barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-26 11:36:36

In the west, inquires into somebody religious belief and the political orientation is the discourteous performance. but in China, this aspect question then not too abstained from. Deng Yanchang center has listed below some questions in < < language and culture > > for the American society"s taboo language: Are you a Republican or Democratic?Why did you vote for... ? Do you go to church? What is your religion?Are you Catholic?This mainly is because US is by the country which migrates is composed, came from the different national person to bring the different religious belief. to abstain from these questions were for avoid conflicting. next, the American thought the choice religious belief and the political parties and groups were individual freedoms, others had no right to question. therefore the American could not ask a Chinese:Are you a Party member? In China, such question can meet as if as necessary, because "the party member" often is with person"s ethics morals with the manner relates in together. western history once theocracy. but after middle ages, the religion starts to be separated from the political. politics and the country unifies into matter of the government, the religion and the city livelihood of the people slipknot comes in handy by the standard human relations morals. but resident"s life then belongs to individual privacy, abstained from others inquire into. China based on its special system culture, very difficultly two discriminations. obviously, the west is politics and ethics separates, Ethics and the religion are a body. politics only is the government behavior and lives in the resident opposes but has. China then is politics, the religion, ethics Trinity, ethics is political ethics, political and resident"s life close correlation.


Are you a Republican or Democratic?Why did you vote for... ?Do you go to church? What is your religion?Are you Catholic?是翻译这些吗?





erm..what are we supposed to answer?



2023-06-26 03:14:241


The potala palace is located in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa city, northwest of cloth on the mountain (red), it has a total of 999 rooms. Its total area is 9927 square meters. Is a grand palace fort type buildings. It was originally sontzen gampo built for the statue of princess to marry feet and princess wencheng, rebuilt in the 17th century, become the past winter palace residence of the dalai lama, is also a dominant center of the region"s former theocracy. The palace has bright of Tibetan style, built around the mountain, magnificence. The palace also collecting countless treasures, is a palace of art. In 1961, the potala palace is the state council of the People"s Republic of China one of the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. In 1994, the potala palace was listed as world cultural heritage. On August 8, 1994, China"s largest cultural relics repair project - the potala palace in Tibet fully completed maintenance engineering, magnificent potala palace with charming style show on the "roof of the world.
2023-06-26 03:14:313


以cracy为后缀的单词只有七个: aristocracy n. 贵族,贵族社会; autocracy n. 独裁政体; bureaucracy n.官僚主义;官僚机构; democracy n.民主,民主制; gynecocracy n. 妇人政治; plutocracy n. 富豪,财阀统治; theocracy n. 神权政治. 扩展资料   例句:   She married into the aristocracy.   她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。   These firms are among the aristocracy of the industry.   这些公司都是对冲基金的`佼佼者。   Why should he object to marrying into our aristocracy ?   为什么他要反对与我们的贵族联姻呢?   This country has never had a genuine aristocracy or an aristocratic tradition.   这个国家从来没有出现真正的贵族和贵族传统。
2023-06-26 03:14:551


政教,汉语词汇。拼音:zhèng jiào,释义:指政治与教化。指军中号令。政权与教权。政教合一是指政治领袖同时兼为宗教领袖,或者宗教领袖同时兼为政治领袖,把政权和教权合二为一的政治制度。政教合一的社会,主要有两种表现形式。神权国度(Theocracy),即宗教领袖与国家元首同为一人,教权和政权由一人执掌,宗教领袖行使着宗教和世俗两方面的管理职能。国家法律以宗教教义为依据,宗教教义是处理一切民间事务的准则。例如:梵蒂冈、正统哈里发时期的阿拉伯世界、伊朗等。政权国度(Caesaropapism),即国家元首领导一切,行使着世俗和宗教双方面的管理职能。国家充分运用宗教为政治服务,国家不仅掌管世俗权力,而且也使教会事务成为国家事务的一部分。如:东罗马帝国、沙皇俄国。政教合一制度在中国东汉末期汉中张鲁、中世纪时期拜占庭帝国、阿拉伯帝国、古代印度、亨利八世时代的英国等国家或地区实行过。当时统治者为了维护和加强自己的政治统治,需要利用宗教;或是宗教首领为了扩大影响、争夺势力,也需要与统治者的联合。
2023-06-26 03:15:031


土著也疯狂(Theocracy)(又名权神,印加帝,天赋神权国),是一款由Ubi Soft旗下的Philos Laboratories制作的即时战略游戏。这款由育碧的Philos Laboratories出品的文明型战略游戏,涵盖了十六世纪中美墨西哥的各个土著部落的文明。
2023-06-26 03:16:181


  不同语境掌握GRE词汇的不同意思   Allay缓和;减轻   To allay fears/concerns/suspicion减轻恐惧;减轻忧虑;减少怀疑   Interplay相互影响   ...the interplay of many factors...许多因素的相互作用   I am interested in the interplay between practical and theoretical linguistics...我对实用语言学和理论语言学之间的相互影响很感兴趣...   Array部署;排列   Jars of all shapes and sizes were arrayed on the shelves.在搁架上整齐排列着大大小小各式各样的罐子   The soldiers were arrayed on the opposite hill.士兵被部署在对面山头上。   Astray偏离着正确的路;迷路   We were led astray by an inaccurate map.我们被一张不正确的地图引入歧途。   A child astray in the forest在森林中迷路的小孩   The temptations of the big city soon led him astray.大城市里的种种诱惑很快把他引向邪路。   Gainsay反对   Nobody can gainsay his claims.没人能够反驳他的说法。   Teachers have expertise that cannot be gainsaid.教师们都具有无可否认的专业知识。   Assay测试;分析   Assay oneu2019s abilities试一试自己的才能   Assay the situation分析形势   Theocracy神权政治国家   These people were content, living in a kind of theocracy.这些人生活在某种神权政治国家里,感到心满意足。   Gerontocracy老人统治   In danger of engendering both a gerontocracy and a plutocracy面临着造成既是老人同时又是富豪统治的危险   Plutocracy富豪统治;富豪阶级   Newspapers are the organs of plutocracy.报纸是富人的喉舌。   Racy活泼的;不雅的   A racy novel带荤的小说   A racy discussion活跃的讨论   Sway动摇;摇曳   The branches were swaying in the wind.树枝在风中摇曳。   Heu2019s easily swayed.他很容易动摇。   She wanu2019t swayed by his good looks or his clever talk.他相貌不凡,谈吐风趣,但她不为所动。   Lullaby摇篮曲   We sang our little son a sweet lullaby.我们给小宝宝唱了一支甜美的摇篮曲。   When he was a little lad, I used to sing him lullabies.在他还是小孩的时候,我常常给他唱摇篮曲。   Quay码头   A crowd was waiting on the quay.有一群人在码头上等着。   Supremacy至高无上   Be tarnished by the supremacy of material values over patriotism被凌驾于爱国主义之上的物质至上价值观所玷污   Air supremacy制空权   Naval supremacy制海权   Unclear supremacy核优势   His supremacy was unchallenged.他的最高权威是无可动摇的。   Gain supremacy over others凌驾于他人之上   Lobby大厅   I rushed into the hotel hobby, where our luggage was still piled high.我快速跑进饭店的大堂,我们的行李还是高高地堆在那儿。   Headway进展   The emergency services began to make some headway in restoring order to the devastated area.紧急救援服务在使灾区恢复秩序方面开始有了某些进展。   I find Iu2019m not making much headway with u2018War and Peaceu2019.我发现我阅读《战争与和平》这本厚书的速度很慢。   Conspiracy阴谋活动   They were arrested for conspiracy.他们因搞阴谋活动而被捕。   They were charged with conspiracy to murder.他们被指控密谋策划谋杀。   Prophecy预言;先兆   His prophecy was later fulfilled.他的预言后来果然应验了。   Have the gift of prophecy有预言的天赋   The boy of fifteen was an unfaltering prophecy of the famous man of forty-five.那个15岁的少年已明确显露出其45岁将成为名人的端倪。   Dormancy休眠状态   Many plants alternate an active period with a period of dormancy.许多植物的活动期和休眠期是互相交替的。    我推荐:
2023-06-26 03:16:421


政教合一国家的是伊斯兰教(先知默罕默德推行伊斯兰教后,统一了阿拉伯半岛 建立起政教合一的阿拉伯帝国) 成为欧洲中古时代主导思想的是基督教
2023-06-26 03:16:492

Building 429的《Shoulder》 歌词

歌词内容(可复制到txt文本中改后缀名为lrc,即可在播放中显示):歌曲名:Shoulder歌手:Building 429专辑:Building 429[00:02.00]Theocracy - Shoulder[00:08.00][00:14.06]Everybody needs a friend now and then[00:17.12]To come and pick their heart up again[00:20.23]When everything gets shattered[00:25.07]Everybody needs someone to understand[00:29.17]Someone just to come and hold their hand[00:32.06]To be there through disaster[00:36.46]And I"m going to be there for you[00:41.97][00:43.09]So when you"re crying[00:45.51]I want to be the shoulder you lean on[00:49.00]And when you"re lonely[00:51.40]I"m never gonna leave you so just hold on[00:54.61]And when you"re crying[00:57.20]I want to be the shoulder you lean on[01:03.73][01:06.61]You say you don"t need anyone[01:11.21]But I know when you come undone[01:14.08]That you might change your story[01:19.01]I don"t know if you"re listening[01:22.91]But when you feel like giving in[01:26.10]I"m going to hold you in these arms[01:30.68]Cuz all I am is a word away[01:35.85][01:36.87]So when you"re crying[01:39.15]I want to be the shoulder you lean on[01:43.24]When you"re lonely[01:45.50]I"m never gonna leave you so just hold on[01:48.93]When you"re crying[01:51.59]I want to be the shoulder you lean on[01:55.98]Oh yes I do[01:58.70][01:59.50]And if you"re on top of the world[02:01.98]And you fall down[02:03.64]You"re shaking inside[02:05.17]And you can"t find your ground[02:06.42]When you lose yourself, God will find you[02:11.56]Hey, you need to know that, the door is open[02:15.60]When your broken[02:17.30]Come on step on through[02:23.59]Step on through[02:29.11][02:36.34]When you"re crying[02:39.06]I want to be the shoulder you lean on[02:42.91]When you"re lonely[02:45.68]I"m never gonna leave you so just hang on[02:48.96]When you"re crying[02:51.56]I want to be the shoulder you lean on[02:56.17]Oh, yes I do[03:05.56]So just hold on[03:08.79]Building 429是基督教摇滚乐的一个重要里程碑,名字来自于圣经的一节,以弗所书4:29以及一个年轻的团体"429 challenge"。乐队成员起源于斯奈德施洗约翰纪念教堂和北卡罗来纳以及德克萨斯州的多个地区。 在1999年年末,贝斯手Scotty Beshears和吉他手/歌手Jason Roy在最后一场Roy"s band All Too Familiar的演出上相遇。当时,Beshears已和Elijah"s Ride组建了另一个独立的乐队。他们和鼓手Christian Fuhrer合作组建一个新的乐队,他们的歌词把现代流行摇滚乐和基督教主题混合在了一起。于是他们便开始以Building 429的名字开始了他们的音乐之旅。2005年, Building 429 在第三十六届福音音乐协会圣鸽奖(一般直接称作Dove Awards或金鸽奖)被提名了三个奖项:最佳新人奖,最佳歌曲奖("Glory Defined"),以及最佳流行摇滚歌曲(同样也是"Glory Defined"),并最终摘得最佳新人奖。
2023-06-26 03:16:562


Anthropologist 古学家microlith 细石器( 中石器时代至新石器时代初期的一种细小的打制石器,如刮削器、尖状器等)home 人类sapiens 现代人Pastoral Ice Age Irrigate 牧人 冰河时期 灌溉 Domesticate驯化Mesopotamia 美索不达米亚(西南亚地区)Epic史诗Pictogram 象形文字, 古代石壁画 Ideogram 表意文字Cuneiform楔形文字Babylonia巴比伦尼亚Urban revolution 都市革命ethnographic人种学institution 机关institutional制度上的tie领带archaic古体archive档案token象征性的cylinder seal 圆筒 封印Pharaoh 法老王(古埃及君主称号)Theocracy神权政治Mummy 木乃伊Mummify成木乃伊状, 干瘪Mummification 木乃伊化Polytheism多神论Monotheism一神教Hieroglyphic象形文字Papyrus纸草Pyramid金字塔long term 长远perspective透视画法, 透视图, 远景, 前途, 观点, 看法, 观点, 观察technology exchange 技术交换Pentateuch 摩西五书Prophets先知Hagiographa [复]n.[用作单或复]《圣录》, 《圣书卷》(《圣经·旧约》的第三部分, 即《律法书》和《先知书》以外的部分)Genesis《创世纪》Exodus成群外出 Leviticus 《利未记》(基督教圣经《旧约全书》中的一卷)Numbers[圣经] 民数记(旧约圣经的第四卷)Deuteronomy圣经] 申命记(旧约中的一卷), 预言Hebrew Judaism 西伯来 犹太教 Ten Commandments 十个指令 promised land 被许诺的土地Garden of Eden 伊甸园Moses 摩西(《圣经》故事中犹太人古代领袖), 领导者, 立法者Messiah弥赛亚(犹太人盼望的复国救主covenant契约History历史
2023-06-26 03:17:051

mirrors of soul 歌词翻译

2023-06-26 03:17:132


特色、科技、制度、政体、宗教收起特色、科技、制度、政体、宗教外交、商路、胜利条件、用户界面文明、领袖、特色能力、历史倾向、城邦地形地貌(1)地貌(2)地貌(3)地貌(4)地貌(5)自然奇观区块(1)区块(2)区块(3)后记《文明6》大家不要着急,就快与大家见面了,咱们今天就先来看看文明6知识情报大全,其中包括科技政体与制度地貌图文解析,还有很多内容非常全面,想了解这款游戏的同学一定不要错过,一起来看文明6知识情报大全吧。关键特色(Features)文明6继承了前代原有的各种特色,包括商路,宗教,考古,谍报,城邦,旅游和杰作等,并针对新引擎重写和改进。城市规划(City Planning)城市将占据不止一个地块。城市中心区块只能容纳几座建筑,更多建筑、设施和奇观将分布于其他区块,详情见城市页面。科技(Technology)每项科技关联一个小任务,例如“遇到另一个文明”或“修建一处采石场”,完成小任务可触发“发现时刻(Eureka)”,使相应科技研究速度加快50%。部分前代科技移到了政策树中,科技树加政策树共计有118项。一些科技的发现时刻触发条件:灌溉(Irrigation):在资源上修建一处农场弓箭(Archery):使用掷石手消灭一个敌方单位石工处(Masonry):修建一处采石场文字(Writing):遇到另一个文明帆船(Sailing):建立一座海滨城市青铜器(Bronze Working):(摧毁一处蛮族营地)?铁器(Iron Working):建成三个矛兵单位制度(Civics)积累文化点数可以启用新的制度,解锁相关的政策、城市区块、建筑、奇观和政体等。每种政体可以实行特定数量的政策,初始的酋长制(Chiefdom)为一项军事政策加一项经济政策。至少有四种政策类型:军事型、经济型、外交型和特殊型。每项制度也有关联任务可以触发“灵感时刻(Inspiration)”,效果类似科技的“发现时刻”。一些制度的灵感时刻触发条件:军事传统(Military Tradition):清除一处蛮族据点占星术(Astrology):发现一处自然奇观法典(Code of Laws):?早期帝国(Early Empire):文明人口规模达到6级征发劳役(State Workforce):建成一个城市区块精细工艺(Craftsmanship):改造三处地块海外贸易(Foreign Trade):发现另一个大陆已知政体信息:政体,加成,政策槽酋长制 Chiefdom,1军事、1经济古典共和制 Classical Republic,增加宜居度和提升伟人产生速度,1军事、1经济、1外交、1特殊寡头制 Oligarchy,提升首都产出和奇观建造速度,2经济 1外交 1特殊独裁制 Autocracy,提升单位近战力和经验,2军事、1经济、1特殊君主制 Monarchy神权政治 Theocracy财阀政治 Plutocracy民主制 Democracy共产制 Communism法西斯制 Fascism发现新制度时可以立即调整政策,其他时间调整政策需要消耗金钱军事政策军事调查 Military Survey:侦察单位经验积累加倍船舶工业 Maritime Industries:建造远古时代和古典时代海军单位时+100%产能扈从制度 Retainers:有单位驻守时城市宜居度+1军事纪律 Discipline:对蛮族单位+5战斗力外交政策外交联盟 Diplomatic League:派往每个城邦的首个使节效用加倍魅力领袖 Charismatic Leader:每回合对城邦影响力+2经济政策精英政治 Meritocracy:城市每个专业区块+1文化商队旅舍 Caravansaries:每条商路+2金钱殖民开拓 Colonization:建造移民单位时+50%产能城市规划 Urban Planning:所有城市+1产能土地调查 Land Surveyors:购买地块费用-20%君权神授 God King:首都 +1信仰 +1金钱特殊政策科研激励 Inspiration:每回合+2大科学家点数文学传统 Literary Tradition:每回合+2大艺术家点数神圣启示 Revelation:每回合+2大先知点数宗教(Religion)宗教系统与五代类似,先创立神系,再创立宗教,再由圣城向周边传播。这个很强很好,不知道5代的联合国系统有没有保留下来
2023-06-26 03:17:211

