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重复"Look At Me"的女生英文歌.

2023-06-26 11:44:35
TAG: 英文


lady gaga的

lookin at, lookin at, lookin at me

look at that, look how they lookin at me

eyes all sticky like honey on bees

look at that, look how they lookin at me

yeah dc chillin, pg chillin

my name wale and i came to get it

came to get it, came to get it

my name wale

shiiit this how you start of 09

kickin in the door, and i"m everybody problem

stuntin in some other jordan nines

i got phil knight talkin about "how you got them?"

let"s talk about the cars ya"ll got

you say you got alotta whips, well i got a lot

i got the right to be cocky

get so much cut disc jockeys jock me

you niggas mad that you not me

i remain a giant and your jeremy shockey

and if you ain"t heard me properly

if you speak garbage, then we no capice

dc chillin, pg chillin, floor to the ceilin

stuntin in my billion-air, gear on my

millionaire frames, that"s money on my mind, wale

get em all, get em all, pack it all up

stack up your funds like a million bucks

across the pond, they all know us

international... whoaaaa!

driving my car to a foreign place

lookin at me, now they know my face

we want it all now, we got all yessss

look at that, look at how they lookin at usss

yea, they keep sayin whale but my name wal-e

ho"s call me "mr. never wear the same thang"

you redundant, you never ever change

and i"m the same way, m.i.a.

and me cool and dre get high like planes

your man wale in his own damn lane

can"t control the box, you are no mills lane

ain"t heard dc since sardines came

ha! and i made ya"ll love it

we don"t cop plea"s, but ya"ll don"t cop nothin

police come around don"t nobody say nothin

and you be with the cops, you niggas is mclovin

dark liquor till we busted

till i got a buzz like that nigga chris mullen

district of columbia

you bernie mac funny, we ain"t scared of none of ya!

get em all, get em all, pack it all up

stack up your funds like a million bucks

across the pond, they all know us

international... whoaaaa!

driving my car to a foreign place

lookin at me, now they know my face

we want it all now, we got all yessss

look at that, look at how they lookin at usss

yeah dc chillin, pg chillin

my name wale and i came to get it

came to get it, came to get it

my name wale

dre, pick "em, ah, pick"em, i"ll shut em all down

haters in the crowd, if you see "em point them out

stacks in my jeans, broads on the scene

folarin be ballin for all ya"ll to see

ain"t i something? the way i"m stuntin

my material girls give "em a-rod moneyyy!

lv on my luggage

them bammas goin hate, and i love it, fuck "em

lookin at, lookin at, lookin at me

look at that, look how they lookin at me

eyes all sticky like hon



特/勤/局/历/任William P. Wood (1865–1869)Hiram C. Whitley (1869–1874)Elmer Washburn (1874–1876)James Brooks (1876–1888)John S. Bell (1888–1890)Andrew L. Drummond (1891–1894)William P. Hazen (1894–1898)John E. Wilkie (1898–1911)William J. Flynn (1912–1917)William H. Moran (1917–1936)Frank J. Wilson (1937–1946)James J. Maloney (1946–1948)U. E. Baughman (1948–1961)James J. Rowley (1961–1973)H. Stuart Knight (1973–1981)John R. Simpson (1981–1992)John Magaw (1992–1993)Eljay B. Bowron (1993–1997)Lewis C. Merletti (1997–1999)Brian L. Stafford (1999–2003)W. Ralph Basham (2003–2006)Mark J. Sullivan (2006–2013)Julia Pierson (2013–present)
2023-06-26 04:25:252

USSS是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

美国特勤局(又译美国特勤处、美国秘勤局等,英文:United States Secret Service,缩写USSS)是美国联邦政府的执法机构,隶属于美国国土安全部。该机构雇员分为便衣特工和制服特工。2003年3月1日之前,特勤处隶属于美国财政部。
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男女不限 年龄18-40 初中文化 长相标志 熟练使用百度知道等网上解答系统
2023-06-26 04:27:124


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Leon Scott Kennedy|里昂·斯科特·肯尼迪配音:Matthew Mercer|马修·麦瑟(英语);森川智之(日语)本作三大主角之一,36岁。《生化危机》系列的主要角色,曾担任2代、4代的主角。美国总统的的直属特工,原本是一名警察,“浣熊市事件”之后他与美国政府在一个未公开的交易中以自己为代价,换取了美国政府保证雪莉·柏金的安全。在成功完成多次危险任务后,他的能力得到美国政府的认可,并且备受总统信赖,后来成为DSO(安全维和组织)的发起人之一。2013年,里昂再次被卷入了一场生化恐怖袭击中,面对一直提拔自己的老朋友——已经变异成丧尸的现任美国总统亚当·本福德,他不得不做出个人生命中最艰难的决定。 特殊武器/能力:“羽翼射手”半自动双枪;切换双枪模式施展连续快速射击,动作华丽帅气,能将敌人打至浮空,对杂兵控场能力一流。 Helena Harper|海伦娜·哈伯配音:Laura Bailey|劳拉·贝利(英语);佐古真弓(日语)游戏中里昂的搭档,24岁。和里昂一样,海伦娜也是一名美国政府的特工。作为一名联邦探员,海伦娜拥有极强的道德感,从不推卸责任,但这也导致她时不时会被自己的情绪所左右。在同僚当中,她的能力出类拔萃,并曾是特工机构招募DSO特工的候选人首选,生化恐怖袭击事件发生之时她被USSS(美国特勤局)调往担任总统警卫。妹妹黛博拉·哈伯是她在世上唯一的亲人,正是由于她在情绪控制上的弱点和对妹妹的溺爱,使得她成为西蒙斯暗杀总统计划中的一枚棋子。 特殊武器/能力:“九头蛇”霰弹枪;连续快速射击华丽且实用,子弹射完后自动一次性上膛,能将“最后一发子弹”技能的作用发挥到极致。 Chris Redfield|克里斯·雷德菲尔德配音:Roger Craig Smith|罗杰·克雷格·史密斯(英语);东地宏树(日语)本作三大主角之一,39岁。《生化危机》系列的主要角色,曾担任1代、5代的主角。BSAA北美支部Alpha小队队长,原S.T.A.R.S.成员,曾在美国空军服役,后加入BSAA组织(生化恐怖防御与评估联盟),成为创始11人之一。故事开始半年前,在东欧战场上平定变种叛军的克里斯遭受暗算并丧失记忆,后来被皮尔斯在一家酒馆中寻获而重新加入BSAA。2013年,在中国——这个世界人口最多最密集的地方,发生了大规模的生化恐怖袭击事件,虽然最开始心里摇摆不定,克里斯最终还是决定前往这个东方大国。 特殊武器/能力:战斗匕首;装备后部分体术伤害值暴涨,快速连刀技巧效果拔群,高端玩家手中的神器。 Piers Nivans|皮尔斯·奈文斯配音:Christopher Emerson|克里斯多夫·艾默生(英语);阪口周平(日语)游戏中克里斯的搭档,26岁。和克里斯一样,皮尔斯同属BSAA北美支部。作为一名天才狙击手,皮尔斯拥有着优秀的动态视力和集中力。他出生于军人世家,自记事起便想追随父亲的脚步,成为一名出色的军人。军校毕业后,他成为了一名特种兵,然而此时的他却渐渐地迷失了自己的信仰,直到他遇见了克里斯,并受邀加入BSAA后才重新找回了自己的人生目标。对于克里斯队长,皮尔斯一向对他保持着最高的敬意,而克里斯对他也十分地信任,并希望他将来能成为自己的接班人。 特殊武器/能力:反器材狙击步枪;配备有热能感应装置,能看到黑暗或烟雾中的敌人,可用切枪和换边来大幅度提升攻击速度。 Jake Muller|杰克·穆勒配音:Troy Baker|特洛伊·贝克(英语);浪川大辅(日语)本作三大主角之一,20岁。出身于一个没有父亲的单亲家庭,母亲患有慢性病,并不富裕的家境使得他的母亲迟迟得不到彻底的治疗而无法痊愈。杰克长大后,为了让母亲能接受更好的治疗,成为了一名反政府武装的战士。只可惜,在杰克成为雇佣兵后不久,他的母亲就因病去世了。从此以后,杰克变得对金钱异常执着。一天,他的面前出现了一名金发女子——雪莉·柏金,她告知杰克他拥有拯救世界的可能性。虽然听起来很荒谬,杰克还是以五千万巨额现金作为交易条件接受了雪莉的保护。在逃亡的过程中,一个骇人听闻的真相突然向他袭来,他的身体中流淌着阿尔伯特·威斯克那“被诅咒的血”的事实。 特殊武器/能力:徒手;蓄力五连击效果出众,冲刺过程中可闪避攻击,操作得当者能仅凭徒手通关最高难度。 Sherry Birkin|雪莉·柏金配音:Eden Riegel|伊登·里格尔(英语);坂本真绫(日语)游戏中杰克的搭档,26岁。她是1998年浣熊市惨剧中,G病毒开发者柏金夫妇的女儿。幸运的是,她在里昂和克莱尔的帮助下从犹如地狱般的小镇中逃出。当时,她的父亲——威廉·柏金在她的体内植入了G病毒胚胎,潜在的威慑让她一直处在美国政府的监控之下。几年之后,作为交换自由的条件她成为了美国特工。不久,雪莉接到了一个艰难的任务——潜入东欧战乱纷飞的伊东尼亚共和国,保护被认为拥有“特殊的血”的男人杰克·穆勒。面前的杰克就像是曾经的自己,而对于从小生活在战乱纷飞地带的杰克来说,雪莉的善良和使命感就像金子一般珍贵。 特殊武器/能力:电击棒;攻击敌人能轻易将其打出硬直状态,蓄力后可提升威力和连段数。 Ada Wong|艾达·王配音:Courtenay Taylor|考特尼·泰勒(英语);皆川纯子(日语)本作的隐藏主角,年龄、真实姓名、所属组织、目的均不详的自由国际间谍。1998年的浣熊市惨剧中,她出现在了里昂的面前,当时她的任务是夺取雪莉·柏金的父亲——威廉·柏金博士开发的最新型生化病毒——G病毒。自此,她与里昂之间复杂的关系一直成为生化迷们津津乐道的话题。在本作中她是所有故事的主要起因,串连前面三组主角的故事和结局。特殊武器/能力:十字弩;可切换普通箭和爆炸箭,快速射击动作优雅且能自动装填,并且使用弩箭杀敌不会触发警报。 Derek C. Simmons|德雷克·C·西蒙斯配音:David Lodge|大卫·洛奇(英语);菅生隆之(日语)美利坚合众国首席国家安全顾问,46岁。一个性格残忍的完美主义者,神秘组织“家族(Family)”的领导人。该组织一直致力于维护自己所倡导和营造的社会秩序及稳定,并为此不择手段,不计代价。由于担心总统公布“浣熊市事件”真相可能造成的混乱而策划了生化恐怖袭击杀害了总统。 Adam Benford|亚当·本福德配音:Michael Donovan|迈克尔·多诺万(英语);佐佐木胜彦(日语)美国现任总统,他是阿什莉父亲之后的下一任总统。在常春藤大学的演讲中计划将当年“浣熊市事件”的真相公布于众,结果在演讲当天发生了一场大规模的生化恐怖袭击,自己也变成了丧尸,最后被里昂射杀。 Ingrid Hunnigan|英格莉·哈尼根配音:Salli Saffioti|莎莉·西菲奥迪(英语);杉本优(日语)FOS(外勤行动支援部)的情报人员,33岁。曾在4代、恶化、诅咒中登场,她和里昂已经共事很久,彼此之间十分信任。本作与4代一样都是负责提供各种情报给里昂。 Carla Radames|卡拉·拉达梅斯配音:同艾达·王今次事件的主谋,“新安布雷拉”(Neo Umbrella)的领导人。15岁时就成功取得了遗传学博士学位,并被西蒙斯基金会下辖的研究机构雇佣,后来成为C病毒的主要开发者。爱上了西蒙斯但却被当作克隆艾达的实验品,在经C病毒的作用下基因重组之后变成了外表酷似艾达的克隆人,因此深深憎恨着西蒙斯,表面上遵从他的指令,暗中却制定了毁灭世界的疯狂计划。
2023-06-26 04:27:451


