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2023-06-26 11:38:55

In recent years, with the rapid development of internet in China, youth get more chances to reach internet increasingly. Youth age is a transition period between childhood and adulthood, it a critical period of time to shape their pilosophy and values. In this period of time, internet brings them convenience in life and study, and also works on their unshaped morality, value orientation, and their way of thinking. This article will have a deep analysis and then comes up a conclusion on the factors of internet itself and its effects on callans, and then based on the analysis, to bring up solutions.

Three parts for this article:

The first part mainly focus on the structure and characteristics of internet culture. Internet culture as an integrity includes three parts: the marterial, the systematical and spiritual. Its characteristics includes basic and essential characteristics. The basic characteristics of internet culture on the material and systematical level includes: the vaturality of internet culture, the time efficiency of internet culture spread, the mutuality of internet culture operation, the variety and entertainment of internet culture, the self-control of internet culture management.

The second part focus on the causations of internet culture which effected Chinese youth. This part includes two aspects: the positive and negative effects of internet culture posed on youth of our country. The positive aspect includes its advantages to shape on the conception of modern, to change the thinking mode of youth, to promote the development of independency of youth, to help build up the open and creative spirits. The negative effects includes its influence on the morality, criminality, growth and health of youth.

The third part will bring forward the strategic national, scholasitc and familiar solutions respectively, bases on the causation analysis of the negative effects that internet culture impacted on Chinese youth.

Key words: Internet, Internet culture, Youth


In recent years, with the rapidly developing of networks in China, the chance of young people"s access to network is growing.young people is in a stage of transition stage from Young childhood to adulthood, it is a critical period when their outlook on life and values are formating. At this stage, the network bring to their lives and learning a lot of convenience, but also take influence on their formation of moral values, thinking mode. Based on the characteristics of its own network and network effects on young people, we sum up the causes and in-depth analysis, and on this basis, will give a strategy to solve the problem. The full text is divided into three parts:

The first part:mainly summed up the very structure of major network culture, and it"s characteristics. As a whole, Internet culture can be divided into three levels in structure: the level of material, system-level, and spiritual dimensions. Features include essential character and basic features , as the basic features of both material level and system-level network culture: virtual;timely; interactive; variety; entertainment; management autonomyic.

The second part : the reasons on Internet culture"s impact on China"s young people. Summarized that the reasons include positive impact and negative impact on young people. Positive impact: beneficial influence to the modern concept of young people ;conducive to help the young people to change ways of thinking; to promote the development of young people"s awareness of the independent ; to promot the youth"s establish their opening up and the spirit of innovation. Negative impacts are: moral impact on young people ; juvenile delinquency;;the education impact in young people"s growing; the impact of physical and mental health.

The third part, in accordance with the above analysis on negative impact ,give further strategies to solve the problem from the state, schools, families of these three aspects


百度 在线翻译



1. influence[英][ 04influ05ns] [美][ 0401nflu05ns]n.影响;势力;有影响的人(或事物);[占星学]星力vt.影响;感染;支配;对……起作用复数:influences第三人称单数:influences过去式:influenced过去分词:influenced现在分词:influencing 2.affect[英][0504fekt] [美][0504f07kt] vt.影响;假装;感动;(疾病)侵袭n.感情,情感,心情;[精神病学](表露或觉察到的)情绪反应第三人称单数:affects过去式:affected过去分词:affected现在分词:affecting3.impact[英][04imp03kt] [美][0401m05p03kt]n.碰撞,冲击,撞击;影响;冲击力vt.挤入,压紧;撞击;对……产生影响vi.冲撞,冲击;产生影响复数:impacts第三人称单数:impacts过去式:impacted过去分词:impacted现在分词:impacting4.effect[英][i04fekt] [美][0104f07kt] n.影响;效果;印象;所有物vt.使发生;引起;产生(效果)复数:effects第三人称单数:effects过去式:effected过去分词:effected现在分词:effecting
2023-06-26 03:45:451


affect和impact都是动词,表示影响的意思,但它们的用法和含义略有不同。affectaffect通常表示对某人或某物的影响,强调的是影响的程度和性质。例如:这个消息对他的情绪产生了很大的影响。(The news affected his mood greatly.)环境污染对人类健康产生了不良影响。(Environmental pollution has a negative impact on human health.)impactimpact通常表示对某事物的冲击或影响,强调的是影响的程度和范围。例如:这场地震对当地经济产生了巨大的冲击。(The earthquake had a huge impact on the local economy.)新技术对传统产业产生了深远的影响。(New technology has had a profound impact on traditional industries.)需要注意的是,affect和impact在语言表达中有时可以互换使用,但它们的用法和含义略有不同。在具体使用时,需要根据语境和含义选择合适的词语。
2023-06-26 03:45:521

英语The real impact of our research怎么翻译?

the real impact of our research 意思是我们研究的真正影响。
2023-06-26 03:46:074


2023-06-26 03:46:257

impact on 和impact of 的区别

2023-06-26 03:46:421


"近况"在英语为"recent situation","recent development"或"current situation"等等。“近况”在英语中通常翻译为“recent situation”,指代最近一段时间内发生的情况或事件,如最近一周、最近一个月等。人们常常关注最近的情况,以了解当前的各种情况及趋势,做出相应的决策或行动计划。比如,企业关注最近的市场情况,政府关注最近的社会安全情况,个人关注最近的健康状况等。因此,了解近况在日常交际中是很常见的,也是了解时事和当下形势的重要方式之一。关于近况的句子1、"Can you update me on the recent situation with the project?"(你能告诉我项目的最近进展情况吗?)2、"The recent development of the company has been very positive."(公司最近的发展情况非常积极。)3、"Due to the recent situation, we have decided to postpone the event."(因为最近的情况,我们决定推迟这次活动。)4、"The current situation with COVID-19 has impacted many people"s daily lives."(新冠疫情的当前情况影响了许多人的日常生活。)5、"We are closely monitoring the recent situation and will provide updates as necessary."(我们正在密切关注最近的情况,必要时会提供更新。)
2023-06-26 03:47:081


看句子改语法most/less affected by RMB appreciatio
2023-06-26 03:47:472


摘 要:“高平九莲灯”是一种具有浓郁地方特色的舞蹈,2006年被列入“第一批山西省非物质文化遗产名录”。通过对“九莲灯”起源的追溯和发展轨迹的了解,主要对它的表演形式,基本动作与戏曲身法的融合,队形流动的艺术特征的理解,来浅谈这一艺术形式在不同时期所表达文化传播意义和在历史发展中所起的作用。就其由兴盛时期到受到时代文化冲击而走入低潮,并从它生命力的延续中得到启示。民间艺术记载的不仅仅是人类文明的历史进步,也是中华民族精神的延续。 Abstract: “the Gaoping nine lotus lamps” are one kind have the rich local characteristics dance, in 2006 is included “the first batch of Shanxi Province non-material cultural heritage name list”. The origin backward and develops path"s understanding through right “nine lotus lamps”, mainly to its performance form, the elementary action and the drama carriage"s fusion, the formation mobile art characteristic"s understanding, comes to discuss this artistic form shallowly, in the different time expresses the cultural dissemination significance and the role which plays in the historical development. To is under the time culture impact on it from the prosperous time to walk into the ebb tide, and obtains the enlightenment from its vitality"s extension. The folk art record is not only the human culture historical progress, is also the Chinese nation spirit extension. 关键词:Key word: 九莲灯Nine lotus lamps 起源Origin 舞蹈基本动作Dances the elementary action 队形Formation 意义Significance
2023-06-26 03:48:133


2023-06-26 03:48:238


"Cinema" 是一个英文单词,意思是电影院、电影行业、电影艺术。cinema短语搭配:1. go to the cinema 去电影院2. cinema ticket 电影票3. cinema screen 电影屏幕4. cinema complex 电影院综合设施5. cinema experience 电影观影体验6. cinema release 电影上映7. cinema industry 电影产业8. cinema chain 电影院连锁cinema双语例句:1. Going to the cinema is a popular pastime for many people around the world. 去电影院观影是世界上许多人的流行消遣方式。2. The cinema experience has evolved over time, from silent films with live music accompaniment to the latest 3D technology. 电影观影体验随时间发展而演变,从伴随现场音乐的无声电影到最新的3D技术。3. The cinema industry has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many theaters closing or operating at reduced capacity. 新冠疫情对电影产业产生了巨大的影响,许多电影院已经关闭或者以减少座位的方式运营。4. The cinema release of the new blockbuster movie is highly anticipated by fans around the world. 新大片的上映备受全球影迷期待。
2023-06-26 03:48:391