滨崎步 - Bridge to The Sky~的歌~词

2023-06-26 03:17:403


2023-06-26 03:17:471


1.Determining political spectra确定政治光谱作为一个光谱的关键假设在于, 人们关于许多重要议题(issues)在观点上具有强烈的关联性, 或者说一个根本性的议题纳入或控制其他所有议题。使一个政治光谱存在的理由, 信仰必须得有范围。多数人民清楚地在政治系统中选择加入一个阵营或其他一些阵营,几乎没有人在这样的系统中选择两者都加入, 譬如在多数民族主义的争论上, 在一个政治光谱中就得不到很好的描述。在一个现代的伊斯兰国家, 例如, 一个政治光谱也许是根据在政府中僧侣所起作用这样一种议题而被划分的。那些相信神职人员应该有权力去强制执行伊斯兰法律的人是在(政治)光谱的一端, 而那些支持一个世俗社会的人是在另一边;温和派将落在两者之间的任何点上。在 台湾, 政治光谱的定义是根据支持中国统一还是支持台湾独立来进行划分的。在民族主义的议题上,政治光谱可能存在吗;例如, 在西班牙的巴斯克地区(Basque Country of Spain), 巴斯克民族主义者的范围从巴斯克人国民党(EAJ)/巴斯克民族党(PNV),到既参与了与社会主义的西班牙社会劳工党(socialist PSOE)一起组成的联合政府又参与了与保守主义的人民党(conservative Partido Popular)一道组成的联合政府, 到“埃塔”(ETA)这样的参与恐怖战术和武装反抗西班牙国民政府的组织, 在“埃塔”看来,西班牙国民政府是侵略力量。政治光谱可能当一个团体彻底地赢得了胜利之后,不再有观点上的分歧时被终结掉。这发生在20世纪70 年代的中华人民共和国,发生在右派分子(rightists)和左派分子(leftists)之间的这个实例中, 右派分子赢得了胜利。或是在18 世纪晚期的美国所出现在联邦主义者以及反联邦主义者(Anti-federalists)之间的争论。然而,在这种情形中趋向于发生的事情是优胜者开始在新议题上与其他团体有着不一样的见解,因为这样的原因一个新政治光谱又被创造出来了。并且, 在某些情况下, 被击败方可能在几年或几十年以后再现, 并且与(获胜者)重新开始争论。但是, 许多时候政治光谱依然保持着存在, 虽然定义政治光谱的议题有所变动。一个例子就是作为荷兰国王继承者的威廉成功登上英国国王宝座从而所导致的争端,这被用来帮助界定存在于今天的英国的政治光谱, 这是在原始的争论解决完很长时间之后才发生的。2.Left and Right左派与右派在现代西方国家, 政治光谱通常以左-右的界线来加以描述。这个传统的政治光谱以一个用保守主义、神学(theocracy)以及法西斯主义(“右派”)为坐标轴的一端 ,用社会主义、 共产主义 (“左派”) 为坐标轴的另一端来加以定义。在北美与欧洲,自由主义这一术语涉及到了范围很广的政治观点,在美国和世界其他地方之间经常被视为具有歧见性质的。左派与右派这样的术语还被用为对自20世纪20 年代起到20世纪80年代期间发生在中国的政治做描述,虽然(界定政治光谱的)议题经常是与西方国家对这些术语所做的界定是非常不同的。3.Multiplicity of interpretation of the left-right axis对左-右坐标解释的多样性沿着这个坐标轴,有着各种各样的不同的观点在上面得到测定(测定的结果是能显示出那些观点实际上所蕴涵的实质内容究竟是什么):国家是应该给予平等以优先权(左派) 还是应该给予自由以优先权(右派) 。这个讲法是由Danielle Allen所提议的. [ 1 ] (http://www.thenation 。com/doc 。mhtml?i=20041220&c=7&s=forum)国家是应该给予社会自由以优先权(左派)还是应该给予经济自由以优先权(右派) 。政府介入道德问题是否应该最小化(左派) 还是政府应该持干预主义的主张(右派) 。 值得注意的是某些左翼政府已经参与了干涉主义政策。政府是应该干预经济事务 (左派) 还是应该让经济事务保持自由放任状态 (右派) 。值得注意的是某些右翼政府已经在经济事务中应用了干涉主义的政策.政府是应该照顾诸如医疗保健和退休福利方面的问题(左派)还是持这些问题应该留给个体让他们以各自的策略去处理这样的主张 (右派) 。在预算和财政何者优先方面, 是倾向于提高经济保险(左派) 还是倾向于经济自由(右派) 。是强调平等的结果(左派) 还是强调平等的过程(右派) 。这是由澳大利亚劳工党领袖Mark Latham提议的一个说法。是接受变动(左派) 还是更偏好对于变动的正当性做严谨的证明(右派) 。 这是由Eric Hoffer所提出的一个看法。人性以及社会是易变的(左派) 还是认为他们是固定的(右派) 。这是由Thomas Sowell所提出的一个看法4.Historical origin of the terms历史上政治光谱这个术语的起源左与右这个术语涉及到了由于加入某个团体而因此产生出来的彼此关系,源自法国大革命早期,并且涉及到了法国各类(分为三级)立法机关原初时期的座位安排情况。贵族坐在了报告人的右边(传统上象征着荣誉的位子) 、评论者坐在左边, 因此产生了右翼政治以及左派政治这样的专门术语。最初, 在意识形态光谱上的界定点是古代政权(“旧秩序”)这一指标。因此“右派”(“The Right”)暗示为支持贵族或皇室利益, 而“左派”则暗示为站在了“右派”立场的对立面上。由于在革命开始阶段产生出来的政治投票权(political franchise)相对来讲是狭窄的, 原初的“左派”代表了中产阶级(bourgeoisie)、兴起的资本阶级的主要利益。那时,只要支持自由放任资本主义(laissez-faire capitalism) 以及自由市场就被算作是站在左派立场的一边;在今天多数西方国家中这些看法会被描绘为站在右派的立场一边。当投票权膨胀若干年后, 与原初的“左派”相比,左派的立场开始有了一些改变:开始出现了提倡挣工资者以及农民利益的社会主义以及共产主义的前兆。5.Alternative spectra其他可供选择的光谱某些人认为这类各种各样的概念间具有何种相关性是不明显的。他们说, 仅仅讲左派右派而不表明你究竟在提到的事物是什么,这是非常之使人感到困惑不解的。他们相信, 一个人应该首先通过定义坐标来建立起(各个指标之间的)脉络(context),这样的话就可以用它才测定不同的立场。尽管如此,右-左光谱被采纳接受的是如此的普通。许多人甚至有段困难时期去概念化任一可供选择的替代物。但是许多替代选择却是存在的,通常是由那些感到他们的观点不能在相当程度上由传统的右-左光谱来代表的人士开发出来的。在冷战期间或许对左右光谱最为简单的做法是构想一个作为修辞工具(a rhetorical tool)的替代选择.这是在把比较之极端的右派与左派带进到传统的政治光谱中,视“极端社会主义” (例如共产党) 与“极端保守主义” (例如法西斯主义) 是同等的. 这个连结对那些反对与苏联进行和解的人士来讲是特别有用的 。另一个可供替代的政治光谱由美国联邦主义周刊(American Federalist Journal )提供,这个光谱强调了政治控制的程度,因此它把极权主义放置在一端而把无政府主义 (完全没有政府) 放置在另一端。但是, 美国联邦主义周刊的方式使用了这样一个测定方法,即把民主党人(Democrats)和自由放任主义党人(Libertarians)都放置在两个(与他们)相对的政治极端的比较近的位置上,这种做法是相当荒谬的,而他们更为温和的立场被不切实际地夸大了。这样一种错误对于美国政党的政策以及那些政党距离与他们相对的国家权力的程度显示了更为明显的无知。此外,把周刊自己的(保守主义的) 政治计划计入考量也引起了一些争议。另外的选择是在当前流行于相当多环境保护主义者中的一种主张, 这种主张使用了一个单一的坐标去测定他们认为对地球有利的做法以对抗只图做大生意的那种做法,那这种做法被认为很可能是最为危害地球的。1998 年, 写作政治题材的作家Virginia Postrel, 在她的《未来及其敌人》一书中,提供了一个全新的单一坐标光谱来测定未来之人的观点。在一个顶端是那些(没有根据的)宣称恐惧未来并且希望控制它的人士, Postrel称它们为国家主义者(stasists). 另一个顶端则是那些要在未来自然地展现、没有企图去计划和控制它的人士, 她对这类人士所使用名称是动态主义者(dynamists).6.Other axes that might merit consideration include:其它也许值得考虑的坐标:教会的作用:教权主义(Clericalism )vs.反教权主义(Anti-clericalism)。在美国,这个坐标的意义并不是重大的,因为在美国关于宗教所起作用的看法倾向于纳入到一般的左-右坐标的政治光谱中去分析, 但在欧洲,教权主义(clericalism) vs. 反教权主义(anti-clericalism)很少与左-右坐标的政治光谱具相关性。都市vs. 农村:这个坐标相对于在美国政治中所起作用,要比在欧洲政治中所起作用小很多。对外政策: 干预主义 (国家应该施加力量至海外以贯彻它的政策) vs.孤立主义 (国家应该做好它自己的事务)市场政策: 社会主义 (政府应该民主化或控制经济生产力) vs.自由放任 (政府应该让市场自行其是) vs.法团主义 (政府应该资助或支持现有的成功的企业)政治暴力: 和平主义 (政见不应该通过暴力手段强加) vs.好战主义(暴力是作为政治表达的一种合法的或必要的手段) 。在非正式场合,这类人经常各自被称为“鸽派”(“doves”) and和“鹰派”(“hawks”)对外贸易: 全球化 (世界的经济市场应该变得联合和相互依赖) vs. 经济独立政策 (国家或政体应该力争经济独立)多样性: 多元文化 (国家应该代表多样化的文化理念) vs. 同化主义(assimilationism )或 民族主义 (国家应该由占主导地位的族群来代表)参与: 积极自由 (积极参与政府) vs. 寡头政治 (由有限的一群人施行统治)7.Multi-axis models多坐标模型Governmental or collective decision,政府决策或是集体决策public authority,公共权威Communism,共产主义Fascism,法西斯主义rejection of private property,反对私有化产权private property,主张私有化产权Anarchism,无政府主义Libertarianism,放任自由主义individual decision,rejection fo authority,个人决策,拒绝权威一个一轴坐标的模型太过于简单化了,并且把相当不同的政治主张放在了一起; 尤其是, 就像前面所看到的那样, 有许多方式去定义左-右光谱, 依照你定义左-右光谱的方法不一样,所产生出的也是不同样的分类。许多种政治哲学已经在过去两个多世纪中兴起了,单维度的左/右区分图(one-dimensional left/right line)已经不适合这种新形势了,尤其是 无政府主义以及放任自由主义. 无政府主义被假设成是“左派”, 而放任自由主义被假设成是“右派”。然而, 在单维度的光谱上, 无政府主义和共产主义几乎分享了一样的位置, 这是明显不适当的。无政府主义暗示了拒绝来自政府和社会的控制(以及私有财产), 而共产主义理论暗示在许多活动上得由社会来进行控制。在左/右区分图的另外一端, 放任自由主义发现自己与法西斯主义位于同一个位置 (或者至少是和严酷得权威主义的保守主义的资本主义政府rigidly authoritarian conservative capitalist governments位于同一位置,这种位置经常被划为法西斯主义的类别), 这同样是不适当的。为了论及这些问题, 许多人已经提议了一个双坐标的系统(two-axis system), 这个坐标系统结合了以轴(复数)为政治光谱的两个模型。第一人构想出这样一个双坐标系统的人是Hans Eysenck,在他1964年出版的《心理学中的意义与无意义》(“Sense and Nonsense in Psychology”)著作中,他提出了这样的设想。以传统的“左-右”光谱为起点,Eysenck增加了一个以“具有刚性气质”(tough- mindedness)(权威主义倾向)以及“具有柔性气质”(“tender-mindedness”)(民主倾向)为指标的垂直的坐标。这个新坐标对于权威有着非常不同的看法,但也有着同样的“左派-右派”观点(象斯大林以及诺姆·乔姆斯基) ,它的作用是能被辨别的。同样地, 你也许希望在水平坐标上考虑一下公共/私人财产问题, 并且在垂直坐标上建立一个以社会由个人控制为一端,社会由集体(或国家)控制为另一端的光谱。值得注意的是这个双坐标模型对于什么才叫做“控制”缺乏一些细微区分。例如, 你也许希望在个人自由以及其它议题上做一个立场划分。例如, 步入20 世纪的美国在尊重安全方面(公民有权去拥有武器)给了它的公民一个重大余地,而同时却苛刻的管制性行为, 即便那样的行为是发生在私人场合的成人之间 (康斯托克法,Comstock Law, 鸡奸法……). 此外, 使用这个双坐标的光谱,没有清楚的方式找到诸如女权主义或环保主义这类哲学的位置。一个三维甚至四维的坐标会被需要以容纳这些理念的立场, 但那种做法使得模型太过于复杂以至于不能派上任何用场。使用来自政治指南针(Political Compass)的模型与Eysenck的图表是极为相似的,但是在垂直坐标上却是在测定社会自由(social freedom)这项指数,与“刚性的”气质和“柔性的”气质这项指标相对应。8.Nolan图表Personal freedom,个人自由Economic freedom,经济自由Left-wing,左翼Libertarian,放任自由主义者Populist,民粹主义者Right-wing,右翼与政治指南图表类似的是Nolan图表,由放任自由主义者戴维·诺兰(David Nolan)发明,是一个以经济和政治为指标,互相垂直的坐标,通常都把整个图表旋转45度。这张图表的x 轴上显示了被他认为是“经济自由”的指标 (象征税、自由贸易和自由企业这类的议题),在y轴上显示了他认为是“个人自由”的指标 (象毒品合法化, 堕胎并且征兵这类的议题)。在这张图表中他把左翼人士(left-wingers)放在了左边的象限中,把放任自由主义者放在了上端, 把右翼人士(right-wingers)放在了右端, 把权威主义或共产主义(诺兰起初把它名作民粹主义) 放在了底部。第四个则非常的不同,这是由Jerry Pournelle所创造的双坐标模型. Pournelle图表以自由做指数为一轴 (一个维度类似于Nolan图表对角线的坐标,位于左边的就意味着追求自由、落在右边的则代表关注控制)与以信奉选择政治哲学的力量为指数为另外一轴,两者是垂直的。(那些在顶端的指数是相信所有邪恶势力的意识形态只有当他们的理想被设立起来了,他们才会罢休,那些在底部的指数是出于意识形态自身的缘故,盲目信任、追随他们的意识形态——法西斯主义者将做任何事情以庆祝“伟大”, 无政府主义者则习惯四处仍掷炸弹,目的仅仅是为了找乐子) 。Friesian研究所甚至已经提议了一个三个坐标的光谱。它结合了经济自由以及个人自由坐标再加上积极自由坐标, 创造了一个立方体。9.Suggested Reading建议阅读的读物《最大化自由》(Maximum Liberty by Anonymous) 由匿名人士写作,2003 年出版。 (国际标准书号0974443905)这本无党派的著作很可能是第一部提供了一个对于不同模型的政治光谱进行清楚和简明综述的著作。作者对政治光谱提出了一个新的, 普世的(universal)模型并且解释了各种各样现有的模型为什么是不充分的。该书对政治理论的最为原创和最为重大的贡献, 却是政府的研究范畴必须依照政府形式的不同被分开来考量这样一种理念。换句话说, 政治光谱仅仅描述了政府对于社会控制的层级,而不是统治以及行政组织的类型。这种理论终结了环绕政治光谱概念上的许多混淆之处,在论述过程中,总之是提供了一个对于政治的好的介绍。《超越自由派与保守派:对政治光谱的再评价》(Beyond Liberal and Conservative: Reassessing the Political Spectrum )由William S. Maddox and Stuart A. Lilie写作; 前言由David Boaz写作,卡托研究所(Cato Institute), 1984年出版. (ISBN 0932790437)这本书很明显地是某一部最早的建议世界需要一个更好的政治光谱模型,遗憾地是, 作者严重偏向于一个双坐标的美国放任自由主义者观念的模型。虽然该书提供了对于放任自由主义的模型不错的一番介绍, 作者没有提供对于该模型的真正的批评并且没有充分地介绍与其相竞争的一些政治光谱模型。
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传统对小型帝国是上上之选,许多政策给予首都额外奖励,采纳传统首都会立即获得每回合+1粮食的奖励贵族政治 Aristocrac:建造奇迹+33%速度寡头集团 Oligarchy:国境内作战+33%战力君主国家 Monarchy: 购地价格减半(需要寡头集团)绅缙阶层 Landed Elite:首都成长速度+33%(需要寡头集团、贵族政治)律法主义 Legalism: 减少首都33%由人口导致的不满 对于需要快速扩张的文明来说是最适合的,采用之后+50%建造移民。该分支不能与独裁同时采用。集体共治 Collective Rule: 新建造的城市起始拥有获得第二个人口所需粮食的50%共和政体 Republic: 每座城市+1产能(需要集体共治)公民资格 Citizenship: 建造工人施速度+25%代议制度 Representation: 每座城市+1文化(需要公民资格)英才领导 Meritocracy: 每一座连接到首都的城市,+1帝国快乐(需要公民资格) 荣誉通过多种手段提升军队的作战能力。采用荣誉+25%对抗野蛮人单位,在已探索区域内出现野蛮人营地时将提供告示尚武精神 Warrior Code: 免费大军事家部队传统 Military Tradition:单位作战获得双倍经验(需要尚武精神)军事纪律 Discipline: 邻近己方单位作战+15%战斗力军人阶层 Military Caste: 每一座有驻军的城市降低1点帝国的不满(需要军事纪律)职业军队 Professional Army: 升级单位花费减半(需要军人阶层) 古典时代解锁增加帝国的快乐,文化也更为繁荣。采用虔诚立即增加帝国2点快乐。制式教团 Organized Religion: 进入黄金时代所需的快乐-25%神权政治 Theocracy:非占领城市因人口造成不满-20%(需要制式教团)宗教改革 Reformation:帝国立即进入6回合的黄金时代 (需要制式教团)受命于天 Mandate of Heaven: 50%多余快乐转化为文化信仰自由 Free Religion: 2个免费的社会政策(需要宗教改革) 增加与城邦交好获得的利益,对城邦影响力下降的速度减半美学理论 Aesthetics:所有城邦影响力不会低于20文化外交 Cultural Diplomacy:城邦提供的资源数量提升100%;获赠的奢侈品资源所带来的快乐提升50%学术名流 Educated Elite:结盟城邦偶尔会赠送伟人慈善公益 Philanthropy:给城邦的金币捐赠额外给予25%影响力经院哲学 Scholasticism: 所有结盟城邦给予你一份研究奖励相当于他们自己研究的33% 工业时代解锁共产主义 Communism民族主义 Nationalism:给予单位未知晋级计划经济 Planned Economy:城市数造成的不满减半社会主义 Socialism: 建筑维护费减少10% Gold maintenance costs of Buildings reduced by 10%.统一战线 United Front 为海洋帝国及注重金钱产出的帝国提供奖励,首都金钱产出+25%海军传统Naval Tradition:海军单位+1移动力,+1视野联合工会Trade Unions:道路铁路维护费-20%重商主义Mercantilism:城市购买项目(也就是花钱加速建造)费用-25%(需要联合工会)商船舰队Merchant Navy:沿海城市+3工业(需要海军传统)贸易保护Protectionism:每个奢侈品资源快乐+1(需要重商主义)
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  3.1政体(Government)  3. 1.1专制制度(Despotism):低维护费用,无任何加成。  3. 1.2世袭制度(Hereditary Rule):中等维护费用。每一个呆在城市力的战斗单位都能带来快乐度+1。用这个制度可以用重兵来增加快乐度,是前期不得不用的一个方法。Monarchy(君主制)研发后可选。  3. 1.3代仪制度(Representation):低维护费用。每一个专业人员研发能力+3。前5座最大的城市快乐度+3。Constitution(宪法)研发后可选。  3. 1.4警察国家(Police State):高维护费用。战斗单位生产速度+25%。因为战争引起的不快乐度-50%。长期战争的必备政体。Fascism(法西斯主义)研发后可选。  3. 1.5普选制度(Universal Suffrage):中等维护费用。城镇生产力+1。可以在城市中用钱加速建造。如果你每个城市都有大量城镇,Democracy(民主主义)研发后可选。  3.2法律(Legal)  3. 2.1无法律(Barbarism):野蛮人没啥好说的,低维护费用,无任何加成。  3. 2.2封建制度(Vassalage):高维护费用。新单位+2经验。增加18个免费单位。要养一帮家臣,高维护费用也不奇怪。Feudalism(封建制度)研发后可选。  3. 2.3官僚制度(Bureaucracy):中等维护费用。首都生产力+50%,金钱+50%。Civil Service(文官制度)研发后可选。  3. 2.4民族国家(Nationhood):低维护费用。每回合可以将一个市民变为3个基本步兵,但会减少快乐度。兵营提供2点快乐度。Nationalism(民族主义)研发后可选。  3. 2.5言论自由(Free Speech):无维护费用。所有城市文化+100%。城镇收入+2。法律的终极形态。不但无维护费用,而且文化与收入也是一个巨大的飞跃,Liberalism(自由主义)研发后出现。  3.3劳工(Labor)  3. 3.1部落制度(Tribalism):低维护费用。最落后的制度,无任何加成。  3. 3.2奴隶制度(Slavery):低维护费用。可以在城市中牺牲人民来加速建造(不知道有人用这招血祭不)。Bronze Working(青铜铸造)研发后可选。  3. 3.3农奴制度(Serfdom):低维护费用。工人工作加速50%。Feudalism(封建制度)研发后可选。  3. 3.4等级制度(Caste System):中等维护费用。无限转变艺术家,科学家,商人。如果城市的粮食是在太多。Code of Laws(法典)研发后可选。  3. 3.5劳工解放(Emancipation):无维护费用。村舍,小村,村庄成长+100%。增加其它没有采取这种制度的文明的市民的不快乐度,也可以加速卫星城镇的成长。 Democracy(民主主义)研发后可选。  3.4经济(Economy)  3. 4.1分散经济(Decentralization):低维护费用,无任何加成。  3. 4.2商业主义(Mercantilism):中等维护费用。每个城镇专业人员+1。无国际交易路线。Banking(银行学)研发后可选。  3. 4.3自由市场(Free Market):低等维护费用。每城镇交易路线+1。Economics(经济学)研发后可选。  3. 4.4国有资产(State Property):无维护费用。无因为与首都的距离产生的维护费用。工场,水磨坊粮食产量+1。国有制还真不错啊,不知道为什么文明没有私有制。Communism(共产主义)研发后可选。  3. 4.5环保经济(Environmentalism):高维护费用。所有城市健康+6。森林,丛林提高1快乐度。虽然是高维护费用,不过换来所有城市健康+6。森林和丛林能提高1快乐度,Ecology(生态学)研发后可选。  3.5宗教信仰(Religion)  3. 5.1原始信仰(Paganism):低维护费用,无任何加成。  3. 5.2信仰控制(Organized Religion):高维护费用。可以不需要宗教学院建造传教士。有国教的国家建筑速度+25%。Monotheism(一神论)研发后可选。  3. 5.3政教合一(Theocracy):中等维护费用。信奉国教的城市生产军事单位经验+2。不能传播非国教以外的宗教。Theology(神学)研发后可选。  3. 5.4和平主义(Pacifism):无维护费用。信奉国教的城市名人诞生率+100%。每一军事单位维护费用+1。在和平时期及优秀的制度,Philosophy(哲学)研发后可选。  3. 5.5信仰自由(Free Religion):低维护费用。每种信仰使城市快乐度+1(因为每个城市可以存在多种信仰,这个城市有几个信仰就增加几点快乐度)。所有城市研发+10%。Liberalism(自由主义)研发后可选。  无政府状态应该是速度减半的
2023-06-26 03:18:291