AMS:1. =Administrative Management Society (美国)行政管理学会2. =American Mathematical Society 美国数学学会3. =American Meteorological Society 美国气象学会4. =American Musicological Society 美国音乐研究学会5. =Agricultural Marketing Service 农产品销售局6. =America manifest system(美国仓单系统)的简称我是一个军事迷,但还从来没听过美国有这么个机构.在网上也查不到,只能查到上面的那6个.美国情报机构有16个,特工组织更少,但没你的那个.美国国家侦察办公室http:://美国国防部 美国国民警卫队 美国海岸警卫队 美国联邦紧急事务管理局 美国联邦特工处 美?特勤局 美国部队情报局 美国空军 美国陆军 美国海军 美国海豹部队 防御安全服务 美国弹道导弹防御组织 美国国防情报局 美国海军陆战队 美国陆军联合会 美国空军联合会 美国陆军导弹部队 美国国家安全局 美国众议院国家安全委员会 美国中央情报局 美国联邦调查局 美国国土安全部 美国联邦调查局防止高科技犯罪主页 国际战略研究会 美洲防务理事会 导弹防御代理 国际刑警组织
2023-06-26 04:27:581


G.S.D.U(国际特战联)“守卫者” 万飞(Fei)从警察学校毕业后进入国际安全局成为一名高级探员,仕途一帆风顺,同僚兼未婚妻Ice更是事业上的得力助手,幸福就快降临的时候,厄运却抢先一步。中东的一次任务中情报有误,队伍遭受伏击,Ice当场身亡,万飞亦身受重伤,留下随时送命的后遗症。万飞心感时日无多,决定离队返家,母亲此时却将一埋藏多年的秘密告诉他:原来他还有一个哥哥叫万阳。为了完成母亲心愿,万飞准备重新回到战场,找回自己的亲兄弟。此人物于逆流而战版本加入。 张杰(Jason)张杰是战前的著名偶像歌手,在东亚地区很有影响力。在战后仍然保持着自己的公共社交,并在世界范围内继续巡回演出。实际上,张杰是“国际特战联”的秘密特工,他通过自己歌手的身份广泛结识各路人士,从中搜寻关于“The Company公司”的情报。 此人物于张杰登场版本加入。于生死逃杀版本改名“金战云” 金在云(Kim yun)*人物已删除少年时代的金在云在佣兵组织“瓦尔肯”(VALKEN)中度过,对正义和秩序有坚定的信念。因为目睹平民在“突击者”的爆炸抗议事件中伤亡惨重,毅然加入了政府的组织GSDU。经历过所有重大战斗后,荣升为第三特勤队的队长,却在升职后的一个调查病毒样本的任务中失踪。 此人物于技术测试加入,张杰登场版本删除。 肖恩(Shane)从海军陆战队中脱颖而出,首批加入“守卫者”的老战士,转战于全球战场,擅长处理爆炸物。是守卫者EOD小队队长。在一次排爆任务中,小队几乎全军覆没,仅剩他一人存活。为了复仇的他誓死要找出爆破元凶,但他发现战争背后竟然有更大的阴谋。此人物于技术测试加入。 尤里(Yuri)祖父是苏联二战时有名上将,而他继承了军人的血液。在阿尔法军队中服役,出色的表现让他成为了第一批“守卫者”战士,在战斗中被击中心脏,就要死亡时神秘的军火供应商提供了昂贵的植入式血液循环系统,从此他获得了新生。人物于技术测试加入。 李兆龙(Zealong)来自东方联合特战队的精锐“尖刀连”,擅长各种潜入和渗透作战的尖兵,同尤里一样出生于军人家庭,十多岁时便已作为种子选手被安排进国家一线部队锻炼。后被“GSDU”从东联招入,但兆龙却无心恋战,想尽快完成任务返回家乡。此人物于全新夺点战加入。 云飞(Rinvay)同样作为东联精锐部队“黑色近卫军”的队员,云飞在“东联”中的实力可谓数一数二,年轻的他是和李兆轮抢夺下一届“东联特战队队长”的人选。虽然表面上有光辉的业绩,但私下里他的家父却要求他离开军队,掌管家族的军火公司。殊不知,家父的军火这却是大型的军火供应商“盖迪奥斯”的利益一环。人物于刀战之争版本加入。 陈安琪(Angel Chen)IDC驻欧洲的女特工,出生于中国。人称“血色蔷薇”。气质柔美,聪明伶俐。负责处理欧洲的起义暴动和病毒相关的作业。 阿尔法(Alhpa)全世界最精英反恐特警——洛城S.W.A.T的资深教官,拥有超一流的反恐防暴战术技巧和丰富的行动经验。 魅影(Phantom)法国第七局驻中东地区特工,擅长城市特种作战、情报侦测的一流女间谍,被敌人称为“法兰西魅影”。 索菲亚(Sophia)备受争议FBI探员,曾一人手刃5名叛变的FBI探员因此震惊全美。人称“黑蛇索菲亚” 张杰-警队先锋(Jason-Zhan)代号是“战”。《逆战》全球形象代言人,守卫者阵营新一代核心领袖,为了心中的信念,誓与突击者阵营战斗到底。 芭比(Bunny)芭比是美国联邦特勤局(USSS)金融罪案调查处的一名传奇特工,常以性感女郎形象出没于酒吧和高档会所,拥有无与伦比的魔鬼身材和娇美面庞。其不符军规的服装是为了隐藏她国际特战联阵营的身份。 Resistance(反抗组织)“突击者” 万阳(Yang)还是个少年时就一直呆在由“瓦尔肯”资助的黑帮团伙中,从来没人见过万阳的家人,只知道他有个女儿跟在身边。因为出手狠辣,办事干净利落,他在帮会中的地位日渐提升,也引起不少人嫉恨。虽然万阳对组织忠心耿耿,出生入死,但在大佬们眼里,不过是个办事的工具而已。终于东窗事发,万阳被组织出卖,女儿也被绑架,危急关头一名警官出现在万阳面前,将一埋藏多年的秘密告诉他:警官是他的弟弟万飞,这真的是事实吗?前方的路途考验着他。此人物于逆流而战版本加入。 