Mobile texts harm written language? White collars suffer most depression  The rising popularity of text messaging on mobile phones poses a threat to writing standards among Irish schoolchildren, an Irish education commission says.   The frequency of ;errors in grammar and punctuation has become a serious concern, the State Examination Commission said in a report after reviewing last year"s exam performance by 15-year-olds.   "The emergence of the mobile phone and the rise of text messaging as a popular means of communication would appear to have impacted on standards of writing as evidenced in the responses of candidates," the report said, according to Wednesday"s Irish Times.   "Text messaging, with its use of phonetic spelling and little or no punctuation, seems to pose a threat to traditional conventions in writing."   The report laments that, in many cases, candidates seemed "unduly reliant on short sentences, simple tenses and a limited vocabulary."   In 2003, Irish 15-year-olds were among the top 10 performers in an international league table of literacy standards compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Spread the seeds on a large pan (平底锅).21ST, Delicious fruit and healthy vegetables will keep you well
2023-06-26 03:49:071


2023-06-26 03:49:176


1.第一句:No one can doubt that the reform and opening policies introduced in 1979 have had a profound impact on the lives of Chinese citizens.No one can doubt that……是主干。这是个宾语从句;the reform and opening policies introduced in 1979 have had a profound impact on the lives of Chinese citizens充当doubt这一动作的宾语。翻译:没有人能怀疑1979年推出的改革开放政策对中国公民的生活产生了深刻的影响。第二句:Changes resulting therefrom(这应该是连起来的,大意为“从那里”) have not only impacted the economic system , but the social system as well 中Changes resulting therefrom是主语,只是谓语部分用了not only ……but (also可省略)的结构。翻译:由此造成的变化不仅影响了经济体制,而且影响了社会体制. 2.第一句:The arrival of the so called Information Age will undoubtedly have a profound influence on our lives. The arrival of the so called Information Age 是主语,have a profound influence on 是词组,对某某产生深远的影响, our lives是动作的承受者,是句子的宾语。翻译:所谓“信息时代”的来临无疑将深刻地影响我们的生活。第二句:The task at hand center on using the technology for beneficial purposes, while at the same time preventing intrusions of privacy and use of the electronic highway for deceitful purposes.The task at hand center on……是主干,using the technology for beneficial purposes, while at the same time preventing intrusions of privacy and use of the electronic highway for deceitful purposes是宾语,谓语是center on。翻译:手头的任务主要是利用技术达到有意的目的,同时,防止侵犯隐私或者出于欺骗的目的利用电子高速路。3.第一句:A recent survey revealed large disparities in the income levels of male and female workers holding the same position .A recent survey revealed (that省略了) 是主干,这是宾语从句;A recent survey 是主语,revealed 是谓语, large disparities in the income levels of male and female workers holding the same position是宾语,翻译:最近的一项调查表明在同样职位上的男性与女性工人的收入水平存在差异。第二句: The determining factor should be qualifications ,rather than gender , when determining both the salary and position of an individual .when determining both the salary and position of an individual 可以理解为时间状语,The determining factor 是主语,should be 是谓语,qualifications ,rather than gender ,充当宾语,其中rather than意思是“而不是”。翻译:在决定工人工资和职位的时候,决定因素应该是资格,而不是性别。
2023-06-26 03:49:331

The book had a great impact ___ its readers. 选择一项: A. of B. for C. on

你好!选C on.The book had a great impact on its readers.这本书对读者有很大的影响。
2023-06-26 03:50:032


2023-06-26 03:50:192


The Importance of Education Just as what we learned in the passage that a lot of parents do not know how to educate their children well. And the inaccurate education have effect to the society. As far as I know, the children are the flowers of our motherland, and education is quite important because the grow of children can not be separated from education. However parents pay too much attention to the records of studies. I do not know whether parents know or not their behaviour put great stress on the children. So this is not good for children. Not only can not improve their study but also have a harmful effect on their physical and psychological health for example feeling themselves inferior, diffidence and become timid and so on. In a word if you love them love them nicely!(个人水平有限,仅供参考。谢谢)
2023-06-26 03:50:274

英语作文changes in my life.并附带翻译

Changes in My LifeIn my life, there have been many changes that have occurred. Some changes have been positive, while others have been negative. However, all of these changes have helped me to grow and become a better person.One of the biggest changes in my life occurred when I moved to a new city for college. This was a scary and exciting time for me, as I had to adjust to living on my own and making new friends. Through this experience, I learned how to become more independent and how to adapt to new situations.Another change in my life was when I started a new job. This job was in a field that I had never worked in before, so there was a lot to learn. However, this change allowed me to develop new skills and gain valuable experience that has helped me in my career.Finally, a very significant change in my life was when my grandmother passed away. This was a difficult time for me and my family, but it taught me the importance of cherishing the time we have with our loved ones.All of these changes have had an impact on me and have helped me to become the person I am today. I am grateful for these experiences and believe that they have made me stronger and more resilient.我的生活中发生了许多变化。有些变化是积极的,而有些则是消极的。然而,所有这些变化帮助了我成长,成为更好的人。我生活中的最大变化之一发生在我为上大学而搬到了一个新城市。对我来说,这是令人害怕和兴奋的时期,因为我不得不适应独自生活和交新朋友。通过这次经历,我学会了变得更加独立,学会了适应新环境。我生活中的另一个变化是我开始了一份新工作。这份工作是我之前从未工作过的领域,因此有很多要学习的。然而,这个变化让我发展出了新技能,并获得了有价值的经验,这些经验在我的职业生涯中对我有帮助。最后,家人中有亲人离世,这是我生活中非常重要的变化。这对我和我的家人来说都是一个困难的时期,但是它教会了我珍惜我们和我们所爱的人在一起的时间的重要性。所有这些变化对我都产生过影响,并帮助我成为我今天的人。我为这些经历感激,并认为它们使我变得更加坚强、更有韧性。
2023-06-26 03:50:373


翻译为:Problems such as traffic jam、noise pollution and so on,has seriously impacted on people"s life. 谢谢您的支持!
2023-06-26 03:50:531


学生过度崇拜明星影响学业 An unhealthy obsession with celebrity culture is damaging the academic success of British students a survey of teachers found on Friday with celebrity couple the Beckhams the favorite inspiration. Many students are ignoring career aspirations to pursue the chance of fame instead the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) survey found. Almost o-thirds of teachers said sports stars were the type of celebrity most pupils wanted to emulate while more than half of students wanted to be pop stars. The celebrities students aspired to be most like the survey said were Los Angeles-based David and Victoria Beckham arguably Britain"s most famous couple. Soccer player "Becks" topped the poll with more than half the teachers saying their students modeled themselves on the 32 year-old. In second place with almost a third of the poll"s vote was his 33 year-old wife and pop star "Posh." In an era of reality television "stars" and a media fixation with celebrities a majority of teachers said celebrity culture negatively impacted the aspirations of their pupils. Almost half of the 300 teachers polled said pupils tried to look like and/or behave like celebrities they most admired fuelling fears that girls particularly dressed in "unsuitable " or provocative styles. "We are not surprised about infiltration of celebrity culture in schools -- it reflects the current media obsession with celebrity and the effect of celebrity culture on society as a whole " ATL general secretary Mary Bousted said in a statement. "Celebrities can have a positive effect on pupils. They can raise pupils" aspirations and ambitions for the future. "However ... celebrity culture can perpetuate the notion that celebrity status is the greatest achievement and reinforces the belief that other career options are not valuable." Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard ranked third on the favorites list with 26 percent actress Keira Knightley finished fourth (25 percent). Other celebrities on the list included U.S. heiress and socialite Paris Hilton (sixth) and Leona Lewis a winner of Britain"s "The X Factor" television talent show (ninth). 英国上周五公布的一项针对教师的调查发现,英国学生对明星的过度“痴迷”影响到了他们的学业。调查发现,“小贝”夫妇是英国学生最崇拜的明星。 这项由英国教师与讲师协会开展的调查发现,很多学生由于追逐“明星梦”而忽视了正常的成才之路。 近三分之二的教师称,大多数学生最想成为体育明星,一半以上的学生梦想成为流行歌星。 该调查称,学生们最渴望自己能成为贝克汉姆夫妇那样的名人。已移居美国洛杉矶的小贝和维多利亚堪称英国最著名的夫妇。 民调结果显示,足球巨星贝克汉姆最受学生崇拜,一半以上的受访教师称他们的学生以这位32岁的足球明星为榜样。小贝的爱妻、33岁的流行歌星“高贵辣妹” 以三分之一的得票率名列第二。 多数受访教师称,在电视选秀明星大行其道、媒体大肆宣传明星的今天,名人文化对学生的志向产生了不良影响。 在300名受访教师中,近一半的人称一些学生在外表或举止上效仿自己崇拜的明星,一些女孩着装“不当”或装扮过火,惹人担忧。 英国教师与讲师协会秘书长玛丽u2022鲍斯蒂德在一份声明中说:“明星文化深入校园其实并不奇怪——这体现了媒体过于关注名人的现状及名人文化对整个社会的影响。” “名人可以给学生带来积极影响。他们能激励学生们梦想未来。” “然而,名人文化也会助长一种错误观念,即‘成为明星才是最大成功,从事其它行业都没有价值"。” 切尔西中场球员弗兰克u2022兰帕德以26%的得票率成为第三大最受学生欢迎的明星,女星凯拉u2022奈特莉名列第四(25%)。 上榜的其他名人包括美国豪门女星、社交名媛帕里斯u2022希尔顿(第六位)及英国选秀节目“The X Factor”冠军莉欧娜u2022刘易斯(第九位)。
2023-06-26 03:50:591

