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2023-06-26 11:42:45
TAG: 英文

"immortal (强调神仙的长生不老的)

fairy (会使用法术的,给人美好印象的神仙)

God (万能的,可以拯救人于水火的)

celestial being(强调住在天上的)"





immortal中文翻译是长生的。Immortal,英语单词,主要用作名词,形容词,作名词意思是神仙;不朽人物,作形容词意思是不朽的;神仙的;长生的。短语搭配:immortal love永远的人;不老传说;永恒的人;不死情人Immortal Defense永恒防御;不朽防御。Immortal Dusk不朽的黄昏;不朽黄昏。双语例句:1、She is one of the Hollywood immortals.她是一位千古流芳的好莱坞名人。2、He believed his immortal soul was in peril.他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。3、The soul is immortal.灵魂不灭。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作枯樱,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。
2023-06-26 04:23:541


immortal [iu02c8mu0254:tl] adj. 不朽的; 流芳百世的 Someone believed that the soul is immortal. 有人认为灵魂不灭。 n. 不朽的人物 Shakespeare is one of the immortals. 莎士比亚是不朽的人物之一。 永生不朽者
2023-06-26 04:25:013

undying,deathless, immortal三词的区别

2023-06-26 04:25:093


immortals 英[u026a"mu0254:tlz] 美[u026a"mu0254:tlz] n. 不朽的人物( immortal的名词复数 ); 永生不朽者; [例句]Nobody believes in the myth about human beings becoming immortals.谁也不相信人能成仙的神话。
2023-06-26 04:25:263


不是无敌。adj.不死的;永生的;流芳百世的;名垂千古的;永恒的;永久的;持久的;n.永生者;神仙;不朽人物;(尤指)流芳百世的作家;1. The pharaohs were considered gods and therefore immortal.人们认为法老是神,因此是永生的。2. a beautiful, ethereal, immortal spirit, not quite of this world一个美丽、缥缈、似乎不属于这个世界的不死灵魂3. They believe the soul is immortal, grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit.基于对人类灵魂神性本质的信仰,他们相信灵魂不朽。
2023-06-26 04:25:321


immortals 是不死之身的意思。 哈利波特里的坏蛋就是要追求 immortal 不死。
2023-06-26 04:25:403


Immortals演唱:Fall Out BoyThey say we are what we are,But we don"t have to be,I"m bad behavior but I do it in the best way,I"ll be the watcher (watcher),Of the eternal flame,I"ll be the guard dog,of all your fever dreams,OoooooohI am the sand in the bottom half,Of the hourglass (glass, glass)Oooooooh,I try to picture me without you but I can"t,"Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals,Just not for long, for long,And live with me forever now,Pull the blackout curtains down,Just not for long, for long,Because we could be Immooooooo- Immortals,Immooooooo- Immortals,Immooooooo- Immortals,Immooooooo- Immortals,Sometimes the only pay off,For having any faith,Is when it"s tested again and again,Everyday,I"m still comparing your past,To my future,It might be your wound, but they"re my sutures,OoooooohI am the sand in the bottom half,Of the hourglass (glass, glass)Oooooooh,I try to picture me without you but I can"t,"Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals,Just not for long, for long,And live with me forever now,Pull the blackout curtains down,Just not for long, for long,Because we could be Immooooooo- Immortals,Immooooooo- Immortals,Immortals,And live with me forever now,Pull the blackout curtains down,Because we could be Immortals, Immortals,Just not for long, for long,We could be Immooooooo- Immortals,Immooooooo- Immortals,Immooooooo- Immortals,Immooooooo- Immortals,
2023-06-26 04:25:482