问题一:求日语N1高手翻译 感激不尽 谢谢!! 1、おや是个语气词,中间这一段是说的话,它没打括号而已。こんな就是こんな そう言い合って,そう指的就是从おや到ねえ这一段话 正是三十分钟前,互相感叹着“哦呀,在这样的地方建起了一座这么雄伟的旅馆,这一带也变了呢”时,所经过的地方 2、回头看看果真如此 3、就是因为这样才对这种走到哪儿算哪儿的旅行欲罢不能 问题二:日语 中国字皆音 哑巴里内什么意思 やっぱりね 果然是嘛(我说的没错吧) 问题三:200分求翻译一段日语,越快越好! 新年里打算读完司马辽太郎《项羽与刘邦》的上u30fb中u30fb下 读完了大约1000页,不好意思的是我虽然在《president》杂志社上班,但至今还未读过三国志。在编辑部里,每当大家谈到什么三国志啦、诸葛孔明啦、刘备刘玄德啦,在我的脑子中完全是“一串字母”,就像乱码一样。 所以我经常想这样可不成啊,但必须要读的书很多,到头来还是没能读到三国志。一回到家里时,父亲说:“三国志?咱家里有吉川英治的三国志啊,有10卷”。说完啪的就给我拿出来,翻开一看,原来是那种两栏排版的,立马就没了兴趣,“还是算了,新年要把它全部看完,我可没那个自信”。于是,就拿比三国志还早400多年的司马辽太郎写的《项羽与刘邦》糊弄一下算了。 但是,没想到本打算“糊弄糊弄”完了的这本书实在是太过有趣了,要说哪里有趣,那就是司马辽太郎所描写的英雄们和围绕在他们身边的众多人物像。中卷的护封上写着《本书中描写了所有人类的典型》,果真如此啊。尤其是主人公刘邦是最具魅力、最难以捉摸的。一读就明白司马辽太郎本人也完全附体于刘邦啊,我认为司马辽太郎意图通过刘邦想说的是,“所谓德,究竟是什么”。 问题四:为什么我在看日本人演的儿童片《超人机梅塔路达》的时候他说的日语下面是中文的翻译,有些字我明明不认识 这就是汉字了,这就是血脉的传承。你认识,这就对了。你本来就该认识它。 这种字,很多人管它叫“繁体字”,但我是极力反对这种称呼的。在我国――其实这说法不准确,但看你年纪不大,先这么说吧,免得你不理解――,数千年以来,我们都管它叫汉字。那才是官方正统的文字。至于现在大陆通用的,古时,我们管它叫――白字。 你看的那个字幕,有可能是香港人或台湾人做的,在港、台、澳等地区目前已就通用着“繁体字”――汉字。数千年以来,这种文字已融入了我们血脉中,头一次看见就觉得眼熟,这是应该的。说明你没有忘本,你还记得自己的祖先;其实我本人也是如此。我在九几年时第一次接触红色警戒95,这部游戏没有简体字版本,只有英文和“繁体字”版,当时我还不认识“繁体字”,只识得简体字,但第一次看见那些字,我就觉得熟悉、亲切。比学校里教的更让我觉得对路。 以上是比较情绪化的说法,比较能接受的说法是,你在认这些字的时候,只看了个大概的形状,觉得差不多,有些眼熟,于是串联在一起了。其实简化字和汉字有很多字形差别是很大的,这些就不一定眼熟了。 我猜这段话会招来某些简体党的大肆围攻。倘果真如此,便随它去吧。道不同不相与谋。 问题五:哪位日语达人帮忙翻译下这段话~~ 50分 The warrior good imperial sacrifices take one prevailing custom, theoutset to the Kamakura general"s office initial period. At that timethe warrior was popular the imperial sacrifices the main reason lay inone is Japan ancient times the society political Buddhi *** theinfluence and the theocracy the tradition, two was the emergingwarrior regime is urgent needs to provide the spiritual prop for thewarrior. In the afterwards history successional variation process, theway of the martial artist requested the warrior to honor the god torespect Buddha, with the aid of provided the spiritual prop to thereligious strength for the warrior, then was all previous dynastieswarrior regime the imperial sacrifices military gathered one, thetheocracy the experience summary. Way of the martial artist advocation brave, encourages the soldier tobe unafraid of death, readies to give one"s life on the battlefieldfor 君主, this point is been extremely deep the zen influence. Thezen ontology is it bareness view, it requests the person to see thelight suddenly the eternal truth, first must abandon all inherentideas, realized originally does not have a thing to this world, thelife and death all absurdly reads. Looked like in the zen that, lifeand death view is the first essence which meditates grasps principles,lives not encouraging, refuses stubbornly pitifully, moreimportantly......>> 问题六:元首相中“元”的翻译意思? 你很聪明。果真如此。百度翻译的结果如下: 日语原文:元首相 中文译文:原首相 根据wictonary的解释:日语中的 “元” 还有 如下形式: Alternative forms 本, 原, 基, 素 问题七:到底要怎么学好日文?韩文呢? 你好,很高兴为你解答问题。 我在日本上学,之前学日文也是很纠结,朋友和老师给了我一些学日语N建议,分享给你,希望对你有所帮助。 1.首先,日文要从50音图开始入门,先要背会“五十音图表”,建议你打印一张,在学校有时间就背背。 2.在熟悉五十音图的同时,学习一下日文的语法、句型结构 3.熟悉了五十音图、句型结构,可以找出一句话,分析一下句子结构,然后背着写出来,再自己造一句新得。 4.强烈建议你找个日剧(日文发音)、该日剧的剧本(日文原版),看一句,停一句,跟着读。这样虽然看着很不爽,但是这非常有利于提高你的日文语感和书写方面。 最后,发给你个实用的网址jptranslate/cgi-bin/text.php 是个日文翻译+教学的网页,我出国之前在这个网站聊天室练习过日文,你可以慢慢和里面的朋友聊天来增进日文。 实在不好意思,韩文我没研究过,但我想和日文的学习方法应该没什么太大的差别。 希望我的回答能对你有所帮助,祝你学习愉快。! 问题八:日文字体为什么不能在PS内使用? 20分 PS??没用过 但是我知道 在系统中如果你想要切换到其他国家的语言 需要改一些 开始-设置-控制面板-区域和语言选项-(把中文【中国】改成你想要看的语言就可以了 , 然后你在进你的软件试试 用过之后别忘了改回来
2023-06-26 03:18:361