急求一篇关于物种起源对后世影响的英语短文 要求有好有坏的,

这篇是说达尔文的物种起源对我们现在的影响.不知道是不是你要的. Charles Darwin and His Impact Today is the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin"s seminal work,The Origin of Species1.There has been renewed hype about Darwin and his theory of evolution this year,since not only does this year mark the 150th anniversary of The Origin of Species,but it also marks the 200th anniversary of Darwin"s birth2.While Darwin"s theory has stirred up controversy for nearly all of its history,its impact on modern science cannot be overstated. The idea of evolution did not originate with Darwin.Evolutionary thought dates back to the time of the Greeks,who toyed with the idea of organic evolution.During the Scientific Revolution,scientists laid the foundations of what would ultimately become the Darwin"s theory.After all,intelligent beings had to come from somewhere,and for the atheists,a natural explanation had to be found.For example,the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck came up with the idea of the transmutation of species. Many people are familiar with how Darwin came up with the theory of evolution.Traveling on the HMS Beagle,Darwin observed several major facts that profoundly influenced his theory of evolution.His trip to the Galapagos Islands cemented in his mind the idea of the transmutation of species.After the five year journey around the world,Darwin returned and spent the next two decades working on his magnum opus,The Origin of Species. Unlike the impact of someone like Albert Einstein,Darwin"s influence on modern science is not with the introduction of a timeless theory.For example,while Einstein"s innovative 1905 paper is still recognized today as the foundation for the current understanding of relativity,The Origin of Species is a work useful only to historians,and has little scientific value. One might ask why Darwin"s work is so significant if indeed so much of his theory was so wrong.Today"s definition of “Darwinism” is hardly the theory propounded in his book at all.Rather,it is a conglomeration of 150 years of addition and revision,producing what we all understand today as evolution.However,Darwin"s ideas represented a fundamental shift in how biology was understood through his introduction of the idea of natural selection.This concept has led to numerous breakthroughs in our understanding of everything from disease control to computer science. Yet I would be remiss to laud Darwin"s theory without pointing out the fact that it has had negative impacts on society.Social Darwinism is an application of Darwinism that has been used to bolster racist arguments.Perhaps the most prominent example of this was the Nazi policy of eugenics executed during the Holocaust.It is clear that like all scientific theories,the theory of evolution does not provide answers to moral questions,and without caution,it can be grossly misapplied. The theory of evolution is radically different than what it was when Darwin first penned it in The Origin of Species.However,that does not lessen the magnitude of his achievement.Darwin stands as a monumental figure in the history of science,right along with the likes of Newton and Einstein.His idea of natural selection is the cornerstone for modern evolutionary thought,and provided a bases for scientists to better understand biology.What is perhaps so significant about Darwin"s achievement is how ahead of his time he was.Without any understanding of modern genetics3,Darwin managed to come up with the idea of inherited traits and the mutation of these traits over time.There can be no doubt that what Darwin came up with is nothing short of brilliant. When Charles Darwin died in 1882,he was world-reknown,and his influence had profoundly impacted science.In their admiration for his accomplishments,the British buried Darwin in Westminster Abbey near the grave of Sir Isaac Newton.Charles Darwin came up with a theory so radical and visionary with such diverse applications that resulted in such intense debate that he is perhaps alone among the great scientists in his impact on society.There can be no doubt that Charles Darwin,through his work,The Origin of Species,became one of the single most influential scientists of all time.
2023-06-26 03:51:061


作为影响、作用的意思时,是可数名词,复数为impacts。作为撞击、碰撞、撞击力的意思时,是不可数名词。例如,have an impact on,对……有影响。n.巨大影响;强大作用;撞击;冲撞;冲击力; v.(对某事物) 有影响,有作用;冲击;撞击; 第三人称单数:impacts 复数:impacts 现在分词:impacting 过去式:impacted 过去分词:impacted 例句 1、So what impact should this have on how I treat my child? 受到上述理念的影响,我应该如何对待我的孩子? 2、I have to question the impact of these functions. 公平合理,我不得不怀疑这些功能的影响。
2023-06-26 03:51:321

impact什么意思中文 impact翻译

1、翻译:n.影响; 撞击; 强大作用; 冲撞; 冲击力; 2、v.冲击; 撞击; (对某事物)有影响; 3、[例句]Her fathers death impacted greatly on her childhood years.父亲去世对她的童年造成巨大影响。 4、[其他]第三人称单数:impacts 复数:impacts 现在分词:impacting 过去式:impacted 过去分词:impacted
2023-06-26 03:51:561

impact 是什么意思 ?

2023-06-26 03:52:111


英语翻译是:impacted by an external force (受到一股外力的撞击)。
2023-06-26 03:52:191


Impact和affect都有"影响"的意思,不过一般impact最常用的意思是撞击.Affect最常用的意思才是影响.impact1n.1. 冲击,撞击,碰撞[U]The impact of the stone against the windowpane shattered the glass.石头撞击窗户打碎了玻璃。2. 冲击力,撞击力[U]3. 影响;作用[S1][(+on)]The book made a great impact on its readers.这本书对读者有很大的影响。impact2vt.1. 压紧;挤满The war impacted the area with refugees.战争使那个地区挤满难民。2. 冲击,撞击,碰撞3. 对...产生影响vi.1. 冲击,撞击,碰撞2. 产生影响[(+on)]It is obvious how bad movies will impact on children.坏电影对儿童会产生什么影响是显而易见的。affect1vt.1. 影响;对...发生作用The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.雨量影响作物的生长。2. 使感动,使震动She was deeply affected by the news of her father"s death.她父亲去世的消息使她深受震动。3. (病)侵袭;罹患Her kidneys had become affected.她的肾脏受到了感染。affect2vt.1. 假装,装作[+to-v]He affected not to see her.他假装没看见她。He affected ignorance of the law.他假装不知法。2. 爱好,爱用She affects old furniture and china.她喜欢古老的家具和瓷器。3. 常去
2023-06-26 03:52:381

impact sth还是impact on sth?

都可以的,前者impact是及物动词,后者impact是不及物动词。impact sthTight fitting clothes like jeans also impact fertility, he said.他说,牛仔裤之类的紧身衣裤同样对生育力有影响。impact on sthIt is obvious how bad movies will impact on children.坏电影对儿童会产生什么影响是显而易见的。The embargo impacted on export revenues.禁运对出囗总收入有很大的影响。
2023-06-26 03:52:471


2023-06-26 03:52:552


in the influence ofhave an influence on
2023-06-26 03:53:023

英文写作 (14)