Fall Out BoyImmortals翻译:MOUThey say we are what we are我们的存在被他人所定义But we don"t have to be 然而那定义却虚妄地束缚着自己I"m bad behavior 虽然我举手投足往往恶劣不端but I do it in the best way 但是每一次行动都不会流于徒然I"ll be the watcher (watcher) 我会成为那Of the eternal flame 恒燃烈焰的守望者I"ll be the guard dog 我愿成为你Of all your fever dreams 热夜梦境的看门犬OoooooooooooooooohI am the sand in the bottom half 我是已然零落在Of the hourglass glass 下半沙漏中的沙OoooooooooooooooohI try to picture me without you 我曾妄图在失去你的世界里But I can"t 勾勒自己的轮 廓‘Cause we could be immortals 但一切的尝试,都只能成为遗憾Immortals 因为我们本可超脱一切,成为不朽Just not for long, for long 那一天的到来不会太远,近在眼前And live with me forever now 那么从这一刻起,和我永远同在吧Pull the blackout curtains down 漆黑的帷幕就此落下Just not for long, for long 那一天的到来不会太远,近在眼前Because we could be immoooo-Immortals 因为我们本可超脱一切Immoooo-Immortals 成为不朽Immoooo-Immortals 永生不灭Immoooo-Immortals 万古长存Sometimes the only pay off 有时为了坚守信仰For having any faith 所需要付出的代价Is when it"s tested again and again 仅仅是日复一日Everyday 去经历无尽的考验I"m still comparing your past 我仍在争取让自己的未来To my future 能和你的过去比肩It might be your wound 那也许是你刻骨铭心的伤But they"re my sutures 但它也会成为我弥合伤口的线OoooooooooooooooohI am the sand in the bottom half 我是已然零落在Of the hourglass glass 下半沙漏中的沙OoooooooooooooooohI try to picture me without you我曾妄图在失去你的世界里But I can"t勾勒自己的轮廓‘Cause we could be immortals但一切的尝试,都只能成为遗憾Immortals因为我们本可超脱一切,成为不朽Just not for long, for long那一天的到来不会太远,近在眼前And live with me forever now那么从这一刻起,和我永远同在吧Pull the blackout curtains down漆黑的帷幕就此落下Just not for long, for long那一天的到来不会太远,近在眼前Because we could be immoooo-Immortals因为我们本可超脱一切Immoooo-Immortals 成为不朽Immortals 万古长存And live with me forever now 那么从这一刻起,和我永远同在吧Pull the blackout curtains down 漆黑的帷幕就此落下Because we could be immortals 因为我们本可超脱一切Immortals 成为不朽Just not for long, for long 那一天的到来不会太远,近在眼前We could be immoooo-Immortals 我们本可超脱一切Immoooo-Immortals 成为不朽Immoooo-Immortals 永生不灭Immoooo-Immortals 万古长存
2023-06-26 04:26:011


Do not die
2023-06-26 04:26:286

immoratals 什么意思

  immortal英 [u026au02c8mu0254:tl] 美 [u026au02c8mu0254:rtl]  adj.不死的; 永恒的,不朽的; 神的; 流芳百世的;  n.神仙; 流芳百世的人; 不朽的作家;  [例句]Serpentine, winged and with colorful scales, the Cu é lebre are immortal and obsessed with pretty, shiny objects.  库耶列布希具有蛇的形态、双翼和彩色的鳞片,它是不死的并且喜欢闪闪发光的物体。  [其他]复数:immortals 形近词: postmortal abmortal premortal
2023-06-26 04:26:431


2023-06-26 04:26:514


2023-06-26 04:26:596


2023-06-26 04:27:201

M ortal 什么意思

mortalwikia.commortal ["mɔ:təl] 报adj. 凡人的;致死的;终有一死的;不共戴天的n. 人类,凡人She knows that to stay with Edward means she must give up her mortal life and become a vampire too.希望能帮到你
2023-06-26 04:27:273