浩南(Ho nan)早年在著名佣兵组织“瓦尔肯”中度过。与好友金在云在中成为“瓦尔肯双臂”,是最强力的王牌。一次战斗中,部队遭遇不明机械人袭击,浩南认为是政府所为,便加入了“突击者”,并在战场上与金在云相会,了解到“守卫者”也遭到了机械人袭击后的浩南,认为事情不可能就这么简单。此人物于技术测试版本加入。 猎鹰(Falcon)是一个枪械爱好者,在赚够了钱后,他辞掉了军火商盖迪奥斯的佣兵工作回到了加拿大老家,实现了儿时梦想——做自由猎人。但是好景不长,黑暗的日子到来,一个由盖迪奥斯派遣的佣兵部队追杀他,于是他便加入了“突击者”,与盖迪奥斯加入的这支大部队“守卫者”进行对抗。但是更神秘的暗杀者再次前来,但到这次的猎物会是自己? 此人物于技术测试版本加入。 部哥(Bugle)战前很受欢迎的电台DJ和说唱歌手,特立独行的叛逆风格在年轻人中很受欢迎,战争爆发后被发现和机器暴力事件有关,被GSDU全球通缉。后成为“突击者”的领袖之一,这也让他知道了,“守卫者”中的一大势力,“盖迪奥斯”的秘密,原来GSDU和突击者的战斗只是表象。此人物于技术测试版本加入。 伊本(Ibn)突击者中的爆破专家,擅长爆破作战。从监狱逃出加入的成员。因为过去的事使他忍辱负重的活着,为了不忘记自己犯下的过错,从而将监狱中的手铐脚镣继续戴着。此人物于监狱行动版本加入。 兰多(Renzo)战场爆发之前,兰多是活跃在方程式赛车界的天才车手,赛车曾是他生活的全部,但他车队的赞助商却是大军火商盖迪奥斯旗下的汽车公司,这家公司以赛车活动为幌子,私下研制可供军事使用的超级引擎。战争到来后,兰多的赛车生涯被迫终结,因为掌握超级引擎的秘密,他成为了盖迪奥斯追杀的对象。在突击者的庇护下,兰多用其天才车手敏锐的能力,拿起枪走向战场。此人物于巅峰对决版本加入。 贝拉(Bella)曾是意大利体坛著名射击运动员,人称“威尼斯回旋曲” 。在一次比赛中意外失忆,现成为突击者阵营最顶尖的狙击手。 霹雳(Thunder)冷战期间克勃格王牌特工——瓦西里的长子,父亲在阿富汗执行任务的过程中神秘失踪后,单枪匹马踏上了战斗之旅。 铁面(Ironmask)西伯利亚反政府武装头目,习惯佩戴一具恐怖的镔铁面具。是围剿战获胜的奖励道具,并不销售。 茉莉(Jasmine)活跃在大学校园的可爱歌手,在全球战争爆发以后毅然加入突击者阵营,为民主和自由而战斗。 安吉拉(Angela)曾是米兰时装界的模特,加入突击者作为杀手,经常潜伏在违法区域进行暗杀。人称“西西里毒蝎” 张杰-城市之王(Jason-Ni)代号是“逆”。突击者阵营先锋,张扬自我个性、崇尚自由率真,全副武装,  战出逆态度! 艾米(Kitty)代号“猫小咪”,突击者驻首尔的联络中枢,以高中生的身份为掩护,负责整个东北亚的人员、情报中转。 红魔(Red Devil)红魔是曼城黑帮的箭头人物,脾气火爆异常,跟仇人火并时喜好用榴弹开路。
2023-06-26 04:28:051


2023-06-26 04:28:181


《希腊罗马神话》([英] 菲利普·马蒂塞克(Philip Matyszak))电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: usss书名:希腊罗马神话作者:[英] 菲利普·马蒂塞克(Philip Matyszak)译者:崔梓健豆瓣评分:7.3出版社:后浪丨民主与建设出版社出版年份:2019-1页数:239内容简介:这是一本专业学者写给大众的书籍,严谨而又通俗地向大众读者介绍了古代希腊罗马的神话系统。古希腊神话不仅本身就是色彩斑斓、引人入胜的故事,更是我们今天很多文化元素——从哲学观念到艺术作品再到游戏和科技等的源头,因此本书可以让读者认识到这些神话与今天世界千丝万缕的联系。作者简介:菲利普·马蒂塞克(Philip Matyszak)是牛津大学圣约翰学院的罗马史博士,职业作家,兼职古代史讲师。出版过多部与古代希腊罗马相关的著作。
2023-06-26 04:28:241


截至2021年5月,女角色有魅影、安琪儿、索菲亚、芭比、布妮兰、王女、茉莉、贝拉、安吉拉、艾米、莫妮卡、黑寡妇、索菲亚、黑暗天使、黑狱女王、血腥玛丽、复仇者玛丽、冰姬;伊丽莎白、安吉丽娜、秋瑾、艾玛、莎沙、足球宝贝薇琪、足球宝贝茜茜、汉缇娜、麦姬、约瑟夫、奥运宝贝露伊、奥运宝贝雪芝、子怡、白天使—夏娃、黑天使—夏娃;桑、陌、艾希、阿曼达、雪莉杨、曦、凛、菲欧娜、索娜、次代之花、爱丽丝。1、陈安琪陈安琪(Angel Chen),IDC驻欧洲的女特工,出生于中国。人称“血色蔷薇”。气质柔美,聪明伶俐。负责处理欧洲的起义暴动和病毒相关的作业。2、魅影魅影(Phantom),法国第七局驻中东地区特工,擅长城市特种作战、情报侦测的一流女间谍,被敌人称为“法兰西魅影”。3、芭比芭比(Bunny),芭比是美国联邦特勤局(USSS)金融罪案调查处的一名传奇特工,常以性感女郎形象出没于酒吧和高档会所,拥有无与伦比的魔鬼身材和娇美面庞。其不符军规的服装是为了隐藏她国际特战联阵营的身份。4、茉莉茉莉(Jasmine),活跃在大学校园的可爱歌手,在全球战争爆发以后毅然加入突击者阵营,为民主和自由而战斗。5、安吉拉安吉拉(Angela)曾是米兰时装界的模特,加入突击者作为杀手,经常潜伏在违法区域进行暗杀。人称“西西里毒蝎”
2023-06-26 04:28:371

lady gaga和黑人男歌手唱的一首歌

2023-06-26 04:29:225


2023-06-26 04:29:374

求一首英文歌,女歌手唱的有hey hey hey还有look at me!