People who decide on a career path early in their lives and keep to it are more likely to have a satisfying working life than those who change jobs frequently. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Many young people face up to such a perplexed situation that whether they have to make a decision about their future career path in their young age. What they concern most is the detrimental consequence when finding they choose a wrong path. Therefore, from my perspective, although choosing a career path early has some benefits with regard to a complex work, people who usually try some new job opportunities are more likely to get a better job satisfaction. It is admitted that going into a specific field in an early age actually allows people to have more time to learn it. As a result, they are more able to become an expert in the field they select. This is most manifest in the case of some jobs requiring people to learn in a long term such as lawyers and doctors. If one"s satisfying working life is to become an excellent surgeon, it is impossible for those without any experience in medical industry to apply a position in a hospital. However, the prerequisite that advanced job account for only a small proportion in our society, which means more occupations have no such high technical barrier. As the rapid development of technology, a far-reaching change has impacted a wealth of jobs. For example, if one people make an aim to become a specialist in film camera industry, they will lose their job when the digital camera is invented. Therefore, it is unadvisable sometimes for people to decide on a career path too early but lose the legitimate concern about the trend of the world since technology development is so fast that many jobs will be redefined in the near future. In order to acquire a joyful job constantly, people are supposed to be open-minded to keep learn new technology and switch jobs in a suitable timing. In conclusion, for some people, finding out a desirable job is a result of making a decision about their career early as they can draw on past experience; but for more other people, keeping learning and changing jobs frequently give rise to adaption of the rapid change of society so that they can find their new jobs more stratifying than previous one. Many young people face to such a perplexed situation that whether they have to make a decision about their future career path in their young age. From my perspective, people who usually try some new job opportunities are more likely to get a better job satisfaction. It is admitted that going into a specific field in an early age actually allows people to have more time to accumulate working experience. As a result, they are more able to be proficient in the field they select. This is most manifest in the case of some challenging and promising jobs such as lawyers and doctors. For example, if one"s satisfied working life is to become an excellent surgeon, it is advisable for him to stick to the medical industry from the beginning rather than try varieties of irrelevant jobs. However, the truth is that advanced jobs account for only a small proportion in our society. The rapid development of technology has impacted a wealth of jobs, which means that simply persisting in one area is likely to be phased out. For example, if one person aims to become a specialist in film camera industry, they will lose their job when the digital camera is invented. Therefore, it is unadvisable to decide on a career path too early but lose the legitimate concern about the trend of the world, since technology development is so fast that many jobs will be redefined in the near future. Furthermore, it is worth pointing out that people dabbling in different areas excel more at learning something new, which means compared with experts in one field, they have stronger comprehensive quality and learning skills. Take some VC investors as example, the core competence for them is to find chances in some unknown industries, requiring them to learn and understand state-of-the-art technology in short time such as the artificial intelligence or cloud computing to avoid miss new investment opportunities. In conclusion, for some people, the desirable job is a result of making their career decision early and drawing on past experience; but for more other people, keeping learning and changing jobs frequently contribute to the adaption of the rapid change of society, so that they can find their new jobs more satisfying than the former 面对这样一个困惑的局面 face to such a perplexed situation 积累工作经验 accumulate working experience 善于(3,2) be proficient in/ excel at 富有挑战和前途光明 challenging and promising 坚持做 stick to/ insist on/ persist in doing 无关的 irrelevant/ unrelated 被逐步淘汰 be phased out 目标是 aim for sth/ aim to do sth/ be aimed at sth 失去合理的关注关于世界的趋势 lose the legitimate concern about the trend of the world 核心竞争力 core competence/ competitiveness 在短时间里 in a short time/ within a short period of time 利用过去的经验 draw on past experience 适应快速发展的社会 adaption of the rapid development of society
2023-06-26 03:53:091


冲击某人的心灵Impact on one"s mind
2023-06-26 03:53:171


When mother gets
2023-06-26 03:53:272

美国大学申请表中,impacted class是什么意思?unit是什么意思?感谢!

2023-06-26 03:53:441

how the industrial revolution

1.The industrial revolution started when changes in manufacturing,mining,agriculture,transportation and technology began.It was mainly influenced by technological advancement and the need to share ideas. 2.It brought people together.Before the industrial revolution people were based in agriculture--farms that were spread out.The creation of machines,factories,cities,etc.brought people in from the countryside in search of a different lifestyle.
2023-06-26 03:53:521


1999.09-2003.07 哈工大 机械设计及理论学科 博士毕业1998.07-2010.12 哈工大 机电工程学院 助教、教师、副教授2010.12 至今 哈工大 机电工程学院 教授、博士生导师 2006.08至今 中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会青年工作委员会 副主任委员中国宇航学会会员 主持国家自然科学基金2项,航天创新基金、博士后基金等6项,参加973计划课题1项,国家自然科学基金1项,863计划4项,民用航天和JPPT项目4项,入选哈尔滨工业大学首届优秀青年教师资助计划。获授权发明专利3项;主参编教材4部;获2010年度国家技术发明二等奖1项,省部级科技奖励2项、省教学成果一、二等奖各1项。1. Le Gu, Liqin Wang, Dezhi Zheng, et al. Study on the characteristics of transferred lubricating thin films on ceramic surfaces generated in liquid nitrogen. Tribology Transaction, 2010, v 53, n 2, p 161-1682. Le Gu, Zhenhuan Ye, Liqin Wang. Analyses on the splashing parameters of high-speed oil impacted a wall in jet lubrications. Advanced tribology-proceedings of CIST2008&ITS-IFToMM2008.Beijing3. Le Gu, Guojian Cao, Liqin Wang, Xinxin Ma. Synthesis and characterization of a self-lubricating film on bearing balls. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, v154-155, p 367-3704. Le Gu, Liqin Wang, Y. Jin, X. Li. Fatigue behavior of hybrid ceramic ball bearing in liquid nitrogen. Tribology Transaction, 2003, v 46, n 4, p494-4985. Zhongwen Li, Le Gu, Guangze Tang, et al. Phase evolution of tantalum nitride and tantalum carbide films with PBII parameters. Rare Metals, 2011, v30, n2, p142-1456. 古乐,王黎钦等.超低温环境固体润滑研究的发展现状.摩擦学学报,2002,22(4):314 ~ 3207. 古乐,王黎钦等.氮化硅轴承球超低温承载特性研究.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2002,34(2):148 ~ 1518. 古乐,王黎钦等.自润滑高速球轴承液氮环境下性能试验与失效分析.摩擦学学报,2002,22( 4A):400~404
2023-06-26 03:54:011


Mount emei is located in southwest China"s sichuan province, 156 kilometers away from chengdu, take the highway to 1.5 hours.Jinding precipice volley high into the sky, stand tall.Pristine cower, but west jams of xuefeng, the east Chou vast would, momentum male and landscape, there are a sea of clouds, sunrise, fat kwong, wonders of the four.Central mountains fold peak overlapping peaks, including smoke condensate tsui, cascading waterfalls flowing spring, flowers, grass alum, xiu, is a famous tourist attraction in China, in 1996 by UNESCO "world natural and cultural heritage".
2023-06-26 03:54:143

为一篇essay纠错 急用啊!

第二段 第三行-》when compared with第六行-》search website第三段第三行-》I don"t think I lack of ability感觉很不通顺……是从中文通过金山翻译过来的吗?先把中文的内容想好吧……读了好几遍都感觉没重点,就是内容上的问题。词汇还是蛮丰富的……既然是演讲,语法要求不是很高。改改语序,内容什么的吧!
2023-06-26 03:54:211


2023-06-26 03:54:2915

这严重影响了我们公司的成绩,对我们很不利 用英语怎么说?

It has caused a serious influence on our Company Performance which is bad for us.
2023-06-26 03:54:533


Most foreign trade enterprises in Dalian City, in varying degrees by the impact of key export industries, agricultural products, clothing, furniture, steel and auto parts industries have declined year on year growth rate of exports.Affected the external environment within small environment, and how to do to make foreign trade enterprises in Dalian bottom out, thus boosting the economic development of Liaoning province and even the stability of China"s foreign trade made a positive contribution to it.In a series of theoretical and practical analysis, a detailed summary and a summary of all possible options, drawing on cutting-edge management ideas abroad, on the living conditions of foreign trade enterprises in Dalian to do in order to analyze and recommend specific measures for practical.
2023-06-26 03:55:112