【电影Immortal,Beloved中交响曲音乐赏析】 钢琴名曲鉴赏论文

  ue004ue003[摘 要] 著名的外国电影ue00aImmortal Belovedue00a是1994年拍摄的一部有关贝多芬一生的人物传记题材的电影。整部影片自始至终都是围绕着贝多芬创作的音乐作品来展开的,在这部电影当中,我们仅仅只需要按图索骥,就能够深刻体会到贝多芬一生所追崇和向往的音乐国度,与此同时也能感受到贝多芬每部作品如何成功地扮演推动剧情的说书人的功能。透过ue00aImmortal Belovedue00a中的交响乐,可以更好地帮助我们理解影片的本质和其中深刻的内涵。   ue003[关键词] ue00aImmortal Belovedue00a;交响曲;贝多芬   ue003ue004 电影ue00aImmortal Belovedue00a(《永远的爱人》)是一部描写伟大的音乐创作家贝多芬一生的人物传记电影,也有许多影评人形象地将这部作品称之为“贝多芬传”。由伯纳德?罗斯执导完成。影片描写的是贝多芬逝世之后,人们在他的书桌上找到了一些零散的音乐曲谱和一封存放了多年的情书。这是写给他生前最爱的女人的一封信,在这封信当中贝多芬将自己一生的财产都留给了这个女人。然而究竟谁才是这位被伟大的音乐诗人所爱慕的女人呢,在他的信中只字不提。于是导演伯纳德?罗斯展开了自己丰富的想象力,将贝多芬所创作的作品与和他有过关系的三个女人联想在了一起,对这位贝多芬“永远的爱人”进行了一次大胆的想象。与此同时通过高超的剪辑手法,记录了贝多芬传奇般的一生。影片ue00aImmortal Belovedue00a的配乐指导是匈牙利著名的指挥家乔治?索尔第,也正因为这位鼎鼎大名的配乐指导的加入,让这部影片的配乐变得更加出色。影片从头到尾都贯穿了贝多芬一生当中所创作的音乐作品,我们仅仅只需要按图索骥,就能够深刻体会到贝多芬一生所追崇和向往的音乐国度,与此同时也能感受到贝多芬每部作品如何成功地扮演推展剧情的说书人的功能。透过ue00aImmortal Belovedue00a中的交响乐,可以更好地帮助我们理解影片的本质和其中深刻的内涵。   ue004一、ue00aImmortal Belovedue00a中的音乐主题   ue004贝多芬一生当中写下了将近138部优秀的音乐作品,令人震惊的是这当中的许多作品都是他在没有办法亲自运用自己的感官来验证的前提下进行的,全聋时期的他创作出来的音乐辉煌是无人能及的,为欧洲音乐增添了最美妙动人的篇章。他的第三、第五、第六、第九交响曲(《英雄》《命运》《田园》《何尝》),他的《热情》《月光》《悲怆》钢琴奏鸣曲以及那庄严肃穆的《庄严弥撒曲》无一不感人肺腑,震撼人心,成为经久不衰的艺术珍品。贝多芬的个性是奔放不羁的,他是一位怀着强烈民主思想主义的艺术革命性人物,在他的作品当中我们感受到的是强有力的音符,感情充沛,和声与节奏却是新颖独特,让人感受到自由的力量,艺术表现手法也堪称一绝,200多年以来,他的音乐在世界的每一个角落被人们纷纷奏起,无时无刻不在鼓励人们向美好的生活去奋斗。   ue004二、《第三交响曲》   ue004在电影ue00aImmortal Belovedue00a中,贝多芬在面对着神圣不可侵犯的爱情时,就以《英雄》的姿态去迎接每一个挑战。第三交响曲的标题是《英雄交响曲》,(这是贝多芬为了纪念一位伟人而创作的),原稿上的标题注明的是《拿破仑?波拿巴大交响曲》,是应法国驻维也纳大使的邀请而为拿破仑量身打造的。然而当贝多芬听到了拿破仑正准备在法国称帝的时候,愤然撕去了这部作品的标题页,将其改成了现在我们所熟悉的《英雄交响曲》。这是第一部打破维也纳交响乐的音乐创作模式,将英雄人物的性格体现得淋漓尽致。作品从头到尾给我们展现的都是严肃和欢乐交织的情绪,深沉真挚的感情让影片ue00aImmortal Beloved增添了许多感情色彩。贝多芬本人也曾经在公开场合声称这部作品是他最喜欢的交响曲,也被人们誉为浪漫乐派的创始作品。   ue004影片Immortal Belovedue00a中年轻气盛的贝多芬十分崇拜拿破仑的人格魅力,他一度认为拿破仑是伟大的革命家,认为他给这个世界带来了自己一直以来都向往的自由。贝多芬的这份热情也深深地感染到了在他身边的女人朱丽叶,于是贝多芬和朱丽叶在宫廷花园当中萌发了属于自己的第一份美好爱情,此时影片的配乐当中出现了第三交响曲《英雄第一乐章》。在前奏部分运用的是两个大三和弦的方式,坚定有力地向我们再现了当时的美好,这也是当时法国大革命时期英雄性格的最佳诠释方式,渲染出了英雄人物出场之前所需要达到的那种震撼人性,先声夺人的艺术表现形式。在影片当中最夺人眼球的,不是曲式格局,也不是丰盛的乐思,而是所有的素材不断向前的推进过程,是从一个主题升华到另外一个主题的最佳过渡,精力充沛却又稳步上升,带领着电影的主题上升到了另外一个高潮。   ue0041807~1810年这三年的时间里面,贝多芬激情四射,凭借着非凡的才华,获得了当时贵族们的欣赏,认为他是一个钢琴演奏的最朴实的音乐创作人。可贝多芬骨子里却是奔放不羁的,是一个永远向前冲的理想主义者,他希望凭借着自己的力量和才华亲手将自己宏伟的目标勾勒在现实世界的蓝图上面。在对待感情问题的时候,他希望通过自己的实力去征服那些比穷人略有教养却更加容易被感化和感动的,又或者是希望能跟他志同道合的淑女们谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱,然而贝多芬所追求的幸福却并没有收获到美好的果实。于是他将这份感情寄托于音乐创作当中,将自己当时的情感心绪投入其中,也提前预示了贝多芬复杂而曲折的感情历程。影片ue00aImmortal Belovedue00a恰到好处的描述,通过视觉和听觉的巧妙搭配将贝多芬这种复杂的情感感受描绘得淋漓尽致,让观众产生无限的遐想。   ue004三、《第五交响曲》   ue004《第五交响曲》(也称《命运交响曲》),曲目的第一乐章开头的部分是贝多芬最钟情的段落,在《第五奏鸣曲》《热情奏鸣曲》当中,我们都可以清晰地感受到他的身影。第一小节的演奏对于整部乐曲而言起到了统帅的作用。渺小的人需要凭借着惊人的意志力与现实生活的困难展开一番较量,在命运之神连续的呼喊和召唤下,回答的永远是幽咽的问号。人们在奋力挣扎着,希望能够通过怀抱着一腔热情希望和毅力的时候与命运搏斗。
2023-06-26 04:27:341