Tangled Up In Me-Skye Sweetnam
2023-06-26 04:30:014


2023-06-26 04:30:106

2023-06-26 04:30:583


肯定不正常 要么修手机师傅技术不好 要么就是坑你钱
2023-06-26 04:31:0714


2023-06-26 04:32:129


男女不限 年龄18-40 初中文化 长相标志 熟练使用百度知道等网上解答系统
2023-06-26 04:33:014

谁把Lady GaGa的《Chillin》歌词给我翻译下啊?

Look at that, look how they lookin at me Yeah DC chillin, PG chillin My name WALE and I came to get It Came to get it, came to get it My name Wale SHIIIT This how you start of 09 Kickin in the door, and I"m everybody problem Stuntin in some other Jordan Nines I got Phil Knight talkin
2023-06-26 04:33:162

最一首欧美歌曲,女歌手唱的,歌词:na na na歌名叫什么

slipped away 艾薇儿的
2023-06-26 04:33:323


2023-06-26 04:33:502

连喷高手进,我按网上的双喷方法练双喷 ,第二次漂移(↑→shift )的时候,还没按↑←就喷了。。。

2023-06-26 04:33:599


建议你看 《死神来了》
2023-06-26 04:34:143


36二ussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 打广告过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过过打火机军军军军军军很多男的吗的角度讲打开他的常态化 UK节课先进一点阜阳iy,xud UK
2023-06-26 04:34:223


2023-06-26 04:34:292


2023-06-26 04:34:482


2023-06-26 04:34:575

wale和gaga的 chillin的歌。名字啥意思。还有歌词的意思。

  Na Na Na Na...  Na Na Na Na...  Hey Hey Hey...  Goodbyeeeeee... Hey!  Lookin at, lookin at, lookin at me  Look at that, look how they lookin at me  Eyes all sticky like honey on bees  Look at that, look how they lookin at me  Yeah DC chillin, PG chillin  My name WALE and I came to get It  Came to get it, came to get it  My name Wale  SHIIIT This how you start of 09  Kickin in the door, and I"m everybody problem  Stuntin in some other Jordan Nines  I got Phil Knight talkin about "How you got them? "  Let"s talk about the cars ya"ll got  You say you got alotta whips, well I got a Lot  I got the right to be cocky  Get so much cut disc jockeys jock me  You niggas mad that you not me  I remain a Giant and your Jeremy Shockey  And if you ain"t heard me properly  If you speak garbage, then we no capice  DC chillin, PG chillin, floor to the ceilin  Stuntin in my Billion-Air, gear on my  Millionaire Frames, that"s money on my mind, WALE  Get em all, get em all, pack it all up  Stack up your funds like a million bucks  Across the pond, they all know us  International... Whoaaaa!  Driving my car to a foreign place  Lookin at me, now they know my face  We want it all now, we got all YESSSS  Look At That, Look at how they lookin at usss  Yea, they keep sayin whale but my name Wal-e  Ho"s call me "Mr. Never Wear The Same Thang"  You redundant, you never ever change  And I"m the same way, M.I.A.  And me Cool and Dre get high like planes  Your man Wale in his own damn lane  Can"t control the box, you are no Mills Lane  Ain"t heard DC since Sardines came  Ha! And I made ya"ll love it  We don"t cop plea"s, but ya"ll don"t cop nothin  Police come around don"t nobody say nothin  And you be with the cops, you niggas is McLovin  Dark liquor till we busted  Till I got a buzz like that nigga Chris Mullen  District Of Columbia  You Bernie Mac funny, we ain"t scared of none of ya!  Get em all, get em all, pack it all up  Stack up your funds like a million bucks  Across the pond, they all know us  International... Whoaaaa!  Driving my car to a foreign place  Lookin at me, now they know my face  We want it all now, we got all YESSSS  Look At That, Look at how they lookin at usss  Yeah DC chillin, PG chillin  My name WALE and I came to get It  Came to get it, Came to get It  My name Wale  Dre, pick "em, ah, pick"em, I"ll shut em all down  Haters in the crowd, if you see "em point them out  Stacks in my jeans, broads on the scene  Folarin be ballin for all ya"ll to see  Ain"t I something? The way I"m stuntin  My material girls give "em A-Rod moneyyy!  LV on my luggage  Them Bammas goin hate, and I love it, fuck "em  Lookin at, lookin at, Lookin at me  Look at that, look how they lookin at me  Eyes all sticky like honey on bees  Look at that, look how they lookin at me  DC chillin, PG chillin  My name WALE and I came to get It  Came to get it, came to get It  My name Wale  Lrc by Kevin Boul from LK Lyrics Group .  嘿,嘿,嘿……  Goodbyeeeeee……嘿!  哥们儿,哥们儿,哥们儿,看着我  看看,看看他们如何看看我  眼睛都粘在蜜蜂喜欢蜂蜜  看看,看看他们如何查看看我  耶直到放松了  我的名字WALE和我来得到它  来得到它,来得到它  我的名字Wale  SHIIIT该怎样开始的  在门口,Kickin我每个问题  在其他一些乔丹Stuntin无可挑剔  我对“菲尔·耐特。你找到了吗?"  让我们来谈谈你的汽车了  你说你有alotta鞭子,我学到了很多  我有权利是骄傲的人  得到那么多剪我的音乐节目主持人球迷  你niggas疯了,你不是我的  我仍然是一个巨大的,你Shockey米  如果你不听我的  如果你讲垃圾的话,那么,我们没有capice  chillin页,chillin DC ceilin楼  在我的Billion-Air Stuntin、齿轮在我  百万富翁帧,钱在我的脑海里,WALE  让他们所有的,它们都背  你喜欢一摞起来资金一百万  在池塘里,他们都知道  国际……Whoaaaa !  我的汽车驾驶的异乡  在我的"那里"的景色还是,现在他们知道我的脸  我们希望这一切,我们得到了所有的YESSSS现在  看看,看看他们如何在usss查看  他们说,鲸鱼,但是我的名字Wal-e  是叫我“先生从不穿同样的Thang "  你是多余的,你从来没有改变  和我一样,歌词——  我喜欢凉爽和Dre获得高的飞机  你的人Wale自己该死的车道上  不能控制的盒子,你没有米尔斯车道  没听见了自沙丁鱼直流  哈哈!我使你会爱上它的  我们不要警察认罪的,但你不要警察没事  警察来到我的身边,没有人说过  和你同警察,你niggas是迈克拉文  黑暗的白酒直到我们破灭了  直到我得到一个嗡嗡那样的黑鬼克里斯Mullen说  哥伦比亚区  你伯尼麦克有趣,我们不会害怕没有丫!  让他们所有的,它们都背  你喜欢一摞起来资金一百万  在池塘里,他们都知道  国际……Whoaaaa !  我的汽车驾驶的异乡  在我的"那里"的景色还是,现在他们知道我的脸  我们希望这一切,我们得到了所有的YESSSS现在  看看,看看他们如何在usss查看  耶直流chillin chillin页  我的名字WALE和我来得到它  来得到它,来得到它  我的名字Wale  Dre投票,他们吧,啊,接"em,我会闭上他们都记录下来  敌人在人群中,如果你看到他们点出来  在我的牛仔裤、名片叠加  Folarin ballin是为所有你要去看  难道我不是什么吗?我stuntin的方式  我的物质女孩让他们看到钱 !  LV行李托运了  他们还Bammas恨,我爱它,操它们  哥们儿,哥们儿,哥们儿,看着我  看看,看看他们如何查看看我  眼睛都粘在蜜蜂喜欢蜂蜜  看看,看看他们如何查看看我  chillin页chillin直流电  我的名字WALE和我来得到它  来得到它,来得到它  我的名字Wale  是这个啦 哈哈~~很好听啊~~……  歌名 不太清楚了……
2023-06-26 04:35:171