中国国务院副总理 *** 在第三次世界气候大会上的讲话 2009年9月3日,日内瓦Speech by Vice Premier Hui Liangyu of the People"s Republic of China At the Third World Climate Conference (WCC-3) 3 September 2009 Geneva 主席先生, 女士们,先生们: Mr. President Ladies and Gentlemen 首先,我谨代表中国 *** 向第三次世界气候大会的成功召开表示热烈的祝贺! To start with I wish to express on behalf of the Chinese Government warm congratulations on the successful opening of the Third World Climate Conference (WCC-3)! 气候是人类赖以生存的自然环境,是经济社会可持续发展的重要基础资源。以气候变暖为主要特征的全球气候变化已是不争的事实,气候变化导致灾害性气候事件频发,冰川和积雪融化加速,水资源分布失衡,生物多样性受到威胁,对人类经济社会生活和可持续发展带来深刻和长远的影响。可以说,气候和气候变化问题,从来没有像今天这样受到各国 *** 的高度关切和重视,从来没有像今天这样受到全球民众的高度关心和忧虑,从来没有像今天这样受到各类国际组织的高度关注和思考。气候变化问题事关人类的福祉和全球的可持续发展,需要国际社会共同积极应对,此刻以“气候预测和信息为决策服务”为主题,召开第三次世界气候大会,既十分必要,也十分重要。这将对深化国际社会对气候及气候变化的理解产生重大而深远的影响,对深化气候服务在经济社会发展中的应用带来积极而有效的推动。 Climate is the natural environment which the mankind depends on for living and the important basic resources for sustainable economic and social development. The global climate change mainly characterized by climate warming is an unequivocal reality. Climate change leads to frequent occurrence of disastrous climate events accelerated melting of glaciers and snow covers unbalanced distribution of water resources and endangered biodiversity and has profound and long-lasting impact on economic and social livelihood and sustainable development of human beings. Never before have the issues of climate and climate change received so much concern and attention from all governments been so much cared and worried about by people around the world and been so much focused on and thought about by various international anizations. The issue of climate change calls for mon and active responses from the international munity as it concerns the well-being of all peoples and the global sustainable development. Therefore it is both necessary and important to convene at this particular time the WCC-3 on the theme of "climate prediction and information for decision-making". It will have significant and long-lasting implications on in-depth understanding of climate and climate change by the international munity and bring about positive and effective impetus to applications of more tailored climate services in national economic and social development. 自1990年第二次世界气候大会以来,各有关国际组织在气候科学领域实施了一系列计划和行动,在推进全球气候观测系统建设、提高气候预测准确率、为决策者提供气候信息等方面取得巨大成就,也进一步提高了国际社会对气候及其变化的认识水平。中国 *** 对世界气象组织和相关国际组织的不懈努力和卓有成效的工作表示赞赏。 Since the Second World Climate Conference in 1990 relevant international anizations have launched a series of programs and actions in the field of climate science. Substantive achievements were made in building up the global climate observing system improving the accuracy of climate prediction and delivering climate information for policy-makers. Awareness of climate and climate change by the international munity has also been raised. The Chinese Government appreciates the WMO and relevant international anizations for their tireless efforts and fruitful work. 女士们,先生们, Ladies and Gentlemen 中国是一个气候条件复杂、生态环境脆弱、自然灾害频发、易受气候变化影响的国家。中国 *** 十分重视气象工作和气候服务,建立了国家、省、市、县多层次的气候服务网络,服务范围遍及全国。我们不仅开展了气候预测和监测信息发布等一般的气候服务,而且开展了大量专业性气候服务,特别是在农业防灾减灾、防汛抗旱、防御台风、交通运输、疾病控制、森林草原防火等领域,加强气候监测、预测、预警服务,通过多种方式及时向社会公众发布信息,为 *** 动员各方力量开展抗灾救灾工作提供决策服务,取得了明显的减灾成果和经济社会效益,受到了国际国内的高度赞誉。2003年中国成立了北京气候中心,今年6月被世界气象组织正式认定为亚洲区域气候中心,向亚洲区域各国提供气候预测信息,促进亚洲区域气候工作发展。 China with plex climatic conditions fragile ecological environment and frequent natural disasters is vulnerable to climate change. The Chinese Government attaches great importance to meteorological work and climate services and has established a multi-level climate service neork at national provincial city and county levels providing services throughout the country. We have provided not only routine climate services such as climate prediction detection and relevant information delivery but also a wide range of specialized climate services particularly in the fields of agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation flood control and drought relief typhoon preparedness transportation disease control forest and grassland fire prevention. We have also strengthened the services in climate monitoring prediction and early warning timely disseminated relevant information to the public through various channels and provided decision-making services to the government in mobilizing resources for disaster rescue and relief thus achieving significant outes in disaster reduction and economic and social benefits. All these have been well recognized both at home and abroad. The Beijing Climate Center (BCC) set up in 2003 was formally designated in this June by the WMO as a Regional Climate Center for Asia to provide the Asian countries with climate prediction information and to promote the development of regional climate services in *** 将一如既往地大力支持气候观测、研究、预测和评估,大力促进气候信息在经济和社会生活中的应用,全面推进气候服务的发展。我们将进一步树立“公共气象、安全气象、资源气象”的发展理念,以提高气候服务能力为核心,不断开拓服务领域、丰富服务产品、完善服务体系,进一步提高监测预报的准确性、灾害预警的时效性、气象服务的主动性、防范应对的科学性,开发利用好气候资源,努力将与气候相关的风险控制到最低限度。为此,我们高度重视解决最基本的气候科学问题,支持相关的气候科技计划和建设项目,支持区域和国际气候信息的共享,以科学地认识气候规律。我们尤其期待全球科学家加大极端天气气候事件发生发展和影响规律的研究力度,加大化解水资源安全和生态系统安全面临的气候风险的研究力度,以提高自然灾害的防范能力,提高粮食安全的保障能力,提高经济社会的可持续发展能力。 The Chinese Government will continue to vigorously support the climate observation research prediction and asses *** ent,promote the application of climate information in economic and social life and advance the development of climate services. We will further foster the concept of developing "public meteorology security-oriented meteorology and natural resource-oriented meteorology". Focusing on improving climate service capabilities we will further improve the accuracy of climate monitoring and forecasting the time effectiveness of early disaster warnings the proactive meteorological responses. We will make good use of climate resources in an effort to minimize climate-related risks. To this end we will pay great attention to addressing the most basic issues in climate science support regional and international climate information sharing in order to scientifically understand the climate behavior. In particular we hope that scientists around the world would intensify research on the generation development and impact of extreme weather and climate events and on reduction of climate risks facing the security of water resources and ecosystem so as to enhance the capability on preventing natural disasters safeguarding food security and achieving sustainable economic and social developments. 女士们,先生们, Ladies and Gentlemen 气候变化是人类面临的共同挑战。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,尽管面临着发展经济、消除贫困、改善民生的艰钜任务,仍高度重视气候变化问题。中国是第一个制定《应对气候变化国家方案》的发展中国家。中国已经明确提出,从2005年到2010年,单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%左右,主要污染物排放减少10%,森林覆盖率从18%提高到20%,可再生能源在一次能源消费中的比例由7.5%提高到10%。为加强应对气候变化工作,中国成立了国家应对气候变化工作领导小组,在调整经济和产业结构、淘汰落后产能、发展循环经济、节约能源、提高能效、发展可再生能源等方面采取了一系列政策措施。通过不懈的努力,中国节能减排取得积极成果,2006-2008年单位国内生产总值能耗下降10.1%。最近30年中国人工造林面积超过5400万公顷,是世界上人工造林最多的国家。 Climate change is the mon challenge faced by the mankind. As the largest developing country in the world China faces enormous tasks in developing its economy eradicating poverty and improving people"s livelihood but it still attaches great importance to climate change. China was the first developing Climate Change Program. China has clearly stated that from 2005 to 2010 its energy consumption per unit GDP will be reduced by about 20% main pollutants emissions by 10% and its forest coverage be increased to 20% from 18%. The proportion of renewable energy in primary energy consumption will go up to 10% from 7.5%. To respond more effectively to climate change China has established a national leading group on climate change and has adopted a series of policies and measures in adjusting economic and industrial structures phasing out backward production facilities growing recycling industries saving energy improving energy efficiency and developing renewable energies. Thanks to our unremitting efforts positive results have been achieved in energy saving and emission reduction with the energy consumption per unit GDP reduced by 10.1% from 2006 to 2008. Over the past 30 years China has afforested more than 54 million hectares of land and bee the country with the largest afforestation in the world. 中国作为一个负责任的国家,主张通过切实有效的国际合作,携手努力,共同应对气候变化。尽管国际金融危机严重冲击世界经济,中国经济也受到很大影响,但我们应对气候变化的决心没有改变,行动没有松懈。我们将继续积极参与和推进国际社会应对气候变化进程,推动即将召开的哥本哈根会议取得积极成果。我们将继续坚持《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》基本框架,坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,坚持可持续发展。我们主张哥本哈根会议应严格遵循巴厘路线图授权,进一步加强《公约》及《议定书》的全面、有效和持续实施,统筹考虑减缓、适应、技术转让和资金支持。发达国家应该继续率先量化减排,发展中国家则应做力所能及的贡献。中国将坚定不移地走可持续发展道路,实施强有力的国内政策、措施和行动,承担与发展阶段、应负责任和实际能力相称的国际义务,与国际社会一道共同呵护人类共有的地球家园。 As a responsible country China maintains that the international munity should work together to jointly address climate change through effective international cooperation. The international financial crisis has seriously affected the global economy and China"s economy has also been greatly impacted. Nevertheless our determination to address climate change remains unchanged and we will not slacken our efforts. We will continue to actively participate in and advance the process of addressing climate change by the international munity and promote positive achievements in the uping climate change conference in Copenhagen. We will remain mitted to the basic frameworks of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol to the principle of "mon but differentiated responsibilities" and to sustainable development. We advocate that the Copenhagen conference should strictly follow the authorization of the Bali Road Map further strengthen the prehensive effective and sustained implementation of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol and consider in a coordinated manner mitigation adaptation technology transfer and financial support. The developed countries should continue to take the lead in undertaking quantified emission reduction mitments and the developing countries should make contributions as their ability permits. China will be firmly mitted to the road of sustainable development implement vigorous domestic policy-measures and actions assume international obligations that are mensurate with our development stage due responsibilities and actual capacities and work with the international munity to look after the pla Earth - the mon home of the mankind. 大气无国界,合作无边界。防御和减轻气象灾害、适应和减缓气候变化、开发和利用气候资源,不仅是中国也是全世界关注的重大问题,迫切需要各国之间在更大范围、更深层次、更广领域加强合作。中国 *** 将同国际社会一起,采取切实可行的措施和行动,密切合作,推进多方面的气候服务,使气候服务更好地造福全人类,为人类社会可持续发展做出新贡献。 Atmosphere recognizes no borders and international cooperation transcends boundaries. Preparedness for and reduction of meteorological disasters adaptation to and mitigation of climate change exploration and utilization of climate resources are not only major issues of concern for China but also for the whole world. It is imperative for all countries to strengthen cooperation in wider range greater depth and broader areas. Together with the international munity the Chinese Government will take practical and feasible measures and actions conduct close cooperation and promote the climate services in multiple aspects so as to provide better climate services for the benefit of the mankind and to make new contributions to the sustainable development of the human society. 祝第三次世界气候大会取得圆满成功!谢谢! I wish the WCC-3 a plete success! Thank you all.
2023-06-26 03:55:181