  文明4发展步骤流程   开局后下一步的行动路线,要看你的领袖属性以及周围地形,几条基本路线包括宗教、内政(文化)、科研、军事,在这其中扮演着关键性角色的就是传教、奇迹和伟人。这一时期决定了游戏的成败。要注意的是,你发展的基本思路必须清晰,以什么为主,以什么为辅。发展一切路线或者只在一条路线上吊死的人,必将在对战中败下阵来。   首先来看现在的状况。如果一切顺利,现在应该在公元左右,你应该至少已经拥有了三到四种战略资源,并拥有众文明中比较高的分数,也有一支尚算强大的军队。如果你抢到了一到两门早期国教(印度教、佛教、犹太教、儒教),现在可以转入宗教路线;如果你拥有了石头,可以开始建设加强内政以及内政奇迹;如果你拥有Phi属性或者抢到了大理石,则可以选择科研加上科研奇迹和伟人;如果你拥有马、铁、铜,并且城市较多,就该开始考虑军事发展了。当然,如果你严格按照开局期的做法,现在你或许满足了数条条件,那么优先选择宗教>内政>科研>军事。    首先来说奇迹。 石头可以加速的奇迹包括Stonehenge、The Pyramids、The Hanging Gardens、Angkor Wat、Chichen Itza、The Spiral Minaret、Notre Dame、The Kremlin,基本都是内政路线十分需要的奇迹。一定要抢到的是前三个,尤其是大金字塔(全政体开放)和空中花园(全城市人口+1),对发展至关重要。   大理石可以加速的则包括The Oracle、The Parthenon、The Great Library、The Hagia Sophia、The Sistine Chapel、The Taj Mahal、Versailles,要抢得则是神谕(一般用来拿神学、机械学、封建制度、货币之一)、万神殿、索菲亚大教堂、泰姬陵。这两样资源可以决定发展路线,只要切记不要去拿手头资源不能加速的奇迹就好,在对人战或者对高难度电脑中一定会被抢掉u2026u2026   宗教可以说是快速发展的基础,如果宗教政策完全失败的话其他的也就很难发展了。 最重要的是圣城,以及三个宗教政策:宗教组织(Organized Religion)、神权体制(Theocracy)和和平主义(Pacifism)。第一个是内政用,所有国教城市建筑加速25%并可以随意制造传教士;第二个是军事用,所有国教城市生产出的单位经验+2;第三个是科研用,所有国教城市产生伟人的概率+100%。   因此,你要做的事情就是在得到了第一个国教并奠定了基础后开始大量制造传教士,并从最近友国到自国的距离范围内传遍每个城市(这一行动应当选在抢到了必抢奇迹之后)。每个传教士造价是40(Quick下30),因此需要一个生产力较高的圣城。如果大多数城市仍然没有冶炼厂、图书馆、兵营、谷仓、水渠的话就用宗教组织,如果要走军事路线就用神权体制,等城市大了,可以有专家之后考虑改用和平主义。    在所有城市都在皈依国教的过程中,伟人也会逐渐出现。 伟人一共五种,先知、艺术家、工程师、科学家、商人。如果是前两种建议用来造圣城和文化炸弹(+4000文化,可以瞬间将一个小城变成一个文化大城,在边境争端中很有利,经常能把对手的资源抢到自己一边),如果出现后三种则建议用来研究科技(工程师可以考虑用来抢一个无资源加速的关键奇迹)。伟人用来研究科技是最快的,得到伟人的条件是城市右下角的伟人槽长满。如果你是Phi或者抢到了万神殿,就应该走这条路。   我建议的.用法,则是将伟人留存到几个中世纪晚期到文艺复兴早期的关键科技时,一次都砸掉,比如教育、经济学、自由主义、印刷机、爱国主义、化学等。相比于前面的科技,这几个科技可以瞬间奠定大局,而且本身研究很慢。但要注意的是,每个伟人都只能发明固定的科技线上的技术,比如工程师一定是发明工程系统最前面的技术,而商人一定是发明商业系统最前面的技术,注意留到关键技术再用。   无论对于哪条路线来说,金钱都一直是大问题——因为这次道路不再提供金钱了。你也不能依赖领袖属性,因为开源的Fin和节流的Org都很糟,小地图没人想用(如果你因民族自尊用老毛或者因色心用凯瑟琳当我没说u2026u2026)。解决金钱问题的方法有三种:开源、截流、抢劫。最后一种留到战争篇再说,在这里我主要强调开源和节流两种。除去靠运气的资源收入,开源的方法包括宗教、建设城镇和海洋贸易三种。建立圣城后,所有信仰此宗教的城市都会进贡1金币,倘若有建立The Spiral Minaret奇迹收入还会更多,这是最大笔的额外收入,如果可能的话就用这种方法来解决。   如果不幸没有抢到,沿海城市又多,次一点地解决方式就是抢两个海洋奇迹:大金字塔和巨像,也可以解决巨额的资金问题。再次的方法,就是用工人安心建设城镇,并等着它们成长起来后用市场和银行增加收入。这种方法随时都要使用,但总体来说仅能勉强维持收支平衡。至于截流,就是要选择低消耗的政体了,参见政体附表。一个高维持费的政体相当于三个低维持费,如果都是这种政体维持费总额就会很惊人u2026u2026    也不能忘记自我防卫, 保证可用部队数量(低于时代平均水平的不算可用部队,比如战士在斧手面前就不算)在城市数量的三倍以上,可以应付野蛮人的骚扰,吓退可能的敌军进攻,保护我方边界的工人。在新城市到达三人口后同样出移民者,扩张到所有方向都碰到敌军为止。工人优先去开采资源,其次是修建连接各城市的道路,再次是去砍伐树木修建奇迹,之后才是修建农场和村庄。    尽可能不要开战,万一开战了,想办法缔结和约。 如果是你抢过工人的文明,应该会比你弱很多,基本都能签订下来)。这一阶段你可能会非常缺钱,没钱去升级部队的。在文明4中,军事进攻是如此之难,以至于我们必须早早就开始做战争的准备工作,临阵磨枪是没有救的。在组建军队之余,不要忘记修建好通向敌国的道路(对移动缓慢炮兵调遣十分重要),以及在每处重要边境上驻扎两到三只骑兵,以备一开战后就深入敌境烧杀抢掠。另外,如果你真要开战,别忘了转换政体和研究工程(道路移动加速)。谁部队集中的快,谁就会取得胜利。    所谓战争,就是要在最短的时间里面集中最大量的兵力。 在文明4的战争中,军队数量>军队相克>军队站位>军队质量>军队等级,你所要做的就是把尽可能多的部队调集在一起,一鼓而下。最忌讳的是添油战术,如果你没信心一次攻下敌城并坚守到目标城市叛乱被镇压(5-10轮),就不要越过国境。一次有效的攻击至少要组织两到三个7单位以上的军团,否则就还不如把主力留在国境要地上坚守,直到兵力调集齐为止。一个好的攻击方案是制造运输船,直接偷渡到敌军背后骚扰其后方——但要小心,别人也很可能对你玩这一招,所以所有沿海城市都要准备截击舰船。   军队可以划分为三类:攻坚军团、防守军团、骚扰军团。和平时期制造的部队应该以防守军团和骚扰军团为主,目的是消耗敌军的有生力量,并深入敌国境破坏其后勤,并通过掠夺获取大量军费。在组建军团时,最重要的考虑首先是兵种相克组合。在膛线出现之前,象兵和枪兵克骑兵,骑兵克步兵、弓兵和攻城武器,步兵克枪兵,弓兵用于防御;在膛线出现之后,热兵器士兵用于防御,坦克克步兵,空军和直升机克坦克,防空步兵和战斗机克空军。   早期的一个防守军团(驻扎在城市内)应该包括弓兵、枪兵(可以换为象兵)、肉搏兵各一;而骚扰军团要由两到三名移动力2的部队组成;中期使用步枪兵+掷弹兵的组合;后期更换为步兵/机械化步兵、防空兵、战斗/轰炸机的防守组合,坦克作为骚扰兵团。要在国土的中央保留一到两个由大量投石车/战锤兵(早期)加农炮/掷弹兵/骑兵(中期)坦克/火炮组成的进攻军团。   战斗开始后,第一件事情是消灭对方的有生力量。如果对方主动进攻最好,可以利用防守军团消灭对方大量部队,我们的骚扰军团则侵入其国境大量破坏他们的道路网和战略资源(要注意,骚扰军团最好优先破坏森林/山脉上的地方建筑,然后是道路枢纽,接着是能带来大量军费的城市,不要去破坏那些平原上的农场)。消灭对方的进攻兵团后调集我方进攻军团,指向敌人一个防守薄弱的城市,用火炮一举削弱所有城市守军后一轮攻克。   后方所有城市转入快速部队(骑兵、坦克)生产,补充在进攻/骚扰中损失掉的部队,如此反复,直到对方谈和为止。如果兵力不足,就继续小心地用大量快速部队骚扰——只要我方骚扰部队占优势,对手总会忍受不了的。资源被破坏、城市联结被切断后,他们撑不了多久。要注意的是,在暴乱未被镇压的地方城市中没有防御加成。所以,当你觉得可能攻击后兵力不足以守城时,在进攻单位中带一个Settler,夷平敌城后立刻就地重建,就可以得到防御加成。    最晚期的战斗可以用核弹——这也是打破晚期城防最好的办法 u2026u2026某些大城市无论用海军还是空军都很难轰炸下来,用核弹迅速而快捷。
2023-06-26 03:18:561


2023-06-26 03:19:056


2023-06-26 03:19:212

请把每句话翻译出来 谢谢啊 高手们出来吧 下午就要快啊

你是翻译英语还是什么啊 说清楚点
2023-06-26 03:19:282


这是红字的Red is a relentless confusing, is red is a broken dream.19th century, red symbolize the revolution; 20th century, red symboliccommunism; The 21st century, the red melody had to diverge as if. InChina, red symbolic gentle female; In west, red symbolic profligatefemale. Regardless of gentle or profligate, they all helpless, theyare the number millennium history biggest victim, therefore is red, isthe scarlet.I said in the novel all are really, you if agreed, then I can be happyextremely. Because can approve of this viewpoint the person, few alsoare really few.Including the character biography in thing, all is not really, whysaid in the novel all are real? Because of the true novel, is not inwrites someone or certain people, regardless of is in the realityperson or in the author heart person. In the true novel, some one kindof spirit, this kind of spirit can on be very many person and even theuniverse body all has manifests, only displays way and intense degreeexistence difference."Group Evil spirit" center has to be called in the base Love"s fellow,is a through atheist, he thought: If the God existence speech, thatperson"s all behaviors can receive God the restriction; If God doesnot exist, that person may act in a self-serving manner. But acts in aself-serving manner the highest boundary, is not kills people like thehemp, commits monstrous crime, but own deprives own with no reason atall life. Thereupon, in order to prove God does not exist, he openedfire commits suicide.In the base the Love such person possibly exists? Perhaps the person类数 millennium history, really can appear several, for exampleSocrates. But in fact, the author is not wants to write to be calledin the base Love"s person perhaps a Socrates"s -like person, he writesis one kind of spirit: For an intense faith, the person may give upvery be well worth the precious thing, may go makes very manyinconceivable matters. This kind of spirit all has on very many peoplemanifests, only they have not looked like in the base Love to be same,own fall the oneself result.Generously goes to dies easily, endures humiliation difficultly. Inthe base Love collapsed own, only needs the flash the resolution; Butsea silk especially The michelia alba takes the life for the heart infaith withstanding hell spirit with the meat dual suffering. In thebase Love is only a pediatrics."A", this letter, its color is red, it is Adulty (is promiscuous) thefirst letter, it is worn by a woman life in front of the chest. Thiswoman, in uses the society to impose on her body the shame, to entiresocial challenge.In in new continent many colonies laws, all some regulations that,Every promiscuous woman, must life-long wear a red letter "A" or "AD".The American literature is a monstrous fetus, the new continent hasnot passed through the deep culture to precipitate then jumps in themodernization, therefore new continent all appear strangely. Therichest great reputation two American novel, stems from hands of thetwo female writers. Is Mitcher Madame "Gone with the wind", another isOlcott "Little Women". But these two all are not the masterpiece work,exactly said, they were the popular more than 100 years bestsellers.In US, regardless of is Jake London and Dreiser"s naturalism, orFaulkner"s stream of consciousness, perhaps Hemingway"s new realism,fills the ringer the life class, all will be unable the Americanliterature to push up the peak. The American literature peak in 19thcentury the leaf, take loves the silent woods as a foundation, 梭罗for personally setting an example, Whitman and Hawthorne 横空 isborn for the symbol.Whitman and Hawthorne all are the romanticism, the romanticism biggestcharacteristic is the poet makings. But the poet makings are in factthe intrinsic lonely mind foreign in America keen 感悟 the ability.Whitman sings the freedom and the nature, he is a merry demon or thesad angel; Hawthorne is own puts on the shackles for oneself makingreparations.The romanticism and the realism are a pair of enemy, realisminheritance from romanticism, but also denies the romanticism. Infact, in the most typical romanticism and between the most typicalrealism, opened their coat inside to discover what displays is theidentical spirit: Person. 雨果 the writing not Luo river Luo HetuoSi Tuoye the husband Si base writing basement person, theyunexpectedly are the identical person.Hawthorne"s creation, is called "the psychological Roman department".We live in a bright with many colors world, the realism may think thewill of the people the world is the most realistic world, then theromanticism similarly may think the will of the people the world, isthe most romantic world."Red Character" not likely is an American novel, it is book of theheaven.The long ago North America immigrants, very were many are the Puritanwhich persecuted, they have established a series of theocracies youngsociety in the colony. Hawthorne then family background in a Puritanfamily, deeply family influence. The Puritan is treated as in Europeanvery many countries the heresy persecution, in the new continent, theyin turn persecutes in the oneself mind the heresy. In the theocracysociety, the persecution often is put on in particular the sacredcoat, becomes one kind of public authority. Hawthorne"s ancestor andthe family, all has participated in many similar persecution motions,caused him from was young when to produce extremely has taken theblame the feeling. He for receives 迫害者 to shout, actuallyinstead thought oneself is persecutes the other people the person, heis an intelligence extraordinary person. We have a look when his youthbecomes friends with friend, all non- superficial generation:Afterwards, his these friend achievements were extraordinary,including the poet Longfellow, President Peirce, a generation of seamilitary famous expert bridge."Red Character" is romantically arrived until a novel. Empress hugecrowd silk especially The michelia alba is this tune soul. Her youthsubmits to the common custom pressure, married for the ghosts anddemons general uneven spirit wass, then betrayed the common customagain. The common custom society often uses some the idea which widelyaccepts to impose to the person, only has the path which the majorityperson chooses, is the correct path, some kind of thing once is widelyaccepted, then turned the truth. Every is a thing which they cannotunderstand, they do not accept, in the old times, they reprimanded asit "the heresy", in the modern age, they looked down on it is "thespirit has the question". The all living things often pitiful and arepitiful, they do not have the judgment, only can according to be inpower the influence judgement to judge all, actually from thoughtoneself is the absolute truth. In fact, impels the history to thefront strength, often comes from the mainstream society outside, oftencomes from these "the heresy" perhaps "mental illness".Certainly is not each has with the mainstream society differentopinion people all can become "the heresy", must want to become theheresy, the light has in some concept the understanding to be by farinsufficient, but also must have the intense faith, must have revoltsagainst the pressure to be able at the same time at the same time thequality which 泰然处之 the pressure. In other words, then is canwithstand the misery, and can try to find pleasure amidst suffering.Buddhism"s viewpoint: Some two kind of people could not become Buddha,one kind of person lived in the heaven, had Le Wuku; Another kind ofperson lives in the hell, has not is painstakingly happy.Sea silk especially The michelia alba is a person, is one kind ofspirit. As a person, she does not have as soon as to start then tochoose rebels against, but is the choice which only then starts aftermarrying not to have complain and regret, although her sweetheartcannot be joined to her. The person does not have the rebel, does notknow rebel"s taste; The person has not submitted to, is moreimpossible to know submits to pain. Submits to is the body and mindsuffering which one kind withstands with difficulty, even if the lifeexperiences suffering the tribulation and the humiliation, also mustcompared to submit to many.Gets married, the illicit intercourse, the illegitimate child, the redcharacter, the giving up easy and comfortable old age must defend wasdying sweetheart"s tomb former home grounds. This is a female"s life,if this is a song, it is not a tune elegy, in this singing sound hasnot been sorrowful; This is not a hearty song, in this singing soundhas been disspirited; Perhaps may say it is an ode, because fullholds the worship; This is a tune scatters from a person"s spirit tothe entire wilderness song of spirit. This is comes from the heavensound.Sea silk especially The michelia alba is not the victim which pressesunder the megalith, she proudly stands in that block wants to oppressabove her megalith. As soon as is taken to the threshing ground fromher, the strong romantic breath then poured into has filled in theentire paper outside the paper space."Some stretch of lawn, above too luxuriantly the cluster burdock, thetribulus chenopodium album, the poisonous green bristlegrass and so onthis kind the weed which is unable to withstand sees, these weeds hadobviously found the common thing on this land, because was preciselyearly then was born on this land civilized society"s that blackflowered - jail. However, in a front door side, nearly on in thethreshold place, some clump of multiflora rose very however stands, inthis June time-sharing, is being in full bloom the fine gem flowers."The gem common multiflora rose blooms in front of this haze world mosthaze quoin - jail, this is a soul-stirring introduction, then sea silkespecially The michelia alba comes out from the jail, her ray makesthe entire world to change color immediately. 围观者 cannottolerate her brilliance, this ignominious immoral woman isunexpectedly beautiful alarmed, but also incomparably is arrogant,thereupon 围观者 then use to insult covers own feeling inferior.Facing 围观者 the angry insult, "she stands in shows on numerouspunishments, in the bosom hugs the baby, in front of the chest issewing that excellent to embroider lace bright red letter A with thegolden silk thread!"She is wearing three red characters. First is that real red letter;Second is she cherishes the baby; After third is the half a lifetimehumiliation life. She revolts against the first red character themethod is makes with the flawless acupuncture this letter seam themost beautiful boutonniere; Revolts against the second red characterthe method is brings up the baby, for child a happy childhood; Revoltsagainst the third red character the method, is attentively center thepurest love, helps that to push her to the shame mire society.She is Mary Masurium Li Ya.Take promiscuous as the theme work is innumerable. Wrote "the emotionentanglement" it, that writes the hand; Wrote "the revolt oppression",that is a writer; Wrote inexhaustible seeking, is the genuine writer.Sea silk especially The michelia alba is not certainly fresh, in thehistory of literature also has the female which resembles with her:Anna Card Lenin is elegant. But between the romanticism and therealism has the gap general boundary, romanticism trend ideal, butrealism advocation reality. Sea silk especially The michelia alba andAnna, they similarly married for the husband which had no merit tospeak of, then betrayed the husband to seek the love. They similarlyfound the man which certainly not and in own soul depth is perfectlysuited to each other, then has given birth to the illegitimate child,even links the illegitimate children all is a daughter. Sea silkespecially The michelia alba is an ideal incarnation, therefore shewithstood all, spouse"s timid and spiritless, has not certainlyaffected her piece of affection, she tenaciously has lived for thispiece of affection down. But Anna, then is unable to withstand thespouse to her all sorts not really, she has chosen the self-deconstruction. This is between the romanticism and the realism thebiggest difference.Hawthorne is the master which builds the romantic breath, builds theromantic breath best means is the contrast. America and clown, reallywith vacation 悲惨世界的自己先找一篇中文的在用在线翻译即可
2023-06-26 03:19:361

American Puritanism

puritanism n. 清教徒习俗, 清教主义; 清教徒式生活准则, 道德极端拘谨美国清教
2023-06-26 03:20:054


2023-06-26 03:20:122

求个很老的游戏, 大概是2003年04年的游戏吧....