lady gaga -Chillin中文歌词

抱歉,没找到中文chillinWale Ft. Lady GaGa - Chillin" Lyrics by Kevin Boul @ LK歌词组 Rap分队 Na Na Na Na... Na Na Na Na... Hey Hey Hey... Goodbyeeeeee... Hey! Lookin at, lookin at, lookin at me Look at that, look how they lookin at me Eyes all sticky like honey on bees Look at that, look how they lookin at me Yeah DC chillin, PG chillin My name WALE and I came to get It Came to get it, came to get it My name Wale SHIIIT This how you start of 09 Kickin in the door, and I"m everybody problem Stuntin in some other Jordan Nines I got Phil Knight talkin about "How you got them? " Let"s talk about the cars ya"ll got You say you got alotta whips, well I got a Lot I got the right to be cocky Get so much cut disc jockeys jock me You niggas mad that you not me I remain a Giant and your Jeremy Shockey And if you ain"t heard me properly If you speak garbage, then we no capice DC chillin, PG chillin, floor to the ceilin Stuntin in my Billion-Air, gear on my Millionaire Frames, that"s money on my mind, WALE Get em all, get em all, pack it all up Stack up your funds like a million bucks Across the pond, they all know us International... Whoaaaa! Driving my car to a foreign place Lookin at me, now they know my face We want it all now, we got all YESSSS Look At That, Look at how they lookin at usss Yea, they keep sayin whale but my name Wal-e Ho"s call me "Mr. Never Wear The Same Thang" You redundant, you never ever change And I"m the same way, M.I.A. And me Cool and Dre get high like planes Your man Wale in his own damn lane Can"t control the box, you are no Mills Lane Ain"t heard DC since Sardines came Ha! And I made ya"ll love it We don"t cop plea"s, but ya"ll don"t cop nothin Police come around don"t nobody say nothin And you be with the cops, you niggas is McLovin Dark liquor till we busted Till I got a buzz like that nigga Chris Mullen District Of Columbia You Bernie Mac funny, we ain"t scared of none of ya! Get em all, get em all, pack it all up Stack up your funds like a million bucks Across the pond, they all know us International... Whoaaaa! Driving my car to a foreign place Lookin at me, now they know my face We want it all now, we got all YESSSS Look At That, Look at how they lookin at usss Yeah DC chillin, PG chillin My name WALE and I came to get It Came to get it, Came to get It My name Wale Dre, pick "em, ah, pick"em, I"ll shut em all down Haters in the crowd, if you see "em point them out Stacks in my jeans, broads on the scene Folarin be ballin for all ya"ll to see Ain"t I something? The way I"m stuntin My material girls give "em A-Rod moneyyy! LV on my luggage Them Bammas goin hate, and I love it, fuck "em Lookin at, lookin at, Lookin at me Look at that, look how they lookin at me Eyes all sticky like honey on bees Look at that, look how they lookin at me DC chillin, PG chillin My name WALE and I came to get It Came to get it, came to get It My name Wale Lrc by Kevin Boul from LK Lyrics Group
2023-06-26 04:35:241

Chillin Out 歌词

歌曲名:Chillin Out歌手:John Derick专辑:Day Of PerseveranceWale Ft. Lady GaGa - Chillin"Na Na Na Na...Na Na Na Na...Hey Hey Hey...Goodbyeeeeee... Hey!Lookin at, lookin at, lookin at meLook at that, look how they lookin at meEyes all sticky like honey on beesLook at that, look how they lookin at meYeah DC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, came to get itMy name WaleSHIIIT This how you start of 09Kickin in the door, and I"m everybody problemStuntin in some other Jordan NinesI got Phil Knight talkin about "How you got them? "Let"s talk about the cars ya"ll gotYou say you got alotta whips, well I got a LotI got the right to be cockyGet so much cut disc jockeys jock meYou niggas mad that you not meI remain a Giant and your Jeremy ShockeyAnd if you ain"t heard me properlyIf you speak garbage, then we no capiceDC chillin, PG chillin, floor to the ceilinStuntin in my Billion-Air, gear on myMillionaire Frames, that"s money on my mind, WALEGet em all, get em all, pack it all upStack up your funds like a million bucksAcross the pond, they all know usInternational... Whoaaaa!Driving my car to a foreign placeLookin at me, now they know my faceWe want it all now, we got all YESSSSLook At That, Look at how they lookin at usssYea, they keep sayin whale but my name Wal-eHo"s call me "Mr. Never Wear The Same Thang"You redundant, you never ever changeAnd I"m the same way, M.I.A.And me Cool and Dre get high like planesYour man Wale in his own damn laneCan"t control the box, you are no Mills LaneAin"t heard DC since Sardines cameHa! And I made ya"ll love itWe don"t cop plea"s, but ya"ll don"t cop nothinPolice come around don"t nobody say nothinAnd you be with the cops, you niggas is McLovinDark liquor till we bustedTill I got a buzz like that nigga Chris MullenDistrict Of ColumbiaYou Bernie Mac funny, we ain"t scared of none of ya!Get em all, get em all, pack it all upStack up your funds like a million bucksAcross the pond, they all know usInternational... Whoaaaa!Driving my car to a foreign placeLookin at me, now they know my faceWe want it all now, we got all YESSSSLook At That, Look at how they lookin at usssYeah DC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, Came to get ItMy name WaleDre, pick "em, ah, pick"em, I"ll shut em all downHaters in the crowd, if you see "em point them outStacks in my jeans, broads on the sceneFolarin be ballin for all ya"ll to seeAin"t I something? The way I"m stuntinMy material girls give "em A-Rod moneyyy!LV on my luggageThem Bammas goin hate, and I love it, fuck "emLookin at, lookin at, Lookin at meLook at that, look how they lookin at meEyes all sticky like honey on beesLook at that, look how they lookin at meDC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, came to get ItMy name Wale
2023-06-26 04:35:311

Wale的《Chillin》 歌词

歌曲名:Chillin歌手:Wale专辑:Attention DeficitWale Ft. Lady GaGa - Chillin"Na Na Na Na...Na Na Na Na...Hey Hey Hey...Goodbyeeeeee... Hey!Lookin at, lookin at, lookin at meLook at that, look how they lookin at meEyes all sticky like honey on beesLook at that, look how they lookin at meYeah DC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, came to get itMy name WaleSHIIIT This how you start of 09Kickin in the door, and I"m everybody problemStuntin in some other Jordan NinesI got Phil Knight talkin about "How you got them? "Let"s talk about the cars ya"ll gotYou say you got alotta whips, well I got a LotI got the right to be cockyGet so much cut disc jockeys jock meYou niggas mad that you not meI remain a Giant and your Jeremy ShockeyAnd if you ain"t heard me properlyIf you speak garbage, then we no capiceDC chillin, PG chillin, floor to the ceilinStuntin in my Billion-Air, gear on myMillionaire Frames, that"s money on my mind, WALEGet em all, get em all, pack it all upStack up your funds like a million bucksAcross the pond, they all know usInternational... Whoaaaa!Driving my car to a foreign placeLookin at me, now they know my faceWe want it all now, we got all YESSSSLook At That, Look at how they lookin at usssYea, they keep sayin whale but my name Wal-eHo"s call me "Mr. Never Wear The Same Thang"You redundant, you never ever changeAnd I"m the same way, M.I.A.And me Cool and Dre get high like planesYour man Wale in his own damn laneCan"t control the box, you are no Mills LaneAin"t heard DC since Sardines cameHa! And I made ya"ll love itWe don"t cop plea"s, but ya"ll don"t cop nothinPolice come around don"t nobody say nothinAnd you be with the cops, you niggas is McLovinDark liquor till we bustedTill I got a buzz like that nigga Chris MullenDistrict Of ColumbiaYou Bernie Mac funny, we ain"t scared of none of ya!Get em all, get em all, pack it all upStack up your funds like a million bucksAcross the pond, they all know usInternational... Whoaaaa!Driving my car to a foreign placeLookin at me, now they know my faceWe want it all now, we got all YESSSSLook At That, Look at how they lookin at usssYeah DC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, Came to get ItMy name WaleDre, pick "em, ah, pick"em, I"ll shut em all downHaters in the crowd, if you see "em point them outStacks in my jeans, broads on the sceneFolarin be ballin for all ya"ll to seeAin"t I something? The way I"m stuntinMy material girls give "em A-Rod moneyyy!LV on my luggageThem Bammas goin hate, and I love it, fuck "emLookin at, lookin at, Lookin at meLook at that, look how they lookin at meEyes all sticky like honey on beesLook at that, look how they lookin at meDC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, came to get ItMy name Wale
2023-06-26 04:35:381