  奋斗,本义指为达到一定目的而努力干。奋斗是为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦、挫折。那么,你知道奋斗的英文怎么写吗?   奋斗的英文释义:   struggle   strive   strife   strive for   strive after   arduousness   奋斗的英文例句:   通往成功的唯一途径是努力奋斗。   The only passport to success is hard work.   他们虽然没有得到官方的支持,但仍继续奋斗。   Though they lack official support they continue their struggle.   他为获得艺术家的声誉而奋斗。   He strove for recognition as an artist.   我们的奋斗是个人奋斗、家庭奋斗,很少具有社会群体性或政治性。   Our struggles are individual and familial but hardly communal or political. 奋斗英语怎么写   你不在为成功而奋斗,你开始为做有意义的事情而奋斗。   You stop striving for success and you start striving for significance.   赛场的奋斗只是人类奋斗的一个缩影。   Acute contests in the sports arena epitomize ideals of people in human life.   许多人每天都在奋斗,以免引狼入室。   Most people have a daily fight to keep the wolf from the door.   为做大做强蒸汽机车旅游业而努力奋斗!   Work hard for steam locomotive tourism!   没有哪个需要创新的重要奋斗是在没有风险的条件下完成的。   And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk.   我们一起奋斗。   We struggle together.   这就是我们一直为之奋斗的事业。   This is the cause for which we have been struggling.   你的激情和你的兴趣是什么,你为什么而奋斗?   What are your passions and interests, what do you struggle with?   我一定要与所有为正义和尊严奋斗的人分享此奖。   This award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity.   我最喜欢他在《奋斗》里面的表演了。   I like her performance in Struggle best.   因为它们只是以特殊的方式在奋斗或者渴求罢了。   Because it strives or desires to act in that way.   这不只对富人是真的,对每个为成功奋斗的人来说都是真实的。   Thatu2019s true not just of the rich, but of anyone who strives for success.   为什么我们成年人总远离奋斗?   Why we adults run away from struggle?   要奋斗,要探索,要有所发现,但不要屈服。   To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.   今年,蝎子们的在奋斗的路上不会孤单,而且应该对人们有更多的信任和信念——这是送给那些在过去经历过许多问题的人的。   This year, Scorpios are not alone in their struggle, and should have more trustand faith in people - this is for those who have witnessed many problems in thepast.   我们必须为那些深受这一疾病影响的人而继续努力奋斗。   We must continue to fight for those who have been impacted by this epidemic.   我们必需做我们一直在做的事,把我们的聪明才智和果敢精神投入到工作中,为更光明的未来奋斗。   We need to do what weu2019ve always done u2013 put our ingenuity and can do spirit towork to fight for a brighter future   再次欢迎你们的加盟,从今天开始让我们一同为发展而奋斗。   Again I would like to welcome you and from today on, letu2019s strive for development.   在本月接下来的日子以及下一个月,他都将继续奋斗。   He is to continue the fight throughout the remainder of this month and into next.   我们认为自由是我们保护并为之奋斗的食物。   We think that freedom is something we have to protect and fight for.   今后会有更多的奋斗和牺牲。   There will be more struggle and sacrifice.   一些白人农民已经离开津巴布韦,但其他仍留在那里的一直在为收回土地或领取补偿而奋斗。   Some white farmers have left Zimbabwe, but others are still in the country fightingto get their farms back or to be compensated.   这是一个非常深奥的问题,就连伟大的哲学家们也经年累月地为此奋斗。   That is a very deep question, one which the great philosophers have struggledwith for years.   有了这个信念,我们将能够一起工作,一起祈祷,一起奋斗,一起坐牢,一起勇敢地维护自由;因为我们知道,终有一天,我们是会得到自由的。   With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggletogether, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that wewill be free one day.   她星期五在一份声明中请求缅甸人民,在2011年“以新的优势、新的力量和新的语言一起进行奋斗。”   In a statement Friday, she asked the Burmese people to "struggle together withnew strengths, new force and new words" in 2011.
2023-06-26 03:55:251