2023-06-26 03:20:364

Oxygen (Bringing Me To Life) 歌词

歌曲名:Oxygen (Bringing Me To Life)歌手:Building 429专辑:Building 429Theocracy - Oxygen (Bringing Me To Life)Well honestly I"m weaker nowThan I"ve ever beenI hate to admitI"m shamefully hesitantIn this my bitter my coldI surrender my hopeWhen I gave into the lie againAnd I believe in the untruthAnd now I need youStill something saysHold on through the moon lightDon"t let go, don"t let goSomething says Hold on through the moon lightDon"t let go, don"t let goAnd if I could breathe you inI"d be sure to hold my breathCuz you are like oxygenBringing me to lifeSo here I stand once againOpen me and come on inCuz you are like oxygenBringing me to lifeIts painfully evident that eternity is lifeAnd I"m still a child tossed by the waves againSo quick to denyFaster to hideStill something says Hold on through the moon lightDon"t let go, don"t let goSomething says Hold on through the moon lightDon"t let go, don"t you let goAnd if I could breathe you inI"d be sure to hold my breathCuz you are like oxygenBringing me to lifeSo here I stand once againOpen me and come on inCuz you are like oxygenBringing me to lifeYou"re bringing me to lifeAnd if I could breathe you inI"d be sure to hold my breathAnd like oxygenYou"re bringing me to lifeAnd if I could breathe you inI"d be sure to hold my breathCuz you are my oxygenBringing me to lifeSo here I stand once againOpen me and come on inCuz you are my oxygenBringing me to lifeYou"re bringing me to lifeCome bring me to lifeBring me to lifeBring me to life
2023-06-26 03:20:501

brian的《Erase》 歌词

歌曲名:Erase歌手:brian专辑:ManifoldTheocracy - EraseYou will be in my heart foreverYou will be with me, close as a dreamThere"ll be no faded memoriesThat will never be you and meCause I know you"ll be standing here tomorrowEvery moment with you I cherishEvery blessing poured out it echoes of Your loveYou always take me higher thanThe sorrow of this fallen manAnd if I should ever lose my wayI can always go back to the place of you and meAnd I will find you once againJust like I rememberTime will erase the world around usI will never be aloneCuz time can"t erase love, noYour voice is music to my heartYou always sing to me just like a prayerWhen the walls of my mind are caving inI can hear you whisperingAnd I am taken awayI can always go back to the place of you and meAnd I will find you once againJust like I rememberTime will erase the world around usI will never be aloneEven if the sky falls downWe will have our placeThat time can"t take away, noThat time can"t take awayI can always go back to the place of you and meAnd I will find you once againJust like I rememberTime will erase the world around usBut I will never be aloneCuz time can"t erase loveNo it can"t erase love, no
2023-06-26 03:20:571

Building 429的《Always》 歌词

歌曲名:Always歌手:Building 429专辑:Building 429Theocracy - AlwaysI was standing in the pour rainingOne dark November nightFighting off the bitter coldWhen she caught my eyeHer face was torn and her eyes were filledAnd then to my surpriseShe pulled out a photographAnd my heart just stopped insideShe said He would have been three todayI miss his smile, I miss his faceWhat was I supposed to sayBut I believe always alwaysOur Savior never failsEven when all hope is goneGod knows our pain and His promise remainsHe will be with you alwaysHe was living in a broken world dreaming of a homeHis heart was barely keeping paceWhen I found him all aloneRemembering the way he feltWhen his daddy said goodbyeFighting just to keep the tearsAnd the anger locked insideHe"s barely holding on to faithBut deliverance is on its way"Cuz I believe always alwaysOur Savior never failsEven when all hope is goneGod knows our pain and His promise remainsHe will be with you alwaysFriend I don"t know where you areAnd I don"t know where you"ve beenMaybe you"re fighting for your lifeOr just about to throw the towel inBut if you"re crying out for mercyIf there"s no hope left at allIf you"ve given everything you"ve gotAnd you"re still about to fallWell hold on, hold on, hold onCuz I believe always alwaysOur Savior never failsEven when all faith is goneGod knows our pain and His promise remainsAlways, AlwaysHe will be with you alwaysHe will be with you alwaysHe will be with you
2023-06-26 03:21:041

On Eagle S Wings 歌词

歌曲名:On Eagle S Wings歌手:Paul Jackson Jr.专辑:The Power Of The StringTheocracy - On Eagles WingsThe tears stream down her face onto the cold hospital bedJust like a prisoner between four ugly wallsThe fear she can"t control is running rampant in her headWith every day she spent just waiting for that callAnd I will never leave her sideWe walk the tightrope between faith and fearEach moment of our livesBut then the darkest hour of night is turned to dayAnother miracle, another act unfolding in this playAnd I"m blown awayThe wine overflows, and my cup runneth over againI"m blown awayMy thankfulness grows with these blessings I can"t comprehendYou raise my spirit to the sky above to fly awayTo fly on eagles" wingsYou lift the fallen back on high again to coronateThe King above all kingsAll honorAll gloryRaised to Your Majesty on eagles" wingsI looked him in the eye and played those words over and over in my mindBut that can"t be what he just saidI heard it for myself and know that life can be unkindBut can"t you see I"m much too young to lose my dad?But I"m blown awayWhen you laugh at the odds, for the doctors cannot know your plansI"m blown awayYou hold the keys to all life and all death and all time in your handsYou raise my spirit to the sky above to fly awayTo fly on eagles" wingsYou lift the fallen back on high again to coronateThe King above all kingsAll honorAll gloryRaised to Your Majesty on eagles" wingsEvery tribe and every nation (Lift your voices and sing)All in heaven, all creationLet the tongues of men and angels (Lift your voices and sing)All ye blessed, all ye thankful, sing!You raise my spirit to the sky above to fly awayTo fly on eagles" wingsYou lift the fallen back on high again to coronateThe King above all kingsAll honorAll gloryRaised to Your Majesty on eagles" wings
2023-06-26 03:21:391

Martyr (Alex Smoke Bare Bones Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Martyr (Alex Smoke Bare Bones Edit)歌手:Depeche Mode专辑:MartyrTheocracy - MartyrCourage not of this earth in your eyesFaith from far beyond lies deep insideWith your life you dedicatewith your death you permeateFrozen hearts and unbelieving mindsWatch the whole world watchSee the whole world seeCourage into sleepLife and death supremacyA chosen soul, under control from high aboveShines here belowThe final test shall soon be passedHeaven"s pride dwells deep insideBut now will sprout its wings and flyThey see His face shine in your eyesAs the whole world seesYou take the bullet, and take your placeIn the gallery of heroesPeace not understood by human mindsOf origin beyond the realms of timeSilent strength and fervencyLiving faith for all to seeLegacy of glory left behindWatch the whole world watchSee the whole world seeTurn their eyes aboveOmnipresent end of mockeryA chosen soul, under control from high aboveShines here belowThe final test shall soon be passedHeaven"s pride dwells deep insideBut now will sprout its wings and flyThey see His face shine in your eyesAs the whole world seesYou take the bullet, and take your placeIn the gallery of heroesSpeak no wrath in silence make your markLight piercing this all-consuming darkSatl, to preserve and create thirstLife continues, freedom from the curseCrowned with a holy crown, my friendRace completed, faith kept to the endSee the millions who have faced this fateGreet you in your glory at the gateSpeak no wrath in silence make your markLight piercing this all-consuming darkSatl, to preserve and create thirstLife continues, freedom from the curseCrowned with a holy crown, my friendRace completed, faith kept to the endSee the millions who have faced this fateGreet you in your glory at the gateSpeak no wrath in silence make your markLight piercing this all-consuming darkSatl, to preserve and create thirstLife continues, freedom from the curseCrowned with a holy crown, my friendRace completed, faith kept to the endSee the millions who have faced this fateGreet you in your glory at the gateWatch the whole world watchSee the whole world seeCourage into sleepLife and death supremacyA chosen soul, under control from high aboveShines here belowThe final test shall soon be passedHeaven"s pride dwells deep insideBut now will sprout its wings and flyThey see His face shine in your eyesAs the whole world seesYou take the bullet, and take your placeIn the gallery of heroes
2023-06-26 03:21:461

Building 429的《Overcome》 歌词

歌曲名:Overcome歌手:Building 429专辑:Building 429Theocracy - OvercomeI know you"re holding tomorrowSo I will trust you todayYou may not keep us from sorrowBut I know you will never ever changeYou"ve overcome the worldTo rescue my soulI don"t have to worry"Cuz whatever comes You"re in controlForever I will worship YouI"m amazed by the things You"ve doneWell, I am overcomeA king so awesome and worthyAnd though you knew the great costYour heart was moved with such mercyA God of love you endured the crossYou"ve overcome the worldTo rescue my soulI don"t have to worry"Cuz whatever comes You"re in controlForever I will worship YouI"m amazed by the things You"ve doneWell, I am overcomeBy your might hands and the power you displayThough life gets hardStill in my heartI"ll have courage, I"ll have faithYou"ve overcome the worldTo rescue my soulI don"t have to worry, no"Cuz You"re in controlForever I will worship YouI"m amazed by the things You have doneYou"ve overcome the worldYou"ve overcome the worldYou"ve overcome the world, Ohhhhh
2023-06-26 03:22:051

急!!谁有Adele Morgan的 First Stone的歌词

As the circle forms tonight And I take my place to execute my "right" Call the filthy ones into my sight Bring the sinners one by one Stones of judgment shall avenge the things they"ve done But then I raise my head and stare into the Son Oh, then I feel my blood run cold Eyes like the sharpest blade That penetrate to the bottom of my soul Words of truth that cut so deep You write the lines of mystery I stumble and the stone I held in hand is cast away When the mirror"s shown to me I see my own hypocrisy And weep upon the writing in the sand All the things I try to hide All the times that I avoid your eyes Thinking somehow I can live the lie When the truth becomes too great And I can"t try to clean my rotten, filthy state Or the hidden sins that doom me to my fate Oh, I can"t hide it from Your sight You search out the secret things, the darkest dreams And reveal them in the light Words of truth that cut so deep You write the lines of mystery I stumble and the stone I held in hand is cast away When the mirror"s shown to me I see my own hypocrisy And weep upon the writing in the sand When the writing in the sand has washed away I could never turn and walk the other way For the words are carved into my very soul And the light exposes everything I know And all I"ve ever known Let him who had no sin Cast the first stone When the mirror"s shown to me I see my own hypocrisy And weep upon the writing in the sand Words of truth that cut so deep You write the lines of mystery I stumble and the stone I held in hand is cast away When the mirror"s shown to me I see my own hypocrisy And weep upon the writing in the sand Words of truth that cut so deep You write the lines of mystery I stumble and the stone I held in hand is cast away[ti:The Writing in the Sand] [ar:Theocracy] [al:Mirror Of Souls] [by:李泽昊] [00:02.00]Theocracy - The Writing in the Sand [00:12.00]LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang [00:22.00]@ @ [00:32.00] [00:48.53]As the circle forms tonight [00:53.15]And I take my place to execute my "right" [00:57.24]Call the filthy ones into my sight [01:01.75]Bring the sinners one by one [01:05.55]Stones of judgment shall avenge the things they"ve done [01:09.85]But then I raise my head and stare into the Son [01:18.76] [01:19.53]Oh, then I feel my blood run cold [01:26.66]Eyes like the sharpest blade [01:29.75]That penetrate to the bottom of my soul [01:35.64] [01:36.46]Words of truth that cut so deep [01:40.11]You write the lines of mystery [01:44.56]I stumble and the stone I held in hand is cast away [01:53.07]When the mirror"s shown to me [01:56.91]I see my own hypocrisy [02:00.84]And weep upon the writing in the sand [02:07.40] [02:08.26]All the things I try to hide [02:12.52]All the times that I avoid your eyes [02:16.55]Thinking somehow I can live the lie [02:20.84]When the truth becomes too great [02:24.74]And I can"t try to clean my rotten, filthy state [02:28.91]Or the hidden sins that doom me to my fate [02:37.83] [02:38.76]Oh, I can"t hide it from Your sight [02:46.27]You search out the secret things, the darkest dreams [02:51.01]And reveal them in the light [02:55.08] [02:55.94]Words of truth that cut so deep [02:59.51]You write the lines of mystery [03:03.59]I stumble and the stone I held in hand is cast away [03:11.85]When the mirror"s shown to me [03:16.01]I see my own hypocrisy [03:20.21]And weep upon the writing in the sand [03:28.75] [04:52.58]When the writing in the sand has washed away [05:01.32]I could never turn and walk the other way [05:09.31]For the words are carved into my very soul [05:17.81]And the light exposes everything I know [05:25.71]And all I"ve ever known [05:29.11]Let him who had no sin [05:32.67]Cast the first stone [05:35.39] [05:36.29]When the mirror"s shown to me [05:40.18]I see my own hypocrisy [05:44.30]And weep upon the writing in the sand [05:52.54]Words of truth that cut so deep [05:56.95]You write the lines of mystery [06:00.95]I stumble and the stone I held in hand is cast away [06:09.21]When the mirror"s shown to me [06:13.56]I see my own hypocrisy [06:17.61]And weep upon the writing in the sand [06:26.62]Words of truth that cut so deep [06:30.30]You write the lines of mystery [06:34.45]I stumble and the stone I held in hand is cast aWAY
2023-06-26 03:22:181


前缀 pref. 表示"神"(如:theocracy)英音:[θi"00kr05si]美音:[θi"ɑkr05si]所以应该读θi吧
2023-06-26 03:22:322


Renaissance"s art has a remarkable characteristic: Reality and humanities. Renaissance all creations are revolving this subject mostly. This has included person"s feeling view, human"s belief, human"s sexual desire, as well as person"s world outlook. This time"s work requests to break the feudal theocracy, breaks feudal asceticism. Breaks the feudalism to the person spirit is even the human body blockade. This time has the very major part work by the religion primarily, many commentaries said that is takes the shield taking advantage of the religion. I opposed human who this view, has the understanding slightly to the Western world knew, the religious belief is occupying they very big part of lives in the West. Renaissance"s religious art, last-minute may say that is one kind of person"s religious art, but is not under the feudalism church religious art. This point needs first to be clear. But in the renaissance art technique"s characteristic, mainly manifests in take the practical facsimile as the first service, founded based on the scientific theory and the actual inspection performance technique, like human anatomy and perspective principle and so on. Pays great attention the color in the style and the technique coordinated and the nature, without restraint of style. In the chitectural art aspect, it take restores the classical architecture tradition as first elected, simultaneously discusses the construction esthetic sense emphatically the rational principle.
2023-06-26 03:22:471


Confucius is known for stressing that human nature is intrinsically good. He stresses that human beings are born with the ability for differentiating between wrong and right. A person may not be aware from infancy which acts are tolerable and which acts are not, but all offspring feel shame, and once the children learn which deeds are bad or good, they have a normal tendency to consent of the former and criticize of the latter.At times, Confucius has been nicknamed the Socrates of the east because there are countless comparisons in their lessons. Both stressed the value of education and the function which it plays in the shaping the character of an individual. This shaping of personality may be viewed as the development of good feature upon the environment of human nature. This description essay will discuss the evidence that Confucius gives to ascertain that human nature are correct. Confucius said that by personality, human beings are born with comparatively the same faculties and needs. Apparently there are exemptions at either tremendous and of the continuum, but in common human beings are all very comparable at birth. Based upon the actions of human beings, the feedback that humans receive in reaction and change in their behavior in response to the feedback, they each begin to undertake a different pathway. This deed feedback change process shapes the experiences of humans, creating their unique personal lives. In the illustration above, Confucius reveals that what humans have in common by personality is their potential for developement.The above illustration would be meaningless and pointless if human nature was not correct and if these illustrations were not leaning toward goodness. For Confucius, the uppermost political supreme was the customary theocracy which requisite that the most righteous be the leader because good feature was understood to be similar to human nature. And that level of intrinsic understanding of the human behaviours, is what makes him a great man.希望词汇不是太难了,望采纳。
2023-06-26 03:22:592