lady gaga和wale唱的chillin’歌词

Na Na Na Na...Na Na Na Na...Hey Hey Hey...Goodbyeeeeee... Hey!Lookin at, lookin at, lookin at meLook at that, look how they lookin at meEyes all sticky like honey on beesLook at that, look how they lookin at meYeah DC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, came to get itMy name WaleSHIIIT This how you start of 09Kickin in the door, and I"m everybody problemStuntin in some other Jordan NinesI got Phil Knight talkin about "How you got them? "Let"s talk about the cars ya"ll gotYou say you got alotta whips, well I got a LotI got the right to be cockyGet so much cut disc jockeys jock meYou niggas mad that you not meI remain a Giant and your Jeremy ShockeyAnd if you ain"t heard me properlyIf you speak garbage, then we no capiceDC chillin, PG chillin, floor to the ceilinStuntin in my Billion-Air, gear on myMillionaire Frames, that"s money on my mind, WALEGet em all, get em all, pack it all upStack up your funds like a million bucksAcross the pond, they all know usInternational... Whoaaaa!Driving my car to a foreign placeLookin at me, now they know my faceWe want it all now, we got all YESSSSLook At That, Look at how they lookin at usssYea, they keep sayin whale but my name Wal-eHo"s call me "Mr. Never Wear The Same Thang"You redundant, you never ever changeAnd I"m the same way, M.I.A.And me Cool and Dre get high like planesYour man Wale in his own damn laneCan"t control the box, you are no Mills LaneAin"t heard DC since Sardines cameHa! And I made ya"ll love itWe don"t cop plea"s, but ya"ll don"t cop nothinPolice come around don"t nobody say nothinAnd you be with the cops, you niggas is McLovinDark liquor till we bustedTill I got a buzz like that nigga Chris MullenDistrict Of ColumbiaYou Bernie Mac funny, we ain"t scared of none of ya!Get em all, get em all, pack it all upStack up your funds like a million bucksAcross the pond, they all know usInternational... Whoaaaa!Driving my car to a foreign placeLookin at me, now they know my faceWe want it all now, we got all YESSSSLook At That, Look at how they lookin at usssYeah DC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, Came to get ItMy name WaleDre, pick "em, ah, pick"em, I"ll shut em all downHaters in the crowd, if you see "em point them outStacks in my jeans, broads on the sceneFolarin be ballin for all ya"ll to seeAin"t I something? The way I"m stuntinMy material girls give "em A-Rod moneyyy!LV on my luggageThem Bammas goin hate, and I love it, fuck "emLookin at, lookin at, Lookin at meLook at that, look how they lookin at meEyes all sticky like honey on beesLook at that, look how they lookin at meDC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, came to get ItMy name WaleLrc by Kevin Boul from LK Lyrics Group .是整首歌的。
2023-06-26 04:35:561

求chilling wale ft lady gaga 的歌词,最好有翻译~~~

翻译的话工程量好浩大呀,你就将就着英文看吧~Na Na Na Na... Na Na Na Na... Hey Hey Hey... Goodbyeeeeee... Hey![Lady GaGa:]Lookin at, lookin at, lookin at meLook at that, look how they lookin at meEyes all sticky like honey on beesLook at that, look how they lookin at me[Wale:]Yeah DC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, came to get itMy name Wale[Verse 1: Wale]SHIIIT This how you start of 09Kickin in the door, and I"m everybody problemStuntin in some other Jordan NinesI got Phil Knight talkin about "How you got them? "Let"s talk about the cars ya"ll gotYou say you got alotta whips, well I got a LotI got the right to be cockyGet so much cut disc jockeys jock meYou niggas mad that you not meI remain a Giant and your Jeremy ShockeyAnd if you ain"t heard me properlyIf you speak garbage, then we no capiceDC chillin, PG chillin, floor to the ceilinStuntin in my Billion-Air, gear on myMillionaire Frames, that"s money on my mind, WALE[Bridge: Lady GaGa]Get em all, get em all, pack it all upStack up your funds like a million bucksAcross the pond, they all know usInternational... Whoaaaa!Driving my car to a foreign placeLookin at me, now they know my faceWe want it all now, we got all YESSSSLook At That, Look at how they lookin at usss[Verse 2: Wale]Yea, they keep sayin whale but my name Wal-eHo"s call me "Mr. Never Wear The Same Thang"You redundant, you never ever changeAnd I"m the same way, M.I.A.And me Cool and Dre get high like planesYour man Wale in his own damn laneCan"t control the box, you are no Mills LaneAin"t heard DC since Sardines cameHa! And I made ya"ll love itWe don"t cop plea"s, but ya"ll don"t cop nothinPolice come around don"t nobody say nothinAnd you be with the cops, you niggas is McLovinDark liquor till we bustedTill I got a buzz like that nigga Chris MullenDistrict Of ColumbiaYou Bernie Mac funny, we ain"t scared of none of ya![Lady GaGa:]Get em all, get em all, pack it all upStack up your funds like a million bucksAcross the pond, they all know usInternational... Whoaaaa!Driving my car to a foreign placeLookin at me, now they know my faceWe want it all now, we got all YESSSSLook At That, Look at how they lookin at usss[Wale:]Yeah DC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, Came to get ItMy name Wale[Verse 3:]Dre, pick "em, ah, pick"em, I"ll shut em all downHaters in the crowd, if you see "em point them outStacks in my jeans, broads on the sceneFolarin be ballin for all ya"ll to seeAin"t I something? The way I"m stuntinMy material girls give "em A-Rod moneyyy!LV on my luggageThem Bammas goin hate, and I love it, fuck "em[Lady GaGa:]Lookin at, lookin at, Lookin at meLook at that, look how they lookin at meEyes all sticky like honey on beesLook at that, look how they lookin at me[Wale:]DC chillin, PG chillinMy name WALE and I came to get ItCame to get it, came to get ItMy name Wale
2023-06-26 04:36:441


2023-06-26 04:37:073


2023-06-26 04:37:159


从1865开始,无论哪一任美国总统从成为候选人开始直至其离世.都由USSS(United States Secret Service)特勤局人员保护.此机构2003年以前隶属与美国财政部,所以还有打击伪钞犯罪的职能.
2023-06-26 04:37:302