不是lmmortal,是immortal:immortal [i"mu0254:tu0259l] adj. 不朽的;神仙的;长生的n. 神仙;不朽人物
2023-06-26 04:27:531

永生 用英语怎么说好

endless life
2023-06-26 04:28:027

my immortal什么意思?

I agree with anudola7996
2023-06-26 04:28:186


《Immortals》是电影《超能陆战队》的主题曲。最初,迪斯尼要求Fall Out Boy乐队为讲述一群学生由高智商变为高科技英雄团队的电影《超能陆战队》谱写和表演一首歌曲。贝斯手Pete Wentz回忆,乐队成员去见迪斯尼董事后,董事向乐队介绍影片故事,电影的主人公们与乐队看世界的方式疯狂地相似,就深藏在Fall Out Boy的DNA中 。Fall Out Boy乐队成员们讨论了故事的场景和试图创作的内容。回家写出歌曲后把它寄给了迪斯尼。主唱Patrick Stump称歌曲名称是被小英雄们逐步加强的关于健康的想法影响而取的 。2014年12月15日,当乐队推出的专辑《American Beauty/American Psycho》可供预订时,《Immortals》也被列入专辑。2015年1月12日,第六张歌曲专辑还未发行时,包括《Immortals》已被放到YouTube上。乐队调侃称这是专辑里他们最喜欢的歌 。
2023-06-26 04:28:321


(歌词大意)[1] They say we are what we are, 大家都说“做好自己本分”But we don t have to be, 但我们不必服从I m bad behavior but I do it in the best way, 我的表现很差 但我在沿着最好的路走下去I ll be the watcher (watcher), 我将是那Of the eternal flame , 永恒火焰的守望者I ll be the guard dog, 我将是你的守护者of all your fever dreams, 在你所有狂热的梦想的看门狗OoooooohI am the sand in the bottom half, 我是时光沙漏底层的沙砾Of the hourglass (glass, glass) Oooooooh,I try to picture me without you but I can t, 我尝试着想象没有你的未来 但我做不到Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals, 因为我们将会不朽,不朽Just not for long, for long, 即使这样也不够长久,不够And live with me forever now, 现在就许我长相厮守Pull the blackout curtains down, 就此闭幕完结吧Just not for long, for long, 即使这样也不够长久,不够Because we could be Immooooooo- Immortals, 因为我们注定不朽,我们就是永恒Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Sometimes the only pay off, 有时坚守信仰的For having any faith, 唯一付出Is when its tested again and again, 就是一次次被考验Everyday, 日复一日Im still comparing your past, 我仍然在拿你的过去To my future, 去衡量我的未来It might be your wound, but they re my sutures, (有些事)也许是你的伤疤 但它们却是我的缝合线OoooooohI am the sand in the bottom half,我是时光沙漏底层的,Of the hourglass (glass, glass) 停滞的流沙Oooooooh,I try to picture me without you but I can t,我尝试着想象没有你的未来 但我做不到Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals, 因为我们注定不朽,不朽Just not for long, for long,即使这样也不够长久,不够And live with me forever now, 现在就许我长相厮守Pull the blackout curtains down,随着大幕落下Just not for long, for long,即使这样也不够长久,不够Because we could be Immooooooo- Immortals, 因为我们可以成为不朽者,不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immortals, 不朽者And live with me forever now 现在就许我长相厮守Pull the blackout curtains down, 随着大幕落下Just not for long, for long,即使这样也不够长久,不够We could be Immooooooo- Immortals, 我们可以不朽Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 永恒不朽
2023-06-26 04:28:4614