开局期首先让我们摒弃文明3中留下的旧思路,也就是“短距城联营”和“移民者速攻”。在文明4中,最重要的并非城市的数量,而是城市的质量——前几个城市尤其重要。如果一座城市附近没有三个单位的资源,或者没有足够10-12人口的食粮和工作空间,它就不应该列入最初几个城市之列。刚开始的时候,你有一个移民者和一个武士或者斥候。观察附近的资源,如果视野内有战略资源,则向战略资源方向移动;如果视野内有海,就移动到海边或者移动到海岸线两格以外。尽量避开雨林和沙漠,雨林日后还可以砍,而沙漠则毫无利用价值。视野内森林越多越好,以后可以砍掉换成大量的生产力,初期十分重要。接着,派出唯一的战斗单位外出探路。要注意的是,森林、雨林、山脉、河流都会消耗掉所有的移动力(除非拥有山脉战斗II或者森林战斗II),应该放在最后一步执行。(对AI的小技巧:可以让一个战斗部队在敌人边界附近的资源旁边等着。待他们第一个工人到达后,立刻宣战,劫持后逃走,AI很难追上。初期一个额外的工人是巨大的财富。当然,这招对战中无效)由于游戏中的情况千变万化,CIV4也拥有许多种不同的开局。出于稳妥起见,我所推荐的开局是双战士-工人-移民者开局。这一开局基本的思路是攒到3人口和2战斗单位后再进一步建设,并利用这些建设来加速殖民者的建造,同时避免一切被野蛮人/其他玩家Rush的可能,基本适用于绝大多数情况。确实,如果先出工人或者先出殖民者效率会高,但代价却是冒着极大的风险——在不能S/L的多人游戏中就是致命伤。如果要再稳妥,可以考虑第一个发展弓箭科技,将起始组合变为战士-弓箭手-工人-移民,这样移民就可以万无一失地到达第一个殖民点。用工人开辟附近的资源,并发展需要的科技。初期的科技可以考虑如下几种选择:多神论或冥想(只限于神秘学文明或者附近拥有石料/大理石的开局);开垦资源所需的科技;驯养动物;弓箭;石工;陶器;冶铜;冶铁(多人对战冶铁可以跳过,等着别人发明后抢铁即可)。当获得了第一个殖民者后,立刻审视周围的状况。你不可能拥有所有的战略资源,所以要按照如下顺序考虑:石头大理石马象牙铁铜。如果附近有其他文明,则可以考虑将城市造远一点,以封住其发展方向。第二、三个城都相当重要,这是游戏中发展自卫力量的基础,一定要建立在粮食供应和资源都充足的地方。等到拥有6人口左右,就可以考虑开始建设奇迹(如果不是Cre领袖,Stonehedge是重要奇迹,一定要抢),也就进入了成长期。成长期下一步的行动路线,要看你的领袖属性以及周围地形,几条基本路线包括宗教、内政(文化)、科研、军事,在这其中扮演着关键性角色的就是传教、奇迹和伟人。这一时期决定了游戏的成败。要注意的是,你发展的基本思路必须清晰,以什么为主,以什么为辅。发展一切路线或者只在一条路线上吊死的人,必将在对战中败下阵来。首先来看现在的状况。如果一切顺利,现在应该在公元左右,你应该至少已经拥有了三到四种战略资源,并拥有众文明中比较高的分数,也有一支尚算强大的军队。如果你抢到了一到两门早期国教(印度教、佛教、犹太教、儒教),现在可以转入宗教路线;如果你拥有了石头,可以开始建设加强内政以及内政奇迹;如果你拥有Phi属性或者抢到了大理石,则可以选择科研加上科研奇迹和伟人;如果你拥有马、铁、铜,并且城市较多,就该开始考虑军事发展了。当然,如果你严格按照开局期的做法,现在你或许满足了数条条件,那么优先选择宗教内政科研军事。首先来说奇迹。石头可以加速的奇迹包括Stonehenge、The Pyramids、The Hanging Gardens、Angkor Wat、Chichen Itza、The Spiral Minaret、Notre Dame、The Kremlin,基本都是内政路线十分需要的奇迹。一定要抢到的是前三个,尤其是大金字塔(全政体开放)和空中花园(全城市人口+1),对发展至关重要。大理石可以加速的则包括The Oracle、The Parthenon、The Great Library、The Hagia Sophia、The Sistine Chapel、The Taj Mahal、Versailles,要抢得则是神谕(一般用来拿神学、机械学、封建制度、货币之一)、万神殿、索菲亚大教堂、泰姬陵。这两样资源可以决定发展路线,只要切记不要去拿手头资源不能加速的奇迹就好,在对人战或者对高难度电脑中一定会被抢掉宗教可以说是快速发展的基础,如果宗教政策完全失败的话其他的也就很难发展了。最重要的是圣城,以及三个宗教政策:宗教组织(Organized Religion)、神权体制(Theocracy)和和平主义(Pacifism)。第一个是内政用,所有国教城市建筑加速25%并可以随意制造传教士;第二个是军事用,所有国教城市生产出的单位经验+2;第三个是科研用,所有国教城市产生伟人的概率+100%。因此,你要做的事情就是在得到了第一个国教并奠定了基础后开始大量制造传教士,并从最近友国到自国的距离范围内传遍每个城市(这一行动应当选在抢到了必抢奇迹之后)。每个传教士造价是40(Quick下30),因此需要一个生产力较高的圣城。如果大多数城市仍然没有冶炼厂、图书馆、兵营、谷仓、水渠的话就用宗教组织,如果要走军事路线就用神权体制,等城市大了,可以有专家之后考虑改用和平主义。
2023-06-26 03:23:111


超越光速多元宇宙所有结局如何达成呢?很多玩家还不太了解,下面给大家带来的是超越光速多元宇宙结局攻略大全,一起来看吧。超越光速多元宇宙全结局达成指南普通结局正常到达第8星域,干死叛军旗舰三阶段,没什么好说的。一般来说是最简单的结局。和平结局最看脸的结局,要求你在一局游戏中经过特定的4个(或3个)独特星域,完成独特星域的特殊事件(舰船解锁事件),在最后就可以嘴炮掉叛军旗舰。先去多元宇宙节点完成帽子商人事件解锁魔法帽子会更轻松一点(魔法帽子可以跃迁至任意一个非隐藏独特星域)。在同一局游戏中需要满足以下4个条件:条件1:和平之路·Monk Refuge(也就是必须经过该星域)条件2:推翻过一个腐败政府完成以下任一星域的特殊事件。·Theocracy Homeworlds·Ministry Capital (必须完成后续Osmian事件)·Hive Broodworlds·Eargen Capital (水蛭,不是石头人圣骑士那个)·Royal Slug Nebula(选择哪方都可以,但最后必须选择特殊船员入队的选项,即虫族民主)·Duskbringer Stronghold(同时可满足条件4)条件3:拯救或保护过平民完成以下任一星域的特殊事件。·Gathering Gardenworlds·Federation Controlled Sector(同时可满足条件4)·Spectral Capital(同时可满足条件4)·Guild Territory(盐人Obyn)·Hacked Civilian Sector(乱码星域)·Imperial New-Homelands (和舰船解锁一样需要对方投降)条件4:击败过叛军的强力战舰完成以下任一星域的特殊事件。·Rebel Stronghold·Spectral Wastelands·Federation Controlled Sector(同时可满足条件3)·Spectral Capital(同时可满足条件3)·Duskbringer Stronghold(同时可满足条件2)·Wentworth Innovations HQ(C.U.R.A.任务线)·The Black Market(登船杀黑市守卫)值得注意的是Federation Controlled Sector、Spectral Capital和Duskbringer Stronghold,这三个星域可以同时满足两个条件。在满足上面的4个条件后,叛军旗舰第一阶段开打之前会出现蓝色特殊选项,对话的4次选择对应上面4个条件,如果哪个条件没有满足对话就进行不下去,正常开打。连续选择4次蓝色选项后仍然需要打倒叛军旗舰的第一阶段,但第二阶段开始前会出现对话,叛军投降并达成和平结局。魔法帽子解法:节点结局中的多元宇宙节点会有一个帽子商人特殊事件,买帽子之前先询问I"m sorry...the jewel of what?(应该是第四个选项)如果船上有戴着帽子的特殊船员会有蓝色特殊选项,此后场次的游戏开局准备阶段会解锁魔法帽子选项。戴着帽子的特殊船员:Haynes、Tully、Irwin、Tyrdeo、Freddy、Kaz、Ariadne、A55。真结局完成远古任务线。该结局涉及剧透,会模糊描述。在Engi和Separatist Engi(恩吉,离群恩吉)星域中总是会有一个特殊的信标标记着,普通星域有33%的概率(独特星域是100%概率)会遇到远古无人机事件,打爆无人机后会出现特殊的绿色任务信标,前往该信标会直接跃迁至隐藏星域。隐藏星域最后出口为BOSS战,战前对话连续选择不交出机器人后开打,注意必须迫使对方投降或杀光对方船员,之后仓库中(升级组件,对话等干闲杂事的那个按钮)会出现新选项。在之后的任意安全时点都可以选择新选项,可以消耗5个燃料进入远古任务线。注意,进入远古任务线会直接把玩家带到连续两个隐藏星域和最终BOSS战,没有返回选项,而且敌人实力非常强。由于任意安全时点都可以进入远古任务线,推荐先在正常流程中积攒实力。在多元宇宙节点也可以转到真结局哦。结局文本分为击败旗舰并引爆炸弹,击败旗舰并放弃引爆炸弹,与旗舰同归于尽(你的船和旗舰同时被打爆了)三种,不过同归于尽结局没有最后与特殊船员聊天(解锁专属舰船)的环节。王冠结局首先玩家要在Slug族星域中遇到原国王Slocknog并给他50块钱,获得特殊星域坐标。隐藏星域Royal Slug Nebula中的特殊事件涉及到Slug族的王位及王冠。在该星域的非星云有船信标会有一个碰到王冠竞争者的事件,先选跟他聊天,邀请他加入,再杀光船员让他加入。之后在王冠事件的二选一中选择帮助Slocknog。打完选择新出现的王冠相关选项,并需要满足以下条件:船员需要有一名Slug Ranger(只能打人不能拆系统的那个)至少2级隐身系统舰船安装了传送系统2级传感器系统或长程扫描依次选择蓝色选项,船员最终成功拿到王冠并称王,达成王冠结局。另外如果船员有一罐豆子的话玩家可以让一罐豆子称王,会有不同的隐藏剧情和结局文本。混乱结局第一次:首先玩家从开档到现在需要遇见过一次级舰船(Siren舰)。游戏中存在一个隐藏变量:稳定性。开游戏的第一局稳定性固定为518。每局游戏稳定性都不同,而低稳定性(0-50)的一局会出现很多奇怪的事件。(神谕、NNNNNNN、穿越的舰长版)其中在以下星域中会出现红色乱码信标,到达该信标并任意方式击败异教徒。·Crystal Homeworlds·Lanius Swarmlands·Black Market·Civilian Hacker Sector·Central Shipyards·Spectral Wastelands·Spectral Capital所有场次游戏累计3次和异教徒见面后,会获得特殊星域坐标,前往该星域后直接是BOSS战,对方很强,注意对方船员的被动技能。胜利后达成混乱结局,此后场次的游戏解锁混乱模式。第二次之后:达成一次混乱结局后,在选完船选完难度开局背景画面中的星港会出现一个花园小矮人,左键点击它可以开启混乱模式。混乱模式中第8星域固定会出现一个红色乱码信标,不去找叛军旗舰前往乱码信标和异教徒对话并前往BOSS战,击败对方之后达成混乱结局。节点结局该结局涉及严重剧透,会模糊描述。不怎么重要的前置:在低混乱度(0-50)的游戏中,玩家有几率遇到神谕事件,之后在第8星域Judge处会有特殊对话描述多元宇宙节点的进入方法并解锁一个成就。如果没有遇见过该前置,只要满足下述条件也一样可以进入多元宇宙节点。首先玩家需要在有Hektar财团广播的星域注册UwU会员并拜访商店累积点数,4次后可获得特殊星域坐标。之后在Hektar星域中找有离子风暴的星云信标,如果未进入过多元宇宙节点,船员需要有Obyn或Anurak才能得知密码,如果进入过多元宇宙节点可以跳过密码环节:)此时需要升级以太科技中的异常探测器(第四个选项),检查一下是否已经升级,下一步如果没有任务线会直接中断。没有以太科技选项的话可以去同一星域财团CEO事件救Billy,事件奖励的武器可以解锁以太科技。前往新出现的紫色任务信标(舰队免疫),需要异常探测器才能出现蓝色选项进行下一步。游商斯尔万会出现劝阻,投降或击毁,选择进入多元宇宙节点。隐藏星域多元宇宙节点中涉及严重剧透。最后出口为BOSS战。胜利后达成节点结局。如果开启混乱模式,BOSS战后会有第二战。胜利后同样达成节点结局。注意多元宇宙节点中有单独恶名度,恶名度4点以下和恶名度5点或以上的结局不同。如果开启混乱模式,恶名度5点或以上时最终没有第二战会直接GAMEOVER哦。
2023-06-26 03:23:191