最近疫情还是比较严峻的,有一些地方有发现零星的病例出现,话说上海迪士尼好像1日2日会暂时关闭,那么具体是什么情况呢?下面一起来简单的分析看看。上海迪士尼度假区新浪微博官方发布消息声称,根据疫情防控要求,上海迪士尼部分地区11月1日和2日会暂时关闭。恢复运营时间未定。 上海迪士尼度假区微博原文:上海迪士尼度假区重要通知根据疫情防控要求,上海迪士尼乐园和迪士尼小镇将于2021年11月1日和2日(周一和周二)暂时关闭。恢复运营时间一旦明确,我们将及时告知。对于在此期间受到影响的各位游客,我们深表歉意!度假区制订了相关票务的退改细则,请大家知悉。再次感谢您的理解和支持,期盼不久与您重逢!上海迪士尼度假区2021年10月31日【票务退改细则】关于2021年10月31日至11月2日乐园门票持有2021年10月31日和/或11月1日和/或11月2日的上海迪士尼乐园门票的游客,可以在未来六个月内(即针对持有2021年10月31日门票的游客为2022年4月30日之前,含该日;针对持有2021年11月1日门票的游客为2022年5月1日之前,含该日;针对持有2021年11月2日门票的游客为2022年5月2日之前,含该日)任选一天到访上海迪士尼乐园。到访时,游客可以在乐园入口闸机处出示在购买2021年10月31日和/或11月1日和/或11月2日乐园门票时所使用的身份证或者旅行证件原件,换取当日门票,无需提前预约*。持有两日票的游客,请持购票时所使用的身份证或者旅行证件原件前往位于上海迪士尼乐园主入口外的游客服务中心,换取当日门票。如因故在未来六个月内无法到访的游客,可以进行退款。通过上海迪士尼度假区官方网站、App、微信公众号、上海迪士尼度假区预订服务中心、度假区飞猪官方旗舰店或京东官方旗舰店购买门票的游客,可以通过上海迪士尼度假区官方App提交退票申请,退款将于45个工作日内返回原付款账户。通过其他官方渠道购买门票的游客,请联系原门票购买渠道进行退款,或参照本通知末的指引进行咨询。关于其他度假区产品和服务已经通过上海迪士尼度假区官方网站、App、微信公众号、上海迪士尼度假区预订服务中心、度假区飞猪官方旗舰店或京东官方旗舰店购买2021年10月31日和/或11月1日和/或11月2日上海迪士尼乐园的迪士尼尊享导览服务、迪士尼礼宾服务、乐园早享卡等其他指定日产品及服务的游客,将从原购买渠道自动获得退款。已经通过其他官方渠道购买指定日产品及服务的游客,请联系原购买渠道申请退款。上海迪士尼度假区的两座酒店目前正常运营,但我们理解部分游客可能有更改出行计划的需求。已经预定2021年10月31日和/或11月1日和/或11月2日上海迪士尼度假区酒店的游客,可联系原购买渠道进行咨询。仍有问题或需要联系我们?游客可以联系上海迪士尼度假区预订服务中心:400-180-0000(中国内地)或+86-21-3158-0000(其他国家/地区)进行咨询。如遇服务中心来电游客较多而导致等候时间较长,我们建议您发送邮件至,留下您的电话号码等联系方式,我们将尽快处理您的邮件。感谢您的理解!*根据上海迪士尼乐园现行的客流管理政策,如在基于政府指导的最大承载量要求下遇“大客流日”,且务必采取相关限流措施时,所有持非指定日票的游客,包括此次门票延期的游客,可能无法于当日入园。上海迪士尼乐园对此将及时对外发布相关信息。 ShanghaiDisneyResortImportantNoticeInordertofollowtherequirementofpandemicpreventionandcontrol,ShanghaiDisneylandandDisneytownwillbeclosedonMondayandTuesday,November1-2,2021.Wewillnotifyguestsassoonaswehaveaconfirmeddatetoresumeoperations.Weapologizefortheinconvenienceandwillproviderefundorexchangeforallguestsimpactedduringthisperiod.Thankyouforyourunderstandingandcooperation!ShanghaiDisneyResortOctober31,2021TicketRefundandExchangesForParkTicketsforOctober31toNovember2,2021GuestswithticketstovisitShanghaiDisneylandonOctober31and/orNovember1and/orNovember2,2021maychoosetovisittheparkonanyotherdaywithinthenextsixmonths(byApril30,2022inclusivewithrespecttoparkticketsforOctober31,2021;byMay1,2022inclusivewithrespecttoparkticketsforNovember1,2021;andbyMay2,2022inclusivewithrespecttoparkticketsforNovember2,2021).YourticketscanberedeemedattheparkentranceturnstileswiththeoriginalGovernmentIdentityCardorTravelDocumentthatwasusedtopurchaseyourticketsforOctober31and/orNovember1and/orNovember2,2021onthedayofyournextvisit,andreservationwillnotberequired*.Forguestswithtwo-daytickets,pleaseproceedtotheGuestServiceswindowslocatedoutsidetheturnstilesofShanghaiDisneyland"sMainEntrancewithyouroriginalGovernmentIdentityCardorTravelDocumentonthedayofyournextvisit.Ifyoucannotvisittheparkinthenextsixmonths,youcanobtainarefund.ForguestswhohavepurchasedtheirticketsthroughtheShanghaiDisneyResortOfficialWebsite,App,WeChatAccount,theResortReservationCenter,theResortOfficialFliggyFlagshipStoreorOfficialJingdongFlagshipStore,youcanrequestarefundthroughtheresort"sofficialapp,andyouwillobtaintherefundthroughtheoriginalpurchasechannelwithin45workingdays.Forguestswhohavepurchasedtheticketsthroughotherofficialchannels,pleasecontacttheoriginalticketpurchasechanneltorequestarefund,orfollowtheinstructionsattheendofthisnotice.ForOtherResortProductsandServicesForguestswhohavepurchasedaDisneyPremierTourService,DisneyConciergeService,EarlyParkEntryPassorotherdatedproductsandservicesforShanghaiDisneylandonOctober31and/orNovember1and/orNovember2,2021throughtheShanghaiDisneyResortOfficialWebsite,App,WeChatAccount,theResortReservationCenter,theResortOfficialFliggyFlagshipStoreorOfficialJingdongFlagshipStore,youwillobtainanautomaticrefundthroughtheoriginalpurchasechannel.Forguestswhohavepurchasedadatedproductandservicethroughotherofficialchannels,pleasecontacttheoriginalpurchasechanneltoobtainarefund.ThetworesorthotelsatShanghaiDisneyResortcontinuetooperateasnormal,butwedounderstandifyouwishtochangeyourplans.ForguestswhohavebookedresorthotelsforthenightofOctober31and/orNovember1and/orNovember2,2021,youcancontacttheoriginalpurchasechannelforenquiries.StillHaveQuestionsorNeedtoContactUs?GuestscanalsocontacttheShanghaiDisneyResortReservationCenteron:400-180-0000(ChineseMainland)or+86-21-3158-0000(OtherCountries/Regions)forallenquiries.Ifthewaittimeofthehotlineislong,werecommendyousendanemailtoshdr.yuding@disney.comandleaveyourcontactinformation,andwewillprocessyouremailasap.Thankyouforyourunderstanding!*InaccordancewithexistingShanghaiDisneylandattendancemanagementpolicies,ifadateisforecasttobea‘highattendanceday"basedongovernmentguidelinesonmaximumcapacityandshouldrequiresuchaction,ShanghaiDisneylandreservestherighttoblockoutallguestsholdingGeneralAdmissiontickets,includingguestsextendingtheirticketsforOctober31and/orNovember1and/orNovember2,2021,onthatdate.Communicationswillbemadeaccordinglyinatimelymanner. 在这之前,官微已经发了一条停止入园的信息了。重要通知接外省市协查通报,为配合新冠肺炎疫情流行病学调查,上海迪士尼乐园和迪士尼小镇从即刻起停止游客进入。乐园内的部分游乐设备将临时性停止运行,户外演出将继续举行。游客需严格做好佩戴口罩、保持社交距离等防控措施。同时,所有已在乐园的游客在离园时需要在出口处接受核酸检测,并遵循疾控中心的要求相隔24小时后再做核酸检测,待两次核酸检测阴性后,做好后续12天自主健康监测。对此带来的不便,我们深表歉意。我们也将为所有受此影响的游客发布退换票的相关信息。感谢您的理解和配合。上海迪士尼度假区ImportantNoticeTocooperatewiththepandemicinvestigationinotherprovincesandcities,wehavetemporarilysuspendedentryintoShanghaiDisneylandandDisneytown,andsomeattractionsinsidetheparkwillalsotemporarilystopoperating.Outdoorentertainmentwillcontinueasscheduled.Guestswhoareinsidetheparkareremindedtostrictlycomplywithpandemicpreventionmeasuresincludingwearingamaskandmaintainingsocialdistanceatalltimes.Guestswillberequiredtoundergonucleicacidtestingattheexitwhenleavingtheresort,andfollowCentreforDiseaseControlguidance-Guestswillalsoberequiredtoundergoanothernucleicacidtestafter24hours.Ifbothtestsareconfirmedtobenegative,thenguestswillbeaskedtofollowa12-dayself-healthmonitoring.Weapologizefortheinconvenienceandwillprovideinformationonticketrefundandexchangesforallguestsimpacted.Thankyouforyourcooperation.ShanghaiDisneyResort
2023-06-26 03:55:371


i have a dreamI want to be a teacher in the future.Then I can teach my students what I learned.I hope my students are all very sucessful in their future.And I can get many many rewards in my career.
2023-06-26 03:55:462


Internet has been a part of our daily life, I believe almost everyone has been used Internet to search informations or to relax. Some of you must have your favourite sites. like me,i am a Net man myself, I use internet a lot, i log in some English learning sites to improve my English level,like www.voa.comand i am a big movie fan, so i know many movie sites,like
2023-06-26 03:56:083


on时指对...的影响,而of sth是所有格,指...的碰撞/冲击力/影响 另外:impact及物动词 vt.1.压紧;挤满 The war impacted ...
2023-06-26 03:56:151

Where is cybercrime really coming from?