2023-06-26 04:37:393

2023-06-26 04:37:461

求英语单词 e开头h结尾,意思为情感,或者有类似意思的,

Search results Word Meaning Each Every one of the two or more individuals posing a number of objects, considered separately from the rest. It is used either with or without a following noun; as, each of you or each one of you. Eadish See Eddish. earlyish being somewhat early; "at an earlyish hour" Earreach Earshot. Earsh See Arrish. Earth The connection of any part an electric conductor with the ground; specif., the connection of a telegraph line with the ground through a fault or otherwise. Eath Easy or easily. Ecclesiarch An official of the Eastern Church, resembling a sacrist in the Western Church. echocardiograph a sonograph that creates an image of the heart and its abnormalities echoencephalograph a sonograph that creates an image of the brain and its abnormalities ectomorph a person with a thin non-muscular body Eddish Aftermath; also, stubble and stubble field. See Arrish. Edh The name of the Anglo-Saxon letter /, capital form /. It is sounded as "English th in a similar word: er, other, d, doth." Edinburgh the capital of Scotland; located in the Lothian Region on the south side of the Firth of Forth Eh An expression of inquiry or slight surprise. Ehrlich German bacteriologist who found a `magic bullet"" to cure syphilis and was a pioneer in the study of immunology (1854-1915) Eidograph An instrument for copying drawings on the same or a different scale; a form of the pantograph. Eigh An exclamation expressing delight. Eighteenth Next in order after the seventeenth. Eighth Next in order after the seventh. Eightieth The next in order after seventy-ninth. Eirenarch A justice of the peace; irenarch. Ela *** obranch Of or pertaining to the Ela *** obranchii. Elderish Somewhat old; elderly. Eldritch Hideous; ghastly; as, an eldritch shriek or laugh. electrocardiograph medical instrument that records electric currents associated with contractions of the heart electroencephalograph medical instrument that records electric currents generated by the brain Electrograph A mark, record, or tracing, made by the action of electricity. electromyograph a medical instrument that records the electrical waves associated with the activity of skeletal muscles Elench That part of an argument on which its conclusiveness depends; that which convinces of refutes an antagonist; a refutation. Eleventh Next after the tenth; as, the eleventh chapter. Elfish Of or relating to the elves; elflike; implike; weird; scarcely human; mischievous, as though caused by elves. Elijah a Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament who opposed the worship of idols; he was persecuted for rebuking Ahab and Jezebel (king and queen of Israel); he was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire (circa 9th century BC) Elizabeth Queen of England from 1558 to 1603; daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; she succeeded Mary I (who was a Catholic) and restored Protestanti *** to England; during her reign Mary Queen of Scots was executed and the Spanish Armada was defeated; her reign w Ellipsograph An instrument for describing ellipses; -- called also trammel. Elliptograph Same as Ellipsograph. Elrich Alt. of Elritch Elritch Ghastly; preternatural. Same as Eldritch. Elvish Pertaining to elves; implike; mischievous; weird; also, vacant; absent in demeanor. See Elfish. Embellish To make beautiful or elegant by ornaments; to decorate; to adorn; as, to embellish a book with pictures, a garden with shrubs and flowers, a narrative with striking anecdotes, or style with metaphors. Emblanch To whiten. See Blanch. Embryotroph The material from which an embryo is formed and nourished. Embush To place or hide in a thicket; to ambush. Emforth According to; conformably to. Empeach To hinder. See Impeach. Empoverish See Impoverish. Enambush To ambush. enantiomorph either one of a pair of pounds (crystals or molecules) that are mirror images on each other but are not identical Enarch To arch. Encash To turn into cash; to cash. Encoach To carry in a coach. Encroach To enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another; to trespass; to intrude; to trench; -- monly with on or upon; as, to encroach on a neighbor; to encroach on the highway. Endognath The inner or principal branch of the oral appendages of Crustacea. See Maxilla. Endolymph The watery fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear. Endomorph A crystal of one species inclosed within one of another, as one of rutile inclosed in quartz. Enfamish To famish; to starve. Enfeeblish To enfeeble. Enflesh To clothe with flesh. Engastrimuth An ventriloquist. English Of or pertaining to England, or to its inhabitants, or to the present so-called Anglo-Saxon race. Enmesh To catch or entangle in, or as in, meshes. Enomotarch The mander of an enomoty. Enough Satisfying desire; giving content; adequate to meet the want; sufficient; -- usually, and more elegantly, following the noun to which it belongs. Enravish To transport with delight; to enrapture; to fascinate. Enrich To make rich with any kind of wealth; to render opulent; to increase the possessions of; as, to enrich the understanding with knowledge. Ensearch To make search; to try to find something. Enterolith An intestinal concretion. Entrench See Intrench. eolith a crude stone artifact (as a chipped flint); possibly the earliest tools Eparch In ancient Greece, the governor or perfect of a province; in modern Greece, the ruler of an eparchy. Ephah Alt. of Epha Epigraph Any inscription set upon a building; especially, one which has to do with the building itself, its founding or dedication. Epitaph An inscription on, or at, a tomb, or a grave, in memory or mendation of the one buried there; a sepulchral inscription. Epoch A fixed point of time, established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable event; a point of time marked by an event of great subsequent influence; as, the epoch of the creation; the birth of Christ was the epoch which gave rise to the Ch Eremitish Eremitic. Ergograph An instrument for measuring and recording the work done by a single muscle or set of muscles, the rate of fatigue, etc. Eriach Alt. of Eric Ersh See Arrish. Eskalith a white powder (LiCO3) used in manufacturing glass and ceramics and as a drug; the drug (trade names Lithane or Lithonate or Eskalith) is used to treat some forms of depression and manic episodes of manic-depressive disorder Establish To make stable or firm; to fix immovably or firmly; to set (a thing) in a place and make it stable there; to settle; to confirm. Estatlich Alt. of Estatly Estrich Ostrich. Etch A variant of Eddish. Ethnarch The governor of a province or people. Eugh The yew. Eunuch A male of the human species castrated; monly, one of a class of such persons, in Oriental countries, having charge of the women"s apartments. Some of them, in former times, gained high official rank. Evanish To vanish. Everich Alt. of Everych Everych each one; every one; each of two. See Every. Exarch A viceroy; in Ravenna, the title of the viceroys of the Byzantine emperors; in the Eastern Church, the superior over several monasteries; in the modern Greek Church, a deputy of the patriarch , who visits the clergy, investigates ecclesiastical cases, etc Expolish To polish thoroughly. Extinguish To quench; to put out, as a light or fire; to stifle; to cause to die out; to put an end to; to destroy; as, to extinguish a flame, or life, or love, or hope, a pretense or a right. extrovertish somewhat extroverted eyebath a *** all vessel with a rim curved to fit the orbit of the eye; use to apply medicated or cleansing solution to the eyeball; "an eyecup is called an eyebath in Britain" Eyeish a member of the Caddo people of northeastern Texas Eyelash The fringe of hair that edges the eyelid; -- usually in the pl. eyepatch a protective cloth covering for an injured eye Eyereach The range or reach of the eye; eyeshot. Eyeteeth of Eyetooth Eyetooth A canine tooth of the upper jaw. Eyewash See Eyewater. 我找出了全部 e开头h结尾的101个单词及其解释,没有你想要的.估计是你把结尾写错了. 应该是emotion.情绪,感情,激动.
2023-06-26 04:38:061