文明4如何 挣钱

2023-06-26 03:23:513


China"s top 10 ceos lifestyle"I like my choice," lifestyle represents one of the inner attitudes and social identity. Besides the charisma and deepening degrees can also will be an individual style, many European business actor even become "theocracy" spirit of enterprise leaders.Under the influence of the CEO will be introduced in China top 10 lifestyle, five W and luxury index, cost, and comprehensive understanding and for your reference coordinate a wise choice.No. 1 top private clubTop clubs client group limited "pointed pyramid". With high fee and harsh review of measures to ensure customer "pure", the club has a very high itself, is a special group of business communication platform, and thus formed a circle of energy giant, can bring many business opportunities for its.Luxury index: u u u u uLi Yang yuanqing, representing celebrity: li, packaging, chaoyang,Individual membership general budget: 2 ~ 20 million, corporate membership plus 10-30%Recommend clubBeijing: changan club and the capital club, Beijing, China will club AmericaShanghai: the banker, the club and will YongFu arts, Shanghai securities and club AmericaOther domestic club: guangzhou Louvre club, shenyang royal house club, shenzhen joyNo. 2 blogsA blog is open network diary, known as the era of symbols, the world 500 strong enterprises, the communication CEO esteem to the public display their comprehensive network tools. In China"s CEO bloggers jiancheng fashion, blog is communication with the public, pr, interpretation of life and the management idea, thereby better platform to build up their CEO and enterprise brand image.Luxury index: u ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆Representative celebrity: wang shi, Mr Pan (blog), li kaifu, GuoFanSheng JiangNaChun XuGang, andBudget expenses: freeRecommend blog: netease blog, blog, Chinese bloggers in ChinaNo. 3 extreme sportsChallenge the limit of luxury sport more like enjoy "happy" game, need money, courage and interest. China"s emerging business leaders often have even overseas education background, which makes them more internationalization, not only in the concept of enterprise management, followed by even in the way of life is following its lead.Luxury index: u u u ☆ uRepresentative celebrity: wang shi, chaoyang (climbing), WangChaoChong (far), sailing ZhangYue, jinshan kau pak kwan (private plane)Cost budgetGliding, diving, relatively cheap, a standard set of equipment of millions of dollars.Climbing: equipment complex high prices, a set of standard equipment and other surcharges on Everest, at least $65,000 etc.The private plane of the light plane is suitable for beginners: 18 million us dollars, driving training 80,000 yuan, not including downtime repair, maintenance fee and spending.No. 4 art collectionCollect and ponder, flourishing edify. Not only have spare collect art, and businessmen who made the art collector, literally become industry. Entrepreneurs are out of play, the pursuit of cultural and personal taste, and the need for companies to high-grade art collection, and corporate image has very good effect.Luxury index: u u u u uRepresentative celebrity YangXiu: XuJiMing LiuHanZhen, l. Chen,,, ma did notBudget expenses: no, input capsCollection is recommendedAuction mechanism: fine China international auction Co., LTD, Beijing art auction company, writing sea in SAN jia international auction trading Co., ltd., Shanghai jing hua artwork to auction a company, Shanghai DuoYunXuan artwork auction companyAntique market: Beijing antique city, chengdu send bridge art curios and zhengzhou curio city, market of pan home secondhand goods, from xiguan antique cityNo. 5 of charityEntrepreneurs keen, can let people feel charity this part of China is changing social elite of wealth. Charity is not an obligation, but it must be a power, it is through the charitable investment, mutual benefit, mutual promotion of synchronous individual, company image, has become the social responsibility of the carrier performanceLuxury index: u u u u uRepresent different HuangRuLun, celebrity: the cow, wong kwong-yu, and LiShuFu WangJianLin,Budget expenses: no, input capsRecommend: Chinese young children"s development foundation, China youth development foundation, China charity federation, etcThe fashionable partyThe party is the degree of internationalization, commercial vigor index and celebrities, entrepreneurs, and mentality of grade ZhanShiChuang to expand the circle a relaxed social mode. This is to display their nature glamour electronic-waste, let oneself in the shortest time sends out the most dazzling rays of light. Meet celebrities, feeling and costly, fashionable party excellent to undertake this task.Luxury index: u u u ☆ uRepresentative celebrity: Mr Pan, Yang LAN, RongWenWei HeChaoQiong,Major investment budget: apparel, club membership, cap onRecommend foreign parties, the charity categories: parties, brand, business party, alumni party, etcNo. 7 costly travelFor the Chinese entrepreneurs with business, tourist can let the madding crowd, relax, enjoy happiness. Foreign luxury travel agencies, international hotel chain, health care, the first group of 300, private plane, luxurious passenger liner companies to establish branch, attend exhibitions domestic tourism market, the luxury.Luxury index: u u u ☆ uBudget expenses paid higher than regular visitors: 2 ~ 5 times, increase characteristic project. AnotherRecommended locationThe world"s top ten tourist resort:Hong Kong, Macao, France, Singapore, Thailand, Greece, Australia, Korea, Malaysia, the maldivesDomestic top tourist resort:Zhejiang hangzhou, guangxi guilin, zhangjiajie in hunan province, jiangsu suzhou, Tibet, anhui huangshan, sichuan jiuzhaigou, hainan and yunnan lijiang, shaanxi xianyangNo. 8 high-end chargingEducation background "decision" to choose, entrepreneurs, reputable college to learn the course selections, business rules, a new way of thinking, and establish effective and useful, bring good business relationships. Alumni resources, experts, Alma mater will become the enterprises and individuals to long-term think-tank, support.Luxury index: u u u ☆ uLi ning, representing celebrity: DengSong ChengYan ZhangWeiHua LiuXiaoMing,,,, YangGeBudget expenses: can measure in the 25-50 million fee includes tuition fee, transportation, accommodation, etcRecommend school: tsinghua university, central and guanghua school of Shanghai jiaotong university, antai college of management and fudan university.No. 9 counselingIn normal eyes for wealth is the embodiment of entrepreneurs are hidden by anxiety, lonely and melancholy of mental illness, high-risk groups. A psychological barriers, also do not need to actively cooperate with criticism, psychological doctor tutors and treatment, moderately timely adjust yourself with emotion, active accept life"s challenges.Luxury index: u u u ☆ ☆Budget expenses: general social consulting organization 150 yuan/hour, 200-300 yuan each time. Foreign medical institutions to about $100 / hour. Beijing university of clinical psychology center: open the domestic each 50 minutes 1200 yuanRecommend: Chinese psychological society, Peking University institute of mental health, Chinese academy of sciences psychological research institute, China association of mental healthNo. 10 golfGolf etiquette rules have strict training, is the movement, the gentleman, not only exercise self-discipline required modesty will also can be pleasing to the eye, patience and unless be overwhelming. Great skill, free to enjoy life, is uncommon cause and upgrade the best reward. Opponents with peers, communicating via pitch and cooperation, and change the atmosphere has many classic example of negotiations.Luxury index: u u u ☆ uRepresentative celebrity: LongYongTu LiBinHai XuShaoChun, larry yung, andThe club membership fee for lifelong budget: $30,000 to $9 million. General for 400-800 yuan/day, holiday 1000 yuan of aboveRecommend stadium, yunnan pine valley Beijing: spring lake, shenzhen, Shanghai silport mission hills, dalian, hainan boao.中国CEO的10大生活方式“我喜欢我选择”,生活方式代表了一种来于内心的社会认同与处世态度。这之外的感召力和深化度也能将个人风格加以企业化,许多欧美商业大腕甚至因此成为“政教合一”的企业精神领袖。 下面将介绍影响中国CEO的十大生活方式,解析5个W,并列出奢侈指数、成本,为您全面了解与明智选择提供参考坐标。No.1 顶级私人俱乐部顶级会所客户群体只限于“金字塔尖”。用高昂的入会费用和苛刻的审核措施来保证客户的“纯粹性”,会所本身拥有一个非常高端的会员团体,是个很特殊的商业交际平台,并由此形成了一个能量巨大的交际圈,可以为其带来许多商业机会。奢侈指数:★★★★★代表名人:李嘉诚、杨元庆、李泽楷、许荣茂、张朝阳费用预算:个人会籍一般2~20万不等,公司会籍再加10~30%推荐会所北京:长安俱乐部、京城俱乐部、北京美洲俱乐部、中国会上海:银行家俱乐部、雍福会、鸿艺会、证券总会、上海美洲俱乐部国内其他会所:广州卢浮宫会所、沈阳御豪俱乐部、深圳喜福会No.2 博客秀博客是公开的网络日记,被誉为时代的符号、世界500强企业CEO推崇的沟通方式、向公众全方位展示自己的网络工具。在中国CEO开博客渐成风尚,博客是与公众沟通、危机公关、诠释人生和管理理念的平台,从而使CEO更好地树立自身形象和企业品牌。奢侈指数:★☆☆☆☆代表名人:王石、潘石屹(博客)、李开复、郭凡生、江南春、徐刚费用预算:免费推荐博客:网易博客、博客中国、中国博客网No.3 极限运动挑战极限的奢侈运动更像是享受“快乐极限”的游戏,需要的是金钱、胆量和闲情。中国新兴的商界领袖们往往拥有高学历甚至海外留学的背景,这就使得他们的观念更加国际化,不仅在企业的经营管理上紧随其后,甚至在生活方式上也正在步其后尘。奢侈指数:★★★★☆代表名人:王石、张朝阳(登山)、汪潮涌(航海)、远大张跃、金山求伯君(私人飞机)费用预算滑翔、潜水:相对低廉,一套标准装备上万元。登山:装备复杂价格高昂,一套标准的攀登珠峰装备加其他附加费等,至少65000美元。私人飞机:适合初学者的轻型飞机18万美元,驾照培训费8万元人民币,不包括停机费以及维修、保养支出。No.4 艺术品收藏盛世收藏,重在玩味,陶冶性情。不仅有实业家业余收藏艺术品,还有人把艺术品做成产业,成为名副其实的收藏家。企业家玩收藏,多是出于追求文化、提升个人品位的需要,而对于企业来说,收藏高档艺术品也对树立企业形象有很好的宣传效果。奢侈指数:★★★★★代表名人:杨休、徐其明、陆汉振、陈丽华、马未都等费用预算:投入较高,上无封顶收藏推荐拍卖机构:中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司、北京翰海艺术品拍卖公司、中贸圣佳国际拍卖有限公司、上海敬华艺术品拍卖公司、上海朵云轩艺术品拍卖公司古玩市场:北京古玩城、成都送仙桥古玩艺术城、郑州古玩城、潘家园旧货市场、广州西关古玩城No.5 公益慈善企业家热衷慈善,能让人们感受到这部分社会精英正在改变着中国的财富形象。慈善未必是一种义务,但一定是一种权力,正是通过慈善投资、互利互助的方式,同步提升个人、公司形象,已经成为表现社会责任的载体。奢侈指数:★★★★★代表名人:黄如论、余彭年、牛根生、黄光裕、李书福、王健林费用预算:投入较高,上无封顶推荐组织:中国少年儿童发展基金会、中国青少年发展基金会、中华慈善总会等No.6 时尚派对派对是国际化程度、商业活力指数和名人、企业家品位心态的展示窗,也是用以扩大社交圈的一种宽松的社交方式。这是展示自己本性魅力的绝佳场所,让自己在最短的时间内散发出最耀眼的光芒。结识名流,感受奢华,时尚派对很优秀地承担起了这个任务。奢侈指数:★★★★☆代表名人:潘石屹、杨澜、荣文蔚、何超琼费用预算:主要投入在服饰、俱乐部会籍等,上无封顶推荐类别:外事派对、慈善派对、品牌发布、商务派对、校友派对等No.7 奢华旅游对于整天忙于商务的中国企业家来说,旅游能让其远离尘嚣,全方位放松身心,安享天伦之乐。国外的豪华旅游机构、国际连锁豪华酒店集团、保健疗养地、头等舱、私人飞机、豪华邮轮公司纷纷到国内设立分店、参加展会,看好中国奢华旅游市场。奢侈指数:★★★★☆费用预算:比普通游客团费高2~5倍,增加特色项目另外收取推荐地点世界十大旅游胜地:香港、澳门、法国、新加坡、泰国、希腊、澳大利亚、韩国、马来西亚、马尔代夫国内十大旅游胜地:浙江杭州、广西桂林、湖南张家界、江苏苏州、西藏、安徽黄山、四川九寨沟、海南、云南丽江、陕西咸阳No.8 高端充电教育“出身”决定身价,企业家乐于选择有名望的、声誉好的学院去选读课程,学习世界商业规则、新的思维方式,以及建立非常有效、有用的关系网,带来良好的商业回报。校友资源、专家、母校也将成为企业及个人长期的智囊团、脑库。奢侈指数:★★★★☆代表名人:李宁、邓颂、程雁、张维华、陆晓明、杨戈费用预算:可测算的费用在25~50万之间,包括学费、交通、食宿费等推荐学校:清华、中欧、北大光华、上海交大安泰和复旦大学管理学院。No.9 心理咨询在常人眼里为财富化身的企业家也有深藏其后的焦虑、孤独和惆怅,是心理疾病的高危人群。有了心理障碍,也不要讳疾忌医,需要积极地配合心理医生进行辅导和治疗,适时适度地调整自己的心态与情绪,主动接受生活的挑战。奢侈指数:★★★☆☆费用预算:一般社会咨询机构150元/小时,每次200~300元。涉外医疗机构约100美元/小时。北京大学临床心理中心曾开出国内天价:每50分钟1200元推荐机构:中国心理学会、北京大学精神卫生研究所、中国科学院心理研究所、中国心理卫生协会No.10 高尔夫高尔夫有严格的礼仪规则,是培养绅士的运动,要求自律谦逊,不仅锻炼意志还能赏心悦目,耐心和准头是制胜法宝。球技精湛、洒脱不凡,是对享受生命和事业升级的最好嘉奖。与同行、对手通过球场上的充分沟通,而产生合作构想和改变谈判气氛有很多经典案例。奢侈指数:★★★★☆代表名人:龙永图、荣智健、李彬海、徐少春费用预算:俱乐部终身会员卡为3万美元至9万美元。一般为400~800元/天,节假日1000元以上推荐球场:北京华彬庄园、云南春城湖畔、深圳观澜湖、上海旭宝、大连金石滩、海南博鳌。
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Joan (琼) Saint Joan A Chronicle Play In Six Scenes And An Epilogue (1924) Joan the Original and Presumptuous Joan and Socrates Contrast with Napoleon Was Joan Innocent or Guilty? Joan"s Good Looks Joan"s Social Position Joan"s Voices and Visions The Evolutionary Appetite The Mere Iconography does not Matter The Modern Education which Joan Escaped Failures of the Voices Joan a Galtonic Visualizer Joan"s Manliness and Militarism Was Joan Suicidal? Joan Summed Up Joan"s Immaturity and Ignorance The Maid in Literature Protestant Misunderstandings of the Middle Ages Comparative Fairness of Joan"s Trial Joan not Tried as a Political Offender The Church Uncompromised by its Amends Cruelty, Modern and Medieval Catholic Anti-Clericalism Catholicism not yet Catholic Enough The Law of Change is the Law of God Credulity, Modern and Medieval Toleration, Modern and Medieval Variability of Toleration The Conflict between Genius and Discipline Joan as Theocrat Unbroken Success Essential in Theocracy Modern Distortions of Joan"s History History always Out of Date The Real Joan not Marvellous Enough for Us The Stage Limits of Historical Representation A Void in the Elizabethan Drama Tragedy, not Melodrama The Inevitable Flatteries of Tragedy Some Well-meant Proposals for the Improvement of the Play The Epilogue To the Critics, lest they should feel Ignored SAINT JOAN 采纳哦
2023-06-26 03:25:103


AnYang is a city located in the central-eastern part of Henan Province in China. It is known for its rich history and culture, as well as its beautiful natural scenery.The city has a population of over 5 million people and covers an area of approximately 9,800 square kilometers. It is one of the oldest cities in China, with a history dating back over 3,000 years. The city was once the capital of the Shang Dynasty, one of China"s earliest dynasties.Today, AnYang is a modern city with a thriving economy. The city is home to a number of large-scale industries, including machinery, chemical manufacturing, and metallurgy. It is also an important transportation hub, with several major highways and railways passing through the city.AnYang is also a popular tourist destination, with many historical and cultural attractions. One of the most famous tourist destinations in the area is the Yin Ruins, which is the site of the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty. The ruins are home to a number of archaeological sites, including the tomb of the Third King of the Shang Dynasty.Other popular attractions in AnYang include the Taihang Mountains, Mount Song, and the Ming Tomb. The city also has a rich cultural heritage, and visitors can experience traditional Chinese art, music, and dance performances.Overall, AnYang is a fascinating city that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and modernity. Whether you are interested in exploring ancient ruins, enjoying natural scenery, or experiencing Chinese culture firsthand, AnYang is definitely worth a visit.
2023-06-26 03:25:201


AnYang is a city located in the central-eastern part of Henan Province in China. It is known for its rich history and culture, as well as its beautiful natural scenery.The city has a population of over 5 million people and covers an area of approximately 9,800 square kilometers. It is one of the oldest cities in China, with a history dating back over 3,000 years. The city was once the capital of the Shang Dynasty, one of China"s earliest dynasties.Today, AnYang is a modern city with a thriving economy. The city is home to a number of large-scale industries, including machinery, chemical manufacturing, and metallurgy. It is also an important transportation hub, with several major highways and railways passing through the city.AnYang is also a popular tourist destination, with many historical and cultural attractions. One of the most famous tourist destinations in the area is the Yin Ruins, which is the site of the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty. The ruins are home to a number of archaeological sites, including the tomb of the Third King of the Shang Dynasty.Other popular attractions in AnYang include the Taihang Mountains, Mount Song, and the Ming Tomb. The city also has a rich cultural heritage, and visitors can experience traditional Chinese art, music, and dance performances.Overall, AnYang is a fascinating city that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and modernity. Whether you are interested in exploring ancient ruins, enjoying natural scenery, or experiencing Chinese culture firsthand, AnYang is definitely worth a visit.
2023-06-26 03:25:371