一首英文歌,高潮是we could be immortal一直重复,求歌名

we are the world? 迈克尔杰克逊? 去听下看对不。
2023-06-26 04:29:254


2023-06-26 04:29:454

People die, but the memory that is left is immortal.来个英语高手剖析下这句话里的语法

并列句,其中第二句中含有一个定语从句People主语 die谓语, 人固有一死 but 连词 the memory主语( that is left定语从句,关系代词that做从句主语不能省略) is 系动词immortal.表语但是(所留下的)精神永垂不朽.
2023-06-26 04:29:523

凡人修仙传单击版 运行提示“请运行Immortal.exe进行游戏 ”

2023-06-26 04:30:001


Immortal refers to the road
2023-06-26 04:30:224


2023-06-26 04:30:291

疯狂的麦克斯4里面,不死老乔应该是叫“Immortal Joe”还是“Immortan Joe”?

第一个,Immortal Joe.Immortal 不朽的;神仙的;长生的;永生的Immortan 是个错误单词吧??
2023-06-26 04:30:381


2023-06-26 04:30:441

不朽的英语eternal 和immortal区别?

eternal 指永远的,无休止的(时间上) immortal 指不朽的,不可泯灭的(功绩上),3,eternal永恒的 immortal不朽的 前者可以指永久流传的东西,后者更常用来指不死的(神化故事)。,2,
2023-06-26 04:32:091

不朽的英语eternal 和immortal区别

eternal 指永远的,无休止的(时间上) immortal 指不朽的,不可泯灭的(功绩上)
2023-06-26 04:32:171

Immortal (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Immortal (Lp Version)歌手:beth hart专辑:ImmortalImmortal——HelloweenTwo lives, one fateI have to leaveSo you will follow meThat"s how it"s meant to beI reigned as GodI"m monumentalSoon I will ariseWith you by my sideAnd we will radiate the skiesHe who will gaze our lightsWill kill his mind, his vision blindTonight we are starsStars - that shine on brightTonight we are starsStars - immortal lightTonight we are starsAll treasures, all goodsWe bury where we lay down to dieAnd pay for paradiseAwait the highest thorn of allAnd wo will gaze our lightsWill kill his mind, is going blindTonight we are starsStars - that shine on brightTonight we are starsStars - inside the nights of acheLove and hateHope and shadeI take you awayI will take you awayI"m gonna take you awayI will take you awayTonight we are starsthat shine on brightTonight we are starsStars - immortal light of acheLight of hateHope and shadePart of the fateTonight we are stars
2023-06-26 04:32:301


问题一:永生用英文怎么说 immortal形容词 immortality名词 问题二:永生用英语怎么说 我脑子里出现immortality这个词。希望可以帮到你 问题三:永生 用英语怎么说好 都不专业,打 *** 永生用在三种情况, 1。某某永生,这是祝词,用在国王,王后等, long live the King! 2。某人的思想,精神永生 这里用....never die! 3. 神化,吸血鬼等永生不死,这里用 immortal. the scorpin king is immortal. 至于永生金笔,那只好翻译成 Yongsheng golden pen. 问题四:永生 英语怎么说 forever 问题五:永生英文谐音怎么说 Immortal 因某头 问题六:永生的英语是什么? “永生”的 确切英文应该是: eternal of life. 考虑到你希望简单一点, 我想 ”Everlasting Life 较为恰当。 问题七:“永生不忘”用英语怎么说? never forget all the life 问题八:永生者用英语怎么读 你好! 永生者 the Eternal 问题九:黄永生英文谐音怎么说 你好! 建议使用英文名字Shawn Huang 希望能够帮到你!
2023-06-26 04:32:371

The Rasmus的《Immortal》 歌词

歌曲名:Immortal歌手:The Rasmus专辑:No FearThe Rasmus - ImmortalStrange signs, crooked signalsStrike down the last aerialsHeaven"s bendingBelow the world beginsto breakLife"s endingThe time has come to escapeDown to the chambersDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondWe chose the silenceHatred, cruel violenceWe should be ashamedWe had a chance thatwe ignoredAnd now it"s too lateThe end is knocking onthe doorReady to claim usDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondSurrender to my loveSacrifice your soulYour picture in the frameIs fading like a ghostNever say goodbyeNever be aloneNever say good nightNever say dieDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondImmortal loveis breakingThe one last bond
2023-06-26 04:32:431

