环境,而在金融市场、成长发展和产业支撑方面均逊于东京、香港、新加坡和上海。但作为大洋洲为数不多的金融中心,悉尼在南半球以及亚太地区,都扮演着非常重要的角色
2023-06-26 06:07:542


上二维码 阿迪找我七折左右 鉴定找我 可私聊
2023-06-26 06:07:516


2023-06-26 06:07:491