唐僧:Tang"s monk 孙悟空Goku猪八戒Pig eight quit 沙和尚Sand monk
2023-06-26 04:38:092


2023-06-26 04:38:131


2023-06-26 04:38:131


32岁的达里尔·莫雷来了——一位出自麻省理工学院、从来没有玩过篮球的数据专家。火箭有人走有人来这原本正常,走了道森也可以理解,但来的这位莫雷先生就让人感觉有些摸不着头脑了,为什么亚历山大会选择这么一个人?他的到来又将给火箭带来什么新气象? 不玩篮球玩数字 尽管身高1.95米,但是莫雷从来没有参加过职业篮球比赛。“从大学开始,我对数字的兴趣就远远大于任何一项运动。”莫雷说。也正是由于对数字和分析学的偏好,雷莫取得麻省理工学院MBA学位之后,在芝加哥创办了一家专门为各种职业球队提供运营数据分析的体育信息咨询公司。这种工作状态一直持续到2002年凯尔特人队请他出任球队副总裁为止。 由于当时凯尔特人队正在重建当中,而且在引进球员方面失误连连,这给莫雷的市场开发工作造成了极大困难,但莫雷还是通过自己的努力将相当一部分球迷留在了舰队中心。其间的辛苦正如他自己所说:“对于现在的球队拥有者来说,他们付出的是几亿甚至十几亿的金钱,而这也就意味着操作这些金钱的人的压力也增大到了难以想象的地步。” 当然,火箭队看中莫雷并非只因为他凯尔特人队副总裁的身份,还包括他在麻省理工学院“体育分析管理”方面的教育和研究工作。事实上,尽管此前身为凯尔特人队运营信息部高级副总裁,但是莫雷的工作同凯尔特人队总经理丹尼·安吉没有任何联系,他的工作职责主要包括场馆运营、风险管理、篮球分析学、球票销售战略、定价以及技术底层构造。而这实际上传达了一个信号:火箭队将进入一个“精打细算”的时代。 带火箭玩“魔球” “在篮球运动中,个人的影响力非常重要,所以,必须有一套能够全面准确地衡量每位球员价值的分析方法。”正如莫雷所说,他在火箭队的主要工作就是让老板亚历山大的每一分钱都花到最正确的地方,而他将采用的“分析方法”,就是自己长期以来潜心研究的“魔球”理论。 所谓“魔球”理论,源于2003年出版的《Moneyball》一书,这本由迈克尔·刘易斯所著的运动分析学著作以MLB(美国职业棒球联盟)中的小球队奥克兰运动者队的经营为例,试图证明以考察、试训、交易为基础的传统篮球运营理论是不科学的,进而试图总结出小球队如何在职业联盟中同那些财大气粗的“豪门”相抗衡的方法。 这套理论对于囊中羞涩的亚历山大来说无异于“量体裁衣”,尤其是对于火箭队这样资金不足、转会筹码同样不足,而且不是镁光灯焦点的传统强队,试图再来一次类似麦迪换弗朗西斯这样的大交易显然是不现实的,只有规模不大,但是效果良好的小修小补才是行之有效的方法。从本赛季引进博甘斯、海耶斯等人的举措来看,火箭队已经开始了这方面的尝试,现在莫雷的到来则会让他们评估球员时更加准确,尽量避免类似于引进斯威夫特这样“看走眼”的情况再度发生。 还要道森送一程 尽管火箭队已经打定主意从管理层开始推行他们的年轻化进程,但是这并不意味着莫雷将立刻单骑杀入转会市场为火箭队招兵买马。保守的火箭老板亚历山大当然不希望他32岁的新管家成为其他球队老谋深算的总经理们争相算计的“冤大头”,所以起码在2006-07赛季结束之前,莫雷都将以道森的“学徒”身份出现,用火箭队官方的话说:“下个赛季火箭队的决策将由莫雷和道森共同作出。” 莫雷对自己即将接手的工作倒是有很清晰的认识:“能加入火箭高层并与道森先生共事令我非常兴奋,我相信我的经历能为道森及其同事们提供帮助,我们的共同目标就是给休斯敦球迷带来一座总冠军奖杯。” “道森为球队工作了26年,已经成为球队的一分子,他将来还会成为球队的智囊团。在下个赛季道森仍以球队总经理的身份主持日常工作,而莫雷需要一个漫长的适应期。”老板亚历山大考虑得很周到。严健 质疑多过信任 莫雷的专业背景是商业而非篮球,火箭队请来这位新掌门很有可能是老板亚历山大要卖球队的预兆,提前引进这位数据学统计学专家,就是为他计算火箭队到底能卖多少钱!——《纽约每日新闻》 32岁的火箭总经理接班人达里尔·莫雷,此前没有从事过球员、教练、球探或者经理人中的任何一项工作,由他来接替道森出任火箭队总经理,不得不令人猜测火箭队将迈入一个新时代,不管这个时代是否意味着辉煌重现。——美联社 莫雷最接近球队的工作就是在凯尔特人队的信息部任副总裁一职,但是这个头衔为莫雷带来的只是一个球队分析员的身份,在经营球队方面没有人知道他到底有多大潜力。——ABC 莫雷一直对球队的决策起着重要作用,无论是各种交易还是挑选新秀。他是个眼光独到的家伙,而且他从不独断专行,类似“我的话就是惟一真理”这种话莫雷永远不会说。相信他会和火箭队相处愉快,但愿他能迅速适应新的工作环境。——凯尔特人队前任总经理克里斯·华莱士
2023-06-26 04:38:012


小市场大赢家——奥克兰运动家(Oakland Athletics)简写:OAK别称 / 简称:A"s主场:加利福尼亚州 奥克兰 麦卡菲竞技场(McAfee Coliseum) 1966年启用加入联盟年份:1901年队名更迭:1901年成军于费城,队名一直为运动家,但队伍搬迁两次:1955年迁至堪萨斯市。1968年迁至奥克兰。总冠军数:9:费城时期5次:1910、1911、1913、1929、1930;奥克兰时期4次:1972、1973、1974、19892006年战绩:93胜69负 美联西区第一过去著名球员:费城时期:J. 佛克斯(Jimmie Foxx)、A. 西蒙斯(Al Simmons);奥克兰时期:R. 杰克逊(Reggie Jackson)、J. 杭特(Jim “Catfish” Hunter)、V. 布鲁(Vida Blue)、R. 韩德森(Rickey Henderson)、J. 坎塞柯(Jose Canseco)、M. 麦奎尔(Mark McGwire)现役著名球员:E. 查维兹(Eric Chávez)、R. 哈登(Rich Harden)、M. 皮亚萨(Mike Piazza)、H. 史崔特(Huston Street)美联元老球队之一,在20世纪初期是仅次于红袜、洋基的超级强队,10年代初和20年代末二度连冠,建队30年即夺下五次冠军,在当时也只有红袜队能够与之媲美。不过在1931年创下队史最高107胜后,战绩一年不如一年,1955年西迁至堪萨斯市也丝毫没有起色。在堪萨斯市的十多年间,运动家表现持续低迷,观众数也逐年递减,终于在1968年再度西迁至奥克兰,仅花三年时间就摇身一变成为美联西区的霸主。运动家分别在20世纪70年代初和80年代末在美联西区建立强大的王朝,球队迁至奥克兰仅21年时间就夺下四座总冠军。经过了1990年代末的一段低迷期后,运动家于1998年聘请了经理界操盘高手B. 宾恩(Billy Beane)为球团经理。自1999年起,运动家年度胜率便再也没有低于五成。1999年至今,运动家夺下四次美联西区冠军和一次外卡。主场麦卡菲竞技场因为是与美式足球队共用的,外野和内野界外区都十分辽阔,非常有利于投手,因此多年来运动家一直是强投的摇篮,各年代都不缺强投。运动家一直被视为正宗小市场球队:低收入、低薪资、边缘市场、破旧的球场但是运动家近年来很少当烂队,这与宾恩的操盘手法有很大关系。几年前美国的一本畅销书《魔球》(Moneyball)就详细地描述了宾恩的原则:致力于培养球员、不留明星、网罗工兵型球员、打造强队、避免重建期。只要宾恩还留在奥克兰,运动家即便是没有半个明星球员,仍然是美联不可小觑的劲旅。咖啡与寿司——西雅图水手(Seattle Mariners)简写:SEA别称 / 简称:M"s主场:华盛顿州 西雅图 瑟夫科球场(Safeco Field) 1999年启用加入联盟年份:1977年队名更迭: 无总冠军数:02006年战绩:78胜84负 美联西区第四过去著名球员:E. 马丁尼兹(Edgar Martínez)、佐佐木主浩(Kazuhiro Sasaki)、B. 布恩(Bret Boone)现役著名球员:铃木一朗(Ichiro Suzuki)、A. 贝尔崔(Adrian Beltré)、R. 赛克森(Richie Sexson)、J. 韦卓(José Vidro)、R. 伊巴涅兹(Raúl Ibá?ez)、城岛健司(Kenji Johjima)、J. J. 普兹(J. J. Putz)虽然与主题没什么关系,不过既然是在ACG为主的论坛发帖,这个还是摆到前头说吧。日本电子游戏界龙头任天堂公司(Nintendo)于1992年收购了西雅图水手队大部分的股权,目前水手队的总裁就是美国任天堂的老总H. 林肯(Howard Lincoln)。任氏的支持者们,快来支持你们的球队吧 XD水手队于1977年联盟扩编时成军于星巴克咖啡的故乡——西雅图。多年来一直没有太大表现,也没有夺冠纪录。不过自从任天堂收购水手队后,水手队开始向豪门球队转型。自20年代90年代末开始,水手大量引入日本球员,包括MLB历史上第一位亚洲出身的野手——铃木一朗。水手近年来使用过的两个球场(之前的国王室内球场(Kingdome)和目前的瑟夫科球场)都非常巨大,有利于投手发挥,因此水手也出了不少强投。靠着日本传来的细腻球风和本土强投坐镇,水手在2001年创下了傲视MLB的116胜46负战绩。也因为世纪交接时期的精彩表现,水手一直被视为东西球风结合最完美的球队之一。但自2001年后,水手队的主力球员开始出现老化迹象,年轻球员递补的速度又跟不上,导致战绩不佳,最近三年更是连续在美联西区敬陪末座。不过身处于年年混战的美联西区,水手只要进行适当的补强,还是很有机会能杀出血路的。孤星之泪——德克萨斯游骑兵(又称德州游骑兵,Texas Rangers)
2023-06-26 04:37:541

法国是高卢雄鸡 那意大利怎样说

2023-06-26 04:37:5214