永垂不朽 英语怎么说

long live forever 单词是be immortal
2023-06-26 04:32:533


i have a never-dying heart
2023-06-26 04:33:136

immortal 和eternal life有什么区别吗

例句与用法:1.The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures.小女孩对有关永生的精灵的古老传奇非常感兴趣.2.He left behind an immortal example to all posterity.他给后世留下了不朽的典范.eternal life:[宗]来世[宗]永生eternal:[ i(:)"t?:nl ]a.永久的,永恒的词形变化:副词:eternally 名词:eternality例句与用法:1.The idea that the world is eternal is now seldom advanced.地球是永恒的这种看法现在很少提出了.2.Condemned,especially to eternal punishment.被判为永久罪的被判罪的,尤其指永久的惩罚3.The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.坏人将会受到永远的惩罚.4.He is,as it were,an eternal boy.他好像是个永远年轻的小伙子.5.She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life.她终生感激他的救命之恩.
2023-06-26 04:33:261


问题一:永生用英文怎么说 immortal形容词 immortality名词 问题二:永生用英语怎么说 我脑子里出现immortality这个词。希望可以帮到你 问题三:永生英文谐音怎么说 Immortal 因某头 问题四:永生 用英语怎么说好 都不专业,打 *** 永生用在三种情况, 1。某某永生,这是祝词,用在国王,王后等, long live the King! 2。某人的思想,精神永生 这里用....never die! 3. 神化,吸血鬼等永生不死,这里用 immortal. the scorpin king is immortal. 至于永生金笔,那只好翻译成 Yongsheng golden pen. 问题五:永生 英语怎么说 forever 问题六:永生的英语是什么? “永生”的 确切英文应该是: eternal of life. 考虑到你希望简单一点, 我想 ”Everlasting Life 较为恰当。 问题七:“永生不忘”用英语怎么说? never forget all the life 问题八:一个酒鬼看见一本书上写着喝酒的种种害处,他立即作出了一个决定,你知道是什么决定吗? 5分 把书扔了。
2023-06-26 04:33:331


abiding: describe a feeling or memory that you have for a long time .(感情或记忆)持久的,永久的everlasting: lasting forever or for a long time 永久的,永恒的,,例如,everlasting bulb永远不会烧坏的灯泡lasting :continuing to exist for a long time or forever ,持续的,永久的,永恒的permanent: describe something that exists or happens all the time 常在的,固定的,永久的,例如:permant snow on the top of Mont Blanc 勃朗峰山顶的终年积雪standing :永久的,长期的,常设的i am hoping that it will give you some help , thank youimmortal: [ i"mu0254:tl ] a. 不朽的 n. 不朽的人物 词形变化: 副词:immortally 例句与用法: 1. The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures. 小女孩对有关永生的精灵的古老传奇非常感兴趣。 2. He left behind an immortal example to all posterity. 他给后世留下了不朽的典范。 eternal life: [宗]来世 [宗]永生 eternal: [ i(:)"tu0259:nl ] a. 永久的,永恒的 词形变化: 副词:eternally 名词:eternality 例句与用法: 1. The idea that the world is eternal is now seldom advanced. 地球是永恒的这种看法现在很少提出了。 2. Condemned, especially to eternal punishment. 被判为永久罪的被判罪的,尤其指永久的惩罚 3. The bad man will suffer eternal damnation. 坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。 4. He is, as it were, an eternal boy. 他好像是个永远年轻的小伙子。 5. She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life. 她终生感激他的救命之恩.求采纳~~~~~~~~~
2023-06-26 04:33:511


《无限之住人-IMMORTAL-》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: rpti
2023-06-26 04:33:581

Immortality 歌词

歌曲名:Immortality歌手:Céline Dion&The Bee Gees专辑:The EssentialImmortal——HelloweenTwo lives, one fateI have to leaveSo you will follow meThat"s how it"s meant to beI reigned as GodI"m monumentalSoon I will ariseWith you by my sideAnd we will radiate the skiesHe who will gaze our lightsWill kill his mind, his vision blindTonight we are starsStars - that shine on brightTonight we are starsStars - immortal lightTonight we are starsAll treasures, all goodsWe bury where we lay down to dieAnd pay for paradiseAwait the highest thorn of allAnd wo will gaze our lightsWill kill his mind, is going blindTonight we are starsStars - that shine on brightTonight we are starsStars - inside the nights of acheLove and hateHope and shadeI take you awayI will take you awayI"m gonna take you awayI will take you awayTonight we are starsthat shine on brightTonight we are starsStars - immortal light of acheLight of hateHope and shadePart of the fateTonight we are stars
2023-06-26 04:34:111