Cybercrime is out of control. It"s everywhere. We hear about it every single day. This year, over two billion records lost or stolen. And last year, 100 million of us, mostly Americans, lost our health insurance data to thieves -- myself included. What"s particularly concerning about this is that in most cases, it was months before anyone even reported that these records were stolen.So if you watch the evening news, you would think that most of this is espionage or nation-state activity. And, well, some of it is. Espionage, you see, is an accepted international practice. But in this case, it is only a small portion of the problem that we"re dealing with. How often do we hear about a breach followed by, "... it was the result of a sophisticated nation-state attack?" Well, often that is companies not being willing to own up to their own lackluster security practices. There is also a widely held belief that by blaming an attack on a nation-state, you are putting regulators at bay -- at least for a period of time. So where is all of this coming from? The United Nations estimates that 80 percent of it is from highly organized and ultrasophisticated criminal gangs. To date, this represents one of the largest illegal economies in the world, topping out at, now get this, 445 billion dollars. Let me put that in perspective for all of you: 445 billion dollars is larger than the GDP of 160 nations, including Ireland, Finland, Denmark and Portugal, to name a few. So how does this work? How do these criminals operate? Well, let me tell you a little story. About a year ago, our security researchers were tracking a somewhat ordinary but sophisticated banking Trojan called the Dyre Wolf. The Dyre Wolf would get on your computer via you clicking on a link in a phishing email that you probably shouldn"t have. It would then sit and wait. It would wait until you logged into your bank account. And when you did, the bad guys would reach in, steal your credentials, and then use that to steal your money. This sounds terrible, but the reality is, in the security industry, this form of attack is somewhat commonplace. However, the Dyre Wolf had two distinctly different personalities -- one for these small transactions, but it took on an entirely different persona if you were in the business of moving large-scale wire transfers. Here"s what would happen. You start the process of issuing a wire transfer, and up in your browser would pop a screen from your bank, indicating that there"s a problem with your account, and that you need to call the bank immediately, along with the number to the bank"s fraud department. So you pick up the phone and you call. And after going through the normal voice prompts, you"re met with an English-speaking operator. "Hello, Altoro Mutual Bank. How can I help you?" And you go through the process like you do every time you call your bank, of giving them your name and your account number, going through the security checks to verify you are who you said you are. Most of us may not know this, but in many large-scale wire transfers, it requires two people to sign off on the wire transfer, so the operator then asks you to get the second person on the line, and goes through the same set of verifications and checks. Sounds normal, right? Only one problem: you"re not talking to the bank. You"re talking to the criminals. They had built an English-speaking help desk, fake overlays to the banking website. And this was so flawlessly executed that they were moving between a half a million and a million and a half dollars per attempt into their criminal coffers. These criminal organizations operate like highly regimented, legitimate businesses. Their employees work Monday through Friday. They take the weekends off. How do we know this? We know this because our security researchers see repeated spikes of malware on a Friday afternoon. The bad guys, after a long weekend with the wife and kids, come back in to see how well things went. The Dark Web is where they spend their time. That is a term used to describe the anonymous underbelly of the internet, where thieves can operate with anonymity and without detection. Here they peddle their attack software and share information on new attack techniques. You can buy everything there, from a base-level attack to a much more advanced version. In fact, in many cases, you even see gold, silver and bronze levels of service. You can check references. You can even buy attacks that come with a money-back guarantee -- (Laughter) if you"re not successful. Now, these environments, these marketplaces -- they look like an Amazon or an eBay. You see products, prices, ratings and reviews. Of course, if you"re going to buy an attack, you"re going to buy from a reputable criminal with good ratings, right? (Laughter) This isn"t any different than checking on Yelp or TripAdvisor before going to a new restaurant. So, here is an example. This is an actual screenshot of a vendor selling malware. Notice they"re a vendor level four, they have a trust level of six. They"ve had 400 positive reviews in the last year, and only two negative reviews in the last month. We even see things like licensing terms. Here"s an example of a site you can go to if you want to change your identity. They will sell you a fake ID, fake passports. But note the legally binding terms for purchasing your fake ID. Give me a break. What are they going to do -- sue you if you violate them? (Laughter) This occurred a couple of months ago. One of our security researchers was looking at a new Android malware application that we had discovered. It was called Bilal Bot. In a blog post, she positioned Bilal Bot as a new, inexpensive and beta alternative to the much more advanced GM Bot that was commonplace in the criminal underground. This review did not sit well with the authors of Bilal Bot. So they wrote her this very email, pleading their case and making the argument that they felt she had evaluated an older version. They asked her to please update her blog with more accurate information and even offered to do an interview to describe to her in detail how their attack software was now far better than the competition. So look, you don"t have to like what they do, but you do have to respect the entrepreneurial nature of their endeavors. (Laughter) So how are we going to stop this? It"s not like we"re going to be able to identify who"s responsible -- remember, they operate with anonymity and outside the reach of the law. We"re certainly not going to be able to prosecute the offenders. I would propose that we need a completely new approach. And that approach needs to be centered on the idea that we need to change the economics for the bad guys. And to give you a perspective on how this can work, let"s think of the response we see to a healthcare pandemic: SARS, Ebola, bird flu, Zika. What is the top priority? It"s knowing who is infected and how the disease is spreading. Now, governments, private institutions, hospitals, physicians -- everyone responds openly and quickly. This is a collective and altruistic effort to stop the spread in its tracks and to inform anyone not infected how to protect or inoculate themselves. Unfortunately, this is not at all what we see in response to a cyber attack. Organizations are far more likely to keep information on that attack to themselves. Why? Because they"re worried about competitive advantage, litigation or regulation. We need to effectively democratize threat intelligence data. We need to get all of these organizations to open up and share what is in their private arsenal of information. The bad guys are moving fast; we"ve got to move faster. And the best way to do that is to open up and share data on what"s happening. Let"s think about this in the construct of security professionals. Remember, they"re programmed right into their DNA to keep secrets. We"ve got to turn that thinking on its head. We"ve got to get governments, private institutions and security companies willing to share information at speed. And here"s why: because if you share the information, it"s equivalent to inoculation. And if you"re not sharing, you"re actually part of the problem, because you"re increasing the odds that other people could be impacted by the same attack techniques. But there"s an even bigger benefit. By destroying criminals" devices closer to real time, we break their plans. We inform the people they aim to hurt far sooner than they had ever anticipated. We ruin their reputations, we crush their ratings and reviews. We make cybercrime not pay. We change the economics for the bad guys. But to do this, a first mover was required -- someone to change the thinking in the security industry overall. About a year ago, my colleagues and I had a radical idea. What if IBM were to take our data -- we had one of the largest threat intelligence databases in the world -- and open it up? It had information not just on what had happened in the past, but what was happening in near-real time. What if we were to publish it all openly on the internet? As you can imagine, this got quite a reaction. First came the lawyers: What are the legal implications of doing that? Then came the business: What are the business implications of doing that? And this was also met with a good dose of a lot of people just asking if we were completely crazy. But there was one conversation that kept floating to the surface in every dialogue that we would have: the realization that if we didn"t do this, then we were part of the problem. So we did something unheard of in the security industry. We started publishing. Over 700 terabytes of actionable threat intelligence data, including information on real-time attacks that can be used to stop cybercrime in its tracks. And to date, over 4,000 organizations are leveraging this data, including half of the Fortune 100. And our hope as a next step is to get all of those organizations to join us in the fight, and do the same thing and share their information on when and how they"re being attacked as well. We all have the opportunity to stop it, and we already all know how. All we have to do is look to the response that we see in the world of health care, and how they respond to a pandemic. Simply put, we need to be open and collaborative. Thank you.
2023-06-26 03:56:221

英语作文一次艰难的选择 带中文翻译

Choice in My Life In our daily lives,we have many choices to make:what to eat for supper,what clothes to wear,what to do on weekends… At certain times in our lives,we need to make more critical choices,such as which school to attend,what job to take or who to choose as husband or wife.Yes,life is a matter of choice.Seemingly,it means a choice of tangible things.But in essence,it means choosing a way of life.Life is to be lived,savoured; enjoyed:not wasted or complained about.
2023-06-26 03:56:301


Comparison of Present Life and Past LifeLife today is vastly different from life in the past. With the advancements in technology, changes in lifestyle, and the influence of globalization, our way of living has undergone significant transformations. Let"s explore the key differences between present life and the past.Firstly, technology has revolutionized our daily routines. In the past, people relied on manual labor and traditional tools to perform tasks. Now, we have access to advanced machinery and gadgets that simplify our work and make it more efficient. From smartphones to smart homes, technology has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us to the world in ways we could never have imagined.Secondly, communication has evolved dramatically. In the past, communication was limited to face-to-face conversations, letters, and landline telephones. Now, we can instantly connect with anyone around the globe through various means such as video calls, social media, and instant messaging applications. The world has become smaller, and we can stay connected with friends, family, and even strangers at any time.Furthermore, globalization has influenced our lifestyles and cultures. With the ease of travel and the exchange of ideas, cultures have blended, and diversity is more prevalent than ever. People today have access to a wide range of cuisines, fashion styles, and entertainment options from different parts of the world. This has broadened our perspectives and enriched our experiences.However, amidst all the progress, some aspects of the past are cherished and missed. In the past, life was simpler and slower-paced. People had more time for leisure activities, socializing with neighbors, and enjoying nature. The sense of community and the importance of human connection were stronger.In conclusion, the differences between present life and past life are evident. Technology has transformed our daily routines and communication methods, making the world more interconnected. Globalization has brought cultural diversity and new experiences. While we appreciate the conveniences and opportunities of modern life, it is important to remember the simplicity and sense of community that characterized the past. Balancing the benefits of progress with the values of the past can help us lead fulfilling lives in the present.
2023-06-26 03:56:583


In the world, there are many brilliant inventions, such as the Internet, computers, cars, airplanes, etc. Without them, our lives would be difficult and boring. Therefore, I believe that the greatest invention is the one that brings convenience and happiness to people.
2023-06-26 03:57:253

book of business是什么意思

2023-06-26 03:57:424