  文明4 有好几个资料片,战神、超越刀锋、殖民统治。不知道需要的是哪个前期攻略,其中,战神和超越刀锋类似,所以就说下他们的前期攻略吧。  在文明4中,最重要的并非城市的数量,而是城市的质量――前几个城市尤其重要。如果一座城市附近没有三个单位的资源,或者没有足够10-12人口的食粮和工作空间,它就不应该列入最初几个城市之列。  刚开始的时候,你有一个移民者和一个武士或者斥候。观察附近的资源,如果视野内有战略资源,则向战略资源方向移动;如果视野内有海,就移动到海边或者移动到海岸线两格以外。尽量避开雨林和沙漠,雨林日后还可以砍,而沙漠则毫无利用价值。视野内森林越多越好,以后可以砍掉换成大量的生产力,初期十分重要。接着,派出唯一的战斗单位外出探路。要注意的是,森林、雨林、山脉、河流都会消耗掉所有的移动力(除非拥有山脉战斗II或者森林战斗II),应该放在最后一步执行。  由于游戏中的情况千变万化,CIV4也拥有许多种不同的开局。出于稳妥起见,我所推荐的开局是双战士-工人-移民者开局。这一开局基本的思路是攒到3 人口和2战斗单位后再进一步建设,并利用这些建设来加速殖民者的建造,同时避免一切被野蛮人/其他玩家Rush的可能,基本适用于绝大多数情况。确实,如果先出工人或者先出殖民者效率会高,但代价却是冒着极大的风险――在不能S/L的多人游戏中就是致命伤。如果要再稳妥,可以考虑第一个发展弓箭科技,将起始组合变为战士-弓箭手-工人-移民,这样移民就可以万无一失地到达第一个殖民点。用工人开辟附近的资源,并发展需要的科技。初期的科技可以考虑如下几种选择:多神论或冥想(只限于神秘学文明或者附近拥有石料/大理石的开局);开垦资源所需的科技;驯养动物;弓箭;石工;陶器;冶铜;冶铁(多人对战冶铁可以跳过,等着别人发明后抢铁即可)。  当获得了第一个殖民者后,立刻审视周围的状况。你不可能拥有所有的战略资源,所以要按照如下顺序考虑:石头>大理石>马>象牙>铁>铜。如果附近有其他文明,则可以考虑将城市造远一点,以封住其发展方向。第二、三个城都相当重要,这是游戏中发展自卫力量的基础,一定要建立在粮食供应和资源都充足的地方。等到拥有6人口左右,就可以考虑开始建设奇迹(如果不是Cre领袖,Stonehedge是重要奇迹,一定要抢),也就进入了成长期。  成长期  下一步的行动路线,要看你的领袖属性以及周围地形,几条基本路线包括宗教、内政(文化)、科研、军事,在这其中扮演着关键性角色的就是传教、奇迹和伟人。这一时期决定了游戏的成败。要注意的是,你发展的基本思路必须清晰,以什么为主,以什么为辅。发展一切路线或者只在一条路线上吊死的人,必将在对战中败下阵来。  首先来看现在的状况。如果一切顺利,现在应该在公元左右,你应该至少已经拥有了三到四种战略资源,并拥有众文明中比较高的分数,也有一支尚算强大的军队。如果你抢到了一到两门早期国教(印度教、佛教、犹太教、儒教),现在可以转入宗教路线;如果你拥有了石头,可以开始建设加强内政以及内政奇迹;如果你拥有Phi属性或者抢到了大理石,则可以选择科研加上科研奇迹和伟人;如果你拥有马、铁、铜,并且城市较多,就该开始考虑军事发展了。当然,如果你严格按照开局期的做法,现在你或许满足了数条条件,那么优先选择宗教>内政>科研>军事。  首先来说奇迹。石头可以加速的奇迹包括Stonehenge、The Pyramids、The Hanging Gardens、Angkor Wat、Chichen Itza、The Spiral Minaret、Notre Dame、The Kremlin,基本都是内政路线十分需要的奇迹。一定要抢到的是前三个,尤其是大金字塔(全政体开放)和空中花园(全城市人口+1),对发展至关重要。大理石可以加速的则包括The Oracle、The Parthenon、The Great Library、The Hagia Sophia、The Sistine Chapel、The Taj Mahal、Versailles,要抢得则是神谕(一般用来拿神学、机械学、封建制度、货币之一)、万神殿、索菲亚大教堂、泰姬陵。这两样资源可以决定发展路线,只要切记不要去拿手头资源不能加速的奇迹就好,在对人战或者对高难度电脑中一定会被抢掉……  宗教可以说是快速发展的基础,如果宗教政策完全失败的话其他的也就很难发展了。最重要的是圣城,以及三个宗教政策:宗教组织(Organized Religion)、神权体制(Theocracy)和和平主义(Pacifism)。第一个是内政用,所有国教城市建筑加速25%并可以随意制造传教士;第二个是军事用,所有国教城市生产出的单位经验+2;第三个是科研用,所有国教城市产生伟人的概率+100%。因此,你要做的事情就是在得到了第一个国教并奠定了基础后开始大量制造传教士,并从最近友国到自国的距离范围内传遍每个城市(这一行动应当选在抢到了必抢奇迹之后)。每个传教士造价是 40(Quick下30),因此需要一个生产力较高的圣城。如果大多数城市仍然没有冶炼厂、图书馆、兵营、谷仓、水渠的话就用宗教组织,如果要走军事路线就用神权体制,等城市大了,可以有专家之后考虑改用和平主义。  在所有城市都在皈依国教的过程中,伟人也会逐渐出现。伟人一共五种,先知、艺术家、工程师、科学家、商人。如果是前两种建议用来造圣城和文化炸弹(+4000文化,可以瞬间将一个小城变成一个文化大城,在边境争端中很有利,经常能把对手的资源抢到自己一边),如果出现后三种则建议用来研究科技(工程师可以考虑用来抢一个无资源加速的关键奇迹)。伟人用来研究科技是最快的,得到伟人的条件是城市右下角的伟人槽长满。如果你是Phi或者抢到了万神殿,就应该走这条路。我建议的用法,则是将伟人留存到几个中世纪晚期到文艺复兴早期的关键科技时,一次都砸掉,比如教育、经济学、自由主义、印刷机、爱国主义、化学等。相比于前面的科技,这几个科技可以瞬间奠定大局,而且本身研究很慢。但要注意的是,每个伟人都只能发明固定的科技线上的技术,比如工程师一定是发明工程系统最前面的技术,而商人一定是发明商业系统最前面的技术,注意留到关键技术再用。  无论对于哪条路线来说,金钱都一直是大问题――因为这次道路不再提供金钱了。你也不能依赖领袖属性,因为开源的Fin和节流的Org都很糟,小地图没人想用(如果你因民族自尊用老毛或者因色心用凯瑟琳当我没说……)。解决金钱问题的方法有三种:开源、截流、抢劫。最后一种留到战争篇再说,在这里我主要强调开源和节流两种。除去靠运气的资源收入,开源的方法包括宗教、建设城镇和海洋贸易三种。建立圣城后,所有信仰此宗教的城市都会进贡1金币,倘若有建立 The Spiral Minaret奇迹收入还会更多,这是最大笔的额外收入,如果可能的话就用这种方法来解决。如果不幸没有抢到,沿海城市又多,次一点地解决方式就是抢两个海洋奇迹:大金字塔和巨像,也可以解决巨额的资金问题。再次的方法,就是用工人安心建设城镇,并等着它们成长起来后用市场和银行增加收入。这种方法随时都要使用,但总体来说仅能勉强维持收支平衡。至于截流,就是要选择低消耗的政体了,参见政体附表。一个高维持费的政体相当于三个低维持费,如果都是这种政体维持费总额就会很惊人……  也不能忘记自我防卫,保证可用部队数量(低于时代平均水平的不算可用部队,比如战士在斧手面前就不算)在城市数量的三倍以上,可以应付野蛮人的骚扰,吓退可能的敌军进攻,保护我方边界的工人。在新城市到达三人口后同样出移民者,扩张到所有方向都碰到敌军为止。工人优先去开采资源,其次是修建连接各城市的道路,再次是去砍伐树木修建奇迹,之后才是修建农场和村庄。尽可能不要开战(万一开战了,想办法缔结和约。如果是你抢过工人的文明,应该会比你弱很多,基本都能签订下来)。这一阶段你可能会非常缺钱,没钱去升级部队的。在文明4中,军事进攻是如此之难,以至于我们必须早早就开始做战争的准备工作,临阵磨枪是没有救的。在组建军队之余,不要忘记修建好通向敌国的道路(对移动缓慢炮兵调遣十分重要),以及在每处重要边境上驻扎两到三只骑兵,以备一开战后就深入敌境烧杀抢掠。另外,如果你真要开战,别忘了转换政体和研究工程(道路移动加速)。谁部队集中的快,谁就会取得胜利。  所谓战争,就是要在最短的时间里面集中最大量的兵力。在文明4的战争中,军队数量>军队相克>军队站位>军队质量>军队等级,你所要做的就是把尽可能多的部队调集在一起,一鼓而下。最忌讳的是添油战术,如果你没信心一次攻下敌城并坚守到目标城市叛乱被镇压(5-10轮),就不要越过国境。一次有效的攻击至少要组织两到三个7单位以上的军团,否则就还不如把主力留在国境要地上坚守,直到兵力调集齐为止。一个好的攻击方案是制造运输船,直接偷渡到敌军背后骚扰其后方――但要小心,别人也很可能对你玩这一招,所以所有沿海城市都要准备截击舰船。  军队可以划分为三类:攻坚军团、防守军团、骚扰军团。和平时期制造的部队应该以防守军团和骚扰军团为主,目的是消耗敌军的有生力量,并深入敌国境破坏其后勤,并通过掠夺获取大量军费。在组建军团时,最重要的考虑首先是兵种相克组合。在膛线出现之前,象兵和枪兵克骑兵,骑兵克步兵、弓兵和攻城武器,步兵克枪兵,弓兵用于防御;在膛线出现之后,热兵器士兵用于防御,坦克克步兵,空军和直升机克坦克,防空步兵和战斗机克空军。早期的一个防守军团(驻扎在城市内)应该包括弓兵、枪兵(可以换为象兵)、肉搏兵各一;而骚扰军团要由两到三名移动力2的部队组成;中期使用步枪兵+掷弹兵的组合;后期更换为步兵/机械化步兵、防空兵、战斗/轰炸机的防守组合,坦克作为骚扰兵团。要在国土的中央保留一到两个由大量投石车/战锤兵(早期)加农炮/掷弹兵/骑兵(中期)坦克 /火炮组成的进攻军团。  战斗开始后,第一件事情是消灭对方的有生力量。如果对方主动进攻最好,可以利用防守军团消灭对方大量部队,我们的骚扰军团则侵入其国境大量破坏他们的道路网和战略资源(要注意,骚扰军团最好优先破坏森林/山脉上的地方建筑,然后是道路枢纽,接着是能带来大量军费的城市,不要去破坏那些平原上的农场)。消灭对方的进攻兵团后调集我方进攻军团,指向敌人一个防守薄弱的城市,用火炮一举削弱所有城市守军后一轮攻克。后方所有城市转入快速部队(骑兵、坦克)生产,补充在进攻/骚扰中损失掉的部队,如此反复,直到对方谈和为止。如果兵力不足,就继续小心地用大量快速部队骚扰――只要我方骚扰部队占优势,对手总会忍受不了的。资源被破坏、城市联结被切断后,他们撑不了多久。要注意的是,在暴乱未被镇压的地方城市中没有防御加成。所以,当你觉得可能攻击后兵力不足以守城时,在进攻单位中带一个Settler,夷平敌城后立刻就地重建,就可以得到防御加成。  最晚期的战斗可以用核弹――这也是打破晚期城防最好的办法……某些大城市无论用海军还是空军都很难轰炸下来,用核弹迅速而快捷。  好,最后讲一下科技顺序:  科技顺序,前期科技两条路,一条快速战争,一条奇迹爱好者。  快速战争主要技术路线:采矿-炼铜-畜牧-轮子-炼铁/打猎-弓箭-书写,然后把第一排技术研究完,捕鱼可以看情况。然后,谷仓-数学-建筑。投石车岀来了,大象也能造了,够你出去玩了。之后奔行会制度。  奇迹路线主要技术路线:神秘主义-采矿-炼铜-冥想/多神论-priesthood(教士)-第一排技术-畜牧-谷仓-书写-字母表-数学-文学-建筑-君主制度-法典-civil service(行政制度)-货币-行会,之后两条线,一条先自由主义,一条先经济制度。之后还是两条线,一条战争之路,一条高科技之路,看你想怎么胜利了。如果战争,那么就先奔炼钢,如果高科技,就奔科学方法。  皇帝以下级别,战争之路容易些,皇帝以上级别,战争之路更容易些
2023-06-26 03:25:511

On Eagle S Wings (Hope Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:On Eagle S Wings (Hope Album Version)歌手:Larry Hall专辑:HopeTheocracy - On Eagles WingsThe tears stream down her face onto the cold hospital bedJust like a prisoner between four ugly wallsThe fear she can"t control is running rampant in her headWith every day she spent just waiting for that callAnd I will never leave her sideWe walk the tightrope between faith and fearEach moment of our livesBut then the darkest hour of night is turned to dayAnother miracle, another act unfolding in this playAnd I"m blown awayThe wine overflows, and my cup runneth over againI"m blown awayMy thankfulness grows with these blessings I can"t comprehendYou raise my spirit to the sky above to fly awayTo fly on eagles" wingsYou lift the fallen back on high again to coronateThe King above all kingsAll honorAll gloryRaised to Your Majesty on eagles" wingsI looked him in the eye and played those words over and over in my mindBut that can"t be what he just saidI heard it for myself and know that life can be unkindBut can"t you see I"m much too young to lose my dad?But I"m blown awayWhen you laugh at the odds, for the doctors cannot know your plansI"m blown awayYou hold the keys to all life and all death and all time in your handsYou raise my spirit to the sky above to fly awayTo fly on eagles" wingsYou lift the fallen back on high again to coronateThe King above all kingsAll honorAll gloryRaised to Your Majesty on eagles" wingsEvery tribe and every nation (Lift your voices and sing)All in heaven, all creationLet the tongues of men and angels (Lift your voices and sing)All ye blessed, all ye thankful, sing!You raise my spirit to the sky above to fly awayTo fly on eagles" wingsYou lift the fallen back on high again to coronateThe King above all kingsAll honorAll gloryRaised to Your Majesty on eagles" wings
2023-06-26 03:27:261

Coming Home (Featuring Dwele) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Home (Featuring Dwele) (Album Version)歌手:j-live专辑:The Hear AfterTheocracy - Coming HomeI am on the edge looking at the empty spacesEverywhere I go trying to fill the empty placesEvery other road carrying me away to angerAnd every destination was just another point of dangerSo I"m coming home, coming homeThere"s nothing left to prove anymoreI"m coming home, coming homeSo Father don"t you close that doorWon"t you wait for meWhen the sun goes downI"ll be running straight to youI"m coming home, coming homeWell here I am, I want to see that loveI want to see that look in your eyesWhen I run into your armsAnd leave that world behindForgetting every minute that I ever spent awayForgetting every momentThat I ever caused you painSo I"m coming home, coming homeThere"s nothing left to prove anymoreI"m coming home, coming homeSo Father don"t you close that doorWon"t you wait for me when the sun goes downI"ll be running straight to youI"m coming home, coming homeTell me how could I have been so foolishHow could I have been so blindAnd how could I have been so selfishTo the point where I nearly lost my mindYou were always standing thereAnd you were waiting, waiting just for meSo I"m coming homeSo I"m coming homeWon"t you wait for meWhen the sun goes downI"ll be running straight to youI"m coming homeI"m coming home, I"m coming homeThere"s nothing left to prove anymoreI"m coming home, I"m coming homeSo Father don"t you close that doorWon"t you wait for meWhen the sun goes downI"ll be running straight to youI"m coming homeI"m coming home
2023-06-26 03:27:341

Oxygen (Elektrik Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Oxygen (Elektrik Edit)歌手:Natural Born Deejays专辑:TodayTheocracy - Oxygen (Bringing Me To Life)Well honestly I"m weaker nowThan I"ve ever beenI hate to admitI"m shamefully hesitantIn this my bitter my coldI surrender my hopeWhen I gave into the lie againAnd I believe in the untruthAnd now I need youStill something saysHold on through the moon lightDon"t let go, don"t let goSomething says Hold on through the moon lightDon"t let go, don"t let goAnd if I could breathe you inI"d be sure to hold my breathCuz you are like oxygenBringing me to lifeSo here I stand once againOpen me and come on inCuz you are like oxygenBringing me to lifeIts painfully evident that eternity is lifeAnd I"m still a child tossed by the waves againSo quick to denyFaster to hideStill something says Hold on through the moon lightDon"t let go, don"t let goSomething says Hold on through the moon lightDon"t let go, don"t you let goAnd if I could breathe you inI"d be sure to hold my breathCuz you are like oxygenBringing me to lifeSo here I stand once againOpen me and come on inCuz you are like oxygenBringing me to lifeYou"re bringing me to lifeAnd if I could breathe you inI"d be sure to hold my breathAnd like oxygenYou"re bringing me to lifeAnd if I could breathe you inI"d be sure to hold my breathCuz you are my oxygenBringing me to lifeSo here I stand once againOpen me and come on inCuz you are my oxygenBringing me to lifeYou"re bringing me to lifeCome bring me to lifeBring me to lifeBring me to life
2023-06-26 03:27:401

Martyr (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Martyr (Album Version)歌手:Fear Factory专辑:Soul Of A New MachineTheocracy - MartyrCourage not of this earth in your eyesFaith from far beyond lies deep insideWith your life you dedicatewith your death you permeateFrozen hearts and unbelieving mindsWatch the whole world watchSee the whole world seeCourage into sleepLife and death supremacyA chosen soul, under control from high aboveShines here belowThe final test shall soon be passedHeaven"s pride dwells deep insideBut now will sprout its wings and flyThey see His face shine in your eyesAs the whole world seesYou take the bullet, and take your placeIn the gallery of heroesPeace not understood by human mindsOf origin beyond the realms of timeSilent strength and fervencyLiving faith for all to seeLegacy of glory left behindWatch the whole world watchSee the whole world seeTurn their eyes aboveOmnipresent end of mockeryA chosen soul, under control from high aboveShines here belowThe final test shall soon be passedHeaven"s pride dwells deep insideBut now will sprout its wings and flyThey see His face shine in your eyesAs the whole world seesYou take the bullet, and take your placeIn the gallery of heroesSpeak no wrath in silence make your markLight piercing this all-consuming darkSatl, to preserve and create thirstLife continues, freedom from the curseCrowned with a holy crown, my friendRace completed, faith kept to the endSee the millions who have faced this fateGreet you in your glory at the gateSpeak no wrath in silence make your markLight piercing this all-consuming darkSatl, to preserve and create thirstLife continues, freedom from the curseCrowned with a holy crown, my friendRace completed, faith kept to the endSee the millions who have faced this fateGreet you in your glory at the gateSpeak no wrath in silence make your markLight piercing this all-consuming darkSatl, to preserve and create thirstLife continues, freedom from the curseCrowned with a holy crown, my friendRace completed, faith kept to the endSee the millions who have faced this fateGreet you in your glory at the gateWatch the whole world watchSee the whole world seeCourage into sleepLife and death supremacyA chosen soul, under control from high aboveShines here belowThe final test shall soon be passedHeaven"s pride dwells deep insideBut now will sprout its wings and flyThey see His face shine in your eyesAs the whole world seesYou take the bullet, and take your placeIn the gallery of heroes
2023-06-26 03:27:471

Bethlehem (Remastered Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Bethlehem (Remastered Album Version)歌手:PAULA COLE专辑:Greatest Hits - Postcards From East OceansideTheocracy - BethlehemAll my life, I"ve waited and watched through the eyes of faithTo see the consolation of IsraelAnd even though the flame of my life is now growing dimI know I"ll see the Savior of IsraelFor the Spirit of the Lord has promised unto meThat I would not see death before my eyes have seen himThe promise is alive, for through this little childGod"s holy light illuminates JerusalemThis child will cause the falling and rising of many soulsA sign for all the people of IsraelThis child will be the way and the life unto every soulTo every generation shall the Gentiles tellFor the way has been prepared in the sight of every manThe Son of God Himself is born in BethlehemA sacrifice is made in the temple on this dayRedemption reaches far beyond JerusalemO Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightUnder Bethlehem"s star tonightO Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightIn Bethlehem tonightO Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightIn Bethlehem tonight(When all the world was sleeping deep in darknessA child in Bethlehem fulfilled the promiseThe ancients prophesied a great delivererThe one to break the curse of sin foreverHe didn"t come with any worldly fanfareNo royal treatment, just a dark cross to bearIn Bethlehem a brand new dawn is risingA star to guide the way, forever shiningNew hope was born for all creation that nightFor though the darkness came the brightest light)O Bethlehem, your star burns bright tonightFor my eyes have seen the glory of salvation"s holy lightHas this little child come to redeem us all?To save us from the fallRedemption is in sightBehold, the Son shines brightIn Bethlehem tonight
2023-06-26 03:28:051