My Immortal 歌词

歌曲名:My Immortal歌手:Nica & Joe专辑:My ImmortalEvanescence - My Immortal / 伊凡塞斯乐队 - 不朽翻译:Whim (675278014) @ LK 歌词组1群 (56879147)校对:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队I"m so tired of being here,suppressed by all my childish fears / 我厌倦了这里,儿时的所有恐惧令我如此压抑And if you have to leave, wish that you would just leave / 若你一定要离开,希望你马上就走"Cause your presence still lingers here / 有你的身影在此流连不已And it won"t leave me alone / 我不会孤单没落These wounds won"t seem to heal / 那道道伤口怎不曾愈合This pain is just too real / 这痛苦竟如此真切There"s just too much that time cannot erase / 有太多的东西,时间也难以将其抹去When you cried I"d wipe away all of your tears / 你若哭泣,我会为你拭去所有泪滴When you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fears / 你若害怕,我会为你赶走所有恐惧I held your hand through all of these years / 执手经历几多风雨But you still have / 你始终拥有All of me / 我的一切You used to captivate me by your resonating light / 你那共鸣之光,曾经令我如醉如痴Now I"m bound by the life you left behind / 到如今我还纠缠在,你遗弃的日子里Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams / 你的面影,它笼罩了我曾经安宁的睡梦Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me / 你的声音,它已使我神智不清These wounds won"t seem to heal / 那道道伤口怎不曾愈合This pain is just too real / 这痛苦竟如此真切There"s just too much that time cannot erase / 有太多的东西,时间也难以将其抹去When you cried I"d wipe away all of your tears / 你若哭泣,我会为你拭去所有泪滴When you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fears / 你若害怕,我会为你赶走所有恐惧I held your hand through all of these years / 执手经历几多风雨But you still have / 你始终拥有All of me / 我的一切I"ve tried so hard to tell myself that you"re gone / 千万次我提醒自己,你已不在But though you"re still with me / 虽然仍有你守在身边I"ve been alone all along / 我却走得一路孤单When you cried I"d wipe away all of your tears / 你若哭泣,我会为你拭去所有泪滴When you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fears / 你若害怕,我会为你赶走所有恐惧I held your hand through all of these years / 执手经历几多风雨But you still have / 你始终拥有All of me... / 我的一切...LRC translated by Whim & revised by Tony Chang from LK Lyrics Group
2023-06-26 04:34:181

Immortality 歌词

歌曲:《Immortality》歌手:Celine Dion所属专辑:《天长地久·世纪情歌精选》歌手介绍:席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion),1968年3月30日生于加拿大魁北克省,加拿大歌手。 其歌词如下:So this is who i am,And this is all i know,And i must choose to live,For all that i can give,The spark that makes the power growAnd i will stand for my dream if i can,Symbol of my faith in who i am,But you are my only,And i must follow on the road that lies ahead,And i won"t let my heart control my head,But you are my onlyWe don"t say goodbye,And i know what i"ve got to beImmortalityI make my journey through eternityI keep the memory of you and me insideFulfill your destiny,Is there within the child,My storm will never end,My fate is on the wind,The king of hearts,the joker"s wild,But we don"t say goodbye,We don"t say goodbyeI"ll make them all remember meCos i have found a dream that must come true,Every ounce of me must see it though,But you are my onlyI"m sorry i don"t have a role for love to play,Hand over my heart i"ll find my way,I will make them give to meImmortalityThere is a vision and a fire in meI keep the memory of you and me,insideAnd we don"t say goodbyeWe don"t say goodbyeWith all my love for youAnd what else we may doWe don"t say,goodbye……译文所以,这就是我我所知道的全部我必须选择活下去只因为我还能付出火花也能变成巨大的能量只要可以,我会为梦想挺身而出那是我个人信仰的象徵你是我的唯一我必得顺着眼前的路前行我不会让心灵控制思考你是我的唯一我俩不会说再见我明白该怎麽做不朽我让旅程穿越永恒将你我的记忆永志心中充满在你命运中的可有个孩子?我的暴风雨永不止息命运飘在风中红心老K和小丑在作祟但我俩不会道别我要让人们全记得我因为,我找到了必能实现的梦想每一盎司的我都要看着它你是我的唯一很抱歉,我没有爱情的游戏规则把心给我,我就能找到出路我会使人们交给我不朽在我心里有个景象和一把火我把你我的回忆留在心中但我们不会说再见把我全部的爱都给你我们还能做什麽除了不说再见
2023-06-26 04:34:263

Immortality (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Immortality (Live)歌手:Seether专辑:One Cold Night (Live)The Rasmus - ImmortalStrange signs, crooked signalsStrike down the last aerialsHeaven"s bendingBelow the world beginsto breakLife"s endingThe time has come to escapeDown to the chambersDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondWe chose the silenceHatred, cruel violenceWe should be ashamedWe had a chance thatwe ignoredAnd now it"s too lateThe end is knocking onthe doorReady to claim usDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondSurrender to my loveSacrifice your soulYour picture in the frameIs fading like a ghostNever say goodbyeNever be aloneNever say good nightNever say dieDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondImmortal loveis breakingThe one last bond
2023-06-26 04:34:441

Immortality (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Immortality (Live)歌手:Seether专辑:One Cold Night (Live)The Rasmus - ImmortalStrange signs, crooked signalsStrike down the last aerialsHeaven"s bendingBelow the world beginsto breakLife"s endingThe time has come to escapeDown to the chambersDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondWe chose the silenceHatred, cruel violenceWe should be ashamedWe had a chance thatwe ignoredAnd now it"s too lateThe end is knocking onthe doorReady to claim usDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondSurrender to my loveSacrifice your soulYour picture in the frameIs fading like a ghostNever say goodbyeNever be aloneNever say good nightNever say dieDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondImmortal loveis breakingThe one last bond
2023-06-26 04:34:511

my immortal什么意思

不朽的爱例句:1.May god have mercy on my immortal soul! 愿上帝宽恕我不朽的灵魂!2.My best friend, my immortal. 你永远是我的好朋友。
2023-06-26 04:35:001

Immortality [Live - Las Vegas 1997] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Immortality [Live - Las Vegas 1997] (Album Version)歌手:Bee Gees - Featuring Celine Dion专辑:One Night OnlyThe Rasmus - ImmortalStrange signs, crooked signalsStrike down the last aerialsHeaven"s bendingBelow the world beginsto breakLife"s endingThe time has come to escapeDown to the chambersDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondWe chose the silenceHatred, cruel violenceWe should be ashamedWe had a chance thatwe ignoredAnd now it"s too lateThe end is knocking onthe doorReady to claim usDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondSurrender to my loveSacrifice your soulYour picture in the frameIs fading like a ghostNever say goodbyeNever be aloneNever say good nightNever say dieDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondDrink this blood andwe"ll becomeimmortal, baby this loveis breakingThe one last bondImmortal loveis breakingThe one last bond
2023-06-26 04:35:071


ly the blind realize the manifold blessing
2023-06-26 04:35:172

求几个像immortal和for the win类似的歌。

Thomas Bergersen - Empire Of Angels - 纯音乐版John Dreamer - Becoming A LegendE.S. Posthumus - Vishnu - 纯音乐版Two Steps From Hell - Heart Of CourageTwo Steps From Hell - Dragon Rider - 纯音乐版two steps from hell - false kingtwo steps from hell - moving mountainsTwo Steps From Hell - Protectors Of The Earth - 纯音乐版two steps from hell - strength of a thousand men亡灵序曲 - The DawnSteven Burke - Hero"s ThemeAudiomachine - Breath And Life - 纯音乐版Mark Petrie - Go Time - 纯音乐版
2023-06-26 04:35:241


1、enduringadj.持久的, 永久的a poet of enduring greatness一位不朽的伟大诗人2、imperishableadj不朽的;不灭的、永恒的, 不朽的, 永久的, 耐久的imperishable fame 不朽的名声3、monumentaladj.纪念碑的; 雄伟的; 巨大的; 不朽的[用以加强语气]非常的, 极端的4、secularadj.现世的, 尘世的; 世俗的; 非宗教的住于俗世的百年一度的; 一世纪一次的长期的, 不朽的secular fame不朽的名声the secular bird不死之鸟(凤凰)5、undyingadv不朽的,永恒的
2023-06-26 04:35:347


2023-06-26 04:36:043